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Dear Mawlana/ Masjid Committee, Assalamalaykumwarahmatullahiwabarakatuh,

As you will know for a long time a shari council has been operating in Dewsbury run by
Mawlana Yaqub Qawi, Mawlana Ijaz and Mawlana Ilyas Dalaal. I am writing this letter to
you to make clear that unfortunately this council has often issued divorces in a way
contrary to the Shariah. The truth is that the legal experts in Islam of the Hanafi school do not
recognise the way this council is ending peoples marriages. In fact, even if the scholars of
other schools (such as the Maliki scholars) were consulted one would discover that they too
would consider many of the cancellations of marriages to be Shar`an baseless because the
principles in their schools are not being adhered to. It is for this reason a vast number of
Ulama are now starting to speak out against this council. One needs to merely speak to the
ulama who know of this council to know how seriously this council has left the principles of
Islam. But why is this so serious? There are many dangers in this reckless approach. The
greatest evil is that because the established schools of law are not adhered to, this is just an
example of personal desire (hawa) dictating what is the Shariah. Thus such verdicts/khulas
OFTEN are on the flimsy basis of, to put it in Mawlana Yaqubs own words: WO AAP K
SATH REHNAA NAHI CHAATI ETC. (Your wife does not want to live with you
anymore.). In the annals of Islamic legal history when has this been a reason for a court to
end a marriage????? Thus on this flimsy nonsensical basis a scam certificate is given to the
lady. But the problem is that when the principles of the schools of law are not adhered to, this
certificate is not worth the paper it is written on. Unfortunately due to the lack of scrutiny
from the Dewsbury Ulama and the ignorance of the women, who just want any excuse to be
rid of their husbands (sometimes so they can be with a boyfriend they have found), many
women are living in Zina having been misled into doing a nikah upon a nikah. This
isbecause a verdict of any Qazi will only be valid when it is based on shari principles. Please
read the attached fatwas from Dar al-Ulum Deoband Khayr al-Madaris and a UK Islamic
centre, which were written about this very council. The person reading this letter is also has
responsibility. Now he knows what is happening in the name of the pure Shariah of the
beloved Messenger (sallallaahualaihiwasallam) he should do something to stop this violation
of the Shariah. The Messenger of God (sallallaahualaihiwasallam) said: WHOEVER SEES
In this short letter I am unable to even begin to mention the devastation and pain children
have been caused by these verdicts of Zina given by this council. You may do your own
research. But please do not depend on the Sharee council to explain how they operate. That
would be like asking a dictator are his policies just? You need to ask the ulama who have
dealt with this council or the men who have seen their families destroyed by this council. As
a final reminder let us not forget the Prophet (sallallaahualaihiwasallam) said as recorded in
Sunan Abu Daud: A person who lives with a people who are doing wrong
(and knows they are doing wrong) but does nothing to stop them whilst
he can, Allah taala will send his Azaab upon all of them.
May Allah taala guide all of us to be sincere followers of Islam and its true
Was salaam
Muhammad Abd al-Rahman

][Original Istifta and Questions




Fatwa from Khayr al-Madaaris Pakistan

Fatwa of Dar al-UloomDeoband1

]Transcription of Fatwa from Dar al-UlumDeoband]:

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smallwhite gap in between is due to the scan because the original fatwa was on either side of the paper.

Another Istifta

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