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10. . 12, 13 14. 15 16. 17. 18. COUNTY OF VICTORIA NOTICE OF MEETING COMMISSIONERS' COURT OF VICTORIA COUNTY, TEXAS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2013, 10:00 A.M., REGULAR TERM VICTORIA COUNTY COURTHOUSE 115 N. BRIDGE. SECOND FLOOR AGENDA approve minutes of prior meetings. citizens’ communication. consider approval of accounts payable for Victoria County and take appropriate action. receive monthly and quarterly reports from various county officials and departments and take appropriate action consider approval of bond forfeiture releases and take appropriate action. consider approval interim vendor payments for Citizens Medical Center and take appropriate action. consider Victoria County Investment Policy and take appropriate action. hear presentation from Hospice of South Texas and take appropriate action. consider Special Warranty Deed in connection with storage and maintenance of law enforcement equipment for the Victoria county Sheriff's Office and take appropriate action. consider plans for the installation of grade crossing warning devices at Nursery Road, Pet. #2, at US 87 with Texas Department of Transportation and take appropriate action, consider a Resolution to support a bill before the 83 Legislature of the State of Texas that would case certain restrictions on the use of Hotel Occupancy Tax funds to improve City-owned sports facilities; and declare an effective date and take appropriate action. consider establishing Countywide Polling Places and take appropriate action. consider Master Contract for Continuing Professional Services with Rawley McCoy & Associates and take appropriate action. consider Application and Certificate for payment no. 3 from Robert Adkins Masonry for the Bridge Street Annex building and take appropriate action, consider Detention Contract with Aransas County for the Juvenile Justice Center and take appropriate action. consider personnel changes in various departments and take appropriate action. closed meeting pursuant to V.T.C.A. Government Code §551.0745 to discuss Boards and Commissions. pursuant to V.T.C.A. Government Code §551.102 return to open meeting and take any action deemed necessery based upon discussion in closed meeting, Donald R. Pozzi, County Judge 72 HOUR NOTICE 2-08-2023 (la accordance with Tile Il ofthe Americans with Disabilities Act, we invite ll attendees to advise us of any special accommodations due to disability. Please submit {your request as Far as possible in advange of the program you wish to atend,) 2. CITIZENS’ COMMUNICATION 4. MONTHLY & QUARTERLY REPORTS COUNTY CLERK

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