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Name : Date of Birth : Organization : Designation/Grade : Department : Training program attended Period :

1. (i). Have you attended any training program in the last 01 year? a. Yes 2. b. No

Your organization considers training as a part of organizational strategy. a. Agree b. Disagree c. Partly agree d. Cant say

3. Training is must for enhancing productivity and performance. a. Completely Agree b. Partially agree c. Disagree d. unsure

4. (i) After the training, have you given feedback of it? a. yes (ii) If yes, through which method? a. Questionnaire b. Interview c. Supplement test d. Any other b. No

(iii) Do you think that the feedback can evaluate the training effectiveness? a. Yes b. No

(iv) If yes, how can the post training feedbacks can help the participants? a. Improve job performance c. Motivate to do better b. An aid to future planning d. All of the above

e. None

5. What should be the approach of post training evaluation? a. Trainer centered Subject centered b. Trainee centered d. All of the above c.

6. What should be the ideal time to evaluate the training? a. Immediate after training c. After 1 month b. After 15 days d. Cant say

7. Enough practice is given for us during training session at ASCI. a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Somewhat agree d. Disagree

8. What are the skills that the trainer should possess to make the training effective? a. Technical skills b. People skills or Soft skills c.

Generalist makes better Personnel managers than Specialist d. Fond of talking to people 9. What are the general complaints about the training session? a) Take away precious time of employees b) Too many gaps between the sessions c) Training sessions are unplanned d) Boring and not useful e) None of the above 10. (i) The programme objectives were known to you before attending it. a. Strongly agree b. Moderately agree c. Moderately Disagree d. Strongly Disagree e. Cant Say (ii) The training objectives meet expected needs... a. Fully b. Partially c. Not at all

11. The period of training session conducted by ASCI was sufficient for the learning. a. Strongly agree b. Moderately agree c. Moderately Disagree d. Strongly Disagree e. Cant Say 12. The training methods used by ASCI during the training were effective for understanding the subject. a. Strongly agree b. Moderately agree c. Moderately Disagree

d. Strongly Disagree e. Cant Say 13. The training sessions at ASCI were exciting and a good learning experience. a. Strongly agree b. Moderately agree c. Moderately Disagree d. Strongly Disagree e. Cant Say 14. How do like the training programmes to be a. Lecture b. Practical c. Both

15. Do you agree that you can practice what you have learnt? a. Strongly Agree b. Agree c. Disagree d. Strongly disagree 16. The training content provided by ASCI matches job profile a. Yes b. No 17. The resource person at ASCI for the training program is competent a. Strongly agree b. Moderately agree c. Moderately Disagree d. Strongly Disagree e. Cant Say 18. Quality of the Training programme needs to be improved. a. Yes b. No

19. The training programme at ASCI was relevant to your developmental needs. a. Strongly agree b. Moderately agree c. Moderately Disagree d. Strongly Disagree e. Cant Say 20. The training aids used by ASCI were helpful in improving the overall effectiveness of the programme. a. Strongly agree b. Moderately agree c. Moderately Disagree d. Strongly Disagree e. Cant Say

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