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Tom I 1992


Tipdirea prezenrufuinumiir este finanlatii ( S.C.ROMFELSN-,de domnulCristianButuEini, Patron Si Director General

GabrielGHEORGHE Cdtrecititor NicolaeLEONACHESCU Istoria qi condifiilela limititip Dirichelet . . . . . . . . . . ..5 . . . . . . 32

GabrielGHEORGHE O ipotezi rnuS: ROMANASTRiVECIIE = INDO.EUROPEANACoMUNf . . . 4L GabrielGHEORGHE I O realitateignoratS: ' In vechime' FRANTAA Fosr RoMANoFoNi, !(2) . . 105 RECENZII

Ma'ja .IMBUTAS' H;:r$H::,ilif*:T:Jffi;f

(GabrielGheorghe) Pandcle OLTEANU, Gheorghe DRAGULIN, l'loareaDarurilor (CabrielGheorghe). . . 139 lui Identitatea DionisiePseudo-Areopagitul cu IeromonahulDionisiesmeritul (Exiguul),(DionisieBdrdganu) SOCIETATEADESCHISA gi ciudifeniile ei

142 143 I47 ll|8


GRATULATIONES SocietdliiCultural-$tiin[ifice Din activitatca GETICA



Editor G"br'ier GHEoRGHE

., r ,.,

S'taff Editorial Margareta Alexandru BADEA, Mihaiela CRISTEA-VACARIU, DOVGANIUC. Pandele OLTE,AN U, NiCoIae LEONACHESCU, DANiCIA

CU.GHEORGHE English translation : M IHAIELA CRI STEA-VACARIU BUCURESTI3T,Rumania P.O.B.37-149,70060 Postaladress:



articles'contentis wholly their authors'. for The responsability the published to are Authors and readers kindly requested sendtheir articles,reviewsand notestypod in doublespaoes. will not be returned. Unpublishcdmaterials

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of and subscriptions donations any kind,will be mentionednominallywith Support thanks. withoutprevious the of the TheEditorialstaffrcserves right to change prices subscription notice. F{EORGHE Cover: DANIELA PREI)ESCU-G Copyright by EdituraCAirtOlRi:A, Bucurc$ti . @ or No All rightsreserved. part of this pubiicatirncanbe reproduced multipliedwithout of written permission the Edl{r.rr. the prior


; 'fi'*hn


Tomd I
number ^ _ ly t;r:"13! ty thisnn fs supponeaty ! 2t ^? . ".*ii""-'iJ,"J"? Masterand GeneralDiiuor printing of

GabTieIGHEORGHE Tothereader I Nicolae LEoNACHESCU Historl' snd the Dirichelet ....: boundary conditions

GabrielGHEORGHE Une h.r.pothise nouvelle: LE !'IEUX ROUIIIAIN = L'INDO.EUROPEENCOMMUN . . 4I GabrietcHEORGHE f"t An ignoredrealitv: . In ancienttimes. FRANCEWASRUMANOPHONE ! (2) 105 REVIEWS Marija GIMBUTAS, The Goddesses Godsof and Old Europg 6500-3500 Mythsand BC. Culr frnuno.-


Bs GheorgheonAburw, rdent*ate",,,",:j:lT:j"ll]illl"l.
gitul cu Ierornonahul Dionisie.nlu"i-r-J , (Exiguut),(DionisieBdrdganuj ,, ._. :-. . GabrielGHEoRGHE,TheopenSociet5r(anditsoddities GRATLILAI-IONES . . t4Z

pandereolrEANu, f,l'fi:IorshE

. -.:". . . . . r17

''"... From_the FromtheGETlCAt'it"r"i*i--,,",^'.^:.: 147, cutturaiscienriri.'sf.i",y . . . . . . : . . . i{, "r,iri,y K*

IDl't'utta cAuufifiA ,



\ Redactor gef Gabriel GHEORGHE

Colegiul de redac[ie ,. Alexandru BADEA., Mihaiela CRIS-TEA-VACARIU, Margareta Eleonora NicolaeLEONACHESCU,DaniclaPREDES-, DOVGANIUC, Pandclc,OLTEANU, CU-GHEORGHE Traducerilein cnglczl: M I HAI ELA CRISTEA-VdACARI U Cdsulapogtald3'7-14g,70060 Atlresaredacgiei: BUCURE$TI 37 asupra contrinurului articolclor publicate revine Responsabilitatea autorilor. i ' Aurorii gi cititorii sint rugali sI trimitl articolele, reccnziile intervenliilc gi dactilografiatc doudrAnduri. la Manuscrisclc ncpublicatc sc rcstituie. nu

ABONAMENTE : in In 1994 GETICA apare doui numere: sc po$tal, numele pe Abonamentele facprin mandat editorului. Coitul trimitcrii pogtalc cuprins pretrul este in abonamentului. Prelulabonamcntclor, tard, in estcde: Obignuit De sprijin

3000 lei

de Abonamcn,tele sprijin gi donaliilede orice naturdvor fi menlionatenominal, cu mullumiri,in revist5. Redacliaigi rezewddrcptul modificSriiprelului rwistei gi pe cel al abonamentclor, lErdingtiinlareprealabild. Copcrta:DANIELA PREDESCU-GHEORGHE Copyright@ by Editura GANDIREA, BucureEti . publicaliinu poatefi copiatd sau ToatedrcpturilerezervaleNici o partea acestei gef. pultiplicale ftirdinvoireascrisl a redactorului '
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Tc[oorcrlaasrc omprcrlntt ROMFBL S.RL

Citre cititor
. adevdrul.adwirulvi va gi Y.ti cunoaEte face liberi1i6"n962,

To the reader
And ye shall$nowrhe trurh,and the rrurh shall makiyoufree john,.8/3i) (Sr.

. GIJTICAapare iniliativia noas_ ca _ Revisra tri persorrald, f?ir5riicr un concurs,de nici o The GFITICA magazine publishcdas a is nalurd,din paneaStatuluiRomdn,.uu u ui,oi resulrof our own initiaiivewith no hed;h;; Organizalii. soever,either from the Romanian,tut" o, uny i Nunjdrul3-4/lgglaparela un interval foar_ other organization. te maredupi numirul l_2/lgg?.nceasta The presentissue, 34llgg3,is available intar_ no. ztereesaedeterminatd pulinetatea de miiloa- ::* ur.,rj,g^u^.1_long since publication rimc rhe clor noastrematcriale.Soiotim insa ca a'vem ot no. I -2lI 992.this dclay atmosr is dntirepJue datoriade a da unetelimuriri ciritoiilor our we nos-iii to rhescarcityof means. tninrc itouiOuti privitorla condiliife aparilieafereulsrei ro gtvesomeexplanations our readers de to gilc con_ cernlngthc circumstances a prezenta citcva imprejurdri characteristic the carepot sugcra to cit oe.greusc poateajungela adcvdic6ndlsurscle publication thc magazine to prescnt'somJ of and obllgatorii sint,cel pulin in parte,viciarcfic de or rne clrcumstancs maysuggcst that how dif_ rgnoranla autorilor lor, fie de catastro proto- Ilcultir is ro reachrhetrurh*i.,cnif,eobfisatorv tale are parrly viciared by eithcr"theii. cronisme. Autorii unor lucrdridin ulrimacaie_ :l:*. aurnors' fgnoranceor by_catastrophic go!e, mai alesoccidentbti, ne uo, pro_ dar -lhe ,"f*'in !.ochronism. authorsof somc worfs iri ttre principal la francezi,care, cit de precare ar li lanercatcgory mostly*e.stcrn are aspec_tele careIe descriu,Ic deciard, oner.Uut*J pe Eri nici shallrefcr mainlyto rhe Frcnch*h., ;; ;;ii;; o leg5turd realitate4sub imperiul;;;i;;: cu no\ilsmalt insignificant descrit and the edasDects raorr. mngenitale, protocronita, drept celc mai were, thcyarestillconsiclered thegreatesi. as the mai imporranrc, celc .ui rrp"rgron,_ mosr impnrranr, T11-*lr under thc influcnL-;G;; tltoctse. congen discase shou callproto, iral we ld n oniiii. . DupE mulli ani clesrudiuf?ir6 F-ollor*'ing preget,noi ycarsof devotedi"Ov. *" fr""" am pusla punctun sistem gandire in de a clar,unitar. sTc{ecg9d devising clcarand unit'arv,viiem or rnlnrun coerent, that shouldbe qlherentand irrmlv argumenlat, consecvent cl insu$i, cu in care istoria furopei, dup5 uitima glaciagiune flpRorteO fy evidcnce,consisrcnrwith itseii. system allowsfor a logicaland evenviewon (Wiirm) giistorialimbiloreuropene, inrrelcsute ,t.n$ s hrsroryfolklwing rluropc the latest(WUrm) sau,pindla un punct,identificate isroria cu Spa_ gractatlon and the history of ljurorpan lani Carparic a limbii Rom6ne,se deapdnd guages tiului that havebecninterlaced, ai un'O to u potntevenidcntificd logic,trri discontinuitlli intorsdturi. gi with thenisrory rnECar_ Ciriiorul of "p pathian areaandthc Romanian va putea judeca acest'sistem taniuage. dupd ce va lua O; hg bcmme acquainted tr,Ei"io.iJii t" ir, cuno$tin[5 el. dc !e aDtc De loJudgethe system himself. for Din p5cate, gtiinp,adevdrul este in nu sufiIn lhe fleldof science, truth unfortunately . cientEinu reprezinrd decitpulin lucruin abscnla rsnot sufficient it represnts littlewhen very .posibilitililor materiale aJ impdrrEEi de rs gialtora, rncre. no possihility make it knownto other to de a-l facecunoscut. Acastagstetragediaade. peopte.I his is-rhe tragedy anyscientific for truth vdrului$riinfficin general durereabE gi GETICA'' misrortune, IICII in sreat in special. fifi:ffi|and In the abscnce money,freedomisjust an of FErdbani libertateaesteo iluzie. Cine are onthe l3_rhof october l:9g0, hoping be to

