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Virginija Tuomait6 Ingrida Zindziuvien6

a o



802.6 Tir71

Recenzavodr. doc. JONAS SKARULIS Pirmasis leidimas 2002

rsBN 5-430-03388-X

@ Virginija Tuomait6, 2002 @ Ingrida zindliuvierlC, 2002 @ Leidykla ,,Sviesa",2002

Autoriq Zodis


6 Articles The Use of Articles 6 Pronouns .................... 11 Demonstrative Pronouns ............ 11 IndefinitePronouns ..................... 11 Relative Pronouns...... .................. 72 Nouns........... ............... 13 Countable Nouns:Formationof plural (RegularNouns)........................ 13 Formationof plural (IrregularNouns)....................... ..........14 ....................... !9"n1 Used Only in Singularlplural............... 15 Classification Nouns...... of .........15 The Use of Nounswith Indefinitepronouns. ...................... 16 Adjectives ................... 17 ................. legrees of Comparison.................... 17 The Use of Degrees Comparison of ................... .................. 1g Order of Adjectives..... ................ 19 Adverbs........ ............... 20 Typesof Adverbs ......................... 20 Formsof Adverbs ........................ Zl The Comparisonof Adverbs ..... Zz Positionof Adverbs ..................... Zz Numerals .................... 24 Cardinal/Ordinal Numera1s..................... ........., 24 The Use of Numerals ................. 25 Prepositions ............... 26 Prepositions Time of ................... 26 Prepositions Place of .................. 27 Prepositions Method of .............. 29 Other Meaningsof Some prepositions ..........30 Conjunctions .............. 31 CoordinatingConjunctions ........ 31 Subordinating Conjunctions ....... 32 verbs ""'....... ............... 33 Divisionof verbs ......................... 33 Special Verbs............ .................... 33 Verb Tenses (Active and passiveVoice) ........... .................... 34 The Use of Tenses the Active Voice............ in .................... 36 Supplements Active Voice ............ to ............... 44 Passive Voice............ .................... 45 ReportedSpeech and the Sequence Tenses...... of .................. 46 Modal Verbs in ReportedSpeech ................... 47 Pronounsand Time Words in Reported Speech ................. 47

c r" m,na r.............


Paragraph Writing ........................... 62 Structureof a Topic Sentence ,...,..................... 62 Paragraph Example/Paragraph Structure.................. ............62 Topic Sentence Openings/Helpful Phrases..................... ....... 63 CommonDevices Linking Ideas............. for ......................... 63 Tiansitions a Paragraph.................... in ............ 64 The Use of TiansitionalExpressions .............. 69 Paragraph Development ............. 69 EssayWriting ............. 7l EssayTypes IntroductoryParagraph..... ..........7l ConcludingParagraph ................. 72 Essay Structure................... .......... 73

Punctuation Marks and Usage............ Comparisonof English and Lithuanian Punctuation.................... Capitalization Comparisonof English and Lithuanian Capitalization ............... Abbreviations.....................

74 83 85 86 88

Hints for SpeechPreparation ....... 89 Pre-presentational Checklist ................... .............. 90 Evaluation Form............. ................. 91 How to Preparefor and Presenta Successful Speech.................................. 92 Some Expressions Help You Make a Good Presentation.......................T02 to TiansitionsThat May Help You .......................... 104 Glossary of Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0.7 . .

References ....................


Autoriq Zodis

St knygo skiiama viduini4 molqkl4 ir gimnazij4 mokiniams, aukit4i4 molgtkl4 studentamsir visiems,nointiems iimokti ar pakartoti ne tik angl4 kalbos gramatikq, bet ir kitus svarbius dalykus. Knyga suskirstyta i ketuis slcyrius: GRAMMAR (GRAMATIKA), WRITING @ASYMAS), PUNCTUATION (SI{YRYBA) ir MAKING PRESENTATr ON S (r<ALBEJI MA S). Kiekvienoje dalyje remiamasi skaitytojo gimtosios kalbos filologine patinimi. Lentelise ir diagramose aiikinami anglq ir lietuvi4 kalbq skirtumai, akcentuojami angl4 kalbos ypatumai. Autoris tikisi, kad ii lailqti ivairius egzaminus- moknyga bus naudinga besirengiantiems gimnazij4, brandos, TOEFL ir kitus. lcyklinius ar Pirmojoje dalyje, GRAMMAR, aiikiai ir paprastai pateikiami pagrindiniai angl4 kalbos gramatikos ypatumai su paaiikinimais bei vertimais i lietuvi4 kalbq. Antrojoje dalyje, WRITING, akcentuojami reikalavimai pastraipos ir raiinio raiymui ypai svarbfis viduriniq molqkl4 mokiniams. Tieiioji dalis, PUNCTUATION, supaZindina ir didii4i4 raiprimena skaitytojamspagrindines angl4 kalbos slcyrybos, aiiki' pateikiama daug pavyzdZir4, dii4 raiymo ir santrumpq taisykles, skirtumai. Kenirtopagrindiniai angl4 ir lietuvit4kalb4 sl<yrybos nami joje dalyje, MAKING PRESENTATIONS, pateikiami esminiai aiikaus kalbijimo pincipai, skaitytojai ZaismingaisupaLindinami su svarbiausiais retorikos reikalavimais, kuiuos tui iinoti kiekvienas iisilavinqs Zmogus. Lentelds sudarytos,remiantis ilgametepedagoginio darbo patirtimi, atsiivelgiant i mokiniq ir student4 poreikius bei pastabas. Lentelise iiddstyta teoini mediiaga padis ugdyti besimokanti2i4 mqstymq ir atidumq, skatins teoines iinias tailEti praktiikai. Sia knyga gali nau' dotis ne tik besimokantieji, bet ir angl4 kalbos molqtoiai bei distytojat, nes medZiagapateikiama labai koncentruotai, remiantis ivaiiais ialtiniais ir lyginant su lietuviq kalba. Autords tikisi, kad knyga patil<s skaitytojams ne tik del aiikaus tem4 iiddstymo ir palyginimo su lietuvi4 kalba, bet ir tuo, kad kiekvienq temq lydi trumpos imaikiiios istorijos. Painkdamos tas sitis, kurios angl4 kalbos besimokantiemslietuviams kelia sunkum4, autoris viliasi, jog Ji knyga padis ulpildyti angl4 kalbos Zini4 spragas. V Tilomait4 I. Zindiiuvieni VytautoDidiiojo universitetas zOOrS 5 AUTORTU

ARTICLES ARTIKELIAI The Use of Articles Artikeliq vartojimas
Tlpes of Articles Artikeliq ru5ys Indefinite Article NeZvmimasis artikelis Definite Article
zvmlmasN artll(ells

CountableNouns Skaidiuotiniai daiktavardLiai UncountableNouns Neskaidiuotiniai Singular daiktavardZiai Vienaskaita

the Zero Article Definite Article :Artikelis nevartojamas Zvmlmasrsartrkells r su skaidiuotiniu vienaskai- r prie5 skaidiuotinius r su skaidiuotiniais daiktatos bei daugiskaitos daik- daugiskaitos vienaskaitos daiktavardZius, nekonkretitavardZiuir su neskaidiuovardZiais: nant: - prie5 priebalsi - a: tiniais daiktavardZiais: - jei daiktavardistekste a boolE a university minimas ne pirm4 kart4: r prie5 neskaidiuotini - prie5 balsi - an: daiktavardi,kai I have a car. The car is an egg,an hour kalbama abstrakdiai: black. - prie5 daiktavardi,kuris Ltk is wonderful. apibldinamas Salutiniu o prie5 tikrinius daiktasakiniu: vardZius: - asmenvardZius I've lost the book vou (JaneBrown) - Zemynqpavadinimus rprie5 kelintini skaitvardi rprie5 sakinyjepirm4 ir auk5diausiojolaipsnio - (Europe,Asia) Saliqpavadinimus kart4 minim4 skaibldvardi: (Lithuania, Great diuotini vienaskaitos Neil Amstrong was thefirst Britain) daiktavardi: man to walk on the Moon. I have a car. He is the best sportsman in the class.
alan Indefinite Article NeZvmimasis artikelis




zero article

I priei b[dvardi, r kalbant apie konkreapibldinanti tq, Zinom4 asmeni, vienaskaitos gyv[n4, daikt4 ar daiktavardi: viet4: I have an interCome to the window! esting book. (There is only one
She is

- miestq pavadinimus (Vilnius, London) - pavieniq eLen4 pavadinimus (Lake Ontario) - kai kuriuos tiltq pavadinimus (TbwerBridge) - stodiq,oro uostq pavadinimus (Victoia Station, Heathrow) - kalnq (vir5ukalniq) pavadinimus ((Mount) Everest,(Mount) McKinley) - atskirq salq pavadinimus (Cyprus,ConeyIsland) - uZeigq, parduotuviq, restoranq, bankq, ligoniniq vie5budiq, pavadinimus, kuriuose yra asmenvardis arba savybinis linksnis('s): Marks & Spencer's, Hanods, Lloyds Bank - parkq pavadinimus: Hyde Park - piliq, r[mq, baZnydiq pavadinimus: Gediminas Castle, Buckingham Palace


window in the room.) Let's talk in the kitchen. (The kitchen is in our flat.)

t nurodant profe- o prie5 muzikos instru-

I'm q doctor ana my wife is an artist.
l vietoj skaitvardZio ,,vienas": She has q daughter and a son.

mentus,ypadposakiuosesu ,,play": to play the piano, the violin

prie5 upiq, kanalq, jlrq, vandenynq, kalnynq, salynq, dykumq, elerq grupiq pavadinimus: the Thames, the Baltic Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, the Alps, the Bahamas, the Sahara, the Great Lakes

church, o posakiuose: r prieSdaiktavardZius I prie5 daiktavardZius - nurodantlaik4, college,court, hospital,prisonl jei jis su ,,of' (arba jail, school, university,kai jie atstum4, viet4, numanomas): the USA, the Tbwerof rei5kia 3iq istaigq veikl4, taip svori: pat prie5 ZodZius bed ir work: twice g daylweekt London, the cover of I was in hospital. (gydZiausi) monthlyear the book I was in the hospital. (lanin an hour (po o su pasaulio/Saliq daliq kiausi,dirbau ir kt.) valandos) pavadinimais: I was in pison. (kalejau) an hour and a the SouthlWestlNorthl I was in the prison. (lankiausi half (pusantros kitais tikslais) East valandos) I was in church. (meldZiausi) the SouthlNorth Pole I wasin the church.(domejausi $3 q kilo (trys the Equator pastatu,menu, muzika ir kt.) doleriai ul kg) the North of Enpland lT"cnnvvAR/cMMATTKA 7

I was in school. r prie5 vie5budiq,resto5 litas a metre (mokiausi) (sdstis) ranq, teatrq, kino take a seat - nurodant kieki, talp4: teatrq, galerijq, muzie- I was in the school. q lot of (daug) jq, laikra5diq,ivairiq (lankiausikitais (keletas) institucijq pavadinitikslais) o few q little (truputis) mus: He went to bed early. a greatdeal (daug) (su the Hilton, the Odeon, (miegoti) neskaidiuotiniais the Thte Gallery, the Don't sit on the bed. daiktavardZiais) (sedeti ant lovos) British Museum, the great number (daug) a He is still at work. Guardian, the Titanic, (su skaidiuotiniais (dirba) the BBC daiktavardZiais) I visited him at the a piece of (cake, work. (darbo vietoje) r prie5 daiktavardZius, advice) padarytusi5 bldvara glasslbottle of (water) dZiq, rei5kiandiqgrupg q jar of (jam) Zmoniq: a rasherof (bacon) ghedeaf (kurtieji), fue a box of (chocolates) blind (aklieji), the a packet of (tea) disabled (neigalieji) a slicelloaf of (bread) q pot of (yoghurt) r su tautybiq pavadinia potlcup of (tea) mais: q kilolpound of (meat, the Lithuanian(s), the flour) English a bottle of (vinegar) a tube of (toothpaste) a bar of chocolatelsoap q bitlpiece of (chalk) s lump of (sugar) a droplcan of (oil) o prie5 transporto r prie5 vienaskaitos a can of (Coke) skaidiuotinidaiktavar- priemoniq a carton of (milk) pavadinimusposadi, rei5kianti vis4 r[Si: a block of (wood) kiuose su ,,by": The rose is my favous. bag of (flou6 rice) by busItrainIcarIplaneI ite flower. - posakiuose: The penguin cannot fly. taxi a pair of (trousers) a game of (soccer) q(n) itemlpieceof (news) - prie5 daiktavardipo LodLir4what, quite,

o prie5 irengimq ar rather ir such: . iSradimqpavadinimus, Whata beautiful day! valiut4: Wehad quite a nice The telephonewas meal. inventedby A. G. Bell. You have such a nice The dollar is the dress! currencyof the USA. It was rather an old giminds, o prieSSeimos, house. dinastijos,politines (tik su skaidiuotiniais partijos, religines vienaskaitos daiktavargrupespavadinim4: dZiais) the Browns the Liberals kituose posakiuose:
a temperature a cold g headachel toothache g sore throat g rest q smokeldrink a good time g nice day (palinkejimas!) g swimltalklshowerl bath

su sporto Sakq,Zaidimq, savaitdsdienq, m6nesiq,Svendiq, metq laikq, spalvq, gerimq, kalbq pavadinimais: tennis, basketball, Sunday,fanuary, Mother's Day, sping, green,Coca-Cola, English

q I taxilbusltrain etc. r prie5 daiktavardZius, o prie5 ligq pavadinrmus: takel, a showerlbath rei5kiandius vienintele malaria, cancer,bronin... Lg greatinterest s4vok4: chitis the Sun, the Moon, as a matter of fact the Earth, the slE, as a rule the world It's a pity ... o posakiuose: in the mominglafternoonlevening in the daytime (duing the day) in the country in the sun on the rishtlleft ,l] cnnuuAR/cMMATtKA 9

I su daiktavardZiais o su kuopiniais breakfast, lunch, dinner; daiktavardZiais: police, army, fire supper,coffee, tea brigade, government, press r su ZodZiaisradio, cinema, theatre: She went to the theatre r prie5 ZodZius mothe6 yesterday. home, kai father, kalbama apie Seimos narius: Mother is at home.


the on the phone on the floorlceiling on the whole what's the time? to tell the truth the same the rightlwrong size the onlyllastlfirst

zero article I posakiuose: by heart (mintinai) | by phone I by chance (atsitiktinai) by landlsea watch TV next weeklmonthlyear Iast weeklmonthlyear today, yesterday, tomorrow from moming till night from day to day at noonlmidnight at night at present in fact on foot on purpose

lmagine Columbus'expeditionsailing in the open sea for many days without seeing anything but water and water. Suddenly one sailor (an Englishman) "land"? notices somethingon the horizon.Will he put an article before the word "A land", "the land" or just "land"?What do you think? Which article?

10 F


Personal Asmeniniai ivardZiai

Subject Object Veiksnio Papildinio funkcija funkcija (ko, kam, kq, kuo) (kas) I me you you he him
she her



vou they


Possessive SavybiniaiivardZiai Reflexive Attribute Absolute SangrqZiniai Pazyminio possessives ivardZiai funkcija SavarankiSkieji (kieno) my mlne myself your yours yourself his his himself her hers herself its its itself our ours ourselves yours your yourselves their theirs themselves It's my book! -)

I love him. He loves me.

! It's = it' is,* its:

DemonstrativePronouns Parodomieji ivardZiai Singular Vienaskaita

No, it's hers! Do it yourself !

Meaning ReikSme

Plural Daugiskaita

arti toli

this (Sis, 5itas, 5i, Sita)

that (tas, ta, anas, ana)

these(Sie,Sios, 5itie,Sitos)
those (tie, tos, anie, anos)

AfTirmative statements Teigiamieji sakiniai

some somethins somebody someone

Indefinite Pronouns NeZymimieji ivardZiai Negative sentences and questions Negatives Neigiamieji sakiniai Neiginiai ir klausimai anv no : not anv anything nothing:not*anYthing anybody nobodY: not * anybody anyone no one : not + anyone

lJ" cnnvvAR/cMMATtKA1'l

RelativePronouns jvard2iai Jungia.mieji Subject Object Possessives Examples Veiksnys Papildinys Sawbiniai PawzdLiai people who/that who/whom/that whose I know the girl who lives next doon things which/that which/that/what I've read the book that
you told me about.

Teacher: Nametwo pronouns! Student: Who?Me? Teacher: That'sright!

12 .F


CountableNouns: Formationof Plural (RegularNouns) Daugiskaitos (taisyklingieji sudarymas daiktavardZiai) Singular booh a car
-+ bookg carg

Spelling Rules Daugiskaitosra5yba jei daiktavardis baigiasis, sg x, sh, ch, tch, pridedama -es ! I5imtis: ZodZiq,kurie q baigiasi daugiskaita turi gallng -es

-+ busgg wish6 bus, a wish, a watch, box watchgg boxq potato, a tomato, a hero-+ potatogs, tomatog& heroes


jei daiktavardisbaigiasi priebalse * y, ! virsta i pridedama-es jei daiktavardisbaigiasi balse*y pridedama-s

a shelf, a wtfe, a wolf, kntfe,aleaf,acalf, half

-->shelyes, wiyes, wolyes, jei daiktavardisbaigiasi / kniyes, leayes, arbafe, / virsta v ir halyes pridedama-es

ennuuARycRAMATrKA 13

Formation of Plural (lrregular Nouns) Daugiskaitos sudarymas(netaisyklingieji daiktavardZiai)

a a a a a man, a woman foot, a tooth mouse louse Soose

Plural + -+ -+ -> -) mgn womgn fget, testh mice lice geese

I By changing the root vowel(s) (Keidiant Sakniesbalsg, -es):

o By adding suflix -gn (su priesaga-en):

a child an ox -+ children + oxen

o The same form in singular and in plural (Vienaskaitos daugiskaitos ir formos sutampa): a a a a a sheep deer salmon trout means -) | sheep -) | deer salmon ' -+ manv ) trout I -+ | means

a fish
ir graikq kalbq): a datum a cisis a citerion a species a thesis a phenomenon


| fith

a Scientific terms from Latin and Greek (Mokslo terminai i5 lotynq

-+ data -> cises -+ criteria --> species -+ theses -+ phenomena

t Compound nouns (Sudurtiniai daiktavardZiai)

The last part is plural:

a a a a bookcase writing table toothbrush drawback -) -) --) -) bookcases witing tables toothbrushes drawbacks

The first componentis plural:

-) fathers-in-law a father-in-law a commander-in-chief -) commanders-in-chief -) passers-by a passer-by

14 F


Vienaskaitiniai daiktavardZiai money advice furniture news information mathematics mechanics

! Lietuviq. kalbojevisi SiedaiktavardZiai rurr tr vrenaskait4, daugiskaita: ir ptaukas- plaukai

naujiena- naujienos

; t:"Jt ?i,,, 511"-,?;i,' ", baldas- baldai


t Si" ouittu

Nouns Used Only in plural Uaugiskaitinioi daiklav arrtli a; scissors (Zirklds) glasses (akiniar) shorts(Sortai) pyjamas (piZama)

Y't' "1 u*ik'*izodziu' .,nu.g1o*r.r !!#y;",r.htrt _> hins(li;i;"i; (Nor:,."J:i'kaitos NoTE:a s i s

Ins are cheap'


S"rSkin iai,, vartojamtik daugiskaita)' i

Common Nouns Bendriniai daiktavardZiai

Classification of Nouns DaiktavardZiumSvs

a boy,people,a rii4 oniffi


Europe, tltezbs Tikriniai daiktavardZiai Countable Nouns a book, a cat, i-ice Skaidiuotiniai daiktavardliai __-__.Uncountable Nouns Iove, wnte,;ii Neskaiiiuotiniai daiktavardZia Individual Njunra hottse, a tree, a strutent Vienetiniai a . ( n e k u o p iin i ) oarktavard2iai Collective Nouns t: *,i ll. (yi ma.), r"am 1k@ Kuopiniai daiktavardZiai

Proper Nouni

ai),' ftkusyro1 ;7;l' f I I ji!!,|: ^1,'ice (noigiia): 9! a kij K siikiai),poutiry 9,s fttv sinin a

yu ic (pu.ftjka ), - " "' ts^::,!a,1, u.diencb ), crew(iguta urmy ry il:, 1,a l ! lporitimil Kuopiniai ouiktuuu@ daugiskai ir vien itosveilsmaiodi:iu. tos aska --'

This football team is wonderful This football team qre wearing red Tshins.

