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Agaricus endoxonthus Berk. & Broome

ary Smiley made a tremendous find in fune at the Marie Selby Botanical Gardens near her Florida home, when "... three quarters of the way through my usual walk, I came upon some most unusual mushrooms I knew I'd never seen in person or for that matter, in any photographs anywherei' Good thing she had her camera, as they were all shriveled up when she returned for them the next day. Agaricus expert Richard l(errigan determined this mushroom tobe Agaricus endoxanthws, which also goes byA. rotalis. This unusual species is known from Australia, Hawai'i, and the Caribbean; it's only previously been seen fruiting (on a couple of occasions) in the continental USA, and only indoors (a shopping mail, a greenhouse). This is the first known "natural" fruiting in the continental USA. Glad you shared it

with us, Maryl

Winter 20l2.Volume 5:5. FUNGI


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