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Each month, Chapter Approved takes a look at the Warhammer 40,000 game and its rules, introducing new scenarios, weapons, rules and army list entries of all types, frequently stolen from codexes in progress here at the Studio. It also acts as a forum for dedicated players of Warhammer 40,000 who have produced inspired, well thought out and just plain brilliant additions to the game (as reviewed and arbitrated by that well-known model of fairness and balance me). If youve got something good for Chapter Approved then write to me at the address given here. Note: Please dont include rules queries etc, with your letters, as the volume of mail means that in most cases I wont be able to send individual replies. Andy Chambers (Chapter Approved), Games Workshop, Willow Road, Lenton, Nottingham, NG7 2WS, UK

Greetings citizens and welcome to Chapter Approved. This month we are pleased to present the latter half of the Killteam combat simulation introduced to us last month by Lexmechanic Kelly. The former half of this treatise into the art of commando and covert operations was concerned with the building blocks of guerrilla warfare. This month, amidst a great clamour of bells and whistles, we are proud to present diverse embellishments upon the initial guidelines, including detailed mission briefs and rules for Elite Kill-teams.


Phil: Hello and welcome back to the small-scale commando raiding game of Kill-team. Last month we looked at what different races use for their Kill-teams, basic rules, a set of six mission types and narrative gaming ideas for each of those missions. If youve played through a few of them and are hungry for another level of detail to go with your newly-forged Killteam, then look no further. The next few pages are specifically tailored to bolster the simple mechanics of the Kill-team game into a more complex and involving narrative. The main rules and narratives remain the same, but the methods of achieving them will have to change if youre to fulfil your mission. Each Elite Kill-team has a number of points to spend on their operatives, listed in their entry on the table below. You may choose any number of operatives within the points allowed, upgrades, wargear and options from the appropriate entry in that races Codex, just as if you were choosing a squad for a normal game of 40K. In this respect you have far more tactical flexibility. The normal rules for Kill-team are superceded by the following rules when using Elite Kil-teams: Any and all special rules that affect an Elite Kill-team are in effect, with the only exceptions listed below. This means the Kill-team can use special movement modes, abilities, and any other dirty trick it has available to it. The Kil-lteam still counts as being fearless and so will automatically pass all Morale and Pinning tests they are called upon to make. Units have no minimum squad size for the purposes of designing your Elite Kill-team. Goon squads may be deployed within 4" of each other rather than 6". Any unit with a jump pack (or equivalent) may move 12" as normal, but may not jump over enemy models. They may elect to move on foot instead of using their jump packs. The Elite Kill-teams and the number of Goons they face are as follows: There are a few adjustments and reminders for each Kill-team that should be borne in mind when using Elite teams. These are as follows.

Each race has types of unit that specialise in stealth and infiltration. Despite this, some of the Kill-teams introduced in last months article were not specialists at all, no doubt raising a couple of eyebrows; where were the Eldar Pathfinders, the Tau Stealth Suits, Mandrakes, even the Lictors? Well, we saved the best for last. Basic Kill-teams are more numerous and therefore more forgiving, allowing beginners to make mistakes and still have a good chance of achieving their objectives. The Elite Kill-teams are for the more experienced player, and are extremely specialised. There are correspondingly far fewer operatives in an Elite Kill-team, so its a lot more tricky to win with them; one lucky Goon can cripple your chances of achieving the objectives. Youll pack one hell of a punch, but specialists are only called in when the odds are high, and youre likely to be seriously outnumbered by a whole ton of bad guys make no mistake, this aint gonna be easy.

Elite Kill-team Assault Marines Chaos Raptors Eldar Warp Spiders Ork Stormboyz Dark E. Mandrakes Tyranid Lictors Tau Stealth Suits Necron Wraiths Last Chancers

Pts 160 175 165 160 135 160 180 165 190 5 6 6 5 4 5 6 6 6

No. of opposing 3-man Goon squads 5 6 6 5 4 5 6 6 6 10 11 10 10 7 7 11 10 8 10 11 10 10 7 7 11 10 8 10 11 10 10 7 7 11 10 8 11 13 12 11 8 10 13 12 13 7 7 7 7 5 6 7 7 7 5 5 5 5 4 4 6 5 6 13 14 14 13 10 12 15 14 12 8 9 8 8 6 7 9 8 8



Dark Eldar

Ork Boyz


Inq. Storm Troopers

Tau Gun Drones

Necron Warriors

Eldar Guardians

Chaos Marines

Space Marines

Imperial Guard

A squad of Last Chancers confront an Ork patrol in the jungle.