hry1i:,mos,any. ",,$:l;fJg,n*:TL+:l#,{i;,mi.l'tt"',n$Ti"l,,,:;lfi

& I

dccil a apirut,aceasterevisti, la tr3 octombrie able to publishour magazine two yearsahea4 1990,ne-amadresatpersonal domnuluiAndrei we personally addressed Andrei PleEu Mr. wbo pe Plegu, atunciministrulCulturii,solicitAnciu-i wasthe lvfinister Culture at the time,applying of o subvenlieminorS, ln acest scop, pe care ii for someminor subsidyro rbisendand offering propuneams-o garantSm ipoteci asupralo- to warrantthe la$er witit our o*Tr residencc. cu In cuin[einoasire,proprietatepersonalS. cazci "case subsidy In this had not bensrantedto us,trr nu ar fi foSt de acord si ne acorde subvenlia proposedthe Ministry of C,ilture to order ao soticitatd propunqamsi ne comande studiu outstanding study for b'crh Romanian Bnd li un de important5demebitdpentru Cultura rom6- European Culture, entitled fhe Origins of n5,ca'gipentru ceaa Europei,intitulat Originile Rwnanian languege and ;;s inlluence on Embii'romdne Si inflaenyaacesteiaasupra limEuropeanlangwages. bilar europene. In his own ,,dernocratic" s:rre.Mr. PleEu granted nothing ati.iir-t"3rrananswer. u$ at Domnul sinistruPlegu, ,,democratismul" ha$ in ltrr sdu nu ne-a acordat nimic, nici mdcar un rds- The iong-waited reply hasi;".i ccmc from the BooksDepartament an; :;lr asfollow: (?1 puns.Acestaa venit de la f)ireclia Qia (?) zlt themoment, N4inisrn'of the Cz".:-: Ls mainly sunatastfel: MinistentlCulmii. in acest momen!. interested. research in subjects :'... .;! essence, a.{ este interesat de rcme de c,ercetare interes de that shouldhat'e. someapphcalct :.r.yacfice. preponderentcultural, cu aplicare tn actit'ilatea -Ihe letter further advised ro ic;.. --urown us practicd"dupd care nc-a slEluit si ldsdmpe disarvcry others. to All thisaddsup [o the coocl*l,.: ::lat,in seama altora propria noastri descoperire. vicw,all we had prLrE$-: a:l the Mr. Plegu's Dcci ceam propus noi,cceacepublicdm in finds*'e wcreaboutto publisit nc Gl,llCA in GEIICA, cerceEri in care eviden[iem con- magazine lhat is researches pom:,.:j : -: Ropini tribugii fundamentale, aziignorate, Cul- mania's ale fundamcntal culturalcoof.r.-ir.-r io that hastreeor;,-r:; sc Cultura E,uropei, una din celc the historyof l.lurope, turii romAnela far and 1s of ttremostimportaolJ:Nr'q:;::! cne din mai importantcdescoperiri IstoriaCulturii, in the Iiistory ci Culture,were of ia-' rr.i-ir pentruclomnul nu era, ministru Plegu, interes interest..,\nd this answerco-existed de a::: i:{ disposition offer [qt",:m r :;s to cu cx-I{inistcr's cultural. astain timp ce dl. ministruPlegu, $i using plStitede mntribuabilulromdn,gi-a oun fricntjsandcolteagued, hute u-s :: milioanele moncY that had bcen paid by ttte rmmLra imbogdlitcolcgiigi prietcniica din aVuiulpro- Romanian iaxpayer if theyhadbeto b " priu, dinduJe milioane, sub form5 de premii, in the form of prizes-orevenendowaeasrr.c ' pardpil{r:llt prin atribuirede proprietSfi stat,funcgii de bine somcIcrrrrerstateproperties,well such or oLhcr advantagcsgi retribuite alteavantaje. \tr'emayevenhavebeenunabk to pub'ila ci Probabil n-am fi reu$itsi publicim nici the firstrssue the magazine of cither,badrnr nr.. l-2/1992 daci nu l-am fi intilnit, printr-o encountcred, merechance, Cristiu bby Mr. ownerandgeneral maF gl intdmplare, domnul Cristian ButuEini, pa- tugini. the presenl and Publishrog Il> generalal Ilditurii cu tipo- of the ROMFIJL Printing tronul gi.directorul sc. uho has generous$ offered us suEd grahe proprie ROMI.'IIL, carc ne-a f5cut se- facilitics payment the print. We arc n of fcr rioaseinlesniride platd a costuluitiparului.ii takingrheopportunity thanking of him agnE hclp. hisdccisrve cale. mullumimgi pe accastd Grcat difficultieshave been encounrcrrd nr. am Dupi publicarea 1-211992, intimof pinat mari dilicultSlicu difuzarca. Dra Angela follouing the publishing the firstissue rn 1-2;i992- concerning salcs.Miss Angch I} c5 Riceanu, cirre se angajase se va ocupa de ceanu.r',ho haclbffered to take chargeof lE gi revistei, uniculmotiv administragia difuzarea magazine's administration distributim.rb and pcntru carea figurat pe copertaacesteia, dupd solcrcason hasbeenmentioncd itscotrshc on aparilia revistei,a dat bir cu fugitii, prcx.lucin- hasrejccted job aficr GBTICA'spublicatn the gi du-nemari lncurcdturi contribuind intar- thus geiting us into serioustrouble and cm$i,la ziercapr ezentuluinumdr. tributingto thedelay the plesent of issue.

C[tre cititor - To the re:


Am primit multe zecide la GETICA Nici una din ar cevadin con[inutul revistei. cititori au. cuvinte de aprec ticolelepublicate, argum la tezele noi pe care le propir primit weo sesizare impotrM re le impdrriEimin GETICI cum arn arAtatln numirul ini Un cititor gi-aexprimatir de via15 nagtere, antichit la in 18ani,nu 19anicum,dintro a aplrut pe p.77 Ei100.Cifra Dr. M. A. Legrand, Ia long 6ges, Faris, 1911,p. 47:

Il estjustede remarq moyenne dix-huit ans.

Cifra mncordd cu celed lucrdri.V8rsta mediegi spera tereau crescut foarteincetdeastfel ce lo inceputulsecolaf , wmd era de 25 ani (Mic L'avenir n'bst 1cit nullc pa P. Chaunu presupune(p. 20 atiw mai deweme cuun iecol. speranta viaF la nagtere r de a O altSsursi (Louis Micl pcheurs du gotf du Lion 19 Vdrstamediea mb4itor tn Frat 35 ani,dar la Pal-avas erade ea h Wasrut dcpdEea ani,la I 2I Frontignan etc.,ceea nu25 ce anidinantichitate, ccalg se cu ' Cercetitorii germaniG.l rcr - Ertl (Actesdu II Congrit Thracolog'ie, Bucarest,1980, v urma studiilorintreprinse Gr in 8 Speranfamediede viaf de ombele sqt se sirueazii la Germania de su4 in sec. XWI . burg gi Smonia infeioarS sec jumdtatc a secolului )OX, U XIX deja 22 ani.

C5tre cititor - To the reader


Am primit multezecide scrisori referitoare la GETtrCA Nici una din acestea contestd nu ce_va conlinutul revistei.Dimpotrivd, mulli din cititori au cuvinte de apreciereprMtor la aiticolele publicate,la argumentaliaadus5 h $i tezele noi pe care le propOnem.DacE am fi primit weo sesizare impotrMtoareideilorpe care le impdrtdgimin GETICA arh fi publicat_o, cum am ardtatin nurndrulini[iai. Un cititor qi-aexprimatindoialacdsperan[a de viafi la nagtere, antichitate, in era,in fapt,de 18ani,nu 19ani cum,dintr-o sc5pare vedere, de a aperutpe p.77 gi 100.Cifta figureazi in cartea Dr. M. A. Legrand, I-a longevitdd traivers les 6ges, Paris,1911, 47: p.

We havereceivedtensof lettersreferring to the GETICA magazine. None of them deniei anytling of its contents;on the contrary,many readers praisedits articles, strongand mnsis_ its tent argumentation, the new theories it proposes. Suchas mentionedin the initial issue. had we received any letter opposing the ideas held by the GETICA magazine, would havewe published in the presentissue. it In one of our readers, letter we muld find expression the doubt that in ancienttimesthe of expectation life duration on birth were that of short - 18 years,in fact, and not 19 yearsas it wasmisrakenlywritren pages on 77and100. The figureis mentioned Dr. M. A. Iigrand's book in paris, 1911,, 47: I-a longevit travers 6ges, a les p.

Il estjuste de remarquer... durde de la vie dansla Rome des Cdsarsn'aurait pas la dpass en moyenne dix-huitans.

Cifra concorddcu celedin numeroase alte lucriri. V6rsta mediegi speranfa viagd nag_ de la fereau crescut foarteincetde-alungulsemlelor, astfel cd la inceputulsecolafuiHX aceasta din turnd era de 25 ani (Michel poniatowski, L'avenir n'izst 6cit nulle part, 197g, p. 59). P. Chaunu presupune(p. 203) ci 25 ani s-au atinsmai deweme cuun iecol. Deci,in 1gsecole speranta via15 na$tere crescutcu 7 ani! de la a O altl sursd(I-ouis Michel, I-a langte des pcheursdu golf du Lion 1964,p. gl), aratd: Vdrstamediea mbr$lor tn Franla,la ltfl6, era de 35 ani,dar la Palavaseaeradenuntai 15 ani (l), la Wasmt dzpdgea ani,b Mangis 22 ani,la 2I Frontignan etc.,ceea nu-i departede cei 1g 25 ce ani din antichitate, ccil 18secole devreme. cu mai Cercet5toriigermaniG.Kurth gi O. Roehrer - Ertl (Actesdu II Congris Intemational de ' Thracologie, Bucarest,1980, vol. III, p.417), in urrnastudiilorintreprinse Germanii, au gisit: in 8 Speranlamediede viafd a noilor ndsculi de ambele sde se sittteazd la cirea 2O aniatn Germania de sud, in sec. XVIVXVIII" Brandenburg Si Suonia tnfenoary' sec.XWII Si prima jumdtatc a secolului IOX, Macklenburg .sec. XIX deja 22 ani.

and it is consistent with that mentionedin manyother workson the topic;The average age and the life expectation birth increased on quiie slowly duringrhecenturies, that,bythe begin_ so ning of the nineteenth century,the latter wai 25 years(Michel Poniatorvski, L,avenir n'est6cit nullepart,1978,p. 59) whileon page203of his book P. Chaunu meniionqhisb6he-f that the 25 years limit had been reached a eenturybefore. Thus, it appears clearlythat 18 centuribs hisoi tgv had meantin factjust seven yearslongerin llle expectation birth! on Another source([,ouis Michel, La lantue des pecheundu golf du Lion, l9f/., p.81) shirs tbat in lffi theaverage deathagein Fraitce was 35,but in Palavas wasonly lS7,D;innas it did it not qceed 2l and in Manguis antl Frotxignan it was22 and 25, respectively, which is not viry far from the ancient 18 years,eighteencentiries before. After studiesundertakenin Germany,G. Kurth and O. Roehrer-Eril (Actesfut IIe Congres Intemational de Thracolrryz! Bucharest, 1980, iII, p. 417)foundrhat: vol. 8.In tbe seventeentb and eighteenthcenturie! the averagelife expectation ofthe newly born of both Eqes rrycts about 2O yearc in Souih Germany;in Brandenburgand Lower Saxonyin the eighteenth centuryand the first half of the nineteenth century and Macklenburg in the nineteenthcentu4rit alreadywas22.

