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Introduction This book is about spiritual truth, which this material oriented world of today sadly lacks. Its profound wisdom is lovingly given by a great soul who has reached the supreme state of Avatar. He comes from dimensions far beyond the Spirit World. His last incarnation was in ancient Egypt: possibly more than five-thousand years ago. An Avatar is an evolved soul who has reached that supreme state of being: that wonderful high-level of soul growth that enables that soul to become one with God. Every one can reach this highly evolved level of soul growth and reach that wonderful evolved level of Avatar. The Avatar had never given his name; he once told us names are not important. We reasoned we could not refer to him as that evolved soul from higher dimensions, he then said call me Bethesda. For over forty years he has contacted through a lady, who wants no publicity or recognition, and she forbids me to use her name: she considers herself to be just a simple instrument of God to permit the Avatar we know as Bethesda to bring these words of wisdom to this darkened world we call Earth. I did enquire from him how he communicates through this very spiritual person; he tried to explain to me but at that time I did not understand: this was about forty years ago. Since those days I have acquired sufficient soul growth to understand the process. It is not trance medium-ship or overshadowing, he told us he bypasses the physical mind. She is old now but still a very spiritual lady; she also has a very sharp and perceptive mind with the ability to assess the character of a person in an instant. She is not attached to any religious movement, she has never claimed to be a medium, and she strongly dislikes the American term channelling. She only claims to be a spiritual instrument for God. The Avatar once told us she had been trained in a previous incarnation for this purpose. She does not fully understand the seemingly (to her) jumble of words that flow from Bethesda at the time he speaks through her as an instrument, she has to rely on taped audio recordings to listen to the words of wisdom afterwards. She is eighty-nine years of age now, but her physical mind is still very-sharp and perceptive. Spiritual understanding is an expansion of consciousness, and some readers will find they are touching a form of enlightenment after reading and absorbing these words of profound wisdom that the Avatar brings from a dimension beyond the Spirit World. Because of this, I ask the readers of this book to apply the test of their own souls to all they read, all they hear, and all they are taught. Even the flow of

wisdom that the Avatar brings in his teachings throughout the book: apply the test of your own soul before you accept it. Also apply the test of your soul to all you read, hear and see; it may be in the form of religious doctrines, political speeches, or something from the glib tongue of a person that may be trying to influence you. I am sure many readers will find a greater understanding after reading these words of wisdom. The Avatar has frequently told us . . . Truth has a ring of its own. I would like to add an answer to a question I asked the Avatar in September 1993 it may help the reader to understand the highly evolved level of soul growth a soul can reach when that soul reaches the evolved state and reality of an Avatar. As a teacher with love for God I walk with you and give you my help when you are in need of me. One thought from you and I am there. One thought of this need, and I come to try and help. Do any of you have a question you would like to ask? Frank W. `I do have a question, Bethesda, . . . `you said one thought from you and I am there`. How can I think of you, the physical mind always seems to want an image to focus upon? I can form a mental picture of the Avatar Jesus or many other great souls; but what does my physical mind use as an image for you when I know it not? `You have no need my son! Just think of me with love. Think of me in whatever way you need of me! I am light as God is light. I am love as God is love. I am energy as God is energy. You seek me. I am formless. I have no need to register in human form. I am divine love. I am divine wisdom. I am from God for God. Just seek that which you need to have from God, and I will come and help in whatever way I can. It helps sometimes to have a form in your own eyes to identify; I cannot give that which I am not! Think of me only as a teacher of love from God to bring to your life that which God would have me bring. It does not matter my son that I have no likeness for you to recognize; as God is formless, as all Avatars are formless in the union with God, as all realization in God is formless: so it thus must be. The physical forms I took when I was in flesh are no more. It matters not! You think of me in anyway your wish. It matters not! If you wish to give me a likeness to help you, then that is your choice, and you may do so, my son. It does not matter! I come with love for God from God. I am sorry if this is not the answer you were looking for, my son. But I cannot bring anything else but the truth. If it is not the truth, I will not speak it. If it is not from God, I would not bring it. `My son: That is why, people in that material world want to think of God in a human form, it gives them an imagesomething to cling to. But how can you contain God in a human form? You limit God when you think of God as humanity. Do you not? Think of the love that God brings as limitless and formless. It is there, timeless, powerful, all embracing, and all releasing from the negative. `My children: If you could but know of the great abundance of light and love we send upon your lives you would rejoice; if you could but know how often we come close to you to bring you comfort when we see the need. Sometimes you are down and feeling lonely, but slowly you may begin to feel a great sense of release and peace: then you know we are there with you. It is so difficult to break through the heavy materialism of that worldly existence to reach a soul that is in need. The measure of what you receive from us depends upon your receptivity and reaching out to receive it. If you close off in grief, if you close off in anger or any negative attitude, then we cannot reach you. But if you will release yourself in gentleness and love, to be receptive: then in truth we can send much to you. I want to see you fly to God. I want to see you move at such a pace you cannot resist the desire to keep on moving to Him. Let your understanding be so powerful of God that you cannot resist the desire until you reach Him. Do not let that material world cheat you into thinking it can answer your needs and your happiness: you have moved too far away from that. May all those who seek enlightenment through these teachings that I bring, find the

wonderful bliss that comes with that great awakening into the reality of God. I give you my love. I give you my peace. I am Bethesda. I hope these words of wisdom that this book contains, will guide many readers into greater understanding, and perhaps for some, the threshold of enlightenment Frank W. The divine laws are very simple, and yet so difficult to live. Through soul growth a person will gain greater wisdom and make wiser decisions. Prologue When you look with detachment at all you see you see in this material world you call Earth, you can see destructive conditions that do not respect that vital element of existence we call nature. Look around you at what is happening through the human frailty of reasoning in the actions of mankind that are completely contrary to the laws that God wants mankind to live by. You see man destroying animals, you see him destroying the beautiful fish in the oceans, you see him destroying those wonderful animals in the jungles, you see him tearing up the forests, digging up the wealth of the earth to bring him more material luxuries for him to enjoy. Man uses powerful machinery to gouge out the bowels of the Earth to take every last handful of gems, ore, and minerals of every kind: man is leaving nothing for future generations. Throughout the ages you see man taking the life of another human being because that person does not please him, the colour of his face does not please him, the religion he follows doesnt please him, even the area where that person lives: he doesnt want the other person to live there. Man wants power, man wants wealth, and he wants authority over much of existence as possible. All these are reasons why he can destroy another human being. Many of the human-beings on that planet you call Earth are breaking every natural law that God ever made! How can you not wonder how life will end when you see the constant misery that people of this world are enduing? It cannot go on! Negativity cannot conquer the positivenever can it be done! God is still in command even though he has given man free will over his own life and activity, but God has not given man free will over creation. Religious movements have misled mankind for centuries: they have created heavens to suit their own congregations and hells to suit their own fears. In truth all religions are man made and not God dispensed. I ask you not to be confused with religious beliefs and the reality of spiritual truths: they are not the same, and most frequently they are completely opposite conditions. Religious beliefs can be changed but spiritual truths cannot! When a leader starts a new religion, the followers are told . . . `This is what you must believe, and these are the rules that you must follow`. They are then presented with an idea of a god that will fit into the ideas of that which they want their own religious belief to be: which is far removed from the reality of that which God is. They present to their flock a seemingly nebulous creature in some remote heaven, and say this is your god. Their god is usually, a magnified man who can bestow favours and privileges as he so chooses . . . I know of no such God. The God I know and love has no shape or form, He has no gender, He has no skin colour: God is the pure energy of creation. God is the super-supreme-intelligence that governs and controls all universal life and rhythm. God is the life-force that permeates existence in all universes and the unseen dimensions beyond each universe; and still more universes and dimensions beyond, beyond, beyondGod simply is!

The male terms him, or he is used because there are no man made words in any language of your world to express the reality of that which God is. Religions have tried to alter spiritual truths to fit into their actions and the decisions of man in this material world; with the results of those qualities come particular religious beliefs. They have tried to alter spiritual truths, break spiritual truths, stretch the spiritual truths, add to spiritual truths; but they will never change a spiritual truth, because truth is truth and it cannot be changed or brokenit will always remain a spiritual truth. Religious beliefs can be changed, spiritual truths cannot. Pre-voice Everyone has to move through every eventuality that life on Earth presents. But if you want to reach the level of higher-consciousness you have to push aside the difficulties and hardships that are part of that material world and cope with them. You do not have to let the conditions of that world of matter keep you pressed down into that valley of despair. You need to know with a calmness and serenity that all must be endured and lived. To growing souls it will be endured, even if its in a way you do not like, even if at times you wish it would disappear No-matter what comes into each life, you can move through it all, because everyone has the strength of the Divine Creator within. This is your refuge and your leading guide to the way you must take and the pathway you must walk to God if you truly seek to experience the higher-consciousness and that highly evolved god-like state of an Avatar There is nothing in that world that can destroy your true peace if you are singular in your longing and love for God and your determination to be one with Him. There is absolutely nothing in the material world that could compensate you for the loss of that security within. Great peace and tranquility will come to you when you know you are part of God and you are truly seeking unity with Him. I give this to you because I am dwelling in this bliss and I know the rewards of the effort are beyond my ability to describe them to you. I am telling you this because I too had to walk that way. I too had to struggle through flesh. I too had to overcome all the obstacles that everyone that every reaches God has to do. No one, not even Jesus of Nazareth, or any of the Avatars, or any other great soul has ever reached God without the struggle that went before it. All had to walk every step of the way. She or he: whoever it may have been, whatever sex they have acquired for each journey, no-matter-what they were in life. The struggle is not easy . . . if it were it would have no value. I use the word he not to identify man only: I speak it as an easy way of identifying a soul on the way to God. I hope you can understand what I mean The term, man, throughout the pages of this book of teachings, for the above reason only, it is used as an easy way of identifying a soul because man-made words are so inadequate when there is a need to put something spiritual into mundane terms. There is so much man could have, but he has lost the ability to reason with his soul. The soul is the ingredient of God within man. Chapter I Teachings from an Avatar As the wind blows beloved children, you feel the faint whisper of the wind around you, thus it is with God. As you seek and sit in meditation awaiting His presence, you feel the soft gentle touch of his peace coming ever surely to envelop you. Your world today is so devoid of spirituality in its truest and purest sense, and darkness has a free rein where it should not. To mitigate this darkness and this deviance from God, man has to come back again, and again to be aware of his

inherited origin of existence. Mankind is divine, man is not material: all of mankind is truly divine. Entering into flesh is the choice each soul makes in order to grow closer and ever nearer to the Beloved Creator. He loses sight of this wondrous fact when he begins to only evolve materially in that world and seek the pleasures of the world before God. When you wander away from this awareness there is the temptation to live materially, to think materially, and to exist in that world of matter, seeking always the association of the physical senses. There is a physical well-being that comes from the use of the extravagancies of that world; but until mankind learns to come back to the truth of his own inner self and seeks evolvement of the soul above and beyond all else, he will be left wandering in matter. Only the evolution of the soul to God in its full awareness of what that union means can that cycle of rebirth which man has waiting for him be broken. Reincarnation again and again back to Earth is inevitable, until he will set aside that longing for matter and crave the sweet solitude of the divine. I think your world of today, is in the throes of a headlong rush materially. Is it not? Man wants to know, to think, and to experience all things that can be invented to ease his life, and to satisfy his life. Whether these satisfactions are that of food, accommodation, occupation, or whatever form his fancy takes him, he must have the material to satisfy his needs. If only he could learn to turn inward to seek the satisfaction of all he needs from God. How more fulfilling, and more rewarding this it would be to have all your needs supplied from the divine source; supplies which are pure, uncluttered, unsullied, ever constant, ever unchanging, and ever flowing into you from God. This is the purest and the simplest form of energy that can give you evolution to your soul, and free you from rebirth. `My beloved children: Let no one tell you that you can enjoy the luxuries of the world endlessly and find God. You cannot! You must simplify your lives and you must learn to deny the body what it continually craves for. Discipline your living and your expectations if truly want to reach that unity with God. While you thirst for the world and hunger for its offers, with desires for this and desires for that, you will only satisfy the physical body and your living expectations from the material world. If you seek the solitude of God, the gentle loving of living for others before your self, and of the tolerance you would like to extend to all humanity; then, my children, if you seek to extend this tolerance and loving to others, even if may seem not to be worth it in your opinion, you are at least trying to live God in that material world. If people do not live God, they will never know the meaning of true living. As you grow closer to God spiritually you will understand my meaning more. There is an empty hunger in the lives of so many in that world today, nothing can make them happy. Whatever they want, they will always want more. They always seem to want something different and are never satisfied: because they are always eagerly ambitious for more and more things of the material to satisfy their worldly desires. When a soul turns to God in the true surrender of self, that true longing and seeking will help that soul find the Beloved Creator. That growing soul finds it wants so little from that world of matter. With soul-growth you will find you want God more and more, and you want less and less of material desires. Then nothing that is part of that world of matter will satisfy you. With soul growth, when you turn to God you find you want less and less of material desires, for nothing of that world will appease your spiritual longings. There is nothing of that material world that can bring you the happiness that you feel when you have these quiet moments linking with the Beloved Creator. This is why that world today is in the state it is. Mankind has walked away from

the divinity that is persons inherent birthright. Mankind is unaware of truth, indecorous of understanding spiritual truth, and people are quite happy to dally in the heavy world of matter . . . `At what cost my beloved ones . . . at what cost? Mankind has to awaken to the reality of its existence before they plunge ever deeper into that abyss man is at the present moment experiencing. When has there ever been such a time of degradation of morals, of beliefs, and of attitude to others? When has there ever been such a disregard for the feelings and needs of others as there is in that your so-called modern world? There have been many civilizations before which have been cruel and wicked. But when has there ever been the population in that world as it is today so steeped in the advanced technology of material things? Within that social strata of your world there are the understandings of modern technology and the comforts and the luxuries that come with modern living. While wallowing in these conditions, the mind of man understands not any of the aspects of The Divine Creator. When has there ever been anything that you can compare with that which mankind in that material world is seeking and taking from it today. It would seem the more nations get, the less they are satisfied, and the more are their ambitions for greater and more generous allocations of lifes offerings. They are killing more animals, killing more species of the various fish and fowl to satisfy their appetites; while at the same time the extravagances of their menus, would make you weep . . . `Would it not? Beautiful species of creation are moving to God in their own evolutionary state of being but they are thoughtlessly being slaughtered by man, to be consumed by man, and advertised as the latest taste to please the palate of man. Animals that were sacred once in time, are now open to be devoured. You are going to see before too long, complications ensuing, because of the reckless disregard of mankind for their need to honor and respect the lesser species of existence that they are harming so greatly in their mad rush for diversity of appetite. Diseases will become more rampant, diseases that cannot be eradicated. There will come to that material world, great devastation to land because of the clearing that is being done today. Reckless disregard for natures bounty is resulting in the ruination of the soil. `Is it not? Greater troubles are yet to come in this way for your world. Countless numbers of birds, animals, and insects, are finding it harder and harder to live as they normally would, because the forests are disappearingthey have not the home they were intended to have. When you see, mans rampant disregard for nature, it is not just one aspect of life that is destroyed, it is many Then, when they have cut the forests down, what is the end result of their labors, perhaps exporting other residue to nations, or things that are only used to pamper the fads and fancies of man? Is this not so? `My beloved children: God is very generous, God is very patient and God is very forgiving, but there will come a time when He will let humanity realize the error of their ways. Then God will leave them to their own free-will-choice of what they have done, but they must account for the results of their actions. They can expect no miracles to extricate themselves from their dilemma. They must learn by experience sadness, and disaster, for that which they have done, and this will have to be accounted for in time to come. It is the divine law! Special souls are reincarnating at the moment to minimize this impact upon the world. You will find more and more groups will stand up and demand that these people who are doing this wrong must be accountable. There will be more and more groups preventing that which is being done from being extended further into other areas of that world. They will try their utmost, and they will eventually stop the ravage of mans actions upon nature.

The present occupation in the world of humanity is such a mix of evolution of souls of all levels of growth, with a great number of human beings that still exist at the lower range in the scale of evolution. There will come to your world a reinforcement of evolved souls that will reincarnate from higher worlds to counter the material thinking of mankind and that which they represent today. This has to eventuate before it is too late! Gods ways are wise! God never determines what man must do: He lets man decide what he will do. In Gods planning for this earth, He very wisely allows these remedies to occur when they are most needed. `Can you see this, my children? I know you older ones here, in this small gathering, have experienced in that material world the contrasting conditions of early days, as compared to the present way mankind lives today. You have some idea of what the world is doing in this mad rush for material gains. The young of the world have not that comparison to make: they seem to accept that this is the normal way of living. How wrong they are! They must be shown differently by similar activities of the newly arrived souls. They can then compare and realize that there is a better way, a more accountable way. After a period of time they will slowly change, then they will begin to realize they to must stand and be counted for what they have allowed to happen. The developing countries of the world are so eager to emulate their cousins of the developed world, but they have not the wisdom to cease what they are doing, or to stand back and reflect. They madly go ahead, and want to show they are equally as able to match the developed world with their own. Then greed, ambition, and lust for power play a big part in the decisions they make, to the cost of so many other people. Can you see this? The developing countries should be taking things slowly and gradually, and using this to move into a better advantage of living more wisely, but alas, they seem to have an uncontrolled desire to overtake the developed countries. That what was good enough for others, they seek to want overnight. They are not content to look at what is happening and think . . . That is not wise, that is not for us. They seem to want to be sure they will emulate and overtake. The nations of Africa are very vulnerable at the moment, and they have to do a great deal of soul searching. Change must come to the leadership of these countries before it is too late. The people of these countries will rise against such leaders. They will not allow themselves to be pressurized into such activities and wrong results because of these leaders, without some forcible kind of protest. It is very sad that such tragedy should come to that material world. Although, such suffering must come before man will learn the folly of his ways. If only mankind could turn their minds inward and reflect on what they are, and what they do. If they could do this, they would not perform acts of vandalism that they do upon that world. Experiments in laboratories have reached a very dangerous level, and you in your world once again are going to feel the ramifications of these experiments. They will become uncontrollable in some instances. Once started, they will flow on to their unsuccessful, but very damaging end. You cannot retract from Gods creation without accounting for it! Mankind cannot manipulate the balance of creation and expect success to follow, for a great imbalance will be their reward. Then once again, they will have to be accountable for the results. The damage done in the meantime will be great, and the suffering will be great. Do you understand this, my children? I think the turmoil in your world today is causing so much distress to people who are sensitive to these conditions. It is moving so furiously in various directions, with the old standards rapidly being torn down and the results thrust upon the people of your world. The governments of your world are so busy with their economies they cease to think of the ramifications upon the people who have to live with the decisions of their leaders. The poor are being trampled on in a way that has not been obvious for many years. The people will only be subservient for a time and there will be an uprising, a spiritual revolution within the suffering masses of the world. No

leader must feel impervious to that which will follow, or to feel they are safe from the repercussions of what they have sown. There should be no place for revenge in the thinking of man . . . but for a time all sense of reason will not apply to those who have been so hurt. Emotion will triumph before reality takes hold. Even though the world today is undergoing such a revolution of negativity, there is in the ultimate great hope for mankind to come from this: because out of devastation and misery will come the opposite as a result of revolution of what is occurring. Can you see this? They will be so sickened of what the world has done, they will turn around and do the opposite to that which they are seeing done. Then there will begin a disquiet climb back into the truth of whom and what they are. I think the economical situation in your world today is very precarious. There is a lack of balance in the decisions of those in authority. They are so bent on making money and on being successful financially they lose sight of the fundamental reality of life. The making of their money is all they can see, all they desire, and all they aim for as their main goal in life. There are many tragedies to come to your Earth. Many of them will be the results of mankinds abuse of nature. This is a necessary experience, and people will learn and gain soul growth because of the karmic debt that has to be repaid. Nature is going to say to mankind . . . I will make you listen! I will make you take heed of the laws you are breaking. Mankind will then have to realize through hurt, the decisions that they make are wrong. `My children: I am sad to say the suffering in that physical world is going to be greater. More lives are going to be lost. More hurt is going to come that is ever necessary in your world if mankind is to learn their lessons. Hurt will come that is not wanted, thought of, or contemplated. When God created that Earth He created a jewel, a thing of beauty for man to enjoy and move through in harmony with it. But because mans own lack of inner understanding of his own reality, and of his own origin, he is living the opposite. Therefore, the balance has to be corrected, and the law of the positive has to placate, cleanse, and rejuvenate. These words are for those who do not want material possessions, whose desires are not directed at acquiring luxuries from that world of matter. There is a need for the spiritually inclined souls to take their time and be still. Try with your inner-self to feel with the mind instead of thinking with it, as you have been so accustomed since birth. You will gradually experience a form of knowing that the physical mind cannot produce. Sensitive souls will react to this, and recognize a sending forth from God the spiritual energy that they must allow to animate their bodies. Then those who are less ambitious, and less greedy, will be wealthier spiritually as an outcome of this turmoil that your world is now suffering. It is as if humanity has been placed in a bag and shaken up, to produce a mixture of souls of all grades. Thus, from the result of this shaking, emerges this hotchpotch of population you have in your world todaythe greedy, the selfish, the ambitious, the very poor, the hungry, and the needy. Somewhere there is the other level, evolving souls who feel the need to seek the quieter, the better way and turn away from all this material greed that your world offers. You have many varying degrees of evolution within so many people in your material world. `Is this not true? The newly emerging under developed countries of your world, are trying to emulate their wealthy brothers. They have errors in their ways, and are among the rush of other nations trying to overtake their neighbors regardless of what lies in the wake. All these varying degrees of activity will seem to be taking place at once. This makes the world a very unsafe, and a very inharmonious place to live. Do you not agree? There is no uniformity of gentle growth, but there is a great haste for material gainthat is not the way to God! To find God you must have quietude, gentleness, contentment with less, a desire for less, and satisfaction with the quiet

discipline of taking only that which is really needed. You have to learn to forgive, to be tolerant with others: you also need to be caring, to be sharing, understanding, and forgiving. These great qualities, which emanate from the Beloved Creator, must come into lives of mankind and be the important force in human existence. Man has to learn to do without his huge mansions, and be content with simple dwellings. I see fires raging, through many lands, with the destruction of harvests. I see the flooding of other lands, with the winds and torrential rains damaging other countries in their wake. I see too, ice, which is disappearing, and the water rising to a great degree. I see famine and I see the darkness of despair in so many parts of your world, because mankind cannot stem nature . . . nature in all its force and in all its revenge upon man, for mans wrong-doing I see as I speak, the disappearance of land, and hear the cries of humanity. I see the emergence of new lands from the mighty oceans. Mankind understands not that what is happening, they only see suffering and despair. They see desolation: they see not the spiritual need. They see not the divine hand of God behind it. For Gods love is still reaching out to calm and to compensate. Mankind is futile: mankind is hopeless and helpless to combat the force of nature when these events occur. The time for payments, for past debts is coming closer and man must pay for his folly and unwise actions. I see too, the green shoots of re-growth, I see the gentle spring after rain, and the cleansing after fire. Mankind will be humbler, and more content with a simpler way of life. I see great changes in that world, unrecognized by those today who see only success. `Beloved children: I speak not of tomorrow or the next day; I speak of what I see coming to the world eventually. This must bring accountability of actions: the law of cause and effect in its full operation for God. Gods laws are there to be obeyed. These laws are there to govern the universes, to govern creation, to keep it balanced, and to keep it moving in the direction God intends. Gods laws maintain the whole of existence. Gods laws were formed and fashioned for this purpose. Therefore, they must be obeyed! The wise will learn and understand Gods divine laws. The wise will understand their need to gravitate to God. They will need to learn how to evolve their souls in the purity of spirituality with God. They will learn to understand that they will have to account to God, eventually, for what they must become. `My children: In all I give I see the hope and the joyous glory of this turning from negativity to the positive. I see the taking away of man from his ways of transgression, and I see him reaping the rewards of his longing and seeking of God. You will go through many incarnations as these changes come and go. Then know in truth, you will always be secure in the way you live, and in understanding and living the reality of what you are. You are evolving, and you will as time moves by, learn you no longer have the need to enter flesh. I see man very eagerly scanning the sky for new facets of existence. They are so excited when they can speak of their distance successes of capturing the various points, of what they consider will be activity in matter. These scientifically minded people have not the ability to even begin to touch the fringes of matter! To them this incredible distance is nothing, and to their reasoning with the physical mind of how far matter goes can be fitted into their own intellect. When you see the sky at night, the matter beyond your Earth, you see little pinpoints of light and you know that each of those pinpoints represents another atom, another facet of matter. Somewhere, some great distance out there beyond this universe, there are other universes like this one . . . there other forms of life exist. It is not for man to probe before he is ready to know. It is too vast! It is too far away for man to ever travel to find out. Only through growing into divine understanding can man begin to know that which he seeks to know. When you evolve with the consciousness into the mind of God, you begin to understand and fashion the thinking: which must be the divine thinking through eons

of time. Only when you are wise in Gods understanding do you see why these things are so. Why does man spend great wealth upon seeking answers that he does not need to know? What does it matter if Mars once had vegetation? Why do things matter, when on your Earth there are people that are starving? Children are hungry, and people are suffering. Why does man spend the money sending objects into space? Man tries to seek answers to some form of matter that he can have no possibility of understanding, in truth or knowledge. Because of the distance in light years, it is gone from the present, only guessed, only elucidated, and only experimented with. But there is man in that world of matter it is his experience in this lifetime he should be fashioning. The folly of man is infinite! It knows no bounds! The ego of man also knows no bounds. I say again in all wisdom and in all understanding, seek God from within. Seek not the sight of the stars in the heavens, but seek God and the understanding of His wisdom. Seek the divine, my beloved ones, and have revealed unto you all truths and all knowledge. God will never hold back from His children, not one item of truth or knowledge of one atom of any form of His creation. God encourages the seeking of wisdom. God encourages the longing to unite with Him, and in His generosity, whatever God has and is He shares equally and gladly with all who reach Him. By seeking God first and evolving to Him, you see the doors opening for you to enter and savor the wonder that lies behind them. You can see not only matter you can see the other worlds and other dimensions of existence, the beauty of His creations in so many forms, and in so many facets. The mind of man cannot see the immensity of God. The mind of man cannot possibly understand that Earth and matter are but minor atoms of His creation. They represent just one form for life for mankind to experience on its journey to the ultimate reunion with the whole. Scientists use their telescopes and radio telescopes, also other items of technology, which they use to search for this and that. It matters not what they use, they will see only the limited result of what the instrument is capable of seeing. The souls vision is limitless, and the consciousness of man is limitless. Seek to evolve the soul and the consciousness. Seek to enter the mind of God more and more deeply, and have unraveled for you the secrets of creation and the whole of existence. Mind not that you have not achieved on that Earth the material successes that scientists try to reach for their laboratories. They are but children playing with their toys. If first they seek God, the rest will unfold for them, but they do not do that. They seek with the instruments in the laboratory to answer their thoughts and their desires. However, it is the wise that seek God, and turn to the expert of creation to ask Him to unravel for them these mysteries they seek to understand. Man is convinced he is the greatest thing in the universe and God could not improve on him. How can a human being imagine that God who created all that is on Earth could not resist from creating greater and more wonderful aspects elsewhere beyond Earth? I would like to think of the world again, green and harmonious in all its` beauty. I would like to think of the rivers running with its purity of water, and the oceans gently rising and falling. I would like to think of all the mountains nestling safely, wherever in your world they may be. I long to think of all the gentle animals and birds moving freely in their rightful place of existence, unafraid of mankinds guns and knives; I would like to see man moving in the forests of the earth, gaining from association with the purity of nature, and unmindful of all the extremities of negativity in that world. I long for the day when man will sit in quietude seeking The Beloved Creator . . . instead of gazing at the television screens, with all their extremities and obscenities

pouring forth that will imbue into their own intelligence, and energize their negative thinking. You see beloved seekers: mankind thinks success is the attainment of all these extraordinary results of modern technology, and they think this is the example of being successful. They have all these gadgets at their command, but I would say the measure of mans success in that world is his closeness to God, also in the understanding of truth and his inheritance of soul growth in the spiritual time that is to come through eternity. You will find as the world moves along, kindness and gentleness will be more apparent. There will come a time for others to think of others, with less greed, less cruelty, and less inhumanity one to another. Then the morality of mankind will slowly and firmly establish itself to where it rightfully belongs. I am not despondent of the outcome my children. I am very hopeful! I am despondent of the world as it is today, but I wish to see the change coming to mankind before he moves further and further into the darkness of ignorance. There is then the outcome of the world in this, of which I am not despondent, I am not negative, but I am eager to help those who are willing to be helped, and those who are willing to learn and to listen. I want to help them find the way to God opening wide for them, with the extravagance of the indulgence of the soul in its search for God. I wish to encourage those who seek God before the world. I want to see the results of this search. I want to show them a way to a loving life, a gentle life, a life devoid of sickness and despair. I want to see people growing old without pain and suffering, but in joyous decision to slowly leave behind that semblance of matter they have worn. I want for them to move back to their spirit home without the suffering of that pain that many aged people seem to experience. I want to see a movement through time from birth to transition, not in agony or discomfort, but in the gentle passing of time. Then and only then, the decision will come to give up that physical body, and move back to spirit. That will surely come, and will come to those who seek the way to God in ever increasing numbers, and ever increasing strength. I could bring you talks on this and that, I could bring you tales of many things, but I want if I can to make you understand the reality of that material world you are living in today. You are in flesh, you are incarnate in that world and you must face that world before you leave it. I want to see you face it in hope and not despair. I want to see you face it in the reality you have of choice, and not think you have to follow blindly the way that world is moving. You can still stand apart from this negativity and move along this pathway of growth to God, in your own time, and in your own way. This love I bring, I bring from God. These truths I bring that you may know them, I bring from God. Again I tell you, if it was not the truth I would not say it. If it were not from God, I would not bring it. In these truths I bring you messages of hope and of trust that must come betwixt you and the Beloved Creator. Turn not to the world for your solace. Turn not to the knowledge of man for your comfort, but turn within. Turn within to seek the surety from God that you are divine and on a mission of love, for you to spiritually progress as you journey through matter to Him. `My beloved children I want you to see that so many in your world today are afraid to look beneath the surface of physical existence. They are afraid to be different to someone else, afraid to put their trust in something they have not seen, touched, or heard, such as God. They feel it has to be tangible, or it does not exist. The most cherished and wealthiest of gifts you can receive will come from that one force of love that has never been seen, touched, or heard in human understanding and values. Do not equate God to humanity. Do not equate God to what He should be according to your imagination. Understand this supreme energy, this supreme indescribable force

that cannot be placed into any category to please the fallible mind of humanity. God is above and beyond all that you could envisage. His balance of creation is fashioned from truth, love, and the understanding of the need for the force of divine energy that exist to keep creation in harmony. This divine energy takes various changes in form according to the activity of the eternal laws of creation. It is the one sole energy in existence, and it comes from God. It constantly deviates into the various countless forms it needs to take and become. It animates all matter. It animates all other universes, and all other worlds. It animates a baby in a womb. It animates the growth of an animal that is being formed, and the young bird within an egg. It is the force that contains the seas, the rivers, the wealth of the soil, and it contains all the plant life in that world of matter. If all things were freed from their gravity and allowed to plunge madly here and there, you would have no Earth to inhabit. In all truth Gods energy governs all facets of existence. It gives you electricity for your homes, and it gives you fuel for your motorcars. It gives the stars the power to hold their form in place, it also gives the other dimensions that what they need for their activity. Countless forms of divine energy are taken from the one source, and this same energy flows into your body continually. It is the life force, the cosmic life force. This cosmic energy of God enters through the Medulla Oblongata area of the human form, continually and ceaselessly. This divine life force enters your body to keep it animating for you to use. It is used to create and to maintain your body . . . . Then use it to heal the body! However, you have to take account of time through age. You cannot expect a body in its later years to react in the same way a body would use this energy in its earlier years. You need to understand that because the cells are different, the make-up of the organs is different but the body is subject to the divine law. You can direct this energy to heal and maintain your body: for it is the life force of God. You can maintain the health within that body with this divine energy, if you use it wisely, and use it according to the divine law. This cosmic energy can be directed to various areas of your body to heal. It will harmonize throughout your activities in life until the departure of the soul. Send it forth by the power of your mind and your will to various parts of your body that needs the help. Send it believing it will help! Do not send it in doubt! Send it in belief and in the truth of that reality that I give. This is Gods gift to you! If God withdraws that force from your body you cannot move, you cannot live. Your body will be devoid of soul! Your soul will have withdrawn from that physical body and returned to spirit. Then the body will be inert, and slowly will reduce itself to the fragmentation of matter. It is the law! Remember, when the life force is animating that is the secret of your existence in matter. Man can do all the surgical wonders he wants. He can put all the medicines he wants into a body that has no life force, it will make no difference . . . It will not respond! Put your faith in this breath of God. Put your faith in this breathing that God does into your body to animate it, and to sustain its existence. Have your faith and your trust in the knowledge of the life force; then know in truth, it is the same life force that animates all creatures, from the highest and noblest, to the lowest and vilest. It is the same life force that flows through and animates all things that have existed in the past: that exists now and will exist in all future time that is yet to come. Believe then, it is a facet of Gods will that enables you to exist within the time span of your souls entry into a physical body. The souls only need for a body of flesh is to maintain itself in matter. With all these facets overriding all else you can and you will find the healing you need. Then above and beyond all else, God understands what you need spiritually, and that is what you will receive. Not what you want! But what you need! The soul knows when the time has come to withdraw from that physical body, and all

the efforts of your mind and your will, will not prevail if the soul knows it must depart. Do not think what you want to be so, will be so! It depends upon the laws of God. They are always paramount. Ask, expecting it to happen, and force it through your mind, and will it expecting it to heal. Expect to come that which you know can come, will come. Then, beloved ones what your life is entailed will reveal its-self as time moves by. Do not depend upon matter for your happiness or your optimism. Do not rely upon matter to bring you the security that you feel life must bring you. Depend upon the inner resources of the soul; put your trust in God. Put your hand in His hand, and let Him lead you where I know you long to go. Beloved seekers I want to convince you that you are all divine, with Gods divine life force that you need to have to animate in that body. I also want to truly convince you of Gods animating energy that you may bring to your physical body that healing that it needs. I wish I could leave within you this knowledge of truth, but I do leave His wisdom and His strength that you may slowly gain in soul growth as you journey to Him. Remember, your feet are upon that pathway of divine love and light as you journey through the endless time of eternity in your need to rejoin the Beloved. There is no other way, but to God. There is no other life, but with God. There is no other hope but in God. I give you my love. I give you my peace. I am Bethesda. The closer you grow to God, the greater will be your wisdom; thus, if you make wise decisions, you become master of your own destiny. The mind belongs to the Body, but the consciousness belongs to the soul. Chapter 2 The Avatar and the Link between Two Worlds When a human-being seeks enlightenment through a sudden decision of longing or intuitive searching, it is the same as switching on a light in a darkened room. This happens almost simultaneously when expressing the need for seeking this truth. In seeking divine truth and wisdom, they release within their very being a light into the darkness they have been living within. This light in the darkness of your world can be seen very clearly by souls in our world. Now at last this recognition of the spiritual individuality of that soul has been recognized, even though it is not sufficiently known to that soul for what it is. Therefore, it automatically attracts to that soul a helper from the higher world to lead them and help them along the way of truth and light to God. The linking of the two worlds is a very vital, real, tangible, and important part of souls journey to God. When a soul enters flesh it is not forsaken by God and thrown into the hurly-burly of the physical, and forgotten about until the time of transition back to our world here. Each soul always has someone hovering over his or her life, waiting for this call from the soul for this deeper attachment. It is an expressed need for spiritual help, a longing for this inner awakening by the soul. Because the two worlds are so separate in the understanding of humanity, it is almost as if it is none existent; to many people of your material world it is none existent in their understanding. Only to those who have come to realise the significance of the higher dimensions, to them, this is an accepted recognition. To so many people in your world the acknowledgment of any life beyond the worldly one is just taboo in their acceptance. Thus, it is a very important step when acknowledgment is made from within the soul of man that they are looking and yearning for something beyond the material. The worlds are interpenetrating one with the other: separated only by the dimension of the energy, and by the dimension of spirituality of the existence. The human factor must of necessity function in the material world, at the same time

the souls vibrations are still functioning in its link with the higher world, even though the body still separated in its existence in the lower physical world of matter. Thus the human life encompassing the soul within is still vitally attached to the higher dimension of existence, and is never separated: only in death does the separation become an actual reality. Physical death automatically creates the severance of the cord that links the two. When that cord is broken then the soul returns back to the higher world: then and only then, is the combined existence of the two severed completely. `My children: I want you to remember this very carefully. I know you are aware of it. I know you accept it, but sometimes these things get pushed into the background of your thoughts. They are not so much as taken for granted as overlooked, and I want you to retain it in your thinking. It is very important to live within this understanding that I speak of while you are still in the physical body and you are still seeking the divinity of God. Although you are in a physical form and moving along the spiritual pathway to God you are still connected to the higher world. Then never forget the spiritual aspect of yourself is still functioning and vibrating in the dimension of spirit while you are walking in matter in a physical body. Try to understand that it is possible, and a reality, that those in our world are constantly and actively engaged in watching over, helping, inspiring, and encouraging all you do in that material world. The response to our help depends on the ability of the soul to accept this fact, and submit to this help. This help comes from our world with a loving longing for the purest that God can send to be a part of your physical existence. This is where you are to be most concerned, for you are entering into the greater search for divine wisdom, and you are entering into this more conditional understanding of truth. Thus, you are more in need of the benefit that comes from the souls in this higher dimension. This need is more so now than in the earlier lives that you lived. Then you were beginning to awaken to the realization of the duality of life, and you were seeking slowly and gently to find your own way to God. Many people have now reached the ability to accept this reality, to seek from God the purity of his truths and the immensity of His wisdom. A growing soul will always recognize the reality of Gods influence upon its search for Him. It is important to join hands with the higher world, and then move in unison with your teachers from the higher dimension. These unseen helpers will guide you along this lighted pathway of divine wisdom, into the supreme energy of God, in order to help you grow to Him, and function as one with Him. I want you, only if you are willing, and I make that a condition, for it is always dependent upon your acceptance and your willingness to agree to this free will decision that you have to make. I never ask anything, presuming that it will be automatic that you will do this request. Always I respect your right to make your own decisions in the way you choose. The need is there now for people to recognize this unity they have with the higher world. If you are seeking soul growth and greater wisdom, then the greater truth awaits you. This awaits all true seekers of enlightenment in the expansion of the consciousness into this greater energy of the divine. However, while each one of you therein this material world are still functioning in your physical body, constantly be aware of this loving mantle of higher energy that is surrounding you from our world. Teachers of wisdom and truth are very active in the progress of all growing souls. These teachers are very intent on giving all they can to all seekers of divine truth. Much help is given to a growing soul as it journeys along the divine pathway God: they will not do it for you! They will not interfere with the right of a soul to make its own individual journey to God according to its own desire, ability, and disciplined intent. They will indeed give the fullest measure of help they can, to all those evolving along the way to divine unity with The Beloved Creator. Any soul who is on the pathway can receive this if they link with love, confidence, and recognition, and if they will allow it to encompass them in Gods light.

Those who seek can draw great strength from it; you can be inspired by it, and be encouraged to a great degree in order you can discipline your life. Because of this help, you can arrange your life more easily, and more readily. Then you can find a greater strength and discipline in your daily administrations, as you and all growing souls search along the way for divine wisdom. Think of it as partners in your journey to God. The silent partners of our world who walk with you in love, and always with love will take your hand to guide you spiritually. They lovingly encourage you not lose the way, and to ensure always that the pathway is lighted before you. This helps you to avoid encountering the darkness. Never let you feet slip away from that pathway to God. Gently the unseen helpers prompt you, and gently seduce you back to God if you falter along the way. Many times you will think that world is becoming too heavy, or you are allowing the material existence to become dominant and too paramount. Without intruding into your private life, they can in little gentle ways, prompt you into sudden thoughts. They can also prompt you into sudden misgivings, sudden feelings of guilt that you have done this or that, something here, or something there, or little sudden thoughts that you may have neglected something or let something spiritual fall by the wayside. These little sudden thoughts you have, or attitudes you have, are not always the result of your mind thinking them. They are often prompting love from our world, to remind you that your feet need to be pointed in the direction of God, and that you need to forsake this or that, or put aside your shortcomings in order that it does not hamper your journey to God. `Can you see what I mean? Once you awaken your true spirituality you are then automatically entering into the greater depths of divine love from our world. This protective love from our world ensures that you are safely journeying to God, and none who would harm you can have access to your journey or your efforts. Everything you put forth in into the higher dimension can penetrate spiritual levels where it must and should reach. It is protection given by those who watch over each awakened soul, so you do not encounter opposition from sources that are detrimental to your well being. Always know that when you reach this great area of growth that you have the protected influence of the divine. But, it is very important for souls that are beginning the journey, and may be tempted along the way to experiment with various interests. Seekers must be careful they do not become caught up in activities that could harm them. You know I have given before, and I remind you again, that the astral world is not a pure world. It is not filled with souls of pure design, and if in seeking, curiosity sometimes is unwary. If not careful, a seeker can endanger him or herself, by probing into areas that a person should not be attempting to meddle within at all. You would be wise to warn anyone who is starting on this pathway to God. It is important, to seek only the purest of help from our world. Do not ever encourage them to seek excitement from the psychic, or to seek a quick way of overcoming the necessity of the search. This is for the unwary traveler, and it is very important that they do not seek to communicate with the astral. They should not accede to the temptation, to delve into the psychic haphazardly. Always, a teacher who is sufficiently evolved to protect them, and guide them wisely as they search for divine wisdom should guide them. This only comes from a higher dimension of understanding and evolution in God. It may seem like drudgery in the early days to those who are beginning, when nothing seems to be happening, and nothing exciting to report. This is not truly so! It is simply a case of giving dedicated effort all the time for something spiritual to enter into your longing. This always comes to a soul to enable it to find something more concrete coming into its life that will point the way to God. People are sometimes encouraged to take what they think is a short cut, or take something more interesting and exciting to lighten the burden of growth. `Can you see what I mean? I speak of this tonight, because you here, though you are few in number, you will

be active in awakening many in the time that is yet to come. You will encounter people who are eager to experiment with the unseen, and blindly try this or that. It is then you will be called upon to guide them by advice they will request from you. Therefore the greatest advice you can ever give, is to cling to the divinity of the higher self and the higher world. It is also important to urge them to resist the desire to seek information and experimentation with the lower and less evolved souls in that world in which you live, or the astral beyond. `Can you understand what I mean? Encourage them always to deal with the purity of the evolved. It may not be so exciting to their curiosity. It may not stimulate their physical interest, but it is the surest way. It is the only true way for a soul to evolve to God! There are many great souls waiting to take the hand of seekers and guide them along the divine pathway to God. It is these evolved souls that will guide and protect the aspirant in that search for the divine pathway to the Beloved Creator. Great-evolved souls are longing to reach out and encompass seekers in their love and light to help them find their way to the Divine Creator. They will not find it in the astral! They will not find it in the psychic centers and the psychic experimentations in that material world! It will only serve to prove that life does not end with that negative condition called death, but it will help them and encourage them to look beyond the material! That is very true! But they can be in great danger as their spirituality in this astral dimension of existence suddenly comes to light. It will come into range of greater danger, if they experiment and come into contact with the lesser worlds beyond. Always tell them to seek God, and God alone. To seek the divine, the purity of the divine, and not anything less! Then they can journey and strive for the enlightenment, illumination, truth, and wisdom: this is the only way for a soul to move into this great growth, which is for all to encounter and conquer. I know it is not easy to persuade people if they are strong-minded, or if they are not sufficiently spiritually orientated. They would rather seek something that is more physical, or something that is more evident, but you can only try, and you can only give advice. Advice is a word I hesitate to use, but you know the way I mean you to use it. Do not interfere or dominate, but enlighten them, and gently educate them into the dangers of experimentation with other worlds. Lead them with your understanding and the wisdom that you have, and acquired through your journeys in time. You have been through all facets of this search for God. `Have you not? `You know exactly what I mean! If you can spare others the disappointments and the dangers along the way: then truly are you helping them. You are then serving them and serving God. However, you can only lead, you can only guide, and you can only suggest. You cannot force anyone! They must then learn the difficult lessons, and sad though it may be; they can only learn according to their own free will. You can be an example by your own living, by your own approach, and by your attitudes. `Then you can do no more my children! There is at the moment a great deal of research being done by the military in your world and by the forces of various governments of your world. The armed forces, the military aspects of countries, are using this power of the mind to a great degree. It is not only confined to the western countries, it is also being used in the Eastern Bloc, as it was called in Europe, of the countries there, and the east of that area. They are using this power of the mind in very many ways, to help their countries efforts and success in the military field. They are not using it for spiritual intent; they are not using it spiritually, or to benefit humanity. They are using it for military purposes. This is very dangerous! They are linking with powers that are not always devoted to the good of mankind. They are tapping into sources that are not going to help. These governments are not seeking the highest and purest guidance; they are merely seeking to conquer this dimension of understanding, of energy, and consciousness,

for the purpose of a material level. It therefore does not have the motivation of the divinity of the search for God. Because of this, it will bring in its wake, not the protection as it should and must have, if it is to be used with wisdom. It cannot benefit humanity if the motive for using it is not spiritual, and not for the benefit of soul growth. `Can you see what I mean? This power, this divine power, can be manipulated for good or evil; therefore, those who are using it for evil will bring evil unto themselves. They will not be helped by using it if the purpose is not the greatest and highest of motives. You therefore, in your search for God, will be able to understand how the deeper wisdom can tap into this greater dimension of energy that awaits you. You here this night will use it I know for the highest and purest of motives. This therefore, will only bring you benefit, and those you seek to help benefit. It is a purified motive, and a purified result will come. I am fearful of the manipulation of the energy that can be achieved, even in a minimal form. Manipulation by powers that are going to use it for military purposes, for purposes of power and domination, and not directed to any spiritual motivation, much is being done in this way. There are actually schools teaching this in the armed forces of America. Russia is also a nation who is using it to a great degree, and has been doing so for many years. Do not think for one moment it is isolated: it is not a secret you can keep. Other countries have been very quick to emulate, follow, and seek for themselves that which they think they can achieve. Know in truth they cannot conquer and harness anything of destructive purposes or for purposes of a lesser motive. They will have to suffer the consequences, for they cannot expect to be victorious when their goal is not of The Divine Creators intent. There are forces of light and forces of purity from a higher dimension of understanding for those who seek this energy and its manipulation for the purpose of Gods intent. These divine forces will always conquer the lesser. It is the law! This hidden force can, and is, being manipulated at the moment in your world. Do not live with your heads in the clouds, and think those who seek God are the only ones who seek to use this power. Forces of darkness seek it also, and to a degree are able to manipulate itbut only to a degree. It can bring destruction, not only upon the world, but also upon those engaged in the usage of it. These people are not using it according to the soul within them. `Can you see this? Positive and negative: there again you have the illustration. When you live in the positive, when you strive for the positive, and when you seek only the positive, then you bring into your life, all the vitality of the positivism of God. When you live in the negative, you attract to your life the forces of negativity. They are the forces that bring people, ultimately, unhappiness, misery, destruction, and many other things will follow in its wake. This occurs if it is negativity that they are seeking and living within. Then you must seek and dwell in the light of God, and dwell in all that and dwell in all that is positive as you seek Him. Never be tempted to take anything less than the highest and the purest you can gather from the Divine Creator. You have witnessed and are doing so today, exhibitions of great wealth that many people in your world are acquiring. You will see, seemingly, successful outcomes coming to their lives, but my children, look deeper than the surface. My beloved ones: Do not envy, do not crave, and do not try to emulate anything they are doing. These people are manipulating in the material aspect of life only. They are not touching anything of the divinity that they should, and need to do. Seek your success; seek your benefit, and your inner wealth, from the source of all things, God! Then this will be the positive result that you can acquire and achieve through your efforts. You will never want and never go without if you are living in this positive ray of God. Those who acquire from material sources, with material means, and with material motives will never in the ultimate be successful. They may to the eyes of the world, seem to be successful with money and with acquiring luxuries in life; however, this is an eternal journey we are on, not a once only walk in that world.

Remember, what they think at this time seems success to them, is often detrimental to the soul. So never compare, never envy, and never seek to possess something because others have it. Seek always for your lives, the highest that you can from the divine force. Let God bring into your life that which you need, and that which you should have. Then if you live for God, and live His laws, God will always supply your needs but never to excess. This is the law! You will then attract to your lives the qualities of the divine that are important to your living and your soul growth. You may think you have less than so many, and you may think you could have more, and you would like more. That is a material comparison you are making! That is your physical mind telling you to want more and to seek more. Ignore it! Silence it! Push it away! Let the soul within you decide the measure of the receptivity that you are taking from life. Let the divine wisdom of the self be the criterion of what you should, and need to acquire in your life for your journey in time. Remember, my children, you are vibrating on a higher level. You have earned that right to vibrate on that level through the growth and wisdom of your soul, and the expansion of your consciousness, to where it is today. It is from that higher level, you attract from our world greater souls than you would if you were on the lower level of understanding and growth. You can, I think, understand the higher you climb the ladder, the nearer you are to the top. Then the easier it is for great evolved souls to reach down to reach you. It is much harder for these evolved souls to touch those who are floundering on bottom level of soul growth in that material world. Remember this . . . Where there is no reaching up; there can be no reaching down. `Can you see what I mean? `My children: The responsibility will be great for you there in your world to guide other souls with divine truth. They too need to claim their divine right of soul growth, and journey to this great unity with the Beloved Creator. You will find the need to be very firm, to be decisive, and to be discriminating. Do not think that in helping someone you have to always agree with what he or she are asking of you, or what they expect from you. You have to give your help, reach out with your hand to them with the wisdom you have: not the wisdom they have! `Do you understand this? You must remember, in helping someone to climb that ladder of spirituality, you do not want to descend down the ladder and be at the bottom with that person. You have to reach down, and help them climb up to you. `Can you see this? You need to be openly truthful, and you need to be openly expansive in the words of wisdom that you have to give them. There may be a glimmer of light from the stirring of soul growth within that person that will give them their first thirst for spiritual truth. Now whether they can receive it, accept it, or absorb it is their responsibility, not yours! You cannot feed them truths that you think they would like to hear, or they will be ready to accept. That is not teaching them anything. You have to teach them divine truth and they have to accept or reject that divine truth. I bring to you the spiritual truths, and you have every right to reject them if you cannot accept them, and if they are not according to what you take as truth. If you feel within yourself, this is not what I can believe then you have the right to ignore it and to reject it. You must not force yourself to take upon your understanding, the thing you are not ready to take upon. Thus, with those who will come to you for help them: be discriminating, be kind and helpful, and have the firmness of the teaching that you know is divine truth. What you must tell is the divine truth that you have learned spiritually, and come to accept as divine truth. They are the ones who must reach up or reject according to what they feel within their inner selves. Sometimes you feel that you may be embarrassed, because they are challenging, or they seem to think that your words are incorrect and do not impress them. That is their prerogative: that is their right to have that. But you must never feel embarrassed, you must not feel overlooked, forlorn, or rejected. You must simply, quietly, and lovingly be firm in your convictions what you have come to know as truth.

Stand by that conviction. Let those people be the ones who think they can, or cannot accept the teachings that you know is the absolute truth. How can you water down truth to suit the likes and ability of many to accept or not? God does not water down his truths because some of his children cannot accept them! `Is this not so? Truth is truth! Wisdom is wisdom! It is thus: God sets the wisdom and God sets the truth for us to know and follow. It is up to us to accept or reject that which he sends. It is not for God to change, to chop around, strengthen, water down, or increase to be in accord with the one he is sending it to. That is not the way! Beloved seekers: Never be dominating with this is right and you are wrong. This is not the way to bring it! Just quietly and gently tell them, and show them truth in your own living. Let them see it! Then leave it for them to pick up, and take it from there, to reject, or walk away. That is their right! You must never pander to the personalities and the idiosyncrasies of all those who come with the need to learn. Because they are difficult, you must be over-careful in what you say and to be careful what you speak of, and how you say it is important. It is also important that you do not offend them; you do not deliberately hurt, mislead, nor pander to them, because you could obscure the truth in the process. This is where discrimination is important. This is where intuition and wisdom come to your aid in presenting them with divine truth. This is where each of you here this night exercises the ability to firmly believe within your inner-self the truths that you are now expounding. If you cannot believe Gods truth if you cannot in all sincerity, honestly say, you know this for yourself to be truth, then you cannot give it to others. Is this not logic? If there are doubts in your own thinking, in your own beliefs, then you must not express it to others as the truth. You can only say this is what you think, and this is what you feel. Certainly you can do that, but do not declare it as the truth of God emphatically, unless you really and truly believe for yourself, for it to be so. You can say this is what I have read, this is what I have been told, and I am still trying to accept it. I am still searching. This is honesty! However, if you are firmly convinced this is truth you can say with conviction. . . . I have learned for myself this is the truth, and I truly know this is the way of Gods wisdom. Therefore, my children, you are not saying to others . . . This is the only thing to believe. You must never say that! They have to find these truths for themselves. You here this night that have growing into enlightenment can only tell them what you have found to be truth. There are many opinions, many beliefs, and many theories, but always there is only one truth in each condition that may be in focus at that time. Apply the test of your own soul to all you see, hear, or read: no-matter how holy it is supposed to be. Apply the test of your own soul to it all! When the awakening soul is given a spiritual truth, it instantly recognizes that truth at that time. If the soul does not recognize that truth when it is given, that truth will come back at a later date, when the soul has more growth and is ready to receive it. Remember. . . . Truth has a ring of its own! Truth has to come for all at a time the soul is ready to receive it. I give this because you will come up against many personalities, and many difficulties will arise in your present journey as you search for God. Every personality is different, every level of evolution is different, and every motive is different. Every desire may be varying by many degrees. Nothing is uniform in humanity. You are never going to have a room full of people that are all absolutely alike in their thinking. Is this not truth? There are going to be all the different depths and levels of understanding, longings, and motives. Some seek it because they think it is fashionable to think differently, and some seek it because they want a change; others come because they are curious, and some may come because someone has told them. The motive for the search is not the important issue. The important issue is the receptivity of the soul within them to receive that, which is being given. Sometimes it is surprising, the ones that are most receptive are the ones you least

expect to be receptive. People that never for one moment you would expect to think this way. They may surprise you, and are ready to take upon themselves this illumined journey far more easily than others who appear to be ready. This is when the soul is the criterion of what it can and cannot accept. It is not the mind, not the material thinking and understanding, not the senses that often motivate in the decision making of people. It is when the soul within is hungry for God. It is when the soul is crying out for acceptance and recognition of its divinity within you. This is when the souls are really receptive to God, because truth can only reflect upon a soul that knows it to be so. If the soul is not ready for truth, it will reject it. If someone tries to feed you dogma, of tales of this and that, you know instinctively you cannot possibly accept it. It is an automatic rejection of that which you are hearing. `Have you not found this already? Thus it is with those who are not ready for God: their soul is not yet awake to be receptive. A soul may not be ready to take upon itself this understanding, and that soul will have yet to labor until it is ready. When a soul is stirring into the consciousness of the reality of its true identity, you will find the ground is fertile. Then the little seeds of wisdom will take root, and they will be hungry for more. Some will want to go too fast, and some will be slower than they need. All the different levels of pace will be there for what they believe. You are not responsible for what they believe, nor are you responsible for the measure of the speed of their journey. You are not responsible for any other souls progress to God. All you can do is to do what we are doing from our world to you. You here, in this small group, who are progressing to a greater degree of soul growth, can send forth the supply of what you have within; then they in turn can receive to themselves that which they are ready to receive. We can only send to you there that which we know are spiritual truths from God; how much you accept and use is entirely up to you. Then you in turn can pass on to others that which you have been taught by souls from this higher world. Do not sit in judgment of those who cannot, and will not accept it. Do not sit in judgment on those who are too lazy to make use of it, even though they can believe it. Let each one take upon them-selves the journey to God. You are responsible for your journey to God. However, offer all the help from God you can to those who also seek it for their journey. Never reject or refuse to give the truth as you know it, to any or those who ask for it. Never force that which you know to be spiritual upon anyone. Never dominate! Never seek to impound into their thinking, this is right, this is what you must believe. This is not teaching them of God! God does not dominate you: you must never dominate another. Each soul must find God for itself, when it is ready in its own way! In its own time! Then as you journey along the pathway to enlightenment, we send to you all the love, all the care, and all the help that we can, you in turn give to others all the help you can give. However, you have not to be a doormat for others! You have not to sacrifice your beliefs and your soul growth because others are draining you, without making any effort themselves to act or think for themselves. If they want you to carry them on your back, it is not your right to do so, nor must you do so. `Can you see what I mean? As a teacher has a class with varying levels of intelligence, of ability to understand, to cope, and to progress; that teacher has to get to know each pupil, to get to know the ability of each pupil, and get to know the direction each pupil is taking. So you in your turn when you have the spiritual seekers coming to you, and you then must learn to discriminate and segregate in your own understanding. This does not mean you being judgmental or critical in your effort to help; it just means you are sifting, sorting, and helping where you can. Focusing on a direction of how and what you give to one person, but knowing it is not the way you would give it to another. `This is logic, is it not? You will sense that this person will benefit from that approach, and that person

from another approach. You will find some are not prepared to listen to spiritual truth. They would rather tell you what they have to tell you even though they have the lesser understanding. It is not being kind, and it is not being helpful, if you let those be the ones to continually bombard you with what they know and believe. You have to encourage them to listen and to and learn, then they can talk and can tell you their thoughts. However, there must be an understanding that they are seeking, and you are giving. Then if they truly want to receive, they must be open to receive, and not cloud their judgment and their receptivity by the over stimulation of their physical minds. The physical mind will always try to influence others in their activity with attitudes, and their intellectual avenues of approach. `Can you see the direction I am pointing you to? `Beloved ones: Preparing a soul in the journey to God is a long process. It is a very serious business to enable a soul to be receptive to the call of God in service. Thus in the time gone by and the time to come, we are working in this direction for you, and any others that seek enlightenment. We are seeking to prepare this small group who are seeking that divine pathway in order to reach that supreme goal of unity with God. You can in this process, be receptive to the highest and the purest from our world. We can only bring that to you, we can bring nothing less. Seek each day from God, the highest He can send you, the purest He can send you, and give back to Him the highest and purest you can give to Him. It cannot be the same as you expect to receive from God, for you are growing to God. God does not say . . . You have not given as much as you receive`. That is never Gods way! God just sends endlessly, without restraint, and without restriction. Whatever returns to God from you, to God it is equally as vast and wonderful as that which He is sending. You are the ones who must not expect to measure your giving according to that which you receive. You can only give with the greatest of love, the greatest of longing, the greatest of desire, and the highest of motivations. That is all you can do! Then all that comes will indeed be enough for God to know that you are growing to Him, and are being prepared to serve Him. We always look with the eyes of the divine upon you. We do not look with the physical measurements at what you are doing. We do not estimate, or evaluate with the physical calculations of your world. We look with the eyes of the divine, upon the divine within you. We measure for God, the divinity of the self, according to the readiness of that self, for what God would want of you. Where you may think you are this or you are that, we see very differently. `Can you understand that? Thus, beloved ones always give of your time to God unreservedly. Do not restrict what you give by self-renunciation, by self-criticism, or by self-devaluation. Openly unwind from that world and open wide your soul and your consciousness to Gods love. Just let your soul be constantly open to receive all that you can from God. Do not sit and think . . . I am not good enough. I have not done this, and I have not prepared that`. Just simply give to God all you can. Say to God. . . . Father I am here I am completely yours. I give to you without restriction every thing I have, and everything I am. I sit in receptivity of every thing I can receive from the source of all. This is all you have to do. If one day you are not as good as the next day, it is not important, allow for it in what you are giving today. Give each day the best you can, and do not compare it with the day before or the day after. Just give it every day to God, and then receive from God what you can. This is the way to seek God! You are not in the class of comparisons: you are simply seekers of truth and wisdom. You are moving along this eternal pathway, this eternal journey of light to God. You are seeking from God all the wisdom and truth you can acquire and achieve within each effort that you make. You are not motivated by greed. You are not motivated by a lust for power, excitement, or importance. You are in humility, longing, love, and desire in the awareness of your own true spiritual identity. But come each day before God, surrendering utterly to Him with love and a truly sincere desire to become at-one with Him. Then you are taking the first steps to becoming an avatar.

The rewards will then flow to you, and will come in accordance with what you are able to receive, to use, to absorb, and to build upon. There are no measuring sticks from our world or from God, saying. . . . You did not do as much today as yesterday, and you are not doing as much as your neighbor. This is not way to God: just give and just receive, then let time take care of what you have given and gained. At the journeys end, when your soul leaves that heavy body of matter, you will take with it exactly what you have earned and acquired. That is all you can take with you, nothing from that material world can you take into the next dimension, not even a grain of sand. You will only take with youre the qualities of inner-self, that wealth that you have stored within. It will not matter one iota, whether you did enough, one day or the next. All that will be at the end of the journey is the acquired result of the efforts you have made in this life you have lived. So just simply surrender in humility, in sincerity, in love, in longing, and in the desire for The Beloved Creator. While you journey through this present incarnation, ask God to give you only what He knows is best for you, and not what you want. Ask God not to bring to you things of that world. God knows what you need from that material world! God will always provide for you that which you need; but you will never be given to excess. Other things of that world will be given to you if you are meant to have them, and if you are ready to use them wisely. If you need them, you will get them! Then take from that world only what you need to exist in it, and only what you need for comfort to strengthen you and to support you. Do not seek wealth from the world for wealths sake. Do not seek the jewels of that Earth just because you want to have them. Do not seek big houses and luxuries, just because they are available and others have them. They are not important! They are not necessary to anyones journey to God! Beloved ones: Enrich the soul and not the body. Expand the consciousness, not the material wealth of your lives. You will have all the comforts you need: for in giving to God you receive from God tenfold and more. In truth when you seek God it has to be with sincerity, for he will recognize the deceit. You cannot pretend to God! You cannot pretend to our world here! We do not look at the words that you are uttering; we read the soul we see and know what you are seeking and why. You cannot deceive God! Its impossible! When you seek God, seek him with simplicity, humility, love, and longing. Then humbly ask of Him to bring to your life that which your life needs. Surrender everything you have, and every thing you are; surrender without restriction, and without condition. Know you are a child of God and you want to return to your spirit home with sufficient soul growth that you may unite with Him. That is the sole purpose of every souls existence that incarnates into a physical body. That world of matter with all its seductions and its treasures can mean nothing to the growth of a soul that is utterly and entirely devoted to God. Benefits of that material world can also come to your life, regardless what is meant for your life in that particular incarnation. Too many material gains can be detrimental to your soul growth, but the excess of these material possessions will not come if you are surrendering to God. If you seek from the world, all these treasures it can heap upon you, and you do not seek God and His divine love; then they will have no value to your spirituality and soul growth. Those people with great material wealth will leave that world spiritually bankrupt; they will leave that world of matter empty handed. I think the misery, the suffering, the poverty and the degradation that is going on in that world today, is a clear reflection of the lack of soul growth within those beings in that world who permit these conditions to exist. If there was one spark of love for God within a soul, he could not hurt another human being. If there was one desire for God in his soul, he could not see another person starving while he had more in the bank than he could ever use in his lifetime. When you are a child of God, a devotee upon the pathway to God, it brings a responsibility to recognize the laws of God and to live them. There is no escape!

That is why this path is so difficult, and why this path is so long and lonely. There are no excuses allowed for deviation according to what you think what you should do or want. You can make those deviations; that is your right and your choice. In all truth, if it is God you want, you have to keep on that divine pathway until you are united with Him. You cannot make the journey you want according to your rules, or what you think. You cant think . . . I will soften this a bit, and I will make this a little easier. I will do this; it will get me there: it will not! The pathway to God is relentless and ruthless in its intensity. It is demanding from you even in those within the highest and purest of motives. However, its rewards are impossible to describe in the man-made words of your world. The recognition of the goal at the end of the journey should be your realization in God, and let this be your supreme objective. You cannot take short cuts, you cannot cheat, and you cannot deceive. You have to walk that path every step of the way, and you have many lessons to learn as you journey along this difficult and sometimes lonely course. Do not ever compare your life to the lot of another person in that material world. Do not have self-pity for yourself because you have less than someone else. Do not covert what another has because you do not possess those things. That is not the way for a child of God to live. Always look at your life, through the eyes of The Divine, and know what is in your life is what you need or you would have more. Know that what you want or desire from life, is not always what you need from life. God is wiser! This cannot apply to those who are not seeking God, for they have no such barriers to their behavior. They have no such rules and regulations to live with, and no such restrictions upon their actions. They simply live life according to what they think, and by the rules they themselves have designed. These people have in turn to endure the consequences of their actions, for no one can avoid the divine laws. If they create the cause, then the effect will follow. There is no escape! Sincere seekers of soul growth are living their lives according to the laws of God. You here this night, and others like you, have chosen this divine pathway in an effort to become one with The Divine. If this is not so, why would your small group come here each week to hear from me these words of truth if you did not want to hear them? You would not come. `Is this not so? Why would you try to live them if you did not believe them? That would be foolish, because it is not easy to walk this divine pathway to enlightenment and supreme consciousness. I bring you divine truths. I bring you a path of discipline, and a path of self-regulation of your life. I do not promise you an easy way to God; I do not promise you there will not be struggles and disappointments; I do not promise you there will be no pain or hardships. That has never been my promise to you. I am only promising you will get love unlimited. You will get understanding and inner peace unlimited, with support that will help and uplift you with light from our world. Always without restriction, no matter how difficult the pathway, how lonely, or long the pathway may be. We will always walk with those who seek. We will help when you hurt, but we will never take it from you. We will never, deny you the right to grow to God; you have to go through every test, every struggle, and every obstacle: they are there for you have to conquer along the pathway to Him. We will be there beside you. When you are weary, we will comfort, and when you are in pain, we will that pain. Then when you need love, that love will pour endlessly into The worlds are linked: they are united they are not separate. Only the see into our world with the eyes of your spirit is the barrier that is between us. try and ease your lives. inability to there

Beloved ones, reach into divine wisdom, and know in truth that wisdom is the voice of God!

Man has poisoned the Earth with his overuse of chemicals. Man is destroying the oceans with pollution. He has ruined the atmosphere above the Earth. He seeks only luxuries of that material world. He invents and manufactures more things that make his life easier and even more luxurious. Then when sickness comes, he asks God . . . `What is He going to do about this problem he has? Where is God when he is in pain? Why is God letting him suffer? Man has to change thingsnot God! I bring you love. I bring you peace. I am Bethesda. The way to God is a spiritual journey: not a religious one. Chapter 3 The Avatar explains the journey to spirit and the folly of man In the maze of humanity alive in that world today, it is very difficult to find a place of peace, a place of harmony and people that understand the reality of that which God is. You have many religions in your world today, many profess the love for God, but do they live Him? Their mouths say the words but their souls are silent. Unless you speak truth, the soul cannot respond accordingly: the soul is a reflection of truth, because it is a part of God. The soul has its existence wrapped in divine truth, but its origin is in the Beloved Creator. It is very easy for religions to deliver their words of wisdom from the pulpits and to coach their flock in words of their so-called truth. If you quietly analyze these religious doctrines with your soul, the beliefs that they profess to be truths you will find they are sadly lacking in the intrinsic wisdom of the Divine Creator. You must match every word they utter with the understanding of Gods laws. You must also watch the mouthing of their words very carefully. Then you yourselves must let the truth be only that which flows forth from your spiritual understanding. When you speak of God, you speak of divine wisdom, compassion, understanding, and forgiveness; all the qualities that enable souls to ennoble their evolutions as they journey their way to the Beloved Creator You cannot compromise on the qualities of God, you cannot adjust them to suit yourselves or to fit any man made belief. Religious organizations can bend and twist the truth to make it viable to what they believe, and what they want you want to believe. Truth is truth inviolate, permanent, unwavering, and always expressing itself as the same truth to be expounded time and time again. They can add to the truth, bend, take away, or stretch the truth, but they can never break it, for truth is truth. Religious beliefs can be changed, spiritual truths cannot! I think the most difficult part of loving God, is living Him: thatmeans in mind, in word, in action, and in all the activities in existence. It is very easy to say. . . . I love God, but not so easy to live God. `Is that not truth? Until you are able to live God in perfect truth, truth that is unaltered by circumstance or time; then your soul is not ready to forgo your reincarnations back into matter. You must be one with The Beloved, and forsake all material desires of that world forever. That is why I urge you so strongly, to try, try and try to attain this level of being while you are in flesh, to help you minimise your need return to it. When you have tasted the joy of the divine and sadly know you have to leave it again because you are still tied to Earthly desires. Then for a soul to return again into heavy matter of a physical body is sadness and a sorrow for that soul. `My beloved children: That indeed is a time for sorrow and weeping! After a soul sheds the physical body and comes home again to us in the higher world after its sojourn on Earththat is a time to rejoice. That is the time to be happy

and to be filled with the joy of living, knowing you are going home to spirit. You then leave behind the trauma, the trials of matter, and the darkness of that material world. I see families on that earth weep in deep sorrow for the one who has left them. I understand their sadness at losing the presence of such a one. However, I speak the truth when I tell you, I cannot weep for a person who leaves that mundane world, and returns to its spirit home. That soul is once again free to experience great joy in leaving behind the shackles of heavy matter, and the trials of flesh. How much we rejoice, when one comes back to our world with divine wisdom emblazoned in their soul and divine growth showing so clearly. Divine evolution has been accomplished because another soul understood God, and lived Him while on that Earth. All those who live God to their best ability while on that Earth, return to their spirit home with great wealth of the soul. These are the only riches from your world you can bring with you, when you shed that body of flesh. It is when we in our world see others coming back who have denied God in that material world: they are the ones who have been casual and uncaring in their journey through that material world, with their material values, and material desires. There are many who thought only of the world of the flesh, and what it can bring them in pleasure. They thought only of their sojourn in that physical world, and gave no heed to the divine journey through eternity. These are the souls who return to spirit as paupers. They are the souls who come back with no treasure, no divine wealth, and no soul growth. I think the churches of that material world, which blindly bind their flock to these teachings of man, and call them teachings of God. These people of religions then have a lot to account for if they speak not the truth of God. They take young childrens minds and crowd them with these so-called truths and with their beliefs that chain them to a circumstance of living that is so foreign to the divine truth. Then when a young mind is impressed this way, it carries that mind impression through its lifetime. It is very hard to release a mind that has been indoctrinated by these so-called truths when they are so very young. They are impressionable, very trusting, and it is so wrong to fashion a little mind with these untruths of reality. I feel very sad for these little ones who are the innocent victims of religious indoctrinations. Some today are questioning the beliefs they have been taught. Many more are yet to question the religious beliefs that they are being educated in so dogmatically. Yet the majority of people in your world follow blindly with their spiritual blinkers on, as they move through their life and times believing the doctrines of their man-made religions. It is only when you understand God that you question this so clearly. With soul growth you understand the loving, the forgiving, and the unquestioning loyalty of God to his children. God has given all His children free will; God gives them forgiveness, and the none-judgmental living of His divine presence. When you understand this truly, how can you believe the doctrines of religions that teach hate; hate that is directed from one religion to another. There are also religions that teach not to forgive, and openly teach the revenge principle of living to their flock. God never takes revenge, and God never avenges in any way! God never judges a human being by his or her behavior in that difficult journey back to Him. Because the soul is struggling along the path of evolution and through eternity to reach God: each one must learn the lessons for them-selves by making mistakes, and leaning from those mistakes. How then can God judge such a one, when that one is not yet able to qualify truth for him-self and follow that truth? I have said it before, and I say it again, when a soul finds this love for God, as you here have found it; then you have traveled a long journey through time to reach that stage. You cannot achieve it in one brief incarnation! Many seekers journey a long time through many phases of many incarnations, in one life or another, in one form or

another. You here in this small gathering have come a very long way, and know there are still many more lessons that have yet to be learned. You understand Gods truths that have to be lived. When you have learned the truths behind existence and creation . . . Then that my children, is a great achievement! Never minimize that which you have gained by easier ways to live, or easier paths to follow. Seek the disciplined pathway, walk this disciplined pathway, with love, trust, and hope. Then you have the belief in knowing you are seeing the beginning of the journeys end as you struggle to reach God. My beloved children: I watch over you with love. I watch over you with understanding, and I see the light you carry as you move forward in this incarnation to reach The Beloved. When a soul in a body, takes upon itself a task to help it survive that soul does its best and works hard at that task, knowing it is its economical security. More so should it be, when you take upon the task of journeying to God in truth and the reality of truth. Much more discipline is required to journey along the divine pathway if you sincerely seek the Beloved Creator. Unswerving must be your devotion! Strong must be your will! Do not to give way to temptation! To many, it will seem simpler to take the easy road to the world and neglect the pathway to God. It does not mean you cannot have pleasures along the waythat is not Gods decree at all! You can enjoy the material life, and enjoy the pleasures of nature; however, when this becomes an obsession and transcends the need for God, you then will become possessed by that material existence. When the material living clouds your judgment you will be inclined to put God on hold while you work at the world. Then that is the time to become sad and worried: for you then have lost your way in that world for a time. Enjoy the things of the world you choose. Keep them always in quality and in accordance with your understanding of the divine understanding, but always continue forward to God. That material world may please you while you are there, but it can never take you one step closer to God. Unity with God is only achieved, if you seek God with all the divine needs that you have in your soul. When the time comes for you to transcend a matter and journey back to God, there is nothing of that world can help you. That journey to God is irrevocable! It must come! Every baby who is born must leave that world of matter when the time arrives for the soul to return to spirit. There is nothing and no one in that world that can hold a person if the soul knows its time has come for it to leave. What then of the worldly possessions that you have gathered unto you? Can you take with you? What knowledge of the vast worldly interest can you store in your soul, as you move back to God? They are so busy educating in worldly knowledge, but sadly they neglect to educate in the divine truths. I think if I were on Earth today in a body I would rather be poor in the wealth of the world, and rather be hungry than neglect God. I would neglect the world, but I would never neglect God. I know you have to live, it is obvious, and you have to find an occupation that gives you security. I deny that not! Never strive to seek more and more of material gains and forget God is there, waiting to be understood, and to be lived. It is the God knowledge, and the evolution to God that you need to gain in that world and take back with you into spirit. Then you journey on throughout eternity until you reach Him. You are a very different being when you reach spirit: you are not the earthly one. That life is forgotten, gone, no-more to be returned to: because you have left that existence behind. That body you have worn in that world, can never be recovered, and can never be worn again: it has finished its earthy life. The soul can take on another body, but cannot recall the old. That what you have been in this lifetime is just an experience for growth. It is not a gathering of wealth that you can repeat in the next life. This truth is difficult to understand

by those people who will not accept the reality of reincarnation and the truth of the divine journey that they make to God. That material world is everything to them. It is all they understand, all they want, and all they seek. I would journey through that world the best way I could. I would keep my mind healthy, my body healthy and my living pure, in order to make myself worthy of God. I would never make that world my goal! I would never make the assets of that Earth, the covertness of my existence. My only focus would be to seek and seek God. Its the only way! Gods laws are very fruitful laws. If you will examine them very carefully, they are perfect laws, and they are very wise laws. They teach you the character you must achieve. They teach you justice one to another. They teach you the lessons of love, forgiveness, and all the qualities of God that are there to be lived. Then in living them, you purify your soul as you move through time, and in this purifying your body responds. This response becomes a glow in your living and in your existence while in that physical body. This glow will show a wondrous truth, and you will not be afraid to live it in spite of that world. I have heard you say how dark the world is, and what a very difficult struggle it is to live in that Earth world today. There is so much misery, so much cruelty, unfairness, and greed. All that is completely the opposite to the way of God! So give not that darkened world your time. Give not that darkened world any of your ambitions. Let not your lives be any of those negative things. Seek to free yourself of all those qualities that are foreign to God, and live the difficult road of self-discipline as you journey back to Him. It is much harder to be forgiving than to be angry. It is much harder not to judge, than to judge. It is much harder to be tolerant, than to be intolerant. It is also much harder to struggle and find God, when you have not the wealth that others have, as they indulge themselves in the luxuries of your world. There are the tests, and there are the lessons that you learn as you move through life. If you learn the spiritual lessons well, you will take great inner wealth with you back into spirit. To see a little child reaching out in its younger years, looking for love, looking for guidance, and finding the opposite from those that have the responsibility of having to care for that child. It is so sad! The child can be molded, can be nurtured, but when it gets to youth, having no such upbringing it is very hard to bring it back to this understanding and living. Is it not? The souls in that world, who are living such negative lives, must find a way to break through them, and see the light of God shining for them to follow. They must do this, for they cannot live the way they are. Their very beings are fed by drugs, fed by drink, fed by inequalities of existence because of what they take and foster in their beings. It is because of all this wrongdoing they attract such negativity to their lives. It is like being on a merry-go-round and never alighting. Never feel inferior, because you have less than someone else. Never feel a failure, because you are not high in the hierarchy of living in that world. You can feel proud you are spiritually wealthy in every way, because you have found this understanding of God to live, follow, and seek. You are truly the wealthy ones; you are the successful ones, and you are making great strides along this divine pathway of light. They are the ones who have yet to find the way, and the divine path to follow. I see such hunger abroad in your world today where there should be no hunger. I see torture and ravaged bodies, I see the inequality, the homelessness, the sorrow, and the lives that are slaughtered, just to gain some superiority in matter. I watch with anguish, and I watch with sorrow, deep, deep, sorrow at the understanding of what they have yet to achieve, and what they have yet to find. There are so many people in your world that have to suffer so much before they can lose this state of being and start to achieve the quality of divine living. They will have to come from a darkened existence into light. They will have to come from understanding the worldly qualities, to the understanding of divine qualities. The transition they have to make will be very painful, very costly to them, and very long.

You seekers of the divine truth in that material world, who understand this truth you believe, and know without a doubt, this is divine truth. It is a struggle in the darkness of that world at the moment to keep hold of this truth, because the conditions of that material world seem oppressive to souls that are sensitive. Let Gods truth be that which you cling to so dearly. Then my beloved children, you can be very sure are the wealthy ones. Those other journeys you have to take, to reach unity with God will be shorter and shorter, because you have transgressed so much in past lives, and left behind such dross. The soul has then come through the fires of trial, and is purifying, and glorifying in the understanding of God that you have to follow. The Avatars that have come to the Earth have tried so very hard to start this movement of understanding. They have tried so many times to bring spiritual truths to mankind. They have bought the purity of God, and they have displayed it, nomatter what it has done to their lives. They have displayed it unquestioningly, unselfishly, and lovingly. They have given of their lives to God and his truths. Sadly, civilizations past and present of your world, have misunderstood, ignored, or distorted spiritual truths in favor of religious beliefs and doctrines. When these great souls came back to the higher world, they left behind so very little of what they had tried to achieve. Mankind is indifferent, is blind and deaf to the divine truths, for the call of the world is so seductive to them. Some Avatars have been glorified by man as God; mistakenly called God, treated as God, when it was never their mission or their desire. They came with humility and love to serve God. They never professed to be God! They were godlike in their understanding, godlike in their evolution, and godlike in their intentions and ambitions for Earth. Never has an Avatar ever claimed to be God, and never has an Avatar ever professed to be God. There is only one creator, one Supreme Being, overshadowing all existence, governing all creation with His unlimited laws of love and wisdom. You see the men of science trying to emulate God every day; you see them trying to usurp Him, and to achieve the level of authority that God has. They are trying to procreate the forces of life in some other way than the normal divine way. That is in procreating life other than the normal way, and not in accordance with Gods divine laws. `Is this not truth? They tamper with the understanding they have of life and they use it wrongly. Now they are creating cloned beings: God never intended any form of life to be created that way. They call these successful achievements. They will have to pay for what they do in that world. No one can escape the justice of God. This justice is not meted by God, but by Gods laws that have not been lived. The operation is an automatic action by the soul: the inner-self, and according to the divine law of Karma, or in western terms: the law of cause and effect. The soul is the computer of the divine, and must record only truths, only reality, divine reality. They have tampered with the produce of the world, they have tampered with oceans, they have tampered with mountains, the seas, and the rivers; they have tampered with the bowels of the Earth, and they have tampered with truth in every way. Now that they are tampering with the procreation of animals and humans, in a way that God cannot, and will not condone, or allow the scientists to carry on endlessly as they hope to do. If man transgresses Gods laws, he must play the price and bear the result. It is the law! Scientists have tampered with and changed many varieties natural plant life. They have taken it from the evolution that they consider should be improved upon. This will come back and haunt mankind in the time that is yet to come. I speak not in gloom. I speak not in revenge. I speak in truth. They tamper with life and undo life in a way that is not of Gods doing. These people who are at fault will have to atone for it. They will have to pay the price that their souls demand for tampering with divine laws. Man thinks he can improve on that which God has created. Man thinks he is better than God.

