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Table Of Contents

Tape Contents Descriptions..........................................................................................................................................................1

Tape 1 – Side 1.................................................................................................................................................................................5
Tape 1 – Side 2...............................................................................................................................................................................15
Tape 2 – Side 1...............................................................................................................................................................................25
Tape 2 – Side 2...............................................................................................................................................................................36
Tape 3 – Side 1...............................................................................................................................................................................47
Tape 3 – Side 2...............................................................................................................................................................................58
Tape 4 – Side 1...............................................................................................................................................................................68
Tape 4 – Side 2...............................................................................................................................................................................76
Tape 5 – Side 1...............................................................................................................................................................................88
Tape 5 – Side 2...............................................................................................................................................................................99
Tape 6 – Side 1.............................................................................................................................................................................113
Tape 6 – Side 2.............................................................................................................................................................................127
Tape 7 – Side 1.............................................................................................................................................................................136
Tape 7 – Side 2.............................................................................................................................................................................147
Tape 8 – Side 1.............................................................................................................................................................................163
Tape 8 – Side 2.............................................................................................................................................................................174
Tape 9 – Side 1.............................................................................................................................................................................185
Tape 9 – Side 2.............................................................................................................................................................................200
Tape 10 – Side 1...........................................................................................................................................................................214
Tape 10 – Side 2...........................................................................................................................................................................230
Tape Contents Descriptions

Side 1
The problems with dating
Basic SS rule: capture and lead her imagination
There’s no such thing...
Possible “newbie” mistakes: patterns are made up
patterns are goofy... women won’t respond
using patterns as hi-tech begging
having unrealistic expectations on yourself
Will vs. willingness
Women’s compartmentalization; places in women’s minds

Side 2
Beautiful women place men in altered states
Overview of SS: 1) Designing your state
2) Seductive language
3) Conversational framework
The 4 doorways into a woman’s mind
Stories and descriptions; form vs. content
Building blocks of patterns: weasel phrases
Submission vs. surrender

Side 3
Brother John’s Italian girl story
-- finger pointing
Brother Dennis’ story and Ross’ commentary
Major Mark: the romantic hero

Side 4
Major Mark continued: his initial SS development
SS attitudes: Ross’ 10 Commandments
How sound influences your mindset
-- Ross working with a student on Rocky & Bullwinkle
Rocky & Bullwinkle exercise

Side 5
Rocky & Bullwinkle exercise continued
-- Ross working with students
Initial pickups
-- being outrageous: fake like you’re gay
-- general structure: interrupt her state, focus her attention on you, take
control of her internal reps
-- “I’m glad you laughed...”

Side 6
The Grapho deck

Initial pickups continued
-- pauses
-- seductive speaking pace
-- examples of effective approaches
Patterns/Discovery Channel pattern:
-- layer 3 deep
-- how to quote
-- conversational framework
-- ambiguity
-- time distortion
-- the contrast principle

Side 7
Looking vs. truly seeing pattern
Have you ever thought of the difference between x and y?
Thinking in themes: e.g., learning so much about people
Anchoring negative feelings to someone else
Conversational framework; transition phrases

Side 8
Major Mark: being a teacher vs. being someone you learn from
Transition phrases continued
Generating patterns:
-- spinning patterns off of "Fantasies"
-- guidelines for generating patterns
-- being a sorcerer vs. casting a spell
The AFC mindset
Patterns as a promise

Side 9
Major Mark: the importance of the call for action
Generating patterns continue
Ross about "letting go"
Ross working with Brother Pelone on getting intuitive
Thoughts have locations
Playing with her mental pictures
Ross' induction and exercise to build a powerful self-image ("aha! box"...)
Opening your intuition:
-- peripheral vision

Side 10
Ross working with a student to get rid of unconscious images
Orion's presentation:
-- the initial walk up
-- demonstrating patterns

Side 11
Orion's and Ross' presentation continued:
-- sincerity

-- patterns reflecting themes that are of deep passion to you
-- experience the pattern yourself; reciting vs. revealing
-- CLOSES: linguistic closes, strategic closes, dealing with boyfriend
objection, physical closes (physical clues, "surprise kiss" pattern)
-- personal space pattern
-- describe the process you want her to experience
-- massage pattern
-- relationships: honesty, never harming her
-- when she says “stop!”

Side 12
Orion's presentation concluded
Ross on creating themes
Major Mark
-- pathological trance (compulsion, dominance, obsession)
-- what does it mean to be a seducer?

Side 13
Major Mark continued: scoring with married women
Ross working with a student (swish and more)

Side 14
End of Ross' working with students
Content language vs. process language
The importance of mental rehearsal
Structure and form
"Manny the Martian" exercise
Ross working with a student on sounds that open better circuitry

Side 15
Quotes continued:
-- Jokes. Voodoo Dildo.
-- Poetry. "Fascination" poem.
More pattern building blocks: Phonetic ambiguity, negation, hypnotic trance
words, softeners.
Working with "Drug of choice" student
"Shock therapy"

Side 16
Moving her energy into desired states
Useful questions to ask yourself
Structuring opportunities and offering challenges
-- techniques on how to test for it
-- ways women get you to supplicate
-- ways to avoid it
Breath induction

-- in person vs. over phone
-- someone you know vs. a new person
Transition between patterns
Major Mark: the power of repetition
"You can make it be" poem

Side 17
Orion reading a poem to a girl
Kim's presentation: voice, tonality, breathing, etc.

Side 18
Kim's presentation continued: inflection, feeling what you say
Ross talking about his products
Orion's presentation:
-- discussing his poem presentation and his troubleshooter tapes
-- demonstrating patterns (IC, value elicitation)

Side 19
Orion continued: eliciting Kim's values
Ross demonstrating value elicitation with Brother Kathleen
Orion demonstrating the Blammo

Side 20
Conclusion: testimonials

Tape 1 – Side 1 the king and you supplicate him for a pardon. Just
look at some of the languaging. Before we examine the
languaging of speed seduction, let's look at some of
Yates: Welcome to the Ross Jeffries Basic Speed the languaging of dating. What are some of the
Seduction Seminar. This is Tape 1, Side 1 common terms? Ask her out, right? Okay. What else?
Ask her out what are some of the things you think of
when you think of dating? I have to ask her out.
Ross: Speed Seduction Seminar Where should I take her? Is she interested? Exactly.
Will I get lucky? Does she like me? Okay. These are
Audience: (applause). all thought forms of a supplicant, someone who needs
Ross: Thank you. I know it's well deserved. I want to to plea or ask or beg, and unfortunately the dating
start out this morning by talking about why dating game leaves you two choices, well three choices.
sucks and why you should not be dating and why Choice number one is to be a nice guy, a. k. a. a
speed seduction has nothing to do with dating and supplicant. Choice number two is to be a jerk, a. k. a. a
should not be used for dating. The problem with bully. Choice number three is sit it out and play with
dating and the problem that dating poses for most Mr. Winky. Okay. Which, given the circumstances,
men is, for most men dating is form of gambling. may not be that bad a choice considering the bullshit
Okay? How many have ever heard the phrase "I got you have to go through. Okay. Speed seduction
lucky"? All right. What does that imply? That means replaces dating. Dating is for what I call AFCs -
that something good happened to you, but you don't average frustrated chumps. And this morning what
know how it happened, it was out of your control and I'm going to do is give you some basic
you don't know how to reproduce it at will. In other understandings about how and why speed seduction
words, it's pure roll of the dice. Dating is the works and then, later on, for the rest of the weekend
equivalent of playing darts by being blindfolded, put we'll get into the actual tools. But my belief is if you
in a dark room, spun around and throwing that dart understand what the tools are designed to do, and if
hoping it's going to hit the target. So if you're sitting you understand each step you're step you're taking
here in this room and you've tried everything you can and what it's designed to do, you'll be able to use the
within the dating game to make it work, if you're at the tools much more powerfully. Does that make sense?
end of your rope, if you're feeling like a fucking Audience: (Responses from audience)
failure, well, guess what? The game was rigged for
you to fall. The game was never meant for you to Ross: Now, they're different ways you can comment
succeed at it. Dating was meant for certain people. It this material. You certainly could just memorize it,
was meant for the restaurant and the entertainment stupidly not understand what you're doing. And
and the movie industries to make a lot of money. you'll have more success than a guy out there who's
Okay? It was also designed for women to get free dating, but it's just not going to be nearly as
dinners, free shows and lots of nice gifts. Now, I'm successful as if you understand what you're doing.
not saying don't be generous. Being generous is fine And one of the differences between me and other
after you've established that she's attracted to you people in the NLP world is I want you to consciously,
and you're getting what you want from her. Okay? But explicitly understand what you're doing step by step.
dating is the method for attracting women, for Okay. I also believe the unconscious can make use of
seducing women, for creating an attraction, and explicit to organize material. So, so far you following
having sexual choice and power pretty much sucks. me?
Because dating requires that you supplicate. I want Audience: (Responses from audience)
you to look at a word. This is very important. That
word is supplicate. I want to tell you that he who Ross: Make sense? Okay, good. So, you can either
supplicates, masturbates. be, in the dating game, you can either be a bully or
you can be a supplicant. To me, these are not good
Audience: (Laughter) choices. Now, I know a lot of people say, well the key
Ross: Do we know what the word supplicates means? to being successful with women is being a jerk, and I
Okay? Supplicate, to supplicate means to plea, to beg, don't think that's true at all. I think that's the key to
to make earnest entreaties. Picture a king who has the being successful with the wrong king of women. I
ability to grant you a pardon or to kill you and you're think a key understanding for you guys to grasp, and
accused of the crime and you crawl on your knees to this is very powerful, I really want you guys to get
this. If you get this, if you get nothing else, if you just

get this one point, you will be so far ahead of the being survived before we discovered agriculture?
game when it comes to understanding, and pleasing, What did we do for food?
women and being successful with women, having
Audience: (Responses from audience)
them want to please you, that you will not believe it.
Here's the understanding I want you guys to get. Ross: We were hunters. Okay. Hunters and gatherers.
Okay. There's a difference. I want you to contemplate So what did that imply? If we were hunters and
this. I'm not going to explain to you what the gatherers, what did we have to do?
difference is, but I want you to think about it through
Audience: (Responses from audience)
the weekend. Through the weekend, I want you to
think to yourself - what is the difference between Ross: Right. We had to follow the game animals. So
getting a woman to submit and getting a woman to we were a nomadic society in everything, all our
surrender? And how many people here in this room, culture, a little introduction in elementary Marxist
honestly, have ever even thought about that sociology here. Ross Jeffries is a Communist. He
distinction before this moment? That one distinction, talked about - no I'm not. Okay. I'm a Libertarian. One
I know you have Denny, that one distinction will take ism that I never, ever experimented with was
you further than having a Rolls Royce, a five hundred Communism. We were hunter/gatherers. Now, what it
gallon drum of cocaine, or whatever it is you think, - within the realm of hunting - what would be an
you think, is the key to being successful with women. innovation, an improvement for a hunter? Someone
Now let me make something clear. Within the confines think of an innovation for a hunter.
of the dating game, you do need these things. You do
Audience: (Responses from audience)
need good looks, you do need a lot of money, you do
need a lot of social status to be successful. There's no Ross: Sharper spear. Are we using these
question about it. If you're going to play in that game, microphones? Okay, an M-16 - not an M-16.
you need those things. Otherwise, you're shit out of
Audience: (Laughter from audience)
luck. Okay. You're like a one-legged man in an ass
kicking contest. How many people have ever felt that Ross: Okay. That's quite a - sharper spear, right?
way when dating? Hey, I didn't feel I had a leg, I had a Because the spear would do more damage to the game
stump. Okay. animal, maybe a better way to sneak up on the
animals, better camouflage, okay, traps
Audience: (Laughter)
Audience: (responses from audience),
Ross: I'm serious. Let me explain to you some of my
own personal history here on why I'm doing this work Ross: bow and arrow, right. These are all great
that I do. I used to get my ass kicked on a daily basis innovations. But guess what? You're still a hunter.
when I was younger. I mean really badly. I didn't have Now, if you're trapped in the hunting mindset, and
the slightest clue as to what to do, I had no one day some guy named Ross, caveman Ross,
confidence, I didn't know what I was up to, and it was comes up and goes "Ooh, ooh, I found this stuff
a very bad thing for me, very bad time for me. So I called seeds and you know what we can do with
understand, I don't care where you are, I don't care if these? You can plant them in the ground. I've been
you're a virgin and have never had a woman in your growing these plants and the animals come and eat
life, or you're a guy who's doing pretty well, but you the plants and I don't have to hunt. I just go right up
wants to do better. I've been there. Wherever you've to them and slit their throats and I have all the meat I
been, whatever you think you're challenge or your want.” Now, if you were stuck in the hunting mindset,
problem is, I've either had it myself or I've what would you do with those seeds? You'd say,
encountered it in the five years I've been doing this "Oh, I know what I could do with these. I can eat them
and I've solved it. Okay. We have a technology here for energy on the trail when I'm running after the
that's taking care of all of this, I can think it is, I can buffalo.”
promise you that, I can promise you that. But, here's
Audience: (Laughter)
the thing. Here's one of the big mistakes guys will
make. I want you to avoid this. Guys will try to use Ross: Okay. So, I have some incredible seed to give
speed seduction for dating. If they're going to try to you
use speed seduction to get dates and then they'll
Audience: (laughter)
come climb right back in the same old game and get
their butts kicked all over again. Let me give you sort Ross: and - you've got to watch the gestures, Chris
of a metaphor. How many people know how human I've got some incredible seed to give you and I want

you to use it in the right way. Okay? I want you to Audience: (Laughter)
forget about dating. Dating is for women you are
Ross: And if you didn't keep it, woe betide you. But
already sleeping with. Okay. Let's say it with me
that's okay, I liked that. I need someone to keep me
honest like that. So, we know something very
interesting. We jumped on to this commuter train and
Audience: (audience participation). all the adults immediately got busy. They all had their
faces buried in some kind of reading material. They
Ross: One more time - DATING IS FOR WOMEN I
were businessmen and women reading the financial
pages, there were students reading textbooks of
Audience: (audience participation). various kinds, I saw someone studying a history book
and then there was someone working on their
Ross: Right, okay. Now you think I'm kidding. You
mathematics, but all of the adults immediately were
think I'm kidding - I'm not. When you get good at
preoccupied. Now, sitting directly in front of us was a
these skills, an hour or two over a cup of coffee and
mother with her young daughter. The kid was maybe
she'll be saying - you wouldn't believe what women
four years old - right around your age range, guys
do when they really want you. Okay.
Audience: (laughter)
Audience: (Laughter)
Ross: and the kid was obviously excited about this
Ross: All the same, you know the bullshit mechanism
trip. She was dressed in her best dress, she had a
they use to spin excuses? "Well, I'd like to go out
ribbon in her hair, she was just so excited. And her
with you but my parakeet's having an existential crisis
mother was sitting by the window and this kid was
and I caught a tropical disease and I'm shrinking and
having a fit, going "I want to sit by the window, I
by midnight I'll be three inches high, and you don't
want to see, I want to see, I want to see.” So the
have car restraints to keep me safe at that altitude.”
mother got up and the kid was wide-eyed and glued
Audience: (Laughter) to the window. And I thought what a great thing.
What a great thing to have that ability to look
Ross: The same mechanism works in your favor when
through the window of wonder. And everything you
they want you. There is a story on the SS list about;
see in front of you is a miracle, everything you see is
I'm trying to think which brother it was whose brother
an opportunity to learn and to be excited and to see
- I can't remember which brother it was. Bohunkus -
something new and interesting and different, to open
Brother Bohunkus. Okay. That's what he called
and expand your mind. And as we made our stops
himself - Bohunkus. He used this stuff on this girl and
along the way, when the train would pull into a
she wants to go back to his place. So they go back his
different station, the kid would go, "What's this,
place. She says, "You know, it's awful hot in here with
what's that?" I was playing games with her. I'd say,
these jeans. Do you have a pair of shorts I can
"Oh, that's a magic dragon's tail.” It was a piece of
change into?" He says, "Sure.” He goes to hand her
paper fluttering. So, we had a really great time and as
the shorts; she takes off her jeans - no panties. Okay.
we were exiting the train, I thought "What a
Puts the shorts on. She says, "I'm feeling kind of tired.
wonderful thing to have that ability to open your
Is there a place where we could lie down?"
mind to wonder, open your mind to a sense that
Audience: (Laughter) anything could be possible, that everything was
new.” And then, as I walked past the engine, I
Ross: I mean all this stuff, okay. So, see it all depends,
thought, "You know, on the other hand, it's really
well let me give you another metaphor. Let me give
great to know that there's a very clear-headed,
you a different metaphor. Let me talk to you a minute
practical-minded engineer running this thing.” Cause I
about trains, because it actually ties in. I was in
don't want this wonder-eyed kid pulling all the
Boston cause we were doing a seminar in Boston.
switches. I don't mind if she goes up there and looks,
Remember the Boston seminar, was anyone there?
but I don't want her hands on the dials. So, it also
And what happened was, I made a promise to a
very important to, you know, with something like a
young lady who I was dating at the time that I would
train, to have a very practical, analytical, practical
take her to New York City, that we would take the
application mind. But I thought, what a wonderful
train to New York City because she's never been to
thing if a person could experience both of those.
New York City, and I promised her and she was one of
That's when real learning would take place. And, the
those kinds of women who would consistently remind
thing about trains, I've always liked trains. I remember
you of your promise until you kept it.

when I was a little kid, we lived pretty close to a rail create a new destination and lay some track that
line. And I could hear them at night. I could hear the works for you. And also consider that if that woman
whistle going, "Whoo, whoo.” And I would imagine it hasn't yet discovered how wonderful and attractive
was a circus train pulling out to go to a new town to you are, guess what? Simply cause she's on the
entertain, and I thought man, that's really cool. Now, wrong train of thought. It's your job with speed
there's all sorts of trains. In World War II they had seduction to put her on the right train of thought. So,
something called munitions trains. Now, munitions with that in mind, let me talk to you about the first rule
trains were very interesting. They were essentially of speed seduction, the first rule of powerful
five miles of target. Okay? And the first no smoking persuasion of any kind that you want to do. It sound
compartment was created for ammunition trains interesting?
because, you know, they had bombs, and gas and all
Audience: (Responses from audience)
sorts of things that were highly explosive. And, you
know, there are cargo trains of various, different Ross: By the way, there will be times during the
kinds, there are circus trains, and then, there's my seminar when it's appropriate to take notes. On the
favorite kind of train, the bullet train. There's no need other hand, there'll be other times when it's
to take notes here. appropriate to look up here. You can take notes right
now, this is okay. By the way, this is in the notes that
Audience: (Laughter)
we're going to be handing out. Do we hand out notes
Ross: The bullet train, the bullet train, comes from a this time? They got them? I'll need a set during a
country called Japan. Now, the Japanese, to my mind break. We'll take frequent breaks, so I don't need it
have gotten a very bad rap, a very bad rap. They've now, I'm cool now. The first rule I want you to get this
gotten a bad rap as being imitators and idea thieves is profoundly powerful - you can look up here cause I
when, in fact, that's not true. In fact, what the want you to understand it and then you can take
Japanese do is, they take what works, they only take notes. This rule is profoundly powerful for any kind
what works, from the best of everything and they take of persuasion you want to do, but so important for
the best of what works and that's what they use and seduction. That rule is whatever you can get a person
that's only what they use and they throw everything to imagine, does everyone have an imagination here,
that doesn't work out. They put everything that does does anyone think they don't have one? I was told by
work together into something that's wonderful. Now someone, "You can't talk about imagination to
here's the cool thing about bullet trains. Your average, engineers.”
normal train does maybe 60-65 miles an hour tops,
Audience: (Laughter)
maybe 70. Bullet trains can do 185, 190 - 200 miles an
hour. Now, how do bullet trains work? They actually Ross: Well, engineers have great imaginations. They
levitate above the tracks. Bullet trains do not run on have to picture all this shit. They've just been taught
the tracks. They're magnetically levitated off the that they're not imaginative, but in fact they are,
tracks so there is no friction; cause friction is what okay? That's essentially the Wright Brothers were
slows you down. Okay? Now, how many people think engineers, and damn good ones. By the way, they're
a two-mile long train doing 195 miles per hour is an inspiration of mine. Go get a biography on the
levitated? You got to figure it's levitated at least six Wright Brothers to see all the technical challenges
inches, right, maybe a foot? Uh uh. You know how and all the failures and learnings they had to
high they're levitated off the track? consistently overcome to create an airplane. They
were massive. And they were blazing a trail, there was
Audience: (Responses from audience)
no one going ahead of them. Okay? Whatever you
Ross: Like a quarter of an inch, a fraction of an inch. can get a person to imagine will be perceived by that
Just that much difference in perspective makes such person as being their own thought because they
an incredible difference in performance. From friction imagined it, and, therefore, they will not resist it. I'll
and problems and to, whew, smooth 195 miles an say it again. Whatever you can get a person to
hour. So, really the most important kind of train that imagine will be perceived by that person as being
you need to concern yourselves with are trains of their own thought because they imagine it. Therefore,
thought, because it's your train of thought that the first rule in seduction is to capture and lead the
determines what destination you're going to reach. woman's imagination using your language. It's in the
And if you've been reaching a destination that's notes there somewhere, don't worry about it though,
wank-off city it's because the track you're running on you need to be paying attention up here, okay? I'll
doesn't work for you. It's time to pull the switch and say it sufficient times and you'll have to plenty of time

to write it. But I want to explain it first. Here's the Audience: (Laughter)
problem with writing as you're listening. You're not
Ross: Now, Kraft company, I love your product, I eat
really getting the understanding. I'll give you plenty
it, please don't sue me, but I'm saying you're going to
of time to write. I'll want you to really make sure you
gobble that down and anyone who tries to take it from
really understand what I'm saying. Okay? Capture and
you, you're going to kill them. And maybe if you see
lead the imagination with your language. Now, that's
the opportunity to go have some applesauce over
not such a bizarre idea, its not so untested as you
there, you'll lie and go, "Kraft macaroni, you're the
might think. Think about it. It's the basis for political
only one for me - I'll be right back.” Okay? The reason
oratory, I mean, may he bum in hell for all time in a pit
why men behave unethically
of feted cement, but Adolf Hitler captured and led the
imagination of a nation and made them all go Audience: (laughter)
psychotic. Okay? Martin Luther King, a good
Ross: well, the reason why men behave unethically
example, captured the imagination of a group of
and they're dishonest is because they're in conditions
people, led them to make massive change, okay?
of scarcity. Okay? If you're a multibillionaire and a
Capturing and leading the imagination using language
quarter drops out of your pocket, you're not going to
is the basics of political oratory; it's the basis of
go scrabbling and stomping on people to get it.
religious conversion. How many people here have
Okay? No one wants to talk about the sexual
ever seen a really good Southern Baptist tent
starvation of men, but I will talk about it. Okay. And
revivalist preacher? Those boys make me look like a
it's there primarily because the system that you're
piker. Okay. They are good. Now, I'm not mocking
given to use to get your sexual satisfaction doesn't
anybody's religion, I'm just talking about the
work. It's not your fault. If there're people here feeling
methodology they use to deliver the message and
like utter, abject failures with the dating game, wake
they are real - those of you at home will hear a sound -
up, it's not your fault, the game is rigged against you.
it is me copiously ejaculating - no it's
Okay? So, the way to get out of all that is to learn to
Audience: (laughter) capture and lead the imagination, and that's what all
of speed seduction is about. And, see, the AFC, the
Ross: I'm pouring water, I'm now changing it into jiz -
average frustrated chump, who's still hunting the
no. It's the basis of all good literature. What does a
buffalo, so to speak, is ignoring the seeds of wisdom I
good writer do? He captures and leads your
want him to swallow, He asking himself questions like,
imagination using words. It's the basis of poetry, it's
"Where should I take her? How much money should I
the basis of theater. All I'm doing is coming on and
spend? How should I dress?" The questions I want
going, "Dumb shits, stop with this dating crap and
you to ask is the following question, learn to ask
use something that's been used for thousands of
yourself this question and you'll do wonderfully well.
years in other areas. Let me show you how to use it
The question I want you to learn to ask yourself is,
with precision so you can stop all the guesswork. By
"How is this communication, " I will repeat this three
the way, inevitably when I'm on the radio someone
times so you'll have plenty of time to write it down,
says, "What about relationships, why are you against
"How is this communication structured to capture and
relationships?" I'm not. But I am against relationships
lead her imagination?" "How is this communication
through default because here's what happens for
structured to capture and lead her imagination?" You
most men. We can all share this in this room because
see, part of learning a new set of skills is to learn to
we know it's true for mo st of us at one point in our
think completely differently. What makes speed
lives or another. For most men, when we get into a
seduction work is it's so outside the box. Now, for
relationship it's because we accidentally found
those of you who at first will find this foreign
someone who's attracted to us and will let us have our
sounding and really strange and different, that's only
sexual release. Okay? For most men, they don't get
a measure of how powerful it will be for you. To the
into relationships because they have a lot of choice, a
extent that is completely different from the way you're
lot of opportunity, a lot of power, and they finally met
used to thinking and you're experiencing some
someone who meets all their standards. They get into
confusion, that's only a sign that it's completely
what I call relationships by default. Okay? They're not
outside of what you've been doing and that's a
in that relationship because they have a lot of choice;
measure of the results you're going to be getting
they're in there because it's the best they can do. It's
because it is so different. Okay? If you're used to
like you're starving in the desert and someone drops
riding a horse and buggy and I come along and give
you a frozen package of Kraft macaroni and cheese.
you a horse with a whip, it's not that much of a

difference. If I put you into a Testarosa, okay, it's a locked into your thinking that it becomes impossible
big difference and you're going to be confused by the to think outside that box unless you run into a maniac
controls, but you'll go a fuck of a lot faster. And you like me who hammers you really hard for three days.
won't have to put up with the stench, okay? All right? Think about it. Well, I wasn't attracted; she wasn't
I teach a lot of metaphors and I'm vulgar cause I like it. attracted to me. What does that imply? It implies that
So, this is a very important question to learn to ask attraction is just a thing that is either there or it is not,
yourself. So instead of thinking, "Where am I going to or it implies that attraction is like porridge in an
take her on the next. no, how is this communication orphanage - you're only doled out so much on your
structured to capture and lead her imagination? Now, plate and the best you can do is go, "Please, sir, I
a couple of things about the language patterns. These want some more.” And maybe you get a little bit more,
are some understandings I want you get, and you but usually you don't. Okay. Attraction is not a thing;
don't need to write this down, this is something you'd it is a process with a structure that takes place in the
understand. Another problem that guys typically human mind and body. This is a primary
have is they; they view the patterns as something understanding for those of you who want to learn
from Mars. When you first, and we'll being going NLP, that everything that happens to and with
through at least half a dozen patterns here word for humans has a structure and a process. If you
word, when guys hear the patterns, they go, "Ross, understand the structure and process, then you can
this sounds so strange, so foreign. Have you ever felt recreate it at will - for the most part. Do you
an incredible connection with someone? You know understand?
that click, right there, that just makes you feel totally
Audience: (Response from audience)
drawn to this person. I mean, Ross, that sounds so
goofy, that sounds fruity, it sounds gay, it sounds Ross: Now, so another mistake guys will make with
completely outside the realm of anything human. speed seduction is they think the patterns, so the first
Where did you get this stuff' I was talking to Brother mistake is they think the patterns are stuff I've made
Covey who's one of my marketing consultants and I up out of thin air, and they're not. Okay. Second
said, "You know, if I'd told people I'd channeled this mistake they make is, they think because if someone
from a ten thousand year old alien from planet Bogo, talked to them that way, they won't respond well, that
I'd probably get ten times the number of people in my women won't respond well. Okay? How many people
seminar.” Look, I didn't just make the patterns up out here have ever gone fishing? What did you bait your
of thin air. I got them from observing how women hook with?
think and speak in any case. And I them from
Audience: (Responses from audience)
observing the natural processes of how things
happen. This is another point I want you to get. Ross: Worms. Do you like to eat worms? You don't?
There's no such thing as love, there's no such thing What do you like to eat?
as attraction, there's no such thing as seduction. And
Audience: (Response from audience)
I know for many of you, you're saying, "That's just
the problem, Ross, there's no such thing for me, Ross: Why didn't you bait the hook with a baked
they're just playing with Mr. Winky.” potato?
Audience: (Laughter) Audience: (Response from audience)
Ross: Now here's what I mean. When I say there's no Ross: That's right, okay, so. These patterns are not
such thing as attraction, there's no such thing as designed to get man hot and horny, although I've had
confidence, there's no such thing as love, I'm not some weird fan mail lately.
saying that people don't experience these. What I'm
Audience: (Laughter)
saying is they're not things like a glass or a magic
marker. Now, I know those of you who are Ross: By the way, people say, "Why don't you teach
metaphysicians will say, "Well, Ross, these aren't with more reverence and seriousness? Don't you
really things anyway, they're just an ongoing key to know ...” Cause then I'd have your fucking voice in
the logical process in the intellect of human existence, my head and be a miserable, dried up old shrew.
" in which case I'll slap you in the face very hard.
Audience: (Laughter)
Audience: (Laughter)
Ross: Then it wouldn't be fun to teach. I mean, if I
Ross: But my point is, watch how language affects can't offend people, what's the point?
you. I mean, the presupposition of our culture is so

Audience: (Laughter) Ross: Who doesn't get that? I'm not saying do you
believe you can go out and do that right now, but I'm
Ross: Someone who I'm deeply flattered and honored
saying hypothetically, theoretically, that's what the
to have as an admirer of mine said that Ross is gotta
patterns really do. If I'm telling you the truth, if the
be doing okay cause he's offending so many people,
people who are in this room who have used them will
so. Anyway, so, you have to understand these
get up and tell their stories are telling you the truth,
patterns are not designed to appeal to men, they're
without exaggeration, if the patterns really can lead a
designed to appeal of women, and if you don't think
woman into feeling really incredible things that no
they have an appeal to women, I have an assignment
one else can make her feel, are you hurting her,
for you, which is go to your bookstore and go to the
should you feel guilty or scared or bad or like a
romance novel section and watch how many of those
puppies go out the door. Okay? Romance novels
Major Mark will come in and to you about. By the Audience: (Response from audience)
way, Major Mark will be here a little bit later. What a
Ross: Okay, I'm telling you that that's what the
dedicated guy. He cut short his honeymoon to come
patterns do do - ha _____ do do, yeah. Wow, wow,
and teach you guys. What do you think about that?
that was cool, _____ do do.
Major Mark, Major Mark, Major Mark.
Audience: (Laughter)
Audience: (Applause)
Ross: Someone's going to say, "Ross, was that a
Ross: Pretty cool, pretty neat, pretty good. I was at
phonetic ambiguity you were using in an attempt to
his in a tuxedo, it was amazing. I was being blatant,
create a negative anchor for people to move away
just absolutely blatant, with this stuff. So, anyway.
from when you said do do?"
Well, I knew I'd never go back to Toledo, Ohio, for
Christ sake. Audience: (Laughter)
Audience: (Laughter) Ross: Cause, I notice you sort of like scratched your
ass when you did that. Well that's because I have 72
Ross: So, anyway. The third major mistake you can
open anchors here and I've set them and this is one.
make with these patterns is to use them as a high-tech
form of begging, is to view them as a shield you put in Audience: (Laughter)
front of you - Gary, how are you? To use them as a
Ross: No, my fucking ass itched, you know. You
shield you put in front of yourself, okay? "Oh, please,
know people who teach NLP, you know what, they're
beautiful fox. You can accept me now cause I have
human beings, a lot of them are fucked up
these language patterns. Ha, ha, ha.” Okay. If you
egomaniacs, I plead guilty. Okay? So, don't go out of
view the patterns as just a high-tech form of begging,
here ...
they'll have no power, or very limited power. You
have to use them with the right attitude. Understand Audience: (Laughter)
something. I want you guys to get this. Just, let's play
Ross: I do. Listen, I'm just a guy who, I'll tell you the
Let's Pretend. Let's play What if Okay? Can we play
truth. I swear to you, I thank the universe, my higher
What if for a minute?
power, whatever you want to call it, every day for the
Audience: (Response from audience) gift of being able to teach this and to learn this stuff. I
feel profoundly blessed in this room. You have no,
Ross: What if what I'm teaching is really true? What if
really, truly, you have no idea. That's one thing with
the patterns really do lead a woman into feeling
all my skills I could not convey to you, But, so those
absolutely wonderful things in her body, in her heart,
are the ways to screw it up. Now the final way to
visualizing amazing things, feeling all the things she's
screw it up, so I'm giving you, if you want to screw it
always dreamed of feeling. What if, with your
up and make a mess of it, I'm giving you the formula
language and language alone and your attitude, you
on how to do it. The final way to screw it up is to
really can, make her feel things that no other guy can
have unrealistic expectations, on yourself. It takes
make her feel? If you really can do that, do you have
time to learn this and the way to learn it is piece by
to approach her with a fearful, begging mindset?
piece. You do one little piece every day and then you
Audience: (Response from audience) add on a bit the next day and the next day. If you lust
after results, you're going to fuck yourself up. Okay?
Ross: Who's doing whom the favor in that case?
You want to give yourself an opportunity to learn this
Audience: (Response from audience) at a pace that's a little bit uncomfortable. You want to

push outside of your comfort zone a little bit, but not in this game too long. He called me up, and he said,
too much. And you must be willing to fuck it up. I "You know, I've got your home study course and this
have said this over and over and over again and I'll and that course, but I'm having trouble memorizing
say it again. The difference between winners and the patterns. I think I learn better visually. What video
losers is that losers don't fail often enough, or they tape course do you have that you would recommend?
fall in the same way over and over and over again. Cause I'm really having trouble memorizing the
Winners fail in different ways and often enough so patterns.” I said, "No you're not.” I said, "It's not that
that they can learn to do what they need to do to you're having trouble memorizing them, " I said, "you
make things work. Now, the reason why I'm standing haven't gone out and tried a single one, have you?"
up here and you're not is cause I have fucked it up ten He said, "No, how did you know that?" I said, "You
times more than all of you put together. I still go and don't want to memorize better, you want a guarantee
fuck it up, even though I know what works, I'll try that you'll do it absolutely flawlessly without fucking
something new just to see if I can push the envelope it up in any way in the real world - and that's
a little farther. I have no problem with it. I will call, I impossible. What you need instead of a guarantee is a
will go on to listen, go ahead guys I tried this and it willingness to screw it up a little bit. I guarantee you,
failed miserably, what do you think? Am I lying? you're going to trip over your dick the first few times.”
Okay? Nothing to honk at.
Audience: (Response from audience)
Audience: (Laughter from audience - horn honking in
Ross: Not at all. I have no problem with going, "Hey
tried that, didn't fucking work, what do you guys
think? What should I do differently?" Okay? You Ross: That's called utilization. Ross, when you gaze
must have the willingness. There's a difference that way, you tilted your head at a certain angle. Was
between will and willingness. Can anyone tell me that an analog mark to
who's not a current student, someone who hasn't
Audience: (Laughter)
already heard this before? Can anyone tell me what
the difference is between will and willingness? Take a Ross: Yes, that one, that one there. I'm gonna get
stab at it. lectured for doing that, but that's alright. Why don't
we take a five minute break.
Audience: (Response from audience)
Ross: Can we hear him with these microphones? Is
there someone who should be putting a microphone Ross: I thought of one other area where people can
in his face? Should he be standing there, who's doing fuck up with this, and that is, I guess way to illustrate
that? this is to tell you a story. I knew someone who lived
down in Kentucky and they wanted to learn how to
Audience: "Willingness is being able to and will is
having it your way.”
Ross: I think that's pretty close. Will, to me, implies
that you're stealing yourself, you're making yourself Ross: so they went to their grandpa. They said,
ready to take that blow, okay? Like G. Gordon Liddy "Grandpa, what's the most important thing in
holding the flame under his hand, you know, to prove driving?" And Grandpa said, "Well, the most
what a man he is. Something wrong with that formula. important thing in driving is that you always check
I remember when I was a kid we used to have punch your instruments and make sure the car isn't
in the arm contests. Well, if you're a man, you can overheating.” So they promptly climbed in the car and
really take it. I go, "You win.” You know. were driving like this and _____ !!!
Audience: (Laughter) Audience: (Laughter)
Ross: No, to me a man who outsmarted the other guy. Ross: Now, about six weeks later, after they were out
He's walking around with a big, sore, fucking, of the hospital, they went to their uncle. They said,
throbbing arm and I'm skipping along the playground "Uncle, what's the most important thing to know
having fun. To me, will implies that boy that you're about driving?" The uncle said, "Always drive the
going to have to grit your teeth, but willingness is posted speed limit.” So they jumped on the freeway
more of relaxed openness, that you're willing to pay and right in the middle of morning rush hour, they
the price. I had someone call me up and, I know when were doing 65. _____ !! So after they scraped them
students are bullshitting me, so don't try it I've been off the roadway, a couple of years later when they

were able to take another crack at it, they went to the But they're not rules, only examples. Do you
wise relative and they said, "What's the most understand me?
important thing to do when driving?" And the person
Audience: (Responses from audience)
said, "Pay fucking attention and drive as conditions
permit you to do so safety.” Okay. Now. People say Ross: Are they examples that will work for you? But
to me, "Ross, I tried the pattern exactly the way you they're only examples. That's why when we go
told me to and it didn't work.” No, no, no, listen to me. through them, I'm going to show you how I thought
The patterns are not rules. The patterns are only them up and how they work so you can make up your
examples of the kinds of communication that you own. Do you get it?
want to be doing. Here's another key to
Audience: (Responses from audience)
understanding. Remember the key to understanding?
I said there's a difference between getting a woman to Ross: I know some people are sitting here thinking "Is
submit and getting a woman to surrender? Just very it important that I memorize all the patterns word for
briefly, let me touch on something else. It's what I call word". Well, it's important to memorize at first, at first,
- Major Mark taught me this - another great hurrah for but then what you will find yourself doing is making
Major Mark. Major Mark. up your own stuff. That's what I want you to do.
When you can come back and show me something I
Audience: (Responses from audience)
haven't made up, I jump for joy. That great cause I can
Ross: I won't encourage him to talk more about this, go out and steal it.
but Major Mark taught me a word. The word is
Audience: (Laughter)
compartmentalization. Compartmentalization. Now let
me tell you what this means. It's not that women aren't Ross: I don't mean steal it to sell it. I mean steal it to
as sexual as we are. Women are equally sexual use it with women. Notice I didn't say on women, I
creatures, but they're sexual in a different way. Men, said with women. The patterns are not something you
our sexuality is always there, it's always present. We do to a woman. Some of you still, I mean, I had a guy
can be doing something and a beautiful babe walks say, "Ross, you know, I practiced. When I want to go
by and sproing we want to spray our seed. Okay? To out in the real world, I just can't do it.” I said, "I know,
be crude about it. Women have sexual thoughts as cause you think the patterns, running patterns with a
often as we do, but they compartmentalize them in a woman, is sort of like doing a minor crime, like picking
different part of their mind. Our sexuality is diffused her pocket or stealing her watch or grabbing her ass.”
all throughout our thinking, our breathing, our He went, "Yeah, how did you know that?" Cause I've
moving, you know. Men will basically stick it in a tree been doing this a long time. Okay? I've been doing it a
stump if they had to. Well, okay. It wasn't exactly a long time. Yes, you have a question - you're
tree stump. Was it a bush or a tree stump? scratching your head.
Audience: (Laughter) Audience: Would you give a brief definition of what
is a pattern for the newcomers?
Ross: But anyway, ha ha ha, my point is, my point is
this. My point is this - that women's sexual thoughts Ross: A pattern is a language construct you use to
tend to be locked away in a different compartment in create a specific state of mind in that woman. For
their mind. So here's the thing I want you to example, you want her to feel fascinated, so you use
understand. There are different places in a woman's the fascination pattern. You want her to get horny,
mind. There's the place where she thinks about the you use the blowjob pattern. Okay? Whatever it is.
mundane, ordinary, day-to-day shit that she has to The pattern is a language construct that you use to
get out of the way, like doing her laundry, like taking create a mindset, a certain emotional state or state of
her car to the mechanic, like paying her bills. The mind in that woman. Okay? Yes sir, you have a
problem when you're a dater is usually you get stuck question?
into that part of her mind, something she has to get
Audience: By language construct, do you mean like a
rid of or take care of. You get it?
series or combinations of phrases, words? Ross: Yes,
Audience: (Responses from audience) exactly right, exactly right. You got it. Okay? Now,
notice I said something there in answering your
Ross: But the patterns are examples of the kinds of
question. This brings up another interesting point. I
communication that open up that other part of her
said state of mind. Okay? Understand, there's a key to
mind -that part where she puts her sexual thoughts
understanding this, and that is altered states of
and fantasies and romantic ideas. You understand.

consciousness. Write down altered states. Now, all of many here have a highly technical job that requires a
you have been subjected to some very serious mind lot of focus and quick thinking? What do you do sir?
programming when it comes to the subject of altered You, yeah you.
states. When I say altered states of consciousness,
Audience: Computer programming.
what imagery comes into your mind, what thoughts
come into your mind, when I say altered states, what Ross: Okay. Computer programming.
do you think of, what do you picture?
Audience: (Response from audience)
Yates: This is the end of side one.
Ross: Drugs. What else?
Audience: (Response from audience)
Ross: Horror movies. What else?
Audience: (Response from audience)
Ross: Timothy Leary.
Audience: (Laughter and response)
Ross: Flotation chamber. Hysteria. Orgasm. That is an
altered state, isn't it? For the most part, were
programmed to view altered states as something to
avoid. And throughout human history, authorities
have attempted to control altered states. Churches
have told you any other altered state but praying
within the walls of their church is evil, wrong, bad,
and a thing of Satan.
Audience: (Laughter)
Ross: By the way, to borrow a joke from Richard
Bandler, a people said, "Ross, you're in league with
the devil.” "Well, I'm not in league with him, but I
have worked for him on occasion.”
Audience: (Laughter)
Ross: I don't steal jokes, I give full credit to the big
guy for that. That's his. I don't know about you guys,
but I'm already having way too much fun. Hello John.
John: Hey.
Ross: Good to see you. John is one of our terror
students. He's really good.
Audience: (Responses)
Ross: So altered states of consciousness, altered
states are really neutral. You can use altered states in
a good way. Okay? Now I'm here to tell you that a lot
of speed seduction has to do with what altered state
you want to design for yourself and what altered state
you want to design for that woman. Now let me give
you an example. Pay attention up here and ignore him.
Let me give you an example of altered states of
consciousness. Here's something you should
understand. Beautiful women put men into altered
states of consciousness. You can take a guy how

Tape 1 – Side 2 attractive you found her, the more charming, the more
intuitive, the more creative you were around her.
Would that be great?
Yates: This is Side 2 of the Ross Jeffries Basic Speed Audience: Yes.
Seduction Seminar.
Ross: And what if when you approached her, she
picked up on that energy so instead of her altered
Ross: Here's something you should understand. state being one of terror, her altered state was one of
Beautiful women put men into altered states of hmmm, this guy's cool, I've got to find out more about
consciousness. You can take a guy - how many here him. Would that be cool?
have a highly technical job that requires a lot of focus Audience: Yes.
and quick thinking? What do you do sir? You, yeah
you. Ross: No, it wouldn't be cool? Well, you're not
Audience: Computer programming.
Audience: (Laughter)
Ross: Okay. Computer programming. You need to
make - Hello Brother Amy - they'll leave you alone. Ross: I'm gonna zap you. Okay. So. Does this all make
Come on and sit down. Okay. So. When you're doing sense?
your computer programming job, you have to think Audience: Yes.
really clearly, don't you? Yeah, but if you took a
Penthouse Pet in a thong bikini, they put lee on her Ross: No, someone said no? Okay. Understand, I'm
nipples, they've rubbed her down with oil so she's not asking can you do this now. I'm simply saying
glistening as her taught, muscular body walks by. does it make sense. Do you see how different this is
Okay? Would you be able to focus and concentrate? from the dating mindset?

Audience: I probably make a lot of software with a lot Audience: Yes.

of bugs in it. Ross: We used to do it, I don't do it anymore, but,
Ross: Yeah, okay. you know, we used to do a contest. The contest was
who spent the most money on a woman and gotten
Audience: (Laughter) nowhere, gotten nothing.
Ross: So, my point is this. What happens is beautiful Audience: (Laughter)
women tend to put men in a state of sputtering,
mindless lust. Just as an illustration here, I brought a Ross: So, I'll open the bidding with about $350. Can
metronome. This is a really good tool that everyone anyone top that? Who spent more than that? Come
should buy. I got it at a music store, okay? Here's on, fess up. Brother Phoenix, have much have you
usually the speed at which you speak, which is an spent and gotten nowhere?
average looking woman. And here's the speed at Phoenix: I'd have to say about $5, 000.
which you speak if she's somewhat attractive. Here's
the speed at which you speak if she like an utter ultra Ross: $5, 000? Who, who was she, what was the
babe. And here's what happens when she's a circumstance?
goddamn goddess. Phoenix: It was a dancer who was also a Playboy girl,
Audience: (Laughter) or Playboy Bunny at one of the Clubs, and when I
was younger and had lots of money, wined, dined her,
Ross: You're flat-lined. Your brain waves are gone. So flew her places, never got anything.
granted that you're gonna go into an altered state.
Why not, why not design in the altered state you're Ross: Did you get a warm handshake goodnight?
going to go in to. What if you could go into an altered Phoenix: The most I ever got was a kiss on the cheek.
state that had maybe a little bit of lust, just to keep
you motivated, but also had a massive amount of Ross: Oh, you didn't even get the old warm
clarity, cockiness, intuition, having really great handshake, huh? Wow, okay. So, you know, we won't
intuition, creativity, fun, playfulness. What if you have to worry about any of that. Now, loser, no - who
could design in the altered state of consciousness said that?
you were going to go into such that the more Audience: (Laughter)

Ross: Who said that? Bad boy. He said loser, oh, no, Ross: That okay with you? I don't care if it's okay with
no, no, no. you or not, cause that's what we're going to be doing.
All right, any questions so far?
Audience: Ex-loser.
Audience: No
Ross: Ex-loser.
Ross: You having fun yet?
Audience: (Laughter and applause)
Audience: Yes
Audience: ... if the walls could talk.
Ross: Good. Man, we're going fast. All right. Couple
Ross: Ali. Hi, my name is Bob and I'm a wankaholic.
more big chunk pieces and then we'll be ready to go.
Audience: (Laughter) We'll get to actual patterns, weasel phrases, trance
words, all that other good stuff, Yes sir.
Ross: Hi, Bob. Keep coming back- it works. Well, if it
works, why do you have to keep coming back? Uh, I Audience: Are you going to indicate what is in the
don't know, never mind. Okay. Now, I'm going to notes and what we need to write?
e-mail, I'm going to get mail from AA, shit, that's all I
Ross: I'll tell you when to write, okay? I'll tell you
need. Okay, so. We're almost ready to get to the meat
when to write. There's going to be so much repetition
of the seminar. There are basically, there are three
that you'll get this whether you write it or don't. The
parts to speed seduction that we're going to be
important thing to me is not do you write it but do
teaching you. Throughout the weekend we'll be going
you understand it. And they are going to be certain
back and forth through all of these. Your state,
things, in fact, there are going to be certain points in
designing your altered state of consciousness that
the day where I'll say, "Okay, stop, pick a partner and
you want to be in. The seductive language that lets
explain to him what Ross just said. Go teach your
you capture and lead her imagination and third piece
partner what Ross just said.” The way to prove to
of speed seduction, which to me is the most
yourself that you really got it is if you can explain it to
important, actually, and the most difficult to design.
somebody else. So, there will be points during the day
This of all the, I think, of all the challenges I
where I'll go, "Tell this person the most important rule
personally face, this is the most difficult. And this is
for persuasion and why it's important.” So, don't
an example of how its continued to grow, the
worry about it. My answer is don't worry about it, but
conversational frameworks that let you do all this and
if I need to you write, I'll tell you specifically you
make it sound like an ordinary, normal, innocent
should be writing. Otherwise, don't write. Okay? Does
conversation. This is very important. You know, you
that answer your question?
want to be able to Now I know some trainers who
have some good level of skill at teaching language Audience: Yes.
and languaging and language patterns, but they
Ross: Good. Does it?
conveniently leave this out. Now, they may be very
impressive in the seminar room. They can get you up Audience: Yes.
here and do all sorts of great language patterning, but
Ross: Okay. Alright. Don't get mad at me, I'm just
the problem is what works in the seminar room may
trying to help. Yeah.
not work in the real world. Why? Because the
presupposition of being in the seminar is you're there Audience: (Laughter)
to cooperate with the instructor. Okay. If you walk up
Ross: You going to act impotent, you going to be
to someone without the right conversational
impotent. Just for a wee bit.
framework outside of the seminar room and start
eliciting their values or whatever without any of the Audience: (Laughter) - That's why I don't act
right introduction or conversational framework, impotent.
they're going to look at you like you're fucking Charlie
Ross: Good. Actually, Kim came up with a really
Manson. Or they won't know how to respond simply
terribly terrific impotence pattern. I don't want her
because they don't know what you're talking about.
doing that on me. She's ready to use it on any of you
Okay. This is a very important piece and throughout
guys who try to _____ her, so leave her alone. Okay.
the weekend we're going to be going/alternating back
I want to talk about the four doorways into any
and forth between these three things. Does that make
woman's mind. There are basically four doorways and
the patterns I will teach you I will say, "This pattern is
Audience: Yes. good for this doorway.” Now, I know, you're going to

go, "Ross, what doorway should I use?" Well, if you representations, like, they say
want to be able to get so much flexibility in your
Ross: How long do you have to think about it to
conversation that you can experiment with different
answer the question?
ones. Okay? And, by the way, they're not in any
particular order, it's not like molecular element 10, 11, Audience: Well, not very long, but you could turn
12, 13. This is just the order in which I choose to write around and associate that question with ...
them down, okay? For all you literal minded ... okay.
Ross: But I didn't. I simply said, "What's your favorite
Doorway number one is the doorway of emotional
color, Amy?"
connections. If you get a woman feeling emotionally
connected, feeling strong, deep, positive emotions, Audience: I have ...
connected to you. Okay? An example of that kind of
Ross: Purple, purple, right? Green? Right? Blue and
pattern would be incredible connection, which we will
go through, word for word. Okay. That's a very
common doorway. For a lot of women, they will have Audience: (Laughter)
sexual feelings but in order to feel comfortable with
Ross: We're done. Okay. But if I said to you, but if I
those sexual feelings, they have to feel this before
said to you, "What's important to you about running
they act on it. They want to feel some kind of
track?" then you have to think deeper, don't you?
emotional connection. Okay? Not like us. The second
Okay, that's what I mean. She's being feisty and
doorway is getting her visualizing. Okay. If you can
challenging now. I like that, good. You get this? So
get her to visualize scenes of terrific sex or you know,
everything we're doing, that we're going to teach you
fantasies, that sort of thing, you get it?
in this seminar is designed to get into these
Audience: Yes. Ross: And, a lot of the patterns doorways. Now, here's the thing, here's the principle I
partake in this. There's not, I don't know if there's one, want you to get; this is very important. Very few
per se, that's only that. Number three is body people, very few people know how to feel good on a
sensations. Now what do I mean by body sensations? consistent basis, and even when they do, it's not a
I mean a feeling of warmth flowing through her chest, very juicy good. Do we have lights here that fade? Let
the feeling of her heart pounding with excitement, that me use this illustration. Those of you at home
sort of thing, okay? Do you get it? listening, you're just going to have to imagine this.
We have some lights in the room that don't just turn
Audience: Yes.
on and off, you can make them brighter or dimmer,
Ross: And, finally, the final doorway is asking okay? These are the lights that do it? Look at these
questions, asking questions, that require her to little phony lights here, okay? All right?
access the core level of her identity to answer you.
Audience: (Laughter)
Asking her questions that require her to access the
core level of her identify in order to answer you. Now, Ross: Very few people know how to feel good on a
we're going to be demonstrating this throughout the consistent basis. They feel good when something
weekend. This is basically eliciting her values. Now happens to them. But even if they do, they're feeling
let me give you an example, just very briefly. I'm not good is like that. Maybe they're doing one of these
going to do this pattern now, but just as a really quick four things. But if you can get someone feeling
illustration, if I said to a woman, "What's your favorite emotional connections and feeling great body
color?" She says, "Blue.” Does that really require her sensations and visualizing amazing things and feeling
to access who she is at a deep level of her identity? in touch with the core of their identity, then you've
got their neurology doing that, and that's what
Audience: No.
commonly known as being in love, okay? The
Ross: Some people didn't answer. Who didn't answer neurology cannot associate the difference between
that question? and being madly in love with someone. Okay? So you
want to be careful, because you can, you're playing
Audience: No.
with fire here, you're playing with nuclear energy. You
Ross: Does anyone disagree with that or not get it?
understand? You think asking what you favorite color
Audience: Yes.
is requires you to go into the core level of your
identity to answer? Ross: And you can look at different combinations of
patterns as different atom bomb designs, you know,
Audience: Well, because colors have different

the fat man or the little boy, or you can just look at that just didn't, it just sssss, but on the other hand,
them as different combinations of patterns. I've got have you ever felt an incredible connection with
this sick, corny attraction to nuclear weapons, so, someone? I really don't know if you can imagine this
that's how I look at it. as I describe it but, you know that sense that just
feeling totally drawn, totally fascinated, okay. Now
Audience: (Laughter)
the pattern itself is not important, but do you see how
Ross: I'll tell you what really fascinates me about that I led into it? Okay. So, you use stories and
is they took the most abstract principles of physics, descriptions, because people don't resist those.
the most abstract ideas about matter and energy and Something about the unconscious that I will teach
they translated it into an actual, physical object that you, this is a very powerful lesson in any kind of
worked. To me, that's magical. Forget about what they persuasion. The unconscious does not recognize
did, it's a horrible weapon, but, fact is, they did content. The unconscious recognizes form and
something very magical there, very magical. That's structure. Let me tell you what I mean by that. Listen
what we need, we need that kind of thought very carefully. Everyone knows the way stories start.
processing ability to solve the problems of the world. How do stories usually start?
Audience: (Response from audience) Audience: (Responses from audience)
Ross: Yeah, it's alchemy. Yes sir. Ross: Once upon a time or a long time ago in a galaxy
far, far away, okay. What does that mean when
Audience: (Question from audience)
someone says a long time, and George Lucas knew
Ross: So, I want to start by looking at some of the what he was doing? When they say a long time ago in
basic building blocks of speed seduction which are a galaxy far, far away, what part of your mind are they
weasel phrases and trance words and those sorts of turning off?
things. You see, the way it works, the way we start to
Audience: Conscious.
capture and lead the imagination is we use stories and
descriptions. We use stories and descriptions. Now, Ross: They're turning off the critical faculty and what
why it wouldn't it work ... Amy is at a party. Why can't part are they telling to turn on?
I just go up to Amy and instead of doing the
Audience: Responses from audience
fascination pattern, why can't I just say, "Amy, in a
moment you're going to become totally fascinated Ross: That's right. Okay, cause the mind, the
with me.” Everything else will fade away and just my unconscious recognizes form, not content, so if you
face and my voice will totally enrapture you, and you present something in a certain format, the
will find my voice penetrating deep inside who you unconscious goes, "Okay, time to turn off the critical
are on the count three. One, two, three (snap of faculty and absorb everything.” This is very
fingers)" If someone walked up to you at a party and profound, this is why we resist advertising, cause we
said that, what would you do? become so used to it we know it's designed to
influence and we shut off, okay? So, descriptions and
Audience: I'd think they're nuts.
stories are far more powerful than just telling
Ross: You'd think they're fucking nuts, exactly. You'd someone, "You're going to feel this right now.” Ah,
flee, you know. So, the thing is this. Stories and shit, I have to feel like such a jackass, you know? So,
descriptions are the vehicles we use to install states that's the vehicle that we're going to use to do this,
of consciousness in people, because, there are a stories and descriptions. Now, there's no difference
couple of different reasons for this. First of all, you between a profound and accurate description and a
tend not to resist a story. If instead I walked up to powerful set of directions. Descriptions and stories,
Amy and said, "You know what I think is really when done properly, will be accepted by the
interesting about parties, is to watch to see who's not unconscious as directions, but the unconscious will
connecting and who's really connecting.” I mean, you not resist it. Do you get it?
ever been to a party and you didn't really know
Audience: Yes.
anyone, so rather than trying to meet people, you just
sat back and watched people? You ever do that kind Ross: Okay? So, this is what we're going to do. Now,
of thing? And, you know, I think even though you weasel phrases are the specific little pieces we use to
may not know the people, you can tell if they're really start this out. Now, there are all sorts of weasel
connecting or not. You know what I mean? I mean, I'm phrases. Those of you who have your Secrets of
sure you've experienced that. You ever met someone Speed Seduction home study course workbook will

find them in here, but I'm going to go through some of or d?" It can be f u c k for all I care.
them right now. Weasel phrases are used to start this
Audience: Laughter
process running. Now, one of my favorite weasel
phrases is "If you were to ...” Let's look at this phrase. Ross: These are just, these are just symbols. Do you
You're going to see this throughout the patterns I get it?
teach you, you're going to see this occurring again
Audience: Yes
and again and again. So, this is the first little piece I
want you all to get. ”If you were to ... What does it Ross: Okay, so if you were to. Now, I'm going to show
mean when I say, "If you were to think about the kind you some of the more popular ones. This one is really
of man you really are attracted to" what am I saying good at getting away from supplicating. ”It's too bad
there? I'm not, if you, if you were to imply, and I'm not you can't ... , it's too bad you can't x, y, z. It's too bad
really asking you to do it, so you don't have to resist you can't" Now, what is "It's too bad you can't" do? It
it. You get it? creates a challenge, okay. Remember, here's a guide to
being incredibly successful with women. This is
Audience: Yes.
important for you to understand and then write down,
Ross: That's why I call it a weasel phrase cause like a so look up here. Never supplicate, never bully,
weasel coated with Vaseline, it just slips past any instead, instead, instead, what you have to do is
resistance. Instead of saying directly, "I command structure opportunities and offer challenges, structure
you to think of the kind of man you're attracted to" I opportunities and offer challenges. And here's a good
say "If you were to ...” You get it? way to do it with you language. ”It's too bad you
can't ...” Okay? Here's another weasel phrase I really
Audience: Yes.
like. ”If I were to ...” What is "If I were to … imply?
Ross: So, say it with me. ”If you were to ...” Yates, you have a set of flash cards I can look at?
Cause that makes it easy to go through. No, okay. At
Audience: If you were to
a break. Okay, "If I were to" what does that imply?
Ross: And then what you do is, you add in the
Audience: Response from audience.
process you want them to undergo. So, if you were to
x or y or z, where x, y and z equals the process you Ross: Exactly. I'm not really doing it. Yes.
want them to undergo. So, let's say we wanted a
Audience: I was watching a movie the other night,
woman to get very aroused and feel horny, how
Indecent Proposal, and Robert Redford said
would we use this? Someone take a stab at it. Yes Sir.
something along the lines of "Suppose, for example, I
Audience: You'd probably say, "If you were to get were to offer you a million dollars" to the woman he
very aroused and horny ...” wanted.
Ross: Right. Exactly. That simple. Now, we're going to Ross: Yeah. Exactly. He wanted to sleep with the
put some changes in there, we're not going to, you woman, he said, "Suppose I were to ... if I were to
now, you understand, but that's how you do it. So, offer you a million dollars" It's not like he really was.
here's what you do, here's how this works. You think One of the things that "if I were to" allows you to do
to yourself, "What is the process I want them to is it allows you to test a person's boundaries. ”If I
undergo, " and you write that process out, so "feel were to say to you I want to tongue your beaver till
real horny, become totally fascinated.” "If you were to you scream for mercy, would you beg me to start or
become totally fascinated with a person, would you would you run away?"
act on it right away, or would you let that urge build
Audience: Laughter
and build and build?"
Ross: Okay, it's like, I didn't say that. Now, you can
Audience: (Laughter) Ross: Okay? Okay, if you were
put it in quotes. You can go "I can't believe how rude
to x or y or z. . Now, am I actually telling you to say x
some men are.” A guy walked up to a woman in a bar
or y or z?
and said, "If I were to tongue your beaver till you
Audience: No. scream for mercy" or "If I were to say to you I want to
tongue your beaver till you scream for mercy, would
Ross: What are x or y or z represent?
you run away or open your legs and go ‘Get going,
Audience: Processes big boy. ’"
Ross: Someone's going to yell, "Why can't it be a, b, c Audience: Laughter.

Ross: So, with any of these, you can put them in pissing on a sacred obligation. Yes sir. I'm not kidding
quotes. You can, I'm serious. You can put it in quotes about that.
and say, "I can't believe what someone said. I was in a
Audience: Talking about testing, do you test with,
bar and this person said" So, you can put it all in
when I began with Yodi, if you were to say, "Would
quotes. Now, what's the purpose of quotes?
you like to come with me" or hear, do you like look for
Remember what I said. Ask yourself what is the tool
an unconscious response or?
designed to do? What is the tool designed to do?
What's the purpose of quotes? If you put something Ross: Okay, let's talk about something. I understand
in quotes, what does it let you do? what you're asking, but the most important thing
about what you're asking is something else. You said,
Audience: Distances yourself
he talking about phonetic ambiguity, which we'll get
Ross: It distances yourself from it, cause you're not to. Everything in a sense is a test if you're observing
saying it. What else does it let you do? for your response. If you're focused on the other
person, watching for a response, anything you do is a
Audience: Response from audience
test. Do you understand?
Ross: It lets you test boundaries, it lets you test to
Audience: Yes
see if someone's ready. So, you're there having coffee
and everything and you go, "You know, I know some Ross: But, you said something unconscious
crude man at this point in the evening will look at you response. That's jargon. One thing I want to steer you
and say 'I'd like to bang you till your head gets a welt away from is jargon, okay? I know, there are people
on top of it right now. ’" You know, forgive me. who are looking at the 89 non-linear variables that
make up NLP. I'm going, "What the fuck you talking
Audience: Laughter
about? Take an enema and try again.” Okay?
Ross: "Can you believe, can you imagine doing that Audience: Laughter.
kind of thing all night long?"
Ross: Unconscious response, you know, just implies
Audience: Laughter that you're not getting this. I want a response that's
so strong you can be Helen Keller and see it. Okay?
Ross: And if you see her go, if you see her go
All this stuff about "Watching for unconscious
(showing audience),
responses by looking at it, what if the, you have to
Audience: Laughter look at the third quadrant of the upper eye to see if it
shifts color a little bit.” Well, if you have to look that
Ross: That's You say, "You know, I have to go look at
hard, start again and try to generate a more powerful
apartments. Would you like to come with me?" and
response. Okay? Yes. But, watching for responses,
then take her back to yours, okay?
unconscious or otherwise, is the most important
Audience: Laughter thing. We're going to give you an exercise to do later
in getting that. Okay? So, "If you were to, it's too bad
Ross: But, I'm serious. But if you see her going,
you can't, if I were to". Let's go through some more of
"Uh-huh" you know, then you know, "Of course, I
these. Thank you, Yates, by the way, for getting that
know a woman with class like you requires a much
for me. You having fun so far?
gentler approach.” Okay. So, what are quotes.
Everything I show you, the key to getting it and to Audience: Yes
remembering it is understanding what it's designed to
Ross: Oh, I like this. I like this one. I like this one.
do. So, what are quotes designed to do? Say it with
”You really shouldn't ...” Well, what does "You really
shouldn't ...” imply?
Audience: Distance yourself
Audience: That she's going to
Ross: And
Ross: It means you're going to. Okay? I don't say to
Audience: Test boundaries you, "You really shouldn't go kick a polar bear in the
nuts" cause you're not going to do it. Okay? But
Ross: Who doesn't understand? If you don't, please
when I say "You really shouldn't feel that growing
stop and I'll go over it until you get it. Or I'll ridicule
sense of attraction now", I'm implying that it's going
you till you shut up. No, I wouldn't do that. I really
to happen and she mustn't let it happen, so therefore
wouldn't. I don't do that, I don't teach that way. I
she's going to. This works really well with women I
despise people who teach that way, I think they're

call polarity responders, women who think the whether it will help you learn tremendously more or
opposite of everything you say. So, what you do is just a hell of a lot more.” But it's a good thing to know
you tell them what you don't want them to do and, in that you can take on that mindset, isn't it? Okay. So,
fact, that's what you do want them to do, so they do I'm just, I'm playing with the languaging there. You
it, cause you told them not to do it. Yes sir. see how it works?
Audience: Is it also kind of like the challenge aspect? Audience: Yes. That was a good one - I don't know
whether ...
Ross: Yes, again it's a challenge.
Ross: Yeah, "I don't know whether ...” that's another
Audience: Too bad you can't
good weasel phrase. ”I don't know whether ...” and
Ross: Any time you structure an opportunity or offer then you describe what, then what you do with that
a challenge, you know you're on the right track. one, you describe two choices, both of which make
Remember we talked about trains? You want them on you win. Heads I win, tails you lose. Okay? "I don't
that track. Otherwise, you're going to get run over. know whether you'll surrender to me completely by
Okay? Here's another good one: "I invite you to the end of the evening or you'll just give yourself to
notice ... I invite you to notice" What does that me with total, wild abandon.” Okay? Now, you
imply? It implies that whatever you mention after that wouldn't just say that right up front, although you
is going to happen. ”I invite you to notice what it's could if you were blatant enough. One of things I
like, as that sense of rapport between us grows want to tell you, by the way, is the more humorous
deeper and deeper" Okay? Another one is "Find you are, the more blatant you can be. The more
yourself " What does it mean to find yourself doing playful you are, the more blatant you can be. I'm
something? It means it's going to happen. Okay? "It's unbelievably blatant with this stuff. Women say,
not important to find yourself growing really attracted "What do you do?" I used to hide it. But, do you
to me as the evening wears on.” You get it? These are know what I tell them now? I say, "I teach hypnosis
just the little pieces of the languaging that you are and seduction. I teach men the difference between
going to see over and over and over again. Now, the getting a woman to submit and getting a woman to
way to learn these things is to put them on flash surrender.” And you know what I see then? I see,
cards. Put them on flash cards and create your own "Oooh"
set of commands by going through them and going,
Audience: Laughter
for each one create, think of the state you want to put
her in and then go through these and attach it to each Ross: "Really? Tell me more.” "Well, step this way.”
one of them. I don't want to spend too much time on And then I go right into it. I'll go, "Let me give you an
this. Another really good one is "Have you ever ... example the kind of thing I teach men to say. Boom"
have you ever felt that sense of incredible It's a rough job. Someone's got to do it
connection.” When you say, "have you ever" what is
Audience: Laughter. What did you used to tell
that really doing? "Have you ever" sounds like a
women before you told them the truth?
question, but it's not. It's actually a command to go
inside your imagination and remember a time when Ross: "Ah, well, you know, teach hypnosis, " which
you did. If I say to you, what's your name sir? is slightly true, "I teach NLP or I design nuclear
Audience: Dave
Audience: Laughter
Ross: Dave, if I said, "Dave, I want you to feel that I'm
the most fascinating teacher that you've ever met and Ross: I was in a strip club in Las Vegas in a very pissy
you have to pay close attention and absorb mood. I didn't want to go there, but my friend wanted
everything I teach" you're going to go, "Well, that's to seduce a stripper who works there. He gave me
nice.” But if I said, "Have you ever met someone who some money, said "Buy some dances and just sit
is very influential in your life, someone who really there.” I was pissed off so. The stripper comes up to
opened your mind to a new direction and really got me and goes, "Hi, honey, where are you in town
you thinking in a powerful way.” You know, as you're from?" I said, "Los Alamos.” She said, "Oh, where's
remembering what that was like as I talked to you, as that?" I said, "Oh, it's up north.” "Well, what do you
you allow that state of mind to really grow and take do, honey? You a lawyer?" I go, "No, I build nuclear
over your consciousness. If I were to say to you, weapons.” And then I looked at her and said, "You
"just continue to allow that sense of absolute think you're bad, don't you?" I said, "You think you
fascination to grow as we talk together, I don't know do naughty, naughty bad things for a living. You

think you should be ashamed of some of the things Audience: Incredible lust
you do, don't you? But you don't know what real
Ross: Incredible lust. Name some more.
shame is. You don't know what bad is.”
Audience: Intrigue
Audience: Laughter
Ross: Intrigue
Ross: "Bad is when you make something that could
kill millions of people, turn them into vapor in a Audience: Curiosity
heartbeat.” And she's like, "Ahahahahah.” I said,
Ross: By the way, what's the difference between
Audience: Laughter someone's who's interesting and someone's who's
Ross: I said, I said, "You see that table that's right
between us?" She went, "Yeah.” I said, "I built one Audience: Response from audience
the size of that table that would turn the state of
Ross: That's a very good principle for constructing
Nevada into glass and every person in it into wisps of
patterns. We'll talk about that later, the contrast
vapor.” And she went, "Ahahahahah.”
principle. What's the difference between one thing
Audience: Laughter and another? Okay.
Ross: "You want a lap dance?" Audience: An ongoing creativity of what could we do
Audience: Laughter. So, did she charge you for the
lap dance? Laughter Ross: Ooh, so you want that mindset of her thinking,
"Ooo, what could I do with this guy?" Very good.
Ross: Ah, gee, oh golly, my. So, more weasel phrases.
Notice what, did we do "Notice what it's like"? I think Audience: Response from audience
we did.
Ross: Okay. Now, some of you said oral fixation, lust.
Audience: Yes The problem is, those are not the right things to aim at
right away, unless you're with a stripper. Okay?
Ross: So, these are some of the basic building blocks
of what make up patterns. And the best way to drill in Audience: Laughter
this is to, again, go through the flash cards, make up
Ross: I'm serious. Strippers you can aim at that right
your own flash cards, take each weasel phrase, first
away, but for most sane, healthy, balanced women,
thing you do is you write down some of the states,
for both of those women, the thing is this,
what are some of the states? Let's think about this.
Let's say, think of some woman who you'd really like Audience: laughter
to sleep with. It can be someone you know, could be a
Ross: You're half of it, you're half of it, keep ... I'm
movie star, a TV actress, except Nev Campbell, leave
teasing. For most women, that's not the thing to aim at
her alone.
first, and I'll tell you why. Cause it's just too
Audience: Laughter overwhelming. Here's the thing about speed
seduction you want to get. Speed seduction requires
Ross: She's mine, mine, mine, all mine.
you do things in the proper sequence or order. How
Audience: Laughter many people here have ever baked a cake or watched
a cake or eaten a cake that's been baked?
Ross: Or that contract doesn't get signed, signed,
signed. No, I'm teasing. Okay. So, imagine some Audience: laughter
woman you'd really like to be with. You're going to get
Ross: You want to ... For those of you heard trainers,
your shot. You're going to get an hour alone with her
universal experiences, you know.
to talk to her. What are some of the states of mind
you want her to experience? Audience: Laughter
Audience: Fascination, connection Ross: And just keep testing till you get one. How do
you know? "Well, I didn't calibrate their unconscious
Ross: Fascination, connection. What else?
...” You know, there's so much mythology and bullshit
Audience: Oral fixation in NLP, it's just remarkable. Oh, Lord help me to do
this job. Anyway. I'm serious, I pray before I teach
Ross: Oral fixation? That's ...
these classes, I do. I really do. It's a gargantuan task.

How many people here have had NLP training, by the imagination. Okay? And the thing is this. When a
way? We will do our best to help you get past that woman says to you, "I think you're a nice guy" what
handicap. I'm serious. Okay, so, where was I? she's saying is "I can't experience anything around
you except casual comfort and enjoyment.” Is that
Audience: Responses from audience
correct Brother Amy, essentially? She's nodding her
Ross: Okay. You want to do things in the right pretty head yes. Okay? Now, understand something.
sequence. For most women, you want to start out by This is very profound. If you get this, it's a really big
creating a state of incredible comfort and connection piece. I'm talking about a huge piece that will do you a
and fascination. Incredible comfort, fascination and world of good.
connection are the states you want to start with.
Audience: laughter
Why? Because that lays, haha, yeah, a sexual
metaphor you're using, Ross, it lays the foundation, Ross: I want to erect a new structure for you to pay
the groundwork for everything else you want to attention to, okay? Cause, I really want you guys to
insert, I mean everything else you want to do. Okay? move in a new direction and the thing about new
Now, how many here are self-styled nice guys? How directions, magnificent new directions, is this. You've
many people have ever been told by a woman, really got to grab hold of them, take them in as far and
"You're a nice guy"? When she's saying you're a nice as deep as they'll go, join with them, make them part
guy, what does that really mean? of who you are. You understand?
Audience: Responses and laughter Audience: Yes
Ross: Please don't say fuck in here, say bang, bump Ross: All right, good.
uglies, screw, make, do the groan up.
Audience: Response and laughter from audience.
Audience: Response from audience
Ross: Okay. The thing is this, is if the only ... Let's say
Ross: That's good. you're a really great looking guy. Let's say you
happen to have the exact fact and body she likes,
Audience: Response from audience
okay? What response will she have when you walk
Ross: Well, what it really means, that's partially what into the room?
it means, but also what it means is, look, translated
Audience: Response from audience
from the female languaging, what it means is, "look,
the only thing I feel around you is casual comfort and Ross: She'll feel some physical sensations in her
enjoyment and that's all I reel around you.” That's body. You get one of the four doorways. Which of
what she's really, the report that she's giving you with the four door-ways do you get by virtue of the fact
her feelings is that. It's very important to take your that you're a really good-looking guy? Do you get
attention off what you want, off your own desire and deep emotional connections?
pay attention to how she's responding with her
Audience: Responses from audience
imagination and her feelings, her imagination and her
emotions. Ask yourself the question, don't ask, "How Ross: Do you get, right, you get body sensations.
can I get into her pants" and don't think, "Oh my God, She feels that little buzz, you know, and maybe the
my pink torpedo is ready to sail home.” little man in the boat starts to rock a little bit.
Audience: laughter Audience. laughter
Ross: Instead, pay attention to the right thing. Ross: For those of you who don't know what I mean,
Remember the guy who was looking at the we have a remedial class to teach ...
instruments instead of at the road and he crashed in
Audience: laughter
the story I told?
Ross: Okay? So. Okay, so, the thing is this, is, when
Audience: Yes
she tells you you're a nice guy what she's really
Ross: Okay. Forget about the fact that that person saying is she's giving you a report on her state of
has something you really want and instead, pay mind when she's around you. Do you get it? So, what
attention to the structures in their mind that you can you want to learn to do is create deeper states than
use to lead them where you want them to go and that that. You want to learn to create states of feeling
implies that you're paying attention to them. Watch totally comfortable like she's known you forever, like
how they're responding with their emotions and their she's meant to know you, and feeling totally

fascinated, feeling completely connected. Why? defeated. But surrender, surrender is when she sighs
What does that open her up to fe el next? that sigh of relief because she's finally come home.
She's come home to someone who's mature enough to
Audience: Deeper emotions
see the woman that she is, experienced enough to see
Ross: Deeper emotions and ... the woman who's emerging and strong enough to
make her feel totally protected as he takes his
Audience: Body sensations
pleasure with her and leads her in a completely new
Ross: Body sensations and it gets her visualizing, direction. Do you understand?
okay? Here's the sad thing. Men have sexually
Audience: Yes Ross: So that's what I want to show
repressed women. Men have taught women through
you - how to be that kind of man. Cause when you're
enculturation that's it's not right or okay for women to
that kind of man, ... Yes?
have sexual feelings simply cause they're sexual
creatures. And now we're paying the price. The price Audience: Response from audience
we're paying is we have to create all those things first
Ross: Yeah, he was going "Mm hmm"
for them to do the ugly with us. Okay? Do you get it?
Audience: Laughter
Audience: Yes
Ross: Now, when you meet that kind of man and you
Ross: That’s our fault. When you oppress it comes
know, ...
back to haunt you. Now we have to fix the problem by
giving them what they think they need first. But that Audience: laughter
can be done without flowers, gifts, candy, dates. It
Ross: Have you ever wanted something really badly
can be done through your language. Do you get it?
and you just couldn't get it and suddenly it gets
Audience: Yes closer and closer and closer
Ross: Okay, so. That's what we're going to aim at. So, Audience: Laughter
the first kind of state you want to aim at, unless you're
Ross: I'm not going to play with her because she's my
dealing with a stripper, now when you're dealing with
guest. I promised I wouldn't.
a stripper, they don't, in their mindset, in their model
of the world, there is no such thing as an emotional Audience: Laughter
connection. To them, connections have to do with
Ross: It's hard to cross your fingers with these great
excitement and the next thrill ride. That's what you
big rings. Okay? Does this make sense?
have to offer them. If you talk to stripper about
incredible connections she'll look at you like you're
speaking Greek. She won't get it. But for, outside of
that, generally speaking, you want to create states of
fascination and connection. Yes.
Audience: It seems that when somebody tells you
you're a nice guy, they're saying also you're not
threatening, and to what extent do you think that
having some element of danger or mystery is
important to also opening up ...
Ross: It is important. It is important. But look, what if,
what if you could have danger and mystery without
being an idiot? What if you could have danger and
mystery without being a bully? That's what I want to
teach you how to do. Cause here's the thing. If you
can make a woman on the one hand feel totally safe,
totally comfortable, and on the other hand feel totally,
wildly passionate, you're going to get quite a ride.
Okay? And this is part of the difference between
submission and surrender. Submission implies she's
been broken, she's been beaten, someone's broken
her will, someone's got power over her, she's been

Tape 2 – Side 1 videotapes - you'll see it on there. It's when you talk
about how you can feel that wonderful connection
right (pause) there. And the finger goes right to her
Yates: This is Side 3 of the Ross Jeffries Speed solar plexus and what you have to do is, you have to
Seduction Seminar look at your finger. They will follow where you're
looking. So you don't go right there, you look at your
finger, you go right (pause) there. And this is where
Ross: This is Brother John. Give him a big hand. they feel the connection. Yeah. So she melted.

Audience: Applause Audience: Response from audience

Ross: What I'll be doing is interrupting from time to Ross: Yeah, you can tell ... And here's the thing. This
time to show you what he used, so this isn't just an is also what I call they think they're, you're about to
entertaining story. Go ahead Brother John. touch their breasts, so imagine he's a chick, with,
these are boobs, so you go right (pause) then they're
Brother John: Well, I kinda tried to distance myself going, you'll see their chest start to heave like, "Is he
from looking like I'm doing patterns. I do do patterns, going to touch my tits?" And then you go, go ahhh,
but they usually don't show because they're not a full the relief.
pattern. Not like this pattern or that pattern. Just
throwing little elements here and there, you'll be Audience: Laughter
surprised at the results you'll get. Ross: Go ahead. Yes, Chris.
Ross: Well, you had a recent success that you Chris: What do you say right before the finger point?
shared, right, on the list. Is that correct? Was that
you? Ross: You know, my sense, my sense about you is
when you feel a connection with someone, you feel it
Brother John: Oh, the Italian girl. right (pause), they go, "Oh my god, he's going to
Ross: Yeah, talk about her. touch my tits.” Yeah, oh, it's what I call the intrusion
principle. You intrude just a little bit. Go ahead. So
Brother John: Well, we were walking down the streets what happened?
of Florence and, we saw this guy and a girl. They
were trying to pick people up to go to this bar that Brother John: Just doing this brings on the
was sort of an American sports bar. So, ah, I was Ross: So what happened to her? So what happened
there with three friends, or two friends, there was with her?
three of us, and we decided to go. She was gorgeous,
dark hair, beautiful eyes, um. So we decided that's Brother John: Urn, well, you know, we talked awhile,
where we're going to go. So we went in and there's uh, she didn't have a boyfriend, 22, uh, fascinated by
nobody else in this place, just her and the owner. And blond guys. She said that that's, that was common
my friends were just hitting on her left and right, there because there's not so many blondes. So that
telling her she's beautiful, telling her everything they made it kind of fun. It was like being on the other end
thought she wanted to hear, and that wasn't it. She of the stick.
wanted more. She wanted to know that there was Ross: Come one, let's get to the details, talking about
something else because she thought she looked like the end of the stick.
every other Italian girl. And she kind of did -long,
long dark hair. So, uh, did the finger-point thing. That Audience: Laughter
is great, that is surprising and she just melted. Her Brother John: Hey, I was only in Florence two days. I
eyes rolled up into her head and ... my friends were got a great kiss out of it, got her, got her address and
looking at ... phone number, we've been talking, she's been
Ross: That's a yes signal, by the way. That's a good correcting my Italian.
one. Ross: Okay, good. Okay. Are there any more juicy
Audience: Laughter stories? Didn't you have more juicy stories than that?

Ross: The finger-point thing, by the way, is when Brother John: That was my favorite cause she was
you, is when you, for those of you at home, you have absolutely gorgeous.
to, you have to imagine this at home, Buy the Ross: Ah, cool, okay. You don't want to tell the other

stories? Brother Dan: Did you just have a bad experience?
Brother John: No, not on tape. Ross: So, what was the question you asked yourself,
Audience: laughter
Brother Dan: What can I notice about them?
Ross: Not on tape, okay, so he's going to be
conservative. Brother Danny, you come up. Okay. Ross: Yeah. What can I notice that I can use? Yeah.
Brother Dan. How old are you Brother Dan? What can I notice that I can. This isn't rocket science,
it's pretty simple. Now, notice what he didn't do. He
Brother Dan: 41
didn't look and go, "Oh my god, look at that fucking
Ross: And how old is your girlfriend? ass. I can just imagine when I'm sticking my tongue so
deep in there that I'm massaging her inner, you know,
Brother Dan: 20
her small intestine, um urn um.” He didn't pay
Ross: But she just turned 20? attention to his feelings of lust and the other side of
the cover he didn't go into "Oh my god, look at them.
Audience: Yeah
They're only 19 years old and I'm a 40-year-old fart. I'll
Brother Dan: She just turned 20. never get my ...” He just, instead, he focused outside,
he put his attention out here. He said, "What can I
Ross: So, you used, you rogered her when she was?
notice that I can use?" Go ahead.
Brother Dan: 19
Brother Dan: So the next thing I did was I just, I sort
Ross: And you were how old? of reached into my side like this and I just said, "I've
got this light saber thing.” So I just went, you know
Brother Dan: 40
like the Jedi thing, and I went, buzzzz, and I threw her
Ross: But that's impossible - 40 year old men have to my hand and I just, we were walking down the street
spend six weeks of hanging out till they get a positive with these people talking. But I was bold and I
signal that she wants to talk to you. believed I could get away with it. I guess that was
something, my state was good. I had like a really
Audience: Laughter
powerful state. But I took that thing and swung it
Ross: Never mind. Go ahead, tell the story. over their heads, right, and I said, "Now don't you feel
Brother Dan: I saw these two really beautiful women
at this psychic fair and they were sisters. One was Audience: Laughter
very attractive and the other one was not so
Ross: And what did they say?
attractive. So, I'm watching them and as they're
leaving, they're complaining and they're at the desk Brother Dan: Oh, they said, "Yeah, I feel better.”
trying to get their money back. And they're very Then, especially the really pretty 19 year old one that,
upset about it. So, I kind of just walked close to them you know, had had the experience and she was
as they were leaving the psychic fair. And I just smiling and laughing.
walked up and I say, "Well, what am I going to say to
Ross: That's called the light saber pickup. Now, you're
them that, you know, will catch their interest?" So, I
going to go, "Excuse me, mroing.”
said, "So you're just at the psychic fair?" and I said,
"Did you just have a bad experience?" cause, and Audience: Laughter
they're going, "Well, yeah, we did.” So I said, "Well,
Ross: There's something called context. Put it in the
what am I going to do here?" So I went up to them
right context. He noticed they were having bad
and I said, "Well, you very, very lucky because I have
thoughts and images in their minds, so he went zoom.
a magical cure for that.” And I was thinking of this, so
Cut them right off. Now, notice when he said he had a
we're walking down the street, side by side,
bold attitude. The bolder and more outrageous you
Ross: Stop. So, what's his formula? His first formula are, the better you can do with this. People want to be
is, I want you, this is why I interrupt. I interrupt to led. People are also hypnosis machines, if you know
give you what he's doing. First of all, he observes how to lead them properly. Go ahead. And you were
what's going on. Then he says, he goes into his playful, too.
intuition and then you said, what was the question
Brother Dan: Yeah, I was very playful. I ...
you asked yourself?
Ross: Were you lustful?

Brother Dan: I, she was, when I saw her standing with Brother Dan: You know, where you loop it around,
her back to me at the counter, her, she had the, a that sort of thing, and getting amazing responses from
pouty, kind of round butt thing. them, like they were trancing right out where they
Ross: Yeah.
Ross: How could you tell they were trancing?
Brother Dan: I was a little bit lustful. But, I managed to
put that in its place so that I could enjoy it later. Brother Dan: They weren't saying anything, they had
that, their eyes were fixed on me, and they weren't
Ross: Did you hear what he said? That's profound.
blinking very much. They were just there.
Say it again. You managed to what?
Ross: Now. Did you have to look real closely to see
Brother Dan: I managed to put that lust in its place ...
it? Did you have to put yourself in a super-attenuated
Ross: So you could what? state of super observation and look at the little twitch
in the lower lip?
Brother Dan: Enjoy it later.
Brother Dan: No.
Ross: Right. If you pay attention to your own desire
you will erect a barrier, I'm serious, between you and Ross: No.
her. You see, if you view people as a task that you
Brother Dan: When somebody's, when somebody's
must complete, you'll break all rapport and they'll
resent you. Go ahead.
Ross: Major Mark.
Brother Dan: So, we just continued walking down the
street and I had their attention and I was dropping in Audience: Applause
weasel phrases and some trance words and I had their
Ross: Mark, Mark, Mark, Mark, Mark, Mark, Mark,
attention for probably three or four blocks, and, but
Mark, Mark, Mark.
then we realized that we were going nowhere. Right?
But they were entranced Audience: Applause
Ross: What do you mean you realized you were going Ross: Now the gang's all here. Hi, buddy.
nowhere? You were walking nowhere?
Mark: Yeah, how you doing?
Brother Dan: We were just walking
Ross: He cut short his honeymoon to be here. How
Ross: Ah do you like that?
Brother Dan: and Audience: Responses from audience.
Ross: Right Ross: Go ahead.
Brother Dan: and directing, so I said, "Why don't we“ Brother Dan: So, I mean, you realize it very, very
quickly because people don't usually like, you know,
Ross: Wait a minute. You had two women there and
Amy, when we were talking at lunch last year? I mean,
you were doing with both of them? "I thought that's
you know when somebody's going there. Their eyes
an insoluble problem. What if there are two girls there.
defocus and they, when it's profound, I mean, you see
One of them is going to try and get in the way, and ...
it instantly and they just stop talking. They, and they
I can't do this in front two women.” Yeah. Go ahead.
really pay attention. So, then
Brother Dan: So I said, "Let's go, why don't we go for
Ross: Then what did you do?
coffee?" So we walked another couple of blocks and
went for coffee. And, at that point, I was running Brother Dan: Ah,
patterns on them, I was doing the blow job, I was
Ross: So, what is he doing? He's constantly focusing
doing anchoring, I was doing all these things, and
outside, watching them. External focus. Go ahead.
Ross: Which we'll show you all.
Brother Dan: That little coffee thing ended up taking
Brother Dan: Particularly with the, with the younger about 2 hours. Ross: Two hours, wow.
one, you know, I was doing anchoring till like, a really
Brother Dan: And they were just, they were, they
great feeling,
were gone and I said, "Well, you know, it was time for
Ross: Right. us to go home now, blah, blah, blah.” So, I drive them

both home and I said, "You know, " year olds?
Ross: How old was the older one, by the way? Audience: Laughter.
Brother Dan: 25. Brother Dan: It was like a cigar, it was like a martini
Ross: Ahhhhh.
Ross: No hard core _____ . Go ahead.
Audience: Laughter and response from audience
Brother Dan: So, I said, "Sure, why not.” So, I'm ...
Brother Dan: So I said, "You know, " I did a negation
thing, I said, "It's really too bad that we won't have Ross: I must admire
another opportunity ...”
Brother Dan: So, I go there to pick them up and,
Ross: It's too bad that we don't, we won't have surprise, surprise. One of them's not there. Guess
another opportunity to connect. So what did he do? which one?
Did he say, "I'd really like to see you girls again"? He
Ross: The 25 year old wasn't there.
offered a challenge. What did I say to you? Structure
opportunities or offer challenges. So he said, the exact Brother Dan: That's right. And, the other one ...
language was, "It's too bad
Ross: Her parakeet had an existential crisis, see?
Brother Dan: It's too bad we won't have another
Audience: Laughter.
opportunity like this to get together or something like
that. Brother Dan: Well, actually, she had gone ahead and
her sister was waiting for her, but she was really
Ross: Right. It's too bad we won't have another
excited and enthusiastic. So, we get, we get to this
opportunity to get together like this again. Now what
bar, we park and we're walking along the street, and,
in the mind of any woman is that going to cause her
for some reason, I just put my arm out like this and I
to do?
said, "You know, I don't know, people are going to
Audience: Response from audience start thinking that there's more going on here, you
know, if they see us together like this.” _____ goes
Ross: Oh yes we will.
Brother Dan: They said, "We want your number. We
Ross: Yeah, _____ which is good, a very good boy.
want to talk to you again.”
Audience: Laughter.
Ross: Okay.
Brother Dan: And we're just ...
Brother Dan: So, about two weeks lapses.
Ross: Very good.
Ross: Now, he could've blown it. He could have said,
"Well, you know, you girls, you girls are so great, Brother Dan: And she's smiling and laughing, you
now I'd really like to talk to you again, and" know, and, she's like, cause she's getting into it. We
walk in, we sit down, and this was the clincher. What I
Brother Dan: About two weeks lapses and I get this
did, was I, I think it was kind of like part of the bj
phone call.
Ross: So, you didn't hear from them for two weeks?
Ross: Yeah. Blow Job pattern. Thank you.
Brother Dan: Well, we were supposed to get together
Brother Dan: And, you know, I said something about
a week later. They got, one of them got the flu and
chocolate, and I said, "You know what I especially
like? Is when I take that chocolate ...
Ross: Yeah, that happens. By the way, that kind of
Ross: Stop. He's describing his own experience. What
thing does happen.
did I say? Stories and descriptions. By describing his
Brother Dan: So, about two weeks later they phoned own experience, was does it allow her to do?
me up, on like a Wednesday and they say, "There's
Audience: Response from audience
this birthday party and we'd like you to come to it,
you know. A friend of ours is having a birthday, so Ross: She can imagine for herself, she doesn't have to
come to this, it was like ...” resist it, it's not about her. Go ahead.
Ross: Where you can meet other 18 and 19 and 20 Brother Dan: So, I said, "You know what I really love

to do? Is I like to take some of that chocolate that isn't and you go first.
just too sweet and put it in my mouth and then I like
Brother Dan: And I remember really clearly what I
to take a sip of really wonderful red wine and mix
said. I said, "Isn't it interesting ...”
those flavors together inside my mouth.” And then I
go, "You know, and I'm sure and you can't imagine.” Ross: Isn't it interesting.
And she says, "I love to do that, too.”
Brother Dan: "how you can feel totally safe here in
Audience: Laughter this ...” And this is a place where they metal
detectors, okay. It was very alternative place, right?
Brother Dan: But I'm telling you, the way I described
it, and I'm not going into all the details, the pattern Audience: Laughter
and stuff
Brother Dan: And it ...
Ross: Right.
Ross: I should, we should get some of those.
Brother Dan: But, I mean, at this point she's going,
Brother Dan: Just when you're, and when you're
"Don't do this to me, not here. Okay?"
together with someone, it feels like everybody else is
Ross: Don't do this to me? Not here. just out there and you're almost here on your own
with me. And, it really was like you could feel really
Audience: Laughter
comfortable, like, I don't know if you've ever been into
Brother Dan: What is she trying to tell me? Do this to a bar where there's lots of people drinking, and,
me, but not here.
Ross: Yeah.
Ross: What is she saying? Take me where we can be
Brother Dan: And loud and things like that. And it
alone. So what happened then? By the way, that's a
really just didn't matter. The rest of it was outside of
green light. Go ahead.
our experience at that point in time.
Audience: Laughter
Ross: What did he do? He disappeared the world and
Brother Dan: So anyway, we, we went out dancing to made it just her and him together in that special place
a club and she'd go, I mean at this point we did, I did where they can explore anything that they can make ...
some safety things with her and she goes ...
Brother Dan: And feel safe.
Ross: Whoa. Would you explain your thinking behind
Ross: And feel safe doing it. He disappeared the
that? Why did you do safety things with her?
world for her. You ever heard of those songs, listen to
Brother Dan: Well, safety's really important, I mean, love songs. When you're, you disappear the world for
there's, you know, women are, can be quite fearful me, and all that other bullshit.
about their safety and the type of person that,
Audience: Laughter
especially if they've just met them and talked with
them for 2 hours. That's not a long time. You know, Brother Dan: So, you know, we went there, danced a
so, you want to make them feel comfortable so that little bit. She was getting very, very provocative with
they can open up to more exciting adventures. And, her dancing.
so we went to this club and it was interesting because
Ross: Oh? What does that mean?
it was like the rest of the people in the club
disappeared and I said, ... Brother Dan: I don't know. It was another green light?
Ross: For whom? Who were the rest of the people? Ross: How was she being provocative?
Brother Dan: For both of us, because I went, I _____ , Brother Dan: Urn, you know, she was like, arms up in
I go right there with them all the time. the air, lots of hip action ...
Ross: Listen to what he just said. Say it again. Ross: Yeah, yeah. Okay.
Brother Dan: I go right there with them every time. Brother Dan: You know, it being very
Ross: One of the keys to leading someone into a state Ross: Someone give me a towel. Go ahead.
to experience some of that state for yourself. Now, I
Audience: Laughter
didn't say experience it fully cause then you might
lose some control, but experience some it for yourself, Brother Dan: So we go to a, after that all ends, we go

to a friend's place for pizza and, you know, that's Brother Dan: This really works.
when I spent, you remember you told me you'd slap
Ross: She's like ...
my hands for that? I spent like $3 and $5 for the pizza
or something. Audience: Laughter
Ross: How much did you spend? Ross: Ross wasn't lying.
Brother Dan: It was, I think the whole evening was Brother Dan: We poured some wine and I did some
about $5 or $6 cause we bought drinks. I know, I
Ross: By the way, hang on just a second.
Brother Dan: And then I used some of the gates, you
Ross: You spent $5 to have beautiful 19 year old
know. ”We really shouldn't be moving too fast, da da
goddess fall in love with you and ...
da da.” So that I really distanced it from myself. The
Brother Dan: They bought me drinks and I bought next thing I know,
them drinks and then, I threw in some, like, pizza or
Ross: Slow down. Negation is, you say, you really
whatever it was. It was under $ 10. And so, you know,
shouldn't be doing this, it's not important for you to
we get to the evening and I think I did a few more
feel this, we can't do this. What are you doing?
patterns with her. She sat down with me. The, the next
thing that happened, she says, "It's time to go.” You're taking all the resistance she would voice and
Right. you're voicing it for her, so she doesn't have to, and
you can both push it out-of the way. Go ahead.
Ross: It's time to go.
Brother Dan: At that point, she puts her hand in my
Audience: Laughter
hand, and leads me upstairs, and ...
Brother Dan: And we were the first ones to leave ...
Ross: She leads you upstairs in your house?
Ross: She's a 19 year old girl getting aggressive with a
Brother Dan: Yes.
40-year-old man.
Ross: How did she even know where the bedroom.
Brother Dan: And so, and we go, and I said, "You
know, " I did something like, you know, I asked her, Audience: Laughter
you know, where would she feel comfortable about
Ross: She's done this before.
going with me, right? And she says, "Well, let's go
back to your place.” We go back to my place and ... Audience: laughter.
Ross: Now, more green lights. Not "Oh, you know, I Brother Dan: To be honest with you, she was not
have to get up early for work tomorrow.” All those very experienced. This was only her second time.
mechanisms are now working in his favor.
Ross: Okay. But she took you upstairs.
Brother Dan: Yeah. And I did lots of, some things on
Audience: _____ sixth sense.
the way home to sort of build it just gradually. We get
home. I did not ask for anything. And, remember, you Ross: She took you upstairs and what happened
said, Ross says that ... then? (Heavy breathing)
Ross: Say it again. Audience: Laughter
Brother Dan: I did not ask for anything. Brother Dan: And, we made, you know, we
Ross: When you ask, you're supplicating. Go ahead. Ross: Was she aggressive when she took you
upstairs? Did she jump on you?
Brother Dan: Ross says if you have to ask, you're
doing it wrong. Brother Dan: She was, no, she was very, she, I mean,
she let me lead after that.
Ross: Right.
Ross: Okay. Those are green lights, you know. So.
Brother Dan: Right? So, you know, we're there and, I
think I poured some wine, and ... Audience: Laughter
Ross: Were you at any point thinking to yourself, Brother Dan: And, you want to know what? I've got
"Jesus Christ, this really works!" to tell you, I mean, this person is still involved in my
life. And you know what? We have, she can, she just

loves the experiences I give her. She just goes, her, all with her more than anybody else ever has.
of her friends go, I mean, they accept me completely
Ross: Say it again.
as being a very good thing in her life cause I do a lot
of wonderful things, I give her, I do patterns with her Audience: He communicated and connected,
to improve her school, to get her focused on right
Ross: Not just that.
Audience: more than anybody else
Ross: Yeah, you don't do that till after they're sleeping
with you. Ross: He's communicated in ways that she
understands. Now to an outside observer who is
Brother Dan: Yeah.
watching the first night he was talking to those girls,
Audience: Laughter they would think he was a fucking lunatic. They
wouldn't get it, okay?
Brother Dan; So I give her lots of good things
Brother Dan: I had eyes closed, I bad them pointing to
Ross: Trust me. I'm not trying to be fecitious or
pictures, I had them moving pictures around, I had
sarcastic or ...
them zip anchor,
Brother Dan: Cause then you're her therapist ...
Ross: Now the fact, we'll, we'll
Ross: But then you're her therapist, and then, then
Brother Dan: People would've thought I was very
you don't get it.
Brother Dan: So I mean, just, just to add onto that, so
Ross: Now, now, now the fact that they were at a
I do a lot of really positive things with her. And what
psychic fair give you a clue that they're open to that
her girlfriends say is, and this is where, we're out at
kind of stuff. If you were going to like the skeptical
another birthday party this last week, they go, "They
inquirers meeting, you know,
want what she has.”
Audience: Laughter
Ross: Ohhhhh.
Ross: You might have, so you picked a good hunting
Audience: Laughter
ground whether you knew it or not, but the fact is, he
Brother Dan: I want what you and ... went at it with the right attitude, which is not "Oh, I've
got to make it work, but _____ Right?
Audience: Do you offer it?
Brother Dan: Exactly.
Audience: Laughter
Ross: I think you should give him a huge hand.
Brother Dan: I'm not going to use my name again, but
they, and I'm going, now, that's a, that's, that's really Audience: Applause
Ross: Now Ross: Microphone over there please. Could we get a
mike ... You can use my mike to answer, so, just talk
Brother Dan: that's a lot of ambiguity in there.
into my tit.
Ross: Now, has, is he hurting her, has he done
Audience: Laughter.
something terrible to her, has he tricked her or robbed
her of something? Ross: Yes.
Audience: No Audience: Someone asked, this may be jumping
forward a little bit, but at any point does she know
Ross: No, he's done something wonderful that no
that if you let on that you're doing any of these
snot-nosed 19 year old punk her age could ever give
patterns or have you informed her at all that you're
her. Yeah?
involved in this in any way?
Audience: Unless they've been trained by Ross.
Brother Dan: She knows that I do lots of mind things.
Ross: That's right. Thank you. I tell her that very, very clearly. I've done things with
her mom, we’re just talking about almost therapeutic
Audience: Laughter.
things for her mom, and she, when she tells me ...
Ross: What did it cost him? Five bucks.
Audience: laughter
Audience: He's communicated and he's connected

Brother Dan: I gave her mom hope at a Christmas Brother Dan: and get it taken care of.
party. I don't know how, I know exactly how I did that
Ross. - I don't want you to get into that. I want you to
cause I planned to do that, that was what I wanted to
stay out of the therapeutic mindset. This is. you
know' ...
Ross: You gave her mom hope? What did hope say
Brother Dan: Okay. But I do touch people wherever I
about it?
go and I like playing, with this stuff, and the more I
Audience: Laughter play with it. the better I get at it.
Brother Dan: Her mom ... Yeah, I know ... Her mom ... Ross: He like playing with it. I want, one of the things
we're going to be doing today is installing that playful
Ross: _____
attitude into you, getting you past the "Oh my god,
Brother Dan: Her mom was in a bad state, her mom while I ---------------" Get you past all that.
was in a bad state, and I did some change things with
Brother Dan: Ross, can I say one more thing?
her. But what she does is she goes, do you know,
you're amazing? And she goes you touch people Ross: That I'm great, I'm wonderful? Yeah, you may
wherever you go and the reason she says ... say that
Audience: Laughter Brother Dan: The one thing that, you know, that Ross
talks about in terms of dating and things like that ...
Brother Dan: You want to know what I tell her?
Seriously, seriously. What I did, I say, and I, and I Ross: _____
touched them deeply inside.
Audience: Laughter
Audience: Laughter.
Brother Dan: It is about choice. I was 39 years old. I
Brother Dan: You know, I go on and on had gone out and, I had gone out and through my life
I said, "If I get better, if I make more money, if I drive
Ross: He's not being, wait, you're not being ...
the right car, if I get the right degree, women will like
Brother Dan: But I do that, I really do that. me.” And I fall, I fell into the trap of more better. If I
get more better, I'm going to finally get the success
Ross: He's not being cynical, he means it, he means it.
with women I rightly deserve and so do you all. Do
Brother Dan: I don't know when, when we were at that you want to know what? I was really, I realized that
place, you know, that woman said, "You know, that game wasn't working and I came to Speed
remember we were by that shop in Hawaii?" and I Seduction by, by the greatest of good fortune. I'm
said, I walked up to her and I do use a lot of intuition, going to tell you that right now cause I've used it in
I mean that's something you're going to find as you business, used it in my personal life,
start to pay attention, intuition is just awareness of
Ross: It doesn't work for anything but getting laid.
things that are there that you just haven't paid
attention to yet, but you will. I said, "It looks like Brother Dan: And they shouldn't think that over and
you've got a back injury, right, or you have some ...” over again as they try to experiment with it every day
Remember she said that? She goes, "How did you for the rest of their lives.
know?" I go, well she's like, I could see her neck was
Ross: Yeah.
stiff and things like that. She thought I was psychic,
blah, blah, blah, and, you know, what do we do with Brother Dan: The thing that I want to tell you today - I
her? We connected with her and we got her past her have choice. I am not, I mean, how many people have
fear. Her fear was she had been to a chiropractor who been in a relationship where they say, "I don't know if
had screwed her neck up. And it had been screwed up I should get out of this because I don't know if I'll find
for a year and I said, what I did was, we did some anything better?" Well, what if you had the choice,
change work, _____ during the week ... what if you had the choice to go for more every time,
independent of how good things were today? You
Ross: Yeah.
had the choice. That is like one of the greatest gifts
Brother Dan: We moved some picture around where that I, that I've, I've got at this point in my life. It
she could have the courage to go out and find a would have been great that if I had, if I had it 20 years
proper chiropractor. Okay? ago, but I look at my life as being a whole new
adventure from today forward.
Ross: Okay, you don't want to ...