9 Before20 yearsof age,ane should ca nt 9 Pind Ia atingereavdrsteide 20 ani trebuie 50Vodeath rate with all the r*l' on an average noilar sdsocotimla cca 509amonalitatea nntror bom, and evenmere than lhat. chiar cu mult mai mult. ndscrtliSi l0 It thtu follows that such a popdaian se De 1O aici urmeazd:o astfeldepopulaEie turns deadlive timesin just onecentury. morti intr-un secol. prefacede cinci ori in life Thesehguresconfirm that average cr' Aceste cifre conhrmi sperantamedie de times. in was pectation l8 yearS ancient viali de 18ani,in antichitate. the For such a short lifq expectation ct'tsmice,instructla de Pentru o sperante via16 de tip gcolar,scrisi, nu are sens.Ce sE facd tomary, written schoolingis meaningless-*fiat wouldtr where do in undes5-lfoloseascS absenga woulda peasant withwriting, liranul cu scrisul, of useit in the absence booksor anyother tind de scrise orice fel? cdrlilor, a textelor Up Europaera un con' ofwritteh texts. to the pastcenturiG.Eurrye Pindin ultimelgsecole Culturalm' people. of wasa continent illiterate culturalSse tinent de analfabeli.Mo$tenirea prin imitalie. heritancewas passeddown through fl8ht alrd gi vdzute din auzite, din transmitea by Cind s-ainstituitinvitdmintulprimarobli- hearing, imitation. When primary schoolsbecarnecompulgatoriu,l5ranii nu-qitrimiteaucopiii la gcoald did not allou ther cfuldren lo pentru ci aveaunevoiede munc5. sory, peasants attend school bscausethel' needoJ iabouren invdlSci $i-apoinu considerau le e folositoare *as and theythoughtlearning usel6<lo them. . tura datade Ecoat6. l-et us alsoquote the oPlnpnsof anorher care gi opiniileunui om de $tiin[e Sdcitdrn who has dealtuith such p nerns(P. scholar (P. s-a ocupat cu astfel de aspecte Chaunu, Chaunu, EuropeanCivilizationDunng theEn' Cit'ilizalia Europei in secohtl htminilor, 1986, vol. I. P"103t: lightenment 1986, vol. I, p. 203): Step by step, in the eiglxtcnth cenury tlu medfu din Din etapdfn etapd,europeanul European snatched atmol ten yeats zece average morlii aproape al secolul XWII-lea i-a smuls ldngeraway from thehold o.fdeorlcren,-eanafter ani de viald; zeceani dupd doudzeci c.incide Si adult doubling a means lor ms; rhant r-^enty-fit'e mult mai mult decito dublarea ani (r.)inseamnd the benefitof ciltl;nstd The universal life. To vielii adulte. In benefchtl copildriei. Universala eighteenth {q parlly cennry rlr.:ssiott education rezultdtn renilts pasilne a sec.XVIII pentnteducalie ftom thisimphcit reaicatio4 that had alparte din aceasldconstatareimplicild' aproaPe mosl alwaysbeen uncr'r''ciots' DO NOT INNU II'{VESTE$TI /N totdeaunaincorytientd^ VEST IN DEAIII r.rur otrrl note); general generalinu teachingdocs not pa1 unlessthere is some ns.):alfabetizarea (subl. MOARTE este rentabili decit acolo unde existi o satisfactory| ife erpectation. One shouldalrl trearin mind that for the de speran!6 viali mul[umitoare. from the antiquiq' wholespanof ttmeexrending Ar mai trebuisd se $tiecAin antichitate $i peasanrs schooling, ci"'t'liSatory to theinitiatlon gcolar, pini la apariliainvdpmintului lSraniinu theyneverlearnt fore4n wcre neverbrhng,rai. nu au fost niciodatibilingvi, invilau limbi stra- languages-there $ere no reasonswh,v tbcr pentruce,nu aveacinese-iinvele should have.thL're\Aereno teachers ine.N-aveau and m cum. means. nu aveau $l of For cases nced invadersbrought :"M vine cu transocupantul in cazde nevoie, along. own interpretcrs latoriisdi. si-l[ And 1-etthe troublingquestiont-s Ltsl pcrsisti: tulburdtoare Totugi,intrcbarea had been'.fmeryl'bwhethcrthcre actually aisnu limbi,,strdine"in Europaanticd? EuroPe? guages ancient In -'rr.El Nu ne referim la elind 9i la latina,limbi We do notmeanOld GreekandI I sffi derisod languages, careau fostcon- of them artificial de create cdrturari, artificiale, in orderto scParate. ca cepute sdscparc. ago, Some 2000ycars hadttrcFmary-tD Cu circa 2000de ani in urma, limba pri(ub (pe a mar6,unicS EuropeiNeolitice caresavanlii qut languageof Neolithic Europe call comund)se diversift- scholars common Indo-Eurcpean)becaD o numescindo-europeana ranous group d caseoare atit dc mult incit diverscgrupe de very diversifiedas to render

Citre cititor - To the rr

populafii,provenite din ac mard, din habitstul primar poaE comunicaintre ele? ' Studiile noastre dau r grabdnegativ. Aceastaeste, poate, e menliunilor privindlimbile1 ln textelelatineantice. I Cezar afirmd. In Com riizboiulcu Ga,/ll,la inceput,I rea Galiei ci HI

Ace$tia sedeosebe toti institutii(tradilii)legi. ln afari de aceastd me afldm,mai dcparte, amdn populaliilorcucerite, consi sebirile dintreaccsrca hfir qi o ideede cir eraude diferit latinS. Nici un autorlatincred preocupiri Ei mbsuri ale I pentruinlocuirea limbii pop latina. primul rAndpentru in schimbat. Apoi, chiar daci schimbat, eraposibil nu prac cuceririleImpetiului Romu cuceririle, gxploatareabo cuccrite creqtcrea gi num6 impozite, nu rispindirea iar fiind un spaliuserac, care n hrdneasci populatia pro din asemenea, uitd ci ideea se hdscuse inc5. ' Basmul intelectualicc limbiiuneipopulalii dragu de pjnvenlie de o logici indoie pe cititorici nimenin-afEcu E privinlS, vreo dovad6. f Se ca$icum declaraliile putea ar cdtrecineva. AceEti ,,latinig mentara:
Ei inc

Cdtre cititor - To the reader

populalii, provenite din aceeagi populafie primar6,din habitatul primar, comun,sd nu mai poaE comunicaintre ele? ' Studiile noastredau un raspuhsmai degrabdnegariv. Aceastaeste,poate, explicaliapulinateFi mengunilor privindlimbilepopula[ilor cucerite, in textele latineantice. Cezar afirmi, in Comentaiile sale despre rdzboiulcu Galii, la inceput, inaintede cunoa$te_ reaGalieicd populations, havingoriginated.from same the p"lT""y peoplein the sameprimaqr, common habitat, unable to communicate lmongone another? Our own studics hardlysupportan affirm_ ativeanswer all. at 'Ilis isperhaps exppnationfor thescar_ the cityof mentions concerning languages Lhe the of conquered peoples, we may find thcm in anas cientl-atintexs. of on ^ ...In the beginning hisCommenrary the Gallic war, Caesar asserts, before havingany knowledge Gallia, on that

Hi ogrnes llngua, lnstitutlE legibus intar se dilferunl

Ace$tia sedeosebesc ei prin limbd, toli intre lhese all differ by language, . institutions instir (tradilii)legi. ulii (traditions), laws. in afardde aceastd menliunegenerald, nu . Beyondthis generalmention,he doesnlt aflam, mai departe,aminunte desprelimbile grveus any furthcr detailsconcerning lan_ tbe guages the subduedpeoplesor make any of populaliilorcucerite, consideralii privind deo- commenls at all regarding differences the be_ sebirile dintreaccstea laiina,pcntrua ne face tweenthe larrer gi and l-atin,so that we mightget o ideede cit erau de difcriteintre elegi fald de an ideaof howdifferentthcywereamong-th;m_ selves in comparison l-atin. and latinS. to No trustworthy t-atinauthorevermcntions Nici un autorlarincredibil menlioneaze nu from the parf of the preocupdrigi m6suri ale [mperiului Roman any concrnor measure RomanEmpirefor the replaceme of thesub_ nt pentruinlocuirea limbii populagiilor cucerite cu dued peoplcs'languages by I.atin. Firstly,belatina. primul rAndpcntruci nu era nimicde causc in was nothinq. change. to Seconclly, -thcre schimbat.Apoi, chiar daci ar fi iost ceva de evenif therchadindeed been something alter, to schimbat, eraposibil nu practic. al trcilea way in rand thercwasno practical to do so.An<tthirdly as cuceririle Impcfiului Roman vizau,ca loatc bccause. all othcr conquests, thoseachievci cuceririle, gxploatareabogi!iilor teritoriilor by the Romanlimpire aimcdat the exploitation of thc riches the newlyconqucred of territories cucerite$i cregterea numdruluiplititorilor de andthc increase ofthe numberoftaxpayers, and impozite, nu rdspindirea iar limbii latine,Iralia not lhespreading of l_atin. muchthe moreas So fiind un spalius6rac, care nu era capabilsi-gi Itall rrasa poorarea,unableto feed its populahrdneasci populaliadin producliaproprie.De tronwithitsownproducc. And,at thesame time, asemenea, uiti ci ideeade naliune nu se pcople orrerlook se the fact that the conccptof nationhadnot cvenbecndeviscd bdscuse yet. incd. 'llrc inrellectual conccrnrng changtalc rhc Basmulntelectualiccsc I privrnd sc[.limbarca ing of its own language vtme .nnqrere-d b1' limbiiuneipopulalii dragul de unuiocupant este population t.hcsakeof the conqueror for is a p jnventiede o logic5 indoielnic6 ii asigurdm mcrecult uralinvcntion, Ei bascd somc on doubtful pe cititorici nimenin-afticutvreodata, aceas- logicandweassure readers our in no&rdyhasever beenable to bring an1, tA privinld, matcrialproof in this vreo dovadi.Se facdeclaraiii $i_arit, respect. All pcopledo is makcstatements if as cagicumdectaraliile puteafi luatein serios ar de statemcnl,s assuchcouldbe takenseriously unc5trecineva. Aceqrr 'Ihese uiri ,,latinigti,, obligalia ele- lesssupportcdby cviclcncc. ,,latinists., mentarA: ovcrlook scholars' all elementary obligation:
E i i n c u m b i t p r o b a t i o q u i d i c i t . n o n q u i n e g a t( d i c t o n l a t i n ) .

AdicA,ii revineobliga[ias6 dovedeascelui careafirm6,nu celuicareneag5. Cine-giinchipuie cd se poate ',inva[a limba HtinAcan6dd", cum s-aincercatprin anii'50 cu' l lirnbarusi, se-ngal5. fdrd scris, Limba latin6 nu se putea inv61a de cdtre fiii aristocra[ieilatine (vezi iluscbiar tn latinS, careeleviiau traliile prMtoare la gcoala cerate pe care',;scriu" cu: pe genuchi t5bli[e graphissaucalamus)stylus, au' limba latinS. Dar ca se poaE fi tnvSfagi tohtonii de pe tot cuprinsulprwinciilor romane trebuiausd fie mai intAialfabetizagi. suslindtoriaitezei Nici cei mai tnverEunali plni acoloinclt s5afirmecd ocupantii n-aumers cq cursuridealfabetizare sdpriseasci organizau latinofoni. de ci NegAndindu-se speranga via[5 era in acesteiteze antichitatede 18 ani, credinciogii curincepeau stabilitSila cevArstd (religii) n-au. a de alfabetizare celede insuEire limbii surile Ei gi sr6ine, unde se lineau,c6ndse incheiau cili pe aceasticale. latinofonis-auoblinut , Cit despre nimeninu latindvulgar6 aga'zisa varianti $tie ceva sigur pentru ci neavando literardn-au rlmastexte scrise. . lntr-o logicSelementari, desprece nu se, gtie nimic nu se poate afirma nirnic.Un basm ar rimane basinoricili adepgi avea-

must prote and m That is he who asserts he who conte$t$. ft is pure irnaginationto conceiw of a pcsibility of ,learning htin by singing' as tbldee had tieen spreadin the fifties refferring to Russian. of not I-atin coutrd be learnt in the absence of writing, oren by the descendants I-atiD arb' tbe concerning IJtocracy(seethe illustrations tin school,showingpupilswith waxenslatesoo their kneesand using stylus,graphis,or calamus)So,in order to be taughtl:tin, the natives from ail wer thq Roman prwinces had to b first. taughtwritingandreading of supporters Not eventhe most obstlnate that hqveevergoneso far asto assert this thesis in theinvaderswere thehabitof organizingwrit-' in ing and readinglessons order to spreadtheir language. in Overlookingtlrat life expectation antiqof supporters thistheory 18,thezealous uitywas wasfor begindid (reiigion) notnnd$ hai theage *rittng, reading o[ ningsuchlessons iearnrn-i. wnere of and the learning the f.'::.:n lansuage, and heid,hox lo:,: inel lasted how courseswere ined had manyl-atin speakers ceeI c'i r-a thisway' nobodycan rulsarI-atrn Ason theso-cailed a therenot existing since certain anything assert thereare $j \rrltten textsleft to fiteraryvariani thines. helpusjudge Suchas pure comrncn senseprompts us' rted nothingcanbe asse oh thingsnobodyknou's about.And a taie*rll ba taleirresFcanything tiveof the numbercf ils adePs.

Citrc cititor - To the rt

sint date ln franceza vechr f,ranceze, rnenlionate,io t( goare.