Space Marine Assault Squads: Firing up such a heavy-duty piece of kit as a jump pack makes a hell of a lot of noise. Whenever a Space Marine Assault squad moves using its jump pack the enemy gains a klaxon counter. Chaos Space Marine Raptors: As with Space Marines, Raptors make a terrible howling shriek when in flight and will therefore contribute a klaxon counter to the enemys store whenever they use their jump packs. A unit with Furious Charge will also contribute a klaxon counter whenever it charges as its bloodthirsty howls give away their position. Eldar Warp Spiders: Warp Spiders may not use their jump generators to make a jump in the Assault phase; the risks inherent in such a desperate manoeuvre are too high for such a small task force to realistically undertake. They may move through enemy models, however. Ork Stormboyz: The primitive jump packs used by Stormboyz are loud, smoke-belching affairs that will contribute a klaxon counter to the enemys store whenever they are used. Dark Eldar Mandrakes: Mandrakes use their Hidden Deployment rule as usual, bearing in mind their true location must be revealed by the end of the protagonists third turn. Tyranid Lictors: Lictors may use their Secret Deployment rule, but such is the concentration of enemy that they may only choose to hide in cover that is more than 18" away from the central objective. Tau XV15 Stealth Suits: Tau Stealth Suit leaders and Shasvre may take Drones in their Kill-teams, although these Drones can never complete objectives (other than during the Assassinate mission) as their programming just isnt sophisticated enough. The spotting distance for a Goon squad attempting to detect a

Stealth Suit model is always treated as one less than it would actually be. Necron Wraiths: Necron Wraiths must deploy in pairs. These units may act independently despite the usual Killteam rules. Last Chancers: Schaeffers Last Chancers may deploy as independent mini-units as described in their Codex entry, despite the usual Kill-team rules.

Golden Rule: As with many of our games the golden rule is to use common sense when applying these rules to your game of Kill-team. If you just cant resolve an issue, roll a D6 for it, but keep in mind the game is pretty light-hearted in nature.

RACE Space Marines Chaos Space Marines Eldar Orks Dark Eldar Tyranids Tau Necrons Imperial Guard


In any movie including numerous lowquality bad guys there is invariably a boss goon, the guy with the cheap suit, shades and pony tail, the captain of the enemy soldiery, or the immensely strong henchman earlier shown crushing dice or some such meaningless feat of bravado. It can really add to a game of Kill-team to have a large and selfimportant badass at the centre of things, especially if he meets an appropriately grisly end The Boss Goon will differ depending on race. Use the table below to determine the appropriate bad guy. The antagonist in a game of Kill-team that uses Elite teams automatically has 15 points to spend on his Boss Goon. This will usually only be enough to cover the cost of the upgrade to Veteran Sergeant status (or equivalent). However many points the protagonist spends on specialist kit (see later) can be added to the points spent on the Boss Goon, or spent on defensive equipment. This can mean the antagonists head honcho can be anything from a simple squad upgrade to a fully-kitted out killing machine. Simply choose the Boss Goons options, wargear and weaponry as usual.

BOSS GOON Veteran Sergeant Aspiring Champion Warlock Nob Sybarite Mutant Gaunt (Weapon-beast) Shasui N/A* Veteran Sergeant

* Necrons, being essentially machines, find it impossible to muster even the tiny amount of character and initiative necessary to scale the dizzying peaks of Goon-hood.

grenades. Likewise, its not unheard of for enterprising bad guys to fortify their strongholds with all manner of traps and alarm systems. A Kill-team can choose one of the following upgrades per Experience Point it has accrued: for each of the successful missions it has played in its career, the Kill-team will have one Experience Point. If the Kill-team is wiped out to a man, they lose all of the Experience Points gained so far and must begin accruing them all over again. Keep a record of what specialist kit your Kill-team has accrued over the course of its career, along with a total of how many points it has spent on its kit.