That world was never meant to be a place, where the inhabitants continually seek progress that cherishes the flesh and to obtain the goals of greed, as they do today. This was never Gods intent for that world! It was to be a place for growing, learning, and for each soul to evolve to become united with the Creator. There is nothing wrong with science if it is achieving good things for the people in that world in the way that God intended. They can rid the world of disease. Thats not wrong! They can provide food for the hungry. Thats not wrong! But it is very wrong when they start tampering with the natural laws of existence, the laws of creation, and the laws of the Divine Creator. They are then stepping on ground that is sacred, and they must atone for that which they do. The population of your world was never intended to exist in the proportions that it has expanded into today. Never in any era of existence has the population of that planet Earth been so-great as it is today. In the time that is rapidly approaching nature will be unable to provide for all in that physical world: simply because mankind will not discipline themselves. You in that world have religions telling their flock to procreate more and more, in order to spread their flock far and wide. If Gods natural laws were allowed to proceed, and mankind lived God in that world, there would not be the population explosion that you have today. There would not be the need for the scientific endeavors to feed, clothe, and house them, as man is doing today. This problem is of mans making, and man must pay the price. It was intended for Earth to be gentle world and a beautiful world, a world with enough for all, and pleasures for all. Then you find humanity in its wrong doings, seeking out, coveting, and taking someone elses possessions. They also kill their fellow inhabitants of that world, in order to achieve what they have for themselves. All through the various civilizations you can see how mans actions have been the cause and effect of that they now must suffer and follow. They have been greedy, and they have been cruel and relentless in their ambitions. They are unwise in what they want. They are unwise what they try to achieve, and indifferent to the suffering of others. It is not Gods way. It was never Gods intent for mankind to live that way, in that material world. You see the few who desire only to live God, to desire only to follow, to teach, and show Gods laws to all those who will listen; these people you will find are so very few in your world today. They try to tend to the sick and help the homeless. They try and live God as best they can, but these loving people are very thin on the ground in your world today. These caring souls are not given the support they should have, and the assistance they require. They are not given any encouragement in their efforts to improve the conditions of those in abject poverty. Those who try to help and live Gods laws are not given the following that they need, and should gather unto them. You find the majority of the human beings in that material world, would rather follow one who could offer them a better living and more money. Is that not so? Few are the people in your world that would follow an evolved soul, who merely show the way of sacrifice in self-living. An evolved soul: a soul who would ask them to endure all sorts of tribulations in order to help those living in dire states of existence. How many would follow them? They would rather follow one who teachers them to gather this, gather that, to have a large house and enjoy holidays in exotic locations, they are the ones they follow. But there are souls who wisely contain the tribulations of life, and live God to the fullest as they journey through Earth life. They are the ones moving at a rapid pace to the supreme goal of unity with God. The others will struggle on and on, again, and again, until they understand the truth of what the few know now. I am high in understanding and mindful of the good that many scientists do towards helping the sick, helping the animals, and helping the world: there are many who do so. Then you have the other type who are merely inventing and seeking answers to material questions. They have inventions and answers that will bring more comfort, more power, more authority, and more of the negative to that world. Beloved seekers of God, in the trials of your lives never lose sight of the need to

grow through suffering, sadness, joy, and happiness also. You are growing through all facets of living in a body of flesh in a material world. Through all these many experiences you are constantly gaining in evolution of the soul to God. Never think that sorrow brings you nothing but sorrow; for it can also bring you joy in the divine sense. You cannot understand why it should happen to you, and it is not the time to question these things, but the time to deal with them. To cope with it the best you can, and never begrudge the experience. Never wallow in weeping and wailing, because you have to go through all this sorrow, but accept it with divine wisdom. Then know that every thing you endure or enjoy in its own way is to bring to you the evolution of the soul. Always live through your sorrow with divine wisdom. Because you have sufferings and sorrow in your life do not succumb to temptations to make it easier by other earthly means. Seek the wisdom of God to guide you through it, and the courage and the peace of God to help you understand. Above all, there is the love of God to help you move through it, and bathe your wounds at the journeys end. No one is ever neglected by God, and no one is ever ignored by God. Never think, not even for one-moment that God can never see what your life is like. Never think God cannot understand your need for this or that. God understands! Giving you what you want is not always what you need. Giving you what you crave for is not always the answer to your spiritual evolution, you must have the balance of joy and sorrow; also you must have the peace, and you must have the struggle. Then in accordance with the divine laws: always the two to are required to make the journey fulfilling and fruitful. You incarnated into a physical body with an acquired level of soul growth at that time of entry into a physical existence. Now you are required to enlarge it, to grow through it, and to grow closer to God. You did not incarnate to have a big house, to have your luxury cars, to have your holidays and all the joys of that world. That was not your mission! If that is what you seek, if that is what you crave for, then you are losing the way to God. You came to be housed, you came to be fed, and you came to be helped with your health along the way. You also came to be comfortable, and that blessing is never denied by God if earn it. There are those among you who seek always the biggest, the best, the wealthiest, and all the material things that are not of divine necessity or of divine will. Then not only are they losing the way to God; they are deviating from the divine path. If a life is lived in the divine vein of spiritual understanding, of sacrifice, discipline, and with the ability to enjoy life, to be happy, and to love as you are loved. That is the way to God! Never deny any soul your love and understanding. Moreover, never deny love and understanding to a soul who is not growing to God as it should and is still making mistakes. Never deny the understanding of your soul to another who is in need of tolerance and help. You may not be able to approve or condone. You may not be able to love that soul in the physical sense, but you can in the divine sense. Love its struggle, and love its stage of existence at that moment, in the divine sense only. Love the soul that lies hidden beneath that ugly exterior. Watch the struggle of others with love and understanding, and not condemnation. Watch the continuing effort that they must give, in order to find this pathway of light that you have been blessed to find. Just think of the times you have been in the body before, the mistakes you have made, and the wrong doings you introduced into your lives. These must have been there, for no one is born perfect, and no soul can avoid making mistakes. Just think of the struggle you have had to reach this divine understanding that you have now. Never deny it to others! Never belittle their efforts to find it, or their need to find it. Just move to God with this loving, peaceful humility and gratitude that you have reached in this life now, at this level of evolution that you have earned. Then know with confidence when the time comes for you to leave that body of flesh and

return to spirit, you bring with you the growth and understanding that you have so gained. `My Beloved children: Always ask for Gods help to see you through all problems. It is also wise for you to ask for Gods help to ensure and guard over your life, every step of the way. Seek the divine help you need to contend with difficulties, knowing it will come without question if your sincerity is there. Look at that material world with all its darkness, with all its sadness, and all its sorrow, but look not in anger. Look at the misery with understanding and not condemnation. That misery that is in your world has to be accounted for by each and everyone who makes it. They never escape anything. You can feel sorrow for the suffering of a soul, but never think that is the culmination of its living: it is but a phase that soul has to conquer. It is not always his or her choice, but they have to live through it. When it comes to a person it has to be lived through, and that soul will grow through it: because it is a lesson it must learn! Those who perpetuate the injustice will also have to grow and learn through it. That wrongdoers journey will be sadder and harder; for Gods justice covers everything. Gods justice ensures every thing is accounted for, whatever the deed. Every act, every thought, every deed, and no one can escape Gods justice. No one anywhere! Do not think it will be forgotten once the body has been left behind and you move on to the next dimension. That which you have done in contradiction of Gods laws follows with you and has to be accounted for, and lived through. The price, according to the divine law, is demanded divinely by your own understanding of what your soul tells you must be accounted for, and repaid in full. Your divinity within you will ensure you cannot evolve until you have first mitigated that which you have done wrongly. It is a fair and just law, it is a very understanding law that is encompassed in love, and administered by God with great love and great compassion. Even the most evil of human beings in that world today has Gods compassion, and any human being in that stage of living, that is capable of doing and thinking much evil also has Gods compassion. God does not cruelly and angrily judge; He watches with divine love, forgiveness, and the knowledge that, that soul must work itself through everything, and no one will do it for that soul. It will not be made easier until the lessons have been learned, and that soul by its own volition, leaves behind that darkness. Then that soul will be able to move into the light, and find the pathway to God. `My beloved children: You may think your life is very difficult. You may think your life is very unfairlose those thoughts they help you not! It matters not if lifes unfair to you: that is not the life you seekits the divine life you seek! If the world gives you unfairness, it will pass and your soul will move on, and on, and on, to acquire greater growth. Live in light, live in peace, live in joy, and live in love. Live in the understanding that you are prepared to make as many journeys as you are prepared to make, according to the way you live, and the way you think. It is so much easier to live the worldly way on that Earth. It may seem so easy to look around you and see the many opportunities that are there, tempting you to forget God and live the pleasures of that world. It is very difficult to have your every thought governed by divine laws, because that material world is such place of injustice. Unless you focus on the divine rules of living, you will find it very easy to succumb to the material existence. It will seem so easy to ignore any divine understanding that you could have. It is also very easy to succumb to the world and put God aside. Thus, if you continually live God, I tell you in truth, you will ultimately become like God. I speak not lightly or easily of the difficulties in the past you have had; for it is a very long and difficult road you have to walk to reach God. It is an unforgiving road at times you may think, but it is never so. Always watch with great happiness the ones in that world who seek to help animals, who seek to help the environment, who seek to help injustice. Those are the people who help to give a quality of life that is seldom there amongst the majority of those in that world.

Always strive to emulate them and their way of living and thinking. Everyone cannot go into parliament, as some do with these thoughts and beliefs. Everyone cannot go into positions of power where they can use their wealth for this or that. Only humble and simple souls with understanding of God, can achieve more with their actions than those who have great wealth. Those people with divine understanding can achieve much with their thoughts, by sending out understanding and love, just quietly and gently into that world of darkness. Focus upon someone who is so wrongly living, and send the great love and compassion of God. Focus on them, and Gods energy must penetrate them. Your thoughts must somehow touch them, and if you project them long enough, and often enough, you will find a change come unknowingly. I think the power of the mind is very much underestimated. Is this not so my children? So much thought is given to action and the performing of physical deeds. `My beloved children: With this, I tell you so little is given to the power of the mind, for that power of the mind propels you onward though life in evolution to God. It is the power of the mind that propels the energy to where it is most helpful. Never think the energy is not directed by thoughts to where it goes tofor it is! Do it with love and do it with understanding of this divine wisdom: then you make this more effective. When you use this power of the mind with love, it helps to project it to the one you are seeking to help and guide. Anything that is enwrapped in love will have a greater power than that which is just merely sent. Love is the weapon of creation. Love is the weapon of existence. God would not create that world, and he could not create the world, if he did not create it with love. Wounded birds understand this with love in their suffering. The animals that are mistreated can feel love flow to them, even from someone elses thought it helps and comforts. Something comes to sooth them, and they know not what. Always struggle to God with the quality of living and with divine motive behind you spiritual motive, and not with the intended drive of ambition! Never let this condition called ambition, replace your desire for God. Never let someones wealth tempt you from this disciplined pathway you walk in your quest for enlightenment. Accept what comes to your life with gratitude, and fashion it to help you the best it can. If you go short of luxuries, its not important. If you go short of divine wisdomits very important! If you go short of worldly things, its not important. If you go short of Gods love, Gods peace, Gods enlightenment, and wisdom around youthats tragic! Focus on God in every way you can. You have not to get up on a soapbox and preach every moment you can. That is not what God asks. You have not to start arguments of what you think is right. That is not what God asks, and that is not Gods way. Just live God, live the love, live the compassion, and live the generosity. Live it and give it everywhere you can, to every soul who can be receptive to it and needs it. Then importantly, be not of the world of matter if you want to find God. I bring spiritual truth to your world, because there is a desperate need of Gods truth. I bring Gods love to your world because there is a great need for His divine love. I come to serve, because I love my God. I am Bethesda. To the few enlightened souls who are moving along the pathway of soul growth to God, it is only the truth that can be accepted Darkness can never exist where there is light. This is an infallible law Chapter 4 Guidance from an Avatar

This pathway to God I speak of it is hard, difficult, disciplined, and sometimes very lonely. I also want to tell you it is the pathway of joy, exaltation, fulfillment and love. Its a way of life that brings you satisfaction and joy you cant find in anything belonging to that material world. When that world makes you happy it is temporary and transient; it is something that associates the senses for a time and passes. However, when you absorb and move into the evolution of soul growth to God, you take with you such a continuing sense of joy, knowledge, and understanding, with a great longing for more. That world, your planet, when you look at it, it is just hanging there suspended in space. Is it not? It is a round ball of matter in all that huge concept of existence. Then, when you think of spirit as something you cant even see, understand, or seem to be able to touch; therefore in truth, you know in your inner-self it is timeless, endless: it has no barriers, and no boundaries like Earth. There is no race, no color, and no creed. However, there is such strength and immense power in the living of God in spirit, compared to living on that planet Earth. You shrink your soul into a body, because the soul still needs the experience to journey through matter. Souls that are growing to God know that they have yet to face that ultimate journey, when each one can reject all matter and never come again. Those of you with sufficient soul growth and understanding know you have to make that journey time and time again, until you reach that state of being. Is this not so? There is a painful loneliness for a soul returning again into a physical body, but for a soul close to God it is indescribable. That is why I urge those of you who have so much greater understanding, to cling to spiritual truth, and live that truth! There is a great opportunity for you to realise the way to God is not through a worldly attitude, but through a spiritual desire. You have all this before you, use your wisdom to know and understand as I speak of these words of encouragement. So waste not this journey, my children, grasp the divine, not that material world. Many times you have been in that world before, and you know the material things are there. You all have the gift of free will, if you desire to come back to materialism, that choice is yours according to the divine law, but crave it not. Hold it not close to your soul or your heart, but let it gorelinquish it! Cleanse the body; seek the highest and the purest always, then you will find yourself moving into that divine understanding of spiritual truth, truth that will never bring you again to that planet Earth. `My beloved children: Then you can truly say . . . I need no more journeys back to Earth, and I have no more desire for that world of matter. However, while you have in your heart one faint desire for that material world, one craving or a longing for something, you then will have to return to lose that longing. When you can leave the body and know you want nothing, absolutely nothing of that world, not because the material world is hard to live in, and not because it is hurtful and cruel . . . that is not the desire you must lose. You must lose all desire for the material, no matter what! If you have all your comforts and all your needs, you must desire nothing. Then wanting not things of the material existence because you are suffering, that is not the true test. The true test is, when you can say . . . I do not want one single thing that belongs to this material existence. This must be something you must truly mean, not because of suffering and struggling in your existence, but because it must come from the soul in absolute truth . . . I want only God! When you can say that my beloved children you have relinquished the need for reincarnation. Then you can begin the wondrous return journey to God without this heavy encumbrance of matter. Mankind is still finding it hard to conceive there could be life beyond Earth and that there could be some other life forms somewhere beyond that one on Earth. They are still trying with their telescopes, their high technology viewing instruments,

and probe devices, all seeking to find that there is life somewhere. Why do they need to resort to those material aids to tell them there is life? Turn to God, seek God, and you will find the truth that there is indeed life in existence elsewhere. Life not just within your facet of materialism, it is within all existence, within many universes, worlds within worlds, and dimensions within dimensions. Mankind is but a tiny speck of sand, upon that great sea of existence. Seek the Creatorthe Beloved God, the God Mother, the Father God; the divine something that governs and controls all universal life and rhythm. God is the pure energy of creation. God has no shape or form, although God has no shape or form, you can see God in all things. God is neither male nor female. There is no skin color. There is no name that religions may try to label God with that will ever be able to portray the true meaning of GodGOD SIMPLY IS! Seek God with all the fervor of your being, and all lose desire for matter, utterly and completely. The most difficult part of life is withstanding the darkness of that world and being able to prevent it battering the soul with misery. The greatest living of each day, is allowing the divine within you to surface and help you overpower the heavy material existence in that world of matter. It is very difficult for you to watch such misery in your world to the great degree it is today. Try to rise above the conditions of that material existence, and then say to yourself . . . . This is not real! It is not the true essence of living, for within me is the true divinity of existence. I must move aside: for over all this darkness, the light is ever before me beckoning me on. Let me leave this dark world behind, even in thought. Never let the world become paramount to your existence! Never let it fashion your thinking or your actions! Never let it make you hard or uncaring! Never let it make you so unmindful or unaware of the need of others! The way you walk in life, the way you move through that incarnation from beginning to end is the opportunity to move from darkness to light; this is followed by the opportunity to move from ignorance to knowledge, from anger to inner peace. It brings you out of the negative into the positive to enable you to strive for that unity with God. It is a lesson you have to learn, and the path you have to walk. Then know in truth, that world you live in is but a drama of existence. It is but a play upon a stage of existenceit is not existence! It is a material manifestation provided by God for you to fashion according to your desires, and to fashion it with love and tranquility, to make it beautiful or destroy it with hate and anger. You have the right in that world as free souls to make the choice. You have not to be part of those who choose the negative. You can be part of those who choose the positive, though the negative may frequently seem to outweigh the other; but I can promise you in truth God will never let it be so. He will let man endure, He will let man suffer and experience, but He will never let man go beyond the point where he must cease. If you choose to live that life in the positive light of God, you can move through that dark material world with divine peace and tranquility. Then know in truth, although you have misery surrounding you in that world, with suffering everywhere, this is but a material experience, an illusion. It is not the soul that is being destroyed: it is but the physical manifestation around the soul. In the spiritual wisdom that you have grown into, let your pathway be one of light and love nomatter what negativity that world displays for you in this present incarnation. Never let that Earth be the criterion of your goal! If you have a hard time, it will matter not: it is but an experience in that material world. Your inner-self: the divine you, is growing and moving ever forward to become one with The Divine Beloved. That is the true goal of the soul! My children of love: Try now; seek now, to make this journey you are on the last one you will ever need to make. If I can help anyone seeking the pathway to soul growth, and give you reason to know joy instead of sorrow. If I can help you feel not lost, but warmly safe in the love of God. Then I have not come in vain. If can give you the hope for the

future, with all the beauty and warmth that radiates from souls as they evolve to God. I have not come in vain. I leave you joy and the promise I will journey with you until you reach the Beloved Creator, if that need for me is still there. I bring you Gods love I bring you Gods peace. I am Bethesda. The growth of the soul is simply the journey to God When you live in that material world its very hard to see the divine. To the scientists, the soul must be tangibly examined and practically examined or it does not exist. Chapter 5 Spiritual Truth from an Avatar In the plains and the desert God is there. On the top of every mountain and the depth of every valley, God is there. No river can run without the power of God within it. No ocean can roll to the shore without God being part of that motion. Every bird that flies, and every animal that walks the earth, God is within them. There is nothing, my children, nothing anywhere without God. Even in the deepest, darkest expression of man, God is within that man. God is stifled, but He is still there waiting to emerge. Mankind cannot walk or talk without God, and mankind cannot exist on Earth without God. Mankind has the ability of suppressing the divinity within their inner-selves, because people also only seem to recognise the material and the negative within themselves. In their blindness to truth they ignore the spiritual and let the material emerge as the only factor of their journey on Earth. Because this is the way of mankind we have the chaos in your world. Do we not? Wars, cruelty, and a way of life resulting from hate, greed, and envy, along with all the negative qualities that come to the fore within sections of that world. Mankind is behind all of this! Man exploits nature and his fellow human beings for his own benefit. If only he would suppress the material, the physical side, and let God emerge as the dominant factor. Then, my beloved children, how different the world would be? There would be no one hungry, no one homeless and everybody equal in opportunity to live in that world in security. How can one person see another starve? How can a human being deliver cruelty unspeakable upon another brother or sister? In the eyes of God all people are brothers and sisters to each other. You do not have to be a close-knit-family of birth to be a brother or sister: all mankind are brothers and sisters throughout the world. You are all part of God who has set you free in that world, but you are all linked one to another. You all are a part of God and not a separate identity: that is why it is so inconceivable that man should hate man. Why can religions set each other in a state of enmity and confusion? They all try to achieve the superiority of their own particular religion regardless of truth that is there is for all to embrace. Man seeks power, and lets his ego reign supreme. People, because of reasons of their own, wish their religion to be the supreme one: then there is always this enmity between religions. If only they could see with the eyes of God. God has not made those religionsman has made them! Man claims to be inspired by God. How could he be? This cannot be so when man teaches the negative, the killing, the greed, the envy, and all qualities foreign to God. They cannot be of God unless they teach love, undiluted love, and unqualified love one to the other. Then how can they teach of God until they have this constant sharing of possessions, of riches, to ensure that everyone has equal share of the benefits of that world. If they preach the opposite, they are not of God. If they try to tell of God in ways that do no qualify according to Gods divine laws, then my children, they also are not of God. For God is love, unmitigated love: not the physical love the world

knows, but divine love which goes forth endlessly as a power going out to everything that is in existence. Its the measure or the receptivity that determines the receipt of that divine love. This love constantly flows to each and everyone in it, and God limits it not. If one being is open to God, and living in the love of the divine, then living in Gods laws, that person will be receptive to the great force that is flowing from God. However, if a person is being mean and hurtful to another person, is material in mind, and watching the world with envious eyes, then that person will receive little of Gods love, because that person has closed off the receptivity to its soul. Each human being must learn to open wide to this receptivity to its soul, for Gods love must have fertile ground to find a resting place. You cannot expect Gods love to take root when human beings are living opposite to God. They must learn to open wide to receive this love which is the power of creation. Every thing that exists, God has fashioned with love, with wisdom, and with understanding. To the most evil in that world, and to the most pious in that world Gods love flows the same; but the receptivity is so vastly different. Is it not? When you live in God you live in great peace and great love, and you also live in divine understanding of anothers weakness. If you choose to live in the opposite to God, you live in a world of negativity. If you seek your happiness from that material world you receive only that of the material in whatever form it takes. You have often seen people at play in the many luxurious resorts that you have in your material world. You see them enjoying themselves, and you may wonder how many of them ever think of God. They take the pleasures of the world for granted, and accept what they have is theirs as an automatic right, because they can afford to buy it. They forget without God it would not be there. Without God it would not have been created. I wonder how many people stop to thank God for what they have. It is a sorry-state that mankind is in, they just expect more and more. Is this not true? One cannot generalize I know, because in the midst of a great crowd there is a variance of understanding spiritually and a variance of soul growth. You cannot generalize by herding them all together and then classify them as this and that. I watch mankind in its confused state of material existence, and wonder . . . How often do they think of God? That world has gone through many eons of time, many civilizations, and many expressions of creation with many living things but this present civilization has become so mercenary. Has it not? It has become so greedy for the physical and material aspects of life, and so many expectations from the senses twenty-four hours a day. They must turn back to God! Humanity cannot live in the negative alone. Everyone has that aspect of God within, and that aspect cries out for sustenance, cries out for recognition, and the opportunity to express itself. It cannot, and will not be suppressed forever! The soul has the power to demand recognition and to demand an opportunity to activate its incarnation in a way it should. It is like holding a stopper on a great force of water. For a time the human hand can control that force but ultimately the force of water becomes so powerful the stopper is blown away. This is the way it is with humanity of the world. You can only suppress God for so long then suddenly this power of God will be so powerful it will blow away that which they hold so dear. I would like to see little children being taught gently of God, and not fed upon a diet of materialism as it is today. When the children are able to understand they are forced to listen to the demands of the world in the physical and material sense. This is not the way of God! I would like to see a little child taught at its mothers knee the truth of God, the truth of its own divinity, and the truth of its own spirituality. Then while they are in a body, I would like to see they are taught gently of these things, slowly but surely as they grow. Also I would like to see them being able to play as

children, not as semi-adults at a very early age. That world of matter that you live in, is missing so much of the precious things of life: it is bypassing those things, because integrity and quality used to be taken for granted at one time. They may think they are better off with material progress, and all the things they can have, live with, and do. I think one has to evaluate which is the most valuable, that physical way of life and the soul expressing itself in materialism, or the progression of the soul growth into the greater consciousness. Evolution is so important to a soul, it cannot be blocked: you must let it grow. The self has to grow and evolve back to the Beloved creator. It has to do so! The more you try and stop this through ignorance, or for whatever reason of that souls expression of the divinity within itself, the more you are building within yourself a time for an eruption. It is an eruption of spirituality in the true essence of that word. I know I am a teacher for God. I know I am living in bliss, but I still understand what that world is like to live within. I still understand the frailties in that world. I still am able to see the negative and positive of existence. I see so surely and so clearly the souls within humanity longing for an opportunity to express their divinity. I long for the people of your world to recognize God the creator, the dispenser of all that is of quality in existence. I long for the people of that world, to know and accept their path is not the physical material aspect of life, but the spiritual. As you live that life in that world, God does not say you can have no pleasure. God does not say you can have no material things to make you comfortable. God denies you none of that! An important factor in all this is: if you live His laws then you know there has to be the point where you want to say: I want no more of material desires, I only want God. In that material world, people seem to think the more they can gather unto themselves, and the more they can show their friends, the happier they are in their way of living. They feel in some sense superior. If they could but know, the humblest of beings living in abject simplicity, with gentleness and love flowing forth from them, are living God. These are people with kindness and understanding as their way of life. Then the material minded people, if they had this insight would indeed know who is the richer. God dwells unsuppressed within a growing soul and gives a free rein in all His laws, to those living His laws. You can see the opposite, in people with large luxurious homes and possessions. They have their busy social lives and the so-called social importance, but have not the time to think of God. These are people with such wealth they have no desire to think of God. They may go to church on a Sunday and mouth their beliefs, and follow the doctrines of these man-made religions. They may think they are good and earning their way to heaven. In all truth each soul has to walk to God individually. There is no religion in that world that can do it for them. No one and nothing can take a soul to God but the soul itself. A soul evolves through the effort it makes to live God, to obey His laws, to practice His truths and wisdom: that is like the energy of growth within the soul, as a soul evolves so does the consciousness expand into the wisdom of God. That energy of growth within the soul is the same energy within all of existence, animate or inanimate. If God withdrew this energy that planet Earth would cease to exist! With the expansion of the consciousness you may see the ceaseless movement in your world, and everything vibrating with this divine energy in some way or other. With this insight you realize if God withdrew his love and energy for any one moment in time, your Earth would cease to exist. Mankind lives because of God! Human beings can learn intellectually, they can practice and embrace all the socalled physical knowledge of that material world, and they can practice all the teachings you have on Earth that humanity has come to acquire. They have been given free will.

They can live anyway they choose with worldly things. However, the soul does not move to God until the soul is evolving with an expanding consciousness, an expanding understanding, and a desire for the reality of divine truth. But, if souls lack in these qualities they will never move to God. Thus, in the chaos and confusion of man-made problems in your world today, mankind needs to turn around from what they are now doing and living, and reach out for God. They have to do it! It is in different stages at the moment, because of the evolutionary difference in the world. It is being blocked, being bypassed, and being pushed backwards into negativity. Eventually each soul must come forward and find its way to God. Every soul has to find God! It has to! There is no exception! God does not allow one expression of his divinity to be greater than another. Everyone has the same opportunity from God. It is how that soul uses that opportunity and how it grasps that opportunity to recognize the divinity withinthats the secret! Man can turn away from God if he wishes. God never stops him, but he will have to account to God eventually. Therefore, because man chooses to ignore the divine laws, then that soul will have lack of growth and lack of understanding. Then back again, and again he will have to return to that planet Earth. Time and time again each soul will return, in one life or another, in one form or another. The wonderful alternative is, people can turn their faces to the light of God and glow with longing. They all can be transformed by the great energy of spiritual truth if they long to reach this elevated state of existence. The soul can do everything God does, if it does it the way the divine laws dictate. These laws do dictate! You cannot find someone else to do the growing for you and you cannot find someone who will go through the experiences for you while you sit back and wait. Every soul has to walk every step of the way back to God. Man has to fall down and be picked up; he has to go sideways in diversions, and still come back to the main pathway. Each one has to endure the tears and the sorrows along with the joy and the laughter. All souls have to experience the male and female aspect of the self to balance the emotions. Man has to be an expression of God in various forms of animation before he can eventually know he has reached the point of self-realization in God, and deliverance from reincarnation. I know the spiritual beings on Earth long for God, and cry out in anguish at having to come back into a body. Then in truth, my beloved ones, until you have relinquished the world completely, you will always return to a body of flesh. Until you have learned to obey Gods laws, also understand the truth of his laws, and to withstand all temptations to be otherwise. Until you do this, you will have to keep coming back. For there is no way-out! You can only merge with the Beloved Creator when you have cleansed yourself of all negativity, of all desire for the world and any aspect of it. When you can truly sacrifice time, effort, ideas, and material desires, then you can say to God . . . Father, lift my burden. I want only you. There is nothing in this world for me but you. When you can truly mean it, say it, and live itGod hears your cry. It is only then you may see your enemy as one you can love, forgive, and help, if you need to do so. At some point in time during the growth of your soul, you will be able forgive anybody anything, and have no vengeful thoughts to another human being. When you can willingly share all that you have with others who have less, and when you can truly accept that God will provide for you, no matter what the situation is, and He will be there with His love and generosity. Then with this faith in the Beloved Creator that you have, you will never question or doubt Gods wonderful presence in yourself and every thing, not even for a single moment of your Earth time. You are then walking in divine light. If you ask God to transform the negative into the positive, and without a doubt your soul will know it will happen. Then beloved seekers, you are truly coming home to God. This is a lot to ask from you my children, for I am not so foolish to think it is

easy. It is not! Very few are able to fulfill the requirements of the divine laws to come home to God. You cannot pretend to have them, you may want them, and you may understand them, but you have to live them. Until you do, you cannot come home to God. That is why I say to all of you . . . Make yourself grow into understanding, and make yourself find the effort. Just because you think the right thoughts and you want God, it does not mean you are entitled to have soul growth and enlightenment, you have to earn them and live them. How many go to church, on a regular basis, kneel and pray to God, and think they are excused all else because they have prayed to God? They think they are good enough now, that is all that matters. God cannot hear the prayers of those who do not say them from the soul. If they come from the mouth and the mind, they have no meaning to God. God reads the soul, and therein is the truth and the reality of their divinity. When God sees those on Earth who are living out the self in divinity, in spite of matter, He then knows those souls are moving towards Him. Meditation alone will not take you to God! You have to exercise the right action, the right thoughts, the rights desires, and then meditate. You may practice meditation to any depth, and experience a deeper insight, but when you are back to a more material state of mind, and you inadvertently hurt someone who is not living his or her life in Gods province of laws: then that meditation will not block-out the mistakes you are making, nor will it excuse you from the wrong aspects of living you are doing. Meditation is part of a means to an end, but not all the means to the end, it is only part of it. It is vital you meditate! It is vital to reach out to God with your consciousness! It is vital you seek this greater understanding, and this deeper wisdom from God. You must also learn to harness it to the right thoughts and the right actions. Above all, you have to live God in the flesh, if you ever want to live with Him in the divine. It is so inspiring to have the benefit of an avatar, you can feel the vibrations of love flowing forth, and you can be so touched by the avatars very presence. You will be automatically inspired by the avatars divinity, and your soul will glow in Gods light. The Earth at the moment is sadly lacking in this divine presence of these great souls and the light they emit, but they will come, my children. They will come! Many avatars will indeed come to the Earth, and those souls who seek God will gravitate toward these highly evolved beings: that also is a divine law. Your divinity is expressed through the inner-self, and is attached to like-minded beings in that world of matter. Thus, you are attracted to them. You will find that something, somehow, someway, will make it possible for you to come within the reach of such a one. God is very wise in his love for his children, His animals, His birds, and His nature. Gods divine love is all embracing. God does not say I will love this one this week, and I will love that one next week. God loves all things constantly, from the largest animal to the smallest insect. God loves all things with the same gentle love as He has for a human being or any aspect of nature. God loves everything of His creation! The evolution of the soul is energized by God's love, and it gives it the opportunity to emerge from darkness into light, from ignorance to wisdom, and never again to return to flesh. You may think you live simple lives, in a quiet part of the world, but in the journey of the soul through eternity, there are no quiet parts of that Earth. There are no unimportant areas of that world. Everything is important! Everything is vitally linked one with the other! Although you are there in your quiet corner of that material world, you can with your soul, that divine aspect of God within, reach out by your thoughts. Then by

your very will, you can send forth the powers of the divine into that world. These vibrations that you send out will be felt somewhere in that world by someone. The waves of energy going forth from the right thoughts of people to the world, will always find a resting place. I think if everyone incarnate thought evil thoughts, or dark thoughts, your world would know self-destruction. Would it not? It is a balance of the good with the bad that maintains the equilibrium of that world. For everyone that is evil, there are ten who are good. For everyone who does not think of God, there are ten who do think of God, the balance is always in favor of God. But the loudest noise and the darkest of deeds are made and enacted by those who know not God. When you see a simple undeveloped native, living and existing in a far-flung corner of that world, who may lead an uneventful life and a very primitive life, then through your eyes you think he has his own idea of that which you call religion. You would be surprised if you knew what that soul within that being was, and how evolved he was. He may have come to take on a mantle of flesh in this ignorant form for reasons only known to his soul and God. It is pointless to send missionaries to try and help primitive people to know God, if they do not know God themselves. Many unsophisticated primitive people in your world are actually closer to God than those who come to convert them. They have their own recognition of The Divine. This recognition that they have, may be nearer to the truth than those beliefs the converts to the mainstream religions blindly cling to. Never speak disparagingly of anyone, anywhere, and never think who is spiritual and who is evolved. You cannot and must not allow your physical mind to think this way! Utter kindness and love can flow forth from the most primitive of souls. It can be an all-embracing love that sometimes can uplift a whole nation of people: for the very fact a person with greater soul growth leads them. You also have the other avenues of actions where you have the negativity of leadership, the greed, the power, and the self-glory of such a leader. Then that particular leadership is floundering in the ignorance of the divine. This sort of leadership exists in cruelty, wrong action, and misery for many people under its control, `Beloved children: The power of The Divine Creator is mighty! Thus, in living God is like living the true divinity of the self. Let no one tell you it is unimportant and boring, and let no one tell you it is the last resort of living. They are so wrong! Growing souls think within, and take within the thought of divine reflection in order to meditate on divine surrender; then you as growing souls will feel this divine surge of the power of love within you going forth to all living things of that world. Is this not true my children? God works in a mysterious way within all of His children. Each of those souls, even if they are they good or bad on that earth plane, has the same aspect of God within them. The difference is: the call of the divine is stronger in some and weaker in others. There are leaders of some religions in your world that have become very powerful, very wealthy, and domineering. Most of these leaders are demanding, with adherence to their ego and obedience to their way of dogma. These leaders who claim all authority from their flock are without a doubt not of God. They are self-made, self-taught, self-developing, but not of God, and not moving to God. If you love God, if you understand God, and not do anything but live Him, you can never express ego. A seeker of the Divine can never express the desire for power, and never allow the teachings to include the desecration of nature or other beings in that world. Those following the pathway to soul growth can never be part of the cruelty and the uncaring attitudes that are so prevalent in so many religions. You cannot live any of those aspects of life if you love God. You truly cannot! Hold your inner-self within the power of Gods love, and cling to the sincerity of seeking Him. You will feel a longing in your soul that cannot be satisfied. Then

that God-longing never allows any thoughts of selfishness or greed to come through your soul. Thus, the religious leader of that other aspect of life is without a doubt not of God. Sometimes someone comes to really teach of God, and comes to express the reality of God to the people in that material world. Then that person shows the truth of God in everything. That is a person can be recognized as one of simplicity, generosity, and clearly emits a shining quality that lacks any thought of self. He or she quietly presents an evenhanded deliverance of the good things of life, with a positive outlook. That person has the lack of ego, and the lack of desire for the world, be that person male or female, they will show a gentle love that flows with the wisdom of the teachings they present. Because of this projecting of love and wisdom, other good souls will come forth to hear. These things will tell you God is behind that soul, and the power of God is at work in that material world. You may be a soul who considers its-self to be very unimportant, but God may have other ideas. If you love God, if you seek God, and you are generous in your understanding of what God wants; then if you are doing the best you can, God can surly work though you as one being. Powerful love can flow forth from you and powerful rays of divine energy will be emitted by you from God. Never underestimate God! Never think you are unimportant to God! Accept the truth of your divinity, and accept your desire to improve as you walk the pathway to enlightenment. Accept your souls longing for God in your way of life. Accept your courage to live that life in the flesh no matter which person ridicules you, who laughs at you and who scoffs and scorns. Live God and never be afraid to declare that love for God. `My beloved children: When you see how the negative thinkers of that world are punishing the world, you long to right the wrongs. Do you not? You long to cry out in anguish and ask them to listen to word of God and not to the word of the opposite. You long to touch the world and heal it. You long to give the hungry food, the sick healing, the homeless somewhere to live, and those in poverty something to help them. It is often a powerless feeling that is there within you, because you are unable to touch such enormous numbers of negative people. Try not to have this feeling, because even if one positive thought of yours falls on one person, that is victory. If the power of your love goes forth and reaches one lonely heart, or finds one soul to awaken in desire to seek God, then truly that is a victory and not a failure, in the fullest sense of that word. Serving God means simple things. It means loving animals, and loving all aspects of nature in that world. It also means loving the forests and rivers, tending them carefully, keeping them free from disease and pollution. It means making sure that the things you take from your world hurt nothing and no one. This is serving God; this is really serving God, my children. You see those in your world who have no regard for the finer things in existence, and you long to open their minds and their hearts to the reality of life. So many seek to be powerful in the social aspects of life, to be powerful in the leadership of a government, powerful in some area or another, always wanting to be ambitious, and always wanting to be better than someone else. I can tell you in truth, if you can love and find God to any great degree in that world: then you are more powerful than those who seek earthly power and position. You have more inner wealth than anyone one who has many material possessions and great authority over others. You are devoid of ego automatically, if you love God; you are also devoid of the desire to control people, and you have a desire from within your inner-self to help and to share with those who are in need. When you see greedy authorities forcing their opinions on others, you never see God. When you see the very wealthy people, hugging their wealth to themselves, and still they want to add more to what they already have. Then you see that God missing from their lives. There are many people in that world who need help. However, those with great wealth seem not to respond to those in need. Again, this

is another example where you see not God. Those people who are growing spiritually, will see God in a grain of sand, in a torrentially flowing river, and will see God in every aspect of existence. God is never absent in anything anywhere. Let your desire for God be so powerful and so determined to achieve the bliss that comes with consistent effort of that desire. Never let that world color your judgment or suppress the divinity within you. Never let anyone harm or hurt your tranquility within, for this is vital to reach God. You must be evenhanded in your being to reach God, with no highs and lows of emotion just an evenhanded gentleness, an evenhanded peace, and that essential evenhanded tranquility. If you have your highs and lows, you are acting on emotion. With that emotion, the all-important quality of tranquility is not there within you. True love for God is always constant, deep, unchanging, and that is the expression of God you must seek to find and hold. I am a teacher for God. I come to teach you of a way to reach Him. I teach of the qualities you need to possess, and direct you to the avenues of growth you seek to find. I know my words would fall on deaf ears if it were given to too many inhabitants of your world. Only those who are devoted and long for God, can I come to and speak these words of truth from Him. You wonder sometimes . . . `How does God know who is ready for a teacher, and who is not ready? But with Gods great wisdomHe knows! He knows! There may be billions of souls existing in your world, but God reads everyone. God knows in an instant what every person is thinking or doing, and the level of divinity within each one. You cannot deceive God, you cannot pull the blinkers over the eyes of God: for He is all seeing, all knowing, and all doing. Walk your path in that world my children. Walk the difficult days and the pleasant days. Walk through the hardships, the trials, and the joys. Walk with the same level of peace within you, no matter what troubles youkeep that peace within you. Keep that divine peace of God, flowing constantly from you into that material world. Remember, you are walking in matter, but you are living in spirit. That connection with spirit is constant and unbroken, and you are never absent from the Divine Creator, even though you walk in flesh. If you did not have this dual divinity in that dual existence, you would not be alive in that world, because your body would be separated from you, perishing, going back to nature. You would only exist in the higher dimension: it is because your spirit is connected to that body you are alive in that material world. The spirit is the superior factor in that dual existencenot the body. With the varying degrees of existence that depend upon your need to grow; your reward is the spiritual constancy of your efforts. Many are the conflicting reasons why you are where you are, what you are, and who you are. Question this not! Accept it with love, and try always to surmount that which needs surmounting as you reach for God. Focus on God night and day, for everything you have and who you are comes from God. For those who want the world, I feel a deep sadness; they are missing so much of true living. Never join them, and never take part in that which they think, even though you are also journeying through that world of matter. You can relate to the world because must exist within it, but always let God command your devotion, your loyalty, and your love. There is an opportunity in this present incarnation for you to grow and take giant strides to God as never before. Your world today is so mercenary, and so greedy. Therefore if you seek God in spite of what that material existence is offering; and despite all that it is offering, a higher state of consciousness will embrace you. If you sincerely seek the divine as your way of life you surely can transcend much of that world of matter.

I know divine enlightenment is what all seekers of soul growth long to achieve. I walk with you in blessed peace. I am Bethesda. Any problem that is fact today can be a blessing tomorrow. Even in darkness see light. Even in pain see relief. Man cannot become like God until he becomes one with God. Chapter 6 A Simple Guidance to Meditation `My beloved children: My own desire is to take each of you by the hand and walk with you to God. My whole desire is to bring encouragement to you to seek God with a passion that cannot be extinguished. I can see where you are and where you can be, and I can see the measure of your haste to God; I also long to bring you ever closer, and ever nearer through your efforts toward Him. That material world is not for you my children. Your love for God is too strong, and your desire to unite with Him is too strong. That world is but a necessary part of your existence to reach Him. Your love is not to the exclusion of God, but to unite with Him. I read your souls, in them I see there a message for God coming so clearly from you, and God in His love and wisdom understands and helps in ways you could never know. Never feel you are wasting time. Never feel you have not attained the growth you want; you are not to know where you have reached, or what you have achieved in this present life. Always believe in positive thinking, and always believe you also can become an avatar. Do not seek that worldseek God! Love all you can and help all you can. Join them not! Judge them not! Understand their inadequacy at this moment in time, and understand how long their journey has to be until they too seek God. Each of you in your life can be understanding, gentle, and seriously committed to the search for God as you rise above the conditions of that mundane world. Commit yourself to the Divine Creator, never mind that material existence. If you stumble or if you fall, pick yourself up, for you will walk firmly on that pathway again. You are too strong in your desire for God to ever weaken to that world. Let your days be filled with peace, no-matter what the problems, what the trials: for they are only material. These problems will leave you; consequently you will find yourself growing and growing as you move to God. There is nothing in your world that you cannot conquer or overcome. There is nothing in your world that can hold you, when your time to leave is ready. Nothing and no one can hold you beyond your desire, when you have earned that right to leave the material existence. While you are there, accept the responsibility you have to God to go through that journey. Learn to push away the world and seek the Beloved Creator. Let God see the sincerity of what you are doing and leave the rest to Him. Do you want this great force of divine energy and love to flow unimpeded? A force so powerful that can enlarge your soul growth and consciousness to that of God. There are two directions a life can take . . . One is to become engrossed in that mundane world: the other is to focus your search for divine wisdom and eternal bliss. You will not find the latter in the religions that man has made in that world, and called them reality. You will not find them in following dogma that is only fashioned to the needs of that particular faith, and to hold its flock within the boundaries of that religion. You will not find it by moving into that world, with all its noise as your companion. To find the pathway to God you have to learn to withdraw from that world, and expand your consciousness into the mind of God. This is difficult to achieve, but never impossible. Then the closer you grow to God the easier the pathway becomes.

Turn away from the darkness, the chaos, and the man-made problems of that material world. Segregate the time of day to dwell quietly with God as often as you can. Sit quietly and gently in His divine presence. Push away the physical mind. Push away the flesh that calls you to give it attention. Thrust from you the hurrying thoughts that insist on being listened to: they will always attempt to intrude when you are trying to be still. Ignore them! Give them no way of growing into more thoughts! Empty the mind of everything: just push it away, just think of nothing! Just sit there quietly and gently: picture the sea gently breaking upon the sand. Picture the sun setting with shadows playing upon the waters. Think of the forest see the deep shadows within. Hear the little gentle flutter of the wings of little birds. Listen to the murmur of insects as they also gently fly around. Feel the coolness of the ferns around you, and dissolve into this perfect peace. Glide upon a river; see the banks of the river gently moving far, far, from you and slowly receding; leaving only the cool, cool waters around you. Think these thoughts of peace. Let no time be there for the worldly thoughts to take over in the mind. Hear within your soul the sweet music of the spheres. Hear the beauty of the tones flowing for you to understand. Smell the invisible perfume of the flowers that are blooming beyond your reach. Feel this pulsation of God moving through all these things that you have around you in these thoughts of love for God. Let yourself drift quietly into this state of peace. Hold that peace and let it deepen. Let that subtle quietude become a cloak that guards you from the world; a cloak that resists anything that seeks to intrude. Feel only this great velvet depth of peace, beyond. Let your consciousness soar, very gently and very surely towards this great vast reservoir of God. Know without thinking. Just know instinctively from within the self that you are pushing towards this great well of wisdom, and you are going to drink thirstily from what it holds. Know, every sense you have and every cell of your body is going to be rarefied, and is going to be intrinsically changed. It is going to function on a higher level of vibration, with a higher understanding. Dont tell yourself these things in words. Dont think the thoughts in the physical way . . . Just feel the sensation of knowing quietly coming from within the self. Just feel you are a part of the divine whole, feel that you are merging with the divine whole, and feel that you are going to become one with this divine whole. If you practice gently and surely time after time, and do not be disappointed if you do not succeed, not only once, but fifty times. Be not disappointed if you have to keep on gently trying this, day after day and week after week: It matters not, you are making the effort. You are sitting silently. You are actively endeavoring to communicate with God. This is the important factor! You have started! You are doing something about it! And one day you will be surprised that suddenly you can automatically, instinctively, switch from level of one consciousness to another . . . Like turning on and off a tap, and you will then be embracing that greater wisdom without understanding it has happened. It is just there! You will see things so differently. You will know things so clearly. Even before people speak you are going to understand what they are going to tell you. `My beloved children: . . . This is possible! This is reality I give, but you must work for it! You must make the effort! *** Reach deeply into the great silence. Hold on to the great stillness. Order the physical body and that restless physical mind to take a back seat. Tell them to be still. Let your inner-self be in control. Do not move. Do not even swallow mouth saliva. Do not even move your little finger. If you do any of these things you have to go back and start again at the beginning. Eventually the body will start to obey, that is the easiest part. The physical mind will constantly try to interfere, but if you are persistent, after much effort it

will respond and become still. Then the mind of the soul will slowly emerge and claim its rightful place; it will transcend the intellect and go beyond, and see things the intellect cannot grasp. It is the soul mind that sees and perceives that which is beyond the five senses. Learn to think with the soul mind, because it is this soul mind that transcends the intellect, goes beyond and sees things that the intellect cannot grasp. Surrender to God and let go of the senses, one at a time; for this is the only way that you can become part the higher consciousness. Frank W. The cost of choosing God before the world is no cost at all. Its wealth. The Noise of the material shuts out the whisper of God. Chapter 7 Karma: The Law of Accountability Sometimes it is difficult for those who love God to remember, that spark of God is in everyone, regardless of what they are and what they do. When you see the atrocities that are happening in your world today, and you watch those who perpetrate them, you wonder how they could do so when they are a part of God. Try as people may, they cannot blot out the divine from their understanding. It is impossible to separate the inner self from God. A person can remain stagnant, and he or she can deliberately disregard the laws of The Beloved. But they cannot blot out the essential aspect of the soul, which is the divine. All of humanity has a great need to come to realise they cannot shut out the divine animating their existence. People cannot walk, talk, move, breathe, or think, and none of the essential functions of the body can operate unless Gods divine energy is flowing into each human form. You cannot separate the divine aspect from the physical! It may not be fashionable in that world today to declare ones love for God. It may be conducive to the comfort of the mind if they can pretend God does not exist. They can pretend and believe they have not to account for anything but to enjoy life: that is so very easy to think but so impossible to do. Every thought and every deed is recorded for a person to account for in each life. God does not sit in judgement: that is for man to do himself. The soul is essentially like a divine recorder of what a being is in each life. No one can escape the actions and thoughts of any life without accountability; its not the petty small issues that man has to be concerned with, as much as the essential endeavours of a journey. A person in a lifetime makes small mistakes, or they may be caught up in the mainstream of life on that Earth, but it is what one is as far as integrity goes, and the understanding the spiritual responsibilities: such as honesty, love, caring, and living of Gods laws in the essential. Those are the things that concern a soul in the journey of life. Where these actions transgress the laws of God, then they must be accounted for, and they must be mitigated in the time that lies ahead of them. A human being can never pretend or ignore these aspects of the self they must be brought before each individual to judge themselves, to account for themselves, and to seek the way life must be lived, then to account for them. Most people on Earth are aware of the many tragedies that constantly occur in all countries, they are also aware of the misdeeds against human life in that world today. No-matter how dire the acts may be, no-matter how terrible human beings are one to another, always remember, the divine justice is the supreme justice. They can be bought to account by man, and they can be punished by man, but ultimately, the supreme justice is God.

It matters not what the world does to punish them, the spiritual justice must prevail, above and beyond all else. Until a human being has accounted completely for his misdeeds, in the spiritual sense: no one in any existence can ever grow closer to God, until they do so fully and totally. Humanity is very misguided in your world if they blame God for anything. God does not sit in judgment on any deed whatsoever, and he does not seek to call to account any being. He has set in motion his laws. God has released every soul into the journey back to Him by its seeking of perfection. God has given all human beings free will and the responsibility of seeking and achieving soul growth; therefore, God never intervenes in whatever people think or do. God never intercedes. God does not condone, approve, or encourage, and God does not punish. He says . . . You are the one responsible and you make the decisions, but you take into account that which you have done, what you are, and what you must become. Ultimately, you yourself must work through the rights and the wrongs, until you reach me. That is Gods test for all! They are the conditions God has made upon all His children for the journey back to Him. No-matter how evil the deed, or how desperate the behavior, each soul has to account for its-self, in the undoing, the pain, and the dues. Without correcting the wrongs he has done man can-never find soul growth, and will never be at peace. Thus, there will be no sense of fulfillment, and no moving towards the Beloved, until the accounting of that which each individual is and that which each individual has done has been amended. The karmic link which man is making must be worked through, both individually and collectively. More than this, and far greater, is the responsibility to account for what has been done rests with the one who leads. The one who follows and does the deeds is still accountable; but the one who directs the operation and gives the orders, he is the one who has the greatest karma to mitigate. Accountability is such an important part in growing to God. How easy it would be if you could misbehave, act as you want, and live how you would like. You may think if you just said . . . Im sorry, it would correct the wrong action. Even at times people may try to make the efforts fade, and think it would be all right: how unbelievable that would become in living! How much better is this sense of accountability, and the need for each individual soul to face what he or she has said or done, then to work through it until all is eliminated? How much fairer it is that way? How much fairer it is for man himself to have work out what he must do, than have someone sit in judgment? I think you will agree the better lessons are learned if the one who does the deed has to account for the punishment. He will realize then he will have to face the consequences, and then have to reexamine what he has said and done and what he has been. Then the ultimate decision of what he must do and how he must correct it is his responsibility. This way he will realize the ultimate futility of trying to move away from God in the decisions that flouts divine laws. When you think the laws of God maintain creation in its multiple forms and the existence of all there is, and to depend upon the balance those laws in their operation. When the divine laws are flouted, there comes from the cause the effect that follows. This is the law of karma! `My beloved children: No-matter how tempting the material world is to you: resist and examine carefully all that comes before you. You are blessed in having the understanding to know that this truth must be lived. Then you can account to yourself from what the world is tempting you to do, and what you know is the spiritual way and the right way to do something. God has given the gift of free will to all His children. God never interferes with that gift. He never retracts that which He has given to every soul incarnate. God will never allow mankinds free will to extend hurt and harm to that world, beyond that which He will allow in the ultimate. The power of God can manifest in ways man cannot comprehend. Be very careful if you take the wrong path, for its a long lonely journey back

again to where you are at this present time. No-matter how spiritual you are, you can still be tempted away from God for a time. You lose not the growth you have archived, but you lose the opportunity to grow still further. With this material temptation you waste the precious time in redoing, and you have to re-journey again along that pathway. You have to retrace the steps that you have lost in the little diversion you have allowed yourself. This other attempt will surly have to be, if you truly seek unity with God. Always evaluate any situation in a spiritual way. Always apply divine wisdom to the decisions you make, and always exercise divine wisdom in all your activities, thoughts, words, and deeds. It is not religion of which I speakits spirituality. There are so many religions in that world of yours today, all taking different paths to God; they all have different ideas, different laws, and different paths that they follow. The pathway to follow is a spiritual pathway, that narrow path of light which only leads to God. If you follow that path from start to finish, you cannot lose your way. If you choose to cling to the divine pathway you must reunite with the Beloved Creator. You may decide to give your time to taking and exploring the little highways and byways of that material world. You may desire to linger in the teachings and beliefs of various religions of that planet Earth. Whatever other diversion you try, you will find yourself wandering in a circle, but getting nowhere. If you turn your face to the light and accept the inevitable truth that God is the creator. Then know this truth: you all are a part of God. You are all equal in divinity, and will eventually to reunite with the Beloved in perfection. There is a point in time when you have to realize, no-matter what you do, you have to account for all misdeeds that you have done. Then you have to mitigate that what you have done wrong, regardless of what and how long it takes. When you face all these truths, you realize the futility of trying to separate your life from the way of God. When you are getting closer to God and when you are accepting this way to find Him: then you become more inseparable from God, in thought, word, and deed. Then my children, it becomes easier to follow this pathway to Him. The journey will seem easier; it does not become so difficult, because of the love and longing is there within you to find God You will find your very being aching with longing for the Beloved Creator, and the love you have for Him becoming a hunger you cannot satisfy. Inwardly, all you will want is to be at peace with the Beloved. Then you are moving ever closer, ever surer, to the ultimate reunion with God. It matters not what the world gives you. It matters not how comfortable your life. Unless you come close to the Beloved, you will never know the meaning of true fulfillment, happiness or peace. Taking your comfort from that world is but a temporary illusion. Its not fact! Its fallacy! Anything except that which takes you to God in the fullest sense of that truth is fallible and illusory. The one fact that you can be sure of, is that you are divine, you are an aspect of God, and you must journey back again until you are one with Him. That teaching is an inescapable fact of existence. No-matter how you color it with anything else, no-matter what other appreciation you put upon your life, the truth isyour soul is divine! Inevitably you must journey back to God in the fullness of that responsibility. Then until you can say . . . Father I am one with you, what you are I have become, what you think, I think, what you seek, I seek. Then and only then are you truly fulfilled. Humanity thinks these physical pleasures are so natural and so wonderful. They are not really pleasures, they are a dream mankind is dreaming, a play, and each one in life is acting a part; a role that you play in that world, but it is not really you. It is an assumed covering, an assumed aspect you have taken upon yourself for this journey in time. The essential you is hidden within it. Thus, the flesh of the body and the clothes you wear, only make a cover; they do not obliterate or hide

the true you. The real you, is still within, it is beneath that outer covering of physical materialism. Therefore all that comes from the world can only comfort and attract the outer covering only, and satisfy the crust which covers you. The essential you can only be satisfied by the love of The Divine. This essential you only flowers and flourishes if its being nurtured by the spirituality of the true divinity from God! It is an inescapable fact: the divine truth can never be disputed or disallowed. You are seeking God! You must find God, and you must want God so much that nothing else matters. No-matter what price you pay, make God your goal. Let not the world and its illusory fantasies cloud your judgment. Let not the atrocities and the wrongs of that world become the yardstick you judge humanity within its measure. These are the reactions of fallible beings making very foolish and evil decisions, and judgments that should never be made. They will have to account for them, and they will have to grow to God in-spite of them. They also will have to mitigate until they have lived through all that experience that was so un-divine. `My children: There will always be physical bodies so afflicted with pain and suffering, as I have said so very often told you. I ask you to lose not compassion, and lose not the grief that you feel for them. See through every action, see through every act, and see the divine hand of God hovering over everything. Everyone in pain and everyone who is suffering, still has that great love and strength of God within them, they still have recourse to His peace, His power, His strength, and essentially His love. Though their bodies are hurting and they are calling out in agony of the flesh, but the soul within is untouched by the tragedy, and will eventually grow to God. To spiritually gain from that which the body may sufferer, is in the ultimate the triumph of the spirit and in its growth. Every individual suffers, but the soul knows it overrules all the cruelty of that world. The ultimate victory is with the one who suffers, and not the one who thinks he has gained control. In truth, he is losing control, and essential to that fact he has to account spiritually for what he does while he inhabits a physical body. Man can be exiled, man can be imprisoned, man can be disposed of in any way you can name, but still, that does not mitigate him from the crime of spiritual disobedience he has committed. Human beings must account to God for all they have done, and all they are, in every one of many lives that he or she has lived. There is no sentence of the physical self that anyone can serve, to ultimately free them from the guilt of their actions. Finally, until a persons soul has been cleansed for all that person has done wrong, can his spiritual self be freed to resume the upward journey to God. There is no easy way to God. There is no easy path to follow; no one to help you cheat along the way, for truly you must take every step yourself. If you think you can cheat God, you are very much mistaken! You cannot have a thought, you cannot have one tiny thing happen to you in your life that God does not know about, however minute it may be. Billions of people at the same time can be doing these things at the same time, right wrong or otherwise, and God knows them all. You cannot go to God with a smile and say . . . Father, I am ready for you now, I have been very good, and I am ready to resume my union with you. No one can fool God! He takes one look at you, He reads your soul and He understands what you are thinking and feeling. God looks at you and smiles gently: then He allows you to start the search again, to climb back to Him. You can deceive yourself you can tell yourself anythingbut you cannot deceive God! Lovingly and generously, He looks upon everyone, but He never weakens in his resolve, for the spiritual laws must be obeyed. Only by living those laws to the fullest can man unify with God once again, in the perfection of what God is, and what man must become. Little children are taught to be good when they are babies and taught to do right things. In the physical sense, they are obedient until they are able to think more

freely for themselves and make the decisions for their actions. They are living within the laws their parents have set them. Later in growth, when they begin to think for themselves, they lose judgment accordingly. They are not wise enough to make the decisions they make, and not wise in the ramifications of what they decide to do in their young lives. Thus, they are setting out upon a journey of free-will choice, and making mistakes as they go along the way of life. This is the same with the spiritual being of the self when you leave God. You obey God when you are beginning the journey back to Him because there is the memory of this to take with you. This memory helps you spiritually as you journey back to the Beloved; but the more you indulge in the material existence of that world, the less spiritual becomes your judgments. The paint of matter is doing its work of coloring the judgments, and coloring the decisions you make. Therefore, some will take the path of that world, but some will still remember the Beloved and follow the pathway of the divine. Every life you have lived you have been able to find the way back to God because you have wanted God so much. You have made mistakes, you have acted unwisely, and you have taken wrong paths, done things, and decided things you would not now contemplate. All that is part of growing back to God, and all part of understanding the spiritual journey; without knowing why, you selected a path which fulfilled more and more the laws of God. You still proceeded onward, and without you even knowing why you chose this divine pathway, you resolved to follow it to God: in order to return to the source. Each journey you have made my children, you have earned greater soul growth, and moved much closer to God or you would not be where you are today. Can you understand this? If you had chosen the opposite way, and walked the way of that world continuously: you would not now have the understanding your soul has gained. You would not now have the longing for the union and this growth to the Beloved Creator. Consequently, you would have found yourself seeking more of that world and what it offered. This is so with all souls growing to God. No one can lose the spiritual growth they have attained! They can hold it stagnant, they can ignore it, they can belie it by the way they livebut it cannot be lost! When a soul comes back onto the divine pathway to God, it is there waiting for it to pick up again, and move forward again. There are so many spiritual beings in that physical world, people who for a time seems to forget the divine path. That world of matter has been too strong in persuasion, and the covert of the flesh has been too subtle for them to withstand. In time, they all come back again to God, because deep within this inner-self is calling from the soul. The inner-self is calling to each spiritual awakened person to get off this form of merry-go-round and come home. Imagine the joy that flows to the soul when the day dawns and you have not the decision to make of where you will be, and what you will do in that world. Then that illumined soul will know it will have no longer the need to reincarnate in that world. The soul will have passed the tests; you have come home, home to the Beloved. There is no joy in that world that can surpass that moment. The whole self is then conditioned to this wonderful reality of bliss. You have grown into the ability to evaluate, to see very clearly what life should be, you then know the bliss and the wonder of that what only God can bring. Then my children, you grow further and further away from these lives you are living, and you reach out for that supreme goal of union with God. Then the less you will need material things, and the less you will crave things of that world. You will see with eyes wide open the wrongs mankind is making, and you will see with eyes of clarity the mistakes and decisions that are made. With this insight you marvel at how the intellectual people cannot see the folly of what they decide. They have the brains, they have the intelligence, but they do not have the spirituality to look through with eyes of divine wisdom to see that which they are deciding and doing: is so very wrong. So many people in that world today feel it incumbent to deny God. These people think it is very clever to belittle spiritually enlightened souls who declare

themselves in their belief of God. They cannot reason why some people would choose the divine pathway to God. They also have the spiritual there to tempt them and to satisfy them, but they understand this not. I cannot understand why mankind would think that there is only one life. They are born into flesh, they grow, and they live their life, take what they can from it and enjoy it to the fullest. They also think that death obliterates all, and with death their very existence is ended, there is no more. Why would they think it could be so that a wonderful gift of creation like a human body is only once to carry a life? Can they not realize there must be some deeper force than that materialism that surrounds them? How can they not see how futile it is to live for the world alone? They do not look upon the world and see some of the population in abject poverty and misery, while others live in affluence and comfort. There, existing, also at the same time, are many with nothing but illness and cruelty around them. Poverty and homelessness exists in countless numbers among people in that world today. Then there are others who live in great luxury, with good health, no sickness, no tormented limbs or body problems. Where is the justice of existence? What is the purpose of existence? Why would souls take upon themselves a life that would only bring them misery from start to finish? Those human beings with nothing to uplift them or to make them feel they have achieved anything, with nothing but misery to contend within their life. Why would you think you would choose a life like that to experience? A life that is saturated in misery, while others walk in comfort, luxury, and wealth . . . that is the imbalance in their existence. If life were but one experience there would be so much equality in opportunity of living. There would seem to be a more material purpose in creating a life, and there would seem to be so much more to live for in that world of matter. This is an illusion! Is it not? It is only when you look at the law of reincarnation, and you realize you must acquire sufficient soul growth as you travel from the start to the finish by yourself to reach God. You must experience the taste of poverty, hunger, wealth, illness and health, also of comfort and the lack of comfort. These facets of living are for all to go through and with divine wisdom from within. Only you can to decide if you want God or that material world. There is logic behind the law of reincarnation, which will never be understood by the physical mind. This is because the mind of man can only reason to as far as the intellect allows. I surely believe that mankind will come to eventually realize there could not be just one life, for there would be so much injustice to human existence. My children, I tell you in truth . . . God is justice personified! There could be no rhyme or reason in the way life is disposed of in humanity unless there was more than one life to live. Why cannot mankind see so logically and so clearly, that the law of reincarnation is the law of justice and of true opportunity? Sadly man clings to the acceptance that death is the end of all there is in existence. That world today is giving mankind so much more opportunity to be able to see the issues of life better than ever before. There is so much more communication between the people in your modern world. There is so much more opportunity in various facets of existence as never before. This is a fact today, and cannot be compared to earlier times. There are so many different lines of thought, and people have the opportunity to hear and learn about many different things. In the early days mankind was not receiving this communication and could not see beyond their-own little narrow path of those earlier times. There is no such thing today, your world is wide open to everybody, and there is not one corner of the world that is hidden from anyone. Not one thought can be touched by anyone that is denied another to lean. You have the opportunity to see the thinkers of your world at work. The scientists are slowly moving to the thought that there must be a greater power than they understand behind existence. The materialists still deny there is anything but the

world, and the intellectuals are still groping for a physical explanation to the logic of everything. People writing their books, fallible though they are, they write them as expressed thoughts for others to read; they are also making films for others to see as every day goes by. More and more opportunities are available for people to see on the television screens the wonders of science, the beauty of nature, the intricacies of nature, and the myriads of species in existence today. Mankind now has the opportunity to watch them digging in the ground for previous civilizations. All these things give people the opportunity to see things for themselves and judge what they must think is right. Mankind seems to be so obtuse, and cannot see there must be a wonderful pattern to existence beyond the understanding of Humanity today. If people cannot see this, then they will live in darkness until they do see this truth. Intellect is not the criterion of growing to God. Intellect may affect one materially and physically, but spirituality is the key to eternal existence. You can be a very humble person, with no material gains or possessions, living a very simple life. You can also be deeply committed to God and very sure of your direction as you journey along this divine pathway to the Beloved. Then you have more wealth than ever that world can give you. There are those who watch their bank accounts, greedily count their money, and plan more investments. There are those who watch their possessions and lock them away for their own use. The rich people treasure their gains so very selfishly to themselves, but they have nothing, unless they have the love of God. Nothing material, nothing physical, can bring you closer to God unless the soul within is telling you the truth behind existence; the truth of your spiritual link lies with God. It is not wrong to have comforts of that world, but it is so wrong if you are selfish with them. If you want them just to keep for yourself and will not share them with others, then you have surely have lost the way. You must share with others if you love God. You must understand that what you have to use is yours for a borrowed time only: it is not yours to possess. All you have, and all you are, is given you by the grace of God; then along with the gift of free will, it gives you the opportunity to acquire or reject. There is not one penny you could earn in that world, and you could not gather unto you anything in the way of riches of any kind, unless the very force of God was within you. You cannot walk, talk, think, or breathe without God. How then could you earn money of the world? How could gain all those luxuries to yourself and your life, without the power of God behind it? God lets you have the opportunities to seek for yourself the comfort of those material opportunities of what you want and need from that world. He also watches very carefully, how you react to what you have. God perceives with love, and sadly watches the mistakes you makethen He waits patiently while you undo them. If you make materialism your goal, if you make material possessions and the riches of the world your lifes desire, you will not find God. Therefore, place not the riches of the world before the gathering of wisdom to the soulthats the way to God! You will never walk in peace or harmony until you do so! Find God in your own time . . . but you must find Him! Enjoy the comforts of you life in moderation, but never make them the object of your attention to acquire them. Let them come unto you naturally and gently as you move to God. Give God your love, give God your loyalty and your longing; then the world will come to you. Those who truly love God and want God, those who truly surrender to God their very essence of their being, in body, mind, and soul: will eventually unite with Him. Until they can give that to God, they are paupers. The more you seek divinity, then greater the law of attraction of comforts and the essentials of life are drawn to you. You automatically draw unto yourself the security of living, in your surrender to God. Surrendering to God does not mean you lose the worldly security, it means you gather the security of the world to you. Then in giving yourself to God, you gather

unto you the very facets of existence that He has allowed to be created to bring that security to your life. God never lets his children want in dire necessity when they truly seek Him: for God is the supply and God is the supplier. Loving God and wanting God so deeply, sets in motion an attraction to the essentials of life being drawn to you for your security. Never will you see a deeply spiritual person living in want, unless he chooses to live the life of a beggar, for reasons he has of his own. It is never a necessity; it is always choice: that is the difference. An Avatar may choose to live in poverty, although he or she never has to exist that way. The Avatar has command of Gods creative force, and can create an existence he or she may need or want at a whim. It is by choice that the Avatar sometimes chooses a life of poverty, for reasons betwixt the Avatar and God. Live God, not a religious god, but the true Godthe beloved creatorthe God of love, the God of strength and peace. An expression of your trust in God is never greater as when you surrender to Him in need, and believe that which you seek will come for you. When your trust is so complete and your need is so great, you turn not to the world for the answers, you turn to God. Then in truth you are nearing Him, and you are walking to Him in a way that will bring you a need of never again to enter a physical body. If you are in pain and suffering, then truly turn to God and say . . . Father, please help me, I know you can and I believe you will. If you say it with conviction, then you know you are putting your strength where it firmly belongs. Never ask God to give you what you want; ask Him to satisfy your needs. God knows your needs, what your life needs, and what your soul needs to grow to Him. You are not wise enough to know what you want or what you need. You only ask for what you think you want, and what you think you need. Let the Beloved Creator with divine wisdom answer from the very depth of your soul that what you are seeking. Never lose your trust in the ultimate opportunity to seek from God the answer to all your needs. Never weaken your trust and faith in the Beloved. I have given you this truth before . . . remember its wisdom. Seek from God this divine energy that flows endlessly from Him to your world and all existence, not just the human existence, but to all existence. Unless this energy was flowing to all known and unknown existence, there would be nothing in existence, in any form whatsoever. When you have the need for greater healing then seek this energy from the divine source. God created you with this energy, then why do you not think you can be healed by it? Gods law is omnipotent! A great step forward for you all is to learn this truth and live it. Seek that what the world can give of course, in order to help you through life, but reach always for this divine energy. As you acquire more soul growth, so you will acquire more awareness of this energy; never lessen your faith, for the ultimate cure will come from the Beloved. The worlds medicines will help you, its potions will help you, but the real healing will come from the Creator. Sometimes you are meant to carry a burden for growth, and sometimes you are meant to lose the burden to be in comfort. Let God answer the needs of your body and soul. Seek God relentlessly; seek in utter trust, faith, and devotion. Seek Him without a thought that He could not be anything but perfect; then know in truth the energy God sends is coming to you to harmonize the body. It is coming to you once again, in order to give you the opportunity to make the most of that existence you have for your soul to grow to Him. You all are divine! You are not physical! The composition of the true self is divine! The physical covering is divine in its creation and its origin. It is not divine in the essential journey of carrying the soul for the purpose of the growth of the soul: its only the soul and the consciousness that goes through eternity. The body has only been given to you to protect the soul, and to give your soul a chance to animate in matter.

Seek from the Creator the divine healing to permeate the body. Respect it! Respect that which composes it; wear it in trust, faith, and love. Seek not the impossible of expectations in existence. Seek not to be young again, that is not the way to find God. Your body has taken you from the beginning, and it will take you to the end, because at in each stage of life it deteriorates. That is the law! It is natural! It cannot exist through all eternity. Its made of material essence, and must return to its fallible form to where it belongs. Only the soul journeys to God! Feed the soul, and the soul will feed the body. The soul is not the spirit! The spirit is only a vehicle that carries the soul. The soul is that atom of God within: that magical part of God that is the real self. Religions have so confused their followers for centuries in their mistaken belief of assuming the spirit is the soul. It is not! When you seek God, life brings you a peace that you cannot describe. With this peace you can reach out in true love and longing for that ultimate state of consciousness that only comes with unity with God. Then indeed your life is being lived as was intended for this journey, and the soul inside will glow with divine light. Your consciousness can expand into the mind of God, and your wisdom can grow without you realizing its expansion. You will find yourself being able to evaluate, discriminate, and understand so readily the true importance of all there is in that world to watch and to know. It does not matter if you cannot understand the books of learning in that world. It does not matter if you have not the great intellectual powers of the universities. It matters more that your soul is attuned to understanding the divine way. It matters more if your soul knows the divine interaction between each human being in its divine belonging. It matters that you stop and help someone who needs help, your help, rather than moving through life with great material learning, and seeking to still expand the level of this, with the sole purpose of turning that worldly knowledge into additional wealth. Material minded people only see the life they have, the importance of the life they have, and the wealth of the life they have. It is better to stay still to help those around you, and remain a pauper, than to charge through life just to grow in wealth of the worldly coin. Seek the divine, live the divineand most surely you will find the divine in its fullest expression of the Beloved Creator. I give you my love. I give you my peace. I am Bethesda. In Sanskrit there is a word to describe this expansion of the consciousness. This supreme state is known by the masters as Samadhi . . . Samadhi is a state you can earn through the inner reality expanding into the greater understanding and the wisdom of God. Its not easy to achieve, if it were it would have no value. When your soul desires God for God alone, you renounce all self, all egos, and all desires that are not of God. Then the soul is virtually moving into divine orbit, and will and must become one with God. To speak glibly of loving God and wanting God is easy, but to live that divine concept is a different matter. It means living God every minute of every day, loving God with every breath you breathe, and expounding God in every activity of life regardless of opinions and ridicules of that world. It also means understanding the disciplines of the divine pathway. You cannot pretend to God. You cannot pretend to the Divine no matter how hard you try and no matter how hard you try to convince yourself you cannot convince God unless it is so. This state of existence is difficult to undertake, and hard to achieve . . . but never impossible. Then the closer you grow to God the easier the pathway becomes.

If you choose to surrender to God in service, you must become like God in your thoughts, words and deeds. Then in a material world, with material values, governed by material desires, you will indeed be like a wanderer in the wilderness. You will be open to scorn, criticism, and open to endeavors to destroy that which you declare. Then in all truth there is no one who will be able to take you from this divine pathway, because like Jesus, you walk with God. The closer you grow to God, the less you need of that l world. And the closer you grow to God, the less you want of that world. The world is dark because mankind has made it dark, and all must learn through darkness that mankind needs light to live. Chapter 8 Light from an Avatar `My beloved children: I never grow weary of trying to tempt you along this spiritual pathway, from desire and not from force. If you are forced to love God, if you are forced to find God, and forced to live God . . . that is not growing to God. When I tempt you to God, I tempt you with the understanding of helping your soul within to want Him, so desperately, and so fully, that the material world falls away. That is my temptation, to tempt you away from the world and tempt you back to God. Then you and you alone must declare your need and your desire for God. No one can force it and you cannot hide it: but when you have found it your soul will glow. Seek God with the simple love and longing, and let life around you pass in time. Let it help you to grow in the way you want to grow and not the way the world wants you to grow. See the mistakes of the world, see the horror of the world, see the agony of so much suffering in that world, and see it with so much understanding. Through all of this, God is sending love and comfort. Through all of this, the body may hurt but the soul is growing. Ultimately, in spite of the hindrance of that world every soul must come back to God. Beloved seekers: I want you all to know Gods peace. I want you to feel the healing energy of God flowing into your body, moving to where it must, and should. I want you to feel the tranquility of better health, and most assuredly, greater peace, and the understanding that the condition you call time, is not really important in that world of matter. What is most important is the measure of the growth you have acquired in your efforts to reach God? Time is a man-made thing, but growth to God is endless eternity, and that my beloved children, is the wealth of any journey. Love is the key to all soul growth. Love is the key to everything there is, and love is the epitome of everything you could ever gain. Love is the power and the energy that will bring this whole human existence back to The Creator. You will never find God where there is hate. You will never find God where there is greed for power and authority of any kind. Thus, in the humility of love, in the humility of sharing of understanding and forgivingthats where you will find God. I tell you in truth, when you ultimately know God in the unity of bliss with Him you cannot imagine the joy you will receive in the absolute surrender of soul to this bliss. Never grow weary of the search. Never let the world tell you there is an easier way. No-matter how hard or lonely the way, follow it to God. Do not be defeated by that world, but move to God in the glory of victory, and know in truth, divine love will always be your companion. `Beloved ones: I want you to believe me when I tell you . . . I never bring one word that you cannot trust in, and follow. It may seem, to many people on your Earth, it is so far removed from reality and difficult to conceivebut it is truth I bring. I try to help you understand that world is not a reality, it is only a passing phase.

The reality of your divinity is within, and the divinity of God is what you will become. That is your reality! When you feel you cannot succumb to this wondrous way of living, remember, you are divine and you can. There will be times when you feel too tired, too lazy to give time to God, remember then, it is only you that is holding yourself back in that world of matter. God is not stagnant: He is moving and wanting you to evolve to Him. Give God the time, give God the love and the longing; then you will find that a change will slowly make itself known to you. A state of stagnated consciousness will leave you, and will know without a doubt you will be free to move to God. Do not let the world hold you in its power. Do not let matter make life so dark and hopeless that you feel despair. Feel hope, feel the power of knowing you are of God. Nothing is impossible! Then know and understand each soul that journeys in a body has a different experience to endure, and a different reason for their suffering or their joys. Some may seem to have so much, and some so little, but that is not the yardstick to judge that world of life by. Covert nothing anyone has accept what you have and attracted to your life as necessary for your growth. Whatever you are is not necessary what you will become. You are only on that Earth for a short time, but you are with God for eternity. I bring the peace, and I bring the hope and joy to every life that I can. I urge each of you this night to turn your face to the light of God, then my children you will never see darkness or despair, only hope, faith, and trust. We in our world will be with you, walking the journey with you, and longing to make it two steps and three steps, not just one. To your small gathering here, I give you the promise of my eternal vigilance in your lives until you no longer need me. I am Bethesda. More on Samadhi Samadhi is a condition of consciousness, where within, you lose your own and merge with God. You unite with the consciousness of all creation. You think not with your own mind, nor with the feelings of the flesh. The higher-self merges with God, and you feel the bliss, and know the bliss that only comes from The Creator. You are then in touch with all wisdom, all truth, and you feel and know everything there is to know. This condition is a gift from God that you have earned, when you are ready for it. Then in all truth, when you have touched it, you will never be the same again. For you can never forget, or be separate from the feeling of bliss and great peace. You will only want God, and have an overwhelming desire to seek Him more and more. Intellectuals will never be able to pull down a blind on a soul who understands the truth of God. Knowledge is man-made learning, but wisdom is God made knowledge Chapter 9 Wisdom and Understanding from an Avatar. I want you to understand, this communication is a combined operation betwixt the two worlds and not one sided from our world only. Individually you are of God. You have the right to have your individuality respected and your trust not violated in anyway. We bring to your world, the quality of truth that God intends you should have. This sacred trust must be sure and firm betwixt the two worlds. Must it not? There must be no room for suspicion or doubt if you there are to convey with conviction that which is given from our world. If you are to convince seekers of truth of the integrity of that which you give, you must first believe it yourselves

or you cannot convey it to others with any sense of conviction. Is this not logic? It is therefore important that we build this trust between us on firm foundations of mutual understanding and responsibility for that which is given and that which is received. It is not intended for us to bring the teachings of trivia, nor communications inconsequential to the greater ramifications of truth that you seek and need to know. The quality of communication must always be of a high standard, both in the transmission and in the receiving and in the information given and received. I think this is something that you will agree with. You have no time for trivia in a world that is so desperately in need of enlightenment. We have no desire to bring gems of information inconsequential to the ramifications of understanding that you long to know and others will seek from you. I think this would be acceptable, would it not? This will be the foundation of the program and progression of that which is to come. If you can visualize the enormity of the task before us, then I think you will understand the need for this to be a condition of our exchange of understanding in what is given. It is, I know, important to many to have the inconsequential communication with a curiosity of excitement in communicating with discarnate entities, casual communication with the astral world is not. The very desire of your soul for this way of life has led you to the mission of those seeking unity with God. This is not the type of search that should be taken on in your incarnation. You here have experienced this way, and you have laid aside this aspect. My beloved children: You have come through many facets of searching before you reached that level of soul growth that you have today. Is this not so? The goal of your lives you have now decided is the serious desire to find God in the fullness of what God is, and in the absolute sense of divine existence. You have discarded the fringes of knowledge. You have probed the depths of truth that lie there for all to know; now at this moment in time you are linked you with those in our world. If others are prepared to walk that narrow path to The Beloved Creator this can truly be a blessing for them also. There are evolved souls from this higher world who are destined and responsible for guiding you along the way you have chosen. I am sure you can find in the words I bring, a consistency of teaching in the direction your lives will take you. There is no deviation from truth in order to satisfy the individual egos and longings of those who are not truly dedicated to this oneness of understanding and longing for God. We cannot accommodate truth to satisfy those who are more interested in satisfying the ego within them-selves. These people have no desire to reach for the greater understanding that can only be found in the humility of submission to the divine understanding that is God. There are those in your world and in the astral world that caters to such egos. We are not of that ilk! We are teachers of truth and enlightenment for God. We are humble in longing to bring to Him, those who truly seek. We understand that the road is difficult and long, with a pathway that is very narrow and very demanding. It is too disciplined for many to submit their lives to the ultimate in this goal. Therefore, when we have true seekers that are singleminded in their longing and determination to follow the divine pathway regardless of the material temptations in your world, we give all the help we can. True seekers will have to face the many difficulties that will confront them at times; then we in our world are truly united with all those who are on this pathway of soul growth. We are completely ready and truly united to serve you in your work and your goal to help you find that which your soul is longing to know. As you acquire greater soul growth, you will find yourselves completely immersed in aspects of wisdom that you could not have known before this spiritual awakening. You would not have thought this possible if it had been given to you in your earlier stage development. It is only possible for us from our world to bring these

truths to you, if you continue this single-minded way to God. If that material world becomes your goal, then it is not possible for us to take you to these greater depths of understanding. I give you this, only because encouragement is important to those who are on the divine pathway to God. You see we understand the heaviness of matter, although we are far removed from the confines of the physical world. We understand the difficulty of seeking and loving God with the intensity that you have, and we understand that at times you have to withstand your worlds demands upon you. The purpose of seekers lives is so clearly defined to evolved souls from our world: its not the body that we are viewing it is the soul glowing withinthat is the book we read! Its not the lives you live that is your yardstick of your future, it is the divine hand writing the pages of the book of your life, visible only to eyes empowered to see for God. When you think of yourself, you think of the physical manifestation of yourself that you see in the mirror. Do you not? You calculate your worthiness according to the interpretation of this physical mind above the body that clearly says . . . Its you, with all your faults and your failures. I am sure the criticism you heap upon yourself at times is indeed intense. Is it not? This is perhaps unnecessary because when you have sufficient soul growth you are able to see the inner-self that we can see. If you could look deeper into the core of the self, you would not be as harsh as you are when you are viewing the physical. Then my children, you would not be so strident in assessing the efforts of your attempts in the spiritual domain of your endeavors. This does not mean you can lessen your efforts in the spiritual search for God, just because you cannot truly understand how far you are along the pathway: it does not mean you can excuse yourself when you weaken to the temptations of the world. It does mean you judge not yourselves entirely when you can only see that physical form. You cannot judge yourself at all until you can feel with the ability of the inner reality to assess that which you have become. If you were only that which you see with physical eyes you would not be in the search for God as you are at this present time. You would not give your life and submit yourself to the discipline of the search for God and enlightenment. You would not have rejected the material pleasures of that world as you have, and you would not have single-mindedly chosen this spiritual pathway to God. If you are something more that physical body that you see, its because the innerself is so far evolved to The Beloved Creator and so determined to find Him. The journey may be slow, and the pathway may be difficult: this is because the real you within that physical body, is a very different person to that which you see. You also are prepared to submit your lives in the way that you have in the search for The Beloved Creator. I know discipline is important to a spiritual seeker, but remember, all time you give to God is food for the soul. It is equally important that your thoughts be centered on the inner-self, according to the truth that we bring. We offer it lovingly to all who have embarked upon this journey to the supreme goal, and say in all truth . . . There is no other way! We give to you this knowledge, but unless you live it, it is wasted. Unless you accept it as reality and apply it to your living and your activities, then there is no purpose in knowing if you cannot live these truths. It is always important that your physical lives be molded according to the reality of acceptance that you can give to the truths that we bring. If compassion, tolerance, understanding, and love are denied to those around you and denied to the world at large, then how far have you progressed along the pathway to God? Think of what God is, and what God represents. Compare that to what you think you are to Him, and evaluate how far yet you have to go. `Beloved ones: It is not to discourage you I give these words; it is to encourage you. If you are honest with yourselves, if you are fair to yourselves, I think you have the qualities more deeply embedded in your thinking than you have really understood. You love, you care, and you feel for your world the compassion that it needs to be given to help it through the trials of this dreadful era of existence.

