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Form of a gang

Feel Superior

Seek to exclude and harm

Hate Groups Target Societies ...

With a diverse Population

With a struggling economy

With a lack of connectedness With an insider/outsider mentality

Hate Groups Count On . . .

A visible presence of hate

The silence of good people

Hate Groups Offer . . .

Protection Prestige Scapegoat Family Justification

Welcome Mat For Hate

All that is necessary for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing. ~ Edmund Burke~

Active Hate Groups in U.S. 2009

932 Known Groups 28 in Pennsylvania 187 Ku Klux Klan 161 Neo-Nazi 132 White Nationalist 122 Racist Skinhead 121 Black Separatist

Mao Ze-Dong (China) 49 78 million Stalin (Russia & Ukraine) 23 million Hitler (Holocaust) 12 million Armenia

1.2 million Pol Pot (Cambodia) 1.7 million Kim Il Sung (Korea) 1.6 million Ethiopia 1. 5 million Biafra 1 million Rwanda 800,000 +

21st Century Genocide


present 400,000 dead 2.5 million displaced 100 die every month

We study the injustices of history for

the same reason that we study genocides and for the same reason that psychologists study the mind of murderers and rapists . . .to understand how those evil things came about. ~ Ali Aoun~

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