17 cncr\4N4ARycMMATtKA 15

Uncountable Nouns daiktavardZiai Neskaidiuotiniai Neskaidiuotiniai daikt avardLiaineturi Skaidiuotiniai daiktavar dLiai daugiskaitos,nevartojami su neZymimuoju vartojami su neZymimuoju artikeliu (a/an), turi daugiskait4, artikeliu (a/an) ir skaitvardZiais.Kiekiui ir nurodyti vartojami Sie ZodZiaibei derinami su skaitvardZiais posakiai: ivardZiais: a house, many trees,five bottles, some, a piece of (cake), a bowl of (water), a glassof (wine), a bottle of (Cola), somepens,few mistakes,a few a bar of (chocolate),a can of (oil), davs a cup of (tea), a packet of (flour) etc.
The Use of Nouns with Indefinite Pronouns DaiktavardZiqvartojimas su neZymimaisiais ivardZiais

CountableNouns Skaidiuotiniai daiktavafiLiai

CountableNouns Skaidiuotiniai daiktavardZiai a few (maZai,tadiau keli yra) few (malai, beveik nera) a few bool<s(kelios) few bool<s(mahai) many (daug) in negative and sentences questions (neigiamuosiuose sakiniuoseir klausimuose) many books (daug)

UncountableNouns Both Skaidiuotiniaiir neskaidiuotiniai Neskaidiuotiniai daiktavardZiai daiktavardZiai some (keletas,truputis) in affirmative sentences sakiniuose) (teigiamuosiuose (keletas) some boolcs some water (truputis, iiek tiek) and any in negativesentences questions(neigiamuosiuose sakiniuoseir klausimuose) a lot of (daug) lots of (daug) only in the affirmative sentences (tik teigiamuosiuose sakiniuose) (daug) a lot of bool<s a lot of sugar (daug) a little (maLai, truputis) little (malai, beveik nera) a little sugar (truputis, iiek tiek) Iittle sugar (malai) much (daug) in negativesentences and questions (neigiamuosiuose sakiniuoseir klausimuose) much sugar (daug)

'some', not in offers and requestsuse NOTE:Would you like somecoffee?] 'any' (pasitlymuose,pageidavimuose Can I have some tea? J vartokite ,,some",o ne ,,any")

at noun which is singular the top and pluralat the Irousersis a peculiar bottom.

16 tr7 cnnuuARvcRAMATlKA


Degreesof Gomparison
Comparative perlative Nelyginamasis laipsnis AukStesnysislaipsnis Auk5diausiasis laipsnis I. vienskiemeniai ir dviskiemeniai bfrdvardiiai su gatfrndmis -!, -t, -ow, -le Auk5tesnysis laipsnispadaromas pridedantSa - pridedant galfing -est. -+ -+ -> clean * er clever * er narrow * er -+ -> -+ the clean * est the clever * est the nanow * est

o Jeigu budvardisbaigiasinetariama-e, pridedant laipsniq galflnesji iilieka. -+ -+ wide * r the widg * $lL -+ -+ simplq * y the simple * sJ Jeigub[dvardis baigiasipriebalse, pries kuri4 eina trumpa balsd,ta priebalse sudvigubeja. -+ hgt -+ thehot+t+est hot*t *er Jeigu budvardisbaigiasi -y, tai pridedant laipsnig galunes-y virsta -i. --) -+ theheav*i*est heav*i+er

II. Dviskiemeniq,triskiemeniq ir ilgesniq bfldvardiiq laipsniavimas Auk5tesnysis laipsnissudaromas pridedant more/less, auk5diausiasis laipsni - pridedant the most/the least. more f the most --) --) modem modem | Iess J the least l ttful -> more f | less J
the most


the least




III. Netaisyklingailaipsniuojami bfldvardZiai

good bad little


better worse less I further L farther nearer

old late

1 older (senesnis) \ elder (vyresnisieimoje) (velesnis) I later I latter (pastarasis)

the best the worst the least the furthest I I the farthest 7 the nearest \ the next kitas) y the oldest (seniausias) Jeimoje) \ the eldest(vyriausias latest (viliausias) 1 the I the last (paskutinis)

IV. Nelaipsniuojami budvardZiai

laipsnis nes yra nelaipsniuojami, jq nelyginamasis Kai kurie bfidvardZiai laipsnio savybg: iSrei5kia auk5diausiojo universal square unique perfect emPtY fatal supreme single dead alone full vertical deadlY round mortal final wrong everlasting blind straight eg If a circle is absolutelyround, another circle could not be more round. If a bottle is empty, another bottle could not be more empty.
The Use of Degrees of Comparison posakiai Lyginamieji


She is as tall as her sisten as*positive*as not as * positive * as She is not as tall as her sister not so t positive * as half as * positive * as twice as * positive * as

Comparative ... -er * than

Ann is olderJhsn her brother John is more handsome than his more ... * than father the t h e * c o m p a r a t i v e * t h e The warmerthe weather, betterthe holidays. the ... -est * of/in ... the most ... + of/in . He is the best dentist oflin our town. It was the most exciting holiday oflin my hk.


18 ll


Order of Adjectives B0dvardZiqeil6s tvarka sakinyje

Opinion Size fue Shape Nuomond Dydis AmZius Forma lovely small old round beautiful big new square

Colour Spalva white brown

Origin Material Kilme MedZiaga Chineseporcelain French wooden

* Noun + Daiktavardis

* plate * stool

It was a lovely small old round while Chineseporcelain plate. It was a beautiful big new square brown French woodenstool.

ft \\l

"Mike, what is the comparativedegree of ,bad'?" "lt's worse than bad." "Can you compare the word 'bad'?" "Yes, of course, 'bad', 'worse', 'dead'."


Dpes of Adverbs Prieveiksmiqrt5ys Definite Time ApibreZtolaiko Question Klausimas When? Examples PavyzdLiai
yesterday, today, tomorrow two dayslweeksI months lyears ago, now lastI next weeklmonth lyear

Indefinite Time NeapibreZto laiko Frequency DaZnumo


already, before, early, late, just, soon, still, yet, nowadays,nory then,lately,at once,immediately
neve4 continually, frequently, rarely, seldom, often, sometimes, always, usually, once, twice, occasionally, ever, constantly above, below, over, unde4 close, next to, near, behind, everywhere, far, away, here, there, upstairs, dow nsta irs, forw ard (s), northward(s), to and fro

How often? How long?

Place or Direction Vietos arba krypties


Manner Bldo Degree Laipsnio Interroga tive/Exclamatory

Kl aus l am reJ r/5au KI amleJl
. . ..,x


well, quickly, nicely, bravely, fast, happily, hard, carefully,badly

In what degree? wholly, only, hardly, absolutely, To what extent? quite, much, little, perfectly, so loudly, enough,very,extremely
when, how, why when, where, how, why It happened when I was watching TV

Relative (Conjunctive) Sakinio jungiamieji Reason, Consequence and Conclusion pasekmes PrieZasties, ir iSvados Sentence

therefore,then, consequently, howeve1 finally, nevertheless, thus certainly,probably,possibly, perhaps, clearly, luckily, maybe, of course

20 17' cnnvvAFycRAMATrKA

Forms of Adverbs Prieveiksmiq formos Adjective BIdvardis

Adverb Prieveiksmis

Adverb * -ly Prieveiksmissu lv

Prieveiksmioir btdvardZio formos sutampa Pridejus -ly, reik5mekeidiasi deep deep (giliai) deeply - greatly (labai) She went deepinto the wood. He was deeplyhurt by her words. hard hard (sunkiai, daug) hardly = scarcely (vos, beveik (sunkus) She works hard. ne) She hardbt works. high high (auk5tai) highly = very much (labai) (aukStas) The plane flew hrsh into the She is hishly respected. skv. near near (arti) nearlY : almost (beveik) (artimas) The library is near my house. It's nearlvdawn. late late (velai, velu) late[ = recentl' (neseniai, (vdlus, velyvas) h's Istre. pastaruojumetu) I haven't seenhim hleh. short short (trumpai) shortlY = soon, not long (trumpas) He cut his hair short. (greitai,netrukus) She will anive shortlv. Iast last (paskiausiai) lastly = finally (galq gale, (paskutinis) He anived here last. galiausiai)
Lastly, I would like to thank you for your attention! (gilus)

pretty (graZus)

pretty (gana,gerokai) The film was prc_lq_ awful.

PrettilY : in an attractive way (graLiai) She smiled prettily.


21 cnnuuAR/cMMATTKA

The Gomparison Adverbs of Prieveiksmiq laipsniavimas o Prieveiksmiailaipsniuojamipagal tas padiastaisykles,kaip ir bfidvardZiai Regular Comparison Thisyklingailaipsniuojamiprieveiksmiai Positive Superlative Comparative Nelyginamasis Auk5tesnysis AukSdiausiasis laipsnis laipsnis laipsnis -+ fast * er -+ the fast * est r Vienskiemeniai fast -+ earl * i * er --> the earl + i * est ir earlv early -) more seldom -+ the most seldom o Dviskiemeniai seldom --t more politely --> the most politely politely ir daugiaskiemeniai Tlpes of Comparison Irregular Comparison Lyginamieji posakiai Netaisyklingai laipsniuojami prieveiksmiai -+ as*positive*as better well the best Shefinished it as -+ worse -) the worst quickly as her friend. badly so*positive*as -+ muchla lot oflmany -+ more the most I can't swim so well as you. -) --) little less the least comparative* than the farthest She singsbetter than -) I farther -) I fo, her sister | the furthest | lurtlre,
Position of Adverbs Prieveiksmiq vieta sakinyje

Front (in the beginning of the sentence)

Mid (beforethe main verb and the auxiliary)

End (at the end of the sentence)

L. adverbsof L. adverbsof frequency: 1 . adverbsof manner: frequency: often, usually, never, eveti beautifully, badly, usually,sometimes regularly, barely, seldom, eagerly,well scarcely,rarely, sometimes 2. adverbsof time: 2. adverbsof time: 2. adverbsof place: yesterday already,no longer here, there 3. adverbsof degree: hardly, nearly, almost 4. adverbsof manner: angrily, happily 22 l7 CnnrtrrrlARYGRAMATtM

Adverbial of frequency DaZnumo aplinkybe was has spoke

already never

his work. meat. yesterday.


'l A grammar-tired student of English said: decline to decline any more'.

17 eneuuARvcRAMATrKA

Cardinal Kiekiniai Ordinal Kelintiniai the first the second 3'd the third 4,h the fourth 5 ' h the fifth 6,h the sixth

Cardinal Kiekiniai

Ordinal Kelintiniai

0 zeto
I one


two a J three 4 four 5 five 6 slx 7 SEVEN 8 eieht 9 nlne 10 ten 1 1 eleven

1 7 seventeen 1 8 eighteen L9 nlneteen 20 twenty

the seventeenth


the eiehteenth
the nineteenth

7rh 8,h 9,h

the seventh the eighth the ninth

27 22 30 3T

twenty-one twentv-two

the twentieth 2I't the twenty-first



22"d the twentv-second 30,h the thirtieth

3L", the thirtv-first

40th the fortieth 50,h the fiftieth 60,h

t2 twelve

70 SEVENTV 70'h the seventieth 1 3 thirteen 13,rthe thirteenth 80 eighty 80'h the eightieth I4 fourteen r4'r the fourteentt 90 ninety 90,h the ninetieth 15 rtteen 15'r the fifteenth 100a/one hundred 100,h the (one) hundredth
1.6sixteen 16,h the sixteenth 200 two hundred 200,hthe two hundredth

10,t the tenth 1 1 ' the eleventh rz,t the twelfth

40 forW 5 0 fifty 60 sixty

the sixtieth


350 1,000 2,000

three hundred and fifty ordinal: the three hundred and fiftieth a/one thousand* (ordinal: once (1x) the thousandth) (vien4 kart4)

single- viengubas

two thousand (ordinal: twice (2x) double - dvigubas (dukart) the two thousandth) 3,565 three thousand, five three times (3x) threefold - trigubas hundred and sixty-five (triskart) 1.000.000 a/one million four times (4x) fourfold - keturgubas (ordinal: the millionth) (keturiskart) 2.000.000 two million five times (5x) fivefold - penkiagubas (penkiskart) billion a
*Compare: There were four thousandpeople in the street. (exact number) Thousands(hundreds,millions) of people gatheredin the streets.(expression)


fi1 \il
24 F

tnere are fifty waysof saying'yes'and five hundrednuances (shades) of meaning the word 'no'. for

The Use of Numerals Skaitvard2iq vartojimas

1. Telephone numbers

Rules Thisykles All numbers are said separately.0 is pronouncedleul.

2. Dates: a) years b) day, month, year

Examples Pavyzdliai 7028995467 seven oh two eightdoubleninefive four six seven Usuallvsaid as two numbers. 1996 Qineteen ninety-six) 1805 (eighteen five) oh --+ (the y".q_r), thoilsand But 2000 t,, , two t,.
British: the day comes before 22 June, 1996 or 221611996 (the twenty-second of June, the month nineteen ninety-six) American: the month comes June 22, 1996 or 612211996 (the twenty-second of June, before the day nineteen nineN-six) When saying a person's age Ann is five and John is only numbers are used. seven. In writing, descriptions or to You arefifty yearsold - stop emphasize sb's age years old is behavinglike a child! used.

3. Age

4. Time a) hours

The l2-hour system is used * amlpm*

11.00 It is eleven am. 23.00 It is eleven pm.


word "minutes" can be 11.10It is ten past eleven. omitted after 5, I0,20 and 25, 11.18It is eighteen minutes but it is almost alwaysused past eleven. with other numbers. point of water 5. Temperature In Britain, temperatures are Freezing Celsius('C) often given in both Celsiusand = OoCor 32"F or Fahrenheit, the US temper- Boiling point of water in Fahrenheit aturesare given in Fahrenheit. = 100'C or 212"F Normal body temperature ('F) = 37"C or 98.6'F b) minutes


*See the Abbreviationssection.

2s f]' cnnvrrlARycMMATtKA

Prepositions of Time Laiko prielinksniai at times/festivals

J l
I on days/dates nurodant tiksli4 dien4, dat4: on 13 March (on the thirteenth of March) on Monday(s) on Monday morning(s)laftemoon(s)l evenings on Friday night on Christmas Day on Easter moming on a summer afternoon on that day



nurodant valandas: o nurodant laik4 mdnesiais, at 5 o'clock, at 11.45 metq laikais, metais: posakiuose: in May at night, at midnight, in (the) summer at noon in the 19th century at the weekendlat in 1960lin the 1970s weekends in the Middle Ages at Chistmaslat a nurodant paros laik4: Easter in the morning(s) at the momentlat in the aftemoon(s) present in the evening(s) at the same time at the age of ... at that time t posakiuose: at lunchldinnerl in a few minutes (po keliq breakfast minudiq)

l : l

in a week (po savaites) in two years(po dvejq metq) in four weeks'time (po 4-ir4 savaidiq)

Other Prepositions of Time Kiti laiko prielinksniai Preposition Prielinksnis about after

Usage Vartosena
about 5 o'clock after breakfast three vears apo

Meaning Reik5me

apie po


before breakfast


by during

bv March 13th during the lesson

iki per, metu

26 17" cnnvuAR/cRAMATTKA


Usage for 5 years

from May to June over 2 hours


from ... to
over pqst

veriiamas salininku nuo...iki

per po

five pastfive
since Chistmas throushout the year till now from5to6o'clock within a month Prepositions of Place Vietos prielinksniai at



till, until
to within

iki iki per


o nurodant viet4 (erdvdje): t nurodant viet4 viduje: o nurodant viet4 in a building 1 at the bus stop pavirSiuje: in a room at the doctor's on the walllfloorl I inabox at the hairdresser's linside ceiling in the garden I at the window on my head in the pocket J (of the at the toplbottom on the tablelchair o nurodant konkredi4 page) on the second floor viet4 (Sali,miest4 ir kt.): at the end of the road on the pavement in Vilnius at the backlfront in Lithuania o posakiuose: at workl school luniversity in the village on the leftlright at home in the city centre on the coast at the airport o posakiuose: on the river at the seaside in the water on the island at sea in the sea on the border at the cinemaltheatre in a iver on the beach at a concert/party in a row on the farm in a newspaperlbook at a tennis match on the screen in bed o nurodant adres4 on the back of an in hospitallpison (gyvenamqj4viet4): envelope in the slcy at l0 Downing Street in the world l pei on a busliaii at Peter's house in the street ".i' But:: eCt.intoihe iai in a picturelphotograph at Jane's in the middle of ... in the country in the lesson o nurodant gatvg fiei nera tikslaus adreso): He lives in Meadow Road. I7 27 GRAMMAFVGMMATTKA

at lsimintini posakiai: (gatveskampe)

-+ arrive at (small places): -+ at the airport at the universitv -+



J at the corner of a street -r in the corner of a room -)on the corner of a street

(kambario kampe)


arrive in (large places)r in townslcities in VilniuslLondon -+to travel: to travel: in a car on a bus on a train on a plane

Nurodyti krypti, ypad su veiksmaZodLiais go, come, walk, vartojamas prielinksnisto: We went to the cinema.
Other Prepositions of Place Kiti vietos prielinksniai

Preposition Prielinksnis
around above across

Usage Vartosena
around the stadium above the desk across the street

Meaning Reikime


against along amonS

run after the dog

against the wall along the street among the girls away from the city behind the desk below the sea level beside the bed between the girls beyond the garden

per piskui palei i5ilgai, tarp (daugelio)

ls-, nu-

behind below



beyond by

by the river
down the river to leave for London from Lithuania

Salia tarp (dviejq) uZ, anapus Salia,prie Lemyn

for fro*
28 F



Preposition in front of inside

into near next to

Usage in front of the house inside the house into the box
near London


prie5ais,priekyje viduje

a, netoli SA a, pne pat i5 (nuo)

on the top of opposite out of
outside over past round through towards under

Welive next to the libran. off the centre get off the busltrain on the top of the box ant, vir5uje He lives oppositethe chemist's. prie5ais (kitoje puseje)
to get out of the car outside the house over the bridge over my head go past the church round the house go round London Iook through the window go through the door towards London under the bed

i5oreje (lauke)

pro, pro Sali aplink pro/per link

po, apacloJe

up within

up the river
within 5 square metres

veriiama vietininku

Prepositions of Method BUdoprielinksniai

Preposition Prielinksnis by

Usage Vartosena

Meaning ReikSme


by hand by carlbusltrain in a hurry to eat with fingers

veriiarna inagininku
veriiama dalyviulpadalyviu veriiama inagininku

29 tr} cnnuuAR/cMMATTKA

Other Meanings of Some Prepositions Kitos kai kuriq prielinksniq reik5mes

Preposition Prielinksnis
about according to against

Usage Vartosena Tbll me about hen about 5 million people

according to the newspaper

Meaning ReikSmd

because of
beneath besides

to fight againsthimlthe law because bad weather of

beneath the waves beneath the surface besides the children

apie beveik pagal prieS,su


po, Zemiau be
veriiama naudininku

insteadof in spite of

It's for him. to go for holidays I like watching TV instead of going to the theatre.
in spite of bad weather to change the prince into a frog translate into Lithuanian the cover of the book made of stone owing to his illness Give it to me! to my surprise

vietoj (ko), uZuot nepaisant I

verctama kilmininku ls del veriiama naudininku

owing to to


with melher/him 2 days without food


"Nick, you again had a fight with that boy? How was the fight?" "lt was always a change of prepositions," answeredNick. "At first he was on me, then I was under him".

