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The Family Code Of The Philippines Titles I, II, VI, VII, VII, X, XI, XII July 6, 1987 I, CO !

"O# C$ !%&I#O, P'esident of the Philippines, (y )i'tue of the po*e's )ested in me (y the Constitution, do he'e(y o'de' and p'omul+ate the Family Code of the Philippines, as follo*s, TIT-. I /! I!0.

Chapte' 1$ e1uisites of /a''ia+e !'ti2le 1$ /a''ia+e is a spe2ial 2ont'a2t of pe'manent union (et*een a man and a *oman ente'ed into in a22o'dan2e *ith la* fo' the esta(lishment of 2on3u+al and family life$ It is the foundation of the family and an in)iola(le so2ial institution *hose natu'e, 2onse1uen2es, and in2idents a'e +o)e'ned (y la* and not su(3e2t to stipulation, e42ept that ma''ia+e settlements may fi4 the p'ope'ty 'elations du'in+ the ma''ia+e *ithin the limits p'o)ided (y this Code$ 567a8 !'t$ 7$ #o ma''ia+e shall (e )alid, unless these essential 'e1uisites a'e p'esent, 518 -e+al 2apa2ity of the 2ont'a2tin+ pa'ties *ho must (e a male and a female9 and 578 Consent f'eely +i)en in the p'esen2e of the solemni:in+ offi2e'$ 56;a8 !'t$ ;$ The fo'mal 'e1uisites of ma''ia+e a'e, 518 !utho'ity of the solemni:in+ offi2e'9 578 ! )alid ma''ia+e li2ense e42ept in the 2ases p'o)ided fo' in Chapte' 7 of this Title9 and 5;8 ! ma''ia+e 2e'emony *hi2h ta<es pla2e *ith the appea'an2e of the 2ont'a2tin+ pa'ties (efo'e the solemni:in+ offi2e' and thei' pe'sonal de2la'ation that they ta<e ea2h othe' as hus(and and *ife in the p'esen2e of not less than t*o *itnesses of le+al a+e$ 56;a, 66a8 !'t$ =$ The a(sen2e of any of the essential o' fo'mal 'e1uisites shall 'ende' the ma''ia+e )oid a( initio, e42ept as stated in !'ti2le ;6 578$ ! defe2t in any of the essential 'e1uisites shall not affe2t the )alidity of the ma''ia+e (ut the pa'ty o' pa'ties 'esponsi(le fo' the i''e+ula'ity shall (e 2i)illy, 2'iminally and administ'ati)ely lia(le$ 5n8 !'t$ 6$ !ny male o' female of the a+e of ei+hteen yea's o' up*a'ds not unde' any of the impediments mentioned in !'ti2les ;7 and ;8, may 2ont'a2t ma''ia+e$ 56=a8 !'t$ 6$ #o p'es2'i(ed fo'm o' 'eli+ious 'ite fo' the solemni:ation of the ma''ia+e is 'e1ui'ed$ It shall (e ne2essa'y, ho*e)e', fo' the 2ont'a2tin+ pa'ties to appea' pe'sonally (efo'e the solemni:in+ offi2e' and de2la'e in the p'esen2e of not less than t*o *itnesses of le+al a+e that they ta<e ea2h othe' as hus(and and *ife$ This de2la'ation shall (e 2ontained in the ma''ia+e 2e'tifi2ate *hi2h shall (e si+ned (y the 2ont'a2tin+ pa'ties and thei' *itnesses and attested (y the solemni:in+ offi2e'$ In 2ase of a ma''ia+e in a'ti2ulo mo'tis, *hen the pa'ty at the point of death is una(le to si+n the ma''ia+e 2e'tifi2ate, it shall (e suffi2ient fo' one of the *itnesses to the ma''ia+e to *'ite the name of said pa'ty, *hi2h fa2t shall (e attested (y the solemni:in+ offi2e'$ 566a8 !'t$ 7$ /a''ia+e may (e solemni:ed (y, 518 !ny in2um(ent mem(e' of the 3udi2ia'y *ithin the 2ou't>s 3u'isdi2tion9 578 !ny p'iest, 'a((i, imam, o' ministe' of any 2hu'2h o' 'eli+ious se2t duly autho'i:ed (y his 2hu'2h o' 'eli+ious se2t and 'e+iste'ed *ith the 2i)il 'e+ist'a' +ene'al, a2tin+ *ithin the limits of the *'itten autho'ity +'anted (y his 2hu'2h o' 'eli+ious se2t and p'o)ided that at least one of the 2ont'a2tin+ pa'ties (elon+s to the solemni:in+ offi2e'>s 2hu'2h o' 'eli+ious se2t9 5;8 !ny ship 2aptain o' ai'plane 2hief only in the 2ase mentioned in !'ti2le ;19

5=8 !ny milita'y 2ommande' of a unit to *hi2h a 2haplain is assi+ned, in the a(sen2e of the latte', du'in+ a milita'y ope'ation, li<e*ise only in the 2ases mentioned in !'ti2le ;79 568 !ny 2onsul?+ene'al, 2onsul o' )i2e?2onsul in the 2ase p'o)ided in !'ti2le 1@$ 566a8 !'ti2le$ 8$ The ma''ia+e shall (e solemni:ed pu(li2ly in the 2ham(e's of the 3ud+e o' in open 2ou't, in the 2hu'2h, 2hapel o' temple, o' in the offi2e the 2onsul?+ene'al, 2onsul o' )i2e?2onsul, as the 2ase may (e, and not else*he'e, e42ept in 2ases of ma''ia+es 2ont'a2ted on the point of death o' in 'emote pla2es in a22o'dan2e *ith !'ti2le 79 of this Code, o' *he'e (oth of the pa'ties 'e1uest the solemni:in+ offi2e' in *'itin+ in *hi2h 2ase the ma''ia+e may (e solemni:ed at a house o' pla2e desi+nated (y them in a s*o'n statement to that effe2t$ 567a8 !'t$ 9$ ! ma''ia+e li2ense shall (e issued (y the lo2al 2i)il 'e+ist'a' of the 2ity o' muni2ipality *he'e eithe' 2ont'a2tin+ pa'ty ha(itually 'esides, e42ept in ma''ia+es *he'e no li2ense is 'e1ui'ed in a22o'dan2e *ith Chapte' 7 of this Title$ 568a8 !'t$ 1@$ /a''ia+es (et*een Filipino 2iti:ens a('oad may (e solemni:ed (y a 2onsul?+ene'al, 2onsul o' )i2e? 2onsul of the epu(li2 of the Philippines$ The issuan2e of the ma''ia+e li2ense and the duties of the lo2al 2i)il 'e+ist'a' and of the solemni:in+ offi2e' *ith 'e+a'd to the 2ele('ation of ma''ia+e shall (e pe'fo'med (y said 2onsula' offi2ial$ 576a8 !'t$ 11$ Ahe'e a ma''ia+e li2ense is 'e1ui'ed, ea2h of the 2ont'a2tin+ pa'ties shall file sepa'ately a s*o'n appli2ation fo' su2h li2ense *ith the p'ope' lo2al 2i)il 'e+ist'a' *hi2h shall spe2ify the follo*in+, 518 Full name of the 2ont'a2tin+ pa'ty9 578 Pla2e of (i'th9 5;8 !+e and date of (i'th9 5=8 Ci)il status9 568 If p'e)iously ma''ied, ho*, *hen and *he'e the p'e)ious ma''ia+e *as dissol)ed o' annulled9 568 P'esent 'esiden2e and 2iti:enship9 578 Be+'ee of 'elationship of the 2ont'a2tin+ pa'ties9 588 Full name, 'esiden2e and 2iti:enship of the fathe'9 598 Full name, 'esiden2e and 2iti:enship of the mothe'9 and 51@8 Full name, 'esiden2e and 2iti:enship of the +ua'dian o' pe'son ha)in+ 2ha'+e, in 2ase the 2ont'a2tin+ pa'ty has neithe' fathe' no' mothe' and is unde' the a+e of t*enty?one yea's$ The appli2ants, thei' pa'ents o' +ua'dians shall not (e 'e1ui'ed to e4hi(it thei' 'esiden2e 2e'tifi2ates in any fo'mality in 2onne2tion *ith the se2u'in+ of the ma''ia+e li2ense$ 569a8 !'t$ 17$ The lo2al 2i)il 'e+ist'a', upon 'e2ei)in+ su2h appli2ation, shall 'e1ui'e the p'esentation of the o'i+inal (i'th 2e'tifi2ates o', in default the'eof, the (aptismal 2e'tifi2ates of the 2ont'a2tin+ pa'ties o' 2opies of su2h do2uments duly attested (y the pe'sons ha)in+ 2ustody of the o'i+inals$ These 2e'tifi2ates o' 2e'tified 2opies of the do2uments (y this !'ti2le need not (e s*o'n to and shall (e e4empt f'om the do2umenta'y stamp ta4$ The si+natu'e and offi2ial title of the pe'son issuin+ the 2e'tifi2ate shall (e suffi2ient p'oof of its authenti2ity$ If eithe' of the 2ont'a2tin+ pa'ties is una(le to p'odu2e his (i'th o' (aptismal 2e'tifi2ate o' a 2e'tified 2opy of eithe' (e2ause of the dest'u2tion o' loss of the o'i+inal o' if it is sho*n (y an affida)it of su2h pa'ty o' of any othe' pe'son that su2h (i'th o' (aptismal 2e'tifi2ate has not yet (een 'e2ei)ed thou+h the same has (een 'e1ui'ed of the pe'son ha)in+ 2ustody the'eof at least fifteen days p'io' to the date of the appli2ation, su2h pa'ty may fu'nish in lieu the'eof his 2u''ent 'esiden2e 2e'tifi2ate o' an inst'ument d'a*n up and s*o'n to (efo'e the lo2al 2i)il 'e+ist'a' 2on2e'ned o' any pu(li2 offi2ial autho'i:ed to administe' oaths$ Cu2h inst'ument shall 2ontain the s*o'n de2la'ation of t*o *itnesses of la*ful a+e, settin+ fo'th the full name, 'esiden2e and 2iti:enship of su2h 2ont'a2tin+ pa'ty and of his o' he' pa'ents, if <no*n, and the pla2e and date of (i'th of su2h pa'ty$ The nea'est of <in of the 2ont'a2tin+ pa'ties shall (e p'efe''ed as *itnesses, o', in thei' default, pe'sons of +ood 'eputation in the p'o)in2e o' the lo2ality$ The p'esentation of (i'th o' (aptismal 2e'tifi2ate shall not (e 'e1ui'ed if the pa'ents of the 2ont'a2tin+ pa'ties appea' pe'sonally (efo'e the lo2al 2i)il 'e+ist'a' 2on2e'ned and s*ea' to the 2o''e2tness of the

