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Genre Iconography Logos, Fonts and Colours

This logo uses mainly a metallic silver colour along with brighter colours shadowing the words. It goes through different colours which could suggest differences in their music e.g. red=powerful emotion/caution and blue= cool & calming. The different colours could represent the differences within their music. This is the logo for Calvin Harris, it is written like the font on a calculator, this is a convention of the electronic genre and as a calculator is electronic it works successfully. Also, his name written like this, works as his logo because it is recognizable and memorable to his fans because it is not used by other artists. FatBoy Slims logo is very scientific and is very similar to the science symbol of poison. This links to the electronic genre as the genre itself is quite scientific and electric. He changed the logo from a skull to a smiley face to suggest more happiness coming from his music and that people should enjoy it.

Font Designs
Most Electronic artists use their name in a unique font as their logo. This text is quite simple, it uses capital letters and uses many straight lines. Even though it is very plain it is unique from many other artists. On his different albums the colour of the text changes but the font is used throughout. The font that Nero uses fits to the conventions of electronic music. It uses straight lines and a bold thick font without any curves and round edges which is seen widely across this genre. They have made it unique to them as they have joint up some of the letters and made the letters in the middle slimmer. Basement jaxx stick with the conventions of the electronic genre with the font that they have used. Again they have used a bold unique font which has straight lines and no round edges which makes the font stand out. They have made the text look slightly slanted which is unique and symbolises them.

Colour Schemes

From researching different websites I have put together four different colour pallets which I could possibly use when making my own style for my artist. I like both the red and the blue colour schemes as I associate these colours the most when thinking of the electronic genre. I will also be able to use them on each platform which would make them synergistic.

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