30 17' cnnuunRycRAMAlKA

Coordinating Gonjunctions jungtukai Sujungiamieji Meaning ReikSme

Conjunction Junstukas

Usage Vartosena

taip pat

She has also composed5 symphonies. my sister and I

His sisteris taip pat (sakiniogale) He is very clever. vervcleveraswell.

taip pat ir
lr lr

in May as well as in July both vou and me She'snot attractivebut very nice. I don't like bananas.He doesn't like them either. either this girl or that one He speaks Englishwell. However, his brother speaksbetter. He has neither relativesnor friends. I haven't eaten it. nor will I He is not onlv rich but also very friendly. Choose:Tom or me. We have finished our work, so let's go home. She is ill, and she therefore hasn'tcome. She is nicer than her sister.

bet taip pat (neigiamojo sakinio gale) a r b a . . .a r b a . tadiau

nel ... nel

ner ne tik... bet ir ar (arba) taigi (todel) taigi (del to)

uZ (negu) taip pat (sakiniogale) She likes Tom and I like him too. She'sright whereasyou're wrong. tuo tarpu; o ar ar She didn't know whether to write him or to phone. I've passedthe exam while Tom hasn't. very lively. He is old yetL 31 17 ennvuAR/cRAMATTKA

tuo tarpu; o tadiau. bet

Subordinati Conjunctions ng ju Priju ngiamieji ngtukai Conjunction Junstukas '"-i after , Meaning Reik5me Usage Vartosena I went after we had had dinner Although she was nice I didn't like her She met him as he was leavinT.

po qlthough, thougl nors



4; you like Chinese food, I'll take you to the Chineserestaurant.

Do as I do. lom ts as tall as his broth,er

taip (taip kaip) toks ... kaip tarytum


He spoke English s!_tf he was born in England.

As long as I am here, I can help you. I can help you as long as you will lend me this book. As soon as he met her he told her about it. I watch W because I like it.

jeigu vos tik, kai tik, kadansi kadansi.nes net ieigu

befoiE.T,. l *I,

pnes kadangi

.ieigu ar
tuo atveju, jei

Even if it rains, I will visit you. Before you write, read it careJully. I can't phone him, fot my telephone doesn't work. IJ I wereyou, I'd learn more. I wonder { you like her

Thke an umbrella in case it rains. In order to pass the exam, learn more. tam, kad : ne She is not so tall as her sister nots'&;..""Xi.-' toks ... kaip :I&:l Ielgu lau Now you are here, sit down. n6S;(that) jei Provided that I have a lot of monev. su s4lyga, eFoniAec*ftuai)'l nuo to laiko, kai.. Since I met he4 I can't think of anyone. Since he insisted I've told him. kadangi tffit:*g; She said that she was buw. ,.kad



They will come unlessit rains. Wait until I phone you. undt$illsffiffii*r iki/kol Don't listen to the radio while you study. tuo metu, kai. Wile I live here I'll alwavs visit her tol kol nors (nepaisant to, Wile I like you, I must tell you the truth. kad)

utreslffi:5ilg1;1' lelgu

32 17" cnnrrlvARycRAMATtKA

Divisionof Verbs VeiksmaZodZiq skirstymas regular (taisyklingieji) help, like, love, work, play, Main Verbs The past tense and past want etc. Pagrindiniai participle end in -ed. 'ilzcfro)^.IXioi irregular (netaisyklingieji) think, make, take, come, The past tense and past read, write etc. participle are made not following the usual pattern. auxiliary (pagalbiniai) be, have, do SpecialVerbs may/might, can/could,wilV Specialieji modal (modaliniai) would, must/haveto, need, reiksmaZodZiai should/oughtto, used to, dare

Auxiliary Verbs PagalbiniaiveiksmaZodliaito be, to have, to do Infinitive Past participle am, ls, are was, to have have, has had to do do, does did
Modal Verbs (Defective verbs) Modaliniai veiksmaZodZiai can, must, may, ought, will, shall, need, dare, used to

can must may need will shall ought to dare usedto

to be able can arba amlislare ableto to have to must may need will shall ought to to Jure dare

arba waslwere able to had to might would should

been able to had to


,S cnnuuAR/GRAMATnG 33

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17 cnnuuAFvcMMATrKA

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The Use of Tenses in the Active Voice Veikiamosios rfiSiesveiksmaZodZiq laikq vartojimas

PAST SIMPLE I went to England last year. yesterday,2 days ago, in 1960, in summer,lnst yearlweek

PRESENT SIMPLE 1. He smokestoo much. 2. Water turns into ice at 0"C. 3. I'm ill. ofien, usually,always,sometimes, never, seldom, rarely, every daylweeklmonthlyear

*... played*. ../wrote*

l"'e It0,",/ w r i t e . . . .. w
They J
.../ ln Inruv,w r i t e s.. . It J

did not didn't

You I do not We I don't They J

,,' /write l


] oo.,no,
J doesn't


play .../write...?

D. {k}
When Where does does

play .../write...?

"""'{ l,* }

play .../write...?

play..-? p l a y . . .?

he he

30 17"cnnnruAFycMMATrKA

FUTURE SIMPLE 1. I think he will win. 2. I will help you. 3. I will have a cup of tea, please! tomorrow,nert Fridaylday, in 2020, in summir, in a weeklmonthlyear Positive

FUTURE in the PAST 1. He was afraid he would be late. 2. He said he would phone. 3. If I were a rich man, I would buy a new car. 4. When he was younger,he would eat much more. Positive

You I H e l
She I will

w e l

rt l'u l

.../write... t- ,wri,e il" I wouldntav I w e l I rhey J 1 J


H e l

L, l



He I will not She I won't I t l

You I

,,- /write l

w e l

I You He She It We They Question

would not wouldn't

t- ,wri,e 1

play .../write...?

Will I she


I they


I you he she it we they

? t' ,wri,e l

When lwill Where lwill Who will play ...? What girl will play ...?


gT cnnuuARycRAMATtKA

PAST CONTINUOUS 1. I was fishingwhen my friend fell into the water. 2. While I was watching TV, my mum was cooking and my dad was sleeping. I 3. Yesterday was doing my homework for 5 hours. while, when

PRBSENTCONTINUOUS 1. I am readingnow. 2. She is visiting her son next month. the moment

At th work

H e l

You f were They J

She f It J


Positive I a m H e l She Iit I t j

w e l
You I are They J Negative I am not 'm not I

Positi I He She It We You They

He I w a sn o t She fwasn't It J w e l You fwerenot weren't TheyJ


ffi li'l:'

Nega I You He She It We They

Y" I are.,ot


Question Am I Is

[1" was
fwe Were{ you I they


I they


he he


Whe Whe Who Wha

When I was Where I was

playing playing

playing .. .? he When I S Where are you p l a y i n g . . . ? Who is playing...? What girl is playing ...?

Who was playing...? What girl was playing...?

38 17' cnnvruAFvcMMATtKA

FUTURE CONTINUOUS At this time tomorrow I will be workins.

FUTURE CONTINUOUS in the PAST 1. Would you be meetingher today? 2.My sister would be writing her tests now. 3. He would be having a nap after dinner. 4. Tom said he would be watchins TV at 11 o'clock. Positive

Positi I He She It We You



I You He will not She won't It We I You playing.../ writing...


H e l She I would lbe


It lwouldn't I We They Question

y; fwourd,o,lu"

I he she i t l b e playing .../writing ...? we you they

I you he Would she I be it we they

W h e nw i l l l h " l b " l R t a y i n g . . . ? l Where lwill lyou lbe lplaying ...? Who be playing...? will What will be playing girl ...?

,l] cnnuvARycMMATtKA39

PAST PERFECT SIMPLE 1. Before I left, I had eaten my breakfast. 2.I couldn't come in because had I lost my key. before,after, for, since, lately, yet, already,just, never,ever Positive

PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE 1. I have worked here for 5 years. 2. I have just done my homework. 3. Someonehas eaten my apples.
since, ever, never, lately, recently, yet, already, just, so far

By tl this bv th I* You He She It We


You H e She I t w e


You I have

w e f

I l l


They J I t J

H e r
She I has


They J

I You He She had not hadn't It We They

/written t H e lt*.

You I havenot We f haven't TheyJ

She I has not nasn't It J


I You He She It We


Question I you he Had she played.../written...? it we they

Question Have ] lwe I they fhe Has J she Lit When Where lhas lhave

I vou I

Whe lh" lyou

When lhad Where lhad

Who had written ...? What girl had played ...?

Who Wha

Who has written ...? What girl has played ...?

40 17 cnnnauAFvGRAMArKA



Bythis time tomorrow I will have read If I had had time, I would have come thisbook. your party. bythetime Positive I* You He She will I have lplayed .../written It We lThey

Positive I You He She wouldlhavelnlaveo ... /written.. It We They


w i l ln o t l . | . .../written .. lShe w o n r I havelplayed | | It We They Question I you he Will{ she havel played .../written it we they W h e n w i l l l h e I h a v e l p l a y e d. . . t l Where lwill lyou lhave lwritten ...? Who will havewritten ...? What will have played ...? girl

I You He

I You He She It We They Question I you he Would she havelplaved .../written ...? t" it we they

flcnnvuARycRAMATtKA 41


I had been reading a book for two hours before my friend came.

PRESENT PBRFECT CONTINUOUS 1. I have been waitins for her for 2 hours. 2. She has been smokingsince 1970 3. I have been teachingfor 10 years for, since + now, at the moment How long ... ?



bv (,


I You He t l She hadlbeenl playing.../writing It We They


You I We f have TheyJ beenlRla/ne .../ H e l ... lwrltlng She I has I t J


Posi I You He She It We

I You He h a dn o t l , I She . l b e e n lp l a y l n g . . / hadn't It I l*.iiins... We They


You I have not We I haven't They J beenltlavin8

not lt; I has

It J hasn't


Neg I You He She It We The


I you he Had she

we they

beenlplaying...1 lwriting...?

Haue] You l * e L they beenl playing.../

f h e Has { she

f r

I w r i t i n g. . . ?

l i t

W h e n l h a s l h e l b e e n l R l a V i n S? W h e n ; h a d; h e l b e e n l t l a V i n e. . . ? Where lhavelVou Ibeenlwriting ? Wherelhadlyou lbeen lwriting ...? ,| How longlhavelyou Ibeenlplaying Who had beenwriting ...? What girl had been playing ...? Who has beenwriting ...? What girl has beenplaying...?

Wh, Wh,

Wh, Whr

42,F" cnnrrrrvrARycRAMATtKA

FUTUREPERFBCT CONTINUOUS By July she will have been learning English 3 years. for (the time in the future)

FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS in the PAST 1. She explained that by July they would have been learning English for 2 years. 2. But for the fog we wouldn't have been driving for 3 long hours.


I You He She It

will Ihave lUeenplaying...i I

t | t | t ' lwntrng ...

I You He She would It We ey


been playing.../ writing ...



will not won't

I You He would not peen She wouldn't have . lplaying It We They

... li"'iii"i

I you he ill she havel beenplaying.../ it writing...? we they

Question I you he Would she havelbeen I nlavins it | | wntrng we they

en lwillIhe Ihave .. lbeenplayine .? I playing .? ere have .. lwilllyou I lbeen I

Whowill have been writing ...? Whatgirl will have been playing ...?


Supplements Active Voice to Priedai 1 priedas Esamojopaprastojolaiko vienaskaitos 3-iame asmenyje pridedama gallne -s arba -es: -es pridedama: - jei Zodisbaigiasi s, ss, sh, ch, tch, x Qtass-->passes) - j"i veiksmaZodis baigiasi -o (do -+ does) - jei veiksmaZodis baigiasipriebalse + y (y -+ i) (try -+ tries) Jei veiksmaZodis baigiasibalse * y, tai y i5lieka ir pridedama tik gallne -s (play -+ plays) 2 priedas Vietoj will st vienaskaitosir daugiskaitosl-uoju asmeniu galima vartoti shall (shall not = shan't): r btsimajam laikui reik5ti st I ir we: (I shall do it.) o mandagiamepasiulymear klausime: (Shall I open the window?) r ispejant ar grasinant: (You shall be punished!) 3 priedas Su galfine -ing vartojami veiksmaLodliai, einantieji po Siq veiksmaiodLiq: admire, adore, astonish, be, believe, belong, concem, consist, contain, depend, deserve, detest, dislike, doubt, envy, exist, fit, forget, hate, have, hea6 imagine, impress, include, involve, keep, know, lack, last, Iike, love, matte4 mean, need, own, please, possess, prefef realise, recognise, remember, satisfy, seem, sound, stop, suppose, surprise, survive, suspect, think, understand, want

Pr Pr Pt Pr Pr Pz F' R




4 priedas for - fut 5 years (penkerius metus)

since - since 1990 (nuo) lately, recently - I have met her latellt. (neseniai, pastaruoju metu) yet - t haven't done it yglt. (neigiamajame sakinyje - dar ne\ yet - Have you done it W? (klausiamajame sakinyje - jau) already - I have alreadlt done it. Qau) just - I have ju;1tr done ir. (ka tik) - I have never seen... (niekada) never eyer - Have you ever seen ... ? (klausiamajame sakinyje - kada nors) so far - I have read 5 pages so far. (iki Siol)

44 l7o cnnnanaAR/cRAMATtKA

Passive Voice Neveikiamoji r0Sis

r Neveikiamojir[Sis sudaromai5 veiksmaZodZio be * veiksmaZodZio to III forma (b[tojo laiko dalyvisarba veiksmaZodis galflne -ed). su Present Simple Present Continuous PastSimple PastContinuous Present Perfect PastPerfect Future Simple Future Perfect
atn, ,s, are islarelam being waslwere waslwere being haslhave been had been will be will have been


o Neveikiamojir[Sis vartojama: 1)kai veikejasneZinomas, nesvarbus My car ryasstolen yesterday. arba suprantamas konteksto i5 The burglars have been arrested. 2)oficialioje arba mandagiojekalboje My new suit ftas beenburnt. (You have burnt my suit is impolite.) 3)kai veiksmas yra svarbiau negl Thking pictures is not allowed. veikejas Bread is baked for about 45 minutes.
til, tt

4)kai norima pabrdZtiveikej4

l, t,

The Tower of London was built by William the Conqueror.

LittleJohnny came home from school with a bleedingnose and a black eye. His mother reprimandedhim sternly: 'Shame on you, Johnny! You've been fighting!' 'Oh, Mummy,you're using a wrong grammar voice! I haven't been fighting,' correctedher the boy: 'l've been fought.'

45 lTcnnuuARycRAMATrKA


verdiant tiesiogingkalb4 i netiesioging,keidiasi anglq kalbos sakinio zodziq tvarka ir gali keistisveiksmaZodZio laikq formos: I. Jeigu pagrindiniamesakinyjeveiksmaZodis pavartotasesamuojulaiku, tai SalutiniamesakinyjeveiksmaZodZio laikas gali blti bet koks, keidiasi tik LodLi4tvarka ir ivardZiai. II. Jeigu pagrindiniame sakinyje veiksmaZodis pavartotasbutuoju laiku, tai Salutiniame sakinyjeturi blti derinami veiksmaZodZiq laikai, gali keistis Lodiiq tvarka, ivardZiaibei aplinkybes.
Direct Speech Tiesiosind kalba Examples Pavyzdliai 1 . 'I have just come back from London.' Reported Speech Netiesiogine kalba Main Clause Pagrindinis sakinys Subordinate CIause
x , Saluttnls saktnvs

ca c( m n

sl sl

w o

2. 'I'm going to England

next year'


'I will visit mv grandmother.'

(I) she has just come back She says (that) from London. (Esamasis laikas) (2) she is going to England next year (3) she will visit her grandmother (4) she spends her holidays in the mountains.

!l q
! ! I

She said (that) (Butasis laikas)

4. 'I spend my holidays in

the mountains.'

(I) she had just come back from London. (2) she was going to England the following yean (3) she would visit her grandmother. (4) she Wsn! her holidays in the mountains.


46 lI' cnnuvnR/cMMATtKA

Modal Verbs in Reported Speech kalboje formq derinimasnetiesiogin6je Modaliniqveiksma2odZiq

nl ai ik
can could

Direct Speech Tiesiosine kalba

could could

Reported Speech Netiesiogindkalba

may might shall should

will would ought to

might m sht should should would


ought to
had to/would have to/must had better

had better

Pronouns and Time Words in Reported Speech kalboje netiesiogindje lvardZiqir laiko aplinkybiqpasikeitimai Reported Speech Direct Speech Netiesiogine kalba Tiesioeine kalba



now today

there then
that day

next day/yearletc.

the next dav the followi ng daylyear etc. I

the day before, the previous day the week before, the previous week

yesterday last week/yearletc.



47 lJ" cnnuuAFvcRAMATtKA

Reporting Verbs VeiksmaZodZiai, vartojaminetiesiogineje kalboje

Reporting Verb

Examples PavyzdLiai


promise refuse threaten
advise ask beg command invite order remind wam -+ * to-infinitive

Direct Speech Reported Speech Tiesiogindkalba Netiesioeine kalba 'Shall I carry He offered to carry my bag. your bag?' 'I'll help you!' He prni;sd_la lryJp me.


Pr ,T

Pr ,H

Pr ,H forget to post the letter' 'Will you have tea with me?' 'Don't
She reminded me to post the letter He invited me to have tea with him.

