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Quintain The Unofficial A Game of Thrones LCG Solitaire Rules by Ricky Wilkins, 2012

Basic Principles
These rules provide a framework in which you can play AGoT LCG solitaire against an AI opponent called Quintain. The game can only be played as a two-player joust you against Quintain. The game will be played exactly the same as a regular AGoT two-player joust, except that a set of rules (the AI) have been introduced to decide what actions Quintain will take during the game. In addition, since you should not see your opponents hand, Quintains hand is represented by Tokens instead. We will use Unallocated Tokens to represent cards in Quintains hand which you have not seen, and Allocated Tokens to represent cards in Quintains hand which you can or have seen. In this way, the unseen cards remain as a surprise to you as the player, and they will remain represented by these Unallocated tokens until they are put into play, sent to the discard or dead pile, or otherwise revealed, at which point the token will be replaced by an actual card. In addition, once a card in Quintains hand becomes known, the real card is placed in Quintains hand and given an Allocated Token to distinguish it from unknown cards, and Quintain will put these cards into play as soon as his AI allows. If this card comes from Quintains hand then the Allocated Token replaces an Unallocated Token; if this card comes from a place other than Quintains hand (e.g. Quintains deck) then the Allocated Token comes from the supply and no Unallocated Tokens are lost from Quintains hand. Separate the four types of cards (Characters, Locations, Attachments and Events) from Quintains house deck into four separate decks. Shuffle each of these decks and place them face-down on Quintains player area. Give Quintain 4 Unallocated Tokens from the supply. Reveal one Event card and place it in Quintains hand with an Allocated Token from the supply. Put one Character and one Location in play. If the cost of these two cards is less than 5 gold, then continue to put additional cards into play as per the rules of the Marshalling Phase (but re-roll any Event card roll ), until the cost of cards played is 5 or more gold. Finally, add Unallocated Tokens to Quintains hand until the sum of the number of Allocated and Unallocated Tokens is 7.

For the rest of the game you will play each Round as normal. Quintain will instead use the following additional rules for each phase of the game: Plot Phase Once you have chosen your plot for the round, select the top card of Quintains plot deck as his plot card for this Round. If Quintain wins initiative he always chooses to go first. Draw Phase Give Quintain 2 Unallocated Tokens (instead of drawing cards). [OPTIONAL] Add 1 Power to Quintains House Card (except during the 1st Round of the game), for a tougher challenge. Marshalling Phase Quintain takes his income as per normal rules. Continue to roll 2D6 and put a card into play according to the Marshalling Table. If the roll indicates a type of card be played which is in Quintains hand (with an Allocated Token) then play that card. If the roll indicates a type card be played which is not in Quintains hand, and as long as Quintain has Unallocated Tokens in his hand, then draw the top card from the respective deck and put it into play, discarding an Unallocated Token to represent this card. If the card would break the Limited rule, or is an Attachment with no suitable target, then instead put that card in Quintains hand, discarding an Unallocated Token and replacing it with an Allocated Token, and re-roll. Each time a card is put into play, remove the gold cost from Quintains income. If Quintain does not have enough gold to pay for the card then just remove as much gold as Quintain has and put it into play anyway. Except during Setup or on the first Round, if Quintain would put a character into play and he currently has no characters in play then instead put TWO characters into play and have Quintain pay their combined cost in gold (and only if Quintain has enough Unallocated Tokens, or tokens allocated to Character cards, to do so). Continue to do this until Quintain has no more gold or runs out of Tokens. Challenges Phase Use the ATTACK SEQUENCE and DEFEND SEQUENCE tables to determine how Quintain plays during this phase. Dominance, Stand and Taxation Phases The Dominance, Stand and Taxation phases all play as per the normal rules.

You Will Need

In addition to the core game, you will need: this Rulebook; two regular six-sided dice; a number of tokens of two distinguishable types (e.g. a set of green tokens and a set of red tokens) to represent the Allocated and Unallocated Tokens. Note: there is no hand-size-limit in AGoT LCG, so you may need quite a few perhaps 10 or more; Quintains player area, included in this rulebook; three distinguishable counters to be used on the Challenge Track of Quintains player area (one to mark Quintains Aggressiveness, one to mark Quintains Score, and one to mark the Players score during a challenge).

How To Play
You should create a House and Plot deck for you and for Quintain. You may also choose an agenda for you and for Quintain if you wish. You decide the make-up of Quintains deck, depending on the type of challenge you wish to get from the game. Set-Up Shuffle Quintains plot cards and place them face-down on the table. Quintain will select plot cards randomly from this deck each Round.