You would not willingly hurt another, even in thought if you could avoid it. You do not choose deliberately to inflict pain or suffering upon anyone, be it in thought, word, or deed. These are the qualities of God. If you are honest and examine carefully the approach you have to life, you will find much greater are the conditions of understanding that you possess for the qualities of life. You will find it is a deeper understanding of truth that you have, and a level of wisdom higher than you really thought you possessed. Humility is a quality of vital importance to any seeking God. But be very careful humility does not become self-derision through the desire to be honest in the assessment of your-self. To be inadequate is a misused word when applied logically and literally to the one so declaring. Unworthy is also a word that is not always accurate and very erroneous. In the eyes of God, there are none that are unworthy of His love, of His devotion, and His compassion. The greatest sinner in your world receives from God, the love equal to the saint: for God loves everyone with great equality. It is not for God to segregate according to the purity of the one: who to many people seems evil. You see the difference is not in the giving from God, it is in the measure of the receiving of the one who is seeking God. A person, who does not love God, receives nothing of Gods love. This is because he or she has rejected it. Not because God isnt sending, but because it has been rejected by that person. Can you understand that? The one who is seeking Gods love is receiving Gods love. He is receiving it because he is aware of it, and embraces the love, and builds upon the love. That is the difference! It is not in the giving from God, but in the receiving by the soul who is the recipient of this divine love. The churches teach their flock that God only loves the good: this is only halftruth, because God loves everyone. God does not refuse His love to those who seem not to deserve it in your world: that is in the material and the physical qualification. The Beloveds love is unqualified, it is endless, and there is no finality to the measure love that flows from God. The only difference is the ability of the soul to receive it, to use it, and to feel its presence. A soul may be living in darkness because he has chosen that material world, with all its frailties, and with all its illusions to satisfy his living. A soul, who has rejected the concept of anything beyond the material existence as reality, automatically closes himself off to the ever-flowing love and light of God. This perpetuates the darkness within his very existence, because that soul is lacking the ability to understand. There are those who accept the existence of the Creator, who are so willing to accept that which He gives so lovingly, endlessly and so compassionately. A soul accepts it with the understanding wisdom of his or her very being: and that is the one who is receiving the treasures. Such a soul who is storing within its innerself, this great ability to flower, to evolve, and become fulfilled in the true meaning of its very existencethat is the soul who is receiving real wealth. It is therefore urgent that all humanity is awakened to the reality of Gods divine love, to the availability of the love, and to the existence of the love. It is of no avail to try and comfort someone living in darkness until he has been shown the way to accept the reality of his origin and his destiny. When that person is aware of this reality, then can the soul push through the heavy darkness and confusion of the material existence of your world; that person then can let that spark become a flame within the inner-self, because it has become enlightened unto truth. It is this understanding of reality that is vital to your world. Is it not? Its no good trying to force someone into submission of belief. They have to be encouraged to accept it, in order to be able to reject the ignorance that they have been locked into for so long. My beloved children: When you think of the extreme religions like the Islam faith, and the fervent closed mindedness of so many of the religions that will not allow any other to be right but themselves. When you think of the complete fervency of their belief, you have to accept that there is something within the people who

believe this way, something that is prepared to accept the concept that there is something greater than the world of material existence. At least they have this acceptance of a power beyond the material that is governing their lives. Is this notunderstandable? When it is possible, we can help them to look even deeper than that which they already believe. When we can show them the vastness of the truth, the freedom of the truth, and the release from the bondage of the ignorance in which they are living, and when we can show them the alternative to that which they have come to accept as truth; then you will find that this core within them will suddenly be enlarged into a great light of understanding. This understanding has the ability to obliterate the past and present for them; their future potential is their true inheritance. I understand the dilemma you have in the understanding of the seemingly remote possibility of swaying the massesthe masses that are now deeply embedded in the irrational fervency of what they have come to believe. Remember this: Every soul is an atom of God, thus, it is linked to God and is linked to all humanity through this oneness with God. It is the outer covering, which at present is locked into the falsity of their beliefs. It is a physical condition and not a spiritual one! The mind is that which convinces each one of them of their belief, but the soul within is not convinced, and it has in the ultimate the final say in the analysis of that which they are in matter. Thus, it is imperative that the soul within is touched and enlightened, and then the outer can fall away to reveal the inner reality of understanding. You are what you are to day, because you have become what you are today. You have had many trials and enlightening experiences and subsequent growth into the reality of the awareness that is now yours. Can you not envisage the possibility of others achieving that which you have achieved? Time, I know, must pass, but before a conclusion is reached this must come to be before this can be realitya beginning. Thus, beloved ones, the beginning is vitally important and eminent, because those in your world are receding from reality at such a pace it must be contained before it is too late. You are witnessing a dilemma of the human factor, in a way that was never before been so dramatically an anti-spiritual reality. Conditions of life in so many parts of your world have never been more degrading, more prolific in suffering, more denied in justice and in the dignity of life that is their rightful expectation. Mans ability to exhibit cruelty is almost at a fever pitch in some parts of your world. Law and order is being challenged at every level of life. Is it not? Morality of home life, of commerce, and of everyday existence, has become weakened, has become cheapened, and almost none-existence in some areas of your world. All these qualities lead to the degradation of life instead of the improvement of life on that planet Earth. Gods intention for that world must be given momentum, must be given the opportunity to start to flourish and flower. Voices must be heard. They must become louder and more definite in the proclamation of truth and the reality of life. It must take people of courage, and dedicated conviction to convey this truth, and it must be given by people who will not be swayed because of opposition, derision, and even scorn from those who understand not. It must be undertaken by those who are so deeply convinced within their very soul of that which they believe and stand up for in all that, which is absolute in spiritual truth. You cannot fight the world from only the physical; you must harness the physical to the spiritual if ultimate victory is to be Gods. You need to work with the power of the spirit flaming within you and shining forth into the darkness that is yet to come. It is essential that souls in your world dedicate themselves to this task or you will make no mark on that darkness. You must give the truth to the world with the authority of God or it will carry no

conviction. My beloved children: I want you to understand the importance of the communication we have established from our world with your small group. It must be of such a caliber that no one can deny its truth or its existence, and no one can possibly prove it to be other than reality. Forcible pushing along the pathway only brings negativity of growth. It is so is wrong in your world for the religions to so dominate with their own doctrines and with their own dogmatic determination to fill the minds with teachings they declare is Gods law. Souls then have no room to maneuver. They blindly have to follow the teachings or they are excommunicated from that religion, this leaves them fearful of being spiritually isolated. If they start to question, to think for themselves, and to challenge that which they have been given, the usual response of any religion is . . . If you dont think like us, you cant come in. Only the strong in mind, the strong in conviction, and the strong within are somehow able to overcome the inertia of this religious assertion. They are the ones who are able to break free. Then look around anew, to seek greater wisdom, greater truth, and greater logic to the meaning and true purpose of existence. A soul, who is unconvinced, yet prepared to look and listen, has a greater opportunity of discovering the divine truth. He is closer to experiencing enlightenment; much closer than one who is firmly convinced in his mind that he alone knows the answer. He who thinks he has the answers will not listen to any other opinion other than that which he himself is forming to his own conclusion. I give you my love. I give you my peace. I am Bethesda. Closed minds will never find God! The organised religions of the world have a great detrimental effect on the spirit of man. While the earth human indulges in religions the spirit dwindles. Chapter 10 Light on the Pathway Seek the light and do not allow yourself to be drawn into the negative that is around you. Stand fast and seek the positive. Always it is easy to be tempted along the path that is easier to walk. Always it is easier to succumb to the temptations of your world only to become lost in its ways. Seek this love of God, and always yearn for His perfection. Understand that the power of the divine is the all-embracing power of purity and creation. This power is not mutilated in matter, and not dissipated through wrong actions: for it comes from the source of all creation. Eternally this power flows pure and strong; seek your help from this source; seek in trust for the elimination of negativity. Strive always for the highest in all you do and in all you are. This may seem a tall order in your world of conflict, a world where materialism is rampant and where the values are so at a variance with Gods. The striving always seems to be on the physical level: for people are continually seeking more and more for their comforts. Mankind is constantly seeking more and more to make life easy and the challenge less strenuous. In exception to this material way, enlightened souls will see there can be no compromise. Thus, for the one seeking unity with God there can be no taking the easy way, it must always be to God you journey to, for God you labour, and with God you love all humanity. Let lifes lessons be tempered with the compassion of the Beloved Creator. It makes such a difference if you can walk to God with understanding and wisdom. People that embrace this struggle not in that world, and think not that matter is

all there is to strive for in life. People of your world seem only to seek things that are of a material existence thinking they must acquire the utmost in wealth from that world of matter. Material minded people think they must have the utmost in physical comforts and material security or they are failing. In your world today, there is a need for very little to sustain you in life; if you love God, you can have the minimum of comforts and still be secure. You do not need the luxuries and extravagancies that mankind seeks today to keep them happy. If you have a bed in which to sleep, a roof over your head, food to eat, and security of the necessities of life, you can find happiness and you can find peace. If you are constantly striving for things of your world, things that cost money to maintain, then you will not be able to enjoy the simpler things of life. If this is your way of existence you will never be able to find peace and happiness within those simple things, as can a growing soul. That is why everyone must make the choice as never before. Are you seeking God? Are you content with the divine pathway that leads to unity with God, or are you content with that world of materialism, and finding your happiness and rewards from that source? If the way of God is the way you want to go, then the simpler your life is the sooner you will find Him. An uncluttered life, materially, is one that comes closer to God. Not everyone will be satisfied with this, and not everyone will be content to struggle, but believe me, its this path that will take you to God. If you are continually wanting all that the material world can give you, then you will never find God. If you must have the best motorcar there is, and you must have the best of this, the best of that, much of this, much of that; if your energies always want something you have not got; then you will be unable to spend the time giving your energy to the search for God. Is this not logic I speak? I know it is a very hard path to walk, and it is one which no person who does not begin to understand the truth of God can walk. Although once your soul is awake to the reality of the Divine, it then becomes more reconcilable to seek the simpler life and find God. Until you have the choice, and make that choice wisely, the testing time is not there. The closer you grow to God and the greater the goal of God in your life: then you will find that materialism will become less important to you. You do not have easy access to the worlds wealth, and you are not meant to have this access if you seek enlightenment. This helps you to make your choice to seek God in a simple way, and by having simpler things in life for your contentment. Then you will find that more and more you want less and from that material world. You truly will want and less from that world of illusion and greater will be your desire to unite with God. It is not something that a magic wand can be waved to give you. It is not simply the things we can tell you of, have you believe, and then follow. You have to want this because you want God. It must come from the inner-self, this yearning and this desire for God. Then almost automatically you find the world has little attraction for you compared to what you seek from the Divine. When you can accept the truth that you come to the Earth and take on a physical body in order to find God, to seek God, and not that material world: you will then realize the very reason you are there is to renounce that world, to conquer the temptations of that world, and not to let worldly desires matter so much to you. Then you will realize your physical journey is really to lose desire for the material world and seek the Divine. It is then you will find the task becomes much easier, and you will acquire a little more soul growth. `You see beloved children: You are all divineyou are not really matter. When you lose desire for that world and what the world contains; then with God as your only goal you are walking the pathway of your origin and your future. One day you will leave your body and return to spirit, and this longing for spirit

will be there in reality. Then, my children, you are not permitting any atom of your consciousness to seek satisfaction with that material world. It is all focused on the Divine! When you reach your spirit home, you will still strive more and more to become perfect in God. It is the pathway God intends for all His children to eventually take. And in order to become an evolved soul, you need to walk this disciplined pathway of sacrifice, for it can only be reached by those who really want God, and sincerely walk that divine pathway in order to become a united with God. It is the pathway that all Avatars have had to walk in their journey to God. So many people only want that material world, and so many can only find contentment in that world. They want the essential luxuries (as they call them) of the world for their comfort. Then when you examine this carefully, they want them: but in truth they need them not. You can only sleep in one bed at a time, and eat at one table at a time. Is this not true? People cannot expect the luxuries of your world to bring them inner contentment and inner peace. They will not find that inner peace in the material existence: it is only found in the simplicity of living that only the search for God can bring them. I could not bring these words to those who are not ready to find God. They would not understand, and they would not want to hear them. They would only think they will find God when they want to find Him and that there is plenty of time for now. I say . . . `There is every need for now! Mankind has devised its own scientific achievements, and everything is based on a cure for the ailments of mankind. Although in essence the spiritual pathway will help you to prevent these physical ailments in the first place. The divine energy can prevent your body from needing medical care when you live the divine way. All the medicines in that world cannot prevent an illness. They can only cure, or try to cure. Seek the living of God and His laws in your own living. Seek immersion in this divine energy of Gods at every opportunity you have. This is truly the way of prevention. If little children when they are born could be taught this truth, they would walk through life without the need for medicines of your world. Remember, all your hospitals are man-made and the medications are man-made. They touch the physical, but not the spirit. These medicines tend to the flesh, but the soul is not touched. Contact with the divine and immersion in the divine energy touches the soul and cures the whole person. If the soul, the spiritual body, and mind are in harmony with the physical body, then sickness is prevented. But if you allow the physical body to become immersed in that material world and its ills, then you will find the balance is not there. It is then you will struggle for health and well-being. I can understand how unattractive this proposition would be to those who love that material world, and live with that world in all its temptations and luxuries. How can you tell this to someone who does not know God, and does not realize the truth of his origin? You cannot tell such a person they must sacrifice and discipline themselves in order to seek this nebulous force of life. They can understand the material world and they want the things of that world. The world has all the answers, all the luxuries, and they must make more and more money to buy more of this and that before they are satisfied. But they are never satisfied, because whatever the flood brings them, they want more thats bigger and better. In your world there are growing souls who only want God. They want so little of that world, and they are quite content with the little that they have for their needs. These people truly need not seek luxuries or money, and as long as they have enough for economic survival they are truly content to struggle to God. `My beloved children: I want for you to realize your world is at the crossroads, and you are living at a very important time of civilization. The natural disasters

of your world are going to increase, as I have told you before. They will not diminish until your world is ready to accept and walk this pathway of light. The health of nations will deteriorate as long as they depend upon a physical answer for all their needs. Man is not a physical being! Man is a divine being in a physical body! He is wearing a foreign garment to walk in a foreign land. He has to learn to forego the temptations of that world of matter and seek only the love of God. How then can mankind be content to live in that world imperfectly, and suffer in that world the way he does? How can he not realize the way to God is so different? You see and hear of the wars, of the incidents in matter that take place, to kill, to maim, and to starve. Africa today is at boiling a point! So much of Africa is in conflict, even in the boundaries of each division of the African nation there is conflict; one person upon another person: not foreign in origin but belonging to the same nation by way of birth. Yet they seek different things, and think that killing, harming, and maiming into submission will bring about that what they crave and want. They think it will give them authority over others, and give them the power to dominate and rule. I want your world to become a place of spiritual growth, but everywhere I look I see only darkness. This is the senseless tragedy of mans indifference to Gods laws. One has to realize you are all uniform in origin with God. You are all part of the divine. That soul within is linked one with another, and you cannot ever forget or ignore that truth. You may cloud it, forget it, ignore it, but you cannot possibly deny it . . . Its impossible! Therefore all their struggles may for a time bring them supremacy. They cannot succeed indefinitely, because you cannot subdue spirit or destroy spirit. You can destroy matter, but you cant destroy spirit. You can hold it back in growth, hold it back in evolution, hold it down in ignorance, but in truth you cannot destroy or lose spirit, because it is the essential you. You are growing in evolution to God, and ever expanding the consciousness until you are one with Him. But there are many people who walk in the darkness of the material world; they are completely foreign to all Gods laws, these are the ones who are lost in matter. They are the ones who are going to find their journey is the longest and the darkest. One day, in one of their incarnations, they will find the light within them, awaking each of their souls to the reality of divine existence. Then they must start their search to find God. People in churches who are truly believing what they hear may think are ready for greater knowledge. This is a great hindrance to their soul growth! The day will come when their souls compel them to accept there is not truth in most of the doctrines they are given. Until then, they too are lost in the struggle, until they reach out to God. The various religions in the world, can for a time hold their flock, and can imprint their dogmas on those who follow them. Thus, ultimately, the soul will reject it, as messages that are only claimed to be the truth of God. The soul is a part of God, and cannot indefinitely absorb anything that is foreign to the truth and the reality of The Divine Creator. For a time they can be deluded with the physical mind that can be the stronger, and at times manifest in each life in false strength. Although ultimately, the scales must be drawn away from their eyes and they must be brought to realize their answer only lies in the seeking of this divine unity with God. This is the truth and wisdom of Gods creative force and compassion in that world. The body of humanity struggling in matter is only a minute proportion of Gods creation. You may be over populated, which you are in your world today. People of

your world may have to account for that if your world is expected to support the masses that are beyond its resources. Humanity will be brought to face the truth of over population before very long, unless its limited. Even so, the population of Earth is a minute, a very minute portion of Gods creation. Humanity will have to accept and acknowledge other dimensions, other realms of living beyond Earth. Universes beyond Earth exist. Dimensions beyond Earth exist: your world is only one portion of existence. If you think that your world is all there isthen you are very much mistaken! It is an important part of existence, because souls of your world are struggling to God. Your world is only a minute portion of creation, and the population of your Earth represents but a fraction of souls journeying to God. Mankind has a vain idea that Earth is the answer to everything. It is not! Most people of your world believe that existence is nowhere else but Earth. How wrong they are! All the seeking in the space beyond Earth is only a fragment of what there is and understand. Your planet Earth is but a minute speck in that universe. Beyond Earth there are other dimensions, other universes, and still more dimensions and still more universes. Your Earth is only a minute pinprick in creationa grain of sand on the beach of eternity. Everything of material existence in your world evolves: a grain of sand evolves, a rock evolves, the Earth evolves, the universe evolves, and as all these evolve God evolves also. Mankind has so much to learn! The immense wealth that is wasted on searching the space around earth and beyond is fruitless in achieving for mankind anything substantial. Considering the vastness of matter they can but touch a fragment of what lies beyond earth. What can it tell them, the existence of matter in another form, or life that once was and is no more? What can they attain, and what can they gain from what they are learning? They are only satisfying the ego and the mind. They are only bringing excitement to lives that are empty for God. When you consider, God has the answer to all existence, why search for the lesser, when you can search for the greater? Seek God, my children, for when you are one with Him you will know the answers to all you seek to learn and to know. Then you will realize how very unimportant one little atom of creation is in the mainstream of existence and creation. God governs the whole creation with love, compassion, understanding, the reality of truth, and wisdom. God balances one with the other, and intertwines the worlds and the universes. Everything in creation dovetails in, and moves in unity with Gods intent for all of creation. Why would you seek knowledge from lesser than God? Your knowledge is only what the human interpretation is, and only what fallible souls have given you. I would think that a greater source of inner contentment, and inner understanding, would be to journey to the source of all wisdom. Then seek from that source of all things, the answers to all living, to all life, and to all creation. What does it matter if there is a planet nearby that once contained life? What can they gain from taking samples from the soil, and other such portions from a distant planet that tell them . . . years ago there was water there? What does it matter to their life, to their living, and to their journey to God? How can it help them if they find the scientific fact that there once was water on a planet beyond earth? It is only adding knowledge of matter to the present knowledge of matter that you already have. Seek from God the answers to all knowledge: that is the journey your soul needs to undertake, will undertake, and must undertake. It is the law! As long as you wander in that material world only seeking excitement and satisfaction from what the world has to offer, then you will never know true peace. You cannot know true peace, because you are only satisfying the physical body and not the soul. Loving God and living God, is the true reality of life. See in every human being

that exists on your Earth, this divinity of God. See in everyone the need for understanding truth. See the need for loving God, and acknowledging God in their lives, in their future, and in their origin. Seek the understanding that you cannot be an enemy to any man: for you are his brother, his face may be a different colour, a different shape, but in the innerself you are one with him. The flesh is the overcoat that you wear for this journey and is not indicative of the true reality of the self. Seek to love all humanity. You might not like them, and you may not wish to linger with them in friendship, but seek to love them in the divine sense. Seek to understand what your world has, as a whole, it belongs to everyone. No man has the right to covet for himself great wealth when many elsewhere in your world are starving. No person has the right to hold the secret of all the medical answers to suffering, when somewhere else in your world, another human being is dying, when this brother or sister has not the money to accumulate the knowledge and the help that he or she needs. True divinity is the sharing of all, with all. The true divinity is self last. How few are the people today, who can live those doctrines, in the deepest sense of their meaning. There are many people in your world who think that conflict answers all claims if successful: they might win the battle physically, but lose it spiritually. Deny not the conscious of the soul its growth, but let it find God and merge with God. Live your life simply and fully. Treat your world gently in what you take from it. Do not grab greedily at what you can get from that world. Do not think the end justifies the means. It does not! Examine carefully your aspirations of what you think you need and want. If you feel a desire for something, ask yourself . . . Do you need it? Do you want it? Or do you want it for your growth and security? Crave not the wealth of the world, be content with what you have, and use it wisely and simply. If you want God, then this is the only direction to walk. I cannot tell you, you must do this or you must do that, I can only tell you what you ought to do, and I can only tell what you need to do to find God. If God does not matter in the way you think, then you have the right to live the way you wish. If that world is your goal, then you have the right to live it how you wish. If you know that God is your goal, you also have the right to live that choice. You then have the responsibility to find God in the way that you know, and you are comfortable with; but find God you must! Inventions of your world may be wonderful, but all of them are not directed to the evolution of mankind. They are more to the needs of the flesh. `Is this not so my beloved children? In your world today, diseases are becoming more prolific. The old diseases are rearing their heads and are hard to cure, with new ones forming and the cures are unknown. Strains of bacteria are again appearing, where they once were depleted from the Earth. Old hazards are showing their form on the horizon again. Spraying with what they have been using has not brought the wisdom of action that mankind thought it would. Destroying the rain forests as they are doing is preventing much of the purification of your world. In the rainforest it is important to have the trees, but also important to have the myriad of species that dwell therein. One spoils the other, one helps the other, one destroys the other that may be harmful, and the good survive. Man is denuding your world of these forests, with many of the species dying out, and not evolving as they must. Therefore, a lot of the preventative aspects of your forests are lost, and mankind must pay the price. When all is said and analyzed, one ought to realise that Earth was created and evolving through aeons of time to reach its present form. Take heed, Gods creation is not haphazard, for there is a purpose and meaning behind everything. Then if mans unwise actions tears it apart and destroys it, he must bear the price. It is the law!

The reason for many of these natural disasters has the origin in mans misuse of that world. He has changed the course of rivers, he has torn apart the forests, and he has reduced and flattened mountains to just plains. Moreover he has torn from the planet Earth much that has taken millions of years to form. Man is a vandal in Gods wonderful world. There is a price to pay for all the damage man is doing to nature, and nature is claiming this price. Nature must be allowed to evolve in the natural course of events, but man is denying that right to nature. Mankind is forcing nature to take different avenues of growth, which is unnatural to nature. Then there is the accounting that must be taken into understanding of the future and of that which is yet to come. The accounting will be a severe price for mankind to pay, for nature will not let humanity ignore this expense of repayment. When you hear the cries of . . . Why does not God stop this? Why does God allow this to happen? Remember always: it is not of Gods making; likewise it will not be of Gods solving as mankind learns its lessons. What mankind sows, so mankind must reap! That which man sends forth, so he must gather unto himself at some future date in time. This is the law of karma in action! Never underestimate the accountability of mankind for what they think, what they do, and what they are in any era of existence in your world. Do not fashion your outlook on that of your material world. Do not make your standards that which complies with the banal standards of that world. Live Gods laws: but vary them not! Live the divine laws and seek God with all the understanding that you have. Then in wisdom, let that world make its own mistakes but do not follow them! Put your face to the light, away from the darkness! Live in the positive and not the negative! Live simply, treat your Earth gently, respect nature, and follow the dictates of the inner-self. Live in harmony with all things, in love, tranquility, and peace. My beloved children: These are the growing factors of the soul! Even though you live in a world of chaos, you will find your own little haven of peace within your inner-self. This haven is a tranquility of great peace, which you can retreat into when your need is there. Even on a crowded bus, or on a crowded train, when there is noise and confusion you can quietly withdraw within yourself. Then because of this withdrawal you will find harmony, stillness, and a feeling of peace overtaking you, because you link with the true reality of the self. You can leave that world behind and you can emerge rested and comforted amidst the tangle of all that activity around you. Having the gift of withdrawing from matter, and dwelling in the bliss of the divine is a wondrous accomplishment, and a wondrous feat of growth to God. My children: This can be achieved if you seek and strive for this divine gift. You must not allow your world buffer you, and not let that world dictate your days of happiness. You must not permit that what happens in that world to dictate your days of peace, or thrust upon you the chaos of its present state. If you give way to the dictates of that world of matter, you will never know true peace! Once you have the ability to tell that world to stand aside, tell your body that your soul is all-important, and the longing for God is the prime factor of your life. Once you make this known to your inner-self, the soul can dictate the terms of your peace and tranquility. When, and if, you refuse to be muddled by that world of chaos, you will find you will develop the ability to detach from the world at will. Then you will dwell in Gods peace, and know His bliss. I understand the struggle is not easy. I understand you must have a great love for God to do this, and I want you all to know you must not use the intellect, but you need use the inner intuition of the self. The soul is a teacher of what is best for you. The soul is the seat of all wisdom within the body. Listen to the soul! You cannot hear the voice of the soul in the noise of the world. You cannot hear the voice of the soul, if you are involved in rushing through that world seeking and gaining material things unto you.

That is why I say in truth, your needs may be very simple, your living may be very simple, and yet you can be very successful in your journey through life. You may move back to spirit with nothing material in the bank and very little of possessions to show for a journey in time; but, you can take with you the blazing glory of the soul, and move to God in great peace, soul contentment, and great love. Then in full awareness, you will know God will bring into your life all the answers that you seek and need. I would rather seek from God that which I want to know, and have, than to be the most successful person in that world today. I would rather live simply in the humblest of dwellings, and be close to God, than dwell in the mightiest mansion in your world. I would rather have no money in the bank, and have my soul hungry for God and His infinite wisdom. The choice is yours, my children. You choose the world or you choose God, but you cant have both! If you are pursuing the ways of that world, the pleasures of that world, and gaining unto yourself the treasures of the world, with your desires tethered by the trammels of that world. Then you cannot give the time and energy to God that is needed to find God. God is a full-time occupation, but you still have to fulfill your responsibility and obligations to the flesh, I understand that. But if you step aside from this condition, you can still walk gently through life, and still make it well known to those around you that God is the one who matters to you. You may love some people on your Earth very dearly, but do not let them possess or attach in any form to the true self. They are but passing through this life with you, you are individual, you will move into spirit as individual, and journey on to God as one. If you allow those in this life, who have attached them-selves to you in this life, to dominate your acceptance of living; then they can dominate your thinking and your way of life to the exclusion of God. Consequently, they are binding you to flesh, as they are binding themselves. You must learn to love, help, and care for them, but never let them possess you. Never let them dominate your life to the exclusion of God. The choice must be made that God must come first. God is allimportant, and all-powerful in your living. You have not to be unkind or hurtful to anyone close to you or otherwise. You will find if you seek the way to move through life with God the answer will be given to you. Then you will find you can accomplish both your responsibility to flesh and to God. Always remember . . . The priority is The Divine! The person, who is close to you in this life, may not have been with you in the last life you lived, and he or she may not be with you in the next life as they are now: because that person is only with you temporally in this form. Then remember, the one who is close now, is on loan, and not a permanent part of you. Mortal attachment and physical attachment are but temporary and fleeting. Always be gentle and loving, but be firm if God is your goal. If true love is there in an association in flesh, that person will accept and understand he or she may be different: but they will understand. Walk through life with those you love, in gentle understanding, caring and helping. Let everyone in that world know that God is your goal, and that God comes first. If you become too immersed in the mortality of mortal flesh: you are losing in the journey to God. I speak only to those who really want God. I cannot speak to those who say they want God. Remember, God is the all-embracing power, wisdom, love, and compassion. God is unchanging, ever constant, ever evolving, and ever watchful of your need of Him. He knows when your soul needs solace, and He knows what your soul needs to fulfill the journey it came to make .God can answer your needs. God can help you, but you must be ready and willing to be helped in the way God knows you need. You cannot expect God to make life an easy path for you if you are resisting by your actions in that world. Submit to God, relinquish the world for Him, and make it known you love Him above and beyond all else. Gently submit to that which God

sees you need: then you will receive in full His bounty and His love. This is not the path that those who love that material world will ever take. It is not the path unless you are completely longing for God. You can only walk Gods way if you are truly ready to push the world from you and seek the Divine. If you can understand there is a world beyond Earth to which you return after you leave that body of flesh, then you will be able to understand that there is an existence that you are evolving into, which is divine. If you can accept these truths and follow the dictates of the soul within you, then you can only be successful in your journey and search for the Divine Creator. But if you wander in your world thinking you will catch up the time some other way, you are only fooling yourself. God is very loving, but very demanding. God seeks from His children only the highest and the purest; He does not say when or in which life, you have that choice. You cannot reach God until you have met the required rules of the game of life. God never says when you must come, for He is patient, He is loves all His children, and He will wait. You cannot play in that world and think you can find God. You cannot! God must be the full time occupation of your ambitious and your goals; you cannot dissipate your longing for God, and expect to find Him. God is unchanging, ever loving, ever waiting for you, and ever conscious of your need of Him. Remember, you are divine, you wear flesh, but you are divine. You do not belong to that world: you only borrowed the body, to journey in that world for a time then you will leave it behind. You may suffer, you may know joy, you may be lonely, and you may be happy, but every soul has to become one with God, eventually. Varying and conflicting emotions will beset you in your journey though time. Sometimes the body will rebel and hurt you. One cannot dictate what will come to your life, although I can in essence, tell you if you truly love God and truly seek God; then you can only receive the highest that God can send you. Be open to this receptivity, and do not give the self to any action that is foreign to God. Open wide the self in love and longing, also, open wide in trust and belief . . . Then, my beloved children, know you are searching for the ultimate in creation when you seek God. Does that world matter so much you cannot give your search to God? Do you want the hazards of that world in preference to The Divine? Take with you to the spirit dimension the glory of soul growth, and leave the dross behind to perish with the body. Mankind has made this world into a taking world and not a giving world. Mankind has made this world a greedy world, and is taking from nature the very foundation of its existence I give you my love. I give you my peace. I am Bethesda. . If you seek greater wisdom, you can only become as great or as small, as the goals and aspirations you seek to achieve The soul has an inbuilt homing device for those who are seeking God Chapter 11 The Super-Consciousness Mind I have inserted this section into the book to help readers understand the reality and nature of the super-conscious mind: the mind of God. To those of you with sufficient soul growth, you will be able to relate more fully to the teachings of Bethesda, and what it is possible to achieve. An Avatar reaches this condition where he or she becomes united with, and dissolves into the super, superlative, supreme consciousness that we call God.

As the soul grows closer to God, this higher consciousness also grows, until it becomes that what God is, and knows all that there is to know in the whole of all creation. That what Avatars have attained, you can achieve also. That what one soul can achieve, so can another. It is not possible to learn all there is to know about creation. It cannot be learned! It is impossible! You have to grow into it! The greater the soul growth, then the greater will be the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of all that is, was, and ever will be. You become like God, and you become one with God. It is part of the divine law. It just happens! I spoke of Avatars as he or she; this is because of the limitations of man-made words and the difficulties of trying to put spiritual things into mundane terms. When a soul achieves the supreme state of an Avatar, that soul then truly is part of God in the fullest sense of that divine something called God. Then like God there is no shape or form, unless the Avatar takes on a physical body for a purpose. There is no gender, no skin color, and no shape or form. The Avatar becomes united in God, a part of God. Religious movements present God as a magnified man, or a nebulous creature in some remote heaven, who can bestow privileges ire and wrath as he so choosesI know of no such god! We use the term Father, the Divine Creator, God, or other terms, according to names religious movements like to create. This it is because there are no words that have ever been created by the mind of man to give true meaning of that what God is. God is all you can see, and all you cant see. God is the whole of the cosmos and the whole of the logos. God is this universe and the universes beyond this universe. God is the unseen dimensions beyond this universe; and still more universes; and still more dimensions. God is the supreme intelligence of all these things put together, and so much more, which is beyond the human mind to ever comprehend. God has no shape or form, God is not male or female, God has no skin color, God is the pure energy of creation.GOD SIMPLY IS! A little over two- thousand-five-hundred years ago Lao Tzu said . . . The Tao has no shape or form though the Tao has no shape or form you can see the Tao in all things. The Tao is silent but in this silence it tells you of many things. The soul like God also has no shape or form: the soul is that magical part of God which is the real self, and like God the soul simply is. Bethesda is an Avatar from dimensions far beyond the Spirit World and has reached the highest-level soul growth to become one with God. The limited physical mind has so much difficulty in trying to understand this level of soul growth that all can achieve. I think perhaps it would be wiser to let Bethesda explain the levels of consciousness and super-consciousness. Frank W. The super-conscious, is the thinking mind of all the universes in creation, is the mind of action within the universes. It contains all understanding, all information, and all knowledge of that in existence, and all knowledge beyond known existence. To tap into this unconscious mind is a gift you acquire though the growth of the soul within, and the ability to expand your consciousness into the mind of God. Then you are able to think with the information and knowledge of all that is. It is not a question of memorizing and learning; it is a question of entering into this great mind and knowing automatically all that is contained there. The super-conscious mind of God is the higher mind of His own complete superior mind. This is superior to the unconscious mind, and is the perfect mind of God. It contains all the essence of all creation It contains all the purity of existence in Him . . . IT IS GOD! To enter this state is a bliss that comes to those who have perfected their lives,

and have gone through their inner reality of growth in their search for God. They have been able to enter this state of bliss through the expansion of their consciousness and through their dedication and devotion of their inner-selves to the goal of seeking, knowing, and finding God. There is no key to the super consciousness other than self-growth, and selfeducation to the one who is all. No one can pay the fare for you, and no one can give you a free lift to God. You have to make the journey individually, yourself. When you hear of people having access to the `Akashic Records`, they literally mean they are tapping into the unconscious mind. This is the computer of the spiritual, wherein all knowledge is contained. The ability to enter is not lightly achieved, because it has to be earned by the growth and the evolution of the soul. Lifetime after lifetime is necessary for this gift to be earned and achieved. It comes not to those who are curious, and not to those who seek power alone. It must come only through the growth of the soul to earn this ability, to tap into this great mind of God. It therefore behooves those who have reached greater soul growth, and have achieved this gift to never misuse it. To misuse this great gift is a retrograde step, and they automatically suffer karmic consequences for that betrayal: because it is indeed a spiritual betrayalthen all the greater is the crime. It becomes a greater crime because that evolved soul has acquired the wisdom to know the difference. Ignorance is an excuse, but spiritual understanding brings no excuse for betrayal of that trust, the effect comes automatically to those who have broken it. The subconscious mind is the culprit that can overpower the intelligent human beings understanding, and that persons ability to reason. You have many mental breakdowns occurring with people of your world: because the soul in question is unable to cope with existing mind conditions. This problem befalls that person when the subconscious mind is out of control. The subconscious becomes out of control when the ability of that person is unable to direct it through the inner-selfs recognition of the need to be its master. Mankind will one day have to recognize there is this great mind of God that is functioning in every atom of creation. Then they will perhaps recognize the puny ability of man to be supreme over all he surveys. This super-conscious, this vast reservoir of intelligence; it can be entered into by people of your world, and they can be enriched far beyond the understanding of the mind of man as it is today. If you seek wisdom, seek it from God. Do not seek it from those who are lesser than your-self. Spiritual wisdom is profound wisdom! Wisdom gained through the books of others is merely borrowed from those who have written down their thoughts. Misguided at times they may be, and often completely opposite to that which is truth. If the pen in the hand of a spiritually evolved soul writes that which is the truth, it is instantly recognized as truth. It is recognized as truth, because truth is self-evident. If the reader does not recognize it as truth at that particular time that truth will return to that person at a later date; it will return at a time when that person has acquired more soul growth and is ready to receive it. Truth cannot be hidden from evolved souls, because it has a ring of its own. Whether truth is spoken or written, an evolved soul can hear that ring. A soul seeking God with the purity of desire and motive, instantly knows deception of truth by those who speak falsely. If they claim to speak for God or otherwise, if it is false, that ring of truth is not there! Feel with the soul and listen for that ring of truth in these teachings. I leave you my love, I leave you my peace . I am Bethesda. The way to tap into the super conscious is to surrender to God, and become a greater expansion of Him. Wisdom cannot be bought or borrowed. It can only be earned through experience and

soul growth. Chapter 12 God, Existence, and You `Beloved children: There is no point in seeking wisdom that you cannot understand. By that I mean as you grow to God, each step of the way wisdom comes with you. If you try and reach too hard and too fast, you may find the disappointment of the failure. Take your steps gently to God. Take them wisely, and let the knowledge, the truth, and the wisdom of God flow into your consciousness when you are ready to absorb this divine condition. You will find you will understand more than you realize, and you will find you will act differently than you thought you would. For wisdom and action come together for God. Never be impatient. Never seek the excitement of knowledge beyond your understanding. Just accept with love that God will lead you with love. God will lead you to where you are ready to go according to your level of growth at the time of seeking; then you will move in a divine way as your soul evolves. However, never betray the spiritual understanding that you have achieved. Never belittle it by letting the world usurp your spiritual growth. Seek God, as you love God. Live God, as you love God. Then serve God, as you love God. Let love be the power that motivates all you do in life. Let love be the power that enwraps you in life. Let love take you from that world of matter into the divine wonder of the Beloved. You are not physical beings, you are divine. You are only there for a journey, in a borrowed body, in a borrowed aspect of life. Move through it to God, gently but surly, and seek only the wisdom of the Divine, not the wisdom of your material world. Intellect is not the criterion of growth to God. Soul growth is the loving wonder of God within, ever unfolding gently to Him. Soul growth is also the living of Gods laws, and the understanding intuitively of the divine wisdom. That is the criteria for success, for inner wealth, and for the purpose of existing. I bring to you such indescribable love from God. I bring you the peace that passes all understanding. I bring to all seekers the longing to find the resolve to hold fast to this journey to God, and let nothing, nothing at all take you from the divine pathway. I can only say again. It is not an easy pathway to travel. I know I bring to you the goals you think are far too high and seemingly impossible to meet; but in spite of this I must bring them. I cannot come to your world and tell you this will do, that will do, and God will be satisfied with that. I must tell you the truth and that is, only the highest and the purest of your aspirations are needed to find God. When I give to you these goals, I never expect that failure to find them will bring you a sense of inequality and inadequacy, you must not feel that. The fact that you are trying is so important. You are never judged by God, or by any of those evolved souls from this higher world for the errors you make, and the lack of success you make. Never are you judged, for always are you loved, and always do we send strength and comfort to help you find your spiritual-self. Then how much greater if you have your sights on the ultimate and then strive to reach that ultimate goal. Every leaf upon every tree exists only because the life force of God flows through it. If that life force is withdrawn the leaves will die. If that life force is removed from mankind all that would be left of humanity is a pile of ashes. Matter is only one aspect of that world, and without the animation of the life force it cannot exist. There is no enlightened substance that man thinks he can create to match, or

substitute, that can replace Gods life force. Matter is only one aspect of creation, without the life force it is nothing. In truth, `beloved ones, it then cannot continue to exist and be part of existence. If man cannot recognize by now, that this hidden force behind all existence is God, then he is only perpetuating his own dark destiny of self-destruction. The way of your world has to be altered and redirected before it is too late. Your world could crumble in a twinkling of an eye, if the life force was withdrawn from matter in all its manifestations. Think carefully of the darkness that could descend upon Earth if Godwithdrew from your world, human beings would become dust from which they were created. Man would then find that no technology could help him. No manifestation of his scientific knowledge and achievements could replace Gods life force. It is significant to think of God as the core and substance of all there is, its life; its meaning, and its very existence. The word, God, has limited mans understanding at times, because it has become synonymous with a personal relationship betwixt one person to another. If we could explain God then God would become very insignificant. Mankind cannot contain God in a matter of words or description. Man-made words make the vastness of God difficult to understand, because of the limitations of the physical mind. No human being can shrink God into the descriptive power of words. It is reality! It is the truth! Its not possible to describe any form in respect of creation with the relevance of the human mind to visualise. Human beings cannot imagine or fashion as a positive aspect that they can visualise and hold as a figure of existence. This is why mankind in their religions fashioned God in an image they can understand, as a replica of the human form. When God relates to a soul that is beyond this narrow thinking, it is then that enlightenment can come in the way that the soul is seeking. In limiting God, you limit your own potential to know Him; in accepting God as the vastness of the invisible whole, then enlightenment is beginning to emerge from your inner-self: you then feel an affinity with God because you are part of that divine whole. God is not separate from you. God is not distant from you. God is not unattainable to you. God is part of the whole. God is the whole! In your linking with Him, reach out to this great awakening of understanding that God is not limited to any form or any condition of existence. He is just the whole of all there is, was, and ever will be. You can become part of this whole, because your soul can enter into this great expansion of understanding, through the longing and the very surrender of the self into this oneness that you seek. Man cannot become like God until he becomes one with God. If man uses the intellect to make decisions for his actions, he is going to have the physical manifestations of those decisions. He is going to have the physical results of those decisions becoming the aspect of his life, and becoming the dominant force of his life. Those intellectual decisions will be the creative force of that which he is making into a cloak to wear. This is the cloak he will wear in this lifetime, and in many life times that are yet to come. If man can learn to feel within himself the wisdom of God, he will then act according to the intuitive wisdom flowing through the vibrative force of God into the spiritual entity of the inner-self. If a person who is sincerely seeking that unity with God can learn to think with the soul mind, it will transcend the intellect, go beyond, and see things the intellect cannot grasp. The person aspiring to God must learn to feel the wisdom of God. It is difficult to put conditions of spiritual reality into words that mankind has created for communication with others in that material world. Mundane words do not truly express things of the spiritual in the reality of their true meaning. People, who are evolved to any greater degree of soul growth, need to learn to feel with the mind instead of thinking with it. They then will be able to experience a

greater understanding and a greater insight into the reality of existence. This must come from the soul-center, which is near to the heart area of the physical body, and not from the brain. Once the soul mind is activated through spiritual growth that person will never be the same again. People will see something different about that person, but they will not know what the change is that has taken place. The person who masters this will act according to the intuitive wisdom flowing through the vibrating force of God into the spiritual entity of the inner-self. This will override the material facets of that persons thinking. It will become the intricate power behind all of that person actions and thoughts. It will be the wisdom and divine influence behind all that the evolving soul fashions. That persons life will become a vastly different aspect of existence, as compared to one who thinks with the physical mind. The human being who only thinks with the intellect will not accept the reality of the spiritual-self. The material minded person: will not see or understand that the spiritual-self is the ultimate authority within. He or she then will have to answer for their actions in life, and in each incarnation. These are some of Bethesdas earlier teachings. I thought would help those of you who are trying to rise above the chaos of material existence, and help you claim your spiritual inheritance. From almost fifty years of searching, probing, questioning, and always seeking the spiritual truth, I would like to leave this world a better place for my being here. If I can help just one aspiring soul along this divine pathway, then my life in this incarnation has not been wasted. Frank W It is sad I think that the churches of that world have encouraged man to think of God as the personal representative of goodness that they must bow before. A god to be fearful of, must account to, must seek help from, must pray to, and must answer all they ask for. God is not Santa Claus! God is not one who dispenses favors according to the personalities of those who seek these things. It is important to your world to lose this concept of God. Mankind must realize that through the ages, religions have been formed, and concepts have been followed through ignorance of understanding at the time it was fashioned. It is not for the new age thinking to hold on to the antiquities of the past. They must cleanse their understanding of all this unwise, ignorant dogma that has been handed down through the generations that have long since gone. They have an urgent need to blow away the cobwebs of the past. Then in the light of God and in the flow of Gods divine wisdom, they must cleanse themselves of all this clogging of teachings that have so clouded their thinking . They must learn it is not Gods will to cling to nationalities, because of the religious aspects of that nationality: it is only an accident of birth that places that soul in that category of existence. It could be that in their next incarnation, they could emerge into another nationally, with a different religious belief; that belief may be so different; to the one they claim is the only one they acknowledge in their present life, as the one that is right. It is wise for mankind to understand that through the tolerance of God, the soul is allowed to grow through experience, and the recognition of spiritual truth. This has to be, in order for the soul to culminate in the wisdom the soul attains in the search for The Beloved Creator. I give you my love. I give you my peace. I am Bethesda.

The fervor of religious belief on Earth is almost a mania; there is no room for any other in their accepted thinking. That what man is greedily taking from the Earth is not for those in need, but for those who already have plenty. Chapter 13 The Earth and the Reality of Spiritual Truth Never cease to give God the credit for your life. Never mind the medicines of man and the stimulations of the material world, for the very core of existence is God. It is God, and God alone that can continue life on your planet. You may wonder at Earths composition: that round ball of matter, suspended in that dark sea of gravitation, of space, and of existence. How tiny, how puny in itself it is, when you think of the endless material existence beyond your Earth. The exploration that man undertakes can only reach just to the extremities of your world. Those planets mankind is desperately trying to seek, to find out what they are made of, and what they contain, are so close to Earth. The extent of matter is beyond mankinds wildest understanding: they limit their world by thinking the Earth is the hub of creation. How many in your world give credit to the immensity of the potential of existence? How many people face the truth of life? When you look at the population of your world, how small is the proportion of the people from the whole population of that planet who believe and think otherwise? They can be likened to a few grains of sand upon a .beach Is this not so? `My beloved children: Seek your knowledge, ever stronger, and ever surer from the source of all knowledge. Let your understanding be expanded by the emersion of your consciousness into the cosmic mind of God. You will not find your understanding expanding through the reading of the books of matter. They educate the physical mind and the intellect, but the soul evolves and grows only through its contact with the Divine. An illiterate person who is unable to read and to write can know more of God, and can be closer to God than the most learned professor in your world, if that persons consciousness is reaching ever deeper into this consciousness of God. If all the books in your world were able to be read freely, and to be remembered freely, they still would not be able to advance a soul spiritually; unless that soul firstly obtained his growth through the seeking of God and had the ability to discriminate from the books around him. Those books of substance and of divine knowledge that they read would be the only ones to help that soul in its divine growth. Little children are so busy learning the facts of that world and the way of materialism. They are also being taught to covet matter, and to covet that what the world can produce in its material form. They are taught from the cradle to continually seek, want, and find. How few people there are, that are taught to submit to the love of God to the wisdom of God, and to the knowledge of God. How many children are taught to meditate? How many children are taught to seek from the divine source to find the answers to that what their soul is craving? It is indeed a material world in which you have incarnated into in this life. It is a time when I think that materialism is at its height, and more prevalent than any time known to mankind. It is true: Avatars are few and far between in their incarnations in your world. They rarely come until God feels the time is there for them to come into that material world. Then and only then, are they able to show mankind a glimpse of the divine truths. Every function mankind focuses upon in that material world is geared for self-gain, greed, power, superiority over one another, and the thrill of possession. They want

the power of overseeing others, and believing they are more important than their neighbor next door. Social status is very important to mankind today, while the humility of divine growth and love remains unrecognized and unimportant to the majority of people in your world. It is far better to have no money in the bank, but have your soul expanding in the bliss and wonderment of divine understanding. If the consciousness withdrew, the mind would be dormant. Therefore, let the superiority of the consciousness overshadow the physical mind in divine guidance, and divine understanding of what life should really represent. The values of the material are scarcely the values of the spiritual self. You have every right to establish yourself economically, in order to live in comfort and not in stress. You have every right to have a home in which to live, and to have the means to feed and sustain yourself. God never denies anyone that birthright; but this can become a naked ambition to possess bigger and better things. It also becomes an obsession to have and to hold so much more, regardless of all else. Then indeed one is violating the will of God! The will of God for humanity is to seek with integrity the truth of creation and the truth of existence. To also seek the truth of your incarnations from where you come from to where you go, and the reason for journeying through time and matter. All this is relevant to God. Materialism is irrelevant to God! He cares not whether you have money in the bank, or jewels to wear, or a mansion in which to live. That has no criteria with God! God judges His children by the life they live. He judges them by the goal of their search, the understanding and recognition of divinity within themselves, and their need to evolve to Him. From the moment you are born you need your soul focused on God. A little baby or a little child is unable to recognize this, but as they grow older and are able to understand they should surely be guided to the true meaning of living in that world. They must be taught to see their body as just compositions of matter, and an intricate wonder of Gods creation, a body with all the facets of matter, with an ability that enables them to talk, to see, to hear, and to move. They need to understand the wonder of the organs within the body maintaining the life that must be lived, and for the soul to inhabit. They must be taught to revere and respect their body as a temple of God. They must be taught to cherish it, and to nurture it: for it houses the soul. It must revere and retain that sacred task of giving the soul a home, for as long as long as the soul needs to incarnate in matter. As children grow older, they should be able to find better and deeper ways to focus on God. Children of your world should not be taken away from God. They are in that material world, and they should not be taught to focus their attention on materialism and the luxuries of that world. They should not be taught of greed, and they should not be taught to desire from that world the comforts of that world: for that takes them to excess. A souls mission in life is to grow to God, and to learn to discriminate between the world of matter and spirit, and to instinctively and intuitively to gravitate to the Divine, and reject matter. There is a great need for everyone to understand the true value of their journey, and what they must become. If humanity understood the reality of that what God is, and lived this understanding of Him, then indeed the people of your world would know true peace. They would find divine love in existence in all people throughout your world as never before. The ability of harmony would also be a way of life, with no discord or anything that runs counter with the divine laws. Fear would not exist, and greed would have no place. Power over others would not be there, and authority would be gently exercised wisely. What a place of beauty your world of matter would become.

The rivers would be flowing sweetly along unpolluted, and not channeled to where man thinks they should be for his own benefit. The oceans would be pure for the fish to live within. The jungles, the wilderness, and the rain forests of your world are all playing their part. Animals are evolving in their own special line of evolution, and they are able to exist and disappear normally and naturally; animals that are no longer forced by man to procreate to feed him, to do his bidding, and to answer his needs. There would be no distortion of nature by man, no forced the births, and natural procreation would be functioning in the normal way. There would be no animals genetically engineered to satisfy the need and greed of man. All of your world would be evolving, the mountains, the valleys, the grasslands, and every living thing. `Beloved ones: Your world could still be a place of progress, a place of harmony, and a place of plenty. However, there must be the stimulation of mankinds intelligence wisely directed by the spirituality of the consciousness. Humanity must also remove from existence all competition for power, money and land. This is the world that one day will come to be: for it is the will of God. It is not intended that man will destroy that world as he greedily lunges forward though time. God governs in wisdom and compassion. God sees the need of that world to progress as He intends, and God will ensure that this is able to eventuate. God does not pressurize man into His way of thinking. God lets mankind evolve gently and surely into that field of growth. God is patient, God infinite and eternal love, and God is all light and all peace. By the very struggle of growth, mankind is slowly learning wisdom. The very fact that man has to live and to account for his actions, his thoughts, his words, and his deeds: all this is in accordance to the divine laws. The very fact that man does not escape the divine justice of existence, this ensures mans evolvement, and his progress. Soul growth then will be earned step by step, and will last through eternity. If God waved a magic wand, and transformed your Earth into a place of peace and spiritual understanding; and humanity there within your world made to live accordingly. What would man have learned through experience, through suffering, and through joy? What would he have learned through desire for the Divine, and not the world? What comparisons would man have to make between this religion and that religion and Gods truth? What would he have learned of living side by side with all of his brothers and sisters throughout that world? What would he have learned from seeing and understanding their needs, and what they are seeking? There would be clear skies, in which the birds could fly. Birds singing in peace and contentment, and all mankind could hear the music of this divine creation. Gentleness would be there, where cruelty was once so rife. Then with all violence eradicated from your world there would be true peace. In this perfect world, trust and peace would be there to replace all negative conditions. Alas, this is not so in your world today, for there is so much crime in your world, so much stealing, and so much immorality in business decisions and actions. There is much violence used in order to achieve that which someone wants, whether it is against a lesser person, a humbler one, or a weaker one. Conniving and scheming are commonplace with people throughout that world in an effort to outwit someone else. Throughout your world today there is much discord, torture, and hunger: all is the result of mans un-evolved living in that world. God does not come personally to transform this to His goal of evolvement. God allows mankind to grow through many stages of existence for them to experience divine comparison. Human beings have free will, and can choose God through the lessons they have learned, as the result of the comparisons each one in flesh makes. If each growing soul learns through their own living the way to God is the spiritual way, and the only way. If man can achieve this through his own efforts then truly has he learned, and truly has he chosen. If man is forced, by any source other than his own desires to feel and live this way: then the lessons have not been learned.

You have so many countries on that planet Earth with so many different populations. There is so much resentment, so much envy, so much hatred, and so much despising the way of others. It is so wrong! It is so wicked, and so unproductive! Hatred and fear are negative, for they breed negativity. Love and peace bring the desire to share and care: this is positive. These are the building bricks for spiritual growth for every human being in your world. To be able to see anothers wealth of the world and to be able to see the luxuries that someone enjoys, and still not envy them . . . . That truly is soul growth. If you can live in humble circumstances, with humble desires and needs, and grow to God with a love that passes all understanding . . . That again is soul growth! When mankind can dispense with their hospitals and their medicines, then preventive medicine can be the living of the way through obedience to divine laws. Man needs to learn how to cherish the body, ensuring it is immersed in health, and cleansed in purity. When that can come, then man can truly know what living means. No more torture, no more killing, no more hatred, no more hunger, no more injustice, and no more homelessness. It will be a world of equal opportunities, as souls make their journey to God. I know I speak of Utopia. I know I speak of a dream of Gods; but that world one day will be the very facet of this existence. At present God watches and waits, seeing the agony of his children and the mistakes of the material that mans mind still repeats, again and again. God will not interfere with mankinds free will. Its Gods own law! God is willingly and gently sending forth His compassion, His understanding, and His light. God sends this to your world relentlessly, and it comes from the beacon of all creation into the darkness of existence. This still flows, no-matter what man does, and no-matter what obstacles are placed in the way. This power of love is ever overflowing, and for those who are attuned, the wonder of growth, its beyond description. Open yourself to God my beloved ones, and let His power of love flow into your soul for that is the real you. Let it saturate your very being. Open your eyes to the divine presence and the divine love that awaits you. There is before each one of you, the divine fulfillment in eternity for each enlightened soul. So many times you hear so many people speaking of their desires; always seeking more than they already have, more than they need. The words, I want, echoes as a universal cry. This is constant in the material thinking of mankind in your world today. Do your best to live without that I, me, and mine. Suppress your ego and let the soul manifest within you with loving concern for others. Have concern for your world, for nature, and for all species in existence. Exercise integrity, with the criteria of your thinking, and let your footsteps take you ever further along the divine pathway of soul-growth and enlightenment. Incarnations may be limitless, or may be few, depending upon your own spiritual aspirations. If you want to linger in the world, or if you want the things of the world, you will come again and again to have them. `Beloved ones: Truly seek God, with a hungry unfulfilled longing for the divine state of union with Him as your supreme goal. Then you can truly accept the message from God to grow to Him in desire, forsaking that material world, transcending that material world, and trying to build your wealth in spirituality. If this is the way you try to live and you crave only God, then surely you will only return to that material world for as little as it takes a soul to evolve. Some people can return to a body so many times, and some people so few. The key to reincarnation is with you. If you seek that world, in thought, word, and deed, or desire to enjoy the products of that material world, you will return. It is the law! You can seek base products or higher products of that world. The choice is yours!

If you seek that world to answer your needs, and seek the world to give you happiness, contentment, and your material luxuries; then you are surely ensuring you will return again and again. `Beloved ones: Be content to surrender to God, to be humble in your existence, and undemanding in your worldly desires. Be satisfied with less. Seek less and less of that material world to make you happy. Seek the conditions of divine existence as your measure of growth. See the illusion of your world for what it is, a material place of learning, a testing ground, and an illusion. See through and behind of all matter, and glimpse the wonder of the Divine Creator, with understanding and truth awaiting for you there. Measure not your fellow humans in material attainments, but in spiritual understanding, and spiritual growth. Let the assets that you gather unto you be those of the soul, and not that world. These statements of mine are made in the hope that this can be the way of your life. `My beloved children: I see so clearly your need to reach out for God, more, and ever more. I see your need to crave for the divine because you love God, and you want God. You in this small gathering have learned enough wisdom spiritually to know in the depths of your souls that I speak the truth. I would not waste these words on a person who is buried in materialism and could not hear this message from God. It is because you here are attuned to this divine pathway . . . thus, I can bring these words and know they touch your soul. These truths have imbued your consciousness, and I see your souls glow with divine light. I speak to all seekers of the divine pathway, and say . . . `Find this discipline. `Find the divine way`. `It is the only way! Understand that material world forbid it not to any person for they must forbid it to themselves. Do not overwhelm people with encouragement to walk the divine pathway. Do not become one who is trying by force to impart on others that which you have learned. Let it be gentle. Let it be gradual. Let it flow and find a resting place in the souls of those who are ready. Be gentle in your judgments of mistakes. Do not condemn the opinion of others! Let them learn to find their way to God. Let them take their time to find Him as you here have done. Do not encourage! Do not judge! Gently try by influencing them through the way you live, the way you think, and the way you are. Let them by your example see the divine way, the peace in your lives, and the harmony in you lives. The key is divine love, for it opens many of the doors it encounters in your world. Let the windows of divine love be open, and the ever-sweet whisper of God flow within. If you could but see the wonderful colors that flow from the divine love of God that is ever increasingly sent forth to those awaiting this love in your world; and if you could see the colors of love when thought by God, the beauty of a sunset is nothing and cannot be compared to anything that comes from a divine source. You cannot comprehend the colors of spirit, the beauty of spirit, the flowers of spirit, and the pure facets of existence in the spirit world. You cannot comprehend them! You live in your world to fulfill your incarnation. You live in your world to fulfill the wishes of The Beloved Creator, it is for you to seek and find Him of your own volition. You manifest in that world because of the need to become the higher vibration that you must, in order to unite with God; but in truth, the souls of mankind are hungry for the Beloved Creator. Can you envisage the misery of souls locked in bodies, which know not God, and want not God?

Every soul incarnate has within it the spirit of God, this atom of God within Every soul within a physical body must return to God, and it must in time find the way to Him. In the waiting in those physical bodies of negativity, the soul has to exist and have its being. Think of the loneliness of the souls of such ones in flesh, and think of the restlessness of the soul in its longing to be free. Think of the consciousness longing to expand into the mind of God: the soul claiming its rightful inheritance. My beloved children, this has to be! Humanity is so negative and so wrapped in your world today, so much that they cannot see or feel the higher vibrations of the world unseen. When a soul awakens to God, even in the most primitive form, its a matter of joy in our world. We see the light blaze forth from your Earth and we know someone has suddenly found a spark of divinity within the inner-self. The Earth is suffering through man, and it is hurting through man. The Earth can feel pain and sorrow through the wrong actions of man. The Earth must be free to evolve spiritually, peacefully, in harmony, nurtured by love and gently treated by man. When man misuses and hurts the Earth then the Earth is suffering. It reacts in the drying of the rivers, the death of the wild life, the dearth of the forests and rain forests. Your planet Earth suffers because of the rampage of man digging from the bowels of the Earth the riches of the Earth. Man is greedily taking out every last handful of gold, ore minerals, copper, diamonds, oil, and everything he can turn into the type of wealth to fill his coffers. Man is leaving nothing for future generations. This wealth does not go to those with nothing: it only goes to those that already have plenty. Many people in your world have an uncontrollable desire to gather to themselves as much wealth as possible in the shortest possible time. This is not the way of God! Just imagine a world where love only lives, where the birds are free to fly, without man shooting them down to consume. A world where animals can roam without the forced procreation they must endure, for man to kill and eat. The sweet earth gently letting the crops come to fruition instead of being forced by the fertilizers, and sprayed by the pesticides of your world to eliminate pests. The degradation of Earth by man will have to be accounted for eventually in the time yet to come. The Earth is a precious creation of Gods. It is not mans plaything! It is not mans property to desecrate! Mankind was given Earth in which to live, grow and evolve. Man has misused his responsibility: he has tried to turn the Earth into a plaything for his material instincts and desires. Man has greedily exploited the assets of the world. Man has not helped the world to grow and build; instead he has forced it to give him more luxuries, and more comforts. When you look at the restaurants of the world, you see them multiplying so rapidly, in every corner of every nation. They have not the simple produce of the world to offer. They have every known form of life that has been killed to cater for the appetite of man. The birds, the fish, the fowl, and the cattle, all of these creatures are credited by man to tempt his appetite and to satisfy his sensual pleasures. The body of man was designed by God to live simply, to satisfy his hunger, and to respect things of nature, but not to destroy other species because of his uncontrolled greed. Over the centuries, various civilizations have come and gone, and mankind has greedily grown to want more, more, and more from that planet Earth. I ask of you with love, let your lives be simple, your desires be simple, your needs be few, and your spiritual ambitions be many. Let your lives be lived in the search for God. Let your lives be filled with such joy in your souls, and of the expectation of ever growing in consciousness to reach that unity with God. The harboring of divine wisdom, the living of divine laws, and the understanding of

divine truths, let these be your goal, your wealth and your bank. Let the banks of the world have their material coin. It matters not! That is not true wealth! That is only the illusion of the material! You take with you the growth of the soul and the growth of the consciousness. You take with you a spiritual understanding that will take you to the higher vibration of existence: that is your wealthmake it so. Learn not to judge your fellow men, but let your love help them. Do not condemn the mistakes of others, but see them as stepping-stones to wisdom, and stepping-stones to the spiritual growth that must be achieved. Focus not on the mistakes of others. See in all people the beauty of the divine, the potential that is theirs to have and to hold. Every human being has the divine spark within them: for they are part of God. They are Gods creation, and God will slowly fashion them into that which they must become. Let no killing be laid at your door. Let no vengeance be yours. Let no anger be yours, no fear, and no hatred. Let only love, understanding, forgiveness, and compassion manifest in your thinking. Even though you may be treated unjustly and even though you may be treated badly. . . . Learn to forgive! Then learn to move on until you reach this higher vibration of understanding. Finally, as you animate in the higher dimension of existence, that planet Earth will never again will be your playground or your home. `My children: I give you these words of truth, for I see a need in your world for spiritual truth. I see conditions of negativity everywhere. I see the wrong doings of mankind, with endeavors to overpower the thinking of others. They also present the wrong form of ambition to the children of your world. I also see the wrong values of governments of your world manipulating the populace of your world. I want you, no matter what the cost, for you to live God. I want you to know, to see, to earn, and to find soul growth. I want you to give yourself the opportunity to grow ever closer to God. I want you to merge into the mind of God, and let the spiritual understanding grow: then the power of divine truth will manifest in your very living. I want to see you compassionate. I want to see you ever increasing your divine way of life in that world of matter. I want to see you at the journeys end mantled in the glory of coming home. I want you to experience the glory of the leaving behind that physical body and again assuming your rightful place in the real worldyour spirit home. My children: That world can never make you happy. That world can never fulfill you. That world can make you hungry for truth, and hungry for God. Your material world can bring discord, and it can bring hurt to the body, all because you are divine beings in a world that is not your home. Be grateful to God for the body you carry, for it enables you to animate in matter and grow closer to Him. It enables you to forsake the desire for the world and see only the Divine Beloved. Never make that world your home. Never think of that world as your true belonging, and the things of that world your true desires. Desire them not! Live in simple humility! Be aware every second you exist of the wonder of God and the grace of God. Give thanks to God for everything you have and every thing you do, every bed you lie upon, and every chair you sit upon. Thank God for the opportunity. Thank God for the food you eat and the water you drink. Do not take for granted the joys of existence. Thank God for the privilege of using them. Then you will be truly seeking the truth, the light, and the divine pathway. Let your way of living inspire others. Let your thinking be thoughts to help others to desire to know that what you know, to find the way that you have found, and live that way. Never by force or seek to influence anyone. Influence only by example, and by desire to portray God with the flow of divine love to all mankind. Your world is a dark shell when looked upon by the eyes of spirit, and the brilliant lights of true spiritual people there give us great joy.

We see not the agony of mankind living in that world as an example of living. Although, we do see the light that blazes forth from souls awakened to God as the true measure of existence in your world. We see the beauty of your planet, festooned by the beauty of Gods gifts. We see also your Earth as the tiny example of worldly structure in its very formation there. It is but one tiny planet, with such vast areas of space beyond its place of existence. We know the knowledge within all the universes, within all the worlds, and within all the unseen dimensions of all creation exists because of the wisdom and bounty of God. We see the limitless potential of existence manifesting in many varying forms of existence for God. Then we see too, the ultimate reunion of each soul with The Divine Creator, the merging into the oneness with God. We see the peace and the bliss manifesting from this divine merger. `My beloved children: There is no joy like the joy we have when we see a soul that no longer needs to return to earth. Know also that great love and wisdom surrounds each soul on its way back into a body. Guidance and love is always given each soul when it incarnates into a physical form. Divine help is ever present as it journeys through its incarnation; and divine love walks with them every step of the way until they return home. `My children of love: Walk with God, live with God and think with God; and within your-self cling to the desire to be in union with God. Judge not, condemn not, and never seek revenge. God, as I have said so many times is all love, all compassion, all understanding, all wisdom, and all peace. The ultimate of everything that is positive is with God, and it flows endlessly into all creation. You can tap into this great resource, and greedily drink from it, take greedily from it, hungrily take from it relentlessly, for nothing will satisfy or fulfill you except your union with God. The more a soul loves and wants God, the more that person is attuned to the divine way and relinquishes the pull of the material world. Then the more that growing soul feels out of place in your world, and the less that soul wants that world: for it wants only God! You cannot help people who only seek material gains, for they will feel the pull of negativity ever present in their lives when they are seeking that which is the opposite of God. Your world cannot give you happiness, your world cannot satisfy your needs if it is God you want. You need to learn the acceptance, the calmness, and the change within yourself. You have to learn to be patient and accept this difference in desire, and constantly seek God. Let that world fall away: seek the Divine Beloved. Do not let that world hurt you or have the power to hurt you, because you love God. Immerse yourself in the divine truth, and the divine laws, every moment, every second, of every day. You are souls journeying to God, manifesting in matter of varying degrees of evolution, and varying forms of expression in that material world. The more you attain wisdom, the more the truth unfolds in your consciousness, then the more the love for God manifests within you. This is an absolute truth I speak! The more the desire for God is paramount in your search, the less your world can claim you. It is the law! I am a teacher for God: for I know the truth and the bliss of The Beloved. I long for all spiritual souls to reach enlightenment and the peace that they desire. Every soul on Earth lives in a fallible material world, in a fallible physical body; but, you are really divine beings seeking the ultimate. `My children: There nothing in your world that can hurt the real you. Each person on Earth is a spirit with a physical body, and not a physical body with a spirit. I give you my love. I give you my peace. I am Bethesda.

