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Cory Bernardi 3,321 like this

10 hours ago

A disgraceful piece in the FXJ press today about me prompted me to write this letter to the editor. I only hope they will publish it. Dear Sir, Jessica Wright suggests I have not complied with the disclosure requirements of the Senators Interests committee. Had Ms Wright contacted me I could have informed her that my pecuniary register is completely up to date. Her 'exclusive' report neglects to mention that Senators are required to disclose officeholder positions, organisations where nancial contributions of more than $300 are made or where membership is likely to result in a conict of interest in discharging their duties as a senator. None of which apply to my status with ALEC, whose international membership supports federation, free markets and limited government. Further, Ms Wright makes several other errors in her article which could have been avoided by a telephone call to me (or my media officer); or a detailed examination of the register of Senators interests. Such basic tasks are the responsibility of any journalist seeking to be taken seriously in reporting politics before making unsubstantiated allegations. Cory Bernardi Sconey Forrest On ya Cori 10 hours ago Like 4 Jan Kerr More 'dirty' games 10 hours ago Like 7 Krys Yard typical leftie journo 10 hours ago Like 12 Ian Middleton Go get 'em Cory, give them hell. 10 hours ago Like 12 Luke Jenkins election year this is just the start of the smear campaign that the commy journos will launch. 10 hours ago via mobile Like 16 Andrew Barnett Stick it to them Cory , There is to many lies told in the media already

Lesley Maree Those lefty journos never let the truth get in the way of their bullshite. Give Julia The Boot Smacks of the labor dirty tricks department to gain negative publicity on the coalition members so that the wildly sensational allegations that they know are unsubstantiated fast becomes folk lore fact. Eg..Tony Abbott hitting a brick wall, the misog...See More 10 hours ago Like 22 Vik Kaminskas Where is the WGAF button...??? 10 hours ago Like 1

Jack Deltr A propaganda peddling left wing unky who will do any thing to slant push or help the Communist keep power 10 hours ago Like 10 Stu Mead-Bergmann It's just so typical of the left, especially when their Prime Minister is a certied moron. 10 hours ago via mobile Like 10 Ann-Marie Glen Beatty It is no surprise that the media's reputation has crashed when unprofessional left bias destroys credibility. 10 hours ago Like 14 Garry Nosworthy God help all those second rate Fairfax journo's if Gina Reinhart gets her way. Virtually everything you read in Fairfax papers is either pro-Homo, pro-socialist, pro-Islam, pro Green etc. There is no balance just like the Gillard lickspittles at the ABC. 9 hours ago Like 10 Restore Australia Well said Cory! 9 hours ago via mobile Like 6 Doug Sun Here here. 9 hours ago via mobile Like 3 Give Julia The Boot fbid=453839801336850&set=a. 237011506353015.72838.236991276355038&type=1&theater 9 hours ago Like 1 Bill Turner The media is slanted 9 hours ago Like 2

Arthur Morgan She'll have a future with The Project with her researching credentials, the morons on that show scoffed at the thought of people marrying their pets in Europe though it is common knowledge that it's rife over there. 9 hours ago Like 4 Anne Garrett She could get a job with the Courier Mail 9 hours ago via mobile Like 2 David Lloyd Another idiot media mole ! 9 hours ago via mobile Like 2 Alfred Boudib To call it Disgraceful is being polite. it was disgusting, misleading and offensive. This is typical of the leftist media - they cry horror when someone even looks like they may have an opinion contrary to their own... It goes to show how the author li...See More 8 hours ago Like 11 Hermoine Lynn Excellent, love the last para best, Cory. Good, don't any crap lying down. We're right behind you (for what it's worth).
Typical 'pot stirring' stupidity. Jumping the gun like an uneducated idiot. 8 hours ago Like 2 Matthew Giles Jessica Wright sounds like the kind of moron who convinces herself that she reports the news when it is more like her taking it upon herself to create it - and only coming up with a gossuip column at best. 8 hours ago Like 6 Nicole Shallies Most intelligent people just brush this aside as typical left wing rubbish. Fortunately the quiet majority vote and will silence the left minority at the next election. If the rationals don't win the next election I'm nding another country to live in for this one is sure to go further down the toilet. 8 hours ago Like 7 Andrew Johnno Johnson As soon as this government is thrown out & Gina gets to run her own business so that it's protable & relevant we might see some real unbiased reporting 8 hours ago via mobile Like 1 Doug Sun If a similarly spurious article was written about one of the Left Elite, Gillard et al would have the author sent to the gulag....but it's ok if it attacks a conservative....I don't blame anyone if they think we're living in North Korea... 7 hours ago via mobile Like 7 Andrew Jones I dont read that rubbish anymore. Anyway the newspapers are full of crap. Who wants to ll their mind with rubbish? 6 hours ago via mobile Like Jennifa Minshall Karma 4 Jessica coming up.!5 hours ago via mobile Like

John Dirckze WELL THIS IS WHAT THEY DO WITH HOPE SOME sh-- WILL STICK . NEXT TIME DONT BOTHER TO COMMENT OR EXPLAIN YOURSELF.GOD BLESS 4 hours ago Like Martin Guinness Martin Guinness BBC is pro left wing media, never publishes anything anti Islam. This incident is just the tip of an ice berg Girl, 12, 'made to have abortion' ...See More 4 hours ago Like Merilyn Williams Hmmm didn't do her homework, could be time to end all these misleading stories regarding the Opposition by having a talk with your Lawyer. 4 hours ago Like Guan Lim blah blah blah hehe 4 hours ago via mobile Like Sam Simons this jessica wright sounds like a trouble making dipstick who should be sacked sue her @ss Corey 4 hours ago Like Rosa Cassanova 4 hours ago Like Michael Rees-Evans Of course the SMH's response to the letter by Cory Bernardi is to repeat the original allegations and only quote parts of his letter around their argument that he has a conict of interest!! 3 hours ago Like 1 Martin Guinness 3 hours ago Like Andrew Jones Stop buying the SMH. It is already on the skids. 3 hours ago via mobile Like 2 Matilda Bawden Mr Bernardi, I am no fan of yours, but this is a despicable campaign and I hope you can sue them or seek recourse for the smear and innuendo! Maybe you can begin to appreciate why I approached your office in the rst instance - a matter which incidentally I won! about an hour ago Like Bonnie May Down Hey Cory should anything happen to me, I want you to know that you are my hero! You stood up for the truth! Bless you! about an hour ago Like

Sledge Moore What would we expect from a rookie, anything for a story, never let the truth interfere with the facts 46 minutes ago via mobile Like Grant Dinse Isn't it funny that Captialist organisations are seen as EXTREME - FAR RIGHT and untouchable ?? I think the media needs a good dose of basic truths - Cory don't run from these lefties - ATTACK!!! 39 minutes ago Like 1 Luke Lithgow Mainstream media is completely on the Left!!!! Even if they had the facts they would twist them to suit their own agenda! 25 minutes ago via mobile Like

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