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Sean Li Math 7370 Notes Spring 2013 Algebraic Number Theory Lecture 14 2/20/13 R F

Continuation. Tr(ei e ) = ij . We showed that R is a nitely generated Z-module. Then R is j Noetherian as a Z module implies R is Noetherian as an R-module implies R is a Noetherian ring. The Noetherian condition. The ascending chain condition. There is no innite strictly ascending chain of submodules. We make a claim about the following exact sequence. f g

Claim. M is Noetherian N, P are Noetherian. Proof. () Given an ascending chain Mi , look at the chains Ni = Mi N , Pi = g(Mi ). Then both (Ni ) and (Pi ) stabilize at i = n for some n. Let M1 M2 . Suppose for all k > n, Mn Mk . Consider mk Mk , and consider g(mk ) = pk Pk = g(Mk ). Then pk = pn for some pn Pn . Let mn be an inverse image under g of pn in Mn . Then mn mk Nk = Nn . Quadratic Case. Let F = Q[ d]. (We may assume that d is a squarefree integer.) Note. The following are equivalent: is integral. It satises a monic polynomial equation over Z.

Its conjugates under the embeddings i : F C are integral. The minimal polynomial of have integral coecients. The characteristic polynomial of have integral coecients. The characteristic polynomial of F is X 2 Tr()X + N (). Let = x + y d, then () = x y d, Tr() = + () = 2x, and N () = x2 y 2 d. R 2x, x2 y 2 d Z . We will write x = a or x = a/2 dependent on whether x Z. The rst case x = a implies y 2 d Z, which implies y Z because d is squarefree. Write y = b in this case.
c b If x = a/2, then y 2 d Z, so y 2 d = 4 . This implies y = 2 , so that /

x2 y 2 d = which implies

a2 b 2 d Z, 4

a2 b2 d (mod 4). This implies a2 , b2 , d 1 (mod 4). The implications are reversible. So, d1 (mod 4)

a b + d is integral. 2 2

In this case, a Z-basis is given by {1, 1+2 d }. (For example, d = 3.) Otherwise, x, y Z x + y d is integral, and the basis is {1, d}.

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