Ross: A whole new adventure. Now, here's the thing people for a living, I play with people for a living. And
is, is, no understand. He has choice about being a one research project I did was I was trying to figure
bully without being abusive, without exploiting out why the hell do so many romance novels sell. I
anyone, he has choice through doing wonderful mean, I don't know if you know this, but over half of
things for people, for making, for leading them into all books sold in North America today are romance
feeling things they could never feel before. So, no one novels. Now think about that. That's 51% as of last
loses when you do this. Everyone wins. That's the year. That means 49% of all books sold encompass,
really cool thing. are literature, politics, religion, all the forms of human
endeavor, 51% of all books sold are women's romantic
Audience: The first choice that he made was to
fantasies. Now, does this tell you something? Could
succeed because what mindset you described about
there be an unfulfilled yearning out there somewhere?
the more better, You were talking about, by definition
you can not win, because the condition for winning is Audience: Laughter.
you must get more, which means you're not there yet.
Major Mark: So, I said, I thought I'll find out all about
Is that true?
this, so I went out and I bought one, took it home, I
Brother Dan: It's the trap of more better. tried to read it. I got about five pages into it, I didn't
know what the fuck they were talking about.
Ross: Who benefits by that trap? The people who are
selling you the more better things. So they want to Ross: Laugh Major Mark: Okay? It was like, it's in
keep you in that mindset. I'm here to break you out of English but it's a different language. Okay. So I
it. So I'm fighting against however many years you've started trying to break the whole thing down because
been our culture exposed to this, but in three days, I'm that's what I do. I look for the building blocks of
going to do it. human behavior. And what I found is that there's a
code to these things they're written in, and in fact,
Audience: Applause.
there's a really, really good guide to this code. There's
Ross: Thank you. a book out there called DANGEROUS MEN,
ADVENTUROUS WOMEN. Okay. It's a compilation
Audience: Applause.
of essays published by University of Pennsylvania
Ross: Now, since he talked about attitude, I want to and it's all about romance novels, written by the
talk a little bit about the proper attitude and the right women who write romance novels. And one of the
attitude. Major Mark, would you come up just for a essays in there was absolute gold. Okay? It dealt with
minute? I just, this is my pal. what are characteristics, what are the attributes of the
romantic hero? And I thought, being a businessman
Audience: Applause.
and an astute observer and someone who just loves
Ross: He actually got to see me a tux. It was women, if I could just find out what it is that drives
wonderful, wasn't it? these women to buy this huge number of books. I
mean, you go to a bookstore and you see these
Major Mark: We have photos.
women flocking into these aisles, you know, I mean,
Ross: You have photos. Talk a little bit about the they come in there, it's like a pornography reflex. You
attitudes. We're going to do a module here on know, they're checking out "Is anyone going to see
attitudes. Talk about the attitude of the romantic hero me buying this trash?" Okay? I mean, and it's who
from, from romance novels, would you? you might expect. I mean, it's not the overweight
housewives with the three screaming brats or
Major Mark: Okay, okay. Hi Amy.
anything. You see the sharp career women in their,
Ross: She's cool. you know, their suits and their pumps and their
briefcases and all this. And they're coming in and
Major Mark: Well, so are the rest of you.
they're buying these romantic fantasies and they're
Ross: She's really cool, okay? stashing three or four of these into their briefcase at a
time. Okay? They're getting their fix. Okay? It's true.
Major Mark: How many here have heard, read, seen
You can go in any bookstore. In fact, it's a great way
me before so I know where to start? Okay, and the
to meet women, is just walk up and say, "Excuse me,
rest of you should.
you know, say, I'd like to read one of these. Can you
Audience: Laughter. tell me which one of them is a really good one?"
Cause they all have favorites. Okay? And they come
Major Mark: I did a research project because I study

in different flavors. , There's the soft romance ones, Ross: Celic Hard rod.
there's the out and out fuck books. You know, I mean,
Audience: Laughter
there's and everything in between. Buy anyway, the
romantic hero has certain well defined characteristics. Major Mark: Now there's a heroic name. I am Celic
For example, the hero of these sorts of things is an Hard Rod.
adventurer. Okay. He is not a man who is constrained
Audience: Laughter
by his life, or by circumstance. Rather, he lives a life
of adventure. Okay. Now, it may that you are newly Major Mark: He was a fierce Viking adventurer, let's
minted accountant or something, and you say, "Well, see
geez, adventure isn't part of my life.” That's not true.
Ross: Laugh
It's the approach that you take to it. Okay? As Dennis
was just talking about, are you paying attention? Major Mark: The whole thing involves women
Because the world is speaking to you constantly. The bringing out love, conquering through love. Okay?
world is constantly putting little tests in your way, It's what they want to lead with, it's what they want to
saying, you know, is he awake? You know, is he finish with. Okay? But at the same time, you're
alive? Is he thinking, is he breathing, does he know disassociated from outcome. Okay? In other words,
what is going on? Okay? The adventurer looks at the romantic hero in these things is not just putzing
everything with a sense of passion, with a willingness along, whining, thinking, "I don't have the right suit
to take risks. Okay? And with this burning desire to or I don't have the right Viking boat in order to get the
find out happens next. The romantic hero is cynical. chicks.” Okay, you know?
Okay? Not cynical in the sense of always putting
Audience: Laughter
things down. Okay? It's rather, cynical in the sense of
hoping for the best but expecting the worst. Okay? Major Mark: Yeah, I need a really big boat. Yeah. Let's
Knowing that the world is full of assholes and you're go downtown and pick us some oars. But rather, ...
not terribly surprised when you run across yet
Ross: That's going to be in a movie.
another one right in front of you. Okay.
Audience: laughter
Audience: Laughter
Ross: Do we have a writer in the room?
Major Mark: But at the same time, within the heart of
the cynic is someone who is capable of love. Okay? Major Mark: He's writing the Speed Seduction
Think about it. Cynicism is a matter of contrasts. screenplay.
Right? You can have the hardened, world weary
Ross: You don't have to write, just take notes, it's
exterior. Okay? What you have to have, because the
writing itself for you.
world throws things in your way, there's not all good.
Okay? But, the cynic at heart is capable of love and Audience: My hand's crippled already.
passion. And what is more inspirational to a woman
Ross: Laugh
than to know that somewhere within this guy is true
passion if only she can be the woman who can spark Major Mark: That's the hand you use.
it and bring it out.
Audience: Laughter. I have an old friend who's
Ross: And that's called a big challenge. always thinking he going to score if he could just get
a hairpiece.
Major: Yeah. And they love that. I mean that's doggie
biscuits in front of the starving Doberman, you know? Ross: Yeah. Well, you know, maybe he should get a
helmet with horns. It works, it works.
Audience: Laughter
Audience: Laughter
Major Mark: Okay? The romantic hero loves women,
appreciates women, is unafraid of women, appreciates Major Mark: It worked for you Celic.
them for who they are. Okay? Enjoys their femininity,
Ross: That's right.
enjoys the test of wills. Okay? Is willing to accept
them within their place, is open to the idea of being Major Mark: But see, rather, the romantic hero has a
conquered because that's the heart of these novels. I life, he is going about his life, and by chance, he
mean, it's really an a, b, c type of plot in all these encounters this woman, and it's like, woooo, she's
things. I mean, it can be set in Victorian England, it interesting, and he starts paying attention. But he
can have, what was that one? Celic Hard Rod? doesn't devote all his attention, he doesn't hang

around, he doesn't keep his Friday night free on the Audience: laughter. What else was under anesthesia?
off chance that you know, her bustle's been repaired
Major Mark: No, it was one of these things that all
and she's back in business. Okay? No, he's going
animals are anesthetized and they go through routine
about his life and enjoying things as they happen.
examinations because they're big important
And he becomes pursued by her. Okay? Key point. In
investments for the zoos. Okay? And if you're a
order to have a good life, you have to have a life in
member of the volunteer society, you get in on stuff
the first place. All right? And the more of a life you
like this. So, here I'd met this woman, I think it was at a
have, the more attractive you become.
Ruby Tuesday's. Okay? She was at one these lady
Ross: And there's a point here because if you have a luncheons kind of things. I was chatting her up as she
passion other than her that you're devoted to, she'll was, you know, trotting back and forth between the
work like the devil to get that passion devoted to her. telephone and the ladies room and all this. And got to
And she'll give you everything she has to get you to know her and said, "Hey, you know, I don't have a lot
devote some of that passion to her. So, look where of time for you right now, "
supplication creeps into your life. Supplication is so
Ross: Hold it. Repeat that phrase again.
much a part of what men are conditioned to do in our
culture, that you must constantly check. And I'm Major Mark: I don't have a lot time for you right now.
going to give you an exercise after lunch to check to
Ross: Okay.
see when you're supplicating and when you're not, to
make sure that you never do it. But part of
supplication is just devoting too much time to being
Yates: This is the end of Side 3 of the Basic Speed
around women, to showing that you're always
Seduction Seminar
available. ”Oh, yeah, sure, well call me and let me now
what you're doing Friday.” What is that really doing?
It's supplicating, it's saying, "Yes, you're the most
important thing.” I'm sorry.
Major Mark: When I met Ross and got into this, I had
the typical guy reaction about how I don't like
rejection. I just don't like rejection. It's not really a guy
thing, it's a human thing. Okay? And so, I decided my
hard and fast rule was that I would never, never ever
ever ask someone out on a date. Instead, I would only
invite them to join in something that I was already
going to do. Okay? Well, in order to have interesting
and tasty things to share with her, I had to get off my
butt and go out and find interesting and tasty things
to do. So I did things like I joined the volunteer
society at the Toledo Zoo. Big zoo, very nice zoo.
And I donated some money to the big cat exhibit and
got myself invited to do the things like go in for the
animal feeding, which is more of a guy thing, you
know, rip animals to pieces. But also things like, one
of my most memorable seduction tools was I invited
this very lovely woman to go with me to the vet
center and to pet the snow leopard while it was under
Ross: Was that what you call it? The snow leopard?
Audience: Laughter
Major Mark: Well, we did ...
Ross: it's an albino?
Major Mark: We did check out the lizard later.

Tape 2 – Side 2 gallery ad. Okay? Bought the first book, went through
it, read it, laughed, got mad. and decided that there
were some obvious flaws in his approach. Start taking
Yates: Welcome to Side 4 of the Ross Jeffries Basic notes on what was wrong. Okay? Ordered the basic
Speed Seduction Seminar. tapes. Okay? I found out all the basic concepts and I
thought, "Well, geez, you know, how hard can this
be?" Okay? So I memorized a few basic patterns, went
Ross: And, which is, I mean, well you laugh. These out in the real world, walked up to a woman, couldn't
things will come naturally after a little while. If I said, remember what the fuck I was supposed to be saying,
"There's something that I need to do.” "Oh really? got all embarrassed, thought, "This is never going to
What?" "I'm on my way to the zoo. I'm helping out work for me.” Crashed and burned. Okay? Went back
this afternoon and we're doing the annual exam for the to the apartment, thought, "Well, I don't like failure.”
snow leopards. They'll be anesthetized, they'll be on Okay? So, I memorized a few more patterns. This time
the table, and we'll have a chance to interact with the I practiced in the mirror. Okay? Which is kind of a
animals, So, if I were to invite you to just drop what self-love thing, that's not a mistake, but, you know, I
you are doing, would you come with me?" "Why, was practicing in the mirror, looking, being confident,
yes.” And we were off to Magic Mark Land. went out, crashed and burned. Okay? I started getting
kind of irritated about this, so, I decided to go out and
Audience: Laughter. talk to every woman I met. And for weeks, I would
Ross: All rides free. Just one price for admission. You walk up to any woman, anywhere. Okay? I was a
can ride over and over and over again, as much as menace to society. Okay?
you want. Audience: Laughter
Major Mark: That's right. Major Mark: I was accosting women in ATM lines, I
Ross: You know, and since we have you up here and was trapping them in the produce section at Kroger's,
since I consider Mark to be the single most powerful I mean, I was, I was, you know, standing in line and
influence on my work and what I've done, I want to just started talking to the one in front of me, turned
ask you a question. You, you were viewed as one of around and talked to the one in back of me until I got
the Speed Seduction gods. Yes? used to the idea of talking women. And, in fact, on the
list, we were discussing this earlier this year. It got to
Audience: Yes the point where, honest to god, I would look up and
Ross: As something that we all aspire to. Except see this amazing and beautiful girl and my reaction
you're married now. Gee, but notice, no ring. He's a would be "Oh, fuck, another beautiful girl.” Cause I
free-range husband. had to go talk to her.

Audience: Laughter Ross: Laughing

Major Mark: Sure. Audience: Laughter.

Ross: Laughing Ross: This is called willingness. For those of you at

home, this is a very important point.
Major Mark: Well, she married a hypnotist. She knew
what she was getting into. Major Mark: But the big conceptual breakthrough
was I -was out at this place, I think it was a Friday's.
Ross: Obviously, when you first learned Speed Okay? And I was at the bar and, of course, it's noisy,
Seduction, you were just Green Lantern, the Flash and it's smoky, it crowded and all this and I ran some
Thor all rolled into one, immediately out of the gate. patterns on this one, you know, woman. And she
Major Mark: Instantly. was, she was following along, and she was, "Uh
huhing" and I was getting the pupil dilation and all
Ross: Instantly. I mean, you didn't go through any this, but just wasn't a response. Okay? It was a
kind of learning curve, did you? passive sort of thing. Like the more patterns I hit her
Major Mark: Oh, just the opposite, just the opposite. with, the deeper in she went, but she wasn't coming
back out. Okay? So I had another, "Oh, shit" kind of
Ross: Tell them. reaction, excused myself, "hi, just thanks, good to
Major Mark: I ran across his stuff, it was probably the meet you, da da da da, " Went on and finished my
drink and about 15 minutes later, I go walking out into

the parking lot cause I was going to go home. Major Mark: Okay. And once I started relaxing and
Another evening of failure, right? All of a sudden I saying, "this is who I am, this is what I do, " man, it
hear, you know, the distinctive tap of high heels on a was like throwing the switch on a nuclear reactor.
hard surface. Okay? I hear, it's well, I'm conditioned to Everything worked after that.
certain things, you know. And hear these, this
Ross: Pretty cool, pretty neat, pretty good, pretty
running feet in high heels coming up behind me and I
cool. What an amazing thing we do. Any questions
turn around and here's this girl from the bar, and she
for Major Mark? Cause he's going to be back here a
launches herself at me, in the parking lot, all over me,
lot this weekend.
sucking my face, I mean, just groping me, just going
wild. I'm thinking, "This is cool.” Major Mark: I'm here all weekend.
Audience: Laughter Ross: He's here all weekend. He's bringing his, and
you're going to do, we will do a segment on seducing
Major Mark: Maybe this stuff works. The big
married women. Okay? Yeah.
breakthrough for me was that I, I realized, there's this
thing called reframing, which is if you have any Major Mark: I sleep with a married woman every
attitude, belief, behavior, whatever, and it's not night.
working for you, there's always another way of
Audience: Laughter.
looking at It that works much better. Okay? And when
I was working on his canned stuff, which was more Ross: Now you do. Okay. Thank you Major Mark.
direct and less subtle than it is now, it's true, and, ...
Audience: Applause.
Ross: Sure, no problem.
Ross; So, what I want to do before lunch, we're going
Major Mark: and, and, still, it worked like a charm. It to take like another 15, take another 15 minutes and
wasn't working for me. But rather than say, "This stuff then we'll go to lunch. I'm aware that tummies are
doesn't work, " I said, "Wait a minute. This is working rumbling and people are hungry and all that. I tracking
for other guys.” Okay? "What's wrong with this the room, I've got you all. I want to talk a little bit
picture?" And I realized I was bringing too much of about ...
my old self into the new situation. I was parroting the
Audience: You said take a break.
words without feeling the feelings, thinking the
thoughts, and leading the life. Okay? There was a Ross: No I didn't.
remark earlier about, "Well, you know, didn't you ever
Audience: Laughter. _____ another 15 minutes.
tell, " asking this, "Didn't you ever tell the girl what
you were doing?" Well, no, he didn't because he Ross: I said we'll do another 15 minutes and then we'll
wasn't doing something, he was being someone. go to lunch, but, that's okay. I want to talk about
Okay? having the proper attitudes, the attitudes that really
make this work, the attitudes that really, really drive
Ross: Say it again. Major Mark: He wasn't doing
this material. And, I have these rules that I came LIP
something, he was being someone. Okay. And so, I
With. I was sort of' sitting there one night, going, I
decided to stop trying to be a master of speed
heard like Moses, you know, "Thou shallot this. thou
seduction and, instead, I was just going to BE a
blah, blah"
master of speed seduction. And if it didn't work at
that particular point and time, then it was no big deal. Audience: Sitting there with Your clay tablets.
Cause after all, I was a master of speed seduction.
Ross: Yeah. Hmmm, these would make good rules. Oh,
And I just started playing around with it. I started
you know what? If I play this through here, it won't
doing partial patterns. Okay? I started doing
pick up, will it?
outrageous patterns. Okay? Walk up to married
women standing in there with their husbands and Yates: Sure.
start running patterns on them. Okay.
Ross: If I play the little tape through this,
Audience: Yeah.
Yates?: Go ahead.
Major Mark: They're most well behaved. They rarely
Ross: Will it be, but will it be
hit you.
Audience: Get a microphone, get a mike over there.
Audience: Laughter
Yates?: Yeah.

Ross: Well, we're going to test this. Just to give you Okay, so here's a killer. Yes sir.
an example of something.
Audience: How do you do that?
?: _____ bigger stereo.
Ross: I'm going to show you, okay?
Ross: What's that?
Audience: Laughter
?: I've got a bigger stereo.
Ross: We're going to show you. So, here's the next,
Ross: You've got a bigger one? Where? here's the next attitude/rule I want you to get is
"being with you, being with you is the best possible
?: In the trunk of my car.
thing that could happen to that woman.” Now, is this
Ross: Ah, go get it. We'll play it after lunch. Good. something you want to talk about? Do you want to
Okay. So let's get back to attitude. The first, most say it out loud? "Hey, baby, being with me is the best
important rule is "Thou shalt not supplicate.” That's possible thing that could happen to you.”
the first rule - thou shalt not supplicate. Okay? Very
Audience: Laughter
important rule. Rule 2 "Thou shalt never ask.” Thou
shalt, thou shalt not, I want the little finger of fire Ross: No. You know. Cut this, just for a second would
carving it. Thou shalt never ask, thou shalt only you?
structure opportunities and offer challenges. Now
?: I got to believe in those best possible things that
throughout the week we're going to give you specific
you have. Now, you don't _____ it. It shows in your
language, word for word things you can say to do
attitude, in your voice, the way you carry yourself,
that. Okay? Mark, talk a little bit about the difference,
the way you make your approach about any _____ .
when you structure, what's the difference between
asking someone out and structuring an opportunity? Ross: The next rule or attitude is
Major Mark: Well, for one thing, if you ask them, they Ross: Okay. So the next attitude or rule is you give a
can say no. I never give them an opportunity to say woman a little bit of what she wants and then you pull
no. That's a bad thing. Okay? There are good things away and make her work for more. The next attitude or
in life, there are bad things. That's a bad thing. Okay. rule is you always give a woman a little bit of what
Structuring an opportunity means that if they don't go she wants and then you pull away and you make her
for it, they miss out. Okay? Structuring an work for more. That's part of the structure of being a
opportunity means that there is something new, challenge, but also, also what it does is, it gives you
different, exciting going on in the world that they more value in her eyes. There's a sick part of human,
could make part of their lives. All they have to do is not sick, it's just human nature, that what you obtain
say yes. If you're asking them something, it's like you too easily you tend to put a cheap value to. To me
are picking an activity, or whatever out of the blue something is valuable according to what I can do with
that you think might interest them, you're dangling it it, not how much I have to pay to get it, but I'm, I think
in front of them and you're giving them all the power. I'm exceptional in that respect. So, if you're too
Right? They can say back, "Well, I don't know, maybe available she's going to devalue what you have to
yes, maybe no.” They can slap you around, play with offer, so you give a little bit of what she wants and
you like they love to do. Okay? And instead, if you're you pull away and you make her work for more. Now,
structuring an opportunity, it's this moving window. later on in the weekend, pretty soon, you'll see how
Okay? It's that cubic centimeter of chance that we incorporate these so you actually don't just think
appears right in front of them and if they say no, it's about them, they become who you are. I have very
gone forever. But all they have to do is say yes, and specific techniques to get these inside your mind.
they get great stuff. Get it? Okay? My next one is "I never get rejected, I only
discover if a woman has good taste.”
Audience: Yes
Audience: Yeah
Ross: So, you want to make sure that you put in the
notion that if they don't take advantage of it, they're Ross: I like that one. I never get rejected, I only
going to get screwed over, cause they're going to discover if a woman has good taste. Okay. The next
miss. You understand? Okay. Yes sir. rule is "You always call a woman on her bullshit.” The
next rule is "You always call a woman on her bullshit.”
Audience: You said where you use being with
Look for the respect opportunity. You always call a
Ross: Yes, this is next thing we're going to get to. woman on her bullshit, look for the respect

opportunity. Let me tell you what I mean by that. Let when a guy who doesn't really know them is being
me tell you what I mean by that. Another way to say it nice, their thought process is, "He's only doing this to
is "Thou shalt prepare in advance for bullshit so thou get into my pants.” And therefore, what is she
doest not have to eat any.” So you can write that. perceived? Does she perceive your communication as
”Thou shalt prepare in advance for bullshit so thou sincere?
doest not have to eat any.” Cause women will test
Audience: No
you, human beings test other human beings, but
women will test you to see how strong you are. Now Ross: She perceives it's insincere so she doesn't trust
here's the mistake, here are the 2 mistakes to make. you, which leads to resentment. Now.
Okay? One is to appease her rather than to call her on
Audience: Right.
it. The other is to rage and lose you temper. Now,
there's a time and place to, to show anger, but the Ross: And she's right. But how many women would
best thing you can do is calmly tell her what your rule ever think that you would be angry with them to get
is. Go, "Look, this is what you did, this is what my into their pants? If you're angry with them and tell
rule is. If you expect to be with me, do something else them off, none of them are going to go, "He's saying
the next time cause I won't put up with it.” To do it this just so lie can be, he's being angry just so he can
calmly, if you take a very strong message and you get into my pants.” They're going to go, "Oh, he
deliver it low key and calmly, people aren't used to sincerely communicated with me. I trust him.”
that. It fries their circuits and they become very
Audience: Laughter
suggestible. You understand?
Ross: You disagree? You agree?
Audience: Yes
Audience: Yeah
Major Mark: If you're reacting out of anger, she has
the power. Ross: You have to think about it, okay. I'm serious.
Ross: Let me give you an example how, there's Audience: What's after trust,
someone I dated like 8, 8 years ago before I really got
Ross: Extreme comfort which means they're open to
into Speed Seduction and I recently ran into her
more intense states with you, like sexual arousal and
again. And I told her about the Rolling Stones story
all that other good stuff. Now listen to me. I'm not
and she never even bothered to pick it up. And she
saying you should rage at them or any, or get vulgar
sent me some e-mail and I said, "No, I don't want to
or lose control. Within the bounds of your own self-
deal with you. Had you had some major breakthrough
control, show some anger, when it's appropriate. Tell
in your career, I would have gone right to the
them off.
newsstand to read about it. And you're still the same
self-absorbed loser you were when I knew you, you Major Mark: Right. You're not looking for the first
know, 8, 9 years ago and I'm not going to deal with it.” opportunity to slap her around in order to fulfill to
And boy, from then on, she was just so eager to be checkoff list here, okay? But, just like Celic Hard Rod,
nice. I didn't, you know, put any profanity in there, it who is the cynical, world-weary kind of guy, you
was a simple message, both delivered in e-mail and expect the worst out of human nature cause you're
the phone when she called me to talk to me about it. I going to find it and you're not going to accept it in
said, "No, you're the same self-absorbed loser you you life. The first time it happens, this. You do have
were.” I called her on it. Now, here's a weird thing, to be angry about it, it's just like, "Okay, maybe you
guys. This is a really sick thing, but it's true. Women didn't understand so here, explicitly is the rule. I don't
want to be able to trust you. They trust what they put up with this shit. Do it again and I'm out of here.”
perceive as being sincere communication, so, look, I
Ross: I had a massage therapist fail to call me back in
didn't say it was sincere, I said what they perceive to
time so I booked a massage with someone else. And
be sincere. So, "perceived sincere communication
when she called to see if I wanted a massage, I said, "I
leads to trust which leads to extreme comfort which
already booked. You didn't call me back, I didn't here
leads to her to be open to a lot more intense states.”
from you.” She's like really pissed; I could hear her
Here's the problem. I want you to really listen to me.
steaming on the other end of the phone. ”Well, well
You nice guys who've ever done something nice and
...” I said, "Hey, you don't return my calls promptly,
you find she really rejects you for it and really doesn't
my assumption is you don't care or you can't do it. So,
trust you, here's why. Pay attention. Here's the
if you want to deal with me, I don't care what you do
structure of it. Look up here. Most women think that
with other people, " this is how I said it. I said, "It's

none of my business what you do with other people. everybody's lost.
That's for you to decide. But when it comes to me, if
Ross: Hmm. Seinfeld. Not reality.
you're going to deal with me, this is my expectation.
You can meet it or not meet it. But the only way you're Audience: Laughter
going to deal with me is if you meet it.” She's like,
Ross: Okay? This is a true story. This is a New Year's
"Hmm, hmm, hmm, well, okay.” And by the way, you
Eve many years ago and I went in to the party and,
owe people that. If you don't people what your rules
right away, I saw the most beautiful woman and went
are, they won't know. And they're going to resent
right up to her, without any hesitation, got her phone
you. Now the final one before we go to lunch. Okay?
number. She left the party. I thought, "My work is
This is a difficult one to grasp at first. It's "Never
done. I'll be nice.” I approach this huge blimp of a
attach excess meaning.” Let me tell you what I mean
woman and I asked, joked around with her, asked for
by that. You ever wonder, other, other than the fact,
her number, she said, "No, you're not my type.” I was
there's a lot of ways this, this, this works. Other one,
like, "ehhhh.” So, it's one woman, one vote. But the
ever wonder, other than the fact that she makes you
other thing is, you ever meet a woman and you click
go, "Uh uh uh uh" with sputtering lust, why guys
in really well, you just feel great about her and you go
attach so much meaning to be accepted by a beautiful
home and you imagine introducing her to all you
woman? Let's say there are 2 women at a party. One's
friends. And you think to yourself, "This is the girl for
something that out of the X-files. Okay? You run
me.” And you're convinced after that first date or first
away screaming. And then one's an absolute,
meeting that she's the one for you. You ever do that?
gorgeous, whatever your idea of the perfect, ideal
Anyone ever do that? How many of you? Keep you
woman is. Who would be easier to talk to?
hands up. Of those of you, keep you hands up if
Audience: The X-files girl you've done that, how many of you were then able to
go on and control that relationship and have power
Ross: The X-files girl? Yeah. Exactly.
and choice in that relationship? Keep your hands up
Audience: There's nothing to worry about. if you were able to do that.
Ross: There's nothing to worry about. And if she likes Audience: Laughter
you, who cares? Her opinion doesn't carry much
Ross: Okay? So, you want to be able to do that with
weight. But here's the thing that men think. Men think
her. Who's a big guy, who, who's, who out-muscles
that if a beautiful woman likes you, there's some kind
me by a lot? Most of you do.
of psychic friends network with all the other beautiful
women in the world and that means you've got a free Audience: Hey, Ross.
pass from there on in. Or, if she rejects you, that
Ross: What?
psychically, I had some client tell me this. He really
believed this. That every other woman in the world Audience: When that does happen, it's after a big
would instantly know that he was unacceptable. fight. When you're finally tired of it and you go, "Oh,
Okay? This is the structure, I'm done.” Then, you can go back and have control of
the relationship cause you lost excess meaning.
Audience: laughter
Ross: Yeah that's true. Someone's not, you're bigger,
Ross: This is the structure of paranoia wouldn't you
come up here, you're bigger than me, come up here.
say Dr. Mark?
Come up here. We're going to have a fight right now.
Major Mark: Yeah. It's not a good place to start from. So, you're a big guy, okay? But here's what I want
you to do. I want you to lean forward like this, put on
Ross: So, I like to talk about one woman, one vote. I
one foot, put one foot in the air, lean for-ward, put
tell this story a lot but
your hand all the way out like this and punch me.
Audience: There's actually a Seinfeld episode that Okay? I got him. Okay? So, when you do that, when
_____ . I don't know if you ever saw that. you attach excess meaning, metaphysically, you're
leaning forward and you're about to get your head
Ross: No.
bashed in. Okay? So never attach excess meaning,
Audience: Now, George dates this beautiful model being successful or not being successful, to any
and he suddenly _____ all the good women in the particular woman. Women are like Doritos. Eat all you
world. It's like a club he's in and they just are falling all want, we'll make more.
over him. Then, once he loses one of them,
Audience: Laughter

Ross: Lunchtime. Audience: No, I'm having a blast.
BREAK Ross: Okay. You're like, hmm, hmm, you're straining to
let one out.
Ross: There, for those of you who are at home was
just some phone fun I was having. The whole point Audience: Laughter
being that you want to have fun with this. One of the
Ross: I want to talk about sound. I had a client call me
things I would like to help you install, we're going to
up and he said, he said, "You know, Ross. I don't get
work on your self in the next hour or so, is to install
it. I practiced this and I've rehearsed it, but when it
the right state of consciousness when you do this.
comes time to use it in the real world, I just can't seem
Now a lot of people talk about confidence and I know
to get myself going.” I said, "Okay. Well, what are
I've talked about confidence, but to me, the problem
you doing to yourself on the inside? I want to be you
with confidence is it's so damn serious. The key to
for a day. Since I don't have your problem, I need to
doing this is having fun and being playful as you
know how you produce it so I can be you. I'm a
heard on that tape. The more playful you are, the more
method actor. I need to know what you do on the
blatant you can be. I am absolutely blatant with this
inside of your head to get to have to problem.” He
stuff. I mean, you know. I was at Mark's wedding, just
says, "Well, I see a pretty girl.” I said, "Well, that's
having a riot of a time. I walked up to this girl; I went,
okay. No problem so far.” He goes, I said, "Well, what
she said, "What are you doing?" I said, "I'm just
do you say to y ourself?" He goes, "Ah, " I said,
feeling your aura.” She said, "What?" I said, "I'm
"Stop. Okay? You're dead in the water right there.”
feeling your aura.” I went, "You're multi-orgasmic,
Okay? Because the model I want to give you, and
aren't you?" And she started blushing. I said, "You
whether it's true or not, I don't know, but the model I
have a hot date tonight, don't you? There's someone
want to present to you, is that there are different
you're looking forward to getting with.” And she's like
circuits in the mind. And that different sounds turn on
beet red and turn, ***********************, and
different parts of that circuitry. Okay? So, what
Audience: Laughter circuitry do you think he turned on when he went,
"Ohhhhh" and he made that sound to himself?
Ross: She said, "How did you know that?" I said,
"Oh, I can tell.” I know when people have that Audience: Response
mindset. I was fucking with her a little bit. so, you
Ross: Well, was it the circuitry for bold action?
have to forgive me. My voice is really _____ . It's
from allergies. We have terrible pollen counts in L. A. Audience: Responses from audience
I want to talk about sound, how sound is vitally
Ross: Was it the circuitry, was it the circuitry for
important in creating your mindset. This is not
absolute playful, joyous experimentation.
something you need to take notes on. This is an
experiential part of the seminar, so there's no need for Audience: No
notes. There's no need
Ross: Was it the circuitry for discovery?
Major Mark: Just a second.
Audience: No
Ross: for notes.
Ross: What circuitry do you think he turned on inside
Audience: Laughter his mind?
Ross: Huh? Okay. I'm sorry, what was that? Audience: Failure, supplication
Audience: Response Ross: Hesitation, supplication, "well ...” You ever ask
someone to do something, and they go, "Well ... ?:
Ross: Oh, you're French.
You ever hear that? Okay. There are certain sounds in
Audience: English is not my ... the human consciousness that universally open up
certain circuits. Both in you and the person you make
Ross: Ah, se va , se va. I can't speak French worth
the sounds to. Of course, this is the sound he's
making inside his head. He didn't walk up to her and
Audience: Laughter go, "aaaaahhhh", although he might have at that early
of a point in his career before he met me. So it doesn't
Ross: My English is a little shaky, too. You look
matter, you know, you see all these books. WATCH
intense. You not having fun?
YOURSELF TALK. Which is the wrong system. I

mean, how can you watch your talk? But if you've Audience: Yes
ever seen these books it encourages you to pay
Ross: I believe him. Okay, cool. It's gone, just kidding.
attention to how you speak to yourself? Yes, no,
anybody? Audience: Laughter
Audience: Yes. Ross: You got it unconsciously. All right, listen,
here's what we're going to do. We're going, we're
Ross: Well, the problem with it, is they're already too
going to have fun. Okay? Here's what we're going to
late. The sounds you make on the inside before you
do. You ever watch cartoons?
start a train of thought - remember when we talked
about trains - will determine what track you go on. So, Andy: When I was little
that being the case, one of the things I want to train
Ross: Yeah. Did you ever watch Rocky and
you to do is to experiment with what, what sequence
of sounds produces the right state of consciousness.
So when you see that woman, you're there Andy: A couple of times.
approaching her without any hesitation and the fact
Ross: Okay. Do you know the Rocky and Bullwinkle
you're having fun. Does that make sense?
Audience: Yes
Andy: No
Ross: Yes?
Ross: Okay. We're going to do it together, okay?
Audience: Yes Now, when you do it, I want you to make the motions
in there, okay? I'm going to hum it for you first. It
Ross: If it doesn't make sense to someone, please
goes, do you know it Chris, the Rocky and Bullwinkle
raise your hand. I'm willing to talk to you about it and
make it sensible. Cause there may be someone at
home equally dull. Just kidding. Chris: I can't, I can't picture it.
Audience: Laughter Ross: It goes, da, da, well, you don't picture a theme,
you hear it.
Ross: Okay. Does it make sense? So, we're going to
have some fun. We're gonna, you're gonna follow me Audience: Laughter
and then we're going to break up into groups and do
Chris: I can't hear or picture it
some experimentation. So, let's see, who is shy about
approaching women? Okay? Who else is shy about Ross: All right, okay. It goes da da da da da da, da da
approaching women? Who's shy about raising their da da da da da da, da da da da da da da da ... You
hand here in class? know that one?
Audience: Laughter Andy: Yes
Ross: You. Yeah, what's your name? Come up. Ross: Okay. So, put your hands out like this. Boy,
people will do what you tell them to. It's amazing.
Audience: Andy
Audience: Laughter
Ross: We're going to fuck with you. We're going to
fuck you up, Andy. This is the fun part for me, when I Ross: Okay. I want you to, da da da da da da da, no
get to interact with the chumps, ah, students. Okay. just your hands, you don't have to move your whole
So, how long have you had this problem? body. Da da da da da da, hum it out loud.
Andy: Most of my life I'd say. Andy: Da da da da da da
Ross: How old are you now? Ross & Andy: Da da da da da da ...
Andy: 23 Ross: Open your mouth. Da da da da da da ... like that.
Ross: You ready to get rid of it? Andy: Da da da da da da
Andy: Yes, I am Ross & Andy: Da da da da da da ...
Ross: Okay. Sounds good to me. I, do you believe Ross: I feel foolish.
Ross & Andy: Da da da da da da ...

Ross: Okay. Good. Now watch, we're going to do Andy: WOW
another sound. So that's the first one. So the first just
Ross: Very good. Now, so the next sound is WOW.
one in the sequence, thank you Brother Brent, just
Okay. We're going to do another sound. Is this fun so
stay there, is Rocky and Bullwinkle. Okay? Okay?
far? Feel good?
Now I want us all to do it. You ready? So, put your,
hold that would you? Put your hands up like this and Audience: Yeah
Ross: Can you put those two together? Let's try it,
Ross & Audience: Da da da da da, da ... just you and me.
Ross: Okay. Okay, good. Okay, very good. You're Ross & Andy: Humming Rocky & Bullwinkle theme,
going to think this is a lunatic assignment.
Ross: Out loud.
Audience: Laughter
Andy: Humming Rocky & Bullwinkle theme.
Ross: Okay. Feel good? You like that?
Ross: WOW
Andy: Yeah, it was cool.
Andy: WOW
Ross: Okay, now we're going to do another sound.
Ross: Good. Now, next you'll close your eyes, do it
We're going to do another sound. Okay? Can you,
inside your head. Do it on the inside, do both those
can you say, can you put your hand on your chest,
sounds on the inside. You can move your hands if
put your hand on your chest and you know Amazing
you want to. Good. Okay? Now we're going to make
another one, another sound. I want you to look at me
Andy: Yeah a minute. Can you put your teeth together like this?
Now can you go UMMMM.
Ross: Amazing Grace has got great tits that I would
like to squeeze. I'm going to get a piece of it, because I Andy: UMMMM
am a sleaze.
Ross: UMMMM.
Audience: Laughter
Ross: So, hallelujah. I want you to hum Amazing
Grace, so you feel it resonating right in there. Hum
Andy: Da
Ross: UMMM
Ross: No, hum. Hmm
Andy: UMMM
Andy: Humming Amazing Grace
Ross: Good. UMMM, like you're growling. UMMM.
Ross: You hum wimpy. Come on, put it down in there.
Make it come up from here. UMMM
Humming. Not you.
Andy: UMMM
Andy: Humming Amazing Grace.
Ross: We'll have Kim work with you, okay? She'll
Ross: Good. Okay. Now, here's what I want you to do,
work with every UMMM. Very good, okay? Wow.
okay? Can you go, put your hand on there, and go
Okay. Now, can you say this? Can you say, "Let's go
have some fffff" almost like you're going to say fuck
Andy: WOW but instead, god dammit, thank you brother, almost
you're about to say the word fuck, but instead say
Ross: So it resonates in there. WOW
fffffun. Can you say fffffun?
Andy: WOW
Andy: Let's go have some fffffun.
Ross: Close your eyes and imagine a woman with the
Ross: Okay. Fffffun.
nicest set of gazonkers the galaxy has ever seen. And
she just opens up her shirt and plops them into your Andy: Ffffun
hands and now go, WOW.
Ross: Imagine this. There's a woman standing in front
Andy: WOW of you. If you say it in the right tonality, her zipper's
going to open, her pants will fall off, her legs will open
Ross: Very good. Look at me. Follow my hands, wow.

into stirrups, and you'll have your way. Andy: Humming Rocky and Bullwinkle theme,
Audience: Laughter Ross: Okay. WOW, UMMM,
Ross: Okay? Close your eyes. Remember a time when Andy: UMMM
you got that feeling right in there that you really
Ross: Let's go have some fffun. Andy: Let's go have
wanted to be with someone. And let that feeling guide
some ffffun.
you as you say "ffffun.”
Ross: Now how do you feel about going up to talk to
Andy: Ffffun.
Ross: Fffun. Ahhhh.
Andy: Somewhat better.
Andy: Ffffun
Ross: Yeah, okay. Now we'll try it again. Keep doing
Ross: Can you go ahhh, ahhh? Just do that. Ahhh. that. Close your eyes. Again. Do it real fast, Rocky
and Bullwinkle. Do it to yourself on the inside, cause
Andy: Ahhh
you don't talk out, when you see a pretty girl, you
Ross: Ahhh. don't say out loud, "Oh my god, I can't meet her.” So
do it the way you do it, close your eyes, and to
Andy: Ahhh.
yourself, do Rocky and Bullwinkle, now do WOW,
Ross: Ffffun. now do WOW, do UMMM, say let's go have some
fffun. Yeah. Now how do you feel about meeting her?
Andy: Ffffun.
Andy: Probably better than in the first example where
Ross: Better. He's getting there, okay? Alright. You
I verbalized it.
guys get it? Can you do it with me? So, I want you
guys to go, Ummmm. Ready? Ross: Yeah. Okay. Exactly. That's why I said you've
got to lead them to do it in your head. So close your
Ross & Audience: Ummmmm.
eyes. I, here's what you're doing. You're still
Ross: And now I want you to say, "Let's go have sub-vocalizing. Don't, I don't want to see any lips
some ffffan.” moving, just do it all in your head now, okay? Do it
real fast. Now how do you feel?
Ross & Audience: Let's go have some fffun.
Andy: About the same.
Ross: Okay. Ummmin, let's go have some fun. Now,
there's another piece I need to do with him, cause I Ross: About the same as what?
can spot some things going on with him. Okay, here's
Andy: As the second example.
what I want you to do. Just to do a little testing, a
little calibration for all you NLP junkies ... Okay, and Ross: Yeah, yeah. Okay. So now, close your eyes, go
_____ , heel, vocal cords. Here's what I want you to through this again and try to feel nervous about
do. I want you to imagine that there's an absolutely meeting her while you make only these sounds and
stunningly beautiful woman that you have a huge only these sounds in your head. By the way, when
crush on and you want to go up and to talk to her. you do Rocky and Bullwinkle, you move your body a
little bit. Yeah. Do it real fast, real fast. Yeah. This is it,
Andy: Just imagine it?
_____ one of them back. Now, how do you feel about
Ross: Yeah, imagine it. Imagine what you do in your meeting her?
head and feel what you feel if you had to go talk to
Andy: A little bit nervous.
her. Okay. That's not that severe. All right. So we
don't need to work with that. All right. Here's what I Ross: A little bit nervous. Are you doing anything
want you to do. Close your eyes. I want you to do besides these sounds?
Rocky, I want you to see that girl and I want you to
Andy: You're thinking about how nervous ...
do Rocky and Bullwinkle, then go WOW, then go
UMMM, put your teeth together, go UMMM, Ross: Oh, I didn't tell you to do that. I said just do
UMMM. these sounds. All I want you to do is do these
sounds and these sounds only. Push anything else
Andy: Humming Rocky and Bullwinkle theme,
out of your head. Just do these sounds. Imagine she's
Ross: Humming Rocky and Bullwinkle theme, there in front of you. Okay? Close your eyes. Run
through the sounds real fast. Now,

Andy: Now I'm ready to meet her. Ross: Okay. And then in what direction does it move?
Show me with your ...
Ross: Now you're ready to meet her.
Andy: The same, like the same direction you were ...
Audience: Laughter. Response from audience.
Ross: Okay. And where does it go when it leaves?
Ross: Right. Okay. Now, how long did that take? Now
watch this. Whistling. Now try to feel nervous. But Andy: When it leaves?
only do those sounds in your head. Close your eyes,
Ross: Yeah.
go through the whole sequence again real fast,
humming Rocky and Bullwinkle theme, WOW, Andy: Up past the hand.
UMMM, let's go have some fffun. Now, how do you Ross: Okay. Now, I want you to do something. This is
feel? going to be really weird, but I'm going to ask you to
do it. I want you to take those feelings and move them
Andy: Same as last time.
out here like three feet away from your body. Okay?
Ross: Good. Right. Now, the interesting thing about
Andy: Okay.
feelings is how they can get better and better and
better and better the more your mind recognizes Ross: Move them out here. Can you move them out
there's a new direction to move in. And the thing is, is here for a minute? Okay. See them going in the same
once you set yourself in the direction that feels good, direction, then I want you to take your hand and
it like, if you try to go back in the old direction, it's like backslap them, like, boom, really hard. Boom, make the
there's a plate of glass here, bulletproof glass, that sound. Do it with that hand, slap them out with that
keeps you from getting to any of that. So all you can hand. Boom. Do it again, do it again. Now try and get
do is look straight ahead, make those sounds in your the feeling back.
mind, and if you even try to go back to old feelings,
Andy: I can't do it.
what happens?
Ross: Yeah, well try harder.
Andy: You can't.
Andy: Try harder?
Ross: I didn't hear you. Say it again.
Ross: Yeah. Now close your eyes, close your eyes
Andy: You can't do it.
and make the sounds, Rocky and Bullwinkle, WOW,
Ross: Well, try harder. You're not trying hard enough. UMMMM, and notice how good this feels. SHHHH.
That's weird, isn't it?
Andy: You'll still have the, the new feelings and stuff.
Andy: _____ difference.
Ross: Well that sucks,
Ross: Now, now, how long have you, did you have
Audience: laughter
the problem?
Ross: Oh, now, watch this. I want you something else
Andy: About 22 years
about you. I want you to get a little bit of the nervous
feeling back again. Just a little bit. Okay? Okay? Ross: How long did it take for us to do it, was anyone
Where do you feel the nervous feeling in your body? timing that?
Andy: Where do I feel it? Ross: Where in your body? Audience: About 12 minutes.
Point with your finger.
Ross: Twelve minutes? I'm slow, cause my voice hurts
Andy: Would it be ... and I'm a little tired.
Ross: Point. Audience: Laughter
Andy: Around here, in my arms and shoulders and Ross: Well, I am. I'm a little slow. But, okay. Now, you
stuff. have to practice with this. If you practice these sound
sequences, we're going to show you more, this is just
Ross: Okay. Okay. I want you to show me the
the start of building the states, so give him a hand.
direction the feeling goes. Is the feeling, where does it
start? Audience: Applause.
Andy: It starts at the end of the fingers Ross: Okay.

Audience: Hey, Ross. action. You okay? Does that make sense?
Ross: Oh, uh, ... I'm only warming up and I'm not Audience: Yes.
exaggerating or kidding. I'm not, I'm really not. Okay.
Ross: All right. So here's what we're going to do.
So take that. So, we're going to work with these sound
We're going to go through it as a group, together, one
sequences. Here's what we're going to do. I'm going
time, and then what we're going to do is, we're going
to take you, the entire group through this, and then
to break up into groups of 2, a and b, a and b, a and b,
what we're going to do is we're going to break into
and we're going to test each, we're going test different
groups of 2 and you're going to test to see which,
combinations. Okay? So, let's do it together. Put your
everyone's different. You may find that a different
notes down. All right? So, we'll start with Rocky and
sequence works with these. Okay? This is my own
Bullwinkle. Okay?
personal sequence that I do, so when I'm out bopping
around, I going (Rocky and Bullwinkle theme), I see a Ross & Audience: Rocky and Bullwinkle theme, and
woman I like, I go WOW, UMMM, let's go have some now, WOW, and then UMMM, let's go have some
fun, and I'm there. Okay? Now, let me ask you a ffffun.
question. Before we go through that, what circuitry
Ross: Yeah, good. Okay. Here's what we're going to
do you think the Rocky and Bullwinkle theme opens
do. We're going to try the following sequences, okay?
We'll start out with that one, so the first one is RB,
Audience: Responses from audience WOW, UMMM, let's go have some. Okay? That's
sequence number 1. Now's the time to take notes. So,
Ross: Playful. Why is it important to be playful? What
that's the first sequence you're going to test.
happens if you're really serious?
Audience: Response from audience
Yates: This is the end Side 4 of the Basic Speed
Ross: You shut down your resources, you attach too
Seduction Seminar.
much meaning, you scare them off, all bad outcomes.
All bad outcomes. What does WOW do?
Audience: Responses from audience
Ross: I think it opens up the sense of excitement,
Audience: Responses from audience
Ross: Excitement, amazement.
Audience: It definitely opens up
Ross: Excitement, energy,
Audience: Response from audience
Ross: Adventure. Particularly adventure. Now what
does UMMM?
Audience: Response from audience
Ross: I think UMMM is more the predator, so like
when you see a piece of chocolate cake and you
know you're about to eat it, it's like, UMMMM. You're
mine. So it opens up the predator. And what's let's go
have some fun? What does that get you to do?
Audience: Response from audience
Ross: Get's your ass moving. Now, I want you to
notice I sent the, the little piece of language in here.
Did I say, I should go meet her or you should go meet
her?" I said, "let's" as in let us, that means, it implies
that every part of you is working together to take the

Tape 3 – Side 1 and let's go. Okay? We're going to make, keep let's go
the last one for each of them, okay? How's that?
That'll limit it. Yes.
Yates: This is the beginning of Side 5 of the Basic Audience: Response from audience
Speed Seduction Seminar with Ross Jeffries
Ross: How many does that limit it to?
Audience: Response from audience
Ross: By the way, for those of you at home who, of
course, couldn't see what I did with, what was your Ross: Okay. Let's try, number 4 will be WOW, UMM,
name sir? RB, let's go have some fun. We'll do, we'll do a total 6
or should we do how many?
Andy: Andy
Audience: Can you do all six?
Ross: Andy. Yeah, Andy looks different already.
What you couldn't see with Andy is I took him back Ross: Do all six? What's the next one? My math skills
to when he was having, I had him push it out 3 feet are pretty shaky. RB, UMM, WOW, let's go, and
away from his body and I had him knock it away with what's number 6?
his hand and he found that feeling couldn't come Audience: UMM, other responses
back. Try and get the feeling back. Look,
Ross: UMM,
Andy: Knocking it away?
Audience: Responses from audience
Ross: Try and get the feeling of being nervous again.
Try and get it back. Ross: You can't do it. You didn't Ross: RB, WOW, let's go. We'll keep let's go as the
see the look of amazement on his face. That's the cool last one. Okay? Here are the instructions. Put your
thing. You're missing the best thing about what I do is notes down. These are simple instructions. You're
that look of amaze, astonishment. See, that's why I do, going to pick a partner, a and b. Okay? We're going to
this is why I do what I do. It's the look of absolute get an E meter out for each one of you. No, no, no.
astonishment that they can't have the problem that Audience: Laughter.
they had for 22 years. This is the start of destroying
the reality, cause part of what I'm doing, what Mark Ross: Just kidding. Suppress a person order. Ross
and I do the whole week, the whole weekend, is a Jeffries does hereby declare this suppress a person,
structured assault upon people's limiting beliefs. If maybe trick, no I'm just kidding. Copyright 1998,
everyone here can sit here and see that he had a Religious tech ... no. Okay. Here's what we're going to
problem for 22 years and now it's gone, he can't even do. We're going to pick a partner a and b. A is going
have back, then it's a real, begin to take one leg of that to hold the list and he's going to, he going to tell the
table and knock it out. It's an assault is what it is. But person the first combination to do. So you're going to
you have to do that to get people out of their muck. say okay, I want you to do combination one. And the
Okay. So that's the first one. It's a fun assault and no combination is Rocky and Bullwinkle, WOW, UMM
one gets hurt, but it's an assault. Okay. That's the first and let's go have some fun. Okay? Tell the person
combination. Second one, let's try WOW, Rocky and what the combination is, you don't have to do it for
Bullwinkle, UMM, and let's go. Okay? That's the him. Okay? Just tell him, here's combination one, do it
second one. Does everyone get that? in your head. Tell the person to do it in your head and
have them notice what their response is, how it makes
Audience: Yes them feel. Okay? Then you go, okay, let's move on to
Ross: We're going to try every possible combination. number 2. Number 2 is WOW, tell them, number 2 is
I don't know how many we'll have here; I'm not a WOW. Rocky and Bullwinkle, UMM and let's go have
mathematician. Huh? some fun. Run them through each one and let them
decide at the end which one makes them feel the most
Audience: 16 ready and the most able to go and actually go up and
Ross: How many? talk to that woman. All right? Write it down, write
down the combination that works the best for them.
Audience: 24 All right? And then switch sides and the other person
Ross: Okay. We'll just try a few of them then. Okay? does it to you. Do you understand?
Okay, let's try this one. Let's try UMM, WOW, RB, Audience: Yes

Ross: Who does not understand? Take about 15 Which combination?
minutes or so to do this. Find a partner and let's get
Audience: Three and four.
Ross: Three and four. Oh boy, your brains are flexible,
Audience: Practicing combinations
finding lots of ways to work for you. Good, I like it.
Ross: _____ mentioned the different things and it's You're not going to believe what I'm going to do next;
your dials to twiddle. There is no right or wrong you're just not going to fucking believe it.
answer here. So, what I'd like to do is, raise your
Oral Roberts has nothing on me.
hands if you're one of the people when I asked are
you shy about meeting women. Raise your hands if Audience: Laughter
you raised your hand at that time. Okay. Those, I
Ross: Who else?
know you're, let's hear, keep your hands up. What
combination works, worked best for you? Audience: His name is Oral?
Audience: The fourth. Ross: That's true.
Ross: Number 4. Audience: Laughter.
Audience: Uh, yeah. Ross: Yes.
Ross: So we have a vote for number 4. Audience: Response from audience.
Audience: WOW, UMM, Rocky and Bullwinkle let's Ross: But, you didn't have your hands raised as shy.
go. Yeah, you don't count. Only the shy people, who are
the people, who else had their hand up? Okay. We're
Ross: Okay. Another person out there shot a hand
going to have some fun. Watch this. All the shy, all
up. What combination?
the people that had their hands up, come up to the
Audience: Same one. front of the room. And line up, no you don't need to
bring your notes. Just remember which combinations
Ross: Four? Okay. Someone else who had their hand
worked best for you, face the room. Line up shoulder
up. Sir?
to shoulder. Okay?
Audience: Number 1.
Audience: Response from audience
Ross: Number I worked best for you? I want you to
Ross: All right.
remember which combinations worked best for you.
Who else, one of the shy people, which one worked Audience: Question from audience
best for you? Audience: One and six. Slightly
Ross: It doesn't matter. Can we, can you move down a
little bit, you want scooch down out of the way.
Ross: One and six. Okay. So, okay, another formerly Move, move, move, I'm going to position, move,
shy person that had their hand up? Sir, which worked move, move, move, move, move, move. You got it?
best for you? Are you okay there? Can you, you can sit if you want
Audience: Three
Audience: I'll bring some chairs up for you.
Ross: Three? Okay.
Ross: No, if that's more comfortable, you sit. You do
Audience: Three.
whatever you want. All right? It's important that you
Ross: Three. Okay. Which one? be comfortable.
Audience: Six-way tie Audience: Okay, there was a gentleman,
Ross: They all worked? Ross: You sit. Move the chair over here for him in
front of the TV so he can sit comfortably. You're
Audience: They all had the same effect.
going, "What the fuck is he up to?" I always tell
Ross: A good effect? Yates, "I'm going to surprise you this time.” All right.
Here's what we're going to do. All right. Do you
Audience: Yeah, yeah.
remember what combinations worked best for you?
Ross: Someone else who had their hand up before. All right. Okay. We're going to do our multiple group

shyness cure. and do your sounds. Close your eyes and disappear
the room and do it. WOW. There you go, that's better.
Audience: Laughter
Okay. Do yours. Try and feel shy, do your sounds.
Ross: First, what we're going to do one piece. I want No, he can't get anywhere near shy. Go ahead.
you to get a little bit of that shy feeling. So get a little
Audience: laughter
bit of the shy feeling and notice where it starts in your
body. Okay? Take it, put it three feet in front of you, Ross: Try it. You all right?
and go, Boom, backhand it real hard. Boom. Everyone
Audience: A little bit.
do that. So figure out where it is in your body, put it
three feet out in front of you, and go Boom it away. Ross: A little bit shy? Okay? Watch this. That's all
right. Watch, watch this. Take the, where's the shy
Major Mark: They go, uhhhh.
feeling start?
Ross: Oh, get Out Of the way
Audience: Right here.
Audience: Laughter
Ross: Where does it go?
Ross: No, don't do push, go Boom. Boom, make the
Audience: Up
noise. Okay. Now close your eyes, everyone close
your eyes, and to yourself, on the inside, do the Ross: Okay. Put it, put it out here, put it three feet out
combination of sounds that works best for you. To in front of you. Boom, you almost backhanded me.
yourself on the inside, do your combination of
Audience: laughter
sounds that works best for you. Run through it three
times really fast. Okay. And you've run it three times Ross: Now. That's all right. I'll take the sacrifices of
really fast, nod your head. Okay. Now I want you to what's required to help him. Now try and get it. Do
imagine there's one super-hot woman across the room your sounds and now try and feel shy.
and whoever gets to her first gets her. Everybody's
Audience: I feel a lot better.
going, okay?
Ross: Yeah. A lot better. Okay. There you go. And
Audience: Yeah.
while you're waiting for it to be your turn, I only want
Ross: All right. you to rehearse the sounds. That's all I want you to
keep practicing. Go ahead. Try hard and vain to feel
Audience: Cheers and applause.
shy as you do those sounds.
Ross: Okay. Now. Okay. Try to feel shy but do your
Audience: I still feel a little shy.
sound sequence.
Ross: A little" flow much?
Audience: Can't do it.
Audience: Urn, 20%.
Ross: Try to feel shy but do your sound sequence.
Ross: Okay. Where's the feeling?
Audience: Can't do it. A little.
Audience: It's kind of right in here and everything
Ross: Boom. And do your sound sequence. You all
goes into it.
Ross: Okay. Put it out in front of you, watch my
Audience: Yeah.
hands. So it goes like that?
Ross: I don't believe you. So, take the feeling, put it
Audience: Right.
out here. This is not about making me right; it's about
serving you. Put the feeling out here. What direction, Ross: Watch, watch, watch. Boom. Now try and get it
where's the feeling start? back.
Audience: Response Audience: Should I try and get what back?
Ross: What direction does it go? Ross: Try and get it back and see what happens.
Audience: It just stays there. Audience: I think remnants, most of it's gone.
Ross: Okay. Watch. Put it out here. Ready? Boom. Ross: Okay, now do the sounds. Now try to feel shy
That's right. See how he changed? Now try and feel it. while you're doing the sounds. Audience: Response
Now try to feel nervous. Do your sounds. Look up

Ross: Moves down there? Audience: I'm going to do the sounds.
Audience: Well, I don't know. I guess it was kind of Ross: Ah, it makes sense to me, too.
all in this area and so the part up here was gone, but
Audience: Laughter.
now there's a little bit.
Ross: Okay. You stay here cause I'm going to fuck
Ross: What, what do you think you should do with it
you up good. Everyone else sit down.
Audience: Laughter
Audience: I should probably bring it out, - it,
Ross: This is what's fun for me. You know, I pound on
Ross: Well, do it
people. Sharp, ... Okay. So, sit up straight. Do your
Audience: Slap it. sounds, we'll see just who, close your eyes, do your
sounds. Which combination works best for you?
Ross: Do it, do it.
Ross: Three? Okay, do them. I need my chair. Then
Audience: laughter
why did you hand them to me for? I don't need it. All
Ross: Do it. Now what? right. Sometimes more efficient means I'm required to
get cooperation from the _____ , ya? All right, stop
Audience: I feel better.
don't feel good. Stop it. Okay. So, so what happens
Ross: Yeah. Okay. There's still a little bit there, but when You do your sounds?
we'll find ... Okay. Now you do it. Do your sounds. He
Audience: I still feel shy.
looks a lot like you, Yates. That's kind of scary.
Ross: Good. All right. Cool. Show me where you feel
Audience: Laughter
It. I want to be shy like you, so where does it go?
?: Lucky you. Audience: Right here and it goes down.
Ross: Well, try and feel shy. Ross: Right here? Is it on the surface of your skin,
where, how deep does it go'!
Audience: Shy?
Audience: I don't know, about, maybe about half way
Ross: Yeah. Can you feel shy while you do your
through my body cavity.
Ross: Half way through your body cavity? Shit, okay.
Audience: What does that mean?
Let me try that. I'm not making fun; I'm going to be
Ross: Ah, good. He's got it. Okay. You do it. By the him. Wow, does that, does it make you kind of dizzy?
way, hands in pockets is an apology, so take your
Audience: Yeah.
hands out of your pockets, There you go.
Ross: Yeah. Yeah, it made me dizzy, too. Well, I'm in
Audience: I'm still shy.
his body doing it. Okay, here's the first step. What I
Ross: Still shy? Okay. We're going to do something want you to do is take that feeling. I'm not going to,
with you, cause you're doing something else. So, you close your eyes. I'm not going to ask that feeling to
hold on there. You try it. change any faster than you can do something. Take it
and only put it one-quarter of the way into your body
Audience: What do I do first?
cavity. So instead of making it go halfway through,
Ross: Do your sounds. Humming. The combination same feeling, same, same direction, but only a quarter.
that works best for you. And as you're doing the Now you probably couldn't make it only an eighth of
sounds, try to feel shy. the way into your body cavity.
Audience: It's difficult to do. Audience: No, not at all.
Ross: Yeah. Difficult what? To do the sounds or to Ross: Huh?
feel shy?
Audience: Yes.
Audience: To do the sounds and feel shy at the same
Ross: Okay. Now I bet you're probably not capable of
just putting it on the surface of your skin. Cause then
Ross: Exactly. That's my whole point. So what are you you might imagine a shower washing it off. Sssssss.
going to do? Feel shy or do the sounds? What's the sound of a shower running, cleaning and

cleansing you? That's right. Just rub it right off the and over again, cause that would be bad. All right.
surface of your skin. What can happen IS You can
Audience: laughter
grow a new skin that keeps it from ever going back.
Sssss. Animals molt, did you know that? Animals, as Ross: Here's what we're going to do with you, my
they grow, molt and leave their old skin behind. They good friend. What's your name?
grow a new skin that fits the new animal that's larger,
Audience: Jason
stronger, more powerful, more mature. Once upon a
time, there were two caterpillars crawling along the Ross: Jason. Jason and the Argonauts. I like that.
ground, happy to be caterpillars. And they saw the Okay. Can you remember a time, I want you to close
shadow of something from overhead. And they your eyes, and remember a time when you were just
looked up and it was a butterfly. And one caterpillar feeling ecstatically wonderful. It can be any
said to the other, "You'll never get me up in one of experience. I'll give you an example of an experience I
them dangerous things.” think of when I first did this. Kimmy and I, back when
we were dating, we went to Alaska. And we went
Audience: Laughter
fishing. And after we caught our salmon. she caught a
Ross: Okay. Now. Open your eyes, close them, salmon the size of her body. She's only four foot ten,
rapidly. Open, close, open, close, keep them closed. so, I have a picture of her holding that. We went
Now, try and get the feeling halfway into Your body whale watching. We got within about 150 feet from a
cavity. Notice what happens with it. What happens humpback whale nursing its baby. And we went, we
with it? were, ah, ah, ah, we couldn't even talk. And then it
turned around and it ponged the boat with its sonar.
Audience: It won't go.
Pong. And we were like, ahhhh. I'm telling you, one of
Ross. Where does it go now? those. So, remember a time when you just felt so
ecstatically wonderful you couldn't fucking believe it.
Audience: It feels like it's kind of mushing up against
I have a, I'm getting psychic stuff for him now. I'm not
me, or like ...
kidding. I'm serious about this. Do you ever use
Ross: That's right. Now, then when you take your somatic expressions to describe how YOU feel, like
hand ... First of all, put it three feet away from you, "It's a pain in the ass" or "it makes my skin crawl,"?
take your hand and really backhand real strong and
Jason: Sure.
go Boom out loud as you do it.
Ross: Yeah. Or, "you've got, I've got her, she's under,
Audience: Boom.
she really got under my skin" or that kind of stuff?
Ross: No, what happens when it tries to come back?
Jason: Not so much, yeah, pain in the ass.
Hit it again if you have to.
Ross: Pain in the ass. Yeah. You, I bet you use a lot
Audience: Boom
kinesthetic sensations to describe the states. Okay.
Ross: Now get the feeling back and see what Did you ever have an injury to your upper back or
happens. Try and get it back. neck area?
Audience: It doesn't seem to be coming back. Jason. - Yeah.
Ross: That's right. But we're going to fuck him up. I Ross: Yeah, uh huh. This side?
promised I'd fuck him up, so I'm really going to fuck
Jason: In the, yeah, in the center.
him up. Well, you put yourself in the seat, so now
you're in for it. Ross: Yeah. Yeah. Were you like somewhere between
5 and 7?
Audience: Laughter
Jason: No.
Ross: Cause now that he can't feel bad, I'm going to
show him how to feel wonderful. Don't you, watching Ross: How old were you?
by unconscious example, learn to do this to
Jason: I was 21.
yourselves. It's only for him. I do not want your
unconscious mind, the part of you that sleeps and Ross: Okay. Well, I got the number wrong. You didn't
dreams, the part of you that beats your heart and have something when you were ... So, okay, if you
breathes for you, to begin to do this for yourself, so were 21, 20, then I'll just say, how old are you now?
that you can do it in a dream tonight, over and over

Jason: 24 you couldn't do it. My view is to like, you're in a
wrestling match or boxing match and someone's been
Ross: Okay, so it's close to being 21, 20, around that
beating the snot out of you and you get tag me. I get
area. I'm doing the math wrong. But, okay, five years, I
to climb in the ring and beat the holy, fucking, living
get five and seven for some reason, so maybe that's
shit out of this thing that's been tormenting you, you
how old the injury is. I don't know.
know, and just show it no mercy. Break its back. I hear
Audience: Maybe it's the vertebra number. its bones crunching as it expires in its death rattle.
You know, I stomp its face into curve. I like it. It's nice
Ross: Maybe it's the vertebra number. I don't know.
and hostile.
But I'm getting five or seven. Okay. Okay. Now I'm
really in with him, so I'm going to zap, there are a lot of Audience: laughter
ways I can do this. I can fuck with you so many ways.
Ross: If you're going to be hostile, be hostile in a
I have many ways to hurt you. Okay. Okay. Close
direction that serves people, right? That's way I say.
your eyes. I want you to remember, remember that
situation, see what you saw, hear what you heard, feel
how it felt. Yeah. I want you to notice where that Audience: Nuclear bomb
ecstatic, wonderful feeling starts on your body.
Ross: What's that?
Where does it start? Okay. And show me where it
goes as it continues. Show me the direction with your Audience: Nuclear bomb
hand, don't tell me verbally, show Inc. It rises LIP like
Ross: That's right. That's why I showed you that.
that. And then where does it go? In that kind of, so it
rises up, circles around Your head in that direction. Audience: Response from audience.
Then where does it go?
Ross: That's why I showed you. So, one of the things
Jason: It just stays there. I want you to draw from this is not that I'm some kind
of miracle worker, because there's a structure to what I
Ross: Okay. I'm going to show you how to do
do. What I want you to get is you can learn to do this
something. you ever see a loop-de-loop on the roller
for yourself. Remember what I said. Granted that a
coaster? Whoo, whoo. Okay. I want you to start it
woman is going to put you altered state, why not
going, make it circle around your head, then bring it
design in the altered state you're going to go into.
back through here, and get it going again. Okay? So
Does that make sense?
circle around your head, and then, put it right back
through here, loop it through here and start it going Audience: Yes
again. Okay? And loop it real fast, over and over and
Ross: Now watch this. I'm not done. We're going to
over again Yeah, that's right. A little bit faster. Faster.
play a little game. We're all going to go to the movies.
Faster. Faster. Now you don't have to have a lot
Sound fun?
sensory acuity to know that he feels good, right?
Audience: Yes
Audience: Laughter
Ross: All right. How many people have ever, oh my
Ross: Faster. Oh, UMM, UMM, add in the sound
God, how many people ever been, do they have
UMM, UMM, to yourself. Make it a female voice, oh,
electronic stores here like Circuit City, Good Guys,
umm, heavy breathing. And now, to yourself, I want
what do they have in Chicago?
you to allow a word to come into your mind that
describes this state. Don't tell me what that word is. Audience: Yes.
Okay? Open your eyes, Close them. Okay, now. I
Ross: All right. Well, Best Buy, that kind of thing. I
want you to imagine there's a beautiful woman in front
went to buy a TV and they something called pip -
of you, say that word to yourself. Now, try to feel
picture in a picture. So this is for you real fucking TV
nervous and bad. That's why I get paid the big bucks.
addicts. You can watch the Bulls game here, here's
Okay, go sit down. Give him a hand.
Babylon Five, over here is the tit channel,
Audience: Applause
Audience: Laughter
Ross: I was telling Chris out in the hall that one of the
Ross: Here's Disney, CNN, the Discovery Channel,
metaphors I used is the guys are in, You guys come
thank god you can only hear one sound channel, but
in, you've had this, you know, this problem your
... Okay. This is, and I have one on mine where you
whole life and you've tried your best to work out and
can switch them around, so you can put this one in

the center, this one comes down here, that one goes Chris: About a year ago.
over there. You understand what I'm saying?
Ross: Okay. All right, Here's what I want you to do.
Audience: Yes Make a picture in your mind of anything. All right,
Now, I want to make a point. I'm not picking on him,
Ross. - It's not enough to be sucking on the glass tit,
but, there's a, there's different physiologies
You have to have, you know, the whole thing going.
associated with different circuitry and different tasks
So, we're going to play a little game. Doesn't this look,
that you give your brain to do. That, if you notice his
who's Jewish? Doesn't this look like an ark?
posture, he's kind of like hunched forward. Okay. This
Audience: Laughter is a posture for accessing feelings. It's not a very
good posture for visualizing, so sit up straight, that's
Ross: Buzzo ta to rah. We're now going to read from
right, look up, tilt your head to the side, look up. Now
the book of Moses. Okay. So, here's what we're going
close your eyes but keep your eyes turned upwards.
to do. I want you to imagine that your mind, that your
And now, can you make an image of a golden
mind, I want you to imagine your mind is like a giant
triangle? Breathe from up here. Breathe high and
movie screen. Okay? Can you do that? Now, by the
shallow up there.
way, who here has trouble visualizing? Okay. All
right. We're going to fuck with you guys later, too. Chris: I can imagine a triangle
But for now, what I want you to do is imagine you can
Ross: Yeah
visualize. Now, for those of you who can't, who's
having trouble visualizing? What's your name sir? Chris: but I can't really see it clearly.
Audience: Chris Ross: Well, how do you imagine something you can't
see? I don't get it. flow do you know, if you can't see,
Ross. - Chris, come up. Oh boy, Ross is going to fuck
how do you know you're imagining it?
me up.
Chris: I can see things in a dream state, like when I'm
Audience: Laughter
in a conscious state, I just sort of know what the
Ross: By the way, does anyone have anything for the triangle looks like.
throat, like lozenges or ... No, I need something
Ross: Oh, dream state, huh? Really? Hmm, that's very
stronger. What do you have? Huh
interesting to me. A dream state. Well, can you, how,
Audience: I got some how quickly can you close your eyes. Go into that
dream state. If you were to put the dream state in your
Ross: Will it help?
right hand, turn your right hand palm up, put the
Audience: Yep. dream state in your right hand. Feel it like a ball of
energy. You ever hold a breast implant in your hand,
you can suck on.
or a piece of meat or ... ? I'm serious, feel it, feel the
Ross: Get it. By the way, Mark is someone's who's weight of it, the shape of it. Turn this palm up. Over
made tremendous improvements, hasn't he? He really here, I want you to feel your normal waking state.
has. I can't believe it, man. We are fucking miracle Now begin to slowly bring those two hands together,
workers. very slowly. Such that any ability in one is accessible
from the other. Any ability in the other is accessible
Audience: Response from audience
from the one. You're not sure exactly what that means.
Ross: Lazarus, come out of the tomb. Yeah, we do, but That's right, but keep doing it. What color is the
he's doing, he's doing much better. World's better. All energy ball in that hand?
right. What's your name?
Chris: It just a bright silver.
Audience: Chris
Ross: What color is this one?
Ross: This your first time here?
Chris: Colorless.
Chris: No.
Ross: That's right. Now watch this. (Blowing) Let
Ross: You've been to other seminars? some of the color from that one go into this one. Pull
your hands back apart. How much of the color went
Chris: I've been to one.
into that one?
Ross: When was that?
Chris: 20%

Ross: Pour more in. Take your hand and pour more in. Ross: And if I, if you do dream about it, I give you
How much more is in there now? amnesia so you won't remember you've dreamt about
it. You'll just find yourself doing it. Okay. Time for a 5
Chris: 30 or 40%.
minute break.
Ross: Okay, you get it 50/50. Get close but don't let
Audience: Response from audience
yourself get it all the way. All right. Now, put this
hand down, this hand down, keep this one up. Put Ross: Let's talk about initial pickups. I'd like to jump
that on your forehead. Flatten your hand, take a deep back and forth between things. Its called
breath, now see a gold triangle clearly. fractionation. So each t1me we go back to a topic, the
topic gets reinforced better, rather than if we just did
Chris: Yes.
one thing all the way through, finished, and went to
Ross: You see it clearly? the next one. Plus, it makes it more fun for me. Now, I
think the most important thing to do when you're
Chris: Yes
actually making your initial approach is to be
Ross: Okay. Now, how quickly can you turn that gold outrageous. When I build a state, I want to build a
triangle into a gold square? Or maybe it will turn itself state that's outrageous, engaging, cocky, and
into a gold square. Snap. By the way, notice if you outgoing. Those are my qualities I like to build in.
want more visualization energy, it goes right from this Now, you'll notice, nowhere in here, nowhere in here,
hand and flows into that one and let's you see more. nowhere in here did I say serious. Okay? I want to
You see the gold square? have fun. So, you're not going to believe this, but I'm
going to show you a really great technique for
Chris: Yes
meeting women who look bitchy or in a group of girls.
Ross: Oooh, notice what it's like when it turns into a Okay? What if some of toughest situations, how
gold circle. about a great looking woman who's stunning. She's
got like a very unfriendly look don't talk to me manner.
Chris: It takes a while, but yeah.
Would you like to learn how to get that one every
Ross: Yeah, isn't that cool? How big can you make time?
that circle? How big can the circle make itself?
Audience: yes
Chris: It's all around me.
Ross: Okay. I'm going to show you. What about,
Ross: All around you, huh? What would it be like there's a group of like 5 or 6 girls standing there and
that, if the color of that circle began running all you don't know how to introduce yourself, would you
through your body? Ooh. What would it be like if like to get that one?
suddenly you sprouted gold angel wings? What
Audience: Yes
would that look like? Put the ... All right. Now go back
into your seat. Okay. Now, I have no idea what I just Ross: You're not going to believe me.
did. I was making it up. I was. Based on some things
Audience: Response from audience.
he was showing me. Remember when I said, when I
asked him what color is, the one in this hand, didn't I Ross: Oh, that's fine. Pelone, have you seen me do
tell you, I said no color? Did you see me mouth it? this?
And what did he say?
Pelone: Oh, yeah.
Audience: No color.
Ross: Have any of you seen me do it? Okay. Here's
Ross: Cause I was right in his head with him, seeing it what you do. You're not going to believe it. Okay? I
as he was seeing it. Yeah. swear to you, this is what works. I swear to you.
Audience: Were you trying to connect the two Audience: Responses from audience.
hemispheres of his brain with that?
Ross: Well, try it. We're going to show you how to do
Ross: That's what I was doing. Urn hm. Yeah. I it. Okay? So, imagine there's really hot h. b. with a
wouldn't quite put it that way, but that's what I was don't bother me, I'm in a hurry thing. Okay? Here's
doing. So anyway. So, these are all things that you what I'll do. I'll walk up and go, "Excuse me, princess,
won't dream about tonight. I forbid you. excuse me. Darling I am so sorry to interrupt you but
you are so precious. What is your name, you big, little
Audience: laughter
goddess you? Oh my god, my name is Ross. You

know, I must tell you, I hope your man is nicer to you did you?
than my man is to me, cause men can be such p-r-i-c-k
Pelone: I had no clue.
pricks, can't they? My man is a prick with a capital K.”
Ross: I said, "I haven't, I haven't done this in a while,
Audience: Laughter
in like two years, but let's, let's go for it.” So I turned
Ross: And they'll go, "Oh my god, yes.” "And you around to these two girls and I said, "Excuse me,
know, the thing is we nurture, we nourish, but do they angels. I am so sorry to interrupt but both of you, you
appreciate it? No, they don't. Climb on, have their are just like butter. What are your names?" And they
way, boom, get me a sandwich and a beer. I hate it.” introduced ... I don't even remember their names. I was
like kidding around with them. And I go, "Can you
Audience: laughter
believe the p-i-g pigs in this place? You know, they're
Ross: "I just stamp my feet ...” and they're laughing just staring at our crotches or our cleavage.” And
and being friendly. Oh my god, they're going, "Oh, they were like wholly into it.
yeah.” I go, I'll go, "Let me ask You something. With
Audience: laughter
skin like that, you don't need makeup do you?" "Well,
I use a little foundation.” "Oh, come on. Just between Ross: I talked to them, I did the gay act for what, like
you and I. you don't really need anything, do you?" 10 minutes?
"Well, no, not really.” "You know, look at you. You're
Pelone: About that.
just a little waif. Do you eat at all?" I'll like pinch them
like this, they'll go "Give me a hug.” "Umm, you know, Ross: And then I said, "You know, I must tell you that
you've got to put a little something on. You're just I'm not really gay. You know, we wanted to see if you
going to blow away. So what do you do for a living?" had a sense of humor, cause all the other women in
All this. here have bad attitudes.” And they're going, "No,
you're gay.”
Audience: Laughter
Audience-. laughter
Ross: I'll go, "Well listen. There's something I must
tell you. I must tell you I'm not really gay, but you Ross: They didn't want to believe it. So, finally I said,
look so unapproachable I had to come over here ...” they said, "Well, we're inviting you to our next party,
cause you're just too much fun. You know. All the
Audience: Laughter and applause
other guys in here, ...” So, this is a really good
Ross: They're like, aahhhhh. approach, it's a really, now it takes some balls. It's
absolutely outrageous.
Audience: Laughter. Where did, did you have that, in
the notes? Audience: Responses from audience
Ross: No, it's not in the notes. Ross: Take some practice. Now let's all try it. Now
everybody. okay.
Audience: Laughter
Audience: laughter
Ross: No, no, now, here's another story. Pelone and I
were in this restaurant in Manhattan Beach and Ross: So, here's the
normally, they're real nice friendly women there. Real
Audience: Response from audience.
nice place. But, tell them, did they have attitudes or
what? … All right.
Pelone: Everyone had attitudes. They were even, they Ross: Now a really good way to do this,
were barely friendly.
Audience: Response from audience.
Ross: That's real bad.
Ross: excuse me, hush, I'm speaking now. Okay. A
Pelone: _____ friendliness. really good way to do this, a really good, I'm going to
spank, pank pank you. Okay. A really good way to do
Ross: We sat there for like maybe half an hour trying
this is go get Saturday Night Live tapes and watch
stuff and nothing was working. So I said to him,
Dana Carvey do Church Lady.
"Okay, it's time to pull out the weapon of last resort.”
Audience: Response from audience
Pelone: His secret weapon.
Ross: That's what you gotta do. Okay? And you want
Ross: Now, you didn't know what I was going to do,

to make the transition going, "Now, there's something first.” She said, "No, I don't have a boyfriend. Here's
I must confess, I'm not really gay.” Switch your my number.” Then she left. Okay. So I called her. We
tonality like that. Okay? That's a really good played phone tag. I could never get a hold of her.
approach. The fake like you're gay tonality. It works. Three months go by and I'm going through my cards
Okay? and here's her card. And for some reason it stuck to
my fingers. So I figured okay, what can I do? You
Audience: I'll try that when I'm out of town.
were there that night. Okay? And so I figured, all
Ross: It's called ... right, what am I going to do here? I can't call up and
go, "Remember me? I met you three months ago and
Audience: Laughter
we never got together?" Why wouldn't I, what would
Ross: That's smart. No problem. Good strategy. I call, that be all example of doing?
I put this under the overall umbrella of put 'em on.
Audience: Supplicating
When I say let's go have some fun, I mean let's go
have some fun. Put 'em on. Okay? Here's the general, Ross: That's right. And he who supplicates, ...
the general structure for doing a pickup. The general
Audience-. Masturbates.
structure for doing a pickup is number 1, you want to
interrupt their current state. Second, you want to Ross: That's right. And we've all done enough of that.
focus their attention on you. Third, is take control of
Audience: Laughter
their internal representations. By internal re
presentations I mean how they're talking to Ross: All right. I mean, you've heard of double blind
themselves, the sounds they're making, what they're studies? How do you think they got double blind?
visualizing. Does that make sense?
Audience-. Laughter
Audience: Yes
Ross: I just keep getting better and better at this. All
Ross: Now, I like putting people on. I just like doing it. right. So anyway. So I figured, just out of the blue, I
It's a really good non-standard way to do things since picked up the phone, you're a witness, I went, "Hi,
they're not used to it. One of my students came up Gina. I met you about three months ago in the yogurt
with this approach. He walked up to a woman and shop, back when I was straight. But now I'm gay, the
really wussy, he'll go, he'll go, "Excuse me, excuse me, tree's full of parrots. So listen, now that I'm totally
excuse me. Has anyone ever told you look like you safe, let's get together over coffee, shoot the shit, we
have a wonderful sense of humor?" And they go, can talk about what p-i-g pigs men are. I hope your
"Oh" and they'll laugh, cause ... I don't do that one, man is nicer to you than mine is to me and ... You
but he does that. Okay. So, interrupt their current know, listen, because I'm _____ the only thing of
state. I like putting them on. Here's another one that's yours that I really want to get into is your wardrobe.
worked for me. Now listen. It really works for me. By So give me a call back ...” She calls me back the next
the way, another gay story, another of the gay things. day. Boom.
Another woman in a yogurt place. Yogurt places are
Audience: Laughter
great to meet women the hours of 3: 30 and about 4:
45. There's a secret to meeting women. It's called Ross: You know, boom. So, anyway. So, it's an
blood sugar. When blood sugar drops in the late outrageous thing that works. Here's another way I put
afternoon, they all go for their coffee or their sweets. women on. When I go Into a place I find what I call
All right? This girl, by the way, we're going to call the catbird seat. The catbird, everyone know what the
here on the phone and say hello to her ... She wants catbird is? The catbird is the bird that's assigned by
to talk to all you guys. She wants me to put the phone the flock to watch for the cat, so the flock can feed
up while you go hello, Gina. So, we'll do it for her. peacefully. So the catbird has to sit in the place where
What the fuck? Anyway, she walks into the yogurt he can see everything. So I will sit so I'm facing the
place where I'm sitting there with my publicist. . And door so I can see everyone coming in. Okay? Okay,
she's just glowing, and I forget what I said to her, so catbird scat. So, the woman will walk by me and I'll put
I'm like, you know, "You look like you're glowing. this look on my face, or I'll even walk up to her. Who
What's going on with you?" "Oh, I just finished was there, who was with me when the Penthouse guy,
shooting my first feature film. It's a starring role with a we're going to be, the story's being written about me
major star, so I'm really happy about it, blah, blah, in Penthouse, too. So, I'm getting more and more
blah.” I said, "Really? Do you have a boyfriend? Do famous. You were there. There's a beautiful blonde
you want a better one? Answer the second question girl, what was her name? It starts with an E. Erin? It

was, it was, she was real cute, though. Okay? So
anyway, beautiful model turned out.
Yates: This is the end of Side 5 of the Ross Jeffries
Audience: Major league Basic Speed Seduction Seminar
Ross: Major league h. b. Major h. b. She's sitting and
the guy says, "Go pick her up.” So I walk around and
I approach her from a 45-degree angle so she can't
really see me. I'll say, I walk up to her and I say,
"Excuse me. I know this is going to sound like to
oldest, dumbest pickup line in the world, but I know, I
know I've seen you somewhere before and it's, it's
killing me cause I can't figure it out.” I did it so
sincerely, she started trying to help me. Said, "Well
where? Where do you think You've seen me? Where
did you go to school?" I went, she went, "Did you,
was it at Santa Monica College?" I went, "No, no.” I
went, "Oh my god, I know where it was. I was reading
a book on angels and they had your picture on the
cover.” Now she laughed, of course. Right? She
laughed. Now that's not enough. I didn't want to leave
it there. I said, here's what I said, here's what makes it
work. Just that line alone, she's going to go "Thank
you" and walk off. Here's what made it work. So I
started out being funny, putting her on. So I started
out from funny and then where do you think I went
from there?
Audience: Sincere
Ross: I went to being sincere. I said, and then I to
being challenging. I said, "I'm glad you laughed
because I think you are absolutely breathtaking, but I
wanted to make sure you had more going for you than
just that before I introduced myself.” So the language
is, "I'm glad you laughed.” This isn't in your notes so
you can write it down. ”I'm glad you laughed because
I wanted, I'm glad you laughed because I think you
are absolutely breathtaking and I wanted to make sure
you had more going for you than just that before I
introduced myself My name is" - your name goes
here. Now, notice the dynamic there. I'm saying yeah,
you're breathtaking, so what, let's get it out of the
way, I acknowledge it, point over, let's go beyond
that. I'm not slobbering over her and I'm not
pretending I don't notice it either. Now, notice the
dynamic there. I'm saying yeah, you're breathtaking,
so what, let's get it out of the way, I acknowledge it,
point over, let's go beyond that. I'm not slobbering
over her and I'm not pretending I don't notice it either.
So, Amy, you could say, "God, I notice you look just
like that hunk of a stud Ross Jeffries, but I want to
make sure you had more going for you than just that
before I introduced myself. My name is Kathleen.
Excuse me, Brother Kathleen.” Whatever. Okay, get

Tape 3 – Side 2 Ross: But if you'll sit with me for 5 minutes. Who went
to get those lozenges or they haven't got any on
them? I'll be all right. Who here is a M. D. ? I need you
Yates: This is the beginning of Side 6 of the Ross to look at my throat. Okay? Actually, my butt itches,
Jeffries Basic Speed Seduction Seminar too, so I need you to ... just kidding. How will I tell
one from the other, Ross?
Audience: I'll show _____ .
Ross: My name is Kathleen. Excuse me, Brother
Kathleen. Whatever. Okay? Get it? Does that make Ross: Oh, no, no. If you sit with me for 5 minutes, I'll
sense? analyze hand writing, you'll learn secrets about
yourself your best friends don't know, and I'll get to
Audience: Yes. find out if you're the kind of person I want to get to
Ross: And then I ... know better. You get it? Do you hear the challenges
and the opportunities you're structuring there
Audience: Is this all-conscious level here, though, throughout the whole thing? Are you, are you in any
right no"? way supplicating?
Ross: What? Audience: No.
Audience: Is this all-conscious level ... Ross: Yes sir.
Ross: I don't understand your question? Audience: Do you have any _____ available so we
Audience: I mean, there's nothing covert about this? can learn how to analyze handwriting?

