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Sel Tumbuhan :
1. bagian struktural Protoplasmik
a. Dinding Sel b. Plastida c. Vakuola d. Lisosom

2. Bagian Struktural Non-protoplasmik

a. Cair

b. Benda Ergastik c. Minyak c. Inklusiones

Tipe Sel Tumbuhan :

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Meristem Parenkim Kolenkim Sklerenkim (sklereid, serabut sklerenkim) Buluh Tapis Sel Pengiring Trakea, Trakeid Serabut

Jaringan Tumbuhan
1. Jaringan Meristem :
a. Meristem Apikal, Interkalar, Lateral b. Meristem primer, sekunder

2. Sistem Jaringan Dewasa :

a. Sist. Jaringan Dermal : Epidermis dan Periderm b. Sist. Jar. Dasar : Parenkim, Kolenkim, Sklerenkim c. Sist. Jar. Vaskuler : Phloem; Xilem

3. Jaringan Sekretori :
a. Jar. Sekresi b. Jar. Rekresi c. Jar. Ekskresi

1. AKAR : macam dan pola jaringan 2. BATANG : macam dan pola jaringan 3. Daun : Macam dan Pola Jaringan 4. RIMPANG : Macam dan Pola Jaringan 5. BUNGA : Macam dan Pola Jaringan 6. BUAH : Macam dan Pola Jaringan 7. BIJI : Macam dan Pola Jaringan


Macam Plastida

Undifferentiated plastids (proplastids) may develop into any of the following plastids: Chloroplasts: for photosynthesis; see also etioplasts, the predecessors of chloroplasts Chromoplasts: for pigment synthesis and storage Leucoplasts: for monoterpene synthesis; leucoplasts sometimes differentiate into more specialized plastids:

Amyloplasts: for starch storage

Statoliths: for detecting gravity

Elaioplasts: for storing fat Proteinoplasts: for storing and modifying protein


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