Pr ,H

2 '

--> f somebody * to-infinitive

Pa ,H



sh admit deny prefer suSSest accusesb of appologizefor boast oflabout complain to sb of irtsiston
agree complain deny explain exc.laim remark promise suggest go to the cinema.' You took my -+ * gerund purse.' He suggested going to the cinema. She accused me of takingl having taken her purse.

Pa ,H

Pa ,H 2

(-ing form)

Fu ,H

You'd better te her the truth!' He suggestedthat I (should) tell her the truth. He complained that I was always coming late.

Fu ,H


-+ * that-clause (Salutinis papildinio sakinys)

You're always coming late!'

Fr ,H


Fr ,H 2

48 l7u cnnuvnFyGRAMATtKA

4. 51

Sequence of Tenses Laiku derinimas Reported Speech Netiesiogind kalba

Atpasakojantbltuoju laiku, keidiasiveiksmaZodZio laikai:

Present Simple 'He likes swimming,' she said. -+ Past Simple She said he likeslliked swimming.

-+ Past Continuous Present Continuous 'He is playing football,' she said. She said he was playing footbatl. -+ Past Perfect Present Perfect 'He has just come,' she said. She said he had just come. Present Perfect Continuous 'He has been reading a book for 2 hours,' she said. -+ Past Perfect Continuous She said he had been reading a book for 2 hours.

-) Past Perfect/Past Simple Past Simple 'He came an hour ago,' she said. She said he had corne an hour ago. Past Continuous 'He was cleaning the house,' said. -+ Past Perfect Continuous/past Continuous She said he had been cleaning the house.

-r Past Perfect She said he had alreadyteft. -+ Past Perfect Continuous Past PerfectContinuous 'He had been washingdishesfor she said he had beenwashingdishes 2 hours,'she said. for 2 hours. -+ Future Simple in the past Future Simple 'He will be back in five minutes,' She said he would be back Past Perfect 'He had already left,' she said.
said. in five minutes.

Future Continuous 'He will be lying on the beach,'


-) Future Continuous in the past She said he would be lying

on the beach.

Future Perfect 'He will haveJinished by then,' said.


ture Perfect Continuous

will have been reading for

-+ Future Perfect in the past She said he would havefinished by then. -+ Future Perfect Continuous in the past
she said he would have been reading

hours by then,' she said.

for 2 hours by then.

49 17 ennrrrurAFycMMATtKA

word order In Reponed Speecn Zod2itq rka netiesiogi tua n6s kaIbos sakiniuose

Tlpes of Sentences Sakiniq rflSys Statements Teigiamiejisakiniai SpecialQuestions Specialiejiklausimai (su klausiamaisiais ZodZiais)

Direct Speech Tiesiogindkalba 'I want to go to the mountains,'she said.

Reported Speech Netiesioginekalba

She said she wanted to go to the mountains.

t 2 3 4 1 'Why didn't you do your Her mother asked her whlt 5 3 2 4 homework?,' askedher she hadn't done her mother. 5

TI Ff Re ha


General Questions Bendrieji klausimai

2 1 2 3 'Haveyou ever been to Susanaskedme whetherlifI 4 1 3 4 Britain?' Susan asked had beento Britain.* me.
The teacher asked us to open our books. She ordered Tbm to write the essav.

Requests/Commands/ 'Openyour books!,' Orders said the teacher PraSymai/liepimai/ 'Wite this essay,' she said to Tbm. isakymai

TY PR Ur to pr( als ad TY PA Ur in to cri

* Atpasakojant specialiuosius bendruosius ir klausimus, netiesiogin6je kalbojeb0tina laikytisanglq kalbos teigiamojosakinio ZodZiqtvarkos taisykliq:

E ttrl
50 l7' cnnrrruAFycRAMATt(A


'Fancy A philosopher said: what silencewould set in if peoplesaid only what they really understood!'

sAKlNlAl sALYGos SnlurtrutAt

Main clause ll-clause Salutinis sakinys Pagrindinis sakinys


Usage Vartojimas If I have money,I will buy a car. If you are tired, p. to bed. If you heat snow,it melts. If you hqejni;hcd- your work, wecangofor a walk. If I hsd money, I would bu), a car If I wereyou, I wouldn't tell this. If it weren'trainins. we could go for a walk.
If I had had money, I would have bought a car If I had locked the flat, it wouldn't have been broken into. If the child had behaved well, he wouldn't have been nunished. He can't hear you unless you shout. Supposing your car breaks down in the middle of the dessert. I don't want to go out, unless John phones. But for the rain, we would have arived on time.

TYPE 1 FUTURE Real- likely to in happen the futureor present

If * any present Future Simple, tense(Present Imperative, Simple,Present PresentSimple (for general Continuous, PresentPerfect) truths) (Active Passive) or

would/could/might If * Past TYPE2 + Simple/Past PRESENT - unlikely Continuous infinitive Unreal to happenin the (Active or Passive present future; or alsoused to give advice If * PastPerfect/ would/could/might TYPE3 + Past Perfect PAST have Unreal situation Continuous + in the past; used (Active or Passive) past participle to express criticism regret or


If I have time, I will come. I will comeif I havetime. If (jeigu) she comes,she will tell us. I don't know if (ar) she will come. l7 cnnvuAR/cMMATtKA51

Mixed Conditionals Mi5rls Salutiniais4lygossakiniai Ir pagrindiniame, ir Salutiniamesakinyje galima vartoti bet kuri Salutinio s4lygos sakinio tip4, jei to reikalauja kontekstas.

Tlpe If-clause required 2 If nobody phaued him, 2 3

If she knew him, If he had found a job,

Main clause he won't come to the meeting. I

Tlpe used

she would have spoken to him. 3 he wouldn't be searching for one now.

'lf I challengedyou to a duel what weapons would you select?' 'lf it ever came to a choice of weaponsagainstyou, I would choosegrammar.'

s2 17 cnnuuARycRAMATrKA


Tlpes RtSys
Form used in the sentence Forma, vartojama sakinyje Example Vartojimo pavyzdys

1 FUTURE I wish * subject r wish for a future * infinitive (unlikely to change (If only) happen) (Active or Passive) o wish to express dissatisfaction o polite request implyingdissatisfaction or lack of hope

I wish fte would enter the university. (unlikelyto happen) (Norddiau, kad jis istotq i universitet4.) I wishyoawouldbe quiet.(lack of hope) (O, kad tu nutiltum.) I wishir would stopraining.(future change disappointment) or (B[tq gerai,jei nustotqlyti.)

2 PRESENT I wish * PastSimple/ I wish I were a doctor. o regret about a PastContinuous (Gaila, kad nesu daktaras.) presentsituation (If only) I wish I didn't have so much whichwe want to be (Active or Passive) work to do. different (Gaila, kad turiu tiek daug

3 PAST I wish * PastPerfect/ . regret that sth Past Perfect happenedor didn't Continuous happenin the past (If only) (Active or Passive)

I wish I had been a doctor. (Gaila, kad netapaudaktaru.) I wish I hadn't bought this dress. (Gaila,kad pirkau 5i4suknelg.) I wish (If only) I were taller. (Norediaublti auk5tesnis.) If she were here, she would know what to do. (Jei ji b[tq dia, Zinotq,k4 daryti.)

The grammar teacher wrote a sentence on the blackboardand asked the 'William, student: where is the subject?'. The studentkept silent.The teacher repeated the question. Then the student looked up at her and said 'l sympathetically: wish I had your worries, ma'am'.

,lf cnnrrrrrrAR/cRAMATtKA 53


Salutiniuose laiko aplinkybessakiniuose, prasidedandiuose when,as soon as, untilltill, as, while, before, afte4 wheneve4 once, since, blsimasis laikas nevartojamas vietoj jo vartojamas bet kuris iS veikiamosios ar neveikiamosios rlSies esamqjqlaikq.
when (kai) He'll phone you when he gets home.

as soon as (kai tik) until/till (kol, iki)

while (kol) before (prie5) after (kai) by the time (iki to laiko, kai) whenever (kad ir kada) once (kai; kai tik) slnce (nuo to laiko, kai)

The childrenwill go out for a walk as soon as the rain stops.

Wait here until they come back, Can you look after my cat white I am away?

Before you leave;you must meet my sister.

You'll feel better after you've had something to drink. I will have washed the dishes by the time my mother comes. Whenever she comes, she brings a friend.

Once you learn the basicrules,it's easyto start speakingcorrectly.

It is five years since I've seen her.

What is it you must keep after you have given it to somebody?(The answer: Your word.)

s4 lT cnnurrrnRycRAMATtKA


Infinitive forms Bendraties formos
Simple The Infinitive Bendratis Usage Passive Voice Active Voice Neveikiamoji rt5is Vartojimas Veikiamoji rt5is

to write She has to write this essay. He appears (appeared)to write a letter to his mother every day.
to be rwiting She has to be writing this essay now. He aooears (aopeared) to be writing a letter to his mother now (then).

to be written This essay has to be written. A letter to his mother aDDears (aooeared\ to be written by him every day. to be being written*


Siosbendraties formos vartojamos esamajam laikui reik5ti, t. y. ivardyti veiksmui, kurio atlikimas su sinchroni5kas sakinio turiniu ivardyto veiksmo atlikimu.


to have written She ought to have written this essay. He appears(appeared) ro have written a letter to his mother yesterday(several days before).

to have been written This essayought to have been written. A letter to his mother aDDears (aooeared) to have been witten yesterday (several days before).

Siosbendraties formos vartojamos butajamlaikui t. i5reik5ti, y. ivardyti veiksm4, ivykusi prie5 tariniu ivardyt4 veiksm4.

Perfect Continuous

to have been writing She ought to have been writing this essay. (appeared) He appears to have been writing a letter to his mother for 2 hours (for severalhours).

*Si forma vartojama tik su tranzityviniais (galininkiniais)veiksmaZodZiais.

55 .ff cnnHauAR/cMMATtKA

The Gerund VeiksmaZodZio galOne-ing formos su

Gerund form Active Voice Gerundijaus Veikiamoji rt5is forma

Simple learning translating I hate interrupting people.

Passive Voice Neveikiamoji rfiSis being learnt being translated I hate being interruoted.

Usage Vartojimas


Abiejosesakiniodalyse vartojamiveiksmaZodZiairei5kiatuo pat metuvykstanti veiksm4. having learnt having been learnt VeiksmaZodZio su -ing forma having translated having been gallne He entered translated i5rei5kia anksiiau without having The door opened ivykusiveiksm4.
knocked at the door. without having been knocked on. Verb * to-infinitive VeiksmaZodis + bendratis VeiksmaZodZiai, kuriq vartojama po bendratis: afford, agree, aim, appea\ an'ange, ask, attempt, bea6 beg, care, claint, choose, consent, dare, decide, demand, deserve, determine, expect,fail, fight, forget, help, hesitate, hope, intend, learn, long, managq nl.ean,need, neglect, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, propose, prove, refuse, seenr, start, swea6 tend, trouble, threaten, try, wait, want, wish, would like, would love, would prefer etc. Susan wanted ta_ watch this play. They decided to stay at home. Verb * object * infinitive

Verb * -ing (Gerund) VeiksmaZodis + -ins forma VeiksmaZodZiai, kuriq vartojami po veiksmaZodZiai galune -ing: su admit, adore, advise, appreciate, avoid, celebrate, conside4 contemplate, delay, deny, detest, discuss, dislike, dread, endure, enjoy, escrpe, excuse, face, fancy, feel like, finish, forget, forgive, go, give up, hate, imagine, involve, keep, lie, like, loathe, love, ntention, mind, miss, postpone, practise, put off, regret, remembe4 report, resent, resist, risk, stop, suggest, untlerstand etc. Posakiai: can't bear can't help can't stand go (eg swimming) spend timelmoney (on) no good no use no wofth

VeiksmaZodiiai, kuriq vartojamas po ir to: verb + -ing papildinys bendratisbe dalelytes let, make, know, hea4feel, help Example: She made them do it. I heard her sing.

He denied stealing the money. I feel like goigg to the theatre.

56 17 cnnvunRycRAMATtKA

Bendratis vartojama, kai papildinys eina po Siq veiksmai.odLittr: advise, allow, ask, beg, cause, dare, encourage, expect, forbid, force, get, help, intend, invite, leave, order, persuade,prefe4 recommend, remind, teach, tell, urge, want, wam She asked us to visit her mother He wanted us to close the windows.

Modal verb * infinitive Bendratis be ro vartojama po Siq modaliniq veiksmaZodZiq: can, could, may, might, must, need,had bette4 would rather You must do your homework. She could come to my parry.

Verb * to-infinitive or * -ing Ir -ing forma, ir bendratisgali eiti po SiqveiksmaZodZiq: Tttempt, begin,bothe4 cease,continue, deserve, fea4 hate, like, love,prefe4 start


Order Liepimas
Person Singular Asmuo Vienaskaita Plural Daugiskaita let us read read Singular Vienaskaita let me read Prohibition Draudimas Plural Daugiskaita let us read


let me read read let him/her/

Iet them read

it read

don't read don't read let them read let him/her/ it read



IR R E GU L A RV E R B S IN GROUPS SU G R U P U OT N E T A IS Y K L IN GIEJI I VEIKSMAZOOZNI l+2+3 (Skiriasi visostrys formos)

(a)wake bear begin bite blow break choose come dive do draw drink drive eat fall fly (for)bid forget forsake freeze give go grow hew hide know lie mow ride ring rise run saw see sew shake show shrink (a)woke bore began bit blew broke chose came dove/dived did drew drank drove ate fell flew (for)bade forgot forsook froze gave went grew hewed hid knew lay mowed rode rang rose ran sawed saw sewed shook showed shrank (a)woken born(e) begun bitten blown broken chosen come dived done drawn drunk driven eaten fallen flown (for)bidden forgotten forsaken frozen given gone grown hewed/hewn hid/hidden known lain mowed/mown ridden rung risen run sawed/sawn seen sewed/sewn shaken showed/shown shrunk


pabusti gimdyti;pakelti pradeti ik4sti plsti lauiyti pa(si)rinkti ateiti nerti, Soktii vandeni daryti pieSti gerti vairuoti valgyti (nu)kristi skristi (uZ)drausti uZmirSti atsisakyti Salti duoti eiti augti kirsti, kapoti slepti(s) Zinoti guleti Sienauti vaZiuoti skambinti(telefonu) pakilti begti pjauti matyti siIti kratyti(s) rodyti susitraukti, susiraukSleti



slng sink slay sow speak spring steal stink strew strive swear swell swim take tear thrive throw tread wear weave write

sang sank sledslayed sowed spoke sprang stole stank/stunk strewed strove swore swelled swam took tore throve threw trod wore wove wrote

sung sunk slain sowed/sown spoken sprung stolen stunk strewed/strewn striven sworn swollen/swelled swum taken torn thriven thrown trodden/trod worn woven written

clamuotr skgsti; grimzti uZmu5ti,nuZudyti apseti kalbeti paSokti vogti dvokti stengtis; siekti i5metyti,i5barstyti prisiekti; keiktis tinti, padideti plaukti imti ple5yti,draskyti klesteti,tarpti (i5)mesti Lengti; uZlipti neSioti, vilketi austi raSyti

l+2 = 3 (Sutampa antroiiir tredioiiforma)

bend beseech bind bleed breed bring build burn buy catch cling creep deal dig dream dwell feed feel fieht bent besought bound bled bred brought built burnt bought caught clung crept dealt dug dreamt dwelt fed felt fought bent besought bound bled bred brought built burnt bought caught clung crept dealt dug dreamt dwelt fed felt fought linkti, su(si)lenkti pra5yti,maldauti (su)ri5ti kraujuoti auginti,veisti atneSti statyti degti pirkti pagauti tvirtai laikytis, kabintis SliauZti bendrauti, tureti reikalq kasti; knaisiotis sapnuoti,svajoti gyventi,apsistoti maitinti(s) jausti kovoti .17 cnnvvAR/cMMATTKA59



flee fling get grind hang have hear hold keep kneel lay lead
lean leap learn leave lend light lose mean meet read rend


say seek send sell shine shoot sit sleep slide sling slink smell speed spell spend spill spin spit spoil 60 F

Iound tound fled fled flung flung got got ground ground hung hung had had heard heard held held kept kept knelt knelt laid laid led led leant/leaned leant/leaned leapt/leaped leapt/leaped learnt/learned learnt/learned left left lent lent lit lit lost lost meant meant met met read read rent rent said said sought sought sent sent sold sold shone shone shot shot sat sat slept slept slid slid slung slung slunk slunk smelt/smelled smelt/smelled sped/speeded sped/speeded spelt spelt spent spent spilt spilt spun (span) spun spat spat spoilt/spoiled spoilt/spoiled

(su)rasti (pa)begti pulti, mestis gauti malti (uZ)kabinti,kabdti tureti girdeti, i5girsti laikyti(s) (i5)laikyti klaupti(s) padengti(stal4) vadovauti palinkti Sokti,Sokineti mokyti(s) (pa)likti (pa)skolinti uZdegti,ap5viesti pamesti reik5ti, tureti omeny su(si)tikti skaityti pld5ti,ple5yti sakyti ieSkoti;siekti; stengtis siqsti parduoti Sviesti Sauti s6d6ti miegoti slysti sviesti,mesti selinti, slinkti (uZ)uosti,kvepeti pagreitinti, paspartinti paraidZiuiskaityti/ra5yti (iS)leisti,eikvoti i5(si)lieti verpti spjaudyti (su)gadinti



nd sta stick sting stride strike string sweep swing teach tell think weep win wind wring


stuck stung strode struck strung swept swung taught told thought wept won wound wrung

stoocl stuck stung strode struck strung swept swung taught told thought wept won wound wrung

stovetl durti, smeigti; klijuoti (i)gelti Lengti, Zingsniuoti mu5ti, suduoti uZri5ti.suri5ti Sluoti;lekti, dumti suptis,svyruoti mokyti sakyti,papasakoti galvoti verkti laimeti raityti(s), sukti(s), vynioti(s) (i5)ersZti

I = 2 = 3 (Sutampa visostrys formos)

bet bid burst cast cost cut hit hurt knit let put quit rid set shed shit shut slit split spread sweat thrust wed wet bet bid burst cast cost cut hit hurt knit let put quit rid set shed shit shut slit split spread sweat thrust wed wet bet bid burst cast cost cut hit hurt knit let put quit rid set shed shit shut slit split spread sweat thrust wed wet kirsti laZybq sillyti kain4 sprogti, pratrlkti mesti, metyti kainuoti pjauti, kirsti smogti, suduoti su(si)Zeisti skaudeti; megzti leisti (pa)deti palikti, mesti (darba) i5vaduoti,atsikratyti sustatyti,i5destyti mesti/Sertis meLti uZdaryti prapjauti/plySti suskilti sklisti prakaituoti mesti; verZtis tuokti(s) Slapti,drekti; drekinti


'Freddy, what's the past tense of the verb "wake up"?'. 'Sleep'.