Ross: No, no. No, you're being straightforward, blunt Ross: I think we may have a deck here. I think we
and you're not making any apologies. See, I'm what have product, yeah, we have a deck of cards called a
I'm doing is I'm testing to see if they have a sense of grapho deck that we can sell you. It does it for you.
humor. Then, as soon as I find out that they do, and if You go right to the cards. They're like flash cards.
they don't, I walk on. Chris, maybe they do. They just You match it. Within 2 or 3 weeks, you'll have them
don't like my joke. That's possible. Okay. So, I want to memorized. They're great. Ebin, do you use them?
interrupt their state. I'm testing to see what kind of Ebin: They're awesome.
response I get. Then I go immediately to being sincere
and then I go to be challenging. Then I'll say to her, Ross: What's that? Louder.
"Look, " listen to me, listen to me guys. I'll say, "Look, Ebin: The singular best tool for reading women like
I don't have a lot of time right now, .” Did you hear that is a prop.
that earlier today?
Ross: Yeah, yeah. It's real good.
Audience: Yes
Ebin: It's a crutch you use.
Ross: "I don't have a lot of time right now, but I tell
you what. If you'll sit with me for 5 minutes, I'll Ross: Yeah. I didn't create it, someone else created it.
analyze your handwriting. I'll tell you secrets about But, it's a great product and we sell it. Okay? That's
yourself that your best friends don't know, and I'll get one approach. Now let me show you another
to learn if you're the kind of person I want to get to approach. This next approach only works if you
know better.” Now, how many do you think actually pause properly, okay? You must use pausing.
sit down and want to have their writing done out for Because when you pause it creates response
that? attentiveness. So you want to learn to use your
pausing. And also learn to speak at a certain pace.
Audience: 100'%? Okay. Here, look. Here comes Mr. Metronome. Is it
Ross: About 85-90%. And the better looking they are, picking this up? Yeah? Okay. Most of you are talking
the more they're willing to sit down. Cause no one's like here. Let me, let me do Mary had a little lamb at
ever challenged them like that. See, most of them here, this speed. Mary had a little lamb, its fleece was white
"Hey you, whoo, hey baby.” as snow. And everywhere that Mary went, the lamb
was sure to go. Okay? Too fast. Mary had (pause) a
Audience: So what's does "I don't have a lot of time little lamb, (pause) it's fleece was white as snow,
right now?" (pause) and everywhere (pause) that Mary went,
(pause) the lamb was sure to (pause) go. So, you want

to learn to speak at the right pace, which will give you Audience: Response from audience:
some ... Oh, it just died there. You want to learn to
Ross: Say it, okay, so, say it with me.
pause p roperly, so, here's how you do it. You walk up
to a woman, and you say, "Excuse me, excuse me, " Ross & Audience: Excuse me. Forgive the
brief pause. The dot is a pause, okay? Forgive the interruption, but you are so (pause) absolutely
interruption, brief pause, but you are so, pause, breathtaking, I had to take the risk to meet you and
pause, pause, pause, pause, so say, "Excuse me, find out what the person inside is like.
forgive the interruption, but you are so (pause).” And
Ross: My name is so and so. That's another good
they're like, "What?" Okay? They're wondering,
one. Now, here's one I've used. I've walked up, this is
"What the fuck is he going to say? What? I'm on fire?
a put-on. I've walked up and said, "Excuse me. I, I
I'm a whore? What? I'm fat?"
know this is going to sound like a little, an odd
Audience: laughter question, but can you think of the friend who makes
you laugh the most?" And when they think of that
Ross: "I've got cellulite?" So, this doesn't work. Going
friend, what are they going to do?
tip, "Excuse me. Forgive the interruption, but you are
so absolutely breathtaking I just had to meet you.” Audience: Probably start laughing.
Doesn't work. Why?
Ross: They're going to smile. And I'll say, "Good,
Audience: Too fast. because I had to see the smile that goes with that
absolutely perfect face.” "Excuse me. Can you, I know
Ross: Too fast.
this is going to sound like bit of an odd question. But
Audience: Responses from audience. can you think of the friend that makes you laugh the
most?" If they don't smile, walk away. But most of the
Ross: But if I say,
time, they're going to smile and go, "Yes.” And go,
Audience: Response from audience "Good. Cause I had to se the smile that goes with that
absolutely perfect face.” What?
Ross: Right. But If I say, "Excuse me. Forgive the
interruption, but you are so (pause) absolutely Audience: I was thinking that when you're coming
breathtaking, (pause) I had to take the risk to meet back from the mall ...
you and find out what the person inside is like. My
Ross: Oh, okay.
name is Boom.” Okay? Now, notice how I say it. Am I,
yes? Audience: And when, there's a car next to us that has
sonic girls in it and we started, we started yelling
Audience: At forgive the Interruption ...
something out the window to get their attention. Just
Ross: I'm being excessively polite. I'm just being something real funny, you know, and joking, and they
polite. just went, you know. And they were just like, then
they started joking around.
Audience: and the softer in general?
Audience: Response from audience
Ross: Yeah
Audience: Laughter
Audience: How do you use those without getting into
the mindset of someone you used to be? Audience: Responses from audience
Ross: Because my tonality isn't "Excuse me" it's "Hey, Audience: They didn't, I mean, I guess they're, I don't
I'm being polite.” What I'm saying is, "I know this is know if they're threatened ...
kind of a nerve-racking thing, I'm a strange guy, we're
Ross: We were driving around and we saw ...
in the big city, I'm taking, " I'm pacing that. I'm going,
Yesterday, we were coming back from the aquarium
"It's okay, relax.” It sounds like I'm supplicating, but
and there's a dark-haired girl driving next to us. Hugh
really I'm doing is, "It's all right, relax.” You know, I'm
_____ bouncing as she was driving. Yeah. I looked
stroking the chicken's back. Well, I shouldn't say
over and I said, "Excuse me. Are you Jewish?" She
stroking the chicken. I'm ...
said, "No.” I said, "Never mind.”
Audience: Laughter
Audience: Laughter
Ross: I'm tickling the alligator's belly so it can go into
Audience: Could you repeat that one again, the last
trance. You know? So, "Excuse me. Forgive the
interruption, but You are so (pause)"

Ross: Oh, "Excuse me. I know this is going to sound approach to use as opposed to the one like you
like something of an odd question, but can you think approached her before, where you ...
of the friend, but can you think of the friend, that
Ross: Good question.
makes you laugh the most?" And then when they
smile, you say, "Good. Because I wanted to see the Audience: Response from audience
smile that goes with that absolutely perfect face.”
Ross: Let me do this. Here's how I make a judgment. I
Yes? Oh, I'm sorry. I already did it once, so, two times,
make a judgment based on a couple of factors, which
I don't need to repeat it. That's all right. Are these
approach I'm going to use. First of all, I look to see
good to you?
how open and friendly she looks. If she looks open
Audience: Yes. and friendly and happy, I'm going to use more of a
straight approach. I'm going to come up and say,
Ross. - Another one I'll do is, if I notice a woman has
"You've got great energy" or "Excuse me, I, but you
really good energy - don't ask me what that means but
are so absolutely breathtaking, I had to take the risk
if she looks lively and happy, I'll say, "Excuse me. I
to meet you and find out what the person inside is
just had to tell you, you have the most wonderful
like" cause I'm more likely ... If she looks a little less
energy. I had to introduce myself.” Now that line is
friendly, or I just haven't had much of an opportunity
perfect. If it's true, if it's really true and you do
to observe her cause she's, she's g oing by in a hurry,
observe that, women love that line. They gobble that
then I'll use the fake like I know her. Fake like I know
line like candy. To tell a woman she has great energy,
her. I'll use the fake like I know her or I'll use the gay
it's an absolutely perfect line. If you mean it. What are
approach. Well, it's true. The more uptight and bitchy
you laughing at? Audience: Response from audience.
she looks, the more gay I'm going to get.
Ross: If she's happy, she's lively. That's a very
Audience: Laughter
flattering, thing to say to a woman. Oh, now here's
one. Here's an old standby if YOU can't think of Ross: Yes, Mark.
anything else to say. Find some article of clothing
Mark: With a really like tense, I found that if you can
she's wearing, and you say, "Where did you get
find some kind of flaw and point it out, it knocks them
those x?" where x represents whatever the clothing IS.
off completely.
Okay? "Where did you get those x? Where did you
get that x?" And when she tells you, you go, "Great. Ross: Well, that's a, that's a risky thing to do.
Because I really like them.” And then you say, "Of
Mark: Well, when you know they're going to be a
course, the person wearing them is a shining example
total bitch, ...
of genetic perfection.” Now you think that line is
stupid, but they always laugh. They always laugh or Ross: But you don't know.
are flattered. And then you say, "I'm glad you
Audience: Response from audience.
laughed cause I think you are absolutely
breathtaking. And I wanted to make sure you had Ross: You can change states. I don't assume, she may
more going for you than that before I introduced just be in a hurry or have a mask up cause she doesn't
myself.” That's a great standby. ”Where did you get want to get lilt on. But I'm not, I'm just saying,
those?" You can always think of that right off the bat. "Precious, you are like butter. I had to meet you.
Now, you don't want to go up and say, "Excuse me,
Audience: We don't get, is there any ...
but you make my dick harder than Chinese calculus.”
Ross: Oh, you have to say it exactly right, you big
Audience: Laughter
Ross: Ye ah, you'd be off, you'd probably be off on the
Audience: Laughter
wrong foot. Yes?
Ross: If you say it wrong, your eyeballs will get
Audience: Response from audience
scratched out.
Ross: Excuse me, but, ... -
Audience: flow about you write these out?
Audience: Response from audience
Ross: Huh?
Ross: Yeah.
Audience: How about you write these out?
Audience: How do you know, like the genetic
Ross: Well, how about you write them down while I'm
perfection thing, how do you know that that's the

doing it? the shark was fighting the tiger or whatever the fuck it
Audience: Responses from audience
Audience: Laughter.
Ross: Well, aaahhhh.
Ross: Oh yeah. Tigers can kick a shark's ass. Well, it
Audience: Responses from audience.
depends if they're in the water or not. Well, ... Okay.
Ross: What have you been doing? So you quote a show, a book, you know what else
you can quote? A seminar. I went to this wacky
Audience: Laughter
seminar on men, on how to understand women. It was
Ross: All right. Let's take, yeah, let's take 5 minutes. so ridiculous. The guy was saying it's very important
for a woman to feel an unbelievable connection. The
way he described it, he talked about, you ever feel
Ross: Now, I'm switching back and forth between that click right (pause) there, that just makes you feel
topics to kind of fractionate you a little bit. We will totally drawn to this person. And on the one hand,
thoroughly cover each and every one. I can guarantee okay, you get it?
and promise you that. I want to start looking at
Audience: Response from audience.
patterns now. Let's jump to patterns. Okay? I want to
do one of my absolute favorite patterns cause it's so Ross: Okay. Then what you can do, okay, then what
fun to do over the phone. Who's the brother, Brother you can do is you can quote what a friend said on the
Ben uses this on the phone right off the jump when subject. My, now, my, I told this to my friend and my
he calls. It's the Discovery Channel pattern. How friend said, and then you go into another pattern. Or
many people have heard of or seen the Discovery you just expand on the first one. And now, the final
Channel pattern before? And it's in your notes, is it part is, you, you say, you offer your own opinion.
not, word for word? It's one of the ones in the notes? Offer your own opinion. This is a very powerful
Yeah. It's in one of the handouts, word for word. structure cause it lets you stack examples. Plus,
You're offering social proof. ”Well, I saw it on TV and
Audience: Response from audience.
someone else had to say this about it, so it must be
Ross: Those of you who are at home, you can find the true.” This is a very powerful structure. Now, I don't
Discovery Channel pattern in your Secrets of Speed always follow this, but, okay? So, the Discovery
Seduction Home Study Course Workbook on page Channel starts out very simply. Let's work on this
B85. That's B85 I think. We call it the Ideal Attraction together. Okay? If you wanted to quote, talk about
Pattern. Now let me talk to you a little bit about the how you, if you wanted to quote something you saw
structure of the Discovery Channel pattern and how I on TV, what would you start out saying? A new
thought it up. You know how I thought it up? I saw it student. You were going to quote, you were going to
on TV. Ha, Ha. I really did. One of the things I want tell me about something you saw on TV, what would
to, one of the reasons why I want to do the Discovery you say to me?
Channel pattern first is because it helps you
Audience. When I was watching this show on TV last
understand one of the primary conversational
week, ...
structures of speed seduction. So, I like to layer
patterns 3 deep. Okay? The first pattern really gets Ross: Right.
you into her mind. The second one cements you and
Audience: It was about lions and tigers and bears,
the third one really gets her going. Now the
and how they rampage on the countryside after being
Discovery Channel pattern works with very common,
released from some cohabitual habitat zoo in
typical speed seduction conversational framework.
Afghanistan, and it was really interesting how they
And that is it quotes something. Now, there are lots
contrasted the ... Ross: Very good.
of things you can quote. You can quote a TV show
you saw. And this sounds like the structure of a Audience: So, something like that.
normal conversation. flow many times have you ever
Ross: Very good. Sounds like we're being released
talked to a friend about a movie or a TV show you
from our zoo.
watched? Anyone ever done that in their entire life?
Audience: Laughter.
Audience: Yes
Ross: Your unconscious is working. I like that. Okay.
Ross: When I was a little kid, we used to talk about
So, its simple languaging, guys. This is not rocket
Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom. Did you see it hen

science. This is, this is the uranium gun weapon. Audience: Right.
We're not showing you an H-bomb here. This is a
Ross: You ever see any of these bizarre schizophrenic
simple weapon. Okay? I was watching the most
shitbums who walk up to you and go, "Helicopter,
interesting show on TV and they were saying ... By
pillow pilot, jet plane aspirin"?
the way, this is in your notes, word for word, so, it's in
your notes, the seminar notes, plus it's in the Audience: Laughter
workbook. So, you don't, "hat I want you to do Is
Ross: And I'll go back and " _____ tweedle dum, Tom
look and see what each piece is designed to do and
Thumb, and dum de de dum.” You know, I'll do it back
then we'll go through it, word for word. Okay? I want
to them, but ... You don't want to sound like you're
you to get it. Okay? I was watching the most
talking word _____ here guys. Okay? So the purpose
interesting show on TV about x and they were saying
of the introduction is to make it okay to talk about
... Okay. So, the Discovery Channel pattern is an
this. So are there any of you, any man, who makes his
interesting pattern because it's actually a pattern that
living designing rides, attractions for amusement
does a lot. It lets you get some feelings of emotional
parks? Okay. Now, here comes the first command.
safety and comfort and get body sensations. So, it's
And he said, and he said ... What are we doing? We're
getting into 2 doorways. Plus, it uses sexual
quoting the person they interviewed on the show.
metaphor, too. So it's really exaggerating one of those
Okay? And he said when you, when you ... Here
doorways. So the Discovery Channel pattern is great,
comes the first command. Now when you're doing
I really love this pattern, it's great to pick up the
patterns, it's very useful to do, sketch out the
phone and call, okay? So, it goes something like this.
following things. The first thing you want to sketch
It goes, and with each little piece, I want to stop and
out when you're designing a pattern is what's the
analyze what each piece is designed to do. Fair
conversational framework? Okay? So what is the
conversational framework? Here we know what it is.
Audience: Yeah It's quoting a TV show. Okay? What are the
commands that you're going to put there? Write them
Ross: Can you tell me why I'm stopping to analyze
out, separately. Number 3 - what's the theme or
what each piece does? What is my purpose in doing
themes, okay? The overall theme of the Discovery
Channel pattern is how safety and excitement can be
Audience: Responses from audience. experienced at the same time. That's the overall theme
of the Discovery Channel pattern. What's the overall
Ross: To fill up time?
theme or themes? One of the questions I want you to
Audience: Responses from audience. encourage you to ask yourself is, what are theme or
themes that would really intrigue this woman? What
Ross: So you understand what you're doing. This is
theme or themes would really intrigue this woman?
so important. I'm the only person in this community
Did you all watch the video, the cable show with me
that will say, you need to understand what you're
and the actress and the, the guy on meth or
doing if you want to do it well and you want to do
whatever? Did you see that guy? _____ I'm
exquisitely and you want to make up your own stuff.
something _____ . You all see it?
Okay? Huh?
Audience: Yes
Audience: Thank you.
Ross: Now what was the theme that intrigued that
Ross: You're welcome. You're welcome. I was
watching the most interesting show on TV on the
Discovery Channel and they were interviewing a man Audience: Response from audience
who makes his living designing rides, attractions for
Ross: I know. What I said to her is, "Boy, I think
amusement parks. Okay? So far so good? Now what's
acting is interesting, too. The really interesting thing
that first thing doing? It's just introducing the topic.
about acting is you want to get to the place where
So that first bit of pattern just introduces the topic.
you're no longer giving a performance. You want to
Why is it important to introduce the topic?
get to the place where you step aside consciously
Audience: Response from audience and you let that performance flow through you. And
really, that's about a moment of surrender.” So what
Ross: So it makes sense, so it sets the stage and it
was the real theme? Moments of surrender, stepping
sounds like an ordinary, decent, normal conversation.
aside consciously. That was the real theme. Okay? So,

the theme of the Discovery Channel pattern is safety Ross: What's the purpose of your speed seduction?
and excitement at the same time. Why is that an
Audience: Responses from audience.
important theme? Cause, isn't that what women want?
I mean, they want to be excited and thrilled, but at the Ross: To create a state. Okay? The purpose of your
same time they want to know they're not going to get communication is not to convey an intellectual
hurt. Right? understanding. Believe me, I used to be great at
conveying intellectual understandings. I mean, I
Audience: Right
could get a woman to understand U. S. nuclear arms
Ross: Yes? policy In southwest Asia. By the end of the evening,
she'd really understand it. She'd also understand that
Audience: Yes
she'd have to wash her hair.
Ross: I mean, if you can really deliver that to a
Audience: Laughter
woman, that's a big deal. Safety is a big thing. They
don't want to be hurt. Who does? Well, if wear my Ross: Okay?
special outfit, I want to be hurt, but
Audience: laughter
Audience: Laughter. What is that, Ross?
Ross: Okay, well it's true. I don't want, no, I'm not
Ross: Oh, never mind. saying, listen to me please. I'm not saying you
shouldn't appreciate a woman's intellect. I love
Audience: Laughter.
intelligent women. I'm not bullshitting here. The
Ross: Oooh, oooh, oooh, only Kim gets to put it oil smarter the woman, the sexier I find her. Truly. I love
me. No, no, just teasing. No, those days are gone my bright women, they're challenging, they're interesting,
friend, we'd thought they'd never end, but they did, they're fascinating, they're better in bed. I love bright
and now I am, anyway. women. All I'm saying is the purpose of my
communicating is not to give an intellectual
Audience: Laughter.
understanding. Now it may appear that way. On the
Ross: Okay. So, it goes, and were there any of you. a surface of the communication it may appear that I'm
guy who makes his living designing rides, attractions teaching her something or helping her learn a skill, but
for amusement parks, and he said when you stop and in reality what's going on here underneath is I'm
imagination your ideal attraction. So that's the first installing a series of states and linking them to me.
command. The first command is stop and imagine Okay? Do you get it?
your ideal attraction. Now let's have a look at this for
Audience: Yes
a minute. When you give the person the command to
stop, what are you commanding them to do? Ross: All right. So, when he said "Stop and imagine
your ideal attraction" he said there were three
Audience: Stop.
elements involved. Okay? He said when you, okay,
Ross: Stop every other train of thought and pay look up here. He said when you take this ride, look
attention only to what you're about to hear. Stop where I'm pointing. Okay? It's very subtle. I don't say
pause and imagine your ideal attraction. Now, notice "When you take this ride ...” Can we all do this' Keep,
this. When I say to her, "Imagine your ideal put our hands, put your hands here. Okay? Slide your
attraction" am I saying "Imagine your ideal hands down to your belly button and point your
amusement park ride?" Or am I saying "Imagine your fingers, okay? So you want to keep your hands real
ideal attraction to a man?" Which am I saying? close to your body. Anything further than this they're
going. So, when you take this ride, you enter a state
Audience: Man, responses from audience.
of high arousal. Now, what's the command? There are
Ross: It's ambiguous. It's both. Here's a general, two commands there.
powerful rule of persuasion. If you want to be
Audience: It's take this ride.
hypnotic, be ambiguous and vague. If you want to
convey intellectual understanding, be specific. Now, Ross: Take this ride.
is the purpose of speed seduction to convey an
Audience: Responses from audience
intellectual understanding to the woman of the topic
you're discussing? Ross: The sexual metaphor - enter a state of high
arousal. Now, let's look at this. I want you to
Audience: No.
understand how each step drives the next step even

further. What? You have a comment? you reach the peak, the peak, that could mean what?
The peak of excitement before an orgasm. You're
Audience: Question from audience.
screaming with excitement as you go down. Okay? Go
Ross: Okay. Enter a state of high arousal. So, I'm down? You get it? I swear, I've had women stop and
giving them two commands. Now, what doorway are say, "It sounds just like sex or it sounds like orgasm.”
we getting into here? Do we, let's do the four I go, "Wow, I never thought of that before.”
doorways again. There's the, the doorways are
Audience: Laughter
emotional connections, getting her visualizing, body
sensations, and asking her questions that make her Ross: This is a great pattern. I challenge you, here's
access herself in the deepest core of her identity to what you do. To practice your first speed seduction,
answer. What doorway are we getting into? practice, call some woman you know, go "How you
doing? You know, I was, do you watch TV? I was
Audience: Body sensations, sensory sensations.
watching the most interesting show on the Discovery
Ross: Body sensations. That's right. Who didn't get Channel" and do the Discovery Channel pattern on
that? If you didn't get it, please tell me. I want you to her. All right? Now, I'm not done here. Now, I'm not
tell me if you're not getting, cause that means I can be done here. I want, see, I'm taking this apart piece by
a better teacher by learning from you how to make piece. I encourage you to go back to the patterns in
sure you get it. If you're not getting it, you're not your, in your notes and in the workbook and them
helping by staying silent. Okay? Okay. When you apart piece by piece and go "What is each piece
take this ride, you enter a state of high arousal. And designed to do?" Design will tell you more than
then you say this. You say, "You know first long slow anything else. In fact, we might hold a contest where
vertical climb on the roller coaster? And you can feel the winner gets a, some kind of prize of some sort
the adrenaline pounding through your body. The products or cash - where we have you design a
closer you get to the peak, the faster your heart beats. disgusting pattern, a pattern to make a woman feel
Your breathing starts to come faster and faster and as sick to her stomach and nauseated by you. Okay?
you're reaching the peak and you begin to go down, Just to show you that it's not the content but the
You're screaming with excitement.” Okay, now. What form. Okay? Like "I was watching this show on the
am I doing here? I'm giving a description. I give a medical channel ...”
description. Why do I give a description? Because if
Audience: Laughter
she's in rapport with me and following along as I
describe that state ... Now, let's, let's help, let's have Ross: "And they were talking about genital warts.
you make it up. When you're on the roller coaster and
Audience: Laughter
you're going up that climb, what do you feel in your
body as you're going up, hearing clack, clack, clack? Ross: "And the guy was talking about how incredibly
painful it is when you get a terrible rash down there.
Audience: Response from audience
You ever wake up with a burning sensation ...
Ross: Describe it.
Audience: laughter
Audience: Responses from audience.
Ross: And the mo re ...” You understand what I'm
Ross: Tingling in your stomach. What else? saying? I can make them up like that, too. But notice,
the structure is the same. The content is different, but
Audience: Responses from audience.
the structure is ...
Ross. - Shuddering with anticipation. that's right.
Audience: The same.
What else?
Ross: Right. I want you guys to get used, listen to
Audience: Growing excitement.
this. This is very important. Now I'm rolling here. We
Ross: Growing excitement. So, okay. Exactly. How do I live in a society that's totally focused on content.
come up with this? I say, "Granted, I've been there. What is it that you're saying? People are not trained
What does it feel like?" to look at structure and form, unless they're body
workers. Body workers get this stuff a lot faster.
Audience: What will it be like.
They're trained to look at structure. Okay? What I'm
Ross: What will it be like? Okay? Give a description. going to tell you is structure and form in our
The description is x, y, z, a, b, c, whatever. And then I communication is intensely powerful. There are
add, threw in some more sexual metaphors. Then as certain structures that are very powerful. If you learn

to communicate through those powerful structures, the roller coaster. Well, and this is true, it is
you'll have an entirely different experience of life. absolutely true. You have to know deep down. I
remember riding a roller coaster, being, looking at
Yes? Phoenix. Can we get him on the mike? Yes.
people whizzing by, going "I'm scared to go up there.”
I thought, "Wait a minute. It's got to be safe or their
Phoenix: Yes, one of the things that I've noticed cause insurance company wouldn't even let them, let people
I'm really lazy at making patterns is there's like two get up there.” So I feel okay. Now, that's a bizarre kind
levels to the patterns that Ross has. There's what I of logic but it makes sense. I figure no one's really
call the met-a-level, which you have the introduction, going to get hurt on that and their insurance company
the metaphors, bring up to the close. And then inside would close them down. Wouldn't let them have it.
of that there's actually the linguistic or hypnotic Yes.
trance patterns that are being run. And for sonic
Audience: _____ doesn't work at carnivals and state
people they can actually take and go from "I want to
fairs where the rides are put together by the
start at a, I want to end up at c, and the You can
pot-smoking guys.
actually break it down even more to what sort of
trance words am I using, or trance phases. If you want Ross: Okay. That's different.
to get technical you can say, well a nominalization
Audience: Ross.
there, I need to have an ambiguity there. You can start
to really get constructive down to the basic details Ross: Yes.
starting with the overall structures and getting more
Audience: Curiosity. I noticed that you put like a
specific. Ross: Yes. Once you understand structure it
sexual metaphor before the safety part.
becomes like designing a piece of art. I love designing
patterns cause they're like pieces of art. They're like, Ross: Just cause it fit in to, that was the way the,
do you know what they are? You know what you're you're telling about the elements, that's just the way it
doing as a speed Seducer? You're creating mental fit in. I really did see this on TV. Okay? So there has
origami. Does everyone know what origami is? Does to be a sense of overall safety. You have to know this
anyone ... attraction is so well designed you feel totally safe. So
what's the command?
Audience: Response from audience.
Ross & Audience: Feel totally safe.
Ross: Origami is like when you do Japanese paper
folding. You take paper and You fold it into beautiful Ross: And because you feel totally safe, you feel
ornate shapes. What we are doing is we' re creating completely free to indulge in all those exciting
thought origami for women. We're taking their feelings. So the other command is feel completely free
thoughts and we're helping them to fold them into to indulge in all these exciting feelings. Do you get it?
shapes, beautiful shapes and configurations they've
Audience: Got it. Ross: Now. Finally. And he said the
never experienced before. We are artists with thought.
final element is, there's got to be a sense of overall
Audience: I call it experiential fascination. This ride has to have so many different
twists and turns that as soon as you get off, you want
Ross: You've been drinking too much of your own
to climb right back on, you want to take this ride
multiple times.
Audience: Laughter
Audience: Laughter
Ross: But anyway. So. Okay. So. And he said the
Ross: Okay? So, as soon as you get off, what is that a
second element is there has to be a sense of overall,
command for her to do? Have an orgasm. As soon as
there has to be a sense of overall safety. You have to
you get off, you want to climb right back on. What is
know that this attraction is so well designed, you're
she going to be visualizing in her head?
not going to get hurt. And because you feel totally
safe, you feel that much more free to indulge and let Audience: Response from audience
go with all of those exciting feelings. So what is the
Ross: So now, what doorway ...
second module designed to do? The sexual, the
second module is designed to create feelings of what? Audience: Responses from audience
Audience: Comfort and safety. Ross: What doorway, okay. So what doorway are we
starting to get into here?
Ross: How do I do that? I talk about the metaphor of

Audience: Responses from audience like what you want the most is right, right now, right
in front of you.
Ross: Visual. Body sensations and visual. When you
get off you want to climb right back on. By the way, Audience: Laughter.
when you say get off, she may be visualizing herself
Ross: Can you feel that? It would be an amazing thing
getting off, too. Okay? You want to climb right back
to experience? I mean, I think sometimes when you
on. You want to take this ride multiple times. And she
feel that connection, you can even stop and imagine a
may be actually then visualizing herself on you
time in the future, say years from now, still feeling this
multiple times. Okay?
amazing connection. And looking back on this
Audience: Do you sell Biagra? moment as having been the start of it. Now, let's talk
about a piece of the incredible connection. Did you
Ross: Do I sell Biagra? No. What's the difference
hear the incredible connection pattern there? Let me
between a Jewish woman and an Italian woman? An
talk about a little piece of this called time distortion or
Italian woman says to her husband buy viagra. A
pseudo-orientation in time is actually the proper name
Jewis h woman says buy Fizer stock.
for it. Okay? I'm going to give you a couple of
Audience: Laughter. different ways to get into the incredible connection
pattern. Cause the way I first taught it, it wasn't
Ross: Was that a no, no? You're looking at me with a
particularly conversational. Okay? So, I want to tell
bad look. Okay? Now, watch this. Now I'm going to
you, show you some really good conversational ways
show you how to transition from this into the
to get into it. Fair?
incredible connection pattern. Okay? I'm going to give
you a phrase, I'm going to tell you four words that \A, Audience: Yes
III get you ]aid more than any four words in the
Ross: If I can give you three different ways to get to
English language. Nah, you don't want to know.
the incredible connection pattern, would you be
Never mind, well let's move on.
Audience: Laughter. Ross: I have a gun. No, that's
Audience: Yes
not it.
Ross: Would you think "Ross, for the first day, I'm
Audience: Laughter.
really getting my money's worth?"
Ross: I have some cocaine. No. I drive a Porsche. No.
Audience: Yes
It's just like when ... It's just like when. What does that
phrase let you do? It's lets you transition any topic to Ross: Don't You already feel that already?
any other topic. I'm talking about elephant wards. .
Audience: Yes
Okay? It's just like when you see a beautiful sunset
and you know the sunset has a few imperfections. Ross: Good. I'll see you later. No.
And yet, you don't see that. They fade away and all
Audience: Laughter
you see the beauty in front of you, overwhelming
you. Okay? It's just like when. Well, in this case, I Ross: Oh, let me tell a joke. One way to get to the
said, and as I thought about it, I thought, isn't that the incredible connection pattern is to start out with the
ideal description of the perfect connection between Discovery Channel pattern. And they you go into
two people. Okay? Isn't that the ideal description of saying "It's just, you know, as I thought of that, I
the perfect connection between two people? I mean, thought that it's just like when you feel that incredible
you know that click right there that just makes you connection with someone.” And then you begin to do
feel totally drawn to this person. And on the one that pattern. You get it? Now, there's a part of the
hand, you feet totally safe, totally comfortable, like incredible connection pattern when you say,
you were meant to know this person, like you've "Sometimes the point where you can just stop and
known this person forever. And on the other hand, imagine a time in the future, say years from now, still
you feel all those exciting feelings of really wanting to feeling this incredible connection and looking back on
be with him. Like you've ever been waiting for this moment as having been the start of it.” I want to
someone to pick you up for an evening and all of a look at that languaging for a minute and show you
sudden you hear, knock, knock, knock, and your heart what you're doing. Okay? Sometimes to point where,
leaps. You feel the adrenaline rushing through your the point where is a weasel phrase. To the point
body. The closer you get to that door, the more where means something's happening and it's
excited you are. Then when you open your door, it's happening so strongly that you're about to have an

even better experience, or more intense experience. get some more water? Okay. Good. It's what I call the
Okay? To the point where you can just stop, what contrast principal. If you contrast two things, one
was the comment you made? You said something to with the other, it makes it easier for the person to
yourself. follow along. Okay? How would you like to know a
way to use the incredible connection pattern on a
Audience: I did?
woman who's highly visual? Wouldn't that be great?
Ross: You went ... Audience: Uh huh.
Audience: I didn't know I did. Ross: Okay. Here's what you say. It goes something
like this. This goes something like this. Pay attention
Ross: Oh, yeah. You did.
up here and then we'll go through it word for word.
Audience: I didn't think you _____ for it, but I ... Pay attention up here. Ricola, Ricola. There's no such
thing as anchors.
Ross: You did. Sometimes the point where you begin
to talk to yourself unconsciously on the inside.
Sometimes the point where you can stop and imagine
Yates: This is the end of Side 6 of the Ross Jeffries
a time in the future, say years from now, what are you
Basic Speed Seduction Seminar
telling her to do? You're telling her to go into a deep
trance, imagine being in the future, imagine a time in
the future, say years from now, still feeling this
incredible connection, and looking back on today as
having been the start of it. You're saying, "Take the
present, make the present the past, and make the
future the present.” It's an incredible double
distortion. You're not just saying "Imagine a time in
the future still feeling this connection.” That would be
one distortion. You're saying "Imagine a time in the
future still feeling this connection and looking back
on this moment as having been the start of it.” So
you're saying go into the future, look back on today
as being already the past. You understand? You're
whamming her with a double distortion and her mind
cannot resist it. Do you get it?
Audience: Yes
Ross: So now you're not just some stranger who she's
suddenly feeling connected to, you're a stranger who
she's feeling the start of a connection she may feel for
years. So, you're getting her to attach all that meaning
to ...
Audience: Me.
Ross: Bingo. Now, here's two more ways to bring up
the incredible connection pattern. Okay? You want to
hear it?
Audience: Yes
Ross: I don't want to belabor the incredible
connection pattern, but I do want to belabor the ways
of bringing it up. Fair enough?
Audience: Yes.
Ross: Okay. Now I want to teach you an important
principle in pattern construction. You don't use it all
the time, but it is important and it is powerful. Can I

Tape 4 – Side 1 you'll pick up people's thought processes.
That really gives you power. I'm telling you how I
think about things so you can go and construct it for
Yates: This is Side 7 of the Basic Speed Seduction yourself Okay. You ever thought about the difference
Seminar by Ross Jeffries between looking and truly seeing? Okay. And then
you want to describe ... That's step one. Step two is
describe x briefly. Why do you only want describe x
Ross: Ricola, Ricola. There's no such thing as briefly?
anchors. I have a great memory for cartoon theme
songs. For those of you at home, I'm soothing my Audience: Response from audience
throat ... Ross: Cause y's the one you really want to put her
Audience: Laughter into. Do you want to put her into x or y?

Ross: You're getting Kim's impotence pattern in Audience: Y

stereo. I'm going to sic her on you. He said short Ross: Y. Okay. And then the next step is more
women are dumb. extensively describe why. Okay. So let me do it for
Audience: Laughter. Liar, liar. you. You ever thought about the difference between
looking and truly seeing? Looking, I think, is the
Ross: Don't mess with her. Looking versus truly physiological process of light reflecting off an object,
seeing. Here's what, I did this with a highly visual entering your eye and the image being sent to your
woman. She was going, I said, "Have you ever brain where it's interpreted. It's the physiological
thought of the difference between looking and truly process of vision, but seeing, truly seeing, is when
seeing?" Okay? So the pattern is, the general you look past the surface and see something deeper,
structure of a pattern where you're comparing one see something that resonates deep inside, see
thing with another, here's the form. The form is have something that touches deep inside, something that
you ever thought of the difference between x and y, allows you to feel an unbelievable connection.
where x and y are two things that are similar but Sometimes to the point where you can just stop and
somewhat different? Okay? It's, now, notice, you're imagine a time in the future, say years from now, still
not saying have you ever thought about the feeling this incredible connection and looking back on
difference between fire and ice? Have you ever this moment as being the start of it, cause you're
thought about the difference between love and hate? being touched in that place I call the secret core, that
Cause they're so exaggerated differences, it doesn't place inside where anything can be possible, where
require much focus. You want to take x and y; _____ you keep your most exciting memories, when you
got to be two things that are similar yet different. Do ponder fantasies and daydreams. Do you get it?
you understand me? Thank you. So you start out by talking about looking
Audience: Yes. and then you talk about seeing, truly seeing is when
you, here's the command. Look past the surface and
Ross: Like hope and expectation. Okay? You ever see something much deeper. What are you
thought about the difference between the two? Now commanding her to do?
one of the ways I came up with this is by watching
Richard Bandler. One of Bandler's major algorithms for Audience: Focus inside
coming up with NLP patterns is to say how does a Ross: No. That's part of it, but listen. Look past the
person do something, what's something that similar to surface of what? I didn't say look past the surface of
that but different and how can we use that difference someone's appearance and see something deeper in
in a pattern for positive, quick, rapid change? That's their personality. I was vague. But that's what they're
his algorithin. Remember I said that to you Yates in, going to do. Look past the surface and see something
in, in ... much deeper, something that resonates and touches
Yates: Austin you deep inside where you truly are. Sometimes to the
point where you can just stop and imagine a time in
Ross: Austin? And then, a couple of days later, the future, still feeling that incredible connection. You
Bandler said that's how I do it? Remember? He made it get it? I'm really giving Audience: Response from
explicit for the first time? But I told you I figured that audience.
Out like 5 years ago. If you know what to watch for,
Ross: Oh, I missed your pants. Good. I got that.

Audience: So the friends, the movie, the hours, the about Ralph ... ... Name a guy that you ... Dave. Really
big experience and all _____ Dave. Tell me more about Dave. Uh huh, uh huh. And
what does Dave do for a living again? And Dave does
Ross: Right. Okay? So we're going stack them. The
what?" Then
first example I used is if you've ever been out with
friends who you feel really comfortable with. Why am Audience: Works
I using that one? Cause I want her to feel really
Ross: Yeah. Then like an hour later in the
comfortable with me. And that's what we call, how
conversation you go, "You know, you ever been with
many people have ever had that experience of being
someone and you start to really doubt them? It's like
out with friends you really like and time flies? flow
every time you hear the person's voice you go,
many people never had that experience? How many
uuhhb, he bugs me or you start to notice things he
people had the opposite experience? You're with
does that really drive you up a wall?" You get it?
someone you can't stand, the evening is dragging?
Audience: Like , laughter.
Audience: laughter
Ross: Yeah, yeah, that's fine. And I want to tell you,
Ross: What's that?
she's going to start noticing her feeling for him really
Audience: Response from audience. changing. Unless he's meeting her core values, which
we'll talk about later in the weekend. Then nothing's
Ross: By the way, you notice how fast this day has
going to work. All right. So three examples. The first
gone by?
example is being with friends. The second example is
Audience: Yes peak experience. Notice we're getting progressively
more intense with these. And the final one is when
Ross: Subjectively to me it seems about two hours.
you meet someone and it just seems like you feel like
I'm not kidding. Okay?
you've known this person forever. You stack three
Audience: Which one, you wouldn't want to tell the deep and they're what we call universal experiences.
negative one, are you?
Audience: What was the second one? Ross: The
Ross: No, no, positive ones. Although where would it second one is peak experiences like climbing a
be useful to tell negative examples? mountain or and how inside you slow time down and
stop the world and let yourself go with this. Does that
Audience: Getting rid of somebody.
mean let yourself go with this connection she's
Ross: To get rid of someone or to anchor it to experiencing with me? Yes it does. What am I
someone else. commanding her to do? I'm telling her inside you slow
time down, stop the world and let yourself go with it.
Audience: Laughter
I'm telling her go into a very profound hypnotic trance
Ross: Like, let's say she has a boyfriend. She has a and let yourself go completely with me when you
boy friend Ralph. You go Ralph, huh? Tell me a little experience it. You get it?
bit more about Ralph. Okay? So Ralph's a doctor, um
Audience: Yes
um. And how long have you been seeing Ralph? Oh,
so this becomes her, your, whenever you do this Ross: Even though it seems like I'm describing a peak
she'll think of Ralph and go "You know. You ever experience, the peak experience I'm making her feel is
been out with someone and you start to notice the one s he's having with me right here, right now.
imperfections in them?" Could that be useful?
Audience: Laughter Audience: Yes
Ross: It's like the evening dragster. Boy, it grates on Ross: You bet.
you and you look at them, aaahhh, what did I ever see
Audience: You got a third?
in that person? You start to doubt your decisions
about that person. You understand? Ross: A third one? Very good. You're keeping me on
my toes. The third one is the experience of meeting
Audience: yes
someone and you feel, even though you've only
Ross: So you can stack them. But you just very known them by the clock a short while, you feel like
subtly make a gesture. ”Oh really. Ralph, Ralph.” You you've known this person forever, like you were
can be more subtle like, "Oh Ralph, Ralph. So tell me meant to know them. Okay. That's when you go into

the incredible connection pattern. Go it? Now let me their sense of time but their sense of timing. Their
show you something else about themes. Yes Sir. personal rhythm. Now listen, look up here. Look up
here, don't write notes. Oh, you can write notes, it's
Audience: You said the first example would be the
not important. I'm sorry, forgive. Merci beaucoup.
experience of one of her friends or of yours?
Ross: You go out with a group of friends. Yeah. ”You
Audience: You have the music but not the words.
ever been out with a group of friends Debbie and
even though it seems like only an hour's gone by, you Ross: That's fine. I only need to fake the music.
look at your watch and go, oh my god, five hours has
Audience: Laughter
gone by? Time has just shot by?"
Ross: Well, if you want to speak French you must
Audience: Right
speak with your lips out here.
Ross: "But within that space of an evening you can
Audience: Laughter
be waiting in line at the movie for only ten minutes,
but that ten minutes seems like hours.” Ross: That's one of the nicest compliments, that's an
excellent compliment to say I have the music and not
Audience: I see.
the words is a profound compliment and I thank you
Ross: Yeah. Okay? You want to give universal for that. Everything in French sounds lascivious.
experiences. So you don't want to say like, "You ever
Can you say my hovercraft is broken in French? I'm
been on the space shuttle ...” Audience: Laughter
Ross: "and you're re-entering earth's atmosphere ... or
Audience: You what?
"You know when you're kidnapped by aliens and
they're about to insert that anal probe ...” Ross: My hovercraft is broken.
Audience: Laughter. It's just like that. Audience: Hovercraft is this boat ...
Ross: "And it becomes 80 foot satellite dish and your Ross: is broken. Yeah.
friends Kyle and Stan and Kenny don't believe you?"
Audience: Au France?
Audience: Laughter
Ross: Yeah.
Ross: You guys, you're being dildos.
Audience: spoken in French
Audience: Laughter
Ross: hover craft
Ross: You guys are going a long way just to scare me.
Audience: Laughter
Audience: Response from audience.
Ross: How do you say I will not buy this record. It is
Ross: I can't do it. It'll really rip my throat to pieces if I scratched? I'm serious.
do that. Okay? Now watch this. So you've got her
Audience: Really?
feeling totally time distorted, she's slowed time down
and stopped the world and is indulging herself with Ross: Yeah
you. Now watch this. What have we been talking
Audience: spoken in French
about? Time, right? Now here's a real tricky one. Time,
now watch this, I'm going to say "The other thing, " Ross: speaking in French
watch how I transition this sexual metaphor and body
Audience: laughter
feeling. You ready? I'll say, "The other thing, the
other thing, " notice the transition? "that I think Ross: And German's more guttural in the throat. We
teaches you a lot about people, " Now notice before were with Germans yesterday, Austrian girls, and they
we set up two themes. What teaches you a lot about wouldn't sit down. I said, "Zit in ze zeat" and they
people and time? Now I'm going back to the overall both sat.
theme of what teaches you a lot about people. It's not
Audience: Laughter
just people's sense of time but their sense of personal
timing. I'm using two things that sound alike but may Ross: I said you have to give Germans orders, true?
not have any relation at all. Okay? The other thing You were going, "Sit down, sit down, come one, stay
that teaches you so much about people is not just with us, " you were pawing their hands. I went, "Zit in

ze zeat.” Okay. The other thing I think that teaches insatiably curious about human process, to the extent
you is not just people's sense of time but their sense that you genuinely are curious about this kind of
of personal timing. Their sense of personal rhythm. stuff, is the extent that your patterning will become
Okay? That's the transition. Are we out of tape? much more powerful. Because instead of being words
you're just reciting, it has meaning for you. I want to
?: No
encourage each and every one of you to become
Ross: We all right? connoisseurs of human subjective internal experience.
There's nothing more interesting to me than how
?: We're excellent.
human beings do things. When I had people up here
Ross: Are we numbering these so we know where and some of them weren't having the, as quick or as
we're at? strong as response getting rid of the bad feelings, did
I get angry at them? Did I?
?- You're doing wonderful.
Audience: No
Ross: Good. Okay. Their sense of personal rhythm.
Listen to me, listen. There are all sorts of rhythms a Ross: Did I display any frustration?
person has. There's the rhythm of their breathing,
Audience: No
there's they rhythm at which they speak, and then
there's the very personal, very private, very intimate Ross: Not really. I got curious. I had fun, I'm going to
rhythm of in and out, back and forth, between being have, what was my attitude? I'm going to really fuck
outside in the world talking to people and being this person up. Right?
inside in that place of fantasy, that place of daydream,
Audience: Right.
that place where you keep your most exciting
memories. I think you learn so much about people by Ross: Cause I'm fascinated how people do things. I
learning, not just how they enter that place, but when really want to know. Even when they annoy me. Like I
they do, how they strike a balance between remember talking to this girl who was an unbelievable
anticipation and compulsion. flake. I hate flakes. One thing, if you ever want to do
business with me, do exactly what you say you're
Audience: Laughter
going to do, as you say you're going to do it. Cause
Ross: Now what pattern am I going into? otherwise I won't be able to, I can't be bothered
having to track you. It distracts from my focus having
Audience: The blowjob.
to see, "Well he hasn't done it yet. When is he going
Ross: The blow job pattern. Okay? For those of you to do it? And you're out. And you don't get any
who don't know the blowjob pattern, we're going to chances. You're just out.” Do what you say you're
do it tomorrow. So I want you to look at the overall, going to do or tell me in advance why you won't be
forget the content, look at overall thematic structure. able to. Yes.
I'm belaboring this because I want you to understand.
Audience: Is the looking versus really seeing, is that
I could whip through it and have you memorize it, but
part of this overarching thing?
it wouldn't be the same. So, so the first part is the
overall, overarching theme that surrounds everything Ross: No, that's different, that's a different way of
is what teaches you about people or what enables introducing. Okay? So listen. No, that's about
you to learn some, what, what allows you to learn so differences. The theme is the difference between x and
much about people. Here's how you bring it up. y. But you could say, "You know, I think you learn so
You're over, you're having casual conversation over much by looking at the difference between one thing
coffee. You go "Do you enjoy learning about and the other" if you wanted to bring that in. Okay?
people?" What is she going to say? "Fuck no, I'm a Good. But you're thinking in terms of themes. Themes
dillweed. Take me home.” are important. Themes will allow you to string
patterns together to the extent that you begin to think
Audience: Laughter Ross: "No, I enjoy making it an
in themes and really get interested in this. All right.
exploratory of my nostril up to the third digit. That's
Really get interested. I think, don't you think its
what I like to do. Of course she's going to say ...
fascinating how people work? I mean, there are five
okay? So the, so that's the metatheme. But the first
billion of them surrounding you. Yo u may as well
theme is people's sense of time. How time shifts and
figure out what's going on between their ears.
changes o f people. And by the way, to the extent that
Particularly if you want to get into their wallets or
you, each and all of you, each of both of you, become
between their legs.

Audience: Laughter Ross: Yeah
Ross: Unless you carry a lot of firepower, and then Audience: What need is there for small talk, like give
you can do what you want, but then you, there are her a breather or just ...
terrible consequences then. So anyway. Okay. So, we
Ross: No, don't give her a breather, keep going. Okay.
talk about people's sense of time. That's one theme.
Come up here. Come up here. What's your name?
We, we describe all that. We give three examples -
okay - all relating here and then we go to the next Audience: Matt
theme, which is people's sense of timing. Their
Ross: Matt what?
personal rhythm. Now, how do we get there? We say,
"The other thing I think that teaches you so much ...” Matt: Gives last name.
so we're back here again. We temporarily revisit here.
Ross: Okay. So you and I are in a boxing match, okay.
Then say "The other things that teaches you so much
I'm pounding you in the face, pounding you in the
is people's sense of personal timing, their personal
body, pounding, pounding. I'm going to go, "Oh, I'll
rhythm.” And then what are you going to do? You're
hit him a few more times the next round. I'm going to
going to give a description. I gave three examples.
go sit in my comer.” No, you don't do that. As long as
There's all sorts of rhythms. There's the rhythm with
you've got the opening you keep pounding and
which you breathe, there's the rhythm with which you
pounding. Now they may interrupt you. If the
listen and then there's the very personal, very private,
interrupt it's okay. They're only going to correct you.
very intimate rhythm of in and out -I lean out a little
It's like you've got your hand here, they go "No,
bit - back and forth. Now what is she going to be
there.” So just go ahead and sit down. Feed their
thinking when you're talking this way?
words back to them. Do you get this structure?
Audience: Sex Advanced students, do you see the structure clearly?
Ross: Fucking, okay? But when you switch over, see Audience: Yes
I'm fucking, I'm kind of intruding a little bit, it's the
Ross: Yes. And you want to keep coming, the reason
equivalent of putting your hand on her leg, no I don't
I like this structure is it allows me to keep going back
want to even do, even go that way with you, Okay?
and saying, "The other thing where you learn so
See how I stopped myself so quickly? It's equivalent
much is not just their sense of rhythm, the other thing
of putting your hand on her leg right there and sliding
that teaches you so much is when they enter that
it further and further up. And suddenly you take it
place of fantasy how they strike a balance between
away instead of going for the gold. Okay? So, it's the,
compulsion and anticipation.” Now, or those of you
then there's that very personal, very private, very
who haven't heard the blowjob pattern, here it comes.
intimate rhythm of in and out, back and forth, between
Okay? "Compulsion is when you just find yourself
being outside in the world talking to people and she's
doing something without ever thinking about it, like,
going to go "Oh" but the thought's still going to be
you ever just suddenly find yourself reaching for the
there. Okay? And being inside in that place of fantasy
refrigerator.” Now what am I doing? Compulsive
and daydream. Okay? And then you go back to this
version anticipation. That's an example of comparing
theme. ”I think you learn so much about people by
two things that are similar but different. You
how they enter that place of fantasy and daydream
understand'! I'm using that. ”And you ever just find
and how they strike a balance between compulsion
yourself reaching for the refrigerator and before you
and anticipation.” Okay? So we keep going back to
know it, you're looking in the refrigerator going, 'What
this theme. And then we go into the blowjob pattern.
the hell and I doing? I'm not even hungry. Has
Do we all know the blowjob pattern?
anyone ever done that?
Audience: yes
Audience: Yes
Ross: Some don't know it. Yes sir? Question ?
Ross: Universal experience. Okay? "But anticipation
Audience: Like when you're using this in a is when your mind anticipates a pleasure before it
conversation ... already arrives.” Not how many examples am I going
to stack?
Ross: Yeah
Audience: Three
Audience: When you're like plowing away with
patterns ... Ross: Right. Why three? It just seems to work.

Audience: Responses from audience know so many amazing thoughts come from below
Ross: Huh? More getting power.
Audience: Laughter
Audience: Would that be like authority shift where
the, where the last _____ ? Ross: "Cause you're coming from that much more
primitive place inside your mind.” Now, what does
Ross: Yeah. I'm getting, I'm going to get them
that open her up to? What did you just finish talking
progressive so it's not anything to do with authority,
but I'm getting them more intimate. So I say like, for
example, "You ever come home from a really hot day, Audience: Response from audience
a rotten hard day at work, and before you even get
Ross: Primitive places inside her mind, fantasies,
home, you can already imagine dropping every stitch
daydreams. What could you then move on to talk
of clothing and climbing into that steaming hot bath
about? You could say, "You know the thing about
or shower. Which do you like best?" Whatever she
fantasies is sometimes a person is having fantasies
uses. ”And before you even get home, you can
and you don't even know it till all of a sudden they
imagine that moment when you're standing there, the
blurt something out unexpected. Like, about two
steam is hitting your body, and then you can imagine
weeks ago I was sitting with my neighbor, right in this
that heat working its way through every part of your
place right here, and she looks at me and she says,
body.” Now what are you telling her to do? Feel the
'Can you imagine me going down on you all night
heat ...
long, exactly the way you like it'! And you were so
Audience: Response from audience hot, so turned on you knew you had to have me right
here, right now?" See how you're building on it? And
Ross: "And then there comes that actual moment of
it all fits into a theme. Now you're transitioning to the
sliding in where you surrender to it completely. Or do
theme of fantasies, cause that's what you just finished
you like chocolate? Oh yes, I love chocolate. Did you
talking about. Do you see how all the themes can
ever have a piece of chocolate and rather than eat it
work together and lock in? So, if you want to do
right away, you save it for yourself, you leave it at
patterns in a sequence, think of the themes. And this
home and it's your reward for a hard day's work. And
is a good one. What teaches you about people, what
there comes that moment when you unwrap it and its
allows you ... ? I think you really learn so much about
like, you slowly undress this treat, and you hold it
people by learning how they x. And the other thing
right in front of lips and you stop and you tease
that's interesting about x when you learn so much, is
yourself with it. You imagine that first soft brush of
how they y. And notice how they y but how they z.
the lips against it. That moment when you tease it,
Cause when they z. You ever think about the
just touch the slightest tip of it against your tongue.
difference z and a? You get it?
Just that first molecule of sweetness and then it melts
in your mouth and its like an explosion of pleasure in Audience: Yes
your mouth.” And often I'll go "It's like an orgasm.”
Ross: Now look at the understanding you have now
They'll go, "Yes.” I'll go "You ever been really
and the understanding you had this morning. Think
attracted to someone and you know there's an
about the difference you had this morning, the
incredible attraction here. But you haven't acted on it
understanding you had this morning and the
yet. And then there comes that moment when you
understanding you have right now. I wonder if the
stop talking and you just look at each other. And you
understanding you have right now compared to the
know something's about to happen. And you begin to
understanding you're going to have tomorrow is like
anticipate that first wonderful electric kiss. You know
the understanding you had this morning compared to
that first soft brush of lips; it's so soft you don't even
the understanding you have now. Do you
know if you're kissing yet. And then, it's like this jolt
of pleasure and every bit of pleasure that you, that
you'll experience when that relationship is enfolded Audience: Right
into that first one amazing kiss. So I think what can
Ross: Now?
happen is, the conscious mind can go down into the
unconscious and come back up with all these Audience: Yes
thoughts and id eas and fantasies , and being very
Ross: Want to take a break? Five minute pee break.
intellectual I used to think that my most important
Five minutes.
thoughts come from above me. But Debbie, now I

BREAK Ross: You can do that, too. But all I'm saying is I've
given you a sequence where you can go set, one
Ross: People, realize I just gave you a pattern
doorway to the next . You can use this on the phone;
sequence you can call any woman you know on the
you can start tonight testing it if you want to. Do you
phone and do. Any one of those combinations I
showed you, you can call her on the phone and talk.
It's the perfect sequence for a woman you already Audience: Yes
know. If You already know her, "Oh, I saw this show
Ross: Yes
on the Discovery Channel" or "Have you ever
thought about the difference between looking and Audience: _____ . One thing with the patterns is
really seeing" or "You know, I was thinking about.” these are eliciting states. One of the things I do with
Here's how you bring up the time one. You want to do patterns is as I know a state's being elicited I'll also
this on the phone? "I was reading this book on set an anchor there, too, so later on I can fire off that
quantum physics and they were saying how time is anchor cause if I'm telling a pattern and the woman's
not just a linear thing but time exists simultaneously, getting all aroused, you know, heck, that's a resource
that the past, present and future all exist right now. It state.
got me thinking how you can learn so much about
Ross: You're missing the point. Your voice becomes
people by learning how their sense of time
the anchor. I can call women up and just read from the
subjectively shifts and changes.” Then go right into
phone book and they go gaga cause they're
the pattern. I've just given you things you can use on
the phone tonight to test. anchored into my voice. Cause my voice is what's led
them throughout these things. Yes.
Audience: Ross,
Audience: You say when you throw in things like
Ross: What?
UMM just at the right time, you get ...
Audience: What do you want to do more at first
Ross: UMMM
Ross: You can do this on ...
Audience: a particular _____ anchor ...
Audience: _____
Ross: You go "UMMM, do like chocolate? UMMM.”
Ross: Oh no you don't. Here's how you close on the
Audience: So there'd be no advantage in the aesthetic
phone. So she's panting heavy, breathing heavy, go
"Well, I've got to go. The Three Stooges are on.”
Ross: You can do it, but if you're on the phone, how
Audience: laughter
do you do that? Okay? We're talking about doing it
Ross: I'm serious. Go, "I'm sorry. South Park is on.” on the phone. See?
Audience: The next thing is she doesn't, she can do
Audience: Using the crazy _____ method where you whatever she wants, but think that you don't know
just dial up numbers randomly, can you use this what she's doing. Laughter.
method for a person you don't know?
Ross: Yeah. That's the other advantage. When you're
Ross: Yes, yes. on the phone, she's in the privacy of her own
bedroom ...
Audience: It looks like it's a little hot, too, but you
never know. Audience: Laughter
Ross: What? Ross: And I'll even add in little things. If she's on the
phone, I'll say, "You know, sometimes you can't even
Audience: You were saying
put your finger on why you really feel all that.”
Ross: I said you can do it in person but I'm saying, I'm Audience: Responses from audience.
saying, thank you, I'm saying if you want to test it
Ross: "You can't put your finger on the source of all
tonight and you know someone's number, pick up the
that excitement. But when you do, UMMM.” What
phone and call them. Call a voice mail message
am I giving her a command to do? Does anyone not
get it?
Audience: Question from audience.
Audiences: Responses from audience

Ross: Okay? So, the other thing about being on the than fake it and go, "Yes, Ross. Hallelujah, I'm cured"
phone is your, your mouth is right up to her ear, no and view me as some guru who they have to obey,
one's watching, she can feel free to have all the they were honest in their response and go no, and
responses she wants. And then when you're done, go they said, "No, I still have some of the shyness.” So I
"Well, I've gotta go. South Park's on.” Or whatever was able to work with them. And that shows me,
show's on, or "I gotta go, you know, someone's, I've rather than viewing me as some guru you have to
gotta meet someone for coffee.” "Who? Who?" "Oh, obey, you view me as a teacher who's generally
never mind, I'll tell you about her tomorrow.” concerned with you getting the material. So again,
throughout the rest of the weekend, if you're having a
Audiences: Laughter.
challenge, you don't understand something, this is
Ross: "Maybe, maybe I better wait until I'm rested Up. the magical thing. You raise your hand and we'll help
I'll talk to YOU in two days.” you out. Okay?
Audiences: Laughter. Response from audience. Audience: Okay.
Ross: Give a woman a little bit of what she wants. Ross: What I want to start out doing this morning is,
then pull away and make her work for more. You See yesterday someone was still a little bit lost about what
how it ties in? Never supplicate. Only ever structure we did at the end of the day. So I want to go through
Opportunities and, and, present challenges, offer it again very rapidly so you get it. It's very important.
challenges. Now, the thing about patterns is people As I said, there are three big chunks to speed
will say, "How do I know where to start?" Start seduction. Okay? And one of the big chunks is the
anywhere. If you get flexible enough you can start conversational frameworks. Conversational
from any one pattern and go to any other using the frameworks - what is the purpose of a conversational
structure I just gave you. I just gave you a crash framework? Remember one of the big questions to ask
Course on conversational flexibility. Someone, please yourself in getting this material is "What is the
be quiet if you heard this story before. , Someone said purpose of this?" "What is it designed to do?" Well,
to me, "You know, Ross. You would have been so the purpose of a conversational framework is to,
proud of me. I went to this bar and I was talking to number one, let You bring up the topic in a normal,
this woman and she looked at me and said, 'You ordinary-sounding conversation. The second
know, you got me so hot by the way you speak, all I purpose of conversational framework is to allow you
would need right now to go home with you and bang to flow from one pattern to the next . How many
your headlights out and give you the best fucking of people here are familiar with Dr. Laturrett? Who's seen
your life is one more beer. ’" And he said, “Ross, you Dr. Laturrett do this thing? I mean, he hits a lot very
would have been so proud of me. I went into my own rapidly, okay? Flow hitting. Well, I sort of compare it
version of the blow job pattern, talking about a beer. I to flow hitting in a fight. You want to be able to hit
found out what her favorite was, Amsdel Light, and more than once okay? So, how many people here
said 'Do you ever have that Amsdel Light, take it out have ever tried patterns and they ran out of things to
of the fridge and it's sweating, like someone who's say after the first pattern? It happened to me when I
stepping out of the shower and beads of sweat and really only experimenting, okay? That's because you
the beads of water are slowly evaporating. And then don't know where to go next. Well, conversational
you open it up and the head begins to foam up. You frameworks allow you to always know where to go
pour the golden liquid into the bottle. You imagine it next. Now, there's some major pieces to
sliding down your throat. You want to lick the head a conversational frameworks. The first piece you really
little bit, suck down all the foam. ' And by the time I want to get is the overall theme. Remember when the
finished, I looked up, she was gone. Ross, what big overall theme we were doing the other day is how
should I have said?" "Well, she looked at you and you learn about people. Now, when you pick a
said all she needed was one more beer to go home conversational framework, when you pick an overall
and bang your headlights out, you know what the theme, you want to pick something that's really broad.
pattern you should have done was?" He said, Why don't you want to pick the exact composition of
"What?" I said, "Bartender.” phonograph needles from 1963?
Audience: Laughter Audience: laughter
Ross: Is that we had a line of people up here and Ross: I think you learn so much about the exact
you'll notice that what happened is that some of them phonograph - I mean, because it doesn't really leave
were still having some shyness left over. And rather you a lot to go. But, what teaches you about people,

how you learned a lot about people? I mean, that's Audience: Ross, are you saying that's the way to
such a broad topic you could go anywhere with it. All open a conversation?
right? So, you don't want to paint yourself into a
Ross: Yes. It's a good, it's not only a good way to
comer. It's like, the only punch you have in the fight
open a conversation, but it's a good way to go, it's a
is, you know, your arms stuck under your leg,
good thing to revisit to introduce any other topic.
hopping up and down on one foot. Okay? You want
”And here's something else that teaches you a lot
to give yourself a lot of space. Here's the metaphor I
about people" or "Here's something else where you
use. I like boxing. I'm a fight fan. I enjoy boxing. The
learn a lot about people. And not only do you learn a
metaphor I use is, you don't want to start out boxing
lot about people that way, but here's another way you
from a comer, okay? What I do is I start out with a
learn about people.” So, write these phrases down.
broad topic, so I'm in the center of the ring with the
These are transition phrases. ”And here's something
person. Here's the metaphor I like to use. So, the first
else that teaches you a lot about other people.” At
few, the first round, what do boxers do? Do they come
the top of your paper write "Transition Phrases.” And
out slugging with everything they've got the first
underneath transition phrases write "And here's
something else where, here's another way you learn a
Audience: They feel each other out. lot about people.” Transition. ”Here's another way
you learn about people.” You can say it like this,
Ross: Once in a while. But usually what they do is
"And the other thing that teaches you a lot about
they're feeling the opponent out. They're getting a
people is ...” Or you could say "Not only do you learn
sense of what the person's rhythm is, where they're
a lot about people by learning how they x, " which is
strong, where they're off balance. They're dancing
what you just talked about, "but also how they y.”
around the first round. Okay? So, I kind of view it as if
"Not only do you learn about, a lot about people by
we're in the center of the ring and the first pattern I
learning how time passes for them subjectively, but
do, I'm like beginning to get their rhythm. I'm starting
also about, but also their personal timing, their
to like get a few shots in, they're dropping their arms a
personal rhythms.”
little bit. Okay? The second pattern I'm shoving them
more towards the comer. Okay? And now I really got, Audience: Would you
I got, now, by the third pattern they're in the comer.
Ross: Sure.
You ever see a good boxer who just gives body
shots? This is a hostile metaphor. I don't mean it's like Audience: Another way you learn a lot about people
fighting, but this is just one metaphor I'm using to get is to what?
your understanding, cut the ring off conversationally.
Ross: Not only do you learn about people from this,
Conversationally, I want to cut the ring off on
this being whatever you just talked about, but the
someone. Do you know what it means in boxing to cut
other thing that teaches you a lot about people is ...
the ring off of someone?
]'his is a great topic because, "Who's going to say
Audience: There's nowhere for them to go. 'No, I don't want to learn about people?’" And
second, it implies that you're teaching them
Ross: Nowhere for them to go. They can't dance away
something, which means you're a great person, which
from you. You've got them in a comer. Okay? Well, a
through the law of reciprocity means they owe you
good boxer will throw a lot of body shot and you're
something. Now, there's a difference between being a
thinking, "Why is he throwing body shots? You're
teacher and being someone you can learn from. Major
not going to knock the guy out.” Well, what
Mark, you want to jump in here briefly and talk about
happens? What happens to a fighter who's been hit a
that difference?
lot to the body?
Yates: This is the end of Side 7 of the Basic Speed
Audience: Responses
Seduction Home Study Course by Ross Jeffries
Ross: They drop their arms and then, boom, they're Tape 4 – Side 2
out of there, they're gone. So, conversationally, I want
something that let's me to move, that allows me to
move around and gradually cut the ring off on the Yates: This is Side 8 of the Ross Jeffries Basic Speed
person. Okay? So, how you learn a lot about people is Seduction Home Study Course
a good overall topic. Okay? Why? Because it allows
you to go to this and here's the other thing that
teaches you about people.

Ross: When, the difference between someone who's a "Oh, here's one part of our life where I may
teacher and someone you learn from? understand something a little more fully than you,
here, I can help you along.” Okay? It's like imagine the
Major Mark: Well, the biggest difference is that we're
path of life being full of all kinds of twists and turns
culturally condition to understand or believe that
and occasionally ...
trainers or teachers are an "other.” Okay? They're
someone above you, they're someone Outside your Ross: I'm a turn, he's a twist.
realm of experience, and they're not someone you're
Major Mark: Okay. I just came back from 5 days at
supposed to fuck. Okay? Or to allow to fuck you. So,
Disneyland, so I'm real familiar with things like
when you come into the role as a teacher or a trainer,
standing in line fucking forever. Okay? You know?
in fact, you have set yourself in a lose/lose kind of
situation. Okay? If instead you are someone that they Audience: Laughter
can learn from, then you're in a position of being
Major Mark: That's right. You don't need to take these
fascinating, okay? You can exert a mesmerizing
things deep inside. Just don't pay any attention, it'll
influence, okay? And because you are someone that
come to you later.
can learn from, it's not longer an encapsulated lesson
or a teaching, but rather it's a process. The more Ross: That's brilliant. You know, I talk about your
they're around you, the more that they are taking you trips, you know I went to Disneyland and we were
into themselves, the better they feel, the larger their standing inline fucking forever.
life becomes.
Audience: Laughter
Audience: laughter
Major Mark: See? I open my mouth and these things
Ross: Exactly. Yeah, I like it. And when you have a come out.
new understanding coming inside you that grows and
Ross: I know. And you know, we were arguing over
grows, you can conceive of something new and
which attraction we liked the best and I saw this ride.
different. No, you don't want to say that.
Did you ever look at a ride and you know, you got to
Audience: Laughter jump on this? And it looks so incredible you want to
ride it multiple times, you want to get off and get on,
Major Mark: Growing inside you day by day.
get off, get on, anyway.
Audience: Laughter
Audience: Laughter
Ross: Absolutely correct. Thank you Major. Yes,
Ross: As we were waiting in line, go ahead. I rip off ...
Audience: So how would one distinguish one's We're a great team, aren't we?
behavior between being a teacher and being someone
Major Mark: So?
to learn from? What would one do to that would make
that difference? Ross: Right Ed? Right Stan.
Major Mark: Okay. _____ how you structure your Major Mark: As you're standing in line, you have this
approach to the person. Okay? If you are coming phenomenon where you'll be right across from
across as preaching, for example, or if you have this someone and then the line moves on, okay, and then
attitude yourself that you are some kind of hot shit, I a few minutes later your paths cross again. Okay?
understand more than you kind of person, then you're And sometimes when they start splitting you into
going to impart a lesson to that person, to your multiple lines heading the same direction, you're never
subject, to the woman. Okay? And this, they pick up really sure of who's ahead or who's behind, just know
on this. Okay? I used to think that women had the relative position changes? Okay? Think about
antenna that men don't have, okay, because they were that as a mindset when you're talking to someone who
always picking up on things, additional messages, doesn't currently understand what you understand.
that I perhaps didn't intend or was kind of horrified At that point and time, you may be a little bit ahead. It
that it had gotten out. Okay? I later come to costs you nothing to lead them to a better, more full
understand that we all have the same antenna, it's just understanding of what's going on because you know
that men switch it off most of the time. During the that a little bit farther down the line you're going to be
early parts of our life it wasn't valued and so we didn't learning something from her as well. Okay? You're not
practice it so much. If instead you approach the teaching, you're sharing. What is the most interesting
interaction with the understanding and the belief that and natural thing for her to do once you have shared

with her? The principle of reciprocity comes into you draw closer and you really begin to feel that
affect. She will want to share something with you. sense of a connection, that click right there, that
Now, is there anything she might have or understand allows you to stop and look past the surface, see
that you might find of value? Perhaps, yes? something deeper, something you want to take inside
and allow to really resonate with who you truly are
Audience: Laughter
and the deepest levels, deep inside your soul.” "It's
Ross: How to swallow a banana sideways? the kind of thing that can cause a person t come over
and over and over again to one conclusion.”
Audience: Laughter
Audience: Laughter
Major Mark: Hand her a cherry stem and say, "Do
you, do you do anything with this?" Ross: "That there's a real opportunity here. And the
really interesting thing about opportunities is this.”
Audience: Laughter
Okay? Or, "The other interesting this about
Ross: Tie a knot in it with her tongue. opportunities is this, " so here's another transition
phrase. ”And the other interesting things, " See, it
Major Mark: That's right. Yeah.
just seems to flow me like, I don't know, it flows, but
Ross: Some people can do that. only cause I understand the transitions. And one, one
drill you guys can do, you folks at home can do, is to
Audience: Brooke Shields.
take any topic and relate it to any other topic no
Major Mark: Brook Shields say that? matter how ridiculous by using these transitional
phrases. And here's the other thing about transitional
Audience: She did that on the Jay Leno show.
phrases. ”It's just like, you know, you ever been
Major Mark: Brook Shields doing that, I mean, that waking up and then rather than wake up all the way
would probably send me right into a trance ... you just begin to fall right back down to sleep and
you go into that state between a dream and between
Audience: Laughter
being awake? And in that state you begin to visualize
Major Mark: It checks the position, you know. wild amazing things. You hear things very clearly, you
see things, you imagine body sensations. The
Ross: But there's, there's another distinction between
interesting thing to me about being able to enter that
a teacher and specifically us, is we're not, again, we're
state, well, its just like when you go on vacation and
not, when we do these patterns, we're not trying to
you leave behind the part of you that has all the rules,
convey to her an intellectual understanding. What are
all the roles and instead you step into that part that
we attempting to do?
has wild desires, the fantasies, ideas. I mean, you ever
Audience: Get a result. just find yourself thing about certain Subjects? The
more you think about that subject, the more the desire
Ross: Get a result, to lead her into a certain state or
to act on it, just begins to come into play. Well, you
states of mind. So one of the other distinctions is
know, I think you learn so much about people by
teachers traditionally are there to convey intellectual
learning how they connect to that part of
understanding or to help you memorize something
themselves.” See where I'm going? I'm using
you can regurgitate on a piece of paper and that's,
transition phrases left and right. You have a question
that's not our intent at all. It's not what we're about.
with this.
So let me get back to this. We have a little problem
with his microphone. That's all right, okay. Transition Audience: Yes. Basically, you just went through like
phrases. Now there are other ways to do transition three or four ...
phrases, no matter what topic you start with. You can
Ross: Yeah
start with any topic and a good transition phrase "It's
just like when" or "it's just like.” So I'm talking about Audience: parts just by introducing ...
rhino testicles, okay? And the real interesting thing
Ross: Yes. Yes. Yes. You get a sense of real flexibility
about rhino testicles is they're so huge and they look
with this and it begins to make you very Powerful in
so tough and yet they're so sensitive.” "It's just like
your conversation. Okay? Now understand, this is a
when you meet someone ...”
part of it, another part which we're going to be dealing
Audience: Laughter with today is noticing responses and getting rapport
with people. I'm going to show you guys, now, I'm
Ross: "and on the surface they seem one way, but as
going to show you guys some exercises where you

can sort of look at the person, briefly step inside them and then we'll laugh at you, ha ha ha ha ha.
them, get a sense of what their emotional state is like, We're not letting this person back in the seminar.
and decide how or if you're going to approach. Okay?
Major Mark: We'll laugh in a compassionate manner.
Do you understand?
Ross: Yeah, right. Yeah, that's it. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Audience: Yes
Where like someone trips and breaks their nose. We,
Ross: So this is very important. The other thing I want you know what, we don't always take people's money,
you to think about, to begin to think about in terms we kick people out and give them their money back.
of, is to think in terms of, well, let me put it to you this We've had some customers that we said "We're not
way. As I said the other day, women tend to doing business with you, you're off the list. Here's a
compartmentalize sexual thoughts. There are certain refund, get out of here.”
themes they are going to let you get into that
Audience: For bad ass ass?
compartment. And I know when you guys think of the
compartment you want to get into ... Ross: No, not for bad ass ass.
Audience: Laughter Audience: Laughter
Ross: You're thinking about the wrong thing, Because Ross: I'll just have my mom come up, call up and bitch
that's not where you put your attention. Okay? So you out, you know? How do you spell that word?
there's certain themes, even if you didn't know any of
Audience: Laughter. What did you kick them out for?
the embedded commands, any of the patterns and
language, by virtue of being able to understand and Ross: If I got a Nobel Prize, my mom would go, "They
intelligently discuss those themes, you're going to get misspelled Nobel.” No, not really. Oh, bad attitude,
a lot further. Okay? Now what are some of those you know, like, "Well you have to show us. I don't
themes? Dryrot, fungus ... believe this. You show me now.” And we showed
them the door or, you know, if they call up on the
Audience: Laughter
phone and go, "Well I think this is fraud, you better
Ross: Trans Ams and IROCs. Unlikely, okay? show ...” Goodbye, I don't need you. And I've also
had people doing consults, forgive me, one second,
Audience: WWF
I've had people doing consults on the phone and
Ross: WWF. Yeah, the World Wrestling Federation. they're not willing to do the work. I'll go, "Forget it.
You're not willing to do the work, you're a lazy ass,
Audience: Laughter.
send it back, I don't want your money if you re not
Ross: I remember this girl. I could not crack her but as going to get the results. Send back and I'll give you a
soon as I started talking about Andre the Giant, that refund.” You know?
was it. I said, "You know, Andre the Giant ...”
Audience-. How would you write the essay? How
Audience: Laughter would you ...
Ross: For those of you at home, I'm pointing at my Ross: Well, I'll let's take, pick a theme. How about
crotch. ”Andre the Giant, man, he was big. He was so fantasies? I'll give you some hints about fantasy.
big that couldn't fit him in that little ring.” Fantasies. Now, right there, that's a lot more
interesting than, than double blind she variable
Audience: Laughter.
studies on mice urine.
Ross: Don't try this at home. No. There's certain,
Audience: Laughter
there's certain themes, you know, rather than me give
it away, I want you to think it, I'm not going to give Ross: It's more, it's got more ... I learned something
you the language. I want you to think about these from comedy writing. I wasn't a very good comedy
themes and really begin to explore it for yourself writer, but I did learn to develop what, it's funny. The
because there are levels of understanding this. I could guy who taught me comedy writing, Danny Simon,
spoon feed you. And through the weekend I have Nell Simon's brother, he said, "When you write
been and will continue to spoonfeed you in some comedy, you learn to develop a sense of smell he
respects, but to really encourage you to, to get his, I actually had an olfactory sense. He would smell if a
want you to think about what it means to, to, what subject was funny. He said, "That smells funny.”
these themes are all about, what are these themes, Okay. You learn to develop sort of a sense of smell
write little essays, you know. Mark and I will grade about what topics have a lot of potential. I don't want

to get too ... Audience: Response from audience.
Audience: Response from audience. Ross: Who said that?
Ross: And I don't, ha ha, I don't want to get too far Audience: Said what?
into this, cause ...
Ross: Say it again. What does it imply?
Audience: Response from audience.
Audience: Responses from audience.
Ross: I don't want to get too far into this because this
Ross: Subconscious, okay. They're automatic. What
is a basic seminar and this is a fairly advanced topic.
else about fantasies?
We're just to touch on it, to touch on it briefly, cause
some things ... Audience: They're fun, responses from audience.
Audience: Laughter Ross: They're fun. That's true. Well it depends on ... If
you're Stephen King, they're not.
Ross: Somethings you just want to touch on lightly,
skim the surface, and then go back. Audience: Laughter
Audience: Laughter and response from audience Ross: It would be fun to do the Stephen King pattern,
to take the part of someone's mind where they have
Ross: Yeah, yeah, well ...
their sexual fantasies and put Stephen King in there.
Audience: Laughter
Audience: Response from audience.
Ross: Well, if you don't, hey, if you want to blow this
Ross: Yeah.
opportunity, then fine.
Audience: You could say it allows everybody their
Audience: Not on your life.
own individual roles as opposed to force of evil to
Ross: Yeah. I would rather grab a hold of this live in the real world or ...
opportunity, you know, expand it, make it bigger, you
Ross: Ooohh, say that again. Say that out loud.
Audience: Laughter
Audience: It allows individuals to be in their own
Ross: That it in a new direction. world, because there's only one real world, and we all
have to live in it, but for a fantasy, create our own
Audience: And see what can come up.
world, and live ... Ross: Okay. Now listen to what he
Major Mark: Well, you know, some people reach out said. That's ripe with possibility. I mean that is
for it naturally, and other people, you've just got to pregnant with ... Okay? Allows you to be in your own
feed it to them. world versus the real world. What does that imply?
Ross & Audience: Laughter Audience: Anything goes, everything's possible ...
Ross: But don't ... Ross: Different places in the mind, that's right. That's,
that's, hmmm, boy that smells like a good one to me.
Major Mark: You're the expert.
What do you think? Different places in the mind,
Ross: You can reject it now, but you'll get it in the okay? How about the fact that people can travel back
end. and forth between worlds? Yes.
Audience: Laughter Major Mark: Some fantasies ... Audience: It's also the origin of every invention that
was ever made.
Ross: Aaahhh ... All right. But fantasies, let's think
about this. Let's see what we can spin or riff off of Ross: That's true. It's, it's, it has an origin of
this. Just if we have different little pieces floating out inventiveness.
here, floating out there. You know what? Fantasies.
Audience: Say what, origin ...
How about, well, let me, let do this this chronic, a little
more . To stimulate your idea centers. Are fantasies Ross: Well that, that, people tend to come up with
things that we have complete control over? new ideas from special place of fantasy not the place
of the real world. Yes.
Audience: No.
Audience: I'd say also fantasies develop as the
Ross: What does that imply?

individual develops more experience, as the person this is really specific. This is, this is gold coin guys.
has widespread or ... What does it lead to next? Okay? When you want to
give a description of anything, ask yourself these
Ross: That's true. But you want to be careful with
questions and allow those questions to generate the
languaging like widespread.
descriptions. Let's try this. So let's say someone is
Audience: Laughter having sexual fantasies. If you were going to describe
it by answering these questions, what descriptions
Ross: It could be a command for people to get fat. No,
would you come up with? Yeah, answer that question.
You're lying there on a bed of nails with a flame-
Audience: Laughter thrower up your ass. Is that how it happens?
Ross: I really have matured, haven't I? Audience: Laughter
Audience: Laughter Ross: Answer that question. Where does it happen?
Use your words and tell me, where does it happen?
Major Mark: and go for it.
Major Mark: Think back. Have you ever had a sexual
Ross: No, uh uh. fantasy in you life? And as you have it, where were
you? Not where were you physically, but what was
Audience: Responses from audience.
going on ...
Ross: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I got control here,
Ross: No. I want to know where he was physically.
uh, uh, ain't gonna happen. And that's the most
important thing about seducing women. Major Mark: Oh. Okay.
Audience: Laughter Ross: I would say, start by saying I, I was ... where?
Ross: How we think. Is that a great insight, what do Audience: I was laying in bed ...
you think?
Ross: Good. Good. That's so you're laying there in
Audience: Applause, laughter, cheering, responses bed and we don't want to get into this because it's
from audience. getting kind of kinky, but here's my point. This is how
you build patterns for yourself By listing these
Ross: Can I borrow your pattern honey? And if you
questions and then by answering them as if you were
don't get it, then you're dead meat.
describing it to a third party. You get it?
Audience: Ow, ooohhh.
Audience: Uh hmmm. How would or what happens
Ross: All right. Just kidding. So, these are, think next ...
about this.
Ross: How intensely ...
Audience: Laughter
Audience: Would you give an example of that?
Ross: Sshhh. Think about this. They're automatic,
?: I told her or I told them or ...
how about this? How about sometimes they take on a
life of their own? You ever had fantasies take on a life Ross: You know Debbie, it's so interesting I think,
of their own? I want you guys to ask the question, you know, when you have fantasies with someone,
okay, granted that fantasies take on a life of their own, it's like when you go home, you're lying there in bed,
what is the structure of that? If I had to describe that you find that place in your mind where you think your
experience, how would I describe it? What happens most exciting thoughts, where you keep you amazing
on the inside when fantasies take on a life of their memories. And then you begin to picture this person
own? Where does that happen? Write this down. in you mind. Okay? And the more that happens the
Where does it happen, how quickly does it happen, more you begin to imagine their touch, you hear their
how intensely does it happen, when does in happen? voice. And then its like anything in your environment
These are the things I talk about when I describe triggers it, like whenever you step into the shower?
something. How does it happen, when does it Remember what triggers it in the environment. You
happen, how quickly, how intensely, what is it that can put that down. What is it that triggers it in the
triggers it? environment? These are examples of the kind of
questions you want to ask yourself in order to
Audience: The perspective you bring to it.
construct your own pattern and language. You're
Ross: The perspective you bring to it. This is great, going to be using this. You'll be using this cause, to

write new patterns. I'm telling you how I think, I'm It's one thing to talk about fantasy, it's another thing
lifting up my dress, going look. Anything you care to to talk about reality. But when you talk about the
add to that Major Mark? moment in time, the point where you cross over from
fantasy into reality, he didn't say from reality into
Major Mark: The more evocative your language is,
fantasy, he said from fantasy into reality, implying
even if you're thinking it to yourself, the more
that you're going to act on the fantasy that you're
evocative your language is, the more powerful the
having. You understand? This is something Mark
descriptions, the more real the fantasy becomes and
said once to me. I was stuck with something,
when you're talking to a woman you want to lead her
remember? I was sitting there going, you know I sat
to a new understanding or a new experience, you
there on my vacation and I couldn't figure this out.
want to make the fantasy as strong a reality as you
And you said, you quoted a famous figure from
can. Get it? It must become real to be real. Okay?
history who we will not mention, cause we don't want
There is a point, there's a, where you cross over that
those neuro associations with us. But you said, "Try
dividing line between fantasy and reality and the
asking this question Ross. Saying what is it that
great truth, anchoring truth, is that all realities begin
compels us to do what we do? What is it that causes
as fantasies. Okay?
us to take action.” And I riffed on it. I said, "Yes, what
?: They didn't even hear it. They didn't even hear it. is it that takes something that just one moment before
was a fantasy and the next moment becomes our
?: Booo
living, breathing, pulsating, energized reality?
Ross: You see, when Mark says something like that Something that absorbs and lifts us into another You
and I hear a pattern, I like have detectors. I go dong understand?
dong dong, did you see me guys. He said, "There's a
Major Mark: Absolutely.
point where fantasy crosses over and becomes what
was exactly was the languaging you said? Ross: Yeah. And so I, this, this is so good. The point
where you cross the dividing line between fantasy
Major Mark: That's it.
and reality. So one way to riff on the topic is to take
Ross: There a line you cross ... something that's different from that and then ... Yes?
You had a question?
Audience: Fine line
Audience: Yeah. I'm sorry. It just reminds me so much
Ross: There's a fine line that you cross where a
of why people are so fascinated with Disney movies,
fantasy becomes reality. Ooohhh, did you hear that?
adults ...
That's a difference between a woman just thinking
about banging you and jumping your bones. Did you Ross: Are we getting him?
hear that? That's a pattern. That's the subject matter
Audience: Because it's a cartoon on the surface and it
for an incredible pattern. He just drops it and you
seems like it should be for kids, but the dialogue is
don't even hear it, but I'm going dong, dong, dong ...
written so colorfully and so distinctly that adults are
Audience: _____ reality. able to get into it as well. So, while it seems like
childhood fantasy, it may be geared towards children,
Major Mark: It's a reality. You say the one reality that
it becomes an adult's reality. So therefore, they're into
we all share, now I could easily differ with you on that
it and they sell of these.
one. Okay? But the thing is, you start there, then you
start moving to a conversation about fantasy, and Ross: Now listen, listen. Very bright man. Cause what
then the words imply that you want her to start did I say yesterday? That the subconscious, the
thinking about reality but the process drives her unconscious recognizes structures. ”Oh it seems
deeper into a richer, more evocative fantasy. harmless cause it's only a cartoon, so it's okay to do
it.” If they made a movie with real people, not only
Ross: Right. There's an, there's a big structure here.
would it be too expensive, but the theme would be
Let this, this is great. This is where Mark and I do
way too controversial to touch it. You understand?
gold together and you won't get this anywhere else in
So in the sense you're like Disney, you're creating
the world. Listen, we're taping it. Listen. You start, it's
these structure where it's okay for her to explore
sort of a pace and lead. You start with one, with one
themes and topics that she normally would never do
thing which is she's in one state and then by talking
with anyone else. You get it? And there's something
about another state you bring her to the line between
else, The very fact that she is exploring this with you
them and you get her to cross over. Think about it.
makes her really think this must be the, someone very

special. She doesn't realize she's exploring it with you Audience: Laughter
cause you've structured her to do that. Do you
Ross: In the hands of the right woman, guns are
good. Right.
Audience: Yes.
?: But for example, Homer goes into, Homer goes into
Ross: This is the power of using the proper structure the gun shop on a recent episode and they, and he's
in you communication. Does everyone, I know there's pissed off and he needs a gun. And the guy said
at least one person here who doesn't understand the there's a seven-day waiting period. And Homer goes
distinction about structure. But he gave a very good but I want my gun now, but I'm mad now.
example. Now you know, Jonathan Swift was very
Ross & Audience: laughter
good at that. He would take a political point and he'd
put in into a fantasy tale. Gulliver's Travels was all a ?: And the guy goes I'm sorry, sir. You have to wait
political satire. You're a comedy writer, you know seven days. And Homer goes, uhhh, if I had my gun,
about this kind of stuff. I'd shoot you.
?: Modest proposal? Ross & Audience: Laughter
Ross: Right Ross: No, I'm pro-guns, so we're going, we're going to
eliminate that. I'm pro-choice and I'm just prochoice so
?: Modest proposal.
one choice is to own a gun.
Ross: Okay. Hang on.
Major Mark: Well, people don't understand. It's not
?: The modest proposal's on Politically Incorrect, the bullet that kills you, it's the hole.
where we would take a subject, satirize it and say, you
Ross & Audience: Laughter.
know, for example, a good solution to get people to
ride the subway is to make it a ride. That's the kind of Ross: Ohhh, Mark. We're getting racy here. So
thing that Jonathan Swift would propose. anyway, let me get back to this. But you see, but you
see what can grow, do you see what can grow out of
?: You don't want to put a loop in the subway.
Audience: Laughter
Ross: Or, or take Animal Farm, the George Orwell
story, Animal Farm. He wrote a fictional tale of Ross: Proper discussion of fantasy. Okay? Are you
animals who took over a farm but it was really about getting this? You're not looking very happy, you're
totalitarianism and the dictatorial mindset. Because he looking like, you get it? Okay. So, I like that, this
told it as a children's tale, he was able to get away notion of a dividing line, cause what else does the
with it. dividing line imply? It means you're standing right on
the edge. You can't sit there any more on your ass,
Audience: It's true. A lot of times the different animals
you have to go one way or the other. That's another
represent different races. But if you had different
topic, okay? He was talking about the dividing line
races, people would get very offended.
between fantasy becoming reality, but how about the
Ross: Right, exactly, exactly, exactly. topic of dividing lines in and of itself? That's an
interesting topic, isn't it? "You know, I was thinking
Audience: A bunny rabbit and a bear ...
about Debbie? I was thinking about how much of our
Ross: Yeah, exactly right. Okay. lives is determined by what I call dividing lines. The
line between one thing and the very moment,
?: Also, to take the Disney step one point further is
transitioning into another thing. Like the line between
even The Simpson's, they gave you, which is far more
hesitation and going for it.” Okay? This is how you
subversive than anything Disney
develop themes. This is how you get good at this
Ross: I love Simpson's stuff. We'll spoonfeed you later in the weekend, but
right now, we really want to open up you
?: _____ subversive TV show in history to television
consciousness to learn to think. Now, stop a minute.
because they have this lovable kid and they're
Compare this kind of discussion and this kind of
hammering home themes like guns are bad and
thinking, compare this kind of discussion and this
nuclear power is ...
kind of thinking with what the average frustrated
Ross: Guns are good, by the way. Guns are good, so chump does before he goes out on a date. What is he
get out of here. thinking?