It is typical for the members of a commando team to have specialist gear with them to successfully accomplish their mission. This might vary from simple silencers to holograms and blind


distracting the patrol whilst they slink away. Declare when a spanner is being used before control for a Goon squad is determined. The protagonists may add +2 to their result for this roll only. Smoke and blind grenades 10 pts The Kill-team can use this equipment to mask their approach, making it extremely difficult for enemy squads to pinpoint them in the artificially generated haze. Once per game, after either Movement phase, the Kill-team can declare that it is using the smoke and blind grenades. They count as being in cover in all respects until the beginning of their next turn. Gung-ho 10 pts There comes a time in many covert operations when stealth goes out the window, and the only option is to go hell-for-leather for the objective. Needless to say this invariably leads to the enemy swarming to their position like flies around grox dung No upgrade can be taken more than once unless specifically noted. Any points spent on upgrades are automatically allocated to the amount of points the antagonist can spend on defensive equipment and/or his Boss Goon. In this way, no matter who is playing the antagonist, you should never have an easy fight on your hands The specialist pieces of kit you can field as the protagonist or antagonist are as follows: time in the antagonists Movement phase, provided he has less than 3 klaxon counters in his store. Roll a D6. The protagonist may move that many Goon squads 6" in the direction of his choice, regardless of whether they were activated or not. However, the antagonist gets to choose which squads are affected in this manner. This counts as their movement for that turn, so do not roll for control afterward. Change of Guard 10 pts Having staked out the enemy territory for some time the Kill-team have ascertained exactly when the sentries go off their shift and change guard, striking at just the right moment to benefit from the resultant confusion. Play the change of guard at any time when the antagonist has no klaxon counters in his store. All activated Goon squads become deactivated, and vice versa. Continue the turn as normal. Scrambler 40 pts The Kill-team have with them a powerful scrambling device that disrupts enemy communications and temporarily disables their alarms. The Kill-team may use the scrambler at any time. The antagonist must immediately discard D3 klaxon counters. Spanner in the Works 5 pts each As the enemy sentry approaches, one member of the Kill-team picks up a discarded tool, rock or other hard object and hurls it into a nearby cluster of machinery, barrels etc, momentarily The Kill-team may assault 6+D6" rather than the usual 6" in the turn this is used, and will strike first in close combat regardless of other factors. The enemy automatically gains an additional klaxon counter when this effect is played. Camo Gear 10 pts The Kill-team has refined their camo tactics to the point that they can hunker down and become almost unseen even when in the open. Combined with the patience of the hunter, this can considerably enhance the Killteams stealth capabilities. In any turn in which the Kill-team does not move, shoot or assault, the antagonist must discard a klaxon counter at the beginning of his turn. Wirecutters 5 pts The Kill-team have come well prepared for penetrating the thickest defensive terrain, toting wirecutters and electrocharges that can disable or cut through light obstacles. The Killteam rolls 3D6 for determining the distance it can move through difficult terrain, picking the highest result. Stummers 10 pts Stummers, devices designed specifically to deaden noise and make detection that much more difficult, can cut out one of the sentrys main tools of the trade; a sharp pair of ears The Kill-team can employ the Stummers once per game, declaring their use after the antagonist has determined which squads are


Silencers 10 pts The Kill-team have had their ranged weapons specially modified so that the first salvo they launch makes little or no noise. This enables them to take out a full team of sentries without alerting their fellows to the incursion. The Kil-team is not nearly as likely to trigger the alarm with the silencers fitted. When the Kill-team opens fire for the first time, roll a D6; on a 1, a klaxon counter is added to the antagonists store as usual. On any other result no klaxon counter is added. Distraction 15 pts The Kill-team have spent considerable resources ensuring that a loud and startling event takes place on the other side of the enemy compound, drawing enemy forces away from their posts at the critical time and allowing the Killteam egress into the enemy grounds. The distraction can be played at any


activated or deactivated for that turn. For the rest of that turn only, all the protagonists rolls for control of Goon squads count as being a 6. Scaling Ladders and Grapnels 10 pts The Kill-team have coiled ropes, telescopic ladders and grapnels with them, enabling them to make their way up the outside of buildings, cross digestion pools and negotiate other hazardous obstacles. The Kill-team may treat Impassable Terrain as Difficult Ground. Backstabbers 10 ts One or more of the Kill-teams operatives excel at the art of the silent kill, their blades cutting off the enemys screams before they can alert their comrades. Whenever the Kill-team assaults a Goon squad and kills them all in that single round, then roll a D6: on a 1, a klaxon counter is added to the antagonists store as usual. On any other result, no klaxon counter is added. Redshirt 5 pts The Kill-team has been lumbered with an extra member against their wishes, and its entirely possible that this inexperienced rookie will get himself killed in a gory and spectacular way at the first opportunity The Kill-team has with it an additional model with the profile below: WS BS 3 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A Ld 1 7 Sv 5+