61 .17 cnnuuARvcRAMATrKA

PARAGRAPHWRITING Pastraiposra5ymas
Topic sentence Teminis sakinys

pport I Pirmasis pagrindingminti paremiantis teiginys Antrasis t"{qrtr inding minti paremiantis teiginys

Controlling Idea Tem4 sukonkretinantis Zodis/posakis

Support 3 pagrindingminti paremiantis teiginys

Joncluding sentence Baigiamasis sakinvs

Structure of a Topic Sentence Teminiosakiniostrukt0ra People give many reasons for owning a car. Topic Controlling Idea Tema Tem4 sukonkretinanti mintis "owning "reasons" a car" All the supporting ideas in the paragraph should be "reasons for owning a car". ParagraphExample Pastraipospavyzdys ParagraphStructure Pastraiposstrukt0ra

Before applying to a foreign university, one Topic sentence (controlling should consider the disadvantages studying idea.tonic) of abroad" First, a student may feel alone by Support 1 being far from family and friends. Also, diffi- Support 2 culty in understanding a foreign language can be very frustrating and can affect the student,s grades. Finally, it may appear to be very Support 3 expensiveto pay the costs of travel and housing in a different country. Therefore,loneliness,Concluding sentence language bareer and shortage of money may cause difficulties for studying abroad.

Ef" wnrrrruc/RAsyMAs

Topic SentenceOpenings Teminio sakinioprad2ia

Helpful phrases in the topic senten to express the controlling idea

It is generally agreedthat ... the reasonfor ... It must be remembered that ... the causesof (the effects of) ... It cannot be too strongly emphasized the steps for (the procedurefor) ... that ... the advantages (the disadvaniages of lt hasnow been provedthat ... of) ... It is often taken for grantedthat ... the waysto (the methodsof) ... It has often been questioned the different sections (parts,kinds, whether... types)of ... There is no doubt that ... the characteristics (traits, qualities) It goeswithout sayingthat ... of ... It standsto r.eason tliat ... the problemsof ... It is easyenoughto believe that ... the precautions ... for It is difficult to prove that ... the changes ... It is impossible argue that ... to [o It. is/seems unlikely (slrange/ ridiculous) that ... It is.evident(likely/obvious/possible/ probable) that ... It is doubtful whether ... It would be absurdto suppose that ... It remainsto be seenwhbther ... common Devicesfor Linking rdeas within a comprex sentence Mindiq siejimas sudetiniame prijungiamajame sakinyie SimpleConjunctions Relatives which,who, that etc. Conjunctions: Time when, afte.r,before, until, while etc. Reason Decause.srnce Condition if, unless Concession although, however (important) Prepositionand prepositional $ft^er (examiningtne corpsQ Phrase the couniry)' Pgfgr" (le.aving Without (informing his suri6riors) Due to (the shortage money)' of As a result of (breakingthe law PresentParticipG (-1ng161rrq looking (at the plans,he-aw that J y"lng (rnteresred appliedto join ...) I A box containing ... PastParticiple (-ed formJ Confused(by the news,he J This invention, introduced ... by


STARTAND CONTINUATION A.small boy was reading from the Bibre:"ln the beginning was the word.,, ,,and



."n.!"i"1gpgr sentences.,, lp wnrruc/MSyMAs63

TRANSITIONSIN A PARAGRAPH Zod2iai, siejantys pastraipos sakinius

Time (Laiko)
after a (+ time expression) after a short/long time afterwards at first at least at the same time before that time before then eventually immediately in the end lately Iater meanwhile next now nowadays presently recently shortly slnce since then soon temporarily then thereafter Augmentation (Papildymas)

vdliau,paskui netrukus, po kurio laiko vdliau, paskui i5 pradZiq bent jau tuo pat metu, taipogi prieStai prie5 tai pagaliau tuojau (pat), tudtuojau galq gale neseniai,pastaruojumetu v6liau tuo tarpu, tuo pat metu paskui dabar,tuojau, tada dabar, rnlsq laikais netrukus, tuojau pat pastaruojumetu, neseniai trumpai, greitai, netrukus jei kadangi, taip nuo to laiko, nuo tada greitai,netrukus laikinai tada, tokiu atveju,vadinasi nuo to laiko, atitinkamai be to v6l, dar kart4, be to taip pat, irgi ir, bei, o ir tada, o tada i5skyrus, to, nekalbant aple.. be tiek pat, taip pat be to, be, i5skyrus be to, toliau be to be to taip pat pana5iai, taip pat

additionally agaln also and and then apart from this as well as besides further furthermore in addition to in the sameway likewise nor not only ... but also moreover too what is more

n e t i k . . . ,b e t i r . . . toliau, be to taip pat be to, dar (daugiau)

u S wnrlrue/nnSyMAs

Contrast, opposition (Prie5prie5a, kontrastas) and yet after all although although this may be true at the sametime but despitethis (+ noun) however in contrast in contrastto (+ noun) in spite of (+ noun) nevertheless (after a negative idea) notwithstanding on the contrary on the one hand on the other hand still whereas yet bet, betgi, tadiau,vis ddlto pagaliau,galq gale nors, neZitrint nors tai tiesa... taip pat, tuo pat metu bet nepaisant tadiau, kaip ne, kiek ne, kad ir kaip (pa)lyginti su prie5ingainei nepaisant vis delto, nepaisant to nepaisant(ko), tadiau prieSingai i5 vienos puses i5 kitos pusds dar, vis dar, iki Siol,tadiau,vis d6lto, dar (lyginant) tada, kai, tuo tarpu, kai dar,vis dar, bet, betgi,tadiau, delto vis

Comparison,similarity, equivalent (Palyginimas, pana5umas, sugretinimas)

again also alternatively equally (+ adjective) in a like manner in comparison in other words in the same way in a similar manner likewise namely similarly that is to say

dar kart4, vdl, be to taip pat pasirinktinai taip pat, atitinkamai panaSiai lyginant kitaip tariant, kita vertus taip pat panaSiai pana5iai, taip pat butent panaSiai tai yra

65 ff wnrrrruc/nRsYMAs

Concession, attitude (Prielaida,poZiflris)

admittedly after all although and yet as a matter of fact at the same time certainly even though fortunately however much luckily naturally of course oddly enough perhaps still strangely enough undoubtedly unfortunately

Zinoma,reikia pripaZinti pagaliau,Siaipar taip nors (ir), net jei bet, betgi, tadiau,vis ddlto i5 tikrqjq tuo padiu metu, taip pat Zinoma nors, nepaisant, jeigu net laimei, laim6 kad ir kaip...,kiek ne laimei, laime Zinoma Zinoma (kad ir labai) keista galbut vis dar, tadiau,vis delto keistasdalykas, ... neabejotinai, abejo be deja, nelaimei

Demonstration,illustration, example (f rodymas,pavyzdLiai) as a matter of fact as an example as follows for example for instance incidentally indeed in fact in other words in particular in this case namely particularly specifically that is that is to say to illustrate ties4sakant pavyzdZiu'i kaip toliau i5destyta pavyzdLi:.ti pavyzdiiui beje i5 tikrqjq i5 tiesq, faktiSkai kitaip tariant ypad Siuo atveju bltent ypad,labai, konkrediai ypad tai yra tai yra pateikiant pavyzdi

60 llF wntrrruc/RASYMAS

Sequence,order (Seka) finally first of all first, second, third etc. in the first, second (etc.) place firstly last last of all lastly next secondly then thirdly to begin with to end with

galq gale.,pagaliau

pirma, antra,trediair t. t pirmiausia, antra plrmlausla, plrma gale,paskutinikartq galiausiai galiausiai, pagaliau paskui,toliau antra tada, paskui,tuo laiku tredia visq pirma, pirmiausia baigiant,pabaigoje atitinkamai todel todel, del tos prieZasties, taigi ddl to, del SiosprieZasties vadinasi, taigi taigi, taip, tuo b[du, tiek, vadinasi prie5inguatveju,kitais atZvilgiais, kitaip tada, tokiu atveju,vadinasi tuo budu, taigi d6l to, todel, taigi taigi, taip, tuo budu
Sruo trkslu. srekrant del to del to Siuo tikslu, siekiant, kaip tik laiku Siuo tikslu

Result (Rezultatas)
accordingly as a result consequently for this reason hence

otherwise then thereby therefore thus

Purpose(Tikslas) tor tnls purpose for this reason owing to this to this purpose with this object (objective)
Location (Vieta) adjacent to (+ noun) at the top at the right beyond far ahead far behind here in the center in the distance nearby opposite (+ noun) straight ahead

gretimai Salia, virSuje deSineje uZ, vir5 priekyje, prie5akyje toli uZ dia centre,viduryje tolumoje Salia, arti prieS prieSais, tiesiai prieSakyje 67 ITI, WRIIruC/RASYMAS

Statingthe obvious,generalizing(AkivaizdZiqfaktq pateikimas, apibendrinimas) alternatively as one might expect as a rule clearly for the most part it goeswithout saying in general in most cases in other words naturally obviously of course on the whole or rather the rather that ... speakinggenerally surely to be more precise to put it anotherway usually atitinkamai,pasirinktinai galima tiketis,kad... paprastai,daZniausiai aiSkiai daugiausiai, paprastai daZniausiai, savaimesuprantama apskritai daugeliu atvejq, daZniausiai kitaip tariant Zinoma aiSku.akivaizdu Zinoma i5 viso, apskritai tiksliau (sakant) tuo labiau,kad... apskritai Zinoma,be abejo,tikrai tiksliau (sakant) kitaip tariant kaip paprastai

Conclusion, summary (I5vados, santrauka)

accordingly as a result as I havesaid,noted, stated briefly briefly stated consequently finally in brief in conclusion in other words in short it goeswithout saying(that).. on the whole therefore thus to conclude to summarize to sum up

atitinkamai.todel todel kaip minejau trumpai trumpai tariant toddl, del tos prieZasties, taigi, vadinasi pagaliau, galq gale trumpai (uZ)baigiant kitaip tariant trumpai akivaizdu,savaimesuprantama i5 viso, apskritai taigi, del to, todel toddl, taip, tuo b[du, taigi baigiant reziumuojant apibendrinant, reziumuojant susumuojant,

GustaveFlaubert,a famous Frenchwriter (1821-1880),definedthe following three rules for the use of languagein writing:clarity,clarity and clarity.

68 IIF wnrrrruc/nnsYMAs

The Use of Transitional Expressionsin a Paragraph posakiqvartojimas pastraipoje Jungiamqjq Foodis the sourceofenergr for the body. Food and the energyit producesare important. Indeed,we need this energy just to keep alive. Naturally, energy is required just to digest the food needed to produce energyin the first place. Moreover, energy is essential for all continuous body processessuch as breathing,the beatingof the heart, and the maintenance muscletone.Also, of children and youths need energyfor growth. In brief, we need energyproduced by food for carrying out all work and leisure activities.
Paragraph Development Pastraipospl6tojimas To make a more fully developed paragraph, add details to the supporting ideas. Your details can be facts, examples, personal experience or description. Ra5ydami pastraip4, pagrinding minti paremiandius teiginius papildykite faktais, pavyzdiiais, paties patirtais ispudEiais ar apraiymais.

Topic The Controlling Idea Tema Tema sukonkretinantisZodis/posakis "the SmithsonianInstitution" "reasons for a visit"
Topic Sentence Teminis sakinvs

The SmithsonianInstitution is worth visiting for a number of reasons. Details for a More Fully Developed Paragraph Supporting Ideas Tem4 patvirtinandios mintys Papildymai Supporting idea I L pagrindingminti paremiantisteiginys The SmithsonianInstitution is composedof various museumsthat offer somethingfor everyone.
Facts Faktai

Supporting idea 2 2 pagrinding minti paremiantis teiginys A person can do more than just look at the exibits.

These museums consist of the National Museum of History and Technology, the National Collection of Fine arts, the National Museum of Natural History, The National Aeronautics and Space Museum, and several others. Example Pavyzdys For example,in the insect zoo at the National Museum of Natural History, anyone who so desirescan handle some of the exibits.

69 lly' wnrrrruc/RASYMAS

Supporting idea 3 3 pagrinding minti paremiantisteiginys

Personal Experience Patirti isp[dZiai

The museumsprovide Climbing through slqlab at the national unforgettableexperiences. Aeronautics and spaceMuseum, I was able to imagine what it would be like to be an astronaut in space. Supporting idea 4 Description 4 pagrinding minti Apra5ymas paremiantis teiginys Movies shown at regular In the NationalAeronauticsand SpaceMuseum, intervals aid in building an there is a theatrewhich hasa largescreen. When appreciationof our world. the movie is shown,it givesthe illusion that the viewer is in the movie itself, either floating above the earth in a hot-air balloon or hansgliding over cliffs.

70 llf wnrrrue/RASYMAS


EssayTypes* Ra5iniq tipai The ExamoleEssav
The Classification Essay Purpose of an essay RaSinio tikslas To illustrate bv an example To define/describe by classification To describe and analyse the process To describe the cause and eive the analysis of effect

The Comparison/Contrast Essay To compare or contrast a topic

The Process AnalysisEssay

The Cause and Effect Analvsis Essay The Argumentative Essay

To give and explain argumentsor to persuade;to expressor support an opinion

*Yra ir daugiau raSiniq tipq; dia pateikiami daZniausiaipasitaikantys.

Introductory Paragraph lZangindpastraipa To write an introduction for an essay, follow these procedures: Procedures Darbo tvarka Introduction (example) lZangos pavyzdys

1. Introduce the topic in general. When a person decides to enter a university away from home, he or she must also consider living accomodations. 2. Narrow the topic down to focus more on the question.

Although most universitiesoffer student dormitories, studentsfrequently opt to live in an apartment.

3. Restatethe specificquestionln While there are many advantagesto your own words and in a apartment living, there are also many statement form. disadvantages.
4. Write the concluding statement Before a student decides to live in an which is the thesis statement apartment, all the aspects of that kind of and indicates the controlling accomodation should be reviewed. idea of the essav.

Concluding Paragraph l5vados(pabaiga)

To write a concludingparagraph,follow these procedures: Procedures Darbo tvarka 1. Restatethe thesisstatement.

Conclusion (example) Pabaigos pavyzdys

Even though there are many advantages apartment living, I to would prefer to live in the university dormitory for the following reasons. First, I will be new at the university and meeting people will be easierin a dormitory setting. Second,I will not have to worry about purchasing and cooking food or cleaning afterwards.Finally, I will be within walking distanceof my classes and the universitylibrary.

2. Restatethe topic sentences from the developmental paragraphs.

3. State your opinion or preference, Consequently, will have better I make a prediction, or give a conditions and more time for mv solution. studies.
4. Conclude with a statement that sums up the essay.

In conclusion,living on campusis more advantageous me than for living in an apartment.

T2 ,llF wRrrrNc/nnSYMAS

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- t E t -

73 tf|F"wnrrrruc/nnSYMAs

Punctuation marks Skvrvbos Zenklai Usage (Rules) Vartosena Examples PavyzdLiai

Full stop (AntE Period)


1. At the end of a sentence It is very important to leant (statement). Etrylishpunctuatiott. 2. Sometimes abbreviations. in Ian., Jr 3. In decimal fractions. 6.5 4. In internet and e-mail addresse(said'dot'). s 1. To separate items in a senes: The dog growled, snarled, words in series, and leaped at the intrttder. We have a governnrcnt of the phrases in series, people, by the people, and for the people. I know that I will pass the test subordinateclausesin if I take good notes, if I study series. hard, and if I get a good night's sleep.
When the lasttwo itemsin a series We ran, walked and even limped to are joined by and,you may omit the l finish hne the comma before the and and if the comma is not necessarv to maKetne meanrng clear. Somewords appear so often peanut butter and jelly, bacon paked with one anotherthat they and eggs. salt and pepper etc. may be set off in a seriesas one

A volunteer addresses enuelopes or If all items in a Series are answus ph,ones or files ioined bv and or or (nor) we (offesponaence. should not use commasto separate them. lndependent clauses a series For physical fitness we swam twentyin are usuallyseparated by five laps in the;pool; we jogged four semtcolons. miles around the,..lake; and we

Short independentclauses. however,may be separated by ,,,..1,::,commas, i:

exercised-.with worfu if equipment in Pam's basement. flong clattses] For physical fitnesi we swam, we joggecl and we exercised. [shoi 'ctiluesJ

74 IIF' puncruATroN/sKYRYBA

Punctuation marks Comma

Usage (Rules)


2. To separate two or more The accident was n friglrtenp adjectives rcceding ing, horriblc siglt. a noun.
! When the last adiective beforc The ncw st'coruhry school will be t h e n o u n i s t h o u g h t o [ a s p a r t o f completed nut August. the noun, the comma before the a d j e c t i v ei s t - r m i t t e d . To determine whether it is right I cautiously roised my broken right t o p u t c o m m a s b e t w e e n t w o hand in responseadjectivcs in a serics of adjec- (It would sound wrong with and: 'nry brokcn and right hand'). tives modifying a noun, substitute the word und for the doubtlul conrma. lf the and sounds wrong, then you do not need a comma.

Pat brougltt the hot dogs 3. Between independent antl bttns, anrl Ciruly clauses: Use a comma before and, brought the potnto salad, but, nor, fbr, so and yet when they join independent clauses.
! Indcpendent clausesjoined by and. but. or. nor. need not be separated by a comma if they are very short. If the clauscs are joincd by the conjunctions )l9l, so or for, they must be scparatcd.

The poodle tertsed ancltlrc Gemrurt growlctl. [Clausesare too shepherd short to require commas.] WeboughtAnn a lovelygifi, frtr she is very special /o as. [Comma is neededbecause clauses ioined are by for.l

4. To set off non-defining (non-restrictive) clauses and phrases. Use commas to set off non-defining lauses nd c a non-definingparticipial phrases.

Peter Snitl4 who works witlt nry fathe4 bought a new cor y esterrlay. (no n- d eJining ) All books tltat are dnntaged go in these boxes. (tlefining)

( A non-deflininsor nonNorr-defining:. Attn, nutning at a r e s t r i c t i v e )c l a u s e i s a slow, leisurelypace, easilyfinished subordinate clause that is not lhe tnaralhon. c s s e n t i a lt o t h e m e a n i n g o f t h e sentence (they serve only to add some extra information or to explain something further; they could be omitted without altering the fundamental mcaningof a sentcncc. A definins (or rcstrictive) Defining: Tlrc woman ntnning at clause,on the other hand,,isone a slow, Ieisurcly puce eusily that cannot be omitted and. fittisltctl tlrc marathon. thus, no commas are needed. T h e s a m e p r i n c i p l e sg o v e r n participiat phrases.

75 [tF purucruATroN/sKYRYBA

5. After certain introductory elements: a) after well, ps, no, why when they begin a sentence.Exclamations like wow, good grief, p9 (whiz), if not followed by an exclamation point, must also be set off bv commas; b)after an introductory

No, I haven't taken the acam yet. W I thoughtyou left wow, that was great!

Calling for time-out, the referee beganwavinghis arms.

c) after an introductory adrrerbialclause.

Whenyou have gone to this as long as we have, will lcnow your way

6. To set off expressions that interrupt. There are 3 kinds of 'interrupters' that you should be able to recognize and punctuate properly: a) appositive phrasesare I loved my grft, a pearl ring. usuallyset off by commas:

7G ill/ purucruATroN/sKYRYBA

Puncfuation marks , Comma

Usage (Rules) Examples b)words used in direct David, please close the addressare set off by door. commas; c) parenthetical expressions You are, I hope, planning to are set off by commas: come. These expressions are often used parenthetically: I believe (thinlt suppose, His new poems, in fact, are hope etc.), on the contrary, as inspiring as his earlier on the other hand, of ones. course, in my opinion, for example, however, to tell the truth, nevertheless, in fact, on the whole, also, too, in addition, thus.