., tg

Celmai in;portantaspe

: It then has beennoticedthat we haveoot Ni s-aobservatc5 n-am publicatbilingv gi givena bilinguaiverstcnof the article.[r Ancienr artimlul in vechimeFranla a fost romdnofond! hmes France x'asRunanoPhone! in N-am f?icut-o, primul rdnd, din slrdcie, be The reason hind thisis prirnarilya mw1 din lipsa de bani, dublareaacestuiarticol ar Fl problcm sincecioubiingthis articleyou]O , !n; volumului revisteicu peste meanta more than 20 pages growth1n166hl& insernnatcre$terea creq- of the magaane,almost one fifth and a sb 20 pagini,aproapeo cincime,gi respectiv a in tereacostuluiei. Pe de alt6 parte,$iacesta fost sequentincrease the printing costs Oo F cb' decislt"e elementulhotdrftor,romAnaestelimbd oficialfi other hand. and this has been the French,It4liad, Portr4re rrl ment. besides la Uniunea latin6, aldturi de: francez5,italiaSpauish,Romanianis, after ill, an o{fcirl l* ni, portughezi gi sPanioli. at guage The Latin Union. strdini, 6rora revistali C.zatare,specialiStii .{s a result, the foreign. schoiss w shouid h'avep ln se adreseazS, primul rilnd, tebuic sd yie romasaane primarily addresses de potlttt somelonwledgeof kunanian,.ut lot un mdcar atft cit sd inleleagd articol mdneSte Lhemundelat4'at to suificient enable exemplele, theamount care specialitate,ln ParteailustrativS,

!e umanistegi sociale(iston Culturii gi cMlizaliei etc.) il datelor pe care se sprijin5 Dacd bazade date pe caresr esteeronatd,tezar6mine ln plat cu unele tez esential niste care-sfundamarltate eronate,sau dedusede la r din aparenge. Uneori se ia c istoriccareconvinetezeigi 1 un moment istoricante$or .versd, risturnatd cu 180 De aceea, examina ln saulingvisticii, poate nu .riei lecturi, ci de o studierecc Spreregnetr.ll in noistru, ac am lnlEturat, aflatnumeroa laqi autor, sentintedate pe b3zate doar pe pirerile autc pe informalii fundamental t caduci construcliateoretic .losite. Sdddm citevaexempl tale evidente. In Raportul cdtre & (mmpusi din I" Kalinderu, Quintescu,D. StuFza,Gr. Ilepites), Sextil PuEcariu Raport, publicatln vol. I al bii Rom6ne,p. XXXII, scr t)Traducereacuvinte ced sepoae face fdrd greu cezde attt de bogatdtncit tn , termenii corespunzdtoi cek Afrrmagia estefals6gir unui popor romAn tin5r, e recente,de pro'renien1isi dccidentale. Astfel de afirm mult ca sigur, din arsenal fcclii de compunerea,$ ir vedeapenfiu certificarePr

C[tre cititor ' To the rcader

sint date ln francezaveche, confcrrmsurselor franoeze,mentionate,[n toate eazurile,cu figoare. * Cetmai inlportanta$pcct, aga-zisele in gtiinistoria te umanistegi sociale(istorla,lingvistica, Culturii gi civilizatriei etc.) il constituiecaliratea datelor pe care se spri.lind tez,6, afirrna[ie. o o DacEbazade datepe careseedificFo conceplie, esteeronat5,tezardm8neln vint. ASas-ainffimplat cu unele teze esenfiale gtiinfelorumaale niste care-sfundamantatepe Runneroase date eronate,sau dedusede la suprafa[alucrurilor, din aparenge. Uneori se ia ca etalonun moment istoriccareconvinetezeigi pares-osuslinA, de$i En moment istoricante5ioraraH o realitateinvers6,rdsturnatd 180 cu De aceea, examinarea in concluziiloristoriei saulingvisticii, poatefi vorbade o simpl5 nu lecturii, ci de o studierecomparati a faptelor. Spreregretul nostru,in aceastd operatiede nelnlAturat, aflatnumeroase am contradicliila acelagi autor, sentinge date pe ignorarearealit6lii, baTate doarpe$rerile autoruluidespre fapt, un pe informalii fundamental eronate, ceeace,face caducdconstrucliateoretici lacare au fost fo.losite. Sddim citevaexemple erori fundamende tale evidente. In Raportul citre Camisia liic[ionarului (compusidin I. Kalinderu,TiturMaiorescu. N. Quintescu,D, Stulza, Gr. Tocilescugi SL C. Hepites),Sextil Puqcari intormitoruI acestui u, Raport,publicat vol. I al Diclionaruluitimin bii RomAne. XXXtrI, scrie: p. 1) Traducerea cuvintelorromdneSti frantn cezdsepoue faceidrd greutae, cdci limba ftancezde attt de bogatdtncit tn eagdsimaproary tofi termeniicorespunzdtoicelnr din limba noasad-.. Afirmagiaestefalsaqisebazeaz5 dogma pe unui popor roman tiner, a unei limbi romAne recente, prorenienti similar5cu a.limbilor de occidentale. Astfeldeafirma[iisint preluate, mai mult ca sigur, din arsenaluloc-ci.,lental con_ de fecgiide eompunerea istoria iimbilor (a se gi vedeapentru certiflcarePrefafagi cornplemen-

a specializedworkwhere examplesare given in Old French, accordingto the French iources rigorously mentionedin all cases.

The mostimportantaspectin the so-called socialand humanistic sciences (history,liirguistics,the historyof cultureandcivilization, etc.)is the qualityof the datasupportingone assertion or another.If the dau basisunderlyinga thesis or a concption prwes to be mistaken, the respective assertion turns into empfy talk. This is the case with some essentia!theses of the humanities,basedon many erroneousdata or data derivedfrom the surfaceof things.Sometimes,the footmarkerissomehistoriceventsuitingthethesis seerning support although and to it, someother,previpus historicmomentmaypoint to a do*nright opposed reality. This is why the examinationof the conclusions draun by historyor lingristics cannot mean a mere reading but some comparative studyof facts.We very much regrettedthe fact that. on undertakingthis absolutelynecessary task,we\*ereableto comeacross quite a bulk of mntradictions with the sameauthor,assertions based on the ignoration of reality, on the author's mereopinionregarding someeveRt, on fundamentally mistakeninformation,turning the entireconstruction they underliedefinitely null. Let us grve someexamples obvious of fundamental errors. In hisReport to the DictionaryCommittee (madeup of I. Kalinderu,Titu Maiorescu, N. D. Quintescu. Sturza,Gr. Tocilescu, SL C. and Hepites). SextilPuEcariu, authorof the Report published rhe first volumeof the Romanian in I:nguage Dictionary,on page XXXII, writes the follcnving: i) The transluion of Romanian wordsittto French can be easilydonesinceFrench is so rbh that we can find in it ahnost all the terms corl respnding to thosein ow o$'n lanWge... The aboveassertion mistakenand it lies is on the dogmaof a youngRomanian peoplz,of a recent Romanian languge, of an extraction similarto that of Westernlanguages. Suchstatements are undoubtedly taken over from the Westernrangeof artefactsregardingthe compositionand historyof languages certifica(for tion, also rcfer to the Prefaceand the preface



CItre cititor - To the rea

dcbla' p. Supplement, I-LIX. in Dictionnaire tul de prefald, p. I-I-IX, Le Dictionnairede la par E. Littr6, de IAffir gte frangaise langre franEaisepar E. Littr6, de I'Acaddmie 1873). Frangaise, 1873). Frangaise, Rumanianis by far wealthierthanFrr d Limba romind estc incomparabil mai with ffiEl dealing but mst of the Romaruans bogati decit franceza,dar cei mai multi dintre oflb knowledge havebut a surface languages nu romani care se ocupi de limbi strSine $tiu theRuml-r To ownlanguage. put rtdrfferently, romane$tedecit superficial.Cu alte cuvinte' that philotogists speakis scanty,more precis!romAna pe caneo gtiu filologii e siqaci, mat not is their knoilledge scanq'and the languaFn precis:cuno$tinlelelor de limbd romana sint itself which is perhap one of the most gbfirls cea probabil mai sirace,iar nu LimbaRom6n6, of conquess hunnn genius. spiritual uman. a geniului cucerire.spiritualS glorioasd whileworkingm On tbe6-thof June 1987, siu tn I-a 6 iunie 1987, cabinetul de lucru, Dictionary tDnt timp ce the standardRwunian- E nglish regretatul profesor Leon kvifchi, in the 7000pages. late professfr care was to comprise etalon, Rom0n'Englez lucrala un Diclionar Iron l-evifchi said: ]brr simplycannot realizc urma si aib5cca7000p', ne-aspus:Nu vd dali e. whata ich langnge v'eha'.' But,unfortunnteb'. dar, ce dle seama Gheorghe limbd bogatiiavem, limba romdnd we don'l know Romaniansince it has shades romdneSte, din pdcate, ntt {tim lVestem languages- English avdnd subtilitdlinecunosailelimbilor occiden' unknown to equivalentiare ven often difficult to find for pentnt oi tale. De foarte numeroQse rur gdsesc, to and I hate to resort circwn' words cuvinte romdneyi, echivalente englezeEi sint Rotnanian loctttions. obligat sd recurgla Pi{taze. IIe wasthenvorking on the letter M and cat?r spus: literaM, $ine-a atuncila Seg6sea ,,(wine) how am I suppsed to translate added: ("'in) miStrel? a addugat: traduceu in englezd $i mistre(' in Engtish?And he \rent on saying"I voi daun echivakntpentnt,,vinacru",dar e altd shall givean equivalent -sow v'ine",but this for but also sintagpd,prezentd in romdnd,insd carenu are isanother syntagm, peseruin Romanian, Si in the,,colour"of .mLsrrel.. lacking a" ,,culaare lui mistretFrom this viewpoint,S- PuEcariudaringly Din acest punct de vedere' S. Puqcariu fint of all' The DictionaryConuninee. cu aplombin primul rilnd Com- misleads dezinformeazi ln names it alcituitd $i din somiEli ale although wasmadeup of rmpcnant isia Dicgionantlur, ls tberenel' lucru,nu edstd culture,too. Odd enough. curios culturii.Cu toateacestea, had dovezici cinevadintrenemuritoi sd h protestat no sign that any of thesepersonallties any this against mlstake. inexactitEgi. objections lmpotrivaacestei $e On theotherhand, areno$'abletowrite Noi putemscrie,pe loc,numaipe riddcina ln.cuprinsul some hundreds of Romanian popular words (a se vedeaartimlul respectiv Bor tbe revistei)citevasute de cuvinte populareromA- only starting ftom the root BOR (refer to words.menarticlein the magazine), resPctive nelti, care figureazAIn Diclionarul Academiei, Dictionary,for which no franceze. tionedin the AcademY pentru care nu se cunoccechivalente are equivalents knswn: French Dexemplu: BORnac,BoRhot, BOR;' BOREeT' Bol,bodna, BORceag, BQRboase, BORAnddu, a BORhAi, BORi,BORdeietc'etc' BRdnzirie, BURce, BARqe, BOREar, oricui credeci ftanceza Jinem la dispari[ia bogdlialexicalS' in sepoatecompara, ceprivegte cu romAna citeva mii de cuvinte rom6neqti populare pentru care francpzanu are echi' valente. ci Iatd Qece suslinem afirfialiade mai sus nu a lui s. PuEcariu are 2er"r'rilgin rralitarf Anybodywho holds that, as far as lexical to Frenchmay comPare wealtttis concerned, of can consult our list consisting Romanian, wordsthat have of other thousands Romanian equivalent. no French This is thc reasonwhy we hold that S'
Pr'.-riiu'S allitvs a,q$fitr."' 'r ilaf ifil9.