In India you can see the suffering of the poor who lie dying along the roadside from starvation. There is also great misery in the Philippines, in many countries that make up Africa, and in many parts of South America. You may wonder why there is so much killing in the Middle East, and other regions of your world. You can also wonder if man will ever come to his senses amid so much violence, hatred, and chaos. Remember this my children . . . God created, and God is the pure energy of creation. God is the super, superlative, supreme mind that governs and controls all universal life and rhythm. Gods laws will be the ultimate for your world: for man cannot run counter with the divine laws forever. It is the only sobering thought in a world that has seemingly gone mad. I wonder how anyone can say they know God and they love God, but never lift a finger to help another who is suffering. I cannot understand how great wealth can be accumulated by so many. I cannot understand why they are not prepared to share it with those who have nothing and are hungry and in dire need. I think of the misery that now prevails on your planet Earth. There seems to be an avalanche of cruelty, like a tidal wave of disregard of dignity and decency. No remorse is to be found amongst those creating pain and inflicting misery, in order to achieve their satisfaction in obtaining what they are seeking. Woe-betide these perpetrators, for they have a great karmic debt to repay. Cruelty has become a way of life, and poverty has become an expendable acceptance for man, whereas, wealth has become the right for those who do not care in their gain of it. All this is contrary to God `s laws! Religions should be leading mankind into spiritual truths and the wisdom of God. But alas, they are more intent on keeping their own beliefs sacrosanct., Chapter 14 Towards Enlightenment Like the gentle whisper of the wind as it blows; so is the whisper of God. `My children: Let yourself hear the gentle whisper of God as He whispers His truths to those ready to receive them. You need to be so close to the Divine if you are to react to this truth that you hear. If you allow the noise of the world to cloud your life, you cannot hear God. If you allow the world to crowd your day, confuse your senses, batter the physical body with its noise, its negativity, and its useless information: then the true wisdom and the true reality of His love are lost. Find time each day to reflect with God. Never say you are too busy, never say you are too tired, and never say you cannot! Make yourself available to the inflow of Gods cosmic energy in the quietude of the surrender of the self to the Divine, and away from that world. You have not to be a master of meditation to receive the benefit of what God is sending! `My beloved children: Never think that meditation is the only key to enlightenment. If you willingly allow the soul to long for God: you will find God! Gently allow the self to submit to the quietude and shut out the world; then in this tranquility be submissive to the inflow of the cosmos, that in its-self will benefit you both spiritually and physically. Do not feel you have to be an expert in meditation before you can benefit from Gods energy. That is not so! The very fact that you have surrendered yourself to the Divine, and are not continually focusing on that world of matter, is a great stride towards unity with God. That material existence can have all your senses directed to it, all your energy given to it; and all your interests may be absorbed by things of that world. `Beloved children: This is not the way! Focus on the Creator: if you cannot still the physical mind, as you would want to order it to be quiet! That is a start. Then gently think of Gods world, Gods creation ever evolving, and ever producing for mankind; and quietly marvel at the

wonder of Gods power controlling all. Let yourself drift quietly and gently away from the physical existence. Then as time goes by, and you are able to practice this surrender, you will find yourself able to focus the self away from the body. Transcend that physical matter, and feel the sweet cosmic inflow from God. I think little children should be taught how to sit in this stillness as part of their school curriculums. It is all very well to teach them mathematics, history, geography, and all that they now receive from that world. Their practice on the computers may fit very well into that physical living with all this information flowing to them; but it is I know, most important to let their souls receive also. If they can find time in their schools for all this physical activity they can surely find time to teach the children of the one who formed them: The Beloved Creator who gave them life, and gave them the ability to incarnate into the physical world. They are so busy teaching the young of the years gone by in your world, and of the history of the world. Why not tell them of the reality of God, The Beloved Creator, whose love never fluctuates, and does not wane: God who is ever constant, ever strong, and ever loving. God never weakens that which He sends, always in strength it flows and always in love He gives. It is the receiving of that which is coming to you that is important, and that is the responsibility of the one receiving, and not the one who sends. Do you think this loving creator, this compassionate soul of the whole, this soul of all that exists seen or unseenGod, this everlasting power; do you think such a one could send hatred? Do you think God could send the idea of killing and destroying as many followers of extreme religions claim? From God comes truth. From God comes wisdom. From God comes love and light: this love and light never touches the negativity of your world. It is man that shuts away that which is flowing from God, by the very nature of his own negativity and his own thoughts that are not of God. The birds, the animals, the rivers, the mountains, and the everlasting sea, all speak by their very formation of the wonder of God. Man sees them only of something to climb, something to kill, to eat, and something to pollute for his own luxurious association of the senses. A true devotee of God sees them through the eyes of God: he sees the loving hand that formed all things, and the loving hand that sustains them. This evolved soul sees the perfect intent to give to that world this gift: but sadly its not appreciated by man. These gifts from God are exploited and ravaged, all for mankinds own material gain and their own material comfort. `My beloved children: There are those in your world who really know the truth of God, and who really seek to become one with God. These are evolved souls who seek to live Gods truths, to teach Gods truths, but alas, these are so very few and far between. However, their voices are growing stronger; it may not seem so: but in all truth I tell you it is so! We see some lights glistening in the darkness of your world, and we rejoice. We see the restlessness of so much of that world, and we see every soul and everybody is linked with God. Not one thing in your world can be separated from God: for nothing would exist; everything would perish, and not one soul would inhabit a physical body. That link with God cannot be destroyed, it can be suppressed; it can be stilled for the satisfaction of the body: but it cannot be destroyedits eternal! Those who are awake to truth just seek the truth. They may sometimes seek it clumsily, and sometimes haphazardly, but they do seek the divine truth. That soul can only move forward once that spark is awake to the hidden spring of divinity that is within the inner-self. It can only move forward: because the longing once awake to truth cannot be suppressed. Man cannot stagnate once the desire within him is awake. He may not be aware of it, or conscious of it, but it is a fact that link with God has been forged just that

little bit stronger. That person will never be the same again, and the soul will not rest until it has found God. The journey may be long, the way may be obscure, but still that person walks to God almost as if its magnetically hypnotized by that of the divine within the inner-self. This is so, until the day comes when the soul is filled with wisdom, and filled with divine truth and longing. Then and only then, the soul no longer has any need for that heavy world of matter in which to learn its lessons and to find its way back home. The world of spirit is not an escape for those who want to leave that life on Earth: because from spirit they have to come back to that Earth until they have transcended the need for the physical. The Spirit World is a refuge for souls who are so tired, so lonely for God, and so weary of that material world. In spirit, your soul can rest and can gently move in the flow of spirit. Later the reality comes once again to allow the soul the choice of returning to Earth for the opportunity to grow still closer to the Beloved. Reincarnation is never forced upon you. You have the choice of when you come back to a physical body, not whether or one day, or no matter how long. If you are not ready for God you must return. No one can escape that reality! The fact that you have the choice, and you have the help to find the vehicle of flesh that you will use to make your return journey to that material world . . . this is a divine law! God is a loving God, a wise God. He sends you helpers to ease your path, and to light your way. When you come back into a body once again, sometimes a soul is not able to withstand the pull of your world and will drift back into the ways of that world. Then that soul stagnates once again, until it is able to revitalize the link with the Divine Creator. If you are strong enough in love and truth with God you instinctively move into a wave of understanding, a way of life that allows you the opportunity to pursue this spiritual growth. This is the spiritual growth that you have come to realize is the only way in which to live in that world. If you can face this reality in your wisdom, soul growth will take place. If the lives you have lived have given you sufficient understanding of the truth of God, then you can face your material world and reject your material world. If you can resist it in every way, resist it in every temptation it offers and still say no to that material worldthen that is soul growth! The more that world tries to pull you, and the more it tries to seduce you, the more you will be able to resist. When that world offers you more of physical and material wealth, you can resist and say . . . I want only the truth of my Beloved God. I want only to live Gods laws, and I want only to find the soul growth I came to seek. Try to transcend that world, live in it, but be not of it. Live in it, but do not seek it. Endure it, but do not desire it or any of its many temptations. If you can forge your pathway in the light of love of the Creator, then most surely you are approaching the time when you have not the need to return to a body of flesh. Imagine the joy of ultimately rejecting, lovingly and willingly, everything in that material world. You reject it; desire nothing, no attachments, no possessions, no longing for anything of that material illusion in which you now exist. Your only desire will be the quietude of the Beloved the glow of His understanding, and the immersion of the consciousness into this great ocean of wisdom and loves, seek that always. Grow not impatient because you cannot have what you want at your moment in time. Do not become discouraged, or feel you are failing because you have not touched the heights you want and seek. Every step of growth that you achieve must be earned. Every step you take to God must be one of conquering the material. Then you are moving to God through the sheer effort of your own soul growth to Him. You have not to allow your world to blot out that judgment of that wondrous love that awaits you. You have not to allow that world to drag you back into the depths

of its material luxury. You have to resist all temptations! `Beloved ones: Progress gently to God, and know that every step you take you have earned, you have achieved it And if you keep taking those steps you must find your way positively back to the Beloved. You have not failed because you are only at the stage that you have reached at this level of soul growth. You have not to let God feel that you have betrayed Him by the lack of effort. Keep on trying! My beloved children: that is the step you need to reach God, keep on trying. God never sees failure in one who is trying. If you want to touch the heights of the Divine, you must remember you cannot by sheer desire achieve this supreme goal. You cannot by sheer expectation of your efforts be given it: for you have to quietly and gently earn this ultimate state. Your soul can cry out for so much spiritual enlightenment, but you cannot have it until you have earned it with patience, discipline, and dedicated constancy. There is the loving understanding of the struggle before you, and know that the hand of God is always there leading you back to Him. You cannot compare with someone else how far advanced you have progressed with soul growth. You cannot compare with someone else, what you know and what you do not know. Accept what you have learned, and accept what you have achieved. Accept it with the love that has prompted the growth. Accept it with the love that keeps you on the divine pathway. Accept it with the love that gently whispers to you of the divine love that is awaiting you. Accept each stage you reach, and do not covert the next before you are ready for that level. Never feel you have enough of what you are spiritually, always seek more. Do not expect to get it because you want it. You have to earn that level of soul growth. Gods wisdom flows to those who have made a sincere effort to live God and are ready to know His wisdom. Gods truth and understanding are ready to be absorbed by those who are ready to understand. It flows to those growing souls who feel they can imbue this greater wisdom, this greater understanding, and a greater knowledge into their consciousness. `My beloved children: God is so wise and so loving; He never lets any of His children accept or receive more than they are ready for, as they journey back to Him. You must have the wisdom to use that which you receive. If your wisdom does not balance with your understanding and divine truth, you could not ever hope to evolve spiritually. It is the divine law! You have to have the growth to match the wisdom and the power that the greater level of spiritual evolution provides. It is so precious, so wonderful, and so divine. If God allowed His gifts to be given to those not ready, you can imagine the chaos that would be in your world. If you could buy the gifts of God like you can buy power on Earth: where then would creation be? If you could borrow or force someone to give you something you have not earned spiritually, great chaos would be the result. On your planet Earth man can use money to buy this, to buy that, to buy his privileges, and to buy his comforts. Man can bribe, man can cheat, and man can steal, that is worldly, but man must pay the price. Nothing is unaccountable; and never within spiritual growth can you ever do that. You have to walk that lighted pathway and you have to quietly grow. Grow spiritually, with your soul ever evolving and living Gods laws while balancing on that delicate tightrope of spiritual understanding. You will then feel in truth that which you have absorbed has come to you from God to your consciousness: that unseen energy that eventually evolves into God. This moves so very, very, gently with you into the mind of God, this cosmic ocean of wisdom, the fountain of all knowledge. Slowly and surely your consciousness and soul are evolving together while matching the wisdom and the truth you are acquiring, absorbing, and ready to use in service

for God. You cannot borrow it. You cannot steal it. You cannot find any other way of acquiring or achieving it, except by your own efforts. You cannot apply the laws of the world to your spiritual journey. No matter what you learn in the books of your world and in the schools of your world, you cannot apply that knowledge to the acquire growth to God. It only comes from the depths of the self within your soul. The reality of God within you guides you, and leads you along this spiritual pathway. You can be ignorant at school, a very bad pupil, a very poor learner, but you can be a giant spiritually. You can instinctively feel the wisdom of God pervading you, and yet you can be a dunce at that schoolwork in your world. Having intellect and brains in your world, is not the yardstick that takes you to God. If only those in your world, who become leaders in your world, would grow spiritually and live the divine laws: then these leaders would have the wisdom to apply the spiritual teachings to their earthly life: then and only then you would have Utopia. With this spiritual wisdom firmly established, you would also have laws that prevent hunger, cruelty, homelessness, starvation, torture, killing, and destroying. No animal would be locked away, treated badly, or slaughtered for food. No bird would be caged, no river dammed or blocked, no ocean polluted, and everything would be working in harmony with nature. There would be the perfect balance between the divine laws and Gods will for your world. Until mankind can achieve this spiritual understanding, and achieve the ability to live Gods laws in that physical world, then you still have to expect the imbalance of evolution in that world. Thus, until that is so, you will have to find this constant effort of those who love and know God to overcome the negativity of your world. I know you can imagine the small impact a spiritual soul can have in amid the negativity of such differing understandings. It is only when the population of your world is able to think and feel with similar spiritual understanding, will these things arise in that world of matter. My beloved children: I have told you on other occasions and I tell you again, this balance will be achieved slowly over time by the birth into physical bodies of evolved souls. You cannot expect the level of education of that world to change the conditions, and you cannot expect the few in that world who understand God to change the multitudes. Gently, by birth, more evolving souls will incarnate into physical bodies: thus, adding and filling the various senses of your world with understanding. Then you will see the difference beginning to emerge in your world, with that world becoming a more spiritual place and a gentle place. You have the ability understand it will take a long time, but remember, it has already begun. Surely, very surely, souls are being born into bodies, souls that are evolving in a greater way than those who are already there. They will challenge the doctrines of old! They will not be silenced! They will not be suppressed! They will probe and they will challenge, and they will bring change. You will find the civil laws will still be there, but the civil laws will resemble more and more the laws of God. These laws of the Divine will be gently and surely incorporated into the laws of the world. Then your world will know no barriers as it does today. The skins color and the facial features will not decide who should be where, and who should be doing what. It will be the overall understanding of God at work that will be the deciding factor that controls whenever you incarnate, or whatever you are in that better world. The people will move together, they will not be separated by boundaries; those artificial boundaries that you have in your world today. `Oh my beloved ones: This is so far away and yet so real with the intent of God to have it so. God gave that Earth to mankind, for He meant your world to become a jewel of growth and evolution. Mankind in your world has been so slow to react, so slow to

understand and accept that what God wants for that world. Gods patience will never mean the forcing of God upon that world with His will. He will gently and lovingly allow the evolution to take its own path, and bring to pass that which He intends for that world. God could change your world tomorrow if He wanted it to be so. God could transform the thinking of mankind, but that is not Gods will, and not Gods way. Every soul has to find its way back to God, gently and surely. Every soul has to move through time in the varying stages of growth, until they are energized with such a fine vibration to become one with Him. The coarseness of the human body and the vibrations of that body could never allow it to live anywhere else but Earth. The soul within has the vibrations that enable it to return to spirit, but the physical body can never accompany it into that higher plane of existence. Only the spiritual-self emerges into that next dimension of living. If you can understand the body is not formed with spirit, it is formed with matter. The atoms and molecules of that physical body will dissipate, and will perish when the soul departs: but the composition of the soul within that body of matter is divine. Its origin is divine! It is of God! Then the soul one day at the point of perfection will become one again with the Beloved Creator. When you walk in your world as you do in this present incarnation, you see the dreadful things mankind is doing to each other and to that world. Looking at these conditions you may think there is nothing more horrible mankind could achieve, but still you find they can do just that. How mankind could think of the cruel things that they do I do not know. Even in that part of that world where you live, you see the results of the fallible thinking of people. This is the stark negativity of the human mind overpowering the wisdom of God within. You may think people will never change, but change they will. The day will eventually come, when each and everyone will walk that divine pathway to God. Nothing is wasted with God. The physical and material world will perish, but not the divine. The aspect of the divine will be growing, ever evolving, and ever moving higher in growth to God. Mankind is so busy with their telescopes, looking into the immensity of space around your Earth. The scientists are deciding in their wisdom, what there could be out in the depths of matter beyond your planet Earth. They are waiting for sounds to come: telling them life is there. Matter is so vast and so immense; your scientists could never find the wisdom to achieve the vehicles of travel to take people to where they think there may be other beings, or for mankind to discover life. Gods worlds are not intended to be captured by man step-by-step, or planet-byplanet. Every facet of life in your world of matter has its own destiny, and its own formation. It has its own particular path to move and to follow through in that material life. All life on Earth is an illusion, and mankind will have to find the truth of that! Mankind will have to realize the money they are spending on their futile exploration of matter to find the ultimate, is a total waste. These huge sums of money could surely be well spent on succoring the help which your world needs. Because of the limitations of the physical mind, man does not realize that from your Earth world you can spiritually journey into other dimensions and other universes where existence is so different, and the form of existence is also so different. This spiritual journeying to an Avatar is a simple: instantly he can move from one dimension to another. When you think of the multitude of opportunities you have to inhabit creation, you then realize how puny human beings are, but important and wonderful. It is Gods creation! It has the supreme function of enabling people to move and grow to God, but still puny in the overall thrust of creation. No matter how clever humans can be, they still cannot influence an aspect of life

in another universe, another world, or another dimension. Man cannot stay or hasten or slow down anything in some other aspect of life! No matter how clever he is, no matter what he can work out on his pieces of paper, with his mathematics, his physics, and his computers. Man can affect life on Earth, but he cannot affect life elsewhere. That is Gods province! God puts into motion the things that He intends not that what man intends! Man builds his clocks, then watches Earth time pass by according to his calculations. He will decide this person is this age, and that person is that age. The truth in all reality is: that all people are ageless, for each person is the soul within each physical body. The soul has no clock and it has no calendar. The body might observe the rudiments of your world and eye man-made clocks and calendars then mark off the time as days go past. However, the soul within is timeless, and does not say . . . I am seventy years of age I am going to become seventy-one next year. That is not the way of the soul! The soul works out each existence in its evolution, in the overall emergence into the higher vibrations of existence, and ultimately with God. The soul sees its path evolving ever onward to God. The soul does not think I am this age or that age, nor I am this spiritual or that spiritual. The consciousness is completely away and separate from that physical body. It still influences the body, but is never a part of it, for it is animating in spirit and moving to God in spirit. The soul is ever constant with the body in living, but never of that body. When you look at the composition of the human body, its physical structure, and its spiritual reality, it the unknown wonder that is hidden from the understanding of man, they are all part of the whole and the body is only one facet of the whole. Its vulnerable, it wears out, it can get sick and it can have disease, but that soul, that consciousness is impregnable. The soul cannot be destroyed by man, and it cannot be manipulated by man! Standing aside from that life on Earth, the spiritual aspect of the self then moves very slowly in its parallel path of that life on that Earth, but when the time comes for you relinquish the physical body and return to spirit. Then the spiritual self becomes again the one, the whole that is moving to God. You will then realize the futility of striving in that world, for possessions of that world. You will also realize how fallible the struggle of man is. Mankind can spend their days coveting wealth and spend their energy and working time on building huge homes. They can also spend their energy acquiring their motorcars, their boats, and their palaces. What are they? What do they represent? They are but a physical expression of mankinds vanity and mankinds stupidity to truth and reality of what people are when encased in a human body. If only people of your world can realize that they are divine, and that divine consciousness is within, that is the truth and reality of the real you the soul. The body is but an outer covering, and the brain that thinks and schemes is not the reality of that which you are. That atom of God within, is the real you, that spark of the divine flame. This is what you should be allowing to move along the path of evolution: back to the source of all creation. If you can live in that world and find somewhere to sleep, find something to eat, and some place to keep your body clean. If you can find some security in that world to allow you to live in that body while you are there and to achieve the fundamental needs for your life that should be enough for any soul. All else of matter you acquire is irrelevant to the soul, and it is irrelevant to the wealth of the soul. For the wealth of the self is the spirituality of the self. Show gentleness and love to your world and to those within your world, then spiritually you can express both for the world, and to that material world this is the wisdom of your living. With the values of the truth you acquire, and the wisdom of the truth you acquire, always share this quality with others. All these are the qualities of God shining forth through you. This is the worth of your existence! You can have the finest house in that world, the most money in the bank, and yet

you can be a pauper. You can be living with all that wealth and be indifferent to the reality of the inner-self that reality of God within you. You can lay your head upon your bed at night and give no thought to God, and you can awake in the morning and again give no thought to God. Thats not living! `My beloved ones: Let every last thought you have, at the end of the day, be of The Beloved Creator; then surely let every waking thought in the morning, be . . . God is within, I am divine, I am seeking my Beloved. You have to live in that world and you have to fulfill your responsibilities. You have to abide by the laws of that world, and you have to seek a certain amount of opportunities from that world. These things are understood and accepted. But: if you make living in that world your goal, and if you make striving for the material gains of that world the very core of your existence, then you are losing the message of what you came to learn. You need security to give you peace of mind, and you need health to keep you moving. You need the comfort of your world, and you need the ability to be able to move spiritually along the pathway to God. It is very important you understand the very core of peace, the very core of security, and the very core of your well-being does not come from the body or the physical self. This core condition that I speak of only comes from the divine reality within the soul. It is that inner-self giving out these qualities to your physical body and the organs that function therein. Then all the more, you will be able to influence these conditions with the loving peace and loving understanding that you are in command of from within that body. You, your spiritual self will determine the peace of mind that you have, and determine the comfort of your life. If you can but realize the jewel of your existence comes from the power you have within your material form. That world cannot give you the security that God can give you. Be not afraid of what hurts that body, it is not hurting the soul: for that is impregnable. It is God! Do not react violently when disaster strikes! Do not react with dismay, with trauma, with depression, or with grief when that world hurts you. Remember, you are moving through time in a physical overcoat only to enable that soul to animate in that world of matter. You are learning to reject what matter is. You are leaning to reject all physical aspects of life and seek only the spiritual. I know this is not easy, and I know it is very difficult to always keep in mind this reality. You are in that world, you are facing the difficulties of that world, and you are trying to evolve to God. You have not yet achieved that level of evolution where you can be supreme in your spiritual strength. `My beloved children: I realize this, but I am giving you the truth of what you must seek. I am giving you the truth of what you must strive to become, and that is this aspect of God and not the aspect of that material world. If you can but achieve only part of what you are trying to do, you have not been defeated, you have earned victory. You never lose this spiritual growth that you acquire, for always it grows with you life after life. With soul growth you are continually building spiritual wealth, and always you carry it forward into the next life. All that you acquire spiritually is forever with you. `My beloved children: That material world is not your life. That material world is not your hub of existence, and it is not the criterion of your success or your happiness. The spiritual self, that consciousness, that awareness of reality and the truth that you are a soul living within a physical body: that is the reality of the self, and that is the true self. Try to move through time living as you must in your world, but living always with

God. Always make the yardstick of your gaining spiritual wealth and wisdom, be your understanding that your inner-self is the reality of God. Dont let that world decide your happiness. Dont let the world decide your wealth. Dont let that world decide your reason for living. Let God! Great souls such as Avatars shine from within, and exude through their personality a great peace, a love, and a sense of power to those around them. This tranquility and love does not emanate from their personality, but by their very spiritual energy. They emit this through their auras into the active lives and auras of people near them. This is an acquired energy through the existence they themselves lived and acquired by the applications of spiritual laws. They are laws that must be lived, and then by example of such an evolved soul, they can claim the right to influence the lives of others. No one can claim the right to tell any soul to live, love, and walk with God if they themselves are not so doing. If you allow the weight of the material and what it brings, to dominate, to depress and absorb your energy, then you certainly are not living God as you think and want. Moreover you are not walking the divine pathway that the Avatars walk. Do not allow any material circumstance, however large as it may seem, to overwhelm you. The love for all humanity and all living things must be expressed if you are going to reach that supreme goal of becoming one with God, and growing into that earned status of Avatar. `My beloved children: Whenever you are in need of me, just think of me and I will be there. Once again I leave with you that wonderful condition of divine peace; that you may know the love and feel the bliss of The Beloved Creator. I am Bethesda. If prayers come from the mouth and the mind, they have no meaning to God. They must come from the soul! Religions are blindly looking for a god to fit into their own particular set of beliefs. This is mankind seeking a god to suit their own religious beliefs, doctrines, and convictions. Chapter 15 Food for the Soul Enlightenment is there if only mankind would seek it by retreating within. Humanity today looks too much for stimulation of the world and does not retreat into silence with God. Even while walking around in your daily tasks go quietly within the self, feel God, think God, and let God be the overwhelming factor of your day. Your world cannot bring solace to your soul. Nothing material can satisfy the soul no matter how expensive and no matter how highly professional it may be in its creation: it is the silence with God that feeds the soul. Subdue the mind and the physical and let the spirit transform your being into that of quietude. If it is God, you seek in all sincerity: then you have to adjust your life so differently to that of living for that world. You are dual, you are spirit, and you are matter. I tell you in truth: that which pleases matter cannot please the soul or the spirit. Your physical self needs the attention of the world, you have to bathe it, you have to feed it, you have to clothe it, house it, and you have to nurture it to carry you through your incarnation. But unless you give your attention to the soul that attention it needs: you are starving the essential self of its true reality. So many of the people in your world constantly look to the material aspect of life

to bring them happiness, they must have their high-powered entertainment and their expensive attributes of life, or they think they are deprived. When you really love God, and when you really seek God, you do not place your values in those things of that world. You take from that world what you need and use it wisely; at the same time you depend upon that link with The Divine, to bring deep happiness and contentment into your daily life. When you think of the turmoil that physical world is presenting for mankind today, how could anyone think they could find their happiness from that source? Their fast motorcars, their fast aircraft, their loud music, their false values, and all their artificial stimulation: that is not the way that a soul must take if it is looking for God. This can only bruise the peace you are seeking. True contentment only comes to a life, by submitting to the overall reality of the divinity within that covering of flesh. You must then be aware that the overriding intelligence must be of the spiritual; then you must assess the values, and decide which you will pursue: the material world or God. It is a false value to think you have to be religious to be peaceful and contented. You have not! Sometimes religion makes you the opposite, and it stirs you into thoughts and directions that is not the way to God. True spirituality is the ever-continuing receptivity of the spiritual inflow into the body. The life force, Gods creative energy ever flowing, ever moving into your body, and moving as it must to every organ of your body and to every cell of that physical body. How can you receive the inflow of divine energy properly if your body is in conflict with the true spiritual nature of the inner-self? Submit passively to your contact with the spirit, and accept without question that you are divine. Accept without challenge that you are not a physical being, you are a spiritual being. That physical body is but an adjunct necessary for your journey in flesh, but not the dominant priority of your existence. If you could but know and understand the continual tenuous links that exist between you and spirit, and that you are never, never, separated from spirit. In sleep you are more closely aligned to spirit, and in awakening you are also closely aligned. In rousing, you are not consciously aware as you are in your sleep state. In awakening, the pull of the world does not allow you that oneness you have when you submit the body to inertia. Sleep was designed to replenish that what the body needs. You could not exist without sleep, and your body would wear out very quickly. Not only are the organs receiving the necessary revitalization, so is the entire body, the blood supply, the limbs, the bones, and every aspect of the body. In sleep state it is revitalized because of the lack of activity, the lack of use, and the lack of the pressure upon that body. Without sleep man cannot survive! As you grow older your body needs less sleep: for the demand is not there as when your body was young. However, even in age there is still the need for the period of rest. I want you to always remember that rest should not be just for the body resting but also the mind and the emotions. All the troublesome aspects of life should be suppressed into this quiet acceptance of sleep and of the need to link with the true home of all people, the spirit dimension. Ever active in your life are the unseen helpers, the ones who watch over you in your physical life. These unseen helpers never interfere, never intrude, and are always there to be watchful of the spiritual aspect of your being. The gift of recognition of those in the Spirit World is very precious if understood and if used with wisdom and integrity. It can also be very dangerous if misused, or if wantonly used to profit in that physical life of the one so doing. Gifts from God are sacred, and all those gifts have to be earned and not dispensed like prizes. They truly have to be earned! You have to be ready for them in your spiritual make-up and your physical make-up. You have to be prepared for these spiritual gifts, sometimes over many lives. When these gifts are manifesting, they should be nurtured gently, and treated with the respect and the humility they deserve. These gifts are aspects of God that you

are being given for the privilege of knowing and using, in your journey on Earth. You cannot pray and ask for the gifts to emerge. You have to be ready for them, by earning them. You have to be receptive of them when they come, and be ever mindful of them when they are used. There are so-called prophets, and the so-called mystics, (as they call themselves) in that world today; then heed this, my beloved children, for to be a prophet you have to be very highly evolved, and to be a true mystic you must understand the laws of the Beloved Creator, and live those laws. Man cannot claim a spiritual title because he is advanced in a religious order to which he belongs, that does not give him this quality. The gift of a true prophet or mystic is very rare, and only comes to those who are highly evolved and ready to use for God these special gifts. Psychic gifts are very different to the true spiritual gifts. One can be psychic to the ability of the body and the ability of the spirit to sometimes see between the barrier of Earth and the Spirit World. They do no reach into the deeper realms that touch the ethereal dimensions of existence. They only break through the barrier to a degree that they see just a little into the world that awaits you all. Some people are very sensitive to contact from the world unseen; sometimes there is an intuitive thought, sometimes a vision, and sometimes the sight of something seemingly solid that has come from the Spirit World. Know then, to have the true spiritual gifts and that of deeper reflection will only come to those who are spiritually evolved enough to have earned them. These are adult souls who know how to use them with wisdom. There are those in your world who misuse these gifts. These people display their ability for a monetary goal, sometimes for ego, and sometimes for excitement. You will never find a truly evolved soul using the psychic and spiritual gifts they have for material gain. They are only used in the service for God, in whichever way God wills. When you pay money for messages that are supposed to be coming to you from another world, be very wary; be ever mindful of this, and be ever aware of the reason to doubt. Sometimes an impression is misunderstood and read wrongly. Sometimes the symbols they are receiving and evaluating are not truly promoted in the full accurate meaning of what they are receiving. The persons in question may have their own interpretations and are often in error. Then in those cases, they cannot be relied upon to guide your life and to live your future by, with this questionable clairvoyance. If you want to find some inspiration from the higher worldthen grow into it with divine wisdom. Involve yourself and earn the right to receive this information. These premonitions of events may be premonitions of the will of God, or events that may be yet to come. They come, but rarely to anyone who is not evolved enough to understand and value this perfect gift from God. The condition of psychic phenomena is but an excitement of the senses and emotions to please that physical aspiration of the senses. True spiritual insight comes from true spiritual wisdom through growth to God. Then they are very true, and they are very accurate and uplifting to the one who is so able to receive. Many seek these so-called clairvoyants just for the excitement. Just for something they think will make life quicker and easier for them so they will not have to work so hard themselves. They think someone else can tell them what to do, and what to expect. That is not the way to grow to God! No one can tell you what lies in the future for you until you experience that for yourself. Events can change, and peoples actions and deeds can force a change. Also, the divine will of God can sometimes place a life in different direction. I am trying to impress you with this understanding and with the truth. If you want to try and see the way more clearly of that which lies before you, then do so by self-evolvement and self-growth to God. Surrender to the spiritual aspect of the self, the divinity of the self. Then if

those from the higher world send you the intuitive understanding and guidance that is so vital and important to your pathway, you will receive this help. To all those people who will eventually read these teachings, I hope they can understand the difference that I have just pointed out to you. This is where souls misuse religion and the so-called psychic excitement. They think with the physical mind, and are not thinking with the consciousness. The consciousness is the spiritual mind, and it contains the necessary spiritual understanding. The physical mind will tell them, seek this excitement, and seek this so-called hidden knowledge. It may make their bodies feel better and it may make their lives feel better, but deep within the soul knows, and says . . . `Seek God! `Seek the true divinity! Then you will receive the spiritual wisdom, and the spiritual guidance that will lighten your pathway to The Beloved Creator. It will enhance the quality of your divinity, and be an eternal attribute to the soul that you will never lose. You did not come into a body to be given cheap thrills, cheap excitement, and cheap foretelling. You came into a life to grow to God. You came into a life to forsake the world, to choose God and reject that material existence. There is no shortcut to God! This pathway is slow, laborious, solid with all integrity, and full of personal sacrifice. You cannot gain the glory of the Beloved without personal sacrifice and the discipline of your living. Life is never easy in the way some of humanity would like it to be easy. When you are walking the pathway to God it can be joyous, it can be rewarding, and exhilarating, and it is a wonderful quiet exhilaration within when you link with this divine mind of God: for true wisdom lies not in your material world: but with God. Thus true understanding of existence is there within the cosmic consciousness, and it is there for you to discover. That world in which you live is fashioned by man in his undertakings. In the beginning God created it, but man is fashioning it to suit himself in the material sense. A true spiritual being looks not for the tall buildings and for the gay excitements of that world. A true spiritual being looks for the quiet duty and the deep treasures that life can bring to his life, as he moves through Earth and time. When you see a family geared to excesses in money and possessions, you see not happiness: you see only a physical satisfaction for a time. You see just the opposite to this in the ones who seek the quiet disciplined spiritual life. A sensitive observer will see a true depth of contentment, serenity, and a true solid evolvement of the inner-self. In these growing souls you see morality, and you see great integrity. These growing souls are sometimes scorned at by others as old fashioned. Others refer them to as boring, and all kinds of misnomers by these material minded people who know them not. I would think a true thinker, would rather look boorishly though-out life while seeking the ultimate prize of the union with God. Those tinsels your world presents, and those noisy excitements that please the body have no value to the true self. Little children are being fed upon these worldly excitements from birth. Is this not so? They are taught to want so many things and are too young to understand what they are asking to be given. They are given a false promise and excitement in life, and think satisfaction has to be bought at the shops. They think it has to be always of the world. If you sit in the quietude, surrender to the spirit, and let this beloved energy of God flow into you, through you, and around you. You will feel such a deep inner peace, and such a feeling of a true depth to life. With this greater peace mantling your very being, you never will be satisfied with that material world. As you exist on this higher level of vibration you will never be happy or content

with the things that your material world has to offer. A very simple life is the life a devotee of God would choose. You were sent to that world for learning and soul growth, and for God to use in service. You were sent to that world for a time to make use of, but never covet, and never regard as essential. `My beloved children: I ask you all, to seek within your own lives the true values of life and the qualities that truly are essential to your growth to God. Satisfy the soul, feed the consciousness with reaching further and further into the mind of God. Look at your world with eyes of spiritual understanding. Do not see that world as the great supply base for things that please the body. See that world in all its clarity, that of Gods perfect creation. See the minute manifestation of life becoming bigger and greater, and the wonderful laws of God being fulfilled by the way nature is offering to that world its bounty. See everything with the eyes of God and not with the eyes of man. Do not always seek knowledge from the books. You want them not! Seek the truth from the source of all truth. Then seek to absorb Gods wisdom through meditation, through quiet reflection, and intuitive understanding. Remember always, you are very close to spirit; there is not that distance between matter and spirit as you think: it is very close to you. You close your eyes when the time comes to ascend Earth, and you are there in spirit. Merely closing your eyes, as going to sleep as it were, will take you from one dimension to the other. You have not to traverse the lengthy miles and miles to reach the Spirit World: the depth of space it would seem is already there for you. It is just a different energy and different vibrations that you attune to automatically. You have the physical body to manifest in matter: but the spiritual body is already manifesting in spirit, even as you live in that world its true home is in spirit. In the closing of time on Earth you leave the physical body and assume that of spirit; it is there with you already, and moves though into the next dimension with you. God is very wise and very wonderful in all His creation; Gods laws and His will cover every aspect of existence. Gods will and laws have the solution to every problem, covering every situation that has ever existed, or ever will exist. When you think of the wonder of creation and the wonder of the physical body, how it begins with two cells, how it grows and multiplies and then fashions into the human being that is born. When you at nature and see the fish, the animals, the insects, the flowers, the plants, and the trees all moving on, procreating, each in their own way according to the law: how wonderful God is! Nature is simply an expression of God in action! When you think of what God can do you can only marvel at the supreme intelligence that controls every aspect of life. God knows you are on that Earth only for a short period of time: then you must come home again to Him. He provides you with a body to be used for your journey through that world. He provides you with the ability to leave behind that physical body, and automatically move into the spirit when the time comes. God provides you with the ability to expand the consciousness to His consciousness. God wants you to understand the deeper truths and the greater wisdom that all can reach through the growth of the soul. Everyone can evolve through the varying stages of the dimensions beyond Earth. You can grow closer to God, and move into divine wisdom; you move through the fields of energy you need to move through, to reach the ultimate state of unity with God. This divine perfection is the ultimate! `Beloved children: Only you yourselves can reach God with the efforts you make as you journey through that dark world of matter. No one can lead you by the hand, and

say . . . Here you are I have bought you forward to Godyou have to earn the way! You have to walk the pathway yourself; you have to make the mistakes, learn from experiences, and then grow gently and slowly along the divine pathway to God. God never judges you for the mistakes you make, and He never condemns you for any of those mistakes. He lovingly understands you must be able to make them in order to learn and grow. You must be wrong in judgment before you can be right in judgment. You must earn that wonderful wisdom, for ultimately it will guide and lead you to the truth and reality of the Beloved. God looks at every facet of existence through all your incarnations, and through all journeys in the dimensions beyond. He looks at you with love, and knows one day you will get there, and He will wait patiently for each and every one of His children who truly seek divine enlightenment. It is sad for those who understand not: those who lose their way and linger in the shadows of nothingness: but God gives love to everyone, and He patiently waits for all those who live the opposite to His laws. Then to those who value not this truth of existence, He says . . . One day my children you will understand; I will not try and make you, you must come of your own volition. You can only reach me because you want to reach me. You cannot come to me because someone is making you, or because you think it is the right thing to do, you have to want to come to me. You have to make sacrifices in order to apply the discipline and you have to obey the laws and walk along that lighted pathway to me`. `My beloved children: You cannot grow to God in one short lifetime, or in two, or even three lifetimes. Growth to God must take a seemingly endless period of time, eons of worldly years before you are ready to merge with God. Mercifully, God does not make you remember every step you take. He lets you have the moments of obliteration of memory as if it is the first you will remember. Always within you in your soul is the storing of that what you have achieved, that what you have earned: you never lose that. You lose the memory of past lives, but never the spiritual gain you have achieved, it is always with you. It moves into eternity with you. That is the core of divinity that expands and expands, for constantly it grows and evolves: it is parallel with your consciousness. It will understand more and more the truth of God when you are ready to be once again with God and united in oneness with Him. The laws of your world are very necessary to maintain order. The social necessities of that world demand you must have the laws to live. That is not to say they are all wise, and not to say they are all the ultimate reflection of wisdom. Above all of this, the true laws of God are infallible: they are the ones you need to live, respect, and never veer from if you are walking the divine pathway to Him. If you live Gods laws you cannot do anything else but live the divine way through your spiritual understanding overshadowing the physical. I want you to think how could you live in that world while having the battle to let God exist within your life? Only this true understanding of God can help you walk that difficult path of Earth. You must become unselfish, and you must become caring in the deepest sense of that word. You must become all seeing in the wisdom of knowing that other lives are just as sacred as yours. You cannot put yours before theirs! I do not promise you an easy walk, and I do not promise an understanding journey in flesh, but you have to learn to do just that. You have to learn through experiences, through mistakes, through the hurts you receive, and the necessary wisdom you have to gain. Each time you come into a physical body you will seem to more and more to live Gods laws instinctively; then as your soul grows closer to God you will seem to follow this pathway of quiet reflection to Him. You will leave behind the selfishness, the arrogance, and the confrontation of matter. Then you will automatically want to seek the quieter gentle ways of life: bringing to your world the disciplines of God.

You will find a quiet person who is strong in his understanding attracts to him souls who need to feel that strength, souls who need to cling to the spiritual that is being exemplified in that souls life. Something draws the other souls to that spiritual person, as they unknowingly seek comfort and strength. They know it not, and they know not why: it is just that spiritual magnetism that is an aspect of God exemplified in that world. If the medical doctors had this growth to God how wonderful could their work be for those who are sick. They are mostly mechanical in their dealings, purely intellectual, and physical in their thinking. They have not the same ability to bring to lives in trouble the wonderful peace and healing qualities of the one who is closer to God. A true believer in God will always grow a little closer to the Divine Creator each day he or she lives. You will find as you grow closer to God the dissatisfaction for that world becoming very, very strong. You will also find that to be embroiled in situations of that world will seem almost a pain to your soul. You will find the continual occupation of your life crowded with other souls, will be very difficult to bear. You will yearn for solitude. You will yearn for the quietude of your life, and you will yearn for the opportunity to turn within and seek the inner peace. You cannot live without it! In your world, you watch those leaders of the religions of that world teaching the dogmas, the theology and the man-made rules. Then those of you with deep insight will see these leaders exhibiting the signs of power, selfishness, and domination. You will instantly know they are not truly of God. Then you will also instantly know that they are only mouthing the platitudes of their own beliefs. Whereas a true devotee of God brings gentleness and love; brings the lack of domination to a life, and would rather seek to guide by love. `My children: Whatever you do, apply the test of logic, for every law of God is based on logic. Without logic and without love your world would not exist. Gods laws are very simple and yet very difficult to sometimes live. God did not make His laws so profound that you need a great intellect to understand them. To live Gods laws you need the simplicity to know the inner meaning of the way to live. Walk that world, but walk with God. Live in that world, but live with God. Seek from that world only what you need, and use it wisely. Always give back more than you receive, in whatever form it may be of that world. Even in thought and kindness that you receive, give more. It is blessed for the soul to share than to keep to the self. I know I speak of Utopia in some sense when I speak of this, because that world is a very melting pot of the opposite. Your world today makes it very hard for a soul who loves God, to live in it amid all the darkness and torment that is so rife throughout your Earth. `Is this not so? You find everything you believe in mockingly violated by the physical and the material existence of that world. You see in your world of matter such cruelty, such acts of inhumanity exhibited in your world, and you wonder how any mind could conceive it without any feeling of remorse whatsoever. You see the lack of concern for anothers welfare, and that greed of wanting more and more for themselves, no matter the cost to get it and claim it as their own. You see greed in places of authority, and this selfish living in the making of the laws as they seek to ensure their own interests are paramount. Where in that world is there a government who lives the laws of God? I cannot see one! Individually, I know there are people in high places that are living Gods laws, but selectively the governments are directed to physical needs, physical desires, and physical expediencies. `Are they not? Never think if you live this life I tell you of, you are living a life that gets

you nowhere. If you want Godthen you must earn God! If you want the spirituality that brings the peace and contentment to your life, then you have to earn this spirituality. You cannot sit in your chairs at home and think . . . I want this to come, or I will pray for that. You have to earn it by the way you live and by the way you think. Bringing the application of God into that world by remembering that you are divine is very important, but never see yourself as only the physical aspect of your existence. See yourself as the dual personalities of matter and divinity as paramount to matter! See your world as but a tiny atom of the whole. Then know in truth the unseen worlds beyond are but thoughts away, vibrations away and not hidden in some distance nebulous zone in space. They are there! They exist in a different vibration of living, but they are there. You only have to close your eyes and sleep at the end of the journey and you are there in your spirit home again. Even in the spirit world you have to remember to live God. Do not think just because you have entered the Spirit World you have not to obey Gods laws, you always have to obey Gods laws. You have to obey the divine laws wherever you are! You have to understand you are aspect of God seeking and searching to reunite with Him. You must live Gods laws in spirit, as you would live His laws on Earth. The joy of release from that body of heavy matter is a bliss I cannot describe, but you must experience this for yourself. I want you to look at your journeys end, not as punishment, not as a misery to leave behind that world, but to look at as positive joy. Look at it as a happy release as you enter the wonder of spirit. Its the end of a heavy journey, and you have been dragging that body through that world of matter for a seemingly long time. Now you can experience the joyous release of the soul back into spirit. Try while you are there to make your life worthwhile, and to make your journey worthwhile, spiritually as well as physically. Look after your body and treat it with respect. Apply common sense and the laws of existence to it in your journey through time; then it will carry your soul in health and strength till the soul is ready to release itself from that bondage. Abuse the body and you pay the price in later life. Little children should be taught from an early age the wisdom of this, and not taught the ways of the world and what they can have of material possessions. They should be taught the way to live, the true way to live. Then know in truth, until mankind is evolved enough to live this way it will not be so. But, until the day mankind is able to realize from birth they are spiritual beings, and they must live their lives as spiritual beings, until that day comes you will always find inequality in your world of matter. I speak not idly when I say the day will come when Earth will be a spiritual planet. It will become highly evolved into which will come highly evolved spiritual beings. It will eventually, be a world of spirituality, and not have the grossness of that world as it is today. The time is far away I know, but it must come. Let your own life now be lived in the way you need to move through time, refine it, and bring it home to God. I do not want you to think the truth I bring is so profound you could not live it. That is not so! You can live it! Living the life of a devotee of God is very simple in essence. It means you have to set the world aside in your desires, and apply your energies and longings to the spiritual seeking of the divine way. If you continually seek from that world all you want to make you contented, then you will not be able to move onto the spiritual pathway that you desire. You do not have to live a life of misery, or a life of seriousness: you have to live a life of simplicity, a life of true values and true understanding. It is not so difficult if you want God enough and prepare discipline for your-self to live this way.

Laughter is an important ingredient to a soul as it journeys through your world of matter. Laughter and joy are assets that uplift the one who is struggling with that material existence. They are gifts of God for you to enjoy, as you struggle through that world of matter. It does not mean because you love God and want God, you have to be miserable in that world of seriousness all the time. It is not that way at all! You have to learn to balance the economic need to exist within it, with the overall longing for the spiritual way. Enjoy your laughter, enjoy your pleasures, but always ensure they are subservient to the soul. You came into flesh from spirit with the soul taking possession of that inert body and helping it create that into which it was born. You came into the body as spirit and you leave the body as spirit. The journey in between may be in matter, but you are still spirit live closer to the spirit. Live closer to God and let that world keep its distance. Let it come closer, but only as much as you need to exist within that material world. Do not succumb to the values of that world. Do not feel yourself allowing the values of humanity in your world today to become your values. Be discriminating, be ever logical, ever understanding, and always remember that pathway to God is a lighted path. That pathway of light never darkens, and never shuts you out. God will never criticize you; He will never judge you, never condemn you, and never punish you. God is all love, all patience, all wisdom, all compassion, and all logic, in great abundance. That is what God, sends to all His children, and that is what you are absorbing, to what degree depends upon yourself. Let it be the pathway you follow in your journey back to Him.

I leave you love my love, and I give you this desire for God that you must have to find Him. I walk with you in blessed peace. I am Bethesda. Never be too cold, you cannot forgive. Never be too selfish, you cannot understand. The soul within is God within. Chapter 16 Some Prophecies from an Avatar. Gods love flows through that world; it is endless, unrestricted, and impossible to halt. It flows endlessly to the souls who are receptive to its current. God does not restrict it for it flows to the highest and the lowest exactly the same: to the purest, and the most evil it is flowing just the same. It is in the receptivity of each soul to decide how much of this energy is received into that body. `Beloved children: Never minimise the value of this love of God that is constantly flowing to you, Gods divine energy enters each body incarnate, and can be transported by the will to every organ and every cell of the physical body. It does not pay to restrict the receptivity of this energy by naming the organ it must help, you send it everywhere within the body. Send it to every atom and every cell of your body; send that energy and it will heal where it is required. It will know where to go and what to do: you have not to direct or tell it. Just will it! By the sheer will of the desire for its need draw this cosmic energy that you receive from God into your body. Will it into the body! It will find a resting

place where it is most needed. Concentrate on the areas of the body that need the most help. Do not instruct this energy in what to do and where to go: for God is wiser than man: He knows what is needed and what will be received. Focus on this energy more and more: never take it for granted; never minimise it, and never make it a casual thought in your being. I want you to realise its tremendous potential to your existence, and to the existence of every thing incarnate. It is the focal point of the divine creation within you. It replenishes, it refurbishes, it heals, it uplifts, it energises, cleanses and purifies. Without this great life force you would not animate in that body, in that world. The scientists can have all the theories they want. They can deliver their judgement that they think fit; but until they recognise this wonderful energy of God that is flowing into everybody and every thing, they will never understand the secrets of creation. From the moment a baby is born this life force enters the body and gives it life. When this life force is withdrawn, the body is inanimate and cannot function. I have told you before, and I repeat to you again. . . . A body can be inert, and no medicines, no type of food, and no administrations can revive that body if the cosmic energy has been withdrawn. If the life force remains within, static though it may be, life can be revived and the body live on in life. I think all human beings, must come to realise the immensity of this energy before too long. Medical science, with all the medicines it has developed in your world today is directed so much on the material of the body and not the spiritual. Scientists are now realising that there is resistance to many of those medicines today. Is this not so? They have overplayed their use by too much usage. Constantly new diseases emerge and enter the energy of matter, then change in basic form, and new ones take their place. Gods energy is unchanging, ever endless in its supply, and ever the same in the results that come from this great force of life. It is the breath of God within mankind. It is the divine gift from God to His creation. No bird could fly without it. No fish could swim without it. No animal could walk, no insect could crawl, and no person could speak or live without this energy within them. The cosmic energy is the gift of the Beloved Creator to procreate life in that world of matter: so that man can inhabit that body and experience the material living that he must endure. This is needed as mankind journeys along this pathway in order to reach that ultimate union with The Creator. The men of science send their space probes to new horizons with the firm believe there may be some signs of primitive life, or indications of water upon a neighbouring planet. They see the stars (as they call them) in the sky, and lay all reasons why it must be that life could be there. If they only realised how puny are their efforts in the scheme of life itself in matter. Humanity today could never comprehend, and could never truly know the immensity of matter. What their instruments can see is but the fringe of what there is for man to see. It is vast, endless, ever evolving, and ever moving in time according to Gods creative insistence. God is the one who decrees what shall be and what not shall be. Each and everything in creation is constantly evolving. Even God is evolving as His creation evolves. It is magnifying, growing, never static, and never standing still, but constantly evolving and changing. Species will come and species will go according to the law of the Creator. Man cannot stay the hand of God, even if he thinks he can play God. You see the scientists trying to create life, in their test tubes. I want you to realise God is the procreator of all lifenot man! The procuring of life in your world is the province of God and only God. The scientists are creating monsters in that world, and they will pay the price. Man cannot emulate God! Man cannot usurp the authority and power of the Beloved

Creator without bringing it upon himself the effect of that which he is causing. God is all wisdom! God is infallible! God is all knowledge and ever loving in all He thinks and all He does. Man could never hope to emulate that which God is, try as he may. Where you are in the world today, you are going to see great changes happening in the geographical make-up of Earth. You are going to find islands around the Pacific area will change in their formations. Some are to disappear, and others created in a sense that they will emerge from beneath the sea. Mountains will change. The divisions of the life will be different. Mankind will have to adjust to so many changes People will find this very difficult, even frightening in the beginning. There will be great confusion until the human population learns to cope with the situation and face the difficulties and changes that must follow. Your particular area where you are now, (Perth Western Australia) will be least affected, compared to the eastern part of your country; although, you here will find some slight changes coming. Climates will bring the changes that will necessitate different thinking in production of produce, and the manufacturing of many goods that people now take for granted. This is not in the immediate future, but it is coming, and the world will be so different to what it is today. It has changed before. There have been many changes in that world since it began, and will in cycles of need change again. Man will have to learn his lessons, and move ever closer to his time of not needing to incarnate in matter. Little children are going to find their education systems changing. They are going to find the lessons they learn today are of no avail in the future. The spiritual aspect of life will become a paramount part of their education. The many divisions of religions will change and be eradicated, and then the one truth will slowly emerge to help mankind to find the wisdom to understand and know the one truth the reality of that which God is. The Northern Hemisphere is going to endure very severe winter conditions. Much rain is going to come with intense cold. Many mishaps will occur in the Scandinavian countries, also, in Russia, America, and England No country will escape the torment that is coming to that part of your world. The people of your world will be forced to realise that the conditions that they take for granted today as security, will be of no avail in the face of nature. They will sorely try to cope but with resilience will move through this time of trial into a new era of life, consequent to the climate and conditions of living. The world will be caught up in many aspects of divisions of national interest. Much will have to be endured, as these move through the course of time to be eradicated. There is coming to your world the torment of change, the torment of suffering and endurance. This will be followed by an era of such peace and such bliss. Consequently, all that torment will have been worthwhile, for mankind will surely find this achievement evolving. Then God with all His power and truth will be more readily identified and accepted within that world. This is a long time away, but it is coming for your world, for I see this as I speak. I also see a spiritual changing with mankind as humanity evolves ever closer to the wonder of the Beloved Creator, and leaves behind the trammels of matter. Other dimensions are growing and evolving, as on Earth. The changes are not coming for Earth alone, but for other dimensions of existence and other aspects of creation. There are souls who are journeying back to God in loving desire to reunite with Him. These souls will find their journeys are spent in the sweet bliss of peace and not in the ravages of war and discord as they are today.

It does not matter the color of the skin, the shape of the eyes or the race of any person that has come into a body of flesh. The soul within is the God within. The soul manifests regardless the race, creed, religion, or any other differing form of matter. It is the soul within the spiritual-self that is manifesting through a few leaders of great intent that will endeavor to take that world through this period of change. Many great souls have incarnated at this time, and more are yet to come. These evolved souls will do much to lead that world from darkness into light, from discord to peace, from ignorance to wisdom, and from hate to love. `My beloved children: Love will triumph! Love will triumph over everything, for God is love, and its His creation that is changing and moving ever closer to Him. Man must realize that material world he thinks he owns, he governs and controls: human-beings are but a minute aspect of Gods creation. That aspect of life on Earth is only forming a minute part of this great chain of existence emanating from God. There are universes beyond, beyond, beyond, and unseen dimensions beyond those universes. Man is not as clever as he thinks he is; for the power of God is beyond each act and each deed. God is the culminating force that will emerge and transform that which is yet to come. I see the lands that are barren today, will become prolific in production. The trauma of drought in many areas will change to bountiful water; and the areas of bountiful water will change to drought. Trees will wither and die, and mountains will crumble. New foliage and new mountains will emerge, and the new foliage will become paramount in your world. There will be a new means of existence created, with new skills learned and followed by mankind. Nothing stands still in time. In creation all is a passing phase, and never permanent. Nothing is permanent in creation: it is all ever changing. The permanence comes from The Divine Creators perfection, His wisdom, and His attributes of love, patience, logic, and humor. For without a sense of humor God must surely wither when He looks around and sees what humans do to His creation. I see little children again becoming little children, and not being forced to become adults at an early age. I see them being given the chance to grow as children, gently and with love as the years pass in your Earth time. They will once again tenderly play in the time they need and slowly be allowed to learn the right lessons in life. Then they will in the future emerge in the fullness of that fulfillment that awaits them, as they apply themselves to truth and not the fantasies of that world. You have the curse of the drugs in that world. Do you not? You have the curse of the excessive alcohol intake, the speed of the vehicles, and the lack of care for each other, the selfishness and the corruption. You are sick of all the qualities that are not of God and are paramount in your world at this present time. But, when you see and feel the light of God emerging in one little aspect of life in that world it becomes so precious to you and so beautiful. You can make your corner beautiful by loving and living God. It does not matter where you are in that world if you live God then God is there. If you live God, that change from God will surely come. Ignore what others think, and ignore what is popular unless it is the truth of God being lived and emerging in triumph in the darkness of matter. Have the courage to live your convictions. Have the courage to understand the truth that God is teaching you. Then have the courage to transcend popularity in the face of adversity. Live God, serve God, and evolve ever closer to that great force of creation, which is God. The Avatars of our world who have evolved into this oneness with God have tasted the bliss and lived the bliss with The Beloved Creator. Yet they return again into flesh leaving behind this time of oneness with God for the opportunity of serving

Him once again as creations of matter, but for a time only. Because they have great soul growth, that atom of God within them never leaves them. The atom of God within them is ever moving forward in the purity of God. The light of their auras will cleanse everywhere they walk, and everywhere they touch. Gods truth is so strongly empowered within them; they overcome all the doubts and the untruths of others. It will cleanse the misconceptions that are now paramount in religions of that world. `My beloved ones: God will emerge in your world in such a force in a way that mankind will not be able to repel or ignore. You in this small group are moving along the spiritual pathway because you have chosen to. You have never been forced, and no one is compelling you to follow it. Even now you are doing it from choice: for love of God. I see a strong desire within each of you there, to learn, to know, and to live this great wisdom. With this as your chosen way you will find you will not weaken in your endeavors. The power of God surrounds you, and the peace of God will envelop you, protect you and lead you ever forward into this oneness with Him. When a soul is forced to follow the spiritual path it is not growth, but when a soul chooses willingly and lovingly to walk it and live it, then that is soul growth. No matter how tottering the steps, no matter how slow the steps, evolving will come and growth must follow: then you are emerging from darkness into light, and from ignorance into wisdom. You also move from materialism to the spiritual aspect of your very inner understanding and oneness with God. There are such wonderful spiritual truths awaiting you, for you to learn and to know. Never be greedy to know it too soon or too quickly, and never be too vain to think you have not much yet to learn. Know in truth you have but started on the crumbs of the spiritual aspect of all knowledge. Thus, in truth, you have just begun the initial steps as you climb along that wonderful path of truth and wisdom to the Godhead. Never let vanity be your companion, and never let ego find a resting place in your being. Always find time to help others, even though they offend, and even though they hurt you. Find time to love them, forgive them, and understand their growing is yet to come. Remember, they too have a journey to make just as you are making, and one day will reach the level that you have reached. Some are slower, and some are faster: but never ignore the struggles of others. Never let those struggles take you from this divine pathway that you have moved upon in order to reach God. Incorporate the opposite with that which you are by understanding without condoning, with acknowledging, but without living the condition. Do not change your own convictions, or your own spiritual pathway that is leading you into the bliss and the wisdom of The Infinite Creator. The world is matter! You are spirit! You are a stranger in that world for a time, you are a visitor and you will leave it to come back again to the spiritual home that is yours. You will move through time as you grow to God until you become united with Him. Love is a bond that will never be broken, for it binds you to God and to others. It also binds you to life itself. God is not a magnified man, or a nebulous creature in so remote heaven as many man made religious movements would have you believe. God is the pure energy of creation. God is the super, superlative, supreme intelligence that governs and controls all universal life and rhythm. This is God! . `My children: Never let hate replace love. Never let anger replace peace. Never be too cold that you cannot forgive, and be never too selfish that you cannot understand. Others may not have that which you have, for they are yet struggling to find that

which you have found. Put out your hand to those who are lost that they may grasp it, but hold fast to God with the divine love that knows no boundaries and no limitations. Be not afraid to claim the truth you follow, believe, and recognize. But never force upon another. Never continually repeat it to someone who is not willing to listen. Never be so unkind as to not realize they are not yet ready to believe, know, and to live that what you are living. Tell them gently, but do not force it, for change must come slowly and willingly. Change must come gradually and permanently according to the wisdom of God. The clouds that now hover over that world are not going to lessen just yet, they are going to increase. It will be as if there is a tidal wave of some negativity that is coming to your world that negativity will seem to be irrepressible. Mankind will have to fight hard to overcome this but mankind will succeed. No matter how long it takes the time will come when souls on that Earth will grow spiritually and succeed. Then the force of positive divine intent will transcend all else, and the negative that at present enshrouding all else will be broken. It will be subdued, and the forces of darkness will withdraw. Consequently the forces of light will emerge triumphant, as God claims again His creation to be in union with Him, and that He is the reality of the absolute all. You are going to find, that they are going to discover new species of life forms slowly emerging in different parts of your world. There will be surprise expressed that they have never seen this form before or that form before. They will not realize or acknowledge it is the power of God at work, as He supplants life forms, because He wishes to replace the extinct with new species. Mankind will slowly come to respect the right of every species to have its day. The eating of flesh will be gone and the eating of grains and other vegetarian foods will be the order of the day. Man will no longer covet the various forms of meats that he used to eat to satisfy his palate. In the future, people of your world will be content with little to eat, and food then will be of the vegetarian order. Man may think he can eradicate that which he does not want, but he cannot do so if God decrees nothing can be eradicated completely. It may diminish dramatically, but it cannot be exterminated unless the intent of God lies behind it as species evolve from one form to another. Although humans think they have dominion over animals, it is not the intent of God to interpret it the way man does. Mankind has the dominion in the care of them, the looking after them, and the respecting of them, but not in consuming them. It is wrong of human beings to prove they are more powerful, by trying to prove that they are the dominant form of life in that world you call Earth. Man should be the provider of care in looking after the lesser creatures, and giving them the security they need in their own sphere of existence in your world. `My beloved children: There will come more of these things in the time ahead, many years ahead. Those of you with a sufficient degree of soul growth, will in your wisdom move through time according to the need of your soul to evolve still further. Each growing soul will need to reach into that area of creation that is important for it to grow into the state of higher-consciousness. Thus, you will return to Earth in the time that you choose for the doing and the growing that you know must come. Do not think that you will control by the desire of the will that which you will do, and that which will come for you. You will not! If you listen to that inner whisper of God it will be the need of your soul that will successfully and wisely guide your movements: for it is the endurance of the spirit within to read the signs of what you must do, and where you must go, and when it must be. To all seekers, always the goal must be God; that which you have gained for the soul will not be lost. That which you have learned will not be forgotten, and that

which you are growing into, will not be weakened. Growing souls, may find at times that life becomes quieter for them and sometimes their steps may halt or falter, but they will never cease to grow to God. As your soul grows you will never find the desire for God eradicated from your being. With soul growth, the desire is too strong; it is too deeply ingrained, and too willingly acknowledged for that to be lost. You here have passed the early days of change, and made that which your growth has brought to become strong and powerful within. The soul is triumphing over matter, as the soul must and should. The lessons to be learned will be leaned. Then you will find as you slowly and surely progress along this pathway of growth to God your desire for material things will be less. Likewise your need for the material things will be less; your soul will glow and your approach to God will bring you a gentleness to your inner-self that you need in order to guide and help others. As God decrees, God gives to enable it to be so! God equips his children before He gives them the tasks of service for Him. God does not send His children to do any activity or service without equipping them first. It matters not how large or small the task may be, God always bestows the gift of ability to that soul. Sometimes humans are too blind to see them, but they are there. God always makes sure they are there before He calls them. Then growing souls will use wisely that which they know, because it has been earned, and is of God. There is an empty darkness that envelops your world today. There is also a continual conflict that rages in so many countries of that planet Earth, and there are many who long for peace. The struggle to be heard by those calling for peace will become greater, more meaningful, and more successful in their endeavors to be listened to. These people have been banging on closed doors for so long, and they have almost given up hope of being listened to by those who should be listening. The tide will turn, and those in authority will recognize the signals that are sent from the populace and they will begin to pay heed to the quality of the protests No longer will they be able to classify them as idiots, weird people, or fringe insurgents who are out for something new in their lives. Political leaders will have to listen, because people of quality will join their ranks, and protest loudly at this imbalance in your world. They will be asking governments to rethink their policies, to draw back from the brink to which they have driven their countries. These leaders are going to find that the voice of the people will become more insistent and more determined. Governments then will not be able to ignore the cry people send forth in the name of peace. That world will experience geographical upheavals. The emergence of land from beneath the sea is going to reveal a treasure of knowledge, which will unlock the doors of many mysteries of the past. It will give a new insight into the enigma of Atlantis. It was a powerful nation that dominated that world in size and in progress. Australia will not suffer to the extent that other areas of your world will suffer. A change in parts of your coastline will occur, but it will not experience the dramatic encounters as other areas of that planet The Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean is the part where the uprising will come, and will revitalize known secrets from beneath the ocean. It will reveal knowledge of a bygone civilization. Egypt was once linked to Atlantis, it was part of a great continent, and Atlantis will emerge again in part to show this truth was a reality. The pyramids of Egypt are hiding inner teachings of God that will eventually be

understood by those who serve God in truth. I come because I serve my God. I give you my love. I give you my love. I give you my peace. I am Bethesda. A soul does not need religious doctrines to find God: it only needs the realization of the inner-self. It is sometimes necessary to suffer a little in order to grow a little. Chapter 17 Spiritual Insight from an Avatar The crowded noisy material world has obliterated the sweet whisper of God within the majority of people today. They hear only the voice of matter calling them, urging them to go there, to buy this, and to buy that. To the mind of mankind, unless they hear this imperial command from the physical to fashion their lives they think there is something missing. Man could be content with nothing if only he would let God reveal His presence within mans inner-self, and uplift his consciousness to the mind of the Beloved. Man will never find his happiness in that material world, he may think he will, and he may think he has: all he will find is the fallible material substitute for the true reality of happiness. Man is in that world for the short span of years, and receiving from your material world all the possessions that he thinks he wants and needs. `My beloved children: The truth is: man is the divine seeking the divine, but until he lets God answer his full needs, he will never know fulfillment, and never know the absolute happiness that his soul is seeking. You can feed the body, but you must also feed the soul. You cannot feed food to the soul: you have to feed God to the soul. You have to give the inner-self the opportunity to become united with the Beloved Creator. You need to allow the wisdom of God to flow into the real self and find a way to express life through this wisdom. The physical body is the coveting only: it requires material matter to sustain that body. You have to feed it, wash it, and house it: but that is merely sustaining matter. You can give all of this to the body, along with the opportunity for the required time in that world, but deep-within the soul is crying out for God. If you ignore that cry for God and acknowledge just the outer covering, you are starving yourself of God at your own peril. Henceforth, you will journey again, and again into flesh, until you allow the soul to grow to God. You cannot suppress it indefinitely. You cannot! Tell your soul you know without any form of doubt, it is the real self, the true identity, and you cannot, and will not ignore its reality. That is why you see such restlessness in your world existing hand in hand with such dissatisfaction and unhappiness. You see people with a lot of money of the worlds coin. You see them with rich possessions but there is still a hungry look in their eyes for something else, and they know not what. For a time in that life, they will enjoy a physical satisfaction in their lives, but only for a time. One day, trouble will inevitably strike. Time will then bring no peace to their lives, and they will long for something deeper. I tell you in truth . . . until they turn to the divine within, they will not find it! `My beloved children: Even in your own lives, when you are feeling unhappy, restless, tired, or any sort of emotion that is negative, it is then you must allow yourself to push that world away. It is then you need to quietly dwell within your inner self, to allow your consciousness to merge with the Beloved. You will find a quietude coming that will bring a sensation that you could never have with anything of your world.

True meditation is a wondrous amelioration to lifes journey. To be able at will to enter the consciousness of God is a state of mind, and a state of being that the Avatars can do at will. Do not feel discouraged, and do not feel inadequate because you cannot reach this, even one step towards that goal is important. Even one hour of peace with the Beloved God is worth a lifetime of nothingness in your world. This is because you are feeding your hungry soul with spirituality, and spirituality is of God. You watch and evaluate the different leaders of your world. You watch the various nations, their populations, their goals, and their endeavors. You observe, and in your evaluations you see that everything is geared towards materialism. Is this not so? People want the riches of the world to make them happy and to make them comfortable. They want not a simple home in which to live they want big houses and mansions. Everywhere there is someone looking for progress they do not have. Does this kind of progress bring them happiness? Does it bring them the peace their soul is seeking? I am not so foolish as to think your world could be all one thinking place, with one desire within all. It is not possible! Every soul is different in evolution, but then I am expressing logic to you in this statement that you may already understand. Until all humanity is of the same desire, and this desire is to become one with the Beloved Creator: then they will know not true happiness. Knowing this, you are going to find more woes in your world. You are going to find people hating people, people hurting people, and many inequalities. I long for the day that world will shine like a jewel in the darkness of matter. I long for the day when you all will be able to see with the eyes of the Divine: that lighted wonder of creation. You in this small group can play your part, by always seeking the spiritual reality of the self. You know truth, you know wisdom, and no one will have to convince you of the truth of the Beloved Creator: for you are very blessed that you have this understanding in your own inner-self. To be bereft of spiritual truth, is to be bereft of God! There are those in that world struggling towards this light, unknowingly. There are many in that material world which have become dissatisfied with the doctrines and the religions they have been following. They are dissatisfied with something that does not satisfy the inner seeking. They are asking questions, they are seeking truthful and different answers; they are truly seeking different resolutions to their lives. When you believe in the truth of God, always walk towards that truth. Do not hide away from the truth of God, and do not evade it just because it seems more comfortable to flounder in the material life. Rarefy your true self by surrendering to God in the understanding of what you are. Can you imagine evolved souls having to again enter flesh when they are not yet at the stage that they need not reincarnate? They may be evolved enough to have sufficient wisdom, to know the true goal of their journey, but still they will have to come back to that troubled world; they then have to enter a body once again, to grow still further towards God. It is for them deep sorrow and deep pain, but they know they must come. You will never want to leave the freedom of the Spirit World for the harsh reality of the material existence. From the moment you are born you are in conflict between matter and spirit. If you lose the way a little on the journey, you are soon pulled back towards the reality of the real goal of that journey. For in truth, that inner understanding of God will not let you know peace anywhere else. If you come into flesh understanding spiritual truth, you cannot become lost in that world of matter for long. Some inner urging or prompting will bring you back again to the journey you came to make. It is not easy in that world when you have lives that are mixed. There are those

who know not the true reality of God, and there are some who do, and also understand Gods immense wisdom in these truths. It is very hard to have compatibility in such situations, but there is obviously a need for those lives to be entwined or this would not be so. Reincarnation is a reality: for behind it dwells divine wisdom. Very carefully a souls need to come into flesh is planned. The need for association with families is also planned. All this is worked through very carefully before you come into a body. Therefore, nothing is wasted in the association with those people you incarnate with in that physical life. You may be helping them, or they may come to give you a challenge that you need to have in your own life. Never dismiss lightly the need to intermingle with different types of beings. Some wonderful souls choose to come into a body with certain incarnated humans. They do not come to help themselves, but to help these people to find God. `My beloved children: Never compromise your beliefs; never compromise your spiritual integrity. Always live your lives in God, and know God in the reality as that God is God: it will then be the example of understanding they need to be touched with, and be the influence that will show them greater truths. If you hide the reality of what you believe, you are denying the very one who needs it most to find God. Be fearless in your journey and be fearless in your declaration of your love for God. Then with your souls inner strength, be fearless in your search for God. Finding and uniting with the Beloved Creator is not some fanciful journey you can make, break, or leave, and come back to when you feel like it. The seeking of the souls union with The Beloved is an eternal journey that cannot be denied. Let your feet be in that world, but let your soul be with God. God is ever watchful of His children, and ever understanding of their need. A soul will often cry out for something it wants most badly, and often with great sadness God knows He cannot grant that soul that plea. Every thing exists according to the divine law. That soul may need to have that experience to grow and become closer to the Creator. Having all the desires of the flesh answered because you believe in God, is not possible. You need to always seek from God, regardless of any desire; and you need to always seek believing that from God can come the answer to that which you cry out for, but never expect every cry to be answered! In your understanding of this, never expect God to grant your every wish or whim. Let God know of your needs, then God in His wisdom and in His own good time will grant that which He knows you need or have earned. Accept with grace and love the outcome, and then turn ever more strongly toward your search to reach Him. If you can love God in spite of anxiety and misery in your world; if you can love and want God in spite of what you are enduring, then your soul is truly growing closer to Him. You may find in that material world the hurts and the discords may be too overwhelming for you to bear. Then the trials that you endure may make you feel you need to turn away from God. In taking this direction you will find your feet will stay firmly in that material world. This will be so until you are able to discard this understanding of that condition, and seek more firmly the pathway of soul growth to the Beloved Creator. The souls eternal journey is a long, lonely, difficult journey; it has to come from nothing to perfection. It must journey through many life times, seeking, and finding, making mistakes, and learning from mistakes. It has to grow ever closer, journey-by-journey to reach God. Just picture a little baby in your world being born, and later stumbling and fumbling along lifes pathway. In babyhood, in childhood, in the teenage years, into the adult age, and then into old age: for each stage of life is a growing process. Is it not? Each stage will have new difficulties, with new experiences. The journey of the soul is similar in a way, for the soul has to go through the stages of such a

journey. Not just one lifetime in the physical, but in the whole eternal struggle to throw aside all the negativity that the soul has gathered into its life. Reach into the positive always, and decisively know that you have to resist the world, reject the world, and bare the soul to God. While you crave the physical while you rejoice in things that world can bring to you: then you are not moving forward in the way that you need in order to reach the Beloved Creator. That world will strongly hold you in bondage until you can reject all need for it. Take from that world just the essentials that you need to live to be economically secure and to have the housing that you need. Not great luxury, not large mansions, just housing that the body needs. Seek the simplest in life and not the greatest. Take gently from your world and not greedily grab its offerings. While you may see things in that material world that are exciting to the physical, and are desirable to the physical, remember, you need them not, you may want them, but you do not need them. You only need the simplest of housing, and the simplest of living. You can find God in the humblest of surroundings. If you completely surrender in love to Him, remember, you do not need the mansions, and you do not need luxury or wealth to find God. With this wisdom in mind, shed yourself of the garnishments of that world, and reach into the beloved and eternal understanding of the Creator. I know this sounds very easy to say, but it is very difficult to live. In these teachings, I give you the truth of what you need. You are seeking the Divine Creator. You are not seeking wealth of your world; you are not seeking success in your world for the sake of success. You are seeking God! It is important to strip yourself of the desire for acquisitions of the physical, and bare the soul to God. Avatars have only the garments that they need and wear. They have very simple desires for their intake of food. They want to live close to God, and this is the way you must seek to live if you are reaching for enlightenment. You are not eccentric if you walk this same pathway; you are lovingly and sincerely seeking God. In understanding this pathway your values need to be divine and not material in that illusion called matter. You are living in a very material world. Are you not? There you are living in a very physical world; therefore, you have the greatest responsibility to you true self to resist that world. When in ages past and there was not much in that world to acquire, the task then was not so difficult. Human beings at that time did not have so much to give up. They then, in a very simple way, searched for God in the physical world of some past era. In this present time of existence in your world, it is very crowded materially. People today have a great flood of temptation thrust at them from that material world, take this, enjoy that, and have this. `Is this not so? `Beloved ones: If you can really resist the desire for things of that world, really resist them, not want them, and accept they are there, but you want them not. You will then find that the true wealth is within, with the opportunity to grow to God and to become one with God. You need to maintain an economical existence . . . I understand that truth! You have to live in that physical world and have the necessities of life to sustain you. This is a reality of the flesh; but it need not go on making you seek more and more from that world of matter. You do not need the material desire to succeed more and more in Earthly endeavors. Take what you must, and leave the rest aside. Take what you need and nothing more. Seek from God the ultimate and the realization of the higher self in God. `My beloved children: I want to help you with this understanding: you are divine, and your soul needs unity with God. There is nothing in that world that can ever claim you continually and endlessly. There is nothing in your world that can ever satisfy you, because you are divine. You come from spirit to enter a body in order to conquer all material desires. You

become engrossed in matter with an overcoat of flesh to protect you and to help you manifest in that world. Remember always, you are divine, and you need to live the divine. Bring your divine consciousness closer and closer to God. Let your soul evolve with the true meaning of lifes existence: to understand and live the laws of the Divine: those things are not material: they are spiritual. This is what you must find no matter how long it takes you in any life. If it takes you one life or one thousand lives, you still have to walk through that world until you find God. You do not enter a body in that world of matter to be allowed to live in that physical body and seek only the material existence of that world. One day you have to lose that body and discard everything you have gathered unto you in that material world. Every possession you have ever gathered unto you, you have to leave behind. Not one atom from that world can you take back to spirit dimension! All you can take is that what you have gathered unto your soul and the growth to God that you have achieved. That is all you can take back to spirit! If you starve the soul in that world and cling to the material, you will then find yourself a spiritual pauper at your journeys end. You can watch the opportunists in every country seeking the avarice of that world. They can never be content unless they have more of it, while at the same time always seeking to outsmart the next person. You see them continually scheming to cheat someone amid the widespread corruption, which is so rampant in your world. All of this is geared toward the material. With all of this rife, just remember, you are divine, and you are only covered with a body for a reason, and for a short time. The true self is spirit! Look ahead and see the end of your journey on Earth, and see how you will shed that body. Then see how that physical body has to stay behind to perish, along with all the wealth of the world you have gathered unto you. It is only the soul you take to God, glowing in growth, and glowing in understanding. With this soul growth and your consciousness you will reach ever deeper into Gods supreme consciousness. Then with the souls increased awareness you will be ever mindful of the wondrous wisdom and truths awaiting you: because of your achieved spiritual growth and divinity. The scientists of your world are crying out for the true understanding of existence, until they know God they will never have an answer. They can have all their physical explanations for conditions in your world. They also can have their physical achievements, their machines, and their inventions; but the true understanding of existence and the true intelligence behind all that is in that world cannot come from the mind of man. This level of wisdom has to come from knowing and understanding God. That journey to God is a wondrous experience. It takes you to all facets of life: it brings you to different people, different relationships, different lives, at different times. In reality you are alone, and in each life you are individual, linked with other peoples lives for a time, and for a reason. When ultimately the transition from earth life to spirit occurs, you leave behind things of that world; but you still continue your journey to God. You also take with you the glow of the soul that you have acquired in that world. You stay with God at the level of understanding you have accepted and all you have achieved. When you are not satisfied with the spirituality that you have, and you want more and morethat is true growth! I could not conceive how anyone, with even a glimmer of understanding could not accept the concept of reincarnation. You could not possibly take a soul from nothing to God in one short lifetime. You could not lean the lessons you have to lean in one lifetime, and find the soul evolving even further to Him. You could not have human consciousness entering into the divine consciousness and know the truth as God knows it. How could you in one life lifetime? You cannot understand the reality of life in your world in one lifetime! You cannot lean all the wisdom there is in that world. You cannot read all the

books that are being printed. You cannot undertake all the careers of your world. You are very limited! Even the cleverest people in your world are restricted to the limited understanding they can find; because man can only reason according to that which the intellect allows. There is not one human being who has the time or ability, to absorb all the wisdom in that world in one lifetime. How could the greatest thinker in your world ever hope to come even close in any form of understanding to the wisdom of God in one lifetime? That what the world has, has come from God. That what the world does not know, is the truth of God, until they seek it. I want you to be able to have such a yearning for God, such a craving or His understanding, His truth, and His love. I want you to feel this great desire within you becoming such a hunger, such a longing, till there is nothing that ever can satisfy it. I want to see you all growing to God, and trying to reach Him through the efforts you make, every moment of every day you live. When you close you eyes in sleep, what have you achieved during the day? You have been here, been there, done this, done that; but what have you given to the journey to God? What have you given to the search for God during the hours of that day? Have you spent some moments in loving and longing for Him? Have you spent time endeavoring to let Gods divine wisdom flow into your consciousness? Let His love, His great harmonizing energy of creation enter the physical body, and bring it into the harmony of body, mind, spirit, and soul. That world you have incarnated into will only offer you illusion. Only God will give you the reality of spiritual truth, enlightenment, and wisdom. When you take on a body you automatically assume the mantle of harmony betwixt the mind, the spirit, and the body. It has to fit like a glove! Consequently, you have to feel this throughout your life, growing and being enhanced by this harmony; but you cannot do this, if you are living for material things only. If you are only seeking that world, and if you are only living for that world, then your body is out of harmony; sickness follows, dissatisfaction follows, and unhappiness follows. If only you can let the guiding force of God be your existence: then and only then will you find this wonderful pathway to soul growth. In every wave of the ocean lies the power of God: this creative force of God is flowing through everything. This is the same force that keeps you animated in flesh. It is keeping the trees with their leaves. It is keeping in existence, the valleys, the hills, the mountains, and the streams, it is flowing through everything. Everything that exists has wonderful energy flowing through it! When that energy is withdrawn, then that aspect of life does not exist. It perishes! The trees wither and die, the oceans dry up, the rivers dry up, and the life force is not there where there is no activity of living. Man alone cannot keep all this in motion if there is no life force. A person cannot feed the body when the life force has left it! No person can hope to bring a human form back to life again when the life force has left that body. If that life force has not withdrawn, then life can be sustained, and can be rejuvenated. No matter how ill that person may be, as long as that life force is in the body it can be sustained in existence; but if the life force is withdrawn, there is nothing that can bring that body back to life. Only God creates life, only God maintains life, and only God must take life! Man has not the right to end any life at his will or fancy for any reason whatsoever. The laws of the divine are Gods alone, and must be followed. Mankind cannot break them, they cannot make them, they must follow them, and they must live them. Look upon the journey in flesh this time as an opportunity that helps you find the way clearer, and the pathway that leads you nearer to the Beloved Creator.

You here in this small gathering listening to my words today, I say unto you . . . `This incarnation this time is the most advanced that you have ever had, and it will enable you to grow quicker and nearer to God`. `You have bought into this life greater wisdom and greater understanding than ever before`. I say to all seekers: You do not need economic wealth you do not need economic success, and for each seeker your journey is to grow closer to God. Thats the goal you came to seek, and thats the goal you must find! May you all find the strength and discipline to make this the way you all live your lives. You can be joyous, you can have laughter and you can enjoy the goodness of that world, God denies you not this joy. He does not say you have to live in misery, unhappiness, or solemnity; you can find God more quickly by being on the positive side and not the negative. Laughter and joy are qualities of God, but it must be balanced too with the understanding of the negative side of life; you all must be able to reject the negative, and always seek the positive. If the negative did not come into your life, how then could you learn to reject it? Transcend negativity; always try to your best to transcend all negativity! You cannot eradicate it and dismiss it, because it must be endured, and it must be conquered. You can transcend it by the attitude of the higher self in understanding the nature of the journey of life that you are making. You are learning lessons of truth, and you need learn to take only from that world the positive. You need to be patient, to understand the suffering of the world, and let the inner-self move ever forward to God. It is not easy! You must have discipline, and you must have the understanding of the truth, so that you can use your spiritual ability do it. God never gives a burden for His child to bear that is too great for that child to carry. That is the law! You may have burdens that are heavy but you can be sure you have the ability to see them through, or God would not let you suffer. Gods law is: whatever burden comes into your life you can endure that burden. How you endure it is your privilege and your right to transcend, or you would not have that test at that time in existence. The nearer you grow to God and the more you are trying to find Him, the closer you come to greater experiences and greater trials. The blessing is: with this greater soul growth, comes the ability to make the problems easier to understand, and easier to conquer: because you will have the spiritual understanding of the Divine. When you are ready to be at-one with the Beloved Creator, such an understanding bliss is yours, with such a deep fulfillment that you cannot understand or describe with thoughts from the physical mind or man-made words. You can only feel the oneness of the divinity of God. Then you will know, see, and understand all existence. Nothing can frighten you, and nothing can take away this immense bliss of God, for you have the understanding of creation. Is that not worth striving for life after life, and is that not worth living for? Always know when I give this truth that you must eventually be able to reach God, and you must become one with The Creator. You cannot do otherwise! That is the law! You will be able to see from those around you how far they have yet to go. When you see them experiencing the cruelty of life, the poverty, the inequality, the injustice, and when you see man dispensing this to others and people enduring this from others, you then realize how far they have to go. You see and recognize the ignorance in the teachings of that material world, and you realize how blind they are to truth. You will have the longing to free these souls from the imprisonment of these adulterated teachings. Each soul must take the steps it must, for no one can take these steps for them. Each soul must learn to reject the material, and to acquire that of the divine that they are ready for. If they get hurt that is part of learning and part of growing. It matters not if the physical is enduring, but if the soul is growing within, that is the true self and that is the measure of the journey. That body you borrowed goes back to the earth, and the soul journeys onto God.

The glory of a souls growth to God is an endless story of exaltation and of understanding the need to live to grow. Do not let your world obsess you, my children. No matter what conditions you have, no matter what state of mind; never let it conquer and overpower the peace within you. This is your test to know and remember you all are divine. This flesh you carry and wear is not you; it is only something you have to wear for this journey. Do not let it suppress the ability of the soul to seek peace with God. Do not let it hamper your endeavors to expand your understanding and wisdom with God. Throw away these failings of flesh, push away the heavy conditions of that world then just sit quietly with your desire to link with the Beloved. This is the true self-seeking the divine light that is there throughout each physical life in every journey. Your world is only temporary. It is perishable! Nothing in that world is lasting, and you have nothing within that world that you had last time. You had to leave all that behind. You come into a new life, you will leave this life, and then you will forget everything you had in this lifethat is the law! You will take nothing with you. Then when the need is there you will come again with a new body, with a new need to experience a new understanding of a new existence. This is the way it goes, until you can roll away that world, and push away the material. Then you can say to that world . . . `I want you not! I do not reject you for the suffering you bring me; I reject you for the fact I desire nothing of you, or from you I only want God! I have within me the understanding of my true identity with God, for there is nothing in the world that is me, I only want God. I want no more journeys; I want only The Beloved Creator. You will find that divine state of being coming for you, and you will not endlessly enter flesh. Make this journey productive! Waste not the opportunities that God has given you, and never lose your direction! Never let the world pull at your senses and tell you that you are unhappy, or tell you that you are in pain. Never let the world tell you that you are poor and tell you that you are miserable. Never let the world do that to you! You are free inside to love and find God, and the heavy mantle around you must not imprison you. Do not allow it to make you forget the reason you came into a physical body. I want you to feel this love of God ever with you. This deep peace of God is forever yours, and I want you to have your reality of understanding fixed upon that truth. You must move to God and not linger in that world. This is your great opportunity this time to find Him. Take yourself ever nearer to Him and push away the world. Your moods, your problems, are all material, all emotion, and emotion will never take you to God. You will never ride that train of growth to God with your emotions, only with your surrender to the spirit. Emotions cloud your judgment, they cloud your reasoning, they make you feel inadequate, and they give you a sense of despondency and self pity. They have no place in your life; nor are they yours to have and to hold. Push them away! Endure them, move away from them, and seek the positive of the understanding discipline of the true journey of the soul to God. If it were not so, God would not give these teachings to you. If it were not the truth, I would not speak these words. I give my peace to you all. I give my love to you all. I am Bethesda. There are many religions in your world; each one is claiming to be the one authority, to have the accolades of God, and to have the ultimate truth. Yet they

cannot live is contrary unity, they This is the

in unity. If they cannot live in unity they have to live divided. This to truth; truth unites, it does not divide! If they cannot live in cannot represent truth. logic of God that I speak!