la*ful a+e of said pa'ties, as stated in the appli2ation, o' *hen the lo2al 2i)il 'e+ist'a' shall, (y me'ely loo<in+ at the appli2ants upon thei' pe'sonally appea'in+ (efo'e him, (e 2on)in2ed that eithe' o' (oth of them ha)e the 'e1ui'ed a+e$ 56@a8 !'t$ 1;$ In 2ase eithe' of the 2ont'a2tin+ pa'ties has (een p'e)iously ma''ied, the appli2ant shall (e 'e1ui'ed to fu'nish, instead of the (i'th o' (aptismal 2e'tifi2ate 'e1ui'ed in the last p'e2edin+ a'ti2le, the death 2e'tifi2ate of the de2eased spouse o' the 3udi2ial de2'ee of the a(solute di)o'2e, o' the 3udi2ial de2'ee of annulment o' de2la'ation of nullity of his o' he' p'e)ious ma''ia+e$ In 2ase the death 2e'tifi2ate 2annot (e se2u'ed, the pa'ty shall ma<e an affida)it settin+ fo'th this 2i'2umstan2e and his o' he' a2tual 2i)il status and the name and date of death of the de2eased spouse$ 561a8 !'t$ 1=$ In 2ase eithe' o' (oth of the 2ont'a2tin+ pa'ties, not ha)in+ (een eman2ipated (y a p'e)ious ma''ia+e, a'e (et*een the a+es of ei+hteen and t*enty?one, they shall, in addition to the 'e1ui'ements of the p'e2edin+ a'ti2les, e4hi(it to the lo2al 2i)il 'e+ist'a', the 2onsent to thei' ma''ia+e of thei' fathe', mothe', su')i)in+ pa'ent o' +ua'dian, o' pe'sons ha)in+ le+al 2ha'+e of them, in the o'de' mentioned$ Cu2h 2onsent shall (e manifested in *'itin+ (y the inte'ested pa'ty, *ho pe'sonally appea's (efo'e the p'ope' lo2al 2i)il 'e+ist'a', o' in the fo'm of an affida)it made in the p'esen2e of t*o *itnesses and attested (efo'e any offi2ial autho'i:ed (y la* to administe' oaths$ The pe'sonal manifestation shall (e 'e2o'ded in (oth appli2ations fo' ma''ia+e li2ense, and the affida)it, if one is e4e2uted instead, shall (e atta2hed to said appli2ations$ 561a8 !'t$ 16$ !ny 2ont'a2tin+ pa'ty (et*een the a+e of t*enty?one and t*enty?fi)e shall (e o(li+ed to as< thei' pa'ents o' +ua'dian fo' ad)i2e upon the intended ma''ia+e$ If they do not o(tain su2h ad)i2e, o' if it (e unfa)o'a(le, the ma''ia+e li2ense shall not (e issued till afte' th'ee months follo*in+ the 2ompletion of the pu(li2ation of the appli2ation the'efo'$ ! s*o'n statement (y the 2ont'a2tin+ pa'ties to the effe2t that su2h ad)i2e has (een sou+ht, to+ethe' *ith the *'itten ad)i2e +i)en, if any, shall (e atta2hed to the appli2ation fo' ma''ia+e li2ense$ Chould the pa'ents o' +ua'dian 'efuse to +i)e any ad)i2e, this fa2t shall (e stated in the s*o'n statement$ 567a8 !'t$ 16$ In the 2ases *he'e pa'ental 2onsent o' pa'ental ad)i2e is needed, the pa'ty o' pa'ties 2on2e'ned shall, in addition to the 'e1ui'ements of the p'e2edin+ a'ti2les, atta2h a 2e'tifi2ate issued (y a p'iest, imam o' ministe' autho'i:ed to solemni:e ma''ia+e unde' !'ti2le 7 of this Code o' a ma''ia+e 2ounselo' duly a22'edited (y the p'ope' +o)e'nment a+en2y to the effe2t that the 2ont'a2tin+ pa'ties ha)e unde'+one ma''ia+e 2ounselin+$ Failu'e to atta2h said 2e'tifi2ates of ma''ia+e 2ounselin+ shall suspend the issuan2e of the ma''ia+e li2ense fo' a pe'iod of th'ee months f'om the 2ompletion of the pu(li2ation of the appli2ation$ Issuan2e of the ma''ia+e li2ense *ithin the p'ohi(ited pe'iod shall su(3e2t the issuin+ offi2e' to administ'ati)e san2tions (ut shall not affe2t the )alidity of the ma''ia+e$ Chould only one of the 2ont'a2tin+ pa'ties need pa'ental 2onsent o' pa'ental ad)i2e, the othe' pa'ty must (e p'esent at the 2ounselin+ 'efe''ed to in the p'e2edin+ pa'a+'aph$ 5n8 !'t$ 17$ The lo2al 2i)il 'e+ist'a' shall p'epa'e a noti2e *hi2h shall 2ontain the full names and 'esiden2es of the appli2ants fo' a ma''ia+e li2ense and othe' data +i)en in the appli2ations$ The noti2e shall (e posted fo' ten 2onse2uti)e days on a (ulletin (oa'd outside the offi2e of the lo2al 2i)il 'e+ist'a' lo2ated in a 2onspi2uous pla2e *ithin the (uildin+ and a22essi(le to the +ene'al pu(li2$ This noti2e shall 'e1uest all pe'sons ha)in+ <no*led+e of any impediment to the ma''ia+e to ad)ise the lo2al 2i)il 'e+ist'a' the'eof$ The ma''ia+e li2ense shall (e issued afte' the 2ompletion of the pe'iod of pu(li2ation$ 56;a8 !'t$ 18$ In 2ase of any impediment <no*n to the lo2al 2i)il 'e+ist'a' o' ('ou+ht to his attention, he shall note do*n the pa'ti2ula's the'eof and his findin+s the'eon in the appli2ation fo' ma''ia+e li2ense, (ut shall nonetheless issue said li2ense afte' the 2ompletion of the pe'iod of pu(li2ation, unless o'de'ed othe'*ise (y a 2ompetent 2ou't at his o*n instan2e o' that of any inte'est pa'ty$ #o filin+ fee shall (e 2ha'+ed fo' the petition no' a 2o''espondin+ (ond 'e1ui'ed fo' the issuan2es of the o'de'$ 56=a8

!'t$ 19$ The lo2al 2i)il 'e+ist'a' shall 'e1ui'e the payment of the fees p'es2'i(ed (y la* o' 'e+ulations (efo'e the issuan2e of the ma''ia+e li2ense$ #o othe' sum shall (e 2olle2ted in the natu'e of a fee o' ta4 of any <ind fo' the issuan2e of said li2ense$ It shall, ho*e)e', (e issued f'ee of 2ha'+e to indi+ent pa'ties, that is those *ho ha)e no )isi(le means of in2ome o' *hose in2ome is insuffi2ient fo' thei' su(sisten2e a fa2t esta(lished (y thei' affida)it, o' (y thei' oath (efo'e the lo2al 2i)il 'e+ist'a'$ 566a8 !'t$ 7@$ The li2ense shall (e )alid in any pa't of the Philippines fo' a pe'iod of one hund'ed t*enty days f'om the date of issue, and shall (e deemed automati2ally 2an2eled at the e4pi'ation of the said pe'iod if the 2ont'a2tin+ pa'ties ha)e not made use of it$ The e4pi'y date shall (e stamped in (old 2ha'a2te's on the fa2e of e)e'y li2ense issued$ 566a8 !'t$ 71$ Ahen eithe' o' (oth of the 2ont'a2tin+ pa'ties a'e 2iti:ens of a fo'ei+n 2ount'y, it shall (e ne2essa'y fo' them (efo'e a ma''ia+e li2ense 2an (e o(tained, to su(mit a 2e'tifi2ate of le+al 2apa2ity to 2ont'a2t ma''ia+e, issued (y thei' 'espe2ti)e diplomati2 o' 2onsula' offi2ials$ Ctateless pe'sons o' 'efu+ees f'om othe' 2ount'ies shall, in lieu of the 2e'tifi2ate of le+al 2apa2ity he'ein 'e1ui'ed, su(mit an affida)it statin+ the 2i'2umstan2es sho*in+ su2h 2apa2ity to 2ont'a2t ma''ia+e$ 566a8 !'t$ 77$ The ma''ia+e 2e'tifi2ate, in *hi2h the pa'ties shall de2la'e that they ta<e ea2h othe' as hus(and and *ife, shall also state, 518 The full name, se4 and a+e of ea2h 2ont'a2tin+ pa'ty9 578 Thei' 2iti:enship, 'eli+ion and ha(itual 'esiden2e9 5;8 The date and p'e2ise time of the 2ele('ation of the ma''ia+e9 5=8 That the p'ope' ma''ia+e li2ense has (een issued a22o'din+ to la*, e42ept in ma''ia+e p'o)ided fo' in Chapte' 7 of this Title9 568 That eithe' o' (oth of the 2ont'a2tin+ pa'ties ha)e se2u'ed the pa'ental 2onsent in app'op'iate 2ases9 568 That eithe' o' (oth of the 2ont'a2tin+ pa'ties ha)e 2omplied *ith the le+al 'e1ui'ement 'e+a'din+ pa'ental ad)i2e in app'op'iate 2ases9 and 578 That the pa'ties ha)e ente'ed into ma''ia+e settlement, if any, atta2hin+ a 2opy the'eof$ 567a8 !'t$ 7;$ It shall (e the duty of the pe'son solemni:in+ the ma''ia+e to fu'nish eithe' of the 2ont'a2tin+ pa'ties the o'i+inal of the ma''ia+e 2e'tifi2ate 'efe''ed to in !'ti2le 6 and to send the dupli2ate and t'ipli2ate 2opies of the 2e'tifi2ate not late' than fifteen days afte' the ma''ia+e, to the lo2al 2i)il 'e+ist'a' of the pla2e *he'e the ma''ia+e *as solemni:ed$ P'ope' 'e2eipts shall (e issued (y the lo2al 2i)il 'e+ist'a' to the solemni:in+ offi2e' t'ansmittin+ 2opies of the ma''ia+e 2e'tifi2ate$ The solemni:in+ offi2e' shall 'etain in his file the 1uad'upli2ate 2opy of the ma''ia+e 2e'tifi2ate, the 2opy of the ma''ia+e 2e'tifi2ate, the o'i+inal of the ma''ia+e li2ense and, in p'ope' 2ases, the affida)it of the 2ont'a2tin+ pa'ty 'e+a'din+ the solemni:ation of the ma''ia+e in pla2e othe' than those mentioned in !'ti2le 8$ 568a8 !'t$ 7=$ It shall (e the duty of the lo2al 2i)il 'e+ist'a' to p'epa'e the do2uments 'e1ui'ed (y this Title, and to administe' oaths to all inte'ested pa'ties *ithout any 2ha'+e in (oth 2ases$ The do2uments and affida)its filed in 2onne2tion *ith appli2ations fo' ma''ia+e li2enses shall (e e4empt f'om do2umenta'y stamp ta4$ 5n8 !'t$ 76$ The lo2al 2i)il 'e+ist'a' 2on2e'ned shall ente' all appli2ations fo' ma''ia+e li2enses filed *ith him in a 'e+ist'y (oo< st'i2tly in the o'de' in *hi2h the same a'e 'e2ei)ed$ De shall 'e2o'd in said (oo< the names of the appli2ants, the date on *hi2h the ma''ia+e li2ense *as issued, and su2h othe' data as may (e ne2essa'y$ 5n8 !'t$ 76$ !ll ma''ia+es solemni:ed outside the Philippines, in a22o'dan2e *ith the la*s in fo'2e in the 2ount'y *he'e they *e'e solemni:ed, and )alid the'e as su2h, shall also (e )alid in this 2ount'y, e42ept those p'ohi(ited unde' !'ti2les ;6 518, 5=8, 568 and 568, ;6;7 and ;8$ 517a8 Ahe'e a ma''ia+e (et*een a Filipino 2iti:en and a fo'ei+ne' is )alidly 2ele('ated and a di)o'2e is the'eafte' )alidly o(tained a('oad (y the alien spouse 2apa2itatin+ him o' he' to 'ema''y, the Filipino spouse shall ha)e 2apa2ity to 'ema''y unde' Philippine la*$ 5!s amended (y .4e2uti)e O'de' 7778

