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Senator Orrin Hatch 104 Hart Office Building Washington, DC 20510

31 January 2013

Dear Senator Hatch: I thank you for your continued resistance against the proposed AWB legislation in all its forms (currently S. 150). I know you stand with your constituents in protecting our Constitution and its provisions like the 2 nd Amendment in its entirety. However if you need more leverage in committee please communicate the following to the members: 1) A huge campaign of disinformation on guns is pushed daily on our TVs and devices. It has nothing to do with public safety and preventing future mass shootings of innocent people; no gun law would have stopped Adam Lanza. Violent criminals will always break laws and be violent, with all kinds of devices. They will steal and disobey any laws that stand in their way; just like in CT. If we truly wish to increase public safety then we should make laws whereby immediate armed response by good civilians is allowed and encouraged. Now that will save our children and stop these senseless massacres by madmen. 2) This movement is more ominous in nature and it ties into an alarming political change in the US. The exact kind our forefathers worried about. It seeks to fully disarm the American people over a period of years. Is this Constitutional? The proposed AWB and its associated bans (magazines) will make great inroads to this purpose. In doing so it could threaten public safety and perhaps even rule of law as its enforcement is attempted. This could lead to civil unrest or even worse as many refuse to comply with such unconstitutionality and seizure of private property. I and millions of others wish to prevent this and work to preserve rule of law in this country. 3) Americans are entitled to own semi-automatic firearms with their high capacity magazines in order to resist possible tyranny. Even with these we are outgunned. This isnt some far fetched, ridiculous extremist notion but a lesson simply born of history. Our Bill of Rights was specifically included by our forefathers to protect this important right of self defense and of being armed. It ranks only behind freedom of speech in importance. The 2nd ensures the others rights can remain protected. It also ensures the government answers to the people and prevents the destruction of personal liberty which we are seeing right now with Obama.

With my greatest respect,

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