You cannot find soul growth in any cathedral, church, temple, synagogue or mosque. You can only find it in spiritual truth, and in living that truth! The weapons of high technology that man makes today can destroy mankind, but not creation. Chapter 18 Between Two Worlds I could not explain this form of communication to you in words that you would understand. When God sends teachings to his children in flesh, He is the one who chooses the way, the time, and the means. You are manifesting in flesh, but are still divine. Within you is this atom of God which is always in communication with the higher world. The flesh of man is not the criterion of the soul within. When God enables communication between the higher world and matter, He creates the opportunity for this to come about. This understanding of communication between the spheres of existence cannot be explained in words that the mind of man would understand. You have no need to explain to anyone how this communication comes to you, it comes, and it is resulting in the teachings that are there. Sances and the psychic world are one way of making the link, but this form of communication is different in all that we are endeavoring to bring in communication with you here this day. There are many gifts from God, many opportunities, and many ways for communication to come to your world. This form of divine communication this night to you in your world with Gods teachings as the result is something, which is beyond mans physical mind to understand. It is impossible for me to describe to you in man-made words because there are no Earthly terms that can express many profound spiritual realities. Those who are seeking must take in trust that God is communicating and that which mankind is receiving. They will in time as they grow spiritually wiser, come to understand the futility of seeking material explanations for everything that happens before they can accept them. It is very difficult when you have people who are skeptical and are questioning communication from the unseen world. It is very difficult to convince them of the sincerity of what you believe and what you know. It is not important that they have the explanation they want to hear. Acceptance, faith, and trust, are part of the process of learning to know God. Then when God makes an opportunity available to bring His truths to mankind you can be sure they will be found and they will be used. You are not describing something of studio matter; you are describing communication from the higher spheres to the lower spheres of Earth. Therefore, how can I describe them in man made words that people of that world are able to understand? Never think that what I bring is unattainable; never think it is an impossible dream that I bring: I bring the truth, and I bring reality. You are heavily engaged in matter because you are living in it. It is a very hard material world, and this is your chance to throw away that heavy materialism. `My beloved children: You can do it or I would not bring it. I come to tell you and show you the way to move out of darkness into light and from despair into hope. That material world is a dream. You are not living an existence in that world, you are only dreaming in that world. You are acting a part for a time, let that

physical body act that partyou do not! You tell that world it is not your world, for your world is with God. Live that belief and you will find that spiritual truth, a reality. Then seek for yourself the highest and the purest of understanding that comes from the Divine Creator. That world of matter and the universe of matter can be destroyed in a second if God withdrew maintaining the existence of that universe. You are Gods own children, find Him, follow Him and deny that world its claim upon you. Find that tranquility and peace within. Let that peace within become an even greater pool of tranquility; which I beg you to find. Nothing of that world matters! This material clattering and banging on your door ignore it! Dont open the door! Tell that world to go away! There is no problem in that world that is so immense that it can take away your peace and your desire to know God. Nothing in your world can deny you your right to grow to the Beloved. If you think you are material, then you will be in your living and your thinking. If you acknowledge the truth of your divinity you will move to God, and you will not let that world claim you. I want to guide you into a great sense of peace, with such a great sense of purpose of your own divinity I want to give you such a longing to push further and further along this pathway to God. I am from God, trying to bring enlightenment to souls on your Earth. I am trying to bring the greater truths. I am trying to show you the greater pathway to walk in life to enable you to find the Divine Beloved. One day the world will understand there is a dual existence and it is not all material that exists in your world of matter. People in the future will be living openly and understandingly with the two worlds. However, this is a long time away, and a lot more must be endured before it comes. You with greater soul growth are blessed, you understand and you believe. Let this understanding and this belief, give you the courage, the wisdom, and the strength to follow that truth into your lives. Live this in a way that helps you to understand even more the vastness that is God. Let His love be your companion; let His divine presence be ever with you, and the promise of eternity with Him be the joy that drives out darkness and lets you live in the light. I leave you all with my love and I leave you all with my light. I leave you all with my desire to guide those who truly seek the divine pathway to God and higher consciousness. I am Bethesda. That what the world has, has come from God. That what the world does not know is the truth of God From the cost of every rocket that is sent into outer space they could bring succour to hungry nations and empty stomachs. Chapter 19 The Reality of Truth from an Avatar The gentle breeze of Gods love is blowing on your world. I feel it is His love reaching out to the four corners of your Earth. Gods all encompassing wisdom is ever flowing for He restricts nothing, and He rations nothing He has to give. I also see a great need for that world to awaken to the truth of God. People live in that world with their hearts and souls closed and hear not His whisper of truth that flows. So many are ready to find the ultimate truth, but yet they deny their soul this opportunity because the worldly dogma has clouded their judgement. They would rather listen to the ranting of man, proclaiming this, and

proclaiming that as truth. People know it not, but the real truth silently waits within their spiritual understanding. People are so close to enlightenment with the soul in each incarnation; enlightenment is already there, knowing and awaiting to be awakened to the divine truth. Every soul is linked with God for it is a part of God. Therefore, what God knows, the soul knows; but that awakening cannot come until the human aspect has begun to realise the need to live the divine way, and to feel and think the divine truth. Until man will realise the frailty of materialism, he is deaf to this whisper of God. God cannot make it loudly heard it must come as a whisper until the souls and the consciousness of all human beings are ready to receive it. The people of your material world need to discard everything that is around them and live God. If you can, try and imagine the longing and the love that flows from The Creator, the giver of all life: because one day, every soul must eventually understand and live that which God is. God sees the killings in your world, the brutality, and the impervious disregard for things divine. God waits in silent anguish for mankind to turn away from that material world. God waits for man to reach out for the divine longing that the soul within represents. Human beings think if anything has to be real it has to be tangible, they have to touch it, see it, feel it, and live it. That is not the way the true self exemplifies its divinity. The physical eyes cannot see God; the physical ears cannot hear God, and the physical mind cannot understand God. It is the spiritual aspect of the self that has the ability to hear Gods words. It is also the spiritual inner-self that sees and understands the divinity that He represents. God does not come to man in a tangible form and stand before him, proclaiming His truths and telling man what he must do. God lives in everything that exists! God comes in so many wondrous ways to show of His existence, to show His authority, and to show His creative ability. Every flower that blooms, it blooms because God is there. Every raindrop that falls is there because God has formed that rain. No river can run unless God is in it. Not even the smallest bird can fly unless God wills it so. Can you imagine the immensity of Gods energy? When you think of what it controls and what it is behind? Every segment and every fragment of existence came from God; how then could man understand, or hope to encompass the wonder of God and His thoughts? Man must feel God, and he must know God through his spiritual awareness and his soul growth. Man only allows the physical mind to do the thinking and to do the analysing: then the only explanations man will find is: the material aspect of existence. The physical analytical mind is incapable of showing God or thinking God: it is the tool of the body. By living God and His laws, the consciousness of man enlarges and expands into that great cosmic mind of God. It overrides all thinking, all sensations, all understanding, and the human beings capacity becomes subservient to the power of the spirit within. You have but to watch a child at birth, unable to think or to focus, but as it grows, awareness slowly comes into the life of that child. The older it becomes the more ability it has to realize and relate to the duality of the self. When a soul enters a body it is submerged by the need for the physical body to grow and to be capable of being the vehicle that the soul needs to grow to God. Gods laws are immutable and procreation is the first step in existence of a human form that the soul must use. Gods laws proclaim the functioning of that creation, and the fashioning of the body that is overseen by the soul wanting to inhabit it. These necessary accomplishments man thinks he can usurp; he thinks he can dispense with Gods creation and fashion his own. Mankind utilizes the aspects of Gods creation that is so vital to human life, but then man adds his own interpretation

of what life must need to grow. Man has yet to realize he cannot add to, take from, or usurp the authority of God in creation. The smallest ant, the smallest bird, the smallest insect, and the smallest animal, all have their procreation laws to live. Each must fulfil an act of some kind to start the beginning of the creation of life. It cannot come except from this great force of energy that God has given mankind to use in one form or another. In view of all of this divine activity, man still thinks he can improve on what God already has given in His laws to create the beginning of a life. If Gods laws do not give to man all he seeks and needs, he then thinks he can go to his laboratories and improve on them, to make his wants meet his needs. I wonder how man can think he can usurp God in this way, and have no repercussions. Gods laws are perfect! Gods laws of creation and procreation are perfect in the divinity of their origin! Anything less than the way of God, must bring in its wake eventually, the disaster of materialism. All of this is through the physical foolishness of man to think he is above God. If the acts of divinity in the procreative laws do not result in the end that what man wants, he thinks he can change them and force them to meet his needs. He cannot! Your world in time to come has to account for the wrongs that at this moment mankind is doing. Mankind is tampering with so much of creation. Is he not? The crops that grow, the human lives, the animals, their formation, and their evolution; all are being tampered with by man, just to fashion his own wants and needs. If Gods creation is tampered with, in this way, cannot you imagine the end result that will follow, because your Earth is only just one facet of life? Your planet Earth is but one facet of creationendless creation lies beyond Earth, aspects of life you could not imagine. Opportunities for existence in so many ways mankind could never understand. If all these aspects of life decided for themselves they would create their own way of doing things, unmindful of Gods laws, what chaos there would be in your world. The one law mankind must remember, is that God is the creator; God has fashioned His laws, and God has decreed the outcome of those laws must naturally follow if they are obeyed. Motivated by greed, man has the temerity to think he can ignore Gods laws and make his own. When people want something that your Earth does not give them, the scientists try to change the beginning of things to make it happen. Mankind cannot do this! At this very moment scientists are putting into other aspects of life various formations of the human life, and vice versa; animal into man, man into animal, to bring about the end result of what he thinks he needs. All this is adverse to Gods laws, and to the rules of Gods creative force. When you lose the balance of those laws and you ignore the rules behind them, then the end result must bring the chaos eventually that mankind has to face. That beautiful Earth that God gave to mankind is such a place of beauty, and could be such a place of peace and plenty for all. The balance of the population would be automatically governed if the laws of procreation were followed wisely. In opposition to this, are the enforced attitude and desires of mankind, and mankind has exaggerated the outcome. They have usurped the divine intent, and the population of your world is exceeding the number that God intends for it. The human populations of Earth are making demands on that world that cannot be met. There are demands upon the rivers, demands upon the oceans, and demands on the provision of food that your Earth cannot grow, and cannot meet. There are excesses made by humanity for this and for that, and for far more than nature can give. Man is not content with the gentle things of life, he in his greed fashions material things from that world by raping it of its wealth. `Beloved children: God does not intend for mankind to stand still and not grow:

that is not Gods way. God wants mankind to grow in wisdom and gentleness, living in harmony with what nature provides, and what people really need. When you stand aside and see the excesses of modem living, you realize how much humanity expects that world to provide an excess that man does not need. All the buildings, all their designing, all the fashioning, all the furnishings, and all extravagances of mans acquired luxuries from life. Mankind needs to move away from these resources, for that world was not geared to provide them to such excess. These excesses of humanity today are so great your Earth is suffering. The Earth is crying out with so much pain. Man is greedily exploiting every possible avenue that he has available, and is engineering them to his own advantage. I do not mean to give you words of gloom, because your world is still a beautiful place. On your Earth very beautiful human beings still live there, and very beautiful exponents of life still live there; but I speak of the majority. I must speak of the excesses that are prevalent, and warn you of the perils that man is bringing upon humanity by his actions. Man exploits little children. Man exploits all forms of humanity in order to bring for his life comforts, wealth and power. Mans idea of power is to have the ability to be able to be superior in strength, wealth, and position to his fellow human beings. Mankind in his greed will use pressure and will force conditions, if need be to get his way. Man thinks his strength is power over others, through some form or other. If he could but know, the lifting of a little finger by an Avatar is more powerful in your world, than the greatest social position on your planet. An Avatar has the power to bring to fruition all that he or she requires. An Avatar can by thought be as God is. An Avatar can manipulate the great energy of God, to bring about that which the Avatars mind conceives, but an Avatar will never misuse that power. An Avatar never misuses that great strength. An Avatar will not use that great power for anything but to live Gods laws. An Avatar could with the power of thought destroy a building, but no Avatar would ever do this. That is not Gods way! God has given mankind free will, to be foolish or wise as he so chooses. God has given mankind freewill to live the divine way, or the material way: that is mankinds choice, but each human being must remember, once that choice is made that person has to live it and see it through. If man chooses materialism, then he must expect to pay the price of that choice. If divinity is his choice, if living God in all wisdom is his choice, he must then expect to receive the bounty of the Divine Creator; and as surely as night follows day, it will be so! You can live in the humblest of abodes, with the barest of necessities, and you can be the wealthiest human being in that world. This is only so if you have earned the ability to live, to seek and to be united with God. Man is so foolish to think the money in the bank is his power and his security. Man is so foolish to go on wanting this, and wanting that, and never be satisfied unless there is something else always therefore him to want, to seek, and to get. How foolish is mankind? Humanity needs to look at that world as their place of domicile for each ones journey in growth to God. People have to have enough necessities to live in that world. It is not possible to do otherwise. Man has to be able to confront that world and what it brings to his door, but that does not mean he has to live the excesses of that world, and to covet all the time the excesses of that world. You can have the moderate comforts of all there is, if greed does not lie behind the desire for them. Most of humanity today has an insatiable appetite as they inhabit flesh; their appetite is for this, for that, or for something else. Man sees one thing and says . . . I must have that; he sees something else and says. . . . I must have this also. He does not look around him and say . . . I have enough for my needs!

I have something to sleep on, something to keep me cool, and something to keep me housed and safe. Man is not content he must have more and more: his desires are endless. Mans thoughts always seem be on change this, change that, or get something new. Mankind never thinks of what is being used to make these things that they are wasting. Mankind is so un-evolved at the moment they cannot comprehend these words I bring, but there are growing souls living in your world that can. You here in this small group, have the wisdom already to know the truth of what life is all about. You have the ability to be able to see beyond and forget the petty problems of your world. Growing souls who are touching enlightenment, can forget the petty problems of that world. These souls can forget the petty problems of their lives, and look at the big picture of that world. They can look at the sky, see the sun that shines, the rains that fall, and know the hand of God is there. Many growing souls can see the flowers, the crops, and know the hand of God is behind that which they are watching. Move, walk, run, and know the power of God is within you. Obey the laws of health, and expect in wisdom a healthy body, and not a life of pain and misery. There are exceptions to this: sometimes an evolved soul chooses those problems in order to acquire soul growth: that evolved soul chooses to carry those burdens in order to grow even closer to God. You do not know the reason why things are bought to your door; sometimes these unwise problems come because of the unwise living of man, the unwise actions of man, the unwise desires of man, and the foolishness behind it. On the other side of the coin, loving and giving oneself to God may bring in its wake suffering; but in wisdom there surely lies behind that suffering a greater wisdom, or a greater reason for this. Then know in truth, in wisdom you can turn to God in the deepest conviction of longing, and in the deepest acceptance of that which is coming. For when the cry of help comes from within the very depth of your soul, then you will know God will answer you. God will lift that burden very gently, enabling you to carry it, and great strides can then be made along the pathway of soul growth. This will be so, because you are putting your trust in God. God is always in your life, and will make the load less heavy, so that you can walk in the stillness of longing to reach Him. I feel great joy when I see a young life unfold and gently move to God. I see the awaking of spirituality within, and I see that soul yearning for the highest, the noblest and the purest when the child grows older; with all craving and longing for truth and for a greater wisdom that your world seems unable to bring that child. I then see the childs resistance to that world emerging and I see its disregard for the materialism of your world. I see the child searching and seeking more and more, to find out, while motivated by a desire to dissolve into the wonder of the divinity of God. In the terms of him or her; it matters not; for like God the soul has no gender, and it has no shape or form These are spiritual truths, and are very difficult to express in words of the material world; but in all truthit is the truth! I rejoice at the strength and determination of those who have the strength to find God, and understand the reality of that which is God. I give you my love. I give you my peace. I am Bethesda. Calmness baffles someone who has anger to display. Each time you overcome a weakness it becomes strength.

Chapter 20 Understanding: The Divine Way I rejoice at the strength and conviction of those who find, recognise, accept, and understand divine truth. I also rejoice at the longing and determination of those seekers to find God; great strength and help flows from this world to such souls. Those persons draw to their inner-self great spirituality from the divinity of those who are working for God in the Spirit World. They bring it with them to your world make it so. You must remember, everyone incarnate is watched, by someone in this divine world of God. Every soul is watched over, and every cry for God is heard and answered. Everyones need is understood; and whilst man may think it is not answered the way he wants it, it is most surely met by the way he needs it. Sometimes God can see a soul cannot progress unless this way is taken and this burden is carried. God always ensures the opportunity comes, somehow, or in some way for that soul to be given the opportunity to endure, to suffer through it, and to glow at the outcome. Then that soul will return victorious to its spiritual home. Your world is a very lonely place for those who love God; in the reality of that love they are truly linked with the Divine with great love and longing. It is then they find that world is a very lonely place; they feel they are not akin to that that world and that what around them. They feel misplaced: they feel a discomfort and cannot adjust to existence there, because God is their longing. A true soul understands that in spirit lies its rightful place of being, they have incarnated into a physical body in that world of matter only to allow the soul to exist in that material form. The soul can activate in that existence in order to evolve ever closer to God. There is also a need to inhabit other aspects of life, not just that world. Thus, according to the decree of God, so it will be. Man must not think that Earth is the only place that God allows a soul to inhabit. Can you imagine the immensity of God? Can you imagine the wonderful creative energy of God only been giving that one little tiny dot of a planet called Earth? Earth, the only place in all His creation that He will allow a soul to live and exist; how vain is mankind, and how foolish is mankind if they think that? God allows the soul to move through so many avenues of life, but always the evolvement to Him is the divine reason. You come into bodies knowing you have to come, knowing you need to come. You cannot escape it! You have the lessons to learn and soul growth to achieve while you inhabit a physical body; as long as the tie of that world is with you in your desires for the material existence, you will automatically gravitate to that material existence. As long as you somehow desire to come back into a body and you have something of that world that calls you back, then you will come back. When all ties are gone from that world then enlightenment starts to become part of you. Your soul has to reject every thing material of that world. Your soul has not to accept any form of existence in that world it must only desire God, and nothing material. Then your growing soul will recognise Gods purity and the divinity of that creative force that is eternal, infinite, and exists in all things. When you can truly accept this, then you have no need to come back. `My beloved children: If there is still the slightest pull to that world you will come back. That is why I say to you in the pure essence of truth; desire nothing from that world, covert nothing, not even the smallest thing, desire nothing and crave nothing. Use only what you have to from that world. Do not want anything of that world, only the need to exist for that what you require to live Goddestroy that want within you for anything material. Do not have any attachment to any people, or to anything! Have nothing! Never feel that you have to have someone with you or something with you to exist in

that world. You do not! Each of you is an individual soul and you may be lonely, but you can exist in that world with God. God alone can supply this divine affinity that is within you for you to face that world. You only crave that world because it is comfortable. You only crave things of that world, because they make you feel a little safe, a little warmer, or a little something else but they make you feel a little better. You can truly disregard everything material in that world. You can be in that world with your soul exposed to God, and say . . .Father, it is you I want, you I crave for, you I long for, and you I seek with such a hungry longing. My God, take this world away from me, take me from this world, let me desire nothing of this world of matter, I want only you. You need to eat because you are hungry, for you must eat to survive. Drink because you are thirsty, because your body needs fluid. Lay your head in sleep, because your body is tired: your body needs it to refresh and restore energy. Do not eat because you want to, or because it means so much to you; then again, if you eat because you want this and you want that, then that food possesses you. You need to discard everything that possesses you and be yourself in the spiritual understanding that you are growing to God. God does not dwell in foolishness; you must have somewhere to live, and you are entitled to have security of a home; but that is not Gods way, by saying no, for you must have that. You must have your home furnished in order to live within it. There must be food within it, water to drink, and water to bathe your body. With all these things in life, God does not expect you to forgo them. You must have them! `Beloved seekers: Know in truth: it is only when you make them a craving, a longing, and a physical wanting that never seems to end, then they will always be insatiable desires. You achieve this, but may always want something else to add to your possessions. Later you think I will get this because I may need it and it would be very nice to have. Then you see something else you may also desire: but in truth you are clinging to that world. I do not say you must not do it if you want it; its your right, and your choice. You can do anything you want, be anything you wantit is your choice! What I am really saying to you, if it is God you want and union with Him, then you must live His laws. Crave nothing! Want nothing! Seek God relentlessly and live His laws! I know that world is very difficult, very lonely, very dark and foreboding place to any sensitive human being who is on the spiritual path, and does not want to come back. You frequently read, or witness, the cruelties that are being performed with incredible heartlessness of man to man. You hear the dogged foolishness of what they teach is the way to God, and what they think is the way to God. Then they impose upon the gullible the stupidity of their dogmas, self-made rules and beliefs. When you see all the errors of the world that mankind is making, you feel despair, but remember it is only an illusion. It is not reality, for terrible things are happing to the human bodies in your material world. My beloved children: the soul within is the aspect of man that is growing to God. Sometimes in the most tormented person there is a growth to God that you would be surprised to see. Sometimes in the most ignorant of human beings there is the glow of the soul awakening unknown to that person. Never measure anyones wealth, ability, or path, just by the outside trappings of the body. You must be able to intuitively link with the divine within your innerself, in order to use this deeper insight. Then you will be able to understand that the soul within is the treasure that God is enabling to grow closer and closer to Him.

We look upon Earth and see not the dress you are wearing, or the home you are living within. We see you: that souls expression in your physical body: that is what we see. We understand the problems of your lives, and we understand many things you would not give us credit for. We do not look at the outer expression of the materialism; we look at the inner wealth of the soul that you are bringing to God. We see the hold upon each soul that material world is making and we see the constant need of that world for the attention of the souls time, and energy. We also see among many souls in your world the hunger for God that is longing for freedom, and we work for God to release souls into the freedom of understanding and wisdom in God. We never intrude upon your free will. We never intrude upon the life you live. We never do anything that is foreign to Gods laws: we love, watch, and we wait and help. We give constant love to you and we give understanding of spiritual leadership that you seek and need. We must show you the way, for you have the choice to choose it or not, but this depends upon your free will. We can but show you what you need, and show you the way. The choice is yours and must ever be so! God could end the misery in your world today if it was His intention. With one thought He could clear the pollution of that world. With one thought He could regrow the crops in the areas of drought, but that is not Gods way. Earth must evolve in accordance with the divine laws, and God will not violate them. He will never usurp the law of free will He gave to humanity. You make the choices, you make the decisions, and you must live with them! Human beings have to work their free-will decisions through, life after life, until eventually Earth will be evolved into the spiritual aspect of existence that God intends. There is so much to learn from God, so much wonderment for you to unfold and learn. There are so many vast and wonderful teachings and truths for you yet to know, but you cannot know them until you are ready. You have to learn with the consciousness of the soul, and not the mind of the body. You can absorb with the human mind the thinking process of the body, and you can absorb the teachings of God this way. Nevertheless, I tell you truly all your absorption of spiritual truths is through the consciousness: that is the doorway to enlightenment! The fashioning of each life in that human expression of life is overseen by the divine within. The further away from God you are the less the body is influenced by the spiritual thinking of the body. The closer you come to God and the more you seek to be with God then truth will come to fashion your thoughts and fashion your life. Sometimes you will see in that world those who glow with love, and sometimes you see in others the faces of hate and darkness. Is this not so? It matters not where you live, in a quiet corner of that world, in the simplest of places, the busiest of places, or in the most excessive drama of life. Wherever you live in that world God is there, and you are with God. You can live within the busiest of streets, the busiest of cities, but you can still retreat within and link with God. There is nothing in that world that can keep you from God; no matter where they incarcerate you in any prison, no matter where it is, they cannot take God from you. You can shut the world out, retreat and be with God. They can be cruel to your body, but they cannot hurt your soul. They can destroy your life, but they cannot destroy the spirituality of the self, the soul within that physical body. That human body can be destroyed, it can be discarded, but you will grow on to God. `My children: You have the power over that material existence: because the divine within you is the greatest wealth you could ever have, it has the power over all else. Dont let the human body tell you it is superior and it has control over you.

It does not have control! The mechanism of the human body is for your soul to use; while the organs within your body make you eat, breathe, sleep, and other physical things, the soul within is the spiritually divine power that God has given you over all else. You cannot force other people to think as you think until they are ready, and you cannot push the teachings of God into the minds of those who want not to hear them. You cannot exemplify God in your living and expect others to think you are right and they are wrong. You cannot do this until they are ready. You cannot live a deeply spiritual life, and think others watching you will want to do the same: they will not, unless they are ready. Never mind what others think of you, never mind how they scoff, scorn, and laugh, you live God. Live within the laws of that land, obey the laws of that land, live in society as you must and should in a respectful and rightful way. Never let anyone try to take you upon a spiritual or divine path that you are not ready for if your soul is unprepared. Follow the desire for God within you. Live the divine laws of God and in your living exemplify Him. You can have supreme power over that material illusion if you can learn to dissolve into the divine consciousness to become united with the Beloved Creator. Cruelty will hurt your body and it can destroy your body, but it cannot hurt or destroy your soul. Give expression to the divinity that you cram into that body of flesh to enable the soul to live, journey, and grow to God. Those you are attached to in this life are with you on a temporary loan for this journey. Your attachments do not possess you, and you do not possess them. They may be linked with you in a family connection, a friendly connection, or any other connection. It may be important to your happiness, it may be important to your security or what other reason there may be: they are only on a loan. They are not your possession! You are an individual and you must account to God for your own growth. Give love; take your responsibilities seriously in order to fulfill them; do all the things you should and must but remember always the soul within is individual. The soul must answer to God for its-self alone. What a person does in your life may hurt others, and impair their growth to God. This hurt that person must account for according to the law Karma. Then know this, my children: they are ultimately responsibly to grow to God themselves in spite of adversity of all else. This also is the law! After your incarnation you return to spirit, but eventually you will come into a body again. You come back to spirit, and reincarnate into a body again and again until the need is not there for you to grow. Never forget, that the human body is not the true aspect of the self: it is only a borrowed temporary expression of creation that you take upon yourselves to use and to live in that world. It is not the ultimate you! It is not the eventual you that grows to God: it only houses the real you. Respect it, nurture it, and cherish it, because God created it: it a generous gift from God to enable you to inhabit a body. Remember this also: the real you that grows to God is separate from that body, it is separate in any aspect of any life that is among your many incarnations. It may decide to move on through eternity until it again becomes a part of the whole, in the bliss and the wonder of The Creator. I long for all you growing souls to know and feel the inner peace that only God can bring. I want you to have the security that only in truly trusting and loving God can bring for you. It matters not how adverse your life is, or no matter how painful the body is, no matter what troubles come your way, or what complications enmesh you. A soul growing into this higher consciousness can reach deep within for that great peace of God. That evolving soul can drink from divine tranquility and

nothing of that world can surmount the power of God within that soul. Let that world do what it wants! Tell the mind to forget that body: you are divine, and you can seek from within yourself this great force of tranquility. This is a great sense of strength of peace and of harmony; look at it and feel it as the rock of your existence! You can look at your world and see the cruelty. You can look at your life and see the imbalance, the lack of harmony, the troubles and trials that material world has bought you but remember, you are only a temporary visitor; say to yourself . . . I will go within and seek my God. Seek divine love, and seek the divine everlasting strength; ask God for it and to bring it to you as you seek it with relentless longing. Expect from God to come the answer, not always as you would want, but as you need. God would never see you forlorn, and never expect you to carry a burden that is too great for you to bear. `My beloved children: Measure not your life and success by the physical. Find it intuitively by the measure of spirituality within you and with that indescribable love that you have for the Beloved Creator. I give you my love. I give you my peace. I am Bethesda. Focus the core of your being on God, and let the growth of your soul be the goal of your life, it is the opening of the door to wisdom. Without God there would be no power, there would be no energy, there would be no you. Chapter 21 An Avatars Wisdom Wherever you look you see the negativity of mans fallible thinking abroad in that world today; it is almost as if he had tried to remove the hand of God from everything. Man thinks he is fashioning everything that is happening according to his own will and desires. Man neglects to acknowledge the power of God in all things. The darkness of mans decisions is bringing misery to so many people in that world today. Is this not so? You do not see the hordes of laughing children; you do not see the glad faces of the adults moving in their own fashion in their own countries. You see long columns of people seeking refuge elsewhere, fearful for their lives. You see them homeless and hungry; no future to look forward to, bleak is the picture they represent. You see nations trying to overpower nations. You see colors of skin determining who will have what, and where. I look then for a glimmer of light in that darkness; amid all of this I see people such as you here in this room that think and believe as you believe. I see you shine forth to lighten the gloom of the unenlightened and the spiritually ignorant. It is like an oasis to see these pinpoints of light emerging all over the world. I want for you to realize how important it is, to continue strengthening your faith, enhancing your beliefs and having the wisdom, the courage and the discipline to follow and live spiritual truth. `My beloved children: If you could but see the darkness in your world, then the light that shines from souls like you is more and more important. Do not neglect your opportunity to grow to God in spite of that world of chaos. There is going to be in the future times, an upheaval of religions. People are going to rebel against the various conflicting teachings: that have been given for so long. They are going to question them more, demand more accountability, and see a different way of thinking for themselves. They are going to think more, and not

just accept what they are told. I do not speak of tomorrow, or the next day, I speak of time to come. I can see it happening! The young coming into bodies will be the main instruments of change that is coming for that world. So many young people will not accept the orthodox religions. They will not blindly follow in their parents footstep and believe what they are told. They will have the ability to innately know, there is something so very different that must be real truth. I watch with anguish at the destruction of much that the world has to give to its children. They cut down the trees regardless of the consequences, and recklessly ruin so much of that which nature has given them so richly to enjoy. They destroy the fish in the oceans; spoil food that is being grown on the land, and all they can think of is a quick way of eradicating problems. They do not spend the time nurturing, and seeking a gentler way existing with nature, all they can see is a problem and then try to eradicate that problem with chemicals. This is not the way that Earth was meant to be! If tended gently, your Earth would respond so generously, and crop after crop would come for man to harvest. As it is now, they sometimes cannot even get one crop to grow in the poor soil they have left after its exploitation. Chimneys throughout that world are belching forth their smokes of poison; and carcinogenic poisons are blistering the delicate fabric of the human form. I do not want to be bleak, pessimistic, or morbid: I am only trying to be factual and honest in my assessment of what we in the higher dimensions of existence see for your world today. We see your world as a thing of beauty that God has given you that jewelthat planet Earth. It is rich in resources of so much and man has betrayed the trust of God in the way he has looked after it. He has not fashioned it gently in the way of harmony with each other; man has greedily grabbed and exploited it because his taste for luxury and comfort has outgrown his sense of morality to make mankind happy? Why do those people that live in your world want so much to make them happy? Why do they seek and want so many material things to enhance their life styles? The tragedy is, they are continuing to betray Gods way with bringing up their own young children to be like themselves; they teach them this is the way to live, seek this, covert that, and the young have no values to cling to except the material. Mothers and fathers in your world teach them this is normal. When you sit in meditation, I would ask of you to meditate for mankind, and ask the glow of understanding to pervade that world. Do not think your thoughts are wasted and that you in your chair at home can do nothing. Collectively thought can be very powerful, and every thought you think and send forth finds a resting place within that darkened world. See your world covered in a divine glow of harmony and love. See your world where there is no hunger, no poverty, and no cruelty. See the animals moving in the forests and the jungles, without the need to fear man. See the rivers gently rolling down to the sea, clear and pure. See the oceans rolling their waves to the shore, and know indeed within its depths lies nothing that will pollute. Even the big ships have no respect for the oceans, for they dispense their waste wherever they feel inclined. Let your thoughts be the ones endeavoring to bring the light of God into that world. You are a divine aspect of God, and you are seeking God, believing in God, and loving God. You believe in the truth of that which God wants for His children and that world: then think it and send it forth into your world! If people all think dark thoughts, all think thoughts of hopelessness, misery and drama, it brings negativity to that world, because it energizes it with the wrong aspect of living. If you are positive in your own thinking and living you are contributing to the whole of that world even though you are one-person in one place, however remote you may be.

One thought from you can add to the thoughts of others going forth, and become a mighty wave. If you stopped to think and realize the power of thought, you would really be amazed: thought is the most powerful of emotions that man sends forth. It is an emotion: it is an aspect of the self that has within its power to create, to destroy, and to build upon. It will bring the thoughts of sorrow and happiness: for all thoughts such as these which the physical mind produces are powerful. If you think thoughts that are positive, thoughts that will build and not destroy, thoughts of love and not hate, thoughts that will not allow anything but the positive of God to emerge: if you will but continue with these thoughts, and others like you will think the same, you can imagine the power that will go forth into that material world. Do you see what I mean, my children? The mind is a very powerful instrument, and thoughts are the creative beginning of activity. What people think: they become! What people think: they do! What people think: they are! If your thoughts are dark, then darkness comes to you. If your thoughts are of light and are positive that also comes to your life. I do not think that man gives enough understanding to how he lives his life. He comes into a body, he grows into manhood, and females grow into womanhood; they think they are physical, nothing morejust physical. Human beings are much more complicated and complex beings. In your own make-up you have so much power because you are divine. You have to animate in matter, you have to walk, you have to talk, and you have to live. The real you is within; the divine you is a power beyond human understanding. Always you must choose to use that power for good. You are linked with God! You have this great force or energy continually ebbing and flowing, maintaining that physical body. If you had it not, you would not exist! You have the ability to command this divine energy to work for you, for your body and for good. You can feed your body wrong foods. You can pour all sorts of poisons into your body, which is detrimental to the body. Even so, this great force of energy can override the harm that you are doing in that physical existence; this is only possible if you are strong enough in understanding and belief to harness it, and use it. This is not fantasy! I am not giving you something that is exiting to hear. I am giving you facts! This power is God! Without God, there would be no power, there would be no energy, there would be no you. What flows into you use it! Waste it not! If you are relying upon the physical only for your well-being, you are neglecting the higher more positive side of the self, the divine-self. Just think for a moment of the myriad of things man does in that world of matter that you live in. He has the ability to invent, and he has the ability to perform many daring deeds, because he has the ability to think them and follow them through. But behind all that material thinking the power of God is the power within him. His own physical being would be incapable, unless, The Divine was active within. Little children have to be allowed to again be children! They are forcing their little ones to become old in their youth. They must grow gradually into the activities of adulthood, and not have it thrust upon them at a too earlier age. The electronic age of that world is harnessing the young people at a very early age; they are growing up with nothing else to feel is real but this mechanical, electronic era that surrounds them. I realize there is gain in the new inventions of that world, but I know there is also harm. Mankind was not meant to thrust himself into this vast arena of electronic activity that he is doing. He is meant to realize his true identity, as a spiritual being in a physical world. I do not propose that mankind goes back to the caves, or lives sparsely in that world without economical and physical progress. That is very foolish: human beings are meant to grow spiritually, gracefully, and gently to the benefit of all

humanity. In the desires of the people of your world today there is such an onrush to acquire many electronic and other material acquisitions to their living. Mankind soon becomes discontent with them, then they only desire more and more; therefore, not content with this number, they want that number. The young children in your world today are being bought up in such an environment, and they take it for granted that is the normal way to live. When you see an Avatar living in that world he can dwell in that world and still live in its simplicity that he does. An Avatar can draw from God, the power of survival. He can draw from God, the peace, the calmness, and the tranquility his life must have. He can draw from God all the things he needs to live in that world. He does not want the luxuries of that world; he has long ago rejected them as unnecessary. He can utilize gently things he must, and disregard the rest. Mankind today has not that ability to choose, he seems to want everything that is possible to acquire, regardless of the consequences. He must have everything he can possibly grasp to make him happy. I ask you . . . 'Who is the happier? I know without a doubt it is the Avatar with that inner glow: for he has earned that inner ability to raise his consciousness to that of God and see the true meaning of life and existence. He is the richer and the happier. I am not so foolish to think every man and woman can be an Avatar. I mean not that! With this statement, I am giving you a comparison between the two activities of life. It behooves mankind, to move through that world more gently, grow to God more quickly, and realize all the material things he is grasping and greedily holding to himself will never make him happy. It will never give him true contentment! When you see someone at the journeys end that leaves that physical body, what do you see? You see an inert figure lying there; that person can neither touch anything, nor grasp anything around him or herself: that body lies there, lifeless. The soul within has with-drawn and gone into spirit taking nothing with it from that material world. It has not one physical acquisition that it can take with it in the transition from life to deathnot one atom of the material world can it take! It can but take only the soul growth, and the spirituality it has gained in that lifetime's journey. Only then can the departed spirit know if he or she is rich or poor according to what it has acquired during its sojourn on Earth. That person may have spent a lifetime greedily grasping all the money that is possible to have, and all the possessions that is possible for a person to acquire; what can that person do at the end of the journey? That departed spirit can do nothing! Each soul that leaves the physical body at the end of the journey, each soul leaves all their wealth that they have gathered unto themselves, and also every memory of that wealth. Every facet of their material possessions is left behind and they move to God in nakedness of the soul. 'My beloved children: Do not seek your wealth from that world! I beseech you to look more carefully of what you are trying to acquire as your life's goal. You do not need the trappings of that world to bring you happiness. You need enough to be economically secure, I realize that. You need enough to be content, safe and secure, I know. What you do not need are all the luxuries that your world may throw at you to make you happy. Whats the good of spending your entire life gaining unto you things of the world, knowing you cannot take them with you beyond the point of transition? You leave them behind for someone else. You cannot have them! You do not need them! They are of no avail! Your lifelong efforts have been useless to the real you. However, if you have spent your time in that world trying to grow to God, not being overly religious, but being spiritual; if you acknowledge God as the Supreme Being, and of being The Beloved Creator: then you are touching enlightenment.

If you are a person that only acknowledges that the world of matter in which you are journeying, and selecting its attributes that you can gently use; attributes that you can gently harvest for your own benefit on Earth. Then you have no need to always strive for extra luxuries, for the possession of excess money and things of that world because you have already filled your coffers with your material gains. Then you have truly wasted an incarnation. Let your energy be directed more towards the growing to God. You can still have your laughter, you can still have your comfort, and you can still have normal needs met, but beyond that, the craving is useless. The craving is pointless! It can benefit nothing but the physical mind, and the sense of satisfaction within the mind. With this will also come the starvation of the soul withinthe real you. I would think someone who loves God as you here love God; someone who knows the truth as you know the truth would realize that growing to God is the vital goal of your life. Move through matter, and reject matter! Then, with the comparison of the divine and matter, there is no choice to make if you love God and want only God. Mankind can stumble for centuries, through eons of time. Mankind can go on relishing that world; but man will continue to come back into flesh time and time again. Millions of years if necessary! This will be so until that spark of awakening comes to the fore, and he realizes the futility of what he is and what he has been Man is divine: he must acknowledge and recognize the Creator as the supreme aspiration of his journeys. You move endlessly through time into eternity with God. You can make it very slow, or you can make it very fast by the efforts you make to face the light and walk the pathway of growth to God. There is time to enjoy the beauty of that world along the way. You can live and appreciate nature, and enjoy the fruits that God has given you in your world, but why do they need all the attributes of that material world that they have gained and acquired for themselves? The simpler your life the closer to God you become; the gentler your way of life, the closer to God you also become. The less demand you have of that world, the more you will find of God. But, if you crowd your life with this materialism, you are shutting out the wisdom of God Let the power of God penetrate and invade the physical! Let the power of God overwhelm the physical! Then feel only this great peace and tranquility of love that is your birthright. Seek always to benefit from your journey in that world of matter. Reject the matter, and evade the necessity to again reincarnate into that world. When a soul comes close to God it is very painful to again enter flesh. When a soul from the spirit dimension truly and lovingly wants God but finds it has to again enter flesh, then that world of matter becomes an agony. I give in truth, my children, this is substance that I bring, and I tell you in truth you cannot live in that world endlessly seeking the world, because one day you have to find God. You have to turn your face to the light, no matter what you are doing in that world today; even if you are a reigning sovereign of a nation, or a person with a powerful or socially prominent positionit means nothing. Absolutely nothing! All must learn they have to face the lighted way and walk to God. Your world is not meant to be a playground for pleasure only, nor for power and greed. That world is meant to be a training ground for souls leaning to reject materialism and seek the Divine. If you can help just one soul find God in your journey, you have not lived in vain. If you can lighten hearts and bring to hungry souls the awaking of something more to cling to and seek, you have not wasted your incarnation. When a person comes to the journeys end and leaves with nothing gained but a

material life, that person is bankrupt spiritually. Then that person will have to come back again and again to learn the way. You here, in your small gathering have learned the way, you know where you want to be, what you want to acquire, and what you want to achieve. Therefore, it behooves you to make an even greater effort if you have wisdom to seek more from your material world which has the spiritual essence to help you find God easier and more quickly. The power of God is so immense it is beyond description! This energy of which I speak pervades all existence! Can you imagine how powerful this energy is? This energy is feeding you! This divine energy is entering the body spirituality; it maintains the divine within, and ceaselessly penetrates that physical form. Do not underestimate the power of this energy! You can take your medicines; you can take your foods, and all the modern inventions of science you can acquire and use. Ultimately, this divine energy overrides everything. If God withdraws this divine energy from your body, you will find all the science and all the medicines of the world cannot do anything for you: you will lie there inert, and empty of life. This great power is so very powerful, and it is so very under used by humanity. They would rather take a glass of medicine than bring into the body the full activity of this energy by the will and the power of the mind. Tell the body to use the power that is coming into it. Tell the body to use this energy that is coming into it. Tell the body, the soul is in command, and that the body is merely secondary to that divinity of the self. This is truth, my children: the body is a covering only! The physical eyes see the physical things! The spiritual eye sees divinity! The physical body walks and talks, but the divine within propels you to God. The physical is used in the physical, but the divine must be able to override that which you are in that material world. The divine is guiding you ever closer to your divine inheritance, by eternally seeking God. God is not some hierarchy looking around at his creation, thinking this is mine, I am in charge. That is not God! God is the supreme creative force of love and wisdom! The core of all existence! God endlessly and mercifully pervades all His existence. God constantly is reinforcing, building, evolving, everything in accordance with His laws: Gods laws are immutable, they are omnipotent. You cannot flout the laws of God without the accounting of having to pay that which you have to pay. This wonderful creator is sending to you this food of creation, this food of existence. God does not withdraw it because He wants to punish. You have the privilege of this force of energy entering your body until the body has no longer any task to perform, but the soul within knows when its journey has ended and withdraws again back to the Divine. There is of course the accidental cessation of a life by the action of another or the actions of the self in a misguided action of time in that world. The true intent for the body is to journey through time in that world until the journey is finished and the soul can withdraw naturally, back to The Divine Creator. If the task is incomplete, and the task ends abruptly through error of judgment, or whatever it may be, then that ultimately is never overlooked or forgotten, it has to be completed. You have to complete your journey in matter until you have acquired that which you must. That is, in learning to accept the divine as overall, and the physical as something you do not want and do not need. It is only then you can say . . . `I have no need to come again to Earth`. `I have learned it is not that life I choose, `I want nothing of it! Avatars began the same as everybody else, journeying through time until they have become perfect in God. Not one soul is excluded, all have to take the same journey again and again and again; wandering as this one, or that one, and experiencing the male form and the female form, and having to suffer the pain, the joys, making mistakes, and accounting for the mistakes until divine wisdom prevails.

Mankind has to learn that they have to walk in step with God and not that world; for the morality of your world at the moment is undergoing such a tragedy of disillusion. `Is this not true? There seems no quality to the choice that mankind makes in their judgment, as long as they attain what they are after, and it matters not how they get it. This priority stems in so many directions, not just in personal behavior but also in the living of their lives, and the acquiring of things in their lives. It is in the work place, in the homes, and in the schools. It must come back to man; he must learn he has to live in honesty and harmony with all his neighbors. He must learn he has to earn what he gets. Not take it! He has to account for the way he gets it, and the way he earns it: nothing can justify greedily grabbing, just to have it. Man must go through the honor of acquisition, with honor and integrity. Man must learn to put others before himself, and he must respect the well-being of that world. Man must respect all aspects of life in that world and they must be cherished before his own selfish interests. I know how hard this is to do, and I know how so far into the future it will be before this can happen, but it will come, my children. Your world has quickened in the recent years, to a great degree. There was a slumbering for so long, but suddenly motiongreat motion, and mankind is now racing through time. Man must learn to be not in so much of a hurry. God gave that world to mankind; this is their home for the time of growth, and it must not be misused. Always remember, you are linked to the one next to you, and you are linked to everybody in that world. You are not separate! The life force, the atom of The Divine Creator, the soul within you, all these aspects are within others the same. You have just a portion, and they have just a portion, but together, collectively they are God. You are no more special than the next one. If in this life you may have a little more authority or power as a test for you, or a challenge for you to deal with, just to see how you handle it. You may have earned that position in the community for reasons of growth, reasons of reward, and reasons of all sorts of things. But ultimately you are all level, you are all equal, and must learn the true lesson of humility. Importance has no part in the soul, and importance has no part to play in your journey to God: spirituality does not know the meaning of the word. Importance is an acquisition of the physical, to make a person feel better than the next one, or feel more important than somebody else. It has no bearing on your soul growth! It does not awaken your consciousness to God! Those who are greatest and closest to God are very gentle and very humble. Not the wringing of the hands in humility, but the humility of the soul. They acknowledge who they are, why they are there, and where they are going. I think that nations are further and further along the path of separation one from the other. Instead of uniting in love throughout that world they are building little walls around themselves, and saying . . . This one in here is mine, and there is yours. I do not mean they cannot have an identity, but their true identity is humanity, and their true home is the world. All should be able to move freely in that world, one equal to another, but that is far into the future. There are still some ideas of separation from color, from race, from power, from wealth, and so many reasons why they are so different one to the other. Therefore, as I have said before, it must come one day, this great humility of equality, and this great humility of understanding the rule of the divine aspect of mankind, their true realization of their true identity with God. It must come! It is the only way that peace will come to that world. That world can, and must evolve, so God can see this jewel He has given to mankind is no longer needed for man to grow within, and learn within. I know this is far

from now. I know it is so far into the future, but still it will come. 'My children of love: Let your lives be lived in love, be lived in simplicity, and lack of desire for that world. Let your lives be lived in generosity one to another, with gentleness in thought, word and deed. Be patient, and be understanding of the need to be there with the desire to grow to God. Reject the material and seek always God's laws to prevail in your lives. Seek always the overpowering authority of God's gentle administration that flows in and around you always. Use that power within you for the benefit of self and others. Always remember, there is someone who needs your help and your love, send it wherever you can! Never seeking any reward, just giving gladly and generously, because all things come from God. Everything belongs to God and everything you have is on loan to you. You possess it not! You will have harbored something for yourself, but ultimately it belongs to God. Every blade of grass in that world, every bird upon the wing, every building, every river, every mountain, every house you live within belongs to God. You own nothing! You possess nothing! You merely borrow it to use! You think your house may belong to you, but you do not own iteverything belongs to God! You can be taken away from every material possession, you think you own. You can be taken away from that material world in the twinkling of an eye. Take very good care to remember, you are divine! Your true wealth is in your growth to God and how close you come to the ultimate goal of union with Him: that is your wealth1 Not the money in the bank or the house you live in, or the car you drive; that is only material, temporary, perishable, but the love and growth to God is eternal and divine. Build your life upon it, build your life around it, and build your life within it. Each of you will see so many changes coming into your lives. Lose all fear of what the world can do to you. Try not to be afraid of hurts to the body, and try not to focus on deterioration of the body. See it merely being transformed from youth to the closer walk with God. Think positively, even though you have every reason to have pain and suffering, think with positive thoughts. Send the glory of the divine energy to all parts of the body; never give up hope, never despair, never grow weary, and never lose faith. No matter what that world does to you, never lose faith, but always hold fast to God. These things I bring are never easy to live. These things I bring, I know seem sometimes impossible, but I still bring them because they are the truth. I could come and tell you it does not matter, to do this and to do that: that would not be truth. I tell you are divine! I tell you, you are only on a journey for a time. I tell you, you will suffer as well as have joy, you will grow old, and you will have all sorts of experiences in that body. I tell you the truth! I tell you too, it is not the important facet of your living in that world! The important aspect of the journey is to grow to God and reject the world. The more you cling to the material, the less you cling to God. Its not what you came for, and its not what you want. Let that world be in its right perspective; know it for an illusion, it for fallibility, and know it will perish. All the flowers that grow in the fields, all the grass that grows dies, and is replaced. The birds die, and new birds come. The fish die, and more fish come. The animals die and more animals come. Nothing is eternal in flesh or matter. Every thing is fallible and perishable! I tell you in truth the soul within you can never be destroyed, it is indestructible, it is eternal, and it comes back into a body time and time again. You have to have a different body; but you have the same soul coming into the body.

You never can have that soul destroyed, but you can have that body destroyed. Therefore, beloved ones cherish the soul, but look after the body, and respect the body. Know this in truth; the soul is a jewel you brought into life, and a jewel you will take from it. I pray with love that the pathway you walk from this point on in your Earth time, may be more gentle and kinder, with more love from God ever flowing to you. I give you my love. I give you my peace. I am Bethesda. For every tear there is a smile. For every joy there is sorrow. For every sorrow there is a comfort. For every failure there is success. For every spiritual success, there is spiritual gain. Enlightenment is hard to find and difficult to achieve: but never impossible. Thus, the closer you grow to God, the easier the pathway becomes. Chapter22 The Divine Pathway You will find more and more the need to retreat within; you will have no sense of fulfillment if you are continually operating your life materially. You cannot find that inner tranquility, unless you shut the world away and retreat within. I know it is difficult, and that is what makes it so worthwhile. If it were easy, there would be no sense of achievement and no sense of gain spiritually if you did not have to struggle to find that which you seek. As you move further along the pathway to God it becomes easier and easier for you to do this act of spiritual cleansing. I hesitate on how to describe it for you, but it gives you a sense of cleansing the soul of the worldly things, and leading it closer to God. I want if I can, to help you understand the need for this to become a habitual exercise that you should undertake daily in your life. You rise in the morning to perform your ablutions and to attend to the days needs automatically; but when it comes to meditation with God it seems as if you have to fit it in. It is not an automatic expectation of your day, it becomes something added to your activities, if you can spare the time, and if you can find the moment that you can give to God: whereas it should be the first thing that you think of when you open your eyes. This wonderful inner longing to be at-one with God should surmount all else that you have to achieve for the day. Then as you close your eyes at night you should feel . . . I have been with the Beloved Creator this day; I feel this tranquility getting deeper and deeper, and the material world is moving further and further from my desires. When you are seeking God your daily activities should be an automatic necessity. Your search for God should become an automatic longing of the day, the priority of the day, and the world, take second place. As you become more profound in what you do in this way, you will find it is almost like a second skin and that it requires no effort. It becomes something you long for, and feel a unity with automatically. A devotee of God must train himself or herself in this way as they search for God. They cannot find God without giving the time to God that He deserves, and you need. If you want that material world you have the right to have that material world. `My children: I tell you this in truth, if you want God the only way to God is to seek Him, to find Him, and to earn that union with Him. This requires the constant linking and the constant effort to reach that blending of the higher consciousness with the cosmic. You go to school to learn your lessons. You go to school to further your education in material things. Without being taught you cannot learn to read or write, or the

other profound things you must know in the schoolroom. You cannot achieve any of those things unless you learn how to do them, and put the effort in to practicing them. You practice your writing, and you practice your arithmetic. Why then would you think trying to find God and seek God should be anything less, less than the same effort at least in you daily administrations for God, as you would in your classroom? The difference being is eternal growth. The education of matter perishes, but soul growth does not! When you begin the journey in the body, you begin at once to simulate to conditions suitable to your life. You attract the magnetic force that you must and need in your life. You grow with age and identify with age; but right from birth you automatically set in motion this force that links you to the divine of your journey. You are almost linked with invisible ties to the spirit: you cannot lose your link with spirit and still live. If you cut that link, you cannot exist! The spirit body and the physical body are almost like a duplication of the self as you move through time. The animation within the physical and the spiritual body comes from spirit. Ultimately, all things must have come from spirit. That of Earth is an addition to maintain the body, but it is the soul that keeps alive that core of God within you. My beloved children: Never minimize your search for God, never ration it, and never count the minutes you spend in meditation. Let them be endless! Just sit and give yourself to God! Sometimes it will be long, sometimes short, but still give without seeking an end. Let the end of your meditation come naturally, and not forced. You ration your day according your chores of the day; you allocate so much for bathing the body, so much for eating your meals, so much time for this and that; why would you not make time for God? Do people, think God is a least important factor in the happenings of their day? The reality is, you have to find God you have to grow to God, whether you want to or not, whether you like it or not. You have to grow to God! It is something inescapable! You cannot evade that journey to Him! If only mankind could realize this truth as he ploughs through that material existence. Man thinks that the answers to all he wants come from the material world how wrong he is! That soul within yearns for God from the moment you start that life on Earth, to the end of that life on Earth; whether you can hear the cry of the soul is another matter. While you are deaf to this reality, you will not seek the Beloved Creator. But once you hear that whisper within the self, telling you it wants to find God, you cannot turn back, you can only go forward. Then you will find yourself, searching and seeking, until something that you feel you can accept as truth and reality comes into your life. You will try many things, and you will try many paths while you are looking for God; some of them empty and pointless some of them a little fruitful, some more beneficial than others; but always you will seek and search for The Beloved Creator. If you truly want God and are truly awake to wanting Him, you will then feel and know the spiritual way that you must travel along, and reject that which you must not. Many are stumbling along the path, with their eyes covered with blinkers. These people have been indoctrinated in a kind of truth that is not of God; they have found the path they have taken, and it is bonding them to Earth, and not to God. Do not let your pathway be filled with anything but divine light, love and wisdom. Evaluate the truths you hear! You are wise enough for that; but always look within, and seek within to feel the truth of what you hear. Apply the test of your own soul to all you are told, all you hear, and all you read. Even these words you are reading now, apply the test of your own soul to these also. Remember this always. . . . Truth has a ring of its own.

Do not be blinded by science, do no be blinded by longing and eager to believe anything that comes a seemingly spiritual way. Because it is told to you in a way that sounds spiritual, it does not make it right. Perhaps someone in all good faith thinks they are leading souls to God. Do not think you have to follow them because they have told you they have the authority from God. You need to seek within your own inner-self the answers to the truth you want, your soul is very good at evaluating truth. When you feel uneasy about something, then cast it asidedo not blindly follow! When you are finding truth of the divine and when you are finding wisdom of the divine: there is a quiet sense of rightness within you. You cannot achieve it by force, because it comes as naturally as breathing. `Do you not agree? When you have the wisdom that you acquired in your lives gone by, you have ability to judge for yourself that what you feel is right, or that what you feel is wrong. If a doubt is there where you have to question, that is not wrongits wisdom! You must check and you must double check! You are trying to find The Beloved Creator; you are trying to achieve that unity in God and that supreme consciousness. You cannot afford to take the wrong path. Go slowlyhaste is not wise! By evolving gently and slowly you will get there must faster than if you rush madly along the way making mistakes and taking wrong directions; be gentle and steady, feel the rightness before you accept it. Seek always the highest of teachings, and seek always the purity of teachings. Do not follow fashions, excitement, and the glamourthat will not take you to God. There is nothing glamorous in a souls journey to God, it is hard work. It is a lonely path at times: for a concentrated effort and a disciplined effort is required; but if you pursue these directions I have spoken about you can only come to God and not lose the way. When the material world is calling you and other conditions are tempting you, it requires discipline to bring you into the reality of leaving time for God. If it means sacrificing something else, then do soGod is the richer prize! God will satisfy that longing inside for something you know not what, but the longing is there. In your world today there are so many who are desperately trying to find the truth. They are trying to find something that they can hold on to, or something they can accept. They move from one thing to another and seek solace in things that have no substance, and soon grow tired of them. Many are brainwashed and follow blindly the so-called truths that they are told. They find themselves on the path of some dogma that binds them to it, and denies them their wisdom in seeking the truth. They find they must follow like sheep and accept what they are told. They will in time find their wisdom, and question the so-called truths they have been given. Then they will want the only way there is, that direction to God that the soul within is crying out for each of them to find. Many children today are finding out the truth has a ring of its own at a much earlier age than they used to; in many cases they are wiser than their parents. Little children sometimes speak with a ring of truth, and they know not what they say, and yet the truth is there in the words they use. It is as if it is coming from within them, and they do not know what they have said. Many young children are more highly evolved than their parents. These parents in time will be helped by the children to open their souls in their search for God. Your world today is so noisy, is it not? You hear the loud music they play, and they mime those empty words that they use. There is the noise of all their vehicles, and the noise of all the machinery that seems to be rattling everywhere. You need quietude when you are seeking God. You need the self to be absorbed into

the tranquility within: for only in the silence can you hear the whisper of God. Only in the silence can you reach out to God and find the loving response coming from the Beloved Creator. You cannot reach God in noise! You cannot hope to accomplish the search into fulfillment when your life is cluttered with noise. Simplicity and gentleness are essential commodities you must find if you are on the pathway to God. You do not have to have big homes, or luxurious fittings to make you feel content as you wait to find God. You can find God in a quiet corner of the garden. You can find God by the gentle banks of a river, or on the sand where the sea comes rolling in and out. These are the quiet places to give your soul the opportunity to be closer to the Beloved Creator. In nature you have such an ally, such a harmony of instinct you will never find in the materialism of that world. Why do people want to spend all their time making their lives a material success? Why do people also spend their time gathering unto themselves the wealth of that world? They cannot see that their true inner wealth is evading them. The true wealth does not require the trappings of that world. It requires the opportunity to let the inner self feel the divine inflow from the cosmic all. 'Beloved ones: You must realize the Spirit Dimension is not some distant planet. It is energized in close proximity to the ability of consciousness to feel it, and know it. In reaching out in thought and longing it comes close to you. The Spirit World and Earth are intertwined, they are not remote from each other: one animates on one vibration and one on another. Looking at the sky you see the stars, and you are told frequently how far away they are and how many light years to reach this and that. You are also told of the billions and billions of galaxies there are; the scientists in this field of study do not really know, they are only scratching the surface. My children: It is not so with the Spirit World you are close to it: just transference of consciousness and vibration, and you are linked with spirit! You do not journey on a boat or a train to reach the spirit world: you are there in thought, at once, when your journey is over. Remember, when you sit in that world in meditation, you are reaching into this great cosmic force of wisdom and truth, through your own ability of the spirit to reach it. You cannot see it, feel it or touch it. You cannot buy a ticket to reach it, but it is closer than you can imagine. There is coming for your world a great change in thinking. More and more they are going to realize that just as they can communicate from one end of that world to the other, they are going to be able to reach the other world, not with electronic technology, but by the spirit-self within the physical body. This ability to be able to receive and transmit communion with the higher world has been lost with the ages. In the early days it was very much easier, and easily understood. Then in those times there was no absolute silence between the worlds, there was frequent communication. The physical-material growth of humanity has meant the loss of this understanding mankind has yet to regain this ability. You can find some people out of curiosity, are seeking to communicate with the other world. Depending upon the level of effort is the level of communication they receive. Much of it is erroneous, and much of it can be dangerous. A soul which has achieved sufficient growth will be able to attune its-self to a purer form of communication with those souls from the higher world. You will find gradually more and more will come in search of this truth. Then more truth will be revealed, and more and more secrets unveiled. There have been documents found on your Earth, written many thousands of years ago. Interpretation at present is difficult. However, in time to come they will be further explained to a greater degree than they know, and can explain today. Then a very different understanding of what mankind has been taught will follow these explanations.

The organized religions will find their very foundations are shattered; then they will be forced to reconsider what they have always believed as truth. There are still more documents yet to be found. Much is already there waiting to be discovered, and it will be discovered in time. Sometime in the future there will come to your Earth a tug-of-war from those who do not want change, and those who want the truth, no matter what. They want to seek to understand the unraveling of Gods message to Earth. The message that God has sent to his children has not changed since the first to the last: always it is the same it is the truth that comes. The messengers have been misunderstood, have been manipulated, and in many cases the truth they brought was eradicated. There have been many messengers who have had their words woven into a dogma, to suit the religion of the one proclaiming the dogmas as truth. Always from God the message has been the same, and will always be the same for you, because truth is truth. No one can manipulate or adjust truth to suit themselves or their particular religions. The laws of God are the same today, as they were in the beginning of creation. How many times have you heard the variations of beliefs that are proclaimed as truth, perhaps a dozen religions all speaking different stories of the same truth? They do not know the truth; they only know their own version of truth. This is indeed written to suit their own desires and ends, and to keep their own flocks tied to their apron strings. Souls must be free to find God, for you cannot find God in bondage. You cannot find God, when you are looking at things supposedly of substance, and yet so wrong in reality. You must be free to find God; your inner-self must be free to reach out to Him in its own way, in its own discipline. Think of the mass of humanity in your world today, and think of the billions and billions of people all thinking differently. All seeking and searching, some here, some there, but through it all is this core of reality reaching out to God. Until someone stumbles upon this narrow pathway to wisdom and growth, they will grope, and the will make mistakes, and wallow in that world. Let your pathway be clear before you, let it be lighted with wisdom, love, promise, and hope. Learn to use the power of the Divine in your own lives. It is not hidden from you; it is not kept from youjust rationed. You are the one who can decide how much you can believe, how much you can use, and how much you can make available to the inner-self. This great force of creation flows endlessly to you. This power of love from God is flowing freely to all humanitydo not rationalize it with the physical mind! Do not think that is impossible, it cannot be: to God all things are possible, and you are gods in the making. You have the power within you to link with this great force and use it. It is not something rationed to one or another: it is given freely to all. The measure of your receptivity is the measure of your acceptance, your belief and trust in this great force of spiritual reality. You are spirityou are not matter! You are moving though that world for reasons I have given so many times, growth to God. You are spirit and you are linked to spirit: you are not separate from spirit. That which God sends, reaches into the self within the physical body. You do not lose contact when you are born. You cannot assume you do not have this divine energy within you. You cannot assume you do not have any more of this strength or this faith, it is still flowing: you are linked with it. Do not cut it offuse it! Bring this cosmic energy into your body, in the highest quality and quantity you can achieve then will it into the most physical aspect of the self. It is not magic! Its not meant to be magic! It cannot make you young, and it cannot stop the passage of time; the deterioration of the physical body must follow naturally. However, it can sustain and avoid much that which besets the body.

Because of the lack of understanding within the physical mind, it understands not this energy or how to use it to help. With knowing and understanding, this cosmic energy can be directed to touch atoms and cells of the body: it can reach where medicine cannot. Then you can find yourself moving through time and age, in a very different way than one who knows not of this great gift from God. It is not something that is rationed to this one or that one, it comes to all, everybody has the same access, and everybody has the same right to it; although the usage depends upon the individual growth and evolution of the one to understand, to know, and believe. When Avatars like Jesus came to Earth, they used this energy to help. There was no magic in what they brought and did: there was a reality, and an obedience of divine laws, a knowledge and acceptance of the ultimate of the Divine. Avatars used this for mankind in a way people could not understand as they received it. The people always thought it was something magical, something impossible for any other human being to know about but the one who is doing it.that is not so! The Avatars had a greater knowledge of how to use it. They had God's wisdom of how to use it, but it was still the same force of creative love and energy that is coming into your body from God. Grow into the understanding that you have this force. Know it is yours to use, yours to believe, and yours to trust. Then know, to harmonize the spirit and the physical is essential for the well-being of anybody. Do not ignore this truth and do not forget its your gift from God. Its important to know the lessons of wisdom that helps you evolve to God. There is the need to understand the truth of what you are, of where you are going, and what belongs to you from God. It means not only knowing the lessons, but also knowing the reality and divinity of the true self as you reach for the higherconsciousness. You are a divine being, inhabiting a physical covering for that walk through matter. Matter is too heavy for the soul, it needs something to help it through that material world and God has provided the bodies that you use. In truth you are still the spiritual self within it. You are linked to The Divine Creatorlinked to God! When you rest at night you find you are able to link more closely with the higher world. You will find this link is in a closer bond than you are in when the eyes open and the physical senses in operation. When in sleep the physical senses close down, to give the physical mind and body a rest; the spiritual senses are still there, actively engaged in their rightful automatic ability of linking more closely with their true home. As you awake you do not understand what has happened while you were asleep; the physical once again takes over and presents a dream like distortion. There are those wise enough sometimes, to understand a little of what is happening, but these people are rare. God has His laws to help soul growth and the functioning of the higher-self within the physical-self, His laws are wise and loving, but they are strict. But, in understanding the difficulties of humanity to conform to them you are not always able to function on the level of understanding, that level of understanding that you need to have in your search for God. You find that material world infiltrating your understanding and your consciousness. You find that material world pulling at you, tempting you away from this higher pathway: it does not want the body to take you where you must go. 'My children: Never ignore the prompting of the soul, react to the prompting with wisdom and with understanding. Give way to the prompting, and let your judgment be divine. Let your desires be divine: for there are so many material pleasures in your world to tempt the bodies that cover each soul. Do not listen! Do not let them tempt your soul! Push away that world and seek God, if it is God you want. For in truth I say again `You cannot find God in the morass of that world of matter`. Many lives are destined for physical activities for God, this is preordained: you

will find those souls helping the poor and the underprivileged. They will travel into countries far from their own to aid those who need this help. You will find many who are helping the environment, such as the conservation movement. There are many who are cleansing the rivers and the oceans. These activities although they are physical, are divinely inspired, and divinely intended, but the souls within those physical bodies have come to that Earth to perform this material task for God. Others have a reflected life, and are more quietly attuned to The Divine. They cannot find peace in that world, and cannot find solace this tranquility can only come from God. You find they are growing to God in a different way than those who are actively engaged in that world. These are necessary and natural in that human cauldron on your Earth today. Reach out in whatever you are occupied in to the higher understanding of God. In the activities of the day, do not let your mind focus continually on that world, and do not let it be energized by that world. Allow it to feel free and reach for the quietude of God. Allow it to want the gentleness of God, and the love of God to pervade above all else. Never grow too blaze' to ignore this call from nature! Always be able to walk by the ocean and feel attuned to the waves. Always be able to walk amongst the flowers and feel their warmth coming towards you. Feel the strength of the trees and their purifying of the air. Feel this with nature, and never lose it! If you are so busy and you are engulfed in that world continually, you lose the ability to relate to naturethen you cannot move to God! You need to feel this instinctive longing for all things He creates. You can watch the huge whales in the ocean live their evolution in their own particular way, and you can see the other smaller creatures moving in another particular way. You need to have infinity of understanding this one with the other; not always knowingbut feeling. I want you to be receptive to the prompting of the soul! Do not let the mind fashion your beliefs, or plan your day as if it is in command. Let the inner reality of the self be the prompting of your lifebe not afraid to feel with the inner-self.! Do not think and overshadow the feeling! It is good to rationalize and use the clear thinking of the mind that is necessary on that Earth; but more importantly, let the soul be the supreme talker and prompter: it is the conscience and the power within: this is of the Divine! Always journeys in flesh are greatly varied from one incarnation to the other. However, in the evolution of the soul a suitable and selected birth is so important to the journey you take. Even then you may let the senses have their way, although you may be evolved enough to know differently. While you give way to the physical senses you may find that your life is taking a very different path to the one you will eventually find your feet upon. A pathway you will long to know more about in its reality. When you walk this path, you look back and think . . . Why have I wasted the time on this and that? Why did I know earlier this is the way for me? It does not matter if you have been slow, as long as you find the way, know the way, and seek the way. Only the wise ones desire nothing of that material world but that pathway to God. The hunger of souls for God is going to be the salvation of your world. There will be a time when mankind will not want to make the weapons of war. They will not want to exploit each other, and not desire to have more than their brothers and sisters of that world. They will not be able to be well fed while people of other countries are hungry. They will not be able to seek the sanctuary of the home, while others are homeless. This will comeit must come! The Divine Beloved ordains it! It will bring equality to the humanity of that world. That is a prelude to the greater spirituality of that world and a greater evolution of matter. Everything is evolving. Everything is becoming rarefied in God! It will take eons of time, but it will come to pass.

If only the understanding could be there at this moment in your Earth time in those people of your Earth who are perpetuating the cruelties and the mindless wickedness one to another. How could intelligent people not understand this great force they have within them? How can they promote the selfish ambitions they have? How can they not realize the futility of what they do? Being intelligent is not the highest pinnacle of attainment: its having the spirituality to recognize the laws of God, the way to God, and the truth of God. You can be a pauper, and you can be very humble mentally; but you can be very rich in soul growth. I think you would rather have the latter. . . . Would you not?' What good is the wealth of that world if you cannot have this wisdom and truth of God in your life? What wealth do you have you without God? You walk in that world of matter, you gain the treasures of that world unto you, and yet you are penniless if you have not God. When you see a soul leaving that world, rich in the worldly wealth, rich in the treasures of that world; you can then see a soul spiritually destitute, you can also see that soul empty of growth. Then you think sadly of how much they have wasted. `My beloved children: Enrich your lives with this desire to know God. Enrich your lives with the purpose of finding this great gift of evolution of soul growth, and the expansion of consciousness into God. If you could but know the wisdom that awaits you, and know the magnitude of truth there is for you to find. There is the wisdom to understand how a tree is formed, and to understand all the secrets of Gods creation unfolding before you. There is also the wisdom to be able to understand the divine creation around you, and the magnitude of all existence. Never stop striving to find it, and never be satisfied with anything less than union with God. Do not be discouraged at the slowness of your pace. Keep on trying! Do not compare yourself with others. That is pointless! Account for yourself, it matters not what anyone else around you is doing, how far forward they are or how far back they are, account for yourself. It is you and you alone that you account for! You make the journey to God at the pace you can make. You find the truth in the way you want to find the truth. You understand Gods laws as you are capable of at your level of soul growth. It is not a race! It is not a comparison one with another. It is the endless journey of souls to God. Time is not important: back the measure and quality of the search is what you want to achieve. Although, in the doing of this, I beg of you keep that deep tranquility within your inner-self. Keep that tranquility deep within you, and never lose it. No-matter what happens in that world, no-matter what the circumstances are: always cling to that tranquility within. Keep it like a rock of strength! That strength is a gift from God to you. You will know that strength by the tranquility within. It is the sustaining force of your existence! When the world brings trouble to your door, go within and bask in this tranquility. Nothing is as bad as it seems when you have this great force of peace within you; and nothing is hopeless when you have this sense of understanding. Know then in truth, that the quietude within is God, and you are able to grow to God at a greater rate when you can achieve this tranquility. It is important to remember that every day you live you need to link with God in love. You need to feel the growth, the ability of the mind to recede, and the ability of the souls consciousness to take you further along the divine pathway. You cannot find God in a crowded world. You cannot get to know God unless you are prepared to discipline your life; and change your life so that no obstacles are in your way that you cannot surmount in order to find Him. Reach out with love, and let your empty arms long to embrace the Beloved Creator. God is yearning for your return, and is yearning for all His children to come home to Him. God will never put obstacles in your path that will prevent you from finding Him. He will never deny you great love, great compassion, and great wisdom. The truth is flowing ever constantly to that consciousness you have within your

inner-self; that truth can lie dormant unless you are able to reach further and further to animate in the mind of God: the supreme intelligence that governs and controls all universal life and rhythm. GOD IS THE PURE ENERGY OF CREATION. There is nothing you cannot achieve in your search for God if you make the effort. You will find on Earth you may learn things in the classrooms and not pass the exams. It may be because you have not studied, or you are not clever enough. But in the divine classroom in the search for God you can never fail, if your search for God is built on longing and loveyou cannot fail! There are no exams for you to pass, just the test of the desire for God. Obstacles will come into your way, and your path will be tested many times to see if you really want Him. If you give up too easily, you have not passed the tests. But if you struggle on as you journey through that material existence, no-matter what that life on Earth brings you. If you will still struggle on and seek God, no matter what comes or befalls you. If you still seek God, then you truly want Him; and you are truly growing into enlightenment. This journey to God is not easy, it is not simple, and yet it is simple. You are the duality of self, spirit and matter: with the higher being that is spirit. You have the conflict of matter and spirit to contend with in this life. You have the growing old of the body and all the tests and trials along the way. The thing you have to learn is: how to cope with them and how to adjust to them. Just give to God your time and yourself then slowly the answers will come to you intuitively. The pain will then be less, the hurt will be less, and the test will be easier to conquer and pass. The life you live will become more purposeful and have more substance; the trivialities of that world will fall away, and the things of that world that worried you once, will matter not at all. It does not matter if this person is doing this, or someone else is doing that: you are not concerned with these thingsyou are concerned with God! You leave behind all the things of that material world when your spirit-self sheds that physical body. You take nothing with you from that material world, so why should it matter so much to you? Leave it where it belongs as a part of living you had to endure. In the meantime, glory in your search for The Beloved Creator, and glory in the effort you make to find Him. Make that inner peace that rock of tranquility that you must find and keep: it is in effect the divine within encompassing the growth of self on the way to God. When trouble strikes, and life is hard, you have this great peace to tap into, this tranquility to draw upon. It is like a person thirsting for a drink, or finding an oasis in a desert. When you have that tranquility within, you can find and live in that great peace. The test and trials may be very hard around you: this then will be the time to let that inner tranquility be your retreat. The journey of a soul to God takes many roads, but the only road that will eventually lead you to God is the road of discipline and of dedication and of longing. You cannot lose the way, and you cannot miss the signposts. If you are single-minded, disciplined, and you have built upon the longing and love you have for God you cannot lose the way. 'My beloved children: The pathway is varied, and you have discipline to follow, but you have happiness and love along the way, with much laughter and joy in your lives. Then know every time you find this great force of the divine power within you it is bringing you closer and closer to God. Spiritually you are approaching the time when you will no longer need to come again into a physical body; however, at present, the joy of knowing is beyond your understanding. When you have come this far, and achieved the wisdom that you have, lose it not, waste it not, build upon it, and reach out to God, to unite with The Beloved Creator. Let that world be only a part of existence, but not your entire existence Watch it

with detachment, move through it with detachment. Seek also to your-selves that wondrous strength that can only come from union in consciousness with that of the Divine Creator. You have such a power within you, such a force of understanding that you can use if you trust in that knowledge of what God has given you. Do not doubt! Do not fear! Trust and use this divine energy, this divine force of creation within you to help the physical aspect of the self to see you to your journeys end. I bring you such love from this higher world. I bring you such love from God. I bring you such peace and tranquility for you gathered here this day. Wrap this love around you like a cloak so that world cannot penetrate it and hurt . I am Bethesda. If you are not living the divine truths and the divine laws, how then can you expect to know greater wisdom? I sometimes wonder if man is the intelligent creature he claims to be. Chapter 23 More Wisdom from Bethesda The higher world of spirit and the material world function in unison with each other, with the main aspect of this dual existence being spirit: mankind has to learn to live in these two worlds with equanimity, understanding and trust. Man has to realize while he is a physical being, and at that particular moment in time he is essentially a spiritual being. The spirit being transcends all the physical existence of the human form and it is the top priority of any of its incarnations. The physical body is only in that outer covering that enables the soul to manifest in that world of matter. Its the soul within everyone thats the great important factor in human existencenot the body: the soul, that atom of God within. That world of illusion is the problem that besets man into the physical understanding that the body is all. Man then tries to satisfy the body with all its longings, all its ambitions, all its needs and all its desires. Man forgets the soul within is that magical part of God which is the real self. This real self does not seek that which the outer tries to attain for his daily life; man seems to only want the activities that titillate and encourage the physical senses to manifest in his existence. These are only manifestations of the material and they create a false satisfaction to mans existence. Mankind forgets it is the quietude, the peace and the beloved unity with God that is the nectar for the soul to receive. This is the fuel for the evolution of the soul to God, and the true purpose behind taking on a body of flesh. Opposing this is the noise of that world and the excitement of that world. These material desires are the very opposite to what mankind truly needs, and should be seeking. People have the gift of free will; they are able to choose for themselves the path each will take. The majority of people will choose the manifestations in matter, and each one of them will adopt many of these manifestations to satisfy their own desires. God does not choose for anyone! Its each persons own choice! Its also wise to remember when physical problems befall or hurt comes to the body: man always has the choicenot God! Mankind is so quick to blame God when things go wrong. You hear the cry. . . . Why does God let these things happen? Why does God allow this or that to happen? God does nothing! Man does that on Earth; that which man chooses, and attracts to his life, are very often the problems he so often blames God for. The things that go wrong in a persons life are the results of mans actionsnot Gods! If the thought within mans mind is pure; divine in understanding and intent, and is wise in the knowledge of what reality is in existence: it is then he does not choose the errors he makes. He does not choose the way of life that brings and attracts these material problems.

Man has to evolve and he has to move through journey after journey, perfecting the soul all the time to enable him to reject the need to reincarnate. It will not happen quickly. It will not happen because man wants it, or he thinks he deserves it. It comes because the soul manifesting within is ready to acknowledge it no longer needs to return to that world and take upon its-self a body to learn lessons in order to grow. I want if I can to help you cherish this thought . . . That living God is the most important facet of your existence. I do not mean just loving Him and just thinking of Himbut living Him. Man needs to want God, to think God, and to know God is important. I do not decry man in any effort of importance that he attempts in seeking God. But living God is the proof that you truly are seeking God, with the intensity of longing that you need in order to unite with Him. Living God does not mean you have to reject all joy from your life, all pleasure in your world, or happiness. It means you have to live Gods laws, and live the understanding that all things are God manifesting in matter. Where there is cruelty, seek the opposite, and do not condone that which is wrong. Where you see hunger, try and feed the hungry: it does not mean you have to go forth with mountains of food, even if you give a hungry person one crust of bread you are feeding Gods children. The aim of a spiritual being is to achieve the oneness with the Beloved God. That is the goal of everyone who truly seeks God. In order to achieve that elevated state, you have to love God with every breath you breathe. You have to live God every moment, every second, of every day, and expound God in all activities of life. Don't let thoughts of hate and anger enter the minddismiss them! Thoughts of revenge must never enter the mindforget them! Where there is not love, give love. Where there is hate, give love back. When anger comes towards you, send peace back. Never mind if it is difficult to do because you are truly being wronged: that is not the important issue. The important issue is how you react to these situations. If someone is unjust to you, give forgiveness back. Never seek to have revenge upon anyone for anything, no matter how wicked or how bad it may be. You can be saddened by it, you most certainly could not condone it, but do not seek revenge Let it pass from your life as an experience that your soul had to have in order for you to progress along the pathway of your existence. Remember: always display the opposite to the negative. For God is positive! All hatred, greed, anger and revenge are negative: all these conditions are the opposites of the positive, you do not want them. Only accept the positive! If you hate someone back because they hate you, you are descending to the same level of negativity that they are exhibiting. If you send love back you are elevating yourself, and you are then moving into the domain of the Beloved Creator. When you have hate directed at you, the most difficult response is love. Is this not so? Try and achieve this to the best of your ability! Where you see injustice then do all you can to see that justice transpires? In the process, you are not being asked to fight that world alone, and you are not being asked to wage war on everything that is wrong. You are asked only in your own life to try to resist the negative, and live the positive. If all mankind were to live this way there would be no hate, there would be no anger and no injustice. When you look at your world, you can see such pockets of negativity that operate, and are part of the way of life on a daily basis. You see examples of selfishness, you see crudeness, and you see cruelty and greed. You see it being exhibited in so many countries of your world, and so many places in those countries by so many people Even amongst the flock, that claim they love God, you see the selfishness, and you see the negativity. 'Beloved children: Stand aside from all of this, and do not get yourself into

negativity in any form whatever. Keep the positive always . . . while overcoming the negative. Then you can transcend the negative in your existence in whatever form it takes. There is no satisfaction achieving revenge on someone. There is no satisfaction in returning hate because it will never offer any satisfaction to you or your soul. It is the opposite! Always have understanding, forgiveness, tolerance, and love, for they are positive and beneficial to your soul growth. Seek always to perfect the inner-self, in spite of the negativity that may be there around you. See that divine light ahead of you, and follow it through eternity with that single mindedness . . . I am seeking God, I am not seeking the qualities of what is being exhibited. I come to live in a physical body, and I seek from God the goals of His creation. `I will not be caught up in the opposite! I will focus on the Beloved Creator, in spite of that tempting material world: live God to the best of your ability. Even in a family you will find it hard to love everything. You will find it difficult sometimes to achieve the peace and harmony you want, whether it is in your own immediate family or an extended family, or the outer friendship of people. It is even hard to love everything in your world itself! You will always find the opposite trying to batter at your door, to hurt you or influence you. Somehow peace within a person is resented by those who have it not. `Calmness baffles someone who has an anger to display. The way of God that is the goal to always seek and live. 'Beloved children: Ignore the responses of the multitude seek only the reaction from God as He watches you struggling to overcome all the qualities of existence that are negative. Hold on to that inner tranquility, transcend everything negative, and enter into the oneness with God. This you need to do to achieve the goal of reunion with the Beloved Creator if you truly want to embrace the condition of that is known as the super-conscious mind. Doing this because you have to will not achieve for you that what you seek. It is the desiring to do this, and really yearning for it, letting nothing else matter except this single mindedness in your search for God. People can give lip service to say how much they love and want God. They can give lip service to all the qualities of rightness in life. But the soul has to desire it with a passion that cannot be quenched, with a resolve that cannot be mitigated, and with a relentlessness that is undeniable. In truth unless you can achieve all this, you will still flounder on the outskirts, struggling, ever struggling, to find the pathway to God. Love God, with the intensity of the soul, and want Him with the same intensity. Work at the need to live His laws, to follow His example, and to live every quality of God you can. Do this to the best of your ability, because you want to, and not because you should. If you make mistakes, and you cannot achieve all this, you are not judged for it, and you are not condemned for it. The fact you are trying so hard because you want to, is the most important factor in your existence. The more you try, the more you will succeed. There will be times you will not be able to fulfill all the desires of the soul you want; even if you overcome some a little at a time, you can conquer them one step at a time. God's love will uplift you, pushing you forward one step further each time. God cannot resist after the struggle to Him, by a soul that is truly intent on reaching Him. God cannot resist the sincerity of a seeker that truly wants Him for Himself alone, and not for the glory of the gain of being with Him. God loves each one of his children with a deep intensity of a sincerity that cannot be qualified. He knows within each of you there that same love abounds; sleeping perhaps for a time, but it must awaken eventually. It must reach out again with the same intensity.

When God sees it awakening and you are struggling with the same intensity, growing and becoming a burning fire of desire. God can only respond with the deep love He has and to help you to move that one step further that you need. God will never allow the fire of love for Him to be quenched by anyone but you yourself. Once you have this love for God you can never lose it. Once you have the desire for Him, you can never resist. Once you have the understanding of truth within your own consciousness, you can never go back to the ignorance of not knowing the true identity of yourself. The journey of a soul to God is a long and difficult one its fraught with many ups and downs. The journeys you make are sometimes fulfilling, and sometimes disappointing. Sometimes you waver while on one of those journeys, but other times you are strong. This is all happening until you reach the level where you are so convinced within your soul of the truth of the Beloved. When your desire for God is so strong it is like a burning zeal within you. This is given to you to hold firmly within the inner-self, this deep peace, this concentrate of peace that nothing can disturb. Then my children, nothing else matters but God. The trials and problems, which come to you every day, are unimportant in the end. The difficulties of flesh will not be paramount in your thinking. You will be able to overlook so much that is wrong in other lives and in other ways while you exist in that material world. This will be because you know you are on a spiritual journey to God. To others, their struggle in flesh must be real, until they too can step away from it, and transcend the need to experience the struggle and move onward to The Beloved Creator. Life on Earth is a testing ground. Life on Earth is a growing place where you have to struggle with matter: where one day you have to face the reality that you are spirit and that your true self is within. The soul is the true self within the physical form. The outer body is a covering thats there only to protect. This protection will enable you to move the soul through your time on Earth as you grow to God, and learn the lessons that you need to learn. The more you begin to want God, the more you will begin to resent a return journey to that material world. Just wanting God, will never be enough to preventing you from reincarnating. You have to earn the right to not come again, and you have to achieve that vital growth within you. It enables you to stay in spirit, and reject the need to have to come again into matter. When you can say with utter truth and love, you no longer want anything of that Earth; when you can say these words in absolute truth. . . . I have no desire for anything that this material world can offer me, nothing at all that this world possesses and not one minute thing has any meaning to me. When you can really feel that, and when you can really mean it and truly want it, then your soul is growing to God. Then and only then can you stay with the glory of God in the higher realms of understanding and truth, for the heaviness of matter has no need to encompass you again: because you have learned the lessons of growth you needed to do. It is understandable how people react when they do not understand God as you here understand God. I do not mean their reactions are right or wrong, but it is understandable. Is it not? They have not this truth and this reality to cause them to reconsider their action and their thoughts. This reconsideration must come for them someday. Every soul incarnate must again awaken to the reality of the duality of the self, and turn away from matter to reach into the realms of understanding with God. Your journey on Earth seems to last a long time to the physical self, and it seems a hard and lonely struggle, but in the reality of the true sense it is but a brief moment in eternity.