Chapte' 7$ /a''ia+es .4empted f'om -i2ense e1ui'ement !'t$ 77$ In 2ase eithe' o' (oth of the 2ont'a2tin+ pa'ties a'e at the point of death, the ma''ia+e may (e solemni:ed *ithout ne2essity of a ma''ia+e li2ense and shall 'emain )alid e)en if the ailin+ pa'ty su(se1uently su')i)es$ 577a8 !'t$ 78$ If the 'esiden2e of eithe' pa'ty is so lo2ated that the'e is no means of t'anspo'tation to ena(le su2h pa'ty to appea' pe'sonally (efo'e the lo2al 2i)il 'e+ist'a', the ma''ia+e may (e solemni:ed *ithout ne2essity of a ma''ia+e li2ense$ 577a8 !'t$ 79$ In the 2ases p'o)ided fo' in the t*o p'e2edin+ a'ti2les, the solemni:in+ offi2e' shall state in an affida)it e4e2uted (efo'e the lo2al 2i)il 'e+ist'a' o' any othe' pe'son le+ally autho'i:ed to administe' oaths that the ma''ia+e *as pe'fo'med in a'ti2ulo mo'tis o' that the 'esiden2e of eithe' pa'ty, spe2ifyin+ the (a''io o' (a'an+ay, is so lo2ated that the'e is no means of t'anspo'tation to ena(le su2h pa'ty to appea' pe'sonally (efo'e the lo2al 2i)il 'e+ist'a' and that the offi2e' too< the ne2essa'y steps to as2e'tain the a+es and 'elationship of the 2ont'a2tin+ pa'ties and the a(sen2e of le+al impediment to the ma''ia+e$ 577a8 !'t$ ;@$ The o'i+inal of the affida)it 'e1ui'ed in the last p'e2edin+ a'ti2le, to+ethe' *ith the le+i(le 2opy of the ma''ia+e 2ont'a2t, shall (e sent (y the pe'son solemni:in+ the ma''ia+e to the lo2al 2i)il 'e+ist'a' of the muni2ipality *he'e it *as pe'fo'med *ithin the pe'iod of thi'ty days afte' the pe'fo'man2e of the ma''ia+e$ 576a8 !'t$ ;1$ ! ma''ia+e in a'ti2ulo mo'tis (et*een passen+e's o' 2'e* mem(e's may also (e solemni:ed (y a ship 2aptain o' (y an ai'plane pilot not only *hile the ship is at sea o' the plane is in fli+ht, (ut also du'in+ stopo)e's at po'ts of 2all$ 57=a8 !'t$ ;7$ ! milita'y 2ommande' of a unit, *ho is a 2ommissioned offi2e', shall li<e*ise ha)e autho'ity to solemni:e ma''ia+es in a'ti2ulo mo'tis (et*een pe'sons *ithin the :one of milita'y ope'ation, *hethe' mem(e's of the a'med fo'2es o' 2i)ilians$ 57=a8 !'t$ ;;$ /a''ia+es amon+ /uslims o' amon+ mem(e's of the ethni2 2ultu'al 2ommunities may (e pe'fo'med )alidly *ithout the ne2essity of ma''ia+e li2ense, p'o)ided they a'e solemni:ed in a22o'dan2e *ith thei' 2ustoms, 'ites o' p'a2ti2es$ 578a8 !'t$ ;=$ #o li2ense shall (e ne2essa'y fo' the ma''ia+e of a man and a *oman *ho ha)e li)ed to+ethe' as hus(and and *ife fo' at least fi)e yea's and *ithout any le+al impediment to ma''y ea2h othe'$ The 2ont'a2tin+ pa'ties shall state the fo'e+oin+ fa2ts in an affida)it (efo'e any pe'son autho'i:ed (y la* to administe' oaths$ The solemni:in+ offi2e' shall also state unde' oath that he as2e'tained the 1ualifi2ations of the 2ont'a2tin+ pa'ties a'e found no le+al impediment to the ma''ia+e$ 576a8 Chapte' ;$ Void and Voida(le /a''ia+es !'t$ ;6$ The follo*in+ ma''ia+es shall (e )oid f'om the (e+innin+, 518 Those 2ont'a2ted (y any pa'ty (elo* ei+hteen yea's of a+e e)en *ith the 2onsent of pa'ents o' +ua'dians9 578 Those solemni:ed (y any pe'son not le+ally autho'i:ed to pe'fo'm ma''ia+es unless su2h ma''ia+es *e'e 2ont'a2ted *ith eithe' o' (oth pa'ties (elie)in+ in +ood faith that the solemni:in+ offi2e' had the le+al autho'ity to do so9 5;8 Those solemni:ed *ithout li2ense, e42ept those 2o)e'ed the p'e2edin+ Chapte'9 5=8 Those (i+amous o' poly+amous ma''ia+es not failin+ unde' !'ti2le =19 568 Those 2ont'a2ted th'ou+h mista<e of one 2ont'a2tin+ pa'ty as to the identity of the othe'9 and 568 Those su(se1uent ma''ia+es that a'e )oid unde' !'ti2le 6;$

!'t$ ;6$ ! ma''ia+e 2ont'a2ted (y any pa'ty *ho, at the time of the 2ele('ation, *as psy2holo+i2ally in2apa2itated to 2omply *ith the essential ma'ital o(li+ations of ma''ia+e, shall li<e*ise (e )oid e)en if su2h in2apa2ity (e2omes manifest only afte' its solemni:ation$ 5!s amended (y .4e2uti)e O'de' 7778 !'t$ ;7$ /a''ia+es (et*een the follo*in+ a'e in2estuous and )oid f'om the (e+innin+, *hethe' 'elationship (et*een the pa'ties (e le+itimate o' ille+itimate, 518 Eet*een as2endants and des2endants of any de+'ee9 and 578 Eet*een ('othe's and siste's, *hethe' of the full o' half (lood$ 581a8 !'t$ ;8$ The follo*in+ ma''ia+es shall (e )oid f'om the (e+innin+ fo' 'easons of pu(li2 poli2y, 518 Eet*een 2ollate'al (lood 'elati)es *hethe' le+itimate o' ille+itimate, up to the fou'th 2i)il de+'ee9 578 Eet*een step?pa'ents and step?2hild'en9 5;8 Eet*een pa'ents?in?la* and 2hild'en?in?la*9 5=8 Eet*een the adoptin+ pa'ent and the adopted 2hild9 568 Eet*een the su')i)in+ spouse of the adoptin+ pa'ent and the adopted 2hild9 568 Eet*een the su')i)in+ spouse of the adopted 2hild and the adopte'9 578 Eet*een an adopted 2hild and a le+itimate 2hild of the adopte'9 588 Eet*een adopted 2hild'en of the same adopte'9 and 598 Eet*een pa'ties *he'e one, *ith the intention to ma''y the othe', <illed that othe' pe'son>s spouse, o' his o' he' o*n spouse$ 5878 !'t$ ;9$ The a2tion o' defense fo' the de2la'ation of a(solute nullity of a ma''ia+e shall not p'es2'i(e$ 5!s amended (y .4e2uti)e O'de' 777and epu(li2 !2t #o$ 86;;9 The ph'ase FDo*e)e', in 2ase of ma''ia+e 2ele('ated (efo'e the effe2ti)ity of this Code and fallin+ unde' !'ti2le ;6, su2h a2tion o' defense shall p'es2'i(e in ten yea's afte' this Code shall ta<en effe2tF has (een deleted (y epu(li2 !2t #o$ 86;; G!pp'o)ed Fe('ua'y 7;, 1998H8$ !'t$ =@$ The a(solute nullity of a p'e)ious ma''ia+e may (e in)o<ed fo' pu'poses of 'ema''ia+e on the (asis solely of a final 3ud+ment de2la'in+ su2h p'e)ious ma''ia+e )oid$ 5n8 !'t$ =1$ ! ma''ia+e 2ont'a2ted (y any pe'son du'in+ su(sisten2e of a p'e)ious ma''ia+e shall (e null and )oid, unless (efo'e the 2ele('ation of the su(se1uent ma''ia+e, the p'io' spouse had (een a(sent fo' fou' 2onse2uti)e yea's and the spouse p'esent has a *ell?founded (elief that the a(sent spouse *as al'eady dead$ In 2ase of disappea'an2e *he'e the'e is dan+e' of death unde' the 2i'2umstan2es set fo'th in the p'o)isions of !'ti2le ;91 of the Ci)il Code, an a(sen2e of only t*o yea's shall (e suffi2ient$ Fo' the pu'pose of 2ont'a2tin+ the su(se1uent ma''ia+e unde' the p'e2edin+ pa'a+'aph the spouse p'esent must institute a summa'y p'o2eedin+ as p'o)ided in this Code fo' the de2la'ation of p'esumpti)e death of the a(sentee, *ithout p'e3udi2e to the effe2t of 'eappea'an2e of the a(sent spouse$ 58;a8 !'t$ =7$ The su(se1uent ma''ia+e 'efe''ed to in the p'e2edin+ !'ti2le shall (e automati2ally te'minated (y the 'e2o'din+ of the affida)it of 'eappea'an2e of the a(sent spouse, unless the'e is a 3ud+ment annullin+ the p'e)ious ma''ia+e o' de2la'in+ it )oid a( initio$ ! s*o'n statement of the fa2t and 2i'2umstan2es of 'eappea'an2e shall (e 'e2o'ded in the 2i)il 'e+ist'y of the 'esiden2e of the pa'ties to the su(se1uent ma''ia+e at the instan2e of any inte'ested pe'son, *ith due noti2e to the spouses of the su(se1uent ma''ia+e and *ithout p'e3udi2e to the fa2t of 'eappea'an2e (ein+ 3udi2ially dete'mined in 2ase su2h fa2t is disputed$ 5n8 !'t$ =;$ The te'mination of the su(se1uent ma''ia+e 'efe''ed to in the p'e2edin+ !'ti2le shall p'odu2e the follo*in+ effe2ts, 518 The 2hild'en of the su(se1uent ma''ia+e 2on2ei)ed p'io' to its te'mination shall (e 2onside'ed le+itimate9 578 The a(solute 2ommunity of p'ope'ty o' the 2on3u+al pa'tne'ship, as the 2ase may (e, shall (e dissol)ed and li1uidated, (ut if eithe' spouse 2ont'a2ted said ma''ia+e in (ad faith, his o' he' sha'e of the net p'ofits of the 2ommunity p'ope'ty o' 2on3u+al pa'tne'ship p'ope'ty shall (e fo'feited in fa)o' of the 2ommon

