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Stefano Tasking Mr.

Eichert Humanities 06/01/2013

City report on Singapore


Singapores location is 96 kilometres north of the equator, longitude 103 degrees 36 east and 104 degrees 25 east. 90 percent of Singapore is jungle, and Singapore city is sometimes also known as green city. The city is home to 5,183,700 people.

Singapore is an island that is 646 square kilometers that is about the size of Chicago. Singapore was founded by a british trading colony in 1819. In 1963 Singapore joined the Malaysian federation, but about 2 year later separated and became independent. A famous landmark in singapore is a hotel called Marina Bay Sand Hotel. Its famous because of its spectacular shape, its 3 skyscrapers with a long level on top. Singapores climate is hot and humid due to the jungle. It covers about 90 percent of the country.Thats why there are temperatures between 23 degrees and 31 degrees celsius. At the lowland theres a plateau water catchment and a nature preserve. It mostly has low hills. The highest hill is Bucit Timah Hill that is about 540 feet and 166 metres high. The hill is North West of the city Singapore.

The major religion in Singapore is Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity and Hinduism. Some important religion rules are: take of shoes before entering a temple, hindus wash their hands and feet at the entrance area and hindu temples expect women to wear skirts to their feet. The traditional dress of Singapore is called a sarong. It is worn by both men and women. A sarong is a big rectangular piece of cloth with patterns on it and you tie it around your waist. There are 4 official languages spoken in Singapore Mandarin, Malay, Tamil and English.

Human environment interaction

In the past 4 decades many villages have been destroyed to open up more space. Now there are not many villages left and everyone is entering more modern lifestyle. They are using the cleared up space for building cities to expand over the years.

Singapore is in SouthEast Asia between Malaysia and Indonesia. On the west side of Singapore is the Indian Ocean.


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