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The Maya Prophecy for 2012: Hope for all Humankind

Day by day we are fast approaching the date of December 21 2012 and the end of the Mayan Calendar. So far, many of the messages delivered via the Internet, films, and books regarding this event have focused on a catastrophe on a grand scale or even the end of Humankind, creating much fear and anxiety in the minds of thousands of people as they think that the year 2012 could bring the end of the world and that this is something that cannot be changed or transformed. First of all, it is important to note that in their calendars the ancient Maya did not say that the year 2012 would be the end of humanity. If so, then why did they include mention of dates after this year? Archeologists and epigraphers working for the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) of Mexico recently reconfirmed that the exact date of the end of this era, corresponds to the 23 of December 2012 and not the 21 of December that has been mentioned so far. This date is found recorded in stone in Stele No.6, discovered in the archeological zone of Tortuguero, Tabasco and in a fragment found in the Olmec-Maya city of Comocalco, Tabasco. But we ask ourselves: What is the stele telling us? What is going to happen on this date? What this stele tells us and in a clear and direct way, is that we are going to conclude a period of time, an era, a sun, a final cycle, and then initiate a new one. Once the 13 Baktuns end on the 23 of December 2012, Bolon-Yokte-Ku, the god of the 9 pillars, will descend from the heavens. Also discussed by the Archeologists from the National Institute of Anthropology is that there exists records in the Temple of the Inscriptions in Palenque, Chiapas, (the pyramid where the tomb of the Teacher Pakal Votan is located) which mention dates 2,000 years later, that is to say to the year 4,772 A.D., which reflects the deep knowledge, wisdom, and cosmic awareness that the Mayas reached about Time and the Calendar, apart from the study of Astronomy, Mathematics, Geometry, and Writing. We are living, in this moment, a process of Change of Consciousness in all of us; in which a catastrophic prophecy or negative saying, is able to be transformed into something positive; we have already been given the power to believe, to create, and to manifest; here, right now, in this moment and in the future, we have the marvelous opportunity to create! Yes! A golden era, but based on a change in thinking and a change in consciousness, based on being and acting differently; loving, respecting, and honoring all the elements of life on this planet: earth, water, air, fire, ether, human beings, mountains, rivers, volcanoes, lakes, animals, plants, trees, caves, cenotes, temples, pyramids, etc., etc The Maya teachers taught us saying, If you believe, you can create, and if you can create you can manifest. You can do it since you are a potential creator!

Each atom of creation has three parts: 1. Material 2. Consciousness 3. Energy We are able to communicate directly with the consciousness of the atom that forms the elements of life; the Sun, the Moon, the River, the Sea, a Mountain, a Volcano, the wind, the rain, a hurricane, an earthquake, the fire, and ask them, with great faith, these Guardians, caretakers, or Divas of this phenomenal nature whatever it may be, to transform to a different form, a positive form, a form in balance and harmony. This is a part of our Maya Consciousness. Imagine that thousands of human beings unite with us in this great crusade to activate our Maya Consciousness: a consciousness of love and wisdom, to help our beautiful planet and all the beings that live here. This is our great opportunity to demonstrate that this is possible! It is possible to create a better world. If we have faith we can do it! In our actions there must be love, positive passion, and strength in order to manifest this reality! Moreover, nobody can tell us exactly what will happen at the end of this cycle. The last word on 2012 belongs to our Father-Mother, the creators of this planet, the universe and humankind! No, let us not be overcome by fear, cowardliness, as we approach this time. Let us use symbolically in our lives, the inner Jaguar Balam, this Jaguar Warrior, who is going to fight to save and to save by using the weapons of love, wisdom, faith, and light! Join now our conscience, our prayers, our faith, our thoughts and actions, and together we can change the prophecies that speak of a final catastrophe for Humankind! Now is the time, everything is within us, the time has arrived for the prophecy of Light, of Hope, the prophecy of the Maya that speaks of the return of the Teachers from the Stars with Love, Light, and Wisdom! In order to wake up the Maya Consciousness in the world, we remember the words of the Wise Maya, Lightning Warrior, who said in his Prophecy: Our art, our wisdom, is present in each carved stone, in each temple and pyramid, in the sounds of Mother Earth and Father Water; in the fire of Humankind, in the song and the flight of the birds to wake up the day, in the mirrors of the cenotes and in the white of the spray in the sea. IN LAKECH Miguel Angel Vergara (Our guide and teacher for our Maya Sacred Path to 2012 journeys)

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