2hild'en o', if the'e a'e none, the 2hild'en of the +uilty spouse (y a p'e)ious ma''ia+e o' in default of 2hild'en, the inno2ent spouse9 5;8 Bonations (y 'eason of ma''ia+e shall 'emain )alid, e42ept that if the donee 2ont'a2ted the ma''ia+e in (ad faith, su2h donations made to said donee a'e 'e)o<ed (y ope'ation of la*9 5=8 The inno2ent spouse may 'e)o<e the desi+nation of the othe' spouse *ho a2ted in (ad faith as (enefi2ia'y in any insu'an2e poli2y, e)en if su2h desi+nation (e stipulated as i''e)o2a(le9 and 568 The spouse *ho 2ont'a2ted the su(se1uent ma''ia+e in (ad faith shall (e dis1ualified to inhe'it f'om the inno2ent spouse (y testate and intestate su22ession$ 5n8 !'t$ ==$ If (oth spouses of the su(se1uent ma''ia+e a2ted in (ad faith, said ma''ia+e shall (e )oid a( initio and all donations (y 'eason of ma''ia+e and testamenta'y dispositions made (y one in fa)o' of the othe' a'e 'e)o<ed (y ope'ation of la*$ 5n8 !'t$ =6$ ! ma''ia+e may (e annulled fo' any of the follo*in+ 2auses, e4istin+ at the time of the ma''ia+e, 518 That the pa'ty in *hose (ehalf it is sou+ht to ha)e the ma''ia+e annulled *as ei+hteen yea's of a+e o' o)e' (ut (elo* t*enty?one, and the ma''ia+e *as solemni:ed *ithout the 2onsent of the pa'ents, +ua'dian o' pe'son ha)in+ su(stitute pa'ental autho'ity o)e' the pa'ty, in that o'de', unless afte' attainin+ the a+e of t*enty?one, su2h pa'ty f'eely 2oha(ited *ith the othe' and (oth li)ed to+ethe' as hus(and and *ife9 578 That eithe' pa'ty *as of unsound mind, unless su2h pa'ty afte' 2omin+ to 'eason, f'eely 2oha(ited *ith the othe' as hus(and and *ife9 5;8 That the 2onsent of eithe' pa'ty *as o(tained (y f'aud, unless su2h pa'ty afte'*a'ds, *ith full <no*led+e of the fa2ts 2onstitutin+ the f'aud, f'eely 2oha(ited *ith the othe' as hus(and and *ife9 5=8 That the 2onsent of eithe' pa'ty *as o(tained (y fo'2e, intimidation o' undue influen2e, unless the same ha)in+ disappea'ed o' 2eased, su2h pa'ty the'eafte' f'eely 2oha(ited *ith the othe' as hus(and and *ife9 568 That eithe' pa'ty *as physi2ally in2apa(le of 2onsummatin+ the ma''ia+e *ith the othe', and su2h in2apa2ity 2ontinues and appea's to (e in2u'a(le9 o' 568 That eithe' pa'ty *as affli2ted *ith a se4ually?t'ansmissi(le disease found to (e se'ious and appea's to (e in2u'a(le$ 586a8 !'t$ =6$ !ny of the follo*in+ 2i'2umstan2es shall 2onstitute f'aud 'efe''ed to in #um(e' ; of the p'e2edin+ !'ti2le, 518 #on?dis2losu'e of a p'e)ious 2on)i2tion (y final 3ud+ment of the othe' pa'ty of a 2'ime in)ol)in+ mo'al tu'pitude9 578 Con2ealment (y the *ife of the fa2t that at the time of the ma''ia+e, she *as p'e+nant (y a man othe' than he' hus(and9 5;8 Con2ealment of se4ually t'ansmissi(le disease, 'e+a'dless of its natu'e, e4istin+ at the time of the ma''ia+e9 o' 5=8 Con2ealment of d'u+ addi2tion, ha(itual al2oholism o' homose4uality o' les(ianism e4istin+ at the time of the ma''ia+e$ #o othe' mis'ep'esentation o' de2eit as to 2ha'a2te', health, 'an<, fo'tune o' 2hastity shall 2onstitute su2h f'aud as *ill +i)e +'ounds fo' a2tion fo' the annulment of ma''ia+e$ 586a8 !'t$ =7$ The a2tion fo' annulment of ma''ia+e must (e filed (y the follo*in+ pe'sons and *ithin the pe'iods indi2ated he'ein, 518 Fo' 2auses mentioned in num(e' 1 of !'ti2le =6 (y the pa'ty *hose pa'ent o' +ua'dian did not +i)e his o' he' 2onsent, *ithin fi)e yea's afte' attainin+ the a+e of t*enty?one, o' (y the pa'ent o' +ua'dian o' pe'son ha)in+ le+al 2ha'+e of the mino', at any time (efo'e su2h pa'ty has 'ea2hed the a+e of t*enty?one9 578 Fo' 2auses mentioned in num(e' 7 of !'ti2le =6, (y the same spouse, *ho had no <no*led+e of the othe'>s insanity9 o' (y any 'elati)e o' +ua'dian o' pe'son ha)in+ le+al 2ha'+e of the insane, at any time (efo'e the death of eithe' pa'ty, o' (y the insane spouse du'in+ a lu2id inte')al o' afte' 'e+ainin+ sanity9 5;8 Fo' 2auses mentioned in num(e' ; of !'ti2le =6, (y the in3u'ed pa'ty, *ithin fi)e yea's afte' the dis2o)e'y of the f'aud9 5=8 Fo' 2auses mentioned in num(e' = of !'ti2le =6, (y the in3u'ed pa'ty, *ithin fi)e yea's f'om the time the fo'2e, intimidation o' undue influen2e disappea'ed o' 2eased9

568 Fo' 2auses mentioned in num(e' 6 and 6 of !'ti2le =6, (y the in3u'ed pa'ty, *ithin fi)e yea's afte' the ma''ia+e$ 587a8 !'t$ =8$ In all 2ases of annulment o' de2la'ation of a(solute nullity of ma''ia+e, the Cou't shall o'de' the p'ose2utin+ atto'ney o' fis2al assi+ned to it to appea' on (ehalf of the Ctate to ta<e steps to p'e)ent 2ollusion (et*een the pa'ties and to ta<e 2a'e that e)iden2e is not fa('i2ated o' supp'essed$ In the 2ases 'efe''ed to in the p'e2edin+ pa'a+'aph, no 3ud+ment shall (e (ased upon a stipulation of fa2ts o' 2onfession of 3ud+ment$ 588a8 !'t$ =9$ Bu'in+ the penden2y of the a2tion and in the a(sen2e of ade1uate p'o)isions in a *'itten a+'eement (et*een the spouses, the Cou't shall p'o)ide fo' the suppo't of the spouses and the 2ustody and suppo't of thei' 2ommon 2hild'en$ The Cou't shall +i)e pa'amount 2onside'ation to the mo'al and mate'ial *elfa'e of said 2hild'en and thei' 2hoi2e of the pa'ent *ith *hom they *ish to 'emain as p'o)ided to in Title IX$ It shall also p'o)ide fo' app'op'iate )isitation 'i+hts of the othe' pa'ent$ 5n8 !'t$ 6@$ The effe2ts p'o)ided fo' (y pa'a+'aphs 578, 5;8, 5=8 and 568 of !'ti2le =; and (y !'ti2le == shall also apply in the p'ope' 2ases to ma''ia+es *hi2h a'e de2la'ed a( initio o' annulled (y final 3ud+ment unde' !'ti2les =@ and =6$ The final 3ud+ment in su2h 2ases shall p'o)ide fo' the li1uidation, pa'tition and dist'i(ution of the p'ope'ties of the spouses, the 2ustody and suppo't of the 2ommon 2hild'en, and the deli)e'y of thi'd p'esumpti)e le+itimes, unless su2h matte's had (een ad3udi2ated in p'e)ious 3udi2ial p'o2eedin+s$ !ll 2'edito's of the spouses as *ell as of the a(solute 2ommunity o' the 2on3u+al pa'tne'ship shall (e notified of the p'o2eedin+s fo' li1uidation$ In the pa'tition, the 2on3u+al d*ellin+ and the lot on *hi2h it is situated, shall (e ad3udi2ated in a22o'dan2e *ith the p'o)isions of !'ti2les 1@7 and 179$ !'t$ 61$ In said pa'tition, the )alue of the p'esumpti)e le+itimes of all 2ommon 2hild'en, 2omputed as of the date of the final 3ud+ment of the t'ial 2ou't, shall (e deli)e'ed in 2ash, p'ope'ty o' sound se2u'ities, unless the pa'ties, (y mutual a+'eement 3udi2ially app'o)ed, had al'eady p'o)ided fo' su2h matte's$ The 2hild'en o' thei' +ua'dian o' the t'ustee of thei' p'ope'ty may as< fo' the enfo'2ement of the 3ud+ment$ The deli)e'y of the p'esumpti)e le+itimes he'ein p'es2'i(ed shall in no *ay p'e3udi2e the ultimate su22essional 'i+hts of the 2hild'en a22'uin+ upon the death of eithe' of (oth of the pa'ents9 (ut the )alue of the p'ope'ties al'eady 'e2ei)ed unde' the de2'ee of annulment o' a(solute nullity shall (e 2onside'ed as ad)an2es on thei' le+itime$ 5n8 !'t$ 67$ The 3ud+ment of annulment o' of a(solute nullity of the ma''ia+e, the pa'tition and dist'i(ution of the p'ope'ties of the spouses and the deli)e'y of the 2hild'en>s p'esumpti)e le+itimes shall (e 'e2o'ded in the app'op'iate 2i)il 'e+ist'y and 'e+ist'ies of p'ope'ty9 othe'*ise, the same shall not affe2t thi'd pe'sons$ 5n8 !'t$ 6;$ .ithe' of the fo'me' spouses may ma''y a+ain afte' 2omplian2e *ith the 'e1ui'ements of the immediately p'e2edin+ !'ti2le9 othe'*ise, the su(se1uent ma''ia+e shall (e null and )oid$ !'t$ 6=$ Child'en 2on2ei)ed o' (o'n (efo'e the 3ud+ment of annulment o' a(solute nullity of the ma''ia+e unde' !'ti2le ;6 has (e2ome final and e4e2uto'y shall (e 2onside'ed le+itimate$ Child'en 2on2ei)ed o' (o'n of the su(se1uent ma''ia+e unde' !'ti2le 6; shall li<e*ise (e le+itimate$ TIT-. II -.0!- C.P! !TIO#