Audience: What am I going wear. Okay? I would imagine right over her left shoulder
that I saw a monitor and on that monitor I would
Ross: What I'm going to wear
display what it was I wanted as my outcome. Now,
Audience: Responses from audience being the crass individual that I am, okay, I would
often visualize her blowing me on this monitor. Okay?
Ross: Yeah, I hope I look nice, I hope I get some,
And the amazing thing is that as I did this over and
when do I go for it,
over, of course I'd start out with these highly
Audience: Responses from audience idealized, you know, stolen images from some porn
film or something like that, okay. But the idea is to
Ross: How much should I spend tonight,
imagine her doing it. And much to my surprise, I
Audience: Laughter would find out that I'd walk up, I'd introduce myself to
some fine-looking woman, start talking, and I'd realize
Ross: Does she have a sister,
she was giving me this very awkward blowjob over
Audience: Got to go to the ATM her left shoulder. And I'm thinking well she's not any
good, I don't want to talk to her.
Ross: What?
Audience: Laughter
Audience: Does Spanish Fly really work?
Ross: Okay, so I excuse myself and go on. But that's
Ross: Does it?
one of the ways, you have to keep an out, an outcome
Audience: Responses and laughter in mind so that no matter what happens, no matter
which way the conversation goes, how she reacts to
Ross: Will that, will the makeup hide the chancre?
the theme, whether you need to switch to another
You know.
theme, no matter what happens, you want to keep that
Audience: Laughter outcome in mind. Okay? Because that's where you
want to go. The whole purpose of your life is getting
Ross: Okay?
to where you want to go. Right? Say yes.
Audience: What are rubies?
Audience: Yes
Ross: What are rubies.
Ross: Now, the second thing you can do is to trust
Audience: Laughter the teaching. Okay? Trust the technology. The reason
that we do things like conversational framework is
Ross: Ooohhh, he's a bad boy. I don't know if we
you no longer have to know where you're going.
want him in here any more. Well, he's working on a
Okay? So long as you understand transition phrases,
screenplay. Yes, Dr. Kay.
so long as you understand you’ll have a wide variety
Dr. Kay: We're talking about of possible themes you can play with, and so long as
you trust the fact that you're playing, you're having
Ross: Yeah, topic, theme. Yeah, uh hmmn, sure. Okay,
fun, you're discovering something about her and
but see, a topic, a topic usually implies singularity.
discovering something about yourself and the way
Okay. It's a thing that you talk about, okay. A theme
that you respond to her, is you have a clear idea of
is a direction. Right? A theme you can riff off
where outcome is or what your outcome is, it doesn't
constantly. Okay? I want to return to an earlier
really matter how you loop around in between.
question. Yes, the fellow in the back wanted to know
Because you're going to get there, you're going to get
what happens if, how you keep track of where you're
your outcome. That's the whole point. So, there are
going. As you go into trance yourself, okay, as you
ways to keep track of where you're going at same
lead her into exciting new places, a possibility, how
time. It's not all that important to keep track and what
you keep track of where you're going. Okay? Now,
happens next. Frank?
you ought to know better than to ask that question,
cause in Hawaii I gave you the very specific example Frank: When you say trust the technology, you're
of what I started doing this, I wanted, I wanted to saying, that just trust that your unconscious mind will
make sure I was tracking my ideal outcome and to come up with this?
insure that the outcome I was going for was, in fact,
Ross: No. No, I, let me, if I may. Once you understand
going to get me what I wanted. So, I would
the technology, then you understand that as long as
hallucinate. Everybody know what a really nice TV
you know how to say, and the other thing I think is
looks like? The clarity of picture, that crisp picture?
interesting is, and then you'll be able to relate it to

something else. If you understand the theme, if you there, you're going to go through every one of them,
really understand the theme and you're not just every one and decide what you're going to throw out
parroting, then you know how to, how to transition now. (Girl in background talking) No I like it, it's not
into something. If I'm talking about fantasies, right? mean, it's just nice and commanding, the way I like it.
What I will do is, here's how I think about things. I'll Okay? You can either have a little tiny dainty dove or
draw the word fantasy in a big circle and I'll draw you can have a falcon. What?
arrows. I'll go, okay, what about fantasies is
Audience: I have a question.
interesting to me? Okay? Well, they take on a life of
their own. And what would be a description of that? Ross: Yes sir.
So I'll write out the description. How do fantasies take
Audience: Is there, do you guys recommend any
on a life of their own? Where does that happen?
patterns to run actually during getting a blowiob or
What is that similar to that everyone's experienced?
by then is just ...
Well, everyone's heard of a song in their head and
couldn't get it out. How can I use the fact that that's a Ross: Yeah,
universal experience? Well, I'll go, "Hey Debbie, for
Audience: Laughter
example, you know, I think fantasies are so interesting
how they take on a life of their own. Like you ever Ross: Yeah, it goes oohhh, uhhhh.
have a song in your head and you can't get it out?
Audience: Just checking.
The more you try, it's just there. Everywhere you go,
everything you do, you hear that song? Well, it Ross: There are times when you don't really want to
would be like then, if you're fantasizing about a distract her.
person, you hear this person's voice right in that same
Audience: Applause and laughter.
place where the song plays over and over and over
again.” Okay? But I am to generate that cause I asked Audience: There is a time not to run a pattern. This is
myself okay, where does this happen? What's what I'm getting at.
something similar to that that everyone's experienced
Ross: But, you want ...
that I can use to get her into that mindset? Okay?
Audience: Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if they
Audience: 'Men after that you move on to the next
were wanting to make her, like, you know ...
Ross: You, you ...
Ross: I'll say, then I move on and go well, I'll think to
myself, okay, what else about it, what else is there Girl: No wonder you guys talk so much
about fantasies? I'll draw this for you. Okay? This is
Audience: I have a similar question.
really good. This is, this is solid gold stuff you guys
are getting this morning. And it's just, I know it may Ross: The outcome's about to come out. Yes.
be over some of your heads but we're going to go
Audience: Laughter. Let's say you spent a period of
back until you get it. All night? So look. So, I'll say, I'll
time with someone, how many patterns, how long,
draw. This is what I do. I have charts on my floor. If
anyone's been to my house and seen my closets I Ross: They, what did I say? Formula, patterns are not
have stacks of charts where I've worked on these rules, they're just examples, okay? You said
ideas and certain people who helped me so much, something. You don't want to continue the patterns.
thank you, thank you, thank you. Clean up my place. Listen to me. You don't want to continue repeating
what I've written for you but you want to learn to
Girl: That's the night position ...
generate these kind of language for yourself. See, its
Ross & Audience: Laughter not a just, its not about casting. There's a difference
between being a sorcerer and someone who uses a
Girl: You guys be on your knees ...
spell. A sorcerer is someone who always thinks about
Ross & Audience: Laughter this and lives it. Okay? You can be someone who
temporarily says my spells and get, gets an outcome.
Ross: Thank you. They were everywhere. And she
But that's not as powerful as being someone who
came in, and cause I have to move, she came in like a
moves through the world thinking in this way. Yes,
tornado, drill sergeant, organized everything. Now
Brother Ryan.
we're going to go through this part of the house, and
go over there. Well, I have, no, you're going to sit Ryan: I think about it like this. When you, when you

make, when you seduce a woman, right, you're using Audience: Responses from audience
patterns, you make a promise almost. You, you know,
Ross: Would you stop steering them in the wrong
let her believe and you are this person and then if you
direction honey? That's my best friend in the whole
stop talking that way, you no longer fulfilling your
world back there. Right? Bunny.
promise. So if you've been, as you move into, maybe
not when you're actually getting _____ , but even as Audience: Laughter
you move into that, you can continue to make the
Ross: Why is that . 9 I don't know. She's got me
experience pleasurable. Even as you develop, if you
hip-nick-otized. Okay. Fantasy.
develop a relationship, you know, you can still, you
can still talk in these themes and in this way, or she's Audience: Laughter
going to notice a difference and she's not going to
Girl: Really?
appreciate it. I mean, you know, it's not a one shot
deal. You want to keep reinforcing it, you want to Ross: She used girlnosis on you. She used girlnosis,
keep delivering what you've promised. _____
Ross: You want to become the kind of man who Audience: Laughter. Responses from audience.
thinks about the world in a different way. Now,
Ross: Okay. Did you say what I thought you just
here's the way to do that. Grab a book and when you said?
see a theme in the book that interests you, underline it
Audience: Laughter
and begin to do this. So let's take, okay. So this is
how I would do it. If you came to my house, you Ross: I know, you ever take nitroglycerin and like kick
would see this. Of course, you'd see my charts are it and throw lit matches at it?
now chewed up and clawed.
Audience: Laughter
Audience: Laughter
Ross: Don't go there.
Ross: _____ my best research is, is fodder for her to
Audience: Laughter
roll around on. Or I'll be drawing something, like I'll be
showing Brother Coby something, some really Ross: She looks small but her arms are really strong
important marketing point and she'll come and sit right from doing all, look at the forearms. Go ahead, flex.
down on the charts so we can't see it. Her forearms are strong. She said to me today, she
said, you know, she said some women can only
Audience: Laughter
damage body parts but I can rip them off. I went,
Ross: She's your cat. yeah, I know.
Girl: Hey, Ross? Audience: Laughter
Ross: Yeah. Girl: I didn't say that.
Girl: Reply Ross: Well, along those lines. Fantasies. Okay. So lets
go to fantasies. Okay. So I'll draw arrows. I like to
Ross: Yes, of course you may.
draw arrows and circles. Okay? So I'll draw an arrow
Girl: If he's going do what he's point out, is that the and I'll think to myself, okay, what about fantasies?
difference between doing this for a little while to get Well, they take on ... Here's the question I ask. I'll
an outcome and make me a part of your life? write fantasies in a circle, and the big metaquestion I
ask is what's interesting about fantasies to me? Okay?
Ross: Right.
I'll just start thinking, well they take on a life their
Girl: And if you're going to do this, you really have to own. They take on a life of their own. Okay? Are you
make it a part of your life in a way, the way you following my thinking? Not just writing but are
communicate all the time, not just when you're trying following how I think about it? Okay. What's
to get a chick in bed. And all that, all of the attitudes interesting about dwarfs? Well, lets see ...
and everything become part of your life, which is
Audience: You can throw them.
much more effective.
Ross: You can throw them.
Ross: And that's really sexy, cause then your whole
life is a wonderful, joyous event, so god dammit. Audience: Laughter

Ross: Okay. Audience: Response
Audience: That's sounded . Laughter. They start Ross: Okay. What else is interesting about fantasies?
small, responses from audience. Well, I'll think how fantasies become more and more
powerful the more you try to deny yourself. So, okay.
Ross: Yeah, I know. Okay? They take on ...
How they become more and more powerful the more
Audience: Response from audience you deny them. And then I ask the same question,
how does that happen? So the basic questions I ask
Ross: They're always sticking their nose in other
are what is interesting to me about x? I write that
people's business.
down, then I say, how does happen and that gives me
Audience: Laughter the description.
Ross: Okay. Okay, listen. They take on a life of their Audience: What's my last _____ , bottom _____ .
own. Okay? Once I pick that topic, they take on life,
Ross: The description. Are you understanding this,
the subtopic, how they take on a life of their own? I'll
sir? How I come up with it? Are you understanding
say to myself, how does that happen? How does that
the sequence? I say what's interesting to me about
happen? Okay? And then that in turn gives me the
this. Then I ask, I write that down, whatever it is, then
description. So I'll write down, actually, the way I do
I say how does that happen. That gives me the
this is I do it half asleep. I'm lying there in bed and I
description. And the description is the actual pattern
hear the words in my head, and then I begin to say
language. This is what you're actually going to say to
the words out loud. And then I run and I write them
the chick. Okay? You get it?
down. So my process is I'm lying in like half a trance
state, I'll hear the words in my head, I'll hear myself Audience: Yes
speaking the words, I'll speak them out loud, and then
Ross: I'm not hearing yes or no from you sir.
I go and I write them down.
Audience: Yeah, I'm wondering what's in the ...
Audience: You should keep a tablet in bed.
Ross: This one? Okay, this is the, I'll say, then the
Major Mark: He keeps _____ by the bed.
next question is, I'll say what else is interesting to me
Ross: I, well, ... about this? Then I say, okay, how they become more
and more powerful the more you try to deny them.
Audience: Do you getup?
And then I ask how does that happen, and then I give
Ross: I get up and write them on a, on a, on my chart. the description of how that happens. I'm not going to
Okay? Well, usually what I do is I'll go through it like give you the wording. I want you to come up with
three times. So I'll hear it in my head, repeat it out your own. We're going to do an exercise after lunch.
loud, hear it in my head again to see if I want to Using this formula, I'm going to give you a topic and
change it, repeat it out loud, and then run it through you guys are going to come up with patterns. All
my head and if it sounds right I'll repeat it out loud right? I'm going to drill you really hard. I want you to
and then I go and I write it down. Yes. be able to do this on your own? Yes? Good?
Different? Great?
Audience: Ross, you hear what in your head? The
Ross: The description. Yates: This is the end of Side 8 of the Ross Jeffries
Basic Speed Seduction Seminar
Audience: Okay.
Ross: Okay. Now this happens real fast for me. It
happens in the space of a second, but I'm giving you
my, my, my algorithm, showing you my strategy so
you know how do it yourself. Okay. Then I'll come up
with a description. Once I've got the description, I'll
say, what else is interesting to me about fantasies?
You all right?
Audience: Yeah, I'm fine.
Ross: You want, jump in at any time, okay?

Tape 5 – Side 1 three killer examples of powerful compelling fantasies
and she goes, "Wow, that was great. Thank you.
Gotta go.” You know. Cause that is your most likely
Yates: This is Side 9 of the Basic Speed Seduction outcome if you don't go to the call to action.
Seminar by Ross Jeffries Ross: Okay, the general, the overall structure is what
is it about x, where x is the topic, is it y, where y is one
choice where's she's going to jump you, or is it z,
Ross: Great? Language master. Time for a break? where z is the other choice where she's going to jump
Major Mark: No wait. One other thing. Wait, wait, you right there and then? So, if you would go through
wait. Because when you, to my mind, my opinion, it's the exact languaging again please, Major Mark?
not enough to give a couple different descriptions. Mark: What is it ...
You have to include a call to action. Okay? And the
best call to action is a double bind question. Okay? Ross: Isn't Major Mark awesome?
So for example, Audience: Applause and cheers
Audience: Explain double bind question. Ross: I'm _____ , do like ... Is it time?
Ross: Explain what it is. Mark: What is it about, well, those fantasies,
Audience: double blind? nonspecific, that is so compelling ...

Ross: Double bind. Ross: If you don't slow down a little bit. I know the
speed at which they need to be spoon-fed. Okay?
Major Mark: If I were to be given chance, I would, What is it about those fantasies that is so compelling
okay? Now, when we're talking about fantasies and ... Yes sir
we have two examples about how they take on a life
of their own or what was the other one? Audience: As far as either so compelling, or ...

Ross: They take on a life of their own and how they Mark: No. No.
become more and more strong the more you try to Ross: No. No.
deny them.
Mark: You want to set up a predicate. Okay? What is
Major Mark: Oh, more and more strong. Okay. it about those fantasies, I'm being non-specific
Ross: One more thing. I would do three descriptions. because I want her to pick one, okay? That is so
compelling, that's the predicate, that you have to ask
Major Mark: Right. Three. Okay. And then you ask a yourself
simple question. Say, it's all interesting isn't it. What
is it about, well you know, those fantasies that are so Audience: Or one ask themselves.
compelling? It's like, you have to ask yourself is it that Mark: You ...
they draw you towards them with an irresistible desire
or is that you are just compelled to move towards Ross: No. Stop. This is disruptive. Let him continue.
them out of something that's welling up within you? Go ahead Mark.
Okay? Mark: Trust me. I actually know how to do this.
Ross: Oh, man. Laughter Audience: Laughter.
Audience: Laughter Mark: Okay. That is so compelling you have to ask
Ross: Let's do that, we need this word for word. This yourself is it that it draws you forward with an
is something where they need to be spoon-fed. Look irresistible impulse and attraction or you feel yourself
at the structure of what he does. I want to give you propelled towards it
the structure and then we'll do it word for word. Yes Audience: I lost you on there
sir, question.
Mark: Impulse or attraction or
Audience: by the time you fall for the double bind or
whatever that they're already in a trance and they're Audience: Either or
not going to notice ... Mark: Yeah
Mark: Right. Well see, you don't want to give her Audience: Response from audience

Mark: Well, you could. Or you could say one or the languaging and all that beautiful, brilliant baroque
other. Or say something similar. As long as you don't beautiful piece of languaging, a gem, is this. Drawn
weaken it. Or you find yourself propelled towards it as and propelled. These two words are the key to that
though riding an unstoppable urge from within? pattern. Yes?
Ross: Laugh Mark: Yes.
Audience: Responses from audience Ross: Okay? So I can zero in and go, okay, what's the
key to what Mark's doing? Now I can spin my own
Mark: Propelled
pattern on this. I can go, "What's the difference
Ross: Propelled towards it between the things in life that draw us and the things
that propel us?" And I can go into a completely new
Mark: As though riding an unstoppable urge from
pattern. This is how I generate patterns cause I know
what to listen for and to see what is the most
Ross: Now listen, _____ . Unstoppable urge ... important part.
Audience: Response from audience. It's just that you Audience: Would you go through that once more?
lay them with a double binder so she doesn't have a
Ross: Yeah. I can, I'll do it right now if you, you know,
choice but don't you also want to anchor it to you
I'm not gonna, I'm too lazy.
because she may take that choice and go do that with
somebody else or ... Mark: And besides. She will come across with a
response. Okay. It may be verbal, it may be nonverbal,
Ross: Well, its anchored to him because of his voice.
she is going to react to one of these choices. Okay?
But hang on, there's a point I want to make here. Hold
And, if she goes, "Oh, well, It just, I see it and it's so
your questions a minute. I'm going to ask, hold your
fascinating, I'm just drawn into it.” I'm going, hmmm,
questions just for a second. Cause there's some
what can I do with this? Okay. She's just given me
things more to teach. Please pay attention up here
next five minutes of conversation. Or if she is like
Phoenix. Okay? Understand, he's doing something
being non-verbal but highly oral, do you just stop
else. He's giving her a, there's a, there's a certain
there. Which is your point. You know, its
aspect of motion here where he's saying you're either
going to be, are you being drawn forward or are, are Ross: All right. Now it's time for a break. Let's take 10
you, are you, are you, are you being pulled towards it minutes.
or is there something pushing you towards it? It's sort
of a propulsion system so in effect both are
happening. She's both being drawn towards it and Mark: So, is this clear to people? Do you understand
something inside her is pushing her towards it. So it?
she's being, it's a push her pull, it's a push/pull. She's
Audience: Yes.
both being pulled forward and pushed from behind.
So Mark is saying it's not enough in his mind that she Ross: Okay. We understanding? My purpose here is
be pulled towards him by urge. She also has to feel not to get you think about fantasies per se, but to
that there's something irresistibly pushing her at the show you the overall structures to generate your own
same time so she's really moving forward. patterns. Now someone said to me, "This is all great.
Here in the room I understand it. But what about
Mark: I'm lazy. Okay? This is a recurring theme in my
when I'm home?" Well, then you're fucked, no ...
work. I am really lazy. I don't want to have to care
whether she has a moving towards strategy or Audience: laughter
moving away strategy. Okay? She can choose. I'm
Ross: When you g o home there's some things you
offering her a legitimate choice. They all lead to me,
can do. One of the things we can do now is we're
going to do an exercise that Brother Coby told me to
Audience: Laughter do. Which is we're going to pick a partner, and what
you're going to do is you're going to take that partner
Mark: She has a legitimate choice.
and you're going to explain to them the structure of
Ross: The real distinction here, Mark is making a how to generate patterns. You're going to teach your
comparison. He's comparing being drawn with being partner what the specific steps are to generate a
propelled. This is the key to Mark's pattern. The key pattern. You're not going, now listen. I'm not saying
to the pattern that Mark just gave you in all that go generate a pattern. I didn't say that. I said you're

going to pick a partner and teach your partner what dissuade you from being that because as long as you
are the steps to generate a pattern. And then your believe that that's the way you have to be, you're
partner's going to turn around and teach you. Okay? correct. The notion I want to present to you is that
If you can teach someone else then you know you've beliefs have a tremendous amount of power, that's
got it. So here's what we're going to do. Pick a partner there no difference in, and Major Mark will back me
that you haven't worked with before. Those of you at up on this, there's no distinction in terms of its power
home, if you have a friend you can discuss speed and its effect, between a belief that you hold deeply
seduction with, you can do it with them or you can and a hypnotic suggestion that's given to you in deep
imagine someone and explain it into a tape recorder. trance that you suggest. They both work the same
All right? So what we're going to do is we're going to way and they have the same power. That's why you
pick a partner, someone you have not worked with don't argue with people who have a belief. For
before, okay? And then what you're going to do is example, if someone were sitting in this chair and I or
you're going to explain to them the structure of how Major Mark had them in deep trance and I gave them
you generate patterns. And I'm going to go over it the suggestion that it was absolutely freezing cold in
real quickly. What you do is, you ask yourself the here, sub-zero temperature, and we would give them
question, you pick a topic, and you say to yourself that post-hypnotic suggestion that wh enever they
what is it about this topic that really interests me? heard the word dingleberry they'd feel it freezing cold.
Let's go back to that one. What's interesting about They would feel it. And you'd say to them, "Why are
this topic to me? And then you write that topic and you shivering like that? It's not cold in here.” You
you write that thing down, whatever it is, and then could try to argue with them and it wouldn't go
you ask the question how does that happen and that anywhere. So the notion our society that once
generates the description. something happens to you, you're stuck with it is a %,
cry powerful notion and it's a very destructive notion.
Ross: That's the process, okay? So pick a partner. I
I know a lot of you have had things happen to you in
don't want you taking more than 10 minutes to do
your past. I had a very bad past with females, okay?
this. Pick a partner, teach them and switch. The
The thing is this, is your past isn't who you are and
distinction that you need to get is between the
it's not what you deserve, it's just what happened.
content and the process. I wasn't asking you to spin a
The minute you can really understand that, step into
pattern about fantasies, I was asking you to explain
that, and lock into that, the minute you realize the past
the process of how you come up with a new pattern.
isn't who you are or what you deserve, it's just what
That's what I was asking you to do. To get the
happened, then you can let go of it. Okay? There's a
distinction between process and content is a very
story about, you know, the story about the monkey
important one. I wasn't asking you to generate a
that was terrorizing the village. Very clever little
pattern on fantasy. I was saying what is the structure
monkey. This was a hyper intelligent monkey, a very
for generating a pattern? Okay? Very good. I want to
mischievous monkey. He liked to do things like pee in
talk a little bit, take a few minutes, I'm going to take, I'll
the village soup right before they had a community
take _____ from here for a while. You know, it's a, it's
dinner and, you know, he'd run around and one of the
a funny thing that when people are locked in struggle
village leaders would be giving a talk and he'd throw
that if you come along and give them a way to get out
his poop right in the face, and he was a very mean
of struggle, they're so used to the struggle it feels
little monkey, you know? People would be about to be
uncomfortable to let go of it. That, you know, if you
making love and he'd jump on their back and bite
take a, an animal that's born in the wild but you get it
them. And they were all just beside themselves cause
as a cub and you stick it in a cage ... Well, I remember
they could not catch this damn little monkey. So they
watching this show – this is not a pattern, this is true
got together the best hunters in the village and they
- where they raised bear cubs from captivity. They
said, "We're going to get this monkey.” So they laid a
were in captivity as cubs and it came to release them
trap, a very clever trap. They dug a pit and they
and they didn't want to leave the cage, they wouldn't
camouflaged it with leaves and they put the monkey's
go. Cause the cage was what was familiar to them. So
favorite foods, bananas and nuts and all this other
some of you here are, are, I know, have a I can't have
stuff, and the monkey very cleverly was watching. So
that Ebin. Some of you here are familiar with an
he swang from the vine, swung from a vine, grabbed
identity, an identity that says you have to lose, you
all the food and got away. So they were beside
have to have the pain of struggle, you have to be a
themselves, they didn't know what to do with this
victim, et cetera et cetera et cetera. I'm here to tell you,
monkey. He liked to go to the best looking women in
you're absolutely right. I'm not going to try to
the village and drop his little monkey ding in front of

them, they were going bananas. What are they going congratulations. You can take it and you can keep it.
to do with this monkey? Well, one day a wizard Because the fact of the matter is a victim is someone
wanders into town and he notices the people are just who makes their oppressor very important. The victim
beside themselves and he said, "What's going on?" in effect makes the oppressor their god. Because if
They told the story about this monkey. He said, you think of the god as the one thing that's the most
"Really? Show me where the monkey hangs out.” So present in your life, spiritually, emotionally and
they take the wizard to the village square and there's physically, well, in order to define yourself as a victim,
the monkey looking at the wizard thinking, "Oh, here's you have to constantly keep the oppressor around.
a new guy I can play with. What am I going to do with So congratulations, you're your own twisted kind of
this guy?" The wizard said, "What's the monkey Satan worshipper if that's the way you want to think.
really like to eat?" They said, "He likes a certain kind Cause you make the person in your life who hurt you
of nuts.” He said, "Get me great big old handful.” So the most the person who's most present. Sounds
the wizard walks over to a tree with a hole in it, starts pretty twisted to me. But we live in a society where
throwing the nuts down into the hole, cause he can't we're taught to think that way, where you're given
fit his hand into it, so he's pouring them in like that. rewards for being a victim. I'll give you a story. This is
And the guy said, " What are you doing? He's going a story that's absolutely true. Who saw the movie
to see them going into the tree. You're not going to BORN ON THE FOURTH OF JULY? I met that little
trick him.” The wizard, "Don't worry about it.” So as prick. Yeah, I met him back when I was a UCLA
soon as the wizard walks away the monkey comes student in the late, early 80s. And he was in some
swinging down, runs up to the hole in the tree, sticks rally just, there was some rally, I forget what the
in his hand and gets a great big huge fistful of these nature was, exactly what it was about, it was when the
nuts and he can't pull his hand out. And the wizard hostages were taken in Iran. I'm showing you how old
said, "Excuse me, give me a machete.” The monkey I am. And the Young Republicans were there and the
sees the wizard coming with the machete. He says, Communists were up there making speeches and then
"I'm not letting go of this fucking meal. This is mine.” Ron Covick wheels up in his wheelchair. And he's
The wizard's getting closer and closer and the monkey saying the exact same things that the speaker before
goes, "These are my nuts, dammit.” Well, that night was getting heckled for. When the speaker before,
they dined on monkey-head stew and the wizard got who could walk, was saying the same things, people
the best looking women in the village, and he began were screaming at him. But Ron Covick comes up and
to teach classes -how to kill monkeys. The moral of saying the exact same bullshit and no one's saying a
the story is what you refuse to let go is what keeps word. And I walked up to him and I said, "You are a
you stuck. Now, you can continue to be raging and fucking bully.” I said, "The fact that you're in that
angry at all the women who ever fucked you over, but wheelchair doesn't mean that what you're saying is
guess what? You're like, don't be writing here ... true and you're relying on the fact that we're taught
not to challenge people who have a handicap, and I
Audience: Laughter
think you're a fucking bully and you should be
Ross: Guess what? If that's what you want to do, you ashamed of your fucking self.” Then I walked away.
walk around with your hand stuck inside a tree stump See, there's an advantage to being the victim. If you're
and you won't go anywhere and someone's going to a victim, then people can't confront you, people can't
cut your head off sooner or later. It's totally up to tell you to shut the fuck up and sit down. People can't
you. Now unfortunately we live in a society where tell you pull your head out of your ass. Okay? So, if
there are certain belief patterns that people are taught you want to think of yourself in that way, "Women
to take on. Now, I understand that sometimes horrible were mean to me, ahhh, I'm too fat, or whatever" go
things happen to people. People go through terrible ahead. Cause guess what? I don't give a shit. It's not
things, you know, the Holocaust. I have relatives who that I don't have compassion that you went through
are Holocaust survivors and some of them, totally pain, but what I'm trying to say to you is the way
bent by it. Totally bent by it. Others, well, that you're thinking about it is keeping you stuck. Now,
happened to me, that was then, this is now, I'm going there are organizations in this society that teach us to
to have a ferocious determination to live a good life think that way. Step programs. I don't think too highly
no matter what happened to me. Because if you don't, of Step programs cause Step programs teach you that
guess what happens? You make the people who hurt this is who you are and you can never be healed from
you continue to be present and in control of your life, it.
even if they're long dead. So if that's what you want
Audience: I'm a recovering alcoholic.
to do, if you want to walk around being a victim,

Ross: Right. That means that's who you always will is this, is part of being good with these skills is the
be and you will never be healed of it. It is who you ability to recognize what response you're getting.
are, it's inherent in your soul and you will always be Okay? If you walk up to a woman and you say to her,
that way. Okay? "You know, I have this intuition that when you really
feel a connection with someone, " and she's going,
Audience: Now, you can be a recovered alcoholic.
okay, that means she's not down with it and you have
Ross: Ahhh, good. There's a distinction between the to back off and do something else. So, on the one
two. hand, Pelone has something that I want you all to get,
which is lie's fearless. You charge forward, yes?
Audience: Response from audience.
Pelone: Definitely.
Ross: That's, there's a distinction between the two
and an important one. Ross: Now, I'm Curious about something. When you
see a woman that you want to meet, what goes
Audience: But aren't you still defining yourself as an
through your head that allows you to just go
alcoholic if you say you're a recovered alcoholic?
charging forward? Do you say something to yourself?
Ross: Whether it's an alcoholic, a fartoholic or Do you do something with her image? What do you
anything else, my point in this room is this. That do just before you charge forward?
whatever happened to you in your life, if you want to
Pelone: I see her and I say, "Oh, an opportunity.”
hang on to it all it does is it keeps you there like the
monkey and the tree. Okay. Now later on in the Ross: Oh, an opportunity.
weekend I will present some processes to you that
Pelone: An opportunity to give someone my special
you can choose to participate in or not. I don't care. If
you choose to participate in them, I can show you
how to let go of all that. So you don't have to think Ross: Ahhh. Now, that's something very interesting.
about yourself that way anymore. If you don't want to An opportunity to give someone my special gift.
and you want to hang on to your victimhood, have a Now, the concept I want to present to you is the gift
party. Just don't wave it in my face cause I don't care. you want to give the person may not be the gift that
Okay? Get it? Now, let's move on to something more they're, at the moment, open to accepting. That, it's
constructive, but it has to be said. Now, one of the okay to finally give them your special gift, but you
things I want to talk about is flexibility. Okay? Cause want to start out with the gift that they're able to
flexibility is extremely important. Now, Brother Pelone, accept. And that requires that you take a second step,
will you come up here a minute? which is, before you go charging, to look at the
person, to open you intuition, and I'll show you how
Pelone: Sure.
to do that, and go, hmmm, who is that person and
Ross: This is my friend and also _____ brother, what are they telling about themselves? And to allow
Brother Pelone. Brother Pelone, sit down. that to guide what your next step is going to be. Now,
some of you who are, who used to be so into
Audience: Applause
hesitation need to take on his strategy. But for
Ross: Now, I'm extremely fond of Brother Pelone someone like this who's fearless in the first place, you
because first of all, he's extremely sincere. He's a really need to add in an intuition step first.
good guy. He really wants to learn, he's very
Pelone: That's correct.
open-minded and Brother Pelone is absolutely
fearless. Brother Pelone Ross: Okay. He's a marine, he's not afraid, right? I
mean they charge you, they, don't they teach you ...
Audience: Absolutely.
Pelone: I was brainwashed.
Ross: Absolutely. Brother Pelone sees women, it's
charge, assault that beach. Okay? Now here's the Ross: Ha, ha. He was in a ...
thing though. Here's the thing that, I, I, I, I want to
Pelone: It's the truth. He's a recovering marine.
give you some gifts. I want to add in some things for
you because you're, you're a good loyal Student, yes9 Audience: Responses from audience.
Pelone: Yes. Ross: He's a recovering marine. Well, what did they
brainwash you to go ...
Ross: That's right. And he's also sort of like my
bodyguard, so, it's good to have him here. The thing Audience: Laughter

Ross: What did they, what did they brainwash you to to yourself, "Okay, granted that she's feeling a little
believe? bitchy or she's a little cold, put her on.” Then to the
extent you see someone who's really closed, (noise in
Pelone: They brainwashed me to believe that when I
background), oh, my agent.
hear an order I respond without hesitation.
?: Yes? I'm _____
Ross: But, no one's giving you an order when you're
there seeing an h. b. , so what do you ... Ross: Out to smoke, tell a dirty joke, and whistling is
prohibited. Anyone know that song?
Pelone: I give myself the order.
Audience: No.
Ross: You give yourself the order. Okay. Now listen
to me. There's a difference between responding to an Ross: No one's allowed to tell a dirty joke, when
internal order and being drawn forward by something Groucho was appointed head of a country, Chris you
that you're perceiving and connecting with. should know this, you're a comedy writer. Do you
know that movie? Duck Soup?
Pelone: Okay.
Chris: Yeah.
Ross: Okay? I want you to sit a minute and think
about that distinction. There's a distinction between Ross: If any form is pleasure is exhibited report to me
being, charging forward based on an order you give and it will be prohibited. I'll put my foot down, so shall
yourself and being drawn forward by someone you're it be. Okay?
perceiving and what you perceive that person to be.
Audience: Question from audience
Because one allows a connection to happen first
before you take action. The other is totally generated Ross: Yes, and by the way, if you really want to build
by yourself That can work for you, it will get you a sense of humor, rent, go out and buy all the Jerky
going quicker the way you're doing things, but it may Boy CDs.
get you going in situations where the person is just
Audience: Response from audience
totally closed off to any communication, Not because
they have anything against you, it's just who they, in Ross: And before you out _____ , listen to them. Yes,
the moment, they can be in that mood. And even if Brother _____ .
someone is in that mood, okay, if you look at a woman
Audience: Do you have, do know of any resources,
and your intuition tells you she's closed off right now,
books or anything about that, about how to develop
that doesn't mean you don't approach. It means you
approach differently. So, let's say you're reading, Ross: I don't think books are the best way to develop
there's a woman in front of you ... a sense of ...
Pelone: Okay Audience: smiling ...
Ross: You go a little intuitive. I'm going to show you Ross: No
guys how to do this, okay? And your intuition says,
Audience, _____
"Okay, she's open, happy, ready to meet people.”
Then it's okay to go up. What's your standard Ross: No
meeting, greeting when you go up to talk a woman?
Audience: _____
Like at that bar, the Friday's yesterday, what did you
say to her? Ross: No. Go and get Jerky Boy CDs, the Jerky Boys,
what's up there fruitcake? And you also want to rent
Pelone: I just walked up and said hello.
some Marx Brothers movies. You gotta rent Duck
Ross: Just hello. Soup, where Groucho becomes the head of a country.
And he's like the most corrupt politician that could
Pelone: Hello and I introduced myself and I asked her
possibly be. The country's taxes must be fixed and I
where's a good place to go hang out and have fun. I'm
know what to do with it. You think this country's bad
from out of town.
off now just wait till I get through with it. Da da da ...
Ross: Good. Okay. Cool. Okay. Great. Okay. What if
Audience: Laughter
there's, you could insert a step where you look at the
woman, you go into this intuitive state and you sort Ross: He's just boldly proclaiming bow he's destroy
of reach out and feel her with your hand and go, the entire country and you know screw everybody.
"Hmmm, what's her energy like?" And then you say

Audience: _____ to that, a particular movie is that it ?: I'm on Air Force One with Bon's Yeltsin actually
still, we still have those guys in society, the guy getting a woman
Ross: Well, what are you talking about? No we don't. Ross &Audience: Laughter
Monica, pick up. Hello.
?: He never stops before ...
Audience: Laughter. Yes we do.
Ross & Audience: Laughter
Ross: No we don't. Monica.
Ross: You know, the other day I had, oh, never mind.
Audience: I swear Ross. We're not going to go there. Okay. Very good, very
funny. Wow, you do better voices than the Rolling
Ross: I'll slur, do his voice, you do it well, do it.
Stone reporter did. Okay?
Audience: We do not have those type of people in
this country. Audience: Laughter
Ross: Say, he's doing endorsement for me. Hi, this is Ross: I want to talk a little bit about sub-modalities.
Bill Clinton and There's a big mystery about sub-modalities and what
they are and all this other stuff. It's very simple. The
Audience: This is Bill Clinton-,
notion I want to present to you and look up here, you
Ross: Had I had speed seduction I wouldn't have had can write later. This is in your notes so you can write
to do that intern. later. The notion I want to present to you is this. The
notion I want to present to you is that people don't
?: That was one of Ross' first students that I have to
just have thoughts. The thoughts that people have
subjectively have locations. Just as an example, this is
Ross & Audience: Laughter not, now please, this is only an example, it is not a
rule. For the most part, when people visualize
?: His latest class has been such a help to me,
something, they tend to think about the things that
Ross & Audience: Laughter are really important to them, real big right in the
center. If something is less important they tend to
?: I could have a group of interns walking by my
picture it down here in a comer. Okay? Generally
office and have one of them on their knees and
speaking this is only an example, it is not a rule, okay?
sucking my dick in minutes.
Generally speaking as something becomes less
Ross & Audience: Laughter important to them it gets smaller and further away. Do
you understand? So they think of someone who's
Ross: Thank you Bill.
really important, as that person becomes less
Audience: Laughter important the picture gets further away and smaller.
Does that make sense?
Ross: Say hello to the president.
Audience: Yes
Audience: Response from audience
Ross: Okay. These are just general ideas, I'm not
Ross: That's very good. Okay.
saying everyone is this way. Some people are
?: _____ that's not an impeachable offense. different, okay? Now, this is also useful for you in
building a powerful self-image. So let me show you
Ross: Not impeachable.
how we do this. We're going to do a little exercise.
Audience: Laughter This requires you to take all notes and all writing
instruments, for the moment, and put them on the
Ross: That's really cool. We should have, you know
floor. Just for the moment. Just for the moment. And
what? After hours, we should have his voice "You
this is a participatory exercise, it's not about
have reached Bill representing Ross Jeffries.”
intellectual understanding so you have to do the
Audience: Laughter exercise to get the benefit. Okay? Fair enough?
Ross: "I used his stuff and wow, he sort of ...” Audience: Yes.
Audience: Responses from audience, yeah, yeah Ross: All right. So, remember I talked to you
there you go. yesterday about picture in a picture?
Ross: What? Audience: yes

Ross: That sort of thing? Okay? We're going to do I'm not Catholic any more.”
some things sort of like that. By the way, who's the
Audience: Laughter
person who before he came in yesterday had trouble
visualizing? How are you doing, bow are you doing Ross: Wooo. So cool.
with that now?
Audience: laughter
Audience: Response from audience
Ross: Now please, if you're Catholic, I'm not, you
Ross: Ha, ha, ha. Good. know, Ave Maria, I'm not knocking you or anything.
I'm just talking about the fact that, that if you tell
Audience: Laughter
people to do things with their pictures, they do it. I, in
Ross: Part of visualizing, part of visualizing is fact, I've even asked, I reached out and grabbed her
knowing when to turn it off. So, if you were to reach hand and said, "Now move them the other way.”
up, watch this, if you were to reach up to that dial that Okay? Another girl. I said, well she told me that she
controls the brightness of an image, I don't know was having trouble concentrating. I could tell the
what side is that dial on? trouble was she, her pictures were going by too fast. I
said, "You know that knob that controls the speed at
Audience: Response from audience
which your pictures go by?" And she, and I, and I, I
Ross: And reach up, put your hands on it, what showed her what I wanted to do. I said, "If you were
direction do you turn it to turn the brightness down? to reach out and grab hold of it, where is it?" She
That's right. Turn the brightness all the way down. reached out and grabbed hold of it. I said, "Now what
Now, can you see it? That's right. Now turn the direction do you turn it to slow those down?" And
brightness up. she went like this. I don't say "can you see the knob,
" I said, "you know that knob.” And they just go right
Audience: Response from audience
on with you, oh yeah, sure.
Ross: Isn't that weird? It's on my nose? Ahhhhh.
Audience: Laughter
Audience: Laughter
Ross: It's that simple. Now, you, you guys don't
Ross: That's pretty easy. Learn to play with your own believe me yet, but you'll, you try this and they'll go,
dials. By the way, I say this to chicks. I say, "You "oh, yeah, sure.” It's that simple. Okay, so look. So I
know that dial that controls the speed at which want you to, close your eyes. Now some people
pictures are, " here's the story. True story. This was visualize better with their eyes open, by the way,
years ago, early in my career. I was sitting at a party whatever you want to do. But I, let's just for this
trying to seduce this woman and she said, "Well, you purpose you close your eyes, okay? What I want you
know, I'm pretty uptight about, about these things. I'm to do is see that great big movie screen in your mind.
Catholic and I suffer from obsession.” I said, I said, If you don't see the screen, imagine a frame or imagine
"No, you mean, you mean, depression.” And she you can see a screen. I want you to stop and think do
said, "No, obsession. I have all these thoughts you believe the sun is going to come up tomorrow?
running around in my head.” And so I grabbed her As you believe the sun is going to come up
arm, I said, "Start taking those pictures that you're tomorrow, as you make an image of the sun coming
seeing ...” She's describing what her pictures were up tomorrow, you believe this. Say, "Yes, the sun will
doing, she had pictures running around like this. I come up tomorrow.” I want you to take your finger,
said, "Take those pictures you're seeing and start literally take your finger and point to where on the
doing them in the opposite direction.” So she did. screen you see that image. And with your hands, I
And I said (sneezes), excuse me, nothing to sneeze at want you to take your hands and draw a frame around
here. I said, they were spinning in the opposite the side of that picture. Okay? Now, I'm learning a lot
direction, I said, "Slow them down. Now take them from watching people. I'm going to fuck someone up
and move them out in front of you like an accordion good.
and look at all of them. I want you to reach out and to
Audience: laughter
do look at each one and if it's something you believe,
Is the put it back up there. If it's not something that Ross: I'm going to have a victim coming up that I'm
you really want to have in your life, throw it down at going to play with. Okay. That's a nice star sapphire,
your feet.” So she went into trance and she was doing by the way. It's a beautiful ring. Okay. Now I want
this for 15 minutes. And I was going, "No, stay away you to remember this. What I want you to do is I want
from her.” She came out and she said, "Oh my god. you to imagine you got some liquid paper. You know

what white-out is, liquid paper? That's what blondes hot dogs but now you can't stand them. Okay?
use when they're on your computer screen and they Everyone's had that experience of liking a certain food
make a mistake? when they kids, but now they won't go near it. I used
to not to like to drink wine but now I'm learning to
Audience: Laughter
enjoy . That's weird. Okay? You got that? Point to
Ross: Okay? I want you to take some liquid paper and where you see it, And notice the difference between
literally, with your hand, imagine you're whiting out the location and the size. Put a frame around the size
that image of the sun coming up with that liquid of it. Okay, this is simple. Okay. Now what I want you
paper. Take your hand ... It's important that you wire it to do is white that one out. You got it? We're going to
in with your physiology. Are you having a challenge call that "uh uh.” Okay, point at it and go uh uh.
with this? That's right. Okay? Just white it out. There
Audience: Uh uh.
you go. What?
Ross: All right. Good. Now we're going to do
Audience: I have a problem with getting images that
something. Okay? Point again to the uh huh space.
are clear but they, they flee as soon as I concentrate
Audience: Uh huh
Ross: Slow them down.
Ross: Uh huh
Audience: They go away.
Audience: Uh huh
Ross: Well, reach out in your hand for the control
knob that stops them. Close your eyes, see an image. Ross: And notice what it's like as an image of you
Where's the knob of the control that makes images really understanding all the speed seduction attitudes
stay? Here's what you do. Attach a rubber band to goes right into that place. I want you to point to that,
the comers of the image, so the more it tries to pull that, that place, seeing that image of you, the new
away, the more it snaps right back right in front of you. This is the you who understands that being with
you. you is the best possible thing that could happen to a
woman. If you're not pointing to the space, you're not
doing the exercise.
Ross: We're going to call this your "uh huh box.”
Audience: Which
Ready? Ross & Audience: Uh huh.
Ross: The uh huh. Yeah.
Ross: And that's the place where you think about the
Ross & Audience: Uh, huh
things you absolutely expect are going to happen. Uh
huh. Ross: Close your eyes and point to the uh huh space.
Close your eyes and point to the uh huh space.
Audience: Uh huh
Audience: I'm confused.
Ross: Notice what it's like is an image of you buying
more and more of my products sneaks itself ... no. Ross: Okay, I know you are. You know that space in
your mind where you think about where the sun's
Audience: Laughter
going to come up? Yeah, close your eyes and point to
Ross: Just kidding, Just kidding. I'm not going to do that. I want you to see the image of the you who
it. Okay. Now, put your hands down. Now we're going really understands the speed seduction attitudes and
to pick another place. I want you to think about not just understands them, but lives and breathe
something that used to be true about you b ut no them. This is the you who believes, who knows that
longer is. Like, for example, in my case, I used to be six being with you is the best possible thing that could
feet tall, 125 pounds. Okay? I used to be rail, stick happen to a woman. This is the you who has the
skinny. So think about something about yourself that attitude that always call a woman on her bullshit. This
used to be true but no longer it is, no longer is. I know is the you who gives a woman just a little bit of what
a person that used to be u ltra religious and now she wants and then pulls away and makes her work
they're a free thinker or whatever you want to call it. for more. Is there a reason you're not doing the
So, something like that. Pick something that doesn't pointing? You need to point. If you don't point, it's
have a lot of, that's mild. Think about something that not wired in to your neurology. Point. Do it. Okay?
used to be true that no longer is and notice where you This is you who always demonstrates that willingness
see that image. Notice where on the movie screen you to walk away. This is the you who never supplicates
see that. It could be anything. Maybe you used to like only structures opportunities and offers challenges.

Okay? Why don't you just take a deep breath, and Ross: It's bad management strategy. Tonight as you
then through your lips blow the breath out into that sleep and dream, tonight as you sleep and dream,
image and see the breath going out golden. And fill tonight as you sleep and dream, I don't know if you'll
that image up with a gold color. Take another deep see that image of the statue gradually emerging from
breath and do it again. Now what I want you to do is the stone. But what I want you to do is open your
with both hands, with both hands, reach out for that eyes, look up here, stretch yourselves. Stand up, do a
image, grab a hold of it and pull it down on top of little toney thing, like aaahhhhhh.
yourself. And now, keeping your eyes closed and
Audience: Aaaahhhhhhh
hanging on to that feeling, I want to tell you a story.
It's a story about something that happened to me one Ross: _____ , stretch yourself
morning just before I woke up during our Bahama
Audience: Just as long as you
Seminar. Now the Bahama Seminar was a wonderful
experience for me cause it was 7 days on being, of Ross: No, no, no, no, no one touches each other in
being on intuition autopilot. And I had a dream that my seminar.
morning that I shared with the class. And the dream
Audience: Laughter
was I was standing in a garden looking at a painter
and a sculptor. And they were talking about how they Ross: Sit down, please.
do their respective things. And the painter said to the
Audience: Pee break.
sculptor, "How in the world do you take that block of
rock, cause you were standing in front of huge block Ross: You need a pee break? Does someone need a
of stone, and carve something out of it?" And the pee break?
sculptor says, "I don't.” He said, "The statue is
already alive inside the rock waiting to come out. All I
do is chip away at what doesn't belong and chisel and Ross: Mark likes to hammer on it. I think it's very
refine what's already there.” So, if you were, begin to important. I know some of you are, "Ross, where do I
understand that it's not that you become a speed start?" Okay? How do I know which pattern to use
seducer, rock by rock, the way they build a pyramid under which circumstances? And rather than just
but instead you already are that and now all you have throw you to the wolves and go just try it, I want to
to do is take the tools we're giving you today, today, give you some clues as to how to do that. I think that
yesterday, today, tomo rrow and throughout the rest only fair and part of my obligation as a teacher. Okay?
of your life and chip away what doesn't belong, Yes?
eliminate what no longer fits, and chisel and refine
Audience: Yes
what's already there. So that each time you use these
tools, consciously or unconsciously, you're Ross: You don't want to know? Let me see, before I
continuing to refine the person that you're becoming. do that, there's some people I need to pick on. You're
Because I used to believe that you build the future all right. I was going to pick on you for something,
one step at a time. But I no longer believe that. I've but, yeah, come up here. I'm going to pick on you. Go
come to believe that the future is like an infinite ahead and tape this, We may decide to cut it out later,
number of railroad tracks. There are infinite number of but go ahead and tape it as a record of my work. Sit
possible definite destination. And what happens is down here. And I'm going to pick on you. Yeah, you.
what you believe is possible for yourself, what you You, don't look away, yeah, you.
believe you deserve at the deepest levels, determines
Audience: Laughter
which future you're going to experience. And then
that future reaches back through time and shapes you Ross: That doesn't work. I like picking on people
and molds you into being the kind of person who's cause I'm a hostile son of a bitch. I figure, since I'm
ready for it the day you meet it. So tonight when you going to be hostile, I may as well channel it in the
sleep and dream and you dream the dreams of the right direction and use it to attack people's problems. I
sculptor instead of the dreams of the pyramid builder, think that's, of course, sometimes people don't want
by the way, can you imagine hiring Jews to do manual me to bring up the fact that they have problems and
labor? The Pharaoh should have had them keeping then we get into it, but ... We're going to pick on you
his books instead of out there, you know, toting guys a little bit. Now, one of the things I want to
bricks. teach you how to do, and then we'll keep, we can
record this for my own purposes but I don't want it on
Audience: Laughter
the course. I want to teach you guys how to do some

perceiving. Another way to open up you intuition is
to look at things peripherally. So take a glance at the
person straight on and then look away and look
peripherally to see what's out of the comer of your
and tell, and see what that tells you. Okay? Now, look
at me Just for a second. Hmmm, let me ask you a
question. I'm just curious. What's up with, are you,
when you look at yourself in the mirror, are you aware
that your eyes are like ... What's, I want you to
imagine something for me. Close your eyes a minute
and imagine something that would put you in stark
raving terror and then show me the expression you
have with your eyes.
Audience: About the same
Ross: About the same. Okay. Alright. So, I have some
intuitions about him.
Mark: Here's a clue.
Audience: Laughter
Ross: There's a clue. Okay. Alright. I'm going to have
some fun with him. We're going to fuck with him.
Then play around with him and see how he's
structured in his head. I don't know why I'm doing
this, but for some intuition ...

Yates: This is the end of Side 9 of the Ross Jeffries

Speed Seduction Seminar

(JME – Checked)

Tape 5 – Side 2 floor, I don't want you to drop
through any faster than you can allow all unpleasant
feelings associated with it to detach. So as the picture
Yates: Welcome to Side 10 of the Ross Jeffries Basic goes through the floor the feelings go flying away
Speed Seduction Seminar into space. Can you do that? All right. Now, look at
me for a minute. We're going to do something real
fast. You ever see a toaster? You ever see a toaster
Ross: Was it the further away something gets the that has too strong a spring so that when the toast is
smaller it becomes, subjectively speaking? I want, ready is goes, fffft. You ever do that with a piece of
why don't you just close your eyes. I want you to toast as a kid? When I was a kid we didn't have toys, I
imagine a very pleasant scene, okay? What I want played with the toaster, the vacuum cleaner. ”Hey
you to do is as you push it away from you make it Mom, watch. It's a toast launching contest.” Fffft,
bigger. So push it across and make it bigger so the fffft, up goes the toast
further away it gets the bigger it becomes.
Mom's hand. It's time to hit me in the face just as the
Audience: That's hard to do. toast hits the carpet.
Ross: I know. Do it. Close your eyes and do it. Okay. Audience: Laughter
Now I want you to reverse it. Take something that's
big across the room, close your eyes, pull it towards Ross: The woman had reflexes that Sugar Ray
you but make it smaller, so the closer it gets to you Leonard and Muhammad All would've ... So, you
the smaller it is. Now push it away and make it bigger. know how that happens? Something goes fffft.
That's very uncomfortable isn't it? Disorienting? Audience: Uh hmmm.
Audience: Yeah Ross: Okay? You know how that works?
Ross: Okay. Now open your eyes. Okay. Whoa, whoa Audience: Uh hmmm.
leave me a little bit. Okay. Now here's what I want you
to do. I want you to see an image of something. Close Ross: It just pops up. So, close your eyes. So, let's do
your eyes. Pick something mildly unpleasant, I mean this thing again where you take a mildly unpleasant
mildly. I mean really mild like maybe you didn't even thing, you push it away. Just touch a little bit of it,
stub your toe, you grazed it. Okay? I want you to see drop it through the floor only as fast as the feelings
an image of that and what I want you to do is push it go flying off into space. Okay? Do it again, one more
away from you and the further away it gets the smaller time. Do it real fast. Okay, good. Now, close your
it gets, till it collapses to a dot across the room, and eyes. Now I don't know, I'm guessing here, I'm _____
hold it there. And now that it's all the way out there, , it may not be a fact at all. It may not be. But you
what I want you to do is, you ever see the, keep your know if you would imagine a toaster, but inside that
eyes closed, you ever see Mr. Fantastic from the toaster, rather the toaster's an image, there's an image
Fantastic Four? He was the guy who could stretch, on the unconscious level you can been sort of
you know, they had that rocky guy, and a human suppressing. But when I do this, it's going to pop up,
torch, the invisible woman. Then they had the guy you'll see what it was that caused that kind of
who could stretch his arm ... stark-raving terror and then immediately you'll do this
with it. You know what that means, that you're
Audience: Oh, Plastic Man. supposed to do with it?
Ross: Well, he's the Marvel Comics equivalent of Audience: Push it away.
Plastic Man, sure. What I want you to do is now that
you see that unpleasant thing across the room like Ross: Okay. And drop it and do the rest of it, okay?
maybe the size of a postage stamp, extend your Mr. So, I want you to, you take your, this hand, push
Fantastic arm, you can hear the sound, rrrrrrrr, and down on the toaster handle, so when I touch you here
just put the tip of your finger into it to get just a little the image is going to pop up. You understand? Fffft,
bit of what the in that experience was. Okay? Now pull sssss.
your hand back but leave the feeling there. Okay? All Audience: I didn't get an image.
right. Now. Good. Now what I want you, look at the
image again the size of a postage stamp; drop it Ross: Okay. That's okay. There may not be anything
through the floor. And as you drop it through the there. I'm just guessing. I could be absolutely wrong.
I've been wrong before. No problem. Okay. That may

be just the way your eyes look. It could be you; it work. Okay. So what would it be like if every part of
could be you have a thyroid condition? your life you were able to see that same sense of
possibility in that same place, same size, same
Audience: No
location? What would have to happen on the inside
Ross: No? It's just your eyes. in order for you to do that, such that when I said to
you, "Think about the possibility of really having all
Audience: No, not that I know of.
these skills, notice what it's like as an image of that
Ross: It's just your eyes. Yeah? Could be, I don't sneaks right into that place, here, and locks itself ...”
know. I'm just playing with him, I'm not always right. I What's the sound of the Tupperware lid locking
test an intuition and it doesn't work then I throw it down? Okay? Now, how does that feel?
away. All right. Go sit down. I don't have any problem
Audience: Bigger
with that.
Ross: Bigger. Yeah. Uh, hmmm. Now you might think
Audience: Thank you. Applause
to yourself, "But what if it goes back?" You might
Ross: Although some of you may have unconscious think that. You might think you might think that. But
minds that have unpleasant images that may find notice the more it tries to go back, it's like there's
yourself when you sleep tonight doing identical elastic attached to the back of it so it just comes right
process. Cause whether it works with John or not, back, and stays in that big place. Now, I don't want
someone in the room can borrow it and use it. Okay? this to take place any faster than you take any
Now, we're going to deal with you. experiences in your past that might have interfered or
interrupted or contradicted this and toss them into the
Audience: Laughter
trash. You know, like when, you have a Mac or an
Ross: He's going, "When is he going to get to me?" I IBM? You have a computer?
have a sense, I'm not sure about this. I may be wrong
Audience: No.
again. I want you to stop and think about something
you know is going to happen, something you truly Ross: Oh, okay. You have trash in your house?
expect is going to happen. Close your eyes. Point to
Audience: Uh, hmmm.
your uh huh space, where's your uh huh space? Uh
huh, ah right. And I want you to draw a picture Ross: You have a trash compactor?
around the size of that.
Audience: No. Ross: You ever see one?
Audience: Around the size of it?
Audience: Yes
Ross: Yeah, the size of the uh huh space. Wow, what
Ross: Imagine you have one in your mind. And all
a huge sense of possibility you have in life. He's
those limiting beliefs, all the things your folks or your
spent a lot of the time being very motivated and
family might have told you, all the snippets of bullshit
charging forward?
you picked up go right into that trash compactor. And
Audience: No. you don't push the button, you kick it with your foot.
Kick it with your foot, kick the on button. Compact it
Ross: No. Hmmm. So, would it be safe to say you
into a little tiny pellet, drop it into a fiery pit, that leads
have a, your sense of what's possible for you in your
straight into the mind of someone you really don't
life is sort of limited?
like. So all those limits go into their brain, from the
Audience: Ah, in some ways, yeah. base of their spine, travel up their spine and explode
in their brain, and you give them your limits. In fact,
Ross: Yeah, in some ways. Ah, what does that imply?
for those of you who have been really hurt in your
Audience: Responses from audience. life, what if you took all the crap in your life, all of it,
all the bad beliefs, all the self-hatred and you
Ross: Yeah. So, let's find a resource here. Rather than
compacted it into a cube and, since you can't get rid
look at the problem, let's find the resource. Well, I
of it, since your belief is it must be there, send it into
want you to think of a place in your life where you
the person you hate the most. See it going right from
don't have a problem. Where your sense of possibility
the base of their spine, up into their brain, expanding,
in life is not limited. Okay? As you think about
taking on three dimension powerful life. So, good,
something that's possible in that part of your life,
give your crap to somebody else.
point to where you see that image. Now, there you go.
Okay. That, you drew a frame around it but that'll Audience: Response from audience

Ross: Huh? Brother Orion: That could take an hour.
Audience: You, too, can be an S. O. B. Ross: Can you teach for an hour?
Ross: That’s right. Why not? And why not be an S. Brother Orion: You bet I can.
O. B. to someone who really deserves it?
Ross: All right. I want you to do it ...
Audience: Response from audience
Brother Orion: But I'm going to tell you, I'm going to
Ross: You can be their misery factory. Instead of focus mainly, like you said, on, on openings and
being your own misery factory, pass the favor on. closings.
Rather than having to do all the crappy things to
Ross: Openings and closings.
someone, just put your own crap in their head. Save
yourself time. All right. Open your eyes. Now, I want Brother Orion: Yeah.
you to think about the possibility of really having
Ross: So you know, and then I'm going to come back
mastery of these skills, say two to three months down
and I want to talk about, someone throw me a, what
the line. As you, as you look at that, point to where
did we, did I misplace all those things already?
you see it. Point to where you see it.
Mark: Markers?
Audience: Point to where I think it is?
Ross: Marker. I want to talk about context. What
Ross: Yeah. And draw an image, draw a frame around
context to use which patterns in. Context, so, let's say
the size of it. That's pretty good. Oh, yeah, you're
you've already met her. Just meeting, in person,
right. Okay. My intuition just spoke to me. Okay, go
_____ , would that be useful?
have a seat. Now, we're going to do something else,
one more exercise. Again we should keep this off the, Audience: Yeah.
the tapes because ...
Brother Orion: You bet.
Ross: So we, so we could lay out to you which, what
Ross: Brother _____ or Brother Orion, which do you to do with each context? Yes?
Audience: Yes
Audience: Brother Orion.
Ross: But, I want you now to give, now here's what I
Ross: Brother Orion, come up. Let me mike you. want Brother Orion to talk. He has a different style of
doing this, he's taken speed seduction and adapted it
Audience: Response from audience
in the field to his own unique personality, his own
Ross: Let me give you my mike. No, take this one so unique needs, want he wants, what he likes, so I want
your hands free. Now, Brother Orion is quite an you to talk _____ about what happened as soon as
interesting guy. When did you come to the first you left that seminar. And then, _____ let's give a big
seminar in Cancun this last year or Chicago? hand for Brother Orion.
Brother Orion: One year ago. That's right. Audience: Applause
Ross: Right? Brother Orion: Thank you. Alright. Alright. Well, I
want, I want to let you know, a few of you guys were
Brother Orion: That's right. You want me to tell you
there, right after the seminar about a year ago, when
what happened after that seminar? That two days
we went across the street, you remember Yates, to the
TGIF and there was that cute girl sitting at the end
Ross: Yeah, here's what I want you to talk about. Talk bar? We're all thinking about going over and talking
about your initial, talk about that ... to her? I just jumped right into it. You know, a lot of
the lines I first thought were corny, you start to say
Brother Orion: Okay.
them and you get these great responses. And I, you
Ross: I don't want you to talk about this. I want you know, it's sort of like marketing. If you've got a
to take them from start to finish, from when you first marketing letter that works, you know, why are you
meet a woman, to specific, what specifically you say, going to change it? Why are you going to try, you
all the way to the point where she, you do the initial know, besides tweaking it a little bit, why are you
closing. Okay? going to try throw it out and throw something new in?
If it works, I'll use it a hundred times. No problem. You

know, just because you've used it on a hundred Audience: Laughter
different women doesn't mean that this woman knows
Brother Orion: The handwriting analysis deck is your
that, you know, its ever been said before to anyone.
golden ticket to getting laid, I'm telling you guys. And
And even if she does, part of what you do in the intro
it does more than that. It makes the whole much more
is you set a context for the whole conversation. Now,
interesting, it makes a learning experience for you.
some people talk a lot about, sort of like an
You have a lot of fun doing it.
environmental pace, where you say, "Ah, isn't it
beautiful weather here" or we're both here at this And I, I have adapted it some to, including patterns
restaurant and you talk about the environment around while I actually do the handwriting analysis.
you. Now that's a great way to get into a friendly
Ross: Okay. So what specifically did you say when
conversation, but it's a shitty way to start a
you closed her?
seduction. I think. It works for some people, but for
me I want to let the person know, at least to a certain Brother Orion: So, okay, then I went through the
extent, what I'm about from the very beginning and a handwriting analysis. Now the reason I want to talk
line is great to do that. So I went up to her, I said about openings and closings is that, is most of the
something about her just being a shining example of weekend is structured to learning how to do these
genetic perfection. And she was loving it, she had patterns, how to talk to women, and I figure once you
three guy friends who were sitting down the bar but I get a, this skillset down, that, the meat of it, you
had her attention wrapped, started giving her a know, the center of it will, will be stuff that you can
massage. She started to have a couple of drinks, a few do. You can, you can riff on these themes, you can
drinks, and I knew, I knew she was going to be use the memorized patterns, which I absolutely do
drinking so "I don't want to talk to a girl when she's and I recommend, but it's the openings and the
drinking.” You know, I knew she was going to have a closings that are really going to set the context and
few more drinks. I wanted to get out of there, close, I close the deal. And, so when I close the deal, I said to
got a date to meet her, a time, an address. her, "You know, I would love to have a chance to get
to talk to you another time when there aren't so many
Ross: All right, Ben, you need to, you know, I'm sorry,
distractions and, " you know, something along the
lines of "get to know the inner you is as beautiful as
Brother Orion: Yes. the outer one.” And she said, ...
Ross: Orion. Brother Orion. Orion, so we can cut that. Ross: Now, that sounds like a compliment but is, it is,
it's also a challenge.
Brother Orion: ... was a shining examp le of genetic
perfection and I had to come over and tell you that. Brother Orion: It Is a challenge. That's right. And I'll
tell you, a lot of these, a lot of these pickup lines I
Ross: Say it the way you would say it if she were
hear them straight out of Ross' mouth and I think I'm
actually here.
going to go out and try this out and see what
Brother Orion: I said, okay, I went up to her and I said, response it gets. The patterns, the same way. I don't
"Amy, ... care if it's not my original words. If it works, if it gets a
response, you know, why should I have to reinvent
?: _____ , music on.
the wheel when you've done so much work to make
Brother Orion: Cut, okay. stuff that really works straight out of the box.
Ross: Cut. Ross: Well, the other thing is pioneers wind up with
arrows in their backs.
Brother Orion: I went up to her, I went up to this girl
in this bar right after the seminar, this was half an Brother Orion: That's right. But there's things I'm
hour after the seminar was over, this gorgeous six willing to try and pioneer, you know. I will, I will try
foot tall, very slender girl with a stylish hair cut, and I things that are new and, and I've been trying a lot of
went up to her and I said, "Pardon me, I have just got things new with closes but I'm going to get into, it's
to tell you, you are a shining example of genetic just, more recently since last year. She got, okay, so
perfection.” She said, "Thank you.” I said, "You this was, what we got a meeting for Wednesday.
know, have you ever had your handwriting Tuesday night I went out to the same coffee shop I
analyzed?" And for anybody who hasn't seen this, was supposed to meet her at, 1: 30 at the morning, in
this is your, you ever see the movie WILLIE the morning, coffee shop closes at 2: 00. This
WONKA? Where they have the golden ticket? gorgeous girl comes up, I had to try this line, I said, I

said, "Pardon me, forgive me for interrupting you. I'm Audience: Oh, on your bed.
sure that I've seen you before. I remember it now. I
Brother Orion: Yeah.
was reading a book on angels and it had your face on
the cover.” And she backed away a moment. And I Audience: Laughter. What part of her body?
thought oh, I blew it, you know, last chance to talk to
Brother Orion: Oh, on her back, on her back. Yeah.
a girl tonight. And then she moved forward and said,
"Thank you.” I said, "Have you ever had your Audience: On her back.
handwriting analyzed?" She said, "No.” I said, "I'll tell
Brother Orion: You know, one of the things that I
you what. Why don't we sit down for a cup of coffee?
think I don't necessarily know that it, oh, in, in the
Half an hour later, sure enough, the coffee shop is
restaurant, I'll massage her shoulders in the coffee
closing, but I had already done these patterns on her,
shop. I think it might, there might be a value, there's
the blamo pattern, the bj pattern, I'd really gotten her
different ways to play this, to massage and lay back.
going. I'd started doing a massage on her in the coffee
Don't get sexual while you're massaging her. Give her
shop. And I said, "Listen, if I were to ask you back to
massage, give her a chance to just feel good and that
my place, would you come with me?" Thank you very
you're not coming on to her and then go in for it.
much, Major Mark. And she did and within two hours
There's other ways to do it. If you're, if you're getting
a really strong response, you can go directly physical
Ross: "If I were to ask you, if I were to ...” Do you without that.
hear the weasel phrase? That, write that down on a,
Ross: Like she turns over and takes off her shirt and
do you have, Orion, Orion, cut. Orion, write that
says, "Would you do my front?"
down, Orion ...
Brother Orion: Right.
Brother Orion: I don't write very well.
Ross: Green light.
Ross: Write that down "if I were to ask you, if I were
to ...” Do you see the weasel phrase there? Do you Brother Orion: Green light. Or if she,
see how it's beginning "If I were to ask you back to
Audience: Laughter
my place, would you come with me?"
Brother Orion: If she gives you this look afterwards
Audience: Response from audience, laughter.
with glazed eyes and slightly puffy lower lip and that
Ross: A lot better than "You want to come back to my just looks like, ummm, that look you love to get, you
place?" know. So within two hours of meeting her, bam, we're
going at it.
Brother Orion; So, what I want to add to this, this is
the, this is the, at the time it was the best-looking girl I Ross: Now ...
had been with. She had a gorgeous body, she was a
Brother Orion: Wednesday ...
really lovely, wonderful person to spend a couple of
hours with. Ross: Now, hang on. Did she give, offer any verbal
resistance as you were going at it.
Ross: Response from Ross Brother Orion: Would you
come with me back to my place - I should write this Brother Orion: This particular one, no. That, at, at the
down - to my place ... Palo Alto seminar, that was a very interesting case of,
of some verbal resistance that I continued to
Ross: So you got her back to your place and then
overcome because she had obviously wanted, she, a
lot of times a woman will want you to expand her
Brother Orion: And then, I, I basically got right into model of the world enough so that she can do what
giving her a massage and while I'm giving her she really wants to do.
massage, I'm running patterns on her, I'm reading her
Ross: So resistance is not really resistance, it's a
my poems, ...
quest, it's a request for assistance in surrendering to
Audience: Where did you give her the massage? you.
Brother Orion: On my bed. Brother Orion: And, and that's something I've really
notice with the kind of women that I wouldn't before
Audience: On your bet
have approached, these sorority girl types, the girls
Brother Orion: On my bed. who have a lot money ... Like last night when I was

talking to girls who were out for, they were going after your response when you hear that? "This is
the professional hockey guys who were in the bar happening too fast.”
that we were in. And these were girls who were after
Brother Orion: Well initially, I, I actually change the
that particular _____ type of guy. But when I got
rate that I move at. I physically change, not
them going, man, they just wanted reasons that they
necessarily the rate that I move at. I mean, not
could step outside their model of the world and have
necessarily that I come on to her, but the rate that I
the kinds of experiences that they wanted to have,
physically move at. And I back off a little bit, and then
and have the kind of gift that I could offer them. And,
I keep going. And you know I accept that she says
and, and Brother Metaman saw that, you know, after
that, I can, I can, you know, without even necessarily
I'd been _____ this girl in front of her boyfriend, you
challenging her verbally, I can just keep going. I can
know, sitting close to her with my hand on her
back up a little bit. Cause if it's happening too fast
shoulder, I walked away because she couldn't meet
that means she wants it to happen.
with me because of her boyfriend, that's fine, but she
came later on to find me, with her friend, so that I Ross: Yes. Yes. And I think what she's really, what
would talk to her some more. And she was the hottest they're really saying in that case is, "Help me to feel
girl in the bar. more comfortable with this.”
?: Do me, do me is what she said. Brother Orion: Right.
Brother Orion: That's night. Do me, do me. Ross: It's not that it's happening too fast, it's that it's
the comfort is not sufficiently there.
Ross: But he said something very interesting. He said
often times a woman wants to be able to expand the Brother Orion: Right. And you've gotta be
range of what she can experience. She doesn't know understanding of that. And the other thing is, if
how so ... they're saying that, it's largely because they're
thinking, "What would my friends be saying?" You've
Brother Orion: That's right.
gotta really think about, a lot about this. When I was
Ross: your job through a seducer is to lead her into talking to this girl who was the hottest girl in the bar, I
that place ... was saying to her, "You know, you love to dance,
people love to watch you dance, people get jealous of
Brother Orion: That's right,
your energy, a lot of women are real jealous with you
Ross: where she finds, to her astonishment, that she ...” All these things pace, you know, the experience
begins to create a new opening ... that she has and that keep her from having the kind of
intimacy she wants to have. I think, I think a lot of the,
Brother Orion: That's right.
you know, the women I wouldn't have approached
Ross: for new experiences. awhile ago before because of what you see on the
surface of them. But when you communicate in this
Brother Orion: She needs some help, she needs some
way with them, you get in touch with the kind of
help receiving the gift that I have to give her. I really
woman that you want to hang out with anyway.
believe that.
Ross: And this is a very important point, something
Ross: Yeah.
that Major Mark taught me. Actually, he, when we
Brother Orion: And, they, Wednesday night the girl, I were in, I'm getting old, when we were in, where were
thought she wasn't going to show up, she was maybe we? Hawaii. When we were in Hawaii and Major Mark
five minutes late, sure enough, she showed up, I did was doing his, his thing on business, he made a very
the patterns on her, I asked her back to my place, I important point. He said, "Forget about the fact that
said, "I want to read you some poetry but I left it back person has something that you really want.”
at my house.” Boom, again within two hours ... So this
Brother Orion: Uh hmm.
was, you know, within a few days of the seminar, two
different girls who were just absolutely gorgeous ... Ross: "Instead, pay attention to the predictable
structures inside their mind that you can use to get
Ross: Now, now, if you would ...
what you want.” Now that means it doesn't matter.
Brother Orion: Please. Guys have said, "Ross, what about really beautiful
women? Does this work on them?" I said, "What
Ross: Have you ever heard this kind of thing where
difference does, does that make? She still has an
she's says, "This is happening too fast?" What is
unconscious mind. She's still a woman.” As Mark

would say, what did you say about really beautiful Ross: Brother Orion, Brother Orion, we can insert that.
women? You said, "Being beautiful, don't hold her Brother Orion. Could you talk about some of the, your
birth defect against her?" other lines that you use. Your shining examples ...
Audience: Laughter Brother Orion: I'm, I'm going to get into that ...
Brother Orion: Right. Ross: Okay.
Ross: Being exceptionally beautiful is like she has a Brother Orion: Absolutely.
birth defect, so
Ross: Okay. I'm sorry. Go.
Brother Orion: Right.
Brother Orion: Some of the, some of the lines I like to
Ross: don't punish her for it. use are, recently I've been just skipping the lines
sometimes. I'll go up to someone and I'll, and if they're
Major Mark: She's had to struggle with it all her life
writing, I'll go, "Oh, oh, is that your writing?" Dah.
and the compassionate thing to do is just let it go, act
as though it doesn't even exist. Audience: Laughter
Brother Orion: Right. And, and she has had to Brother Orion: "Why, yes ... ... Have you ever had
struggle it all, all of her life. I mean, beautiful women that analyzed? There's something really interesting
have had different experiences in life. And so it's about you. Would you like me to analyze your
something to realize. Of course this stuff works on handwriting?" Or, you know, I've, or this line that you
them. It direct, communicates with their unconscious, say about, y ou know, "If you can spare a little bit of
it communicates with what they want to experience, time I'll tell you secrets about yourself that even your
and what they're held back from because of the way best friends don't know. And I get to discover if
that the, that the world treats them for being beautiful, you're the kind of person I want to get to know
which is a little bit different. So I try to focus on, better.”
myself, on really beautiful women, on approaching
Ross: Yes
them and how they operate in the world. But you bet
it works on them. I think it works better on them. Brother Orion: Go ahead.
Ross: Take it from me. Being exceptionally great Audience: Do you find there's some example, or some
looking is not always an advantage. benefit to asking obvious question that you're certain
to get a yes answer from, like is this your
Audience: Laughter.
Brother Orion: And I'll tell you ...
Brother Orion: Sure, there's, there's, there's absolutely
Ross: It's the price that we pay. some benefit in that. I don't want to get stuck in it,
you know. There's the old sales courses that talk
Audience: Part of the handicap.
about the yes set. You want to get someone saying,
Brother Orion: Part of the reason why is because "Yes.” "Is this your name?" "Yes ... ... Is this your
women are used to being hit on. Look, they're used to address?" "Yes.” There's definitely a benefit to that.
it. You're not doing something alien to them. You're
Ross: Are you annoyed by my questions? Yes.
going up to them and talking to them. You're doing it
in a, in a totally different and much more wonderful Brother Orion: Exactly. Exactly. In and of itself, by
and amazing way, you know, when you get, when itself, it's not a very powerful question, but you can
you, especially when you get really good at this. But also ask those kinds of things unconsciously. You
even when you just use the lines, memorized, you can, say, questions they don't actually have to
know, you're complimenting them, you're giving them answer out loud. You know, they're, but, yeah, that
a nice feeling. And you, and they're used to it. does help. Especially, you know, if you're trying to
They're, beautiful women especially are used to being get rapport with them at the very beginning. And I
hit on a lot. So you're not doing something that's think rapport is very important. So, I'll talk a woman,
foreign to them, if you're doing something that's okay. and I'll say some lines like, "Pardon me, forgive me for
interrupting you.” And I must have used this
Ross: Brother Orion, would you ...
hundreds of times. ”But I just have got to tell you,
Brother Orion: Please. Ross: If I could ... you are absolutely stunning, drop dead gorgeous
beautiful and I, I had to take a chance to get to know
Brother Orion: yes.

you. My name's Ben.” Ross: Okay. If you walk straight up to someone like
this, this is a threat.
Ross: That's so great. That's so
Brother Orion: Right.
Brother Orion: God dammit. My name's Orion.
Ross: They don't know whether they're going to flee,
Audience: Laughter
fight, fuck or ...
Ross: Do you want to do the whole thing over?
Brother Orion: Angles.
Brother Orion: Feeling schizophrenic today here. My
Ross: Or appease. Okay. You want to approach at a 45
name's Orion. Now, another thing I want to talk about
degree angle so they're seeing you peripherally.
is, I do want to talk a little bit about rapport. I have
seen some guys who are utterly, totally go for it, Brother On on: Uh hmmin.
unbelievable, they'll hit up on women way before I
Ross: Okay? This is friendly.
will, and they don't bother to get rapport with them.
They go up to them, they stand in their face, they say, Brother Orion: Right
they deliver the line, they might use great tonality, but
Ross: Now face me. This is not, this is a challenge, ...
physically, they're way off. Especially, you, you get a
lot of big guys doing this. There was one guy over six Brother Orion: Right
feet tall, bald guy, would come up in people, you
Ross: Like I'm going to get in your face and so ...
know, lean into their space and it's just like, you know
what? He had good skills but, you know, you have to Brother Orion: Yep.
be respectful of someone's space. So it's great to do
Ross: If you're going approach, one of the things that
the predator but what you do is, you do the predator,
will increase your success, do not come, or, or if
you, you know, you get that, that fierceness in your
they're, stand and face the window ...
attitude to go up and talk to them and then you stand
back and you say what you want say from, from, not Brother Orion: Yep.
necessarily a far physical distance, but from a
physical posture that's more, less invasive.
Ross: Okay? Don't come-up like this. Hey, you know,
?: This is too advanced to _____ , but one of the
it's like, okay? The best thing you can do
things when people talk about personal space ...
Audience: Laughter
Brother Orion: Right.
Ross: Position it so it's at a 45 degree angle so they
?: A lot of people wonder what determines personal
can see you, they can pick up the motion, see you
peripherally, and you're in, you know, stop like here.
Brother Orion: Right.
Brother Orion: Yep.
?: Well, what we found out what determines a lot of
Ross: If you're going to come straight out ...
people's personal space is the distance that they
normally put their pictures up when they visualize. Brother Orion: Yeah.
Brother Orion: Right. Right, yeah. You step in Ross: on someone, that's an attack.
people's pictures if you get close to them. That's
Brother Orion: And it does have to do with how
absolutely true.
physically large of a person you are as well. You
Ross: The other thing, the other thing to keep in mind really have to take your own size into consideration.
and you, you're going to address it ...
Major Mark: If I could just add something.
Brother Orion: Yes.
Brother Orion: Please
Ross: We'll cut it, but ...
Major Mark: You mentioned something really quickly
Brother Orion: Please. in passing, which is you say, come up, be predatory,
and then back off? Okay? Well, have you ever been
Ross: But, when you approach someone, do not
around a woman and a very large cat at the same time,
approach like this, stay there, don't move.
like when they're looking at tigers, lions, leopards,
Brother Orion: Yeah. whatever? They're fascinated by this. Okay? Does

this mean that they want this animal leaping out of the Ross & Audience: Laughter and cheers. I'm not
cage ripping them to shreds? No. Okay. The worthy.
fascinating thing about a predator is the realization
Brother Orion: So cool. There's a lot, there's a lot of
that this potentially dangerous but not now, not here.
lines that work. And the reason I like lines, I don't
Brother Orion: Right. always use them, but the reason I like them you have
it worked out ahead of time. If you see someone out
Mai . or Mark: Okay. It's like recognizing danger and
of the comer of your eye and you want to jump to it,
feeling safety at the same time. Okay. It's recognizing
you got, you know, it's like, it's like in TERMINATOR,
this is a very bad boy, but I'm feeling pretty good
when he's got that little display up ...
about it. Hmmm.
Audience: Laughter
Brother Orion: And that has a lot to do with your
state that you get in before you go out to do this Brother Orion: I have one. BBBBBBBB. Fuck you
stuff. I'll sit in my car before I go into a coffee shop asshole.
and get myself in a state. I'll run through the
Audience: Laughter.
unstoppable confidence exercises.
Ross: I have one and before I go out and sarge, I run
Ross: I'm sorry. He did it to me again. Because now
through six different possible responses before I even
I'm spinning a pattern based on what he just said.
walk out the door.
Major Mark: Yep, yeah.
Brother Orion: Yep. Yep.
Brother Orion: Cool.
Ross: So when I see, I lock on and I know, I know
Ross: "Do you, did you, you ever gone to the zoo and what choices I have available. Just like a fighter pilot
look at a big cat or predator. Do you ever watch in a modem cockpit, he has to have situational
people watching predatory cats? I think the real awareness. He has so many different weapons
appeal of the cat is to note that this is something systems that nowadays that don't have dials; they
really dangerous, really powerful, but not right now. have video display terminals that pop up. It shows
At the moment, you feel totally safe with this, but you the status of each weapon and they even give you a
know at the right moment, all that coiled power can be little cone, it's like represented in red, to tell you if the
unleashed and directed right at you. Almost like target's within the, within the range of that weapon.
you're something for them to eat.” So you'll see here's the weapon, they'll have a little
cone-shaped pattern to tell you if they're within
Audience: Laughter
missile range for that particular weapon. So you go,
Brother On on: Cool. "Oh, I can't use that, I can't, oh, I can use this one and
it's getting to the point I can use that one.” I'll show
Ross: "And what is that like inside when you walk the
you mine on after, later on in the afternoon. Go ahead.
line between danger and safety, danger and safety?
And you feel the tug between the two forces deep on Brother Orion: BBBBB. I have an intuition about you.
the inside such that it opens up an entirely different You are very visual. You make images very vividly in
personality inside? A personality begins to emerge your mind.
and come forth. A personality that goes, ummm, I bet
Ross & Audience: Laughter
you I could pet that tiger and make it roll over and
purr for me and only for me, ummm.” I'm riffing on Brother Orion: You have the lines worked out so you
this, I'm making ... don't have to think about them, you don't have to
think about them and anybody who knows anything
Brother Orion: Cool.
about science which, somehow, you got a lot of those
Ross: it up on the spot. But see, he talks, I hear people at your seminars.
patterns, he's a pattern generator.
Ross: Yes
Audience: Laughter
Brother Orion: You have control groups. When you
Ross: I'm sorry. do science, you have control groups. You control for
the factors to see what's working. You might
Brother Orion: That's okay.
approach the same kind of girls, I love, I'm giving it
Major Mark: That was excellent. You didn't work in away here, but I love college campuses. I mean, you
the raspy tongue thing. get the, you get the same age, the same socio,

socioeconomic group, you get the same, you can go posture. You can match her pretty closely. I mean,
for, I'm only going to talk to five foot six blondes obviously these techniques aren't as powerful as the
today. I mean, you can really control it. And then, ... language patterns and some of the other skills, but it's
important to be in rapport, use the same voice, general
?: Smorgasbord.
voice tone, but of course, it'll lead into a more
Brother Orion: Smorgasbord. And then you have a hypnotic, you know, more seductive voice tone. Use
particular line or a few lines you use and you go and the same posture. And you're able to pay attention to
try them again and again and again. You set out with these things cause you're not thinking about the next
that outcome. You're not going out, "Gee I'm think I'm word out of your mouth. Yo u know, and when an
going to go for a stroll in the park and if I happen to actor's up on stage, they're not trying to remember
meet a woman ...” And then you'll go out and you their lines by that point, they remember their, they're
think, "I'm going to go out and for three hours, I'm feeling the emotions.
just going to use these techniques, I'm just going to
Ross: Now, Ben, you, you said something about tone.
try this line, I'm just going to talk to them and if goes
Kim's going to come tomorrow and teach us how to
for more than half an hour, I'm going to make a date
improve our voice and our tonality. But I want to talk
for later.” Something, but get out there and try it. say,
a little bit about it cause ...
"I'm going to make 200 glow today.” Okay?
Brother Orion: Please
?: 200?
Ross: One of the things I've noticed about you is, you
Brother Orion: You can do it! Eight hours on a college
don't do this thing where you really lean on the
campus, how could you not talk to 200 women? I
commands, like it's important to feel horny, horny.
mean, you know, when you do, when you do
You tend to ...
marketing, how, how, what are, what's the percentage
of return you get? You know, two, five percent? Not Audience: Laughter
with your killer marketing, of course. But, you know,
Ross: It seems to me that when you speak to women
most of, most mail order stuff, you know, you're
getting these low percentages.
Brother Orion: Echo, I'm bad.
?: And most mail order houses, in, to break even is
one percent. Ross: When you speak to women, you have an
overall tonality that's hypnotic. Your overall tonality,
Brother Orion: One percent? Is that right?
no matter what you said, it's a little quieter, a little
Ross: Yeah. softer, a little more here than it is here ...
Brother Orion: Wow, wow. Brother Orion: yep
Ross: But, but you're always getting something cause Ross: Which is ...
you're always getting feedback and learning and
Brother Orion: And I, and, and what's interesting that
getting more confident.
I've started doing is, I do fractionate. I do talk about, I
Brother Orion: Yep. want to make a distinction between me and all the
other chumps out there. And I'll say, you know, "You
Ross: Every, you, you, so there's not a situation
know, it's so interesting to be having a conversation
where you don't get some positive stroke out of it.
like this cause sometimes you talk to someone and
Brother Orion: Yep. And I'm not saying to have they could be talking about their car or their job and
everything you have, you gotta say canned. But it's so boring, but sometimes you start to think about
when you know what you're going to say, you can those other things.” And of course, Ross brought up
think about other things. Because one of the real embedded commands. For anybody who doesn't
amazing things about a lot of what NLP does is it know an embedded command, you take a short
forces you to pay attention to the person in front you. phrase, in, in the, in the tense of a command, you
know, feel really horny, get really turned on, pause,
Ross: Right.
drop your tonality, pause, it embeds it, it
Brother Orion: You've gotta pay attention to how communicates directly with the unconscious mind. It's
they're communicating. To get rapport, when I talk a short, short version of what an embedded command
about rapport, I'm talking mainly about matching and does.
mirroring their, they way that they stand, their

Ross: But what he's doing there is shifting his tone. it's just going to keep getting better and better and
better?" Shit. ”Who are you?"
Brother Orion: Right.
Audience: Laughter
Ross: He talks about normal guys, he goes ...
Ross: And then I went into what I do, but, go ahead.
Brother Orion: That's right.
Brother Orion: Cool. A few things I want to cover on
Ross: Now the normal guys, but then there are the
intros before I move on, and I've covered a lot here.
other people ...
You might have to back the tape up and listen to
Brother Orion: Right. again because I went through some things pretty
quickly without going into detail about them. And
Ross: And, now, let me ask you a question, …
that's, one of the things is that, you, that some of the
Brother Orion: Please. lines, the patterns are structured really well so you
don't have to think about the structure. It takes a
Ross: cause I know there's a question. I'm, I'm playing
pretty good degree of skill to get to the level where
ventriloquist dummy here and they're ...
you can build patterns that are exquisitely formed. So,
Brother Orion: Go for it. you do spend them, the middle time talking, you
know, both in memorized patterns, if you can
Ross: operating my mouth. Hmmm, I don't know if I
memorize a few patterns, it'll help you out, but also,
like that image.
you know, talking generally, but when you throw
Audience: Laughter those memorized patterns in there, they're all prepared
and ready to go, just ready to be shot out. And then
Ross: Urn, um, um, um, the question I have for you is,
it's trial and error. It's really, when you use, you know,
well don't some women notice, don't women, some
lines, it is trial and error. You're, you, you're seeing
women say, "Hey, you sure have a funny voice.
what works and what doesn't work, and it's
You're talking quietly. What's up with ... ? "
experimental, you know, when, when you step out of
Brother Orion: They say, what they say is, "You're being emotionally connected to every response you
good.” get from a woman. Well, even if you are emotionally
connected to it, you get so much positive responses,
Audience: Laughter
you know, cause you're coming from a positive place.
Brother Orion: In that tonality. You're, you're really hoping to make the woman feel
Ross: 'Mat's what they say to me.
Ross: The mindset that you should take on is, did you
Brother Orion: What's up with that?
see, I'm sorry, did you see the movie THE RIGHT
Ross: That's what they say to you, "You're good, STUFF?
you're really good.” I'll give you a story.
Audience: Yes
Brother Orion: Please.
Ross: Who has not rented that movie? Who has not
Ross: I was sitting in, I was, this is how, we, we seen THE RIGHT STUFF? Rent it and watch it. You
interrupt each other and that's okay. I was sitting at want to have the night stuff. Their whole thing is that
California Pizza Kitchen, this really hot looking black they want to see how far they can push it.
actress, singer, dancer, whatever, sits down next to
Brother Orion: Let me, let me get through this section
me and I said, "That's a really great coat. Where did
and take questions on intros and then I'll move on to
you get it?" One of my famous lines, "Where did you
closes. I don't want to spend a lot time answering
get that?" She said, "Oh, my boyfriend bought it for
questions, just simply because I have a lot a material I
me. In fact, I didn't even have to go with him. I just
want to get through.
sent him out shopping and he knows what to buy.” I
said, "Oh really? So in other words, he knows how to Ross: Go for it.
please the culturally programmed woman instead of
Brother Orion: The other thing is your, is your
the natural woman?" And she looked at me, she said,
outcome, that you want to have an outcome in mind. I
"Ooo, you're good, you're really good.”
mean, go out there, and your outcome could be to, to,
Audience: Laughter. you know, make 20 women smile. That could be a
great outcome. Your outcome, I think, you know, a
Ross: I said, "Won't it be wonderful if she recognizes

great outcome to have is just to have fun. You know, notice what some of the signs are. So, having
if you're going out and you have the outcome of wrapped up that section of intros, does anybody
having fun, but you also should have an outcome, I have any questions? I'm just going to take a couple,
think, you know, if you leave your house. Actually go but let's go.
out and use the skills and meet women. I mean, I don't
Audience: Well, first off, you keep talking about the
think you should just have an outcome, outcome of
sorority girls and it sounds so familiar to them. The
having a nice afternoon. You know, if this is what you
movie LOVE' POTION NUMBER 9 where ...
really want to do, you should set aside a period of
time and really focus on it. And you should, you can Brother Orion: Yeah
also have, you know, an outcome of getting results. I
Audience: you'll help me understand ...
want to get this far with someone. It's part of the way
that you can plan ahead is, you can, you know, plan Brother Orion: I haven't seen it.
for the following day. What, what's my outcome, what
Audience: the power ...
do I want to learn tomorrow, what do I want to plan
out, you know, for memorizing or practicing or for Brother Orion: But I've heard of it.
building my state? And, and have a lot of fun with it,
Audience: _____ college campuses ...
that, the whole introduction, the whole idea. I also like
partial introductions where you just go up to a woman Brother Orion: Right
and you say, "I have just got to tell you, I love your
Audience: sorority scene. Anyway, also, you're
shoes, you're really stylish, and you have great
talking about the believability, what do you mean by
energy.” And she'll say, "Thanks.” And I might even
that, that Studies show that you're ...
say, "Have a nice day.” You know, and walk off. Part,
and but, I trick myself This is cool. I trick myself I Brother Orion: Oh, well, there, there have been
actually think to myself, you know what? This is psychological studies that show if you, if, if You'll, if,
what's been happening with these really beautiful if two people look at someone, right, and, and they're
sorority type, you know, athletic, rich women who I looking to see if they're believable, maybe they're
just didn't think I have a lot in common with or I'm hearing a recording on a phone, and they look at a
really going to get on that well with. I go up to them picture of who they're supposed to be talking to, and
and I think I'm just going to go make her feel good if the picture is a guy with a beautiful woman and it's
just so I can get used to talking to beautiful women. the guy talking, no matter what the guy looks like, if
So that it becomes part of my experience and my it's a beautiful woman who's with him in the picture,
everyday life is I talk to beautiful women. Tens. I just right, he's more believable. If you're around beautiful
do it. It doesn't make a big deal. And it, it increases, women in your life, if you are, you and she have a
you know, the way other people see you. It increases higher status in society. This is the, this is the, you
your believability. When you're talking to beautiful know, the down and dirty way to get alpha male
women, you know, psychological studies show that status.
you're move believable, and you're perceived as more
Ross: Why do you think I'm giving I want to sleep
believable by the people around you. So I'll go up and
with copies of PLAYBOY magazine, with the article
I'll just say that, but then when I get to the part of
about me in it? Because the first thing they do is turn
"Have a nice day" a lot times, they won't let go of my
to the centerfold and the other pictures and go,
hand. They want to talk with me. They want to know
"Wow, look at her, look at her. He must be something.
more of where I'm coming from. And part of it was
He's in the magazine with all these nude girls;
because, you know, that might see somehow that,
therefore, he's with all these nude girls. Da da da da.”
that I'm just there to make them feel good, and I can
Plus my trainer's absolutely fabulously babe-a-licious.
walk away if they like. But that's not the best way. If
Cause I work out with her in the gym, all the beautiful
you actually want to go further, keep going, keep
women in the gym will talk to me.
going, and keep going and keep going. Just because
there's a pause in the conversation, doesn't mean you Brother Orion: That's night.
have to walk away. Just because you, she's not
Ross: "Oh yeah. You're that guy who hangs out with
responding doesn't mean you have to walk away. If it
Molly.” Well, I pay her to train me, that's ...
looks like she's listening and taking in what you're
saying, she might just be like going crazy inside of her Brother Orion: And as much as I think desensitization
mind and not, and not giving you real vivid visual is not the way to get over fear is, you know, ...
signs. Especially before you build up the acuity to

Ross: Yeah. Brother Orion: you know, they say the really do
believe it, you can step in and say ...
Brother Orion: It does help over a time, you know. If
you have a fear and you're going out and talking to Ross: They're easily memorized. I, you, you'll get all ...
them all the time, you teach your mind that you can
Brother Orion: Right.
do that, that it's part of your everyday experience. Did
you have a comment? Ross: _____
Audience: I just wanted to add a quick little Brother Orion: But even when you've them
validation. I've only been playing with this stuff for a memorized, you can carry them around with you if
couple of months, but, when I use something like you like. Yeah, so. John?
"You're a shining example of genetic perfection" and I
John: Is there any advantage to carrying them with
just stand back for a second? Probably a good 50% of
the time, they'd say, "What's your name?"
Yates?: If you can touch her and hand her the card
Brother Orion: Right.
and she's handing it back to you so that natural
Audience: They put their hand out and they ask, they touching is taking place with the cards.
introduce themselves to me.
Brother Orion: Right. Right. I don't though. I don't
Brother Orion: Right. It's a great line. And, and, I don't carry them around.
say it to women who aren't. I say other lines, ...
Yates: You don't really need them, but I mean, there is
Audience: Laughter some advantages of having them.
Brother Orion: I don't. I don't. I don't. I, I say it to Brother Orion: John?
women who are and I say other lines to women who
John: I guess this, this still gets me as the, how do
aren't. Those are great ...
you maintain your sense of sincerity when you've
Ross: You can adapt it. If you see an extremely done a pattern a hundred times?
athletic woman, I'll say, "Excuse me, has anyone ever
Brother Orion: Because it, because, if I have done a
told you you're a shining example of physiological
pattern a hundred times, I have gone through the
motion, emotions of the pattern at least a hundred
Brother Orion: Oooh. Or athletic perfection? times plus all the times that I went through to it to
memorize, I mean, "Have you ever felt an incredible
Ross: I've never tried that one but I have said
connection like maybe as you're there, " and every
physiological perfection.
time I say it, you cannot say the words without
Brother Orion: Yeah. So, go ahead. experiencing some amount of the emotions. And the
more that you experience them, the more that you can
Audience: You mentioned the grapho-deck earlier.
feel them. And so it is sincere, it's absolutely sincere.
Now, do you carry that with you and pull it out and
Even if I didn't write it, I believe it.
use it ...
Major Mark: YOU can't say it without feeling emotion.
Brother Orion: No. I don't. I don't. A lot of people like
My sense is there are guys in the room who see
to do that kind of thing and the reason is, even if
patterns as I say them without necessarily being
you've gotten to a level where you don't, you
connected with the emotion.
memorize it, what you can do is, you can step back
from it. You can say, "The cards say, the cards tell Brother Orion: Right.
you, ...”
Major Mark: Okay? Now, were, one of the additional
Audience: So it's repeating what ... antenna that women have is they have got a terrific
bullshit detector, especially when it comes to men.
Brother Orion: "the cards tell me, " so you're, you're,
Okay? And if you come up and you lie to her face,
you can give authenticity to an expert in the cards
well guess what? She's not going to respond
without having to say, "I'm the expert, I know.” And if
favorably. Okay? We say this over and over and over
the challenge and say, "I don't believe it, " you go,
again. We talk about you must go first.
"Yeah, those cards.” Or if they, ...
Brother Orion: Right.
Ross: They're easily memorized.
Major Mark: This is, this doesn't just mean experiment

with all _____ the states, take yourself into trance,
and all this kind of stuff, but it also means that if
you're talking about an emotion, you've got to be
familiar with that that you're describing.
Brother Orion: Right.
Major Mark: That you must feel it. Now, the good
news is as you feel and as you describe it, it's not a
matter of how do I maintain my sincerity, you're just
talking, you are actually doing it. And that's what
they respond to.
Ross: Now, let me say this. You don't want to have
the full response that she's going to have. Just
enough of it to guide you.

Tape 6 – Side 1 everybody, I encourage you to do that.
Ross: Yes. And see, and this is very important to see.
You could come in here on the first morning thinking
Yates: This is Side 11 of the Ross Jeffries Basic Speed speed seduction is something I'm going to learn to
Seduction Seminar say to women. Well, that's not what it's about. Speed
seduction is about learning to think about the world
and think about people in a certain way, so that your
Ross: Now, let me say this. You don't have the full words reflect who you are as a person. So, yes, you
response that she's going to have. Just enough of it should memorize patterns as an example of the kind
to guide you. So, I'll, we're going to do an exercise the things, the kinds of communications that will
later in the weekend where I'll show you how to touch women in a certain way. But as you're
briefly step into any emotion, have just a little of it, memorizing the patterns, also get a piece of that
just enough to keep you on track so that your words experience for yourself. Imagine someone is reading
are sincere, instead of it being just memorized script that pattern to you in a way that really touches you
that no relation to what you believe. And this is why I and get a piece of that feeling for yourself. To the
say, eventually, to get really powerful with this, you extent that you step into an experience and have it for
want to find patterns that reflect a theme that's deep, yourself when you talk about it, you're not reciting,
passionate meaning to you. The reason why I'm better you're revealing. I'll say it again. If you step into a
with this if I'm blatant and blunt about it, is, cause pattern and really get some of the experience yourself,
what my work is a deep, passionate concern to me. then when you talk about it you're reciting, you're
Brother Orion: Absolutely. revealing.

Ross: When I talk to women about what I do and I Brother Orion: Uh hmmm.
talk to about what I teach the guys and what I try to Ross: What is the difference, here we go, contrasting.
get across and what my challenges are, I'm not
kidding them. This made me much more effective and Remember what's the difference between looking and
powerful with this to just flat out "I teach hypnosis truly seeing? What's the difference between someone
and seduction.” And to talk about what I teach and who's interesting and someone who intriguing?
why it's important to me, and of course I'm weaving What's the difference between reciting and revealing?
pattern language all throughout there. But I'm talking Hold it. What's the difference between reciting and
about something of sincere importance to me. revealing? Now, it's okay to recite patterns, to
memorize them. But you also want to put them
Brother Orion: Yeah. I, I now would add this. When it through the filter of revealing in as much that you
comes to sincerity and integrity, what, what we have want to have a little bit of that experience for yourself.
here is a roomful of people who have spent their good Just a wee bit. I'm not saying go all way to _____ but
money and taken their good time to learn how to make just have a little bit of it.
women beautiful, you know, and how to make them
feel absolutely wonderful and experience what it is to Brother Orion: And also you can weave in between
be, you know, human and feel incredible emotions patterns and you weave patterns in between your
and feelings. We've, you know, and I've spent a lot speech or however you want to look at it, that relate
time studying it. Now my integrity in that is that I back to the themes are being explored and the
apply it to making people feel really good in a way patterns that you've memorized.
that's in their own best interest. And if it's not, I walk Ross: A lot of way I think is about the difference
away from it. You know, I encourage everybody to between things.
have that attitude because women have a bullshit
detector, they have an asshole detector that makes Brother Orion: All right ...
the bullshit detector look like Stone Age technology. Ross: That's the, that's the difference between me.
Ross & Audience: Laughter Right?

Brother Orion: I'm telling you. They can tell assholes, Brother Orion: That's right. I think. Yeah, a difference
people who are out to hurt them because they haven't between you, right. Okay, I'm going to move on to
resolved their own situations. We have an incredibly closes because I, I, I can't take too much time here
powerful skillset here and if you need to apply it to today and I've got some things I want to let you guys
yourself first, before you start applying it to know about.

