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Francesco Flax Grade 6

January 17, 2013 Solar Ship aim to soar

In school we are discussing about aid in the poor counties. The solar ship invented by Mr. Godsall is a very good one. Some areas have difficult access and using planes or sky-ships seems like a good option. We can also consider regular ships via sea for deliveries. By sea will take longer but the capacity of ships is much larger than planes. Supplies that have long life can be delivered by ship and planes can deliver the supplies that are easy to spoil. Camps can be set up for distributions; we will need to involve associations that are already established to ask for volunteers and set up fund raisers events to collect money and promote donations for these good causes. Another aspect is the heath care deficiency. Vaccines are needed; small hospital tents will need to be set up with the right personnel. Some areas are also very dangerous due to the internal groups of rebels and one of the main concerns to be addressed will be to secure the supplies, the tents and the people. It is not an easy task because those rebels are very violent. That is also one of the reasons why planes are preferred to ships. They can drop off things in a specific area and there is no need to transport them by car with the risk to be attacked and loose the entire shipment. All our efforts will be in vain.

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