7. To separate a tag question. 8. Before or after 'he said' etc. when writing down a conversation. 9. Before a short quotation.

He is coming, isn't he? 'Come back soon,' she said.

f0. To separateitems in dates and addresses.

It was Albert Einstein who said, 'Imagination is far more important than knowledge!'. On fune 15, 1985,my best fnend Cary moved to 814 Georgia Avenue, Miami Beach. Floida 33139.

11.After the salutation of a friendly letter and after the closing of any letter. 12. After a name followed by Jr., Sr., PhD etc. 13. To divide large numbers into groups of 3 figures.

Dear Ruth, Yourstruly, Sincerely Yours, Elena Moreno, PhD 7,002;10,245;2,760,453etc.

7T [FpurucruATroN/sKYRYBA

Punctuation marks Colon

These are our options: we go by train and leave before the end of the show, or we take a taxi and see it all. 2.In formal writing, before The garden had been a clauseor phrasethat neglected for a long time: it givesmore information was overgrown and f"ll of about the main clause. weeds.

Usage(Rules) 1. To introducea list of items (not after a verb or a preposition!).


3. To introducea quotation. As Kenneth Morgan writes:

The truth was perhaps, that Bitain in the years from 1914 to 1983 had not changed ... 4. In certain conventional situations: a) between the hour and 6:15 the minute(s); b) between the chapter and Luke 10:27 verse referring to passages from the Bible; c) after the salutation of a Dear Sir: (formal) businessletter. Semicolon The semicolon is a very useful mark of punctuation. It says to the reader, 'Pause here a little longer than you do for a comma, but not as long as you do for a full stop.' l. Use a semicolon between Everyoneelse in my family independent clausesin a Iikes sports;I seemto be sentence if they are not the only exception. joined by and, but, or, nor. for. so. yet.

2. Use a semicolon between I am planning to go shopping tomorrow; however. I could independent clauses joined by suchwords as wait and go with you on for instance, Saturdav. for example, llF" puNcruATtoN/sKYRYBA

Punctuationmarks Semicolon

Usage (Rutes)
that is, besides,accordingly, moreovet; nevertheless, furthermore, otherwise, therefore, howeve7 consequently, instead, hence.


3. A semicolon (rather than a comma) may be needed to separate independent clausesjoined by a coordinating conjunction if there are commas within the clauses.

My birthday gift to Margaret is a surprise,and I think she will enjoy it. (A comma is sufficient)

4. Use a semicolonbetween You may tum the reportson items in a seriesif the Thursday,May 8; Friday, items containcommas. May 9; or Monday, May 12.
? Question mark

1. At the end of a direct Where'sTbm? question. 2, Especially with a date, to Iohn Marston (?1575-1634). expressdoubt.
At the end of a sentence That's superb! expressing surprise, joy, anger, shock or other strong emotions.

! Exclamation mark (AmE Exclamation point)


1.In Possessive Case. 2. Omissionof lettersor figures. 3. With s to form the plural of a letter, a figure or an abbreviation.

My friend's car I'm; in the summer of '99. Duing the 1970's;mind your t's in pronouncing 'tempted'.

79 lllT'purucruAroN/sKYRYBA

Usage (Rules) L. To form a compound from 2 or more other words. 2. To form a compound from a prefix and a proper name, in compound numbers or fractions. 3. Sometimes, British in English, to separatea prefix ending in a vowel frorn a word beginning with the samevowel. 4. After the first section of a word that is divided betweenone line and the next (k6limas i kit4 eilutg). 1. Use a dash to indicate an abrupt break in thought. 2. Use a dash to mean namely,that is, in other words or the like before an explanation.
H ard- heart ed, mo ther-t o -be

Pre-Raphaelite, twenty -one, one -half, three-fourths

pre-eminent Co-operate,

The party - I'm sorry I to tell you - was changed to next week. Wethink that thefood hereis the bestin town - theyserue our favourite Chinesedishes.

3. Use a dash to suggest halting or hesitant speech.

'Well - er - it's hard to acplain,' he uttered.

Bo lllF purucruAroN/sKYRYBA

Punctuationmarks Usage (Rules) - Dash 4. Use a dash to add


emphasis to parenthetical powerful figure in the material or mark an community - was rather emphatic separation effective. between parenthetical material and the rest of the sentence.

His influence - he was a

5. Use a dash to set off an The Premier's promise of appositive or an changes - land reform and appositive phrase when a higher wages - was not comma would provide fulfilled. less than the desired emphasis.

.. Three dots (ellipsis) (AmE Ellipsis (omission marks) / Slash(oblique) (AmE Virgule)

To indicate that words have been ommited, especially from a quotation or at the end of a conversation.

... challenging the view that Britain ... had not changed all that fundamentally.

1. To separatealternative words or phrases. 2. To indicatethe end of a line of poetry where the lines are not separated.

Have some pudding andlor cheese. The fog comeslon little cat feet.llt sits lookinglover harbor and citylon silent haunchesland then moves on.l (Carl Sandburg) The 200112002Basketball Season. 'I'll take it,' she replied.

3. Represent period of a time. ' Single 1. To enclosewords and quotation marks punctuation direct in (Inverted commas, speech. singlequotes) 2. To draw attention to Thousands were imprisoned " (AmE Double a word that is unusual for in the name of 'national quotationmarks the context,for example security'. (doublequotes) a slang expression, to or a word that is being used for special effect(egirony). 3. To enclosethe lettersof Sandburg's'The Fog'. articles,books, poems, playsetc. 4. Around short quotations Do you know the origin of the saying: 'A little leamiig or sayings. is a dangerousthing'? g1 @,purucruATtoN/sKyRyBA

Punctuation marks ) Brackets (Parentheses)

Usage (Rules)


l. To separate extra informa- Mount McKinley (20,320 tion or a comment from feet) is the highestmountain the rest of a sentence. in North America. 2. To enclose cross-referen-This moral ambiguity is a ces. later feature of Shakespeare's works (seeChapterEtght). 3. Around numbersor letters Our objectivesare (1) to in a text. arouseinterest(2) to improve quality and (3) to speedup the leamingprocess.
To enclose editorial com- Bitain in [these] years was ments or around words without ... inserted to make a quotation grammatically correct.

] Square brackets (AmE Brackets)

Italics In handwrittenor typed text, italics are indicatedby underlining

1. To show emphasis. 2. To indicate titles of books, plays etc. 3. For foreign words and phrases.

I'm not leaving - he is. Shakespeare's Hamlet. The cranberry (Orycoccus palustris).

82 IIIF puncruAloN/sKYRYBA


Sphere of Usage Vartojimo sritis English Anglq kalba Lithuanian Lietuviu kalba a comma is used: 4,5 are separatedby comma from the main clause: Ji saki, kad ateis. Thu pavyks, jei pasistengsi. are separated by comma from the main clause: + Lmogus, Kuns tun lprotl meluoti, vadinamas melasiu.

1. Decimal fractions a full stop is used: DeSimtaines trupmenos 4.5 2. Subordinate clauses S a l u t i n i a is a k i n i a i are not separated by comma lrom the main clause: She said that she would come. You'll succeed if you try.

3. Defining/restrictive are not separated by relative clauses comma from the main ApibreZiamieji Salutiniai clause: paZyminiosakiniai A person who habitualbt tells lies is called a liar.

4. A clause/phrasethat colon or semicolon is comma is enough: gives more information used: about the main clause The garden had been neg- Sodas buvo ilgq laikq PaaiSkinamasis sakinys lectedfor a long time: (;) it apleistas, jis buvo was ovetgrown with weeds. priielgs piktioli4. 5.Vocative formula at the In formal AmE colon is beginning of letters used: Kreipinys Dear Mr Wilson: Thank you ... This is never the case in Lithuanian.

i. Abrupt break of dash is used: 'Butltellyou-Ibegin thought and to donbt it.' doubtfulness 'That yott will ever love Staigus mintiesSuolis a woman?' ir abejone
yes - what you would trLtly call love -' You doubt it?' 'Well-Ibeginto.' 'Well -

three dots are used: - Bet sakau tau ... pradedu tuo abejoti. - Kad kada nors panilsi moteri? - Na ... taip ... kq ii ties4 pavadintum meile -.. - Tu abejoji? - Na ... pradedu. pvz. ,,eik tu i..

/. Suppression of obscenity KeiksmaZodZio nutylejimas

eg. 'F- off'

EU'puNcruATroN/sKyRyBA 83

Sphere of Usage


Lithuanian dashesare used: - Kaip gtveni? - Aiiu, gerai.

Jis tare: - Kaip malonu jus matyti.

8. Direct speech Tiesiosind kalba

quotation marks are used: 'How are yott?' 'Fine,thanks.'

9. Author's words before He said, 'I am delighted the direct speech to see you'. Autoriaus LodLiai prie5 tiesioging kalb4 10. Author's words after 'That's all I know,' said the direct speech John. po 'Whv?' asked Nick. AutoriausZodZiai

tiesiogin6s kalbos
11. Quotation within quotation Kabutes kabutese

- Thi viskas,kq ai iinau, - pasakd D\onas. - Kodel? - paklausi Nikas.

You knew,' said Ursula. - Jus Zinojot, - nesutiko 'Who knew?'now cied Uriuld. 'Who - Kas iinojo? - dabar the father. knew? jau rekte suiko tdvas. Wat do you mean by - Kas linojo? Kq tui your 'Jtou knew"?' omeny su tuo savo ,,jils Zinojot"? underlined or italicised: Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare'sRomeo and Juliet

12. The titles of printed material (books, plays etc.) Knygq, pjesiq ir pan. pavadinimai

quotation marks are used: Sekspyro ,,Romeo ir Diiulieta"




Usage Vartojimas or l . The first word of a sentence fragment (eg the beginningof a new line in a poem). ) The name of a day or a month.
3. The name of a language, nationality or an ethnic group. 4. A word expressing a connection with a place. 5. a) Names of persons and titles; b) geographical names; c) names of ships, plains, trains, monuments, firms, organizations, awards. 6. The names of distinctive historical periods. 7. The names of holidays. 8. Significant religious terms. 9. The first and each significant word in a title or name of a book, a play, a poem, a film, a magazinelnewspaper or a piece of music. Articles, prepositions or conjunctions are not capitalized unless they appear as the first word. L0. The first word of a direct quotation which is a sentence. 11. Brand name. 12. Roman numerals. 'I'. L3. The pronoun

Examples Pavyzdliai
Nobody knew where he was.

Sunday, Monday, March, September Lithuanian, English Siberian Richard Brown, President Adamkuslthe President Sweden, the Atlantic Ocean, the Baltic Sea, the Himalayas the Titanic, Oscar, United Airlines

The Middle Ages Christmas, Easter, Hanukkah The Old Testament. God The Winter of Our Discontent

Of Human Bondage 'Great people are Mark Twain wrote, those who make others feel that they, too, can become great!' Kleenex, Sony LX I'm not sure if I can come.

85 lllPpurucruAloN/sKYRYBA



English Anglq kalboje

Capitalization DidZiosios raides 1. Geographical names: a) names of oceans, seas,lakes, rivers; b) names of islands, peninsulas,straits, canals, beaches, mountains, deserts; c) names of parks, forests, dams, canyons,valleys;
d) names of streets,

Lithuanian Lietuviq kalboje

the Atlantic Ocean, the Atlanto vandenynas, BalBaltic Sea, Lake Michigan tijos jura, Miiigano eieras the Hebrides Islands. the Strait of Gibraltar; the Panama Canal, Daytona Beach, the Sahara Desert Yellowstone National Park, Hoover Dam, Grand Canyon, Silver Valley Hebrid4 salos, Gibraltaro sqsiauris, Panamos kanaIas, Deitonos papludimys, Sacharos dykuma Jeloustono nacionalinis parkas, Huverio uZtvanka, Didysis kanjonas, Sidabro sldnis

buildings, bridges, special places;

Trafalgar Sqttare, the Trafalgaro aikiti, Baltieji White House, Buckingham rumai, Bakingamo rumai, Palace, Yl/estminster Vestminsterio tiltas Bidge Siaure, Baltijos ialys

e) names of recognizec the North, the Baltic parts of countries States or world, unoflicial geographicalnames. 2. Names of monuments the Statue of Liberty 3. Names of awards prizes, documents 4. Names of specific rooms and other names followed bv a numeral or letter 5. Names of school classes Booker Prize, Versailles Treaty

Laisves statula

Bukeio prizas, Versalio sutartis 602 kambarys,S-as slgtrius

Room 602, Chapter5

Senior Class, Sophomore vyresnit4j4klase, antro Class, Iunior Prom kurso studentr4 grupe,

klasis iaunesniosios mokinit4 koncertas

Bo IlF"purucruATtoN/sKyRyBA

Capitalization 6. Names of firms, organizations, departments, churches

English American Book Company, United Airlines, Harvard University, St Ann's Church

Lithuanian Amerikos knyg,4kompanija, Jungtinis oro Iinijos, Haruardo universitetas, Sv.Onos baZnyiia
Iietuvis, anglas, protestantas

7. Names of Lithuanian, English, nationalities,races, Protestant religions,languages

8. Historical events and World War One. Iron periods of time, days Ag", Wednesday, April of the week, names of months 9. Names with titles Mayor Thompson, Doctor Brown

Pirmasispasaulinis karas,geleiiesamiius, treiiadienis. balandis

meras Tompsonas, daktaras Braunas

10.Titles of books. poems, stories, periodicals, songs, films etc. 11.The pronoun 'I'

Chicago Tribune,Bridges ,,Kaunodiena", of Madison County ,,Medisonografystes tiltai"

He told me I could come. Jis man pasake, kad (ai) galiu ateiti.

87 lfl/' purucruATtoNisKYRYBA

(The Most Common Cases) ABBREVIATIONS (DaZniausiai pasitaikantys SANTRUMPOS atvejai)

1. Addressforms:

Mr* Mrs Ms Dr St

2. First name(s)of a person: T S. Eliot, D. H. Lawrence 3. Writing the time: 3 am (AmE - A.M.) 9 pm (AmE - P.M.) 4. In eras: BC (Before Christ - prie5 Kristq) AD (Anno domini - po Kristaus) 5. Well-known orqanizations NATO, UNESCO, NASA, BBC 6. Some other abbreviations: mount(ain)-; Mt Saint -+ St Professor-+ Prof Junior -+ Jr Senior + Sr Doctor -+ Dr Drive -+ Dr (in an address)
7. Latin abbreviations used in English texts: eg (for example) ie (in other words, that is) viz (namely) sc (which means, that is) cf (compare) etc (and so forth) et al (and other people or things) PS (postscript)

8. Desrees:

BA (Bachelor of Arts) MA (Master of Arts) PhD (Doctor of Philosophy)

During dictationthe teacher noticedthat one of her students had not dotted his 'l's, crossed his 'T's, put commas and marked dashes. "Michael, where're your dots, crosses,commas and dashes?"she asked. "They are still in the pen," explainedthe student.

BB lllF puNcruATroN/sKYRYBA

HINTSFOR SPEECHPREPARATION Patarimai, rengiantis sakytikalbq
Surprisethe audience with somethingunusual (Nustebinkite klausytojuskokia nors neiprasta Organizeyour speechmaterial (Susisteminkite surinktE medliag4 Analyse the main aims of the topic (ISanalizuokite pagrindiniuskalbos

Make a detai

outline of the speech (Sudarykitetikstq

Write down your whole speech (UZsira5ykite kalb4) CONSIDER THE TOPIC AND THE MOST APPROPRIAIE TITLE (Pasirinkitetemq ir sugalvokite tinkam4 pavadinimE) l Analyse and evaluateyour audience (fvertinkite klausytojus, jq patirti, Zinias) 'While speaking,demonstrate good knowledgeof the topic (Parodykite, kad gerai i5manote destomqtem4) Explain to your listenerswhy the topic $ lmportant to them (PaaiSkinkite klausytojams,kuo jiems svarbi Bi tema)

presentational aids (PasiruoSkite vaizdines priemones)

ink of rhetorical questlons (Sugalvokite retorinir; klausimq)

Use quotations from well-known sources (fterpkite garsiq Zmoniqcitatq)

Rehearse your speech (Parepetuokite)



1 . Fears (Baime)
Have I taken any steps to overcome my fears? (Ar ko nors dmiausi, kad atsikratydiau baimes?) Choosing a topic (Temos pasirinkimas) Have I chosen a topic I feel comfortable with? (Ar man priimtina pasirinktojitema?) 3. Planning (Planavimas) considered my audience'sneeds? (atsiZvelgiau klausytojqporeikius?) i provided a catching opening? (sugalvojau patraukli4 1Lang1?) developed the ideas logically and clearly? (ai5kiaiir nuosekliai desiiau mintis?) Have I concluded appropriately? (Ar) (tinkamaiuZbaigiau?) prepared good activities/visuals/handouts? (parengiau tinkamas uZduotis/vaizdines priemones/padalomqj4 medZiagq?) prepared easy-to-followpersonal notes? (pasiraSiau pastabas?) Yes No (Taip) (

I T l T tr T r T n T n

4. Title (Pavadinimas)
Have I thought carefully about the title? (Ar gerai apsvarsdiau pavadinim4?) Equipment (lranga) Have I thought about what equipment I will need? (Ar pagalvojau, kokios irangosreikes?) 6. Delivery (Kalba) practised enough? (pakankamai repetavau?) timed myself? (Zinau, kiek laiko kalbesiu?) Have I thought about how to hold my audience's attention? (Ar) (pam4siiau, kaip i5laikytiklausytojq clemes!?) learned how to project my voice? (iSmokau valdytibals4?) mastered a natural image? (kalbu ir elgiuosinatlraliai?) 1 Evaluation (Vertinimas) Have I asked a trusted colleague to come to the presentation and give me feedback? (Ar papra5iau patikimo draugo, kad Sisateitq pasiklausyti mano kalbos,o paskui i5sakytq pastabas?)


T T T r l T T r T l I T T I

Having your speechask yourself:"Did I make a movingspeech?"you finished may expect the answer: "Yes, everybodymoved to the door".