Ross: Take as much time as you want to, by the way. particular person in mind who they've been friends
with for a long time and they want to seduce. Well,
Brother Orion: Oh, fantastic, fantastic. Well I will and
there's a hell of a lot more good women out there to
I'll take ...
meet and when you've got these tools you can meet
Ross: I'm tired ... the good part of the good women and that's
something you might never get to with those other
Brother Orion: some questions at the end of this. So,
women. So, what have you got to lose? You know?
even _____ if people have some questions about
What, you're going to have coffee with her for
intros that's great. But, there's other lines out there
another couple of weeks, talk, sit down and talk to
you can explore. We've said other lines during the
her, try to think what you're going to come up with to
weekend, so, I'm not going to go through a whole lot
say. What have you got to lose? Go for it. See if she's
them. I am going to get into closes because, you
game, you know? I mean, the only thing you've got,
know, let's say you've got the intro down, you've
you know, you've got to lose is nothing. The
gotten rapport with them, you've done tons of
opportunity, but not even that. I mean, cause you can
patterns or whatever it takes and I keep going. I really
close more than once. She says no, you keep going,
keep going. I mean, if you, you think about, just a
you make another try at it, you know.
quick thing on memorizing. The average stage actor
can, you know, memorize his part very rapidly for a, Audience: Laughter
for a huge, I'm not going to say specifically, but, you
Brother Orion: So, I'm, I'm going to say a first, a
know, hours of talking, monologues, and strange
couple of linguistic closes and then I'm going to talk
arcane forms of English. You can memorize these
more into strategies for closing. One is, is that Brother
patterns; they're real. You know? I mean, this is, this
Kamal on our troubleshooter's tapes revealed this
is real experience. This is how things, how things
thing he's been working with for a long time called
work inside someone's mind. And it takes a little bit of
what would have to happen and listed her process. I
time. There's different, you know, tools out there for
love it. I heard that and I lit up. What would have to
memorizing but, by all means, do it. By all means
happen for us to get together for coffee? What would
memorize them, even if it's only so your unconscious
have to happen for us to laugh over a cup of coffee?
can generalize. But I use them; I absolutely use them.
And it comes down to the close. Okay, you've got her Ross: What steps would we have to take?
into the state you want her in, you know, it's time for
Brother Orion: What steps would we have to take.
whatever reason you've decided to, you know, to, to
Brother Coby, what would have to happen for you to
put the rubber to the road and see what's going to
convince your wondrous self to join me for a cup of
happen. What have you got to lose?
Audience: Laughter
Ross: Yeah, Brother Coby says what would a guy
Brother Orion: Did I say that? have to do to convince your wondrous self to have a
cup of coffee with me?
Ross: That, by the way, that, that's what Rex Sykes
said about speed seduction. Brother Orion: Ah, I love it.
Brother Orion: That's right. Ross: He said speed Ross: To go for a cup of coffee, is that what you say?
seduction is the place in NLP where the rubber meets
Brother Orion: Convince your ... Not just to convince
the road.
herself, to convince her wondrous self. Now, are you
Brother Orion: That's right. And do wear rubbers saying that wondrous part of her or are you saying to
fellows. Okay. So, what have you got to lose at this convince that wondrous person who she is?
point? Okay? I mean, relationships don't start for the Beautiful, exactly, yeah, it's beautiful. Those
most part with women, you know, being friends with ambiguities, they have to process it ...
guys and then eventually falling in love with them. It
Ross: Rather than saying "Who you like to go out
just doesn't work that way. That's why a lot of you
sometime or can I have your phone number?"
need to get over that woman that you think that you
seduce because you've been friends for so long. You Brother Orion: Right. That's, that part of the reason
know, it's like Major Mark says. We give you this that Ross uses so many ambiguities is the
brand new Ferrari and you drive it into the same old Unconscious mind processes all possible meanings.
brick wall. You know? I, I, I'm sorry if I'm being harsh So, the other thing is that a lot of these closes have
guys, but there's a lot of guys out there who have one presuppositions in it; presuppositions just being

linguistic structures that have to be accepted in order along the lines of, "Sure, I'll give you ...” This is
for it to make sense. So, you know, what, so when beautiful.
you say something like "When would be a good time
?: Basically, if someone asks me for my phone
for me to call you?" what does that presume? Can
number, I, I'm to the point now where I've given it out
somebody say what's it going ...
enough times and not gotten calls back where I say ...
Audience: Response from audience
Brother Orion: Right.
Brother Orion: What is it?
?: I need to get their phone number, that's my mindset,
Audience: There might be a bad time. so I'll say, "Oh, sure I'll give you my phone number,
but I also need to get yours from you.” And it's like as
Brother Orion: There might, no it doesn't mean that
I'm handing my phone numb er to them, I put that
there may be a bad, well, that does, okay. It does, but
reciprocity in place.
when would be a good time presumes that you're
going to call her. And that she ... Brother Orion: Right.
Audience: And that there will be a good time. ?: So I say, "Because I'm real serious about getting
together with you and I want to make sure we get
Brother Orion: And that there will be a good time ...
Audience: She's going to give you her phone number.
Brother Orion: And if they say no to that again? Your
Brother Orion: And that she's going to give you her response? Do you have another good response?
phone number. You know, a lot of times you say
?: I don't even remember what it was.
things like that, or I say, "Have you got a pen?" And
if she says, "Yes" she's got a pen, she's on her way to Brother Orion: It was something along the lines, along
actually writing down her phone number. the lines, "Well, well, if you want to get together,
Ross: And also when you say something like "What
steps would we have to take to make sure we get a ?: Oh, yeah. If they, if they won't give me their phone
chance to talk again, " ... number at all, I'll, sometimes I'll even take mine back
from them and I'll say ...
Brother Orion: I should get back to that.
Brother Orion: Laughing
Ross: When she answer the questions and gives you
her phone numb er, that sets up the expectation that ?: "You know, no is okay. If you don't want to give me
giving the phone number, she's only giving it to you your phone number, no is okay, but I'm real serious.”
because she wants you to call.
Ross: I take my card
Brother Orion: Exactly.
Brother Orion: "Oh, no, no, " but you, but you say, "If
Ross: Rather than just giving it to you to get you out you want to get together, that, that's great, but I'm not
of the way. just going to give you my number.”
Brother Orion: Hey, can I have your phone number ... Ross: And I've also did, I did this with this h. b. at the
CPK _____ . She asked for my number. I said, "You're
Ross: Right.
not going to call me. I know you're not going to call
Brother Orion: There's no further step. me.” She said, "I'll call you.” I said, "You're not going
to call.” She said, "Give me your card.” And I gave it
Ross: Yeah
to her and I said, and I took it back out of her hand,
Brother Orion: And, and it's, it's the one time when and said, "Nah, you're not going to call me.” Well, she
I've started to actually be comfortable with women's called me.
phone numbers. Cause if that's their process, that you
Brother Orion: Yep. Yep.
go up to someone and you say, you know, "What has
to happen ...” well, "I have to give you my phone Ross: Long distance. She was, she, she sings for
number.” And very rarely do they say, and they do somebody, she's in someone's band. She called me
say it sometimes, "Oh, just give me your phone from the road in Nashville, Tennessee.
number.” And then what, I'm sorry, can I hear your
Brother Orion: Ross has started working with some
response to that when t hey ask you for your phone
great challenge patterns.
number? Is that okay? Where you say something

Ross: Yeah. As long as we're going it's not necessarily bad for women to see you hitting
on other women. It can actually be to your benefit.
Brother Orion: Which really, really set you up. So,
They know you're not afraid of beautiful women and
once you get their phone number, with that particular
you're talking to a woman who's hotter than she is
close, what has to happen? "Oh, here's my number.”
and making her smile and laugh and giving her a
"Great. When's a good time to call?" Or, "Great. I'll tell
massage. That can be a real green light.
you what. When would be a good time to get
together?" Don't stop. Because you've got their Audience: Laughter
phone number, you can go for more. You know?
Brother Orion: So, I think it's, I think to always close.
You've got, you've got one piece, you can go for the
Always close; it's good practice. You know? And if a
rest. ”Great. When, when do you want to get
woman's attractive and interesting enough for you to
together?" or "When should I give you a call about
be talking to her, why not? You know, get her phone
getting together?"
number, see what happens. Even if it doesn't seem like
Ross: The other aspect of this is, here's another you're getting the kind of response ...
reason why you shouldn't just say, "Can I have your
Ross: Now, now, while we're on this, let me say
phone number?" What if the only step that she needs
something, let me deal with the challenge you'll often
is, what if, in her mind, she's thinking, "Let's go back
hear. ”I have a boyfriend.” Now oftentimes they're
to my place right now" and you ask, "Can I have your
just saying that just to give token resistance. They're
phone number?"
really saying, "Hey listen. I want to be with you but I
Brother Orion: Absolutely. don't want you to think I'm disloyal and you're going
to find out anyway eventually, so, I'm just doing my
Ross: You've interrupted yourself.
duty letting you know I do have one. And now that
Brother Orion: Absolutely. And you get how excited I've done my duty, let's go big boy.”
she is. ”Oh, nothing.” They'll, I've had that answer.
Brother Orion: Yep. That's true. Absolutely.
”What would have to happen for us to get together?"
Absolutely. Ross: Most objections are not really
"Oh, nothing.” "Great.” I, then I get to set the
objections, they're just requests for help. Here's a
direction. ”Great, let's together, let's get together
belief I want to give you that I forgot to give you
tomorrow, let's go right now, let's meet, you know, I'll
earlier. Thank you Ben ...
give you a call ...” Whatever, it's up to you. ”Nothing
would have to happen.” I hear it a lot Set a time. Try Brother Orion: Yeah.
to find out when they're going call. You don't want to
Ross: for being patient with me. The belief is that
get into this technological warfare of caller 69, dot,
every woman wants to be seduced by you, she just
star 69, you know, which calls somebody back, star 67
doesn't necessarily know how.
which blocks caller ID. All this kind of ...
Brother Orion: Absolutely.
Ross & Audience: Laughter
Ross: Every woman wants to be seduced by you, she
Brother Orion: Bogus game. I'm serious, you know.
just doesn't necessarily know how. And objections
It's ridiculous and then sitting there and, "Oh, is she
are, in fact, just requests for help.
going to call me back?" Or, "Does she know that I
called?" And all this kind of stuff. Brother Orion: Yep. And along the lines of
boyfriends, you know, you don't know what her
Ross: She's like you need a wild weasel phantom
relationship is with this guy. You know, I have, there's
aircraft for the electronic jamming equipment just to
this girl staying at my apartment with my roommate
talk to her.
right now. And he tells me, he's like, he's like, "Yeah,
Brother Orion: Right. I, I, I did this on this, on this girl she's got boyfriend.” And I said, "Oh really?" You
not so long ago and she said, I said, you know, I said, know, "Yeah, but he hasn't called her in months and
"What has to happen?" "Well, here's my phone he left town without saying anything.” So he's not
number.” She said, "I'm off Monday and Friday.” I going to come on to this girl who's staying in his
said, "Great.” I already have her phone number. ”Why room and you saw her. She's pretty cute.
don't we get together Monday.” So I'm going to get
Ross: Yeah, she's got a nice little, hot little thin body.
together with her this Monday. So I made the plan,
you know, and I just did it. And the other thing I Brother Orion: He's not going to hit on her because
should say, just going back real quickly to intros, is "She's got a boyfriend.” I mean ...

Ross: A borefriend? like this me - he's outta there.
Brother Orion: he didn't call her and ... a borefriend? Brother Orion & Audience: Laughter.
Ross: "How long you been going out your Ross: So, I'll give you that response again.
borefriend?" ”Boyfriend? That's great. He must be the kind of man
who can touch you, who are deep inside, instead of
Brother Orion: That's right.
just someone you're keeping around until you find
Ross: My response is, "Oh, borefriend? Does your someone better.”
borefriend tell you he loves you all the time or just
Brother Orion: Or, "It's so rare to find somebody who
when he senses you're really bored with him?
meets all of your own special, unique values.” Major
Brother Orion: Yep. And you don't know, right, Mark.
Audience: Responses from audience Major Mark: Orion's right. It's incredibly arrogant of
you to decide all the reasons why she must be ready
Brother Orion: Oh, oh, this is a good one, this is a
and willing reject you. Okay? Now, a lot guys fall into
good one.
this trap because they spent a lot of time and energy
Audience: Responses from audience thinking up all the reasons why she must be upset
with your kind of guy. Now, she must be the sort of
Brother Orion: Boyfriends; I used this last night.
woman who would never, ever go for you or she's one
Boyfriends. ”Boyfriends are so easy to forget when
who's going to be impossibly loyal to this guy's
they're not around.”
treating her like crap. Okay? Let her make up her own
Audience: Laughter mind; act as though women were people.
Ross: So I give you that again. ”Borefriend? Does Brother Orion: That's right.
your borefriend tell you he loves you all the time or
Major Mark: Okay? Brother Orion: And that's a lesson
only when he senses you're bored with him?"
that that guys, a lot of guys need to learn.
Brother Orion: Look, you don't have a right to make
Ross: Another way to get past it since we're dealing
that decision for a woman. You know?
with this boyfriend challenge is to say, I've had this
Ross: laughs work so many times, I say, "Boyfriend?" I'll go, "Hey,
that's all right. I can promise to control myself. I can't
Brother Orion: I'm, you don't, you don't. She has a
control how naturally and easily you'll find all your
boyfriend. What, are you going to be insulting
feelings changing for just, only the right reasons.” So
enough to tell her that she doesn't have the freedom
you say, "Boyfriend?"
to talk to you and to have a wonderful experience with
you just because she's got some guy that, that, you Brother Orion: Nice.
know, they have what's a nominalization called
Ross: "That's okay. I can promise to control myself I
can't control how naturally and easily you'll find all
Ross: Or, or I'll say something like, "Boyfriend?" I'll your feelings changing for all the right reasons.” And
go, "Wow, that great. He must be the kind of man they go, "Oooh.” That's always what I hear. Oooh.
who really knows how to touch the person you are
Audience: Response from audience
deep inside.”
Ross: Okay. ”That's all right. I can promise to control
Brother Orion: Right.
myself. I can't promise, I can't control how naturally
Ross: "I'm sure he's not just someone you're keeping and easily you'll find all your feelings changing for all
around till you find someone better.” the right reasons ... Oooh.”
Brother Orion: Right, right. Brother Orion: Now I want to get into physical closes.
When I mean that, I mean getting, getting the
Ross: No, then I'll nod my head like this.
physical contact with them. It's different than closing
Brother Orion: And you can definitely approach for phone number or a date or another meeting. This
women who are with guys. They're not necessarily is the real deal.
with their boyfriends.
Audience: Laughter.
Ross: And I'll nod my head like this and if I see her go
Brother Orion: We go, we go back here,

Audience: Response from audience. Brother Orion: Yep.
Brother Orion: We go back here, what did you say? Ross: If the legs are up off the floor and they're
What's that? tucked under her on the seat ...
Ross: I recognize that sound. Brother Orion: Yep.
Brother Orion: We go back here to the, to the, for our Ross: So her feet are not touching the car floor at all,
first clue to the father of modem hypnosis, Dr. Milton instead she's got her legs tucked up under her and
Erickson, who said, who was asked once, you know, she's turning towards the side facing you, sort of
how, how a person can know when to kiss a girl. And sideways like this, you're going to get some.
he said, "When the, when her lower lip engorges with
Audience: Response from audience
blood and sticks out a little bit, she wants to be
kissed.” You know? It's a great, it really is a great Brother Orion: Yes, I have
physical cue to look for. I, that doggie dinner bowl
Ross: Have you ever not gotten laid when that was
look is a great one to look for ...
Ross: I've seen some serious nipple erections through
Brother Orion: I ...
some very thick blouses.
Audience: Response from audience
Audience: Laughter
Brother Orion: I don't think so. I haven't seen it very
Brother Orion: On the women I was talking to ...
Ross: No, I'm not, not trying to be vulgar here, I'm
Ross: That's a very seriously ...
seriously, ...
Brother Orion: I've certainly seen it out ...
Audience: Laughter
Ross: You ever been in that posture with a guy?
Ross: I'm not trying to be vulgar or crude, this little 18
year old waitress I ran into ... Brother Orion: I definitely see it with, it with women
I've been sleeping with or in my car.
Brother Orion: That's true.
Ross: Yeah. Extremely comfortable posture.
Ross: Gave me a dirty joke to tell. So I ran back in
before my car was pulled up and told her and she ?: Well, think about it. She's in this space where she
went, voom voom. has a 360 degree panoramic view ...
Brother Orion: And, and not every woman that you Brother Orion: Right.
get hot and horny is going to want to kiss you,
?: And she turns so that the only thing that is of
unfortunately, cause this would be a lot easier if it, if it
interest to her is you.
worked that way. Cause it's really easy when you
have the skills to get woman hot and horny, and it's a Brother Orion: Is you.
little bit more challenging to actually get to the point
Ross: Right.
of physically closing.
Brother Orion: And the other thing is, is when there
Ross: Here's a body posture. Whenever I've seen it, a
are pauses in a conversation; now pauses in a
woman has fucked me. Whenever.
conversation are okay. Again, fractionation, letting
Brother Orion: Wow. her integrate what you said, you can have not just
pauses to create ...
Ross: When she's in the car, okay, hold that for now.
Okay, you're in the driver's seat and she's over here in Ross: Does everyone understand fractionation? Some
the right hand seat. If she tucks her legs up like that people may not ...
and turns towards you and she's got her legs tucked
Brother Orion: Right. Well, you said what it was
up like this, this totally turned toward you like this, so
earlier, so ...
I'm sort of like got my legs tucked up underneath me,
she's turned like this, you're going to get some. Ross: Say it again. Some people ... Brother Orion:
Push the stop, rewind. Fractionation is you take
Brother Orion: Yep.
someone into and out of trance, or yes, you could say
Audience: Laughter into and out of different depths of trance. So you get

someone into a deep state, where they begin to focus Audience: Laughter
on every word, and then you talk about how other
Brother Orion: "And finding it just as fresh, farm fresh
conversations aren't like that, but then sometimes
when you really listen ... So you take them in and out
and it increases the depth of trance, very rapidly. Very Audience: Laughter
rapidly. And also there's a pause that happens when a
Brother Orion: "Imagine, as it is in this moment.”
girl wants to kiss. She will stop talking; she will look
right at you, and put her head forward a little bit, lean Ross: Yes.
toward you, her focus fully on you and wait.
Audience: When, when you said like there's a pause
Ross: And turn her face ... and she's looking at you, even more specifically
looking at your lips ...
Brother Orion: Guys, fulfill your promise.
Brother Orion: Ooooh, nice, nice.
Audience: Laughter
Audience: I don't know ...
Brother Orion: Please, don't get a, don't, don't, don't
get a woman turned on and then wimp out at the last Ross: You look at lips?
second. It's just not fair.
Brother Orion: Yeah. She's looking at your lips.
Audience: Laughter
Ross: Yeah.
Brother 0nion: You know. God. I mean maybe, you
Brother Orion: Well, interestingly, dah, you're looking
know, maybe if she's like a, like a, a concert pianist
at her lips, too, to see if they're engorged with blood.
and she's got really strong fingers, you know, to last
That's cool.
her all night, you know, okay, you can do it with them.
But the one, the one, some of them just don't have the Audience: Guys do that, too, and I can tell usually.
manual dexterity to keep themselves happy the way
Brother Orion: Uh huh. Uh huh.
that, that they're going to need to after this kind of
patterning. ?: You're sighting the target ...
Audience: Laughter. Do you do those _____ ? Ross: She has a lip on.
Ross: For enough batteries. Brother Orion: She has a lip on. Nice, nice, nice. So, so
something along the lines of ...
Brother Orion: Yeah. Stop, rewind. Okay, I'm going to
talk, cause I really don't know which, which clues? Audience: Responses from audience
?: Don't worry about it. Brother Orion: I'm just going to run through it really
quickly again so you guys can hear it one more time.
Brother Orion: Okay, yeah. Where there's a pause in
Okay? And notice how similar it is to the first time I
the conversation, where she leans forward, sorry,
said it, I memorized this pattern. ”Has anyone ever
where she leans forward, where she's focused totally
given you a surprise kiss, like maybe as you're there,
on you and where she's waiting, she's deliberately not
thinking about the worries and stress of your day,
saying it. It's like, "Oh, my turn to talk?" You know?
thinking about all the things that have happened?
There's another linguistic way I set it up. I talk about
And suddenly a person can look deep into your eyes,
kiss. ”Have you ever had a person give you a surprise
understand your distress and take a chance with a
kiss? Like maybe you're there and you're thinking
surprise kiss that sends an electric thrill throughout
about all the worries of the day or all the hassles or
your spine, throughout your body, that lifts you up
problems? And suddenly, a person can lean forward
like a bed of clouds and lets you feel that wondrous
and look deep in your eyes, understand your distress
feeling. As you imagine a time in the future, it's like
and give you a kiss that sends an electric thrill
you can imagine a time in the future, say six months
throughout your spine, throughout your whole body
from now, reaching back to recapture the sweetness
and just lift you up like a bed of clouds. Do you feel
of that kiss and finding it just as fresh and magical as
that pleasure, that enjoyment of that kiss? You go
it is today. Cause that person was able to take a
into a space where it's just, you feel so good. And as
chance on you with a surprise kiss.” It'll set them up.
you continue to let that happen, you can imagine six
Set them up and then knock them down.
months from now reaching back to recapture the
sweetness of that kiss.” Audience: Laughter

Brother Orion: Okay? And knock them down. My to demonstrate all these patterns. In fact, he's such a
god, if you say that kind of a pattern, kiss her good teacher, if, with your, with your cooperation ...
afterwards ...
Brother Orion: Uh hmmm.
Ross: Is this fair? Is this fair? Yes.
Ross: I'm going to have you back later in the
Audience: Responses from audience. Absolutely. weekend, to teach some of these patterns.
Brother Orion: What's not fair is not at least taking the Brother Orion: Great. I'd love to. And I can teach them
chance. And I believe that, too. You know, a person, a very quickly, which might be helpful.
person has to take a chance at that point, I think, And
Ross: Yeah. I think, in fact, I think we may train you at
it's rigged. The game is rigged. You have to take a
some point to, to be one of our front seminar guys, go
chance. Now women, and it's happened to a lot of
out into the boondocks and do seminars for us? What
guys I here, women will come on to you, will jump
do you think?
your bones, it happens, okay? Sorry. You know. This
material might be outdated by other material. But, hey Brother Orion: I could have fun.
it doesn't happen a lot of the time and you got to take
Ross: He's pretty good, huh?
a chance. So, you, you can talk about kissing, you
can talk about kissing in a lot of different ways. I think Audience: Applause
the blowjob pattern sets up those kinds of things that
Brother Orion: Are the boondocks ready for me?
Audience: Applause
Ross: Now I'm going to show you a trick guys.
Someone. asked about anchors. I'm going to show Ross: You know, like the Mormon missionaries?
you a trick. Little Kim showed me this cause little Kim
Brother Orion: Right.
had it done to her by someone else. Here's an anchor I
use. If I talk to a woman about sexual things, I'll make Ross: Who ride their bicycles with their ties ...
this face.
Audience: Cheers from audience
Brother Orion: Like a rabbit.
Ross: Who peddle into town, set up the tent, you
Ross: What I'm doing is I'm biting my lower lip. know?
Brother Orion: Urn. Brother Orion: I have come to bring joy to, to the
women of rural America.
Ross: So what, after I get the response from her, let's
say I'm talking about the blowjob pattern and I see her Audience: _____ Laughter
getting hotter and hotter, I'll go ... And whenever I
Brother Orion: I'm on a mission. Hallelujah. Can I hear
want her to go back into that state I'll just look at her
it? Hallelujah.
and go ... I've been doing that to you, have you
noticed? ?: _____ Central Asia with that _____ .
Audience: Laughter Audience: Response from audience.
Brother Orion: You are relentless. Ross: Central Asia?
Ross: It's an easy thing to do. So you don't have to Audience: Let the Mormons send him out.
do all these touch anchors or just do a little facial
Brother Orion: Right.
Audience: Response from audience.
Brother Orion: Yeah.
Brother Orion: We are not the Mormons ...
Ross: I'm sorry.
Audience: Response from audience
Brother Orion: One thing I forgot to say is that the, is
that the, the blammo pattern also sets you up for Ross: We're going to start you out slow. You're going
closes pretty good. And when I've been able to get to Kosovo.
the blammo pattern off and have them really get into
Audience: Laughter
it, my success rate is very, very high.
Brother Orion: Oh god.
Ross: Now, by the way. These patterns, we're going

Audience: Laughter Brother Orion: You can describe the process as you
do it.
Brother Orion: No, I'm not going to the Central,
Central Asia. Enough with the Mormons. They don't Ross: The best way to have someone undergo a
need the whore man's to ... Physical close. Another process with you is to describe it.
brother used to work a lot with animals. Now, I
Brother Orion: Uh hmm.
haven't seen this movie the, what is it - THE HORSE
WHISPERER? I really want to see it. There's some Ross: As part of an interesting topic about "Isn't it
great ideas about this guy had about how to interesting how things happen.” "Aren't things
communicate with animals. But it's something that a interesting? You know what? You can learn a lot this
lot of guys who are, who are raised on farms are like, way.”
"Yeah, of course, you know, you have to approach
Brother Orion: And you can describe things as you're
animals with respect to their space.” And you have
doing them.
to, you have to have a certain congruency. You have
to, which means that your words and behavior match Ross: Right.
your action. Or match your, you know, your intention.
Brother Orion: And that can intensify the actual
Everything is lined up. So when you move towards a
experience they're having.
woman with congruency, you're not, you're not
tentative, although test closes are good. You can Ross: And the other thing you can do is if she says,
move into her space to make a point. You can say, "We shouldn't be doing this" you describe what
"God, at sometimes people come to really close to you're not doing as you're doing it. You go ...
you, into your space and it feels really good.” Or you
Brother Orion: Right.
can just do it, to whisper to them, you can use their
space around them and start to get comfortable and Ross: "You're right. I shouldn't be lifting up your
work with that. blouse ...”
Ross: Here's a pattern, I'm coming up with it as he Audience: Laughter
says it. He said personal space, I really, I immediately
Ross: "And licking your beautiful breasts. I'm not
went into patternland. So you're there, back at your
putting my finger down into your pants.” And, I'm
place or her place, and you're ready to test this to see
serious. Have you done this before?
if she's ready. You go, "You know where I think you
learn a lot about people?" Have you heard this theme Audience: Yes
before? "You learn a lot by seeing what their personal
Brother Orion: You bet I have.
space is and how that changes according to how
comfortable they feel. Like you ever been with Ross: Yeah, it works. Just say, "Exactly, you're right,
someone ...” point away from yourself You always, I'm not, I should not be doing this. You should not be
when you describe something you don't want her to feeling the intense pleasure ...”
experience with you, point away from yourself "You
Brother Orion: Okay.
ever been with someone and you're not quite that
comfortable and you don't want them that close? So, Ross: Go ahead.
you let them know through your body language that
Brother Orion: Okay. Let me go ahead, I am going ...
you want them to stay a distance? But then, you ever
So, moving, okay, using her personal space, testing
been with someone and you just feel magnetically
her personal space, again, angles are good; 45 degree
drawn to this person? You know you're going to get
angle, 30 degree angle. Coming into her side you can
really close? And so, when they move into your
kiss her ear, her cheek, you can, you don't have to go
space, it's like, hmmm, you want more, you want it
directly face-on to kiss her, her on the lips. It could be
closer and closer.”
ballsy, but it can also be confrontational. So, you
Brother Orion: Oooh. want to, you want to watch you're doing with space.
You want to experiment with different things. And
Ross: See how comfortable she is with you getting
there's a certain amount of, even though you're
close to her. And if she's real comfortable, you go ...
tentative, you're moving at an angle, you're
Brother Orion: Yeah. congruent. You know what you're doing. And you
can also do things like brush the back of her hair, of
Ross: "That could be a sign.”
her neck and say, "You know, the Japanese think that

the back of a woman's body is the most sensuous part a forehead kiss.
of her. And I don't know if it's because of all those
Audience: Response from audience.
fine nerve endings.” I'm talking a little quickly here
guys so you can get all the information. Brother Orion: Okay. There's another, there's some
other things you can do here. And one of the really
Ross: Ben, you can slow down. That just means the
good ones is to g et right into massage. I think
time on the tape, not the time you can talk.
massage rocks. I want to learn more and more about it.
Brother Orion: Okay. Swap it over. Oh great, good to I think it's worth learning about. Books out there,
know. ”And I don't know if, if it's the most sensuous yeah, video tapes out there, classes out there. You
part of a woman's body because that's where the know, classes at local adult education centers where
nerve endings are or if it's because they believe that's you can take a class that's going to be mostly women
where the energy enters your body or if it's because and inexpensive.
of all those soft, fine hairs or because they think it's
so attractive, you know, the low-cut kimonos where
you see that beautiful back of a woman's neck.” And BREAK IN TAPE
you can be brushing the back of her neck "Or maybe
it's because you can't tell whether it's the soft brush
of a person's fingers or the soft brush of their lips, the Brother Orion: ... that you move. You carry tension in
kiss, the touch of your tongue.” Now, a little bit a, everybody who carries tension in a different way.
underhanded here. And talk a little bit about the way she does carry
tension in her body.
Ross: It works. Is, I, I've done this one. Is reach out
for a woman, just brush her, her cheek ...
Brother Orion: Ummm. BREAK IN TAPE
Ross: with the side of your hand. If she does this,
she's ready.
Brother Orion: It's physiological. And of course it
Brother Orion: Man, I learned that ... why back, why shoulder rubs are one of the most
popular places to massage. You, and you point, you
Ross: That's a real good one.
say, "You carry tension and you store it right there.”
Brother Orion: I learned that when I was in college And you lean over and you start to massage it. And
from a 13-year-old kid. I was blown away. This kid they almost always let you. Now, this, the reason I
said to me, "Hey, just go ahead and put your, " or, love this, I love this, I love this, is that I can do it
you know the other thing you can do is grab the back when I'm out at a coffee shop. She doesn't have to be
of their neck and put your hand underneath their ear. home with me. And I can do it and they, I don't think
Cup it, yeah, very, very powerful. And if they've, if they've ever said no. They might have let me go for
they're down with that ... ten or twenty seconds and then back off, but that's
only once or twice, and I've done it a lot. They almost
Ross: _____
always let you give them a massage. You can have
Brother Orion: You know, so, so, no please, please. them close their eyes, you can do some really heavy
You actually, you put your thumb on the front of their trance stuff when they've got their eyes closed and
ear, you put the rest, your forefingers cupped behind you're massaging them. ”You know, some people
the back of their head, base of their skull. And you think, some people, as they experience a massage and
move them forward. Or if they're turned away from really feel the pleasure of a massage from someone
you, you can take one finger, brush it along the edge who really knows how to give a wonderful massage
of their chin, and move it over to you. And if they're cause they've trained so well. They're able to feel a
moving, they're following your lead, their lips are certain inside or associate a certain color with that
coming night to your lips, and boom. warmth. So, for example, if you were to think of a color
that you associate with the warmth of those relaxing,
Ross: Another thing you do is, you take their head in
wonderful feeling, what color might you tell me? Red.
your hands and you kiss the top of their forehead,
And as you see that red getting bigger and brighter
you kiss them on the forehead, and then as you go to
and maybe even wrapping itself around you like a pair
move, if, as you go to kiss their forehead they close
of warm but strong arms, some people can even allow
their eyes and do this, you know they want more than
those thoughts to just penetrate your and put that red

deep inside you.” Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, Ross: And, and so she couldn't do it, so she starts
boom. And you light them up. You really, I mean, it is, going down on him, and he was so shocked, he
it is super. It's one thing to give someone a massage couldn't have any physiological response. It's, it's
and have them just sit there, even if you're a really fairly common that you're going to be so shocked the
good masseuse, but it's another thing to talk them first time this works, you're going to go, "Ah, ah, ah,
about the experience and connect it up with all kinds ah, ah.”
of sexual thoughts, pleasurable feelings, intensity, the
Audience: Laughter
sound of your voice. All kinds of wonderful things
that happen when you use massage effectively. Go Ross: And then you're going to think, "Oh my god,
ahead. Ross was right.”
?: Another thing about massage is, you can start to Audience: laughter
use breathing cause breathing is very powerful ...
Ross: "Oh my god, Ross.”
Brother Orion: Ummm
Audience: Laughter
?: as it changes states of the body. And what I've
Ross: "Was right.”
noticed with women as they're having some
resistance, not to, not to the massage, but the Brother Orion: So, one thing I want to add to that ...
resistance to relaxing the massage, is to start to coach
Ross: Does this feel right to you?
them in breathing, such as to breathe ...
Audience: Laughter
Brother Orion: Ahhh.
Brother Orion: Is just something, it's sort of random
?: ... tense up and relax. And if you think about that
that came to me is that a lot of people are wondering,
breathing process, where else in the breathing
well, you know, wonder when they see somebody
process of breathing in, tensing and relaxing occur?
who's getting really good results, has he always been
Audience: Response from audience getting these kinds results before he got this material,
is it his looks, is it how ... ? But I'm telling you, for
Ross: Let me get off, let me get off ...
myself, I was not getting the results before I had
Brother Orion & Audience: Laughter these skills that I'm getting now. Absolutely not. And
I've seen it happen with a lot of people who are just
Ross: And say this. About half the time none of this
not getting results. And they studied it and they
would necessary, cause they're going to jump on you.
Half the time, sex ...
themselves and they made a commitment to improve
?: You're off of ...
this part of your life, which is a really important part.
Ross: Are the microphones off? And improve that part of a lot of women's lives. Or
maybe just that one special one.
?: It was.
?: That sacred space.
Ross: Oh, I'm sorry. You're correct. I'm sorry. About
half the time, none of this will be necessary cause Brother Orion: That sacred space inside. Progressive
they're going to jump on you. The first few times you massage is really good because it, when you're out at
do this and it happens, you may be so -surprised the coffee shop and you're giving her a massage like
you're not going to be able to act on it. The famous this, you can start talking about, "Gosh, it's so much
story we like to tell is the guy who tried this on a nicer to give someone a massage when they're lying
woman and, at a church social. And they go out to down or, you know, I give really great full body
the parking lot and she says, "I want you to fuck me massages" that kind of thing. Yes.
right now.” He goes, "Huh?"
Audience: Okay. You, you're in a relationship with a
Brother Orion & Audience: Laughter woman that's ...
Ross: She says, "Put me on the hood of my car and Brother Orion: Okay. That's sort of not what I'm
fuck me right now.” He says, "But, but the pastor's talking about, but okay.
going to be out any second.” She said, "I don't want
Audience: Response from audience
to fuck the pastor, I want to fuck you.”
Audience: ... did you, did you move into quickly and
Audience: Laughter

then you realized, you know, she's not your type, you Major Mark: Okay, sure.
don't like her that much. And, you know, how do you
Brother Orion: He, he, Major Mark has a pattern
move out of that one?
basically the lock-it pattern, which allows you to have
Brother Orion: You want a different kind of close. closure to the, to the, to the relationship, to leave
relationship and still let them have all those good
Audience: Damaging her.
feelings and resources that you've let them have like a
Brother Orion: You're asking about a different kind of treasure, like a gift, life a magic spell for them and
close than I'm teaching here. But okay. carry around for the rest of their life.
Ross: I'll tell you what. That's an excellent question Ross: A quick answer though is the best way to avoid
but it's ... harming them or damaging them in your world is to
never at any point do anything that is damaging to
Brother Orion: I'll, let me, let me just say a couple of
them. It's really that simple.
things about it, then I'm move in, move out of it. I
think you should find out that information before you Brother Orion: You don't seem convinced.
get into a relationship with her. Okay? I really do. I
Audience: Well, if you're not there and _____ the
think you should, that's why the handwriting analysis
greatest thing that ever happened.
cards are great. I don't think you should get in
relationships with people you don't want to be in Ross: Well, you're not responsible for everything that
relationships with. However, you can structure it and she thinks, feels, does, whatever, okay? Now, if you
let somebody know in different ways how you want show her an aspect of masculinity, if show her a type
the relationship to go and what kind of experience ... of man that turns out to be something she's wanted,
Major Mark talks about, you know, having it needed, dreamt of for a long time, it's not your
structured as you're the person who's mad, bad and responsibility to now hang around forever so that she
dangerous to be with, and who's not going to be can continue to have this.
there. You know? And, so it's, it's up to you what you
Brother Orion: Let me just say one more thing.
communicate, but I think you have, you do have a
responsibility to, to let somebody know ultimately, Ross: It doesn't make sense.
you know, what's, what your intention is. You know,
Brother Orion: Which is that, which is that if they've
in terms of, of what kind of relationship you want to
left behind the best thing that's ever happened to
have them. Especially with somebody who, that you
them, you know, well, is that such a bad thing?
start to get involved in because a lot of people are
going to make assumptions if you don't tell them. Audience: Response from audience
?: The lock-it pattern. Brother Orion: Well, I'm sorry, but I don't mean, I don't
mean, I'm not saying whether they left or you left, but
Major Mark: You have an obligation to be honest
whether they had something that was wonderful and
with them, you know, about who you are and what
it was the best thing that's ever happened to them,
you're up to. And yet the obligation to respect them
they've learned something about what's possible.
enough to allow them to make their own decision and
And it think that, that a lot of women have available
to respect the decision they come to. Okay? Now the
to them resources to if they can't find the kind of
fact is, because women are people, they are a lot of
person they want to be with to, to create change in
them who are remarkably similar to us in their running
people to have, women do it, project boyfriends, you
around and they're looking for different levels of
know? I don't want to be somebody's project
adventure at different types or different places in their
boyfriend anymore. But there are a lot of guys out
there who are perfectly willing to get adapted into the
Brother Orion: Yep. And I'm going to ask you also if kind of man that a girl wants him to be, wants him to
you, if you don't mind to, to go through the lock-it be.
pattern if you get some time to do that ...
Audience: Quick comment here. As far as damaging, I
Major Mark: Sure was very lucky early on when I was in a relationship I
didn't want to be, was I was learning NLP and what I
Ross: That's what I want you to do, Major Mark, is do
did is I literally just took the anchor that she had set
an hour or so on structuring your seductions so that
to me and I set it to the concept of finding even more
you remain in control of the situation rather than meet
of what she was looking for in ways she hadn't even
some _____ .

thought of yet. Ross: There's a difference between, "Ummm, don't,
don't" and "DON'T.” Okay? Don't means you stop,
Brother Orion: Yep. Yep.
but "Umm, ummm ...”
Audience: So that way she went from he's a great guy
Brother Orion: So, and, and women are not that
but what else is out there that I haven't considered
responsive physically or, or verbally in terms of they
and I haven't experienced? And so she started to get
can be really enjoying it, getting off on it, but they
passionate off looking for that, that left me off the
just don't feel comfortable expressing it, so they're
hook, I was still a great guy, and her life was
going to let you keep going. I had this, I had this
experience Just recently, something that Metaman
Brother Orion: Yep. and I have been working with is just going for it, you
know, an initial talk and just, you know, starting to
Ross: Just because what she had with you doesn't
touch them in ways that turn them on and, you know,
mean that her ability to experience these kinds of
even if it's a crowded room, a lot of times they'll let
feelings again in her life is over. In fact, that you
you go for it. If it's feeling good and it fits in their, you
structured it the right way, she'll draw the conclusion
know, value set ...
that she can experience this again in different and new
and wonderful ways. Audience: _____ sparks off the guardrail.
Brother Orion: Yep. I, I want to move on ... Brother Orion: Yep. Put the fun meter to the red line
and make sparks off the guardrail.
Ross: Let's move on ...
Major Mark: It's very erotic to, to experience the
Brother Orion: Which is great that the invitation, you
personal touch in a public place.
know, is, can often be something as simple as, you
know, "Do you want to come back to my house for a Brother Orion: And if I, if I see a woman's got, got a
poem? I write great poems.” "Do you want to come _____ , got, has a, has, oh, physiological responses
back to my place for a massage?" I don't say it like like goosebumps, I'll ratify them. Ratify another
that, "Do you want to?" But there's lots of ways to technical term. But if you, if you express that you
use presuppositions of "How much fun would you recognize the physiological change in a woman that's
have coming back to my house for a massage?" Or an indication of trance or, or excitement, it intensifies
you can take them by their hands at some point and it. ”Oh, oh, I notice those goosebumps. I love giving a
lead them, if they're sitting on your couch, you can woman goosebumps in public.” Those goosebumps
just absolutely reach out and grab their hands and if get bigger quick, or "Oooh, you're shaking. Wow, you
they follow you, they're going to follow you. must really be enjoying this.” These kinds of things.
You, you ratify the experience that you're getting. So,
Ross: Ask them, "Is this something you're ready to
the other one that somebody just gave me this
act on?"
weekend, I, somebody's got to tell me who it was, who
Brother Orion: Oooh, "Is this something you're ready gave this, somebody's got to raise their hand, but
...” Yeah, that was a great one. Somebody said "Let's go for a walk. Gee, where are we going to walk
something about ... to?" You've got to give me five on that one. That's
awesome. ”Where are we going to take a walk to?"
Audience: Responses from audience.
"The cafe near my house.” "Hmm, we're going to take
Ross: No, first thing, express, they'll express that, , , a walk.” Gee, we'll just start walking and walk to my
"No, you know, I'm, I'm very attracted to you.” house.
Brother Orion: "Is that, is this something you'd like ...” ?: What happened, what happened was like, I met
this, this girl for coffee, I always have them meet me
Ross: That's something _____ you want to act on.
near my house.
Brother Orion: Right.
Brother Orion: Oooh, right. Now. Keep going. You
know, you can do things physically until she ?: And, you know, I develop a rapport and everything
expresses that you don't want her to do them. If is going really well. I say, you know, after, I said,
you're giving her a massage and she's letting you "Let's go for a walk.” And I just walked her right back
keep going, but, when she says stop, you stop. You to my place.
absolutely stop.
Brother Orion: Yep

?: I find that if you ask, you're opening yourself up to stuff can often be fun with it, with another guy, you
a problem. know, hanging out with another guy.
Brother Orion: And, I've, I've been hanging out with
some guys, you know, who aren't into this stuff and,
Yates: This is the end of Side 11 of the Ross Jeffries
and I've been talking to girls and they say, "Man, you
Basic Speed Seduction Seminar.
could have asked her back to her, back to your place,
you know, like right then.” And I was like, "Really? I
mean I got her phone number and the date.” But man,
they're right. You know, a lot of the times if you ask
them back to your place, you know, if you've been
doing this stuff right, they're going to go for it. If, and
especially if you structure it right, if you take them by
the hand and, you know, and if you are having fun
with it. And a lot of times you'll get some resistance
and you can keep going. Just because they say, "No"
you know, they might just be convincing themselves,
they might just need some help. Okay? All right. Well
a couple of people had questions.
Ross: Dr. Yates has a comment.
Brother Orion: Go.
Yates: When you're talking about closing, what's your
processes, all the ones that have _____ , great _____
at what a guy out in L. A. _____ . You know to, he
met the girl and they went out to dinner and over
dinner he says, you know, "What has to happen, you
know, before us to, you know, get more intimate.” She
says, "Well normally, you know, before I go to bed
with a guy, " says, says, "I have to see him at least six
times.” And he says, "Oooh, so if I go to the
bathroom and come back, that's twice.”
Ross/Brother Orion/Audience: Laughter
Brother Orion: Oh. Wow.
Yates: And he, he saw her at work over the next
couple of days and every time he saw her, he says,
"That three times.”
Audience: Laughter Yates: "That's four times.”
Brother Orion: Wow.
Yates: And she says, "And for you I might make an
Audience: laughter.
Brother Orion: Yeah.
Ross: That kind of cocky, outrageous attitude, cocky,
outrageous, engaging, outgoing.
Brother Orion: Yep.
Ross: We'll, we'll do an exercise with you.
Brother Orion: One other thing is that, is that this

Tape 6 – Side 2 she wanted it, her friend wanted to give it to her, and
eventually she traced it down and got it, which was
great, I was going to send it to her. And she sent me
Yates: This is Side 12 of the Ross Jeffries Basic Speed an e-mail. I was wondering, you know, what kind of
Seduction Seminar response is going to happen here. She sent me an
email and she's, she's saying, "Wow, it was a great
article. I really liked it.” She's saying things like, like,
Brother Orion: One other thing is, is that this stuff can "You know, I was wondering if it was, you know,
often be fun with it, with another guy, you know, because of what, what you were saying because I
hanging out with another guy, big groups of people think you're really a cool guy, but ...” And she started
you're not going to get a response, and when you saying all these things about my personality like solid
want to do it, a lot of times it's all about going out on things about what I've done in my life, the kind of
your own. You know? Not hanging out with other adventurous life I've lived. And saying, you know,
people or to impress your friends, but going out by "Even if it wasn't for this, I'd still find you really
yourself. And I recently had an experience when I was interesting and attractive.” She's not saying that that,
with, with Brother Kamal over at his place and we had that it didn't work on her, but she is saying, you
a couple of girls there. One of them was not into the know, she's, she's rationalizing, she's giving herself all
fact that I was getting as far with her friend as I was. these reasons to have the intense response that she
She was very apprehensive about that whole had and it's really cool. And she says, and she says
situation. I find it very interesting, but her friend was things like, things like, "Now, I don't mean to, you
really getting into it and like we were trying to be know, I don't mean to seem, I don't know, too ego, too
discreet, you know. She was getting turned on. I'm at egotistical or something, but I'd be, I'd love to have a
the other end of the couch, her friend would lean chance to see you again.” It was very flattering. Yeah,
forward and I'd move back. So anyway, I said, I she's like, she's like almost self-deprecating in her, in
whispered in her ear, "I'm going downstairs. I want her, you know, if, you know, "I don't mean to, I'm not
you to come with me.” And I grabbed her hand and the kind of woman, " what did she say? "I'm not the
she let go. And so I just kept walking. I came back kind of woman who wants to entrap you" or
and I was cold. I just, you know, there's your space, something like that. Or you know, "tie you down, but
there's my space. She went upstairs and she, she went it would just be wonderful to get together with you
upstairs and we were watching a videotape and there sometime.”
was a dog barking. And you know, we'd, we'd seen Ross: "I'm not the sort of woman who would throw
the whole place. Obviously, the TV has the dog on it. myself at you, but having said that ...”
She goes, "Do you have a dog up here? Is there a dog
up here?" There will be. Brother Orion: Right.

Audience: Laughter Audience: Laughter

Brother Orion: Okay? ?: _____ I don't know if this is real or _____ your
trance subject or something. Remember the name she
Ross: And now, there's a real interesting p. s. to this used?
story. You wound up telling her what you did.
Brother Orion: I don't think she said trance subjects,
Brother Orion: Yes. but ...
Ross: And what was her response? Remember that ... ?: It was a different name, it was really cute. She
Brother Orion: Oh, god. She sent me a great e-mail. basically said, "You know, I know you're doing this to
She loved, okay, first of all, she said to me at the end me, but I don't care because it feels ...”
of the night, she said, "I have never even kissed a Brother Orion: Right.
guy that I haven't known for at least six months.”
Okay? She sends me an e-mail, okay, and her friend ?: " ... so good ...”
knew about the, knew about the article, the ROLLING Brother Orion: Right.
STONE article, and, and, cause Kamal had given it to
her. And her friend wouldn't tell her about it. So I ?: " ... I'm going along for the ride.”
figured why am I going to tell her about it. Her friend Brother Orion: Exactly. Exactly. And the part that I
doesn't want to tell her, fine. But at the end, loved is where, you know, she's she's just giving

herself all of the reasons to feel all the feelings that Ross: Okay. Well, let's take a 10 minute break.
she feels. And she specifically says that she's not
trying to tie me down or get me into a relationship.
She just wants to see me again. Okay? BREAK IN TAPE
Audience: Response from audience
Brother Orion: How, how about if I get a rousing Ross: Let me just say, I don't install anything into
round of applause. anyone. This is NLP mythology concerning _____ to
intimidate you _____ . Someone said earlier that he
Audience: Applause
was concerned that I installed something in someone
Ross: Arousing and arousing ... that was not useful or against their values. Well let me
just say, this is bullshit. This whole thing about
?: Arousing applause.
installing things, this is what NLP trainers use to
Brother Orion: Aaah. intimidate you into thinking, "You better not fuck with
me or I'll install impotence or whatever, you know.”
Ross: Aaah, you're always playing. We want to make
As a matter of fact, the only thing I can do is, any
sure that we edit out the reference to the ROLLING
hypnotist can do, is structure opportunities for your
STONE article because it'll confuse people as to when
unconscious to respond. If your unconscious doesn't
this set came out. Okay? What do I keep hearing?
like what I'm offering, guess what? It has no power to
Beep, beep?
affect you in any way. If it does like it, it will pick it up
Audience: Response from audience. and run with it. Okay? And also I know, one of the
things about me is I don't offer a set of values for you
Ross: What is beep, beep?
to operate off of. All I do is put a set of tools out on
Audience: Response from audience. the table. To the extent that they conflict with your
values, don't pick them up. To the extent, the thing is
Ross: Who's going beep, beep?
you may not know how far you can go with it, so you
Audience: Somebody's cell phone or battery's low. don't know whether it conflicts or not. But I'm not
attempting to tell you that you should use this to be,
Ross: Okay, that's all right. That's not, I was just
you know, a sexual shark, swimming to the waters of
wondering what the hell that was.
singledom, gobbling down every morsel you see. Nor
Audience: It's a time bomb. Responses from audience. am I telling you to find that one monogamous, happy
relationship. All I'm saying is these are tools, go out
Ross: Ah, I don't have one ...
and use them. Okay? Now, we're going to bring up
Audience: Yeah, I'm going to get one. Major Mark.
Ross: Ah, still on the _____ , ROLLING STONE is still Audience: Yes.
on the newsstands.
Ross: Major Mark is going to take you through the
?: Hold it, Ross. Library, library end of the day. Major Mark is going to go at nuclear
warp speed so, oh, you had a question. Yes, ask.
Audience: Responses from audience
Audience: Well, two questions.
?: February 98?
Ross: Ask.
Ross: It was February and I think its issue 718.
Audience: Number one I wanted to ask you about
Audience: Responses from audience
setting up themes to get the pattern ...
Ross: Kate Winslet on the cover.
Ross: Uh huh. What specifically about that did you
Audience: Responses from audience. not understand?
Ross: I don't want to get into it. They just ... Audience: How to go about it.
Audience: Responses from audience. Ross: Okay. It's a process of asking myself questions.
It's a process for you of asking yourself questions.
Ross: Time?
Okay? Now the question you want to ask yourself is,
?: It took two hours. you pick a topic and you say, "What's interesting to
me about this?" Okay? That's the first question. You

write whatever answer you get down. And then you Audience: It means ready to accept something.
write, "How does that happen?" Then you write that
Ross: That's one state of mind. What would be
down. And that answer to that question, the
another of mind? How about fascination? Is that a
description of how that happens, is what you will use
state of mind?
for your pattern. Does that make sense?
Audience: Yeah.
Audience: Yeah.
Ross: Sure. Okay. If I wanted you to be fascinated, I
Ross: Now the next question you ask is, "What else is
could give you reasons. I should go, "The reason you
interesting to me about this?" And then you just run
should be fascinated with me ...” What's your name?
it through the same thing. ”How does that happen?"
And you get another description. Do you get it? Does Audience: Amos.
that make sense? Does it? I'm not hearing a strong,
Ross: Amos. ”The reason you should be fascinated
congruent yes. Does it make sense?
with me is what I'm going to tell you is really going to
Audience: What you're saying is first I pick a topic ... help you improve your life and you're going to get
lots of women. So that's why you should be
Ross: Yes.
fascinated with me.” Okay? That's not what a pattern
Audience: And then I'm supposed to go, "What is is. A pattern describes the process of how someone
interesting about the topic?" becomes fascinated. So I would say, instead of giving
you reasons, trying to talk you into it, telling you
Ross: Yeah.
what I like about it or what you should like about it.
Audience: What do I find ... Instead, I'm going to describe how it happens. I'd say,
"You know, you ever been totally fascinated with
Ross: Yeah.
someone? You ever meet some and he continued to
Audience: that I ... listen carefully and really look? It's as if the rest of the
environment just disappears and your entire world
Ross: Right.
becomes this face, this voice, this learning experience
Audience: And I describe-the process ... you're continuing to have. So that the more you just
keep looking, Amos, it's almost as if the rest of the
Ross: The way you describe the process is by asking
environment disappears itself and your entire world is
yourself the question, "How does that happen?"
what you're experiencing right now. And the more
"How does that happen?" Okay?
you continue to go into that place, all the way into
Audience: And I describe everything that I like about that place, I find, in my experience, when I just let go,
it. all the way, all the way deep inside.” Now, did you go
into that state?
Ross: No, I didn't say like. You're confusion is with
the word like. I didn't say like. I said, "How does that Amos: Yes
happen?" Okay? I'm not talking about preferences.
Ross: Did you go in because I gave you reasons to
This is not about getting people to decide whether
do it? Okay. So what you're misunderstanding was,
they're going to make a choice or not. Okay? This is
you thought it was important to say, to ask, what you
about discovering what a process is. Okay. Listen to
like about that. No, you want to describe the process.
me. Here's where your confusion is. You still think
The question is how does that happen? You
that I'm trying to give people reasons to do
understand? Now is it cleared up?
something. You still think that patterns are about
coming up for reasons to convince someone to make Amos: Yes
a rational decision to do something you want them to
Ross: Okay, good. We need to give him, for having
do. That's not what it's about. When I describe
the courage to ask a question, we need to give him
something for you, what it does is, it installs a state.
some kind of prize. So, do you have THE
Now let's talk about this. Do you understand what I
mean by state of mind?
Amos: Yes
Audience: Yes
Ross: You do. Do you have Kim's SUPER TONALITY
Ross: What do you think I mean by state of mind?
Can you give me an example of a state of mind?
Amos: No.

Ross: Okay, we'll give, give him Kim's SUPER Audience: Cheers and applause.
TONALITY tape. I'll pay for it, Bunny, so you can get
Major Mark: I always love these first parts of the
your commission. Okay. I meant it when I said ask
presentations. You know, the wild applause, the
questions; I meant it. Now what was your second
screaming and all that, you know?
question? Real quick cause Major Mark's chomping at
the bit. Audience: Laughter
Amos: Okay. Major Mark: Okay, okay. And now for something
completely different. Okay, okay? What I want to talk
Audience: Laughter.
about is something, this may have been touched on
Amos: _____ visualization on the pyramid. Now I can before, I don't know. I took a major nap yesterday, so
see a I'm not entirely sure what went on before. But
something that keeps coming up is the concept is
pyramid but part of it was light, part of it was dark and
how does this stuff work? Why does this stuff work?
it was absolutely no color.
When will it work for me? I want to explain something
Ross: Okay. You want to change that real fast? It'll that is both very, very simple and extremely powerful.
take me 30 seconds. May I cut into your time? Can Okay? And this is in line with what I do because I
you see the pyramid now? mentioned yesterday I'm really, really lazy. Okay? I'm
also really, really impatient, okay? Everything I want, I
Amos: Yes.
want now. If I've gone, to all the trouble of taking 5 or
Ross: Okay. Put your eyes at a 45 degree angle. Look 5 nanoseconds to come up with an idea, I want it now.
up, look, put your eyelids up at a 45 degree angle. Right? You know? Why wait? So, what I'm going to
Now you have it, your eyelids. Take a deep breath be talking about are things that are both simple and
and with your lips blow the color into the pyramid. So powerful. They apply to everything that you're going
see the color going into the pyramid with your breath. to be learning throughout the basic course. They're
Inhale again. Now blow that color out through your going to apply to everything that you're going to be
breath into the pyramid. You notice how that begins doing for the rest of your life. Okay? So let's start with
to help? something really, really simple. And that is words
have power. Words themselves are sources of
Amos: Yes. The side that's dark is getting lighter.
enormous power. Okay? We're all wired in a certain
Ross: Exactly. Okay. So learn to control your own way. We all have a predisposition towards language
dials. Okay. I'm going to bring up Major Mark. It's my use. Every human brain, not the mind, the mind is the
honor and pleasure to bring up the person who has part that's thinking and talking, making decisions, but
so influenced my thinking. You going to give him this there's also this piece of flesh that house all these
one or mike him up, cause I'm going to sit down. It's neurons fining away here and there's all these cross-
his stage. connections. That's the brain. And the brain
accommodates what are known as deep language
Major Mark: Actually I prefer that one cause I live to
structures. That is, we instinctively look for ways to
wave ...
categorize and express that which we experience as
Ross: Okay. language. So while, if you grow up in a certain part of
Europe, you start out speaking French before you do
Major Mark: around a lot.
anything else. Okay? You grow up here, you start out
Ross: So let's ... speaking English, maybe, depending on where you
live. Okay? Or you grow up in China, you're speaking
Audience: Laughter
Chinese, but you grow up using language. Why is
this? It's because we need a way to structure our
experience of reality. Now there's lots of folklore
floating around like how many Eskimo words are there
for snow? Well, depending on which exp ert you talk
to, it's anywhere from a lot to a whole lot. Okay? But
Audience: Applause
they have, they have lots of different words to talk
Major Mark: You looked very good in tux. about various specific things. Most of the time when
we use a word, we're working with a consensual or a
Ross: I looked good in my tux. Okay, ladies and
common definition. Okay? So if I say chair, you all
gentlemen, Major Mark.

know roughly what a chair is. You don't know which Audience: Laughter
style of chair I'm referring to. It could be a Queen
Major Mark: It's becoming real because you're using
Anne antique okay? It could be one of these
language in a very powerful way. Okay? Now, what
utilitarian chairs; it could be anything okay? You
we aim at, what we talk about a lot is the way in which
don't know which chair I'm talking about; it's not
you use language structures to create a beneficial
specific, but you've got a concept of chairness. Okay?
reality, a very pleasant reality. Okay? Is this the only
So we can start to use these very basic concepts to
thing that we do? No. The reason we're in this line of
communicate one another. It's what enables us to join
work is that each and every person in this room has,
the information and the knowledge that we have to
at some in their life, used language in a bad way.
work together and to benefit us all. Okay? Well
Okay? Let me give you an example. There's something
sometimes it's beneficial to come up with entirely new
I was working on the plane as we were coming up
words. Popular culture does this all the time. We do it
here. I have these interests and I have these
all the time. We've got a word that we call google.
obsessions and I have these projects. Okay? Ooh,
Okay? Bow many people know what google is? Okay.
they all came real, oh god. Okay. What I'm working on
A little over half google is that state that you are in
these days is how to take bad things and turn them
when you no longer give a shit about self-confidence
into powerful good things. Okay? Cause I get, I have
and instead you're just going out to get the maximum
a therapeutic practice. Okay? And it's because I'm
benefit and pleasure out of each and every moment in
hooked on talking to women and I'm really lazy and I
your life. Okay? Self-confidence is no longer
only do things I get paid for. Okay?
necessary because if you have google, you're
automatically moving towards maximizing your Audience: Laughter
experience of life. So we can invent new things, but if
Major Mark: So, what better line of work for a guy like
it didn't exist before, if it didn't have a name before,
me than to have women pay me to listen to them
how is it that when we come up with this word, all of a
discover their innermost secrets and make them feel
sudden it's real, all of a sudden it's true? It's because
wonderful. Okay? It's a good job.
there's a very simple process that is part of these deep
structures I'm talking about that we go through. Each Audience: Laughter
and every one of us. It's the way we're wired. Okay?
Major Mark: But, people come to me and they have
He was talking earlier about something I like to talk
desires and behaviors that are not acting in their best
about a lot, which is forget outcomes, forget specific
interests. There's this thing we have, back up, back
outcomes. Instead look for very predictable structures
up, back up. Rewind. Thank you, Ben. All of us are
that everyone has that you can get, you can use to
capable of going in and out of trance. We do it all the
get what you want. Okay? So, when we name a thing,
time. Okay? That's why I work as a hypnotist and the
we make it real. If you know the name of something, it
easiest thing in the world for me to do is to teach
exists. And you can convince someone else that it
people how to go into trance, cause all I have to do is
exists as well. As you begin to describe it, it comes to
teach them how to recognize how they've been going
life. Think about this. Okay? If I say chair, you go,
into trance all their life and then say, "Now, do it
okay, yeah chair, I got it. And I go, well, aluminum
again and listen carefully as I explain something.”
chair, roughly three and a half feet tall, it's got a green
Okay? That's it. Okay? At 150 bucks an hour all day,
fabric pillow on it, maybe a red leather back. Okay?
every day, right? So, there's this thing, people go into
And it's sitting three feet to you left oriented 45
trance all the time, they do it outside their conscious
degrees off towards the north. Well all of a sudden
awareness, they do it repeatedly. Now there are good
you have a much better idea about it. Okay? If I say
trances, like when you daydream about something
can you rememb er a vacation spot? Ooh, yeah, they
wonderful and you emerge from this daydream feeling
can. Well maybe it was at the beach. And on that
relaxed, refreshed, feeling great, new ideas about
beach you can feel white sand compressing from my,
possibilities in your life. There's this thing called
underneath each and every step. You can feel the
pathological trance. A pathological trance is a belief, a
onshore breeze with that tang of salt air, the birds
behavior, a mindset, an attitude that acts in
crying overhead, the rustle of the palm fronds, the
conjunction with other things like this to limit your
smell of the coconut oil is drifting on down the beach,
choices. Okay? Now let me give you a really good
the snap of the bikini string as she unfastens to roll
example. Okay? There's this thing called a compulsion
over. Okay? Oh, yeah, it's getting better and better,
and a compulsion is defined as an irresistible urge to
isn't it?
perform an unnatural act.

Audience: Laughter that fucker up?
Major Mark: Every time I talk about this, sheep get Audience: Laughter
into the conversation.
Major Mark: All right? Sounds good. Let's look at
Audience: Laughter another one, another example of sloppy, sloppy
language. Okay? Ooh, ooh, ooh, this is one of my
Major Mark: I don't know what it is. Okay? Okay.
ail-time favorites. Constraint. A constraint, well it
Choices of language and here, ooh, I didn't spell that
means many things, but one possible meaning is a
correctly. Just assume this says irresistible. Okay? An
repression of one's own feelings, behaviors or
irresistible urge to perform an unnatural act. Okay?
actions. Okay. I used to do a lot of work with
So, if we were to look at this, many people think that
engineers; I used to be an engineer, spent 18 years in
compulsions are bad. People come to me all the time,
the software industry. This is after I stopped shooting
they say, "How dare you work with compulsions.
people and before I started healing people. Okay?
These are bad things, bad, bad, bad, bad.” Okay?
People say that a lot when I'm talking. Okay? What we Audience: Laughter
have here is a failure to understand things clearly.
Major Mark: And one of the things you do as an
You look for perjoratives. Perjoratives are negative
engineer is you're paid to solve problems. People
connotations that are applied to words. Which if you
pose problems to you and then you go ahead and
accepted that concept as true would tell you that a
you find a series of solutions and then you pick you
word, a word exists, it refers to something that's real
ideal solution. Well, as you do so, one of the first
as you u se it in description that brings it to life, well
questions you ask yourself are, "What are the
you could start doing bad things. And that would be
constraints?" If you're working on a product design,
a bad thing. Look at this one right here. Unnatural act.
for example, you want to know what is all the desired
What does unnatural mean? Well, in the popular
functionality, what are the things it can't do, like in the
parlance, unnatural means deviant. Okay? It's a bad
software world, what are, what are the things that it
thing, it's an unnatural act. What unnatural actually
must not do in order to keep the overall environment
means is it is not something that you would naturally
running? You know, the Microsoft environment, so it
do. It is not part of the patterns in your life, the
only crashes three times a day instead of twelve.
patterns that you typically use as a substitute for
thought. Okay? There are a lot of patterns we use in Audience: laughter
our life to avoid thinking. Okay. Belief systems are
Major Mark: Okay? Or constraints can be
patterns we use to avoid thinking. A dogma is
environmental factors like you could define, you
something we use to avoid thinking. Okay. So if we
could design the best software product ever, but if it
look at this and said an irresistible urge to perform an
would cost 3, 000 dollars a copy, you're not going to
unnatural act, we could do a very rational thing, that
sell all that much. But if sell it at $39. 95, you're going
must have sounded wonderful, we could do a very
to sell just a bazillion of these things. Okay?
rational thing and simply redefine for everyone in the
Constraints are rules and boundaries that you place
room well unnatural means, but since we're all learning
around the area within which you solve your problem.
how to be hypnotists and we're all already great guys
Okay? Well, gosh, constraints have another meaning
and we don't do negative things, what if you just
as well though. A constraint is a repression of one's
cross that part off? And I say compulsion, an
own feelings, behaviors and actions. So if you were to
irresistible urge to' perform an act? Ooh, that sounds
look at how do I go about solving the problem of my
pretty good doesn't it? That could be used as part of
life, how do I go about designing new behaviors, new
a propulsion -system. That could move you
belief systems, new attitudes and new actions so that
irresistibly into a , highly desirable future. Okay?
my life gets better than it, I ever, you know, imagined
When we're building our pictures, we might want to
in my wildest imaginings? Everyone starts out and
look and say, "Where have we had a compulsion in
they build a box. Okay? And within this box is where
our life?" Okay? "Where have we been compelled to
we're going to devise our solutions. The boundary of
do something? Where do we keep that memory and
the box is the constraint. Well, what is a constraint? A
what would happen if in that very same spot we were
constraint is that area in which you have a repression
to just blank out the previous content, keep the power
of your own feelings, behaviors and actions. Okay?
and put in a new picture?" Oooh, yeah. And you
Listen to yourself talk to yourself. Because if you
could make that picture bigger; you could move it
start thinking about constraints, not only do you say,
right into your immediate future? And you could turn
for example, that, you know, I'm inside a box but it's

attractive because it's my box. You know? You also thing? Well, maybe not. It depends on what you're
say that there's all this area outside the box. There are doing. All these things are value free, okay? Words
a million, a billion potential solutions outside the box. don't have anywhere near the power that most people
What keeps you from moving outside the box? think, even though they control everyone's reality.
Constraints. What is a constraint? It's a repression of How can this be? Well, Lenny Bruce was right. And
your own feelings, behaviors and actions. We were Lenny Bruce made a very nice living off of talking
talking earlier today about obstacles. Okay? And how about things that you're not supposed to talk about.
obstacles are perceived. Obstacles are constructs in Okay? Lenny Bruce used to be able to stand up in
our mind. There are very, very few natural obstacles. front of an audience and say "fuck" and people would
I'll give you an example of a natural obstacle. Okay? I applaud while even paying for it. You know? I think
used to be a top-ranked shooter. Okay? I could go I've got a good job, jeez. But the thing is, words are
anywhere in the world, pick up my tool, compete, and value-free, it's the connotation and the notion of
come out very, very well. Now, in the interim, I have reality that you bring to them that determine whether
had two accidents, one of which damaged my left eye, they're helpful or they're harmful. Okay. Now let's do
one of which damaged my right eye. Ooh, bad thing. obsessions.
It's a physical constraint. There's absolutely nothing I
Audience: Are _____ connotations, are they are
can do about that, So, I don't compete in that
_____ .
particular level any more. Now they go out shooting, I
go talk to their wives. Right? Major Mark: Yeah. Perjority means negative and
negative in this sense means it hurts somebody.
Audience: Laughter
Okay. I, I am a real big believer on good things, bad
Major Mark: Okay. However, there are no other things. I mentioned this before. In my life, good
constraints in the rest of my life. I can do anything I things are that which expand your possibilities and
want. I can think anything I want and believe make you feel good. Bad things are things which
anything I want. I don't accept the idea of constraints. restrain your possibilities and hurt you. Now, I'm not
When I find something that's an obstacle, the first talking about did it hurt your feelings. I'm talking
thing I do is I think, speed bump, okay? An obstacle about did it puncture this bag of fluids and you're
is this little blip in the road that let's me know that, leaking. Okay? I'm not tremendously concerned about
whoa, something just happened there, maybe I ought whether someone has hurt feelings or not because I
to slow down, maybe I ought to go around next time, can't control that. I have no idea what garbage has
maybe I'm driving down the wrong fucking street. been placed in your mind and you've been practicing
Okay? But, it's now longer this huge thing looming in for the past 20 years. Not my problem. Okay? But, if I
my mind because I have redefined it. And as I start haul off and I'm gesturing wildly and I whack you in
using new terms, as I use new words, I build new the side of the head, that's a bad thing. Okay? I've
realities and by describing it to myself, I bring it to entered into your personal space as Brother Orion
life. Does this make sense? Say yes. said and yeah, in a very direct way and it didn't turn
out very well. Okay. Obsessions. A persistent
Audience: Yes
disturbing preoccupation with an often unreasonable,
Major Mark: I like this. Okay. Let me give you one oh, idea or feeling. Okay. A persistent disturbing
more example. Okay? People also get down on me preoccupation with an often unreasonable idea or
cause I like to talk about, well we won't do dominance. feeling. Do you get the idea that the people who write
We'll do obsessions. Okay? I'll make you do these dictionaries are like trying to get a point across?
dominance. You know? Persistent, disturbing, preoccupation,
unreasonable. Well, what does this really mean? You
Ross: There's nothing wrong with dominance.
know what an obsession is, right? It's a thought that
Audience: Do dominance. gets into your head and you just can't let go. All
right? I just came from Disney World and I really
Major Mark: Dominance, dominance is really simple.
worked hard to avoid anything that was going "It's a
The actual definition of dominance is to exert the
small, small world.”
supreme or determining influence. Okay? It does not
mean to control. It does mean to, you know, hook her Audience: Laughter
up to a leash and drag her around the room. Instead, it
Major Mark: Because these people are very clever.
means you are the most powerful influence in
That thing will stick in your mind for months. All
someone's life. Now, does that sound like a negative
right. An obsession is an idea that gets into your

head from whatever way, whatever cause and it just saying things to yourself like, "I'm not the kind of guy
haunts you. Okay? You can't get it out of your head. who does x, y, z.” Or, "She would never be interested
So, let's look at this again. Persistent, that's not too in me.” Or, "I could never get all the way into wild,
bad. Disturbing; what does disturbing mean? It means screaming, rip-up the-sheets sex on the first date.”
it is interrupted the normal progression or the normal Okay? All of these are examples of pathological
reality that you've got running inside your head. It trance. None of them are true. Okay? You've been
has disturbed it. If you go out to a flowerbed and using language in bad ways and it's time, this
move the dirt a little bit around, you have disturbed weekend, now, to begin to think very, very carefully
the dirt. Have you caused the dirt nightmares? about how you talk to yourself. What is it that you
say to yourself and how do you say it? What is the
Audience: Laughter
tonality you use? Kim's going to come up and she's
Major Mark: No. Okay? All it means is to move out of going to be talking about tonality. Okay? I've had the
the normal order. Preoccupation; what is a great pleasure of being around Kim for quite some
preoccupation? Or how does it manifest itself? If you time now. She's fabulous. You're going to love it.
were to imagine the movie screen right in front of you She's right. Okay? You could be telling yourself a
that you're playing your entire life, okay, and now good thing in your head and if you're using this
right in front of you, in your own person movie whiny little tonality, okay, it's like the dentist drill.
theater, you have a large, unpleasant woman wearing Okay? That's what tonality is. You ever go into a
a large hat, okay, you would be preoccupied with the dentist's office and you're sitting there and you're
fact that she was blocking your view. It takes a central looking at some magazine that was old six months
point, a focus within your life. Okay? Often ago, and in the background you hear this rrrring,
unreasonable, unreasonable; what does that mean? It rrring, rrring? I'm convinced that they, I mean, they
means it doesn't make a lot of sense. But wait a don't even do the work. They just tape it and play it,
minute. We've been talking about intuition. Intuition You know?
is a good thing. We all want it; we're going to be
Audience: Laughter
practicing it. But where is the rationale behind
intuition? Where is the clear and obvious mechanism Major Mark: Because they, they get you into such,
that intuition uses? Well, you can't see it, that's the such a deep trance state before you even hit the chair.
whole point. Okay? It's unreasonable. So, let's strike It's like I give up, do me, you know, rrrr, rrring.
out these things that have the messy, messy Tonality sets the tenor of your response to a
ambiguities. Okay. We'll cross out disturbing, we'll message. Okay? So you, you choose your words very
cross out often unreasonable and say an obsession is carefully. You think about the tonality. You'll hear
a persistent preoccupation with an idea or feeling. people like Ross and myself, we'll be talking away and
Okay? I've had the privilege of meeting some people we'll stop, we'll go, "Aaah.” Okay? It's a tension
who have competed in the Olympics. My father release but it also moves us right back down into the
competed in the Olympics. Through him I got to know point where we can talk instead up here and really fast
a whole bunch of these people. Okay? When they talk like I often do. You go slow down. Okay? And you
about doing their mental imagery, when they talk get the tonality going and you're soothing yourself
about doing their preparation for their event, for their Now, I told you all that to tell you this. There are a lot
competition, they talk about a single-minded focus on of ideas that are going on in the world about what
an attitude, an action and an outcome. Okay? What does it mean to be a seducer? Okay? If you'd walk up
are they? They are obsessed with correct to the average woman on the street and say,
performance. Again, this about a time in your life "Describe a seducer, " you're going to get a negative
when there were thoughts going through your head response back. And yet, if you ask her, "Has ever
that were persistent, they were outside your normal been a time in your life when you met a man who just,
order of things, you couldn't get them out of your out of the blue, appeared in front of you, the very
head and you really don't know why it's happening, picture of someone you've wanted all your life,
but god dammit, you just can't get it out of your head. someone who is blah, blah, blah, blah, " you just
That's an obsession and you can use it on your own describe them, "would you find that attractive?"
behalf. Okay. Now, why am I telling you all this stuff? "Ooh, yeah.” Well, wait a minute. A seducer is bad
First of all, it's true. These things need to be said. and yet the man who is capable of seducing them is
You've been talking to yourself in bad ways. You've good. How does that work? You know? How can
been talking to yourself in ways that have acted to these things both be true? And it's because there's a
close down your sense of possibilities. You've been connotation with the word. Words resonate with

people in certain ways. Now, some of the questions Audience: Laughter
that have been asked so far this weekend have to do
Major Mark: Okay? This is a bad thing, bad thing.
with things like where is it ethical to use these
technologies? Okay? How can you use it ways that Audience: Laughter
help women without hurting them? Okay? How could
Major Mark: Yep, good thing, bad thing. So I learned
you use it to fit within the social constraints so that
to express myself in different ways.
you don't, I mean, listen, I ... I do research projects. I
get bored really easily, so when I do a research Audience: Laughter
project, I don't just like go out and say, "Someone
Major Mark: Okay? I learned that there are ways of
told me this is true. I tried it and it's true. I'll try it ten
being a seducer that do not slip into pathological
more times and see if it's still true.” No, no. I
trance. There are ways of approaching seduction that
immediately go back to my previous slide here and
do not involve limiting anyone's options, harming
say, "Fuck constraints.” Okay? "Where are the real
anyone at all. And the key to this is to (a) use your
boundaries on this stuff So, as a result, I have, yes in
language correctly, always be scrupulously honest
fact, jumped out a second story windows while
and actually do everything that you're talking about.
somebody else was coming up the stairs with a gun.
Brother Orion's main point, okay, you cannot crank,
Okay? Bad thing, bad, bad, bad. Okay? I have had a
somebody kick Brother Orion. Okay, there we go. You
real problem with my landlord in an apartment complex
cannot crank them up to nuclear pitch and then leave
because women kept breaking the lock on their front
them hanging there. Cause what happens? It pisses
door and coming in and pounding on my door, cause
them off. They're in a highly energized state, they're
they wanted more. Okay?
paying attention to you and now they're pissed off.
Audience: Laughter. Bad thing. Okay? You want, instead, to follow
through on everything that you promised, which
Major Mark: This is no shit. I mean, it's, reality is far
means you need to be very, very careful about what
stranger than any fiction you could ever come up
you promise. You promise things, things through
with. Okay?
words, you promise things through Implication,
Audience: Laughter through your use of ambiguity, you promise things
through your physical performance. Okay? You have
Major Mark: Once you learn this sort of stuff, there is
to fucking pay attention. You're always
this natural tendency to go out and try it a lot. Okay?
communicating, inside and outside. Okay. Now, some
You sit back and think, "I am a master speed seducer.
people come up and ask me and they say, well, oh, for
I have always wanted six foot athletic blondes.” And
example, let's just use this few minutes here to talk
see, you start to collect some. Okay?
about one of my most famous research projects,
Audience: Laughter which is the scoring with married women book.
Major Mark: And you forget the off switch. Okay?
And so all of a sudden, you've got this small stable of
Yates: This concludes Side 12 of the Ross Jeffries
athletic, you know, blondes who want more of what
Basic Speed Seduction Home Study Course
they got before. Okay? It may be you got a little
sloppy and didn't redirect all that energy some place
else so they're still looking for you. Okay?
Audience: Laughter
Major Mark: I was living in this apartment complex, no
shit, women were like breaking the locks on the
entrance door, coming upstairs, pounding on my
door, three in the morning, "I now you're in there. I
know you're in there with her.” Barn, bam, bam, ... I'm
thinking, "What the fuck is this?" And then my
neighbor starts getting really upset, not because of
the noise, but because his wife is sniffing around
saying, "What's so special about Mark that he's got
all these women?"

Tape 7 – Side 1 Major Mark: you just go ahead and you succumb.
You know? People ask me all the time, you know,
"Gee, you're Major Mark. You're this world famous
Yates: Welcome to Side 13 of the Ross Jeffries Basic seducer, you know. If you can do anything in your
Speed Seduction Home Study Course life you want, for Christ sake, look at everything
you've done so far, why did you get married?" And
the answer is really simple. Cassie's a much better
Major Mark: To end it up, there's a public called THE hypnotist than I am.
WOMEN. Major Mark: But the thing is, our concept of marriage
includes pathological trance. This is a verifiable fact.
Audience: Laughter It closes down your options. And for most women in
Major Mark: Okay? our society they move into a predominantly sexless
role. Does this mean they don't have sex? No, it
Audience: Laughter means that that aspect of their life, they vibrant
Major Mark: That's right. Hey, you know. And the sexuality that they reveled in just a year before, is
thing is the reason I started thinking about all this sublimated to the concept of marriage. Okay? They
was in my work as a therapist, I see anywhere are now a wife. So, you've all seen it. It's like you meet
between, oh jeez, 40, 50 women a week professionally. some woman, she's very active, she's friendly and all
Okay? Out of those, at least half and this spans, this this kind of stuff. She goes and gets married and then
is an average, this spans the last 10 years, I would say all of a sudden she can't go to lunch with you
at least half have either said they're going to have an because she's married. Okay? She can't talk to you at
affair, they're having an affair, or they have had an parties, can't fool around and flirt like she used to
affair. And I'm thinking, "Well, now wait a minute. cause she's married. Okay? Women are taught to
How can this be when, in fact, the whole image of protect themselves, to hold men not at an arm's
married women is that marriage is sacred, it's forever, distance, more like a football field's distance, once
it's true, it's permanent, it's concrete, you know, it's they're married. Because they want to avoid the
titanium, not can possibly interfere with it.” Well, the appearance of temptation, they want to avoid the
fact is as I mentioned before, women are people. reality of temptation. Okay? Well, unfortunately,
Okay? People are engines of infinite possibility, women are just like people. This shit only goes so far.
including behaviors, including desires, including Okay? A few years into this, maybe even sooner, they
needs. Okay? And we have a myth built up in our start going, "Hey.” Because the woman they used to
culture that says before marriage women go through be is still alive. Okay? That, that laughing, happy girl
predictable stages. Okay? They're little girls who are who'd go out and dance all night and just love the
dreaming about the future and what must be. Okay? experience is still alive, she still wants to come out
They're adventurous young women who are out and play. See, there's this very important truth, and
partying, dancing, flirting, experimenting with love that is there's no such thing as a married woman.
affairs, finding out what life is all alike, and then There is no such thing as a married woman. We, we've
suddenly at some point it's like they throw a switch, got the words all wrong. There are only women who
boom, new path, and they decide they want to get have gotten married.
married. And marriage is something that is apart, Audience: Laughter
marriage is something different. Marriage means that
they go o ut and they decide "I'm ready to get married, Major Mark: Okay? There are women who have
here's the kind of man I want to get married to, " and changed t heir legal status and somehow wrapped up
heaven help the next poor sorry bastard who wanders in this thing is the whole idea that now I have to be
into their sights. completely different person and shut down huge
areas of my life in order to be a happily married
Audience: Laughter woman. Who benefits from this? Married men. Okay?
Major Mark: You know? Because she's ready. Okay? Married men love this shit. Okay? Cause they can still
And she's going to girlnosis on you until ... run around and do anything they want, they can be
masters of the universe, they can be in charge,
Audience: Laughter knowing that wifey is going to be home, wifey's going
to be a good girl. The one thing that terrifies a married

man the most is the idea that his wife is going to wake hump her leg right here.
up. Okay? She's going to say, "Hey, I've got desires,
Audience: Laugher
I've got needs, I'm a human being, I want to have a
little adventure, I want to have a little passion, I want Major Mark: You know? Okay? Well, as women in our
to do something outside the box. I can see over this society take an ever-increasing role in everyday
constraint and see that it's just a line here, it doesn't activities, the broad-range activities, guess what?
really exist.” Oooh, what starts to happen then? They Their opportunity goes up so the number goes up.
start looking for possibilities. Now, up until relatively Okay? Is this a bad thing? Well, this is where people
recently it was men who had greater possibilities for argue. Okay? People have various opinions; they
infidelity. Oooh, okay? Infidelity means unfaithful and have various beliefs, good thing, bad thing. I'm not
that really refers back to what's the nature of the really qualified to judge. All I know is that in my
promise you made, which is, you should be really professional practice if a day goes by without
careful about it. I just went through this marriage somebody hitting on me, I figure I must be on
ceremony where half of it was in Hebrew and that vacation or I'm sure as hell not in the office. Okay? It
made me nervous as hell. You know? I mean, I have happens all the time, all the time. Now why do women
no idea what the man was talking about, I just know, do this? Pause for reflection. Women do this because
you know, he was going on and on and the whole they want the same things we want. Okay? They want
congregation was going, yeah, yeah, and I'm going, pleasure, they want passion, they want adventure.
"What is this?" You know? And it's not that they have something specific in
mind. They want something that they associate with
Ross: You waved your stock portfolio.
those words. They want something that they
Major Mark: That's right. associate with those values that the culture has
pounded into them. Okay? When you want to keep a
Audience: Laughter
wife from straying, you are actually running up into
Major Mark: Exactly right. I affirmed the second this headlong confrontation with 20, 30, 40 years of
mortgage and you know all that kind of stuff. But the cultural conditioning to be just the opposite. Okay? I
thing is there are, there are a couple of studies that mean, it is absolutely amazing. Now women are able to
came out last year that have to do with married and compartmentalize their behavior in ways that men find
their, their sexual behavior. And the most unnatural. What is unnatural? It's not bad, it just
conservative study that came out of U. S. means we haven't practiced it. Okay? Men are such
Government, oddly enough, because they don't simple creatures. It's really true. I teach this course
publish the one's that aren't politically correct, I don't called BUILDING A BETTER GIRLFRIEND. Okay?
know if you know this, but there's all this research And guys get wildly excited about it because it all
that never makes it outside the Library of Congress works. It works wonderfully well. Women don't even
because they don't want to admit it. Okay? But, the blink. It's funny. Guys go, "Well, Jeez, you know,
most conservative study published for the past does this really work? Can I do this, can I do this with
couple of years said that one out of three wives will, it, can I do that with it?" Women go, "Cool, where do
in fact, repeatedly have affairs while she remains I sign?" Okay? They find out I teach this stuff, they're
married. One out of three. Okay? Now, if that was the reaching for their checkbook. Okay? They understand
only number, that means there's one hell of a lot of this stuff cause they know that behaviors fall into
women doing this. My experience as I said is that, is different categories in your life. Okay? And a way a
roughly half The greatest predictor of infidelity is woman is going to approach doing something outside
opportunity. It's a fact, okay? You all know this is her marriage, seeking pleasure outside her marriage, or
true. You're men, you're dogs, you sniff butts, you even worse yet, seeking meaningful conversation and
know? meaningful emotions outside her marriage, she'll do it
in a box. Okay? This is a question when I first started
Audience: Laughter
doing the research, I couldn't figure out how is it that
Major Mark: You know that if the opportunity women cheating on their marriage was such a bad
presents itself in front of you, you go, oooh, this is thing was so many of them appeared to be doing it.
nice. Okay? I can always think about how it's a bad You know? You would think that the countryside
thing later. would be just littered with destroyed lives. I mean if
one out of two women are doing it, you would think
Audience: Laughter
that we would be totally fucked instead of mostly
Major Mark: Right now it's here. You know? I want to fucked up.