2) Uneoi insd nu-i cu . francez,N. ns.)" echivalentul neascdryrimii o idee necun S. de ex.mimiligi, adaugd I 1n acest caz, dezinfom toare,pentru c5,in realitate din mdmdliga f6indde Porun perioaddcu romanii. Surprinzdtor, Comisia afirmalie fan respinsaceastd nea, unii intelectuali cu Y Fra Franta,careau cunoscut nu vardelepariZiene, $tiauc mite provincii,francezii sint mdmdligd.I-a intrebareada unii n0n mdmdligd, din au Mt, un aer de superioritate: mai la noi..., ca gi cum ar fi bine, sd folosegtimSmdliga pot concepedecit cu mdma mental, ne$tiinp lor intr-o zilor. Or, realitateaestefoarl intelecnnle(l) ale rot basme Strdiniicareau cunos neasci au apreciat-oca ma diPlt De francxzA. exemPlu, Porter, carea lucrat gi la An Paris,dar a petecut$tzeces a (Operaliune Autonomous, cure$i sg puteau mdnca dt mdneSti,neatinse de Bucda b de din punctele atractieale la carecontribuie deliciula raflnateleP numeroasele'gi bu de porumb,necunoscute ln volumulLe liwe d't gaise(Carteade aur a buci ris, 1912, in care toate re literagigi de artigti,pe P. 30 intituhta l-es GAUDES,sc , Radot,membru al Acaden terciu sedescrieprepararea trini de porurnb,dupAre[ rarea se face ca la noi. Aut mdlaiseamesteciincontin (gntne mareade cocoloage

Cdtre cititor - To the reader

2) Uneoi insd nu-i cu putinld (si se dea echivalentultrancez,N. ns.)le cd vorbarom6neasciiryimd o idee neaunoscutA francezi, de de ex.mimiligi, adaugi S. Pugcariu. ln acestcaz, dezinformarea este revoltitoare,pentru c5,in realitate,franceziiau folosit mdmdliga fdindde porumb cam din aceeagi din perioadd romanii. cu Surprinzdtor, Comisia Dicgionarulwi n-a respins aceasta afirmalie fanteziste. asemeI)e nea, unii intelectualicu gederiprelungilein Franta,careau cunoscut Franla numaipe bulevardelepariziene, $tiauc5, cel pulin ln anunu mite prcnrincii, francezii slnt mai mdncdtoi de ' mdmdligd. I: intrebareadaci fn Franla se m6n6nci mdmiligi, unii din acegtia rdspuns, au cu un aer de superioritate: dragd,a{a cevarub Nu, mai la noi..., ca gi cum ar fi ruEinos mdnAnci sd bine, sd folosegtimimdliga ta feluri care nu se . pot concepedecit cu mdmdligd,transformdnd, mental,ne$tiinla intr-o ,,virtute"a francelor zilor. Or, realitatea foartedeparte aceste este de basme intelecnule(t) ale romdniior. Striinii careau cunoscut BucdtiriaromAneascl au.apreciat-oca mai rafinatl decit cea francezl.De exemplu, diplomatul britaniclvor Porter, carea lucrat gi la Ambasada englezidin Paris, a petecut zece in Romdnia dar gi ani scric (Operaliunea Ar$onomow, 1991,p. 36); in BucureStise puteau mdnca delicioselc bucate romineyi, neatinse de Bucdtdria francezd- lJnul din punctele atraqieale de buc5teriei romane$ti, carecontribuiela deliciulacesteia. constituie il numeroasele rafinatelepreparatele mdlai cu $i de porumb,necunoscute bucit5rieioccidentale. ln volumul Le liwe d'or de la cuisine frangaise(C-artea aur a bucdtdrieifranceze), de Paris, 1912,ln care toate reletelesint scrisede literali gi de artigti,pe p. 30-31segese$te re[eta intitulatd Les GAUDES, scrisd Ren6 de Vallery. Radot, membru al AcademieiFranpeze, care in sedescrie prepararea terciuluiliamdmdligii din trind de porumb, dupe releta francezl-Prepararea se face ca la noi. Autorul arati ci apa cu mSlaiseamestece incontinuupentrua evitafor(gntmeatui. mareade cclcoloage

2) But sometimes /us (giving the French equivalent) notpossible theRomanianword is as q)resses an idea unlqtown to the Frencl4 for uample,mimdligd (hominir, maizeporridge),S. PuEcariu adds. The misleqding revoltingin this casebeis gausethe French have in fact used maizeporridgebeginning with almostthc sametime asthe Romanians. gy Surprisin enou gh,ttteD b tionmyCommittee did not reject this fanqastic assenion. rhe At same time,,someintellectuals that had lived in Francrfor ciulte sometime but knewit onlybyrhe Parisboulevards werenot acquainted the faci to that,in someFrench prcvinces atleast,IheFrench are great euers of maizc poridge. tseing asked whethcrtheFrench eatmaize do porridge, putting on airs,someof these intelleclual ansryered: ,"lVo, certainlyno\ such a thing only with rzs..."as if it werea shame eatwellandusehominyfor dishes to that cannot be eaten otherwise,thus mentally transforming their o\iln ignorance into someimagrnary of ,,virtue" theFrench. While realityis very far from these intellecnal (!) ralesof theRomanians. Foreigners gotacquainted Romathat with niancuisine considbred as more refinedeven it than the Frenchone.Fonexample, British the diplomAtlvor Porterwho alsoworked for the BritishIlmbassy Paris, spcntten years in but in wrotethefollowing hisbookOperaRomania, in tion Autonomous, 1991, p.36;in Bucharest one could try the deliciow Romanian food, untouchedbytheFrench cuisine. Oneofthe attractions of Romanian cuisine, ccrntributing its refined to taste, themanyandexquisite are dishes madeof maizeflour, unknorvn westerncooking, to ln the Le liwe d'or de la cuisine frangabe, Paris.1912, whereall recipes writtenby arare tists andliterary men,on page 30-31 canfind one the recipe referring l.esGAUDES, to writtenby Ren6 Vallery-Radot, membr of the French Academy, describing preparation maize the of pnidge and homin,v,French style. They are madeaswe useto makethem,whilethe author also insists that the boilingwater'shouldcontinuously mxed withthc maize be {lour,in order 1ssvoidlhe formation balls(gptmeaur). of



Cdtre cititor - To the r

The book also mentions tbat milk and c5, Semengioneazi in familiile numeroasg hominy were the onlY dish for numemus mEmlliga cu lap'teera unicul fel de mincarc in families on wintcr nights! 'people mming from Francheserile de iarni! Several originaredin Franche- Comt6,a districtfi the eastof France,evenlaid Mai multe persoane Comte; regiune din estul Fran[ei, locuind la the foundationof the l{ominy Ealerc'Assaciain rron(desGaudistes) Paris'The famousfpuis Paris, au fondat Asocialia mdmdligarilar (d* CelebJul lluis Pasteur' Past ur who was coming hom French-Comt Gaudistes) din Pwis. of this assoctatton' originar din Franche Comt6, membru al acestei himsel! and was a member his title of gutdiste,eater of ailia1ii, revendicacu mindrie titlu de gaudiste, wasvery Droudof and hominy.The purposeof tbe terci 9imimilig5' Scopulasocia- maizepoirlOge de mAncStorde association was to strengthen links between in prietene$ti iurul liei era stringera-Jegiturilor people around this traditional dish' This is why fel tradilional. De aceea,Regulamentul stipulated bne negutationsof the Association "ttttoi Asocialiei prevedeaca masasdptdm6nali' priethat the-weeklyftiendly rneal of these Parisians a teneasc5, acestorparizienioriginaridin Fran' coming from Frenche.Comtdshould atways tbe che-Comt6,sd lnceapi totdeauna cu terci de startithmaizc ponidge,ptepred in exactly ca la noi' to prepareit. milai de Porumb,PreParat sameway aswe use reuniuni la participant unele Vallery-Radot then adds: althoughseem' Vallery-Radot homtnyand ntaizepr' subo aryenld pulin grea" ingtydfficult to digest, ale Asocialiei, adaug5: sint tqoarc pentru stomttc' iige are easilydigestiblc'Under their infhtence' terciul Si mdmdliga thi inhatitants of Franche'Comt{ speakslawly Datoritd lor, locuitorii din Franche'Cotfid au and are quick'witted plin de finqfe' vorbakntd Sispiritul In the South of France,where fiiere are unde se cultivd masiv In sudul Franlei, I populatia' ample maizefields,mainlyreferringto the Ain porumbul,cu referirela regiuneaAin, population the greath maizeconsuming mare consumatoarede mdlai, este poreclitd disirict. vennes nicknamed iaunes(\'avis vennes iattnes(t-ouis Michel, La langue des is suggestive\' ' pcheun du GoIf d'uLion' a tanguedes p' 81), adicd uiciir, t pechbws -burtd du Golf du Lio41964, belly,a nickname p. justificatd de consumul 1964, 81), meaningliellow galbend,porecld of mnsumption hominy' justifiedry theirSreat maredemdmdligd In the samecontext,an evenmore recent context,qi o informalie mai reln acelaqi piece of information: in the south of France, eontir mfundliga, numitd, tn sudul Franlei' nt t@mirryE alled Poule o, poulenta,
uncp60cdcfarlncdcma.isquelonfai|""|T*""reru.Eroccitan|ecGmelcslfortuslt6 Occitott a tountai4 p' Xf9' surtoul dans le Llmousln ct I'cs Alpcs (M. Gros u,

ln ,,Rewe de linguis vier-Juin1978,tome 42, 1 * (Sud-Quest) bouillie de de faini de porumb). Nu ne-ampropussi pra risplndiriiconsumulu din in Franla. Totuqi, cele c le-amgdsitin biblioteca no cu certitudine in mai mu c5 mnsuniul de terci gi mdm indisc[tabil6.Daud din ref 1964gi 1987. Esteab$olutr secoluluiacestconsumsI pindit, daei nu chiar gen Una din referinle estedin rifia volumului I din DA folosireamimiligii in Frar S-a f6cut mereu ca realitate. o declarati de noa$trd de mdruiligdrism Vallery-Rndot, ar justific


Pierre Chaun tt, Civilizayia Europei tn seII, WrumcoMlwninilor. 1986,vol. p.52, scrie: masiv,din bazasa ibericd bul careserdspindegte impuntndu-setn -rudul ,i italiuld" ctrceritdinsec- WI, nostruoceanic(al Franlei, N' ns') in sec' )MIII, iat mai departe,p. 441: In sec' XWIL constituie llertura det6ind deporumb,pol'enta, bazi al hranei populare'Iar fig' un aliment de 147(vol. II) reproduceun celebrutablou al lui Pietro Loughi intitulat Polenta tn care se ilusffeazemomentulrlsturndrii dintr-un ceaun(ca cele de la noi) a mimiligii pe o mas5'

Pierre Chaunt, in European Civihzation furins the Enlightenmen!,lgffi, vol' II, p' 52, spreadingfrom writiabout n iize that is heavily lberian and ltalian base,that had been^ -toiitn itsiniiat a n rhesifieenthcenruty imposingilself in on o* southetncoast the eifueenthcentury In and then adds,on page 447'- the eigrueenth centry, maizeporridge,polenta,is a basiceler."t Ilp"p"ru. r*a]piCture 147in thesecond volumelnd*s a famouspaintingby Pietro Lon' ghi, entitledPolcnta, illustrating the very moitent whenthewarm porridgeistoppledoveron a tabtefrom a round pot, just like ours'

Se gtie,sau nu, in R primarobligatoriu fostle a tea Frangei (1882), iar I .+ p. 6) scne:.lnlvnoacla ml urmau studii superioarea rutmerogidectt engle zii. De asemenea, Fra in fnflneau persoanetn vfrn mdcar franceza in seca bdrbali fnvdlau francem militar (I-es Atias linquir CNRS,nr. 37,juillet 1980 Astfel de situatii sint rnAn5. ' pe Nu-i de-n[eles ce c$nd a declaratmdrndliga c Ia, in timp cenumeroase sirea terciului a mimilil qi dar gi modul lor de prepa la noi. Numai in documen descoperit nume aletr trei polentag Franfa (gaudes,

