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Gaura 'Whirling Butterfly- Gaura lindheimeri

one plant
This bushy, clump-forming perennial has
lance shaped gray green toothed
leaves. Loose panicles of pinkish white buds
open at dawn and resemble butterflies. Very
free flowering with red sepals. Full sun to
part shade.
Height is 18 to 24 inches.
Perennial Zone 7-10
2. Mexican Bush Sage - (Salvia Leucantha)
one plant
A perennial salvia, this tall fall flowering
show-stopper always gets lots of comments at the
shop. Producing blue and white blooms in spikes
above the foilage, the flowers last about a month.
It will not take wet soils in the winter. Zones 8-
3. Salvia 'La Trinidad' - two plants -
Bright pink flowers spring to summer that the
butterflies and hummingbirds love.
Reaching 18 to 24 inches in height. Cold
hardy from Zone 8 to 10. Plant in full sun
and well drained soil.

4. Butterfly bush (one plant)

The species are commonly known as Butterfly Bush
due to their attractiveness to butterflies; they are
also attractive to bees, moths and ladybirds. The
species of buddleia with red flowers are also
attractive to hummingbirds.
5. Fennel (two plants)
Sun to part shade.
Height to 36 inches.
Umbels of white flowers and later seeds. Very
Finely cut feathery leaves yield a mild anise flavor.
Perennial to Zone 5
Host plant for Black Swallowtail Caterpillars

6. Dill (one plant)

Host plant for Black Swallowtail Caterpillars
7. Sedum 'Autumn Joy'
(three plants)
Sedum telephium
This clump forming deciduous perennial
flowers in late summer with blossoms of bright
salmon turning russet.
It has thick fleshy leaves and thick axillary
and terminal cymes.
It may be planted in full sun to part shade and
is very drought tolerant.
Ht is 24" tall. Zones 3-9
8. Asters

(three plants)

The Aster produces large clusters of

delicate daisy-like flowers in purple.

They are hardy in USDA zones 4 through

9, depending on the variety.
Asters should be planted in moist well-
drained soil in full sun, but they will
tolerate light shading. The plants form
broad bushy clumps, so plant them at least
18 inches apart. Mature clumps will need to
be divided every 3 - 4 years in the early
spring, or late fall after the flowering has
finished. Pinch back the tops by 6-8 inches at
least once during the summer, to create a
bushier plant and to prolong the fall bloom.
This pinching MUST be done prior to mid
July, or it will have an opposite effect, and
blooming will be reduced.
9. Russian Sage- Perovskia atriplicifolia

five plants

This great border plant bears tall

panicles of violet-blue flowers from
summer to frost.
Height 4ft and 3 ft wide. Has gray-green
finely cut leaves.
Perennial Zone 6-9.

10. Butterfly Bush -unknown color (two

11. Coneflower (2-3 plants) -(Echinacea)

A favorite for the back of the perennial

border and beautiful in fresh
arrangements. An exceptionally hardy
perennial that is heat and drought
Grow in full sun to light shade in
average, well-drained soil. Plants grow
to 3' tall. Flowers are in full color from
July-Sept and attract butterflies. Hardy
in zones 3-10.
12. Coreopsis (3 plants)

Perennial. Will tolerate some drought

and some salt. Will grow in dry to
moist soil but prefers well-drained,
loamy, sandy or clay soils. The pH
preference is neutral to slightly
alkaline. Full Sun. Good for
naturalizing and wetlands. Attracts
birds & butterflies. Suitable for cut
flowers. Very easy to grow! Dead-head
spent blooms. Cut back to basal foliage
in the spring and fall. Propagation is
from cuttings, division and seeds. Best
propagation time is fall or spring.
13. Shasta Daisy Leucanthemum x superbum

3 plants

A commonly grown herbaceous perennial

plant with the classic daisy appearance of
white petals (ray florets) around a yellow
14. Black eyed Susan (3 plants)

The Rudbeckia, otherwise known as ‘Black

Eyed Susan,’ is a beautiful flower that
delivers year after year. Plant in borders or
groups to get huge clusters of flowers that
come back every season... never replant
again! Place in full sun for the most
impressive color and size!

Mature Height: 2 ft. Mature Width: 2 ft. Full

or Partial Sun. Drought Tolerant. Zones 3-
15. Bog Salvia Salvia ulginosa


Intense Sky Blue flowers- repels deer-

3-4 feet high and 3-4 feet wide

Blooms from June until frost.

Performs well in damp or dry soils.

16. Pineapple Sage Salvia elegans


Grows 3 feet high and 2 feet wide

Full Sun or Partial Shade

Red Blooms from July to Frost

Tolerates dry but prefers damp soils

Foliage smells like fresh pineapple.

17. Cat’s Whiskers Orthosiphon stamineus

A member of the mint family.

A shrub type plant that blooms on new


It has white blossoms are tropical and

exotic – similar to a cat’s whiskers .

Full Sun

Grows to 2 feet high and 3-4 feet wide

18. So Lovely Daylilly

5 1/2" bloom, 30" tall, Blooms mid to late summer,


One of the most fragrant. Although blooms are

actually a very pale yellow, they look near white
from a distance, and make a huge white splash of
color in the landscape.

puts off proliferations, which are more plants, after

19. Stella De oro Daylilly

3" bloom, 18-24" tall, Early Season + rebloom,

The most popular and widely-grown daylily of all

Renowned for its repeat blooms, its bright golden

blooms decorate our garden from late May until
frost. Compact mounded foliage, vigorous growth
and phenomenal blooming make it an excellent
20. Passion Flower Vine Passiflora edulis

Of all the flowering vines, Passion Flower bear some

of the showiest blooms on earth.

An easily grown plant, Passion Flower look

absolutely stunning in the garden or inside as a
year-round houseplant. Blooming from late May
through October, its beautifully intricate purple and
white fragrant flowers are approximately 3-4" across
and are followed by smooth, round 2 inch fruits that
are edible and turn yellow when ripe.

Host plant for Gulf Fritillaries and Zebra Longwings.

21. Red plant

Yellow butterflies flock to this plant.

annuals planted by the children:

zinnias, cosmos, forget me nots, sweet peas, sunflowers,

black eyed susan, shasta daisy.

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