!'t$ 66$ ! petition fo' le+al sepa'ation may (e filed on any of the follo*in+ +'ounds, 518 epeated physi2al )iolen2e o' +'ossly a(usi)e 2ondu2t di'e2ted a+ainst the petitione', a 2ommon 2hild, o' a 2hild of the petitione'9 578 Physi2al )iolen2e o' mo'al p'essu'e to 2ompel the petitione' to 2han+e 'eli+ious o' politi2al affiliation9 5;8 !ttempt of 'espondent to 2o''upt o' indu2e the petitione', a 2ommon 2hild, o' a 2hild of the petitione', to en+a+e in p'ostitution, o' 2onni)an2e in su2h 2o''uption o' indu2ement9 5=8 Final 3ud+ment senten2in+ the 'espondent to imp'isonment of mo'e than si4 yea's, e)en if pa'doned9 568 B'u+ addi2tion o' ha(itual al2oholism of the 'espondent9 568 -es(ianism o' homose4uality of the 'espondent9 578 Cont'a2tin+ (y the 'espondent of a su(se1uent (i+amous ma''ia+e, *hethe' in the Philippines o' a('oad9 588 Ce4ual infidelity o' pe')e'sion9 598 !ttempt (y the 'espondent a+ainst the life of the petitione'9 o' 51@8 !(andonment of petitione' (y 'espondent *ithout 3ustifia(le 2ause fo' mo'e than one yea'$ Fo' pu'poses of this !'ti2le, the te'm F2hildF shall in2lude a 2hild (y natu'e o' (y adoption$ 59a8 !'t$ 66$ The petition fo' le+al sepa'ation shall (e denied on any of the follo*in+ +'ounds, 518 Ahe'e the a++'ie)ed pa'ty has 2ondoned the offense o' a2t 2omplained of9 578 Ahe'e the a++'ie)ed pa'ty has 2onsented to the 2ommission of the offense o' a2t 2omplained of9 5;8 Ahe'e the'e is 2onni)an2e (et*een the pa'ties in the 2ommission of the offense o' a2t 2onstitutin+ the +'ound fo' le+al sepa'ation9 5=8 Ahe'e (oth pa'ties ha)e +i)en +'ound fo' le+al sepa'ation9 568 Ahe'e the'e is 2ollusion (et*een the pa'ties to o(tain de2'ee of le+al sepa'ation9 o' 568 Ahe'e the a2tion is (a''ed (y p'es2'iption$ 51@@a8 !'t$ 67$ !n a2tion fo' le+al sepa'ation shall (e filed *ithin fi)e yea's f'om the time of the o22u''en2e of the 2ause$ 51@78 !'t$ 68$ !n a2tion fo' le+al sepa'ation shall in no 2ase (e t'ied (efo'e si4 months shall ha)e elapsed sin2e the filin+ of the petition$ 51@;8 !'t$ 69$ #o le+al sepa'ation may (e de2'eed unless the Cou't has ta<en steps to*a'd the 'e2on2iliation of the spouses and is fully satisfied, despite su2h effo'ts, that 'e2on2iliation is hi+hly imp'o(a(le$ 5n8 !'t$ 6@$ #o de2'ee of le+al sepa'ation shall (e (ased upon a stipulation of fa2ts o' a 2onfession of 3ud+ment$ In any 2ase, the Cou't shall o'de' the p'ose2utin+ atto'ney o' fis2al assi+ned to it to ta<e steps to p'e)ent 2ollusion (et*een the pa'ties and to ta<e 2a'e that the e)iden2e is not fa('i2ated o' supp'essed$ 51@1a8 !'t$ 61$ !fte' the filin+ of the petition fo' le+al sepa'ation, the spouses shall (e entitled to li)e sepa'ately f'om ea2h othe'$ The 2ou't, in the a(sen2e of a *'itten a+'eement (et*een the spouses, shall desi+nate eithe' of them o' a thi'd pe'son to administe' the a(solute 2ommunity o' 2on3u+al pa'tne'ship p'ope'ty$ The administ'ato' appointed (y the 2ou't shall ha)e the same po*e's and duties as those of a +ua'dian unde' the ules of Cou't$ 51@=a8 !'t$ 67$ Bu'in+ the penden2y of the a2tion fo' le+al sepa'ation, the p'o)isions of !'ti2le =9 shall li<e*ise apply to the suppo't of the spouses and the 2ustody and suppo't of the 2ommon 2hild'en$ 51@6a8 !'t$ 6;$ The de2'ee of le+al sepa'ation shall ha)e the follo*in+ effe2ts, 518 The spouses shall (e entitled to li)e sepa'ately f'om ea2h othe', (ut the ma''ia+e (onds shall not (e se)e'ed9

578 The a(solute 2ommunity o' the 2on3u+al pa'tne'ship shall (e dissol)ed and li1uidated (ut the offendin+ spouse shall ha)e no 'i+ht to any sha'e of the net p'ofits ea'ned (y the a(solute 2ommunity o' the 2on3u+al pa'tne'ship, *hi2h shall (e fo'feited in a22o'dan2e *ith the p'o)isions of !'ti2le =;5789 5;8 The 2ustody of the mino' 2hild'en shall (e a*a'ded to the inno2ent spouse, su(3e2t to the p'o)isions of !'ti2le 71; of this Code9 and 5=8 The offendin+ spouse shall (e dis1ualified f'om inhe'itin+ f'om the inno2ent spouse (y intestate su22ession$ /o'eo)e', p'o)isions in fa)o' of the offendin+ spouse made in the *ill of the inno2ent spouse shall (e 'e)o<ed (y ope'ation of la*$ 51@6a8 !'t$ 6=$ !fte' the finality of the de2'ee of le+al sepa'ation, the inno2ent spouse may 'e)o<e the donations made (y him o' (y he' in fa)o' of the offendin+ spouse, as *ell as the desi+nation of the latte' as (enefi2ia'y in any insu'an2e poli2y, e)en if su2h desi+nation (e stipulated as i''e)o2a(le$ The 'e)o2ation of the donations shall (e 'e2o'ded in the 'e+ist'ies of p'ope'ty in the pla2es *he'e the p'ope'ties a'e lo2ated$ !lienations, liens and en2um('an2es 'e+iste'ed in +ood faith (efo'e the 'e2o'din+ of the 2omplaint fo' 'e)o2ation in the 'e+ist'ies of p'ope'ty shall (e 'espe2ted$ The 'e)o2ation of o' 2han+e in the desi+nation of the insu'an2e (enefi2ia'y shall ta<e effe2t upon *'itten notifi2ation the'eof to the insu'ed$ The a2tion to 'e)o<e the donation unde' this !'ti2le must (e ('ou+ht *ithin fi)e yea's f'om the time the de2'ee of le+al sepa'ation (e2ome final$ 51@7a8 !'t$ 66$ If the spouses should 'e2on2ile, a 2o''espondin+ 3oint manifestation unde' oath duly si+ned (y them shall (e filed *ith the 2ou't in the same p'o2eedin+ fo' le+al sepa'ation$ 5n8 !'t$ 66$ The 'e2on2iliation 'efe''ed to in the p'e2edin+ !'ti2les shall ha)e the follo*in+ 2onse1uen2es, 518 The le+al sepa'ation p'o2eedin+s, if still pendin+, shall the'e(y (e te'minated at *hate)e' sta+e9 and 578 The final de2'ee of le+al sepa'ation shall (e set aside, (ut the sepa'ation of p'ope'ty and any fo'feitu'e of the sha'e of the +uilty spouse al'eady effe2ted shall su(sist, unless the spouses a+'ee to 'e)i)e thei' fo'me' p'ope'ty 'e+ime$ The 2ou't>s o'de' 2ontainin+ the fo'e+oin+ shall (e 'e2o'ded in the p'ope' 2i)il 'e+ist'ies$ 51@8a8 !'t$ 67$ The a+'eement to 'e)i)e the fo'me' p'ope'ty 'e+ime 'efe''ed to in the p'e2edin+ !'ti2le shall (e e4e2uted unde' oath and shall spe2ify, 518 The p'ope'ties to (e 2ont'i(uted ane* to the 'esto'ed 'e+ime9 578 Those to (e 'etained as sepa'ated p'ope'ties of ea2h spouse9 and 5;8 The names of all thei' <no*n 2'edito's, thei' add'esses and the amounts o*in+ to ea2h$ The a+'eement of 'e)i)al and the motion fo' its app'o)al shall (e filed *ith the 2ou't in the same p'o2eedin+ fo' le+al sepa'ation, *ith 2opies of (oth fu'nished to the 2'edito's named the'ein$ !fte' due hea'in+, the 2ou't shall, in its o'de', ta<e measu'e to p'ote2t the inte'est of 2'edito's and su2h o'de' shall (e 'e2o'ded in the p'ope' 'e+ist'ies of p'ope'ties$ The 'e2o'din+ of the o'de'in+ in the 'e+ist'ies of p'ope'ty shall not p'e3udi2e any 2'edito' not listed o' not notified, unless the de(to'?spouse has suffi2ient sepa'ate p'ope'ties to satisfy the 2'edito'>s 2laim$ 5196a, 1@8a8 TIT-. VI P!T. #ITI !#B FI-I!TIO# Chapte' 1$ -e+itimate Child'en !'t$ 16;$ The filiation of 2hild'en may (e (y natu'e o' (y adoption$ #atu'al filiation may (e le+itimate o' ille+itimate$ 5n8 !'t$ 16=$ Child'en 2on2ei)ed o' (o'n du'in+ the ma''ia+e of the pa'ents a'e le+itimate$