Speaker (Kalbdtojas) Evaluator (Vertintojas) Topic (Temos (pranesimo) pavadinimas)


Rating system: _ excellent(puiku) E (Vertinimas) A _ average(vidutini5kai) w - weak (prastai)

Content/Organization/preparation Tirrinys/sistema/pasiren gimas Opening attracted listeners, attention. ([Langa patrauke klausytoiu demesi) Backgroundinformaiion-wassuificient. (Pateikta pakankamai faktq)

Speaker's point of view was clear. (Kalbetojas ai5kiai i5deste savopoZilri) Arguments were clear. List below: (AiSkiis argumentai)

Presen ta tion/Delivery Kalba Eye contact (Akiq kalba) Vitality (Energija) Gestures (Gestai) Rapport with audience (Ry5yssu klausytojais) Convincing speaking (Kalbos itaigumas) Use of note cards or outline (Naudojimasis korteldmisbei planu)

(Pakankamai remtasi citatomis) Speechhad a suitable conclusion_ (Tinkama pabaiga) Visual aids were effective. (Tinkamos vaizdines priemones) Content fit time limit. (Laikopakako) Commentsand suggestions improvement: for Pastabos sillymai: ir

Voice control Balsas Volume (Stiprumas) Rate (Tempas) Fluency (Sklandumas) -Comprehensibility (Ai5kumas) . References source materialswere adequate. to

* Do not forsetthat voj be according the above-enumerated to .may evaluated criteria. Look throrfihthem:This ri"y n"rp-v"rio*i-.prou"-the speech yo.,-rruu" prepared pay and attention the mostimportant to pirints.
(Rengdamiesi.sakyti kalbq perzvelkiteanksdiau i5vardytuspunktus.Jie paddspatobulinti kalbq ir atkreipti demesiI ivarbiausiusdalykus.l



,,Nemokiti kalbiti inteligentiikam imogui yra ne iiaip trukumas, o socialine ir asmenine tragedija lygiai taip, kaip nemokefi skaityti ir raiyti." (2. Nauckunaite ,,Iikalbos molcymas", 1998)
PARTS OF SPEECH l. Introduction: gains audience attention, orients the listeners to your topic and prepares them for your speech. 2. Body: contains at least 75Vo of the information you will speak about. It is divided into 3-5 main points. Each main point is clearly stated and supported by s u b o r d i n a t ep o i n t s c o n t a i n i n gy o u r research and supporting material. 3. Conclusion: reviews your main points and provides closure by ending with a strong final statement. o The delivery speech is effective when the speaker knows the material well, maintains eye contact with the audience, uses a variety of vocal changes and appears to move naturally.

VIESOSIOSKALBOS SUDETINES DALYS l. lZanga sudominamiklausytojai, patraukiamas auditorijos ddmesys, parodomastemos svarbumas, ivardijama pagrindine mintis,apZvelgiami pagrindiniai teiginiai. 2. D6stymasturi apimti bent 75Vo informacijos, apie kuriq kalbesite. dalis Si skirstoma 3-5 svarbiausius teiginius, i kurie turi bnti ai5kiaisuformuluoti ir paremti faktais.
Pabaigoje apibendrinami teiginiai, paskelbiamas baigiamasis teiginys. o Kalba gera, jei kalbantysis gerai i5mano tai, apie k4 kalba, palaiko kontakt4 akimis su klausytojais,keidia balso tembrq ir naturaliai elgiasi.

TYPES OF SPEECHES o An informative speech, oral report, lecture or workshop Designed to explain, instruct, define, clarify, demonstrate or teach. o Persuasive speeches, debates, sales presentations, and sermons To influence, convince, motivate, sell products, preach, or stimulate action. o The evocative speech Entertains, inspires, or helps listeners to celebrate,bond, or commemorate. 0Impromptu speech You are asked to speak on the spur of the moment with little or no preparation time.

KALBU RUSYS a Informacin6 kalba, prane5imas, paskaita, seminaras, ataskaita/projektas (aiSkinama,mokoma, nurodoma, apibrdZiama,demonstruojama). o {tikinjaniios (irodaniios) kalbos, debatai, pristatymai, pamokslai (irodinejama, motyvuojama, daroma itaka, pamokslaujama). I Emocionali (iausmus Zadinanti) kalba (linksmina, ikvepia, kviedia Svgsti, pamin6ti ir t. t.). t Improvizuota kalba (be pasirengimo).


SPEECH TOPICS o Select and analyze your speech purpose and topic: l. Determine the purpose of your speech and decide which type of speech you are giving. 2. Consider the occasion, audience expectations, circumstances surrounding your speech. 3. Evaluate your own background and knowledge. Brainstorm by making a Concept Map which allows you to generate ideas without evaluating them. It helps you develop a wide variety of choices. I Once you have your topic, choose two to five main areas that you will speak on. o A Thesis statement should be distilled and stated in one single declarative sentence.

KALBOS TEMA ,,Kad oratorius rastq kalbos tem4, jam reikalingi trys dalykai: lZvalgumas, (Ciceronas) supratimasir pastangos." r Numatykite ir i5analizuokitesavo kalbos temq bei tikslus: l. Apsisprgskite, kokia tai bus kalba. 2. Numatykiteklausytojqllkesdius, jq iSsiaiSkinkite pasirengim4. 3. [vertinkite savo patirt[ ir Zinias. r Ai5kiai suformuluoti tikslai pad6s: - nusprgsti,kokios medZiagos reikes ie5koti; - logiSkaii5destytimintis; - susikauptirengiantiskalbai.

R.ESEARCHYOUR TOPIC a Locate researchmaterial using: l. Card catalogs 2. Periodical& other indexes 3. Abstracts 4. Governmentresources 5. Electronic information retrieval services o Common sourcesfor speechmaterial: 1. Print Media such as fiction and nonfiction books, referencebooks, abstracts, dictionaries,encyclopedias, journals, newspapers and magazines, pamphlets. 2. Electronic Media such as databases, computer networks,video or television, cassette radio programs. or 3. Personalinterviewswith expertsin the field; conductedonce you are familiar with your subject. o Remember to write down: 1. The author's name, title of the book, magazineand article, computer program and the specificquotation. 2. Citing your sourcesaloud will give you credibility as a speaker.

SAVO TEMA GERAr TSANALTZUOKTTE o Surinkite vis4 imanomq informacij4 (straipsnius, dokumentus, elektroning informacij4ir kt.). o Patikrinkite, kokie faktai (i[sq tema) pateikiami groZindjeir mokslindje Zodynuose, literaturoje,enciklopedijose, ir Zinynuose kt. su o Pasi5nekdkite Zinovaisir j[sq gerai iSmanandiais profesionalais, temos specifik4. o AtidZiai laikykitds reikalavimqcitatoms, literaturinemsnuorodoms(plagijuoti draudZiama!). (Surinkg medliag4, nusprgskite,k4 naudositekalboje, citataspasirinkite trumpesnes efektyvesnes.) ir

eRESENTATIoNS/KALBEJTMAS 93 ||p, rrltnxrruc

ANALYZE YOUR AUDIENCE o Analyzethe demographics and attitudes of your audience l. Determine how you will addressinformation in relation to your audience's age,gender,ethnicity and status. 2. Anticipate that your audiencewill agree,remain neutral or disagreewith your message. 3. Think about how your audiencewill react to your message and structure your words and ideas accordingly. 4. Considerhow your audience's age and knowledgeof your topic will affect the way you will shapeyour message. oWhen possible - collect information about your audiencebefore you begin your speech; - interviewselectedaudiencemembersto gain insighton the viewsof the audience; - observethe audience.or draw from your generalinferences.

{VERTINKTTE SAVO KLAUSYTOJUS o I5analizuokite, kokie Zmondssudaro jfisq auditorijq, koks jq poZifris. l. Nusprgskite, kaip pateiksiteinformacijz1,atsiZvelgdami klausytojqamZiq, i lyti, tauti3kum4ir socialingpadeti. 2. Pameginkite anksto numatyti, ar i5 klausytojaisutiks su jumis, bus neutralfis,ar nesutiks. 3. Apgalvokite,kaip klausytojaireaguos i jlsq pateikiam4informacij4,ir atitinkamai formuluokitemintis. o Jeigu imanoma: - i5 anksto surinkite informacij4apie klausytojus; - pasikalbekite kai kuriaisbusimaisiais su klausytojais, jq kad suZinotumete poZitri; - stebekiteklausytojus, arba apgalvokite visa tai, kq apiejuos Zinote.

THE BASIC SPEECH OUTLINE I. Introduction l. Attention Getter 4. Thesis Statement 2. Significance 5. Preview 3. Credibility (Transitioninto your first main point) II. The main body A. First main point: First subpoint: a) supportingmaterial b) supportingmaterial (Tiansition: closingoff main Point One and openingmain Point Two) B. Secondmain point: l. First subpoint: supporting material 2.Second subpoint: a) supporting material b) supporting material (Transitionclosingoff main Point Two and openingmain Point Three\ C. Third main point: First subpoint: supporting material (Tra sition into conclus rt) n io III. Conclusion A. Reviewof main points B. Final Statement IV. Bibliography(list of material used in speech)

KALBOS PLANAS I. lianga l. Klausytojqsudominimas 2. Temos reik5mingumas 3. Temositikinamumas 4. Pagrindines minties formulavimas 5. Pagrindiniqteiginiq aplvalga II. Dstymas A. Pirmasis svarbusteiginys l. Pirmasis,,atraminis"teiginysir jo analizd: a) patvirtinamoji informacija b) patvirtinamoji informacija (Perejimas prie antrojo teiginio) B. Antrasis svarbusteiginysir jo analize: l. Pirmasis,,atraminis"teiginys patvirtinamoji informacija 2. Antrasis ,,atraminis"teiginys a) patvirtinamoji informacija b) patvirt inamoji informacija (Perdjimas prie treiiojo teiginio) C. Tiediasis svarbusteiginysir jo analize: ,,Atraminis" teiginys,patvirtinamoji lnlormacua (Perejimas prie pabaigos(iSvadq) III. Pabaiga(i5vados) A. Pagrindiniq teiginiqapibendrinimas B. Baigiamasis teiginys IV. Bibliografija


ITNTRODUCTION lThe purpose of the introduction is to prepare the audience to listen to your speech. o It consists of five steps: l. Attention Getter: the very first statement that comes out of the speaker's mouth. The attention getter should engage your audience and draw them into your speech. a) Rhetorical question: a question which does not require an answer. Rhetorical questions are effective because they make the audience think about your topic. b) Story: stories contain the following parts: set up, climax, and outcome. Everyone wants to hear a good story especially if it is told with suspense and conflict. Stories can be about real or hypothetical events of the past or present time. c) Starting Statement: a statement intended to surprise your audience. d) Starting Statistics:a statistic intended to surprise your audience. e) Humour: when you use humour make sure it is related to a point you are going to make in your speech. This will keep you from becoming a flop if your joke or humorous statement does not work. 2. Significance: give the audience a reason to listen to your speech. Motivate them by telling them the reason the topic is relevant to their lives. 3. Credibility: tell the audience why you are qualified to give the speech. Have you worked on the project, taken a class, or conducted research on the topic? 4. Thesis Statement: a single declarative statement capsuling the central idea or specific purpose of your speech. 5. Preview: a way of forecasting your main points to your audience. In the preview you list each of the main points you will cover in your speech. Sometimes the thesis statement and the prevlew are combined. o Your introduction should be written out woro for word and memorized. 1. This will help you maintain eye contact with your audience. 2. Engaging your audience in the introduction is important because audience members will decide if they will continue to listen during the first minute of your speech.

IZANGA lZangostikslas- parengti klausytojus kalbai. r 5 etapai: l. Atkreipiamasklausytojqddmesys. Pirmasiskalbandiojoteiginysturi sudominti klausytojus. gali Thi bIti: a)retorinisklausimas naudinfiis gas tuo, jog priverdiaklausytojus galvoti apie kalbos temq); b)trumpa istorija(atsitikimas) i5 praeities r dabarties; a c) stulbinantis teiginys: tikslasnustebinti klausytojus; d)statistika: tikslas- nustebinti klausytojus; e)anekdotas: isitikinkite, tik kad klausytojaitikrai supras, prie5inguatveju pats tapsite pajuokos objektu.Be to, jis turi btti susijgs tema. su 2. Reik5mingumas. Motyvuokite, nurodykiteprieZasti, kuo klausyj[sq kalba. tojamsbus naudinga 3. ltikinamumas.Klausytojams turite nurodyti,jog esatekompetentinga(s)ir gerai i5manote apie tai, kq kalbesite. 4. Pagrindine mintis.Ji turi btti aiSki, suprantama, pateikta glaustai, ilgq i5vedZiojimq. be 5. Pagrindiniqteiginiq apZvalga. Vardijamiklausimai, apie kuriuos kalbesite praneSime. o lLanga- svarbi kalbos dalis. J4 uZsira5ykite i5mokite.Pradejg ir kalbetigalesite Zilreti i klausytojus (nereikes Ziuretii uZra5us ar plan4). Svarbu,kad klausytojaipradetq j[sq klausytis bltent iZangos metu (per pirm4sias minutes)jie nusprendZia vertajusq klausytis, ar ne.



TRANSITIONS I They form a bridge between the parts of your speech. Tiansitions appear between your introduction and your first main point, then again between your main points and finally between your last main point and your conclusion. Intemal transitions are used betlveen words and/or sentences and tell the audience how two ideas may be related. External transitions tell your audience that one main idea is endine and another is beginning.

JUNGIAMIEII LONZLIN r Raskite tinkamusjungiamuosius ZodZius, siejandius iZang4bei pirmqjq destymo dali; pirmEf4ir antrqjq dali; antrqj4 ir trediqj4bei paskutingdestymodali ir i5vadas. JungiamiejiZodLiai yra dviejq r[Siq: ar ,,vidiniai" (ungiantieji ZodZius sakinius) ir,,i5oriniai" (iungiantieji mintis). (Pasirinkitekuo daugiaujungiamrjq ioclLit4, kad nevartotumdte padiq!) tq

MAIN BODY o Main points & their subpoints l.The body of a speechhas between3-5 main pointseachwith 1 or more subpointsand supportingmaterial. 2. Orally state each main point as you begin discussing it. o Tlpes of supporting material (the substance that gives the audiencea reason to believeyour main points). l. Testimony:The opinion of an eye witness or expert about an event that took place. Always qualify (discuss the qualifications of the person) and cite (orally state the sourceor expert'sname). (eg 'In her book, SpeechTherapy,Dr. Sharon Milan statesthat you can eliminate the use of 'um' and other filler words by simply pausing.') 2. Analogr: A comparisonbetweentwo different items which revealstheir (eg A computer is like a human likeness. brain because they both process information.') 3. Statistics:A numericalcollection or facts (may need to be defined in order to clarif its meaning).(eg 'It's 60Vofatt'.) 4. Story: Has a set up, a climax and a conclusion. Suspense, conflict and descriptionhelp a story to hold the attention of the audience. 5. Example:Factualor hypothetical(used to illustrate a point).

PAGRINDINE KALBOS DALIS _ DESTYMAS I Ddstymebuna 3-5 svarbiosdalys ar teiginiai, kurie dar gali bnti paremiami vienu ar keliaisteiginiais. I Kaip galima pagristi savo teiginius? (Klausytojaituri patikdri jfisq teiginirl pagristumu.) l. lrodymas. Remiantisekspertoar ivykio liudininkonuomone, cituojantSaltinius ir kt. 2. Analogija. Lyginami du rei5kiniaiar faktai, ie5komapana5umq(arba jie nurodomi). Statistika. Ddstoma,pasitelkiantskaidius. Pasakojamas ivykis, kuris akivaizdLiai patvirtinajnsq teigini. 5. Pateikiamas pavyzdys: faktinis arba Zodinis.


CONCLUSIONS A way of bringing your talk to a close, reinforcingyour major ideas,letting your audience know what you expect of them and providing a final impact. Consistsof a review and then a final statement: a Review:A restatementof the main points you presentedin your speech. o Final statement:Should leave a lasting impact on your audienceand bring your ideas to a close. 1. Using a powerful quotation is a good way to end a speech. 2. You can also end by tying your conclusion into a story that you started in your introduction. 3. Your final statementshould be refined and the languageshould be powerful and direct. o The conclusionfor the persuasive speech also contains a call to action.

PABAIGA GSVADOS) Baigdamikalb4, akcentuokite pagrindiniusteiginius,apibendrinkite. r Pagrindiniq teiginiq apivalga. o Baigiamasisteiginys.Jis turi sustiprintiklausytojqemocijas. Baigiamasis sakinysgali sietis su tam tikra iZangos dalimi. Jis turi bfiti sklandus. itaigus,skambus, Kalbos pabaigataip pat gali bflti kaip kvietimasveiklai, pa(si)keitimuiir kt.

MODES OF DELIVERY Choose the mode of delivery that enhances your speech: l. Extemporaneous: The speakerusesa brief outline and key terms and quotes.S/he demonstrates knowledgeand understanding of the content.This method allows the speakerto maintain eye contact,adapt to the audienceand a dynamic conversational style. 2. Impromptu: The speakerhas limited time to prepare,usuallyless than five minutes.S/he can generatethree main points and a first and last line by taking a moment to gather his or her thoughts.This method can often appear spontaneousand dynarnic. Memorized: The speaker memorizes the speechword for word. This method is not recommended beginningspeakers for because is very difficult to build audience it dynamicswhen you are thinking about the words rather than the meaningsthey convey. Manuscript: The speaker reads the speech word for word from a manuscript, cards or a teleprompter.This method is used when precise accuracyis required. It is not as dynamicas the extemporaneous mode becausethe speaker'seyes are on the paper not the audience.
7. 578

VIESOSIOS KALBOS TIPAI: l. Improvizuota (i5 anksto visa kalba nepara5yta). Kalbantysis naudojasi trumpu planu, pagrindiniaisteiginiais ir citatomis.NaudojantisSiuobfrdu, palaikomas rySyssu klausytojais,kalba skambaneformaliai. 2. Ekspromtu. Kalbantysisneturi ar beveikneturi laiko (maZiaunei 5 min.) pasirengti kalbai. Patartina pasirinkti 3 pagrindinius teiginius ir ivadini bei baigiam4iisakini. Tokia kalba spontani5ka dinami5ka. ir (Pradedantiesiems nepatartina naudotis Siuob[du!) 3. I5rnokta mintinai. Kalbantysis i5mokstavisq kalbq paZodZiui. Pradedantiesiems bfldas Sis nepatartinas galvojamaapie ZodZius, o ne apie jq prasmg, ndra rySio su klausytojais. 4. Skaitoma. Kalbantysis skaito vis4 tekst4.Sis b[das tinka, kai b0tinas tikslumas. Siuo aweju rySyssu klausytojais minimalus.


VOCAL DELIVERY SKILLS o Volume Createdby using your diaphragmto push air forcefully through your larynx and out of your mouth. o Rate 1.How fast or slowlywe talk. 2.Optimal rangeis 150 to 185words per minute. a Pitch l.The highness lownessof your voice. or 2.The faster your vocal folds vibrate the higher your pitch; the slower they vibrate the lower the pitch. a Pauses l. Vary in length and frequency. 2. A skilful speakerwill control and place them to create impact. o Word emphasis The emphasizing key words by changesin of the volume, rate, pitch or pausepatterns to highlight key ideas. o The dynamic speaker l.Variety in volume, rate, pitch and rhythm. 2.Pauses and emphases key words will on make important conceptsstand out. 3. Good speakers conveymeaning in their voice.

