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Task 2 How did you pastiche or parody any other media texts? (This includes bricolage and intertextuality).

Use the correct terminology in your answer and be specific as to the features you borrowed or copied. Music magazine Within my magazine I used pastiche to take conventional items from other existing media texts, for example, layout schemes like the Rule of Thirds, which I found within several magazines in the pop genre. I also took ideas for the style, placement and typography of my masthead and cover lines from existing texts such as Billboard and The Rolling Stone; this would be an example of bricolage. I also looked at several exiting texts to take ideas for colour pallet.

Music Video Within my music video, I took several ideas from exiting texts regarding location ideas, framing of shots, shot types, camera angles, lighting and content (e.g. narrative/performance). Videos such as those by Marina and the Diamonds influenced my choices and decisions when making my video and some elements were directly copied, such as the close of shot of the singers lips while shes lip-syncing; this could be classed as an intertextual reference to the artists basis and influence. I also used specific shots from other videos by different artists such as Lana Del Ray. I used a specific shot from one of her videos as I liked the lighting effects and angle within it and felt that it could be easily recreated, and it also matched my own theme.

Ancillary tasks Within my ancillary products (the digipak and advertisement), I created elements that where influenced by existing texts. For example, the colour choices and use of hand drawn images were inspired and influenced by existing texts in the indie genre.

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