Citre cititor - To the readeu.

ln ,,Rewe de linguistique Romane".Ianvier-Juin1978,tome 42, p" 1B8gisirn: Miltas . (Sud-Quest) bowillizdefarine de mnts (terei de faini de porumb). Nu ne-ampropuss6 facernun studiu asupra rdspindiriiconsumuluide terci gimdmdligd in Fran$a. Totuqi,din celecitevareferinlepe care le-amgisit in biblioteca noa$trB'personale reie$e cu certitudineci in mai multe regiunialeFran{ei consurdulde terci gi mlmilig6 e$reo realitate indiscbtabi16. DouEdin referingele citatesintdin 1964 1987. gi Esteabsol$t norrnalca incepurul la secoluluiacestconsurnsd fi fost mult mai r6spindit, daci nu chiar generalln mediul ru,ral. Una din referin[e estedin 1912, fnainte apade ri[ia volumului I din DA iar c a treia atestd folosireamdmiiigii in Franla in sec.XVtrII! S-a frcut mereu caz, iErS'acoperire in realitate, de o declaratdinapoierecuimrald a noa.strd de mdmiligdri*ratl nostru care, dupE Valfery-Radot, ar justifica un spiit de finege spectfc. Se Etie,sau nu, in RomAnialnvSlimintul primarobligatoriua fost legiferat, 1864, !a inaintea Frangei (1882), iar lvor Porter {lucr. cit., p. 6) scrie:in p*ioada interbelicd,romdnii care urmnu studii supeioare erau"propo,rlional,mai nwneros dectt engle i rii. De asemenea, Franla,catre 1950 se in (!) tnflneau Wwoane tn vdrstd tare nu inlelegeau mdcar franceza in secolul nostnt incd unii bdrbayi invdlau franceza tn ti*npul stagiului militar (Les Atlas linquistiquesde la France, CNRS,nr.37,juillet198ii, p.7). Astfel <iesituafii sint de neimaginat roin mEn5. pe , Nu-i de-nteies ce s-abs?st i$"PuEcariu c6nda declaratmdmdiiganecu,xoscettdFrantn cdrli menfioneazifolo,d, in timp ce numeroase sireaterciuluigi a mamaligiiincadin sec.XVIII, dar gi modul lor de preparare,identiccu cel de la noi. Numai in documentaliadin casd,noi am descoperit numeale terciuluigi m6rndligii trei in Franfa (gaudes, polentagi millas). S, Fugcariu,

Furthermore, in ,,Rewe de linguistique Itomane" Janvier-Juin 8,T ome42,p. 188we 197 may frnd the following: Mitlas (sud-ouest)bouillede farinede mai's (maizeporridge). It is not our pllrpose herg to make a thoroughstudyon the spreading ofthe habit of, having moizz ponidge and hominy as popular' . nieals in France.Nevertheless, few referthe enceswe have found among our own books cleartyrevealthat they haveundoubtedlybeen someregularfood in several districtsof France. Two of the references havequotedare ftom we 1964and 1967.Ir is absolutelv normal that its consumption should have been much wider at the beginningof the century,if not donnright general thecountryside. of thereferences in One beingfrom 1912, prior to the publication the of first volumeof TheAcademy Dictionaty,while4 third assersthe useof hominyin Francein the eighteenth century! Even if there is no real proof to it, people hadalways quiteanemphasis our cr"iltural Iaid on backwardness, the heavy consumptionof on uhile in Vallery-Radot's hominy'. opinion this very habrt underliesa specifictrait of spiriaal refinement. AJrhcughvery manypeoplemay ignoreit, primarl' schoolteachingbecameobligatory in Romaniain 1864, aheadof France(1882)and, on p. 6 of his atready quotedwork, lvor Porter assrts thal ihe rutmberof Romaniaruthat were attendingcolkge counes between two world the wars *'as proponionally gre:ater than that of the Englrsl", At the sametime, aroundthe 1950's,.one cnuldmeeteAer$peopk inFrancethatcouWnot even wldentand Freiiclt In our centun there v'oe nan in France that learnt French-during their regulnr army training (Les Atlas linguistiErcs de h France, CNRS, nr. 37, Juillet p. 1e80. 7) Such circumstances unconceivable are in the case Romanian. of Thereforeit is impossible infer what the ro basisenabtingS. Pugcariu was to assertthat hominywereunknownto theFrench,while, such as we have demonstrated, there are a lot of booksmentioningthe useof hominy in France asfar backastheeighteenth centuryand theway it usedto be prepared, similarto our own. Not searching deeperthan our own books, wewerenevertheless to find threedifferent able names maizeporridgeand hominyin France for (gaudes,polenta, millas) and it is surprising

n-a mai incomparabil mare, desintr-obibliotecd nici micar mdmdliga,respincopcrit nici unul, de cu maialcsrurald, mult inainte ditdin Franla, sa... na$terca dupd Astas chcami a scriedupd ureche, a$a dupdrealitate, cum propriiletalep6reri,nu Cu ea se dseneazd din fapte,din documente' celc dou6 exemplede mai sus am ilustrat o in prezente toati lingvisdin mentalitate, pdcate dauna,nu sprefolosulcunoa$terll' $ca,dai spre ci sd Ar lr o eroar'e secreadd erori de fond, in c54i rom6neqtt' numai de acestfel, se gdsesc din exemple c54ile Vornda citeva ln continuare este in recunoscu!i' carcinformatia savan!i unor gravviciatd. FernandRrau' Apreciatulistoricfrancczin scrie' volumul romAn, cititorului del,cunoscut sduL'identitd de Ia l;rance.I'es hommeset les choses, P.75:-

much at having handa doubtlessl,v that,although ni.u,"t nutiu"t of iolumes,S' Puscariucould "not anynameat all,not to mentionthc mere find ' of t"f"t"no to the existenc sucha dishamong long the peoplelivingin the Frenchcountryside beforehis ttme... --'Ihis an example what we shouldcall of is on by writins science the ear' based one'sor'rn and ooinio-ns noion realitysuchas the latter!s The t\'}o lnouttinedby factsand documents' mentionedabove are illustrative for a stances 80frame of mind that unfortunatehspecifrc to the vLrns entirefieldof linguistics the definite in costof knowledge general' that such to It is obviouilymistaken believe were presentonly in Romantan basic errors books.We shallnow dcal with someexamples to thar can bc ftlund in workstrclonging somc tc that scholars, bringgreatdamage the famous truth. French l'ernand llraudel, the well-known to' that our puhlicis alsoacquainted historian de in wrotcthc following hisbtxrkL'identue n p' I-es F'rance. hommiset leschoses, 75"

C[tre cititor - To tht

inclus ci zoneleindicate, pind in jurul a acoperite, grosde gheald. Ins5, pe p. 25, au scrie: ilyaeu.pend

avec occupation des m

est i r6interpr6ter' en ce qui concerne l'Europe en parliculier tout

on reliance to we an opinion subscribe since opiniecu caresintcmde acord,pentruci in has mcreopinions resultcd pcrsons' diffcrenr la unoraqialtoras-aajuns un nlmeSpc pdrcrile As pell-mell. far asouropinionregardlng ahuge in de Lsconbalmeg proporlii.Dupd opinianoastrA, ce tn. luit of Europe and'its languagcs rs trecutulliuropci, al limbiloreuropcne ..rn.d. o'. thinkthattheirunderstandingontl' privegte este cunoa$terea la inceput,iar cc ,,Stim"face incioient and that what we ,,know"is part of a din- dogmatic dogmatic, de frameof mind,a nctworkof illustons' parte dintr-un sistem g6ndire a tale' The but tr-o retea de iluzii, o povesteimpresionantd, u t-uta Impressive nevertheless also becn noticcd ')* t!' has imprejurarea fost con- circumstance AceastS totugi poveste. too Mommsen (referto Istona Theodor famous Th'eodorMommsen(v' statata!i de celebrut rornand.Vol. I, F.SII,p. 29): the srudyof lan' Istoria Romand,vol. I, ESE, p' 29): sntdierea and is itutin gruges 'asks itsinitial stage, his.tonograph;' limbilor se aJldabia la inceput,iar istoiografia iuu"ollv the help of tts, for preistoiei de celemai multe imaginea tnstead realizeazd of of recorumtcrion theimnge pre-histotl" heinge of ori cu aiutorulmdrntriilorobscwealetradiliei'fn its of drau'ing sip fron theint'aluable loc sd seinspiretlin tezaurulprelios al limbii' langnge. " addson lrrenchhistorian Eminentul istoric francez mal spune lie outstanding rs p. 11: the lntestWiirm' glaciations'achiveverc (p. I 7): cAu!tima glacialitmeWiinn s'achi veve - 10000 then and - 10000, adaugS: gi l a g l a c e r e c o u v r i r a i t d . u n e m a s s c 6 p a i s s e l a t 'jusqu'au . s c a n d i nl-ondres'd r e . l e s P a . r , s - B a s . ninsu|c av li e e n etcnurri. oux*,r. lis ilesBritanniqucs t" l.Allcmagne.rotogne,i-a with the authorthat the wrirm we agree cu Sintemde acorcl autorulcd ultima glacialiuneW0rmseincheielnjurde10000i.e.n.,glaciationendedabout10000B.C.andthatthe

Este greu de inlele incepepe la 10000i.e.n se lote de gheagS produ dat6,cums-apututpopu pe p. 17, era acoperit ghca15. Se ne ierte eruditu vine greu sd credemci suprafagd gheali, cEe de vreo 50(X) pe ghea1d de zireaclimeigiincdvreo 3 ghelii,solu dupdtopirea povirat de gheafd, der a chiar numa ,,coloniEtii", din rezultdIErdechivoc in RomAnia. real corect(v. Mircea liclea paleogeografc a Vetre d Mezolitic Si Neolitic, Cc 14decembrie 1991, S la inccpe jur in demografic in ar corespunde Biblie cum ahr la 15000 i.e.n., careesteo eroareevide Numeroase sc alte celei de mai sus popu francez. estenici tim Nu tariemaici.Faptulci ir lizdi slnt primite IZrd r teza pe careI ilustreazd gtiinte umaniste au n nu Viciul principal, d lumii c crdri aparginind dupdce,prin tradilie,a gi culturale gt reafitetile colo de granileleetnice trdind cu t occidentale, tinteprivitorlalumeaa

Citre cititor - To the reader.

ci zonele indicate, inclusiv au Jirile Baltice, fost 'acoperite, pind in jurul acestei date,de un strat grosde ghea15. Insd, pe p. 25, autorul ne iimegte cand . scrie:

areas s-howed, he including Balticcountries, thp were'covered a thick layelof ice up ro that by time. But, on p. 25, thc author surprisingly ,. wrrtes:

il y a eu' pe4dant priode la magdalnienne, d panir de -l 5000un essor dcmographique certain, avecoccupationdesmontagnes peuplement l,Europe et de du Nord.