Child'en 2on2ei)ed as a 'esult of a'tifi2ial insemination of the *ife *ith the spe'm of the hus(and o' that of a dono' o' (oth a'e li<e*ise le+itimate 2hild'en of the hus(and and his *ife, p'o)ided, that (oth of them autho'i:ed o' 'atified su2h insemination in a *'itten inst'ument e4e2uted and si+ned (y them (efo'e the (i'th of the 2hild$ The inst'ument shall (e 'e2o'ded in the 2i)il 'e+ist'y to+ethe' *ith the (i'th 2e'tifi2ate of the 2hild$ 566a, 768a8 !'t$ 166$ Child'en 2on2ei)ed and (o'n outside a )alid ma''ia+e a'e ille+itimate, unless othe'*ise p'o)ided in this Code$ 5n8 !'t$ 166$ -e+itima2y of a 2hild may (e impu+ned only on the follo*in+ +'ounds, 518 That it *as physi2ally impossi(le fo' the hus(and to ha)e se4ual inte'2ou'se *ith his *ife *ithin the fi'st 17@ days of the ;@@ days *hi2h immediately p'e2eded the (i'th of the 2hild (e2ause of, 5a8 the physi2al in2apa2ity of the hus(and to ha)e se4ual inte'2ou'se *ith his *ife9 5(8 the fa2t that the hus(and and *ife *e'e li)in+ sepa'ately in su2h a *ay that se4ual inte'2ou'se *as not possi(le9 o' 528 se'ious illness of the hus(and, *hi2h a(solutely p'e)ented se4ual inte'2ou'se9 578 That it is p'o)ed that fo' (iolo+i2al o' othe' s2ientifi2 'easons, the 2hild 2ould not ha)e (een that of the hus(and, e42ept in the instan2e p'o)ided in the se2ond pa'a+'aph of !'ti2le 16=9 o' 5;8 That in 2ase of 2hild'en 2on2ei)ed th'ou+h a'tifi2ial insemination, the *'itten autho'i:ation o' 'atifi2ation of eithe' pa'ent *as o(tained th'ou+h mista<e, f'aud, )iolen2e, intimidation, o' undue influen2e$ 5766a8 !'t$ 167$ The 2hild shall (e 2onside'ed le+itimate althou+h the mothe' may ha)e de2la'ed a+ainst its le+itima2y o' may ha)e (een senten2ed as an adulte'ess$ 5766a8 !'t$ 168$ If the ma''ia+e is te'minated and the mothe' 2ont'a2ted anothe' ma''ia+e *ithin th'ee hund'ed days afte' su2h te'mination of the fo'me' ma''ia+e, these 'ules shall +o)e'n in the a(sen2e of p'oof to the 2ont'a'y, 518 ! 2hild (o'n (efo'e one hund'ed ei+hty days afte' the solemni:ation of the su(se1uent ma''ia+e is 2onside'ed to ha)e (een 2on2ei)ed du'in+ the fo'me' ma''ia+e, p'o)ided it (e (o'n *ithin th'ee hund'ed days afte' the te'mination of the fo'me' ma''ia+e9 578 ! 2hild (o'n afte' one hund'ed ei+hty days follo*in+ the 2ele('ation of the su(se1uent ma''ia+e is 2onside'ed to ha)e (een 2on2ei)ed du'in+ su2h ma''ia+e, e)en thou+h it (e (o'n *ithin the th'ee hund'ed days afte' the te'mination of the fo'me' ma''ia+e$ 5769a8 !'t$ 169$ The le+itima2y o' ille+itima2y of a 2hild (o'n afte' th'ee hund'ed days follo*in+ the te'mination of the ma''ia+e shall (e p'o)ed (y *hoe)e' alle+es su2h le+itima2y o' ille+itima2y$ 5761a8 !'t$ 17@$ The a2tion to impu+n the le+itima2y of the 2hild shall (e ('ou+ht *ithin one yea' f'om the <no*led+e of the (i'th o' its 'e2o'din+ in the 2i)il 'e+iste', if the hus(and o', in a p'ope' 2ase, any of his hei's, should 'eside in the 2ity o' muni2ipality *he'e the (i'th too< pla2e o' *as 'e2o'ded$ If the hus(and o', in his default, all of his hei's do not 'eside at the pla2e of (i'th as defined in the fi'st pa'a+'aph o' *he'e it *as 'e2o'ded, the pe'iod shall (e t*o yea's if they should 'eside in the Philippines9 and th'ee yea's if a('oad$ If the (i'th of the 2hild has (een 2on2ealed f'om o' *as un<no*n to the hus(and o' his hei's, the pe'iod shall (e 2ounted f'om the dis2o)e'y o' <no*led+e of the (i'th of the 2hild o' of the fa2t of 'e+ist'ation of said (i'th, *hi2he)e' is ea'lie'$ 576;a8 !'t$ 171$ The hei's of the hus(and may impu+n the filiation of the 2hild *ithin the pe'iod p'es2'i(ed in the p'e2edin+ a'ti2le only in the follo*in+ 2ases, 518 If the hus(and should died (efo'e the e4pi'ation of the pe'iod fi4ed fo' ('in+in+ his a2tion9 578 If he should die afte' the filin+ of the 2omplaint *ithout ha)in+ desisted the'ef'om9 o' 5;8 If the 2hild *as (o'n afte' the death of the hus(and$ 5767a8 Chapte' 7$ P'oof of Filiation !'t$ 177$ The filiation of le+itimate 2hild'en is esta(lished (y any of the follo*in+, 518 The 'e2o'd of (i'th appea'in+ in the 2i)il 'e+iste' o' a final 3ud+ment9 o'

578 !n admission of le+itimate filiation in a pu(li2 do2ument o' a p'i)ate hand*'itten inst'ument and si+ned (y the pa'ent 2on2e'ned$ In the a(sen2e of the fo'e+oin+ e)iden2e, the le+itimate filiation shall (e p'o)ed (y, 518 The open and 2ontinuous possession of the status of a le+itimate 2hild9 o' 578 !ny othe' means allo*ed (y the ules of Cou't and spe2ial la*s$ 5766a, 766a, 767a8 !'t$ 17;$ The a2tion to 2laim le+itima2y may (e ('ou+ht (y the 2hild du'in+ his o' he' lifetime and shall (e t'ansmitted to the hei's should the 2hild die du'in+ mino'ity o' in a state of insanity$ In these 2ases, the hei's shall ha)e a pe'iod of fi)e yea's *ithin *hi2h to institute the a2tion$ !'t$ 17=$ -e+itimate 2hild'en shall ha)e the 'i+ht, 518 To (ea' the su'names of the fathe' and the mothe', in 2onfo'mity *ith the p'o)isions of the Ci)il Code on Cu'names9 578 To 'e2ei)e suppo't f'om thei' pa'ents, thei' as2endants, and in p'ope' 2ases, thei' ('othe's and siste's, in 2onfo'mity *ith the p'o)isions of this Code on Cuppo't9 and 5;8 To (e entitled to the le+itimate and othe' su22essional 'i+hts +'anted to them (y the Ci)il Code$ 576=a8 Chapte' ;$ Ille+itimate Child'en !'t$ 176$ Ille+itimate 2hild'en may esta(lish thei' ille+itimate filiation in the same *ay and on the same e)iden2e as le+itimate 2hild'en$ The a2tion must (e ('ou+ht *ithin the same pe'iod spe2ified in !'ti2le 17;, e42ept *hen the a2tion is (ased on the se2ond pa'a+'aph of !'ti2le 177, in *hi2h 2ase the a2tion may (e ('ou+ht du'in+ the lifetime of the alle+ed pa'ent$ 5789a8 !'t$ 176$ Ille+itimate 2hild'en shall use the su'name and shall (e unde' the pa'ental autho'ity of thei' mothe', and shall (e entitled to suppo't in 2onfo'mity *ith this Code$ The le+itime of ea2h ille+itimate 2hild shall 2onsist of one?half of the le+itime of a le+itimate 2hild$ .42ept fo' this modifi2ation, all othe' p'o)isions in the Ci)il Code +o)e'nin+ su22essional 'i+hts shall 'emain in fo'2e$ 5787a8 Chapte' =$ -e+itimated Child'en !'t$ 177$ Only 2hild'en 2on2ei)ed and (o'n outside of *edlo2< of pa'ents *ho, at the time of the 2on2eption of the fo'me', *e'e not dis1ualified (y any impediment to ma''y ea2h othe' may (e le+itimated$ 5769a8 !'t$ 178$ -e+itimation shall ta<e pla2e (y a su(se1uent )alid ma''ia+e (et*een pa'ents$ The annulment of a )oida(le ma''ia+e shall not affe2t the le+itimation$ 577@a8 !'t$ 179$ -e+itimated 2hild'en shall en3oy the same 'i+hts as le+itimate 2hild'en$ 5777a8 !'t$ 18@$ The effe2ts of le+itimation shall 'et'oa2t to the time of the 2hild>s (i'th$ 577;a8 !'t$ 181$ The le+itimation of 2hild'en *ho died (efo'e the 2ele('ation of the ma''ia+e shall (enefit thei' des2endants$ 577=8 !'t$ 187$ -e+itimation may (e impu+ned only (y those *ho a'e p'e3udi2ed in thei' 'i+hts, *ithin fi)e yea's f'om the time thei' 2ause of a2tion a22'ues$ 5776a8 TIT-. VII !BOPTIO#

!'t$ 18;$ ! pe'son of a+e and in possession of full 2i)il 2apa2ity and le+al 'i+hts may adopt, p'o)ided he is in a position to suppo't and 2a'e fo' his 2hild'en, le+itimate o' ille+itimate, in <eepin+ *ith the means of the family$ Only mino's may (e adopted, e42ept in the 2ases *hen the adoption of a pe'son of ma3o'ity a+e is allo*ed in this Title$ In addition, the adopte' must (e at least si4teen yea's olde' than the pe'son to (e adopted, unless the adopte' is the pa'ent (y natu'e of the adopted, o' is the spouse of the le+itimate pa'ent of the pe'son to (e adopted$ 577a, .O 91 and PB 6@;8 !'t$ 18=$ The follo*in+ pe'sons may not adopt, 518 The +ua'dian *ith 'espe2t to the *a'd p'io' to the app'o)al of the final a22ounts 'ende'ed upon the te'mination of thei' +ua'dianship 'elation9 578 !ny pe'son *ho has (een 2on)i2ted of a 2'ime in)ol)in+ mo'al tu'pitude9 5;8 !n alien, e42ept, 5a8 ! fo'me' Filipino 2iti:en *ho see<s to adopt a 'elati)e (y 2onsan+uinity9 5(8 One *ho see<s to adopt the le+itimate 2hild of his o' he' Filipino spouse9 o' 528 One *ho is ma''ied to a Filipino 2iti:en and see<s to adopt 3ointly *ith his o' he' spouse a 'elati)e (y 2onsan+uinity of the latte'$ !liens not in2luded in the fo'e+oin+ e42eptions may adopt Filipino 2hild'en in a22o'dan2e *ith the 'ules on inte'?2ount'y adoptions as may (e p'o)ided (y la*$ 578a, .O 91 and PB 6@;8 !'t$ 186$ Dus(and and *ife must 3ointly adopt, e42ept in the follo*in+ 2ases, 518 Ahen one spouse see<s to adopt his o*n ille+itimate 2hild9 o' 578 Ahen one spouse see<s to adopt the le+itimate 2hild of the othe'$ 579a, .O 91 and PB 6@;8 !'t$ 186$ In 2ase hus(and and *ife 3ointly adopt o' one spouse adopts the le+itimate 2hild of the othe', 3oint pa'ental autho'ity shall (e e4e'2ised (y the spouses in a22o'dan2e *ith this Code$ 579a, .O and PB 6@;8 !'t$ 187$ The follo*in+ may not (e adopted, 518 ! pe'son of le+al a+e, unless he o' she is a 2hild (y natu'e of the adopte' o' his o' he' spouse, o', p'io' to the adoption, said pe'son has (een 2onsistently 2onside'ed and t'eated (y the adopte' as his o' he' o*n 2hild du'in+ mino'ity$ 578 !n alien *ith *hose +o)e'nment the epu(li2 of the Philippines has no diplomati2 'elations9 and 5;8 ! pe'son *ho has al'eady (een adopted unless su2h adoption has (een p'e)iously 'e)o<ed o' 'es2inded$ 5;@a, .O 91 and PB 6@;8 !'t$ 188$ The *'itten 2onsent of the follo*in+ to the adoption shall (e ne2essa'y, 518 The pe'son to (e adopted, if ten yea's of a+e o' o)e', 578 The pa'ents (y natu'e of the 2hild, the le+al +ua'dian, o' the p'ope' +o)e'nment inst'umentality9 5;8 The le+itimate and adopted 2hild'en, ten yea's of a+e o' o)e', of the adoptin+ pa'ent o' pa'ents9 5=8 The ille+itimate 2hild'en, ten yea's of a+e o' o)e', of the adoptin+ pa'ent, if li)in+ *ith said pa'ent and the latte'>s spouse, if any9 and 568 The spouse, if any, of the pe'son adoptin+ o' to (e adopted$ 5;1a, .O 91 and PB 6@;8 !'t$ 189$ !doption shall ha)e the follo*in+ effe2ts, 518 Fo' 2i)il pu'poses, the adopted shall (e deemed to (e a le+itimate 2hild of the adopte's and (oth shall a21ui'e the 'e2ip'o2al 'i+hts and o(li+ations a'isin+ f'om the 'elationship of pa'ent and 2hild, in2ludin+ the 'i+ht of the adopted to use the su'name of the adopte's9