Audience: Laughter in such a way that it would never negatively impact
your primary relationship ...” I mean, look at all the
Major Mark: All right? Okay. And what I found is that
qualifiers I'm using. Okay? Okay. ”Would you do it?"
the question I learned to ask, which is the killer, killer
Well, yes they would. Okay? Do I ever have to say,
question, is if there was a way that you could
"Would you like to go fuck?" "No!" Okay. If half the
experience a once-in-a-lifetime romantic or sexual
married women in North America are either looking for
adventure, without it negatively impacting your
the opportunity, have the opportunity, have had the
primary relationship, would you do it? Yes, the
opportunity, chances are all I have to do is be
answer would comeback just like that. Okay. Because
available. The greatest predictor of infidelity is
within those constraints I drew a bigger box. Right?
Within those constraints they all go for it. Well how Audience: Possibility.
can this possibly be if it's a naturally bad thing? It's
Major Mark: Possibility. Opportunity. Right? Okay? If
because I used language that allowed a greater sense
you bring in a carload of starving women all I have to
of possibility. Okay.
do is look like the dessert tray.
Audience: Can you restate that?
Audience: Laughter
Major Mark: Which part?
Major Mark: These women are going to go out and
Audience: The part, if there was ... they're going to be looking for that experience with
someone. Now, they could go out and find somebody
Major Mark: Oh. If there was, ha ha, you want to use
who hasn't been through this course before and so
this later, huh?
isn't very skilled, isn't very knowledgeable, isn't very
Audience: Yeah. mature, doesn't know how to do it in such a way that
doesn't hurt people, and so they can end up with
Major Mark: If there was a way for you to enjoy a
romantic or sexual adventure outside your marriage in
such a way that it would never negatively impact your Ross: There's a point I want to make here. And I hope
primary relationship, would you do it? you can see this point. The point I want to make is
regardless of whether you're interested in seducing
Audience: Thank you.
married women or not, there's a, there's a much more
Major Mark: I've, I've asked tens of thousands of interesting thing going on here. In my opinion. And
women this question. I've not yet gotten a no answer. that is Mark's ability to see beyond the box and refuse
Okay? This tells me I'm on to something. to be, however temporarily at least, refuse to be
brainwashed by a set of word associations. The, the,
Audience: Laughter. Would you repeat that one more
the, everything that he's doing here flows, and correct
me if I'm wrong, but I think I'm night, I think I know
Major Mark: It's actually all on a very fine course how you think, at least I think I think I know how you
called BUILD A BETTER GIRLFRIEND. think, but then there's what you know that you know,
then there's what ...
?: It's available.
Audience: Laughter
Audience: Now, I ...
Ross: You don't know you know until one day you
Major Mark: Yes I will.
suddenly realize you know you know it. And then
Audience: When you ask that question, do you ask it when what you don't know you becomes what you
as sort of like research to find out or do you ask it as know you know, then you just think things
part of a seduction? differently. You know? So anyway, little confusion.
Here's the point. This all flows out of Mark's
Major Mark: Well, if I'm in the office its research.
understanding that there are no married women, there
Audience: Yeah. Laughter. are only women who got married. So he refuses to
have a category in his mind that says single
Major Mark: Uh huh. But, if I'm sitting at a restaurant
women/married women. To him they're all women.
somewhere, I'll just ask it. I'll say, "Listen, as a man,
And therefore he's able to reach the conclusion,
I'm curious about something that you can reveal to me
"Wait a minute. They still have the same response,
now and that is ...” boom, I hit them with the question.
the same desires, the same mindsets as single
”If there was a way for you to experience a romantic
women.” So that ability to take a, a defining wordset,
or sexual adventure outside the realm of your marriage

a set of words that captures and traps people's neuro example of how our cultural mindset and how we use
associations and forces them along a narrow line of language exerts a powerful, powerful influence on
thinking, so narrow that they can't even see the you. But the key to shatter, to break that control is to
opportunity that's over here. You really want to begin just wake up, to look at what's _____ , to listen to
to question for yourselves, even if you don't accept what is actually being said inside and outside your
that seducing married women is something you would head, and going, "Wait a minute. Is that true or not?"
even step towards doing, at least ask yourself, "Okay, Yes. Yes sir.
what else is there in my life where I'm accepting the
Audience: Yeah. I support your concept of breaking
definition that's so narrowing, so constricting?" In
out of the box. I started out with a thousand dollar
fact, what Mark is really saying, if I might, he saying
MasterCard loan and I built up a multi-million dollar
that the very term married woman is a pathological
worldwide _____ .
trance inducer.
Major Mark: Sure. Okay.
Major Mark: Uh huh.
Audience: Breaking out of the box. Reading about
Ross: Why? Because it narrows the type of things
doing that and I like your openness, okay?
you can even begin to consider let alone act on.
Okay? Even if you would never seduce a married Major Mark: Uh huh.
woman, at least see how the very word, married
Audience: And you talked about being honest ...
woman, is actually a pathological trance inducer,
cause it's taking away your choice to even think Major Mark: Uh huh.
about it in a different way. And a huge amount of the
Audience: Okay? And I respect that concept. But if
control mechanisms in our society are pathological
you promise somebody at the altar and you go and
trance inducers through words. If someone can
break that contract, you are not being honest.
determine how you think about something, then they
can determine how far you think about something. Major Mark: I understand what you're saying.
Okay? And the way they do that is through
Audience: In my, you know, my ...
languaging and through words. So look at this, even
if you don't agree with seducing married women or Major Mark: Okay.
not, look at this as an opportunity to begin to explore
Audience: Do you agree with that or not?
how words induce pathological trance. And dating is,
in effect, a set of words that induce a pathological Major Mark: Uh, yes and no. Okay? I'm not trying to
trance. A pathological trance that requires men to be dance around the question, Okay. The marriage
supplicators, that requires men to be sex beggars or compact as we understand it in American culture is
bullies, or requires men to be, accept terrible choices one of the very few open-ended contracts you ever
that you either do nothing or you have to live on luck enter in, enter into. Most contracts are bounded by
and chance. Okay? You've been sold a huge amount terms and conditions that are often bounded by dates
of pathological trance. A huge amount. And that as well. Okay? Marriage is the one area where you
pathological trance is called dating. Am I correct don't know what the hell you're doing with somebody
about this? you don't really understand and you promise a certain
set of behavior forever. The fact is people change.
Major Mark: Yes.
Okay? Now, if I were to look at anybody, male or
Ross: Is this where you're driving with it? female, who looks at what they promised before and
says this binds my behavior forever, regardless of
Major Mark: Yeah. Cause see the thing is, I'm always
how unhappy I may be, as someone who makes a
honest with you guys, but let me just abandon any
living out of helping people, I have to wonder about
kind of sophistication and go right for the blunt edge.
that line of reasoning. Okay? I understand what
The reason that I talk to people about my research
you're talking about because when I give somebody
into this area is because the whole concept of scoring
my word, I go through, I mean, I will go through the
with married women gets people right by the balls,
fires of hell to make sure that I promised. In fact, that's
gets guys right by the balls. Some guys go, "Oh,
one thing people will tell you about me is I'm very
yeah, I want to do that.” Other guys go, "You fucking
careful about what I promise because I'm obligated to
scum. How dare you even think this.” And then most
perform. Okay? That's why when we got married, I
guys go, "Huh?" Cause it never even came on the
didn't make any promise to be faithful forever,
radar screen before. Okay? The thing is, this is a prime
sexually faithful forever. It didn't even come up. What

I explicitly promised and which I will honor to the day you going to lie?
I die is that I will never do anything to hurt her.
Audience: I would say to him, "Are you crazy?"
Audience: But if you have sex with another woman in
Ross: Well, he says, "Do you have any Jews in your
the age of AIDS, there's a chance. If your wife ...
Ross: Okay. Hang on a second, hang on a second.
Audience: "What a question to ask of a Nazi.”
There's a degree which an exchange degenerates into
a dialogue in an argument. You, he made, he, you Ross: Okay, good. So you would say no. Okay.
acknowledged what you appreciated about him and
Audience: No, I wouldn't.
where your difference was and he answered you back.
So we can keep going but, but, but, but, but ... I think Ross: You would, you would not lie.
that the discussion has gone to the point where it's
Major Mark: No, that dissembling. That's dissembling.
getting extended to that. I don't want it to do that.
Ross: That's dissembling, that's not telling the truth.
Major Mark: Right. It's a mistake to get too attached a
model ... Audience: I'm not saying no.
Ross: It's a mistake to but, but, but, let me say this. Ross: But if you said yes, if your only choice was yes
There's, there's one point I want to make and then I or now, I'm serious, if your only choice was yes or no,
want to drop that. There's a concept in law, having would you lie?
been a former paralegal, called an adhesion contract.
Audience: I'd just, I'd go off on them. ”How dare
Do you know what an adhesion contract is? The law
frowns upon contracts of adhesion. It basically means
you're stuck with it. Adhesion, to adhere, it means the Ross: Listen to me and answer my question. If your
contract is so binding and one-sided and oppressive, only choice was yes or no, would you lie?
you're basically forced into signing it. And the law
Audience: Yes I would.
frowns upon that sort of thing. An example of an
adhesion contract is an insurance policy. If an Ross: Okay. So being honest is not always the best
insurance policy has impossible conditions and you thing. Okay. Let's drop this topic.
still sign it, the law will look, look at that say it's
Major Mark: Okay. Perhaps I can put some minds at
rest by saying I have never hit on a married woman in
Major Mark: Not enforceable. my life. I've never set out to seduce a married woman
in my life. Have I ever had married women hit on me?
Ross: Not void, but voidable. And there's an extent to
Yes, constantly. Okay? The thing is, once a woman
which marriage is an adhesion contract because the
puts her mind to this, okay, once she's changed her
norms of society will only confer certain benefits if
boundaries, when she has changed her constraints,
you agree to certain sexual restrictions that may not
she's going to be out doing something, if she's
be in the best interest of human beings. They may or
moving through society like a virus in pumps and
they may not . So there's an extent to which marriage
pearls. Okay? I mean, ...
can be viewed as a contract of adhesion, you know,
that, that it's so binding and oppressive that to break Audience: Laughter
it is not necessarily, it may, and by the way, not all
Major Mark: That's right. And see, the thing is , she's,
dishonesty is bad. If you're, let me give you an
she's going to go out and she's going to engage in
example where dishonesty would not be bad. You're a
the behavior along with half of all her other married
German in World War II and you're sheltering Jewish
sisters. Okay? The thing is if you were to get involved
people in your attic. Okay? You decided that policy of
in this sort of thing, the only that's necessary to do is
murdering Jews is not a good thing. I think you would
to become the sort of man that married women are
agree, murdering Jews is not a good thing. Yes?
attracted to. Okay. Now, does this sound at all
Murdering innocent people is bad.
familiar? Say yes.
Audience: Response from audience.
Audience: Yes.
Ross: Okay? So you've got Jewish children hiding in
Major Mark: Because the whole purpose of speed
your attic and the Nazi official knocks on your door
seduction is for you to transform yourself, transform
and says, "Do you have any Jews in your home?"
yourself into the kind of man that women find
Are you going to tell him the truth; yes I do or are

comp elling. know this is outside of the box, what if, just suppose
as a result of this experience of wild and amazing
Audience: I have a question. If even with all the social
passion, she could take that passion back into her
pressures and whatnot that come to bear with taking a
marriage and re-energize and revitalize it?
woman, you know,
Major Mark: What if she got it out of her system?
Major Mark: Right.
Ross: I'm serious, I'm not trying to be facetious, I'm
Audience: Oftentimes still can't force monogamy, do
not being cynical here. I'm deadly serious. What if
you think that it's, that in some way that it's a
passion were not just a limited thing she only has so
commentary on how _____ transformation occurs
much of like porridge handed out at the orphanage?
that it has to be an entire process over a period of
This is another scarcity thing. What if passion were
time because people aren't static _____ that ...
something you could reawaken in her so she then
Major Mark: That is certainly true. But let me tell you goes back to her marriage and takes it back into her
that women are far less resistant to stepping outside a marriage and re-ignites it? He may be marching
marriage than men are. Okay? Honest to god. Okay? around going, "Wow, must be the new cologne.” But
In my professional opinion I experience women will go
Audience: Laughter
for it at the drop of a hat. Okay?
Ross: And he never has to know. See it, to my mind,
Audience: On a different subject. The 64 thousand
to my mind, the important thing is not to violate or
dollar question. Of the thousands of women that you
disrupt a loving, good, healthy relationship. Whether
interviewed you say that they all never say no ...
that's in the institution of a marriage or whether it's an
Major Mark: Right. institution of people who are still single. But you
could be in a marriage where people absolutely hate,
Audience: Do they ever say anything besides yes?
what if they absolutely hate each other, make each
Major Mark: They might want to know more details other miserable? Is that a bigger violation than to go
about how it could not affect their primary and try and break up people who are single but are
relationship and I ask them, I say, "Are there areas of really deliriously happy with each other, simply
your life where you're a mom?" Well, if they have because there's a rule that says don't do it? But, but,
kids, they'll go, "Yeah.” I go, "Okay, there's clearly let, let's, if we can, get off of the, get off of that aspect
accepted rules and roles of behavior within that.” and move on to something else. Is it on this topic,
And they go, "Yeah.” And I go, "But there are also cause if it is, let's drop it.
areas where you're a wife.” And they go, "Yeah.” And
Audience: I had a question about
I say, "It doesn't always overlap does it?" "Well, no.”
There are different behaviors they keep in different
parts of their life. Then they've got their working life. Ross: Yes. Compartmentalization ...
It's all the behavior that they associate with being in
Audience: When you were talking you mentioned
the office, what you can and can't do, how they relate
roles, it seemed like there was always a role name that
to people, who their friends are, okay? Then they go
went along with the compartment. If someone, if
to church and they have the life of, "Well, how do I
someone cheats, what's the role name for that that's
_____ myself within the boundaries of the
not, doesn't have any pejorative connotations to it?
congregation?" Women understand this stuff. They
compartmentalize their lives cause that's how they get Major Mark: Lover. Lover. Okay, listen. There are lots
through all the demands in their life. Adding one more of examples of women loving someone deeply. In my
box that happens to contain the possibility of wild mind ...
passion, a once in a lifetime romantic adventure, and
Ross: In my mind, okay.
fulfillment beyond their wildest dreams, well, that's
not so difficult to do. Audience: Laughter
Audience: So, in other words, an affirmative response Major Mark: Women are able to couple the rational
means that they can put the extra box in? with the emotional to a far greater degree night out of
the box than we are. I don't know why it is; it's just the
Major Mark: Yeah. Yeah.
way it works.
Ross: There's, there's, there's another thing to keep in
Audience: The purpose of colossun is actually thicker
mind here. What if it were possible, just suppose, I
than our, so they naturally have an ability to send

neurological signals back much faster and cleaner ...
Ross: Unless you're taking a lot of Porasitin then you
can, then you, then you get even with them.
Audience: Laughter.
Major Mark: The corpus colossun for those of you
who don't know is that little bundle of nerve fibers
that connect your two hemispheres, that allow your
two hemispheres to communicate. Okay? It's one of
the cool things about women. This is why they come
up with all these amazing insights all the time. Ross: I
would say that men are equally complex in different
areas, but when it comes to sex, men are not complex.
Okay? Men don't compartmentalize, sexuality diffuses
and infuses all throughout our waking, every, every
waking thought and every waking moment. But men
can be equally complex in other areas.
Major Mark: Okay, let, let me, let me tiptoe out of the
minefield here for a second here, okay, cause we were
in, perilously close to blowing ourselves up. Okay?
Again, why am I talking about all this stuff? Okay?
There is a world of infinite possibilities, most of which
we never see. Okay? It's like we're inside Carlsbad
Caverns only we forgot our flashlight, so we're
stumbling around, okay, we hold up a match and we
see the pool of light around us and we go, "Wow, this
is the world.” Okay? In the meantime, we've got this
incredible splendor and wonder all around you and
you don't see it because you're not capable of
perceiving it. Well, for those of you who've been
paying attention, what is the single most important
tool that we have that allows us to perceive reality?
Audience: Our eyes.
Major Marks: It's our words. It's the concepts we use
to define and structure the universe around us. Okay?
The universe is, the universe exists, it's there. It
doesn't know about us, okay? We are a biological

very careful. Okay? You had the question earlier. How
infestation that got out of control. Okay? We are more
do you do the speed seduction thing without hurting
spools that got uppity and started thinking that, you
people? And I gave you an answer that may have
know, we're it.
sounded flip, but it's absolutely true. To make sure
that you don't hurt people, never, ever do a hurtful
Ross: Life is a sexually transmitted disease invariably thing. Concentrate on moving towards pleasure,
fatal. moving towards expansion of possibilities and
remaining highly sensitive and aware of the impact of
Audience: Laughter
your thoughts, your actions and your beliefs. Mark?
Major Mark: When you start to change the words
Mark: When you were out there among those
that you use, when you change how you string them
dangerous people, were you also watching your
together, you change your very perception of reality.
thoughts so that you weren't broadcasting ...
And as you start to use words differently in your
communication with the ones you love, with the ones Major Mark: Yeah. Okay? The, well, the most
that you may like to love, with the ones that you're important thing I had to watch was doubts. Okay? Far
doing business with, with the person sitting next to more deadly than the North Vietnamese were my self-
you on the subway, you're changing their reality, too. doubts. Okay. And I had to guard against that
Okay. I'm a hypnotist. He likes to say I'm one of the constantly. Okay? Sneaky little fuckers in the bush
best hypnotists, most powerful hypnotists he's ever with guns, I mean, you can handle that. Okay. You're
met. I don't know, they may or may not be true. I do trained for that. What you don't have a defense
know that I'm real damn good at what I do. And the against is the crap that is going on inside your head.
only thing I have to work with is my voice and my By definition that voice is already inside any
words. Okay? And I've found that all I have to do is conceivable defense you might put up. So the real
talk to someone, I can touch them, I can heal them, I defense against that kind of belief or that kind of
can change their life forever, and by listening to damage that is caused by those pathological trances
myself do it, I've erased all the lines around my box. is to stay awake and just fucking don't do it. It means
Speed seduction context, I walk up to Freda here, you have to be awake and aware each and every
okay, and I am so engrossed with nipple distention, moment of your life. Okay? Now the good news is
green light. that's how is defined. Okay. You are awake every
moment of your life, you're just not aware. Okay? So
Audience: Laughter.
you're half way there already. Cool. You know? Not
Major Mark: If I am so engrossed in what's going on bad. The rest of the part is paying attention. Right?
in my head with, what was that transition phrase, how
Ross: What were you saying?
does this pattern go? Okay? Am I doing this right?
What comes next, I'm not paying any attention to her, Audience: Laughter
okay, and I'm missing each and every message that
Ross: That was easy. The rest of the part was
she's putting out for my benefit because she can't
changing ...
stop communicating, none of us can stop
communicating. Okay? It's like we're a thousand watt Audience: Is it, is it the case that, that the stuff you
radio station and somebody welded that switch on. were talking about earlier, pejorative connotations of
Okay? There is no way that you can not any word is necessarily a pathological trance
communicate. Now I was trained long ago and far induction?
away to go as far as humans possibly can to not
Major Mark: Not necessarily. Okay. Let's take murder
communicate because if you're creeping around in the
as an example. Okay? You said I would never murder
bush and you're surrounded by well-trained, heavily
anybody. Okay? And I'm not picking on you, but you
armed, highly motivated people who really want to kill
were just talking during this, so I'm using your
you, okay, you really don't want to be broadcasting a
example. Okay? I used to murder people for a living. I
lot of information. You know? Instead, you want to
got paid for it, but I did it within a context where it
just close that puppy down and make sure that you
was okay. Okay? I was serving the national interest, I
just, like this little black hole, that you don't even
was protecting my buddies, and ...
exist. Even so, you can be spotted, you can be
perceived cause you're sending out these messages. Audience: Response from audience
Okay? You're affecting your environment in each and
Major Mark: What?
every thing you do. So, it behooves you to be very,

Audience: Response from audience have. To begin to think in terms of design, rather than
watching what's there. That's all well and good, but
Major Mark: No, by definition. I mean, the people who
what if you began to think what's not there yet, what
run, if the people who run the country say you go,
are you not thinking about yet, now? What imagery
you go. Now it may be really fucked, but that's how
have you not yet had in your mind now that would be
you define the national interest. Okay? Words do
more useful than you only before used to have before
have true meanings. Okay? So, the thing is, you say,
you walked in that door, but which now seem
pejorative, okay ...
impossible even to get near? Because the more you
Audience: I'm trying to think of a word that's move towards the direction of thinking what you want
somehow, in my own mind, have a pejorative image or to put in rather than how can I remove it, it's there that
idea in my own mind of that, does that necessarily do doesn't serve, the more you begin to have only things
some pathological trance on me? that do serve because you wired them in rather than
having them accidentally there. Cause see, you were
Major Mark: Not necessarily. Okay? But let me ruin
grown, you were born and you grew up and you had
the life you had up until this moment and I'm going to
lots of things put in there, and, you know, some of
ruin it forever. Okay? It is your responsibility to take
them serve you and some of you don't, but what's
each and every input, whether You generate it
more useful is this; is to go, "Hey, wait a minute.
yourself or it comes from outside you, and to
What's not there yet, what am I not thinking about
determine its validity in your life. You are responsible
yet?" Because yesterday there was a time when you
for accepting or rejecting each and every thing that
didn't have the thoughts you've already had.
occurs to you. Okay? There are no rules, there are no
rules, we grew up, okay? We have rules for little kids Audience: Yeah.
because you really don't want them running with the
Ross: And tomorrow, there'll be a time when the
scissors. So there's a rule; do not run with scissors.
thoughts you haven't yet had will be thoughts you've
And as hypnotists we know that makes them run with
already did have. So why not determine what you're
the scissors because you imbedded the command run
going to design in. And what does it mean to
with scissors. Okay? But all these rules are meant to
determine what you design in?
guide people who don't have a higher cognitive
sense. Okay? Well, past the age of 9, you've got it. Audience: Response from audience
Okay? At that point, rules have less and less
Ross: Yeah. I know. What does it mean to really stop
relevance in your life.
and think, "What imagery do I want to put in that uh
Ross: But let me give you an answer, cause I know huh box? If I could see myself any way I wanted to
how you're processing things and it's not useful. It's see myself just before I stepped off, up to talk to a
far more, rather than sitting there obsessively lady, what image would I like to see?" Now, you
watching your own internal dialogue going, "Is that a probably couldn't see yourself 40 feet tall, laid back,
pathological ...” Fuck all that. Flush it down the toilet. bulletproof, glowing with power. And it's absolutely
Instead think in what you want to design in that impossible, I'm sure you're way too, ... Huh?
would work best for you. Not just in what you say to
Audience: I have difficulty seeing that.
yourself, but the sounds you make, what imagery you
make, ah hah. Okay? The body feelings that you want Ross: Yeah, well of course you had difficulty and that
to build. Do you understand? was the problem. But listen. If you were to take image
of yourself like this big and watch this. Watch this.
Audience: No, say it again.
Watch this. We're going, you ever see a jack-in-the-
Ross: I know, because it's so outside of what you're box and you put in back in the box, let's push it back
used to ... in the box, put the lid on, and now I'm going to step
on it. It's going to bounce up out of the ground.
?: Laughing
Ross: Listen to me. Rather than sit there and watch
Audience: Yeah.
and listen to your own internal dialogue, and go, "Oh,
better watch out, that's a word I shouldn't use to Ross: Bing. Now, look at that. Now we're going to
myself, then I'll do ...” Fuck all that. Instead think what push it down into the box again, give me a hand here.
you want to design in. It's not just your responsibility This _____ .
to be aware and alert to what's coming in, it's also
Audience: Laughter.
your responsibility to design in what you want to

Ross: Okay, put the lid on. Okay, now watch. I want Audience: Laughter. I mean, this is, this is real. I mean
you to see an image of that beautiful woman and then like ... Kind of, kind of like a blondish guy who's
I'm going to step on this, and this image is going to maybe that size or something. It's just like, but, you
go whoosh ready to be caught. Ready? Bing. know, if I were to look in the mirror, I would see what I
saw then, but that's one thing I had difficulties when I
Audience: Laughter
visualized me I, what do I look like?
Ross: Now you can do this and really enjoy yourself
Ross: Yeah.
and you can think . Now try and go back to thinking,
"Well, what if I say this to her? I don't know if ...” Audience: I really don't know, until now.
Audience: I didn't think that. Ross: Until now.
Ross: Well, whatever it was you thought. Now this is Audience: Till now.
confusing because he's going to access where he was
Ross: Look at it there. Now you're not looking it there.
and now he's going to access where you are. Okay,
Watch this. Take a deep breath. Now blow out
yeah, so what am I going to do now? That's right,
through your mouth and put a golden color to that
okay. Yeah. Okay, now take that 40 foot tall image,
image. You don't need to touch it. Take another
reach out, reach out with your hands, grab it, raise it
breath, blow out again. Okay, let it out more easy than
up above your head and pull it down on top of
that. you knock the stand ... Now look at it
Audience: Let's hope.
Audience: Now I'm facing backwards.
Ross: Yeah, we'll, well, I don't want to hope. I just go
Ross: Well, turn it around, that's all.
out and ask for it. Okay? We're going to put this
Audience: Laughter together for all of you tomorrow. But see the thing is I
watch how people are talking and I want to see what's
Ross: Now pull it down on top of yourself. Pull it
more useful. I, I haven't grown out of it yet
down on top of yourself. Pull it down on top of
completely. I have t do this. Someone came to me in
yourself like this, whoosh. Yeah. Okay, now we've got
my gym. She's a friend of my trainer and she said, "I'm
through 40-foot tall eyes at that beautiful girl.
going to take this NLP weekend course with this guy,
Now remember the sequence of sounds you made in blank blank.” Okay?
your head that worked best for you?
Audience: Laughter
Audience: Yeah
Ross: And what do you think of Mr. Blank Blank?
Ross: Run them. And I said, "Well, you know, really ...” And my trainer
yelled at me. She says, "You're going to make her feel
Audience: I can't remember Bullwinkle, I forget.
like a dumbass.” I said, "If she goes to see what's,
Ross: (Humming Bullwinkle theme). Shhh. Now watch what's this person's name, she is a dumbass.” She
this. Let's stuff it back in. Okay. Stuff it back in, you said, "Well, you go tell her, go support her decision,
got it? Okay, now look here, look here, look up. Okay. you were not nice.” So I went and, you know, cause
I want you to see the beautiful girl, look at her, narrow my trainer will beat me up if I don't. So, you know
your eyes a little bit, do the first of your sounds, what this guy did? He taught something called the
whatever it might be. Okay. That's the first one. Let's Metamodel. The Metamodel is a set of questions you
do this. Okay. Stop. Do your sounds, now see the girl, give to a client who comes in to help that client clear
narrow your eyes a little bit, step on your jack in the up their internal dialogue. But it's not meant to be
box, ding, make the other sounds. used on yourself If you use the Metamodel on
yourself, what you do is wind up in this endless loop
Audience: Okay
of looking at your own internal dialogue to see if its
Ross: That, that works pretty good? accurate, true or correct. So she was looping, it was
completely confused. And so you want to, when
Audience: Actually, the most powerful thing for me is
someone asks for a change, you want to see if they're
that, is that when, when you did the 40 foot tall thing
stuck in a certain way of doing things. And it would
for the, for the very first time where something's, I
not be useful for him to loop on looking at what
actually saw me as opposed to like yesterday where I
thoughts or, or, or pathological _____ . Instead, it's
saw like Calvin in the in the comic strip who's, Calvin's
far more important to you if _____ what you want.
probably not the best in

Okay? Oh, by the way, the more you find that the
images of what you want _____ do that, the more
motivated you'll feel towards moving towards things.
Do you ever have to argue yourself into doing
Audience: Less so in the recent past than in the more
recent past.
Audience: yeah.
Ross: Whoosh, whoosh.
Audience: _____ that picture I see.
Ross: You know what? Do it with your own arms.
Take another picture that you can't see, very large,
pick one. Pick a picture that's small for you.
Audience: Okay. But, all my memories I can, I can see
them so ...
Ross: Okay, make it bigger. How would you make a
picture bigger? What would you do?
Audience: Okay.
Ross: Grab a hold of it. Whoosh.

Yates: This is the end of Side 13 of the Basic Speed

Seduction Seminar

Tape 7 – Side 2 Audience: I, I, I, I can't, I can think them, I can't see
Ross: Oh yeah? Oh, see what he did. He said I can
Yates: Welcome to Side 14 of the Ross Jeffries Basic think them _____ back here. God, you're fucking
Speed Seduction Seminar stubborn. I'm going to ...
Audience: Laughter
Ross: Okay. But what if what you wanted to do was Ross: If I have to pull it out of you, I will. It's like
so compelling and motivating, cause it's a big bright pulling teeth. You want to give me a hand, Kim? Let's
picture. take this one. Pop.
Audience: Yeah, I have, I have hard time seeing big Audience: Laughter
bright pictures unless ...
Ross: Alright. Look at it.
Ross: Oh, yeah?
Audience: Ah, it's pretty blank.
Audience: yeah.
Ross: Okay, fill it in. Take the image here that's stuck
Ross: Whoosh, whoosh. in your head ...
Audience: _____ that picture I see. Audience: Uh huh.
Ross: You know what? Do it with your own arms. Ross: Put it on a slingshot and ...
Take another picture that can't see very large, pick
one. Pick a picture that's small for you. Audience: Uh huh.

Audience: Okay. But all my memories, I can, I can see Ross: Fling it out here.
them. Audience: Now it's like, color like a _____ .
Ross: Okay. Make it bigger. How would you make a Ross: Okay, good. Well good. So that means the
picture bigger? What would you do? colors are there.
Audience: Okay. Audience: Yeah.
Ross: Grab a hold of it. Whoosh. And then what? Ross: Okay. So notice as they begin coalesce into
Whoosh. Yeah. Does that make the memory more something.
Audience: Alright. Now I see your hand.
Audience: Oh, yeah.
Ross: Okay. My hand is gone.
Ross: More enjoyable?
Audience: Okay.
Audience: Yeah.
Audience: laughter
Ross: And you'll notice that if you were to take each
and every memory that really serves and supports Ross: What you can do this tonight in a dream.
your moving in a completely new way and found that Audience: Okay.
in your dream at night, you made those whoosh,
whoosh, whoosh, and all the ones that didn't work ... Ross: All right.

Audience: Right. It's not the memories but the design Major Mark: As to the original question, constantly ...
that, that I ... Ross: Oh, sorry.
Ross: Exactly. Major Mark: To, ...
Audience: the memories because I recall them to a Ross: But it was useful.
greater lesser extent. I can't picture those.
Major Mark: Be that as it may, yeah it was. It was
Ross: Right. great. But the thing is, constantly looking for
Audience: But the things that I want to design ... examples of pathological trance is a pathological
trance. Okay?
Ross: The possibilities ...
Audience: laughter

Major Mark: Because ... this. Here's process language. I'm going to sell you
pens. You work for some company that needs to buy
Audience: Laughter
a lot of pens. I'll say, I'll say to you, "You know, I
Major Mark: You're ... don't know what it is you do when you go inside and
you think of the ideal pen product that you want for
Ross: Tie that knot tighter
this company, but as you think about that, as you
Major Mark: You're focusing your awareness way begin to really get clear on exactly the qualities and
down too small. I mean you can easily recognize characteristics of such a writing instrument, and you
everyone has the ability to recognize when they're begin to think of everything I say to you in exactly
being held back, when they're feeling bad, when that way, in exactly along those lines, I’m not sure
things aren't going the way you want. It's only exactly what thoughts will begin to appear in your
important to be able to recognize it long enough for mind, but I think it will help to make this presentation
you to let go, Okay? You don't have to go looking for a lot more enjoyable, a lot more fun and I want you to
it because your unconscious is a happy little slave. If realize that if you have any questions, just feel free to
you want to go out looking for each and every ask me. Because understanding is part of the process
example of how you're, you hold yourself back, even of making a good decision today with me.” So. what
if you don't do it, you will. Because your unconscious did I just say?
will generate lots of things for you to find. Okay? Be
Audience: I am completely tranced out.
careful about your language.
Ross: I know.
Ross: How are we doing here on presentation time?
You want to wrap it or you ... Audience: Laughter and applause.
Major Mark: No, I, I, I'm, I'm basically done. Ross: Now, now, can you repeat any of that?
Audience: Part of it was you couldn't, you didn't
Ross: Let's give him a thunderous
know what factors, and that's it.
Audience: Cheers and applause.
Ross: Yeah. Yeah.
Ross: Because it's process language. We are trained,
Audience: Laughter.
there's a difference between processed language and
content. Let me give you, content is facts, figures, Ross: Now, but, but as I did that, were you thinking,
data that you can enter into a computer. Okay? as I did that, what were you thinking in your head?
Anything that you could put in a computer database
Audience: I, I, I was thinking it was good, but I
in content. This pen is 50 percent more biodegradable
couldn't ...
than the other leading brand. It comes in 10 designer
colors. Now what did I just say? Ross: Were you thinking of what kind of pen you
would like and what you would like in that pen?
Audience: Was that a, you described all the
characteristics ... Audience: No.
Ross: Well tell me what I said. What, how many Ross: You may be, I think you were unconsciously.
colors does it come in? See, here's the thing. When you use that kind of
vague language, people will go, "I don't know how
Audience: 10 different colors.
you were able to tell me exactly what I was looking
Ross: How more, how, what percentage more for.” And I didn't. All I did was tell you to think about
biodegradable is it than the other leading brand? it. The reason why you can't remember it and why
they can't remember it, this is why I say don't worry
Audience: I believe it, that.
about it when you see articles where they give
Ross: I said 50, but okay. patterns like, like the articles they write about me,
where they give away my patterns. People go, "Oh,
Audience: Okay.
no. They'll recognize it.” No they won't. People have
Ross: Okay amnesia for process language. They do not remember
it. They only undergo a process and wind up
Audience: But, but if it came ...
wondering why.
10 percent or something like
Audience: I tried to recall what I actually said to the
Ross: Okay, so I'm giving you content, But listen to girl 30 minutes later and I can't recall it.

Ross: That's why I recommend you all keep a journal Audience: Laughter
and write down what you said so you can keep track.
Ross: Hey, compared to some of these evangelists on
I have seduction journals - you're never going to get
TV, I am a third-rate amateur. Oh, there's one of them
to see them - but here's one, no this is not one. I keep
who I really admire because no matter how many
a seduction journal where I write down exactly what I
times he's convicted of a crime, he comes right back,
said, what responses I got, and I date it. Keep a
and I got to admire that man, that's faith.
journal. Keep a journal. Keep a journal. Keep a
journal. And by the way, go and buy a journal and Audience: Laughter
keep it. And make an entry every freaking day, even if
Ross: "I'm sorry. I fucked it up so bad last time. Now
it's to say, "I did nothing today.” Or even if it's, even
you got to send me more money cause I'm in more
if it's to say, "Today I just worked with one pattern. I
trouble. Oh.”
wrote it out and I spoke it out loud.” By the way, the
way, one of the ways to rehearse these patterns is out Audience: Is that Jimmy Swaggert?
loud. How do you rehearse the patterns?
Ross: Ah, well, I don't want to name names.
Audience: Out loud.
Audience: Yeah. Comment from audience. Laughter.
Ross: It's okay to diagram them, it's okay to write them
Ross: "My legal bill's are huge. Satan is oppressing
out on flash cards, but you must rehearse them out
me. It was only one prostitute, so what if she was five
loud. Rehearse them out loud, listen, look up here, in
and ...”
the exact posture you'd be in if you were using them.
So if you're going, if you want to rehearse walking up Audience: Laughter
and talking to women, don't rehearse it sitting down.
Ross: Okay. You get, now this is a very important
Rehearse it as if you're actually there, do, take some
principle for human change. I want you guys all to get
steps, and imagine a woman in front and speak, and
this. I want you to look up here and I'll give you
Kim's going to show you how to do some of this,
plenty of time to write it down, I'll repeat it three times.
speak with the pace and the tonality and the volume
I want you to look up here to really get it. I want you
you actually use if there were a real woman right in
to understand this. So, you know, as you think, now,
front of you. Do not rehearse in the mirror. Why
watch him go into trance again. I don't even have to
should you not rehearse in the mirror? Because if you
look at him or say anything. Cause some of you
rehearse in the mirror, it's telling your brain only do
probably didn't notice it as he was breathing, I was
this when you see yourself looking back at yourself.
pacing his breathing. That's right, with the movement
Which means the only time you're going to be
of the pen. I can look over here, I can stand up on one
seducing is when you're having an out of body
foot like this, and talk to you about Bullwinkle, Rocky,
experience. And that's a different seminar.
the situation in China, because what can happen
Audience: Laughter when a person can go all the way down, and this is a
magic pen. It's the pen of imagination and new
Ross: Okay? Yes sir.
possibility and as you take it from me with your
Audience: How do you access them when you need imaginary hands, what does it mean to have imaginary
them? hands? And you close your eyes all the way, lids
down, now. And you find that movie screen in your
Ross: You rehearse. Now this is a very, and listen to
mind where anything can be possible, anything can
me, this is important question. This is a big rule of
be tried on, anything can be tried out. All the way
change. I want you to write this down. You get what
down, You can take this magic marker, for that's what
you rehearse. You get what you rehearse. If you want
it's called, and the magical thing about the marker is,
a new behavior, you must rehearse it, explicitly and
you can mark up new possibilities for yourself Okay.
vividly, over and over and over again. If you don't,
Anyway. So, listen. This is a very important principle.
your brain won't know what to do different and it'll
Look up here, I'll repeat it three times. Understand it
just do what's familiar. This is the structure of a
the first time. There's no difference between what you
slump. Let me show you something. Oh man, honey,
dwell on mentally, between what you mentally review,
do I need some work here. I pinched something. Okay,
and what you're rehearsing to do the next time out.
I can write on this. That's all right. This is the
This is why if you dwell on your mistakes, you know
structure of a slump. If you draw a circle, you at home
what you're doing? You're inadvertently, without
who are listening, as you reach for your wallet and
knowing it, rehearsing those mistakes so your brain
pick up the phone, draw a circle.

will do them the next time around. That's how ... that you become students of structure and form, you
not only learn how to do patterns but you learn how
Audience: Why do I always fuck up?
to move people at a much deeper level. You becomes
Ross: Yeah. If you ask questions like "Why do I masters of levels that most people don't even know
always fuck up?" you're going to review the times are there. And there are a lot of them. There are a lot
you fucked up and the brain is an obedient little slave. we won't teach in this seminar. Yes.
It goes, "Oh, he's giving me these images. It must be
Audience: When we do behavior beliefs ...
what he wants me to do the next time around. So
that's what I do.” So you review, that equals shitty Ross: And the questions you ask yourself Well, if I
behavior, that leads to limiting beliefs, that leads to say to you, what's your name?
shitty questions which leads to shitty reviewing and
Audience: Jason.
you're stuck in this shitty circle. It's actually, hang on
a minute. It's actually quite brilliant. There's a nice Ross: If I say Jason, ask your, close your eyes and
structure there. Yes sir. ask yourself this question. Why do I always fuck it up
with the women I really want? Ask yourself that
Audience: It's important, though, for me, to
question. What pops into your mind, what image
acknowledge, okay, I made a mistake, that's over,
pops into your mind when you ask yourself that?
that's history, this is now.
Jason: Ali, the stuff we were doing yesterday when I
Ross: Yes. That's, that's perfect. And you, you're
was up there. It seems to be an _____ bearing
telling me congruently. See, you're much different
question still.
than you were the last two days. I appreciate this.
You, and also, his gestures told me that that's really Ross: Yeah. The questions you ask tend to generate
what he does. He takes it, throws it over his shoulder. the imagery in your mind. Forgive me. My throat is
That's fine. But I'm talking about dwelling on giving me some challenges today. By the way, the
something. If you dwell on it over and over again, guy, you guys look different today. Yo u look much
there's no difference between what you dwell on and more alert.
what you rehearse. So watch what you put in there.
Audience: On the pattern languaging does it, I
Okay? The same structure for the slump is the
imagine it works well on a conscious level with
structure for excellence. A structure for excellence
women, too, because they don't talk in statistics data,
saying, "Hey, what did I do really well?" To review it
they ...
over and over and then when the, it comes time to do
it, your brain automatically does it for your, it builds Ross: Well, consciously, here's what they're aware of
the belief that says, "Yes, I can continue' to improve Consciously what they're aware of is a sense of real
and learn to do anything well.” It's the same structure, comfort that they met someone who talks about
different content. See, you're probably well aware of things that interest them. But they still won't
this, the content of your thoughts, but you probably remember what you said. And in fact, if you tell them
weren't aware of the structure. Cause the mind has what you said, they don't care. I, when my early career
amnesia and is unaware of structure and, structure in doing this, I would tell women after I was sleeping
and form. The more you become aware of the with them, here's what I did with you. And they went,
structure and form of human thought rather than the "No, you didn't do that. I, I, I love you cause you're
content, the more powerful you be, you begin to this and this and this.” And I go, "No, that's what I
become cause you see levels of experience that other did.” They go, and they just rationalize it. They go,
people aren't even aware are there. When you master "Oh my god, someone who cared enough about me to
this stuff, you are operating at a different level of learn to talk this way. Wow, great.”
understanding, cause, how many people were aware
Audience: Laughter Ross: I'm not kidding. I'm not
of the exact nature of this structure before I just talked
kidding. They think it's wonderful that someone cared
about it? Okay? For a lot of you, it's the first time you
enough about pleasing women that it would go to all
even realized that structure was there. Okay? Most
this trouble.
people in the world aren't even aware the structure is
there. They know they have these shitty thoughts, ?: Cause he can talk for an hour saying nothing.
but they're not aware, they're very familiar with the
Ross: Ahhhh.
content. If you ask them, "What are your shitty
thoughts?" they could tell you. But they're not aware Audience: laughter.
that this is the structure and the form. To the extent

Ross: You just got stabbed in the throat and in the They're competing to show ...
Ross: Yeah. But women compete, too. You should
Audience: Laughter hear a woman talk about another woman's looks
behind her back.
Ross: Well, wait. He's making a good point. He, he,
he's, he's well, he's making a good point. Shhh. He's Audience: Oh yeah. Laughter.
making a good ...
Roger: While women supposedly as the theory goes
Girl: He's implying that women are naturally better at speak more on a bonding terms, you know, "Oh, the
this than guys. same thing happened to me yesterday. I, I, I
experienced what you're going through.”
Ross: Yeah, There you go Bunny.
Ross: Right.
Audience: laughter
Roger: So it's more of a bonding pattern.
Bunny: Women are naturally, naturally master
bullshitters, we can talk on the phone, we can give Ross: Right.
rapport to anybody, whereas guys are, can't do it.
Roger: Rather than a competing ...
We're better at this. That's what _____ .
Ross: Right.
?: _____ clueless about that and I'm learning how to
_____ . Roger: Competitive pattern.
Ross: But you're, but you're leaving that cluelessness Ross: And ...
Roger: Men are supposedly ...
Audience: Comments from audience.
Ross: And, and, yeah, and therefore, yeah, I agree.
Ross: Yeah. And the conclusion, I agree with you, you're right.
Brother Orion: And that's to think about, yeah, how Roger: All I'm saying in terms of what we're talking
much energy women put into communicating in this about it seems to work into it, if you can speak the
way, into understanding relationship. I mean the language, the so-called language of women which,
relationship books are all bought by women for most according to this theory, is that, you know, they like
part to, you know, that's what they use to sell a lot of to bond, they want to get to know one another, they
the glamour magazines, and they're, and they focus as ...
they talk to other people about relationships, the way
Ross: Well, but that's not quite what I'm talking about.
people interact, what they could have done better,
Listen to me. That's not quite what I'm talking about.
what they could have done worse. And it's now
I'm talking about the language of process. See, all
finally that, you know, some guys are, have gotten it
these books written for women don't really help the
together enough, like you guys to come out here and
women. If they did, they wouldn't need any more
realize it's worth the effort as well. Ross: That right.
books. Think about it. There are millions of books, ...
We came out from our underground lab in Los
Alamos ... Audience: Laughter
Audience: Laughter Ross: There are millions of books, there are, I would
say conservatively there are at least 500 different
Ross: Doctor Teller and I, yes sir. What's your name?
titles on the subject of losing weight and making
Audience: Roger. money. But we don't have a world filled with skinny
millionaires. So something is wrong somewhere. Ah,
Ross: What's up Roger?
what's wrong is they're still giving content. These
Roger: There's a book by Deborah Tannin that talks books are content books where they give different
to it, I think the name is called WOMEN AND MEN pieces of information rather than getting people to
DON'T UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER. focus on process and form. What I'm teaching is sort
of Zen-like. Zen is not about content. Zen is about the
Ross: Yeah.
process of thought and engaging in different kinds of
Roger: It talks about how men, women communicate, thought process. Okay? But let's skip; let's move on.
They speak on like higher _____ planes. They're What I want to do now is take one minute to turn this
competing when they talk about sports or politics. off and switch on to a tape that we will not use as part

of the course.
?: That's what we've done.
Ross: Oh, but I did want to use this part. I want ...
?: We'll transfer.
Ross: All right.
?: This may be _____ to edit.
Ross: Well, okay. Can you edit using this equipment?
?: It's a special type.
Ross: All right, okay.
?: You're
Ross: Okay, but the last part I want is part of the
course we're doing. Okay. I want to bring people up
now, I want to talk about Manny the Martian. How
many people did the exercise? Okay? All right, good.
How many new people who have never been to the
seminar before, this is their first seminar, did not do
the exercise?
Audience: I didn't do it, but I did something else.
Ross: Well, okay. All right, let's talk to people who ...
Audience: Comment from audience
Ross: I just went into trance there. Of course if I didn't
do it, then I like, implication, you had to do something
else. Let's talk to some people who did it and had
some fun learning it. Someone raise your hand if you
did it and had a fun learning. Why, I know you would
do it. One of you come up here.
Audience: Laughter
Ross: You would go up and go, "My name is Peter
Audience: Laughter
Ross: I don't think ...
?: _____ let me show you _____ penis.
Ross: Ah, the battery on this is low. We need to have
a battery replacement. By the way, Brother Orion?
Girl: Now, how fast do you think I ...
Audience: I, I had no idea where to go from there.
Ross: There was no where to go from there.
Audience: I said, and I said, "Great. Would you like
some more?"

Ross & Audience: Laughter

Audience: And she said, "Sure.” I said, "Okay.”
Ross: Okay. Did you try it with anyone else?
Audience: I didn't try that but I did try something else
I'd never done before.
Ross: Oh. Follow directions. But tell us what you did.
Audience: The, the hostess who seated us, very
attractive young lady, and ...
Ross: I've noticed that's often the case.
Audience: Yeah.
Ross: The ugly ones are in the kitchen.
Audience: Laughter
Audience: And I said, she seated us, and asked blah,
blah, blah, blah. And I said, I put my hand to my
forehead to be, you know, making a gesture, I said, "I
know you.”
Ross: Ah.
Audience: "Have you lived around here for a while?"
And I kept my hand on my forehead. And she said,
"Yeah, a couple of years.” And I said, "I know where
it is. I've been reading a book on angels and you're on
the cover.”
Ross: Ha, ha, very good. And how did she respond?
Audience: And she was, and I was, I was shaking,
"My name's Paul.”
Ross: Yeah.
Audience: And I held on to her hand for a good
minute ...
Ross: Yeah.
Audience: And she's very, very busy, it was, you
know, Saturday night at ...
Ross: Yeah.
Audience: TGI Friday.
Ross: How did she respond when you said, "you
were on the cover?" Did she smile and laugh?
Audience: She smiled, she glowed ...
Ross: Yeah.
Audience: It was like she
Ross: Good.
Audience: tilted her head and it was ...
Ross: Now that's an example of the kind of thing
where if you tell a guy that would work, he'd go, "No

way, " but women respond to it. Excellent, very good. wanted to practice that.
Audience: I never would have tried that. Ross: Okay. But you are, but you will do the exercise?
Do it several times. Yes sir.
Ross: No. Well, good, good. Give him a big hand.
You're making good progress. Audience: I didn't do it.
Audience: Applause. Ross: Why not?
Ross: Ah, the point of the exercise is, is to get you, Audience: I thought it was goofy, but ...
number one, to get you moving so you can actually
Ross: It is ...
say something. And, by the way, this is another
exercise where we, where we're forgetting about the Audience: I, I should do it.
content. We're giving you nonsense content so
Ross: It, hang on. It is goo, wait. Let's get this out of
instead you can focus on the process. And the
the way. It is goofy. I designed it to be goofy. I
process is to go up, get moving without hesitation,
designed it to be goofy. If it's goofy then you don't
move, say something, and watch the response. And
have to worry about whether she accepts or rejects
to train your attention to go somewhere other than
you cause that's not the point anyway.
inward into your own internal dialogue and instead
direct it outward and watch the response you're Audience: That's true.
getting. Those of you who did not do the exercise are
Ross: That's the, I made it goofy okay?
robbing yourselves of a very important skillset that
you need to learn. Speed seduction is not just about Audience: I watched people get kicked out of the mall
knowing what words to say, it's also about noticing being goofy.
responses and paying attention. Hang on. Okay?
Ross: You got kicked out?
Knowing what responses to look for and what to
listen for is as important a pattern of seduction as Audience: Oh yeah. What?
knowing all the words. So, who didn't do the exercise?
Ross: All right.
My purpose is not to shame you but to find out if
there's something I can do to facilitate you're doing Audience: Applause and cheers.
the exercise. Is there something I could have told you
Ross: He gets some kind of tape or something. Get
that ...
him a tape. That's the whole point.
Audience: I was tired and went to sleep.
Audience: I ran into him when five security guards
Ross: Okay. No problem. I understand, You?
?: What happened?
Audience: I just, I don't know, I just didn't want to do
Ross: Would they physically grab you? They didn't
it. It seemed too goofy so I went up to a waitress ...
put their hands on you? Tell us.
Ross: Goofy is the point.
?: Tell us the story. Tell us about it.
Audience: Yeah, I guess so. So I went up to a
Audience: I went up to like five people, five women ...
waitress and I, I told her she was ... Ross: No, I don't
want to hear this. Ross: In a group or separately?
Audience: Okay. Audience: Separately, and _____ I didn't make it like,
I made to a, I made it past like five stores, didn't
Ross: This is not important. My point is I want you to
do something goofy because that takes your mind off even go through the whole mall. And all of a sudden I
of having to get a result and allows you, frees you up, caught beautiful-looking woman in a black dress who
to pay attention to the other person's response. You actually worked there in a store. And all of a sudden,
understand? Who else didn't do it? Well, that's okay. you know, all the responses were like, "uhhh,
You didn't do it? Bad boy. Why didn't you do it? By
I don't know what the hell you're talking about, you
the way, thank you for this. It's helping.
know.” Now most of them said they, they don't see
Audience: Because, I, I was, I got, I got _____ onto any, they don't have any ...
the concept of frameworks and I got absorbed in that
Ross: Uh huh. So, get to the security guards. Do they
whole idea which I hadn't understood before and I come running after you?

Audience: Twenty security guards come on to me and Ross: We're having fun. Oh my god, look. You walk in
store owner ... and look at this wonderful scene. Look, look, look.
Ross: What did they say? ?: The ducklings.
Audience: Guy comes up and he's like, "Did you make Ross: The ducklings.
some vulgar remarks ...”
?: _____ two or three words wrong.
Ross: No.
Ross: That's so cute.
Audience: "to a person?" I was like, "No.”
?: I'll say _____ .
Ross: You should go, "We Martians don't understand
Ross: Look at that. He's out here, so mom's out with
her little ducklings.
Audience: Laughter
Audience: Responses from audience
?: Or you talk to him and say, "My name is Manny
Ross: Well, sit up here. Come on in.
Audience: Responses from audience
Audience: I told him, and, the drill like, "Have you
been in the store?" I was like, "No, I didn't even walk Ross: Come in and have a seat. That's so funny. Get
through the whole store yet. I was, I just walked in.” him, give him a big hand.
Ross: Yeah. Audience: Applause. Response from audience.
Audience: You know, and they're, they're like, "Well, Ross: Did you?
let's go and find out.” You know? And go up there
Audience: The security guards were ...
and there she is, you know, standing there
Ross: We have a special guest. Come up just to say
putting up clothes on the rack, you know, and she's
hello just for a second. This is my good friend and
like, "Yeah, that's him.” You know?
colleague and one of the most amazingly fantastically
Ross & Audience: Laughter. gifted NLP trainers in the entire world. Rex Sykes. Say
hello Rex. It's so good to see you up here.
Ross: Good, good for you.
Audience: Applause.
?: You know what I'd say to him?
Ross: It's so good to see him here. Rex is based in
Ross: Now, now ...
Audience: Responses from audience.
Rex: Correct.
Ross: Now, if you can do this, then you can, then, if
Ross: Yes. If you want to get trained in NLP, go here.
you can do this, then it's going to be easy to walk up
Did you bring any kind of ...
say, "Forgive the interruption. I just want to tell I
think you are absolutely breathtaking and I had to Rex: I brought some postcards on the home study
meet you.” By the way, if you were to try this exercise course.
with a haircut and an Armani's suit? Different ball of
Ross: Cool. So at the break if you want to get
postcards or talk to Rex ... When are you doing,
Audience: Laughter you're doing a practitioner training, what are you
Brother Orion: What did you say to her?
Rex: On Friday we're doing a 14-day training, we've
Audience: I said, "Hello, . Excuse me. Can I tell you
got, I think, two spaces left. If that's, but our postcard
something? Hello. My name is Manny Martian. What
will have website contact information.
flavor, flavor bowling ball do you like?"
Ross: Cool. He's absolutely superb. He's an incredible
Brother Orion: Then what did she say?
trainer. He's unbelievably good. Anyone here study
Audience: Response with Rex before? What do you think?
?: _____ come on in. Audience: Hey, he allowed to get my trainers training
with Richard.
Audience: Laughter.

Ross: Ha, ha. So Rex is going to be training with us in an exercise in learning to pay attention to people's
Cancun, yes. So, I'm excited. Go have a seat. responses. So I gave the assignment of going out and
saying, walking up to women and saying, "Excuse me.
Rex: Thank you.
Forgive the interruption. I just want to tell you my
Ross: All right. Good. name is Manny Martian. What's your favorite
flavored bowling ball?" And then their job was to
Rex: Good to see you all. I'll be here for a little while.
watch the response the person had when they went
Ross: And Rex has also got some other cool skills. inside to process it and what they looked like when
He's an actor, he was a magician. The real cool thing they came back out. okay? So, tell us about it. What
is Rex also used to be a street preacher. Yeah? did you do?
Rex: Yeah. Amos: Well, I didn't do it last night like I was
supposed to. I ...
Ross: An evangelist? That's so cool. Do you ever run
into people who you converted back in your early Ross: Put your hand out. No, no. Like that. Aversion
career? therapy.
Rex: Oh, yeah. Amos: I tried, but I had problems. I had like about four
or five very good opportunities and I just didn't do it.
Ross: Really? This is cool. I got to ask you. Like, what
do you tell them? Do they say ... Ross: Okay, let's talk about that. Let's talk about it.
Stop for a minute. So, let's talk about how you know
Rex: I go, pray to God, keep going.
when you have an opportunity. So what do you mean
Ross & Audience: Laughter by that? What was the opportunity?
Ross: That is so cool. Amos: Well, there were women walking by ...
Rex: It's not my job to be a stumbling block. You Ross: Uh hmm.
know? It's my job to allow people to grow and
Amos: And ...
develop in whatever way they choose for themselves
and so I go _____ , If they go, "Why are you doing Ross: Women were walking by.
what you do?" I go, "Cause I'm moving on and
Amos: Well I was going out ...
developing. God bless you.”
Ross: What neighborhood were you in? Cause I want
Ross & Audience: Laughter
to go.
Ross: That's too funny.
Amos: No, no, I was walking along the street and like
Rex: I have _____ . one instance, I was walking down the street and this
waitress was coming out of the restaurant.
Ross: Cool. Yeah. You know, give them out at the
break. And also Rex is going to be a dad soon, right? Ross: Uh hmm.
Rex: Yeah. Amos: She was going to get in a car to leave and
instead of me going, going up to her and saying
Ross: How's that going? When, when is Carolyn due?
something, I just heard a voice in my mind that said,
Rex: July, towards the end of July. Ross: July. Cool. tin, no ...”
Cool. His wife has the greatest voice. Okay? Do not
Ross: Stop.
call 1-800-REXSYKES and try to speed seduce his
wife. Amos: "She wouldn't want ...”
Audience: Laughter Ross: Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, Stop, stop. Now
here's where we're going to deal with something we
Ross: Cause she's used to it. Okay. Who else did the
did earlier. What did he say? He said, "I heard a voice
exercise and wants to come up and share? Come on
in her, my mind. It said ...” What was the sound the
up. Amos. Yes. Give him a hand. All right.
voice made?
Audience: Applause
Amos: It said, "No.”
Ross: Rex? Rex? Just so you know what we're talking
Ross: No. Before it said that, it made a sound. What
about, I gave people the assignment, it's sort of, it's
was the sound it made? Ahhhh.

Amos: Ah, yeah, something ... of ahhh?
Ross: All right. I'm going, we're going to play a game, Amos: Ahhhhh.
We're going to play a ventriloquist dummy. Okay?
Ross: Ahhhhh. That's right. Now close your eyes.
Amos: Ahh. Imagine you see those women and instead of making
an AHHH go ahhhh.
Ross: l have to do that sound. So put your hand on
my back. I'm your dummy. Okay? No, here's where Amos: Ahhh.
you operate the dummy. Okay? Now, l want to make
Ross: Here watch this. Put your shoulders up like this.
that sound in my mind exa ctly the way you made it.
Look at me. Now drop them as you go ahhhh.
So what's the sound I make?
Amos: Ahhh. Ross: Yeah. Exactly. Okay, now in your
Amos: It said, "Ahhh, no.”
head, exactly, this feels different. Now look. Close
Ross: Before you do the dialogue, just make the your eyes. Now when you see the woman, instead of
sound. going AHHH go, put your shoulders up and drop
them and go ahhhh.
Amos: Ahhh.
Amos: Ahhh.
Ross: Like that? Abh?
Ross: Yeah, make that sound in your head. There you
Amos: Yeah.
go. Want to do a little with him?
Ross: Okay. I want you to try something. Close your
Kim: You already got him _____ .
eyes. Say that sound again.
Ross: You already got him, hahahaha. Okay? Feels
Amos: Ahh.
Ross: Ahh. Let's do it again.
Amos: Yes.
Amos & Ross: Ahh.
Ross: Now, remember what I said the other day. I said
Ross: I think I got it. Ahh, ahh. Okay. Now, can you the sounds you make on the inside will determine
go, ah hah? what circuits you open, what dialogue you engage in.
It's not what you said to yourself It's that sound you
Amos: Ah hah.
make before you start the dialogue that determines
Ross: Okay. Put your hand here. You want to help him what circuits are going to open. Now, given what you
with this Kim? You want to help him a little bit now? did, no one could have done it. I guarantee you if you
Before you do your major presentation? Yeah? Okay. took anyone off the street and had them make that
Kim'll come up and help me with this cause she's ... sound in their head, not a single person would have
been able to go up and do it. Absence and real
Kim: We're going to do it.
stimulus like a gun to their head. Cause then they
Ross: Okay. Okay. Now, look at me. Can you go, "You would have gone "AH my fucking god, I better go do
ever seen something so delicious that you really, you it!" Okay? So, granted that you made that sound in
had to put it in your mouth? It was really good to eat. your head, it is not your fault. It's the sound's fault.
Ahhhh.” Or, "Have you ever come home from a really
Amos: Okay.
hard day and relaxed completely and went ahhhhh?"
You ever done that? Ross: Okay? Granted it's the sound's fault, let's blame
the sound and tell the sound, "Fuck you, You're never
Amos: Yeah.
coming around again.” Okay?
Ross: Can you make that sound?
Amos: All right.
Amos: Ahhhh.
Ross: It's like a, if you were driving down the street,
Ross: Ahhhh. Okay. So, I want you to put your hand okay? And there's a little midget in the front seat and
on my back. Okay, I'm your dummy. Okay, let's do the every time you got near a car it went, "Oh my god.
sound that you made it the first way. Fucking look out. AHHH.” You know? You'd be
Amos: Ahhh.
Audience: Laughter
Ross: Ahhh. Okay. Now can you do the relaxed kind

Ross: You know. It's not your fault. It's the midget's Amos: Ahhh.
fault. So you got a little midget sound and you're
Ross: Ahhh, ummm. Okay, Kim's going to work with
going to get rid of it. Okay?
you more on this and the entire room. But here's the
Amos: All right. Ross: All right. thing. That is no problem. I understand how you
didn't do it. How you didn't do it is that sound that
Amos: had one. Do …
was there. And that sound that was there was a big
Ross: Oh. Let me show you how you do that. Here's problem. Right?
the thing that Kim is going to be teaching later today.
Amos: Right.
So when Kim comes up here, you really want to pay
close attention. Not just cause she's, looks Ross: For anyone. Would you agree?
babe-a-liciously cute in that outfit. You do, Bunny.
Audience: Yes.
Your legs are looking good. Ummm. When you look at
a pair of legs like that, what sound do you make to Ross: I mean, but you know, if you, as you learn to
yourself? make different sounds in your mind you'll realize. The
question to ask yourself is what circuits do you want
Amos: Uh huh.
to open in your mind? Because here's the thing. If you
Ross: Look at him. can learn to open the night circuits in your mind,
guess what you can learn to do with her mind?
Audience: Laughter
Amos: I can open up all circuits in her mind ...
Ross: Just look at him. What sound do you make?
Make it. Ross: That's right.
Amos: Ummmin Amos: But, correct circuits.
Ross: Unmmm. Yeah. Very good. Ross: That's right. And now when you think of, of a
woman who you're really attracted to and really think,
Audience: Laughter.
I don't want you to think of that woman right now, but
Ross: She's, her legs are the instant tonality if you were to think about her, what circuits do you
transformer. think you'd like to have open in her mind?
Audience: Laughter Amos: Pleasure
Kim: I don't even need to talk. I'll just get up here and Ross: Yeah
flash my legs.
Amos: Fantasy, fulfillment
Ross: Yeah.
Ross: Yeah. Stop a minute. What if her mind was like
Audience: Laughter. Response from audience. the magic door in the story of Aladdin? That if you
said the right word in the right way, the door would
Ross: Yeah. Very good. See, now this is fun. Doesn't
open? How would you say pleasure in order to open
it feel better to make those sounds?
the pleasure circuit in her mind?
Amos: Yeah.
Amos: Pleasure.
Ross: Okay. Now part of the way you make sounds
Ross: Very good. Now, what if, that's exactly right. It
and Kim is going to be showing you this in a very
feels good. What are some of the other things,
exquisite way, she's very good at this. I'm thrilled to
circuits you want to open in her mind?
have her here. Is, look at this. When you come home
from a hard day at work, where are your shoulders Amos: Pleasure, excitement.
Ross: Okay. How would you say excitement to open
Amos: Down. the excitement circuit?
Ross: If you, when you take, ahhh, when you really Amos: Excitement.
sigh, what do you do?
Ross: How about excitement?
Amos: up.
Amos: Excitement.
Ross: And then you relax them. Drop them, go ahhhh.
Ross: Yeah, good. Okay. Kim's going to work with
Do it again. Make the sound.

you more, good, give him a hand? Michael: Last night, I went out to dinner with some
friends and didn't have the opportunity. So, this
Kim: That was more like it.
morning I decided I was going to have some fun if I
Audience: Applause. could find an opportunity that presented itself. And it
Ross: That's good. You can stay up if you want, if
you're comfortable. Huh. Ross: Tell us about it.
Kim: If I'm not doing anything. Michael: As I came out, to check out the hotel
downtown, I, I was, didn't see anyone that looked
Ross: Oh, okay. Well then, your legs are a good
particularly attractive, just didn't present itself. So I
change stimulator.
pretty much had given up.
Ross: Now, hang on just a minute. Nowhere in the
Ross: No, woooo. Oooh, sit down. assignment did I say approach someone attractive. I
just said approach, but go ahead.
Audience: Laughter.
Michael: Anyway, well I choose to approach an
Ross: Bad thing, bad thing. She knows where to hit.
attractive person.
Anyone else try the exercise? Come on up brother.
What's your name? Brother what? Ross: I understand.
Audience: Michael Michael: So, as I'm getting out of the elevator, all of a
sudden there is s omeone there _____ at the door and
Ross: Brother Michael, have a seat. I like this. What's
the vest made of?
Ross: Isn't that interesting how opportunities just all
Yates: Kind of a suede.
of a sudden they're there?
Ross: Suede?
Michael: Exactly. And it presented itself and she was
Yates: Yeah. startled and she was coming on to the elevator and
didn't see and she jumped back. And I said, "Oh,
Ross: I had a lamb suede vest. Women would come
excuse me.”
up and go, where did they all want to feel this?
Ross: Could I ask you a question?
?: Yeah, that's how it works. Ross: Yeah. Okay, talk.
What did you do? Michael: My name is Manny Martian.
Michael: Well, I was going to do the exercise last Ross: No, but remember, the exercise was, "Excuse
night, but I didn't have the opportunity. me. Forgive the interruption. I just wanted to tell you
...” and you want to pause. Now what's the purpose
Ross: Uh huh.
of pausing? What does it do when you ...
Michael: So, to, so I thought, well, I'm not going to
Michael: Grabs the attention.
get to do the exercise so, but I was thinking about it
all the time, looking as I watched there with some Ross: Right.
Michael: Well, I had her attention cause she was
Ross: Hold on a minute. We're going to play a game startled and ...
with you. Where's my metronome? Where's my
Ross: Well, so would ...
metronome? Is it here in the room? Okay. Well we
don't have it. You need to slow down. You're talking Michael: that was the interruption.
so fast that even if people want to understand you,
Ross: So would Ted Bundy. You know.
it's going by way too fast. I mean, I'm pretty hyper,
but I'm going to have to make a cappuccino, cornhole Michael: Anyway, it worked. And so she, she rolled
cocktail ... her eyes back for a second ...
Audience: Laughter Ross: Now hold on. Show us what she did with her
facial expression and her body movements when she
Ross: to keep up with your speed. So, slow down;
went inside. What did she do? Show us.
we're all listening. Pace yourself. Go ahead.
Michael: She just went back ...

Ross: Like that. BREAK IN TAPE
Michael: and looked up for a second and then she Ross: I want to go over some of the, the basic tools
said, "I don't have any.” like quotes, negation, embedded commands, trance
words, and most importantly I want to go through
Ross: I don't have any.
context. Because a lot of you I know now have a basic
Michael: She didn't speak English very well. She got understanding of how patterns work, but you're,
the thing but she just basically said, and I said, "But you're still not sure exactly in what context which
you have everything you need. Nice to see you.” patterns to start with. I know a lot of you would like
more of a road map. It's sort of right now you've
Ross: Cool.
looked at the showroom floor, you've seen what the
Michael: So I did that. car can do, now you want a map saying, "Ross, given
that I want to drive here, tell me which patterns to use,
Ross: Cool. Is that it?
" and I will do that, so that when you come out of
Michael: That was my _____ . No, there were two. here, you have like two or three different game plans
that you can try. Fair enough?
Ross: Tell us the other one, ...
Audience: Yes.
Michael: So I was about ready to ...
Ross: So, you're looking and it's second down, three
Ross: then we need to take a pee break.
yards, what play do I use? Now, once you get familiar
Michael: All right. with doing this, I want you to begin to write your own
playbook and call your own play, but I will provide
Ross: Cause I hear bladders going uhhhh.
that for you. That's only fair, yes?
Michael: Should I go faster?
Audience: yes.
Ross: No. That's all right.
Ross: I know, even though you're going to lie to me
Michael: I'll slow down. and tell me it's not true, I know that there's still a lot of
confusion and open loops in the room. I've done that
Ross: I, I ...
deliberately because I've sort of overloaded you and
Audience: Laughter now today's the day where we tie everything together
in a nice package and you're going to feel that sense
Ross: I have trainer ears. When you have trainer ears,
of completion getting stronger and stronger as the
you hear bladders squeaking and bowels rumbling
day moves forward. Okay?
and people leaving the room. Go ahead.
Audience: Okay.
Michael: Interesting. The second opportunity it was
actually checking out and they said, "What's your Ross: Fair enough?
room number?" and I said, "Fourteen ten.” And she
Audience: Yes
said, "Mr. So and So?" It was the wrong one cause I
had transposed the numbers. Ross: So, yes?
Ross: Trance posed the numbers. Yeah, go ahead. Audience: I had a couple of questions about
Michael: So, I said, "No my name is Manny Martian.
And I'm, well, I would like to ask you a question. Do, Ross: Okay. I'll tell you what. Hold that and we're
what is your favorite flavor of bowling ball?" And going to do this and then we'll go back to your
she's an African-American lady and she looked back questions. So, one of my favorite tools as we
for a second and said, "Chocolate.” discussed yesterday is quotes. Now quotes does a lot
of things. You can use quotes to, as a conversational
Ross: Ali, good.
framework. ”I was watching the most interesting show
Michael: I said, "Me, too.” on TV. They were interviewing a man on the
Discovery Channel who makes his living designing
Ross: Good.
rides, attractions. And he said boom.” Got it? You can
Audience: laughter use quotes to test someone's boundaries. You know, I
can't believe, so you can use quotes as what I call a
Ross: All right. Have a seat. Ten minute ...
sexual accelerator. -You know? Towards the end of

the time you're spending with her you can test to see
if she's ready. You can go, "You know, some guys are
so crude. I was at this bar and a guy walks right up to
this girl and he says, 'I want to tongue your beaver till
you s cream for mercy. ' Did he really expect her to feel
that and think about it all night long, Debbie.” Now,
do you hear the commands in there? Feel that, think
about it all night long? The thing to understand with
commands is low play, low key them. I step on them
here so you can hear it, but the more you put them in
quotes, the stronger you can be with it. Okay? If you
put something in quotes you can really step on it
cause it's not you saying it. So, here's an example with
the famous joke we call Voodoo Dildo. So, I'm going
to tell this joke. All right? And when I do a command,
I'm going to wave my hands like this so you can hear
it. Okay? Right?
Audience: Right
Ross: So, this businessman is leaving town and he's
kind of concerned because he knows his wife is a

Yates: This is the end of Side 14 of the Ross Jeffries

Basic Speed Seduction Seminar

Tape 8 – Side 1 nervous, jellified wreck. And she tries pulling it out
but the harder she pulls, the deeper in it goes, the
more she can feel that unbelievable pleasure. So she
Yates: Welcome to Side 15 of the Ross Jeffries Basic figures, "Oh my god. I'm going to have to call 911"
Speed Seduction Seminar And she picks up the phone, calls 911, they don't
believe her. She thinks, "Oh my god. I'll have to drive
to the emergency room.” She waddles to the garage
Ross: The famous joke we call Voodoo Dildo. So I'm and she continues to have orgasm after amazing
going to tell this joke, all right? And when I do a orgasm. She's swerving all over the road. A copy
command I'm going to wave my hands like this so you pulls her over. He says, "Okay lady. Let's see your
can hear it. Okay? Right? driver's license. How much have you been drinking
tonight?" "Officer, I haven't been drinking. It's the
Audience: Right Voodoo Dildo.” "Voodoo Dildo, my ass.”
Ross: So, this businessman is leaving town and he's Audience: Laughter
kind of concerned because he knows his wife is a
nymphomaniac. And he knows that as soon as he Ross: So, and the interesting thing about dildos up
leaves town she's going to think to herself, "You the ass that he is, no.
gotta get some right now. Go for it.” So he goes to the Audience: Laughter.
sex toy shop to see if he can find anything to keep her
occupied. He's looking around and amongst the Ross: No, no, no, no, no. So, one structure you can
blow-up dolls, sheep and, you know, the different use to embed things is jokes. Okay? Another one is
little vibrators and balls, but he doesn't really see poetry, seduction poetry. Now if you're a member of
anything that catches his attention or interest. He the SS list, we have seduction poetry we from time to
notices behind the counter there's an ornately carved time. I'll tell you how to subscribe to that in just a few
wooden box. And he says to the proprietor, "What's minutes. It's free for paying customers at least.
that?" And the guy says, "Oh, that's the Voodoo Audience: Laughter. What is the SS list?
Dildo. Let me show you.” He opens it up and there on
a bed of red satin is what appears to be an ordinary Ross: The SS list is a, that's a good question. The SS
white plastic vibrator. The guy says, "Voodoo list is a subscriber e-mail list. If you're on the internet
Dildo?" And the proprietor says, "No, watch this.” He where students from all over the world, 15 different
says, "Voodoo Dildo, door.” And with that the countries I think we have, can exchange stories, can
Voodoo Dildo magically rises up out of the box, flies exchange tips, information, what worked for them,
across the room and starts slamming into the keyhole, what didn't work, that sort of thing. And we'll tell you
bang, bang, bang. Just as the door is about to splinter how to subscribe to that later today. And again, it's,
off its hinges and go flying out into the road, the guy there's no charge, I mean, you know, it's free. There
says, "Voodoo Dildo, box.” And with that the are some rules of etiquette that people have to obey
Voodoo Dildo magically flies back and like a leaf or they get kicked off. I have kicked people off the list
coming gently to rest on the floor of the forest goes before. Can I get some of that please? So jokes is a
back into the satin box. Well needless to say, he's good structure. Poetry is also very good. Poetry is
gotta have it. So, a thousand dollars later he wraps it really, really good. Poetry may not be, you know,
up in a package with a red ribbon, brings it home to technically quotes, but poetry is a way of talking
his wife, explains it to her, kisses her on the cheek and about a subject without you really being the one
off he goes. Now, for three days she thinks about it. saying it. I have a poem that goes something like this.
For three days she can feel the hominess building. Chicks, who has ever used my fascination poem? Did
She can feel that growing desire, that hunger for chicks eat it up?
pleasure. Finally, she can't take it anymore, she rips Audience: Ooooh.
open the box, says, "Voodoo Dildo, my koochee.”
Now the Voodoo Dildo flies into her, its stroking her Ross: Now, poetry is really good for phone speed
at exactly the right angle, with exactly the right seduction. If you call someone on the phone and go,
pressure, exactly the way she loves it. And she starts "Hey, listen to this Debbie. I just heard this amazing
to have orgasm after rippling orgasm. She starts to poem. Someone sent me this on the internet.” Right?
surrender to the amazing pleasure. Well this goes on So the poem goes something like this.
for five hours. At the end of five hours, she's a Have you ever been fascinated by someone who's

words just seem to captivate you? As you listen so Ross: It's in the speed seduction book.
close and you start to wonder, "What would it feel Audience: It's one of the newsletters.
like to falling under a spell, ummm, so magic, being
Ross: It's in one of the newsletters.
spun by the sound of a voice who's rich was
spreading on down. Have you ever experienced Audience: Yeah.
instantaneous connectio n to the point where your
Ross: Okay? It's in one of the newsletters.
thoughts moved in just one direction? People
sometimes say, "Please, just a kiss.” Funny how you Audience: Response from audience
find yourself wishing the same wish. Your mind is
Ross: It gets smaller and darker and fades into space,
amazing when you really let it go, as you find yourself
... What you've looked for so long you've finally
picturing, ummm, you know. As those pictures get
found, what you've longed for and hoped for has
bigger and that warmth starts to glow, spreading and
finally come round. Okay? Now listen to me. You
pulsing where you want it to go. Now what doorway
could call her up, this is all quotes. You're not quoting
are we using there?
a person; you're just reading a poem. And now what
Audience: Body sensations is the topic of that poem? Fascination? Connections?
You can say, and here's what you do. You say, "You
Ross: Body sensations. As those pictures get bigger,
know Debbie. As I thought about it after I read that
visual doorway, and that warmth starts to glow,
poem, I thought, wow, isn't it interesting how people
spreading and pulsing where you want it to go, body
connect with each other? Isn't it interesting?" This is
sensations, I will tell you all you desire me, I know,
another great topic opener. Excuse me. Saying, "Isn't
you desire me? You step out of what was, invited,
it interesting. Isn't it interesting how people connect
slipped inside, what is that? Sexual metaphor. Feels
with each other?" Now, what pattern would you go
like warm rain between your sighs. And it's not
into there? Incredible connection, which is in your
important that you find every inhibition has left far
workbook. So, poetry is a great way, again, to quote
behind. Now listen to this. We're going to do a little
something. A. very interesting thing is that I and, and
boyfriend destroyer. And if in your mind another man
we have a classically trained hypnotist here, I think
is around, watch as his picture drops straight to the
that jokes and poems and stories all work on the same
ground and gets smaller and darker and fades into
mechanism even though they appear different, one
space as a picture of us pops right in its place. What
from the other. They all work on the mechanism cause
did we just do? The boyfriend destroyer.
they call connect with the deeper part of the mind.
Audience: Laughter They connect with the playful part of the mind, the
imaginative part of the mind, the part that's open to
Ross: You, well that's what we did. We said, "And if
suggestion, that's open to new possibility. ”And
your heart there's another man around, " okay?
when you open to nude possibility Debbie ...” Now,
"Watch as his picture drops straight to the ground.”
that's called phonetic ambiguity. Phonetic ambiguity
Now, I didn't say, "Will his picture drop straight to
in and of itself will not get you anywhere. Okay? It's
the ground, " I said, "Watch as his pictures drop,
simply not enough to walk up to a woman and say,
drop straight to the ground, " meaning it's going to
"My best thoughts are not from above me, they're
happen. The only thing you can do is watch or not
from below me.” That's not going to get you a
watch. Okay? "Watch as his picture drops straight to
blowjob, okay? And to talk about moving in a nude
the ground and gets smaller and darker and fades into
direction; am I say new direction or nude erection?
space, as a picture of us pops right in its place.”
Now, there have been people who have seen me do
Audience: Where do we get a copy of this? this and I am blatant, I am clearly saying nude
erection. And I am doing this. Who is, some people
Ross: It's in your notes. I think the fascination poem
were with me in San Diego and I was doing this to a
in our notes.
waitress and I had my hands out like this. And I said,
Audience: Is it? I don't think so. Responses from "And you take this huge nude erection and you move
audience it deep inside.” And she wasn't getting it. She didn't
know that I was saying, they don't get it. But, in and
Ross: Is it in the notes or is it in one of the
of itself it's not enough. You have to do it as part of a
workbooks? The fascination ...
chain of suggestions. Okay? But, so phonetic
Audience: It's in the little manual. ambiguity is used within a chain of suggestions to tell
the unconscious where they're going to go. All right?

So, some phonetic ambiguities are below me, like as in Audience: laughter
the direction of above or below, and blow me, new
Ross: Not a breech loader, a repeater. Okay, look.
and nude. Someone else, what are some other good
Negation. Negation is very simple. To negate
phonetic ambiguities?
something you just put can't, shouldn't, mustn't, don't
Audience: You're mine. ... Now the purpose of negation is to, negation is
useful in a lot of different ways. One of the things
Ross: Yeah, that's another one. Your mind m-i-n-d or
negation does is it takes any resis tance they might
you're, as in the contraction for you are, mine, m-i-n-e.
express, expresses it for them and gets it out of the
That's a very, very frequently used one.
way. So, for example, you can use this if she puts up
Audience: Succumb some last-minute resistance to your physical moves.
”Oh, this is going too fast. We shouldn't be doing
Ross: Succumb.
this.” Now the rule is to just agree with her. Now the
Audience: Laughter wrong thing to do is go, "Well, why do you think
that?" Why, why, why is that not useful to say,
Ross: Yes, when you succumb, that's yeah, succumb
"Why do you think that?"
is a good one. So you're saying suck come or
succumb. The Three Stooges used it, Curly said, "If at Audience: Reinforces ...
first you don't succeed, keep on sucking till you do
Ross: It just reinforces the problem. She'll come up
suck seed.”
with the reasons why she's right. So instead you say
Audience: Laughter something like, like this. Look up here. Ben, Brother
Orion. You're, you just, you guys are like noise
Ross: It's true. Yeah. Anyone else have a good one?
machines here. What is going on here? I know, but
There, there are lots of them. Happiness or hap-penis,
now he's doing it.
you know.
Audience: Laughter
Audience: Hop-penis
Ross: If you keep it up, you're going to be dead meat.
Ross: Hop-penis, yeah. Audience: Response from
audience Audience: Laughter
Ross: What? Ross: Cause if you're going to act impotent ...
Anyway. Never mind, ever again.
Audience: Hot and ought.
Audience: Laughter
Ross: Hot and ought? Ah, that's not a very useful
one, but okay. Ross: I'm just kidding.
Audience: Response from audience. By now Audience: Response from audience
Ross: By now, yeah, okay. So, anyway. Ross: No, I'm just kidding. Yes.
Audience: Response from audience Audience: Could you restate the purpose of that tool?
Ross: Yeah, hot to know. Oh, ah, ah, harden me a Ross: Yes I can. Negation is useful for the following
minute. I'll walk, get up and go to the bathroom and things. It takes, it states someone's objection and
go, "Harden me a minute.” Twat's that? I cunt hear resistance before and, and dissipates it. ”You
you. No. probably couldn't ...” Let me put it another way. Let's
say you're making out with a woman. And she says
Audience: Laughter
something like, "We shouldn't be doing this.” You
Ross: No, no, no. Don't use that. Don't use that. No, agree with her. Say, "You're right. I shouldn't be
do not. Okay. Speaking of saying do not use that, let putting my hand into your pants. There's no reason
me show you another quick little tool, haha, quick for you, you absolutely mustn't feel the pleasure as
little tool? Negation. my finger goes here. I absolutely should not be taking
off your blouse and licking your beautiful nipples.”
Audience: You might want to drop the quick part.
Okay? You just tell her what you shouldn't be doing
and how she should not be responding as you
Ross: Yeah. You drop what you want; I'll drop what I continue to do it. It, what it does is it dissipates
want. It's a repeater. resistance. Now there's a second and equally useful

way to use negation. There's a class of women out course it can process the negative and, in fact, both
there that are called polarity responders. And a of them are correct. If you have a strong sense of
polarity responder will automatically come up with rapport with a woman and you offer her a negation in
reasons why anything you suggest is incorrect. So, your speech, the sense of rapport allows you to
negation is very useful for offering challenges. communicate directly with her unconscious mind and
Remember what I said. Do not supplicate, but instead the unconscious mind actually cannot discriminate
offer challenges and structure opportunities? So, if between the negative, the positive, it can't
you were to say to a woman something like this, discriminate between what is true and false, what is
"You're probably not the kind of person who can look fiction, what is reality. So when you offer a negation it
past the surface and see something much deeper, processes both sides. Okay? So your message
something really worth getting to know.” You know? actually gets through. If, however, you do not have a
And then they're going to go, "Well, yes I am ... ... strong sense of rapport with a woman and you offer a
You know, it's probably, you're probably not open negation statement, they process the negative and
and adventurous enough to really want to explore this that's it. They agree with you. Okay? So, if you want
kind of subject matter further with someone you to work with things like, "Well, you probably can't
realize really understands it.” And they'll go, "Well, begin to feel that growing sense of arousal for
yes I am. That's not true.” You understand? Now the mysterious reasons.” Okay? Do that while she's not in
question is well, how do you know if someone's a rapport and she will agree with you and she'll walk
polarity responder? Okay? That's simple. It's a matter out. Okay? If you do it while she's in rapport she will
of observation. If every time you say something they follow right along because negation just drops out.
say no it isn't or that's not true. Here's what a polarity
Ross: That's correct. Now there's something here to,
responder does. What a polarity responder does is
to realize overall. Overall everything we're showing
they look for differences. They look what, for what
you for the whole weekend is designed to
doesn't fit. They take what you offer them and they
communicate with that different part of the mind; the
match it against what they already know and they see
part of mind where you bypass the critical factor.
what can't work or work, they disagree with. Now, that
Okay? With classical hypnosis what you're doing is
can be useful. Understand that any strategy is useful.
you're putting someone in an altered state that
That's particularly useful if you're in business. You
bypasses the, the critical factor, the factor that says I
want a polarity responder at some point in the loop.
can't do this, I can't do that, this is what's possible,
You don't want them when you're brainstorming
this is what's not possible. And you take them into a
cause they'll kill the idea session, they'll kill the
place where there're a whole new realm of possibilities
creativity. But after you've come up with an idea, you
where anything can be tried on, where anything can
want the polarity responder to go, "Wait a minute.
be tried out. So, I see you, hang on a minute. Just
You forgot about this where it could go wrong.” You
wait. Okay? So, with the female what you're sort of
want someone to point out the pitfalls. You've just
doing is you're bypassing what I call the criticism
got to keep them out of the loop where they're not
factor. The criticism factor is that part of her mind that
useful. Okay? But the problem with polarity
says I only go for this kind of guy, I only go for a guy
responders is they can't turn it off, they're stuck with
who has this, I only have a, go for a guy who has
it. They're stuck with that strategy. Now the problem,
that, ah, I don't do this on the first date, I only do this.
what happens is if someone comes along with
Remember the story where the woman said, "I've
something that's so outside of their box, their circuits
never done this with a guy I haven't known for at
fry because they have nothing to compare it against
least six weeks?" That's typical. Well the reason she's
and they shut down - ehhhhh. Okay? So, this is a
doing it with the, the Brother who used that is
useful thing. So quotes, negation, what's another one
because he's bypassed that part of her mind. Now the
I can show you? Those are, those are ones we use
problem with the dating game is, you still have to deal
quite frequently when, when we speed seduce.
with that part of her mind. So you either have to
Major Mark: I have something on negation. qualify yourself or you have to pretend to have those
things. When you use Speed Seduction you're
Ross: Yes.
completely bypassing that part of her mind. You
Major Mark: If you were to this value say in hypnosis understand? So all the tools we're showing you,
for example, you'd find it a lively debate about whether they're trance words, weasel phrases,
negation. Some people say that the unconscious mind negation, embedded commands, quotes, the patterns
cannot process the negative. Others say that of themselves, the conversational frameworks, they're all

designed to bypass those structures. And a lot of Ross: Okay. So let's talk about the part that you're not
what we've been doing this weekend has been getting, cause that's what I want to help you with. If
designed to bypass your structure in your mind that fact, come up here, come to the front.
before you walked in that door prevented you from
John: My biggest problem is the negation button.
opening to new possibilities. Do you understand?
Ross: No, sit down. Now tell me what you were going
Audience: Yes.
to say. What did you just say?
Ross: So, we're in a sense speed seducing you into a
John: I don't know. The negation topic
new realm of possibilities. We're doing to you in a
sense what you're going to be doing with women. Ross: All right. Actually, as a matter of fact, that's not
Does that make sense? so.
Audience: Yes John: It's like ...
Ross: And by the way, if you think I've been rambling Ross: Well, first of all I want you to ...
the whole weekend and jumping from topic to topic, I
John: _____ .
have; but I'm doing it by design. Because today is the
day where everything gets tied up into a neat little Ross: I'm like the teacher. Spit out, spit out your gum.
package and you're able to go out there and actually Spit out your gum.
use it. You understand?
Audience: Laughter
Audience: Yes
Ross: There you go. All right. Now, what were you
Ross: And the other thing is, I want to bring up one saying?
point, and Kim pointed something out to me. Thank
John: Well, I, you know, I'm forward and all. I can ...
you, honey. Your observations are almost always
right on the money. She said there are a couple of Ross: Hang on just a second. I'm not ready.
people in here who have a, the mindset of this is their
John: My question is ...
last ditch effort, this is it. And I'm here to tell those
people you may be correct, but nonetheless this is Ross: Well, I'm not ready. Wait.
not a magic bullet. Speed seduction is not a wonder
John: Shouldn't, you really shouldn't ...
weapon in, in the sense that you're suddenly going to
be able to push a button and use it right away. This is Ross: Good.
going to take time, practice and dedication. You will
John: If someone says like a, you know, "No, I haven't
get results. I will put you in touch with a community
felt that instantaneous connection" you'd use,
of people who will support you in your ongoing
"You're right, you really shouldn't feel that
efforts. Okay? And understand that it's going to take
instantaneous connection" and then go into the, if
some time to get results. If you go out tomorrow and
they haven't felt and all ...
walk up to the best looking woman in the world and
expect that you're going to take her home and ten Ross: Yes, but you're starting from the wrong place.
minutes later, your expectations are going to defeat And here's the wrong place you're starting from.
you. You must have the willingness to work with You're, let me say, the way you described your
these tools. This is not magic, it's mechanics. The problem is not what's really going on. I think you're
distinction is that magic you utter the words and you perfectly capable of communicating, you're perfectly
get what you want. Mechanics means you have to do capable of describing what's going on, where you, up
the work. But there's a predictable structure to get the until this moment have had a lack is what you
results, but you must do the work. I saw your yourself can experience. See, it's not that you can't
question back there. Now you may ask it. communicate the patterns, it's that the patterns may
not resonate with something that you yourself have
Audience: All right. With the ...
experienced in here. So rather than giving you better
Ross: By the way, what's your name? tools to talk, which I will give you and which you
have been getting, perhaps what you need to focus
Audience: John Ross: Let me ask you a question. Are
on is learning to experience ... I have an intuition
you getting this?
about you. By the way, that's a very good pick-up
John: For the most part, yes. line, is to say, you know, "Excuse me. I know this is
going to sound strange, but I have an intuition about

you.” Why is that a good line? When you say to a Ross: John is incredible and he just keeps getting
woman, "I have an intuition about You, " what state better and better.
do you put her into?
Audience: Like Doritos.
Audience: Intrigue
Ross: Yeah, like Doritos. Anyway, John does this
Ross: Intrigue and curiosity. So the moment before, thing called drug of choice where if you've ever had
she was neutral. Now you've moved her into curiosity any drug experience, you can recreate it. Now
and intrigue. I have an intuition about you. And we're wouldn't it be great if you could smoke imaginary
all safe here and no one's going to tell on anyone. My marijuana or have imaginary LSD, imaginary ecstasy. I
intuition is that you have in your past experienced mean, you wouldn't have to go out and score with a
some altered states of consciousness. dealer, right? You know? What are the cops going to
do? They pull you over, go, "All right. Get out of the
John: Definitely.
car. You're under arrest for using your brain.”
Audience: Laughter
Audience: Laughter
Ross: And, and, and, and by that I don't mean yoga or
Ross: Blow into this machine. Zero. It doesn't make
meditation or ...
any sense. Well, look. I'm here to tell you that you've
Audience: Laughter been mistaken in what you believe about those
chemical experiences and here's what I mean. It's not
Ross: No, I'm just saying, my, my sense is that you,
the chemical that gives you the experience. And
that you're primary vehicle for having experience,
you're thinking, "Wait a minute. It sure is because I
different kinds of experience in life, has been
bought a lot of them.”
chemically induced?
Audience: Laughter
John: Yep.
Ross: No, no. It's not the chemical that gives you the
Ross: Okay.
experience, it's your brain and body's reaction to the
Audience: Laughter chemical. Now let me give you an example of this. I'm
going to teach you a little something. I'm not a
Ross: No problem. We all go through that phase.
particularly great artist, but the way it works is there
Some of us are stuck in that phase of development.
are receptor sites in the brain. Okay? So, if the
Some of us get out rather quickly because they don't
receptor site looks like this, imagine a jigsaw puzzle.
like it. That's no problem. You haven't lived till you've
Okay? There are receptor molecules in the brain. And
seen me on magic mushrooms. Those many, many ...
that means the only drug that can fit in has to
Audience: Laughter chemically sort of look like this. Okay? So, what
happens is it's like when your brain has that response
Ross: What is that slime trail, oooo.
its because the, the -drug fits in with the receptor
Audience: I will buy that video.
that's naturally there. Do you understand? Do you
Ross: You know, if you ever ... understand?
Audience: Laughter John: Yes
Ross: Yeah, I bet. Ross: And then the brain has a response. Well, what
does that imply? It implies that somewhere in your
Audience: Laughter
brain or body there's a natural version of that drug
Ross: And you'd give it to the news. All right. By the anyway. Otherwise the receptor site would never be
way, are you having a lot of fun? You look different. there and the drug would have no effect. Do you
You look like you're much more relaxed and enjoying understand that?
yourself. I'm glad. Good, good. You deserve that.
John: Yes.
Good. Here's the thing. Well that can be very useful.
When we do our weeklong seminar, as we do Ross: Okay. So if that's the case, that means your
something called drug of choice, John Lavow, who's brain already has all that stuff running around in the
Richard Bandler's training partner ... Has anyone ever first place. The reason why people take drugs is they
trained with John? Yeah. Is he awesome or what? want the state and they don't know how to get to the
natural response in their brain. That means that you
Audience: Yeah

actually have the ability to generate any set of can learn to do it more effectively. So, of the tools that
responses in there that you want to. Think about that. we've reviewed so far ...
That means that you can generate a million different
John: This and tools that, there, they, you know,
experiences for people to share with you. Right?
expanded my vocabulary.
John: Right.
Ross: Right.
Ross: Exactly right. And with that realization what
John: It's good. It's definitely good.
would it be like if you closed your eyes for a second
and allowed that realization that you can generate Ross: Well, let me, let me explain something to you
millions of experiences to share with people? That in then. This, yes it is good and let me tell something.
there you can learn to feel anything you want to, you Let's use an analogy. Let's say you've never been able
can build new feelings. Cause the interesting thing to walk in your entire life. You've always lived in a
about great nude feelings is to find a person to share wheelchair. All of a sudden one day some mad man
them with. Because if you were to go back, all the way comes along or something happens, you get up out of
back, to the first time you began to ever use your the chair. All of a sudden you have a whole new set
brain and you took this ability with you to generate of things to deal with. You have to learn how to, you
new thoughts, new feelings, new experiences, to know, tie your shoes, you may have to learn how to
begin to pay attention. If you were to remember the walk uphill, all of a sudden you could get lost
best ~ if you were to remember the best time that ever wondering around a neighborhood you've never been
happened and remember what that felt like, you could before, but you're still better off than you were before.
begin to understand that you can track feelings in So this, this, the distinction between a new direction
your body. You can pay attention to where a feeling that you're efforting towards and having a problem, I
starts, what direction it goes, and from doing that, if think what you're doing is, actually you're, you're
you were to go back and read the incredible experiencing some growth and that's a good thing.
connection pattern and as you read it, imagine that Okay? That's all I want to tell you, I mean, is there any
you could feel what that would feel like from right in part of that has to do with clarity where you're not
there. Then you could use that feeling to guide your understanding what's being presented? That's what I
words. There's a story called HANSEL AND GRETEL want to know about.
where Hansel and Gretel didn't want to get lost in
Cause as you learn to do something, I mean, when,
forest, so they left a trail of bread crumbs that they
anyone here play a musical instrument? When you
could follow back. What if these feelings in here were
first learned to play, did you feel like a little klutzy, like
that trail that you could use to lead people to share an
you didn't know what you were doing?
experience with you? And the method you used were
the words and the tools that we gave you? That Audience: Uh huh.
would be interesting wouldn't it? So, what I want you
Ross: Okay, but now, you, you can do it with, with
to begin to realize is what you thought was a liability
ease. Do you drive?
and what can be a liability, given the social norms, we
have to watch those things, actually it's Just an ability John: Yes.
you haven't been using properly. Because your brain
Ross: Could they, they didn't take your license away?
has the ability to generate a zillion different states to
have all sorts of different feeling and experiences. You
can experience a lot of things; it's just up until now John: No they didn't.
you only had one way to do it. But what I want you to
Audience: Laughter.
know is, it's always been your brain doing it all along
anyway. Okay? Now, what else are you having a Ross: All right. Hold on sheriff. This man's insured
difficulty with? with Eastwood. Do do do do. I don't know if they
have those ads out here. Anyway. Well when I first
John: Just the communicating.
learned to drive I had to think of everything, I mean, I
Ross: Okay. Well, communication is not a thing. This had to think, "Oh my god. What do I _____ ?" Now
is a thing. Okay. You hold it in your hand, you know? I'm just, you know. You don't have to think about it.
These tools will be become natural the more you
John: Right
practice. All right? All right, have a seat. I'm done with
Ross: And you can't hold it in your hand while you you.
talk. Communication is a process. All right? And you

Audience: Applause part of her mind that, that deals fantasies and that,
that sort of thing. Mysteriously. That's another
Ross: Oh, oh. See. Now I wasn't paying attention.
favorite trance word. What does it mean when
Look what I did. that's all right.
something happens mysteriously? What part of the
Audience: Response from audience mind is being evoked or engaged when something
happens mysteriously?
Ross: Sorry about that.
Audience: Response from audience
Audience: Laughter
Ross: What's that?
?: It's that sensory acuity.
Audience: Wonder, curiosity.
Ross: Ah, shut up.
Ross: It's, it's that, yeah, the imagination. ”So notice
Audience: Laughter
what it's like as your mind mysteriously begins to
Ross: All right. Now let me go through some more of, think in a new direction.” Good morning
few more basic pieces of the course. Okay? This is
Brother Kathleen. What? You can come sit up here if
important. By the way, I meant what I said to him.
you want to. No? Another one I like. Instantaneously.
And those of you who ...
What does it mean when something happens
BREAK IN TAPE instantaneously? "Notice what it's like as your mind
instantaneously puts a picture of you and I being
Audience: What are you going to teach ...
together in a very special way, right there in that
Ross: We'll do that later. We'll do that later. We're on. place.” What does it mean when something happens
All right. I just want to go through some trance instantaneously? When something happens
words. Trance words are words that tend to evoke an instantaneously, do you have conscious control over
altered state of consciousness. Now, it's not quite like it?
open sesame and the doors of the cave open, but
Audience: Response from audience
they do tend to as part of a train of suggestions
evoke an altered state. We'll just go through a few of Ross: No, it's just happening. Okay? Another trance
them. My favorite one is imagine. What is imagine word is suppose. ”Suppose you were to master these
do? Imagine evokes that part of the mind that does skills of speed seduction so naturally and easily that
work on a rational basis. And I will frequently say as you look back on this weekend as having been the
I'm offering a chain of suggestions, I will frequently best decision you ever made, wasn't it?" What is
use this phrase; it's one of my most used phrases. supposed do? Suppose is really a command to get out
Reach for the sky but no. of your rational mind and get into the part of your
mind that considers new possibilities, new directions.
Audience: Laughter
Picture. Well picture is just like imagine. ”I don't know
Ross: My, one of my most frequently used phrases is, if you can picture the two of us together - fucking,
... having an amazing time.” Boy, I better not go into
Mark: This is so ...
Audience: Laughter
Ross: Is ...
Ross: There's a book you should get called
Audience: Laughter
Ross: Is I don't know if you can imagine this as I repeat the title three times. PROVOCATIVE
describe it. So I don't know if you can imagine this as THERAPY by Frank Farrelly. ”Can you spell
I describe it. What is the command? Farrelly?" Yes I can. I believe it's spelled
Audience: Imagine, imagine as I describe it.
I'll say it, by Frank Farrelly. F-A-R-R-E-L-L-Y. Where
Ross: The command is imagine this as I describe it. Farrelly found if he provoked and shocked his clients,
Now, do you have to say that in order for her to he got a lot better change than if he was like real
imagine it? No, but why take, I, I really want to make sweet and nice to them.
sure she does. So I'll say, "I don't know if you can
Brother Orion: Bandler
imagine this as I describe it.” The great thing about
this word is it tends to turn on and energize that, that Ross: Yeah. Bandler, Bandler especially I think

modeled it. Convince yourself What does it mean to convince
yourself? What does it mean to convince yourself?
Audience: Laughter
Audience: Responses from audience
Ross: Sometimes you can use shock on a woman if
she's resistant. I have done this before. I don't Ross: Go inside and change your own mind. Find
recommend it for beginners. Please don't do this until yourself This is a really good one. I use this all the
you've really gotten your feet wet. But I've looked at a time. What does it mean to find yourself? "It's not
woman who was giving me trouble and said, "It's time important, " there's negation, "that you find yourself
you and I started fucking (pause) around with the thinking about me in a completely new direction. If I
idea ...” were to you it's not important that you find yourself
thinking about me in a completely new direction. If I
Audience: Laughter
were to say to you ...” What is "If I were to say to
Ross: "of your realizing that it's not about you making you?"
me wrong or me making you wrong. But it's about two
Audience: Weasel phrase.
people sharing something, that we each really want to
feel this. Don't you?" Ross: Weasel phrase. What what is the purpose of, of
a weasel phrase? It sets up all the commands you're
Audience: Laughter
gonna, you're gonna give. Are you getting this
Ross: nose of you at home when I said "feel this" I Amos?
grabbed my crotch area. Shock can be a way to get
Amos: Yes.
through to people. There's some of us who are stuck
with that method and need to learn some flexibility. By Ross: Okay. We're going to bring you up later and
the say, she, this tends to be the meth, method of pick on you.
confrontational training. It was like _____ or the
Amos: _____ .
forum. They want to shock you. You know? It's the
only way they know how to teach you, "You're a Ross: Huh?
fucking asshole. What are you here ...” You know?
Amos: I said no problem.
Now, I can be confrontational sometimes, and
sometimes it's useful. But if it's the only thing you Ross: Okay, good.
know how to do, you're stuck. Realize. The, the, these
?: Weasel phrases are also softeners.
are sort of the, the presuppositions of awareness, but
they also are trance words. Realize. What does it Ross: Yes. Softeners are anything you introduce or
mean to realize something? I suddenly, to suddenly use that makes the language you use acceptable. A
realize something. Does that mean it's something that softener would be like, "You know, I know this may
you worked out consciously? sound a little strange" or "I hope you don't mind our
discussing this. It's very important that when I
Audience: No.
understand someone that I find out what's really
Ross: No. Yessir. important to them.” Okay? In a sense, with these
things what you're doing is you're stepping back from
Mark: The nice thing about realize also ...
it and making it more acceptable than going straight
Ross: Yeah. up and saying, "Find me fascinating. Convince
yourself right now.” You know? Now, I know there's
Mark: that it's a phonetic ambiguity. One thing that I
some people out there in the NLP community who
do is I point to my eyes and go "real eyes.”
teach that kind of thing, but let me suggest, that
Ross: Oh, by the way, I heard a good one, man. They works in the seminar room but not in the real world. If
do, they have in Los Angeles, they have radio ads for you go up to someone in the real world and go, "The
the laser eye surgery. Okay? And they, and, and, and more you listen to what I say, the more it will cause
they said "the so-and-so clinic, remember, come to the you to find everything I say utterly and completely
so-and-so clinic for people who special-eyes ... true.” If you do that in the real world, what's going to
?: Uh, got it.
Audience: Responses from audience.
Ross: And they did it very subtly. But they talked
about having special eyes. I'm going, "Whoa. That's a Ross: Now, if you do that in the seminar room and,
real good one.” We did mysterious. Oh, here's one. with a bunch of cooperative zombies, they're going to

jump up and down and go, "Yea.” Audience: Oh yeah.
Audience: Laughter Ross: I mean, remember the formula: break her state,
focus her attention on you, take control of her internal
Ross: Okay? But, but, you know, that, it doesn't work
representations. Okay, that's the pick-up formula. But
in the real world. So, watch, yeah, that's right. So, if
look, look. I could do that by walking up and, and,
someone's teach you, you know, some language
and with my dick out going, "(panting) Hi there. Doc
pattern mastery, you got to ask yourself, "Wait a
say I need to get my inhibitions out.”
minute. So that really going to work outside the
seminar room?" And I hope you're applying that to Audience: Laughter.
what I'm teaching you, too. I invite that kind of
Ross: All right? I had a guy write me ... Listen. I had a
mindset. I invite skepticism; as long as it's presented
guy write me. He says, "Ross, you know, I've read
non-rudely, you know, within some rules of decorum.
your books and stuff.” And he says, "I feel like a
So you want to be able to ask yourself, "Hey, you
coward cause I was on the subway and I really
know, is thing going to work outside the seminar
wanted to show my dick to this girl, but I just couldn't
room, Ross?" Yes. Greg.
get my confidence up. Should I have shown her my
Greg: Can you do softener again. ”I hope you don't dick?"
mind us talking about ...”
Audience: Laughter
Ross: "You know, I hope you don't mind us
Ross: I swear. We get freak mail, man. We get some
discussing this but it's really important when I meet
very sick mail. We, I have a, I have, I'm very cog,
someone and, and I understand them, to find out
cognizant of my security. I have a, a little file where
what's important to them.” Or you can say something
I'm kind of like keeping track of the potential hazards.
like, "You know, I hope you find this line of
questioning acceptable and respectable because I do Audience: Laughter
want to respect you as I learn about your cause it's
Ross: To give them to, to Brother Pelone. Hang on
important when I meet someone who I like to learn
just one second. So, so, he says, I wrote him back and
what's important to them. And I will equally share
I said, "You're a very ill young man. You need serious
with you what's important to me.” So, in a sense,
therapy. Under no circumstances are you to show
when you do this process of persuasion, one of the
your dick to any woman unless it's behind closed
things that you want to do, seduction, persuasion of
doors and she asks to see it. Or she is a licensed
any kind, what you want to do is to pace their
medical professional.”
ongoing reality and not jar it. Now, there's sometimes
when jaming their ongoing reality, as in shocking Audience: Laughter
them, is useful. Okay? There are times when you
Ross: Okay? "And we're taking you off our mailing
_____ , when you want to interrupt the reality. When
list. I want no further responsibility ...” We kick
you do a pick-up and she's walking along and doesn't
people off our mailing list. I mean, if we feel that, that,
even know you exist, what's your state of mind
you know, we ... Yes, question.
towards you?
Audience: Yeah. I just wanted to break her states ...
Audience: Responses from audience
Ross: Focus her attention on you. Well obviously
Ross: Neutral. Okay? She doesn't even know you're
you don't want her attention focused on someone
there. What you want to rapidly do is move her out of
else. Focus it on you, and begin to take control of her
that state. But, still, you don't want to jar her. If you
internal representations. By internal representations I
do jar her, you want to jar her with humor. That's why
mean how she pictures things, what she says to
when I walk up to that woman and I act gay, "Excuse
herself and what feelings she's going to have in her
me, princess ...” I could jar her by walking up with an
body. That's very simple stuff. Good question. 'thank
axe. Right? And going ...
you. All right? Ah, let's see. What other trance words
Audience: Laughter are good? Wonder. I like the word wonder. Brother
Coby has this thing where he says to a woman, "So
Ross: "Ted Bundy rules.” Okay?
let me ask you something. What would a guy have to
Audience: Laughter. do to convince your wondrous self to have a cup of
coffee with him?" Okay? Wonder, wondrous. What
Ross: Would, it would, I'm serious. Would that break
does it mean to wonder? When you wonder, are you
her state?

using your rational thought process? Remember,
picture it like this. Remember the other day we had the
Brother ... There he is. Look at me a minute. Was it
this hand? Okay? You want to consider people like
this. Consider this about moving energy around.