Estegreu de lnleles,daci inc5lz'jrea climei It is difficult to understand how it waspostncepepe la 10000i.e.n.,iar topireagroaseica_ siblefor the North of Europe ro becomc popu_ lote de ghealdse produce tArziu dupi aceaste lated first, if the warming up of the ctimlte started about 10000 C. and themellingof the dat6, cums-apututpopula B. NordulEuropei care, pe p. 17, era acoperit de o masi groasi de thick coyer of ice follows long afrer this time, since, p. 17,thisverynorthias mentloncO on ghea15; as lyingundera vastmass ice. of Se ne ierte eruditulistoricfrancez, ne dar Wc fincl hardto bclicve it thatan cnormous vine greu sd credemci s-a colonizato enormd rcc-covcred couldhavebecome area populatcd, suprafafide ghcald, acegti ci rrdir that thcsc.,colonists.. ,, livedon ice almosr5000 pe gheald vreo5000de ani pin5a inceput incdl_ yearsuntll the climate bcganto warm up and zireaclimei9iinci vreo 3000-4000 ani pin5ce, de some 3000-{000years longer afterwarcls until dupdtopirea ghelii,solulnorduluiEuropei, des_ the eanh in the north of Europe,losing its bur_ povEratde gheagd, devenitapt se_$i a hrdneasci den of rce, finally became'able to feed its chiar numai precargi paqial,cum ,,coloni$tii", ,,colonisrs" bc it only poorlyand parrially ' _ rezultdIErdechivoc datele din istorice. suchashistoric datadoubtlesslv assert. in Romdnia,realitatea,este reprezeDtate Reality is accurately repiesenred Ro_ in corect(v. Mircea ficleanu, Euo h4ia climatictigi mania (refer to M. liclean u, Climatic antl I'apaleogeografcda Vetei romdneStiin pateolitic, kographic Developmentof the RomanianArea MezoliticSi Neolitic, ComunicarcprezcntatdIa Duing the Paleolithic+ Mesaililhigand Neolihic T'imes, GII.I)CA Societv the 14decembrie l99l,la S.C.S. GETICA): avintul on the 14-r.h December of 1991):thc demodemografic inccpe jur de 5500i.e.n., in datacare graphicgrowth bigan about 5500 B. C.. cor_ ar corespunde BiblieF'aceii Lttmii, iar nu pe in responding the Genesis the Bible.and not to in la 15000 i.e.n., cum afirmdsavantul francez, dar about 15000ts. C. as the Frenchscholarmis_ careesteo eroareevidentd. Iakcnly asserts. Numeroase sclp6ridinvedere felul Scveral altc othersuchslips be foundin the '. can de Frenchauthor's celci de mai sus populeazd book,and it is neitherour Durcarteasavantului francez. este timpul,niciloculsdle inven, pGe nor the time hereto maketheir full inven_ Nu nici suchmisundei.stantariem aici. Faptul ci in Franla a$fel de derea- tory.The factthatin Irrance dingsare receivedpassively, risingno objcction Ezdi slnt primite f?irdreplicdeste regretabil 9i at all, is mostregrettable illustrariveof and the ilustreaze rczaW careo suslincm, aga_zisele factthat the thesis ci we hold is true, i. e. that the umaniste au nimicin rraista poleitE. so{allcd humanities nu Stiinle lor have nothingto ofter in Viciul principal, concep(ie, unor lu_. theirgildedbag. de al fhe chiefmistake the outlook of some crdri apa4inindlumii occidentale acelaca in este western papers that,although is dupdce,prin tradilie,autoriioccidentali westcrn authors ignora ignore the cu,ltural and scientific realitdgile culturale gtiinlihce lumii de din- traditionally gi ale realities rhe world lying bcyondthe ethnic of colo de granileleetnice(politic.e) ale lirilor zise (and polirical) boundsof the so calle<l wesrern occidentale, triind cu un bagajsdracde cunoEcountries, livingwith a verypoor knowledge on tinte privitor la lumeaffiramrtrosoccidentii(noi the evra mtros occidenlisworld (we ourselves

lngineam primit scrisoride la Institulii.Fu persoane din Occident care scriau pe plic BUCAREST/Hongrie,dovedindci nu cunoscnici capitalele lirilor europenecu careau relalii) igi arogddreptul gi competenlade a declaraunelti descoperiri pe teritoriul Franlei,de exemplu, de dreptcelcmai vechidin Europa, c9ndele sint, cu toate certitpdinea,postelioare unora similare din Europa ignoratd,sub aspect$tiintific$i culHo turaf, de cErtre ma rc cidentalis. po$tureprotoAu fost identificaliin acestd cronistdmai mulli autori ftancezi. carene sint la lndemAnd, Printre exemplele lucrarea lui Fernand sEcitdm unul din aceeaqi Braudel (p. 16).

letterscomingftom institulionsor havereceived individuals that directed them to BUCHAthey are not even RFST/Hongrie,thus pronring to acquainted, the namesof the capitalcitiesin with) they the countriesthey haverelationshipo still claim their right and ability to rank some as findson the territory of France,for instance, later thcoldest inEurope,whiletheyarecertainly than s6me siniilar ones in that part of Europe tbat Homa occidentalis greatty ignores from and both the scientific the culturalviewpoints. SeveralFrench autbors have been idenpmitionr tified to hold tllisprrotochronktb I-et us quote now an example from the sameworkby FernandBraudel(p. 16):

C[trc cititor : To the re

(Dans l'6tet acluel de nos connaissgnces (bine zis cunogtinlele lor, ale savanlilor francezi, dar ignorind ce existi in restul lumii N. ns.), nous soupgonnons (bdnuim, N. ns,) la pr6-senccdc I'Homo crclgs dans lc 0errlloire,frangelsa dls l.t0O.O(X)avant le Chrlst En hautc-Lolre, i Chifhrc' d86 h Masslf Ccntra! onl 6tf d6couverls, ces dernilres ann6eg dcs quarlz indubllablement tsiltcs [d maln d'homme] ass<icl6si unc faunc'du quaternalrt ancbn (Vitlafrancien)6. Cc serall jusqu'i pr-dsen$ la |lus anclennc lrace humalne d6couvcrlc en Europe.

si Este oareadmisibil,ln Etiingi, bagicapul ln nisip,ca strulul, se-li ftiure$tiacoloprioritili, care nu edsti ln realitate,ln fapt vile patocroniste? Antropologii rom0ni Constantin gi Dardu au Nicoliescu-Plopqor desmperit pe teritoriul judelul VAlcea,ln punctul comuneiBugiulegti, numitValza lui Grfutnceanr,un loc de vieluire de umanedin perioadade inceputa procesului cea hominizare,.ln mai timpurieetapl din Istoria omenirii,prepaleopliticul. Serii fntregi de unelte de os, cu urme evi. denfe de folosinld lndelungatd,pentru lovit $i zdrobit, pentru strepuns,pentru despicat,iar altele pentru rizuit gi riciit, au fost gasitein cu asociere oseminteapartinindla 28 speciide Acestedesanimalede v6rst6 VillafranchianS. mperiri au l?icutobiectulunor lucrSripublicate tn lare $i pestebotare,ca gi a unor comuniciri internalio$tiintitice prezentatela Cbngresele Tokio nalede la: Mmcova (1964),Praga(1!)65), (197s). (1%8) gi Bratislava Dupi o erominare atentii, pieseledescoperite su fost confirmate $i cltre reputati oamenide qtiinp ca: Raymond Dart

Can science toleratethat one should buiy one's bead in sand, buitding there one's own, priorities that do not existin realitv aod are in prot f.act oclvonis tic dreams? Constantin anq Dardu Nicoliescumade a Plopgor, Romaniananthropologisb, Valcta County.In greatdiscovery Bugiuleqti, in theyfound the sitecalledVaka fui Grdunceana a place of human life belongingto the initial stage of the hurBn-bdcoming process,in the earliesttime in the History of mankind,the PrePaleolithic age. They have fqund entire rangesof bont obvioustracesof long use,destoolsdisplaying tined to pound arld crush,to bore and split and with in otbersto scrape and scratch, association of bones belonging 28 differentanimalspecies to Villafranchianage.These finds have been tbe papers published both at home subjectofseveral reportsto the and abroadand of somescientific Congresses in Moscoti'1teO+; held international Prague (1965), Tokyo (1968), and Bratlsl;ara (1e75). the After closeinspection, finds travebeen ionfirmed and attestedby suchrepuld men of as science RaymondDa!! R Feustel,Miillcr-

R Feustel, M0ller-Becb, . M. Kretzoi, S. A. Semionov Werteg B. Blanchegi al[ii. Descoperirile la Bu de chime de cca 1,8 - 200000 international la C-ongres (1975), ar putea rrelrreze australopithccini cunoscu euroPe$n, Convingerilelntemeiatr de os prepaleolitice virst gi asocia[iei faunistice fmt t au descoperirea ftagmente c de de femur identi{icateca apc thropului. Descoperite 1962,er in RaymondDart, in 1965,ca vorbade un Primatde talien australopithecin, aceste oas la Sesiunea $tiintifici a Cen ciale din Craiova; la 2l fe C-onferinla pres5, 13n de din Descopeirea primtltai hon Australanthropus oltenien mit, din ratiuni geografice, r .internationale nomencla de Noi am vdzutaceste fra vatd,lntr-o cutie marede ar! tului nostru prieten Dr. I PlopEor,iar ln prezent ele se eminentului arheologDr. colaboratoral Dr" Nicoldesc a promis un articol pe ar GETICA Descoperirile Dard Dr. Sor s-au bucura$de un ma inteinalional.Printre altele tema Pozigia sistettuticd a NewYork, 1973, fostsub au desmperiride la Bugiulegti, pentru continentuleuropea originii gi formEriiomului, a salemn$tiente. S-a subliniat cA aceste zintl una din cele mai vech munci umanddecoperite pft ropa, probe de necontesta uman pfemeditat.

