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Ongoing Petitions

#JusticeForFelix: http://www.thepetition /felix-garcia-shouldbe-granted-a-fullpardon/ Petition for Justice Silenced Campaign http://deafinprison.wo /27/petition_for_justic e_silenced_campa ign/
Framed by his family, Felix Garcia has wrongfully spent the last 30 years of his life behind bars. This Deaf man has suffered violence, rape and an attempted suicide. Wont you please help Felix receive the pardon he so justly deserves? The Justice Silenced Campaign is asking everyone to support two new major actions by using these 2 links to send letters regarding identified discrimination against the deaf and hard of hearing in our judicial system.

Stop the bullying of students and employees with hearing loss https://www.change.o rg/petitions/hearingloss-bullying-inschools-and-theworkplace-stop-thebullying-of-studentsand-employees-withhearing-loss

As a person with hearing loss, I have seen bullying first hand. I've been called 'stupid,' 'mule-headed,' and have been nicknamed 'LaLa-Land Shanna.' I simply want to be known as Shanna. Help the more than 48 million people in the United States and worldwide with hearing loss and deafness by bringing awareness to the need to stop this kind of harassment and bullying.

From Amnesty International: Woodfox is one of the Angola 3. His conviction has been overturned, but the Louisiana Attorney General has repeatedly appealed the decision. After decades of injustice, let the Angola 3 ruling stand!

On February 26, Albert Woodfox's conviction for the 1972 murder of a prison guard was overturned once again, this time on the basis of racial discrimination in the selection of the grand jury foreperson. I know that you have already indicated that you intend to appeal the ruling, but I write to you today with one simple request - make history. Let the federal district court's ruling stand.

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