I know the soul within you is longing for release, longing to leave that world and move back into the higher world of spirit. But, my children: the soul must stay there in that world until its journey is over and until its purpose has been fulfilled. Then it will be released once again from its bondage of flesh. No matter how difficult life gets, how sad, how hard, and how impossible at times to live it, you cannot reject your journey at your discretion. No one has the right to end life, till that life is ended spiritually: then and only then you are able to release the soul back to God. If you cut short your incarnation when you must live it to its fullness of time; then somewhere, somehow, it will have to be lived! You cannot reduce the time in that body because you think it is easier to do so, if you do, you have to come back and do it again. You will to find you cannot to enter the true realm in which you are longing to enter, until you have mitigated this aspect that you have rejected. It is far better to face the pain and the suffering where you are in that physical body. It is better to endure it no-matter how difficult it may be and cleanse the self, and of its need to clear itself of that particular situation. It is much better for your soul to come back again into spirit, with your incarnation completed naturally, as it was intended. The soul knows how long it has come for, it knows its moment of entry, and it knows its moment of rejection. The soul within you is wisdom. The outer body, the physical self, is but an expression of life for a time; the body cannot be the deciding factor of how long you will stay in that world, or when you will leave. Suffering to a soul at times can be a blessing in the cleansing of the soul. Sadness in the physical sense can be a release for the soul and the measure of growth it must have and must achieve. You cannot decide with the physical mind what the soul needs to do. You cannot make decisions for the spiritual self with the physical understanding. Obedience to your journey is the wisest course to take, and to understand the need to fulfill that journey. Then grow through your lifes journey the best you can until the journey is ended for you. If your thinking is right, if your spiritual understanding is strong, you will not make the wrong decisions that attract the sorrow to your life. If you eat the wrong food for a long period of time you will have the repercussions in the flesh, it is natural If you think the wrong thoughts you will attract to yourself, the results of those thoughts; those results will manifest within the physical expression of your life. Once something has been caused, the effects must follow. You cannot escape it! No matter what form the cause isthe effects must come. Try and live your lives with simplicity and integrity of the understanding of God. Try not to live your lives with the physical needs and desires paramount in you existence. Accept from that world that which you must, and live within it; you are quite entitled to make yourself comfortable and happy if you can achieve it. God does not deny you that; but greed and selfishness can never be part of it in any shape or form it may be presented in. Having too much of what you need while others are starving is not the way to God. Although, you yourself can live a life that is comfortable, secure and happy; you can also have laughter in your life, and you can have joy in your life: God does not deny you these things. Attract to yourselves through the positive, through your own positive actions, and through your own understanding of what God represents. Live the divine laws and you can only attract to your life that which is positive and not the negative. If you attract the negative to your life, you will have negative results that you cannot escape from. As you are growing and as you are leaning your lessons, you are leaning towards The Creator. You must make mistakes! You are not perfect! You must find errors

happening at times in your thinking and in your decisions. In time you will outgrow them, you will learn from them, you will move through them, and leave them behind you. That is why I say, never regret what has gone, understand the level of growth you were on at the time when you made the wrong decisions. You would not make them now, and you will not make them tomorrow. Do not dwell in the past with the feeling of guilt consuming you. You have made errors, you have paid for those errors, and you would not make them again: you have grown because you made them, and you have learned lessons because you have made them. You are cleansing the self; you are growing into greater wisdom and greater understanding as you move through these errors. That is past, look to the future; seek always to grow because of the mistakes you made in the past. Do not go back and dwell in those errors, if you do so you are not moving forward you are holding yourself back like an anchor on a ship. Release yourself from the bondage of reflection and guilt. Seek the understanding that you need to guide you through these waters, into the clear passage of the future that lies before you. Then as you will find through these errors of judgment, you can love God more and you can want Him more; you can love humanity more, and care about them more. Exhibit these qualities of God in every thing you do and think, then surely the mistakes that you have made have been worth it. Know also, the errors of your ways have not been wasted because of those mistakes. If you had not lived them, you would not have learned from them, and you would not have improved. If you were so perfect you would not need to make mistakes, and you would not need to come into a body. You come into a body because you need to lean and grow. An Avatar, only returns to give required service to God; highly evolved souls manifest right to the point when they know they can reject matter, and not return to the world of matter. The degree of evolution on your Earth is very diverse, it is not equal, its completely different one to the other: therefore there will be different reactions to life, and there will be different decisions. Some of the decisions so negative it is impossible to think how could they live like that and be like that, but yet they do. You also see the exhibitions of the opposite, the positive and the love they give that flows forth to others in caring. If you look around your world at the pockets of suffering, you see now in these various countries, such as East Timor, many countries in Africa, parts of Russian, and in many areas of your world, also the Middle East where they are now in such conflict. There is misery and suffering in all areas of your world where there barbarism is exhibited. You also see the souls of love going in to help them, defacing their own needs of life and peace, and giving forth to that particular part of the realm, the love, the care, and the help they need. Selflessly they serve! 'Beloved children: Giving love, giving help, even in the smallest way is never wasted. Giving of what you have to help others is never wasteit is of God! I want, if I can, to encourage you there in your world, to live this positive way; I do not tell you to do that; that is your decision. I only want to encourage, and for you to understand your desire for it: because this is the path to God you need to walk. You want to reach God as soon as you are able, because of the earning of that right. You want to reunite with God in true love, and in true selflessness. Put your feet now firmly on this pathway to Him and let nothing take you from that divine pathway. The turmoil of your world is the turmoil of matter. It is a dream happening, and being lived. It is not reality it is a necessary growth to cleanse and to help those evolve which are living within it. You have not to let it affect your own peace of mind indefinitely; you must not let

it color your own thinking and your judgment. You must be able to live with it happening around you. You have to keep that one light burning before that you are following. You have to lean to exist within discord, and live within all negativity that man can manifest. My beloved children: At the same time you have to only see that guiding light that only shines from God. Focus on God no-matter-what, but keep your perspective in that world because you are in matter. You cannot float through matter on a cloud, you have to live it, and walk every step of the way. Use wisdom in your judgment of action. Use wisdom in your relationship with others. Use wisdom, compassionate wisdom, wisdom of tolerance and understanding, even though that which is happening is so difficult for you: lean the patience of God The torment of man will persist until evolution is equal, and all people live God the way that they must, and understand the truth of God as they must. People need to live their lives, as they must, as divine beings: a creation of the most high and the most pure. You hear the so-called wisdom of man flowing forth from the minds of scientists and other such people. They think it is wisdom, and an all-seeing purpose of life that they are living. To one who is growing closer to God it becomes an empty dream. Does it not? They speak of communication from other areas of matter. They speak of diverse things happening in space, which they think is sensational. They do not realize the communication with any atom of creation anywhere, is possible to the highly evolved. They have not to take a spaceship to reach the moon. An Avatar does not have to have these intricate creations of science to send forth his messages for others to hear. An Avatar can communicate with other forms, life which may be billions and billions of light years away in some future year. The Avatar can be there in one thought. Beloved ones: This is the truth of God and as children of God trying to perfect your-selves in order to reach God again, all things are possible. Although an Avatar has chosen the pathway his soul will take, he has chosen God and all that choice brings to his life. While mankind is struggling in this way they are not focusing on the higher reality of existence. Man has chosen that which is important to man, and important to his ego. His choice is important only to the mentality of himself, to his brain and to the intellect, but because of this the simplicity of God evades him. The truth and understanding man needs to have to realize the higher power is there: this sadly is beyond him. Everything mankind needs and seeks is available to everyone in your world if they evolve to God. Once you become in at-one with God, you know everything. Once you are in unity with God you can reach anything, anyone, anywhere, anytime, or any part of any universe. You can reach any part of any world, and part of any dimension. You can be there instantly if you are at-one with God. God has only to think for one minute fraction of a second, and He can be anywhere. Mankinds struggles are merely physical they are material and intellectual. The struggle to God spiritually is far more important, and far more rewarding. You can spend one hour looking through a telescope, or you can spend one hour focusing with God. I know which I would choose as the wiser of the two, the more productive of the two, and that which will bring the greater wealth. You will find when souls return to God, return to this higher world: its a great leveler. You see the ones who love God, and who have been struggling to find Him; and you see the ones who have been struggling to impress mankind with their inventions, and their happenings: you see clearly that these are the ones who have forgotten God is the goal to seek. It is so difficult in that world in which you live to reach the souls of so many: they are deaf to the cry of God within them. They are immune to the spiritual call of the soul, and to realize not that the soul should be in pursuit of God. I tell you truly, the soul does not want to be bogged down in a body that is always

wrapped in the material existence. Mankind is always focusing on something not of God. The soul of each person incarnate is of God, and it longs for the Beloved, it longs for its return again to the Divine Creator. If a soul finds itself separated from God, it likes it not. The soul within everyone wants God: it wants to unite again with the whole! The more man keeps that soul from doing so, the unhappier will that man be. He will not know why until he acknowledges God. He will be unhappy, he will never be satisfied, and he will never know true peace. He will never know true happiness while he keeps that soul from struggling to find God. It will not matter how rich he becomes, how worldly, how influential, and how powerful, he will never know true happiness until he releases himself from the material aspects of life. Man must then let the soul be nurtured, and move ever so surely back along this divine pathway to reach God: because the soul of any person will never be satisfied, will never be stilled, and will never be denied that which is its birthrightand that birthright is God! You cannot deny God to the soul indefinitely. You cannot suppress the longing of a soul for God just because of your worldly aspirations and your worldly desires. It is impossible! The Divine Beloved is all-powerful, all-wisdom, all-knowledge and all-creation. God is within you and will in time have to be satisfied. Struggle not for the world, struggle not for material thingssurrender to God! Seek God with the simplicity of love and living that you need to do. In understanding people around you, there are those who know God not, and the need is there for you to tolerate them for a time. Do not judge or condemn because another person has the weakness that you have not, because they do not have the understanding that you have, help them by giving them your understanding. In doing this let not yourself be denied the right to pursue the pathway to God in the way you choose and want. Gentleness, understanding, compassion and forgiveness, these are the qualities of God. These spiritual qualities are not meant to be cast aside because others ridicule you, they are not meant to be cast aside because you live a simple life and walk quietly along the pathway of spiritual growth. Never mind what people think of you, because you want the sincerity of the search, just quietly move your own way. You cannot deny yourself to that material world, you cannot deny yourself to others you are responsible for, or entwined with, that is not what God wants. Whilst you can still fulfill your responsibilities to others you can still pursue your own quiet pathway to God. Surrender not one jot of what you know to be truth or what you seek, you are helping, you are showing your responsibility, but you are not denying yourself this divine pathway. The cost of choosing God before matter is no cost at all.its wealth! No matter what that world brings to your door its value is nothing, compared to the value of your soul growth that you take with you when you return to spirit. Never let the thoughts of the physical mind convince you it is the thinking that you always need to have in life. The prompting of the Divine, the overcoming the physical with the spiritual, is the true value of life. As your soul grows so does your consciousness expand into a higher level of awareness and understanding, then with this greater soul growth you can move further and further into the wisdom of God, into this limitless mind of the Beloved. The spiritual wisdom will then influence the physical mind, the living of the life, and even greater growth of the soul that you long to find and achieve. `Beloved ones: Life need not be complicated its what you allow it to bring to your doorstep in that world you are living in. Keep life simple, and keep your desires simple Hold on to your spiritual ambitions: which are important to the growth of the soul to reach God. Worldly ambitions will not take you to God, they make you more comfortable and rich, but they will not take you closer to God. Deny God nothing in your life, but most certainly deny your life the right to deny God.

Just think of yourself on a journey of growth, understanding and truth. Then continually walk slowly along that pathway till you reach Him. You cannot cheat, you cannot falsify, and you cannot bribe anyone or anything to get you there. You have to walk every step of the way with divine love protecting you, and keeping you ever constant in your vigil for The Beloved. I come because I serve my God. I will always come to help you, as long as you need me. I give you my love. I give you my peace. I am Bethesda. I give these teachings of truth not to make you good, but to make you wise. Don't depend on death to liberate you from your imperfections. You are exactly the same after death as you were before. Nothing changes; you only give up the body. Chapter 24 An Avatar Explains the Hidden Activity in Sleep Concentrate for a moment on the fact you are a dual personality. When you surrender to sleep you are still carrying with you in your thinking the conditions of the material happenings, both fanciful and real. Your mind sometimes retains this need to act the drama of existence in all sorts of ways. Thoughts are fanciful at times, and they are beyond understanding to you in many ways. When this sleep state reaches the level of depth that it must achieve in its quietude, then you are indeed close to the spirit. You are close to the spirit by the fact that your physical-self closes down. The spiritual-self asserts the transcendence from matter to spirit, and becomes superior for that level of time and experience. Then you are closer to the dimension of spirit, than you are to Earth; this is because the higher-self is animating on the levels that it is, at that depth in sleep. Then it is focusing on the Divine and not the material as you sleep and surrender in this state to the quietude. When you again move back into the level that you do before awakening, the soul subsides again and the material takes over the activities of your physical self. The soul is no longer the activity that it was when you were in that deep sleep state. Dreams are not important when they release only at the physical thinking; but the spiritual dreams that you receive you will not mistake or forget. These are the dreams that will have the significance for you that you will intuitively understand. The meaningless, empty, fanciful experiences that your mind is producing in this lower sleep state are not important: they are not a measure for you in life. It is when the self subsides in the deeper sleep state and the spiritual is in the ascendancy; at this stage the material is kept in abeyance and the impressions you are given at that time will stay with you when awakening. To sensitive people these impressions will have a meaning the inner-self will understand. It is this dual personality of the self that you will find makes all this possible to happen. The lower material bodily state when you first begin to sleep is often mixed with strange and confusing dreams. Then as the sleep deepens the higher-self releases into this dimension, impressions that reach higher than mind activity of the physical. In this deeper state you achieve the greater peace, and the greater merging of the true self with the Divine. Evolving and growing souls will welcome this, but while you are in a physical body you will always be attached to matter. Even in sleep you must be attached to matter as long as you are in that body. It is only when you are detached from matter does the soul return to spirit. You cannot achieve that until you are ready! * It is very difficult for me at times to explain knowledge that some seek on this subject, because the words I use are not in the format that your world can present. The true description spiritually, cannot truly be expressed in the words of that world. `Can you understand my meaning?

Sleep is very important to a body, it not only allows the body to recover, to regroup for the day, and the cells of the body to be revived, it allows the intake of energy to enter the body in the way that it must white you sleep. It is a growing time for the body, but it is also a sustaining time and a maintenance time for the body: this has to occur to enable the soul to remain in spirit with the closeness of God. The soul needs reinforcing as much as the body needs reinforcing in sleep state, therefore, the need is there for the levels that you achieve. There are some nights you find that you sleep restlessly: you sleep little. Then the body is not able to achieve that higher state of sleep, you then feel denied the next day, you feel depleted, and you feel dissatisfied with the night you have just had. However, when you have a true level of sleep, when the body subdues, and the soul ascends, that is the true meaning of sleep. Then you receive the benefits from that which you have experienced. Always, while you are in that body, the soul in never separated from the body, it is always the duality of existence that is able to satisfy both your body and the soul to the limit that it does. Life is very simple, and yet complicated. God is simple, and yet complicated. This is because the understanding that you need to relate to, does not come until you have the wisdom to know and comprehend. When you become as an Avatar and understand the meaning of creation, then you will be able to think and to know in an instance. You are growing spiritually while you are in a body, and you are leaning the lessons that you need to lean in order to evolve. Because of this, you can only understand certain aspects according to the level of understanding that you have, and growth you have achieved. The more you grow spiritually, and the more you evolve spiritually, then the more you will understand. As you grow towards the mind of God you go deeper and deeper until you reach Him. So it is with the growing, and so it is with the understanding. These conditions grow with you, matching your level of growth always. You are never called upon to handle or understand more than you are ready for as you proceed to God. God is wisdom: He creates, and without His wise creation and His love in creation there would be no existence. Trust in God, with all your soul, with all your heart and with all-your-mind. Know that God is perfect, and God knows everything. No matter what the world tells you, He is your refuge, and He is the motor of your whole creative-self. Without the power of God propelling you forward, and without the power of God to feed both body and soul, there would be no existence. Seek God! Seek Gods wisdom, no matter what limited form you can achieve. Seek it, and never deny God the opportunity to come into your life to help you understand, and to help you grow spiritually. The call of a hungry soul for God is never denied an answer. God hears every whisper of every soul, and according to that souls need, He answers that call. If a soul is opening itself to God with the greatest need, then He answers that soul in the way it wants. God is wisdom, God is love, and God is creation! You are on a journey, a very important journey to God. Every journey is very important because it has a purpose; it has a sequel, and has a result. Walk your journey with love, accept the difficulties in the same way you accept the pleasures. Accept the need to have the sorrows as well as the joys, the pain as well as the peace, and the injustice as well as the justice. Accept all aspects of life as you need to accept each and every one of them, but always keep before you this goal of God. Always keep your understanding fixed on the need for the wisdom of God to transcend all material things. You will move through this heavy matter and you will be once again in this realm of spirit. Seek God with a passion that cannot be denied. Seek God with the simplicity of understanding that is not too complicated for you to understand at any level.

I think the moments you share with God are the most priceless moments of your life. You leave that world aside and seek from the higher purity of the infinite this wonderful communion with God. Then as you leave that world in thought, and turn to God in quiet inspiration you are receiving into your body this great energy from The Divine Beloved. You will find that the peace it brings to your life is not haphazard, not by chance, but by design from God. Its like Gods own reinforcement of His creation. When you have a motorcar, you put in petrol to make it go. When you ride a train the engine drives you there. Thus the soul needs to turn to the quietude with God to receive this energy, and take nothing from that world to help it find peace. You can sit in a room crowded with people, but you can turn the inner-self quietly to God; let your thoughts move away from the noise, just concentrate on God. Then, my children, you will find the reinforcements coming into your body from this divine source. There is no end to this divine energy coming into your body; it does not cut off when it has sent enough it continues to supply that life force. The energy of God entering everybody incarnate is endless. The divine energy moves into the body continually, while you are living in that body. If the energy is withdrawn, then you die. That word die I do not like, but you know what I mean. It is the ending of the physical life and you move back again into spirit. I think death is a negative word: it does not speak the truth! It does not even begin to demonstrate the reality of existence! It is a word coined by man, and the most negative word in any dictionary. Death is positive, but its the people of your material world that makes it negative, a negative condition created by the physical mind. It should not be called death. It is the transcendence of the soul back to the spirit, it is the rebirth of your-self, it is beginning a new life, and it is not the end of anything! Death is negative! It is a word that people should not even begin to utter. When your time on Earth has finished and your soul comes back to God; it is a time of rejoicing, a time of beginning to live and a time to leave behind the darkness of matter. Always have this thought in your understanding. . . . `Life never ends; the body may finish its usefulness, but life never ends; the soul moves on continuously until it no longer needs to come into a body. Then life moves on in the higher world. There is no end! The soul finally unifies with God, but still it moves on. I think while people focus on the aspects of life in that world as the true life, they are bound to the darkness of that around them. Mankind will allow wars to happen, and cruelty to result. Man will allow some to starve, and some to be homeless. Man will allow sickness to penetrate his body and destroy it. Gods energy pouring into the human body is the cleansing and purifying factor of mans existence. When a soul comes into a body and the life force enters that form, it takes upon itself the life of that body. Then it then it begins its Earth journey. That soul will move through that material world in a body until that life force is withdrawn. Then when that life force comes out of that body, that body will lie without movement, and nothing can bring it back to life again. Gods energy is the fuel of existence, never forget that fact. It is not the food your body eats, nor is it the medicines you put down your throat. That energy of God is the true reason for your existence! Certainly there are things of matter you need to adjust the body, things that are important and necessary. My beloved ones: Without that life force you could never use anything else to help you: that is the core of your true existence, the life force of God. You can add the worldly things to your body to help you, but they will not help you once that life force is withdrawn! Focus on that when you need to at a time when you are feeling unwell. Even just in thought, feel the energy of God pouring into your body and will it to go to the

areas of the body it needs to go to, even to every atom, molecule and cell of your body. Will it to every aspect of your bodys existence; will the life force to it, and see it cleansing, see it eradicating the poisons and toxins that the body may contain. Then see this divine life force purifying, and see it helping your body in every way for it to function normally. If the body is meant to recover completely it will do so. If it is not meant to recover, there is always a reason behind that problem. When there is always a human body to contend with God will never violate His own laws; God will never do anything other than live with his natural laws. If that body is hurt in certain ways and if recovery is difficult to achieve, then it will not be achieved. If the human body is in any way in need of help, and man cannot do it; if it is meant to be, then God's energy can heal, and will heal. Never deny the body the opportunity and the belief it will heal; but never expect everything to work out the way that you pray for, or the way you want. Understand the needs of the soul, the will of God, and the destiny of that life; they are all factors in the overall living of the soul. There is Karma, there is the destiny of the soul, and many more ways that are to be considered. It may be the need of the soul to suffer, or the need of the soul to experience this in this life. It also may be wrong doing in the living of that life, or there may be many, many, other factors that may have caused that problem. Although this may be true, still send forth this divine energy to every area of your body, and leave the rest to God. What is to be will come from God; what that energy will heal will come. If it is not according to the divine law, it will not come. This is why you must not promise anything to anyone when you try to help them; you can promise the love and the power of God will come to them, and can heal, not that it will, but it can heal. Then betwixt the soul who is receiving that help and God, comes the answer to that what is to be, an individual pact with God and the soul. Not you or anyone else, just God and the soul to decide. 'Beloved ones: Know the power of God is mighty for it is the creative force of all existence; it can achieve what man cannot achieve, and heal where man cannot heal. The divine energy can be directed to heal, but whether it is intended to is between God and that person. Never feel that you can decide what is right for someone else, or what must occur for someone else. Gods plan for that person may be so very different. That persons need may be so very different from what you may be seeking to bring, in your effort to help. Never send Gods healing with conditions; send it with the open love for the expectation of the will and the power of God to be revealed, and to be achieved. Then from God will surely come to that person, that which is right for them. Do not expect everyone to feel what you feel. Do not assume they are wrong if they cannot think your way. Allow others the right to evolve their way, in their time. Allow others to have a different opinion to you, even though you feel they are so wrong. Be gentle and loving, but do not feel defeated if you cannot achieve this in helping others to feel as you feel. Never feel cheated! Give your love; give the knowledge you have acquired, and give your help anyway you can when a need is there. Never try to dominate or control the thinking or the growing of others. Give them the opportunity but allow them to make the decision of which pathway they will walk. God gives all people free will. God never tells them what way to think, to move, or become; then what seemingly divine right have you to tell them? Just give love, understanding, compassion and the practical help in that world wherever you can. Be unselfish, never be greedy, and never seek to acquire things for yourself at the expense of others. My beloved children: These are the unselfish lives to live.

Beloved ones, God has given me this task to help to teach his truths, to bring the love and harmony into the lives of those on Earth. It is a humble privilege to me that God has trusted me with this duty. So it is in great divine love and in great divine hope of achievement I come to give for God that what He decrees. To you in this small gathering I bring love and peace. I bring the longing to help you grow and understand I bring you the patience of The Divine Beloved in the waiting and the trust that I will see your souls ever glowing as you move through the darkness of that world to reach Him. I am Bethesda. The physical body is but an adjunct necessary for the the dominant priority of your existence. Religions have parceled God with their own particular into each compartment that they have created, to suit can souls find God, if they are not instructed in the Its the blind leading the blind! Chapter 25 Religions, Prophesies and Dimensions Beyond Earth. In the glory of God's love you find the answer to everything you need to know, to be and to have. In the bliss of God comes the answer that every soul could ever seek to know. The striding of a soul along the pathway to God is a journey of rewarding glory at the end, every step that is taken is worth more than I can ever tell you. Your material world can offer nothing, no matter how exciting, how wealthy, or how luxurious be the offer from that material world. It can be as nothing compared to God and to a soul that is realized in Him. I wonder sometimes at the folly of man and the futility of man, when I see the hours that he spends in the pursuit of material rewards from your world. Then sadly I see how little he gives to his soul growth. `My beloved children: When the day dawns when you become one-with-God, you will remember these words and know I spoke the truth. You will know I did not mislead, when I said. . . .Seek God before all else! Seek Him relentlessly, and pursue Him remorselessly. Every effort you put into finding God and seeking God in your endeavors to become one with God is a labor of spiritual wealth. Look around you in that material world. What can you see to admire about the way that man is ruling that world? Man is producing hatred, destruction, and greed. Is this not so? Man is producing wars, and casualties of wars, poverty, and disease. He is ravaging nature, he is bringing disharmony into the lives of his brothers, and he calls this living. He calls this the way of life that he thinks is worth achieving. It could be so different if he was living God's laws. It could be so different if he was ruling that world with divine wisdom, and bringing about the results of that wisdomalas, he is not! Your world is divided by religions, copious in their doctrines, and all claiming the authority of God; each religion claims of authority over others. All are intransigent in their belief they are supremewhat then are they to bringing to your world? I see no peace and harmony in the breasts of their flock. They are destroying each other in the name of God, and they are killing each other in the name of religion. They are also inflicting untold misery, while claiming the motivation is the power of God behind them. How wrong this is! How wrong for them to think that God would condone such actions, and such a way of life. journey in flesh: it is not beliefs. They try to fit God that creed they follow. How truth of God?

How many times in your lifetime have you read or heard in news reports, of someone calling out for a holy war? If any of the many religions were right with the wisdom and with the truth of God behind them then they would not act as they are so doing; they would be incapable of living the lie that suits mans thinking and beliefs in that mundane world. If they knew the reality of that which God is, then they could never claim God as their authority. God is love, God is peace, God is justice God is wisdom and God is compassion. These things are none of those qualities when you look at the way they are living their lives. They have no peace within their souls, they are restless, they are frustrated, all because they are not pursuing truth, and they are not living God. Many religious leaders quote from their books of so-called infallibility; and they are giving those who follow them false doctrines of truth; doctrines that mutilate their soul growth and deny them the expansion of consciousness that is their birthright. You in this small group are evolved to the degree that you recognize truth from falsehoods, in the spiritual sense. You are evolved enough to know that the way of the soul is through discipline, through self-denial, through love for God, and through longing for God. How can you therefore feel that the world in all its turmoil, in all its misery, could give anything to your life in comparison to that which you can find in the pursuit of wisdom in God? This great vista of wisdom is available to all who seek it, if they are prepared to pay the price they need to pay in order to find it, to enter it, and live it fully. I have come into your lives to help, and bring the spiritual guidance that you need in your journey to God. I know you have earned that right for divine help in these advanced stages in your growth to God. I come not because I think you are unwise in Gods truth; but because you are wise in Gods truth, and recognize that which is coming from Him. I come because I serve God with love. I come that you may know more truths, more wisdom, and that you may find the encouragement, help, and discipline your search for God. I want you, beloved ones, for you to understand this is a gift from God, not me. God rewards those who are truly seeking Him and truly love Him. Thus, it is for each and every one in that world to recognize this gift comes from God, and each must respond accordingly from the depths of the inner-self. God will know and understand your recognition of your responsibility to your divine journey. God will also know instantly the resolution your soul makes to ceaselessly seek Him until you are one with Him. Lift your consciousness to higher understanding, and do not let it dwell continually in the revelations of that material world. When you dwell on the worldly conditions you are functioning on a level of energy that is low in vibration, and unhelpful to soul growth. But when you rise above these conditions you function in an energy that is of a higher level of understanding, which also raises your consciousness to a higher level knowing. In this process it thrusts you into a higher vibration that is necessary, if you wish to grow spiritually. Think of the varying degrees of wavelengths that the radios of your world use in their operation, but it is far more complicated and far more advanced spiritually when I speak of these various levels of energy. Nevertheless, it is parallel in some ways for you to understand my meaning. `Can you see what I am describing? If you function on the low level of vibration that is what you receive . . . but if you function on the high, then that is what you receive accordingly: you attune your radio to that what you want according to that which is being sent. Thus, it is with The Divine: you attune your conscious to the higher energy, from it comes that level reception you are seeking. If you linger in the astral that is not going to help you: force your consciousness higher into the realms of wisdom from which all Gods spiritual truths emanate.

Then in this process you will automatically benefit from that which your soul receives. I know it is very convenient to think materially: because it is less effort you have to make. You feel more comfortable by not having to segregate your life in the way you must when you are serious pursuing God. That is not for souls growing to God, they are wiser than that. You here, have moved through other lives in the past, and lived many of those live with such lack of understanding, do not slip back from this one. Go forward to where you need to go, and grow into that supreme state of consciousness. If you feel comfortable with that world of matter, then know it is self-indulgent to give way to that material existence. Growing souls know so well they have to make the effort to switch channels and listen into the higher wavelength of God. It requires great effort, it requires stamina, discipline, and it requires sacrifice of worldly comforts at times. Worldly considerations should be secondary when you are a soul evolved in God's wisdom seeking the ultimate. If you do not want the ultimate, then you have the right to move away and pursue the path of your choosing: its your gift of free will from God. But, my children, if you are serious about the realization in God, then there is no compromise that you can make to your life; there is not one compromise you can adopt to make it easier and more comfortable for you as you move along this way. The peace and the bliss that comes into your lives when you are touching this higher wisdom, is beyond description. It is as if you are automatically realizing your true direction in existence. Then up to that time, it seems as if you have been moving blindly through an abyss and suddenly you have realized where you belong. Then like enlightened souls that have found the divine pathway your inner-self will know what you truly represent in eternity. Once your soul has touched this bliss you could never regret the effort you have made. You could never want to go back to anything less; you will only want more and more. My beloved children: I speak with truth, for I have touched this bliss. I know this bliss! I live in this bliss! I could not describe to you with words that you would understand; you could not yet understand how this reaction comes to a soul when it enters this union with God. I can compare for you a material life that is blessed with everything it could want. I could compare the satisfaction you feel in living that life; but with only your worldly understanding I cannot compare this in words you would comprehend. The illusion of material wealth is the opposite of that spiritual reality which God offers. I can only tell you of its wonder, I can only tell you of its beauty and I can only tell you when your soul touches this it responds instinctively and immediately by attuning to the reality of its own true identity. There are no words to explain to you that feeling when you are at-one with God. There is nothing in that world to compare to this wonderful state unity with God. There is nothing that world can give you, and nothing that world can offer you to compare, or come any where near in value to the realization in God. Do not let that world confuse you. Do not let that world tempt you otherwise. When you seriously begin to tap into this greater wisdom, you function completely on a different level of consciousness, and you also function on a very different level of wisdom. Your lives respond accordingly, and you attract to your lives events that are worthy and necessary in your living of the changed understanding of your spiritual wisdom. When you want worldly wealth you have to earn it, you have to borrow it, or you have to acquire it through some means of the material effort. Thus, it is with the wisdom of God. You have to earn it also. You cannot borrow it, you cannot steal it, and you cannot read about it from someone else and automatically achieve it. You have to earn it! There is only one way to God's wealth, and that is through earning that wealth.

In your world you can acquire its wealth in many ways, even by stealing. This you cannot do from God! You have to make up your mind, if it God you seek, then the methods you need you have to utilize in order for you to find Him. You need the required effort, discipline, dedication, love, consistency, and sacrifice. Above all of this, you need to acquire an insatiable longing for God that overrides all else in your life. When you have this love for God burning within you there is nothing that your world can do to overwhelm you. You are then with God in spirit, and you are with Him in unity of love and longing. That world cannot overwhelm anyone who is truly linked with that insatiable love and longing, as you here in this gathering are now feeling. It is opportune to apply the efforts and reap the rewards while you are still in flesh. Do not waste the journey! Do not forgo the opportunity that God has given you to know Him better, and to live more closely to Him. Its also an opportunity to move into the realm of wisdom that you embrace when you leave the physical body. This can truly be if you are prepared to make the effort now, and to do the necessary groundwork that you need to achieve this goal. I see in your immediate vicinity disturbances of nature that are coming for your Earth. You here will be spared from many of the ravages that will affect other areas of your world. With these events, you will still know the wrath of nature to a degree. You will find life in this area of your world will only be slightly touched by this disturbance of nature when it takes place In the not so distant future, you here are going to find important changes will benefit your individual lives when you move more deeply into this wisdom. As I speak, I see that vision, which I am giving, as a reality. You are not destined to sit on the sidelines of life, and you are not destined to be passive onlookers in that world, indefinitely. Beloved ones: Anticipate that which will come from God for you to give in service for God, and for you to become for God. Then know in truth, you must first give to God this evidence of longing and desire for His greater wisdom and his greater truths. Then you may become instruments of The Divine Creator, which He can use in that world. So many of those destined for divine service become weary and inactive through indifference, through lack of discipline, and through the lack of ability to sacrifice the material for this way of life. I read your souls as you gather here this night, and I know it will not be thus for you. The growth is too deep, the longing is too strong, and the integrity is too intent for these negative conditions to happen to your lives. Under the sea near Japan, turmoil will come for that nation and destruction will follow. Heavy will be the price it will pay. Much of Japan's own doing lies behind the cause of this destruction Mans headlong material desires will bring into effect these eventsevents that stem from the cause of such desires. I give in truth my children it will bring a great disorder to that world as a consequence. Japan has become economically too strong for it not to matter when this disaster strikes. This will come, but not in the immediate time as you on Earth calculate time. `Can you understand my meaning? Do not dwell upon events with worldly despair. Balance your judgment with divine wisdom. In the games of life played out by man, all civilizations past and present are necessary for man to learn from. Man must become that which he must in the eternal

journey. Physical suffering, as a consequence, is never easy to witness, but must be a necessity in each soul's growth to God. The weather of your world is already changing. It will become unevenly and more drastically affected by events that are to yet come. Man will not have an answer to all his problems. Science will not be the magic formula to answer all that which mankind will need to know. Man will search for reasons and not find answers. Mankind will think they have solutions, but they will be temporary only The agony of the world in the ultimate will be the salvation of mankind. Then the destiny of your Earth will become one of spiritual growth in the ultimate changes that must come for that planet. Man is racing madly through the outer space around Earth, cluttering it with debris. Man knows not of the consequences of what he is doingbut he will! Foreign objects are not meant to infiltrate that area of existence. Scientists think they have answers to all problems in that vicinity, but they are wrong Mankind will reap the whirlwind of its own doing Much of that, which now orbits Earth, will come back to Earth, regardless of mans claim it will float forever in space. I give in truth beloved ones, man tampers with areas of existence of which he knows not, understands not, and comprehends not. Mankind in the ultimate will have to pay the price of this folly! Look behind that world of matter and see Gods love and logic working out its destiny for mankind, in Gods own inimitable wisdom. Leave your daily life in Gods wisdom, 'my beloved children. Leave each of your individual lives in the understanding of the wider spectrum. Regard the problems that beset your day with infinite wisdom, and not material emotion Let the ripples of discord have their way! Resist the temptation of discord and desolation if these problems are heavy for you to bear. Think with the soul, and not the physical mind! View all events with the wider wisdom of God! You here have lived through many lives, and through many civilizations. You have come this far and you will move from this life into even greater wisdom. You will move on the endless journey of growth to God nothing will stop you, nothing will deter you or destroy you: that body you wear is only for a time. The equilibrium of your life may be ruffled and difficult to cope with for a time, but it will pass. You will move through it, into the greater bliss that awaits you. The measure of your growth depends on that which you will give to God in this life. All the gains that you can now make with your efforts in life in your search for God will bring to your soul the reward that you have earned. Waste not the moments in dwelling in the immaturity of that world and what it brings to your life: all that you have is incidental in comparison to the soul growth that you must achieve. That which you have you can lose, that which you need you can acquirer: for nothing is permanent in the physical world. The only permanence is in God, so seek God, find His wisdom and live it. Do not educate your life with that world: educate it with Gods wisdom. Harness unto your being all the gifts of the spirit, through the efforts you make to know God. God is not remote: God is close to every soul and waiting for each soul to bid God to enter, to enable the soul to unite with Him. Let that very wisdom you have within your soul flower and grow into its full potential. If you would seek to tap your true reality of self you would understand how wise you really are in the ways of God. You would realize how much knowledge you have secreted there within your consciousness. You will never expand it if you linger in the way of your material world. Walk the way of that material world needs and the way it deserves, but dwell with God as you must. Dwell in that world sufficiently in order to cope with life. Give it the attention

it needs and deserves. Walk the way your world needs, expects and deservesbut dwell with God! Let the true reality of the self-merge into His consciousness and His great wisdom: it is then you will find coming into your life the benefits of this wisdom. Never will you be lonely. Never will you be hungry. Never will you be unable to cope with whatever comes once you have entered this greater wisdom. You are then functioning in the creative energy of God, this whole, which is God. Mans ego is of such great dimension he acknowledges nothing of God. Man acknowledges only what he is achieving, and giving himself the credit for all. `My beloved children: I want that you will become mature, and I want that you will grow in spiritual stature this night; do not shrink back into that worldly dimension of wisdom, expand into Gods wisdom. Acknowledge your origin and your destiny as divine. Know you have the power within you to grow to God and become one with Him. There is nothing in your world that could reward you more than uniting with the Beloved. Everything in that material world wears out in the eventual end, everything disintegrates, and nothing is permanent in that world of matter. Mountains crumble, seas dry up, rivers dry up, Earth erupts, and floods desecrate: all things are at the mercy of nature. Are they not? Nature is all-powerful! Nature is Gods creation of balance in that world, which man is disturbing to a degree that is going to bring its own destruction in retaliation. Dally not with the unenlightened activities of that world; give your time the evolution of the soul, the expansion of the consciousness, and to the growth of the true spiritual identity that you are. I can speak of this, week after week, month after month, and year after year. However, unless you respond to that which I bring, I am speaking to the deaf. I cannot make you respond, nor would I if I could. I cannot do it for you: I can only tell you of that which is needed for your own journey to God. Let me not come in vain, beloved ones. Let me see the soul responding. Let me see each of you flowering into the full potential that I know is there; it is dormant within you now, waiting to be awakened into the fullness of its true potential. The way of a soul to God is slow and laborious. Although it can be hastened and it can suddenly take wings and fly if your wisdom allows it to have full rein. Then the discipline of the soul takes it further to God, closer than it ever thought could be possible. You can stay inert or you can wing your way to God. The decision is yours, the effort is yours, and I can but tell you. There are many in your world today who are slowly stirring within their own light of this understanding of God. They are beginning to question more and more the authority of that which they have been taught. They are rebelling within their own religions. Are they not? These who are questioning will take many forward with them because of their example. These people will have had the courage and the sudden illumination of the soul to question and challenge religious authority. You are blessed, and you have long left behind you such blindness. You have come through so much in your lives to be where you are today. In the work that God will ask of you, the example of your lives will be the authority in that which you give in your words for God. If you live God, then shining through you the power of God is evident to any with eyes to see and ears to hear. Let this wisdom become your way of life that you may then bring to others this opportunity of soul growth through the evidence of your own lives. You are pilgrims along the way to God. You have left behind you now, the early words of encouragement that we gave you, and you are no longer in the infancy of your leaning. I think you will acknowledge and recognize that we have dallied long enough in this early stage of encouragement, and we try to uplift you to give you the necessary

strength for your own journey. I think you will recognize the time surely is ready, now you can show to God, and us, that you mean business and that you are prepared to live the truth that you say you believe and acknowledge in yourself, as the reality of truth. If you cannot accept that which I bring, or if you reject it: it is your privilege. I question it not! If you accept what I bring as truth, and if you are in all essence of reality acknowledging that this is the way to God, then surely by now we can expect the fruits of our labors to begin to flower in your lives and not see the stagnation of the past. We can see the impetus of the future taking you into the greater areas of wisdom that is there for you to know and we can bring you from our world. There is a limit of how much I can encourage, but the results must come from you. *** Never will I grow weary of bringing these teachings. Never will I grow weary of bringing love and truth from our world that you may know it and know it is from God . Let me not mark time beside you, but let me stride with you to God. Let me see the leaps you take to God and I will be there with you every step of the way until you no longer need me. I am immersed in God's love and light; I come each week to bring this love to you, and to bring this light that you may feel it, with animated longing for God. Do not waste the moments that you can spend with Him Truth now tells you that God is the destiny of your journey; God is waiting for you, waiting to claim you, and you to claim Him God is waiting for all His children who long for spiritual truth, and seek this truth. I give you my love. I give you my peace. I am Bethesda That which man chooses and attracts to his life are often the problems he blames on God. Man should be free to find God, and not the substance created for them by the confines of their religions. Chapter 26 From Spiritual Truth to Spiritual Wisdom In time gone by, people of your world seemed to be searching and discarding truths as they found them. Even in those days they did not focus on the reality of what they were hearing. It is even so in these enlightened times. Is it not? Progress has not bought to mankind any greater degree of acceptance of the reality of truth. Spiritual truth is still ignored by mankind today in the same way as it was all those eons ago when there was very little settlement in the early civilizations. The so called educational growth and opportunity has not brought to mankind any more degree of understanding truth than they had when they had none of the modern benefits. It is beneficial therefore that people should accept this one reality of clinging dearly to divine truth. It matters not what that world offers anyone: its what is within the soul of man, and in the understanding of truth that is the awakening call to seek and know more. `Can you accept this? You cannot teach divine truth through any school of learning, and you cannot

educate any human being into accepting this truth. It is in essence, a soul recognition that brings it into reality. `Is this not so? If education could change humanity it would be I think, much easier to change that world; that would be much easier than it is for the souls within humanity to stir and awaken to that longing for the illumined wisdom of God. I do not think education in the higher and greater degree is always an attribute in favor of spiritual reality. Whilst the mind is occupied in intellectual pursuits, scientific explanations, and reasoning for that which the physical mind can understand and accept, it seems then to disregard the intuition of the self. Human beings are too busy hearing the voices of the world and reading what man has written, than to hear the sweet whispers and prompting of God within them. It is thus more often in the simplest of souls and the humblest of lives that God is awake within, for there the divine reality blossoms and grows much more quickly than the other. Why I wonder do souls allow this slumbering of ignorance when they could be releasing into their inner-selves this eternal movement in their journey back to God? I think it is an accepted fact that the dogmas of religions do more harm than they realize. I do not speak in prejudice. I do not seek to criticize, or sit in judgment, I merely try to assess through the evaluation of fact that is within this truth. When souls are encompassed in the dogma of a religion they seem to stick firmly to this teaching. They do not allow the soul within them to reach out, to seek, or to find out anything other than that which they are being taught. They then become more enclosed in their own understanding of the teachings and beliefs that, that particular religion is steeped in. When this occurs, they will not tolerate the beliefs of others. Even just to listen to them, becomes a fervor of instant rejection, it becomes fanatical, and in many instances this can be dangerous. Is this not so? I think religious bias is far more dangerous than ignorance, ignorance can be changed to truth; but bigots imprison themselves without understanding into the darkness of none-understanding, and none-acceptance in belief of the true reality of God. Much in that world of matter is stirring. Many, souls in your world are questioning and challenging, but they are so easily prone to wrong guidance in their need to find and seek a different way. They can be so easily misled, or easily encompassed in something equally wrong. With seeking and challenging there also must come discretion, awareness, and discernment: this is very important! People must not be easily swayed and easily convinced. That is why it is so important to seek inward guidance, inward reaction, and to rely upon the prompting of the intuition of the self to alert you to something that you feel is not quite right. If there is anything you cant quite accept, never ignore that inner feeling, but reflect upon it. Do not let the fallible reasoning of the mind always sit in judgment and control your decision-making. Rather seek and reach out with this quiet reflection within and the response of the soul to that which you take within to reflect upon. The soul of man is this atom and aspect of God, the perfect one, the real self within. The soul has the potential to flower and grow in the immensity of the release from materialism into the bliss and union with God: because it has already the inbuilt ability to segregate truth from the opposite. The more you learn to depend upon self-reflection, self-intuition; and then in the following of this quiet turning inwards, the wiser you will live your life. Then you will find the more productive will be your life, and you will attract less of the negative conditions of material living to your existence. When you live in the simplicity and spirituality of the inner-self while acknowledging the authority of the Divine within your life, then you can

acknowledge the overpowering truth and the knowledge of your destiny: you then accept the inevitability of loving eternally, and journeying life after life in growth to God. When you accept all this, and know it to be true, you want nothing of that world, and you know nothing of that world can make you happy. Life will become simple to live, and you will have a greater understanding of the proportion that you must give to the growth of the soul compared to the delving in matter. Its automatic! You are operating on the ray of divine wisdom, and it crowds out the materialism that constantly tries to overwhelm you and clutter your judgment. `Beloved children: Living the divine wisdom, is expressing the reality of the inner-self in that world of matter. Souls, who are awake to Gods love in the reality of their spirituality, can never be happy if they are letting that world fill their day and answer their needs. They cannot! It is impossible to be happy! Impossible to feel contented or feel fulfilled: because they are not nurturing the soul: they are nurturing the body, the soul knows this and hungers for the opposite. When a soul is truly awakened to God, then that is the demand that is calling you to always respond to satisfy its longing. You can seek all you want from that world, but you will never know peace, you will never know fulfillment. No matter what you are doing in that world you will find a sense of emptiness and a sense of something missing. You will feel there is something you want: it is like a form of spiritual longing that comes from the inner-self, you know not what it is for nothing seems to satisfy. There seems to be a condition of emptiness in your life, and you cannot understand why. This is because the soul is hungry for God and you are aware of the souls need to grow to God. If you are not answering that need, it is because you are letting that world become the answer to what you think should fill your life. This is truth I bring. Negativity cannot exist in the positive rays of The Divine Beloved. This, my children, is the reason why negativity finds such a very fruitful resting ground in those who are living in the materialism of that world. Negativity flowers and flourishes when there is lack of spirituality in a life: that is why you see negativity so prevalent in countries today, for they are seeking an answer to everything through power, greed and domination. They do not apply any sense of spiritual awareness to their decisions. They seek only the answer in violence and domination of one kind or another. This is the reason why the negative seems to be so prominent and frequently takes over in peoples lives. In the positive living and thinking of an evolving soul the negative is not allowed to be heard or to make its-self known. The negative is muted by the wisdom that is generated by positive acceptance of Gods presence within. I think it goes without saying that souls who truly love God, who are truly seeking God with the selfless devotion in the seeking, could not possibly be guilty of hurting anyone or anything. Instinctively they would recoil in the act of degradation or selfishness, for they are living in the exemplifying of God. Are they not? Souls who live the opposite to this have no sense of proportion. There is no reining in of the powerful emotional guiding of their actions. The closer you grow to God the more you suppress the emotion of the senses, and the closer you live in the Divine presence and the deeper you go into the wisdom of God. Then, my beloved children: the less dominance in your life the physical has, and the less dominance in your life emotion has. You are dual, spirit and matter! However, when you allow matter to be the dominant one and permit it to govern your decisions by the emotion of the senses, you then give way to the fallible thinking of the physical mind. When this is allowed to be

paramount, then you attract mistakes to your life and all the negative happenings to your life. You attract selfishness, greed, discord, and you will often react by making unenlightened decisions. You will be always seeking something of that world or wanting something of that world. Souls who are not awake to this divine truth are slumbering in the ignorance of materialism. They can be easily satisfied for a time with pleasures of that world, from one pleasure to another they continually flit. They can find a sense of contentment in new things they acquire, new toys to play with, new houses, new luxuries, and new interests in other things. These are things that make them temporally happy; they satisfy that sense of longing for something of that world. During all this time, the soul within is slumbering and has yet to awaken; just for that moment in time they are thinking and feeling this is good. They may be receiving a lot from the material side of life and also think and feel this is good. They realize not at the journeys end they will have become sterile in growth, sterile in learning, and sterile in experience. They have wasted their incarnation! This wasted incarnation is because at that period in their existence this spiritual understanding is not yet known to them. It can never be so to souls who are awake and aware the divine truth. That material world can never satisfy them. It is impossible! A soul who knows the truth of God and is awake to the reality of the spirituality of the inner-self can never be satisfied with what that world brings to their lives. There are portions of that world you need to live economically with, and comforts you need to live with. There are basic requirements of life that will bring you a sense peace and security, and thus it should be. Now at this point I am talking about the extravagances of life. I am talking about the constant seeking and wanting more material things that you can add to the collection you already have. This is what I mean will never satisfy the soul who really knows God, as you know God: because you have grown away from the desire for these material things. Thus for souls in your world this slow awaking is a painful, laborious, always seeking and searching for that elusive something, but they know not what the seek until the day dawns and souls are stirred into the awakening of truth. If a soul is close to this awakening, even a word or just a thought given them can suddenly ignite that spark within and they become hungry for more. They are not content until they seek out a little bit more of this and a little bit more of that: they want to know spiritual truth: something drives them on to find out more, and look for more. Something is eluding them, they want to know more of it and be part of that something. Thus, it will be so in your world today, this fire will rage eventually through the reality of life, cleanse the negativity, and bring into awareness, the positive reality of the illumined wisdom in the Beloved Creator. The young in your world today, are going to be the catalyst for great change in the years that are coming to that world. The infancy of the young children of today will become the powerhouse of change in their later life. They bring with them, this inner understanding of reality. Whilst that world may doubt it for a time, it cannot and will not be able to keep that truth suppressed within indefinitely. It will urge, it will flower, it will manifest, and it will challenge the established beliefs and doctrines of much today that are paramount in your world. The authority of the Roman Catholic Church is already under challenge. `Is it not? I speak not derogatory, I speak not with disrespect, but I speak in truth. That hold they had over their followersthat ridged hold has loosened. Many believers are staying under the umbrella of the church, but yet in effect they are not practicing that which they have been told by the Roman Catholic religion. They are questioning, and they are challenging. `Are they not?

Many are moving away from the ridged doctrines of this church, for they can no longer accept this infallibility of Rome. The present Italian turmoil of corruption is going to reach deep within with its tentacles, and is going to reach even into the Vatican. It will not be spared the ultimate cleansing that must go on for that country. Just because someone has taken upon them-selves the cloak of religious order, it does not automatically make them a good and spiritual person. Many souls hiding beneath the cloak of religion are more capable of evil than those who declare nothing of belief that they have. Those who teach the truths of God must first know God, and to know God is to live God. You can never possibly come to know God without living Him. The more your consciousness penetrates the wisdom of God, the more your spiritual understanding is awake to divine wisdom. The greater truth then must be exemplified in your life. It is impossible to be otherwise! You cannot accept the fundamental laws of God, and not live those laws. They call for a respect for life, a respect for nature, compassion, love, sharing, caring, and not destroying. All these things are foreign to those who know God not. Can you tell me that each one of you here tonight is capable of killing another human being? Are you capable of destroying an animal? Could you wantonly destroy nature for your own purpose of gain and comfort? These are simple tests, apply them to every thought you have, every act you do, and every word you speak. Apply this simple test . . . `Could I do this? `Could I say that? `Could I be this? Then your soul will tell you from within the answer you need to hear. Those who kill and destroy are not living God, they are living the opposite to God. They will have to eventually change. One day they will have to change what they believe, and what they think they know. The scoffers and the scorners in that world who deny God and defy the possibility of a creative existence in the divine sense: they are the babes in arms, my beloved ones. They may be intellectually brilliant, but spiritually they are babes in arms. Condemn them not, but have in your understanding the nonjudgmental acceptance that they too must grow through experience into the wisdom that you are blessed to know now. Fundamentalism is a cancer in the religions of your world today. It is capable of destroying reason within the thinking of people. They may have their faith, whatever it may be. Very often it is an irreverent acceptance of truth that is shaped to fit into the design of their beliefs. That formula is one thing, but when it becomes the fundamental application of that religion it becomes fanatical, and once indoctrinated with this fervor of bias and bigotry, it is a cancer that will destroy, not only themselves but also those they touch. The vulnerable, the young, and those weak in understanding, are the ones they prey upon. Eventually, beliefs become fear, and these people are frightened not to believe: for they live in this constant state of fear. They perhaps have lost the desire to believe. They are frightened to change their thinking and move into truth. They have been indoctrinated with this fear, this disease that puts the soul in bondage. All these experiences your world endures for a time, but it cannot be forever. You will find mushrooming up in that world all kinds of situations, multifarious beliefs, policies, followings, and other experiences. They will have to go through this fire of ignorance, fire of experimenting until they are cleansed of all this negativity. All that will be left for them is this emptiness, this longing for something to fill the vacuum that is now there. Then in their desperation something will stir within them; they will at last come to the reality of knowing, that all the time they had within them this core of truth. This well of wisdom, this source of all wisdomGod!

Where today you in that material world have the millions and millions of people who know not truth, but there are the few, the minority who recognize the truth and doubts not the reality and existence of God. Slowly but surely the change will come, and there will be millions who believe and know God as you know God. All that will be left will be the few who are clinging, desperately clinging to their old beliefs, and old ways. I speak not of this year or the time after, I speak of time ahead. But it will come! Because of the divine laws and Gods gift of freewill, God will never take over and make it happen. It will have to become the automatic growth of a soul on the journey to God. God is never critical, never judging, never denying anyone His love and His presence. No matter how evil or dark they may be, He does not turn away and say. . . . I do not want to know you. He is always saying. . . . Find me, turn away from what you are, and look for me. He gives them the same love as he does to those who love Him. This divine love cannot reach them: because the darkness drives it away; but Gods love is always flowing to them just the same as He gives to all of His creation. Let every moment of each day bring you into the awareness and the power of divine love. It is the force of the universe! It is the force of creation! Without this force of love God could not create. It is the most powerful force in all creation! If love is denied, then God is deniedits as simple as that! When you look at the misery of children who have been cruelly treated in these countries that have been set free from the communist rule, from dictatorial control, or from military junta, this is clearly evident, is it not? It is also evident when you look at the misery that they have had in that area of your world that used to be satellite states of Russia. When you see this dreadful perpetuation of cruelty, there can be no acceptance of God when they perform such deeds of darkness. Those little children with souls within will not be lost to growth and spiritual evolution. They will not be lost to the movement to God that their souls will yearn for sometime in their lives. Every pain the body knows, and every hurt the body feels, the soul grows a little closer to God. It is true that material happiness with deep selfishness can blot out the love of God. If a human being was continually happy, if he only knew happiness, joy and all the good things of life, then selfishness could be a barrier for that person to find God. `Could it not? It is sometimes in the deepest misery that a soul sometimes finds a glimmer of the deepest understanding in God. In the greatest moment of pain the soul cries out from a deep well of love within, it cries out for help from The Divine. They know it not, but they are crying out for God. The soul knows what that body needs most, and intuitively it is crying out to God for help. Great changes can come to a person in a split second, through tragedy, through trauma, and through drama. Equally it can find God in happiness, unselfish happiness. Happiness in its-self is selfish. It is not divine! However, when a persons happiness is unselfish, then God is present in that life. When you find someone living a life just for them-selves, and constantly thinking of what they want, and what makes them happy. When that person is constantly thinking of what they think they need to make them comfortable, and what they can acquire: they then know not the true meaning of living. These people are merely acting a part in the drama of life, which will at the journeys end leave them empty and lonely for God. I would say to each of you there, your world has never needed Gods love more than at this present time. It has never needed to live the laws of God more than today. I see in all corners of your world, so much darkness existing. I also see such cruelty, and much selfishness being lived in your world today: this blocks out shoots of growth, from those souls trying to reach up to bring God into the lives

of others. ** `My beloved ones: Gods wisdom is all pervading! Very quietly God moves into the souls of all people, to help them find Him. God leaves not great corridors of negativity undiluted without His love, and without His light. You can find in the darkness of your world little groups of those who are living God, and exemplifying God. Thus in the future these groups will become bigger and bigger, and louder and louder in truth. Their voices will be heard, for your world will become so sickened with all the destruction; it will become so sickened with all the negativity of living that is going on, it will cry out and try to reach for something opposite. They will pay more and more attention to the living of those who know and live God. Even as I speak in your government of your state (Western Australia) there are the little examples of the indifference to compassion. Economics has taken over, where compassion should be. Is this not true? I think economic wealth of any area of existence, should never be the dominating primary ingredient for success. There must become an economic logic in allgoverning decisions. There must become economic management that is sensible. It must never crowd out compassion. It must never override the need of those who cannot help themselves. In every community there are the strong and the weak. Everywhere you look there are those who cannot help themselves they have not the ability to rise above their situation, no matter what the cause may be. They need help! The governments cannot have a yardstick. They cannot draw a line and say . . . All those above can have that, and all those below, cannot have this. They are going to learn a very serious lesson if they are going to persist in this attitude. They are not going to find acceptance in the general community if they become indifferent to human compassion and allow their indifference to prevail. Cold hard economy is not going to be allowed to exist in a future society as it is today. I want, my beloved ones, for you to live your lives in such away that those people who watch and see, and can understand the greater wisdom shining through your lives because you know God. Never be afraid to speak of God to those who want to hear. You cannot push it upon others, and it would be wrong to dominate the conversation if they are not ready. Never be afraid to declare your love for God if the moment is right, and the ground is fruitful for this declaration of divine love. If anyone questions your way of life, never be afraid to say why you live your life in that manner. Never be afraid to say why you live it, and why you feel and think so deeply, as you cling to the divine truth. It is sometimes sad to see those who are aware of God and His love, adjusting their thinking to please others in the material side of life. True relationships and friendships may sometimes submerge their own understanding and belief in order to conform. Alas, this is sad, it would be far better if they reached up to what those who know God believe; rather than those with understanding to descend down to the level of those who understand not. `Is this not the truth? You have not to wear it like a shining banner; you have not to make it a loud trumpeting of belief, just quietly and lovingly live your life. Quietly and generously with compassion share with others, be it material sharing or be it spiritual sharing. Never submerge the spiritual growth of the inner-self, in order to conform to that which your world demands. In the civilizations gone by, and in those eras of social living, many have gone into prison for what they believe. `Have they not? I truly think there is no price too high to pay to proclaim what you feel for God. It is fortunate in the knowledgeable times like the present you can still speak freely and believe freely. Yet in that so-called modern age on that planet Earth

there are still those who would like to suppress you. There are still those who would like to rule with the authority of the established churches and nothing else. Even with their power of religious authority they will not be allowed to have their way. The seeds of spirituality in that world are too strong now, they are firmly nurtured in the ground, and they are growing into great crops. Spiritual truths will be superior over religious dogmas, and they will reap their harvest of growth in the time that is yet to come. Religions in the years yet to come will not be able to suppress the truth in the young, who will then know and believe the truth of God. Reincarnation brings a great responsibility to a life. The privilege of entering a body must never be taken for granted, and must never be treated lightly. It must be accepted! It is a great responsibility that God gives a soul to merge into a body once again, for it to grow and grow, until it becomes one with the Beloved Creator It may not always be to the liking of the one who wears that body. It may not always be pleasing to have to endure a life in that world. If in accepting the reality of its need, its purpose, and letting what you believe to flower and grow: then you minimize the need for the soul's return to that material world. The closer you grow to God the greater becomes the acceptance of His truth. The surer you live your lives in the light of His wisdom and His truths, then the closer you are coming to moving away from rebirth into a physical body. There is nothing haphazard about creation, there is nothing unplanned, it is ordered, it is very logical, and very wise. In creation, everything is perfect in every detail. Thus, it makes reincarnation become more understandable if you know behind it is the controlling wisdom of God. This great force of creation is guiding every movement, of every atom in existence throughout myriads of universes. If you can be aware of the reality of Gods truth.then live it! Waste not the moments in laziness, tardiness, or indifference. Never let the emotions of the body color the labors that you can bring to your life to find God. When you feel yourself becoming submerged in inertia, and when you find yourself saying you cant be bothered, its an effort; remember and just think for a moment the privilege of God giving you this body to wear. Just remember how long it has taken you to come to the truth that you have now. Just remember how long it has been in lives gone by before you had this realization of the understanding of God that you have in this one. Then do not dare to be lethargic, and do not dare to drag your feet in this life. This is a very important incarnation for each of you here in this room this day. You are being given an opportunity of spiritual growth, and expansion of consciousness as never before. People are living in a time when there is such an opportunity to turn away from God, such an opportunity to be immersed in materialism of that world as never before. 'Is this not so? If you can resist that material world, and if you are able to say no, then you can say. . . . I know it is there, it is the drama of life that I must ignore, and it is that part of life that is not for me. I am moving through time in a body of matter! I am experiencing life in all the negatives and positives, with all the minuses and pluses. I am moving through this experience, and may endure pain and unhappiness if I must. Whatever experiences come my way I know that through them, I will grow and move nearer to God. I know I will never lose sight of the goal at the end of my journeythat light of God. I shall never lose sight of this truth that I am spirit dwelling in this heavy body of matter. `I am locked away tightly in this body of matter, but I am there within, glowing and growing to my Divine Beloved Creator. `This is the reality of me This is the true destiny of my life, moving to God, and knowing God, for I will

one day become part of God. Even though I am in this heavy world surrounded by matter, and surrounded by worldly things, even though terrible things are happening throughout this worldterrible things that I cannot understand or possibly cope with. I know if this body may hurt and causes me pain. I know all this may happen to my physical self and I know above and beyond all, that the soul within me is growing to God. All this is taking me along this pathway to my Beloved Creator. I know that the time will come when I must lay aside this body of flesh, and take with me the glory of the growth that I have gained. That is my goal, not that material world. I will look at the sunsets and see their beauty. I will feel the gentle rain and the warmth of the sun. I will hear the birds singing, see the colors of the flowers, and I will marvel at all this magnificence and beauty. I will see all this, and know God has given me this lovely place to live while I endure my journey. I know in truth I am only here for a moment. This existence is just a borrowed visit. One day I will lay aside all of this, and return to the beauty of spirit and the bliss of spirit. In spirit I will feel the release from this heavy body, and feel such a glory of love from God. Then I will know I am glad I came into this mundane existence to learn the opposite. I know at this time I walk upon this Earth with heavy feet. I know I journey through time with something deep and longing within me, some thing that I cannot answer. Although I have moments alone and deeply reflect upon many mysteries of life, I cannot fulfill the answers to so much that is beyond the reasoning of the physical mind: that area belongs to the consciousness. I know that the Creator is my beloved. I know that I can, and will become one with God. As God sees all, I will see all. I will live in the divine wisdom, and I will no longer need this heavy body in which to manifest. I know existence is there, in so many dimensions, in so many universes, in so many degrees and varying degrees of creation. I know all this is there for me and I cannot see it, for I am still looking through the eyes of matter. When I am free and live in God, I shall see it all and I shall know it all, and understand it all. Then beloved ones look more kindly upon those who know not this. Look upon those who are leading and guiding, the mistakes they are making, and the decisions that are wrong. Look at all this negativity that is exhibited in your world today: it is so opposite to God! With your compassion and love, send forth light, send forth this power of though, that they too can be uplifted and find the illumined wisdom of God slowly but surely coming into their lives. Then resolve that you will not waste the moments and not turn your back upon this truth that you know. Resolve that you will not close your eyes to this reality that you have come to know. Resolve too that you will never be too tired, never be too lazy, and never be too indifferent to give to God the effort of seeking Him. Seek Him more strongly, love Him more deeply, and want Him more fervently than ever before. Look upon those around you and see them as your brothers and sisters, not as your neighbors and friends; they are a part of God as you are a part of God. Every soul incarnate is virtually your brother and your sister, your mother, your father, and every relation you could possibly think of in that world. You are all one in God. You are not separate from God. Whatever the color of the skin or the shape of the face, you are still equal within to God. The soul within is equal in Godnot the outer covering! Then love everything in your material world because it is a gift from God to His children. This is God's wisdom and His loving gift to mankind. . . You will find me and you will seek me, because of the love for me that you will awaken. You cannot find me by force! You cannot find me by dogma! You cannot find me by domination! You can only find me by love and longing for me.

This is what God is crying out to his children . . . Look for me in the shining bliss of the flowers that grow in the fields, the birds that fly in the sky, and the rivers that flow into the oceans that endlessly roll on. Find me in all these things; find me in the mountains, in the forests and the trees. Find me where there is love: I am there. Wherever there is compassion, I am there. Everywhere there is understanding, I am there. You will not find me in violence. You will not find me in hate, anger, or deceit. You will not find me in domination of another. You will not find me where there is cruelty and tortureyou have locked me out! I am there knocking on your door, but you are not listening. You will not let me in! I cannot enter where there is negativity. God is never absent, even in the darkest of conditions God is there waiting lovingly for that soul to light the light within for God to enter. This is the wonder of my Beloved God. 'My beloved children: I give you my love. I give you my peace. I am Bethesda. It is by necessity that you are in a physical body. It is by necessity that the material world is your training ground: in truth you do not belong there. Never in the history of the world has mankind needed God so much as they need Him today and never in the history of the world has mankind rejected God as much as they do today! Chapter 27 Divine Wisdom and the Soul I come to bring divine love and divine understanding to that world in which you live. Your world seems to be in a fervor that cannot be soothed. `Is this not so? Turmoil persists everywhere in realms around your world, and there seems to be no deep peace to be had anywhere in any part of that world. There are differing reasons that are so profound in their upset of the equilibrium of the environment and of Earth life. False ideals and false goals drive mankind into doing things and making decisions that are so foreign to God. Where there should be love and peace in your world, there is constant unrest. There is also a fervent activity among many people to promote ideas that they claim to be from God. These man-made ideas have no room in the divine plan for existence, because they are the opposite of that what God is. 'My beloved children: I weep for your world when I see what mankind is doing to it. Your world: that jewel that God has created for human beings to inhabit, and for each soul to grow slowly forward in evolution to the time that mankind needs to become one with God. I see the turmoil mankind has created, I see the desecration, the lack of understanding, and of the need to be in harmony with all creation. That, which upsets the balance of one aspect of life on your Earth, upsets the whole. Each aspect of life in your world is balanced one between the other, you harm one thing, and you harm all things. All of nature must be nurtured gently, and mankind must learn to live in harmony with all species of life in that world. Mankind must learn to live with respect for the earth, the sky, the mountains and the waters of your Earth. Everything must be in cohesion, harmony, respect, and matched equally in attention and care. When you hurt the Earth, you hurt all aspects of nature in your world, the repercussions begin when the hurt commences, and disasters follow the natural course of cause and effect. The effect will ultimately be reaped in the whirlwind of natures disasters that will follow. You see the difference today in the elements of your world, and you see changes in weather conditions in your world. There are more tornadoes, more raging storms, more floods, and eventually there will be upheaval of seas that will change the

structure of many lands and the Arctic regions. `Do you understand this? All these things have been put into effect by some cause created by humanity at some stage of your Earth's existence. Now comes the reaping of the whirlwind, and man will be made to realize that he is not the master. Man is not in control of matter: man is but a servant of matter, and has badly served the master of creation. God is such a gentle God and such a loving Father. Instead of ranting at his children, instead of ranting at the errors of their ways, He nurtures them with love, with understanding, with forgiveness and compassion, for which He is fully equipped to give. Mankind takes God in so many different ways of understanding. To one section of humanity He is one thing, and to another He is something different. Humanity must realize the truth of God. People need to come to the understanding of the immensity of what God represents, and we are part of that whole, a minute part, but still part of that whole. The soul within man is like a small chip of the original, and it must be allowed to grow and expand. This allows each soul to evolve into the true understanding of all of creation. There is an urgent need for each soul to understand mankinds ultimate destiny of reunion again with the whole. The soul is like a diamond from which parts have been chipped and sent forth into the atmosphere, and eventually, somehow, someway, they come back and are reunited with the whole. Think of God as that diamond, and little aspects of that whole have been sent forth into matter to evolve and become once again pure enough to come back to that perfect nucleus. That core of all existenceGod! Every act that man performs that is foreign to God, keeps him further and further away from The Beloved Creator. It is in loving obedience of a souls life can that soul grow to God. It is also in the discipline way that soul thinks, in the way it acts, and in the discipline in the decisions it makes that guides a soul to God. Then the core of that persons existence will move ever closer to the Beloved Creator. If the majority of human beings that live on your planet perform acts that are opposite to Gods laws, how can they hope to purify themselves to the extent that they need to do for these souls to return to the Creator? Man merely delays the day of reunion until he once again opens his soul to the understanding of the need for that which he must become. When you see a soul close to God, it is like the beautiful rays of the morning sun, pure gold in color, perfect, shimmering with love and divine understanding. If you could but see the soul of an Avatar you would understand what I am trying to explain. It is a perfect sight for a person to see hovering ever closer to the Creator and its imminent reunion with Him. The auras of human beings are so different in their display of color and form. If only a person could see his own aura and realize the need for his life to change and to become eventually like that of an Avatar. That person would then realize how far removed he is from that perfect moment of reunion with God. Each persons aura reflects the soul, its growth, and its evolution. Each persons aura is a very important aspect of the reading of the soul for God to see. 'Beloved children: That human body you inhabit is a very complex instrument of creation. You may have the head, the body, the arms, and the legs; these are visually seen as you move through that material world. However, the true self is hidden within, animating at a degree of vibration that is impossible for the human eye to see. That is the true self growing and evolving; it is the spiritual body showing and illustrating the true growth and the change that is coming to the soul. The physical body that a person inhabits only reflects the physical image. It is a persons actions that decree the change and the growth of the soul. It is the features of the inner-self that is seen in the spiritual body, and that tells the true story of the growth of the soul.

In that world of matter, others that also inhabit a physical body see the actions of each person. In the world of spirit, its the glow of the soul and the aura that decrees to all that can see the state of the soul, and the being that is there moving to God. The wonderful aspect of the creation of the human form is due to the fact that this duel existence is there. It is the spirit and the matter combining that makes it possible for human beings to inhabit matter. All have to learn lessons of growth and change, and all must undergo this in the cleansing process of the soul. The soul eventually inhabits every aspect of creation in order to change the soul into the purity that it must become to again reunite with God. Every facet of existence that a soul inhabits: brings to the soul the changes that are necessary. Nothing is automatic, everything has to be earned and achieved by experience and the desire to do so. Even in matter you cannot become spiritual just because you think it is the right thing to do. You become spiritual because have that great love and longing to do so, the desire to do so, and not because you think its right, but because you want to. God is the important facet of your life and God is the love that you strive to become in order to find the reality of existence. God is the overriding goal of your existence! Only in living and achieving this truth can you grow and evolve to God. You will never reach God purely from the intellectual desire that you must do it, or that you have to do it. That will not get you to God! The love and the longing to do it, is the goal that takes you to God. Mechanical or automatic decisions of life to reach God will not allow you to reach Him: only the loving desire, the longing, the unerring choice of living His laws, is the goal you must seek. Learn to value that life you live in that world, and only judge it by the spiritual aspirations of your soul. You see a building of seemingly solid substance in your world, but in reality they are but a dream of creation. The reality of life does not lie in matter. It lies in spirit! You fashion that in existence, because you play a part in that world. They are all part of the dramas that you must undergo in which to live in them. The rocks of existence in creation lie in spirit: matter is but an adjunct. It is Gods dream, a dream necessary for man to move through to eventually lose the desire and the need to ever to re-enter it. When you can truly say to yourself. . . . This my God, is all I want! When you can live and show to God you really mean the words you are saying, and when you have the spiritual understanding and growth to do it, you will not return to matter there is no need for it! That physical world is but one tiny atom of existence, as I have said so many times. When you see the whole concept of creation and you see the insignificant piece of it that you are living in, seemingly solid in matter, you then realize then how puny the physical world is compared to the spiritual aspect of creation. Matter is so vast, the depths of life in that existence of matter can never be known to the mind of man in that aspect of creation in which you live. It is too vast, and too great for mankind to ever contemplate in knowing and understanding. They can send forth their vehicles of travel into space. The scientists can send forth all the inventions that they could come up with, but they could never hope to penetrate even the beginnings of the outer realms of matter. It so immense that there is nothing that could explain to you the vastness and the wonder that is there. Human beings explore what they think are advanced areas of space and what they think is there, it is but the beginning, just the fringe. The scientists are so unwise to inflict conditions upon that space around that

portion of matter called Earth. They are sending forth so many objects, so many thousands of objects into space, not realizing the harm they are doing to the atmosphere because of these actions. How does mankind ever hope to think they could replace God by their attempts into the exploration and understanding creation? Man can only be an observera humble observer. Man should not display the ambitious egotistical attitude that he has adopted. Man thinks whatever he seeks to conquer, he can do so, and nothing is impossible for him. Everything is impossible to man in comparison to God! Mankind has the need to look at the world and seek to make that the better place in which to live. There is an urgent need to help humanity to overcome their problems, to conquer sickness, greed, poverty and despair. There is a need to conquer all the negativity of that world, and to help it become positive. There is a need to help all mankind in your world, to understand the truth of existence, and to understand how human beings came to be in that area of creation where they are now living. They need to understand what each soul must do to leave it, and what each soul must do to never return to it. If only people would concentrate on the aspect of existence and the growth of the soul that each must acquire. Mankind spends money on the exploration of space. If only they would spend that money on helping the poor, the hungry and the sick in that world in which you live. Then mankind would be moving so fast towards God than ever he could in some instrument of travel that scientists and inventors have created. The action in loving and giving to help those in need is a greater source of growth to the soul than any intellectual achievements. God is not impressed with these ramifications that man thinks are so important. God is impressed by the loving humble actions one to another. These are the qualities God looks for in each human being. God does not look for the cleverness of moving things and in creating things that are of the material world in their existence. God looks for the achievement of the soul, in the souls existence on that Earth. God looks for a kind gesture for another, and a calm loving hand soothing a sick one. These acts of loving, caring and sharing, mean more to God than the most extravagant spaceship that man could ever create. When you stand back and think of immense amounts of money that are spent on this egotistical exhibition of man's so-called achievements. What can he take with him when he goes to spirit? He cannot take any part of any spaceship. He cannot take with him any part of matter he has so egotistically claimed as his own. He can take nothing but the soul within him to bear to God, and show to God what he has become, and what soul growth he has achieved. Nothing that you can buy in that material world can go with you into spirit. Nothing you can covert and seek as a possession can leave that Earth with you when you move back into spirit. You can only take the nakedness of your soul in your spiritual body, as you move back into that world of spirit and leave that world of matter behind you. I sometimes wonder why man is so blind in his understanding to this spiritual truth, as he moves through your planet Earth. He is bitterly acquiring the wealth of the realm, seeing how much he can put into the bank, seeing how many homes he can have, and how vast his homes can be. I marvel sometimes that man is so blind he cannot see the soul within that is crying out for nurturing and for achieving the qualities of growth and evolution it needs to reach God. There is not one atom of material existence you can take with you to spirit! Remember that, beloved ones.' You take only back to The Spirit World the soul within you, and what you have let it become. Everything material you have achieved or acquired is left behind you, to perish into the dust of matter, in the process of time.

I know economically you must survive, and I am not so foolish to deny you that right. I know you have every right to use the intellectual gifts God has given you to acquire the standing you need to exist in that world. God never intended His children to become so wrapped in matter and so hungry for things of the flesh. God never intended people to become so hungry for the trappings of that material world that they forgot that the soul within is what they bought into that body they are wearing. Its the soul within that they will take from that world when they go back to spirit. If you starve the soul from the entry of your Earth life to the physical end of that life by only living the material things of that world and not of the soul, you will become a starved spirit when you reenter the higher dimension of existence. Then you will have to come back again and again to learn the lessons you have not learned this time. Focus on the laws of God, and endlessly think of what God wants you to know and live. Focus also on what God expects of you in that world. It is not easy, I know: because you are living in so many areas of activity that do not suit your sensitivity. Also, it is not easy when you see humanity around that you cannot be attuned to. It is very easy to be loving and kind to someone who is nice, someone you can like someone with similar understanding and disposition. Think then how much more important it is to become understanding of someone who is so vastly different from you. Do not have outright condemnation of them, but gently foster the ability to understand them. You have not to like them. You have not to live with them continually, but try to understand their right to be different. You have to understand their right to exist as they now existing at this time of their incarnation. You have not the right to criticize and judge because they do not measure up to what you want or think they should be. You must let them grow to God at their pace, at their moment in time. Never condone their cruelty; never condone their dissipation of the spiritual requirements of God just to please their physical senses. Never allow their greed or corruption to satisfy your opinion of them. Even in the face of their qualities or detriments; remember, they are still God's children. They are still part of God and must eventually return to Him the same as you are doing. They have to become as you are now, and eventually become what you need to be, in order to reunite with God. They are moving at a slower rate than you are and moving in a different direction of spiritual growth; but they must come back to this main path of evolution to God. No soul is lost forever, that is God's promise! It will be stalled for a time, and it will have a stalemate for a time, it will take the wrong path for a time, but it must eventually come back to this narrow lighted road to God. It has no other choice! Once a soul evolves into a body of a human being, it cannot be destroyed. That soul cannot be lost. It must evolve back to God. The evolution of mankind has been a long and slow process of change. Through evolution, souls are now individualized in the body of humanity, as you know it today. It cannot be destroyed by anyone at anytime for any reason. The body can be hurt, and the body can be thoroughly destroyed, but the soul within cannot. Man has not the authority, man has not the ability, and man has not the opportunity to destroy that which God has created. The body is matter created in a certain way as a convenience to a souls progress in that heavy world: but the soul belongs to God. The soul will always animate as God decrees, until it is once again united with Him. There is no futility attached to the growth of a soul, merely time, evolution, the degree of change it must acquire and the growth it must learn to have. If only I could convey to you in the words of understanding that you can comprehend, in order for you to know the truth and the wonder that lies ahead of you in spirit. The dimension you enter when you leave the body is but the tiny

beginning of the true reality of creation before you. In the Spirit World there are such wonderful aspects of life for you to live, and such tremendously wonderful areas of existence for you to inhabit. The greatest benefit is the opportunity that is there for you to grow to God. With soul growth you are forever achieving a purity of self from the beginning to the union with Godits endless! You do not ever cease to purify yourself, and you never cease to grow to God. You may stand still for a time, but you do not cease, you move on eventually. Only for a time can you linger; you must move onits the law! There may be millions of years involved in this process, but you eventually find your ability to reunite with the Beloved Creator. There are so many theories of Earth, of the beginning and the end of Earth. There are so many scientific explanations, of what they think was the cause of creation in that world: if only they knew, the one factor is God. The cause of the creation was God. God decreed the growth of that world, and God gave evolution to that world; it was Gods cause because God is the master of all creation, and He is in complete control. The evolution and other aspects of life will continually move as decreed. God is evolving as man is evolving. God is never stationary in His wonderful understanding of the need for the evolution in your world, and in all worlds beyond. God is so profound and immense. There can be no explanations of God. There can be no opinions given by unenlightened souls as to the aspect of God that really exists. God is too vast, too complicated, and too immense to ever be explained away by anyone less than God. Until you unite with God, you have no understanding of the true immensity of creation. You may have ideas advanced on others, but you cannot know the whole until you are part of the whole. `Beloved children: At any stage of your growth in that material world, never feel you must know more than you are ready to know. No matter how much you may desire it, no matter how much you may long for it, you cannot have more understanding of creation than you are ready to understand. Your conscious mind could not possibly fathom, grasp, or deal with knowledge that is beyond your ability to understand. This is Gods law! As your soul evolves, so will your understanding: as your consciousness moves further and further into the mind of God, so will your wider understanding of the creating force. Growth is matched with wisdom! Evolution takes you into realms where you need to be and have earned the right to be. You cannot force or push yourself further into this understanding because you want to, and because you think you would like to knowthat will not get you anywhere. Gently grow, as you are able. Gently grow according to the nurturing of the soul within you. Your soul will be the yardstick of what your mind and understanding can possibly cope with. Never feel disillusioned because you do not know enough that will satisfy your curiosity. Never feel that you have become so advanced, and automatically you should know more of this and that. You will know exactly what you are ready to know! Every step of your path to God, every mile of your journey to the Creator is matched according to achievement of the soul to the wisdom you know. You will find you will know exactly what you are meant to know. It will come automatically, revealed by your consciousness into your understanding: like the drip of a tap. So it will be as you move through time to God, the tap will drip, and the drip will become the ocean of knowledge and understanding that will eventually be yours. Be gentle, be patient, be understanding, and be ever mindful of the need to live Gods laws endlessly. You cannot shortcut a journey to God! Do not think you will be able to take a by-road or a side road. You will take only the main road to God along that lighted pathway of evolution to Him. Be satisfied with any aspect of understanding that you find coming to you. Suddenly

one day you will find that all will seem to be revealed to you in a very different way. You will find you can understand something so very differently, and so much more clearly than what you could in an earlier time. This is soul growth! Your relation with understanding various aspects of life will change, and bring you into the deeper waters of Gods mind as you move through time. Be ever mindful of the chance that will come to you unbidden and unsought. Never think because you want to know something, you have the right to know it. That is not the way God works: God balances your understanding with your consciousness, with your soul, and with the growth you have achieved. You then have the right to have that particular aspect of life revealed to you at the due moment in time. They think that computers are so clever on your Earth; they are nothing compared to the computer that is the soul within you. Mans computers are puny, and not a match for the wonder of Gods computer: it is automatic in the divine sense, and it does not have to be programmed or manhandled in any physical way: its linked with every aspect of creation. The true inner-self, the soul within, will take you where you need to be or where you have the right to be. It will automatically match what you are meant to have in knowledge and spiritual understanding while you inhabit a physical body, and to what you are in soul growth. Always you will find you can handle what you are given because of that point in evolution that you have reached. You will find you can handle the change automatically, because Gods wisdom prevails. Sometimes trying to acquire knowledge on Earth gets behind the mind of man. It cannot get to reach out to the greater knowledge that is there waiting for it. In the realm of God you will find you are always ready to know and understand: because you have earned the right to know. There is never any difficulty in moving further into the deeper truths that you know you want to enter, and are longing to find. If you could be patient from beginning to end, the journey of a soul is a magnificent experience: it is a wondrous, joyous, revealing journey of the self from beginning to end. You would never think it was a long journey if you knew the wonder and the beauty along that pathway you are walking. There is such a wonder of soul growth, such a wonder of knowledge and understanding that comes to you as you progress along this divine pathway. Every Avatar has walked this pathway that you are walking. No one ever reaches God unless they have traveled that long disciplined journey of soul growth to Him. There are those that may be ahead of you in growth that may have been moving and journeying a longer time along the pathway than you. Be ever mindful of the chance that will come to you unbidden and unsought. Never think because you want to know something, you have the right to know it. That is not the way God works. God balances your understanding with your consciousness, with your soul, and with the growth you have achieved. You then have the right to have that particular aspect of life revealed to you at the due moment in time. Avatars have not been able to take any shortcuts or any side roads to reach God; they have walked that pathway, and they have achieved what you must achieve. All souls one day will come to understand this. Then the simpler you keep your life, and the more uncomplicated you keep your understanding, the sooner you will enter the realms of greater wisdom. Complicating your mind with extreme ideas and endeavors to learn this or that from the pen of man will not take you closer to God. All the different forms of learning that you get from the books of your world are but mans expression of his opinions and thoughts that emanate from his physical mind. The experience of your own soul in the journey to God can reveal to you far more of the depths of truth, wisdom and understanding, than any book could ever do. Mankinds books only guess at what it is they do not know, until they experience it. Man has not the recall of his previous lives to insert into anything he writes in

that world today of what he thinks is the truth of his experience. Many claim they do, but I can assure you, you only remember what you have to remember through the actions of your life in this one. Its not knowledge that you can talk and tell: it is knowledge you are living automatically, because you have taken into your soul growth the best of what you have been before and bought it into this life. This lifes experiences are a building upon that which you have already done. The next one will be a building upon this one, and so it will go on; you bring the best of conditions that you have earned for your soul from the last life, which will help you grow to God in this one. The dross you leave behind. It is as if you are going through the fires to cleanse the way that is not meant to accompany you from life to life. Thus, as you move through the experiences of life you leave behind the negative and take with you only the positive. Then that positive becomes the growth and the evolution of the soul that will take you to God. If you have not learned in this life, or in any other life, this lesson of change that you need to have will come back with you again and again until you do! You see by the mistakes of many in your world, they have not learned anything from previous incarnations. They are still in the process of the beginning of change that will come for the majority of souls, perhaps thousands of years from now, but that change will come. They must earn it themselves, and they must work through it themselves. No one can do it for them! You cannot force knowledge upon anyone who is not ready to receive it. You cannot do so, and you have not the right to do so, even if you wanted to uplift them in some way. The soul will understand only that which it is ready to understand and ready to believe. Then it will hold within it the knowledge and spiritual truths it is ready accept. People will find certain things of the spiritual interesting, but if nothing is done they will find no growth in that interest. The soul growth comes from the activity of life and the actions you perform in your endeavors to follow and live the laws of God. The sacred journey of the soul to God is something special. Never try to hasten it beyond your ability. Be satisfied with your slow-moving soul growth in your evolution to God. Know then, that every step you take forward is a step nearer to the Beloved Creator. Sometimes you hasten your journey by the very innate longing of the soul to reach Him. You hasten the change in your understanding, because you have quickened your soul in longing and love for God. That is why it is so important in your existence, because you are divine. You are not material at all. You are divine! There are countless numbers of poor little children that you see in your world, they are starved of food, and starved of the necessities of life. Is this not true? How can they hope to begin to understand the reality of God, when they have the hunger to contend with, and the problems of trying to sustain existence in this present life? That is why it is so very wrong to have hunger in the world, when there are such great opportunities to be had otherwise. There should be no hunger in your world for anyone. With all the promise of the plenty God gives them, there should be enough for everyone to share. There should be no cruelty or torture; there should be no deviation from the laws of God just because man thinks that he his wise enough to deviate from them. `Oh beloved ones: That world could be a place of such beauty, such sweetness, calmness, and peace. Your world could sparkle with purity of growth to God. Seas could be cleansed, and the rivers could be flowing gently along their natural course, with the snow-capped mountains sparkling in the sun. The animals and the birds could be moving freely and lovingly, without the fear of destruction from man. `Beloved children: Always remember, God is the creator. He is perfection, He is

love, He is light, He is knowledge, and He is wisdom. Nurture what you need to do for the soul at the feet of God, and not at the feet of any man in that world. Depend not upon the books of that world to give you wisdom. That is all secondhand knowledge from man to man. Look for the truth and the revelation of wisdom from the direct source, which is the Beloved Creator. Reach out to God with the longing of the soul. Reach out to God in the quietude of sifting with Him in the silence of submission to His will. Let meditation be a source of inspiration for you to be listening to God in the quiet loving way that you need to achieve to hear Him. God does not shout, He does not make a noise with His truths, He only whispers to those who are ready to hear Him. He gently whispers great truths for all mankind to hear and try to understand. When you have attuned the soul to the whisper of God, such wonderful knowledge comes to you. Such wonderful peace and courage descends upon you, and a wonderful feeling of hope that fills your life and your being. There is no room for fear in the thinking capacity of any human being in that material world who really loves God: because they know that God is positive. No matter what the flesh is enduring they know it is only a passing phase of the body. The soul within is glowing in its journey to God, and you will find the courage will come to you because of your love for God and your trust in God. That which you suffer will be mitigated, the pain will be bearable, the experience endurable: only because you have given to God this great love. Then nothing can hurt, not really hurt when God is the prime object of your creative urge. It is a divine law to give to God every fear you have, every longing you have, every desire and understanding of truth you have. Give it to God! Give it to God gladly and freely, generously give it, with no holds, no strings, no bonds upon it, and you will find His returns to you will be such a generosity of giving. Then, my children, you will be amazed what will come to your life, if you live this law. Never covet money in your world. Covet the knowledge of God! Never covet the possessions of that world; covert the understanding of truth and the compassionate love of God flowing into your life. Never judge your success by the worldly achievements that you have or your possessions. Only judge the wealth of yourself, by the growth of the soul and its journey to God. What measure of being am I? What measure of being am I taking back to God in the spirit? `What am I leaving for God to understand is the result of my journey this time? `How much have I achieved? `How much have I left undone and understood? Let your feet always tread upon this pathway with courage, with fortitude, and with understanding. If they hurt along the way, remember, rest in His love and under standing then you will feel refreshed and will be able to move on. Do not judge happiness by the misery of your world. Do not color your thinking with the negatives of that world. Always remember for every negative story there are ten positive ones for you to listen to, to believe, understand, and charge your energy of mind with. Do not let your mind become colored by the tales of devastation of that world. That is not the measure of your success, or the success of other people. Its the acknowledgment of their failure to grow to God and to understand the truth of their existence. It is an exhibition of their thinking and the living of their lives in that material world: human beings who are ignorant of the requirements of the soul to understand and live God. That is not the criteria of existence! That is not the true measure of God in that material world! You are there on a journey for a time only; the true factor lies before you that you have yet to experience, yet to understand, and yet to know. Do not let that world be the criterion of what you think brings happinessit does not! It may bring a pleasant sensation to the body for a time, but it will fade. The true joy: is the growth of the soul as it moves ever upward and ever onward to unite with the Beloved Creator.