Las-traps 10 pts The antagonists have rigged the area surrounding the central objective with a series of sophisticated traps and alarms. When setting up the scenery, the antagonist may place D6 pieces of 6" long red cord or thin strips of card anywhere on the table. If any member of the Kill-team touches one of these markers, a klaxon counter is added to the antagonists store. This deactivates the las-trap. All Points Bulletin 10 pts The bad guys have been alerted to the fact that there are enemies in the perimeter, and appraised of their rough location. This can only be bad news for their prey. Only usable once per game. Once the antagonist has determined how many squads are activated for that turn, he may use the All Points Bulletin. He may re-roll the control rolls for his Goons for the remainder of that turn. He must abide by the result of the second roll. Still Not Dead 10 pts Despite the fact that he has been gutted, burnt, mangled and crushed, the Boss Goon somehow manages to surge to his feet and go for a last ditch kill. No doubt this will be short lived, but he might take a couple of the good guys with him screaming to hell This upgrade may only be chosen by an antagonist who has taken a Boss Goon. Should the Boss Goon die, leave him on his side at the place of his death. He may be resurrected and stood back up at the beginning of the next antagonist turn and may act as normal during that turn, at the end of which he is removed as a casualty. Reinforcements 40 pts The alarm is up, and those Goons just keep on coming! The Kill-team will have to be either very lucky or very capable to get out of this one alive When the antagonist has accrued three klaxon counters, he will gain a fresh Goon squad each turn. This squad appears on the table edge of the antagonists choice at the beginning of his turn, and will move in the same way as a normal Goon squad. Getem Lads! 15 pts The antagonists have finally located the interlopers and, their morale bolstered by the presence of their comrades, charge in with every intention of ripping the Kill-team to pieces. This upgrade may be used whenever more than one Goon squad spots the Killteam in one Movement phase. Provided more than one Goon squad charges the Kill-team in the subsequent

Assault phase, all Goons gain +1 attack for the duration of that Assault phase in addition to other modifiers. Extra Goons x pts Having been forewarned of an enemy attack, there are more bad guys than normal around the central objective. This is going to be a tricky one Buying this upgrade entitles the antagonist to field an extra Goon squad. This upgrade may be taken multiple times. The price of this upgrade varies on race. The prices are as follows: Space Marines 45 pts Chaos Space Marines 42 pts Eldar Guardians 24 pts Ork Boyz 24 pts Dark Eldar Warriors 24 pts Tyranid Termagants 21 pts Tau Gun Drones 36 pts Necron Warriors 48 pts Imperial Guard 18 pts Inquisitorial Storm Troopers 30 pts Death Squad 15 pts One of the Goon squads which has been trained extensively until they are masters of close quarters warfare, is usually entrusted with the security of the central objective. Nominate a Goon squad as the Death squad after set-up. That Goon squad has a spotting distance one higher than normal, and will have +1 Strength, Initiative and Attacks on any turn it charges. This also applies to any Boss Goon that joins the Death squad. Doomsday Device 30 pts With the alarms raging, the Boss Goon knows that it is only a matter of time before the Kill-team succeed in their mission and escape. Determined to prevent this from happening, he triggers an explosive mechanism that will take down the entire complex, killing everyone nearby. If you gotta go If at any point there are more Kill-team operatives than Goons left on the table and the Boss Goon is still alive, the Doomsday Device will automatically be triggered. At the beginning of every subsequent antagonist turn (even if all Goons have been killed but the mission still remains to be completed) roll a dice: on a 1 the game is ended as everything on the board is vaporised in a cataclysmic explosion. ********** Well, in conjunction with all the rules from last month, the narrative scenario ideas and the specialist kit/experience system, that should keep your Kill-team raiding and sabotaging for a long time to come. And remember, even if the bad guys get lucky and end up with the Killteams heads on the trophy wall, itll be your turn to play the antagonist next, and revenge is a dish best served cold

He has no equipment. In the unlikely event he survives the game the Killteam will gain an extra Experience Point. Cunning Disguises 20 pts The Kill-team has disguised itself in some manner, whether by donning enemy uniforms, covering themselves with the pheromonal signature of the foe, using sophisticated holographic technology or some other means. In theory, with a little luck and a lot of nerve, they can simply walk past the enemy soldiers and onto the central objective. In theory There is a chance that enemy Goon squads will mistake a Kill-team with this upgrade for one of their own units. Every time a Goon squad earns a klaxon counter by spotting the Kill-team, roll a D6. If the result is higher than the Goon squads highest Initiative value, then no klaxon counter is added to the antagonists store, and the Goon squad does not count as having spotted the Kill-team. Of course, the antagonist can have another go next turn if he is still within spotting distance, and the longer the Kill-team has to bluff it out, the less chance of success there is


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