GARSINIAI KALBOS ASPEKTAI o Balso stiprumas. Kalbeti reikia pakankamaigarsiai,kad visi girdetq. o Kalb6jimo tempas.Reiktg vengti kalbeti per greitai arba pabreZtinai ldtai, geriausiapasirinkti normalq, iprast4 kalbejimo temp4. a Garso aukitis. Visada maloniau klausytisZemesnio tono. o Pauzds. Rengiantiskalb6ti, pravartu pasiZymdti pauziq vietas.Pauzds bfitinos - jos pabreZiapagrindinius teiginius,padedaklausytojams geriau juos suvokti. o Zodl:iq akcentavimas- svarbiq Lodlig pabreZimas kitokiu tonu, tempu, balso auk5diuarba intonacija. I Intonacija - kalbos tonas,melodija, balso pakilimq ir nusileidimq kaitaliojimasis.

PHYSICAL DELIVERY o Appearance: Decide on the kind of message you want to send to the audiencethrough your dress,hairstyleand accessories. O Movement:Control your movement,avoid looking at the watch/clock, not look at do one person- make sure there is an eyecontactwith the whole audience. o Facial expressions: you know your If material and have an emotional connection to it, facial expressions happen naturally will for most speakers. Make sure your facial expressions agreewith your message. you talk about death and If smile your audiencewill think you are insensitive. o Gestures:Use hand movementssimilar to thoseyou normally use in conversation. Gesturesshould coincidewith the meaninq of your message.

KUNO KALBA o l5vaizda.Pam4stykite, kuo vilkesite, kaip susiSukuosite, kokius aksesuarus pasirinksite. neturi blaSkyti Jie ji klausytojqddmesio,bet, prieSingai, sutelkti. o Laikysena.Drausminkite save, netrypdiokite, nemindZikuokite vietoje, nenukreipkiteZvilgsnioi vien4 taSkq ar Zmogq (iis gali pasijustinejaukiai). NesiZvalgykite lang4,neZitrdkite pro laikrodi, netampykiteskvernq, i plaukq. kiSeniq, o Mimika turi blti tinkama fiuk nekalbdsite apie mirusi Zmogqsu Sypsena veide!). Venkite familiariq ar kvailq mimikq, nesiraukykite! Patarimas: parepetuokiteprie5 veidrodi! ,,Viskasatsispindiveide." (Ciceronas) O Gestai.Pasistenkite elgtis nat[raliai. Gestai turi atitikti kalbos turini.


INCREASING INTEREST AND UNDERSTANDING o Start with simple conceptsand gradually bring up more complexones. I Avoid overloading the audience with too much information. I Use examples, motivators,humour. storiesand presentational aids throughoutyour speechin order to keep your audience's attentton. o Give your listeners a framework for understanding your information. o Use repetition.

SUSIDOME.IIMA? o Praddkite.nuopaprastrlsqvokq, patalpsnrui pereidami prie suddtingesniu. r Neapkraukiteklausytojqper didelilu = rntormacijoskiekiu. o Norddami i5lailryti klausytojq demesi, kalbq paivairinkitepavyzdZiais, humoristiniaispasakoiimais bei vaizdinemispriemondmis.


o Informacijqpateikitesistemingai. o flausVto.ii geriauisiminspag"rindinius raKrus, juos keletqkartqpakartosite. Jet

TYPES OF PRESENTATIONAL AIDS o Flip charts, poster-board, or boards can be used to displaysketches, charts, graphs,diagrams,photographs, artwork, or computer generatedimaees. o Slides l. Have a plan as to where you will be projectingyour slides (scrien or wall?). ^ 2. Be-knowledgeableof tire projec,orlo,l will be using. 3. Make sure you are very familiar with your may not be able to see them in the darkO Overhead transparencies.The text should be easyto read. Also you should evaluatethe surroundings. o Physical objects (booksikeyboards or computersmake excellentpresentational aids). OAudio.and video clips (make sure you how to stop/rewindetc.). 9o* o Computer gette"at"d images. This technologymakesspeakingeasier. Thkine advantage this technologyallows of vou to_concentrate. your speechand on forget polnters,flipping and advancing slides."

VAIZDINES PRIEMONES o lelta,.plakatai, paveikslai. fsitikinkite, ar iskaitomatai, kas uZra5yti,ar suprantama kas pavaizduota. tai, Kalbedami rodvkite. o Skaidrds.pamqstykite, kur projektuosite sKatdres (ekranear ant sienos). I5mokite naudotis aparatu arba iS anksto papra5ykite, kad jums kas padetq. Thmsojegali blti sunku skaityti,iodel gerai.i5mokitetekstq,kuri sakysite. o Skaidruolds(OHp). Tekstas turi bDti ska.itomas. [vertinkite patal;;, l"nry3t kurioje kalbesite_ daZnaisauletole " patalpojeblogasmatomumas. o Knygds, kompiuteriai, modeliai ir kt. o Vaizdobei garso aparatiira. Pasitikrinkite,u. rnokut" sustabdvti aparat4,prasuktijuost4 ir t. t. o Kompiuterinis vaizdas_ moderni ir labai efektyvi priemone.


WHEN USING ANY TYPE OF PRESENTATIONAL AID YOU SHOULD: o Designyour visual aids to have a purposeor support an important point. o Make sure your visual materials are large, clear and uncluttered. o Practice using them prior to speech delivery. i Practice speakingaloud while using the aid. You want to be able to maintain eye contactwith the audienceand continue talking while displayingor explaining your presentational aid. o Make sure you know how to turn all equipmenton and off. o You may want to ask an assistant to handle your aids (flip your charts,play your tapes,or advanceyour slides)so you can concentrateon your audience. o Cover or turn off all presentationalaids when you are not using them.

K4 SVARBU PRISIMINTI PRIES NAUDOJANT VAIZDINES PRIEMONES o Gerai apgalvokitevaizdinespriemones, jos turi atitikti kalbos tem4. o Vaizdinspriemonsturi blti dideles, esteti5kos tvarkingos. ir o Pasipraktikuokitenaudotisvaizdindmis priemondmis. o Pamdginkitesakyti kalb4 naudodami vaizdinespriemones(ir palaikydami kontakt4 akimis su isivaizduojamais klausytojais). o Pasitikrinkite, ar mokate naudotis prietaisais. reikiamais

PRACTICE o Completeall researchand writing at least two weeksprior to the speechdate. o Practice reading aloud using your outline. Reduceyour outline to a few key words. o Write your key words on note cards. o Practice speakingaloud from your note cards. o Modularize your topics for mental clarity: l. Organizeyour topics in your mind by creatingblocks or modulesof information that can be independently discussed. 2.Engage your friends, family or coworkers in conversations that allow you to discuss the module of information you have stored in vour mind.

PRATYBOS o Kalbq pasistenkiteuibaigti kuo anksiiau, kad liktq laiko pasipraktikuoti. I Skaitykite garsiai. o Ant korteliq susira5ykitepagrindinius planeli. teiginius,pasiraSykite o Pamginkitekalbti naudodamiesi uZraSais. prie5 draugus,Seimos o Parepetubkite narius arba prie5 veidrodi.


OVERCOMING FEAR o Fear of public speakingis normal. To eliminateyour fear: l.Know your topic well. Research your topic and practicetalking about your content in your daily conversations. 2.Practiceyour speechout loud, preferablyin front of people you trust. It is not enough to read through your notes silently,you must read them out loud and understandthe material. 3. Use relaxationand redirection techniquesto reduce the tensioncausedby the physiological effectsof fear. 4. Replaceyour negativethoughtswith positive ones. "I'm going to foryet my speech"can be replaced with "1 know my material well and havepracticed it out loud severaltimes".

KAIP ATSIKRATYTI BAIMES o Auditorijos baime - nat0ralus dalykas.Kai tinkamai nepasirengta, baime kyla ddl nepasitikejimo savimi. Tod6l reikia: l. Gerai pasirengti kalbai. 2. Parepetuotiprie5 sakantkalbq. 3. Nusiteikti teigiamai(iums tikrai pasiseks!). 4. Pasitiketisavimi(l[s tikrai sugebdsite!).

OHOW TO BE A TRULY ROTTEN SPEAKER Anyone can learn to be a truly rotten speaker. Just follow these easyrules: l.Stand or sit with your head down. Rememberto keep looking at the floor. 2. If you use a microphone,turn it up to produce a high-pitchedwine. Blow into it vigorouslyfrom time to time. That should keep the audienceawake. 3. Read from a written text very rapidly or monotonously, mumble. Rememberthat a good presentationmust be a bit challenging for the audience. 4. If you use an overheadprojector or show slides,make sure you stand in front of it. Don't be boring - project the image on to the wall or ceiling rather than the screen. Now it is your turn to continue this list of rules: 5. ................. 6.

o K.{ DARYTI, KAn SUGADINTUMETE KALB,{: l. Stov6kitearba sedekitenuleidgs galvq.Prisiminkite,kad reikia vis4 laikq Zilreti i grindis. 2. Jei kalbate i mikrofon4,turite taip ji sureguliuoti,kad garsas bltq aukitas ir cypiantis.Laikas nuo laiko pap[skite i mikrofon4 - tai neleis klausytojams uZmigti arba paZadins miegandius. 3. Tekst4skaitykitelabai greitai arba monotoni5kai, murmdkite- galbflt taip suintriguosite klausytojus. 4. Jei demonstruojate skaidres, atsistokitetaip, kad uZstotumdte vaizdE-Venkite nuobodumo - vaizd4 nukreipkite ne i ekranq,bet i sienas ar lubas. O toliau tgskitej[s: 6.



Formal Oficialioji kalba Informal Neoficialioji kalba

Good morning,ladiesand gentlemen!..Morning everyone! My name's... Hello, everybody! z This morning I'd like to ... I'm ... If like I want to fi^< you have any questionsyou'dthem Whatfree to askdo this morning. x \ J to ask, I'll be happy to answer Feel any = z laterlat the end (of this lecture) ... there'll be plenty question, of time left at \/,N I'd like to thank you for coming ... the end ... F Thank you for coming ... Thanksfor coming ... z May I take this opportunity to thank I'm glad you could all get here . you for coming ... Thank you for making every I'm delighted/pleased/glad be to effort to come todav ... makingthis presentation ... Today/this morning I'm going to be showingyou ... talking to you about ... takinga look at ... (D

(n F('r! O,rtt


i:fi ;i"':#;, :''" ,'"1' l:

The subjectof my presentation ... is Today's topic is ... making a few observations outlining the main points .. givingyou an overview...

So I'll begin by I (Let me begin by) | z 6 (I'd like to start with/off/byJ


- v = E ... and then I'll

(go on to) discuss progress... the make suggestions ... highlightthe main facts ... talk about ... Have you ever heard I rememberwhen . that ... This remindsme of .. Accordingto the latest Let me tell you ... statistics/research ... Do you know that ...

C D <

u ) - How many of you


i r r>1

think/believe >=7 "Suppose ... 7 q ... Fr!1 Have you ever r i < thought... Imagine... F r i

A Z F 'l + N lJ



(/) I'd like to draw your attention ... f Tl

I'd like us to look at ... which clearly show/indicatethe rTl importanceof ... If we look at this ... u) v) You can see on this overhead 4 Z (slide)(that) ... The figures in blue indicate/shod < N standfor ...

Have a look at this (BrE) (Take a look at this) (AmE) As you can see ... Let's take a closerlook (at) ... Here we can see ...

F r > \ ) 7 v ) A

p o
Fi H

z 7 If you look at it more closely..., = ^ ... lou'll see/notice/understand

The ... represents and the ... represents ... ... Just over/justunder/wellover/wellunder (eg50Vo)...1 (explaining about/approximately/roughly/more less J a diagram) or

? U)

IAVe strongly suggest/recommend ...


In particuldr, ... What'smore, ... In addition (to that) ... P l u s ,. . . Above all ... What's especially/more important... I'd like to emphasize ...

fu (t) XrD

IAVe sincerely hope ... I/IVe completelyagreewith ... IAVe firmly opposite ... IAVe categorically deny ... IAVe honestlybelieve ... The main thing is ...

81 A rI Y
rr { = Z
Oi -l

< t s It is extremely/absolutely (necessary)

ll rrl

One of the hazards that trouble any story-teller the risk of repetition. is One fellow has a nice way of forestalling* that I've heard-it-before responseto a story. He plays safe by saying: "lf you've heard this story before,don't stop me because I'd like to hear it again". * forestall uZbdgti akiq u2



Enumeration first, secondly,third, next, then, after that, finally, again Comparison likewise,similarly, in the sameway (manner) Addition additionally,also, and, furthermore, in addition, moreover,too, besides, and then Concession as you probably know, certainly, of course,naturally, no doubt

Contrast Emphasis although, but, even though, however, above all, especially, indeed, in fact, nevertheless,on the other hand, yet, in particular, most importantly, on the contrary, despite without doubt, obviously,

as a matter of fact, in any case Illustration Possibility as an example(illustration), maybe,perhaps,possibly for example, instance, particular, for in such as, that is, in the follbwing manner, namely
Reason as, because, because of, for, since, a reason for this is

Conclusion and so, in summary,in other words, in short, to summarize,to sum up, consequently, accordingly, as a result,in conclusion, hence, therefore. thus

Repetition in brief, in short, as I have said, as I have noted



abbreviations8g adjectives17-19 adverbs 20-23 rnterrogative/exclamatory 20 of definite time 20 of degree20 of frequency 20 of indefinite time 2O of manner 20 of place/direction 20 of.reason,consequence, conclusion20 relative 2O sentence 20 apostrophe 79 articles6-10 definite 6-10 indefinite 6_10 zero 6-1.0 concludingsentence62 conditionalsentences 5I_52 conjunctions coordinatins31 subordinatiig 32 controlling idea 62

comparative1.7_lg,22 positive 77-t9.22 superlativeI7-1g,22 direct speech46-50

ellipsis 81 essay71-73 exclamation mark 79

full stop 74,83

if-clause 51,-52 main 46, 5L-52 subordinate 46 time 54 colon 78, 83 comma74-77,83 comparison of adjectives17-1g of adverbs22 irregular 22 regular 22 complexobject 17

imperative mood 57 italics 82, 84

negative sentences11, 3643 nouns 13-16 collective15 ccimmon 15 compound 14 countable 13, lS. 16 6, individual 15 irregular 14

olossnRy oF TERMS/TERMINU ZoDyNELls 1os

proper 15 regular 13 uncountable6,15-1.6 numerals 24-25 cardinal 24 ordinal 24

slash8L single/double quotation 81, 84 square brackets 82 statements 50

paragraph 6210 concluding 72 introductory 7L plural 6, 11, L3-15 prepositions 26-30 of method 29 of place 27-29 of time 26-27 pronouns tl-12,47 demonstrative 1.L indefiniteI1,1,6 personalLL possessive LL reflexive 1L rclative 12

tenses34-43 future 3+-35,37,39, 41,, 43 future in the past 34-35, 37,39, 4L, 43 past 34-36, 38,40,42 present 34-36, 38, 40, 42 time words 47 topic 62, 69,73 topic sentence6243, 69, 73 transitions6448,104

questions36-43,50 general50 special50 questionmark 79

verbals 55-57 gerund 56 infinitive 55 verbs 33-58 auxiliary33 irregular 33, 58-61 main 33 modal/defective33, 47 regular 33 reporting 48 special33 voice active 3444, 51, 53, 55-56 passive 34-35,45,5L 53, 55-56

reported speech 46-50 request/command/order 50 wish-sentences 53 word order in reported speech50 of adjectives19 of adverbs 22-23

semicolon 78-79,83 sequence tenses46,49 of singular6,11,13-1,5 support62,73

106ryF clossARyoF TERMS/TERMINU Zooynerrs

REFERENCES Literatfrra

AndersenS., Pryor B. Speech Fundamentals: Contemporary A Approacft.Needham Heights,MA: Ginn Press.1992 Azar B. S., Azar D. A. Understanding and UsingEnglish Grammar. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey:PrenticeHall Regents.1990 Bieliniene J. Iikalbos menas.V., 2000 Dictionaryof Abbreviations. New York: Random House. 1996 EvansY. Round-Up (5). English GrammarPractice.Harlow: Longman.2001 Gear J., Gear R. Cambidge Preparation for the TOEFL Tbst.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.2000 Gordon E. M., Krylova I. P.A Grammar of Present-Day English. Moscow: Moscow Vys5aja Skola.1980 Hedge T. Writing.Oxford: Oxford University Press.1998 Hornby A. S. Oxford Advanced Leamer's Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.1995 KarnegisD. Kaip iisiugdytipasitikejimqsavimi ir vieia kalba paveiktiZmones.V.,1992 KoZeniauskien Retorika.V., 1999 R. Kroll B. (ed.) Second LanguageWiting. Cambridge:CambridgeUniversityPress.1997 Naucklnaite Z.Iikalbos molcymas. 1998 K., Pasternak-Winiarska Gramatykajgzyka angielskiego tabelach.Warszawa: J. w Tiigraf s. c. 1998 Pikver Ann. GrammarIs Easy. K.: Sviesa. 2000 Porter P. A., Grant M. CommunicatingEffectivelyin English. Boston: Heinle & Heinle Publishers. 1992 Public Speaking. The EssentialUniversity Course Outline. Boca Raton, Fl.: BarCharts, Inc. 1995 SliZiene ValeckieneA. Lietuviq kalbosraiyba ir slqryba.V.: Mokslas. 1989 N., Sudzilovsky A. Language G. Laugh-In Moscow: Moscow Vys5aja Skola.1984 Tbacher's Handbookof AdvancedWriting.Ed. Mare-Anne Laane. Thllinn: Thllinn TechnicalUniversity. 1999 Tiask R. L. The PenguinGuide to Punctuation.London: PenguinBooks. 1997 Warriner E. English Grammar and Composition. Chicago: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers.1986 Wite Right. EssentialEnglish Writing Skills. Kai5iadorys. 1999


Virginiia Thomaitd, Ingrida Zindziuviend ANGLU rGLBA VISTEMS Redaktord Odeta Venckieni Vir5elis Donato Gendvilos Vir5elyje panaudota iliustracija iS photo Disc Irid. Nr. 1,5077.UZsak. Nr. 578. Akcine bendrov6 leidykla ,,Sviesa.., Vytauto pr.25,3000 Kiunas. El. p. sviesa@balt.nef Interneto puslapis: http:/ ttpausdtnoAB sDaustuv6 ,,,A,u5ra.,, \ttauto pr.8,3fi)0 Kaunas. El. p. Interneto puslapis: http:/ Sutartind kaina

Ihomaitd, Virgin[ia Tir71. Anglq kalba visiems/Virginija Tuomaite, Ingrida ZindZiuviend.Sviesa,2002. - L07 p. Vir3.tik angl. Bibliogr., 107. Zodyn.,p. 105-106. p. ISBN5-430-03388-X


Knyga skiriama viduriniq mokyklq ir gimnazijq mokiniams, aukltqjr; mokyklq studentams bei visiems, norintiems pakartoti ar i3mokti ne tik anglq kalbos gramatik4, bet ir kitas temas. Knyga suskirstyta i keturis skyrius: gramatika, ra5ymas,skyryba, mo$rmas kalbti. Kielwienoje dalyje remiamasi skaitytojq gimtosios kalbos filologine patirtimi, aiSkinami anglg ir lietuviq kalbq skirtumai, akcentuojami anglq kalbos ypatumai. Knyga naudinga rengiantis laikyti anglq kalbos brandos egzaminq, TOEFL egzaminq, stojant i auk5t4sias mokyklas. UDK 802.6

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