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/********************************************************************** * Pattern Recognition readme.

txt template **********************************************************************/ Name: Shaun Carland Class Meeting Time : M/W 1:15 - 2:30 PM Hours to complete assignment (optional): Approximately 15?

1) Provide printouts of the screen for the files with 10 points and 40 points.

2) Explain the meaning of implements Comparable in the Point class. In addition, describe how the sort method of the collections class can sort so many different types of obj ects. Think carefully about this before you write.

3) Empirical Analysis

Fill in the table below with actual running times. You can round to the nearest tenth of a second.

N brute sorting --------------------------------10 23 13 40 48 38 100 187 167 400 1320 1278 1000 817860 7347 4000 107918 124520 10000 765036 822590 4) Theoretical Analysis Estimate the running time of your programs as a function of N. Justify your answer briefly.


Sorting: 5) Estimate how long it would take to solve an instance of size N = 1,000,000 for each of the two algorithms using your computer. Brute: Sorting:

6) Please describe any Known bugs / limitations.

7) List whatever help (if any) that you received (tutors, friends, parents, chi ldren, ...)

8) Describe any serious problems you encountered.

9) List any other comments here. Feel free to provide any feedback on how much you learned from doing the assignment, and whether you enjoyed doing it.

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