Yates: This is the end of Side 15 of the Ross Jeffries

Basic Speed Seduction Seminar

Tape 8 – Side 2 Mark: Chopin started riots.
Ross: Did he really start riots? Are you kidding? Why
did he start riots?
Yates: Welcome to Side 16 of the Ross Jeffries Basic
Speed Seduction Seminar Mark: Because he created some powerful emotional
music and he did it in a time of political upheaval. So
when he _____ , for example, it started riots and they
Ross: You want to consider people like this, Consider banned it. they, they ran him out of the country.
this about moving energy around. I know those of Ross: Wow.
you with a scientific mindset will go what point of the
electromagnetic spectrum is that energy on? I don't Mark: Okay. Mozart had women throwing underwear
know. Okay? You want to move energy from one part at him. I mean, that ...
of her mind to another. So this is point, the critical Ross: He's, he was ...
part of her mind, the part that's analytical and has all
the critical stuff in it. Like, "Well, he's got to have a Mark: _____ .
certain look, he's too old.” You want to take energy Ross: The underwear in those days is pretty big.
from that and move more and more of that energy into
this part, the part that imagines, daydreams, Audience: Laughter
fantasizes, where anything can be tried out, where Ross: You'd have some muscular guy picking that shit
anything can be tried on. Is there a possible pattern up. I just want to say ...
here to be spun? Maybe. Some are listening and some
are really listening, and some are really not listening at BREAK IN TAPE
all. Okay? You want to, everything we're showing you Ross: This is such a simple understanding doesn't
is a way of moving energy from one part of her mind mean . Okay? If you pay attention to where something
to another part. Now here's the really cool thing. This is, it gives you the choice to move it somewhere else.
part of her mind may not be very active. She may not If you're not paying attention to where it is, you can't
really know how to use it. you may be the very first move it, you can't do anything with it except _____ .
person to come along and really show her some All right? Being able to pay attention to where
amazing tools to do that with. You're waking her up. something is gives you the flexibility and the ability to
You're sort of like, anyone know the story of Helen move it somewhere else. If you're not paying attention
Keller and Anne Sullivan, THE MIRACLE WORKER? to where it is in the first place, the only thing you can
Anne Sullivan taught Helen Keller, who is deaf, dumb do potentially is clash with it. so that's why doing that
and blind, how to perceive the world. She gradually exercise is important; so you can learn to pay
put energy into that part of Helen's mind that could attention. See some of the useful questions to ask
perceive. That's sort of what you're doing, but some yourself when you're doing patterning is to ask
of the women, you know, you're like THE MIRACLE yourself where is she now? To ask where to I want
WORKER, waking this part up. ”Hallelujah. I can her to go? In other words, the average frustrated
see.” A nude possibility, moving in a powerful new chump asks questions about where he physically
direction. Okay? I'm serious about this. It's an amazing wants to take a woman. ”Should I take her to the
tool. movies, should I take her to, should I take her to an
Audience: Laughter expensive restaurant, should I get my car washed?"
You want to ask questions where's her mind and
Ross: Right? That's right. where do I want to take it? What are the series of
?: Wow. states I want her to experience with me? You look
confused are you confused?
Ross: Okay? So, those are trance words, those are
just some, some of the smaller pieces. How're we Audience: Yes.
doing? Anyone need a break? We doing okay? We'll Ross: And what specifically is confusing you.
go for another like 15 minutes before we take a break.
What I want to do now is, Mr. Paul? Audience: its such a broad question - where is she

Mark: _____ started riots. Ross: Mentally, where is she? Is she neutral towards
me? Is she excited about me? Okay? Here's the thing,
Ross: What's that? you go, I want you guys to understand. Picture this.

Let's use this metaphor. Let's talk metaphor for a panel going, "What does this button do?"
minute. And I know what he met her for. Look up
Audience: Laughter
here. I don't want any writing down. Okay. Look.
Let's, let's speak metaphorically. Let's say that she's a Ross: "Do I put on my parachute or do I try and get
car, okay? And you want her to drive the car into the plane to fly?" You know? "The control inputs are
your garage. That's sort of an opposite metaphor, but not working. What is this pedal for? What does 'Do
let's say that's what it is, okay? Okay. Here's the car. Not Push' mean?" You know? That's what you're
Let's say she's already highly attracted to you, she's trying to do cause you have no idea. Do I, so, but
highly attracted to you, she's ready for a man in her when you learn to use language, when you, first of all,
life, she's been alone for a long time and she really learn to pay attention to see where a person's at and
wants to be with a man tonight. Okay? How mu ch then you begin to think what states do I want them to
patterning do you have to do? go through and you begin to move their states in a
deliberate way, then you begin to have a lot more
Audience: Very little.
power and choice. So, if we want to create curiosity,
Ross: Very little. Okay? Now let's say you're not her casual comfort, that's good. We can do that with our
type. Okay? She's just not physically attracted to the opening line. You know, a good way to do that is say,
way you look. And let's say she's kind of just a little "Excuse me. Forgive the interruption. I just want to
bit gun-shy. You're going to have to some more work. tell you I think you're absolutely breathtaking. My
Okay? So, it's important to be able to assess where name is so-and-so.” You know? And then to create
the person's at. Now. So, if she starts out, ideally curiosity and intrigue, a great line is to say is, "I have
she's going to be highly attracted to you right off the an intuition about you.” Now, when you say, "I have
bat, but that rarely happens. So let's say she's neutral. an intuition about you, " what does that do? Curiosity
Her state of mind towards you is neutral. She doesn't and intrigue. She may have a little skepticism like
hate you, she doesn't love you. If you're lying on "Okay, tell me, buddy. Show me what it is.” Okay.
ground on fire and she had a bucket of water, she'd Now you can joke around. You can go, "My intuition
pour it on you. You know? She may not check on is that if I invited you to sit down and analyze your
your condition, but you go, "Yeah.” Instead of handwriting and tell you secrets about yourself your
whacking you with the bucket or going and getting best friends don't know, you'd be smart enough and
some lighter fluid ... Okay, so she's neutral. What's a open enough to accept that invitation right now.”
good state, realistically, what's a good state to move Okay? You get the kind of languaging? I'm not going
her from, from being neutral, do you want to move, do to repeat it word for word because the word for word
you think it, you can move her to absolute slobbering is not the point. The point is the attitude you want to
lust feeling like you are the last piece of hot dog in the convey. The attitude is really are you smart enough to
world? do this. You're not really saying, "I think you're, I
believe you're smart enough.” You're really saying,
Audience: Responses from audience
"Are you smart enough? Let's see if you can take this
Ross: Yeah. opportunity.” Remember what I said. Never ask, never
supplicate. You didn't say, "Would you sit down with
Audience: Responses from audience
me and let me do your handwriting?" Or, "Do you
Ross: Yeah. Curiosity, intrigue, comfort ... want me to do your handwriting?" You said, "You
know, I have an intuition about you. My intuition is
Audience: Loveliness
you're smart enough and adventurous enough that if I
Ross: Now what happens if that's as far as it goes? If offered to sit down and analyze your handwriting and
the only state she ever experiences with you are tell you secrets about yourself your best friends don't
curiosity and casual comfort, where do you think this know you'd jump at the opportunity right now.”
is going to go? You're challenging. Guys, you have no idea of the
power of this. If you use these patterns combined
Audience: Wrong, wrong, wrong. friends.
with challenging and structuring opportunities. Okay.
Ross: Let's be friends. Okay? Now the problem with Here's the wrong way to do it. ”Will you please sit
the old dating game that you used to do before you down and let me do your handwriting?" Or "Would
walked in the door on Friday is the things that you you like me to do your handwriting?" Never ask,
would have to do to get her out of this were all never supplicate. Instead, structure opportunities and
guesswork. You're frantically trying to push the offer challenges. It doesn't matter what specific
button in the 747 that's crashing. You're in the control language is. As long as your attitude is, "Hey, are

you sharp enough to take this opportunity?" You who's good enough to do this?" But that's what I did
don't say it right out. You don't walk and go, "Are say. And I said, "I wager that you are. My bet is that
you sharp enough and smart enough to take you are.” Now what does that imply? It implies, "I'm
advantage of this great opportunity in front of you?" wagering, I'm, I'm putting my money on you. Now you
Okay? That's when you get the little, the little bird want to be a bitch and a shallow person who
waved in your face. Every time you structure you disappoints me, that says something bad about you.”
structure your communication, if you can get into the You see what I'm saying? Now when I tried being
habit of asking, "How can I structure this so it sincere with her the first go around, saying, "Hey, I
captures and leads the imagination and it either/or or really enjoyed talking to you. I'd like to spend some
both, structures an opportunity or offers a time with you without time pressures or
challenge?" If you don't structure an opportunity interruptions.” Never heard back from her. If you can
what you're doing is begging. What you're doing is learn to structure your communication in a way that
saying, "I'm always available.” But if you're like offers a challenge or structures an opportunity, I
Mark's moving feast, here you are this movable feast, could do a whole day on this, you will go bananas.
is she fast enough to grab something really good off Another way to offer a challenge or structure an
the banquet table? Then, then my friend, you have opportunity is to say, "Look, I don't have a lot of
tremendous power. There are a lot of different ways to time.” Oh, the other thing I said to her is, I said, "So
structure a challenge; through the way you use your even though you realize I'm hard (pause) to get a hold
language. I did this thing where I, where I called this of and I'm ...”
woman. Let me tell you a true story. Cause this is a
Audience: Laughter
part I want to get into. In my original book I talked
about don't leave messages on answering machines. Ross: "I'm probably too busy to spend too much time
But technology has changed since 1989. Nowadays a with you, you can still feel enthusiastic about
lot women rely on voice mail and pagers. Yes? reaching for the phone.” Okay? I'm telling you. This is
like, this is where your seduction skill will obtain
Audience: Yes.
critical mass like these A-bombs you saw going off.
Ross: So, I had met this woman at a, originally, maybe There's a reason why I kept showing you that. If you
four months ago and I left a sincere message on her can combine the language patterns with the attitude
voice mail. She never called me back. Ran into her of nerve supplicate, just structure opportunities and
again about maybe six weeks ago, got her number offer challenges, boom. Now I'm going to offer a
again, and through talking to her what I elicited from challenge to you guys. Rather than give you specific
her is she's very snobbish. She likes to believe she's languaging on how to do this, I want you guys to
smarter than any other woman out there. She doesn't form your own support group. And the subject matter
like women. In her mind, these are her own words, of this support group for the next three months is
"Women are shallow and only look at the surface of going to be "What language do you use in every
things.” She likes to think she phase of seduction to structure opportunities and
offer challenges?" We're going to pass around a
has more depth than that. So when I called her I left a
sheet, exchange e-mails, that sort of thing, e-mail
message along these lines. Now the words are not
addresses. I want you guys to form your own
important. What's important is the attitude that I
workshop, your own braintrust and really work on
conveyed. I said, "This is so-and-so, blah, blah, blah,
this. Rather than spoonfeed you, I want you guys to
you know. I don't know, I don't know for sure if you're
come to understand that you are the source of your
the kind of woman who can look past the surface and
own change. I'm like the irritant, I'm the little grain of
see something deeper, something worth really getting
sand that gets into the clam and forms the pearl.
to know, but my bet is you are. My wager is you are
Okay? I like to view myself, my mom always used to
the kind of person who can stop and imagine being
say, "You're a gadfly.” "So what's a gadfly?" She
together really enjoying each other's company. So if,
said, "It's a fly that buzzes around and irritates people
and only if, I'm right about you, you can reach for the
and bzzzz.” "Thanks mom. I never thought of it that
phone and call me at ... And I hope this, you know,
way, but good.” You can see my mom saying that,
and this is all I can do right now cause this is the only
couldn't you Kim? I'm sorry. Yes? Brother Orion.
number I have to reach you. And I hope this message
has reached you.” Okay? You get it? She called me Brother Orion: I was just going to say, I've been to a
back like boom. Okay? Now, I challenged her. I said, few of the seminars and, and started, you know,
"Are you, " I didn't say, "Hey, are you the woman meeting some of the people through you and getting

everybody's names down. And I've met some of the from ...
coolest people, you know, through following through
Ross: Everyone, almost every woman is motivated by
on this. But what you can't expect, you can't expect to
a challenge. No woman, no woman is, is excited by
get that call that says, "Hey, we're all getting
supplication. Except sadists who want to kick you
together" and here it just happens to be a day that
around for that. Okay? If you don't, if you do nothing
you're, you're going to be free anyway and just go
else but avoid supplicating, you will do fine. And
and do it. You got to take a little bit of effort, you
when you're going to make a move towards a woman,
know, if you, or if you have a success, you want to
there's an exercise you can do. If you imagine a circle
just talk to somebody about it, just put your name on
in front of you, everyone do this. Imagine a circle in
it at random, well it seriously, I mean, if you remember
front you, like maybe three feet in front of you. I want
the person that well. Some of the people I didn't
you to imagine yourself inside that circle. Okay? And
remember that well at the seminar, but we go together
I, consider a move you're going to make towards a
and we had a great time and I'm still friends with them
woman, like picking up the phone and calling her, and
from a year ago.
look at that one and hear that one doing that
Ross: Yes, Brother Kathleen. particular move you're considering. And reach out
your arm, literally physically reach out your arm and
Brother Kathleen: Well, I have question about what,
just touch a fingertip on that, and that you in the
what you said when you're offering that challenge on
circle and feel its energy and say, "Is this coming from
an energy of supplication or energy of challenge and
Ross: Yeah. structuring an opportunity?" Okay? If it's coming
from an energy of supplication, you know not to do it.
Brother Kathleen: the phone because if somebody did
If you do nothing, that's better than doing what's in
that to me, I would, and I, I, let's say didn't call them
there. You understand? Sometimes I'll just do nothing.
If I can't think of something to do, circle's gone, if I
Ross: Yeah. can't think of something to do other than
supplicating, I'll do nothing until my mind comes up
Brother Kathleen: And I didn't want to or ...
with a better alternative. You understand? If you, if
Ross: Yeah you're in the woods and the only thing you learn from
someone is what, where all the poison things are that
Brother Kathleen: something. I would, I'd be more
you shouldn't eat, then you're home free cause all you
likely to like to want to stay away from that person
have to do is don't eat those, eat anything else. Okay?
because I'd be like they're trying to make me feel bad.
Stay away from supplication and you'll do, I'm telling
Ross: Well, you know this technology. you. If you combine that, did you have a good night
last night?
Brother Kathleen: And I don't want to feel bad.
?: Oh, I had some fun.
Ross: You know this technology. You know this
technology. But most people are going, "Uh oh. I Ross: You had some fun. Okay. Yeah.
don't want to feel like an absolute rude bitch. I better
?- I had a kick-ass night.
call him.” You know. And most people, I'm, I'm just
saying that with a lot, and it doesn't work with Ross: He had a kick-ass night. We, we don't want to
everyone. Okay? But with a lot of people it does work get into it but you had a kick-ass night? Were you
to offer that challenge. So you like challenges in a supplicating?
different way. And understand what I did with her is I
?- You think I'm crazy?
used her own languaging. Because this woman had
talked to me how most women can't look past the Ross & Audience: Laughter
surface and see something deeper. So I just mirrored
Ross: Were you running around with a black cape?
back her own language with her. Okay? I'm saying it's
not about the specific language, it's about the ?- Yes I was.
attitude. Yeah?
Ross: Yes sir.
Audience: It, it, it also, this is going to appear, this is
Audience: You mentioned safety.
going to appeal to some people and it doesn't appeal
to others. Some people have kind of going towards Ross: What?
strategy and other people having a running away

Audience: You mentioned safety and curiosity ... this is for you to understand and incorporate. Just
because the skillset you have is not yet perfected
Ross: Ah ...
doesn't mean that what you're offering, however
Audience: Casual comfort imperfect, isn't of extreme value anyway. Even if you
do these patterns n ot quite right and you flub it up,
Ross: Casual, no I said casual comfort and enjoyment.
you're still going to be creating states of mind and
Audience: Okay. feelings for her that no other guy can. So the
challenge is can you walk into a situation where
Ross: But safety goes along with comfort. Yes sir.
you're not quite sure if it's going to work and still do it
Audience: You had mentioned in getting what without being supplicating. Without going, "Please, I
language do you use ... hope this pattern works. Tell me I'm good at speed
seduction. Oh goddess, oh goddess.” I guarantee
Ross: What language, I want you to explore. What
you that will fuck it up. Okay? If instead you go,
languaging can you use in every phase of seduction
"Let's have some fun, see what I can do, see how she
from initially going up and meeting her to closing the
responds.” If your mindset is not "I've got to get her"
deal, to if you get a number calling her and getting her
but "Hey, let's see what happens.” More progress has
to call you back that reflects structuring an
been made in human existence through the mindset of
opportunity or offering a challenge? You can create
"Let's see what happens" than has been made
games, create a quiz game. Okay? Where you go, "All
through "Oh my god, I've got to do it.” Let's see if
right. Here is a response. Is it structuring an
you can join the "Let's See What Happens Club.”
opportunity or offering a challenge or is supplicating,
Write that, that one you can write down. The "Let's
errr" Come up with a creative ways to drill among
See What Happens Club.” I hereby appoint everyone
yourselves for this. I do not want to be the person
members in good standing of the "Let's See What
responsible for your learning. Yes.
Happens Club.” And the dues for staying in the
Audience: Explain supplicating if you would. "Let's See What Happens Club" is at least once a day
you've got to as yourself, "Let's see what happens"
Ross: Supplicate means to, to entreat, to make
and you go see what happens. And then you share it
earnest, please. If you're the king and the king can
with someone who's also interested in this
pardon you for a crime, you supplicate the king for his
technology. Okay? Cause the rest of the people in the
pardon. Yes.
world are in the "Oh my god, I've got to make it
Audience: There was a couple of times last night happen" club or "What the fuck just happened" club.
when I was running patterns and I noticed myself
Audience: Laughter
slipping into that old mode of ...
Ross: Or "I wish it hadn't have happened" club.
Ross: Yeah.
You're going to be in the "Let's See What Happened
Audience: Ask permission. Club.”
Ross: Yeah. ?: _____ .
Audience: I'd just instantly stop it and turn it into a Ross: That is a compliment of which I am not worthy,
challenge ... but thank you. Thank you. That's a great compliment.
I'm not worthy but thank you.
Ross: Right.
Audience: What were the compliments?
Audience: The result on their face
Ross: Doesn't matter. Anyway, so, don't we have
Ross: Right.
something we have to do now? Okay. Are you going
Audience: was incredible. Ross: Right. Now, here's to let me know when we have to do that?
the real key. Guys, here's the tricky part. This is the
Ross: Okay, let's do it. So how do we do it?
tightrope. Okay? The key is this. Can you start with
the set of skills that you're not quite yet good at and ?: They'll walk in
present that skillset without feeling the need to
Ross: Well, tell them to walk in.
supplicate with it? Just because, just because you're
not completely polished with what you're doing does ?: I'm not ready yet.
not mean that what you're doing has no value. I'll say
Ross: Okay. You're not ready. You'll let me know
it again. Just because you're not, I don't want writing,

when you're ready. Okay? I'm serious. Let me know. when you ask them out and, I know I'm not going to
It's up to you, you're running this show. Okay. So, be doing this anymore but I'm going to be challenging
does that make sense? them, but when you ask them out and they said,
"Well me back on a Wednesday ...”
Audience: yes
Ross: They want to see if you'll be their spare tire. But
Ross: When I first started doing speed seduction
here's my point.
there was a period for like two years where I would on
and off supplicate until I learned to stop it. Does ?: I'm not needing and buying insurance.
anyone know anything about or do we have any
Ross: Yeah.
former pilots in here? Any military pilots who flew?
Audience: If nothing else comes up, they're available
Audience: I'm one.
to go with you?
Ross: Urn, fighters? Did you ever fly, did anyone ever
Ross: Right. Right. So here's the thing, here's the
fly anything that got shot at?
thing. You need to build in in your mind a
Audience: In _____ , I have. supplication warning system when ...
Ross: Oh, you have been in planes that got shot at. Audience: laughter
Okay. Well, one of the things they do with fighters is,
Ross: I'm serious. Go through, what you do is, you go
modem fighters have equipment looks to see when
through with a piece of paper and write down all the
radar is being turned on and is scanning them. Now
things that women do that have triggered that in the
why would it be useful for someone in a fighter or
past and you wire, and you can tell your radar watch
bomber to know that radar is sweeping their plane?
for these behaviors and the minute you get the signal,
Audience: Responses from audience you step out of that and you move in to being
challenging and structuring an opportunity. Okay?
Ross: Well, it means you could be, you're about to get
You need to build in, I have an enunciator that goes,
shot at, okay? So they have a whole bunch of
"Warning, warning, supplicant, supplicating ...” I do. I
systems in new, in, in, in aircraft to, what they can do
have an enunciator. You know what an enunciator is?
is based on the radar that's scanning you, they can
tell you the kind of weapon that's about to shoot at Audience: Warning
you; whether it's anti-aircraft missiles, whether it's
Ross: You military people, what is an enunciator?
guns, etc, etc. Okay? You need to build in an
What's the job of an enunciator?
antisupplication radar set - I'm serious about this -
that tracks whenever that supplicating feeling is Mark?: It delivers a specific warning that's caused by
starting. Now women are experts at getting men to a specific cue.
supplicate. Here's some ways women get you to
Ross: Right.
supplicate. They don't do what they say they're going
to do. They don't call you back. You ever have a Mark?: So, if it says for example, oil pressure low,
woman say, "Call me at nine o'clock and we'll talk number two engine out, eject, eject.
about going out, " and you call at nine o'clock and
Audience: It's the rocking robot.
you get her answering machine? Have you ever had a
situation where she says, "Call me at nine o'clock" Ross: Yeah.
and she's there to pick up?
Audience: Danger, danger.
Audience: No, once
Ross: Yes sir.
Ross: Uh, uh, uh. Now is it, did it, sometimes but for
Audience: _____ the statement pay attention to
the most part, gee, if you think that's just coincidence
that she's not there? Chance will you at least 25
percent of the time she's there. So, if she's not there at Ross: That's a good one, too. That's a good one, too.
least 25 percent of time, guess what? She's fucking But I'll have one that goes ...
with you. Okay? She wants you to be a supplicant.
Audience: _____ .
Actually she doesn't. She's hoping that you won't.
What? Ross: Yeah, of course.
Audience: What happens when they tell you, well, Audience: Laughter

Mark: You might want to consider another one that Mark: Okay, I tell her, "I understand. I don't have a lot
says stop paying attention to yourself _____ . of time right now. If you can get right back to me at
this number ...”
Ross: And pay attention to externally. That's another
good one that you need. Okay? Warning, warning. I'm Audience: And I call her again, once and a while I get
telling you. If you can move out of the energy of her. But she has it set up so that she's very
supplicating and into the energy of challenging and unavailable.
structuring opportunities, then I guarantee you, I
Mark: Okay, so what is the message? Okay, you hear
guarantee you, that even if you flub the patterns the
all this communicating and everything you say, think,
patterns will still have a lot of power. I would rather
do is always a message, right? Now if in this day and
have someone do a pattern half way right with the
age she is not capable of acquiring a machine for her
right energy than do a pattern crystal perfect with the
phone, she's not terribly interested in incoming
wrong energy.
messages. Right?
Mark: If you get half way through the pattern with the
Audience: Right.
right energy and _____ , she will correct you and she
will try to help you _____ . Mark: But she is interested in communicating with
you when she wants to with her message. Correct?
Ross: Yes sir. Brother. Brother Kim? That's distracting
(pause) me. Audience: Right.
?: Just an example, the last two days I've had Mark: Is that the sort of person you want to be
phenomenal success and I haven't been able to associated with?
remember any of the patterns. I'd be like getting into
Audience: No.
about two sentences and I'd just start to have to go
impromptu and it was just using anchors, using Ross: Part of being a non-supplicant is knowing when
challenges. I found challenges would just light them to go "I'm booting this ball.”
up. I'd start to go into, "Well could I ...” then I'd go,
Audience: Laughter
"Wait a minute, that's supplicating.” I'd go, "You
know, well, what would it take for you ...” or I'd go, "I Ross: Punt. Yes.
guess we can't get together tonight.” And all of a
Brother Orion: There's just one last thing on this
sudden they'd go, "Oh yeah we can.” And it was just
subject ...
interesting to see them go from a point of, "well, " to
_____ , "I'm going to make sure this is going to Ross: Yes, one last thing.
Brother Orion: This is just the reality of the situation.
Ross: You missed some great stuff. There's so much of this kind of thing going on and
there's various strategies for dealing with it. But the
Audience: Response from audience
real way to deal with it, you know, if you're not, if
Ross: Well, I'm serious. you're not in a relationship and you're looking to hook
up with someone is to meet a lot of people so that you
Audience: I know. I'm serious, too.
can play the numbers game and win it.
Ross: We'll give you tapes.
Ross: Right.
Audience: Okay.
Audience: Yes.
Ross: Okay? Yessir.
Ross: Let's move on from this.
Audience: Okay. A lot of times when you maybe
Audience: Response from audience
calling a woman and she'll say "I'm on the other line,
can you call me back?" How do you know if she's Ross: Let's move on from this. But I did want to
bullshitting you or not or if she's actually on the other include that little section because it's important. I
line? Cause she's been trying to get you to want to talk a little bit about, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, I
supplicating or she could be actually wanting to have want to talk a little bit about context. I know some of
you ... you are still concerned about that and I promised I'd
cover it. And again, these are not the only
Ross: He's got an answer.
distinctions, these are just the ones that are occurring
Audience: Okay. to my mind right now as I'm teaching you in front of

the room and you're listening. Really listening. That's you how to get on the list in a minute. Yeah.
right. Cause hypnosis requires you say the right
Audience: Just a little technical note. Make sure your
words or does it? It's called the breath induction. It's a
phone is a good quality phone. I have a phone that
weird thing, I mean, think about it. If by your
when I talk on and I had to get rid of it cause people
communication you can control as intimate as in
thought I was on a cell phone. I couldn't hear any
private, and as private as how something is breathing,
distinctions. I went out and I got some phones and
that's pretty, that's pretty cool, isn't it? Oh, we'll go to
called them up, kind of run there and found out what
lunch in about 15 minutes. Okay? Let's talk about the
it sounded like at the other end when someone talked
context of what you do in person versus what you do
on the phone it made a world of difference.
over the phone. Okay? Now, basically you can do
everything in both contexts. But on the phone a very Ross: And by the way, make sure you turn off call
good pattern to start out with, I really like, when I call waiting, cause I hate to have, to be distracted by
someone on the phone and Brother Orion can confirm boop right in the middle of what I'm saying to
this, a great pattern to start out with on the phone is somebody. Someone did that to me ...
the Discovery Channel pattern.
Brother Orion: It's Star 70
Brother Orion: You can jump right into it. You get to
Ross: It's 70 pound. It depends ...
say, "How're you doing. What are you doing today?"
Brother Orion: Star 70.
Ross: Jump right into it. Cause it's typical for people
who call on the phone to talk to what they saw on TV. Ross: In L. A. it's 70 pound. Okay. Now, look at me,
From the Discovery Channel you can move on to look up here, look up here. The phrase you use, one
incredible connection. And from incredible phrase you can use to transition from discovery to
connection you can move on to the blowjob pattern. incredible connection is "It's just like ...” And a
Some other things you can do on the phone are jokes phrase you can use to transition from incredible
and poems. They're really good ways to start out. I connection to blowjob is "The other interesting thing
want to give you guys this road map. Okay? And I ...” Okay? In person, in person, in person, there are a
you guys, the other thing I want you guys to discuss lot of different directions you can go in person. But in
among yourselves is transitioning from one pattern to person you can start with incredible connection, you
the next. I've shown you that but I want you guys to can go to discovery channel and you can go to
make that a sub-topic of what you discuss amongst blowjob. This sounds so, to someone who doesn't
yourselves. Okay? Yes. know what we're talking about, they go, "What in the
fuck is this?" Just give them this little section of the
Audience: Okay. There can be, you can't see the
person, so there could be distraction at her end.
Audience: Ross: Yes.
Ross: There could be but she'll let you know that.
Generally speaking there's not. And you can also hear Audience: one of the patterns over the phone
responses. When you hear, (deep breath), uh, I've
Ross: Right.
heard moaning on the phone, I've heard ah. When I
read the poems, I've heard oh, ah. Those are good Audience: And then you go meet someone ...
Ross: Okay. Now I'm going to talk about that. Okay?
Audience: Oh yeah. Let's say you do all this on the phone and you set up
a meeting. The great thing to do at the subsequent
Ross: Yeah.
meeting is a pattern we call blammo. Now I'm going to
Audience: She's in the kitchen making something and show you the blammo pattern later this afternoon.
her mom's coming in ... The blammo is like your coup de Gras. Anyone ever
see bullfighting? What do they call that thing where
Ross: Well, pay attention to that obviously.
the, the matador puts the sword in the bull for the
Audience: That's not a good time to run this? final whatever that stroke is called? That's your ...
Ross: Yeah, obviously. Audience: Response from audience.
Audience: You have a list of classical poems, like Ross: Yeah. Brother Orion loves doing the blammo.
Browning or ... Okay. I'll show you how to do the blammo this
afternoon. The blammo is a massive sexual
Ross: I don't do, we have our own on the list. I'll tell

accelerator. Okay? And you set up the blammo by would for a minute. Mark: Oh, sure. Ross: Major
talking about how interesting it is that people do Mark.
things in their mind in a certain way. I'll show you
Major Mark: 'Mere are laws of hypnosis. Okay? Like
how to do that. And also it's always good to read
all laws, all rules, there are exceptions. You use them
poetry in person. Poems, poems so on the, so you've
someplace where they're appropriate, other places
got, you've talked to her on the phone and then you
they're not appropriate. But where hypnosis really
set up the meeting. Poems, blammo, jokes and quotes.
gains its power is not in trance inductions, initial
Remember, another sexual accelerator is quotes. ”I
suggestions or the responses to those suggestions.
can't believe it, Debbie. Men are so rude. I was in a
Rather hypnosis gains power through repetition.
bar and this man walked up to a woman said, 'Can you
Okay? You can do this within a short amount of time
imagine me going down on you all night long exactly
by cycling through the same suggestion over and
the way you like it? Did he really expect her to think
over again so that with each repetition it becomes
about that and really enjoy those feelings all night,
stronger or more powerfully implanted. It becomes
Debbie?" Okay?
more native to their thoughts as opposed to another.
Audience: Where will you _____ . You can do it through a different type of repetition
that is spaced over time. For example, when I do
Ross: You can do the poems in the beginning, you
clinical work, I used to do kick-ass nuclear-powered,
can do the poems midway. Poems fit in anywhere.
single-session hypnosis work. They'd come in, they'd
Audience: You said jokes. Well, ... tell me what they want to work on, I would fix it for
them, I'd show them how to do it themselves, and
Mark?: Poems all fit in the same category
send them out the door. Okay? And I was charging 75
Ross: Yeah. They all do the same thing. Yes, yes. bucks a session for this . Okay? I had tons of happy
ex-clients and I was going fucking broke. Okay? So,
Audience: Between the Discovery Channel and
this is not my business model. Okay? So, what I
incredible connection, what are the themes that
decided to do instead was we only do programs now
connect the two?
where you come in and you talk about what you want
Ross: Okay. What is the Discovery Channel about? to do, what you want to accomplish and we'll sell you
It's about how people can, what's the ideal attraction. programs. Almost like a health club. You ever join a
And you say, "And as I thought about it, as I health club, you know, and they never want to tell
watched the show, I thought, isn't that just like ... the you exactly what it costs _____ talk about how good
ideal connection between two people.” Think of the it's be when you're all buffed up and you can see
Discovery Channel pattern. You're talking about. through the window all these people who don't need
Okay, the Discovery Channel pattern you talk about to be in a health club but they're out there anyway?
how you ride that roller coaster, you feel excited and You know? So, what we do is we come in, we sign
completely safe and you're fascinated? It doesn't you up. Our minimum period now is nine weeks.
make sense to say to her, "You know, as I thought That's what we consider really a short program and
about it, I thought, isn't that just like ideal connection we sell programs up to a year. Now, in order to
between two people?" And then you go right into participate in the program, you must come in twice a
incredible connection. Yes sir. week for about an, well forty minutes to an hour and
we'll do trance work with you. Okay? Now people
Audience: When you use the incredible connection
come in with something a reporting problem which is
patterns _____ slight variation from phone to in
what they had on their mind in the first place. But,
person ...
let's say somebody comes in and they're a hundred
Ross: Yes. pounds overweight. Okay? And so they're thinking
weight is what I really need to change in order to
change my life. Well chances are there are many
Ross: Yes, yes. Repetition, yes, you can repeat. With things that need to change their life. You will never
slight variations you can repeat the same thing. You run out of areas where you can improve in your life.
can say, "Remember when we talked on the phone And so we want to get them hooked on the process
about incredible connections?" Here's how you of change. And so we'll do repeated suggestions not
repeat something. You say, "Remember when we only within a particular session but also repeated
talked about x.” And you just repeat x. Talk about the sessions over time. And you get phenomenal results.
law of repetition in suggestion in hypnosis if you In fact, I can still cure people of smoking in a single

session, for example. You just take the smoking away like when - will really get you laid? "It's just like this
and you give them something better; that we still got poem I read on the Internet.
nine weeks left. Where do you want to go? You
Two eyes across a crowded room, ...
A spark electric in the gloom.
Ross: Now, ...
A fleeting glimpse of one with whom
Major Mark: You can ...
You can truly feel free.
Ross: I'm sorry.
For one long beat the contact held
Major Mark: There's another way of compounding
through repetition and that is simply compounding A time in which you are enspelled.
different suggestions. That is within a single session
A time in which two souls can meld
or single trance induction or in this case a single
conversation, you want to give a series of If only this could be.
suggestions through these embedded commands.
Then comes a smile to match those eyes
Now, it doesn't really matter that they are different
suggestions. They can even be suggestions heading A gentle voice invites your sighs
in different directions. The unconscious mind doesn't
A voice as soft as butterflies that brush you tenderly.
care, it is happy to do whatever it is that it thinks it's
supposed to do, which is take this in and make it A voice that flows like liquid gold
permanent. So you can give suggestion number one,
And warms your senses in its folds
fla, fla, fla, suggestion number two, fla, fla, fla,
suggestion number three. Okay? By the time you get And gives in your heart to hold
to three it's also reinforcing one and two. You hit four
The hope that this could be.
and that not only goes in but reinforces one, two and
three at the same time. Okay. It's the same bullshit, different delivery vehicle.
Okay? So, here's what you do. You can call her up on
Ross: Now the trick is, when you're doing seduction
the phone, read her, "Hey Debbie, " quote the poem,
is to come up with a structure that tricks her or
"I heard this most amazing poem, " and then go right
distracts her conscious mind long enough not to
into the connection pattern. You can do the
recognize that you're repeating the same thing over
connection pattern and quote the poem. Do you
and over, And the way you do that, if I might now, ...
Major Mark: Uh huh.
Audience: yes
Ross: This is exactly where I wanted to go with this.
Ross: It allows you a structure for repetition. And
The advantage about poems is, let's say you write a
then you get the same effect as if you were a master
poem based on the incredible connection pattern. You
hypnotist and they were coming into your clinic.
can do the incredible connection pattern and say,
Except when they come in your clinic it means
"Debbie, it's just like this poem I wrote.” Or, "It's just
something's slightly different.
like this poem I read.” You do the poem and it
reinforces every single thing almost word for word Audience: Laughter
that you just said in the pattern but because it's put in
Ross: Okay? Are you get, or does it? Are you getting
the structure of a poem, she doesn't think, "Oh, this
guy is repeating to me.” You understand? That's the
beauty of it. If you take a slightly different format you Audience: Getting the whole, weasel and vinyl seats,
can say almost the same goddamn thing and reinforce by the way.
it. And then you can tell a joke based on the same
Ross: Is ...
thing. Now we have poems, so let's say, ... let's say
you want to talk about incredible connection. We Audience: laughter
have a poem on the SS list written by Brother Nick,
Ross: Okay. Is it, is the methodology for doing this in
Brother Nick Fortune. Beautiful poem called YOU
the context starting to become more clear?
CAN MAKE IT BE. So let's say you do the incredible
connection pattern. You go, "Debbie, it's just like ...” Audience: Yes.
remember I said those words - it's just like and it's just
Ross: Yes.

Audience: I've got a question. sudden I got this really powerful insight about you.”
So instead of saying intuition say insight and explain
Ross: Yeah.
the process that went, you went through beforehand.
Audience: The examples you gave of the different Does that make sense to everyone?
patterns to use in ...
Audience: Yes.
Ross: Yeah Audience: in person versus on the phone
Ross: Do, logically, do you see the difference
Ross: Yeah between walking up to someone you've known for a
while and saying, "I have an intuition about you.” It
Audience: Are those just random examples or is there
just doesn't quite fit. Instead you say, "You know, I
a specific reason you chose those?
was thinking about the people I know in my life and I
Ross: They're the ones I, they're ones that tend to just got this amazing insight about you, this
work really well. You could do the, here's the thing, incredible intuition.” You get it? You have to do a
here's the thing. Let's say I walk up to someone in little more setup. So, the only difference between
person and say, "Excuse me. Forgive the interruption. already knowing her and first time talking is, here's the
I just wanted to tell you I think you are absolutely irony, if you already know her, you have to do more
breathtaking and I wanted to find out what the person of a setup. When you already know her, you need,
inside was like. My name is Joe Blowjob.” Okay? you need more setup. If you don't know her, you can
Okay. What sense does it make to say, "You know, I go right into this stuff.
was just watching the most interesting show on the
Discovery Channel.” It only makes sense to keep
talking about her. And they way you keep talking Yates: This is the end of Side 16 of Ross Jeffries Basic
about her in transition into the incredible connection Speed Seduction Seminar
pattern is to say, "I have an intuition. I know this is
going to sound a little funny, but I have an intuition
about you. My intuition is when you connect with
someone, someone who you really like, you know that
sense, that click, right there, blah, blah, blah, blah. My
sense is when that all happens you can imagine a time
in the future, say years from now ...” Get it?
Audience: Uh huh.
Ross: And then you say, "It's just like this show I was
watching on the Discovery Channel.” But it doesn't
make logical sense in the context of talking about
what you think about her to immediately go to that.
Do you understand?
Audience: Right. I got you.
Ross: Another context to pay attention is have you
already been in or do you already know her, or is this
the first time talking? And you can use the same
patterns, you just have to use them in different order.
Because, what's your name sir again?
Audience: Jason
Ross: Brother Jason. Doesn't it just make sense if you
already know someone, if you already know someone
and you can s ay, "I have an intuition about you, " but
you have to set it up different. You can't just blurt
out, "Hey, I have an intuition about you" to someone
you've known for three weeks. Or three years. What
you can do is say, "You know what? I was thinking
about the people I know in my life and just all of a

Tape 9 – Side 1 and yet very effectively. So here's what we're doing
here. What we're talking about and what we're
teaching this weekend is we're teaching men to
Yates: Welcome to Side 17 of the Ross Jeffries Basic communicate in a way that captures and leads a
Speed Seduction Seminar woman's imagination. The understanding that we've
been learning together is that men and women don't
think the same. That in order for a woman to feel
Ross: If you don't know her, you can go right into romantic about a man, he's got to touch her in a
stuff. Yes sir. different place mentally. He's got to open up, not the
part of your mind that thinks about the ordinary,
Audience: Have you ever tried using song lyrics ... mundane things you have to get out of the way,
Ross: I've tried everything. cause you have stuff like that.

Audience: _____ used poetry. Lisa: Right.

Brother Orion: Ross? You just mentioned poetry. Do Ross: You have to do laundry? Right? Just cause
you mind if I read someone a poem? you're a pretty girl doesn't mean you don't have the
tasks of life. You still, I got to do your laundry. Right?
Ross: Oh, no. Sure. But let's set up the context before
we do it. Come on up. Lisa: Of course.

Brother Orion: Come on up. Ross: You got to pay your bills.

Ross: How do you know Lisa? How do you know Lisa: Yep.
Lisa? Ross: You got to do all that bullshit stuff. You got to
Audience: Applause do tasks and you got it out of the way. And the
problem with most men who meet you is they
Ross: Ben, Brother Orion, how do you know her? communicate with you in a way where you think
Brother Orion: I just met her outside. I told her we about them as a task that has to be gotten out of the
teach hypnosis and seduction. way. Okay? And no matter what they do, once you
put them in that part of your mind, as a task that has
Ross: Have a seat. to be rid of, there's, they're gone. There's nothing they
Brother Orion: And that we're teaching guys how to can do. They can beg, they can plead, they can
communicate with women. annoy, they can pester, they can give you presents,
but it don't mean jack shit. Right?
Lisa: Can I just stand?
Lisa: Uh huh.
Ross: Have a seat.
Ross: But the understanding I also want to give them,
Brother Orion: Yeah, have a seat or stand, it's up to and, oh by the way, I want you to express what you
you. really think. If you don't agree, let me know. It's fine. If
Ross: Have a seat. you agree let me know. You agree with what I just
Lisa: I'll just ...
Lisa: Yes.
Ross: Well, just calm down a minute. Have a seat,
have a seat and relax. You're a smoker, huh? Ross: It's equally true, by the way, how old, young a
lady are you?
Lisa: Yeah.
Lisa: I'm 22.
Ross: Okay, now, here's the cool thing. We're going
to have fun. We are not going to embarrass you in an Ross: Twenty-two okay. It's equally true and this is
unhelpful, and this is all going to be fun. What we're something they didn't know a lot of it until this
talking about here, I need, I need to give a context and weekend, that there's another place inside the mind of
then we'll turn you loose. every woman, I don't care if she's young, old, pretty,
plain, there's that place inside where you keep your
Brother Orion: _____ a lot of time, though. most special memories? Yes?
Ross: I understand. We're going to move very rapidly Lisa: Uh huh.

Ross: That place inside where you explore new I feel it?
possibilities, where you feel safe to imagine things, to
Lisa: Go ahead.
explore that place where anything can be tried on or
anything could be possible? The place where you Brother Orion: That feels really nice. And I, and I
keep your best memories, where you ponder think it's amazing how things that have that affect are
fantasies, daydreams, unlimited possibilities. The sort of your saying, you were comparing it to like, oh,
kinds of things you do, if no one ever found out, you those posters that glow in the blacklight. They
wouldn't even want your best friend to know you capture your eye in a certain way or the way like when
longed for. You know that place? you're driving along a country road and the sun, like
when the sun is setting and the sun filters through
Lisa: Yep.
the trees. It's like it captures your, your eyesight. It
Ross: When a man can learn to communicate with a captures your imagination. And when I read a poem,
woman in a way that touches her in that place, don't that's what I'm trying to evoke. So, as you read it you
you think that guy has a different effect on you? can just imagine the kind of imagery that comes to
your mind naturally. Okay.
Lisa: Oh, yeah.
Have you ever heard a voice that seems to draw you
Ross: Isn't it different?
Lisa: Definitely.
To feeling a connection, an image growing clear.
Ross: And what happens is maybe you go home. I
The more you see desire, me, I know that special
don't know if you ever do this. You're lying in bed,
you find that place in your mind where you think
about the things you most want to experience and The person who you've longed for
explore, and it's like suddenly this person is present in
Now you see it in my face.
that place. You know what that's like?
And you begin to notice how wondrous it can feel As
Lisa: Uh huh.
warmth inside just glows for us, so lustrous, so real.
Ross: Yeah. Can you feel that something you've
A tidal wave comes crashing down, powerful and
experienced before?
Lisa: Oh yeah.
And the tremors of an earthquake ripple up from
Ross: Yeah. It's a good thing. So what we're talking deep below me
about is one way to do that is through poetry. That if
Like sweet honey nectar flowing from my lips,
a guy reads you a poem, he can open that place in
your mind. Make sense? A tongue to lap up every drop as quickly as it drips.
Lisa: Uh hmmm. The fountain of a fantasy, your eyes begin to close
Ross: Okay. So he's going to read a poem to you and As the musky scent of passion starts tickling your
... nose.
Lisa: Well, what am I going to have to do? When desire is matched with rhythm, a single distant
Ross: we're just going to want ... Just listen.
Overpowering sensations invited you can come
Brother Orion: _____ .
Along on a journey and deep inside your mind
Lisa: I don't want to be asked anything.
Peaceful and secluded, on passion we can dine.
Ross: Okay, no. We're not going to ask anything.
Aloft on the wings of rapture, together spirits soar
Brother Orion: Okay. Lisa, I, Lisa, you have just have
the coolest shirt. Is this not just the coolest shirt? Wild, untamed and sensuous just like a lion's roar.
Ross & Audience: Yeah. How long ago it seems since the two of us first met
Brother Orion: I was telling her she got it at a store As time is rendered meaningless or timeless better
called Rave and I, and I, and I stopped her because I yet.
think it's really cool. I love fabrics like that. I bet it, can

Seize this opportunity, this day that we have danced ?: Before she gets started
_____ as you sit there, so magically entranced.
Ross: Before she gets started, let me just say a few
Take with you this rose, a red remembrance of this words about . When I heard, the first clue I got that
feeling, Kim was a woman of extraordinary intelligence, she,
she was terrific. She came to work with me and I was
To lead you back here now or whenever is
talking to her and I said, "You know, it's not important
for people to feel connected.” And she said, "I can't
Ross: Like that? speak in the infinitive.” She named the exact
framework that's called the infinitive meaning ...
Brother Orion: Thank you.
Kim: It means like if you to whatever.
Ross: Ah, she liked it.
Ross: Yeah, it's called the infinitive. She said, "I can't
Audience: Cheers and applause.
speak Kim:
Brother Orion: How long _____ .
Ross: And I went, "Whoa. She's so sharp.”
Audience: Applause
?: It's mentioned that she's turned on, right?
Ross: Nice, Paul.
Ross: Oh, okay.
Brother Orion: I just want to talk to you for a second.
Audience: Laughter
Ross: Okay. Outside. Thank you very much.
Kim: _____ for a minute.
Lisa: Thank you. Brother Orion: I really appreciate it.
Ross: Now there's a challenge _____ . She's on.
Guys, give her a big round ...
Kim: Isn't it? Oh no, it was on me. Okay.
Ross: Yeah.
Ross: It's on. Okay. Here's your, here's your marker if
Audience: Cheers and applause.
you need to use it. Kim is going to talk to you about
Ross: Now, now, wait until she's out of earshot. How one of the very most important things you can
many people think she had a strong, positive possibly do which is to learn to use your voice.
response? Because, you know, if you don't use your voice,
you're going to be up the shit creek without a paddle,
Audience: laughter
so. Are you ready?
Ross: Now notice what he did. He spoke very softly
Kim: No, but that's okay. I'm up here, so I guess I
so she had t o really listen. He spoke slowly so she
better do my best. Let's see.
could have the responses he was describing, and
what did I do? I set it up so it was okay for her to Ross: Let's give her a huge hand.
respond. What did I talk to her about?
Audience: Applause
Audience: Responses from audience
Kim: Stay up here for a minute _____ .
Ross: I talked about how, I paced her ongoing reality.
Ross: Oh, I see.
She's a pretty, young girl, mostly guys she meets,
they're tasks she has to get out of the way. But then I Kim: Okay. So.
talk about what it's like to access that different part of
Ross: Doesn't she look a lot nicer than I do up here?
the mind, the part where anything can be tried on. So
essentially I said, "go into that different place in the Audience: Yes.
mind and from there listen to his poem from there.”
Kim: I figured if I wore a skirt this short, if you didn't
Now, if he can do that in a roomful of horny guys and
like what I was saying, you'd be entertained anyway.
get that result, what can you do in private, over the
phone or in person? All right, we're going to go to Ross & Audience: Laughter
lunch. It's now 1: 10, when should we come back?
Kim: So.
?: Thank you, Kim.
Kim: I know you appreciate the effort, huh?
Audience: Applause.

Ross: I'm entertained already. And you're willing to let go of the familiar and really
step in to difference realities, and that's very
Kim: So, first let you guys know I am not a
important. It's like when you were a kid, and when you
professional speaker, so bear with me. If I'm not loud
were a kid, you're really willing to try on new realities.
enough, just tell me and I'll project better.
One day you're an astronaut, the next day you were a
?: _____ . race car driver ...
Kim: No, I don't think you want to do, that to happen. Ross: I was always a transvestite, but that's ...
But, and the only reason I'm up here now is cause my
Audience: laughter
boyfriend told me if I didn't get up here, not to come.
So, I'm here. So ... Kim: And you were bad. You were bad. But you were
whatever you wanted to be at moment, and as a
Ross: That's called the move-away-from strategy.
kid it was really easy to step into new realities and try
Kim: Yeah, it is the move-away-from strategy. So, let's
new things. And as an adult people kind of started
get started. First thing, how many of you guys here
have seen the movie THE TRUMAN SHOW? Did stick their little toe in the water and test things, but
anybody here s een it? Do you guys like it? they're not willing to step completely into a new
Audience: Yes reality and try it on. So, it's something that kids have
that we could all really benefit from. And that movie
Kim: It's a great, great movie. And it made me think of
a lot of things. First, for the guys who haven't seen it, really made me start thinking about all that and it
let me give you a brief plot synopsis. In the movie started making me think about you guys. I was like,
there was this guy Truman. And when he was born he
"God, wouldn't this be great for Ross' students? All
was adopted by a corporation. And this corporation
these new ideas?" So, today we're talking about your
put him on a big, huge, gigantic movie set that
speaking voice. I _____ constrained right now cause
doubled for the real world for him. So, he's going
I'm very nervous, but ...
along and he hits about 30. And then he starts
realizing that something's wrong there and that things Ross: You're doing fine. Isn't she?
are being choreographed around him. And he gets
Audience: Yeah, applause.
really curious and starts trying to escape from where
ever he is cause he doesn't know what's going on at Ross: Bunny, Bunny, Bunny, Bunny, Kim, Kim, Kim,
all, so he keeps trying to get out and get out and get Kim, Kim, Kim. You're doing fantastic.
out. And then they have the guy who created this
?: I thought you said you weren't a speaker.
movie, this show that's on 24 hours a day, starts
taking calls from callers. Now the first caller is this Kim: I'm not, but that's okay.
lady. And she says, "You know. I don't understand
Ross: You're doing great.
how you had him set for all this time and he didn't
even realize that something's going wrong, that Kim: Okay.
something's not right about it.” And his response
Ross: You weren't, but you are now. Keep going.
was, "That people accept the realities that are
presented to them, " which is very true in our world. Kim: Okay. So we're going to talk about your speaking
And the second caller was an ex-cast member. And voice. Okay? And some of you might be wondering
she called in, she was all upset saying, "Well, I can't why it's important to have a good speaking voice.
believe you're doing this to him. This is horrible. How Well, of course, it's a nice thing, but isn't it more
can you do this to this guy?" And he listened to her important than what you say, right? But then, okay.
and he said, "Listen, I think you're more upset that But actually your speaking voice is what first attracts
Truman is willing to, was more happy in his cell than a person or what keeps them there. Cause people
he is being out there.” And these two things really want to be around someone who's appealing to them.
made me think, because if you think about it, most of And if the voice sounds like nails scratching across a
the people out there do accept all the realities that chalkboard, then nobody's want to, going to want to
presented to them and they are happier being in a cell be around that person. Okay. So, and in Atlanta
than they are going out and exploring new things. But where I live there are all these good old boys. All
then you have this percentage of people, such as you right? Is anybody here from the south? Oh no. You're
guys here, who are willing to try new possibilities. from the south? Where are you from? You're from,

yeah, you're from Texas originally. Where are you "But her voice, nobody can stand her because of her
from. voice.” And you go and she's going, "Woo wee, y'all
good ole, howdy y'all" and it's just like to whole bar
Audience: Maryland.
sits and cringes when she opens her mouth. Okay.
Kim: Where?
Ross: I'd be gone by then.
Audience: Maryland.
Kim: Sorry about that. But that's why your speaking
Kim: Maryland? voice is important because people do talk about it and
people do notice it. Okay? And now I'm going to refer
Audience: It's on the Mason-Dixon Line.
to my notes cause I forgot what I'm going to say next.
Kim: Oh, god. I'm like that's the south? What are you So ...
talking about?
Ross: That just means the information you're
Ross: That's not the south. presenting is so amazingly valuable that you yourself
at times get overwhelmed by it. I think that's only a
Kim: If you don't talk like this, you ain't from the
sign to be even more enthused by what she's
south, boy.
presenting. Yes?
Ross & Audience: Laughter
Audience: Yes.
Audience: My family's from Louisiana.
Ross: That's all
Kim: Well, that's the south.
Kim: Shut up. Okay. So there are many elements to the
Ross: That's the south. speaking voice. There's pitch, pace, tempo, pitch,
tempo, resonance; your breathing and posture are
Kim: Okay. I lived there.
some things that are very imp ortant to your speaking
Ross: (Humming DUELING BANJOS) voice, believe it or not. I'm sure it doesn't seem like it.
Kim & Audience: Laughter Ross: I have a question. What about volume? That's
important, too, huh?
Audience: Response from audience.
Kim: Volume's important.
Ross: President Clinton over there is from the south,
ain't you Bill? Ross: Did you notice what Brother Ben did when he
was up here? Did he speak really loud like ... he was
?: I grew up in the south and I, many times when I was
like this, quiet so she had ...
a child sometimes _____ have intercourse with my
sister. Kim: Right
Ross & Audience: Laughter Ross: to really listen.
Kim: _____ , there boy. But if you don't get up to the Kim: Well, volume's important in the sense that you
level of your mother, you're not getting anywhere want to use different volumes for different states you
now. want to induce. But volume's important in another
way. Each person speaks at a different level. If you're
Ross & Audience: Laughter
talking to someone who speaks really quietly, you
Kim: But, now on with your speaking voice and how don't want to be blasting them away because people
important it is, cause there are all really big old, good tend to radiate toward people who are more like them.
old boys in the south. And then you talk to them, you So if someone speaks pretty quietly you'll want to
go up and you hear, "Howdy, y'all. How y'all doin?" pace their loudness. And that's also something we'll
talk about in tempo later because someone who talks
Ross: Laughter
really fast can't really communicate with someone who
Kim: And it just takes this big guy and it turns him to talks really slow.
this little wuss right in front of you, you know. And
Ross: And this is very important ...
the women aren't much better sometimes. And there
are people with great voices there, but sometimes, Kim: It's very difficult.
there's a woman at this bar and she is gorgeous. My
Ross: This is, and this is very important, thank you,
boyfriend told me before we went there, "You're going
it's a good point. When you do the patterns, I had a
to see this girl and she is just beautiful.” And he said,

student demonstrate for me and the woman said, the your voice into the world. Now, we're going to do an
woman said to him, "Slow down. I want to understand exercise and I'll have you come up because you talked
what you're saying.” He was talking so fast that she to me about breathing earlier. Do you want to come
couldn't process. So one of the things to understand up? Or, he'll, no, you have to have it for breathing.
about people is they speak at the speed which they What am I doing? I'm doing posture. I'm sorry. I keep
understand. skipping ahead. First we'll do posture. I'll do it with
you later. I want, had a guy who wanted to _____
Kim: Uh huh.
with posture. I don't, can't see him right now. He
Ross: So, if you're calling someone on the phone and wants to do it? Okay, come on up then. Okay. Stand
they talk like this and you're trying to sell them up though. Okay, you're going to have to stand up. I
something ... might have to get on the stool so I can get above you.
Kim: Then you talk like this. Audience: laughter.
Ross: Exactly. Kim: But, for posture we're going to do a really simple
exercise right now. And if anybody wants any more
Kim: Because they're going to understand, people
help with it later, like any stretches or anything, come
understand at the pace they speak, like you just said.
to me afterward, because most of the people aren't
going to need that. But for people who do, come
Ross: Right. speak with me. So, what I'm going to want you to do
is this. - get on my knees up here. First of all, stand in
Kim: And I'll give you, you're going to have that for
front of me. Okay, Your shoulders are way forward.
an exercise later all on your own. We're not going to
There. Okay. Let me get down. First of all, you're
do that with me on stage here. It's something you'll do
standing like, like this. You notice how far your head
in the real world out there. Not like it's not the real
is forward?
world here, but, you know.
Audience: Right.
Ross: This is kind of ...
Kim: And how far your shoulder is forward? So I'm
Kim: A little different.
going to have you just imagine something. And
Ross: storybook real world. actually if anybody's taken Tai Chi here or anything,
they've probably heard this before. What I'm going to
Kim: It's a little bit storybook. We're all here with the
have you do is imagine a string right out the top of
same purpose. So the first thing we're going to deal
your head. Close your eyes. And I want you to
with is we're going to talk about posture, which I'm
imagine this string right through here and I want you
leaning down right now. But posture is very important
to imagine that string goes all the way down through
because air is ammunition that you use to project
your neck, down through your spine and all the way
your voice into the world. And if you're all hunched
down. Okay? Now what I want you to imagine is that
over, then you can't get enough ammunition to
someone starts to pull up slightly on that string to the
project your voice into the world. So now what I'm
point where the head aligns with the neck and the
going to do is do a little extreme exercise with
spine aligns all the way down, so that if you didn't
everybody here right now to show exactly how, how
have the string, if you didn't have your ligaments and
important it is. First I want everybody to try, touch,
muscles connecting your bones, that each bone
try to touch their shoulders together in front of them.
would sit right on top of the other until you were
Okay? Yeah, put your stuff down and lean your head
straight. Okay. Now, I want you to feel this and get
forward. Now, I want you all to say, "I have an
used to this for a moment. And I want you to open
intuition about you.”
your eyes only as quickly as you find yourself
Audience: "I have an intuition about you.” integrating part of this into the way that you stand
naturally and remembering the way this feels. Okay?
Kim: It's not that effective, is it?
How does that feel? Does that feel different?
Kim/Ross/Audience: Laughter
Audience: Yes.
Kim: Now, a lot of you guys to a smaller extent are
Kim: Okay. And you will have to practice this and
doing that by leaning your shoulders forward and
remember it. But it's a much better way of standing up
leaning forward a little bit and closing off a lot of the
and keeping yourself. Because now you'll be able to
area where you need to get air so that you can project
speak different, you'll have a different resonance to be

able to project. So, does that feel better?
Audience: Yes. Kim: Okay.
Ross: Now, I want, I'm curious. Let's hear him, put him
back in that posture, let's hear him speak from that
Kim: We want to get him, we want to put, okay, now
speak from this posture first.
Audience: Hello. Oh, from the, from the posture I'm in
right now?
Kim: Right.
Audience: Hello, welcome.
Kim: Okay.

Audience: Laughter.
Audience: _____ hear something, I used to, you
mentioned you're not a professional speaker. I, I used Kim: I'd be like six feet tall, but it doesn't work that
to teach high school students how to debate. And way.
I've got to say, your speaking is very, very good.
Ross: But you wouldn't be nearly as sweet. And cute.
Ross: Yeah.
Kim: Sweet? It's never been a word used to describe
Kim: Oh, thank you. That makes me feel better. Okay, me, but that's okay. So what I want you guys to do is
it, it's up to you whether you want to do what he I want you all to do this exercise. I want you to break
says. Because I don't know if you, I mean, you can up in pairs and do it with each other and do what I
always switch back and forth. I mean, you'll want to did. You saw me push his shoulders back a little bit,
eventually stay in this posture but if you want to try help him correct, show him down, where it worked,
speaking from another posture ... and all you have to do is say, "I want you to pull up,
just put the string down through" okay, and then
Ross: No, I want see it, only for the people at home
have them be, be as if someone pulled up on that
who can't see him if I provide a dramatic
string, putting, aligning the head with the neck with
demonstration ...
the spine so that each, if there were no muscles, each
Kim: Okay. bone would sit on top of the next naturally and stay
there. What, you want to write it down? Okay. Ross:
Ross: if you were to put him into the earlier posture
As if the bones naturally aligned without any muscles
and say something _____ .
or ligaments ...
Kim: Okay.
Kim: And as if they just sit there one on top of the
Ross: and then get back into the other one. So this is other ...
his early posture.
Ross: Because they sit atop each other so perfectly. I
Kim: Okay want you to recognize in everything you learn there's
a potential to learn more. As if, that's a weasel phrase,
Ross: for Kim to have to correct.
as if the bones, as if the bones were so naturally
Audience: I want to say I used to coach high school aligned that any muscles and, without, as if the bones
debate and ... were naturally aligned without any muscles and
ligaments because they sit atop each other so
Kim: That is different. Ross: Yeah.
Kim: Okay. Now close your eyes and go back into
Kim: And I change it every time I say it, so however
that other posture. Remember the way it felt, right
he words it, however it works for you, just do it that
there. Okay. Now how does that feel?
Ross: He's got to talk, _____ .
Ross: Right.
Audience: I used to coach high school debate and ...
Kim: So.
Kim: Okay.
Ross: And then it might be useful in this exercise to
Audience: I want to say your speaking very good. have the person say, "The rain in Spain falls mainly in
the plain" in their beginning posture ...
Ross: Wow, better.
Kim: Okay.
Kim: It makes a tremendous difference.
Ross: Have them say it again in the new, open erect ...
Audience: Applause.
Kim: Okay.
Kim: Thank you very much, for being my first speaker.
Yes? Ross: posture.
Audience: That almost made him about two inches Kim: Or just, "I have an intuition about you.”
Ross: Open and erect posture.
Kim: You know, that is, _____ it does, it makes you
Kim: Oh, god. Okay, split up into pairs you guys.
taller. Now, if only I could do it every day and make
myself two inches taller every day ... BREAK IN TAPE

Kim: Uh huh, it does. everything together and then I had to learn how to
shoot. Now, at first it was a little difficult and I had to
Audience: It's just natural.
work at it, but
Kim: Awesome. I'm glad you guys noticed that. That's
then it became natural just to pick up my gun and
great. It does.
know exactly how to work it. Okay?
Ross: What did you guys notice?
Ross: And she's good.
Kim: That it moves the location of his voice.
Kim: I do okay. I'm sure Pallone could kick my butt.
Ross: Yeah. But that would be natural. He's shot much more than
me. So, now when you're breathing, a lot of people
Kim: Okay. So. Now we're going to talk about
think, "Ha, I'm a man, I'm going to breathe into my
breathing, which this part, this did help with already,
chest.” Okay? But that's not right because if you
with your breathing and breathing deeper. We already
breathe into your chest you talk like this and you
talked, okay. One second. Let me acclimate again.
don't sound much like a man. So what we're going to
Ross: We just did posture. do ...
Kim: And now we're doing breathing. Audience: Laughter
Ross: Breathing. Do you want me up there or do you Kim: I can't help it. I know I'm not as funny as Ross
want me off your stage? It's your choice. but I'm trying.
Kim: You can stay, but, yeah, you can stay. Ross: No, you're good.
Ross: Okay. Kim: So, let's see. So what we want to do ...
Kim: I don't care. Okay. Ross: It's hard to be funny when you're that pretty.
Ross: Change microphones. Kim. - Oh, god.
Kim: We already did. I have it over here. And I have it Ross & Audience: Laughter
ready to beat him on the head if he's too much. Okay.
Kim: So.
That's it.
Audience: Laughter
Ross: I like that. You know that.
Kim: So, what you're, I'm going actually want to do is
Kim: I know. He likes it or else I would. So ...
breathe in your stomach. Now I need another
Audience: Laughter volunteer. He's volunteering right there. And he's so
tall I will stay sitting in the chair cause I'm taller that
Ross: The other is the Kim Shoulder Hair Pull Control
way. Actually, I don't need to. That's okay. I'm secure.
So you can stand up and you have your posture
Kim: I haven't had to use that in a long time. I have thing going on.
better ways of control now. So, now we're going on to
Ross: Jeez, he is tall. How tall are you?
breathing. I wanted to stop that line a little bit. We
already talked about how posture allows you to have Kim: I know.
the ammunition to project your voice into the world.
Audience: Six-five or six maybe.
Now when you breathe, the air is the ammunition.
Okay? So where you put your ammunition is very Kim: You know, six foot five guys always like tiny,
important. All right? No, not there Phoenix. Just cause short girls. Do you know that?
my hand's down there doesn't mean I'm gesturing.
Audience: Laughter
Audience: Laughter
Kim: Not all the time. But lots of them do and I don't
Kim: Okay. _____ just so cute and you know it. No. know why. I don't want to say I know, but I've heard
So we're talking about where you put the ammunition. stories. So what I want you to do is first breathe, just
Cause I breathe naturally. Okay. I'm going to check something
here. Cause where he's breathing you can't, you might
shoot guns so I like this metaphor. Okay? Cause I do,
not be able to see it. But he's breathing high in his
had to learn how to take care of my guns, clean them,
chest. So what I want, so I going to have you do is

first just breathe there, okay? And as you let out your Audience: Laughter
breath, I want you to let out a sound, just an "ah" like,
Kim: So ...
like "ahhh.” Okay? Now I want you to move down
here so, out, you're extending out here. Breathe right Audience: Laughter
into where my hand is, okay?
Kim: Had the opposite effect, maybe, but I don't
Audience: Breathing know. So, okay. Now just try breathing right here. Fill
your stomach with air, close your eyes, cause there's
Kim: Okay.
nobody here but us. Okay? And feel your stomach
Audience: Too much drinking _____ okay. move out as your breath moves in. Keep your chest
still. In, okay, there, you're getting there. Okay, that's
Kim: Okay.
better. There you go. Now, I want you to let an
Audience: Ahhhh. "ahhh" out with your, as you're, your breath out go,
"ahhh.” Okay, that's better.
Kim: Okay. Cause then we're going to move it even
lower, down to your solar plexus. And I want you to Audience: Ahhhh.
let this stay still and breathe right into where my hand
Kim: Okay. Now you can stop. But you need to keep
breathing it to there, okay?
Audience: Breathing
Audience: It's all right there, right?
Kim: No, just keep, try it for a minute and let it, keep
Kim: It's all right and down. It's not that you're letting
this still, breathe in deeper right into where my hand
in, it's not really that you're taking in so much more
breath, it's not deep breathing. Okay?
Audience: Breathing
Audience: I notice when I lie down, it seems to ...
Kim: You don't have to let out a sound. Just, just
Kim: Exactly.
breathe into here. Concentrate on breathing into
where my hand is. Right into the solar plexus. Audience: _____ , resonate more down here.
Audience: Breathing Kim: Right. And that's one thing I was, that, that's a
good point. Because that's another exercise. We're
Kim: Getting better. Calm down, you're shaking. I
going to do the breathing and having you, having
know, it's harder when you're not calm. Okay. There
you guys do this, dropping the breath down. Now if
you go, you're getting there. You don't have to
for any reason anybody needs more help what you
breathe all the way up. Just calm down and just
want to do is lay on the ground on your back. And
breathe right into here while this stays still. There you
then it naturally, the reason it does that is because
go. Okay. Now try breathing right into here, so your
you're, stand up straight, is naturally when you lay on
stomach moves out as your breath goes in. If you
the ground it gives you perfect posture, or almost
want, you can put your hand on my stomach and feel
perfect posture on your back. And that's why when
how it feels when you do that.
you lay on the ground the breath goes in deeper.
Ross: Her stomach. Audience: Laughter Okay? So what I want you guys to do ...
Kim: Can you feel that? The difference? Could you Ross: Oh, by the way, let me just make ...
feel right here on me? Okay? And I don't move. See
Kim: Okay.
how there's no movement? Just breathe right into,
into _____ right here. Okay. You're getting better. Ross: ... a comparison for a point. One thing you can
That's better. You don't have to fill your lungs do when you approach an h. b. is if you focus on
completely, just breathe lower. Okay. That's about your breathing ...
getting better. Calm down. Let it just drop. I might
Kim: Uh hmmm.
need more with him, it's not going down. Don't you
know how to go down? Ross: ... make sure your breathing comes from here,
you cannot be nervous and it's an anchor to stand on,
Kim & Audience: Laughter
relaxed ...
Kim: I'm kidding. Kidding, I'm teasing you. I'm making
Kim: Right.
you, trying to make you less nervous.
Ross: ... powerful, balanced state. So one of the

things, instead of paying attention to internal (Demonstrating breathing) Ahhh. That's about all I
dialogue, pay attention to your breath. If you keep can get.
your breath here, this is very, by the way,
Ross: Yeah.
Kim: Okay.
Kim: Okay. And then here. Ahhh. There's a little more
Ross: Whoever is speaking ... power, but then when I bring my breathing all the way
down, ahhh, it has so much more power when you
Kim: Right.
breathe in deeper. Now you don't have to fill it, for,
Ross: ... please turn off your piece of equipment. what he was trying to do at first was to fill his lungs
all the way up through his chest, from down here all
Kim: And after you ...
the way up here. That's not necessary. You're Just
Ross: _____ don't take it out of the room. breathing deeper, not more necessarily. Your chest ...
Kim: And after you've naturally started to breathe into Ross: Your chest
this area at all times, it's a good way to notice what
Kim: will be still. Your chest will be still.
your state is. Because frankly, even when I get
nervous, I start to breathe a little higher and I can feel Ross: Just breathing deeper, not more. Deeper, not
the chest constriction. Okay? But when you're more.
naturally relaxed, when you relax, you'll naturally start
Kim: I mean, by a little more maybe but it's mostly just
breathing just into here once you start doing the
a change of location into where you're breathing.
exercises and getting used to it, okay?
Ross: And be _____ powerful state.
Ross: Now this is profoundly powerful. How many
Kim: And then, and it'll make you a bit more aware of here are martial artists, the study of martial art? How
your state at times. You can tell a lot by your many in your martial art teach you about the
physiology what your state is sometimes, cause importance of centering your breath? They call it the
sometimes people aren't quite as aware of their states Don Dien ...
as they should be.
Kim: Don Dien
Audience: So you can't hide your beer gut, then,
Ross: They call it the Ha Ra, different spots in
right? I mean ...
different, in different cultures but they all talk about
Kim: It really doesn't make a difference. I mean, it's breathing ...
like, I mean, I know I used to think that, too, cause I'm
Kim: Uh hmm.
kind of obsessed with having a flat stomach. But, it
really doesn't make a difference where you breathe. I Ross: from here. In the Hawaiian tradition of Huna
mean, it doesn't, people, they talk about it. This has been around for
thousands of years in multiple cultures. Try it, okay?
Ross: Most people ...
Kim: Yeah. It's pretty ...
Kim: People are more aware of, of what, of it
themselves than anybody else out there because Audience: Comment from audience
people aren't going, "Hi. How are you doing?" and
Ross: Yes sir.
staring at your stomach. They're looking at your face.
Audience: Also, from what I've read, two-thirds of the
Audience: Comment from audience.
lung vessels in your lungs are _____ of your lungs.
Kim: Well, yeah, but that's different.
Kim: Oh.
Audience: Laughter
Audience: _____ in order to get much better oxygen
Kim: Don't bring the rare exception up, okay? That's
exchange if you're filling the lower area of your lungs
the rare exception. So all I want you guys to do is
with oxygen.
break into pairs and do the same exercise. The reason
I'm having you let out the "ahhh" sound is because Kim: Wow. I didn't know that. I didn't know that. It's
you can tell that the voice is dropping by the more good information though. It's more, it's convincing if
powerful sound. Cause when I breathe up here, I'll do they don't care about their voice they care about their
it for you guys. Okay. I'll change my breathing. body or something. Getting some oxygen, yeah.

?: More energy. Ross: Ow. Okay.
?: World class cyclists also use this. What it, what's Kim: On that note, let's ...
Ross: World class psychos? Ross: Laughing
?: Cyclists. Kim: all break up and get partners.
Kim & Audience: Laughter
Kim: No, not you Ross. They're not talking about you. BREAK IN TAPE
Audience: Laughter
Ross: There are already so many arrows in there Kim: (Speaking Spanish)
there's no room for ...
?: _____ A little bit.
Kim & Audience: Laughter
Kim: Okay.
Kim: At least I don't twist them.
Audience: Comments from audience
Audience: Laughter.
Kim: Okay. There's a whole bunch of people out in the
Kim: No, I think I put them more hallway, so I guess I'm going to say it in class. We
were talking about stretching and working out as a, to
Ross: What did you just say?
build good posture. Okay. Now the thing that's going
Kim: in the front. I don't even bother ... on in the world today is a lot people work on
computers. A lot of people are engineers, a lot of
Ross: What did you just say?
people are at their desks a lot and a lot of people are
Kim: Like I even bother doing toward your back. I just driving a lot. Now what naturally happens when they
do it right to your face. Come on. do that is they're leaning for-ward like this all day
long. Okay? And they're working these muscles and
Audience: Laughter
not working the back muscles. Okay? So what's
Ross: Watch out for the little ones. They, cause they happening is the chest muscles tighten up and pull
got to make up for it with the attitude. the shoulders forward and the back muscles atrophy,
Okay. I think that's the right word, I don't know. So,
Kim: If we look this tall physically, we got to look ten
so, I was showing some guys a couple of stretches to
feet tall energetically or however you want to say it,
stretch out the chest and to strengthen some of the
appear ten feet tall every other way.
back muscles. Now I won't be able to show you that
?: What happens is your lungs are right on top of much in the class but I will show you a couple of
your diaphragm and when you breathe from lower stretches. Does anybody want to come up and demo
down ... for me? Ben, of course, always wants to demo. So, I'll
finally let him up. Come on, Ben.
Kim: Uh hmmm
Ross & Audience: Laughter
?: instead of your lungs pressing against the top of
your diaphragm, your diaphragm goes down ... Kim: Ben's like, "Me, me, me.” You know? Okay. So,
what we'll do ...
Kim: Exactly.
Ben: Orion.
?: and the air pushes it down and then it shoots it
back up. Ross: Orion.
Ross: Air is power. Kim: Okay, I'm supposed to call you Orion?
Kim: Oh, okay. And that's why your stomach's Orion: That's okay.
distending. You're not taking air in your stomach but
Kim: What, you have a stage name? You're special,
you're pushing the diaphragm down with your lungs.
nobody's supposed to know your real name?
Ross: I thought you didn't use a diaphragm.
Ross: laughing
Audience: Ohhhhhh.
Kim: He's incognito? All right.
Kim: (slapping Ross?)

Orion: Daaa Kim: Pectoralis. I can't believe that muscle left my,
Kim: Do do do. There you go. Okay. So what we're
going to do is first do the wall stretch. I've already Ross: He's stretching his ...
showed it to you so I'll have you do it right here. This
Kim: His pecs.
is a stretch, yeah ...
Ross: pectoralis.
Ross: For those of you at home ...
Kim: He's stretching his pecs. Okay. So, what we're
Kim: Now ...
Ross: what he's doing is ...
Ross: In his case it's the pectoralis minor.
Kim: What you want to make sure is ...
Kim & Audience: Laughter
Ross: standing at a 90 degree ...
Kim: Ouch. So what we're doing here is, he has his
Kim: lean like that ... arm about three inches above his shoulder. Okay?
And what we're going for isn't him pressed up against
Ross: at 90 degree angle ...
the wall, it's more of an angle right here. Okay? A
Kim: and what I want to make sure ... deeper, a more acute angle it would be, right here.
Okay? Because what we're
Ross: at the wall ...
Audience: Turn him so we can see it over here.
Kim: is that you feel it right through there ...
Ross: That's not a bad suggestion actually.
Ross: putting his ...
Kim: Okay. How do we do it?
Kim: Do you feel it?
Orion: Shift to the other side now.
Orion: Uh hmm.
Ross: Do the other side.
Kim: Okay.
Kim: Do the other side? Okay. Yeah, that's a good
Ross: left arm behind him, palm flat against the wall
idea. So what we're stretching out is chest muscles
and stretching his shoulders.
that everybody sits and uses at work every single
Kim: Okay, put it a little, one inch higher, ... day. Okay? There's another way to do it in a doorway
but some people were having trouble with that so I
Ross: so his arm ...
chose this exercise instead. All right? And you want
Kim: How's that? to do that 60 seconds on each side every day. It's a
great stretch for the chest. All right? Yes Mark.
Ross: is behind him ...
Mark: You were mentioning to him that he should feel
Kim: Is that a little more?
it in certain places. Where should he feel it?
Orion: I feel it right _____ down there.
Kim: You, okay, Oh yes. You should feel it, the way
Ross: His arm is behind him ... you know you're doing the stretch right is you'll feel it
from about here all the way down to the middle of the
Kim: But do you feel it up front _____ around
chest. Okay? And you can also do it at different, with
Ross: palm flat against the wall, ... your arm at different levels to get different stretches,
but the main thing is you want to feel it from here all
Orion: Yeah
the way down through here, the _____ .
Kim: Okay.
Ross: Kimberly, for those who can't see you at home,
Ross: stretching his deltoids. are listening to the tape, describe where here is _____
Kim: Now
Kim: It's right under the clavicle ...
Ross: What is he stretching?
Ross: Which is the collarbone.
Kim: He's stretching his ...
Kim: Which is the collarbone, about from the, the
Ross: Superior vena cava.
sternum, which is the breastbone, the breastbone all

the way out to the shoulder underneath the Orion: Away from your body, you're twisting ...
Kim: Uh huh. You're twisting it back.
Ross: The shoulder bone to the hipbone, and the
Orion: Back.
hipbone ...
Kim: Back. Take your
Kim: Okay. Now that you've had your anatomy class,
let's, okay. Does anybody else have a question? You Orion: _____ palm with your body ...
had a question.
Kim: Yes. It helps very much to stand up. Okay. And
Audience: I was wondering since we just talked about then what you want to do, and if somebody has
breathing if there's any breathing that's appropriate trouble doing that, just take your shoulder and twist it
for doing the stretches that makes it more effective. back in the socket and feel to make sure it's moving
back in the shoulder socket. Okay? Cause sometimes
Kim: I don't really, I mean, of course, you're always
it's not so easy for some people to reach that far
better with deeper breathing. I mean, but that'll
behind their back. Okay?
become natural. I mean this is more so you can open
up enough to do the deep breathing. Okay. And have Audience: All right.
the correct posture. Cause they go together so much.
Kim: Let me show, I'll show you how to do it. Stand
Orion: My arms kind of fall ... with your back straight, let your arm go. What you're
doing is literally twisting back at the shoulder like
Ross: Does anyone have a hammer and a nail?
that, okay? So you don't need to grab it. It's easier if
Kim & Audience: Laughter you can grab it, but if you can't, do that. Okay? And
now, what you want to do after you've done that, it's
Orion: _____ keeping it here.
not going to work in this room, I don't know.
Kim: No. Probably, let go.
Ross: Laughing
Audience: Comments from audience.
Kim: Cause it's too cramped. Hold on. Here we go.
Kim: It's probably from being high up. So that's one Here we go. Okay, So what we're going to do ...
stretch to stretch out the chest. Now after you've
Audience: Laughter
done that what you want to do is take your shoulders,
hunch them up, back, and relax them down just like Kim: is ...
that, because that's going to allow them to reset
Orion: Not me.
further back. Once you've stretched out the, because
they've been being pulled up in the socket, you're Audience: Laughter
going to have them resetting lower, back in the
Kim: Lean back in the, you have it back in the socket
socket. I did a few stretches and my shoulders
actually in three weeks moved back over an inch.
From, there's one mo re stretch; we'll try it but it's kind Ross: Who's got those shoe mirrors?
of difficult to show in front of a room. I don't know if
Kim: Shush. And what you want to do is then take
you need it and you won't be able to feel it, but let's
your head, okay? Turn it away from that shoulder,
try it with you.
away from the shoulder you're doing with it. Okay.
Audience: Okay.
Audience: Oh yeah.
Kim: What you want to do is put your, grab your arm
Kim: Stop the stretch and look down, _____ towards
behind your back and you literally twist your arm
your shoulder.
back in the socket. You're twisting it in the shoulder
socket. Okay? Audience: Oh yeah.
Ross: Does it make cool noise to gross out your Kim: And you'll feel it through this front.
nieces ...
Ross: Wow, that's a great _____ .
Kim: Oh, yeah. But you make sure you keep your
Kim: Okay?
lower back straight, twist the shoulder back in the
socket, ... Audience: Comment from audience
Audience: And you twist ... Kim: Then you just take it, okay? Take your arm,

watch me, and you literally, just watch it, just twist it it, Ben.
literally back in the socket. Okay? You can feel it. You
Ross: If you need help, I'm here.
can feel each shoulder and see the difference. Then
you do that, and look down. Okay? Kim & Audience: Laughter
Ross: Very good. Kim: So, any questions? Everybody got it?
Kim: You, it's like rotating your shoulder back in the Audience: Yes.
socket is what you're doing. Just one at a time. Okay?
Ross: Do you need help ...
And then look over, like you're looking over your
shoulder, and look down. Can you feel that right Kim: No, you don't have it?
through the front?
Audience: No I don't.
Audience: Yeah.
Kim: Come to me afterwards. Okay? Cause it's not the
Kim: The thing is for the people who can't feel it, easiest thing to teach. That's why I was kind of
okay? For the people who can't, everybody's not reluctant to do it in front of the room in the first place.
going to. If you don't need the stretch, you're not
Audience: Form a line.
going to feel it. Okay? But if you can feel it, you know
you need it. And it's for, the place you'll feel it is Kim: What? Form a line, yeah. Everybody come get in
there's a muscle here, muscles here called the scalines the line. Okay.
in the front of the neck. Okay9 And these muscles are,
Ross: You okay now?
for the people, especially this exercise is for those
people whose necks go like that and you can see Kim: Yeah. Not for that. Okay. So, next thing, really
them popping out all the time. If you can feel them quick cause this has taken a long, taken a ...
there, you do some, yes, and you were feeling it, too,
Ross: Uh hmmm.
weren't you?
Kim: is, the muscles in the front, you stretch them out,
?: No, I was just checking to see if I ...
right? The second part to that if you need this is
Kim: Were you feeling it though when you did it? strengthening the muscles in the back.
?: Oh yeah.
Kim: Okay. Yates: This is the end of Side 17 of the Ross Jeffries
Basic Speed Seduction Seminar
?: For people whose necks go like what?
Kim: For people whose necks go forward a little bit
like that, those are the people who are really going to
feel this. If you can feel it through stretch, if you can't,
hey, you're lucky, you don't need it. Okay? And if you
have any questions about whether you need it, come
ask me afterward. Okay? Cause I'm perfectly willing to
talk to you guys outside of this, outside of being in
front of the room.
?: Cool.
Kim: Okay? Does anybody here have any questions?
Audience: Do the other side now?
Kim: You can do that on your own.
Audience: _____ .
Kim: Laughing
Audience: It's a good idea ...
Kim: It is a good idea to do the other side, but I think
you're the only one whose actually been sitting doing

Tape 9 – Side 2 strengthened, Okay? I knew this took a while but so
many people were asking about it that I knew we
should do it in the seminar.
Yates: Welcome to Side 18 of the Ross Jeffries Basic Ross: Now, now the reason why all the posture is
Speed Seduction Seminar important is remember, the posture is going to
determine how you can get to the breath ...

Kim: I was kind of reluctant to do it in front of the Kim: Uh huh

room in the first place. Ross: _____ determine how you're able to speak.
?: Forma line. Kim: And that'll determine ...
Kim: What? Form a line. Everybody come get in the Ross: _____ .
line. Okay.
Kim: And we're not talking about pitch and resonance
Ross: You okay now? today, but naturally from proper breathing and proper
Kim: Yeah. Not for that. Okay. So, next thing, really posture, the pitch and resonance will start to follow. I
quick cause this has taken a long, taken a lot, is the mean on the tape, our exercises, but we're limited ...
muscles in the front, you stretch them out, right? The Ross: What tape would that be?
second part to that if you need this is strengthening
the muscles in the back. The rhomboids, the, I'd say Kim: _____ to time today. My tape. How to Speak
the rear delts and the rhomboids are the two most with Voice.
important. Okay? In the back for this. Free weight Ross: Laughing
exercise for rear delts. So you _____ just like this,
straight back. Yeah. Well you can do it, you can either Kim: So. But on the other, but those that ...
do it with your arms, arms flexed or straight. I asked a Ross: Wait a minute. Are those tapes available?
personal trainer, she told me straight was better, Could they order them at, today some time? From Dr.
straighter, just a little bit, straight back, and you're Yates?
going to feel it right there. Okay? Yeah?
Kim: Oh yes.
Audience: Would it be better to do those like lying
down on a bench or, or bending ... Ross: Laughing

Kim: No, because you have to do it, they're the rear Kim: From Dr. Yates in the back of the room right
muscle. If you're doing it on a bench, you're doing the there. So, now, but we're not going to have time to get
chest. to those today, so we're just going to focus on a few
elements of the voice today. All the metaphors on the
Audience: No, I mean laying, laying down on a bench. tape, I'm not going to have time to do them today,
Kim: No, you can't lay on a bench. You can do it either. There's a lot more on the tape, but this is just
sitting or you can do it standing. You cannot do it kind of a sampling and get you guys on the road to a
laying down. You can do it sitting and do it like that, good speaking voice. And believe me, before I used
but you cannot do it laying, I wouldn't do it laying to have a horrible speaking voice. It was higher, no
down on the bench. I mean, that's kind of awkward resonance, I had horrible posture arid through these
anyway. There are machines for it in the gym. And exercises and all that, I changed my voice and I
rhomboids, quickly, hands behind back, like this. Can changed my posture. It's very different. So it really
you guys see or no? does work. I'm an example. So.

Audience: No. Ross: She liked it so much, she bought the company.

Kim: Well, you don't have to do it. Everybody just, Kim: If I could afford to buy your company, hon, I
just sit down and watch for this one, okay? Cause would be a very wealthy woman.
everybody, cause you're not going to be able to see if Audience: Laughter
you do it. Hands behind your back like this and you
squeeze your scapula, your shoulder blades together Kim: Okay. Now, the next thing we're going to talk
and look up and hold it three seconds. And do that, about is inflection, Now inflection's really important
repeat it 15 times. And that'll get your rhomboids for delivering your patterns correctly. There are three
ways of speaking. Okay? You can speak with in

command language, you can ask questions, or you airport. I got there, my flight was leaving Atlanta an
can make statements. Okay? Now statements are just, hour late, right? So we get there, go have dinner and
you have a pretty flat tonality when you're making a come back 15 minutes before the flight and they go,
statement. You have a pretty flattened, flat inflection. "Well, sorry ma'am, we gave your seat away.” Friday
So we're not going to deal with that today. Cause night, I said, "No, cause I'm getting on this plane.”
what I've seen with speed seducers a lot of the time is And he looked at me and he said, "Well I'm sorry, can
problems with commands and questions. Okay? Yes. you, you need to go in the morning.” And I said,
"No.” I said, "If I have to talk to you, your supervisor,
Audience: Could you define what inflection means
his supervisor, his supervisor, and owner of this
company, I'm getting on that plane.”
Kim: Inflection is just the raising and lowering of the
Ross: Laughing
voice, the tone of the voice in a sentence.
Kim: And there was no question in my voice ...
Audience: Okay. Thank you.
Audience: Laughter
Kim: Okay? And generally when you're making a
command, the inflection drops at the end of the Kim: that I was getting on that plane that night, cause
sentence. And when you're asking a question, the I wasn't coming back the next morning. Okay? If I had
inflection goes, goes up. So, for example, if you're said, "Well, are you sure? I'm, no, I'm getting on the
asking someone to go out with you and said, plane.”
"(Breath) Let's go out.” That's asking them a
Audience: Laughter
question. But if you say, "Let's go out" you're giving
a command. Now the problem ... Kim: Do you really think I would have been on that
plane or would I have been sitting my ass here
Ross: "Let's go out?"
Saturday morning instead of Friday night? See? So it's
Kim: "Let's go out?" very important whether you, how your inflection is
when you speak to a person.
Ross: That's a ...
Ross: And by the way, she got on the flight. Tell them
Kim: That's ...
what they did to get you on the flight.
Ross: _____ .
Kim: Oh. They, they had already given away my seat,
Kim: Yeah. Because you're giving them the they, they'd closed the doors and were about to pull
opportunity to say no if you're asking them a away. The guard started frantically calling on the
question, but if you're giving a command, they're phone, said, "Okay, we're holding the plane for you,
much likely to just, much more likely to go along with holding the plane, " frantically calling, went, opened
you and just say, "Okay, let's go.” All right? So, let's the plane, pulled the guy off and gave me my seat.
see, where am I?
Audience: Laughter and applause
Ross: Plus an example would be like, I don't know, so
Kim: Okay? And my, yeah, and my boyfriend was
Kim if you can ...
there, who is a master persuader, and I was doing
Kim: What? such a good job he didn't even open his mouth.
Ross: Closing _____ language from a pattern and you Audience: Laugher
give the night inflection and correct _____ .
Kim: Okay. Do you have a pen, Ross?
Kim: We're going to do that later.
Ross: Yes.
Ross: Okay.
Kim: Here.
Kim: Okay. (Laughing)
Ross: I almost said, "Yes, sir.” Yes, ma'arn.
Ross: _____ .
Kim: Okay. Cause what we're going to do is, how are
Audience: Laughter we for time?
Kim: Do that later. Yes, that is, that is command. For a Ross: Ah ...
good example of command language versus
Kim: Now that's a question tonality.
non-command language, on my way here I was in the

Ross: Like a, like another ten minutes. Can you do it in dropping your tonality Just slightly when you embed
ten or do you need more? a command. Ross: Why am I leaning on it?
Kim: Ah, I need more. Kim: He leans, I'm going to say, he leans on it because
he wants you to hear it consciously so you can
Ross: How much more do you need?
understand how to do it yourself But when you're
Kim: Ummm ... doing this with a woman, you only want to have it slip
'in unconsciously. She doesn't want, you don't want
Ross: Take a guess.
her to hear that consciously. So you drop it maybe
Kim: Well let's, well, I mean I can cut things short. just slightly in pitch for the verb that you're doing and
whatever command comes after it. Like you're saying,
Ross: Well guess. How much more do you need?
"Feel horny.” You're dropping your tonality slightly
Kim: Half an hour. Ross: Another half an hour? Can on those two words only. Just slightly. Cause it's like,
you do it in another fifteen? "What's it like when you go inside and come up?"
and, and not dropping it a whole bunch. Mark's a
Kim: Well, we can skip some of the exercises and just
perfect example. None of you hear when he drops his
have them do them at home.
voice up here. None of you do. It goes right in cause
Ross: Yeah, yeah, okay. Do them at home. he doesn't lean on it. Okay? So, what I'll have Ross do
is write a couple of sentences with embedded
Kim: Okay.
commands ...
Ross: When you get the tape you'll be able to _____ .
Ross: Okay.
Kim: Okay, what I want you guys to do is practice
Kim: and I want you to underline the embedded
command tonality. You can do this with each other
command and the word that goes, whatever words go
during breaks, but we'll give you a few sentences.
with it. The verb. Yes.
We'll start with simple ones. Okay? Like "Let's go
out.” Okay? You just write these down and practice Audience: Question from audience
them. ”Let's go out.” Okay? I'll just write some down.
Kim: I want you to go inside. You don't have to.
Okay. Let's see ...
That's just the way of marching it out, the
Ross: How about, "Let's go clothes shopping.” unconscious mind can hear much smaller shifts than
the conscious mind. So it's not, it's very simple.
Kim: No, that's the one I use on you all the time.
Ross: You can pause if you like. There are, there are
Ross: Laughing
different ...
?: "I'm getting on that plane.”
Kim: You can.
Kim: "I'm getting on that plane, NOW.” Okay.
Ross: ways to talk out commands.
?: Whoa.
Kim: Uh huh.
Kim: Just a couple of examples there. Just some short
Ross: You can even speak a little quieter ...
sentences to practice using command language.
Okay? Because there's another thing about inflection Kim: Yeah.
that's even more important, you guys, and that's
Ross: _____ .
embedding commands. All night. Because what he
does in the seminar is embedding the verb, verbal Kim: Well, let's just give them ...
commands, like ...
Ross: Okay.
Ross: "Feel horny.” _____ .
Kim: the basics right now.
Kim: No. What's it like when you go inside and, okay.
Ross: It's not important ...
So what you're doing in embedding commands ...
Kim: They don't need to like hear every way of
Ross: Ben
embedding a command in the universe.
Kim: When he's embedding commands in front of the
Ross: _____ .
room, you've got to remember that he is leaning very
heavily on that tonal shift. Cause what you're doing is Kim: Get confused, get confused. Mark only _____ .

?: _____ . barely stop on it. They'll get it unconsciously.
Kim: It's any shift in tone. The general way is to drop Ross: When you start out exaggerating it and then
because that is command languaging in dropping the you gradually take it down as you practice _____ .
tonality. So if you're giving a command, you're
Kim: Right.
dropping it just slightly to embed the command.
That's the most common way, so that's the way we're Ross: to the point where it's barely perceptible by
going to tell you guys today. someone who's _____ .
Ross: It's not important to get aroused? Kim: Yeah. Because it's not, it's really not important to
stop on it, you really just need to do it very slightly.
Kim: Laughing
And that's why I wanted to make the point about how
Ross: _____ . he speaks, because he's doing it for your benefit. Not,
he doesn't want you to repeat this.
Kim: It's not the point to get aroused. And find me
very fascinating. Okay. So ... Ross: Right.
?: Very often ... Kim: Okay?
Kim: So just write down these sentences, sorry we're Ross: I want, yes sir.
starting to rush here, but ...
Audience: With a very slight change in inflection
Ross: Very often ... versus a very strong change in inflection, you're
mentioning that we don't have to make it a great
Kim: I thought I'd be too short in this, not in that way,
change but is it more impactful on the unconscious
but I thought I'd ...
mind if ...
Audience: Laughter
Kim: No.
Kim: I thought I wouldn't ...
Audience: you really make a big ...
Ross: _____ .
Kim: No.
Kim: Do any of you guys have questions about
Audience: change?
inflection? Okay? Yes.
Kim: No.
Audience: Could you just do one line to show us ...
Ross: No.
Kim: Uh huh
Kim: It's just the change, period. You can do tonal
Audience: they way it should be?
anchors, any kind of anchors. If I touch him, look,
Kim: Give me something to read, Paul, Ross. Let's see. give me your hand real quick. Everything that impacts
Let me see if I can find something in here that I the unconscious mind, okay? So I'm doing a _____
already have written. Cause I forget the patterns, anchor, which, have, do you guys know what _____
frankly. anchors are?
Ross: How about this? How about these? Audience: No.
Kim: Okay. ”It's not important to get aroused. Very Ross: We're going to show them.
often a person can feel fascinated. What's it like when
Kim: Oh, you're going to show them? Okay, well, he'll
you desire more attention? Now, with me, when I
tell you what they are. But suppose he's in a state,
desire more attention, I just go inside and find a way,
okay, and I want him to remember that state by a
" whatever. You know? You can hear me embedding
touch. Okay? And if I touch him, that connects that
the commands right there. Could you hear me
touch with that state or, I was talking, I'm sorry, That
embedding them? Just slightly, though.
connects that touch with that state, right? Does it
Ross: Very slightly. make a difference if I touch him like that or if I go like
that? No, it doesn't. It's the unconscious mind picking
Kim: Okay.
up on the difference.
Ross: You're barely stopping on it.
Audience: I see. So it's just for the purpose of marking
Kim: Cause you just, that's what you do is, you just it out that ...