The Golden Rules

During gameplay, when rules are not provided by any other section of this rulebook, you should apply the Golden Rules. The Golden Rules aim to provide a course of action for each eventuality that can come up in a two-player joust of AGoT LCG. Adding & Removing Cards to Quintains Hand or Deck Rule 1: If a card is removed from Quintains hand, you must determine whether it will be a face-up card from his hand or an unallocated token. To do this, shuffle the allocated and unallocated tokens from Quintains hand together and select one token at random. If you select an allocated token then discard one of the face-up cards from Quintains hand at random (e.g. shuffle them and draw); If you selected an unallocated token then simply discard it back to the supply and select 1 card from Quintains house decks using the Marshalling Table. Rule 2: If a non-specific card (e.g. draw 1 card) is added to Quintains hand, instead add one unallocated token to Quintains hand. If a specific card is added to Quintains hand (e.g. searching for a specific card from the house deck, or putting a card in-play back into Quintains hand), add it faceup to Quintains hand and add one allocated token to it. Rule 3: If you are required to count the number of cards in Quintains hand, just count the number of tokens. Rule 4: If you get to look at Quintains hand then, for each Unallocated Token in Quintains hand, draw cards according to the Marshalling Table, place them face-up in Quintains hand and allocate unallocated tokens to them. Rule 5: when adding a card to the top of a Quintains house deck, if you have seen the card then place it face-up on top of the deck. When shuffling cards back into Quintains decks, if any face-up cards would remain on top of the deck, leave them face-up on top of the deck, in the same order, instead of including them in the shuffle. Rule 6: If an effect or event asks that Quintain play or discard a specific card or type of card from his hand and he has a card face-up in his hand which matches the requirement, then use this card. If they do not have such a card, then instead draw a number of cards equal to the number of unallocated tokens, from Quintains house decks according to the Marshalling Table, and as soon as you find a card which matches the criteria specified by the effect or event then use that card to resolve the effect/event. All other cards are shuffled back into their respective decks (unless you got to look at them, in which case use Rule 4 instead). For example, imagine we used the event card

Rule 9: If Quintain plays an attachment, or must select a character to gain power, use the Important Character Table to choose the character to attach it to. Rule 10: If Quintain is required to select a location, use Quintains Important Locations table, to determine either the most-important or least important location depending on whether it is a positive (from Quintains perspective) effect on a location or a negative effect on a location respectively. Rule 11: When choosing a character to kill, Quintain will use the Defending Character table, and will always use any abilities he can to save the character from being killed. If he has to kill 2 or more characters, he will choose the characters and kill them in order of most important to least important.

NOTE: in a Military challenge, when Quintain is choosing a character to kill for claim, if there is only one participating defender and the attacker has more attacking characters with Deadly, then ignore 1. can be saved for the participating defending character only, unless the sole participating defender can be saved more than once.
Using Keywords Rule 12: when attacking with Stealth, Quintain will choose characters on the defending side to stealth past, in order, according to the Attacking Character Table. Rule 13: when playing a card with Ambush Quintain will spend influence to pay for the card when able. (Also, see Rule 15, for when Quintain has a face-up card in his hand with the Ambush ability). Rule 14: Quintain will always stand characters with Vigilant when able to.

Using Abilities & Responses Rule 15: If one of Quintains cards in play has an ability or response (or is a face-up card in Quintains hand with an ability that allows it to be played from his hand) then, during each phase in which it is applicable, make a decision check to see whether this ability or response is activated. If a decision involves choosing a character then use the important character table unless Quintain is attacking or defending in the challenges phase, in which case they use the respective attacking or defending table. NOTE: If a Response effect has no negative impact on Quintain then he will always choose to execute the effect, without a decision check (e.g. discard 1 card at random from the losing

opponents hand).
Playing Event Cards Rule 16: Quintains hand may contain one or more face-up Event cards. Quintain will always play these event cards at the first opportunity. If more than one event can be played at the same time, randomly determine which Quintain will play first (shuffle them and draw, for example). If the event involves making a decision, use the decision check table as appropriate.

His Vipers Eyes against Quintain (which says Response: After you lose a challenge in which at least 1 Sand Snake character participated, kneel 1 influence to look at an opponent's hand. Discard 1 event card from that hand, if able). So, if Quintain has no event cards in his hand but has 4 unallocated tokens, we would roll 2 dice 4 times, and draw cards according to the Marshalling Table, placing them face-up in Quintains hand, allocating unallocated tokens to them, and we would get to discard one of them if it is an event card.
Rule 7: To draw a card from the top of Quintains deck, use the Marshalling Table.

Using Locations & Influence Rule 17: when spending Influence (i.e. kneeling cards with influence), Quintain will always use his House Card first (e.g. when using the Knights of the Hollow Hill agenda), then Locations, and then Characters, in least important first order. Rule 18: Quintain will ALWAYS kneel/discard locations, if they have that ability, to get their cost reduction bonuses in the Marshalling phase. Quintain will always do this in the most efficient manner possible (i.e. it will choose the largest cost reduction first, unless there is another card which will reduce the cost more efficiently e.g. if a card costs 1 Quintain will kneel/discard a location providing a 1 cost reduction before kneeling/discarding a location providing a 2 cost reduction). Kneeling or discarding a location is classified as a negative effect on a location in the context of Rule 10.

