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Secara umumnya, dapatlah dikatakan bahawa disleksia adalah satu bentuk masalah kesukaran pembelajaran yang spesifik yang

dimiliki oleh seseorang pelajar dalam aspek-aspek membaca, menulis, mengeja dan mengira nombor (Renwick, 2001). Malah perkara ini telah dibuktikan oleh Sanders dan Mayers (1996) yang menyatakan bahawa kesukaran-kesukaran ini termasuklah masalah yang serupa dalam kerja nombor dan mengenali simbol-simbol seperti nota muzik dan tanda matematik.

Seorang Profesor Berlin pada tahun 1887, merangkap seorang pakar perubatan dan ophalomotologist telah memperkenalkan perkataan Disleksia (Hammond dan Hugges, 1996:3)Disleksia ialah satu Disorder dalam kanak-kanak yang telah terima Pendidikan Biasa, tidak memperolehi kemahiran bahasa, bacaan, menulis dan ejaan yang setaraf intelek (World Federation Of Neurology, 1968).

Dyslexia is a specific learning disability that leads to certain difficulties in learning process. Among those difficulties are (Gross & Voegeli, 2007): (a) problems in reading and writing (b) difficulties in carrying out instructions (c) directional confusion where dyslexic students usually confused of their left and right direction d) problems in understanding the mathematical concept (counting and arithmetic operations) (e) problems in arranging the sequence of numbers, letters or instructions (f) difficulties in organizing workflow (g) difficulties to stay focus in learning. These problems happened because dyslexic students often mix-up letters with words and words within sentences (Burgstahler, 2001). Sometimes they see words juggle in a paragraph. Furthermore, some of them experiencing the mirror opposites (reversal of word and letter) problem (Heymans, ND). For example, they might see the letter p instead of q or the word saw instead of was.

DEFINISI DISLEKSIA Disleksia adalah satu bentuk masalah kesukaran pembelajaran yang spesifik yang dimiliki oleh seseorang pelajar dalam aspek-aspek membaca, menulis, mengeja dan mengira nombor (Renwick, 2001).

Malah perkara ini telah dibuktikan oleh Sanders dan Mayers (1996) yang menyatakan bahawa kesukaran-kesukaran ini termasuklah masalah yang serupa dalam kerja nombor dan mengenali simbol-simbol seperti nota muzik dan tanda matematik. Disleksia ialah satu Disorder dalam kanak-kanak yang telah terima Pendidikan Biasa, tidak memperolehi kemahiran bahasa, bacaan, menulis dan ejaan yang setaraf intelek (World Federation Of Neurology, 1968).

Dyslexia is a specific learning disability that leads to certain difficulties in learning process. Among those difficulties are (Gross & Voegeli, 2007): (a) problems in reading and writing (b) difficulties in carrying out instructions (c) directional confusion where dyslexic students usually confused of their left and right direction d) problems in understanding the mathematical concept (counting and arithmetic operations) (e) problems in arranging the sequence of numbers, letters or instructions (f) difficulties in organizing workflow (g)difficulties to stay focus in learning. These problems happened because dyslexic students often mix-up letters with words and words within sentences (Burgstahler, 2001). Sometimes they see words juggle in a paragraph. Furthermore, some of them experiencing the mirror opposites (reversal of word and letter) problem (Heymans, ND)

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