Kim: Uh huh. Audience: Laughter
Audience: the greater the change isn't going to make Kim: But if you went, "No, mom, I really didn't do it.
it any more powerful. Kenny did it, I swear.” She's going to believe you
cause the emotion in your voice is very important. In
Kim: No. The unconscious mind will notice it and the
sales, especially when you're doing this kind of thing,
fact that you drop in tonality instead of going up
cause if you want someone to feel a peak experience,
does make it a command language, but the slight drop
you better be feeling it yourself first. Okay? You can't
is fine.
expect someone to go there unless you go first.
Audience: I see. Thank you.
?: Right.
Kim: Okay.
Kim: Like Mark said, you don't have to be there
Ross: And also, the, the other way to do things is completely or as deeply as they are, but you have to
when Orion was reading the poem, his overall tonality be there. Okay? Now let me give you a couple of hints
shifted. to doing this. Cause sometimes I know some of you
guys are going your heads and going, "Okay, what's
Kim: Uh huh.
the next word of my pattern?" All right? First of all,
Ross: He was talking, not tonality, his volume. He was that's not the best way to do it. But if you're going to
speaking a lot more quietly. have, if you're going to be rehearsing patterns, what
you want to do is think, "Okay, what am I talking
Kim: But that's another issue.
about? I'm talking about a peak experience.” And
Ross: Yeah, yeah. what you want to do is use your visualization skills to
put yourself in a place where you are feeling a peak
Kim: Okay, so the last thing we're going to talk about
experience. Like you want to imagine an amazingly
then is using emotion in your voices. Now I have
beautiful sunset if that's a peak experience for you, so
noticed that some people here have a little bit of a flat
you can lead her into whatever peak experience she is
voice no matter what they're talking about. Okay?
feeling. Okay? Now, let me see. Like if you're
And especially if you guys are reading patterns or
visualizing trying to make someone feel lustful, if you
you're trying to rehearse a pattern or rehearse
guys in here are breast men, now you might want to
something you're not really feeling yet completely.
visualize the pair of tits you've ever seen.
Okay? It's much harder to have people hear that
emotion in your voice. But you've been talking about Ross & Audience: Laughter
incredible connections. You want it to sound like an
Kim: Okay? And you'll be able to sound really lusty.
incredible connection. Okay? So, what we're going to
All night? It's makes it
do is have you guys, well, we're not going to have
time to do an exercise, night? Ross: Watermelons.
Ross: We can do another, one more. Kim: easier that way.
Kim: We can do one more exercise? Kim: Ummm,
Ross: Sure, sure. Audience: Laughter
Kim: Okay. And the emotion that you use in your Kim: Watermelons. I mean, you're seeing some
voice is very important. Like imagine when you were watermelons.
all kids. Okay? Think about when you did something
Ross & Audience: Laughter
wrong. Okay? Now imagine, I know, all these guys are
going, "I did lots.” Okay. So imagine if you went up to Kim: So, what I want you guys ...
your mom and went, "No, mom, I really didn't do it.
Ross & Audience: Laughter
Kenny did it.” Would she have believed you?
Kim: What did he say?
?: _____ .
?: What about _____ .
Ross: Oh my god, they _____ Kenny.
Ross & Audience: Laughter
Kim: No, she, she wouldn't have believed you.
?: _____ .
?: _____ .
Kim: Oh god.

Ross: Watermelons. Kim: I don't have that aspect, but someone says, - _____ " like he says, they
I have the legs, so I don't know what you can think automatically think of lust. So you can add in a feeling
about for that. So, what I'm going to do is, should we to a word that, it doesn't necessarily correspond with.
do this exercise or should we skip it? Like a little, really tiny penis. He's adding the long,
people are thinking, "Okay, it's not real tiny if he's
Ross: Yeah, do an exercise. Sure, do one more.
saying it that way.” Right? So you can ...
Kim: Okay. One more exercise.
Ross: I'm only speaking truth.
Ross: You want to do another exercise ...
Audience: Laughter
Kim: Do you want to do it
Kim: Okay. So let me write up the words real quick.
Ross: do you find it helpful?
?: She's not denying that one.
Kim: or do you want to just
Ross & Audience: Laughter
Audience: Yes.
Kim: Okay.
Kim: Are you guys sure? Okay.
?: Curious.
Ross: Begin.
Ross: For those of you at home, the passwords are
Kim: What we're going to do is we're going to curious, beautiful, amazing, anticipating, anticipation,
compact two. Okay. I'm going to, first let me write excuse me, ...
these up, cause what we're going to do is have you
Kim: Okay. And, do all of you guys know the peak
guys split up and first we're just going to give you a
experience pattern? Okay.
few emotions to work with, a few, well, they're not
necessarily emotions, I forgot to say that part. Ross: "Do you remember the last time you had a peak
Because another thing about this is words need to experience? Like maybe you were climbing a mountain
sound like what they mean. Whether or not they're or you saw a ...”
emotions, if you're saying that, "It was a really long
Kim: I'm not going to make it that long.
day, " it doesn't express what you're saying. You want
to say, "It was a really long day.” Cause words need Ross: "beautiful sunset ...”
to sound like what they mean when you're saying
Kim: laughing
Ross: "or heard a piece of music that really moved
Ross: "I've got a really smalllllll penis.”
you? As you put yourself back into those feelings
Kim: Uh huh. while we're talking, the really wonderful thing is how
sometimes you can just stop the world and slow time
Ross & Audience: Laughter
down ...
Kim: And that's ...
Kim: _____ .
Audience: Laughter
Ross: "and let yourself go with this. And you know,
Kim: And actually he's exhibiting another point I want Kim: Okay. I'll just have you guys do one because we
to make. Little does he know it now, but ... don't have time.
Audience: Laughter Ross: Yeah, "an amazingly beautiful sunset.” Great,
very good. Good choice.
Kim: the point is also ...
Kim: Okay. Yeah.
Audience: Laughter
Ross: Very good choice.
Ross: I'm out of here.
Kim: There's another one here that's good, but that, it
Audience: laughter
exhibits saying thoughts with a lusty tonality, but
Ross: I'll see you later. you already know that. You've heard it all weekend,
Kim: That you don't have to be, people are anchored,
well, I shouldn't even use that word, certain, certain Ross: Lusty, tttttt. Brother Jed used to say,
tonalities say a certain thing to people. Okay? Like if "Lustttttt.”

Kim: Lust. like this and you're going to fit in with
everybody there. Okay? So what you have to do,
Ross: "You're lusty, lusty, pervert.” What's that?
what I want all you guys to do tonight, or whenever,
?: _____ . when you have a chance, if you're watching the Bulls
game tonight, you're not going to get a chance, is to
Ross: Okay. We need a minute
go out in the world and listen to people. I don't care if
Kim: Okay. it's women, I don't care if it's men, I don't care who it
is, anybody, old people, young people, cause they're
Ross: ... to change tapes.
all going to be different and match the pace that they
Kim: Oh, is it done right now? Three minutes? speak at. Okay? When you speak with them, I want
you to speak at the same pace they speak at and the
Ross: Three minutes ...
same volume. Yes, it's going to take practice. But
Kim: Okay, once you get there, you don't want people
missing every other word you say. Cause if you talk
Ross: and we have to change tapes.
like this and you're talking to a Southern belle, she's
Kim: we'll be ready, we'll be in the exercise by then. So only going to hear half of what you say, cause that's
what I want you to do is split up into pairs and use the pace she understands at. Okay?
these words with each other, and you better convince
Ross: So, if you say, "I really hate assholes, " she's
that person that you mean it. Okay? Cause if they
going to hear, "I asshole.” Kim: Yeah.
don't, if you don't convince your partner I expect them
to slam you. Okay? Frankly. And then do this Audience: Laughter
sentence using all the emotions with the different
Ross: And the other thing ...
words. If you need to visualize, visualize. I don't care
what you visualize as long as it puts you in that state. Kim: yes.
That's up to you.
Ross: And the other thing you might want to do is get
Ross: So here's what she saying. With this first part yourself a metronome.
you want to say the words with a, with a,
Kim: Uh huh. A metronome's good. For people who
Kim: I'll, I'll ... need to slow down in general, a metronome's very
good. Okay? It's, if anybody in here is like that, get
Ross: inflection and tonality.
yourself a metronome. Otherwise, go out and pace
Kim: ... do it right now. people in the world and that is pretty much all I have
to say today except for go out see THE TRUMAN
Ross: Okay, go ahead, do it.
SHOW because it's a wonderful, wonderful movie.
Kim: Um, curious. Whoa. Amazing. Why do I need
?: So what's the tempo like? One and two and three?
this? I have a mike on.
?: One and two and three
Ross: _____ .
Ross: Depends on the people ...
Kim: Beautiful. Anticipation. Okay? And then, "Have
you ever had a peak experience? Like maybe you saw Kim: There's no proper tempo, to whoever you're
an amazingly beautiful sunset?" Something like that. speaking to. Like if I spoke to you, I'd speak pretty
Okay? slowly with a lot of pauses.
?: Something like that. Ross: And occasionally she'd go (deep breath),
"Well, here's what I want ...”
Kim: And that's, and, you know, everybody's going to
be a little different, but you better be convincing. Kim & Audience: Laughter
Okay? That's all I can say. Now split up into pairs ...
Kim: Yeah, if I spoke to you, I'd speak slower with
?: _____ . pauses. Cause that's how you speak. So, and in
everybody else here, it'd be a little different.
Kim: _____ New York is different than the proper
tempo in Audience: What if I s-s-s-spoke like th-th-that?
Texas. Okay? And Texas is more like a long, slow Ross: That's Matthew.
tempo. And in New York you're going to be talking
Kim & Audience: Laughter

Kim: If it were you, I'd smack you. Yes, cause I know Ross: So, what we're going to be covering later in the
you don't have to speak like that. So, I hope I did afternoon, we're going to bring Brother Orion up, he's
okay, you guys. My first speaking engagement was going to cover some basic patterns in the, in your
_____ . workbook, word for word, so you can see how they
work. We'll do a little bit more work with you. Okay?
Audience: Cheers and applause.
And, by the way, one of the things I wanted to say is
Ross: Remember this. This is _____ . that I'm very proud of all of you. I really am. I mean, I
was griping at Kim yesterday like, "These guys are
Audience: Applause
really the slowest group I've had in a long time.
Kim: Like I said, if anybody has any questions later, They're not alert, they're not getting it.” But now, I
look at you guys and I think you're really getting a lot
feel free to approach me. _____ . And I hope you
more, aren't you?
guys enjoyed my presentation.
Audience: Yes
Ross: We did.
Ross: So give yourselves a huge hand.
Audience: Comments from audience
Audience: Applause
Kim: Okay. Here you go.
Ross: And, ...
?: _____ this is the first time.
Audience: Comment from audience
Kim: Laughing
Ross: Yeah, very, very true.
?: I can't believe how you'll be later.
Audience: Laughter.
Kim: I need that on tape to play for myself every day.
Ross: What ...
Ross: Okay, we need people back in their seats. Okay.
Oh, if that's, no, we've been up there for, for a Audience: Comment from audience
demonstration, for, okay. Is everyone back in their
Ross: No, one of the major by products of being, one
seats? People have been begging me, bugging me all
of the major by products of being here is that, by the
day, "Ross, tell us about the products.” Well, ...
way, you realize you're not laughing it off, you're
Audience: Laughter laughing it in.
Ross: Well, and my perspective is, I used to think, Audience: Laughter
you know, how can I get, I used to think how can I
Ross: Because as Rex says, "When you're laughing,
get people to buy products now? But, I came to
you're not in the past, you're not in the future, you're
realize that really we don't sell products, we don't give
just completely in the present moment and every
seminars, we don't really, on one level we do, your
muscle is working together to give you one amazing
turn is over and your turn is yet to come. It's my turn
feeling that you all want to have in your body.”
now. Okay? The thing is this, is, let me give you
something, a little something off the top of my head. Audience: Laughter
Ross & Audience: Laughter Ross: It's just the naked truth.
Ross: Just teasing. Okay. The thing is, is I really don't ?: _____ . body? Damn.
think in, in a, in a, in a very major sense that we sell
Ross: It's just the naked truth. My personal
any products. I really don't think we present any, any
recommendations, by the way, we're going to come up
seminars. What, what we offer is, I think what we offer
with some packages, we'll confer together, and we'll
is way, a way to reach ultimately where you want to
offer some group packages that you can buy things
go with women. A way to, not just understand things
together. My personal favorites, we now have the
on the surface level, but to understand things on a
tapes from Hawaii.
very deep level. A way to open up new possibilities.
Do you understand what I'm saying? A way to reach Audience: Oh, yeah.
so far beyond what you thought was possible before
Ross: We have eight tapes of me teaching the latest
you walked in the door that that just seems ridiculous.
speed seduction, stuff I do not teach in this class.
Okay? Does that make sense?
This is a basic class. This is very advanced stuff. The
Audience: Yes latest stuff plus we have me teaching marketing

secrets. If you want to learn how to market, knowing Side Two, incredible connection, Side Three, love
my marketing secrets, it's on these tapes. versus attraction, stack, Side Four, stacking realities,
Side Five, blamo, Side Six, peak experience, Side
?: Oh yeah.
Seven, setups, conversational setups, Eight, linkage
Ross: These are videotapes. This is one of my phrases, Nine, negation, and Ten is a special treat. So
absolute favorites. This is the seduction masters if you want to review patterns without having to go
weekend tapes. It's me and Major Mark and a couple through an entire course, by the way, you can only
of other students just going deep shit, full bore, full tit buy this if you've already bought a home study
boogie for three full days, talking about war stories course. This is used as a supplement, not as a
and what we do in the field. People will often ask me, replacement for. Get these. These are really good.
"Is there different material on each tape set?" There's a total of ten patterns and they're repeated
Absolutely, yes there is. There's maybe 20 percent over and over and over again per side. Good way to
overlap but generally speaking, whether you buy get it into your mind. One suggestion if you have a
audios or videos, you're getting 80 percent new light and sound machine, put it on the learn setting
material with each set. That's a tribute to how and then listen to these.
dedicated we are at stealing from all of our students.
?: Oh yeah.
No ...
Ross: It shows you how to custom design your state
Ross & Audience: laughter
of consciousness that you want to be on. And it's a
Ross: No, it's a, it's, it's, seriously, it's a comment on passive listening tape. I put you in a trance induction
how we are dedicated to improving the material as you listen and it shows you how to custom design
constantly. We have my classic book, which I wish ...
would disappear, but it's still here, so, nonetheless,
?: I have friends _____ .
here it is. There's a picture of me in my smoking jacket
with this hot date and a rib sticking out. Oh god, well. Ross- I'm talking about bow to seduce strippers here.
Audience: Laughter Excerpt from tape (Ross talking): I'm curious about
something. I know that you have to walk a line. You
?: Ross, ...
have to walk a line between enticing the customers,
Ross: You know ... getting them really hot and bothered, but not so hot
that they juice all over you or try to assault you, you
?: _____ .
know? Or stalk you. How long did it take you to get
Ross: Oh, yeah. comfortable walking that line? And they always give
me a different answer. She, it took her like a couple of
?: You need a mirror.
tries of dancing before she, she got into the groove.
Ross: We have So immediately, she sees me as something other than
a, than a mark, other than a customer. What I do is I
?: _____ .
just start talking to her about fantasies. I said, "You
Ross: We have the skills builder tapes. Now, where, know, see, this place is really about fantasy and the
are they here? world of fantasy really interests me. I think everything
is based on fantasy, even jokes. Let me tell you a
?: Right here.
really good one.” I told her the Voodoo Dildo joke.
Ross: Now I'm very proud of these. I got this idea How many people here have heard the Voodoo Dildo
from a marketing expert. He said, "You know, Ross, joke?
sometimes after I've reviewed your home study
Ross: I'm talking on the exact sequence of things
course, I don't want to have to go through the entire
seduce, to seduce strippers, but you'll just have to get
course just to brush up on one pattern.” He said, "For
the tape to find out more. Okay? How, how many here
example, let's say I know I really want to get some oral
have the equalizer tape? Have you used it?
sex, I want to just hear the blowjob pattern. Why
don't you create a wonderful set of tapes that has a Audience: Yes.
pattern per side repeated over and over and over
Ross: What do you think of that?
again'.”' So we came up with the skills builder tapes.
And what these, it has the incredible connection Audience: It's pretty good.
pattern. Side One, the blowjob pattern, my favorite.
Ross: I, that's one of my absolute favorite products,

so we ...
Kim: It's an awesome product. BREAK IN TAPE
Ross: Thank you. For Kim to give that kind of
compliment, that's no small ...
Ross: Oh, tell us a little bit about that woman, oh, talk
Kim: I think it's so important for all of you to get that about troubleshooters and the woman.
tape night away.
Brother Orion: Okay. Well first, you know, obviously
Ross: What the tape does is it drops you in a trance the people who were listening to those tapes did not
and I show you how to custom design your own state see the girl that I had up on the stage, but some of
of consciousness. Remember I said that confidence you saw the girl who I had up on the stage. Does
isn't really enough? That you want to design a state somebody want to tell me what they thought of her?
that's part playful, part cocky, part outrageous, part
Audience: Hot, knock out.
intuitive, part clear-headed, part determined? It'll show
you how to custom design that for yourself. I highly Brother Orion: Knock out, one to ten, come on.
recommend that tape. Huh?
Audience: Comments from audience
?: Equalizer
Ross: She's about an eight-five, nine.
Ross: Equalizer is ...
Audience: Seven and a half.
?: _____ .
Brother Orion: What did you think?
Ross: Right here. Here's the equalizer.
Audience: Actually, she was a 10. She lit up a
Audience: You have a different order form than this? I cigarette, an 8. 5.
don't see it on here.
Brother Orion: Laughing.
Ross: Is it on the order form, Dr. Ya tes?
Audience: _____ cigarettes lower.
Yates: We don't have any of the products on the
Brother Orion: Okay, well ...
order blank.
Audience: That's my opinion, but ...
Ross: Do you have to write down ...
Ross: She was a hottie.
?: That's not the catalogue.
Brother Orion: She was definitely a hottie ...
Yates: There are no products on the order form.
Audience: Comments from audience
Ross: Yeah, the products are here on display ...
Brother Orion: And, and she walked by the door, I
Yates: The products are in the catalogue and you
was outside the room talking to Yates and I, Yates,
have free catalogues _____ .
you know, apologized, but I had to go off and talk to
Ross: Yeah, it's in there somewhere. It's in there her. Basically what I said to her is exactly what you
somewhere. It's in there somewhere. heard up here. Interestingly Ross said that, the same
patterns that I had already used on her. I was like,
?: Happens when you use the blamo. ”I'm going to
"Oh god.” But ...
knock you, wow!"
Audience: Laughter
Ross & Audience: Laughter
Ross: Oh, that's what you did ...
?: "Mama said knock you, wow!"
Brother Orion: Oh yeah.
Ross: Okay. And also we're going to do value
solicitation which is a very powerful pattern. You saw Ross: to get her to come into the room?
pieces of value, value solicitation when I worked with
Brother Orion: I _____ natural versus culturally
the lovely Brother Debbie. Right Brother Debbie?
programmed woman, so, I also did the thing about her
Debbie: Right. shirt. I said, "I really like your shirt.” She was with a
guy at the time down the hall and the guy thought I
Ross: Right. How about that little Kim? Yaaa.
was talking to her so they're both responding to me.
Audience: Cheers and applause But like he walked off and she stayed. So I walked

down and I said, I said I was doing a, doing a training One of the things that I've had happening during the
at a, at a seminar on hypnosis and seduction and that, break since then and, I guess at most of the seminars I
you know, a lot of women read things in COSMO go to, ...
about relationships and now finally men are getting
Ross: Do you need something to write with?
on it and finding out about it. She was fascinated.
And when she got up here, was she fascinated? Brother Orion: some people ask me ... Where are the
tapes? Somebody ...
Audience: Yeah
Ross: Oh, ...
Brother Orion: Did anybody notice any physiological
changes? Brother Orion: Somebody have the troubleshooters?
Audience: Oh, yeah. ?: _____ .
Brother Orion: What's that, bro? Brother Orion: I, did they leave?
Audience: Her lower lip was swelled ... ?: Yeah.
Brother Orion: Oh, yeah. Ross: Troubleshooters tapes, tell them about them.
Audience: She was ... Comments from audience. Brother Orion: They already left. Well, the guys have
been, me and Kamal, who's one of Ross' best students
Brother Orion: That's what she was thinking.
and a good friend of mine, get asked questions a lot
?: Breathing heavy and quickly. of times during the breaks in the seminar. People want
to know, you know, how is it that you do what you
Brother Orion: Breathing heavy and quickly. And now
do, what have you learned, what lessons are there?
We decided rather than answering everybody's
Audience: Breathing slow. Comments from audience questions again and again, we're going to make a
product, we're going to sit down and record
Brother Orion: Breathing heavy and slowly. Yeah, the
everything we've learned, you know, assuming that
deep, deep ...
people already know these patterns, assuming that
Audience: It was, the upper part of her neck was kind you know the patterns which I'm about to teach, you
of moving around like Jell-O _____ . already know the tonality, what an embedded
command is, you know, what a presupposition is,
Brother Orion: Ooo, like her pulse?
these kinds of things, what anchoring is; which is
Audience: Yeah basically, you know, anchoring is simply when you
get someone into a state, like when you're really
Brother Orion: You could see her pulse pounding.
excited about something, like, ah, for example, these
Audience: And she started to swallow harder. tapes, right? When you're really excited, when you're
really excited about something, you know? Maybe
Brother Orion: Now guys, I, I didn't ...
you can remember a time in the past like, like Kim was
Audience: Laughter doing earlier, remembering a really intense state and
right before the very peak of it, you anchor it with a
Brother Orion: Oh god. I did it, I did it exactly as I
sound, a touch, or something visual and that triggers
would have done it if we weren't in a seminar room
off the state like Pavlov ring a bell? So this is the
because it was real. Okay? And, and afterwards the
basic structure of anchoring and it's in the home, it's
reason I left, I didn't, you know, ask her how intensely
in the Secrets of Speed Seduction Home studies
she responded was because I followed her out the
Workbook, which I'm going to be referring to in a
room, I had to get her to sign the nondisclosure
moment. So, those are, those are the troubleshooters
agreement, you know, or Yates would have been on
tapes. We recorded four tapes, high quality and it's all
me about it. And then of course just as a slight
neat. We sat there and it wasn't a seminar. We were
afterthought, I had to get her phone number so we
able to just sit down and pour our hearts out and say
could get together. So, I wasn't able to get her
everything that we've worked and we've got some
response, but it was, it was the real thing. I mean,
great patterns in there. Has anybody listened to those
that's how much I step on it. You know? Sorry if
anybody couldn't hear but I dropped my tonality way
down, I embed my commands pretty intensely and, Ross: I love them. They're, I listened to them like three
and she went with it. It's cool. So that was a lot of fun. times, laughed my ass off at what balls out seduction

masters you guys are. the words in your notes. Focus on the way I embed
commands. I embed them differently than other
Brother Orion: Cool. I love hearing that. That just
people. People have their own unique style, but focus
makes me glow.
on the way I speak and maybe the response that you
Audience: Laughter get as you listen to it. Because I am a neuro-linguistic
Ross: You are, I'm serious. You are worthy to receive
the ROS, the Royal Order of Sargie. 9: Yeah.
Audience: Oooo, ... Brother Orion: That's right. I'm going for it all the way,
the deep states, quickly. I might start off the
Brother0rion: Cool. Anybody else have any quick
beginning of a pattern, if I'm first talking to her, using
comments about them?
a more conversational tonality. But as quickly as
possible I'm going to go from pacing the speed that
she speaks and talks and thinks at to leading her into
the states of mind that I want her to go into very
rapidly. The core, as far as I'm concerned, pattern of
speed seduction is the instantaneous connection
Audience: I think that the, that the best tape really
pattern. It's the core because it creates the bond that
focus or have you think about is, is your own
lets all the other things work. Okay? So, I'm going to
flexibility because, you know, oftentimes if there's
go into it night now and I'll tell you what. I'll tell you
certain things that, that we all do, like we all might
what. I'm going to have Brother Kim come up and do
learn, you know, love versus attraction and the
a, a value solicitation on her in a minute. And if you
Discovery Channel, but the point being is you can
don't mind, you can come up and I'll read these other
really, you can really do this thing with just about any
patterns to you, that I'm not pretending. Is that okay?
topic you've had to experience in your life and just as
kind of a pathological example, Brother Kamal talks Kim: Laughing. Yeah, that's fine.
about using the same sort of process to make a
Brother Orion: Okay.
pattern out of a dead fish.
Kim: _____ use the metronome.
Brother Orion: yeah.
Brother Orion: If we were doing it, if I was reading
Audience: Which, which, which is, is, is really kind of,
these patterns to you outside of the room would that
you know, not very, not very sensual ...
be okay?
Brother Orion: Right.
Kim: No.
Ross: Brother Kamal is quite a wild man. He even
Brother Orion: I didn't think so.
quotes squirrels. ”A squirrel said to me the other day,
" ... Brother Orion and Kim: Laughing
Brother Orion: Yeah. And when he was in the Hawaii Kim: People have tried.
seminar, he was just blowing the brothers away.
Brother Orion: I bet.
Flexibility is a great one. I forgot to say when I was
talking about introductions just having flexible Kim: Tried.
approaches. Like with this girl, I talked about her shirt,
Brother Orion: Once.
I talked about how it was hypnotic, that was, I was
repeating what I said to her when I initially talked to Kim: It wasn't a situation in Atlanta that I had to deal
her to get her attention. So, I'm going to move on and, with once, so yeah.
I'm going, I'm going to get into the patterns of the
Ross: And they were dead meat.
actual wording. This is all in the Secrets of Speed
Seduction Home Study Course Workbook where, Kim: What?
where the patterns are all down there word for word.
Ross: And they were dead meat.
So I'm going to move through them a little quickly. I
don't want you guys to write it down, I want you to Kim: He got yelled at a little bit. But he thanked me
listen to me, focus on what I'm saying and how I'm later.
saying it more than the words that I say. Focus on the
Ross: Her nickname is Shredder.
tonality that I use. You'll have the words, you have

Brother Orion: And now he's the keeper of the Kim You can use the words, you can use the ideas and
McFarland, Mistress of Speed Seduction Fan Club, you can leverage them.
Ross: _____ . Then you're doing value solicitation,
Kim: Oh god. when you're doing value solicitation it's the fourth
doorway. It's asking questions that touch her, touch
Brother Orion: Kim, have you ever felt an
at core level, she has to go into a deep trance state to
instantaneous connection, like maybe as you were
find the answers. Okay? Now, you do value
there looking at them, and you started to listen
solicitation after you've gotten deep rapport and done
intently; it was like there was a cord of light going
some of the other patterns. I wouldn't start out with it
from you to them? And as you, as that cord began to
if I were you. I know there's some people who teach
glow with the warmth of the connection, maybe you
you to start out with it right away but again, I don't
were even able to imagine a time in your future, say
know how what they do in the real world outside of
six months from now, still feeling that sense of
their seminar room.
overwhelming connection and looking back on today
as having been the start of it? Brother Orion: Right.
Ross: Now, he's going a little fast. Do it at the right Ross: Okay? And I'm going to write down her
speed. answers for you.
Brother Orion: Okay. I just know there's a lot of Brother Orion: Okay. I do want to say that I can
material to go through. actually write down the answers while I'm doing it. A
lot of the times when she looks up or something, I'll
Ross: I understand, but I don't want you to go
just sit and I'll write it down or if I'm doing a
Brother Orion: Okay. handwriting analysis, I want to have, or I'm going to
write these down as soon as she's done, as soon as
Ross: _____ , I want you to _____ .
I'm done talking with her, cause I want to remember
Brother Orion: Okay. I'm going at the night, oh, okay. these. I want to remember these for a couple reasons.
I want to remember the values, the words that she
Ross: Okay?
says, the rules that she has because I want to use
Brother Orion: All right. them later. After the conversation I want to be able to
list them and, and anchor them and more importantly,
Ross: I don't care what anyone ...
I want to, I want to remember them so that I can fulfill
Brother Orion: I understand. them, so that I can decide if I want to fulfill them.
Ross: _____ . ?: I'm just wondering what, when you elicit the values,
are the words that you get once you listed the values
Brother Orion: I understand. See, what I think is so
also similar to their personal trance words?
funny is how some people can just do that and let it
happen instantaneously. Cause for me, it takes longer. Brother Orion: They are oftentimes their personal
But I do find that during the course of an evening, as trance words, especially when they start to talk about
you start to get to know this person better, as you the subject of what's important to them in a
start to really recognize those values and qualities in relationship. You're going to start getting lots of
them, that you hold so dearly for yourself, with me, personal trance words. You guys listen for them.
that's when you can make that connection and really Listen for the personal trance words and, and I will
feel that growing bond. Okay? So, there are variations make a distinction between a quality in a person and a
on that in the workbook. That's page 43. value in a relationship.
Ross: What I want you to do is value solicitation in Audience?: Can you explain what you mean by her
one ... personal trance words?
Brother Orion: I understand. Brother Orion: These are the words that have special
meaning for her, that she will put a special meaning
Ross: Okay?
on, that have a real punch to them, an emotional
Brother Orion: I got it. I'm going to do the value intensity. And so when you use them back to her,
solicitation next. And I'm going to get into pretty especially if you say them the same way, you're going
quickly without talking a lot about why it's important. to re-evoke that emotional intensity and you can
But it does get very rapidly at the very deep values. leverage it. You can do, you can move them in

different directions and create new combinations. Basic Speed Seduction Seminar
Ross: Sometimes when you're doing the pattern, a
woman will interrupt you and say, "Blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah, destiny, da da da da da da da, energy,
blah, blah, blah blah, passion.” She'll give you her,
now what words did she say? Destiny, energy and
passion. They're words that mean something to her.
I'm sorry. Go for it. Brother Orion: Okay. So you, I
might, you know, I might start off talking to someone
about "Have you ever felt an incredible connection,
like maybe as you were there, really listening and
feeling that sense that you were just meant to be
together, that somehow destiny brought you
together, feeling that bond, that cord ...” and talking
about other things, getting her more connected and
then, later on, start to ask her about, "You know, I
think relate, I think that people make a big mistake in
relationships when they ...”
Kim: Hmmm
Brother Orion: " ... think about what's important to
them. They don't realize that, they don't, a lot of
people don't even think about what's important to
them in a relationship. And when they do, they
confuse a quality in a person with a value in a
relationship.” Now, I'm doing this a little bit differently
than the wording in the book, but it's basically the,
the important part is to ask her the question, word for
word, don't change this, "What's important to you in
a relationship?"
Ross: Not "Why are relationships important?" but
"What's important to you in a relationship?"
Brother Orion: I've found those key words, when you
stick to them, really keep you focused. The wording
that builds up to it is also important and there is
wording, you know, word for word, in the
relationship, I mean, in the book, about relate, in, in
the home study workbook about the pattern that
gives you a nice setup for it.
Audience: What page?
Brother Orion: On page 56, but the basic thing that
you're going for and it's called total fulfillment in a
relationship, so this is for, for especially, you know,
it's a good thing to look at for guys who are like, you
know, you're just going to use this like, like our man
here to hook up with three women in one night. You
know? But you know, you can find that one special
person and hook up for a relationship.

Yates: This is the end of Side 18 of the Ross Jeffries

Tape 10 – Side 1 don't ...
Brother Orion: Exactly.

Yates: Welcome to Side 19 of the Ross Jeffries Basic Kim: ... and you respect all of them and you don't,
Speed Seduction Seminar then there's a problem then.
Brother Orion: Right, right, right.

Brother Orion: Especially when you can fulfill them Kim: So you just have to be careful how you use
and really keep them happy. them. So, ...

Kim: But if you use those to get someone and they Brother Orion: Right. So you obviously have some
come after you and you don't really mean it, you pretty strong ideas about what's important to you in a
better watch Out, cause they will track you down. relationship. I'm sure there's ...
There have been cases of people being attacked with Kim: Pretty strong ideas about everything.
knives. So you better mean it. If you don't mean it, use
one of Mark's patterns. Brother Orion: Pretty strong ideas about everything.

Brother Orion: Right. Kim: Laughing

Kim: Cause it does a completely different thing. You Brother Orion: Yeah, I can tell. I can tell. Absolutely.
don't want someone to feel an incredible connection if Absolutely. And, and it's something you've thought a
you don't really want to. lot about.

Brother Orion: Right. Well, I mean, there's ... Kim: Sometimes I do, but it changes a lot, too.

Kim: You know? Brother Orion: Okay. Okay, it does change a lot and
it's important to be, to be flexible and in ...
Brother Orion: Yeah, that's right.
Kim: Of course.
?: _____ .
Brother Orion: Yeah. So if I were to ask you, "What's
Kim: There are other patterns important to you about a relationship" what might
Ross: Tell them the leg story. you tell me?

Kim: to use in that case. Kim: Let's see. Respect.

Ross: Tell the leg story very rapidly. Brother Orion: Respect. I agree with you. I think
respect, that's tremendously important. It really is one
Kim: No, uh uh, it's not appropriate, I don't think it fits of the, one of the keys for me. And like Ross says a
in right now, but ... lot of the time, you know, people define respect in
Ross: Okay. different ways. So, ...

Kim: No, I'm just saying, I mean, if you don't mean it, Kim: Uh huh.
don't do it because there are other ways to do it. Mark Brother Orion: For some people, respect is that
does it all the time. Or used to. they're, that they always open doors for you, they
Brother Orion: It's also what you, what you do with always buy you dinner, but for other people ...
the values when you have them and, and what, how Kim: Because that's nice ...
much respect, you know, you treat the person in the
relationship with. I don't think just eliciting the values Brother Orion: ... respect is this. Yeah, it's nice, it's
is going to get people chasing you with knives, but ... nice, but that's not, might not be what respect is.

Kim: Not just eliciting, but ... Kim: No. No it's not.

Brother Orion: Right, it's ... Brother Orion: For me, respect is when people follow
through, when people, you know, are going to say
Kim: ... once you've elicited and ... they're going to do something and they don't, it really
Brother Orion: Right. pisses me off and, and it violates. my personal sense
of respect. So what does a person have to do in order
Kim: ... if you decide to convince all them and you for you, and I'm getting the rules for the value. What,

what does a person have to do in order for you to Brother Orion: Uh huh.
experience respect with this person because I know
Kim: That would, things like that.
with me, that's an important value to have.
Brother Orion: Good. They see your opinion as being
Kim: Experience respect. They can't be
useful. So they value your brains as well as your
beauty. You didn't say that. That's not, you know,
Brother Orion: Right. They can't be condescending. that, it's a different way of saying it, but it's like, you
know, they, they do respect your value, your
Kim: They have to treat me as an equal.
opinions ...
Brother Orion: Okay. What we got two, we got two
Kim: My intelligence, my opinions ...
there. We got the value for what must not happen ...
Brother Orion: Yeah. Yeah, and they take ...
Kim: Uh huh
Kim: My talents, my skills, all that.
Ross: The rule for what must ...
Brother Orion: Good.
Brother Orion: The rule for what must not happen and
the rule for what must happen, all in one ... Kim: It's very important.
Kim: Those are pieces of it, yeah. Brother Orion: Excellent, excellent. So that they're, that
they are able to really appreciate your values, your
Brother Orion: Those are pieces of it.
skills, ...
Kim: I don't even, I mean, I, those are parts, yeah.
Kim: Uh huh.
Brother Orion: Those are parts? Well, are those the
Ross: Now what does that imply that somebody has
major part or are there other small parts?
to do? They have to do what with it then?
Kim: Ummm.
Brother Orion: They have to listen, ...
Brother Orion: Or are there other bigger parts? Like
Kim: Uh huh.
what's the, what's the, if you were ...
Ross: They better listen.
Kim: Treating me as an equal is very important, so
that's why ... Brother Orion: They better listen, right, to what, to
what she's saying and appreciate it. You know? This
Brother Orion: Treating you as an equal is important.
is not somebody who you, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, honey,
You don't want someone looking down on it.
okay, but I'm going to do something else.” No.
Kim: Never.
Kim: Right.
Brother Orion: Absolutely.
Brother Orion: You want somebody to listen to every
Kim: I'd shred them. word ...
Brother Orion: Right. Absolutely. Kim: Yeah.
Kim: Okay. Brother Orion: and to appreciate ...
Brother 0rion: Okay. So respect is very important. Kim: Uh huh.
Kim: Uh huh. Brother Orion: ... your, your skills ...
Brother Orion: And, and you know, and, well let me Kim: Yeah.
ask you, when someone, how do you know that
Brother Orion: ... and your ability and your opinion.
someone's treating you like an equal?
Kim: Yeah, and at least if I give an opinion, they don't
Ross: Did you hear the question? How do you know
have to necessarily do it, but they at least have to
that somebody's treating you like an equal?
take it into consideration and look at it as valid.
Brother Orion: Is that one, I want to clarify that.
Brother Orion: Right, right. And, and to be
Kim: They respect my opinion, they want my opinion, considerate of your, of your opinion and to respect
they look at it as something that is useful to them ... that.

Kim: Uh huh. And respect my opinion, yes. Brother Orion: Yeah. Absolutely. And how do you
know when someone's being considerate of you?
Brother Orion: Let me, I just want to stop here for a
second. Now, did anybody hear what I was doing Kim: Ummm
here? I was repeating back basically word for word
Brother Orion: And has that consideration?
what You said.
Kim: That if something they're doing affects me or
Kim: Uh huh. Brother Orion: I wasn't adding my own
even a time that they'll at least call to tell me what's
words, I wasn't re-interpreted, I wasn't active
going on, ...
listening, I mean, what a crock. You know? That's not
respecting someone's opinion, is it, if you rephrase Brother Orion: Uh huh.
their opinion and so you, so what you really mean ...
Kim: Be respectful of, like say if they, I know that
Kim: Yeah, that's not. they're getting home at a certain time ...
Brother Orion: if you want somebody ... Brother Orion: Uh huh.
Kim: I'd say, "No, what I really mean is what I said.” Kim: ... and they know that I know and I might be
calling or something. And they're out five hours later
Brother Orion: Exactly. And what I want to ask you is
when I repeat back your words to you, does it feel like
I'm doing something artificial, like I'm ... ? Brother Orion: Right.
Kim: No. Kim: I'll be worried if they don't call me.
Brother Orion: No, not at all. Even though you know Brother Orion: Sure, sure.
exactly what I'm doing. You know, ...
Kim: That they call me. Just, just considerate, just that
Kim: Right. ...
Brother Orion: ... you train this stuff. Brother Orion: Right.
Kim: Yeah. Kim: They're considerate of my feelings, ...
Brother Orion: Okay. Brother Orion: Uh huh.
Kim: Familiar. Kim: and think about how things will affect me ...
Brother Orion: Let me, let me finish _____ this. Brother Orion: Right.
What else is important to your relationship? Kim: ... that they do.
Ross: Okay. So the questions are "What's important Brother Orion: Right. How do you know when
to You in a relationship, how do you, " when she someone's being considerate of your feelings?
names it, you say, "How do you know when you're
Kim: That's mostly just, I guess, respecting my
getting that, how do you know if someone is giving
feelings, acknowledging them, not saying that, "Oh,
you that?"
you shouldn't feel this way.” Well, no, I should feel
Brother Orion: Right. And what must not happen. this way.
Ross: And why are you asking that? So you can find Brother Orion: So, acknowledging your feelings.
out what behaviors you need to give her. So the first
Kim: Acknowledging that I feel that way, maybe
thing that you're determining what it is she wants,
supporting, be supportive.
then you're determining how specifically she needs to
get it, to know she's getting it. Very good. _____ Ross: Now, sometimes what'll happen is you'll get
what else is there? values that are really close, so, like she said, respect
and consideration. To me they sound really close, so
Brother Orion: What else is important to you in a
may I, if I may, ooooo (ringing in background).
Audience: Laughter.
Kim: Consideration.
Ross: Bad thing, bad thing. If I, if I were to step in and
Brother Orion: Consideration.
say, "What's, what's the difference between respect
Kim: Uh huh. and consideration, cause I'm confused here frankly,

what is the difference?" Brother Orion: ... when they're not around you, that
they don't think ...
Kim: Respect is just treating me as an equal, we're on
par. Kim: Right.
Ross: Uh huh. Brother Orion: ...” Whatever, I'm away from her, she'll
be fine on her own.” That you want people ...
Kim: Okay? Consideration is when they're doing
things even when we're not together if they think it'll Kim: Right.
affect me in some way. At least giving me a call to
Brother Orion: ... to touch, to touch bases with you ...
say, "Hey, honey, I'm not dead, I've just been,
decided to hang out with some friends for a few Kim: Right.
Brother Orion: To give you a call.
Ross: So consideration has to do with those
Kim: And if they say that I'm going to call, they'd
behaviors that, that take place when the person is not
better call.
in your presence?
Brother Orion: They'd better call.
Kim: And. well, in my presence, too.
Kim: When they said they did.
Brother Orion: Right.
Brother Orion: Yeah.
Kim: You know, I mean it, but just ...
Kim: Or else I will scream at them.
Brother Orion: Well, this is the difference that I see
happening. Brother Orion: Well let me, let me ask _____ , let me a
different, a different way here. This is the idea of a
Ross: Okay.
hierarchy of values SO that if you want to go up one
Brother Orion: Is that, is that respect is more about you might choose one of, of, you know, if there's one
somebody, when you have an opinion, when you that's interesting to you, like, I think, I think
have an idea ... consideration sounds like an interesting one. If I were
to ask you what's important to you about
Kim: Uh huh.
consideration, what might you tell me?
Brother Orion: ... or skill and you express it ... Kim: Uh
Kim: What do you mean?
Brother Orion: Well. what I'm trying to get is, is, I'll
Brother Orion: ... the people say, "That's valuable.”
just tell you this structure here, is that I'm trying to
Kim: Yeah. get a higher value. Well. consideration is important to
you, right?
Brother Orion: Consideration is when you have a
feeling, an emotional state, people say, Kim: Yeah.
Ross: Very good. Brother Orion: And when you're in a relationship that
has consideration, you know, you enjoy that, you
Brother Orion: "That's important.”
want to be ...
Ross: It's a very good ...
Kim: Well, I'm also more aware of what is missing
Brother Orion: That your, your ... when you're in a relationship ...
Kim: That's part of it, yeah. Brother Orion: Right.
Brother Orion: ... feelings are important ... Kim: Of course, respect is always as the forefront
because that's ...
Kim: That's ...
Brother Orion: Ahhh.
Brother Orion: ... but, but even ...
Kim: Not because it's missing ever but because it's
Kim: _____ .
very, just extremely important to me.
Brother Orion: ... more importantly, that people don't
Brother Orion: It is important to use that.
ignore your feelings, especially ...
Kim: But when something that people, since I'm in a
Kim: Right.

relationship, I guess, ... It could be for her.
Brother Orion: Right. Kim: It's very, it's very high.
Kim: ... things become more obvious in my forefront Brother Orion: It's very high. But we can get one
when ... higher. We can get ...
Brother Orion: Right. Kim: Maybe, let's see.
Kim: ... they're not quite there ... Brother Orion: We can get ...
Brother Orion: Yeah, yeah. Kim: What does respect allow me to feel?
Kim: or they're coming, yeah. Brother Orion: Or what's important to you about
Brother Orion: Yeah. Absolutely.
Kim: Experience. Umm, ...
Kim: So that's why consideration ...
Brother Orion: Could be feeling cared for ...
Brother Orion: Absolutely. And, and of course I'm
trying to be, you know, trying to be, obviously get to Kim: It's pretty high up there.
things that are both you know, things that you want
Brother Orion: Yeah. Could it be feeling cared for?
to have and things that you ...
Kim: Kind of, yeah.
Kim: Uh huh.
Brother Orion: Kind of, yeah.
Brother Orion: ... you know, don't want to have as
well. Kim: But it's also, I guess, no, no, it's more like respect
is just very important to me.
Kim: Right.
Brother Orion: Very important, yeah.
Brother Orion: Let me ask you. What's important to
you about respect? Kim: Laughing
Kim: What's important to me about respect? Brother Orion: Well, let me ask you a question. Let,
can you remember a time when you felt really, really
Brother Orion: Uh huh.
cared for?
Kim: What do you mean then?
Kim: Uh huh.
Ross: Well, another way to put it, if I may, another
Brother Orion: Was it because you felt respected?
way to ask the question is, "What does having
respect ...” Kim: No.
Brother Orion: Allow you to experience. Brother Orion: Okay.
Ross: " ... allow you to experience? When you're with Kim: Laughing
someone and you know you're being respected,
Ross: My guess is if someone didn't respect her, they
what's that ...”
wouldn't even get close enough to get a chance to
Kim: Hmmm, what's it allow me to experience? show that ...
Ross: " ... allow you to experience?" Kim: That's very true.
Brother Orion: Right. Brother Orion: That's what I'm trying to say. That's
what I'm trying to say. I'm, what I'm trying to say is in
Kim: Umm, all I can think of is like total respected.
order for you to feel cared for you need to feel
Brother Orion: Respected. respected.
Kim: But I feel cared for of course. Kim: No. In order for me to let someone close enough
for me to care about them, they'd better respect me.
Brother Orion: If you ...
Ross: Yeah.
Ross: _____ cared for.
Brother Orion: Okay. Now we're talking about caring
Brother Orion: Cause respect could be a top value.
about other people rather than ...

Kim: Respect is this. Kim: Being close.
Brother Orion: feeling _____ yourself. Brother Orion: Okay. If I were to ask you ...
Kim: They'd better respect me. If someone doesn't Kim: Feeling closeness, ...
think I'm smart, someone doesn't respect my opinions,
Brother Orion: what else is important to you,
they're out of there.
Kim: ... being close to someone.
Brother Orion: Right.
Brother Orion: you'd tell me of feeling close to
Ross: Oh, man.
Brother Orion: Okay.
Kim: Uh huh, yeah.
Kim: As a friend ...
Brother Orion: And what has to happen in order for
Brother Orion: Okay, well, I'm going to respect you to feel close to someone?
Kim: ... or a lover ... Kim: There has to be physical affection.
Brother Orion: ... your opinions. Brother Orion: Physical affection. Yeah, yeah. And
you're not just referring to, well, I want to know ...
Kim: ... or anything, that's it.
Kim: Not just sex. Brother Orion: Obviously. Not your
Brother Orion: Laughing
sexuality, maybe sensual touch, but also ...
Kim: I, I don't let people near me who don't, because
Kim: Just touch.
that's, it is disrespectful and it doesn't show any, any,
it doesn't show any care for me or any respect. Brother Orion: ... reassuring touch.
Brother Orion: Okay. Kim: Yeah.
Kim: Respect, though, is the thing. Brother Orion: Yeah, touch.
Brother Orion: Right. Kim: Touch.
Kim: That's it. Brother Orion: And you're a massage therapist as
Brother Orion: Well, let me, let me put it this way. I
think, I mean, you have thought a lot about, about Kim: Yes, I'm a massage therapist.
values. Maybe not directly, but in certain ways you
Brother Orion: And that, that might connect to that.
have thought about it a lot.
Yeah, yeah. I know how that feels to, to really ...
Kim: Well, I have.
Kim: It's very reassuring to be, you know, that they
Brother Orion: You've realized ... care about you, to be touched. It's very reassuring.
Kim: But it's been a while. Brother Orion: I agree.
Brother Orion: ... that respect is a real important one to Ross: Ile word reassuring.
you. A lot of people that you do this to will give you
Brother Orion: I just reached over and touched her.
lower values. Feeling good, or something like that. Or,
or being comfortable. Well, when you ask them, Ross: Listen to this. We've got respect, we've got
"What's important to you about being comfortable?" closeness, we've got reassurance, we've got being
"Oh, it allows me to feel loved.” You can get higher cared for.
values. But a lot of times, you know, in the original
Kim: Reassurance is quickly dropping, but of course,
structure of this, the structure in the workbook, is you
as you guys know, I date an NLPer, so everything
go across, laterally. You go for values ...
changes all the time.
Kim: Okay.
Brother Orion: Right.
Brother Orion: ... that are at the same level. Respect.
Brother Orion & Audience: Laughter
Kim: Well closeness is also important ...
Kim: That, that makes it a little different.
Brother Orion: Closeness.
Brother Orion: Cool, cool. Well, well, how do you, you

know, how many, how do you, I want to get the relationship?" "What's important to you in a
negative rule here, too, so how do you know that, that relationship? How do you know when you have it?
someone, that you can't, that you're with the kind of What must never happen?" Right? And then I can
person you don't feel that closeness with? What must either ask, "What else is important to you about, in a
never happen for you to have closeness? relationship?" Or I can ask you, "What's important to
you about that?" to get a h igher value. So I've gotten
Kim: What must never happen? Brother Orion: Uh
three values from you.
Kim: He had a question.
Kim: I can't think of something that can never happen
cause ... Brother Orion: Okay, I'm going, I'm going to answer
them ...
Brother Orion: Well, well if somebody went for a long
time without ever touching you for some reason. Kim: You're gong to answer them later? Okay.
Kim: Oh, you mean, well, well, yeah, I wouldn't feel Brother Orion: ... after I finish this, this particular
close to them if they didn't touch me ever. pattern because I do want to move through this. So I,
we've got three very important values here to you.
Brother Orion: Yeah, absolutely.
And, and I, I imagine that when you think about the
Kim: But there are periods where they can go through ideal relationship, the kind of person that you really
that but it comes and goes, the closeness comes and want to enjoy that kind of closeness with ...
goes sometimes in a relationship.
Kim: Uh huh.
Ross: Yeah, ...
Brother Orion: ... and feel that kind of touch, that
Brother Orion: Cool. physical touch that let's you just know that, you
know, you can feel close with someone, it's cause ...
Ross: _____ . You'll know, physical affection is very
important to her. You will, we're not dramatically Kim: Uh huh.
involved, but we're still very huggie.
Brother Orion: ... they respect you. It's because they
Brother Orion: Right. Yeah. respect not just, you know, the physical contact but
also that you have contributions to make, that you
Kim: Physical affection is very important to me, yeah.
have opinions to give, skills to share.
Ross: _____ .
Kim: Uh huh.
Brother Orion: Absolutely.
Brother Orion: Abilities, you know, and it's what
Ross: _____ get disgusted by it. allows you to really, you know, realize that someone
is considerate of you. That even, you know, even
Brother Orion: Absolutely. Now it's interesting
when you have that, when they have that closeness
because ...
and that touch and also when you're away from them,
Audience: Laughter that they're still considerate enough to, to keep in
touch with you. Right? Even if they can't touch you,
?: Absolutely right.
they'll keep in touch with you. And they'll be
Kim: Do you want me to start giving you lower values considerate of ...
so you can elicit higher ones?
Kim: Think about me.
Brother Orion: No, no, no. This is what I wanted. This
Brother Orion: ... the way you feel.
is absolutely what I wanted.
Kim: Yeah.
Kim: Okay.
Brother Orion: And they'll think about you. And when
Brother Orion: I, I have three of your highest values
you think about the ideal relationship and how much,
by asking what's important to you about a
you know, how much closer you feel to someone
relationship, okay? That's the first question. ”What's
when you experience all those values, can you feel
important to you about a relationship?"
that closeness as something you really want to
Ross: What's important to you in a relationship? experience?
Brother Orion: "What's important to you in a Kim: Now, does that feel right to you?

Brother Orion: Yes, it does. you really find a better relationship and understand
the person you're with, so you're probably not the
Audience: Laughter
kind of person who'd be interested in hearing what
Brother Orion: So, so ... these questions are. But, you know, well, I hope you'll
indulge me anyway cause I'd really like to talk to
Kim: yeah.
someone about this. It really excited me. So, I'm just
Brother Orion: What I, what I, if any of you, if any of curious. If I were to start, the question they said to
you didn't see that, I, I, I went through, I listed the ask is, to start off asking, what's important to you in a
values, I, her eyes were big and wide, and, and I relationship? So if I were to say to you ...” Hear the
reached over and anchored it and "feel that" is an weasel phrase? "What's important to you in a
ambiguity. Can you feel that? And it was, it was great. relationship? What would you say?"
I was working on a number of different levels cause
Kathleen: Urn, friendship.
she loves the closeness, she loves the touching, and
because I was anchoring it and I was also, you know, Ross: Friendship. Wow, yeah. Now the thing is I have
basically, putting, putting it all together and linking it no idea what she means by that.
tome. Okay?
Kathleen: That's pretty broad.
Ross: It's very broad, so I'm going to start narrowing
BREAK IN TAPE it and I'm going to go, "Well, well, let me ask you
something.” That's so broad then instead of saying,
"How do you know when you have friendship?" I'll
Ross: ... solicitation here and you'll learn it all. Okay? say, "Well, well, " what I will say, "What do you
mean? How do you know when, when you're
Kim: Yes.
experiencing friendship with someone? What has to
Ross: And we're going to have fun, there's going to happen in order for you to know you have friendship
be no tears, it's all going to be good stuff, okay? with someone?"
Kim: I'm in a good mood today. Kathleen: There's a sense of trust there.
Ross: Good, I'm glad. She was kind of, had some fun Ross: A sense of trust. Okay. Now I've heard the real
chemicals that her body had produced and I wanted one. So I said to her, "How do you know when you
to inject myself have, what has to happen for you to know when you
have friendship with someone?" She said, "There's a
?: Could you move forward just a little bit so she
sense of trust.” Okay? And I, my belief is that trust is
could turn the chair just a little _____ .
a really powerful one. So I'm going to run with that. I'll
Ross: No. Sure, actually, that's not a bad suggestion go, "Trust. You know, I agree with you. And, and I'll
actually. All right. What we're going to do is, we're just share with you that if I don't trust someone,
going to continue to learn here together and I'm going there's nothing I can have with them; friendship,
to show you the questions. By the way, this is word relationship, anything. It just, maybe they get to the
for word in your workbooks. The point here is not to level of acquaintance and that's it. You know what I
try and memorize but see It in action. So put your mean? So, I'm just curious. For me, to know that I
notes down cause you have it word for word. Amy, I have trust with someone is they keep my secrets, they
mean Kathleen, Kathleen. We're working with Brother don't reveal what I tell them not to, and they do what
Kathleen. We met at a party, we're talking, we feel a they say they're going to do. I'm just curious. What
rapport, you like me, I'm a bright guy, we're just has to happen, what has to happen, what to has to
having fun, all right? I'd say something like, "You happen ...” I'm finding out her rule now. Her value is
know, I was reading the mo st interesting book on trust, now the rule is going to tell me what behavior
relationships. It was talking about how so many she needs to see and what behavior she must never
people just charge right into one without ever really see. ”What has to happen in order for you to know
pausing to consider what it is that would really please you have trust with someone?"
them, what it is they really want. Cause I think there's
Kathleen: I'd probably agree with your second point.
a difference between what people are just to on the
They have to keep their word.
one hand and what it is they really want on the other.
So, it just had some interesting questions in there Ross: "Keep their word. Now I'm curious. Why I
about if you ask yourself these questions, it'll help asking this, I'm really getting curious. When you say

keep their word, do you mean all the time, 100 percent the person is doing, it doesn't tell me whether that
of the time?" does for her. Okay? It's like saying sandwich instead
of nutrition. Sandwich is the means, the value is
Kathleen: Urn, it depends on how important the
nutrition. Okay? "So what were you saying? What
situation is that can, they can probably vary and be
was it? Fun and, fun and what? Adventure?"
somewhat flexible.
Kathleen: Yeah.
Ross: "Hmmm. But it is important that people keep
their word and I agree with you. Cause otherwise, Ross: "I've got to tell you. You know, I agree with you
what's the point? I mean, you might as well be by because, otherwise I could watch Ren and Stimpy all
yourself if people aren't going to do, follow through. day, you know?"
Don't you think?"
Kathleen & Audience: Laughter
Kathleen: Uh huh.
Ross: "And eat my cheesy poofs.” Okay? "Well, well,
Ross: "I mean, you may as well be all on your own. So you know, this book, it's kind of a fruity book. I don't
there's no point unless they do keep their word and I know if I believe it or not. We probably shouldn't talk
agree with you. Well, that's real good. Let me ask you about this. You're not interested are you?"
something else. I'll share with you. I'm just sharing,
Kathleen: Yeah, I'm interested.
one of the things that's important to me in a
relationship is mutual fun, really enjoying the person's Ross: "Yeah, I'm interested. Well, this book was
company.” I'm just trying to prime the pump a little bit saying if you really want to understand someone, get
here. ”So I'm curious, cause they said in this book I four of these values. Okay? So, besides trust and, and
read that you want to find at least three or four what friendship and fun and adventure, ...” Well fulfillment
they call values, and so far I know that friendship and was really her stumbling way of trying to say fun and
trust are important to you. And I agree. What else is adventure. ”What, what else is important to you in a
important to you in a relationship?" relationship?"
Kathleen: Um, that they lead an active life. Kathleen: Um ...
Ross: "That they lead an active life.” Now that really Ross: I had to, by the way, did you have any of the
is not a value in a relationship. She's describing passion fruit punch?
something, a quality about the person.
Kathleen: Oh, ...
Now I want to chunk up a little bit, find out what that
Audience: Laughter
does for her. Okay, so I'll say, "Well, having an active
life, when you're with someone who has an active life, Kathleen: Gee, I don't know. _____ passion.
what does that allow you to experience?"
Ross: Oh ...
Kathleen: I think like a fulfillment because you can
Audience: Laughter
experience a lot of new things with them ...
Ross: No, is it important to you?
Ross: "Ah, so it allows you to experience new things
with them?" Kathleen: Oh yes.
Kathleen: Yeah. Ross: "Oh yes. Umm. So, passion ...”
Ross: "When you experience new things with people, Audience: Laughter
what does that allow you to, what's, what emotion
?: Is it a psychic exp erience _____ .
does that allow you to feel, what does it allow you to
have when you experience new things with people? If Ross: "Passion is important to you.” By the way, I
you could put ...” have an anchor I've set on, on Kathleen all weekend.
Whenever I talked about something sexual or
Kathleen: Like adventure and fun.
something like that, I'd go _____ .
Ross: "Adventure and fun.” So now we have another
Audience: Laughter.
value. The value is, twin value, it's adventure and fun.
So she started out by saying, "It's important to be Ross: Does the anchor work?
with someone who has an active lifestyle.” That
Kathleen: Well, yeah. I mean it reminds me of that.
doesn't tell me what the value is. It just tells me what

Ross: Oh yeah. I know. trust?"
Audience: Laughter Kathleen: Yeah.
Ross: Everyone's going to be walking up going Ross: "Well, can you tell me what that difference is?
_____ . Cause I'm curious. I'm not playing with you guys, I
don't know what she means, if there is a difference.”
Audience: Laughter
Kathleen: There is something, I trying to figure out
Ross: It's going to be a roomful of fucking gophers.
how to put it, express it. Friendship is like a type of
For those of you a home, the anchor is biting my lip
relationship I guess. And trust is like more of a quality
with my upper teeth. Now we got a bunch of gophers.
Some of you are going to try and reverse it and go
_____ . Ross: Okay. So I would say her first ...
Kathleen & Audience: Laughter Kathleen: It's like a, more of a _____ .
Ross: "Well, so passion's important to you. Well let Ross: Her first answer is really not a value in a
me ask you a question. What has to happen in order relationship. She's talking about a certain kind of
for you to experience passion, Kathleen?" Hear the relationship. So I'd strike that one off. Yeah, I'd strike
command? off friendship. ”So let me ask you a question. In
addition to trust, fun and adventure and passion,
Kathleen: Well ...
what else is important to you in a relationship? By the
Ross: I'm going to turn on the projector. No. Well, way, it's fun that we're mutually learning together
look where she looks. Well ... tonight, isn't it?"
Kathleen: I mean, there's one obvious answer. Kathleen: Yeah, and I keep wanting to say qualities
about people.
Ross: Is there ...
Ross: Well go ahead and say the quality and I'll help
Kathleen: Which would be like sex, but ...
you chunk up. Go, what's ...
Ross: "Sex.”
Kathleen: Well, the one I've said before like, like that
?: I like sex. they're intelligent.
Ross: "You like sex.” Ross: "Intelligent. Okay. When you're with, " so she's
not getting me, do you understand the distinction
Audience: Laughter.
between a quality in a person and a value in a
Ross: She just said she likes sex. relationship? A quality would be like intelligent,
daring, handsome, sexy, fun, okay? And, and the
Kathleen: But it doesn't just have to be sex. It could, it
value is what being with someone like that allows her
could be something like just if they have emotions
to experience inside. So when you're with someone
and they're not afraid to express them.
who's intelligent, what does it allow you to
Ross: "Okay. So someone, I'm willing to bet that experience?
someone's who's expressive in all ways allows you to
Kathleen: Intellectual stimulation.
experience passion.”
Ross: "Intellectual stimulation.”
Kathleen: Uh huh.
Audience: Laughter Ross: "Intellectual stimulation.
Ross: "So being with someone who's expressive
Ah hah.”
allows her to experience passion. You know, you've
told me so much about yourself, I must say that in Audience: It's a value?
order for me to experience passion, it has to do with
Ross: For her it is, yeah. Stimulation, intellectual
rubber suits.”
stimulation, wow. There's a spot in the brain called the
Audience: Laughter Ross: "No, I think passion is a bee spot.
great thing. l agree with you. I mean, wow. So, so, let
Audience: laughter
me ask you a question now. So, is there, I'm just
curious, this is my own way to clarify cause I don't Ross: It's up there, huh? You touched it. ”What
know. Is there a difference between friendship and would it be like if every time you touched that spot

Audience: Laughter One of the things I can generally say about Amy is ...
Ross: Now, she knows what I'm doing but it's still Audience: Kathleen.
working. ”Well, I think that's good. You know, now
Ross: Kathleen, Kathleen. We can edit out her name.
this book said something really fruity. I mean, I don't
Okay. Kathleen has told us a lot about herself. One of
believe it myself, but I just had to share it with you.
the things that Kathleen has told, I'm sorry, you're not
This book said that people actually put these values
my servant, I'll do it myself One of the things that
in a certain and to find out this book said you should
Kathleen has told us about herself is Kathleen does
ask, " what am I doing there?
not want to be bored. Kathleen really seeks adventure
Audience: Comments from audience and excitement and if you bore her, boy, you're going
to be out of there right fast. Uh huh, uh huh. Right?
Ross: "This book said you should ask, of those
values, of trust, fun and adventure, passion, and ?: She will be out of there.
intellectual stimulation, which one must you
Ross: She will be out of there right fast.
absolutely have to have, which is the most important,
which one would you absolutely not be able to do Kathleen: I will run screaming.
without in a relationship of all of those?"
Ross: "You will run screaming.”
Kathleen: Passion.
?: Like a fucking _____ , out the door.
Ross: "Passion. Oh yeah.” Watch out for these
Ross: Now let me, let me deal with something else
Kansas girls. Okay. ”Passion. So, of fun and
with you. ”I know it's also very important to you in
adventure, trust and intellectual stimulation, which
your strategy for looking for someone that you find
one of those would you have to have? Fun and
someone who's really compatible right away. But the
adventure, trust, intellectual stimulation.”
challenge with that is compatible people may not be
Kathleen: Probably fun and adventure. terribly exciting. Maybe the most exciting thing is to
meet someone who's on your level and yet different
Ross: "Fun and adventure. Ummm.” We're learning a
enough to lead you into new ways of excitement. So
lot about her values. Okay. ”Of trust and intellectual
maybe the process you've been using to look for that
stimulation ...”
person, the sort for them, is doing the very thing that
Kathleen: Trust. would stop you from finding someone who would
fulfill you much greater. So maybe the thing to think
Ross: "Trust.” Boy, she shut me down fast there. ”So
about is to change your process and that's easy.” So,
now this book said something really interesting. This
she's done a great job. Give her a big hand.
book said if you name those four values all in a row,
people go into a massive pleasure state. I don't Audience: Applause.
believe it myself But according to the book, if I were
to say to you, you know, maybe what you're really
looking for, what would really fulfill you is a special BREAK IN TAPE
relationship. A relationship based on passion, fun
and adventure, trust and intellectual stimulation. Can
you feel that?" Brother Orion: ... any of the, you know, other patterns
Kathleen & Audience: Laughter _____ you know, when I was doing like, like when
we were in Palo Alto, but at a, at, the first thing we did
Ross: "Would it be something you'd like to create an
when we were out in the hall and I started talking to
opening for?"
you and you hadn't seen this pattern yet. So it was
Kathleen: Oh yeah. the way, you knew a little bit about the patterns,
instantaneous connection, but you hadn't seen this
Ross: "And the interesting thing about creating
yet. So it was my way to get to know you better
openings for things, openings to move in completely
without, you know what I mean, doing something that
new directions, is it's not enough ...” Now, okay. Do
you would have recognized. And passion, fun and
you get the point?
adventure, trust and intellectual stimulation, cool,
Audience: Uh huh cool. And you're able to feel really comfortable in
front of a group of people. That's nice, too. And what
Ross: Now, Amy's told us a lot about yourself, herself
I want to talk about is when I did the instantaneous

connection pattern with Kim up here before, I was Kathleen: Uh huh.
reading it out of the book. I have it memorized, but it's
Brother Orion: "Uh huh. You do like roller coasters. I
memorized a little bit differently. Same thing with the
went, I went and rode the most amazing roller coaster
blamo pattern. And I'm not going to read it out of the
last week and when I remember it in my mind, I
book. It's in there. I think it's page 59 and you can
remember it in a certain way. Well let me show you
read it word for word. It's almost the identical
how this works. Can you remember a time when you
structure to the way I read, but I want to do it more
rode a, a really good roller coaster?"
natural, my own way. These patterns change, but I
have memorized it word for word from an earlier Kathleen: Uh huh.
version of it. So, the first thing you want to do is you
Brother Orion: "Okay, now, I don't know whether you
want to create comfort and a sense of, you know, that
imagine easier, more easily with your eyes open or
you feel really comfortable, using fluff talk or
your eyes closed.”
whatever it is that allows you, for all your own
reasons, to feel comfortable. And then the next thing Kathleen: Umm.
that you want to do is you want talk about an
Brother Orion: "Closed.”
instantaneous connection. And one of the things that
you do here, you can do here, you can, the whole Kathleen: Okay. Brother Orion: That's better.
pattern of the blamo bring together a lot about of
Audience: laughter
what we've been talking about and it also moves from
being general to being specific and personal. ”So, you Kathleen: _____ but _____ .
know, I was talking to a friend of mine and she was
Brother Orion: "Close your eyes.”
reading an article in PLAYBOY ...” Okay, maybe it
wasn't PLAYBOY.” She was reading an article in some Ross: I'll hold this for her so she doesn't ...
woman's magazine talking about the way that people
Brother Orion: I'll hold it for her, it's okay.
feel incredible connections. The way that with some
people, you know, just don't connect, but with other Ross: Okay.
people you feel almost like you were meant to know
Brother Orion: Okay, thanks. ”Okay, close your eyes.”
them. Like if it's destiny. But some people say that it's
almost like there's a cord of light there, like you feel an Kathleen: Uh huh
energy, the warmth, a cord of blue light, or it's almost
Brother Orion: "Forget everything, about all of that,
as if you just feel like as you talk to this person and
and what I want you to do for a moment is I want you
feel so comfortable, like you're meant to be together,
to see yourself, you know how on roller coasters
you can even imagine a time in the future, say months
these days there's a camera up there that takes a
from now, still feeling that wonderful sense of
picture of you as you go on the ride?"
connection that you deserve to feel it, and looking
back on this moment as having been the start of it. Kathleen: Uh huh
Now, with me, I think being able to feel that kind of a
Brother Orion: "And you can look at the picture
connection is such an incredible thing to experience
afterwards. I want you to see yourself as if you're
and it makes me think that, you know, as my friend
sitting in that camera, seeing that Brother Kathleen,
was telling me, she thinks things happen in a certain
on that roller coaster riding it. Notice how she takes
way in your mind.” Now I'm going to talk a little bit
the ride for a little while. Now open your eyes and
about the structure of experience. ”You know, they
look at me. Okay? And this time I want you to close
don't just happen like all of a sudden, you know?
your eyes. But this time step into that person there on
Connection is there. You actually go through the
that roller coaster to begin feel that long, slow ascent
process, you feel like you're, you know, beginning to
to get to the top and come screaming down. See what
get that, to know this person better, beginning to feel
you saw, hear what you heard and feel how it feels.
that powerful connection, see that cord of light,
That's right. Open your eyes and look at me.” And
Things in your mind happen in a certain way. Like, for
link all those wonderful feelings to me. Which is what
example, I was, I was reading an article in a
when you say open your eyes and look at me, it does.
psychology magazine about the way that certain
things in our environment trigger off certain states of Ross: You wouldn't say that.
mind. And it's interesting how people perceive things
Audience: Do you say that?
in different ways. Like, do you like to ride roller
coasters?" ?: No.

Ross: He wouldn't actually ... Kathleen: Laughing
Brother Orion: I wouldn't say and link all those Brother Orion: This happens a lot when you massage
feelings to me, no. people who are a little ticklish, a little sensitive. What
I want you to do is you see that dial there? Is it on the
Audience: Laughter Brother Orion: But I could. It's
left or the right side? On the left. Okay. Go ahead and
been done. ”What I want to ask you now, cause I
put your finger on the tickle, on the giggle dial, and
think it's interesting how people experience things in
turn it down. And now you see right next that the
different ways.” Ah, no, that's okay. I was going to
relaxed and comfortable dial?
hold it, but, or I was going to give it back to her, but
I'm going to have you close your eyes again in a Kathleen: Uh huh.
minute to show you something else. ”What's
Brother Orion: Turn that one up only as slowly as you
interesting to me is you experience it in two different
feel more relaxed and comfortable, keeping your eyes
ways. And what, what I'm curious about is when you
closed. Okay? Now, that's right. Go back to that
think about it, which one was more real for you, the
experience of exquisite pleasure; see what you saw,
first one or the second one? Which one allowed you
hear what you heard, and feel how it felt. And as you
to actually feel the feelings?"
do that, once it reaches its peak, just lift your thumb
Kathleen: Umm, when I was actually on ... just a little bit to let me know you feel that now. That's
right. Take all the time you like. The next few seconds
Brother Orion: "When you were actually on the roller
to feel those feelings building into a peak. Great.
coaster. Right. Cause you're actually in the experience
Great. And just once they reach the peak lift that
now. I want to show something really cool about the
thumb just a little bit. Great. Okay. Now, open your
way the mind works. It's something called anchoring.
eyes and look at me. Now, you reached a couple of
Something that allows you to reexperience a feeling.
peaks in there.
So what I want you to do is I want you to remember a
time when you felt exquisite pleasure in your body, Audience: Laughter
now don't worry, you don't have to tell me what it was
Ross: I was watching that movie.
at that time, right there, oh yeah. Close your eyes ...”
Brother Orion: So I was, I was anchoring them as I
Audience: Laughter
went. I was anchoring them as I went. Now put your,
Brother Orion: "Close your eyes.” Don't worry. None now, put your mind back to that place. Close your
of these guys know, oh my god. Only Ross and I can eyes and really see what you saw, hear what you
see the images that she's seeing. Oh man. I'm just heard, and, ooo, feel how it felt and maybe even smell
kidding. ”Close your eyes.” It's not embarrassing and taste those smells, that's right, as you feel those
cause nobody else knows what you're thinking. feelings building, only once they reach their peak lift
that thumb right there to let me know. Great. Hold on
Kathleen: Now they do.
to those feelings as you open your eyes and look at
Brother Orion: No they don't. me. All right. Now the third time is the magic time. So
close your eyes and allow yourself to enjoy that
Ross: _____ projector.
experience so deeply. Notice how every single inch of
Brother Orion: _____ beautiful sunset. ”Close your your skin feels. Notice every sound, whisper, sigh,
eyes and remember what you really want to remember whatever sound you hear, every feeling, and all the
to feel wonderful, see what you saw, hear what you things you're seeing, the colors. And as it begins to
heard, ooo, all right, take a moment in that time, reach it peak and only once it really begins to reach
remember only the good parts, feel what you felt, see its peak, lift up that thumb to let me know. That's
what you saw, hear what you heard, and once it right. Great. Now hold on to those feelings and really
reaches it's peak, just wiggle that thought just a little enjoy them. Open your eyes and look at me. Now it's
bit toward me now.” so interesting how a certain feeling can happen in a
certain way. But your mind knows something else.
Kathleen: I'm giggling too much.
Your mind knows how to even intensify things. Close
Brother Orion: Okay. Wait, just a minute. I get this your eyes for a moment. If that feels great and now
sometimes from people. Open your eyes. What I want I've got my finger on her, just arbitrarily on her, in her
you to notice is that, the reason you're giggling is elbow, inside of her elbow. And now I'm going to
because you have your giggle dial turned up a little allow those feelings to intensify, cause you would like
too high. to feel them intensify, wouldn't you? Okay? Now if

that feels great, you know, when you begin to
intensify it, it feels even better. That's right. Ummm.
And I'm moving my hand up her arm; a slight anchor
it's called. So if that feels great, you could feel even
better. Open your eyes and look at me. What's
amazing is sometimes you can just be talking to
someone in a, you know, just having a conversation
about some fascinating thoughts. And for whatever
mysterious reason, you just start to feel great and
even better, don't you? And you could even cycle
those feelings back inside yourself to feel great and
even better; great and even better. And I'm firing off
the anchor again and again and again and

Kathleen: It's not you.
it's intensifying each time. It feels pretty good, don't
you? Brother Orion: It's not you. But you know what it is.
Kathleen: Uh huh. Ross: I don't care.
Brother Orion: Yeah, uh huh. Okay. No, it's not done Brother Orion: You know what it is? Amy took her,
yet, of course. The blamo pattern has even more took her hands, ...
cause I, we're going to let them up now, not yet, okay.
Ross: _____ .
Kathleen: No.
Brother Orion: Amy took her hand ...
Brother Orion: This is where it gets interesting.
Ross: Kathleen ...
Ross: We're going to huff and puff and blow their
Brother Orion: Sorry, Brother Kathleen, Brother
house down.
Kathleen took her thumb and pointed behind her with
Audience: Comment from audience her thumb with her hand curled. Does this look like
anything you've seen before?
Brother Orion: This is, it gets interesting because this
is where, where I, I get into some things that I think Audience: Yes. Comments from audience Brother
are really fascinating about the way the, your mind Orion: Now what do you, what ...
works, the way that a lot of people look at and think
Ross: Laughing
about things. And that is that people need a way to
sort out their subjective experience, to see images in a Brother Orion: Say it, say it. Go ahead.
certain way in your mind. For example, if you, imagine
Kathleen: Oh god. YOU'RE OUT OF HERE
that your mind was a big blank movie screen. Right?
And you were to think of an experience that you had, Brother Orion: So you don't do it like that. You don't
right, where you felt just somebody you really, really say you're out of here like that?
liked. And as you think about that person, if you were
Kathleen: No, I ...
to take and point with your finger to where see,
Missy, that person's picture, where might you point Brother Orion: Okay.
right now? Okay. You knew right where it's at. Right
Kathleen: ... pump it, pump it.
there. And now I'm going, she's pointing and I'm
going to put my hand right where she sees it. Right Brother Orion: Oh you pump it forward. So you don't
there? And I'm going to check. I've got it in the right say you're out of it like behind you. Okay. But do put
place? Treat the, oh thank you, see, she corrected me. people that you, that you don't care about behind
Treat the picture that it, like it's real. A lot of women you. Right? Now if would've just take and just for no
will say, "What do you mean?" or "I don't reason whatsoever, just want to move that person's
understand.” Well, if you, if you could see an image picture, just try in vain to move that person's picture
or if your mind was a big movie screen or if there was from that place of someone you don't like into the
an image, you suppose, where might it be? So is it person you really like, just try in vain. Yeah. It's like it
right here? Someone you really like? Okay. Now, I'm doesn't, yeah, it, you're shaking your head no. It, it
going to leave that right there. But I want you to think doesn't want to move. Your mind needs a way to sort
about somebody, either somebody you really don't out images in your mind. Isn't that interesting how
like or somebody you just don't care about. Someone sometimes, and now I'm going to stand in front of her
who's no big deal. Okay. And as you seem to, as you picture if I can of someone she really likes, and you
seem to see an image of that person, where might you know, use that space in the future.
point to that picture right at now. Ooo, it's behind
Ross: _____ bite your lip.
Audience: Laughter
Audience: Laughter
Brother Orion: No, it's you. It's your lip. It's your lip.
Brother Orion: It's behind you. You know what's
interesting ... Ross: Bite my lip?
Audience: Laughter Audience: Laughter
Brother Orion: _____ , no, no, no, it's not you. Ross: Don't follow the suggestions.

Brother Orion: What I want you to do though is, I, is, Brother Orion: "I mean, can you imagine that? Did,
what I'm curious about is, is the way that people sort did, you know, did she really, did he really expect her
things out in their mind is so fascinating. If you were to think about that all night long? And you know
to, for example, have you ever fallen in love? what was so interesting? He actually, she actually
played along with it. She turned around and she said,
Kathleen: Uh huh
'You know that feeling you get right before you have
Brother Orion: Uh huh. Yeah. Felt pretty good. If you an orgasm and you feel those feelings pulsing and
were to, as you think about falling in love, if you were swirling through every inch of your body? God, I
to point to where you see him, to see a picture of didn't know how much better she thought she was
falling in love, where might you point right now? Ooo, making him feel but it was just so interesting.”
right in front of you. Right in front of you and a little
Audience: Laughter
up. Is this the right place? Please. Oh, notice how she
corrected me. Okay. And you know what is so Ross: I think you're going beyond the blamo, though,
interesting about the way that people make images in _____ and quotes. So you've done a great job.
your mind, for example, you know, think about the
Brother Orion: No, no. Blamo's, blamo in the book
way that people feel connections, the way that you
includes the quotes at the end. And then you just
feel great and even better, and fire off _____ the
wait for them to pounce or you pounce on them.
again. If you were to, for example, think, think about
my voice and hear my voice coming from that space Ross: Yeah. Let's give them both a huge hand.
of falling in love, and maybe even feel a certain
Audience: Applause.
warmth there, color, as you allow it to penetrate your
thoughts and move and swirl and feeling better and
better. What's amazing that I think is the way that a
Yates: This is the end of Side 19 of the Ross Jeffries
person can allow yourself, give yourself permission,
Basic Speed Seduction Seminar
to feel those wonderful feelings flooding inside your
mind, to let those feelings come from that place of
falling in love, penetrate your thoughts and feel you
up and they spread down through every part of you.
And now I'm going to intensify it using quotes _____
separating. Now, it's so interesting how sometimes
those feelings can cause a person to act in a certain
way. I mean, I was sitting in a bar once, went out, and
this woman next to me was just sitting there having a
drink and this guy came up to her and he'd been
looking at her, and he just said, "If I were to say to
you, can you imagine what it would feel like if I were
going down on you ...”
Ross: Uh, uh, uh, uh. We're, let's not, let's not go
Brother Orion: Well, I won't say it to her, I'll say it to ...
Ross: Let's not say it to her.
Brother Orion: I'll say it to the lights up, up there. ”If
you'd imagine how it would feel if I were going down
on you for hours, exactly the way you like, and you
were so hot and so turned on, that you were begging
to have it, begging to really get it the way you've
always wanted it. Wow. I mean ...”
Ross: _____ muffins.
Brother Orion: Laughing
Kathleen: _____ muffins.

Tape 10 – Side 2 about this. This is probably going to be one of the
most embarrassing things that I've ever had to do in
my life. I can't believe I'm doing this.” And now, after
Yates: Welcome to Side 20 of the Ross Jeffries Basic this is over with, I'm thinking, "I can't believe that I
Speed Seduction Seminar wouldn't consider doing something like this.” This
stuff is real and the, the work that was done here over
the weekend is extremely incredible and, and this is
Yates: This is the end of the Ross Jeffries Speed coming from someone who's had no prior exposure to
Seduction Seminar for those basic students. And at this stuff so I'm totally like I haven't been at all even
the end of this seminar what we did was we passed told what to say or by any means, and it's been great.
the microphone around, after giving a little bit of Thanks.
instruction, and we let any number of students who ?: I would like to add that I met Ross just about a
would like to speak tell about their experience in this couple of months ago. I got introduced to the
seminar. And that is what follows on the next few materials and before that time, I had a completely
minutes of this tape. So stand by. different paradigm about women in general, just the
?: No. whole thing. This has not only changed my
perspective in giving me the tools and the confidence
Ross: You don't need to say your name. You can if but it's given me a new way to understand them. And
you want to, but you have 30 seconds _____ . the seminar I thought, "Oh, you know, I'm going to go
Audience: One of the things I got was the ability to to the seminar. I'm going to meet a bunch of people
just walk up to any like really attractive woman and that have, you know, tape on their glasses and they're
not, not just talk to her or get her phone number, but going to be very strange and probably the best thing
then decide if I wanted her or not, like I had a choice, that's happened is I met a bunch of people, I have met
so I said, "Ah, I don't want this. Forget it.” some of the neatest people that I've ever met here and
I've made some ...”
?: That's great. Thank you.
Audience: Applause
Mark: Anyone else?
I've made some really amazing instant connections
?: I have a great deal of experience with NLP and with people ...
hypnosis, but almost all the trainings I've gone to has
not taken the technology and applied so you can get Audience: Laughter
results. With Ross, you'll always get results. ?: ... who, you know, I know that I'm going to have
Ross: Oh, I like that one. Anybody else? Yes. relationships for a long time and probably one of the
most powerful things is I know that I'm going to have
?: I've been studying Ross' material for several the support and I'm going to have community of
months now and it's literally made a change in my life people who think like me of really intelligent people
in that I've got the attitude that a lot of brothers will that I can lean on and I can look to for support and
have very soon. And it's also helped me in, in my encouragement in the future.
personal life in non, non-female situations such as my
business. Ross: That's more than 30 seconds. Ali, Willie, do you
want say something? Go as _____ , and then as you.
Ross: What about this seminar? Tell me what this
seminar _____ made a difference. ?: I would just like to say, is this on? No, I'm kidding. I
would just like to say that Ross' class is changed my
?: Coming to this seminar, it helped me tie up some life and, well, I think you people can see the ways on
loose ends that I was having personal challenges with the new every night.
and I will be working on them to improve it even more,
but it had, it has helped me. Audience: Laughter.

Ross: Okay. Somebody else. Yes, brother. ?: It's been a wonderful experience for me and, hah,
ow, the teeth, it hurts a little, so ...
?: Urn, I have had no prior materials that I have used
with this program. So I came into it really fresh. I Audience: Laughter
remember the moment I walked through the door I was ?: I just want to, I just want to close by saying that me
thinking, "God, I am really feeling uncomfortable and my dog Buddy have both been getting laid much

more often because of Ross, and I would just like to bring her in here. I mean, for me, that was just an
thank him very much. Let's hear it for young Ross. All epiphany to be, just, you know, that I could come that
right. forward with someone and still have them just
fascinated by me. It was amazing. Thanks a lot, Ross.
Audience: Applause
Ross: Yes, you're welcome. The more playful you are,
Ross: Now what did you think of it? Tell them why
the mo re blatant you can be. Yes?
you came.
?: I've come to several of Ross' seminars and I have to
?: I came, I'm writing a screenplay about speed
tell you that they really opened my mind and really
seduction. I read the ROLLING STONE article and
changed my life in a lot of different ways and I think
said, "I have to meet this guy.” I called my manager,
the people who have seen me over the last year have
had the meeting, we hit it off. Ross trusted me, we got
seen tremendous changes and I really appreciate the,
along well. And just as I've been telling people the
the results I've received.
project and showing them the articles, people always
say the same thing. ”Oh, that's bullshit. It can't work. Ross: Yes, definitely. You want ...
It can't work, it's bullshit.” And I said, "Well, you
?: Yeah, what?
know what? I think there's a movie here. I think it's the
real deal, so I'm going to go check it out.” And it's Ross: You already did one.
been amazing. I'm glad to say that I came. I'm glad to
?: _____ .
say that I checked it out and I'm going to write a
kick-ass movie about it cause it's the real deal. Ross: No, no, you already did one.
Ross: I told you, you didn't see what I did until you ?: Looks good.
came to see it.
Ross: You already did one.
?: Right. Now you can't see it by the articles. The
?: Okay, I'm very glad that I came to this seminar. My
articles, the marketing, in the articles is, is just a way
uncle told me about it. I wasn't sure.
to get your attention. Really, so much, so much more
interesting stuff goes on here. It's been terrific. Thank Ross: Who was your uncle? I'm just curious.
?: Fred.
Ross: You're welcome. Anybody else?
Ross: Oh, I remember. Good guy.
Audience: Applause
?: Right. And this seminar has made me think about
Brother 0rion: I want to say that Ross tricked me. I things differently. Before I was concentrating on what
thought when I came into this material this is going to I would say or what I wouldn't say, how I felt. Now I
be some way, you know, just to get women to get realize not to think about that and to pay attention to
horny around me. But it's done a lot more than that. how the other person feels and watch their reactions.
It's helped me to transform the quality of my life and And not to hear a voice in my head. And I feel much
to help me learn how to transform the quality of other better about that. And I feel that I'll be able to do a lot
people's lives and to give gifts that I can, you know, more things because of that.
not just to, not just to women who I meet to let them
Ross: You will. You will.
have these incredible experiences, these incredible
states and learnings, but to give guys more tools. Kim: That's a good one.
Even if I just talk to a friend about relationships and
Ross: Bunny, you want to say something? No?
give them some more, you know, insight about them
Anybody else.
without actually, you know, directly talking about the
material presented, you know, and especially when I'm ?: Here Ross.
in here teaching you guys. It's just the best thing, it
?: Yes, Ross.
feels so good to know that I'm sharing something
that's made such a tremendous difference in my life ?: This seminar marks a year since I was first exposed
and, and one thing that I thought was really to Ross' ideas and instructions. And my social life has
fascinating that happened this week is when I talked, been transformed completely. I, I started off using the
went out there and talked to Lisa and I told her, you tools, in particular the jokes and the codes and people
know, I, I teach, I'm teaching seduction and hypnosis who thought I was just somebody who fit in with the,
and I was able to tell her exactly what's happening, with the woodwork thought that I was a really

interesting guy. In addition to my social life also it's in ?: Over here.
other areas I'm much more open and I'm, I have so
?: Ross' material gave me the choices and
many possibilities in front of me. And I just want to
opportunities that I never used to have in every way.
thank Ross for that.
Coming to this seminar brought the technology to life,
Ross: You're welcome, _____ . sort of like standing, the difference between standing
on a beach and watching that sunset and looking at a
Audience: Applause.
crumpled up black and white photograph or running
?: Anybody else? down on a football field scoring that touchdown and
reading about it in the next day's newspaper. And, so
Ross: Anybody else.
if you want this to happen to you in the real world,
?: He's already gone. then you need to take this opportunity and go to a
?: _____ two years ago, okay, I got out of a divorce,
okay? It was a pretty bad divorce and everything and
it took me a long time to recover from it. Anyway,
after I, I kind of dated for a long while and you went
out on a Saturday night and you always were hoping
to get lucky and find somebody, okay? A lot of the
Ross: We've now let you, we're going to wrap it
somebodies that you took home or that you found
because we've got to get out of this room. People
were people that you really wouldn't be satisfied with
want to watch the Bulls and the Bears. Go for it.
or that you, that you would never date now. Okay?
Anyway, after getting Ross' course, I was able to ?: There was a time in my life when I, when I'd get
communicate with women much, much better. Okay? excited about something that I'd actually become
And now the women that I talk to and that I have a physically ill as a result of it. Right across the street
relationship with are just no where near the caliber from where this seminar is, is a place where I've
that I ever thought that I could. Okay? Now I'm able probably thrown up five different times in my life.
to find somebody that is worthy, okay? Somebody Fortunately, I've, fortunately, I've overcome that, but
that make something better out of me. Somebody at the beginning of this seminar I noticed myself
who's worth being with, okay? That is what your slipping back into those old patterns, because I was
course has meant for me. Okay? so excited about the opportunities that I'd enjoy here.
On the second day of the seminar, ...
Ross: Very cool. Thank you. Very cool.
Ross: Like that character on South Park that throws
Audience: Applause
up whenever ...
Ross: "Before I came to Ross's course, my mother
?: Right. Kenny.
said that I should do something about my social and
Ross, I want to say that thanks to you I have the Ross: Wendy. Wendy Kesteberger.
courage to approach that blow-up doll that I've
?: Stan.
always dreamed of. Thank you, Ross Jeffries.” Yes
Ross: Stan is the one who throws up, it's Wendy
?: Just a note to, to anybody that's contemplating
Kesteberger I'm talking about.
coming to one of these seminars, sure, if you use
these tools, you are going to succeed in your ?: Blahhhhh.
relationships with women. But one of the important
Kim: Laughing
things that this seminar taught me is the fact that now
I know I can step outside the box and use my rules. ?: _____ .
Ross: I, that's great. You can step outside the box and ?: But on the second day I volunteered to be a guinea
use his own rules. Yes? Who's that? pig up in front of the whole seminar and the, the
techniques which were used on and with me and
?: You wanted it? You wanted it?
which I, I participated in made me so excited about the
?: I'll take it. opportunities and the skills that I learned at this
seminar that the illness that I felt coming on totally
?: Yep.
went away and now I'm just raring to go out there and
?: John. get some.

?: _____ with you? to be, you know, making a gesture, I said, "I know
Ross: Oh, wow. I don't even remember. Cool. I don't,
cool. Good, good, good, good, good. Anybody else? Ross: Ah.
Is that it?
?: "Have you lived around here for a while?" And I
?: Here, I'll do it. kept my hand on my forehead. And she said, "Yeah, a
couple of years.” And I said, "I know where it is. I've
Ross: You want to go?
been reading a book on angels and you're on the
?-. Sure, I'll go. cover.”
Ross: Okay, good. Social proof Ross: Laughing. Very good. And how did she
?: Okay. Before I came to Ross, when I got his tapes, I
had some doubts about believing that this stuff ?: And she was, and I was, I was shaking, "My name's
would work. But coming to this seminar has, he Paul.” And I held on to her hand for a good minute.
proved to me that this stuff really does work and as a
Ross: Yeah.
person that grew up, you know, struggling to find
things, because I never got the best of anything, you ?: And she's very, very busy. It was, you know,
know, I always got the worst stuff. So I always tried Saturday night at TGI Friday.
to get the best of everything I could and I feel that
Ross: How did she respond when you said "You're on
Ross, if anything in your life that you want to get,
the cover"? Did she smile and laugh?
you have to go and meet Ross. He will definitely
change your life. ?: She smiled, she glowed, ...
Audience: Applause. Ross: Yeah.
?: It was like she tilted her head and it was ...
LONG SILENCE ON TAPE (FOLLOWING MAY BE A Ross: Now that's an example of the kind of thing
REPEAT OF PREVIOUS TAPE) where if you tell a guy that would work, he'd go, "No
way.” But women respond to it. Excellent, very good.
?: I never would've tried that.
Brother Orion: Laughing
Ross: No, well good. Good. Give him a big hand.
Ross: There's nowhere for _____ .
You're making good progress.
?: And I said, "Great. Would you like some more?"
Audience: Applause
And she said ...
Ross: The point of the exercise is, is to get you,
Ross & Audience: laughing
number one, to get you moving so you can actually
?: "Sure.” And I said, "Okay.” say something. And, by the way, this is another
exercise where we, where we're forgetting about the
Ross: Okay. Did you try it with anyone else.
content, we're giving you nonsense content so
?: I didn't try that, but I did try something else I'd instead you can focus on the process. And the
never done before. process is to go up, get moving without hesitation,
move, say something, and watch the response. And
Ross: Oh, follow directions. But tell us what you did.
to train your attention to go somewhere other than
?: The, the hostess who seated us, very attractive inward into your own internal dialogue. And instead
young lady and ... direct it outward and watch the response you're
getting. Those of you who did not do the exercise are
Ross: I've noticed that's often the case.
robbing yourselves of a very important skillset that
?: Yes. you need to learn. Speed seduction is not just about
knowing what words to say. It's also about noticing
Ross: The ugly ones are in the kitchen.
responses and paying attention.
Audience: laughter
?: And I said, she seated us, and asked blah, blah,
blah, blah. And I said, I put my hand to my forehead

Ross: Whoa.
?: _____ around the world and so far, so good, and ?: ... mostly in the rain to come here and I've been, I've
met so many new friends and had so many exciting,
better days ahead. Thanks.
fun approaches and experiences in the last three days
Audience: Applause. that I didn't have the courage to or the, the materials
and techniques to go about doing that before this
?: Dear Ross. My life before speed seduction with,
seminar. I've learned a lot about how to communicate
with ...
more effectively with people and to find the real
Ross: _____ . Try doing this. Instead of _____ , say reasons behind my past relationships and my, my
what you think. past experiences with women that may have not have
gone to the extent that I wished them to go to or to
?: All right.
the length and this seminar has really opened my eyes
Ross: _____ . up to that. And I feel my communication skills are a
lot better as a result of it.
?: Sure. My life before speed seduction with chicks
was pretty sad and pathetic. I would, every time I, I, I Ross: Good. Make it count and kick some ass. All
was very angry with women because they would right. Thank you all for being here.
always reject me and I thought that that was, they
Audience: Thank you, Ross. Comments from
were just re, rejecting my approach. So now I would, it
got to the point where I wouldn't even talk to them
and I went out of my way to avoid them. Now, I know Ross: You're welcome.
that I can approach and even, even if I do get rejected
I know it's not me, it's just my approach and I need to
work, and I keep needing to work on my approach. I'm
not angry at women any more, I don't think they're
bitches, it's just that they do, you know, I don't think
they're, so I'm not sad and lonely any more. I can walk
around life with a lot more happiness and joy cause
I'm not walking around angry at a certain part of my
life anymore.
Ross: That's cool.
Audience: Applause
Ross: Yeah. It's on.
?: Okay. Yeah, this, this seminar. It, it really clued me
in to the idea that, you know, as I stand here, I know
what's inside my own mind, but I have a very poor
idea about what I am perceived like by you all here,
you know. And it's a gap I, I, it's a gap that won't be
here in six months, or some length of time in the
future. And, you know, all of you are my brothers and
I want you to know that, you know, I need all of you
to let me know what it is that I really do because
otherwise I won't.
Ross: Thank you. Is that it? Are you done? One more
and let's get out of here.
?: The Bulls and the Bears.
?: This is the first of Ross' seminars that I've ever
attended and my first real exposure to speed
seduction materials and I just honestly say it was
quite worth it. I drove 350 miles ...


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