That which you have on Earth is but a pale comparison, to that what lies before you in spirit. What you think are the marvels of creation in your world of matter: are simply minor exhibitions of what lies before you to see, understand, and know in the world of spirit. Earth is a creation for the drama of man in which to live. Your world is but a heavy physical copy of parts of existence that man needs to use as he grows to God. When you leave it behind, it perishes again into nothing, the ashes of that illusion called matter. You are moving ever forward into the true beauty of what God creates. You know then that you have really and truly moved into the wealth of God, and left behind the dross of matter. `Beloved ones, never be satisfied with what that world gives you. Seek always from God the ultimate jewel that will bring to your soul the growth and the evolution that you know you need and must have. Always remember, the true criterion of growth is the longing to grow, the longing to seek God and find Him, and the longing to be living this spiritual reality that you know lies before you. Do not make it a matter of choice because you know you have to. Make it a matter of choice because it is all you long for, and all you ever want. There is a very big difference in moving to God because the longing within you is so real. You may be moved to move to God because one day you think you will have to do so, so you may as well start now. But that will not get you to God. You will keep on making mistakes of the body and come back again and again. Make your growth to God because you long for Him and you love Him. Seek to live Gods laws in every aspect of creation that you inhabit and exist within. Then the compassion, the love and generosity of God will flow to you endlessly. God will whisper His wisdom to you continually and you will shine and glow, like a true diamond, or the part of the diamond that must be rejoined in unity with Him and become whole again. `Beloved ones: I come with such a longing to bring you ever closer to the one that is your creator. Always know God's love surrounds you all, and Gods wisdom flows to you all. God's protective compassionate love ever encompasses those who truly seek Him and it is with you every step of the way. No matter what your physical body may endure, the soul inside is glowing and growing because of your love for God. I leave God's love, I leave Gods peace, and I leave God's compassion as your companion. I am Bethesda. Soul growth is like the drip, drip, drip of a tap; it will become an ocean of knowledge. The Window of the soul gives a vista of truth to those who have the wisdom to see through it. Chapter 28 Divine Laws and Mankind's Abuse of Nature Keep always your heart, your soul and your mind on the Beloved Creator. It is a bulwark against adversity, it is protection against the darkness of that material world, and it is a beckoning sign to the higher world that you are ready to receive more and more of the God the Creator. We look into the darkness and see the divine light shining brightly for us to follow into that material world with Gods truth and love. How bereft are those who seek Him not? Those who seek only that physical world, and the compensation of the material, forget the most important asset of existence is the divine within them. They think if they have money in the bank they have security. They think if they

have possessions around them, it brings them comfort. They think of all the things they need to sustain life in that world of matter. They forget the most important thing is the power of the Creator within themthe soul. The soul within is God within! That soul consciousness is God. Like God it has no shape or form, it has no gender, and like God it simply is. God is the pure energy of creation. God is the super, superlative, supreme energy that governs and controls all universal life and rhythm. The soul is that magical part of God which is the real self, and like God it simply is. The force of God is life, and your material existence is merely a means to an end, just a journey in time through that material world. God within is eternal and man cannot exist without the soul growing and moving ever forward to reach Him. That planet Earth has been created God. It is a substance of matter hovering in the darkness of space, animating as it does because of God. It is being held in suspension as it is, by the force of creation. Mankind had nothing to do with its formation, had nothing to do with its creation, and has nothing to do with its existence, except to destroy the beauty of it. The perfect example of the treasures that God has given your world is there for all to see in nature and in the bounty of nature; but where in your world is there peace? My beloved children: Where in your world is love prevailing above and beyond allelse? Where is there a unified form of understanding of the meaning of life? Within many countries of your world there is great turmoil; one set against the other and nation against nation. Do what you can in that world to sustain your life, and to live within it according to Gods laws. However, let the focus of your existence be on the Divine, for that is your lifeline throughout eternity. That alone will enable your soul to evolve, in spite of what is happening around you. Do not judge life by what you see in the darkness of matter. You see cruelty, torture, starvation, inhumanity to man, and hatred: all these things are so negative, so apparent, and so rampant everywhere in your world. It is as if it is a gathering speed within that Earth, with these negative forces crowding out the positive. Its as if insanity has been unleashed upon your planet Earth. 'My children: Never lose your understanding of Gods intent for that physical world, because God will never allow the negative to overcome that which is positive for it to be completely empowered in that world. Thats not Gods intent for your world. God gave the gift of free will to mankind, and God will never interfere with this gift. All must live these laws to maintain the positive to the negative, which is necessary in that world for it to survive. God will never allow that world to be destroyed by the darkness of man. Man will suffer in that world because of his actions. Man will have to pay the price because of the cause he is laying down, now he will have to experience the effect. God will never allow mankind to overtake all that your world is. Free-will is a very precious gift, and God always maintains His desire for mankind to have this gift: in the balance of all things there are the laws that prevail, for they are the laws of creation. They are ever moving, ever expanding onward, ever evolving, and keeping creation growing as it must. Therefore the laws insist that mankind will never triumph with darkness over light and negative over positive. That is not Gods way! It will seem as if the over whelming cloud of negativity that is hovering over your world today will be impossible to lift. On deeper reflection, you will find the light will break through, and there will be a reversal of what today mankind is achieving. `My children of light: God the creator is in supreme command over all His creation,

and He will never allow man to usurp that authority. Man may try, but he will never succeed, and the time will come when enlightenment will prevail more than ever. Understanding of spiritual truth will then emerge into the lives of so many in that world of matter. If you could but understand the laws of God in their entirety, you would know this is so. Live your lives in the understanding wisdom that you have. Never mind if others around you cannot understand what you believe, or what you are doing. Never water down your beliefs because you want to please someone else. Never diminish your wisdom because others may misinterpret your actions, or misconstrue your beliefs. Hold fast to what you know is truth and live it. You may find ridicule and scorn from others, but just peacefully and quietly go your way. Never become violent in your beliefs to pursue them. Anyone following God in His truth must be peaceful, must express love, and live that love. They must have understanding where there is no understanding. They must have wisdom where there is ignorance. They must have love where there is hate, and they must have tolerance where there is none. These are not expressions of weakness. You are not running away from your way of life, you are moving away from the negative that would pursue you. Have the faith in the Beloved Creator: for every time you think of God that thought goes out into that ether around you. Every time they think of evil, the darkness becomes stronger: but light permeates all darkness, and light transcends all darkness. Light will always penetrate darkness but darkness can never penetrate light. The present conditions will change eventually: it will be through the understanding of a few good souls, for light must triumph over the darkness that at present is engulfing your world. Always remember whatever you do, God is supreme. Every time you move, it is God who moves you, and every time you think, it is God who enables you to think. To move and have your being on that Earth would be impossible without the Divine Creator behind it. Why then let that world be so powerful and taunt your understanding and tolerance of that world? Let nothing diminish the peace and the quality of your life. Go within and lean upon that rock of God. When you are tiredlet God! When you are weary: lean upon God. When you are bewildered, seek His strength and His wisdom. When you feel that material world beginning to overpower you, push aside that world and lean upon the Beloved Creator. Recognize the authority of God in everything. Each facet of creation carries with it the will of God; every river, every mountain stream, every drop in the ocean, every blade of grass every bird that flies, the force of God is within it. This enables all things to exist, to maintain their existence, and to evolve ever onward to the ultimate. You look at the darkened sky at night and see the twinkling of a star; that star is not just a bright light it is a form of creation, in some aspect or another, it is not there by chance, not there haphazardly: its all part of Gods creative gifts to your world. When you think in that world of the wonders around you and the marvels of existence, remember, there are other worlds, other universes, much different to Earth in substance and living, but still an aspect of creation that you have yet to understand. Do not try to understand the wonder of creation until you are ready to understand it, and let not your curiosity govern your wisdom. Let the exception be that you must grow in spiritual stature and expand your consciousness. You must grow in the wisdom of your soul, and the expansion of your understanding must come before you know the secrets of Gods creation. 'My beloved children: God is very wise: God graduates your wisdom, and God graduates your soul growth. You are never out of step with what you are able to understand, for these two conditions walk hand in hand. That what you think you

would like to know, when you are ready for it, you will know. The physical mind cannot possibly comprehend the wonder of creation, nor could the physical mind ever possibly hope to understand the immensity that is God. The scientists can sit in their laboratories and look through their microscopes, and they can dabble in their inventions. They are merely playing in matter. They cannot manipulate the spirit of man, or the divine energy flowing through and into him. Scientists can never interfere with God. They can manipulate matter to their own peril, but they cannot manipulate the life-force that is within all living things. They cannot see or understand that there is such a force. They think that physical form moves through life on its own accord because of the organs within it. The internal organs are merely matter, fashioned and shaped to the physical needs. They speak of consciousness as part of the brainthe mind part of the brain. But the consciousness, they know it not. How foolish is man if he tries to play God? Man will draw upon himself the wrath of his own unwise activities. God will never punish him. God does not punish anyone! God will never stop loving anyone! God never stops sending out the wisdom and the truth for you to imbibe according to your understanding. Man punishes himself! If man plays with the tools of life as he does, he must expect to pay the price of his wrong fashioning of what his results are. God never punishes anyone: He wisely lets man create his own punishment, and answer his own need to move away from the karma of his efforts. The wisdom of God is so wonderful, because that what you create you have to pay for. If you create the confusion of living, or create the misfortunes of life through wrong actions and wrong thoughts, you must pay for that. God does not punish you. He lets you work through your own need to overcome and conquer. He says . . . You cannot do this in one life time my child, I will send you again. I will enable you come time and time again to give you the opportunity to grow through your ignorance into the wisdom, and to emerge out of the darkness into the positive. You will not be lost forever! You will wander around in the darkness but never be lost forever, you are all a part of me and you must come home to me. Man decides the number of reincarnations he makes by his actions. A person can reduce the amount of these incarnations if he or she wants, or they can lengthen them by the misfortune of wrong thinking, always the justness of what is happening is there. The actions are measured with the results. You never pay for more than you go into debt for. Thats not Gods way! God never expects one ounce, not one atom of repayment for any wrongdoing, only that what you have earned yourself and wish to mitigateyou pay for your own mistakes Always lovingly God watches the most dreadful of atrocities, and God continually sends forth light to the one who is fulfilling those atrocities, hoping that soul will awaken to truth somehow. So many people in your world blame God for all the misfortunes of that world. So many of them marvel and wonder why God allows wars. God does-not allow wars! God watches the wars that emerge from the actions of man: mans self-created misery and unhappiness. In spite of this God still sends love to those who create these wars. God still sends His understanding wisdom forth, always in an endless flow hoping mankind will imbibe this in their conscious and understand a little. It is this understanding of their need to change and very gently become one with this great creative force around them, and become one with this force. Watch nature closely, for man could learn so much from nature, he could learn from the justice that prevails there. He could learn the wonderful interplay between the different species. He could watch the forests growing, and never misusing Gods wonderful gift to these beautiful areas of existence. Man is the one misusing the forests: he cuts them down and destroys them. However, there is always something new to thwart this foolishness of man, as one thing is destroyed something else grows, something dies and another thing lives.

This is also with humanity, one man dies and another one is born. Understand this then: man is endeavoring to usurp the wisdom of God by trying to create more and more lives in the area of genetic engineering. Scientists are meddling in the procreative forces of humans, plants and animals; they are not prepared to accept the overpowering wisdom of the divine laws to govern that which God has created. The scientists think they must interfere, because they think they can do better than God. They think they can, and think they think they have the right to set their own standards. The scientists think their own standards must come first; they think they can improve things that God has created, they think they have the right. Man must learn to realize that his life in that world is fashioned to such a great degree by his previous lives. A person carries into its present life that which he or she has earned in the previous lives; be it good or bad, all must work through each condition he or she created. All who usurp that law will have to come again and again until they are able to remedy the disparity of each action. God does not play fast and lose with His laws. He does not go hot and cold with His will for others to understand the truth and live it. It is always the same. His laws are immutable. They never vary or weaken, and they are never watered down. They are the divine laws, and man must live them to the perfect end. If man thinks he can make his own laws and live by them, then he has yet to learn a hard lesson. `Does he not? Mankind has to realize the supreme creator is The Beloved Creator. God lovingly watches over all his creation, and implacably enforces His laws to be lived because they are creative. They are creation! They maintain existence, and they maintain the balance of all creation. If that were not so, your world would not hover in that part of space. It would disintegrate! There are other planets beyond your Earth, far, far beyond your Earth that you cannot even see or envisage. Not only are there are planets beyond Earth, there are forms of matter beyond Earth that mankind has yet to even remotely understand of their existence. Mankind will never be able to explore all of matter, it is too vast, and it is beyond the ability of man to reach with any of his technology of seeing and travel. Matter is but one form of creation. If man usurps the will of God in matter, it will affect the other creations of God, because one affects the other, and one balances the other. There are universes within universes. There are worlds within worlds, and all animating according to the will of God. The vibrations of mankind are coarse, but the vibrations of spirit are fine. One interweaves with the other, but you cannot see them because of the difference of the creation. However, the beauty of spirit will be revealed to each sincere seeker when the soul returns to its spirit home. There is no decay in spirit, and no aspects of physical matter to degrade it. It is only in the Spirit World people lose the physical ability to destroy, de-harmonize, to mutilate, and to pollute: for existence is pure in that dimension. Those who think Earth is the answer to happiness are so wrong, so very wrong. Mankind thinks the pleasures of Earth are the pleasures of life. But they are not! Man has become used to allowing the association of the senses to control his life. This is a physical feeling of happiness which comes from the material pleasures your world offers. Mankind thinks it is the only way to bring them happiness and peace. How foolish they are! They think with a heavy mind, but it is far better to think with the mind of the soul. Think God! Feel the Divine presence within, and know you animate in that world of matter because God wills it so. You are created because God wills it so. You move one from that body to the next dimension, because God wills it so. You are eternal, and you take with you that eternal spirituality that moves you ever closer to the Beloved Creator, that

supreme state of unification with the whole of creation. We see the beauty of God as you on Earth are unable to see the beauty of God. We know the treasures that are awaiting you. We know the joy of infinite peace and consolation of leaving that material world. Your material existence in that world of matter is a punishment for the soul to exist within. I watch those in your world hungrily gathering their wealth unto them. They have their big homes, while there are others who have none. They have a number of big motorcars while others have nothing. Their cupboards are filled with luxury food, while others are starving. They have the luxury of expensive clothing, while others go barefooted. The hospitals are filled and care given to all who enter them. While in other parts of that world there are others who have no medicines, and have no consolation for their bodies. There is so much inequality and so much difference in the living of one to the other. There is hatred because ones skin is dark and one is white. There is hatred because there is an Asian feature to a white feature. 'My children: There is so much racism in your world it is alarming. The ability to travel so much in your material world has not driven away the racism; it has not made mankind think one soul is equal to the other. It does not matter what features you have. It does not matter what color the skin is. You are all an aspect of God, unified together by this great spiritual gift of God to the souls within those bodies. The soul is colorless, featureless, and genderless. If only mankind could realize they are but one aspect of life in that planet Earth. Each soul takes on a varying form each time it incarnates into that world, so it can experience, live, learn, and grow spiritually. People have to realize they are brothers and sisters, and the gifts of that world are for all to share. If mankind was not so greedy, your Earth could be that perfect place God intended it to be. People worship in the name of God, and adopt so many varying understandings: these are created to form many different religious beliefs. Then in the name of God they kill to convince the other that they are more powerful, and they are right and he is wrong. They rake vengeance because their thinking is difference. They punish, because others dare to think of God in another way than they do. Even within families there is hatred because of a difference in belief. Even within countries and nations there is hatred, because some people dare to think they, and they alone believe their belief is the only religious faith that has the accolades of God. In your world there is so much negativity today. A dark cloud hovers over it waiting for the light of Gods divine understanding wisdom to penetrate it and disperse that cloud. In time, this will come and man will realize the futility of his way of life, and then turn to God ever stronger in his longing to reach Him. The soul of man must become hungry for God. Man must long for God with a passion that will not be denied, and with an understanding of the great consciousness of God awaiting him. It must be such a great force of longing for God that enables a growing soul to never again turn to the negativity of anything less that spiritual truth. `My beloved children: Feel this great life force within you. Feel it moving from organ to organ, from atom to atom, and know it is the aspect of The Divine Creator that animates you. Know this life force that motivates your existence. Know that it is God within. Know that the physical body is but a covering to enable the soul to exist in that material world. The more you seek God, the more you become close to God, then, less sickness can prevail in that physical body. You are purifying it by that desire for God to animating more and more within you. Feed the body wisely, clothe the body wisely, cleanse it, and be gentle with it.

God needs that body for you to express your life in that experience of your present incarnation. `My beloved children: Never give the physical body the importance it should not have, but respect it: for it is part of God. Never give that physical body the priority over the soul! Never give it more importance than the divine within! You move, you talk, because God wills it so. When God withdraws that will you cannot move, you cannot thinkyou are inanimate! `Beloved ones: There will come a day when mankind will not need medicines. That is yet so far away, but it will come. Mankind will not need medicines or hospitals, they will cleanse and purify with this great power within them. This force of God that man misuses today is misused because he uses the gifts of God within him in such a negative direction. If man could only realize the wonder of that what he truly is, and what tremendous power he has within him. If man would stop thinking of that world, and stop expecting that world to satisfy his hunger and cure his ills. Seek God! God is the manner from heaven that each person forgets is there for each human being to use. They go to the supermarkets, buy their luxurious foods and cram their cupboards and their bodies with that negative food of that world. Of course you need food of your world to maintain that physical body. But this should never be the thing mankind lives forit should only be a means to an end. Let Gods power within you, be the force that you crave and seek. You cannot buy this power it is given freely by God: you do not have to pay for it to maintain life in that physical body in your material world. Never think your life in that body is all that there is. Never think that whatever happens to that body is so final and dreadful. Always know that above and beyond that body, the real you is the soul within. This aspect of God is ever animating you, and ever moving you through eternity to union with The Divine Creator. Let your vibrations become finer though this great love for God. Let your senses not be weighed down by matter, but let them soar in their love for God. Look at your fellow men around you, no matter whom they are, they are just as important to God as you are. All are the same within as you. The outer cover may be different, the conditions of life maybe different, the colors of the skin may be different; but the real essence of each person is God, that soul within. Each person is part of God, as you are. Never stop thinking there is any difference between each and everyone in that world of matter. Know that to God you are all equal to Him. Let love permeate you, and love flow from you to others. Let hate be given no room in your house of God, and let the caring and sharing of what you have flow forth to others freely and willingly. Then you will always receive into your body this great peace of The Beloved Creator: this brings you the understanding love of life and existence. Look at the flowers growing and know that God has brought them to your life. Look at the animals wandering in the fields, but see not the cruelty of man in their existence. See the power and wisdom of God behind their creation. See the crystal clear water of the ocean and the rivers again and not as the dark polluted way they are today. See the frolicking of the little birds, their sweet call and their dedication to their young. I think to watch a bird looking after its young is to show you a true love of God in its expression of life. That young bird needs help from its mother and it gets it unconditionally from the mother bird that gives a wonderful flow of love to its young. But if that bird should perish there is no hovering and clinging, life moves on. Because life is gone, new lives will come. That particular expression of life is no more, but the creative force which made it so is moving to others. This is God in action! Thus, as you leave that Earth others will come. As you move on, others will follow you. Nothing is stagnant in creation: everything is movement and all is within the allotted laws of God.

That oneness of creation permeates everything in the just balance of cause and effect; always the effect follows the cause. It is the law! They may seem cruel and wicked to the physical senses, but to the divine within this innate justice of the law of cause and effect, cannot be muted, and never be usurped. Remember this, my children . . . The force behind creation is love and light. Remember this also . . . The will of God is always fashioned with compassion and justice. There are no favorites! Everyone is equal! You make your own chances in life, and you make your own mistakes. You attract your own mishaps, but God has no hand in that. He has given you creation. He has given you a life and an opportunity to live that life. You must make of it what you do, and you must pay for what you do. You must account for it and work your way through it. Cleanse yourself and purify yourself. If you make a mistake in one life, next time you come you do not make it, but move on and ever on. Then when you return to God you come not because you have to come, but because you want to come. You cannot reach God through force. You can only reach God through love, soul growth and desire. `My beloved children: No matter how dark your lives may seem, and no matter how dismal things may look and seem, always look through life and beyond it. Even though those you love are hurting; even though those you love are suffering: look beyond their suffering, and see this great force of God waiting for you to move through that force of matter. Then you can leave this experience behind by growing through it, and expanding through it. Do this, my children, until you one day will no longer need any more experience of soul growth: because you have reached unity with God. Never see the present, always see the end. Never feel you are unfairly suffering you are not! Everything you think, do, and are will eventually purify in the one-ness of your beloved journey to God. I come to bring these words because God wills it so. I come as a teacher to help you understand the laws of The Beloved Creator. It is the infinite wisdom of God unfolding and helping all who seek enlightenment and the ability to understand. It is not by chance that you in this small gathering have a teacher to help you. You here this day, would not have me in your lives if you were not ready for me. God never sends a teacher too soon to guide seekers along the pathway to Him. He knows the futility of an action or teaching that tries to force upon anyone that which they are not ready for. The fact you have in this life a teacher to guide and lead is because you have earned that right and are ready. You would not be left alone to face the growth to God if you were not ready. When a soul is ready, that soul will be given a teacher. That is the law! The balance of existence is so perfect. Those struggling in ignorance and struggling to understand are left to grow to a state of readiness to attract to their life the spiritual teachings they need. You cannot force feed with spirituality a soul who is not ready for God. You cannot push understanding and spiritual wisdom into the understanding of one who is not ready to understand it. `Is this not so? You listen to the varying degrees of wisdom. You listen to the various understandings they have of this religion, of that religion, of this belief and that belief: then you marvel at how people could think that way. All people think this way at some time or other as they journey through their incarnations. Each soul has to come through all the stages of growth, and all the varying degrees of evolution until it is ready. Then a teacher from God will come to enlighten that soul into deeper understanding that is awaiting it. Even you here this day with the wisdom of growth that you have, you still have so much to learn, so much to understand and to grow into. Be patient!

Do not try to hurry your growth because you want it so. Let God guide you with His wisdom, step by step; then every time you are ready for a little more soul growth, it will come to you. Every time you need to know more and are ready to know more, greater wisdom will come to you. I marvel, when I think of the wonder that yet awaits those in your world who have to emerge into the greater wisdom of Gods creative understanding. How puny we are when we think of the wonder of God. We can do nothing without God. We cannot walk, talk, eat, nor can we exist. That world would be barren without God. There would be no growth in that world. There would be no light. There would be only darkness. There would be no water. There would be drought, and nothing would grow if God withdrew His great life force from all that is in your world today. There would be nothing but desolation. 'Is this not so? Every grain of sand has God within it. Every aspect of existence that exists in that world has Gods energy within it. This energy is the energy of creation. That is why the scientists will never achieve what they desire through the physical overcoming of the problems. They will not! They may have great intellect: this is a great gift from God, but they have not that emerging wisdom of understanding the laws behind creation. Even now, they and that material world are reaping consequences of what they are causing. You have diseases coming forth into the world that you thought you had overcome. You have new diseases coming and new strains of infection are emerging; all sorts of things are happening to create cause for concern and worry for mankind. Their medicines will not heal much of that what needs healing today. Do not expect this healing be effective in the time that is yet to come; because the over powering problem behind it, will have grown out of proportion of that, which can cure. The scientists of your world are playing and dabbling with the forces of nature. This great procreation of God will not be allowed to be mishandled by man! Gods procreative ability is not for man to play with, to change, or alter according to his own desires and needs. The procreative force acts according to the will of God, and mankind in that world cannot manipulate the laws of God. It may seem for a time man is creating that which he wants to create. Man forgets he must reap the effect of what he causes. The law of cause and effect will happen with everything. It cannot be avoided! Man tampers with the crops. He tries to alter the genes within animals. He plays with human lives. He does things that affect the forces of nature, thinking he can manipulate nature as he wants. He forgets he is there through the courtesy of The Beloved Creator. Man can leave as quickly as he came. With one thought God can obliterate that world. But that is not God's way! God will never destroy His creation. Everything moves in its own way through time and evolution, into the allotted conclusions. `My beloved children: If you could but attune your thinking to be parallel with the spiritual wisdom that you have grown into; if you could work one with one as you think a physical thought, and harmonize it with the spiritual understanding that you have. When you go to do something, you then need to think to yourself. . . Is this the way? Then let the spiritual-self quietly override your physical desires and intentions: because the spiritual wisdom is always there, feeding into the physical if it is called upon to so do? If you decide to shut it out and think . . . `I will make my decisions in this the material way. You will then realize, there is no interaction between the two, and there will be no interaction between the two, ever, as long as these are your physical thoughts. Spiritually, you can call upon this divine wisdom to guide you in thinking and your decisions. Do not expect others to do it for you, but you will be helped and guided

by this greater understanding and wisdom. God will never do things for you, you must do them for yourself in order to learn, to experience, and grow spiritually. God cannot take the responsibilities from you. This, He will not do! God will help you solve them in the correct way, because of this great understanding of the spiritual wisdom behind your existence. This wisdom is always there to draw upon. Seek the guidance of the wisdom before you decide materially what you will do. You will then find a more harmonious life and less turmoil in the results of your decisions, because there will be greater wisdom prevailing in what you decide. You are duality. You are physical and you are spirit. The spirit is superior to matter. Let the superior guide the inferior in wisdom. It is not making decisions for you. It is not taking the responsibility from you; it is merely that you are using your duality. You are not just using the singular, but you are using the duality of the self to be wise in your decisions and your thinking. Sometimes your decisions will surprise you. Sometimes they will seem not right . . . but go with that great intuitive force within. That is, if you have the ability to really believe. To really live God as you must. There is the essential need to believe, trust and surrender to Him. Every step you take, take it with God. Every thought you think, let God be behind that thought. Every action of God you make, make each action a reality. 'Oh my beloved children: If mankind could think with divine wisdom, there would be no wars. There would be no cruelty, no starvation, no killing and no homelessness. The gaps between people would be so unnecessary in the way they exist in that world today. Man perpetuates his own misery by the inner quality and his actions. If you live The Divine Beloved, you live God in your life. It does not mean you have to be holy than thou! It does not mean you have to be sanctimonious! However, you have to be spiritually wise, peaceful, serene, loving, and kind. Then you let this wisdom prevail! Look at the flowers growing gently and lovingly in the gardens around you; then you will see God gives so much beauty for mankind to enjoy. Man does not look at the beauty of God around him; he is too busy trying to find materialism to make him happy. If you seek your happiness from The Divine Beloved, the eternal giver, and if you seek your happiness through the source of the divine wisdom that you have attained, then you will find your lives becoming so different. You will find your happiness so balanced and equal, it will not fluctuate, and always that inner peace will prevail. Great contentment, tranquility and peace in your living are gifts from God. If something falls down, it will be picked up. If something breaks in your life, something will repair it. So do not let yourself become traumatized by the ways of that world: it is only for a time. It is only transient. Your soul moves on endlessly through eternity. 'My beloved children: Feed the soul and be hungry for God. Be relentless in your pursuit of God, and ever disciplined in your search for Him. Never feel you are better than someone else, or feel you know more than someone else. Let spiritual humility fashion your lives. 'My beloved children: I bring love from God to you this day, as always When I come to bring you enlightenment to help your souls to grow closer to God as you make that journey through your material world, I bring to your lives this peace of God that is ever shining before you. I come with understanding of the difficulties of your world. I come with understanding of the need in your own private lives for changes to come that will take you closer to that supreme goal of unity with God. Always I see that great force of God within you, and I see that sincere longing for Him prevailing over all else. Then I know you will never walk away from God and you

will never leave this lighted pathway. I say again to each of you . . . `God's love is yours, freely and lovingly sent from God` I bring to you again this peace of God to surround you, and enforce this great love of God within you. This will always lighten the burden in your life in that material world. I am Bethesda. The physical eyes will only see the world. The eyes of the soul will always see eternity. Be not afraid of what hurts the body, it is not hurting the soul That is God! Chapter 29 Where Have All The Wise Men Gone? I come from God in peace, in love and in longing to reach out to your world in order that in someway His beloved peace and beloved wisdom can prevail. I come with such a hunger for mankind to know and want God as I do. There is such an empty, meaningless existence for so many of the population in that world today. `Is there not? They have no understanding of God and the reality of what God truly represents. Even in religions their understanding of God is so limited . . . You cannot limit God! You cannot separate God from the immensity of creation! You cannot look at that world, at nature, at the bounty of everything that is there and not accept the role of God behind everything. Science has to come to terms with this truth! There is nothing that the scientists can explain as a probability unless they acknowledge that behind it lies God. In every minute atom of existenceGod is there! In all the majestic elements of natureGod is there! The tiniest insect, the largest animal, the most intelligent intellect in manGod is there! There is nothing that can separate anything that is in existence from God! Without God there would be no existence! But still I hear the scientist proclaiming their determination to find the answers to existence, to all existence. They have their fancy names for what they discover; they have their long sounding pronouncements, and yet they have to learn the lesson that every human incarnate in flesh must learn and acknowledge that the divine hand of The Creator is behind everything. They will never explain away the intricacies of existence, until they have realized in God and know and understand the wisdom of God. Not through books, not through the learning of the material, but through the expansion of their consciousness into the consciousness of God. When they have done this, they will have revealed unto themselves all that God is and all that God knows. But they will never do it until they live their lives in this divine light of seeking to know and find the one: the sole creator you call God, or whatever name you want to give to God, it matters not. It is not the name its the reality that is important; the reality of this creator, this divine intelligence, this divine wisdom: because the laws of God are paramount to the laws of all existence. Nothing can function outside these divine laws . . . they must be obeyed! If the balance is to prevail, if the perfection of life is to prevail, if humanities health is to prevail, if nature is to remain benign, it all must be within the living of Gods laws or you will have the imbalance, the imperfections, the disease, the disharmony and the trauma of the result of cause and effect: which is the result of disobedience to Gods laws. In every life you live, God presents an opportunity for every soul to find the

truth if that soul will seek it; if he does not seek it, it does not mean it is not there to find. God has never permitted any civilization to exist without the opportunity to know and find and live truth. It is not God who has denied this truth: it is man who has not found it. It is man that has not looked properly for this truth, or has not recognized it when he found it. In some instances they have found it, and they have been punished for it. `Have they not? They have been persecuted for it. They have been destroyed. You can destroy the human factor, the material aspect, but you cannot destroy the soul within which will move on, live on and live again. All these people who are so busy persecuting one another, destroying the human aspect of Gods creation have yet to come to terms with the understanding that the karma they build for themselves is a very powerful and relentless power of Gods intent for their existence, life after life until it is mitigated. It is very easy for religions to say that sins can be forgiven if people do this, or do that; they have not that power, nor that right. Even God does not interfere with the free-will decision of mankind. If man creates for himself the karma of wrong living, wrong doing, he has to work it through himself. Man has to mitigate that which he has created, in time, in lives, and in effort; but the loving God, the compassionate God is always reaching out to inspire, to comfort, and to encourage. Souls who are willing to devote their lives, and are willing to devote their lives in such a divine way that they can hasten the mitigation of karma; its not because God is forgiving them: its because they themselves are choosing this action, this course of action that will result in the hastening the result of this mitigation of the karma. `Can you see the difference, my children? God does not punish! God does seek revenge! Gods laws when they are lived take care of all eventualities that can ever beset nature and humanity. In the ultimate, the balance of Gods laws will prevail! That what may seem disaster to some is in the overall scheme of creation, a necessary action to remedy an imbalance or mitigate karma. The agony of humanity today has never been greater. I dont think you will disagree with that my children. I have said this to you before . . . the contrast, the comparison, the number of people that form the population in your world has never been as high as it is today. It is far too high for that material world to cope with. It must be reduced, and it kept reduced to a level that your world can cope with, and is compatible to that worlds ability to sustain it. I think that comparing the population of civilizations gone by to the present time, the cruelty, the horror of mans actions has never been worse. It has been equal in the intensity, but it is worse today because of the number, the numerical superiority of the population to other civilizations. It is happening to more in too many more places. Do you not agree? To reach mans divine understanding is the priority of life today, in your world and in our world: in order to help man focus on the divine reality of himself, and to get him listen to that small voice within telling him he is divine. That voice that tells him he is accountable, but he has free will and he does live again and again in pursuit of perfection in God. This is the priority of the world today, to help the understanding become reality, and to help the transformation from darkness to light within mankind. There is an urgent need for mankind to nullify their false focusing on national identity with countries; their possessiveness over the planet in its varying parts and portions of it. This also includes their adherence to religious beliefs that they consider should be the only ones that should exist. All these things are figments of the human concept: not the divine truth. All these hatreds and jealousies, all these differences and levels of

possessiveness come about through man alone. God created that beautiful Earth for man to inhabit. God did not create the divisions within it! God did not create the man-made beliefs within it! All the little drawings round the little areas, this belongs to me, that belongs to you. You cant have that; that was once mine I want it back! This was never theirs! It belongs to God! Man is a tenant! Man is only a guest of God in that world! Man has no claim on any part of it! Man is a passenger journeying through life! Man is a traveler in time: he is not the owner of anything in that world whatever! Everything mankind is, and has belongs to The Divine! Everything was and is created by The Divine, provided by The Divine: it is only borrowed by man for his use in his journey through a material incarnation before he returns again to the world of spirit from which he came. Man will again leave the higher world to return into a world of matter until he has learned to transcend the need for rebirth, and has earned the right to transcend the need to reincarnate into flesh. How can they declare themselves in such a way that this belongs to them, that person has no right to be there and must be ejected. He must be removed, physically, forcefully; even in the pain of death he must be expelled because this belongs to this person or that person. They have not that right! They have not the right to judge by the color of the skin, the shape of a face, the accent and the language. These are no criteria for one to be superior to another, to overpower or dominate another. There has to be the reaching out of hand to hand throughout a world, of love, of a desire to help, to comfort, to share: this has to be mans reaction to man. Black must learn to embrace white, yellow has to embrace white and yellow has to embrace black and black has to embrace yellow, brown has to embrace all other colors. It does not matter what color the skin is, it is unimportant, it is irrelevant: its only a physical condition of a body that is encasing a soul. The soul within has no color, it has no nationality, and it has no country to own: that soul is an atom of God! The soul is an expression of God in a human mantel of flesh! Which ever colored body a soul takes on for that journey it is important only to the soul, and not to anyone else. The reason for incarnating is individual to the soul: it does not have to answer to any country. Human beings revere and retain their ancient buildings. `Do they not? They restore them at great cost, they honor them, they cherish them, but do they cherish the souls that live within the land in which these buildings stand? Do they give the souls in need in those countries? Do they make sure those souls are fed and clothed, educated and helped through life? Do they give the same attention to humanity as they do the buildings that were built so long before? Pride in a structure is unforgivable if those who have this pride in turn neglect or reject the need of humanity seething within that world. `Is this not truth, my children? You cannot worship a building when your brother is hungry! You cannot pour money into concrete when a child is starving! That is not Gods law! That is mans idea of livingnot Gods! The communications in your world today make it impossible for any suffering to be ignored wherever it may be. It is so vibrant, so completely dramatic, and you can hide nothing from the world. It is not enough for other parts of your world to recoil in horror, or express their dismay and their compassion. They must do something about it in their own living and in their own lives: in order to make that world such a place that it cannot happen all those miles away. Everything must begin with the self; everything must begin with your own area of existence if it is to permeate throughout that world. If every soul in flesh stood still and said. . . . I will make myself a better person; I will make this part of the world wherein I live a better place to live.

If every-one did that there would be no hunger. There would be no cruelty. There would be not torture, torment, indignity or poverty. It has to be everyones decision to turn away from the darkness that seems to thrive in that world and listen to the voice of God within telling them. . . . You are divine, you belong to me. You are coming home to me; do not linger along the way. Do not stay in that cauldron of negativity. I am calling you home, can you not hear me? They cannot hear God because your world is so noisy; they listen to the world, they listen to the negativity of opinions, they listen to the negativity of actions, they see the negativity of the deeds. They cannot hear the voice of God telling them to turn away from that and come home to Him, in the divine bliss of union with Him. You have those in your world who teach religion, preaching hatred from the pulpit, preaching intolerance from the pulpit in so many instances, and teaching their flock they are superior. They teach if they do what their religion tells them God will forgive them, and God will make them welcome in heaven. They have not that authority, for they know not God themselves! How can they speak for God when they have yet to discover God? They know not God, how can they speak about Him to others? No one can tell anybody about God until they know God for themselves. `Is this not truth? When a soul has unified with The Creator, has merged in His consciousnesses, dwelt in His bliss: then in truth, he can come forward in authority and speak for God. That is why there are so few who are really credible, and really have the authority of what they say and of what they do. `Beloved ones: They who love God as you love God would recognize them instantly; you would not be fooled by anyone trying to impersonate them, you would know because your soul would react to their soul in a second: in a split second you would know they know God as you know God and they can tell you of God. There are also those who come with false prophecies, with false claims of being Gods disciples on Earth, you can also recognize them. Can you not? You have not the longing and the intuitive desire to follow that which they bring or follow them as individual teachers, or you would not be reading this book. You will find your level of understanding has deepened to the extent that you cannot follow anything but truth. You cannot accept anything that is not truth. You will never have any desire to embark upon any course of action that has not the seal of Gods approval upon it or Gods authority behind it. Your soul will reject it, your understanding will not accept it, and your consciousness will-not absorb it. You will know at once this is not the path you want to take. Your path is the path of truth and the path of divine wisdom. Your goal is realization in God, the intent in longing to become one with Him; unified in His wisdom, His understanding, His intelligence, and dwelling in the realm in which you have earned the right to dwell with Him. Like all evolved souls you enter into a body of flesh only as service to God from free-will choice! `My children: This is the goal you have, and nothing will satisfy that goal until the end. You can surround yourself with all the luxuries of your material world. You can travel to all the corners to that world as often as you want. You can have all the possessions of the material around you cluttering up your life. You can do all of these things, but you will never know peace and you will never be happy: because it is not the way of the soul to God. The acceptance and the desire, the intent, and the act of acquiring to your life that what you need to exist comfortably will become an automatic reaction. Superfluous possessions are not for you. The cravings of the world and the materialism of that world, you will resist, it will not be for you because you have the innate understanding of the divine truth: the reality of God, non-possession and non-attachment.

You have freedom from materialism and the blessed union of the soul with the divine energy. This is the only thing that will give you peace or fulfillment, or make you feel that you are at-one with the whole of existence. There are those people who seek excitement, and receive exhilaration from the seeking of physical manifestations of so-called physic phenomena. You will always fine the numbers who seek out this action, this way of living, this way of thinking, and this longing for something that gives them a sense of excitement. It satisfies their curiosity, or rather, excites their curiosity, these interests are important to them; but the true seeker of divine wisdom has no desire for such. There may be very real manifestations in that world for them to see, and there are very real happenings of all-sorts of things going on in that world for them to see: but that is not the answer to the soul who wants God. Once you have put your face to the light and your feet upon that path of divine illumination, you need nothing from any aspect of existenceexcept God. You need His energy, you need His inspiration, need His loving compassion, understanding, you need the truth of His wisdom revealed to you, you need the ability to comprehend it and you need the strength and discipline to follow it. Encompass yourself in this divine bliss, but you do not need anything manifesting on Earth from any source whatever, no-matter how real it may be. Let the curious have their moments, if they want it, let them seek their phenomena, let them become immersed in that way of life if it makes them happy. It is not for a true seeker of God! The answers that you need can only come from the expansion of your consciousness into Gods wisdom. You can only satisfy your soul, you can only evolve to God through the illumined wisdom of the higher-self. That will not come from chasing things around the world that interest you. It will come only through the quiet acceptance that the divinity of the self must grow into the divinity of God. It must walk the quiet way, must live the quiet life and must seek the quiet truth and wisdom of The Beloved Creator. Not the noise, not the trumpets blazing and blaring all over places telling people . . . this has happened that has happened, listen to this and listen to that. `My beloved children: God speaks so quietly; you have to be quiet to hear Him. If you are living in noise, if you are listening to noise, you may just miss that whisper of God that He brings into your life. It is too important to miss, my children. Be ever ready and be ever conscious of this opportunity that God will bring to your life. God can transform your thinking in an instance by His very presence within you . . . your soul will be flowering and growing as you reach out to reach Him. True wisdom will manifest in your thinking; the surer and deep you seek to find it in God, the surer and deeper it will come into your understanding. Your lives will change, your lives will fulfill a degree of fulfillment that you cannot explain, that you cannot borrow or buy: you can only grow into it. You can only receive it from the divine source, through the readiness of your spiritual self to receive it. The more you become attuned to this cosmic energy of God, the more it can enter the body, the more it can fulfill its role within your existence. If you seek all the things from that material world continually, you are not letting that energy flow into you. Remember, this energy is the energy of creation, it is the very essence that keeps you alive and it is the essence which helps the spiritual-self to grow and evolve, this cosmic energy is the nectar of life. It is the nectar of spiritual growth and spiritual wisdom: this divine river of love is the building block of existence. Entice it into your body and let it build within that body the divine castle that you long to have for God to inhabit. `Oh my beloved ones: There waiting for you is so much to receive from God. When you look at the jewels that they collect in your world, when you see the money

that they have in their banks to count; when you see the luxurious vehicles, the luxurious mansions in which they live, and when you see the indulgence of their travels in that world, they think they are successful, they think they are really living. I look at a simple soul who may have nothing materially; that persons life may be very sparse, and may be suffering in all sorts of ways. But often I see the light of God blazing forth in great abundance, and I say to myself . . . There is true wealth, there is true life. There are all the jewels that a life could ever need, not the material gemstones they have plucked from the earth, not all the ravages they have made upon nature to get. They are not the building bricks that can be blown down in a typhoon or tornado, not the luxurious mansions that can be washed away with a tidal wave. I see treasures of the soul that nothing can diminish. There is nothing that can destroy spiritual wealth nothing can be taken away from that person. They are the spiritual jewels of evolution that, that soul is taking into the next dimension of existence, and ultimately into the realization with God. You can spend your days in pursuit of the worldly things if it makes you happy. You can seek consistently all the things of the material: that is your right. But you will always be empty, you will never be satisfied, you will never know true peace or fulfillment; and you will leave the flesh empty handed. You will leave behind all those things you have gathered unto you: you cannot take them with you. They will not come with you at death: the transition of the soul into spirit. If you spend your time in the happy pursuit of Gods truth and Gods wisdom you are gathering to yourself such wealth that will never leave you. You take with you the wealth of the soul into spirit and the consciousness will be expanding and glowing into that of God. This is the true wealth of the souls manifestation in matter. God did not put that Earth there as a playground for mankind to indulge themselves in life after life, continually in pursuit of materialism. Thats not what God put mankind on Earth for! God gave mankind this precious gift of free will so that they may choose the material or the spirit. Those who are choosing the material and living in the material are merely living in this constant merry- go-round of nothingness. These material minded souls are just moving around in time and getting nowhere. They may frequently have to endure suffering in the process, of untold horrors, untold misery and unfruitful results in sequential incarnations into a material existence. There are also those who have said . . . No my God, I am divinely inspired; I am seeking only the wisdom of the Divine. I am seeking the understanding of the laws of the Divine. I have to live in this world for now, and I want to live within all aspects of existence according to the divine laws. I want to be a part of nature; I want to be part of everything that is in this world and I want to live within it in harmony, and in conjunction with it. I want nothing from this material world that is harmful to it, and nothing from it that is harmful to me. I want to live in complete harmony with everything that is in existence, no matter what aspect it may be, vegetable, mineral, human fish, foul or animal; it matters not. I want to be in harmony with everything. I am a part of you my God, and you are within all existence, as I want to be. I want this present life to help me look at the world. I want to live within this world, but dwell with you and make you the goal of my longing, my efforts and the pursuit of my days. I want my God to be able to reach out in my consciousness and enter your consciousness. I want to see the need within this world questions that I can answer, the answers that I can give to all that they can want from me for you. Let my journey this time, my God, be the last on that I need to make; unless I choose to come back for you. Let me no longer have to return; let it be only because I want to come back for you. Let me glorify myself in your bliss. `Oh my beloved children: The way of a soul to God is a glorious journey. It brings

such peace, such strength, such understanding and such compassionate love to those who seek it, really seek it, really want it and really believe it. Listen to the scientists; let them say their words, and let them have their delusions. Do not help them to perpetuate them by giving them the credence they want you to. Let the governments of your world continue to make their mistakes. Let the chaos and confusion continue if they want it this way: you need not be part of it. You can step aside from it: you have that power within you. Live in that material world but not dwell with it; you can dwell with the divine. Move through it with compassion, with wisdom, but always live Gods laws. Let the internal being of the self, the true reality of the self; let it unite with the divine energy as often as you can and let the consciousness of God become the consciousness of you. You can relate to your world, to every event in your world with Gods wisdom, with Gods understanding, and Gods love and compassion. If a person who is sincerely seeking that unity with God can learn to think with the soul mind, it will transcend the intellect, go beyond, and see things the intellect cannot grasp. The person aspiring to God must learn to feel, recognize, and live this divine wisdom! God know each soul and what it needs, He knows and hears the cry of longing from the soul within; silent though it may be, it is loud to God. God gently bids us in this blessed world in which we live, to gently reach out and help a soul along the path to Him. My beloved children: We walk with you in light, love, and understanding, and in the desire to uplift you as you struggle through the darkness and confusion of that material world, that you may find the pathway a little easier. Let not the darkness of your world distress or overpower you, because even in misery you can see joy and hope. Even in the darkest of conditions you can see light shining through that darkness. Never despair at the lack of understanding in humanity. Never let yourself judge the world by the power of negativity: always respond with divine understanding. Beloved ones enrich your lives with divine truth; let it take away the fear of that condition mankind calls death. Help others to take away the fear of the unknown, help them know they are going move into a glorious journey of growth. Tell them they have no need to cling to that material world when they know that one day they will have to depart from it. This is a service you can give to mankind, from God to mankind. Live God if you want to be as an Avatar to become one with God. I bring to all, a manifest of peace from God, and a sense of fulfillment that I know each soul is longing to find. All souls are beloved unto God, and I tell you in truth my children you are beloved unto me. To each sincere seeker I say . . . Have optimism, and always have faith in yourself. In my leaving, I again give my blessing and my love and may the power of the spirit be ever with you all. I am Bethesda. God is all knowledge! You cannot learn this knowledge: you have to grow into it. Divine truth frees the soul from the religious dogmas that imprison it. Chapter 30 Pure Wisdom from an Avatar. `My beloved children: I come this day with love in my heart from God; so full of

love and longing for all mankind to help him understand the truth. In that darkened world wherein you live, there is this great need for the light of the divine to flood it, to awaken man from his darkness and his ignorance, to set moving within you that core of understanding hidden there and long forgotten. Why should it be so difficult for man to believe spiritual truth? Why should it be so easy for him to succumb to the material aspect of understanding of life? Why does man crave for that particular line of material understanding that each incarnation brings to a life? The greed, the selfishness, the thoughtlessness, and the indifference to others, the cruelty and the ambition to progress materially: no-matter what the cost. How sad the indictment of man is when you look today at the evidence of twothousand years, by your calendar, since the prophet Jesus of Nazareth brought the truth for man to understand. He was misunderstood, he was misquoted and he was misrepresented. But God sent him to fulfill His promise that he would never move away from helping them, never reject their needs and never forget their needs. Jesus came, he lived, he left eventually with still that world struggling to even comprehend the meaning of the message he brought. It was distorted, misquoted and rewritten: according to what man wanted to believe. It was distorted and presented to the people in such an untruthful way. Even today, two thousand years later, man is still misquoting him. `Is he not? Man is still giving credit to the wrong interpretation of his words and accepting the wrong meaning to what he brought from God. The various churches of your world have manipulated his teachings to give them power over people in competition one with the other; to attempt crowds of people to come with then and not with the other; and misquoting Jesus, as they still do, to prove their point. They have surrounded his teachings with myths; they have in effect, distorted God to the degree they no longer know or care about the truth that Jesus brought. God feels the time has come, yet again for man to be given the opportunity to listen to truth, to heed it, to understand it and to live it. There are prophets in your world today, divine prophets of truth that are trying to bring this understanding to mankind; but they are given no credence, and no opportunity for the spreading of Gods truths in any significant way. Small bands of followers they may have, but then when something begins to grow it is destroyed and called by the wrong name, and wrong accreditation is given to it . . . then they must struggle once again to have their voice heard. But spreading as it is, this truth will-not be subdued, it will not be ignored or banished: it will grow slowly and surly; for the roots are in the population of your world, and they will flourish, no-matter how long it takes or how difficult the task. Even though humanity is obstinate, the message will grow and more; and more people will seek to understand the mystical wonder of God. More and more people will be less enchanted with the churches and the empty hollowness of their message. They will look for the infallible truth which is hidden somewhere in religious teachings being given them, that they claim is from God. There are other souls throughout your world: souls like you there seeking spiritual truth, believing, understanding, and living divine the truth. These souls will be part of this main stream of truth that is going to flood your world in the time that is yet to come. As each person learns this truth they must live it. They must not hide and shrink from declaring their belief in it. They must not be afraid to declare their understanding of spiritual truth; then slowly and surely this truth will spread and grow. I do not intend to give the impression that souls growing in enlightenment, must go speaking from the rooftops shouting messages to the world, stampeding over others with what they believe. That is not the way to do it! Just quietly live it: just quietly by your lives show the benefit of this truth. There is no merit in trying to overpower others beliefs and hammering home to them

that what you believe. That is not the way! People have a right to believe what they want. They have the free-will gift of God to follow their own way! But by example by the obvious truth that is being given, a change will come to many and they in turn will spread the word of truth. Once this truth takes deep root it cannot be quenched, it cannot be squashed, and it cannot be eradicated, for the energy of The Divine will feed it, will help it flourish, grow, and be lived. All that mankind seems to note today is the material side of existence, the material answers in that material world of what they need and want. They have yet to understand the truth in the message, it is the divinity of the self that must be fostered, must be fed and nurtured; then given a right to expression, and given the right to be lived. If you crush your soul into a physical body that soul must be given room to grow and expand. It cannot stay hidden within a body without some opportunity to express the truth of what it is. The more a person seeks to suppress its soul the more the soul will seek to express itself. You cannot feed the soul with physical attributes, physical food and physical nurturing of any kind. The soul is impervious to matter! The soul is divine! It was created by God, fostered and fed by God, and will evolve and grow by living God. `My children: Never be ashamed of the truth. Never be ashamed of what you believe and know to the spiritual truth in you living. Never mind the scorn and the laughter that may follow you as you cling to spiritual truth; turn with gentleness to those who scoff, and let them have their way. You will live God, you will evolve to God, and you will grow further and further along this divine pathway of truth until you reunite with Him. Those who scoff will have to come back again and again: for they will not find any rest in their spirit-time of living, they will have to return to flesh to learn their lessons. This will have to be until they succumb to this truth within them and expressed in their lives their longing to know God. This creator that we love and worship, this beloved divine something . . . God, Mother, Father Great-spirit, use whatever name you prefer, it matters not. It will always be this omnipotent, omniscient omnipresent and immutable intelligence that governs and controls all universal life and rhythm. It is all loving, all compassionate, all forgiveness, all understanding, but yet, God is also all demanding. The Divine Creator simple is, and cannot be deviated from the truth, cannot be misinterpreted and cannot be twisted or manipulated in any form whatever. God is creation in all its purest form! Divine laws are implacable! There is a need for everyone to follow them, live through them, and return back to The Divine Creator, for there is no compromise and no substitution. You are divine in flesh; you must be divine in reunion. You are part of God that is infallible and immutable: let this grow and evolve in-spite of that material world. You may wear a body of flesh to live in that world and you may need the physical expression of life to exist in that dimension: but beloved ones you are divine. You need to live the divine even though you are in a body of flesh. There is no breaking of this divine thread with God! At night when you are at rest and your soul is at peace, it once again links with The Beloved Creator in spirit. It cannot be separated from Him. It is nurtured, reinforced, until the awakening of the day and you journey on in the flesh. It cannot be separated from God! You cannot live in that world and be cut off from God! When you are cut off from God you cannot live in that material world, the body is inert. Man may think his medicines mend and hold the body of flesh in that world, to the extent that they enable the spirit to inhabit it: but it is that soul that holds the key to life. Withdraw that soul, and life in the body is extinct and cannot be recaptured. You can repair that body when it is very low: but if the soul is still intact in

that body it can survive and grow. But if you take the soul from that body there is nothing of the spirit left: the physical body will then perish into matter. `Can you understand this? God is the creatornever forget it! God makes all there is in the entire flawless whole of creation: every tiny aspect: God created it. Every bird, every grain of sand, every thought you think: God has given your material world the means to have it exist. You may live in matter now, many times to come, and many times before; but you must inhabit other dimensions, other worlds and other universes. You must let the soul expand, the conscious expand into the wonder of the whole of The Divine, and you will emerge back again into that precious bliss of being at-one with God. As the Avatars have done before you, so will you follow them along the divine pathway to The Beloved Creator . . . they cannot tell you of the bliss, they can tell you it exists, but they cannot describe it. There are no man-made words that can describe the bliss of union with God. The precious peace, the bliss of the love, the forgiveness, the understanding of everything that is: this one fell swoop of understanding cannot be described. You feel everything, you know everything, and you are part of everything. As God isyou are! `Beloved ones`: Is that not what you strive for in that present incarnation: not the material world? Let the petty worries and anxieties of that world fall away. Let their petty differenced be none existent in your understanding. You have to live in that world, I know, you are part of it but exist within it, and not with it. Let not the harrowing conditions of that world of matter affect your peace of mind and your tranquility within. Let it not affect that great hope, that positive faith in the future of your existence, and of your knowledge of understanding that you will grow in spirit and not in that world. That world is a place where you come to in order to learn to discard matter, to reject matter and accept The Divine Creator. You learn lessons in other dimensions, and you have experienced in other universes: it is all part of soul growth. You know not what God will ask of you or expect of you. You have, in great faith and trust to accept that you walk the divine path with divine understanding and divine intelligence. But you cannot know now what is yet to come, and you cannot know now what God will bring to your life or expect of you. You can, in the supreme faith of optimism, walk the path and face the experiences and the opportunities to grow deeper into that divine something we know as God. If you believe the truths that you have been toldthen live them! You may suffer pain, distress, inequality of living, unhappy experiences, conditions that are not conducive of peace with you, or many other experiences you may endure. Move through them gently, accept them with calmness; do not expect your life to be perfect and sereneit will not! You are growing to God and you may have all sorts of opposite experiences to endure, to enable the soul to expand and grow. My children: Know in truth whatever comes you will go through it and succeed. As one obstacle is thrown in your path you will surmount it; pain or distress, you will overcome it. You will emerge like the steel from the fire, the dross left behind, and the purity coming out of the fire into the growth of the soul. Express the divine love of God to all: the forgiveness, the understanding tolerance, and not the approbation, not the understanding or the belief in it; but the forgiveness of it and the tolerance of it. Until all men are perfect and all women are perfect: it will come that your life will be encompassed with others who are not so perfect and not so understanding. You must be able to forgive and endure, tolerate and not to expect that everyone around will be perfect: that is not possible in that world of diverse evolution. When you look at your world it is going through, a phase of growth never expected in your understanding. This hastening ever quicker into its new way of living;

changes so immediate, its frightening, and its so difficult to be understood by a person who loves gentleness. Pace can be cruel and growth can be cruel to sensitive souls growing to God; but it can also bring indifference to those who live for the material only. Remember, even those who are making the laws and laying down the rules are subject to evolution to God. They might be in power supreme to you in social standing in that world, but they may be very inferior to you in divine understanding, and a long way behind in growth of life on the divine path to God. They too must be given the opportunity through their experiences and mistakes to evolve into the understanding human beings they must become. Live your life according to your beliefs. Live your experiences according to the inner convictions of the spirit. Do not follow by example anything in that world. Follow only from the inner understanding of your own soul and the promptings of the consciousness in your living. Fashion your beliefs according to the laws of God and not the laws of man. Let this rare truth rarify you! Let the wonder of Gods understanding be the steel that holds you in that world, and gives you the ability to cope. Live on this energy that flows from God, let it flow into your body in wonderful proportions, to remedy, to mend, to cleanse, to purify and to heal. Never be afraid induce this energy into your body in the portions you need to: let it reach the parts of the physical body that need help. Use it, believe in it, trust it and understand it is Gods power, Gods breath that you are allowing to enter your body to sustain you. You can take all the medicines of that world, have all the modern operations of that world, and take all the material assets that you can, and use them, but without this energy you have nothing. Without this energy you cannot exist! You can have the most expensive equipment working for you and the most expensive medicines trying to heal you, but if that life force withdraws you cannot exist. There is nothing that can sustain you or help you if that life force withdraws you are back in spirit and the body left to perish. You can bring with you nothing of that material world, nothing you have gained: all you take is your soul growth: the spiritual wealth you have added to that which you had when you came. To go into flesh and to come out of flesh with the glorious gain of progress spiritually, of divine understanding and expanded consciousness: is a treasure beyond description. It is a treasure beyond the understanding of those who have it not, and you bring with you to the higher world a wealth that nothing that mankind could ever match. You can have your mansions and fill them with treasures. You can have bank vaults filled with your money you have earned and made. You can acquire all the power over others that you canbut you can be a pauper when you come back to spirit. Everything will be left behind in matter, you return empty-handed; you will only take back that which you have gained spiritually in your lifes experience. `My children: Which would you rather have: the growth of the soul, or the bodys assets? The physical body is just a borrowed vehicle, created by God for you to use so the rarified vibrations of spirit cane exist in that world of matter just for a time. When its usefulness is over, you will leave it. Like entering a motor car and driving it for a time; you enter a body and move through time. You return back to spirit; your journey over on that Earth, you bring with you not one jot of what you have gain in that world, materially. `My beloved children: Never lose sight of the fact that The Creator has fashioned everything that exists. When sometimes you feel a little tempted to think with the mind of that world, and look at things through the eyes of that world, just stop to think . . . `Who made this? Who created that? `Who made it possible for this existence to be where I can inhabit it? `Who gave me this cover of flesh so I can journey here for a time? `Who has given me this chair to sit in? `Who has given me this bed to lie on and this

food to eat? `Who is filling the oceans with fish? `Who is filling the Earth with food to eat, the trees to blow in the wind and give us oxygen, the rivers to bring us that which we need, the oceans to carry the vessels over them from one place to another, to contain the myriad of life forms that are within it? `Who gave us everything, the air to breathe, the night which falls, the dawn which rises? `Who gives us everything? Then think: This is not the beginning and end of what God has created; there are other worlds and other universes where-in life is lived in the way intended for them. `Who created everything? God did! God gave us this! God gave us everything! You look out at night at the sky and you see the lights of the sky, various other planets, and you think of the great distance between Earth and the end of the material universe. There is no way you could ever understand how vast or how long it would take to reach it. How many examples of life there is in the other dimensions? How many other planets on this material stage hold life? In Gods Earth and other dimension in matter: there are countless billions of such atoms of which life is expressed in one form or another. The human form is not the only expression of life that God has created or given for existence. It is but one form, one form that is useful to the soul to inhabit; but the soul must learn other lessons in other ways from other areas of existence. When the time comes and you can truthfully say . . . I need the Earth no-more I have understood the meaning of my life. I am above the need to grow and learn in that world, and reincarnation in the world in no-longer needed. But yet you are not ready for union with God you move on, and on, and on, growing, learning, and experiencing. There is no rest for the soul until perfection has been reached and you are ready to be absorbed into the whole of God: wherein you know what God knows and do what God does. You can be as God is! Then you can live in the blissthe utter bliss of the divine whole. As you evolve to the level of an Avatar; yet willingly you will return for God to enter some aspect of life, because God needs you to serve Him in some spiritual way. Without question, you will emerge again into some form of life, some form of existence for service to God, until you can again rejoin The Beloved Creator. Do not think an Avatar is some aspect of life that has suddenly grow very wise. It is a soul within that has evolved to the perfection of God, expressing once again life on that Earth to help others to grow as they are. Do not discard the wisdom of the Avatars as just some form of belief or expression. Do not compare their teachings with what you think could be right: accept what they give as their message from God. Whether you can believe it is for your right to do so; you are in possession of free-willbut never discard it! Never reject it! Always accept you are not yet ready to accept it fully. But never reject or discard it! The bliss of being near an Avatar; to feel the bliss of his power of his aura touching yours, to be absorbed in that aura, to be enveloped in that aura, gives you the taste of bliss, just the taste of bliss that you have yet to come. I know the lessons you are learning, I know the teachings you are following and I know your hunger for them. I know your need to know more, and your desire for haste in growth. I know and recognize your insatiable desire for the divine whole. I know your impatience with your own growth, according to your own estimation and beliefs. `Beloved ones: Discard those thoughts: remember; you are moving to God according to your own evolution of your soul. Your footsteps hasten towards The Beloved Creator at the pace they have earned the right to walk, and nothing that you want or crave will hasten them one step further. There is nothing that you think is your right to have or should have will come to you until you have earned the right to have it.

In simplicity, in simplicity of a child turn your face to this divine whole and gently and lovingly walk the path to God. Accepting lifes cruelties and lifes injustices; accepting the obstacles that life will throw in your path and the difficulties before you: conquer them, accept them, and live them; knowing this is all part of growing, all part of learning evolving. Then and know all that you experience in life is forgotten when you enter spirit. It is discarded and behind you! `My beloved children: That is why I urge you: do not live in your past incarnations. Do not try to get a glimpse of what you have done and what you have beenthey are gone! Learn from what you are doing now and what will come for you to live and experience. What you have lived in other lives is now the past and behind you, carrying with it all the mistakes that you have made, all the learning that you did and all the growing that you did. The evolving from all experiences is all behind you: you cannot recall anything of it to live again. You can undo nothing that you have gone through, you can only learn from it in how you live today. You can close your mind to what you have been: that is wrong. But if you try and live what you are: that is right. Make the vow to never again to walk backwards, but to walk forwards to God and accept the limitation of the present moment of time that you have in your life. Make the negatives of the past to become obstacles that are now gone forever. Take with you the wealth of experience that you have known, the growth you have achieved, and the resolution that you have of moving ever faster to God to become one with Him. People think that when they go on their worldly holidays, enjoy the luxuries of their hotels, and take various trips around the countryside; they think to themselves, this is living. This is life, this is living and this is what I enjoy. `Beloved ones: This is just like children playing games: they are not experiencing anything that will bring to them the wealth of the soul. Each one is simply paying homage to the needs of the flesh, the association of the senses to make that person materially happy and to give the physical attributes rest and recreation. But the soul within is starving for God, hungry for that spiritual progress that it is needs. You can do more in one hour of meditation for the growth of the inner-self than you can in a year with these holidays of the flesh. They cannot move your soul one-step further to God: but an hour in deep meditation can bring you much closer to uniting with Him. The soul can be nourished and nurtured, and the consciousness can begin to expand as it reaches out to dissolve into the super-consciousness. You can embrace that state of well-being that nothing of that material world can bring you. As long as your sights are set on physical needs, physical wants and the need to satisfy the fleshthen that will be so. But when turn your face to God in deep meditation, when you succumb to the great wonder of God, and you crave and strive to obtain the wonders of God: then you are living. You are growing and your soul is moving ever faster to God; your vibrations become finer, and the needs of the flesh become less and less. Your happiness and your attributes all become part of The Divine, because you also attracting to your life beings from the higher-worlds that encompass you with this great power of The Beloved Creator. These highly evolved souls nurture you in great love sending forth the power and the peace that only God can bring. Then, my children, when trouble you strikes in that world you find a quick solution coming and a lessening of the sorrows, because you have the power within to cope and you have the divine help to help to sustain you. I know your world is beautiful, in all parts of your world you find beauty. You find love in it, but you also find the ugliness of matter. Do you not? You find the conscious greed, the cruelty, the conscious aspirations and ambitions of humanity,

regardless of what they hurt to get them. They care not what soul goes hungry around them as long as they are well fed. Their tables are overflowing and their houses are of mansion proportions. They care not if another fellow man is uncovered by anything but the sky, or living in some form of horror and cruelty. They close their eyes and they turn away. `Beloved ones: Never close your eyes to anothers suffering without endeavoring, even by just thought and prayer, to help them. Never accept the gross injustices of that world of matter without sparing a thought or even a prayer to help overcome it. You may not be able to physically do anything about it, but you can give it to God to acknowledge the need for help to come. You can with love link with that soul in trouble; you can by a thought encompass his thoughts. I have said before and I say again, you would be amazed if you knew what power your thoughts have upon the lives of others. The divine sending out for help for them and the need to succor them carries great power as it encompasses them. It forms a cloak around them of spiritual peace and help. No thought is ever wasted and no thought is ever ignored: that is why thoughts are very powerful. Evil thoughts have power, greedy thoughts have power, but spiritual thoughts have greater power. If you generate thoughts of love and caring for others, these thoughts also have this greater power. Live unselfishly, think unselfishly and strive unselfishly, then you will find yourself getting closer and closer to this great stream of divinitythis purity of you and God as one. Babies coming into flesh today are very special souls. Many are highly evolved souls; many are advanced along the path than many people in that world who are in the flesh today. This is Gods plan for your world! There must be a balance for the evil in that world today; there must come a balancing influence from these souls to counter the greed and the physical aspirations of that world. There is a disregard for the higher qualities of spiritual living; this is rife in your world today, and it must be corrected by those who have the ability to inspire people to make these essential improvements in their living. `My children: You will not be here, but in the years that are yet to come your world will have greater understanding and will have opposition to the present disregard for the finer things of life. When you look at your world today, those who possess the powers to govern, possessing the powers to make the laws do not have the spiritual balance of understanding to counter their physical thoughts and deeds. Even those in high authority may be very talented in their intellects, but their spiritual abilities can be starving. The decisions they make and the laws they make are very intelligent perhaps to them, but not to God. Mankind is discarding souls today because they are too difficult to help. Young children are being thrown upon the scrap heap of indifference, because their problems are too deep for others to understand and help. They are ignored because it is a more comfortable way for man to take: they try to forget it is there. The young of today are going round in circles of need, they require spiritual help. The young people of today are bamboozled by the speed of change and by the lack of quality that used to be in life. There is indifference in adults, a lack of understanding, and the lack of ability to cope. Young people are not being understood. Many are going into bad forms of life because the love that should be there in their life is not available to them. That important balance of wisdom is not in their life to help them. All they can see is evil, and all they want to live is evil. There is a great imbalance with the physical ability to cope with the material problems that face so many of them in your material world today. Family life is disintegrating and the qualities of living are fading rapidly.

Where is the morality of old? Where is the helping hand one to another, no-matter where or when? Where is the quality of the home when the father and mother was the stable influence on the children? It is not there! Divorce in your world is very prevalent, and broken-homes are very prevalent. Children that are divided in loyalty, love, and with various things they are not equipped to cope with. They to try and get a value out of this mess; sometimes they fail and cannot do it; they then turn to the drugs of your world to help them have a lessening of pain in their minds. There are also those uncaring people in your world who make of money from tempting them. These are the ones that are growing rich out of the misery of what they are doing to these young ones today. All the laws in your world cannot eradicate this problem. All the laws that man makes will not stop this problem; it must come from the spiritual understanding within them-selves being stirred into activity. That is why God is making sure there is a greater quality within the souls who come into the flesh today. As they live their lives they can build up these qualities they can exhibit. These are the attributes they must have to balance this activity, and bring in the positive of right action, right thought and right example, to bring into the live of those who need it so badly. When you find some youthful crime, it is not the answer to the problem by locking these young ones up and hammering them with punishment, there must be wisdom bought in to influence each one of them. There must be love, and the example of opposite living brought to them. Punishment must come, I know, but there is the wrong punishment and there is the right punishment. Sometimes it needs a combination of spiritual help and adjustment, complemented by the physical punishment of your world to a lesser degree. If you only physical punish and bring nothing else into that young lifes to influence it, you are never going to succeed. The spiritual balance must always flow into anything that is being remedied in that world today. This is because man in not a physical being: he is spirit. The worst people in that material world are spirit, and they need to respond to the prompting of the soul within in order to overcome that which he or she is being punished for. Being taken to church and being read the lectures from the church pulpit is not the answer. To be locked away from society who are more evil inclined is not the answer. To be banished into obscurity is not the answer. They must be brought into the influence of evolved souls to help them see and understand. Let the aura of evolved souls just touch the aura of those offending. The influence is immense without you knowing it. The thoughts of positive understanding of these evolved souls can touch the auras of those offending, and wonderful results can happen. You would be surprised what would be achieved through practical help into difficult cauldrons of evil. What sinks, what rises, what comes of it: one knows not, but its not possible to help if they do not have something to cling to, or to help with. Thoughts that given practicality can uplift them and help in many hidden ways: these can only help. Maybe it is only a small minority that gets touched by positive thoughts: but some of them really do get touched. These are the practical things you can think of in your living. What can I do, and what can I give to God? I hear you cry this many times. I say to you Give the practical help to that world of God in some way or another; even by thought, by word, or by deed, but give something filled with positive love. If you send positive thoughts to the jails of your world, thought of love and encompassing prayer of help, you are sending power and this great energy of God to those inmates in that prison. This great energy of God can enter the body of everyone encompassed in that prison Let this power work within and touch them to awaken their souls: because this very

prayer, this very thought is more powerful than you on that Earth will ever know. If these people are ignored, and regarded as helpless and cannot be helped, then so they will remain. If a great number of souls had given to Hitler this power of thought and understanding, who know what might have happened? All the world did at that time was, hate him. Hate can only bring the wrong reaction to the one you are trying to bring the change in. Can you see this? Hate brings hate. Love brings love. That is the law, my children. If you hate someone or something it will rebound upon yourself. If you give forgiveness and love that is what you will receive back in one-way or another. It is the law! That what I give is not impossible. It is not impracticable. If you think about it, look at your own lives and you think`What can I do for God? There may not be an opportunity at the moment that seems practicable that you can think of. But you can still think, you can pray, and you can send forth this positive energy to every area that you can send it to. You can re-enforce the ether with this positive love, and send this energy of God to everywhere it is needed. Try and awaken hearts, souls and minds to The Beloved Creator. They are not physical, they are spiritual. In your world you have physical beings walking around, moving, living, making decisions and acting out their lives in that material existence. That is the physical-self and the physical mind, but the souls within are striving and longing to awaken to God to bring about the activities in flesh that are spiritual in basis. While people think only physical, only matter: that is what you will get in that world today. Ignorance of truth can only be resolved by the awakening of the soul to God. Nomatter how many books people read, how many spiritual teachings they listen to, they will never move to God one inch unless their soul awakens within and guides them along this path of understanding. You cannot force any material aspect of the self to awaken to God unless the soul within is awakened in to bringing about this activity of spiritual wisdom awakening within the body. Can you see this? `My children: Feed your souls; feed your souls they are hungry for God. The physical body needs attention, I know, and must have it. The physical body has to remain healthy, it has to be fed, cleansed and housed. But it must not dominate the spiritual understanding of the self. It must never become the priority of your thinking and living. God must have that place of priority. Remember always, the attributes of the self must be the attributes of the soul. Nomatter what pain and suffering comes along your path, whatever hunger, whatever need; remember these words . . . I am divine. Say them again and again to yourself . . . I am divine: this problem I have, I will pass through it. I am infallible with God. I will not heed this physical problem. I will not give it room; I will not energize it. I will move through this problem and I will conquer it. You will find this positive action brings about the change that you need and seek. Someway, somehow, it will come and you will find you are suddenly emerging from this dark tunnel, and seeing the light of understanding reaching out before you. Your lives can be lives of peace, lives of turmoil; lives of wisdom, lives of ignorance, lives of hope, lives of despair; lives of enlightenment or lives or lives that are built around the negative. There are two paths you can take, the one that is lighted to God or the one that is dark in matter. The dark one in matter is often easier to walk, easier to find and follow; but the one that leads to God is the one that is full of promise, positive, and will eventually bring you into the union with The Creator. The one in darkness will bring you to an end where there is only destruction and annihilation. Then you once again have to retrieve your steps in life after life

until you awaken to the light that you must follow. I love you my beloved children, and my longing is to awaken you to all the wonderful beauty and the wonderful possibilities that are waiting for you This invincible self that is the God within, this indestructible self that is divine. My ambition is only to lead you along this lighted pathway: I cannot walk it for you. I cannot make you think or believe anything I bring: I only lead you in to the understanding thoughts that may follow what I bring to you to hear. You yourself of your own volition and your own free will walk this path. You will learn these lessons, and face these difficulties, conquering them, surmounting them as you reach out to this Divine Beloved that awaits you. On the way you will attract to you the Avatars, these highly evolved souls to strengthen your resolve, to strengthen your wisdom, and to strength your resolution to reach the ultimate. If you choose to linger in that material world in the maudlin thoughts of selfpity, worry and anxiety of that world: then you will stay in that worry and anxiety, and will not lift out of it. But if you strive to reach God with positive thoughts and understanding with hope and not despair and the desire to move forward along the eternal journey back to The Beloved Creator. Then you are taking great strides along the pathway that leads to enlightenment. No-matter what that world throws at you, let it, but surmount it somehow, someway, move through it, call upon The Divine Beloved to give you the strength to do it, and the wisdom to do it. Bring into your body this divine energy, and will it to purify and cleanse. Will it to the mind to conquer negative thoughts: to enable you to live in the positive of God. You have within you this core of divinity, which is God. You have the ability to grow and emerge into this fulfillment of spiritual bliss, or you have the core of destruction to self. The latter will bring you the negative steps that will take you back again and again to that negative world to endure and inhabit till you learn to grow into greater understanding. Then you can say. . . . No-more I need to return to that world of matter. I am free of the illusion of matter. I am moving with God through eternity, to where I belong. My beloved children: Live in the hope of knowing you are moving to God, and all others will also move along this pathway, in their own way in but their own time. God is all-wise, all encompassing, all loving, all forgiving, all understanding, and you are moving to unite with Him. Beloved ones: Let not that material world despair you. Let not that world bring you sorrow. Let the soul within bring you boundless joy, and your belief in God bring you the eternal hope and positive thinking that you must have in your material world today. You are privileged to be in a body, moving to God. Waste not the opportunity! Walk in love, walk in light, walk in hope. I leave you the peace of The Beloved to encompass you along the way, and promise I will never leave you while you have need of me. I am Bethesda. Most intellectual people see energy as a commodity: they do not recognize the power of The Creator behind it. When you look at the material world through the mind of the soul; you see humanity through very different eyes Chapter 31 Earth: A Necessary Illusion. In the seemingly overwhelming state of darkness your material world is now enveloped in: the light of God still shines though. Those who have eyes to see can see this light. In spite of the shadows it is bright and beautiful, glowing in a world that has lost its way. It is glowing for those to see and those who are ready to see.