Selecting Cards Rule 8: If Quintain is required/able to search his house deck for a non-specific character, attachment, or location use the Important Character Table, Important Attachment Table or Important Location Table to choose which card to search for.

2D6 Dice Roll 2-3 4-6 7-10 11-12

Marshalling Table Card Type Event Location *Stark 6 is Character Character *Greyjoy 10 is Location Attachment

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Attacking Character Table Highest COST Highest STRENGTH STEALTH RENOWN Least # CHALLENGE ICONS CREST Lowest Card #

1 2 3 4 5 6

Important Character Table Most POWER Highest COST No CREST Highest STRENGTH Most # CHALLENGE ICONS Lowest Card #

1 2 3 4 5

Important Location Table Highest COST UNIQUE LIMITED Limited X Per Deck Lowest Card #

Challenge Order Table 2D6 Dice Roll Challenge Order 7-12 Power Military Intrigue 6 Military Power Intrigue 5 Power Intrigue Military 4 Military Intrigue Power 3 Intrigue Power Military 2 Intrigue Military Power

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Defending Character Table Can be SAVED No POWER and can be returned to HAND rather than DEAD PILE Least POWER Lowest COST Lowest STRENGTH Least # CHALLENGE ICONS No CREST NON-UNIQUE Highest Card #

Decision Check Table 2D6 Dice Roll Card Type 2-5 No 6-12 Yes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Important Attachment Table Has a named CHARACTER in play Has a named TRAIT in play Highest COST UNIQUE LIMITED Limited X Per Deck Lowest Card #



TYPE2D6 for the Challenge Order and Roll 2D6 for Order Table: REPEAT the following for EACH Roll Aggressiveness. OF CHALLENGE as given by the Challenge Set Players Score equal to the sum of all eligible DEFENDING characters STRENGTH. corresponding Score on (Quintain on )the Challenge Track. or (Quintain 2 ) SPECIAL, at the point Set Quintains 1 TYPE OF CHALLENGE to Aggressiveness Consider: 1 ) the first eligble character ONLY in Attacking Character Table order or (Quintain
st nd st

Set Players Score equal to the sum of all eligible ATTACKING characters STRENGTH. Roll 2D6 for Aggressiveness. Set Quintains Score onTrack.OF CHALLENGE at the point TYPE corresponding to Aggressiveness on the Challenge Consider onlyDefending Character Table order. the MINIMUM NUMBER of eligible characters needed to successfully defend the challenge, in If Quintain CAN successfully defend the challenge with these characters then: o (Quintain 1this DEFEND the challenge withOR character only if: ) this is a MILITARY challenge,

clearly the FINAL challenge, OR Quintains score is <= zero.


(Quintain 2nd) ALL characters who are ONLY eligible for this type of challenge

o (Quintain 2this) DEFEND the challenge with this character onlyorif:2 Quintain characters in play, is a MILITARY challenge and there are only 1
OR this is a MILITARY challenge OR clearly the FINAL challenge, and after moving Quintains score to its current position multiplied by -1, adding the STRENGTH of the Defending characters, and Quintains Score > Players Score, OR this is a POWER or INTRIGUE challenge and Quintains original score is <= zero.

confirmed orfollowing for the newly added participating character(s), until either the challenge is REPEAT the there are no more eligible characters to consider: o Check iforder, and reduce Players Score by any defending charactersAttackingpast. character(s) can STEALTH past any defending character in Character Table stealthed o Add character(s) STRENGTH to the Challenge Track. o If Quintains Score >= Players Score then PERFORM THE CHALLENGE with all participating characters. character.the NEXT eligible character, in Attacking Character Table order, as a newly participating Consider

If Quintain CHOSEinNOT to, or CANNOT successfullyorder, and perform thethen consider just the first defend the challenge eligible character Defending Character Table following: o If thisthis acharacter. challenge, or clearly the FINAL challenge, then DEFEND the challenge is MILITARY with o corresponding1D6Aggressiveness on the Challenge Track] thenPOWER +the challenge the point Otherwide, if >= the defending characters STRENGTH + SPECIAL [at to DEFEND with this


LOCATIONS 3 -3 -4 -5 4 -2 -3 -4 -1 0 1 5 -1 -2 -3 6 0 -1 -2 7 1 0 -1 0 2 8 2 1 0 9 3 2 1 10 4 3 2 1

ATTACHMENTS 11 5 4 3 12 6 5 4 2 3


2 -4 -5 -6 -2

8 7 6 5 4

9 10 11 12 13 14

20 19 18 17 16 15

21 22 23 24 25 26




31 30 29 28 27





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