578 The pa'ental autho'ity of the pa'ents (y natu'e o)e' the adopted shall te'minate and (e )ested in the adopte's, e42ept that if the adopte' is the spouse of the pa'ent (y natu'e of the adopted, pa'ental autho'ity o)e' the adopted shall (e e4e'2ised 3ointly (y (oth spouses9 and 5;8 The adopted shall 'emain an intestate hei' of his pa'ents and othe' (lood 'elati)es$ 5;9518a, 5;8a, PB 6@;8 !'t$ 19@$ -e+al o' intestate su22ession to the estate of the adopted shall (e +o)e'ned (y the follo*in+ 'ules, 518 -e+itimate and ille+itimate 2hild'en and des2endants and the su')i)in+ spouse of the adopted shall inhe'it f'om the adopted, in a22o'dan2e *ith the o'dina'y 'ules of le+al o' intestate su22ession9 578 Ahen the pa'ents, le+itimate o' ille+itimate, o' the le+itimate as2endants of the adopted 2on2u' *ith the adopte', they shall di)ide the enti'e estate, one?half to (e inhe'ited (y the pa'ents o' as2endants and the othe' half, (y the adopte's9 5;8 Ahen the su')i)in+ spouse o' the ille+itimate 2hild'en of the adopted 2on2u' *ith the adopte's, they shall di)ide the enti'e estate in e1ual sha'es, one?half to (e inhe'ited (y the spouse o' the ille+itimate 2hild'en of the adopted and the othe' half, (y the adopte's$ 5=8 Ahen the adopte's 2on2u' *ith the ille+itimate 2hild'en and the su')i)in+ spouse of the adopted, they shall di)ide the enti'e estate in e1ual sha'es, one?thi'd to (e inhe'ited (y the ille+itimate 2hild'en, one?thi'd (y the su')i)in+ spouse, and one?thi'd (y the adopte's9 568 Ahen only the adopte's su')i)e, they shall inhe'it the enti'e estate9 and 568 Ahen only 2ollate'al (lood 'elati)es of the adopted su')i)e, then the o'dina'y 'ules of le+al o' intestate su22ession shall apply$ 5;95=8a, PB 6@;8 !'t$ 191$ If the adopted is a mino' o' othe'*ise in2apa2itated, the adoption may (e 3udi2ially 'es2inded upon petition of any pe'son autho'i:ed (y the 2ou't o' p'ope' +o)e'nment inst'umental a2tin+ on his (ehalf, on the same +'ounds p'es2'i(ed fo' loss o' suspension of pa'ental autho'ity$ If the adopted is at least ei+hteen yea's of a+e, he may petition fo' 3udi2ial 'es2ission of the adoption on the same +'ounds p'es2'i(ed fo' disinhe'itin+ an as2endant$ 5=@a, PB 6@;8 !'t$ 197$ The adopte's may petition the 2ou't fo' the 3udi2ial 'es2ission of the adoption in any of the follo*in+ 2ases, 518 If the adopted has 2ommitted any a2t 2onstitutin+ +'ound fo' disinhe'itin+ a des2endant9 o' 578 Ahen the adopted has a(andoned the home of the adopte's du'in+ mino'ity fo' at least one yea', o', (y some othe' a2ts, has definitely 'epudiated the adoption$ 5=1a, PB 6@;8 !'t$ 19;$ If the adopted mino' has not 'ea2hed the a+e of ma3o'ity at the time of the 3udi2ial 'es2ission of the adoption, the 2ou't in the same p'o2eedin+ shall 'einstate the pa'ental autho'ity of the pa'ents (y natu'e, unless the latte' a'e dis1ualified o' in2apa2itated, in *hi2h 2ase the 2ou't shall appoint a +ua'dian o)e' the pe'son and p'ope'ty of the mino'$ If the adopted pe'son is physi2ally o' mentally handi2apped, the 2ou't shall appoint in the same p'o2eedin+ a +ua'dian o)e' his pe'son o' p'ope'ty o' (oth$ Judi2ial 'es2ission of the adoption shall e4tin+uish all 'e2ip'o2al 'i+hts and o(li+ations (et*een the adopte's and the adopted a'isin+ f'om the 'elationship of pa'ent and 2hild$ The adopted shall li<e*ise lose the 'i+ht to use the su'names of the adopte's and shall 'esume his su'name p'io' to the adoption$ The 2ou't shall a22o'din+ly o'de' the amendment of the 'e2o'ds in the p'ope' 'e+ist'ies$ 5=7a, PB 6@;8 TIT-. VIII C&PPO T !'t$ 19=$ Cuppo't 2omp'ises e)e'ythin+ indispensa(le fo' sustenan2e, d*ellin+, 2lothin+, medi2al attendan2e, edu2ation and t'anspo'tation, in <eepin+ *ith the finan2ial 2apa2ity of the family$ The edu2ation of the pe'son entitled to (e suppo'ted 'efe''ed to in the p'e2edin+ pa'a+'aph shall in2lude his s2hoolin+ o' t'ainin+ fo' some p'ofession, t'ade o' )o2ation, e)en (eyond the a+e of ma3o'ity$ T'anspo'tation shall in2lude e4penses in +oin+ to and f'om s2hool, o' to and f'om pla2e of *o'<$ 579@a8

!'t$ 1@6$ Cu(3e2t to the p'o)isions of the su22eedin+ a'ti2les, the follo*in+ a'e o(li+ed to suppo't ea2h othe' to the *hole e4tent set fo'th in the p'e2edin+ a'ti2le, 518 The spouses9 578 -e+itimate as2endants and des2endants9 5;8 Pa'ents and thei' le+itimate 2hild'en and the le+itimate and ille+itimate 2hild'en of the latte'9 5=8 Pa'ents and thei' ille+itimate 2hild'en and the le+itimate and ille+itimate 2hild'en of the latte'9 and 568 -e+itimate ('othe's and siste's, *hethe' of full o' half?(lood 5791a8 !'t$ 196$ E'othe's and siste's not le+itimately 'elated, *hethe' of the full o' half?(lood, a'e li<e*ise (ound to suppo't ea2h othe' to the full e4tent set fo'th in !'ti2le 19=, e42ept only *hen the need fo' suppo't of the ('othe' o' siste', (ein+ of a+e, is due to a 2ause imputa(le to the 2laimant>s fault o' ne+li+en2e$ 5791a8 !'t$ 197$ In 2ase of le+itimate as2endants9 des2endants, *hethe' le+itimate o' ille+itimate9 and ('othe's and siste's, *hethe' le+itimately o' ille+itimately 'elated, only the sepa'ate p'ope'ty of the pe'son o(li+ed to +i)e suppo't shall (e ans*e'a(le p'o)ided that in 2ase the o(li+o' has no sepa'ate p'ope'ty, the a(solute 2ommunity o' the 2on3u+al pa'tne'ship, if finan2ially 2apa(le, shall ad)an2e the suppo't, *hi2h shall (e dedu2ted f'om the sha'e of the spouse o(li+ed upon the li1uidation of the a(solute 2ommunity o' of the 2on3u+al pa'tne'ship$ 5n8 !'t$ 198$ Bu'in+ the p'o2eedin+s fo' le+al sepa'ation o' fo' annulment of ma''ia+e, and fo' de2la'ation of nullity of ma''ia+e, the spouses and thei' 2hild'en shall (e suppo'ted f'om the p'ope'ties of the a(solute 2ommunity o' the 2on3u+al pa'tne'ship$ !fte' the final 3ud+ment +'antin+ the petition, the o(li+ation of mutual suppo't (et*een the spouses 2eases$ Do*e)e', in 2ase of le+al sepa'ation, the 2ou't may o'de' that the +uilty spouse shall +i)e suppo't to the inno2ent one, spe2ifyin+ the te'ms of su2h o'de'$ 5797a8 !'t$ 199$ Ahene)e' t*o o' mo'e pe'sons a'e o(li+ed to +i)e suppo't, the lia(ility shall de)ol)e upon the follo*in+ pe'sons in the o'de' he'ein p'o)ided, 518 The spouse9 578 The des2endants in the nea'est de+'ee9 5;8 The as2endants in the nea'est de+'ee9 and 5=8 The ('othe's and siste's$ 579=a8 !'t$ 7@@$ Ahen the o(li+ation to +i)e suppo't falls upon t*o o' mo'e pe'sons, the payment of the same shall (e di)ided (et*een them in p'opo'tion to the 'esou'2es of ea2h$ Do*e)e', in 2ase of u'+ent need and (y spe2ial 2i'2umstan2es, the 3ud+e may o'de' only one of them to fu'nish the suppo't p'o)isionally, *ithout p'e3udi2e to his 'i+ht to 2laim f'om the othe' o(li+o's the sha'e due f'om them$ Ahen t*o o' mo'e 'e2ipients at the same time 2laim suppo't f'om one and the same pe'son le+ally o(li+ed to +i)e it, should the latte' not ha)e suffi2ient means to satisfy all 2laims, the o'de' esta(lished in the p'e2edin+ a'ti2le shall (e follo*ed, unless the 2on2u''ent o(li+ees should (e the spouse and a 2hild su(3e2t to pa'ental autho'ity, in *hi2h 2ase the 2hild shall (e p'efe''ed$ 5796a8 !'t$ 7@1$ The amount of suppo't, in the 2ases 'efe''ed to in !'ti2les 196 and 196, shall (e in p'opo'tion to the 'esou'2es o' means of the +i)e' and to the ne2essities of the 'e2ipient$ 5796a8 !'t$ 7@7$ Cuppo't in the 2ases 'efe''ed to in the p'e2edin+ a'ti2le shall (e 'edu2ed o' in2'eased p'opo'tionately, a22o'din+ to the 'edu2tion o' in2'ease of the ne2essities of the 'e2ipient and the 'esou'2es o' means of the pe'son o(li+ed to fu'nish the same$ 5797a8 !'t$ 7@;$ The o(li+ation to +i)e suppo't shall (e demanda(le f'om the time the pe'son *ho has a 'i+ht to 'e2ei)e the same needs it fo' maintenan2e, (ut it shall not (e paid e42ept f'om the date of 3udi2ial o' e4t'a? 3udi2ial demand$ Cuppo't pendente lite may (e 2laimed in a22o'dan2e *ith the ules of Cou't$