There are so many people in your world today are attracted to the darkness, and like to live within it in ignorance and disobedience of all Gods laws. They acknowledge not the supremacy of The Beloved Creator, but they sill cling to their reasoning that the physical side of life has the answer to all things that they need and believe. They do not even allow any of the laws pertaining to the spirituality of man to exist. They are very foolish if they think they can exist in that world without God: for without God there would be no world. When the turmoil comes to your world and the storms rage, the seas rise and the fires burn; they do not think they are not responsible for that which happens. In many cases the origin of the tragedy goes back many, many eons of time. Nature is very slow to anger and very forgiving until there is the time when nature says . . . Enough is enough! Then nature will respond to man in such a way there can be no ignoring the fury of what it will reek. When you see the poverty and the misery that exists in so many countries in that material world today, you can be forgiven for thinking the affluent countries must be deaf and blind to the needs of another. It is irrational in that world of plenty, there are those that go hungry, and there are those who throw food away. I realize the difficulties of intruding in other peoples lives, of other nations lives, and I realize the imperfections their own governments and their own control. But you would think by this period of time called the twenty-first century in Earth time, as they claim it to be; you would think that a way would have been found to alleviate suffering for all humanity. They are so busy sending men to the moon and space ships to Mars, yet they cannot find a way to ease the hunger, the poverty in so much of that world. I am concerned who is to blame and who is not, so much, as I cannot understand why it has not found to be solvable. There are other countries that are emerging from the darkness of un-evolvement and un-enlightenment: out of the wilderness into a world of plenty they come. Those countries that are making mistakes and are bringing upon the people the suffering they endure, but somewhere, somehow, in that developed world there could have been a solution found in the years gone by. Just pouring in money is not the answer. Just pouring in food occasionally is not the answer. There has to be a solution found at the root cause of all that is wrong. Man must learn to forget tribal jealousy, tribal hatred, the envy, greed, and the lust for power. All must learn to acknowledge that the world is one world. The lines of the different countries have been drawn by man and not by God. People of your world must learn they have to live together and share together, irrespective of color or creed. I know it sounds like a fanciful Utopiaa fantasy where the mind does not have to exist within it. `My beloved children: I say in truth, there is no other way for that world but to live together, to respond to the needs of each other together, and learn the sharing and caring together. But, alas, today it is none existent. Little children should not be subjected to the poverty and the misery of needing medical attention and education: the simple needs of life are denied them. There are people in your world today that have so much affluence it becomes obscene. Is this not true? God watches this evolution of His children, and He sees the disparity among them. God knows there is no other way but to go forward to Him, but He patiently waits and knows that in time the tragedy of the experience of life on Earth will bring them to Him in spite of themselves. When a soul recognizes that God is supreme, that divinity is their inheritance and their future; and materialism is but a passing phase in a temporary existence: they will then start to reconcile their true life to that which they live at the moment. When a soul acknowledges that The Beloved Creator is all-important, that evolving to God and expanding their consciousness into The Divine One is only ambition that any soul should have.

When they learn that must be the way of life, they realize the priorities of living are so very different from the other opposite that they see around them. Once a soul has awakened to this truth it can never respond completely again to anything that is material. Little fragile steps are taken in the beginning, like a toe in the water, as it were. They still find the pull of that world very tempting and seduction of materialism very enticing; but always deep within them, this understanding that the reality of truth and divinity cannot be bought. It cannot be obtained at the whim or fancy of one wanting or needing it. In all lives there must come a time when the truth of God and the reality of God awakens to the true knowledge of each must seek and find. You here this night in your own lives have realized this reality as truth that you are essentially on a mission of growth to God passing through that material world because you need to do so in order to awaken this truth to its fullest potential. If you were not subjected to this material existence you would not have the growth that you need to have to find God. You know you have to face the stark reality of temptation from that world. You know you have to choose deliberately with sincerity and integrity, with pure longing you have to choose that God is your goal and not the world. A growing soul must learn to say it does not want the worldand mean it! A seeker cannot say . . . It does not tempt me; I want it not: if its not coming from the depth of that persons soul. A person can speak words that have no meaning, for behind them there does not rest the truth of the sincerity that should be there. When a soul can truly say to God. . . . Father I love you; I want only you and not this world. And by your actions show this truth to be so: then God hears. But if it is only the noise of the mouth that is only saying the words and it is not the truth of the soul behind themGod cannot hear, God listens not. God gave man the free-will voice of his journey. God never compels a soul to return to him. God never compels a soul to live a spiritual life; each soul has the choice. Beloved ones: I can say in truth, when those who chose God and not that material world, realize the choice that they have made: they cannot and do not ever again succumb completely to the material. There may be moments of temptation, lapsing of the resolution, but always back on to the divine pathway they come, until they have conquered the rugged road to discipline back to Him. Then they no-longer need they come through compulsion, only by choice. My beloved children: The world of matter in which you live is so very different to the world that God wants and God intends. Even in the last few decades the rapid deterioration of morality and integrity is very drastic. Is this not true? The pursuit of the material has overtaken the divinity of man. All man can see today is the compulsion of wanting, demanding, obtaining and holding fast in the physical sense. Luxuries, possessions: how fallible they are? How perishable and temporary they are? When you look with the eyes of divine wisdom of what they seek to gather and gain for their glory; you look and you wonderwhy are they so blind? What can you do with money in the bank when you leave the body? What can you do with the homes you have built? What can you do with the luxuries within these homes and the cars in the garage? What can you do with all the trappings of that world that you have gathered unto you when the time come for you to leave that physical body and come back to spirit? Not one atom of those possessions can come with you! They are wasted! Forgotten! My beloved children: When you have gathered unto you the soul growth, this expansion into God, this great acknowledgement of the divinity within you, and you have lived Gods laws to the best of your ability. You may have failed here and there along the way, but to the best of your ability you have tried: you have gathered unto you the glory of the soul. Then when you leave that physical body that goes with you into spirit; and you build upon it, and you continue to build

upon it until eventually it is perfect in God. Never make the energy of your life the goal of gaining possessions. It is necessary of course to be comfortable, to be secure, to have the necessities of life around you; but never make them the reason for your happiness or the soul purpose of your existence. Make them a necessary adjunct that you have to have in that world in order to grow to God. You need a home of some sort, a housing to cover the body. You need food to eat. You need material possessions that you can use to cope with that world. You must have enough currency of your world to buy these things. But only try and acquire enough of these things that you need, and not what you want. There is indeed on Earth a great sadness for this spirit world to watch, for the majority of people in your material world are so busy gathering and racing through that world trying to acquire the wealth of that world. We see the futility. We see the unnecessary energy expended upon things of no importance. If you are trying to impress your neighbor, or someone else with how wealthy you are, how large your home isindeed the futility is great. I think an enlightened soul in God, one who is awakened to the truth of God can see this very clearly. It doesnt matter if they do not impress anyone with what they have gained or gathered unto themselves, materially. When you have the gentleness of soul growth, the understanding love to give, the compassion, and the wisdom: then that my children, is the great wealth. It is very easy for me to speak like this, I am not in that world . . . You are! But you have not to become a part of it unless you chose. You do not have to become one with all the others just because of the sake of possessing. I give in truth, my children, there is nothing materially that is of any importance or of any value, to one who is seeking God, compared to the growth of the soul and the expansion of their consciousness into the divine mind of God. There is nothing in that material world that could possible mean anything to one who seeks God. Living in your material world and sharing with the world your own divinitythen that my children, is living God! In living in that physical world, and giving to others that which you know that are spiritual gifts from God, is important. Even if you are rebuffed, even if it is not acknowledged, or understood: that is no reason to withdraw. It is no reason to feel rejected: for once you are giving for God nothing can be rejected, it must find a resting place somewhere. Live your life in the wider understanding of the divine laws. You have nor to be a sanctimonious bore, as they say. You have not to go constantly singing the hymns and preaching the words from the pulpitthats not what God wants. By just living a gentle loving life, a simple caring life, and giving Gods love where you can, awakening Gods love where you can, sharing what you have with others, caring about the plight of another, having compassion for your enemies, giving understanding when there is a good cause for anger, but anger is suppressed. All these qualities are an expression of the divinity within, and you take these steps to grow closer to God. When you see a greedy, jealous, angry man, and you see the gentle loving compassion of one who knows God: you realize who has the wealth and who has not. You realize the futility of one life and the quality of another. I cannot give these words to anyone who is not ready to want to hear them. If they are boring to listen to, if they are just wasted on the air, there is no point in me coming. I only come to souls like you who I know want to hear, and are striving to find and know The Beloved Creator. You cannot coerce anyone into loving God. You cannot coerce anyone into believing the truths I have given, they have to want to believe; they have to want to go into them of their own volition, their own desire and not from force. I always say. . . . You cannot educate anyone to find and want God, the desire has to be awakened from within, and flourish and grow out of desire for God. When a soul is ready to find God, you can be very sure that God is easy to find.

God never hides from anyone seeking Him. He never shows impatience, anger, or judgment. He only gives love, compassion and understanding. God holds out His arms and says . . . Come home to meI am waiting. When you are readyI am here. I look at those in your world that mislead the people, who utilize the Divine for gain or glory, who deliberately mislead for the sake of power and leadership, who wantonly misuse the truth to please their own ends. I see with sadness how far they have yet come and what karma they are building for themselves When you have words of truth to bring, let them ring forth loud and clear as truth. But when you hear that which is given by so many and claim to be truth, you realize how easy it is for the people following them to be misled. And when you consider those who preach these words are misleading: Then that increases the debt they have yet to pay, spiritually. To deceive themselves is one thing, but to deceive others is quite another. The responsibility for spreading Gods truth in that world is very great. It must never be taken lightly! When you speak the word of God: you must mean you believe the word of God. When you tell the truth must mean you believe it to be the truth. Never mutilate and create in your own meaning that which you want to say; be sure you are using the foundation of divinity, the word of God as your authority. Whatever you do, live your lives with divine integrity. You may at times find yourself stumbling along the path, and not moving ahead as fast as you want, that is not as important as being able to know that you have always acted and spoken with the divine integrity. You have never lived a lie, you have never misled deliberately; and you are trying in your own way to follow Gods laws and live them. If the pace be slow; it is better to be slow and be honest, than try and make it fast through shortcuts and deliberately deceiving that which you believe. I want for all humanity on that Earth to find God. I want for all humanity to awaken to truth and reality of the divine message. I want a world where there is no sorrow, no poverty, no hunger, no cruelty, no destruction of life and possessions to make life hard I want a loving world, a world of serenity and gentleness. I want a world where nature smiles upon man and works together with man in that which man is seeking. I want the love of God to reign supreme in that world. I cannot see it coming for a very long time, but I know it will come one day. This is because the lure of God is so strong in man it cannot be denied forever. There must come a day when souls on that Earth are more equal; and this garden of Gods creation can become indeed a place of hope, love and gentleness. `My beloved children: I can tell in truth, if you really love God you can never really show anger. You can never show hurt to another, deliberately. How can you be angry when God is so gentle? How can you do anything that is opposite to God if you really love Him? In seeking God you have to want to be like God: that its why it is so hard, and so many fail. You have to struggle with your human factor of existence. You have to struggle with the imperfection of evolution within you. You have to struggle with so many conflicting emotions in that world. If you can with discipline and spiritual strength, surmount them. But you can in truth believe in that which you want to follow and live: then you will find God. The divine aspect of every human being is the God within this inner divinity must evolve and expand. It remains an atom within them until they deliberately awaken it and see it grow until it becomes the all-consuming fire that it will become one day: that is why it takes so many lives to find. You have to stumble and fumble through so many lives. You have to face the realities of experience and suffering. You have to see the conflicting emotions of males and females. You have to experience every facet of life in your journey to God. It is only when you have gone through all these fires of experience and you have truly said . . . I want nothing else but God, and really mean that in the

deepest sense of conviction. Then my children, you know you have gone through that which you must, and found the ultimate in The Beloved Creator. When you are entering the early lives of your existence, you think materially and you act materially, like a baby growing up. The baby has no sense of direction and has no reasoning in its true identity. As it grows deeper and deeper, and further and further along the spiritual path it begins to be able to segregate, deliberate, and decide. Then there are those who are slow, and take longer. There are those succumb very quickly, and find the divinity a powerful force within them. When the life you live is eventually the one you make the choice to find and know God, before and above all else, you can be sure you are very close to the point when you need no longer to inhabit a physical body. `Beloved ones: God gave you reason and God gave you logic! Dont just believe because it sounds good. Dont just believe because I tell you so; believe because you want within yourself to understand this divinity. Believe because the logic of this, which I bring, strikes a cord within and says to you: This has a ring of truth. If you cannot accept it then reject it! Dont force yourself! Dont deceive yourself! Only when you can say with truth . . . I believe, and I am satisfied this is the way I want to find God for these are the truths I have been waiting for. When you can say with all honesty, you really believe you can find God; but when you listen because you say it sounds right, or it is wiser to think this is right and you must follow itthat is wrong! Only the disciplined integrity of longing must be there when you really follow the path to God; anything less, then you will stumble away from that divine pathway for one reason or another. It is the true conviction of the longing, the true conviction of the truth you hear, and the true conviction of the soul to really want God that will take you to God. `My children: That is why the path is so narrow, and so few follow the path in any great degree; they find it too difficult and too disciplined. They would rather linger in that world of matter, and feel the satisfaction being obtained by the senses through materialism; it is so less demanding. Its so easy to drift through that world, not calling upon yourself for any discipline, or any hard decisions. Its the seeking of God that is the most difficult, the most disciplined, the most exacting; and yet the most fulfilling and certainly the most rewarding. When you really love God and want Him with longing, you feel within the feeling of fulfillment and a feeling of detachment from that world; a feeling of knowing you dont really belong in that world. Once you have tasted the true divinity of the search you hunger for more. Your thirst cannot be quenched by anything of that world: only the nectar of the divine can satisfy that thirst for fulfillment. There is such love, such perfection waiting for you in the time that is ahead. Dont stop the search! Dont give up the struggle! Dont weary of the path! Never stop looking for a solution because your life seems to be so slow in moment, so difficult to cope with, and so unrewarding in many ways. Dont give up the struggle, my beloved ones. These are the tests that you must pass, experiences that you must go through to find God. God is watching you with love saying. . . .`Dont give up the struggle my sons and daughters`. `Push through that world and reach out to me`. Gods love is an all-enveloping cloak of peace. In the midst of turmoil in your life you can feel this peace. In the midst of the most dramatic stages of your life you can feel Gods love reaching through to strengthen. When all you think you see around you is dark despair; you see the light and you feel the glow of divinity that is truly yours and you say. . . . I cannot understand exactly why I am going through what I am, but I know I need to. I know I must, and I must conquer, and I know I must win. Always know your hand is tightly held by God. You will never lose the wayHe will

not let you! God will always lead you along that struggling path, through the darkness of suffering until the joy and fulfillment are there waiting for you with Him. When your consciousness begins to expand into that of Gods, you see then the treasures beginning to unfold. You are no longer content with that which that world has to offer as education and knowledge. You are touching the divine truth and the divine wisdom that accompanies all creation. You see indeed, the divine reality of existence. You see the purpose behind all things. You see the answers that have escaped your understanding. The reason for so much is disclosed in one single thought. When you are with God you live in bliss, peace and beauty; and you see the struggles of those still moving along the path to find Him. You then like God, want to reach out and help them find the struggling road less difficult, less arduous: but they must walk it. No matter what love you have to give, or what desire is there, you cannot take away the struggles of another. They must be allowed to make that journey to God at their own pace, in their own way, and according to their own needs. If you took away the experiences the struggles and the difficulties of their lives, they would have gained nothing. They would not have conquered and overcome anything to find God. It would have been done for them; therefore it would have no value. Only experiencing these disasters do you find the true value in what you have found in your love for God! `Is that not logic, my children? It would be so easy for me to ease your burdens and to eradicate the struggles along the way, but I have not that right, nor would I want that right. Only you have that right to over come and to conquer them. If it takes a little longer than you like, than you want, then remember: you will make the journey eventually. Time is not always the important issue: it is that which you are achieving that is important. You can achieve some wonderful growth to God in a long time, and you can achieve much less in a fast time. Look for the slow fulfilling growth, not the quick spasmodic, and thencessation. If you suddenly get glimpses of things from beyond Earth you think you have achieved greatness. This very often is not so important in the struggle to find God as the one who sees nothing, but feel and exchanges with God this great force of wisdom. Flashes of exuberance in your path to God are not the criteria you strive for, my children. Its the long, slow, loving struggle, the disciplined walk, and the path that takes you forward always and doesnt allow you to deviate as you walk along the way. I would like to tell you: that your world is going to be an easy place for you, and there is no darkness coming for you any more. That would be misleading, for I know not what struggles are coming into your life because you have free-will. I cannot tell you what you will choose, for only you have that right to choose. But I can tell you: you never struggle alone; you never make that journey without love as your companion. We are there in your lives, watching and helping; we are inspiring, sending forth the divine wisdom that you may absorb it and make wiser decisions, accordingly. If you are bereft and living in the darkness with no divine help, what a lonely place that world would be? When you are walking in light and divine love it becomes so different. Look at your world with eyes of reality: its a place where man has to make many mistakes, and is still making mistakes: with bad judgments and bad discussions. That material world is a place where you should see love and compassion given. If you look deeply you will see differing values expounded and differing lives being lived: like a mosaic pattern, with each part so different until it eventually comes into completion as one. Look at your world as it is today, a seemingly hotchpotch of humanity, a hotchpotch revolution that it is. See the struggle of humanity within it trying to fine the way. Some people think

they have found the way, and they are never more wrong. Some cannot find the way any way! There are those who find the way, and give up the struggle, it seems to them to become very hard, they then settle for the easy life. Others find the desire for God so strong they want no other path. There are so many differing souls alive in that world, in a body of a human form in order to express themselves in matter. But is spite of the differing evolutions the one overriding fact of truth is, they are all divine. They are all from God and they will go back to God. Make no mistake my children, for when that world experiences great darkness: remember this . . . It has all been caused by the cause and effect of mankind. It has been set in motion as a cause, and the cause must have an effect. Walk to God through all the stress and turmoil, walk to Him in love, faith, trust, desire, and longing. Let nothing weaken it! Let nothing devalue it! `My children: Remember, the goal is God. When the time comes and you are at home with Him again, remember this You are there with God because you have earned it; not because you wanted it and expected ityou had to earn it. To all beloved seekers: I know your lives differ in many ways, in your goals and in what you want. I know some times, the road is very dark and lonely; you cut your feet as you walk that blessed pathway to Him. I know there many true people out there whose love for God is very true, very strong, and the desire for Him is real. But I want you all to evaluate this truth . . . How much do you really want God? The answer lies in what you are prepared to give to Him and give up for Him. Are you prepared to spend the time in your day that God needs to speak with you to enable you to come close to Him in your desires to try to be united with Him, or do you just casually give a minute here, a minute there, or do you set aside the time and say . . . This is yours my God.` When you add up the hours of each day and you work out how much time you have spent with Godthat is the important issue. Sometimes you may look at yourself and say . . . I have been angry today and I have been at fault in so many ways today`. `My beloved seekers: You must be able to accept the truth of the need to overcome that discrepancy in your own thinking and character if you ever want God. Do not come to God if you are angry. You cannot come to God if you are false to yourself. You must learn slowly and surely from this moment to live God. You must not be quick to judge and value anothers life; you must let them walk their own path to God. You have not to condone the right way to go, but you have to understand or try hard to understand. Where you see hatred, give love, and forgive forgive at once. It is not what others do to you that matters, its what you do to others. Its what you bring to God: the gentleness and the willing compassion for all things in that world. Its not Utopia of which I speak; it is not a fanciful aggrandizing statement that I make . . . It is truth! If you want God, you have to live like God! These qualities must come before you can find Him, before you can find enlightenment and before you can touch the higher state of consciousness, and most certainly, before you reach that supreme evolved level of soul growth to that of an Avatar. Each one of you is only on that Earth for a brief time in each incarnation. You come, you spend a time growing: you leave. You come againyou spend the time again you leave again. Think for a moment of the intervening time you spend elsewhere. Think of the real identity of yourself. That facet of life on Earth you have to live is but a temporary act, a temporary drama in that material world. Do not give it an importance it should not have, and do not let yourself evolve in such a way that you are giving the human face to your existence as the real living.You have to show

the divine face to that world and mean that to your world as God would have you do. You must be an expression of God upon that planet Earth eventually if you hope to unite with Him. If not, you will keep coming back again and again into that world of matter if you do not do that: as you need to do in any incarnation. You must learn to live God. I am not saying how quickly, when or where, that is your choice. Its your free will; but eventually you have to live God if ever you want to reach Him and move away from the need to reincarnate into a physical body. Express your divinity while you can. Resist the temptations to express the worldly facets of your life, and try and face each hardship with the divine wisdom. It hurts the body, I know, its a struggle of pain, I know; but try and see through it: its a divine journey you are making. That material body seems always to get in the way, but I say in truth one day you will be able to lay it aside and bring home to God the glory of the spirituality of the self. I come I know and speak these words of greatness that you must do; but I only come to have to tell you of the goal you have to keep before you. I cannot bring you less if the need is there for you to find more. Whatever the measure I have brought to you if it where not the ultimate it would not be truth. I must bring and tell you the need for what you must do and what you need to become, but I can never presume to tell you when and howthat is your choice! I give in truth; I will help wherever I can. I will never deceive. I will never mislead. I leave my love in abundance with you all, and pray Gods light and peace will be forever your companion. I am Bethesda. He, who lives in divine light, spreads divine understanding for all to walk upon. Spiritual truth is always the same: it never changes Chapter 32 Wisdom and Spiritual Truth from an Avatar In your world of turmoil it is very precious to fine the peace of God and to retreat into the silence and find His love surrounding you. Then to see the opening of the pathway before you, to know your feet are upon it, and you are taking solid steps towards unity with God. With spiritual insight, there will be no doubts about the direction you are taking or the reason you have for following that narrow pathway. It is not a path that is easy to walk. It is not a path that allows you to retreat from all trouble, from all the consequential things of life that deter you from happiness and from peace. It is a path of growth, a path of learning, of finding your true self and of moving in the direction that your soul need to follow in order to unify again with The Creator. If anyone expects just because they acknowledge God and love Him, their life will be smooth and free of pain and troubles, they are very wrong. Life is all learning and growing, experiencing the negative and the positive, understanding pain and joy, sorrow and peace, learning so many lessons from nature, from other species of existence: it is a whole era of growing from nothing to everything. Beloved ones: The longer you walk this path to God, the closer you come to Him. You come to depend upon your own inner-self to give you all the answers to all the emotions you have to contend with; this is to help you find the truth that is coming from within and not from without. You will no longer need the solace of others to make you happy, and you will no

longer need the wisdom from books to enlighten. That call from within is divine: it already embodies all truth and all knowledge of existence. You have through the long journey of the eternal to move to God: to awaken within your-self that opening of the soul: to allow the knowledge already there, locked away, to be released gradually and slowly into your consciousness and understanding of God. All truth already exists: it is there for you to know, to enter, and to understand. But, my children, you can only enter and undo that lock of truth in accordance of the wisdom that you have gained through your journey; the era of evolution that you have achieved, and then, beloved ones, you can correspondingly tap into this great mind of God that has the answer to ever-thing. No one can tap that knowledge, or force an entry because the think they want to or think they should do. Through any sense of importance, greed or ego, they cannot move one inch towards God: it can only come through the growth of the soul, expansion of consciousness and the living of the laws that govern the universes. Gods spiritual laws were written in the beginning of time and will never change, will never vary, will never be able to be mutilated in any form. They are immutable, they are the will of God for mankind to know and live, for all creation to know follow and respect. The integrity of these laws fashion the creation God gave to all of us. Unless these laws are eventually lived you will never find your-self unifying with God. You cannot follow one or two that you think you can, you must follow them all. You must live them, interpret them, and know them to fully understand the implications of disobedience of these laws. No matter what laws man fashions to control your life, no matter what Earthly restrictions may come to anyone living in humanity, these spiritual laws must be obeyed above and beyond all else. They must be lived by governments, by individuals and by all of humanity incarnate. Unless they are truly lived there will be no real peace in your world, no justice, no freedom for nature and animals to live as God intended. Man must recognize the rights of animals and other species to evolve in their own way to perfection of that which they are formed to do. They know not what evolves of the species beyond man, nor what eventual form of activity their souls will take to do so. They know not what nature truly represents. They cannot understand or accept the might of nature, the power of nature, and the true value of that which God gave to nature to represent Him in the way that nature suppose to do. Man thinks he can play with the little fanciful things that he does, thwarting this aspect and that aspect of nature. Man can change mountains to molehills, he thinks; he can dam rivers and oceans, he can drill through mountains while he is motivated by greed for the jewels within. Man thinks he can stem the tide of this and that, he knows not what he does and what will be the effect of that cause that is set in motion. Man does not think beyond the physical appreciation of what he wants to do and doesnt want to do. Man encompasses science in his own way, and thinks he has the right to achieve that which he wants. No one can manipulate the divine aspect of creation God has given and not expect repercussions. All laws must be obeyed in conformity with the whole of creation and not one small aspect of it. Man does not recognize that beyond Earth there are other universes and other dimension in existence. Much of what happens in those universes, affect matter, affect the planets, and affect all other forms activity. Man knows not the intertwining of these dimension and these other universes that are beyond limited reasoning ability of the human mind to even begin to understand. Man knows not how intricate wean and woven are the paths of creation. Man thinks matter is that for which he was formed to live within and that is all. Man does not think his own deeds and his own actions will have repercussions on other aspects of creation, but they will. Man will find that one day he will pay the price for all his exploration in space.

Man cannot invade the realms beyond the planets as he is doing, and not have the effect of that which he is causing. Man must learn to respect that which is the supreme power over all. All you do, beloved ones, must reflect the authority of God. In the path that you take you will find the temptations will come to test your resolve in this way. You will be given opportunities to walk this way or that, to undertake this or that, to choose this way or that way. There will be the signposts for you to read, to choose, and the more you seek the wealth of Gods truth and understanding, the clearer will become the sign-posts that you must read. You will find wisdom coming in the decisions that you make and the way you choose to go. If you cling to the material and fashion your values purely upon the material you will never find the divine way that you must take. You will then find you are starving your soul of spiritual nurture, and it will one day rebel and force you to rethink the path you have chosen to walk, and awaken this divine truth within you. As you stumble through life making mistakes, correcting mistakes, learning from the errors of judgment, the errors of decision, you are gathering unto your own character the strength of growth: you are learning to choose. Never regret the mistakes you have made, they have been steps of learning that you must take. Never begrudge the fall that life brings to your doorsteplearn from it. Never regret the past of what has gone. Look to the future in the positive understanding that through soul growth will surely come to you, the better judgment, the better decisions to make, and understanding of the truth of the Divine. You must walk through darkness before you find light. You must know negative before you can live in the positive. My beloved children: Grieve not or carry a great sense of guilt over the past mistakes you have made and the wrong paths you have chosen. Thank God for the opportunity that He has given you to learn the lessons of the soul that you must learn, in order to reach Him and unify with Him. Gods love is ever flowing no-matter what stage of evolution you have reached: His love is just the same. If you are in the humble beginnings or the greater dimensions of growth, God still sends the same love; the receptivity of that love is greater the closer you are to Him, but the love is just the same. If you reject that love, God does not stop sending it. God always gives understanding and compassion to every aspect of His creation. God knows it must all evolve into perfection that it will need, to rejoin again into the whole. No-matter how long the path, no-matter how long the journey, no-matter what the distance or the time it takes you to walk that path, Gods love is ever constant, His longing is ever real to have you again to enter the perfection of the whole. God will never leave you in your moments of trouble or doubt, in your moments of wrong decisions, in your suffering or joyGod is there just the same. Gods love is completely impartial to all colors of skin, to all races of mankind, to all evolving development, to any aspect of creation: His love is ever there. Gods peace surrounds it and His truth and wisdom is ever flowing for the absorption of that which is being sent to be received. Do not think when life is hard upon you never think that God has retreated from you or forgotten you are there, His love is intense as ever for you, His help is pouring forth as strongly as ever; it is the aspect of life that you are forming around you or coloring your judgment is precluding you from receiving that which He sends. Always in moments of great trial open wide the self to God; the more the trials become more painful, the harder are the lessons to learn. Open more widely the self to God. Never close off from this immense power of love that is flowing. Never retreat into the personal self and discard this great spiritual immensity of love and peace that is flowing.

Become receptive in all moments of judgments you need to perform. Become receptive in all moments of decision that must be taken; and never judge another by your own mental capacity to decide what you think should be. Understand every soul incarnate is growing to God in his own individual way, his own individual pace and the decision he makes must be his own to account for. When you feel someone is making misguided decisions, send love, send your spiritual help to him to help him make the right decisions; but do not feel encompassing upon yourself the right to make to decisions for him or to decide what you think he should do and be. That is his privilege! All you can send is love and understanding, and will him the peace and the wisdom to choose the way that is right. What you think is right for that person may be very wrong for that person. The path you think that someone should take may be the one he is not ready for; let him find his own path, in his own time. All you can do is to give love and understanding wherever you can. Never withhold help whenever it is asked for. Never forgo the opportunity to sow the seed of spiritual truth as you walk this path to Godbut never enforce it upon another. Never try and hammer your thoughts and feelings into the mind of another. Sow the seed gently, give the love so willingly and forcefully, but never give the domination that you think would accomplish the deed that you want to achieve. The journey of a soul to God is a very complex one; it is really essentially simple if the laws of the laws of the Divine are followed. It is free of complications if God is lived as you move through time, but this is never done if a soul is learning to find its way back to God. It is learning to evolve into the perfection of the Divine and therefore must be allowed to stumble and fall, to take diversions that are wrong, to make the errors of judgment, not because they deliberately set out to do so, but because it is part of the growing process, the learning process. That is why is so important for children, from the moment of birth to be enveloped in love, in understanding, in the right environment of living to encourage their own growing, flowering and evolving gently. But these times in your world preclude children in so much of it from ever having such opportunities. `Do they not? If there comes a lack of parental love, the breakdown of family life, and all sorts of complications that affect childrens lives: this forces them to suffer needlessly and be deprived of the guiding force of God that should come to them automatically from those entrusted in their early years of growth and judgment. Little children are souls old as time in so many cases, and have incarnated into young bodies: the bodies are young but not the souls. The souls are entrapped in bodies to enable them to grow to a physical stature, so when the time comes they can express their own individual understanding of truth, and become the real person they need to they need to grow and develop into in that material world. The enforcement of religions upon children, are painful reminders of the folly of man. It may be accident of birth, an accident of force from a parent to a child to follow this teaching or that teaching: this can cramp their growth and it can deny them the spiritual growth that they came to that world find. But until they are subsequently able to break free from the chains of this enforced belief and follow the dictates of the soul awakening within them to the truth of spiritual growth. I think any child born into la family of awakened souls is blessed with more than happiness. To see a soul flowering, growing and encompassed in love, is a beautiful sight, my beloved ones; you see the true nurturing of that soul being given to it and allowing it to move gradually and gently through time, and find the fulfillment of awakening understanding their right, and their way to follow. Many evolved souls are born into bodies to form part of families that are completely opposite. It is a task these souls have undertaken in order to speed the awakening of that family group in truth.

If one awakened soul is in the midst of such, sometimes the awakening can come more quickly and more forcefully for them. You find bodies mutilated with disease really encompassing souls of such magnitude of growth, and you may wonder why they would have to suffer as they do. Often this is because it is lessons that the physical bodies around them must learn themselves lessons from. They do not need the lessons, but those around them do; so they have willing come into a physical body that is mutilated in this way in order to allow the others to understand and grow because of it. Many people of the human-race have found something awakening within them-selves, a deep response to truth, a stirring of the soul, because of the suffering of their children or their family. Have they not? It has sparked an awakening within them because suffering has come to them. And that is why evolved souls have painful incarnations in order to help the growth of those they wish to help. `My beloved children: It is not always haphazard, for this law of incarnation is by no-means scattered needless here or there: its carefully thought out, carefully planed, and carefully fulfilled. It goes awry at times because as long as mankind is evolving as they are you will find the mistakes will be made because of the lack of evolvement. The intent of these evolved souls is to help others grow to God, and this is the motive for their sacrifice for God. Avatars need never incarnate, but they come because they know service to God is required, and they willingly submit to a body in order to lovingly give this service to The Creator. I think the life of an Avatar is so beautiful to behold; it can only inspire likeminded spiritual beings slowly growing to God to want to hurry, to want to move faster along this path toward Him. The very power of the aura of the Avatar moving into the aura of others is very immense. It helps the souls who are so touched to grow more and faster to God because of the very presence an Avatars spiritual energy feeding divine energy into their aura. An Avatars aura can reach miles and miles into the auras of others. They are in the perfection of God manifesting in flesh for God; they touch so many lives and move so many souls along this path to Him. They consider the sacrifice of having to move into a body well worthwhile. They have the power of retreat from that body whenever they want it, whenever they feel the time is nigh. They wait not for a physical death: they can loosen from the material and move back into spirit. Jesus was an Avatar who came to Earth a little over two-thousand years ago to give light to a darkened world, and two-thousand years later he is still giving light to a darkened world. He would not recognize the truths he spoke he spoke then, as spoken from the pulpits today; and he would recoil in horror at the amount of wealth many religious movements are making in his name. I want if I can, to impress upon you the magnitude of life. I want help you to stop living in the tiny dimensions of matter of your understanding in this physical way, and to not relate to life from this physical standpoint. I want you to see the ramification of the whole of creation upon the whole of life. The power of The Divine is so mighty; yet so wonderfully gentle so complicatedand yet so simple. The power of The Divine is so empowering in its love and compassion, and yet so exacting in its demands of your growth. If you can focus completely upon this limitless love of God into all creation, you will realize the power of love. Whatever form you make available to your life, just the fact that it is love brings it the power that is immense. True healing is from the force of love from God, to the one needing it, through the person that is sending it. They call them miracles that happen at times on your Earth. They are really the result of manifestations of immense divine love into the being that needs it at that time, and according to the souls growth, at that time.

It is the receptivity of this that will change the condition of a physical body, in spite of the prophecies of man for that body. There are no such things as miracles: they are merely acts of divine achievement according to the intent of God and the receptivity of the one needing it. Nothing is achieved beyond the laws of nature, they are divine laws. Nothing can violate them! And the physical body will grow in matter according to the divine laws. A persons thoughts can govern that persons health: but a persons attitude to existence can also bring unhealthy problems to the body. Hatred and anger can poison the cells of the body more quickly than anything. Jealousy and greed can destroy the functions of the body, in its purity. If your thoughts are truly pure and loving, if the intent is always there to give and not take, and if you try to live the laws of God, your body will respond. But remember, sometimes the point of destruction may have advanced so far, it must be allowed to take its toll and ultimately release that soul from that physical body for it to return back to spirit. Then, my children, this will require another incarnation for that soul to go through. Reincarnation is not something to be regarded as punishment; it must be regarded as something from God to help the soul evolve and move to the perfection that it must achieve. Reincarnation is a divine privilege, a necessity of the soul not a punishment. It living the law of God in order to once again bring that aspect of a God back again into the whole of perfection, and unify into the one lightwhich is God! I dont think; until mankind will acknowledge the laws of reincarnation, will acknowledge that such a thing exists, he can truly appreciate what a wonderful opportunity it gives to the soul to mitigate the past mistakes, and move into the light of the growth to God. The sooner man stops resenting coming back into the body, and decides to achieve growth because of it; to perfect the self in spite the imperfections in matter; the sooner he will grow to God and not have to return again into flesh, and move forward into other dimension of existence to reach God. The longer human beings resent living in the world of matter, the more they will have to come back to it. My children: Do not resent life, accept it. Do not resent misery, unhappiness, poverty or injustice, accept it and try to mitigate it; but do not resent it. Accept the need to face these conditions and push them behind you and move into the positive growth that awaits you. Acceptance of misery does not mean you have to live in misery: it means you accept it as a problem that you must work through, and move on. The need to live in poverty, need not cower the soul, it need not keep the soul in bondage in that poverty: it really means the soul has this problem and must leave it behind it and move out of this era of existence into the positive of God The positive power of the mind is a force that is yet to be unlocked for mankind. The power of the right thinking, and the power of the right understanding of the mind, is mighty. When you can will this great force that you have, to will the change to your life, to will the changes to your body and the changes to the future. If you can understand how mighty and powerful this force of will is you can get it to move mountains. You can come out of poverty, you can come out of sickness, and you can come out of injustice and misery into the positive light of growth and progress. Use this power of the mind to push away the negative, to push away this opposite condition to God and bring into action the positive of God, be it to your body or your life. Beloved ones: Never neglect this power, and never take for granted that which you have. Never limit the mighty power of God within you that is yours to harness, yours to awaken and yours to use. God within you is your treasure from the Divine. It is His gift to you; let it grow, expand, and move the very essence of living in you life. Let it color your judgment with the positive understanding that you are divineyou are not matter

That body around your soul is but there for that time you spend on Earth: it is a necessary adjunct for the soul to use in order to animate in that heavy world. You cannot see a soul animating in that world without that physical body. Remember, the soul is God within: it is part of The Beloved Creator that has been given to you to move you through time to the eternal journey of evolution back to Him, and to once again rejoin Him in the perfection of the whole. Within each soul is contained all understanding and all knowledge. It is closed tight until you allow it to awaken, emerge, and grow in wisdom. It is like a child like a child going to school for the first time; from the first class he enters until the very achievement of the final year of his schooling. Then all the lessons he has learnt and all the growth he has achieved through that learning time: that is like the soul within you. It starts off in a physical body with no recollection, but its allowed to grow, its allowed to merge, and its allowed to enter this great mind of God. Then the need comes to allow it to grow within you, and to allow, by the spiritual living of your life, this awakening from within into the divinity of spiritual truth. It is mighty power within you, divine in origin, divine in intent and divine for the future. Let nor the physical body assume an importance it must not have. Let not the physical mind assume an importance it tries to achieve, for it will try to dominate the force of the true spiritual consciousness. Let the spirit overpower the physical in its wisdom and in its influence. Let it teach you to be gentle with its-self and with others. Let it teach it to be wise in the council you receive and you give. Let it be very loving in the life you live, and let it be wise in the choice of activities and the process of thinking that you acquire. Let it be generous in the sharing withers others the good things of life that you have found coming to you. The more you live God in that material world, the more you will attract the qualities of life to your life. The more you give the more you will receive. The more you love, the more God will push wisdom into your understanding. You are never allowed to live in the poverty of divine understanding and love, because you have given it to others. God replenishes, God reinforces, ten times more than you give. God always sends. Let your-self receive it and above all, let your-self be receptive to God. See the beauty of nature, not because it looks pretty but see the beauty of its formation. See the wonder of its growth, and the intricacies of its formation. See the part it is playing in the whole concept of life it is playing in that wonderful world. See the wonder of the varying animals, the insects, the fish, the foul and the birds of the sky. See the divine hand of God upon everything that exists. See the hand of God at work when a little egg is hatched and emerges forth as a bird, glorious in color and myriad in the numerous species that your world produces for God. See the wisdom of the various animals that your world has and how they live their laws. See also the cruelty of man upon them; the dominance of man upon the lesser creatures because he is more powerful. His assumption is that because he is more intelligent and more powerful he can assume dominance over them to the extent he can exterminate them or he can do what he wants with them. `My children: This is the folly of man: he tries to play God and he cannot even understand the meaning of the word. Those animals evolve into other creatures: their form of evolution is their own till the intent of God is eventually fulfilled. But along the way man thinks he can exterminate, he can consume to satisfy his appetite. The might of God is so misunderstood. The intent of God so unrealized, yet the laws of God are so very simple and yet so difficult to live. I think that material world in which you live, has never experienced such darkness

as it does today. All the gentle truth of God is being withheld from so many. The divine laws of God are being denied to the people of your world, because of the cruelty of others, the injustice, the greed, the corruption, and the lack of moral leading of lives is bringing so much unhappiness into the lives of others. The little children who should be helped to grow in gentleness are cruelly treated, and are misused. The elderly are not given the respect they have a right to receive from their long life in that world. The sick are being allowed to fall into greater sickness because or the lack of kindness and generosity of others who have plenty. There must come to your world such a change of attitude, such a change of understanding and a change of direction. Until this comes mankind will suffer more. Governments must learn they cannot govern for the economy alone; they must govern for the human fabric of the nation they govern. Every decision they make must be fully accounted for, not just in the economic achievements but also in the achievements of the souls they should care for. The well-being of others in every form of living must be taken into account before any decision is made to correct the economy of the country. If this is done what will happen that, if that is done what will happen to this? I know decisions must be difficult at times; but always they must be in conformity with Gods laws and the repercussions on His humanity. The governments of your world are not ready to face life in this way. They are still prone to think they have the authority of making decisions according to their beliefs and their understandings. They are formed by many who know not God. They give God no name and no credit. How foolish, how unwise, how tragic? Their path must be so long, so wide and varied before they find the awakening to truth becoming prevalent within them. Sometimes you will find the words of divine wisdom flowing from a little child, even more than you would from an adult, because that little child is close to God if that soul within is evolved no matter what age the body is. Never regard as tragic the death of a child at an early age in accordance to your understanding of what you think is tragic. That soul may have chosen to come just for a brief visit, for reasons of its own; it may be the opposite, but always assume it is. The soul may chose to leave the body when it feels it accomplishes what it came to Earth for at no matter what age or what state of life that soul has achieved. Always let the credit and the decision be those of God; never think you can play God and decide that child should not have died or that child should have lived. `Beloved ones: Never decide: that is Gods province. Never assume it is betwixt God and the soul, for the justice will come out of the action that will always follow the deed. Sometimes a child chooses the suffering in its' childhood for reasons of growth, sometimes, as I have said before, for the growth of the family it belongs to. Give help, give kindness, give compassion, but never give judgment. Never find yourself indulging in intolerance with another because you know not why. I think the lessons in life are simple, but yet so difficult. Can you understand what I am trying to convey to you? If you can follow them and live them, then life becomes simple. If they thwart you then your path becomes darkened with the need to learn more lessons before the spiritual growth can be achieved. I want for your lives there to see then unfolding and flowing in the way that your soul is ready for, and in the way that your soul is asking for in its efforts to unite with God. You here this night have asked God in different ways and at different times to show you the way, to show you the path you must follow to bring you the comfort and help that you need in order to find it. God has heard you, and He has answered. God has answered differently, perhaps, but to each of you in your own way. If you truly give to God this condition of desire and that you truly want to be

guided along the path of eternal wisdom to Him in a way that is in conformity of your need to do so, then it will come. `My beloved children: God sees these words coming from your soulnot from your lips. Let the God see the sincerity of your request; not because you want to do something that will bring you benefit, but because your soul longs for it, and because your soul is crying out for the growth of your spirit. God reads your soul, not your lips! God can see the integrity of the request and He can see through those that merely want to feel that they are important in some way if they can achieve this growth. Desire and longing for God is the most powerful forms of energy that you can use to reach Him. If the desire and longing for God propels you into the action of spiritual undertaking, then you are surely on the path to unity with Him. If your efforts are made for gain or glory, then you will surely fall. Just seek God for God alone. Seek God because you love and want Him for God and God alone. Whatever falls into your life because of it is because it is what you accept. Whatever direction your life takes is because you have found it because of your love and longing for God. Do not find your-self gauging your life by what you think you have achieved or by what state your soul is in. Do not presume to have the wisdom of what you are or not, what stage you have reached or not, you have not the wisdom to know. You make not like what you are doing, because you have not the wisdom to decide how far you have grown. Give to God the longing for soul growth. Give to God the desire for spiritual growth. Give to God the intent to strive and strive, until you have conquered the ignorance of the soul within you, and awaken it to the wisdom it contains and the truth it knows. Let God see the intensity of your desire. Let Him see the true longing of the soul to reach Him, and He will help you. God will pull you up towards Him through sheer love. You will then find attracted to your life the souls who will help you. You will find attracted to your life all the manifestations that you need to grow to God in the way you need to grow to Him. Magnetically souls will be attracted to other soulsno-matter how far the distance if that is where they are meant to be. God will not deny from any searching soul anything that is truly right for that soul to have, and wise for that soul to follow. `My children: Do not underestimate the power of God. Do not belittle God by limiting Him to what He can and cannot do. Never feel you have the authority to decide what God thinks or doesnt think. Never try to describe God in mundane terms that have been created by man. Never try to explain away the immensity of God; acknowledge it exists, acknowledge it is, and allow it to flow around you and fashion you in the divine way you need to reach Him. The fundamental fact you must always have in your consciousness is that you are divine. Never limit that world divinethat is the very power of your being. Its the divine power that allows your soul to flower and grow. You are divine: that body is matter, fashioned by God and should be respected and valued, because it is of divine creation. But never let the physical body become the manifestation of your desire for life, and all that your life in matter can give to you. Never deny the right of others to have the lesser feelings until they can reach your understanding. Give them love and help, give them respect and the results of the responsibility you have toward them. Do not try and fashion their measure of existence by your own; allow them to live and grow according to their understanding, but give them love and gentleness along the way. Sacrifice a little of your-self to help them. Never sit in judgment. Never force anything upon them. Just gently walk with them through time until your time is finished; they will be attracted to that which is growing in your understanding. Your aura will expand in such a way that they will

feel the difference and know the difference. Let your life be lived as you would want to find it being lived as you move ever forward to God. Keep in your understanding on the horizon of God. Focus on this divine truth that awaiting you: it is illumed wisdom, and illumined blessing when you merge into the oneness with God at the end of your journey in that physical body. Know too, that life moves on, even in spirit; but you can also assume again another mantle of flesh, if what is wanted in Gods blessing upon your service to Him in this way. This can be so wonderful or so terrible in accordance to your acceptance of what and who you are. No-matter what the pathGod is there! No-matter how difficult things are along the wayGod is there! No-matter how lonely or bereft a soul may beGod is there! Let God fill your heart with comfort and your soul with solace. Let God help you bring joy to the life of others this love of Him. Never diminish God because someone ridicules what you think and what you do, and never diminish God because you cannot understand. Let your mind and soul be fashioned by His wisdom, in the time that is coming, and in the way that you are ready for. Never seek to think you know all because you know a little. Everybody is learning and growing. Everyone can achieve that which they are ready for. You too must follow the growth that must come; because you have grown into the wisdom to come to achieve it. You have the love for God within you, which is the most important thing you can have. You have the desire to reach God and the longing to reach God, which is the true motivation of a soul on its journey to reach Him. I bring these teachings because the laws of God are very simple when they are lived within. They are not some magical potion that you can take and use when you think you have the privilege and knowledge to do so. They are there implacably for all time. Then one day when man has evolved into the ability to understand this great wisdom of Gods laws he can live his life in the way that can help him attain the role of an Avatar. Man, while he is not living in truth, the real concept of Gods laws is still growing within him and he will still make mistakes, and he will still face the adversities of life until he reaches this ability to live Gods laws and merge with Him. Sickness is sometime meant to be lived by some souls until they reach that condition you call death, and will never be healed by anyone if the living of the laws of God demand that their lives should be lived in that way until they have reached the end of their journey. Others will also achieve this change, for all-sorts of varying reasons in their living of this physical life they come to Earth to experience. The desires may be there, but the reason may be different according to the life of that soul. `Beloved ones: God is love. God is light. God is wisdom. Live God as you love Him; then serve God with that love whenever and whenever you can. I bring this great love to for you to think about and bring Gods peace for you. of His service through me, I am Bethesda. you all as I come this day. I try to leave His wisdom to to try to emulate in your own living. But most of all I I bring the blessing of His love for you and the promise until you no longer have need of it.

Until a person acquires sufficient soul grow, that person cannot break through the barrier betwixt the known and unknown: because the emotional physical senses will

always mislead an un-evolved soul. Only spirit can ever conquer matter Only the higher and the purer can ever conquer the lesser Chapter 33 The Only Way I come with Gods message of divine wisdom and the boundless peace that only He can bring to a life. I come that in our moments together you can stand aside from that world and leave the material and all that it brings to a life. I come that you may dwell with the Divine, briefly though it may be, and feel the bliss that you can feel when God touches your life with only the loving intimacy that God can bring. How empty are lives that know not God? How empty they are in their daily activities when they can only focus on the physical, and either do-not know or do not care about the true potential of them selves, from whom they are, from whence they came, and where they go. Not just at the journeys end of this life they are living, but through eternity. When you read or hear in your world of adventures into the space that surrounds your planet, excitement reigns supreme when something unusual develops, they get so excited and hope and expect that and so much more will come when they hear of it. If only they could develop their consciousness and travel into the dimensions of the cosmos with God, and see unfolding the wonder of the ultimate in creation that is God. How very mundane would that be that they think is exciting. Whilst they pursue the material and materialism and all the other physical phenomena of that world, while that is their goal they are limited; it is all a temporary illusion for the moment: it is motion in illusion. But when awakening souls pursue the spiritual path, expanding their consciousness, developing that wonderful soul growth within and they move into this great wisdom and understanding that is God. That which they can experience and know is limitless, it brings into their horizons of understanding a vastness of truth and reality that is hidden from the human conception and is only visible to the reality of the awakened self. I do not say this idly, I do not bring empty promises or vague pleasantries when I bring these words to you. I am a teacher for God I bring only truth that you may know it; but that what I give has the authority of god behind it. When I tell you all these wondrous things are there for all to find, you can be assured that this is so. Live for the divinity within and not the material without. Move along this path of enlightenment to the one supreme source of all things: who is enlightened in all that is: who is the creator of all that is; then in truth you will see wonders unfolding that you cannot even dream of in the fallible state of yourself at the moment in time. When you look at the beauty of your world and the magnificence of the creation in that world in its unspoiled state, and in the variety or the wonders that there is; if you could magnify it untold times; if you could visualize beyond that beauty, limitless in its expansiveness, perhaps you can grasp what little there is to see and know with the eyes of the spirit. The beauty of your Earth is a glorious gift of God, but it cannot compare with the beauty of spirit with the eyes of the beholder to see, and the higher the conscious the greater the beauty to behold. Never be content to let your consciousness dwell on the lower levels of understanding, even in spirit. Seek to expand this, higher and higher, deeper and deeper, and move into Gods great dimension of intelligence: then there is nothing that can equal that which you will behold.

When you feel a sense of excitement of what you see and hear in your material world it is minute, infinitesimal compared to a one experience of divine expansion of consciousness that can unleash for you so much to see and know from God. Never be content to move in the doldrums of the spiritual search, and never limit you horizons to the meager effort that you will think you will make because it seems the easier way to do it. Discipline yourself relentlessly, have the courage, have this divine insight to know you have to make the greater effort: you have to sacrifice something of the self and that material world if you want to if you want to experiences these vaster experiences that lie before you. No one is going to bring them to you, no one is going to offer them to you as a gift, you have to earn them and find them through the efforts of the spiritual search. Avatars at their will can direct their consciousness to see behind all thing that which the wish to see. They can move in that Earth but they can dwell in the bliss and the wonder of God. I think man has made that world very ugly. Has he not? Man has bought to that world the very worst of negativity, greed, disillusion, poverty, cruelty, and injustice: all are base qualities that are harnessed in mankinds make-up. Man is operating in so much of his activities at the very lowest level of his vibration of ability; thus he will bring in its wake the results of that negativity, and all the baser results of his actions will emerge in that material world you call Earth. Many will regard this as normal, just one of those things that was meant to happenbut it is not! That is the so-called quality that man should lose. He should disregard it and elevate his consciousness to a level where he is incapable of any mean action, word, thought or deed. As long as man wallows in that very abyss of spirituality he will bring to that world the debasing that he is now doing. In these actions he is not only debasing that world but also the other forms of creation within it, nature, the animal kingdom, birds and humanity. Man is destroying, he is mutilating, and he is wreaking havoc in the sea, in the air and on the land. Man cannot be allowed to continue what he is doing at the rate he is doing it; it cannot be allowed to continue for much longer. Man is closely approaching the danger point of-no-return in that material world. There is so much dormant that he has created waiting to explode in your world, so much poison is waiting to be emitted into the atmosphere, through some human error, through some mistake or decay that is from the result of that which man has created. It is like a sleeping serpent waiting to strike and man is finding it is beyond his control, it is getting too big for him to look after, to handle. Is this not truth, my children? So many countries in your world have so many problems with what they have done, they have not the means to remedy them and in some instances they have not the knowledge of how to do it, how to cope, and how to undo that which they done. I can give you in truth when I say . . . They are doing it now. They are interfering with the procreating of life; they have their nuclear power stations, their nuclear inventions and their weapons of war. It is being done now to the humanity of that world, to the crops of that world, to the animals, to the birds and to the fish, anything of creation they are tampering with to prove they are superior in their understanding over that which existsbut they are not! Know in truth that mankind will have to reap the harvest of that which these socalled cleaver people are doing. They are creating monsters that they cannot control, undo, nor recall. Once a cause has been set in motion the law of cause and effect has to follow its natural course.

You have the opportunity in your own lives to look at that world to see it with the eyes of divine wisdom. Look at that world for what it is then you will have the decision to make of whether you will step aside from that and deeply pursue the spiritual path of your life. As long as people are content to dilly-dally in the decision making of their lives the will find they are standing still, no one will be progressing anywhere. I am sorry to say it . . . but this is the truth, my children If you are content to let that world become your habit, and the activities of that word become your normal activities, then you are not going to move to Godyou cannot move to God! If you have the courage to make the decision, to apply the discipline to the search for God that you need to do, and apply your life to it consistently and dedicatedly, then indeed can you move forward and you can attract to your life these great qualities of the Divine that are so vital to your soul growth. Every thought you send to God of true longing for Him, of true love for Him; every time you utter the true words of love for God with the true conviction of the soul you are taking a stride toward Him. But if you are indifferent to God then He will be indifferent to you: not intentionally, but He cannot reach those who have close the door to His love, to His energy and His approach of longing for those to return to Him. God cannot drag you kicking and screaming to Him, you have to come willingly lovingly and longingly, toward that Godhead. I understand the difficulty of living in a physical body in that very material world; this I think is one of the worst eras of existence since man was created. Its the most difficult to be spiritual in. Its the most difficult to be able to push aside the material world and devote the love and the time to God, that you need to do. I understand all that, but the choice has to be yours and for others like you. You and you alone have to make that decision for God or that material worldbut you cannot have both! I do not mean you have to ignore your world completely, or that you have to try and live on a cloud-nine away from everything. You naturally have to live in that physical world and devote time to your duties to your economic survival; to the welfare of yourself, to those you are responsible for, and those around you that you can help. These efforts are natural; but these are not such absorbing tasks that do not allow you to give the priority of your time for God. You give your attention to that world with the devotion that it needs, but it does not mean you have to be tied to that world and be in bondage to it. You perfunctory perform your duties with a responsibility that must come, should come, and needs to come. But the true focus of your time is to be on God, if it is God you are seeking. If it is this great awaking of the inner-reality that you are seeking, then it must be God you focus . . . The Divine Beloved that you focus on. Feel this core within you responding to the core of divine wisdom. Feel the very essence of the self stirring to the awakening and the reality and the immenseness and the vastness of the potential that you have. What God is you can becomeand that is truth! If you hesitate and weaken in your resolve; if you are content to take from that material world the pleasures and the sensations of the flesh that keep you happy in that world: that is your right and your choice. But know also you are spiritual beings awaken to truth through lives gone by. You are in flesh this time for the purpose of gaining greater growth and greater understanding. If you apply this wisdom that you have and translate that into action, then you will attract to your life a greater force of divine energy and greater changes will come to you life whiles you are in flesh. It is the law! What you seek you find and you become. Those who only want that material world who are content with all that negativity will only attract to their lives more negativity, you can be very sure of that: corruption will only bring more corruption. The love for money will not bring more money to their lives, it will bring misery

of the disillusion that money does to a life when that is the longing and the ambition of a life. When money is used wisely and it is used with the qualities of understanding to enhance life in its highest form: then money is a gift to enjoy, but when it becomes an obsession, when it becomes a longing to have, to use, to keep, and not for helping and sharing but for the self-gratification: then that money is a disease that will bring to a soul the results of that disease. Can you understand this? I think when you look around you where you are now you see greed already in your part of that world and the results of that greed. Is this not true? The twentieth century and the last few years in your Earth time has been the time of a very great changes in humanity: in a short hundred years there have been some tremendous changes of the living of those in your material world. I think you will agree. Great changes from peaceful quietude, from simplicity, through wars; and through the last few decades there have been tremendous surge of inventiveness, of electronic achievement and of speed. In all things man has lost the art of moving slowly through that material world and enjoying what he see, he is speeding madly through it. Man is losing sight of the simpler, gentle things of life and demanding sophistication, excitement, new things all the time to entertain him, to sustain his interests and to satisfy his senses. How many people pause to walk in a garden and just look at a flower? Many people will rush through the garden without seeing the flower: it is only a means of getting through somewhere to get to somewhere else. God has given your world such beauty, such an opportunity to enjoy the bounty of that world, and to benefit from that which He has that given the bounty to the world for people in all countries have, but they have exploited it, and they have abused it. The young in that world are going to be the saviors of that world in the years that are coming, they are rebellious in so many instances because they are unsure and uncertain, they are disillusioned, and they have nothing that seems to satisfy this disillusion within them. They have to find a way through the darkness of their living. And they will do it! Your world is despoiled with the use of drugs, with the abuse of alcohol, and of all the negative activities that they are indulging in. At this present time they are destroying so many lives and so much happiness in that world; but you will ultimately find it is a sickness that will burn itself out, because man cannot sustain this way of life and survive. So many young people that are being born into bodies today are very highly evolved . . . I have given this before, I give it again. They are coming into bodies for a purpose of balance in that world, and they are going to achieve (even in your lifetime) the beginnings of change. There will be a sickening of the disillusionment that your world is experiencing, in politics, in morality, and in all the economic disillusionment of the world. There is so much happening that will bring about almost a-turn-a-round in the years ahead. Mankind is going to want something better, something greater, and this is where the young souls coming into bodies are going to play a prominent part. The older generation is too deeply steeped in their own ideological ideas; too deeply embedded in their habits of old for many of them to change; they will leave their bodies as they came without growth; without having moved into any great spiritual achievement. The young are going to bring about a balance of spirituality in that world. You are going to see the economic climate of your world changing slowly but surely from the imbalance it is giving to the world, in as much as there are too many wealthy ones with great wealth and far too many without anything, there is a great imbalance between the haves and the have-nots in that world today and it is

apparent throughout your world. Is it not? This is going to bring about a change, because it is going to be a more leveling of peoples well-being, economically. The old conception of exploiting other people for their own ends is going to disappear in the years ahead. There is also going to be, a more sense or equality of need answered then there is today. Religions have not helped bring to your world the answers that man is seeking. There are so many beliefs, so many different dogmas, all promising their follows they have the answers to life, the answers to eternity in many instances, but they are not satisfying the needs of their follows, because they are not expounding the truth of God as it should be told. All souls are a part of God and all souls reflect the divinity of God within to varying ability to understand that inner-self; but the core of God throughout all humanity will respond to the rejection of that which they are receiving; even in a small way they are not going to be satisfied ultimately with what they are receiving because they will instinctively know that it is wrong. No-matter what is told them the soul within has to accept or reject that which is spiritually satisfying to it: many souls are still dormant and sleeping. People are still going to be receptive in the ultimate. That which is now being fed to them in religious doctrines as truth, as reality, as spiritual, will in the ultimate be rejected as theology. People will yearn for the spiritual truth: the spiritual future of that which they are. You are going to see it is as if they are in a state of sleep in so many instances and all of a sudden there will come a time when there is going to be an upsurge, a stirring, an awakening coming to souls you never dreamed of. These are going to question, they are going to challenge, and they are no longer going to be sleeping: because this divine energy of God is going to be manifesting in your world to a greater degree. There is going to come to that material world a tremendous surge of spiritual energy into the souls of all humanity. This is going to be Gods helping hand to humanity to be able to reject that which your world is bringing to their lives. They are to suddenly, without understanding why, emerge from this darkness of ignorance into a slow awakening. They are going to ask questions more and more, (I do not mean the immediate future I am speaking of the time that is coming to the world in years and years to come) this will be slow and gradual. You are going to find the soul of man is going to respond to this input or divine energy and it will bring about a slow awaking of consciousness that they have been keeping dormant unwittingly within. You are going to see a lessening of power of religion over the populous, over the followers of these religions. Then, my children, slowly but surely this new thinking will emerge in areas of your world that you would have never thought it possible to happen. A consciousness, a responsibility is going to come in their actions, in their way of living, and change will emerge into the whole concept of your world of matter. Beloved children: It is impossible for humanity to remain where it is in this inertia of understanding. Those people who call themselves agnostics and atheists will no longer claim those beliefs; even those people will find they are seeking to look and think and reason differently. This will not come to be in your lifetime, but it will come to your world, and God will never interfere with free-will, He will never compulsively make this happen, he will never dominate or be dogmatic that it must happen. It will be a case of their response spiritually, to their own need to grow spiritually. Can you see the difference?

As the young souls come into the bodies and emerge into their lives with the spirituality that they will bring to their lives on Earth a spirituality that will bring about a spiritual reformation to your world that is so vitally needed. But in the intervening time, there must come to the world a restraint on man in order that the world will not suffer irreversibly because of that which they are now doing to it. Experiments in the laboratories are going to fail unexpectedly. Many who are working upon these so-called experiments are going to find that they are going to be without success, and they will not understand the reason why. Where an experiment is beneficial to mankind, it will proceed. But the many which violate the laws of God are going to find that they are not moving in the success that they hoped or expected they would. Too much already has been allowed to progress and find its way into your worlds activities. They must be checked, and they will be checked. They in their experiment in their ignorance will continue with their experiments, but the results that they are seeking will not be achieved. In accordance to the divine laws free-will is still being allowed to prevail, but the control of the divine wisdom is still going to remain the overriding power of all creation. Can you see this? I want you to understand the loving wisdom and logic of the Creator at work. I want you to try and comprehend this steadying hand upon the tiller of creation. God knows all, He understands all, He sees all, He hears all, He gives the love, He gives the wisdom, gives the compassion and man must be able to ever respond to that which is ever flowing from God. A positive way must be mankinds response, if the response is negative, or if the response is nil, then there comes as a result a detrimental effect to your world. God understands the limitations He must allow and He understands the course of action that must be taken to prevent the destruction of that world. Your world is polluted now to a point that is very dangerous; its being destroyed in a way that God cannot tolerate. All things are in a state of planned action, spiritually. You must not think because this world of spirit is not visibly to mankind that it is remote to anything that happens in your world. It is not! Its still the overriding power behind that planet, with spirit being the superior aspect. Is this not the truth? The material aspect of that world is matter, but there is still the power of divine wisdom behind it, allowing everything to exist including humanity. God will use the spiritual of that which is in that world to override the material of that world in a way that is necessary to counteract that which man is bringing to that world. You may not realize it, you may not understand it but it will be so and sometimes events will occur, events that are beyond mans comprehension, and he will not understand. Mankind will not know the reason behind it but you can be assured that there is a reason. Nothing happens under Gods direction that is without logic, or a pattern, or a reason, or a need. Acts of nature are sometimes vitally necessary to the well-being of your world even though they may be detrimental to humanity living in it. Humanity is expendable in as much as the physical counterpart can perish, but the soul within is indestructible and will live on. That planet Earth as a whole is integrated, and sometimes you have to hurt one aspect in order to save another: that which is the greater need will transcend the lesser. This is logic, I think you will agree. Sometimes there has to be disasters, there has to be geographical happenings that bring misery to humanity on your planet but are important to the balance of that planet, and they occur in accordance with Gods laws as nature and God decree. Sometimes you hear people referring to natural events as the law of nature: nature is only an expression of God in action. My children, I want you to understand this law. . . . Materialism, in whatever form

it is, is inferior to the spirit, and the spiritual will always override the material, when, and if, the need arises. Spirit is eternal and indestructible; the material is only is only an aspect of things for a time and is perishable and destructible. Never for one moment, let the fallible thinking of the physical mind be the wisdom that you apply to events of importance. I do not speak of man-made events; I do not speak of where pollution is the result of mans activities, where material disasters occur, of things exploding, of fire burning, or rivers being dammed and causing damage because their courses are being changed, they are man-made disasters. Are they not? However, when you see nature in its own inimitable wisdom bringing disasters to your world that automatically come in certain moments in time to that material world, then you can be assured that there is a pattern to these activities beyond the wisdom of the physical ability to understand this natural action. These will and must occur in order to remedy or right an imbalance to override something that would be worse to come: there is a logic behind all these things that is important to the planet or it would not occur. Divine wisdom, is the governing wisdom behind all of creation, therefore, it must take all priority over mans wisdom. I think you can see what I mean. The greater wisdom, the greater power of the divine will always be paramount in anything that happens to that planet. At present man thinks he is in control of all his activities, and he is free to do what he will, when he will. My beloved children: Man is going to find the lessons he is going to learn are going to be very painful, going to be very definite, very dramatic, and very convincing. Life may not be comfortable at times, it may be painful, it may be disastrous, it may bring misery, but remember that humanity living on that planet Earth are there as visitors only, temporary, in borrowed bodies of flesh for the soul within to manifest in that material world. Even if life be destroyed though events of nature, the soul within is still growing and living and moving along the eternal path of life in its journey to God. Thus, that what may seem tragic in the human understanding, but to the overriding wisdom of the spiritual wisdom it may be very necessary and expedient to the whole of that particular aspect of life. Can you see what I mean? I want you to enlarge your vista of thinking. I want you to apply divine understanding to that world, do not shrink your thinking, and do not limit your understanding to the barrage you receive through your media of that world, in whatever form it may be. So many experts are busy pronouncing judgments on so many subjects. Are they not? These people are fallible: you think with the inner core of understanding within you; apply this spiritual logic to that which you see and hear and you will have a very different understanding to that which other people are trying to give you. Look at the mistakes other people are making, look at the errors of judgment that is so manifest in that world today, errors of all sorts in every corner of that world, in allsorts of situations. People are making decisions of monstrous error. Are the not? They are bringing in their wake so much misery to other peoples lives and to the world: through their misguided judgments of what they think is best, what is right, and what they think should happen. It is all because they are thinking materially; thinking with that narrow confined, fallible material thinking. They are not applying that wide vista of divine wisdom to their decision making. Dont fall into that habit of thinking: look at everything with the wider aspect of divine understandingyou can achieve itjust practice it. Dont take at face value anything you see or hear: look through it, look at it with the eyes of God and not with the eyes of that world. Try and live your lives in the light of Gods wisdom. The decisions you make, let them be the ones you are sure are governed by the spiritual laws and not the

material wisdom of your world. All your desires, what you seek from life, let it be based on what is best for the whole of the self, not just the physical body and the physical life. Think what you are doing with your life, how it is going to affect the growth of soul and the consciousness. Think what you are doing with your life, how you are progressing towards the goal of spiritual realization in God. Everything you eat, everything you think, everything you do and everything you say has an effect on the whole of the self and not just the body. If you think mean thoughts, if you think thoughts of hatred, of anger, of envy, greed: all these things have a retarding effect upon the soul and the consciousness. If you are mean to other people, if you are selfish, if you are insular in thinking about what your life needs and not what the world needs: then you are retarding your spiritual growth and retarding that wonderful expansion of the consciousness. You are a guest of God on that planet Earth. You are a visitor privileged to have a body in order that you can experience life in a material atmosphere. You have a responsibility to the body, but you have a responsibility to the whole of that material world, because God has placed you in it, as part of the life on that planet and you must respect the rest of that planet. If you do not do that then you are failing yourself and you are failing God. If you misuse your planet in any way, then you are betraying your trust in God and you are betraying His trust in you. If you misuse your own body through actions, thoughts and deeds that are wrong, you are betraying the trust God placed in you by giving a body and a life to experience life in this present incarnation. It is a very serious responsibility to be in a body in that world, and only when you are spiritual aware, only when you have earned the wisdom that you have are you able to comprehend the immensity of that responsibility. Is this not truth If you have not awakened to spiritual truth or you cannot understand why you would did not think of it: it is a case of being alive in that material world: that is all you are: a human being in a material world. But when you have spiritual understanding, then you have the added responsibility of knowing what you are, from whence you came, where you are going, and what you must do while you are there. Beloved ones: Ensure from this day forward that your lives are responsible lives and that which you do with your lives is also responsible. Then that which you give to God is the gift resulting from the acceptance of that responsibility. If it is realization in God that you seek, if it is truly the emergence of your consciousness into His consciousness that you are wanting, then you have to apply what you are and what you doright from this moment: or you will wander in nomans-land until you do. I cannot even begin to explain to you the complexity of the divine existence that is the whole of God. I could not begin to explain to you how vast is the existence that God has created; of all the dimensions there is, and all the universes within those dimensions. I could explain to you the vastness of creation. I could not begin to tell you of it, but you can understand it when you think with the mind of God. When you have expanded your understanding into His understanding, you instinctively know, you do not have to be told. There are no words in the human vocabulary that can explain the immensity of God and can explain the complexity of creation. Slowly and gently you take the steps along the pathway until you reach Him: then you will know all, because you are one with Him. But those steps you take can be vital, and they can be giant steps if you want to make them giant steps you can make them little tiny steps or you can make them big steps, but this depends upon the effort you put into your search for Him, it also depends upon the discipline you bring to your life, the consistency of the effort you bring, and the

application of it to that which you are. If you want to be narrow in your thinking, if you want to be insular in your understanding, then that is your privilege; but if you can cleanse the mind, if you can sweep away from the physical mind all the little narrow, silly, material thinking that goes on in that world. If you can think with the vastness of the spirituality that you have, you can see and look at that world and you can see it is like a lot of little ants running around in circles in that world, eating each other, destroying each other; or you can see them as creations of God, seeking understanding, seeking growth, seeking the awakening of the inner-self to Him. Then you can watch with compassion and understanding as they make the mistakes that they do, and as they make the decisions that are so wrong. You then can, with compassion, as you move though life, help where you can, to sow the seed of truth and to bring the comfort and solace to the life of someone who is lonely and hungry for God. Just a word, just a thought you can give can bring to some-ones life a comfort you could never understand. Do not go through that Earth life with blinkers on and do not go through that life locked in a material prison of ignorance. My children, do you understand this teaching that I bring to you? Live the understanding that you have, live the wisdom that you have earned, and live that longing for God, that love for God, and make that longing and love that activity that takes you to Him. How can anyone want to live in that narrowness of materialism when there is this vastness of divine bliss before them, waiting for them to enter? Man thinks if he goes to these little planets that are waiting beyond his planet and that he is seeing creation unwinding before him, that he is seeing the universe unfolding before him. Man understands not. Its like walking along a beach from one grain of sand to another: that is all they are doing. Creating is too vast, too big for anything that man could ever understand until he becomes one with God. Why do the waste their energies in seeking to visit other planets when they are so busy destroying their own? Why do they want to waste all their on these efforts of exploration into space when it should be given to the betterment of the planet on which they are living? Why do they seek such knowledge that is material in its make-up? All this is beyond them. Their wisdom, their knowledge can only come through the expansion of their understanding into the understanding of God who is the controller of all creation. God has the answers to everything, seek Him and you will know the answers. If man goes out into space in their space ships all they will see is more physical creation; they will not find God in those places and yet they are wasting all this money on seeking them when there are children starving in your world, dying in your world for the want of medical care. Where are their priorities? Where is their wisdom? My children: Do not live their wisdom, live Gods wisdom. Apply in your own everyday life the divine laws of understanding and your life will grow and expand, then you will attract to your life so much more than you ever dreamed of. It is for me an urgency to persuade you not to dwell upon what that world is bringing to the lives of the population of that world. You must know it, you must feel it, I understand, but do not dwell upon it, do not let it color your optimism and do not let it bring despair to your thinking. See it all through the eyes of divine wisdom as a melting-pot of growth, a meltingpot of all varying degrees of evolution, struggling and threshing about in their need to understand, to find and to awaken. Stand aside and feel the true spirituality of the self overpowering the physical aspect of your-self. Know that in time, through all the agony and through all the suffering will come the purification of every soul incarnate that the world will be cleansed again for God.

My children: Let everything you think be positive, everything you do be positive, and do not measure any happiness for yourself as the result of dependency that your world has to give. Seek your happiness and seek your peace from deep within that well of divine understanding that is lying there within you. Let your higher consciousness be the gentle sponge that soaks in the wisdom of God, and makes it your own obvious wisdom of growth and living. Beloved ones of that material world: Live the divine way and let that material world move along and you will not be caught up in it. Tell yourself you will not be part of it: you are only in it because you are in flesh. Let The Divine Creator guide you, and follow that guidance until you are at one with the bliss of God. Let youre your strength be the strength be the strength within, not the materialism of that world. I come with a great abundance of love, and I leave that love behind because I want everyone to feel it. I want all to know it is there to uplift, to protect and to strengthen. No-matter what you have to do in that material world, what decisions you all have to make in your daily lives, always know if you make the decisions with love and wisdom behind them: then you cannot be doing anything that has not the divine authority of God behind it: because you are drawing upon the spirituality of the self and not the fallible reasoning of the physical mind. Nothing always will be perfect, nothing always will workout right, nothing always will spare you hurt, but it will take you lovingly and gently through this sea of experience into the bliss of Gods lagoon of His own pure perfect wisdom. May enlightenment be the light that illuminates your path-way. I leave my love, I leave my peace. I am Bethesda. For a soul to find enlightenment, spiritual truths have to be earned and lived Epilogue The divine laws that I so frequently refer to; are the law of love, the law of compassion, the law of sharing and giving, the law of attunement with nature, the law of attunement and caring of the animal kingdom, and the and the conservation necessity of living in that world of matter. There are no, one, two or three, four, or five spiritual laws. They are simply a reality of the whole of the law. Every component part is interwoven with the other. In living the laws, you live the whole automatically. You do not live cruelty, you live kindness, and you live compassion. You do not number them and tick them off and say . . . Today I will be kind, tomorrow I will have compassionthe next day I will have something else. Thats not the way to live Gods laws. You live them or you dont! As you live each law, you need to live the whole of that law. Live gently with nature and find yourself in harmony with other evolutions of creation around you. You do not have to understand to know: you have to feel. Feel the love of God flowing through a tree. Feel that oneness with God when you walk by a river. Feel that oneness when you see a little ant hurrying along the ground, and know God is the power within it. Do not look at the pollution in your world! See the rivers running sweet and pure. See the oceans, fragrant and clean. See the beauty of the fish that are basking in this purity. See the birds flying through clear skies with not pollution. See them finding their safe landing places, where there is plenty of food to sustain them.

See the sweet waters for them to drink, where their tired wings can find a place to rest, unimpeded by mans desire to destroy or eliminate. See the animals gently feeding in the meadows, the fields and the wilderness; unafraid that tomorrow there will be nothing left for them. See no more forced breeding, no more forcing of animal numbers to feed the ever-expanding masses of people in that material world. See not this overpopulation of animal species so that man can slaughter and eat them. See not the need for hard medicines of your world that poison the cells of the body. See only nature as being the cure that man uses to heal, to make whole from Gods delicious nectar of divine energy that flows to all that exists. See the gentle rain that falls upon that earth. It does not flood. It does not overwhelm: it simply replaces and replenishes. See the sun gently warming the earth as it grows the food to eat. Man will know he can eat your Earths food with safety, without the infliction of chemicals upon it. See the world with divine wisdom and know you are seeing the future! May Gods peace and love, be the constant companion to all those loving souls that are truly seek divine enlightenment. May all loving souls that exist in that material world recognize that the condition of enlightenment is the pathway that leads to the super-conscious min, that supreme condition of being one with Godthen truly you have become an Avatar! I am Bethesda. One day mankinds material dream will end, and the spiritual reality will replace it! Back cover The Wisdom of an AVATAR A must read for those who seek enlightenment. A perfect read for those who are trying to reach the higher consciousness. Wisdom is constant and sure: it is never ending and has no limit. These are the teachings of an Avatar who has reached that supreme state of unity with God. His wisdom guides the reader along the divine pathway to enlightenment. When you are in the presence of an Avatar you need no one to lead you to God: you just feel God The Avatar shows sincere seekers the pathway to soul growth, true spirituality, enlightenment and the higher consciousness. It is not easy, if it were it would have no value. Enlightenment gives you the understanding of creation: you will know what you cannot even dream of knowing. With greater soul growth you can tap into the universal mind of God; you evolve spiritually into that state of supreme consciousness. Enlightenment leads to the higher consciousness: it is a divine experience, a merging of the supreme consciousness into the mind of God. The window of the soul gives a vista of truth to those who have the wisdom to see through it. Religious beliefs can be changed. Spiritual truths cannot. It seems as if insanity has been unleashed upon this planet we call Earth. Greed, cruelty, torture and material desires are rife in this world as never before. Now an Avatar brings divine wisdom and great spiritual insight to a darkened world, profound wisdom that is long over-due. Most intellectual people see the material world and energy as a commodity. They do not recognize the power of The Creator behind it. There are people in this material world with great intellect, but even the greatest

of them can only reason as far as the intellect allows. When a seeker of enlightenment learns to think with the mind of the soul that mind transcends the intellect, it goes beyond and sees things that the intellect cannot grasp. When you live in a material world it is very hard to see the divine. The Avatar brings to the reader the reality of that which God is. It is by necessity that you are in a physical body, this world is you training groundin truth you do not belong there. Front flap To the scientists, if the soul cannot be tangibly examined and practically examined, it doesnt exist. The Avatars that have come to Earth in the centuries past have come to this planet Earth and tried so very hard start a movement of understanding to help people living in that material world to understand spiritual truths. Sadly, civilizations past and present in this world of matter have misunderstood, ignored or distorted spiritual truths in favor of religious beliefs and doctrines. Avatars such as Jesus were glorified by man and mistakenly called god and given a godhood they never claimed or wanted. If Jesus came back tomorrow he would not recognize the truths he spoke a little over two-thousand years ago, as spoken from the pulpits today, and he would recoil in horror at the amount of wealth religions are making in his name. The Avatar Bethesda has frequently said God has no shape or form, has no skin color; is not male or female: God is the pure energy of creation. God is the super, supreme intelligence that governs and controls all universal life and rhythm God simply is. Lao Tzu once said . . . The Tao is without shape or form, though the Tao has no shape or form you can see the Tao in all things. The Tao is silent, but in this silence it tells you many things. It truly was a wise way of describing that unseen something we call God. In this book are teachings from an Avatar from dimensions beyond the Spirit world: he takes twenty-six letters from the alphabet and turns them into pure wisdom. If mankind cannot recognize by now that the hidden force behind all existence is God, then they are only perpetuating their own dark destiny. Learning is man made knowledge, but wisdom is the voice of God. Enlightenment is but a word: it is in truth a condition of the consciousness awakened into the vast understanding of God. Enlightenment is that condition of being you can only attain when you have truly surrendered to God in the fullness of your awakened consciousness; when you have left behind all else but this great understanding of becoming one with the creator. Can you see what I mean? Enlightenment cannot be taught to you, it cannot be given to you by another person. You can be helped, as we are trying to help sincere seekers to become enlightened in God. It is only through the efforts of the self: no one can give it to you; no one can tell you how to feel it and know it: you truly have to become it through your own disciplined efforts, your own growth to God through your own consciousness. Enlightenment is in effect, understanding the divine consciousness of God and becoming one with it. Can you see what I mean? I make no apology for you all to push away the world from your living and move to God on wings of love and longing. You cannot imagine what awaits you when you are enlightened, when you are one with God. This material is just a physical aspect man is creating and perpetuating, aggravating, destroying, hurting . . . all the negative thing s that I can think of to describe it. Would you or any true seeker hold yourself back in these heavy vibrations of matter? Free your true identity into this divine energy of God.

There is so much man could have but he has lost the ability to reason with his soul. The soul is the ingredient of God within man.

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