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LORD JUDD, Labour, House of Lords 1) 22 Oct 2012: BritCits to Lord Judd Dear Lord Judd, Thankyou, on behalf

of the group I am representing, for your concern and involvement in the campaign against the unjust new immigration rules introduced on 9th July. Your presence and wisdom at the meeting in Parliament was much appreciated. lease find attached a letter and some case studies showing the devastating impact these new rules are having on innocent British lives, demonstrating that no thought has been put into the rules other than to just stop people being united with their loved ones. The measures in place demonstrate a genuine lack of understanding on behalf of the politicians who have allowed these rules in. They show how out of touch with reality our MPs are, that the rules will not benefit the economy and will not even serve to achieve a random net immigration target of tens of thousands, despite forcibly exiling hard working British people from their own country. Our letter shows how someone who is British can't have their, say, Australian parents join them at all even if are a higher rate tax payer and can provide financial guarantees, or have their Japanese spouse live with them unless they can maintain a prescribed salary for five years, yet someone from the EU has no such restrictions and can indeed, bring in not only their spouse without any income requirement, but both, their and their spouse's parents, grandparents, children, siblings and even aunts, uncles and cousins. Our letter will bring you across families whose personal lives are being torn apart - families who are turning into the Skype generation, whereby meals, bedtime stories and birthday celebrations are all via a computer screen and hugs and kisses are all virtual...that too, only if global time differences allow it. We plead with you to please have these rules thrown out. They have not been brought in legally. Insufficient research has been carried out to justify them. And indeed, having criteria that no one can meet has got to be illegal (e.g. the route to dependant parents has been completely closed off). Best wishes, Steve Green on behalf of BritCits. 2) 28 Oct 2012: Lord Judd to BritCits I have just returned today from a week's conference in Quebec. Your brief was excellent. It is a sorry story. Greetings. Frank Judd

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