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Table of contents

1. General information about carbonatites..................................................................
2. Formation types of carbonatite complexes and the modern model of their
3. The state of studies of carbonatite problem in Iran
and analyze of results of proceeding works...............................................................
4. Results of the recognition field
5. Perspective of revealing of carbonatites and genetically related rocks in Iran
5.1. General regularities of display and prognosis-evaluation
5.2. Prognosis estimation of territory of Iran and minerageny description of
perspective areas ..............................................................................................
5.2. 1. Central-Iranian province........................................................................
5.2.2. East-Iranian province.............................................................................
5.2.3. West-Iranian province...........................................................................
5.2.4. Other potentially perspective objects
6. Recommendations concerning carrying out future prospecting works on fields of
carbonatites and genetically related rocks
Conclusion .
References .
Appendix Technical task and plan of the future long term Iranian Rare Metal

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