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Naicia Giant Crystal Mines In Mexico

Tablets of Flesh- Living Epistles

1. Tablets of StonesLaws of God written by finger of God on stones cut out by Moses. And were there to eventually show and display to the world who God is what He expects of people.
a. Ez 36:26,27 God imploring and instructing, I will give u a new hrt and put New spirit w/in you; I will take the HEART OF STONE out of flesh and gv u a ht of flesh (making it pliable) I will put My spirit w/in u and cause U to walk in My statues and you w/ keep My judgments and do them. WHY? Jer 17:5,8 Heart is Deceitfully wicked... Who can know it? God wants Law of God written and fixed just as permanently on our Heart as on the Tablets of stone Moses brought down from mountain. Changing our spiritual DNA, It becomes a permanent aspect of who we are WHY? So that we would be Living Stones, displaying and showing the world Who God is and what he expects of his people. If its only kept on tablets of stone, it is nothing more than religion, form, Letter of Law=death, when its written on tablets of our hearts it is alive, Spirit of the Law=Life. This happens as we submit to Gods authority in our lives, small and big things. Attitude, Actions, Motives, Agendas, Intention Requires our being submitted to the Yoke of Jesus, Jesus said, Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden... ... Take MY YOKE upon you, learn of me.... Moses said to Pharaoh, LET MY PEOPLE GO.... Only half the sentence,.... So they may worship, serve, sacrifice to me. Jesus doesnt give us liberty freedom, deliverance to simply have a free for all Its always granted so that we might be FREE to serve and live for Him. An effective farmer, places his oxen under the yoke, and an effective oxen is always under the yoke, those that are not under the yoke may still be the farmers and reap benefits of His care, but they are not effective in the fields. i. Rom 12:1 Present yourselves as Living Sacrifices....Reasonable Service.... Transformation..... not merely conforming to an expected shape. Transformed by the renewing of our minds Retaught Gods Ways. WHY? so that we would be WALKING TESTAMENTS, LIVING STONES, LIVING SACRIFICES, LIVING EPISTLES of Gods Redeeming Power and Deliverance to a lost and Dying World.

b. c.








Stones in the Priests Breast Plate were equated with the people of God. They were daily represented before the Throne of God as worn by the High Priest. Each stone represented a different tribe. Those stones were PRECIOUS GEMSTONES. Diamond, Emerald, Topaz, Onyx, Sapphire, Ruby etc. Those stones are valuable crystal formations. And they are further linked to the Bride of Christ in the Book of Revelation. The foundation stones of the City which is the Bride has foundation stones made of Precious Gemstones. a. 1 Peter 2:49....Coming to Him as to a LIVING STONE...Precious, you also as LIVING STONES are being built up a spiritual House, a Holy Priesthood to offer up Spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through J C WHY? V.9 That you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His Marvelous light ! We are called to proclaim His Brilliance, His Truth, His Light, His Life. 1 Peter 4:10 talks about the MANIFOLD Grace of God, Manifold comes from two words... Many folds - Multiple facets!

As the People of God


Exodus 28:15-21 Revelation 21:19-21

Ephod Ruby topaz Beryl Turquoise Sapphire Diamond Jacinth Agate Amethyst Chrystolite Onyx Jasper

Foundations Jasper Sapphire Chalcedony Emerald Sardonx Sardius/Ruby Chrystolite Beryl Topaz Chrysophase Jacinth Amethyst

Living Stones - Holy House

Stones are used in building Cities, Walls, Gates, Boundaries and Foundations. The Temple of God was hewn from the very bedrock on which it was built. The Temple was Magnificent, Famous and Glorious throughout all the earth. Its architecture and structure were astounding to the visitors and strangers. Revelation 21 equates the Temple with the Bride of Christ, the believers. a. Eph 2:19 You no longer strangers and foreigners but fellow citizens w/ saints and member of the HOUSEHOLD of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the Chief CORNERSTONE. In whom the whole building being fitten together grows into a holy Temple in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit. Eph 4:16 ...Body being built up, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies - each of us have different gifts, talents, victories, deliverances. We bring it to the body for the enrichment of the body. Rom 12 & 1 Cor 12 - All members of one body we are joined fashioned together. Established and strong, anchored and collectively built up together, - Jesus said The world will know you are my disciples by...The love you have for one another,.... Not by how great you worship, Preach, or serve, how you love one another, we may not always agree, but we need to love. d.WHY? When we dwell together in unity, we are strengthened by each other in the fellowship, and we extend to the world the Glory and majesty of God, we showcase his love and mercy, redemption and victory to the world around us, and THROUGH the STRUCTURE of the body working well together the world will look on and be astounded just as the Queen of Sheba was when she saw the Temple for the first time. So, HOW can the foundation stones of New Jerusalem be signicant in size? Giant Crystals were found in Mexico in 2005 at Naicia. God Made some stones so large just to show us He can! It completely stupees the scientists, theyve never seen anything like it in the world! Looks Like Supermans fortress of Solitude e.



Different Processes
Pressure Water/Vapor Deposit Heat Color & Shape
1. Grow SLOWLY - slow process of growth 2. Grow SECRETLY in dirt, caves, deep places no one sees from surface, walk over unnoticed., unaware of what is beneath. iii. Grow under various STRESSES a. HEAT - think it not strange brethren ...fiery trials produce... character b. PRESSURE ...hard pressed yet not crushed c. DEPOSITS...Incorruptible seed , washing of word, renewing of mind. d. VARIOUS colors, green, brown, black, pink, purple, blue, clears, yellows, reds, oranges produced by different impurities within the minerals that create the Gemstone. What God delivered or healed me from may be different than you, that creates the beauty of the various gemstones. It adds the color and unique diversity that helps to further display the MANIFOLD aspects of Gods, mercy and Grace It all starts when a molecule/mineral is deposited on a rock, and others join and lock on it. Grows so its called a living Stone. If we are likened to Living stones, consider the process & the outcome of it all! -Contemplate the personal & spiritually significance

As Gemstones in the rough and He fashions and cuts away the debris and worthless surroundings so that we might display HIS BRILLIANCE a. Over time as we submit to Gods Authority, As we come to know Him more intimately we are changed into His image and likeness. Eventually those Gemstones when they are of adequate size and formation, God Unearths them and brings them forth for His Glory and to beautify His dwelling, His Habitation so that the world would know who He is by the miracle wrought in us. Example CephasPetra Disciple Peter Cephas, means reed, easily broken by winds and currents. Petra, means Rock Solid! A virtuous woman Prvb 31 more valuable than rubiesDIAMONDS



Do you want to be a GEMSTONE For Christ? 1. Have you given your life to JC 2. Must be yokedwilling to submit to His authority. Its not at our discretion, our terms. Change and transformation is according to His terms. 3. Are You wanting to be transformed by the renewing of your mind Deprogrammed from the lies of the world, retaught according to His life and truth? 4. Recommit- Mercies of God New Every Mourning We can come Boldly to the throne of Grace and in time of need receive MERCYforgiveness for where we messed up GRACEEquipping power that enables us to complete race 5. Going through fiery trials? Feel youre buried in the dirt? Hidden in a cave, no one sees you or your pain? 6. Be encouraged God WILL complete the work and UNEARTH the Gemstone He has started in YOU!!

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