Payment shall (e made *ithin the fi'st fi)e days of ea2h 2o''espondin+ month o' *hen the 'e2ipient dies, his hei's shall not (e o(li+ed to 'etu'n *hat he has 'e2ei)ed in ad)an2e$ 5798a8 !'t$ 7@=$ The pe'son o(li+ed to +i)e suppo't shall ha)e the option to fulfill the o(li+ation eithe' (y payin+ the allo*an2e fi4ed, o' (y 'e2ei)in+ and maintainin+ in the family d*ellin+ the pe'son *ho has a 'i+ht to 'e2ei)e suppo't$ The latte' alte'nati)e 2annot (e a)ailed of in 2ase the'e is a mo'al o' le+al o(sta2le the'eto$ 5799a8 !'t$ 7@6$ The 'i+ht to 'e2ei)e suppo't unde' this Title as *ell as any money o' p'ope'ty o(tained as su2h suppo't shall not (e le)ied upon on atta2hment o' e4e2ution$ 5;@7a8 !'t$ 7@6$ Ahen, *ithout the <no*led+e of the pe'son o(li+ed to +i)e suppo't, it is +i)en (y a st'an+e', the latte' shall ha)e a 'i+ht to 2laim the same f'om the fo'me', unless it appea's that he +a)e it *ithout intention of (ein+ 'eim(u'sed$ 5716=a8 !'t$ 7@7$ Ahen the pe'son o(li+ed to suppo't anothe' un3ustly 'efuses o' fails to +i)e suppo't *hen u'+ently needed (y the latte', any thi'd pe'son may fu'nish suppo't to the needy indi)idual, *ith 'i+ht of 'eim(u'sement f'om the pe'son o(li+ed to +i)e suppo't$ This !'ti2le shall pa'ti2ula'ly apply *hen the fathe' o' mothe' of a 2hild unde' the a+e of ma3o'ity un3ustly 'efuses to suppo't o' fails to +i)e suppo't to the 2hild *hen u'+ently needed$ 57166a8 !'t$ 7@8$ In 2ase of 2ont'a2tual suppo't o' that +i)en (y *ill, the e42ess in amount (eyond that 'e1ui'ed fo' le+al suppo't shall (e su(3e2t to le)y on atta2hment o' e4e2ution$ Fu'the'mo'e, 2ont'a2tual suppo't shall (e su(3e2t to ad3ustment *hene)e' modifi2ation is ne2essa'y due to 2han+es of 2i'2umstan2es manifestly (eyond the 2ontemplation of the pa'ties$ 5n8 TIT-. X ./!#CIP!TIO# !#B !0. OF /!JO ITI !'t$ 7;=$ .man2ipation ta<es pla2e (y the attainment of ma3o'ity$ &nless othe'*ise p'o)ided, ma3o'ity 2ommen2es at the a+e of t*enty?one yea's$ .man2ipation also ta<es pla2e, 518 Ey the ma''ia+e of the mino'9 o' 578 Ey the 'e2o'din+ in the Ci)il e+iste' of an a+'eement in a pu(li2 inst'ument e4e2uted (y the pa'ent e4e'2isin+ pa'ental autho'ity and the mino' at least ei+hteen yea's of a+e$ Cu2h eman2ipation shall (e i''e)o2a(le$ 5;97a, ;98a, =@@a, =@1a8 !'t$ 7;6$ The p'o)isions +o)e'nin+ eman2ipation (y 'e2o'ded a+'eement shall also apply to an o'phan mino' and the pe'son e4e'2isin+ pa'ental autho'ity (ut the a+'eement must (e app'o)ed (y the 2ou't (efo'e it is 'e2o'ded$ 5n8 !'t$ 7;6$ .man2ipation fo' any 2ause shall te'minate pa'ental autho'ity o)e' the pe'son and p'ope'ty of the 2hild *ho shall then (e 1ualified and 'esponsi(le fo' all a2ts of 2i)il life$ 5=17a8 !'t$ 7;7$ The annulment o' de2la'ation of nullity of the ma''ia+e of a mino' o' of the 'e2o'ded a+'eement mentioned in the fo'e+oin+$ !'ti2les 7;= and 7;6 shall 'e)i)e the pa'ental autho'ity o)e' the mino' (ut shall not affe2t a2ts and t'ansa2tions that too< pla2e p'io' to the 'e2o'din+ of the final 3ud+ment in the Ci)il e+iste'$ 5n8 TIT-. XI C&//! I J&BICI!- P OC..BI#0C I# TD. F!/I-I -!A Chapte' 1$ P'efato'y P'o)isions

!'t$ 7;8$ &ntil modified (y the Cup'eme Cou't, the p'o2edu'al 'ules p'o)ided fo' in this Title shall apply as 'e+a'ds sepa'ation in fa2t (et*een hus(and and *ife, a(andonment (y one of the othe', and in2idents in)ol)in+ pa'ental autho'ity$ 5n8 Chapte' 7$ Cepa'ation in Fa2t !'t$ 7;9$ Ahen a hus(and and *ife a'e sepa'ated in fa2t, o' one has a(andoned the othe' and one of them see<s 3udi2ial autho'i:ation fo' a t'ansa2tion *he'e the 2onsent of the othe' spouse is 'e1ui'ed (y la* (ut su2h 2onsent is *ithheld o' 2annot (e o(tained, a )e'ified petition may (e filed in 2ou't alle+in+ the fo'e+oin+ fa2ts$ The petition shall atta2h the p'oposed deed, if any, em(odyin+ the t'ansa2tion, and, if none, shall des2'i(e in detail the said t'ansa2tion and state the 'eason *hy the 'e1ui'ed 2onsent the'eto 2annot (e se2u'ed$ In any 2ase, the final deed duly e4e2uted (y the pa'ties shall (e su(mitted to and app'o)ed (y the 2ou't$ 5n8 !'t$ 7=@$ Claims fo' dama+es (y eithe' spouse, e42ept 2osts of the p'o2eedin+s, may (e liti+ated only in a sepa'ate a2tion$ 5n8 !'t$ 7=1$ Ju'isdi2tion o)e' the petition shall, upon p'oof of noti2e to the othe' spouse, (e e4e'2ised (y the p'ope' 2ou't autho'i:ed to hea' family 2ases, if one e4ists, o' in the 'e+ional t'ial 2ou't o' its e1ui)alent sittin+ in the pla2e *he'e eithe' of the spouses 'esides$ 5n8 !'t$ 7=7$ &pon the filin+ of the petition, the 2ou't shall notify the othe' spouse, *hose 2onsent to the t'ansa2tion is 'e1ui'ed, of said petition, o'de'in+ said spouse to sho* 2ause *hy the petition should not (e +'anted, on o' (efo'e the date set in said noti2e fo' the initial 2onfe'en2e$ The noti2e shall (e a22ompanied (y a 2opy of the petition and shall (e se')ed at the last <no*n add'ess of the spouse 2on2e'ned$ 5n8 !'t$ 7=;$ ! p'elimina'y 2onfe'en2e shall (e 2ondu2ted (y the 3ud+e pe'sonally *ithout the pa'ties (ein+ assisted (y 2ounsel$ !fte' the initial 2onfe'en2e, if the 2ou't deems it useful, the pa'ties may (e assisted (y 2ounsel at the su22eedin+ 2onfe'en2es and hea'in+s$ 5n8 !'t$ 7==$ In 2ase of non?appea'an2e of the spouse *hose 2onsent is sou+ht, the 2ou't shall in1ui'e into the 'easons fo' his failu'e to appea', and shall 'e1ui'e su2h appea'an2e, if possi(le$ 5n8 !'t$ 7=6$ If, despite all effo'ts, the attendan2e of the non?2onsentin+ spouse is not se2u'ed, the 2ou't may p'o2eed e4 pa'te and 'ende' 3ud+ment as the fa2ts and 2i'2umstan2es may *a''ant$ In any 2ase, the 3ud+e shall endea)o' to p'ote2t the inte'ests of the non?appea'in+ spouse$ 5n8 !'t$ 7=6$ If the petition is not 'esol)ed at the initial 2onfe'en2e, said petition shall (e de2ided in a summa'y hea'in+ on the (asis of affida)its, do2umenta'y e)iden2e o' o'al testimonies at the sound dis2'etion of the 2ou't$ If testimony is needed, the 2ou't shall spe2ify the *itnesses to (e hea'd and the su(3e2t?matte' of thei' testimonies, di'e2tin+ the pa'ties to p'esent said *itnesses$ 5n8 !'t$ 7=7$ The 3ud+ment of the 2ou't shall (e immediately final and e4e2uto'y$ 5n8 !'t$ 7=8$ The petition fo' 3udi2ial autho'ity to administe' o' en2um(e' spe2ifi2 sepa'ate p'ope'ty of the a(andonin+ spouse and to use the f'uits o' p'o2eeds the'eof fo' the suppo't of the family shall also (e +o)e'ned (y these 'ules$ 5n8 Chapte' ;$ In2idents In)ol)in+ Pa'ental !utho'ity !'t$ 7=9$ Petitions filed unde' !'ti2les 77;, 776 and 7;6 of this Code in)ol)in+ pa'ental autho'ity shall (e )e'ified$ 5n8

!'t$ 76@$ Cu2h petitions shall (e )e'ified and filed in the p'ope' 2ou't of the pla2e *he'e the 2hild 'esides$ 5n8 !'t$ 761$ &pon the filin+ of the petition, the 2ou't shall notify the pa'ents o', in thei' a(sen2e o' in2apa2ity, the indi)iduals, entities o' institutions e4e'2isin+ pa'ental autho'ity o)e' the 2hild$ 5n8 !'t$ 767$ The 'ules in Chapte' 7 he'eof shall also +o)e'n summa'y p'o2eedin+s unde' this Chapte' insofa' as they a'e appli2a(le$ 5n8 TIT-. XII FI#!- P OVICIO#C !'t$ 76;$ Titles III, IV, V, VI, VIII, IX, XI, and XV of Eoo< 1 of epu(li2 !2t #o$ ;86, othe'*ise <no*n as the Ci)il Code of the Philippines, as amended, and !'ti2les 17, 18, 19, 77, 78, 79, ;@, ;1, ;9, =@, =1, and =7 of P'esidential Be2'ee #o$ 6@;, othe'*ise <no*n as the Child and Iouth Aelfa'e Code, as amended, and all la*s, de2'ees, e4e2uti)e o'de's, p'o2lamations, 'ules and 'e+ulations, o' pa'ts the'eof, in2onsistent he'e*ith a'e he'e(y 'epealed$ !'t$ 76=$ If any p'o)ision of this Code is held in)alid, all the othe' p'o)isions not affe2ted the'e(y shall 'emain )alid$ !'t$ 766$ This Code shall ha)e 'et'oa2ti)e effe2t insofa' as it does not p'e3udi2e o' impai' )ested o' a21ui'ed 'i+hts in a22o'dan2e *ith the Ci)il Code o' othe' la*s$ !'t$ 766$ This Code shall ta<e effe2t one yea' afte' the 2ompletion of its pu(li2ation in a ne*spape' of +ene'al 2i'2ulation, as 2e'tified (y the .4e2uti)e Ce2'eta'y, Offi2e of the P'esident$ Bone in the City of /anila, this 6th day of July, in the yea' of Ou' -o'd, nineteen hund'ed and ei+hty? se)en$

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