Cltre cititor : To the reader

Bech, J. Barte, K. Vafoih. M. Kretzoir. S. A" Semionov, p- Boriscovski. L Wertes, B. Blancheand otheru. chime cca _ zoooood i*. de 1,8 The disccrveries Bugiulegti, in anl'a internarional Congresul fa nratisnfr timaredageof l,g-20fi)0fi)years wfrose e!_ la "iJrr",a Oe hasbeeninter_ \r>tJ), ar putes rcDrezeota prima statiune nationaltyattestedat.the Bratislava C.ongress australopithecini cunoscuti p" cootinioiJ (1975), could be taken as the first euroPesn" Austiato_ pythecstatioi known in Europe. C-onvingerile lntemeiate sdriite unelte pe de All beliefsbased the ranges prepaleo_ de os prepaleolitice virsta Villafrao"t on of gi i.oJ u tithicbonetootsandtheViuafturr-"f,iun asocia{iei faunistice fost tntirite ulterior prin lg"Liin. au faunistic associationhave later oo b";;;;;: de_fragmente dialize d. ti#;; de fy*rt:T thened by the discoveryof fragments de l'emuridentilicste ca apartinind of shfAustralan_ bonesand thighbonesidentifil," thmpului. Uuloogfi to the Australanthrop. Descoperite 1962, ln examinate de prof. gi in _ Discovered ti)62 and also examinedbv RaymondDart, in 1965,careconsidgra cEeste Professor Raymond Dart in l9;l;-';;; primat de talie vorbade un mare,foarteprobabil rhat they belonged u 1i.i"rn""*i to :l1n]?1,*^ ausFalopithecin, ot aceste oasau fost prezentate De-r lhe primates,very probablyan Australo_ pyrnecln, la Sesiunea thesebones werepresented a scien_ $tiinlinc5a CentruluiOeitiinge So_ at tific Session the Centrefbr Social of ciale din Craiova; la 2l februarie S;il;;; 1931,gi la Craiova the on 2l_st of Februaryltsi il;'; Conferinlade presi, din 13martie19g1, cu tema PressConference the f f_th of fvfarctt on iSgfl Dacoperirea primulai hominid din "F;; under the titte -Ihe Discovery nuropa, ;i; Australanthropus olteniensis,cum "i h Ey?p, Austratanthropo" ott"a fost nu_ !:y:id nrenstsas tts full name runs for geographic mit, din rafiuni geografice, respect6nd criteriite and in keeping with alt tt ini"rn-uti6nui de "internafionale nomenclaturlgtiinlifici. I"pf cntenaof scientific " listins. Noi am vdzut aceste fragmente, pistrate in h-ad opport;niry to seethese rhe fras_ vata,lntr-o cutie marede argint,in _^_-*: casa kepr in cottonwogliri a big siluer regreta_ menLs, Uoxin tului nostru prieten Dr. Dardu Nicoili-escu_ the houseof our betovbdnienoittri-rati-'Oi Dardu NicolEescu_plopgor Plopgor,iar tn prezentelesegisesc and ai the ,or"ni tn pdstrarea rneyare preserved the bv eminentului arheolog Dr. Vasile Boroneang colaborator Dr. Nicoliiescu-plopEor, al *r" o"_ Dr. .Dardu Nicoliescu_pl"pg"", ;il-l; un arricol pe aces6 rem6 penrru a paryr thesubjecr p;; on ij."Tir due f:33Td.:: GETICA r6neoIn our magazine. Descoperirile Dardu Nicoliescu_plooThe latter'sdiscweries Dr. weremet with great . nreresron the international Sor s-au bucurag un mare int"re, p"-iL'n de scale. fo, printre alrele,la internagionaf. *" simpoaLrui ci The T! mention the Symposiunton "*,ipfe, t:y posilion of Awnatopyttuclas, ivssistematicii a austrafopitecinctor, ,_ry" _!.tli" N'ew yor.k, 7973,au York, 1973.which itressed tti'irponin"" fosrsublinia;;ffp#;;;; few oi descoperiri la Bugiulegti, de insemnatJ;; ;;;; no, Eurofr ill |y::y. inBugiuleetiooryio. pentru continentul european, gi in contextul Dur atso withintheframework theoriglnaiO ci of originiigi form5riiomului,a incepututui of,man, rhebeginning lil-ron_ muncli becoming of of salecon$tiente. sclous activitv. S-a subliniat ci acestedescaperiri It hasbeenunderlinedthat thesefinds repre_ repzintii una din cele mai vechi Oolrezi resentone of the oldestproofsfor the Oe existenc munci umani decoperite pind-nprezentto"gu"_ of human life and work ""it; that have been dis_ ropa, prob de necontestat comportament de coered in Europe up to now, irrefutable uman premeditat. evidence deliborate for humanbehaviour. R Feustel, Miiller-Bech, J. Barte, IC Valovh, M. Kretzoi, S. A. Semionov, Boriscovski,,l p. Werteg B. Blanchegi allii. Descoperirile fa nuguteEti,a ciror O! ve-


o,' ii. "*;fi fffr'3:Li:.ffi:i..r:i v* -i



C6tre cititor - To the re

The reader is now invited to read F. Cititorul esterugat sEreciteascitenul safor lraudells textoncemoreand it is impossible F. vantuluifrancez Braudel,citatmai sus,9inu is cum o bdnuiald este him not to noticethewaya simplesupposition va putea sE nu observe scientific to ,,truth". ajutati de fanteziesd devini,,adevdr" $tiin$fic. helpedby fantasy become taillis de Fdr the author writes indubitlarnent tailks de Cici spune autorul: indubitablement main d'homme.Pe en temei se afirmdde mdnd main d'homme.What is the proof to assertit is assumption? another Isn't that.just manmade? de om?Nu tot pe o bdnuiali? If thingswere such as Braudel describd Dacd lucrurile stau a$a cur.nIe telateazA Braudel, estesigur ci nu putea fi mAni de om, them, it is certain there couldn't have been a ci maicur0ndde hominid,cumdwedescprobele man's hand there, but r-athera hominid's, as proved by the material evidence(the bones) materiale (oasele) descoperitede Dr. Dardu by discorvered Dr. Dardu Nicoldescu-Plopqor. Nicoliescu-Plopgor. relatatdde savantul Oricum, descoperirea Any*ay, the discwery mentioned by the nu [ranc;ez are nici o ynsl sI fie ceamai veche French scholarhas no chanceto representthe ln urm6 trmanddescoperitd Europa decit'dacd oldesthumantracediscweredin Europe,unless and to se trage cu buretelq peste descoperirilcde la one decides erasetbe finds in Bugiulegti wilhin the boundariesof iar Bugiulegti, Europa ar intra lntre Sranitele include all Europe France. Fran!ei. The Frenchsourcquotedby Braudelis as cita$ de Braudel este din SursaftancezA d'a'an La old as 1980(JeanGuilaine, France (JeanGuilaine,La Franced'avanth anul 1980, pd Du la France. Ndolithique l'dgedefer,198O, p.\ e. Franc Du N i olithiqued l' dgedefer, 1980. 4), at 14) while the discoveries Bugiulegti *tre de iar descoperirile la Bugiule$tisint fticute in of made in 1962and reportedon the occasion internalionale la 1962gi comunicate Congrese some internationalClngressesin l!)64, l!55, tn: 1964,1965,1968,1975etc.O minimaprobiof 1968,1975,etc. For reasons scientifictruthnu-i obligape savantiifrancezis5 fulness least, tate Qtiin$fic5 duty scholars' the at it,was French menlioneze o descoperireanterioara,tpoate to mention a prior discwery and maybeeven, chiarsi comparedatele$i temeiurilecelordoue compare the data and supports of the tEo finds, so muchdhe more as th dismai alesci nu era vorba de o des- respective descoperiri, washot just any find but onc deo- coveryin question una de importantA ci coperireoarecare, de We cannot belp importance. of outstanding dar n-au facut-o! in lusebitS; Este regretabil, regrettingthey haven't! In this irksome\norld! mdaastasiciitoare,bolnavdm ortal de internagiowhich b a deadtyinfestedwith intemationalitis nalitd,o formd a dictaturii spiritului,gravissimS, mot serious ruth dictatorship, form,ofspir'itual cu realetrebuieingropate brutali- has to b brutallyburied so that nothingebe adev6rurile tate,pentrua nu mai rimAne in mintilenoilor remains the mindsof the newrobots,Mad io in roboli, Made in C.8., decftadevdrulunic al noi- EC, but tbe soletruth of the newautocratsto lor autocrali. If it hasbeen possible frnd that serious Daci la un savantde talia lui F. Rraudelse errors with suchan outstandingscholarlike F. erori atit de grave,ignordrisupdritoare Braudel, determinedby the troublesomedisintilnesc potocronLsme *an' an to ale prioritigilor altor zone, regardof prioritiesbelonging other areas, ce daloase, se poate a$teptade la oameni mai ignorationwe cannotlabel otherwisthan outputin insemnali,care nu au de onorat un pres- ngingprotochronism,what thencanone expect prestigiugtiinlific? from lesserpeople,that haveno scientific perioadd tige to live up to? Noi am mai triit o neagri Eilungi We did in factlivethroughanotherklngand zis de internalionalism, proletar,pe cnd toate before, the sodark period of internationalism lumii aparlineauunor invenliilegi descoperirile calledproletarianone, when all the world's incu invenEgi numede genul:Balahanovt ventionsand discoveries savanti belongedto someimSipunorov, calledBalahanov, scientists, Sipunorcv, Popov etc. etc. De aceeasintem aginary so'discondescumpiniligi tngrozilide noul val de interna' . Popovetc. This is.why we are norr'

lionalism,zis burghez,ln ca lumii vor trebui si aparlin sonafitati"cu nume ca Mir Sixsotin etc. O cunoagtem: aceeq E pdkiie, saumai pe franluze autrement coiffe. Este regretabilcind ur sa ne ,portarea de neinleles, s5-lscoli de la inimi. Ce se vrea cu acestd francofonie rc fantomatica a carezultatulacestei masqtr reducereaseverda numdn limbd francezS, aga cum n ani numerogii in carerusaer in toate gradelede inv615m Minciuna arepicioare s verbromAnesc. Aceastiins fdcutpe mulli din cei inclin invdlareafrancozei, aba s-o glcz6 saupentrugermana Nu ne facemiluziici i ajungela cuno$tinla sava aceleaale elevilor sii. Fran lluctdrimade in France,aj suficienli loru-qi. Atunci,int coperirile$tiinlificese succ .litor $i prwin de la numen puteaindrept5lisdse cons cei mai cei mai, pimii in n spirit protocronici prin me n6, un fel de Franla tiberall lild1ii.E trist si mnstali ci gi de deschisS Fair play,Frr generoasS ajunsla o inchi a lizia,in $tiin[d,de neintele iubit-o,gi ar mai iubi-o,dr s-ar areta atit de cgoiste, nerecunoscut. Si mai inserbmaici o pentrudeliciu PetitLt I gdsimscris:

Hongrerv. t. Chdtrer (Ce proc6d6 est d'tnv is a I{ungarian Invenlion).

Citre cititor - To the reader

tionalism,zis burghez,ln care toate priorita{ile lumii vor trebui sEaparlinaunor iluzorii,,per-

certed by and even terrified at this new tide of internationalism, calted middle-class, making all etc. We are acquaintedto this state of affairs quite well: it's tle very same thing under Oifor, lerent disguise, to put it in Frenjh, t a mme r;;;iir-;;r^r;;'r;tfi; It hurts when a friend'sstrange, unlikely behaviour turnshim to a merestranger. What lies there behind this marima s,npiditas, Romanians' imaginary francophony? It may happenrhar this farceshouldhavequite serious results: severe a decrease the number in ofFtenchspeakers, asnothing bcenleft such has behind the manyyears by whenRussian the was sole foreignlanguage accepted all stages in of cducation. Lies har.eshon legs,as the Romanianprovcrb goes. This unbearablc insistencc clctcrhas minedmanl'of the people who wcre naturally inclined andhada likingfor learning to l:rench to turn to learning English German. or We cenainlv nor indulge thc illusion do in that the French scholar hisdisciples come or will to kno\r'thesetruths.Beingsufficient thcm_ to selves, French not usually the do readbut things that are Made in France.In a world in which scientific discsveries followeachother at stunningspeed belongto sb manynations, and what thenshouldbe the reason thcm to considcr for and procclaim themselves best, lfre fore andforemost in everything the domain where they but undoubtediy' the fitst, that is an essentially arc megalomaniac spiritual stat'e protochronism, of a sort of Franceiiber alles on the spirinnl level. It is ven-sadto realizethat the very Francethat r*'as open-minded fair playin the past,the so and generous. revolutionary France nowbecome has so srrffand secluded, reaching statein science a thatneighbours paralysis wecannot and grasp its behaviour anymore sinceit hasbecn actingso selhshty, unreasonably, unlikeits formerself. so l-et us now menrion another Frbnch be ,.mrracle", it onlyfor itspanicular charm.petit I-arowseillusnd,1965, wriresas follows:

E Mdie, dar cu ahd , O cunoaEtem: aceeagi pdldie, saumai pe franluzegte mme LZ fanette '' autrement coiff6e. Este regretabitcind un prieten,prin Jmportareasa de nelnleles, neverosimild, oblig5 te sdJscolide Ia inimi. Ce se vrea cu acestd marima snpiditas, fantomatica francofonie rom6nilor? putea a S-ar carezultatulacestei mascarade fie unul serios: sd reducereaseveri a numirului de vorbitori de limbd francezd, cum n-a rdmasnimic din aga numerogii in carerusaeralimba$raini unica ani in toate gradelede inv5Fmint. Minciunaarepicioarescurte,spune proun verbrom6nesc. Aceastiinsisten[d inadmisibilE a p" mulli din cei inclinagi, pl6cere, de spre F.y, invigareafrancezei, abandone2e s-o pentru Lnglezd pentrugermana. sau Nu ne facemiluzii ci aceste adeverurivor ajungela cuno$tinla savantului francez sau la aceleaale elevilor sdi. Franceziinu citescdecit lucrdri made tn France,ajungindu-gi, fiindu-gi suficien$ loru-gi. Atunci,intr-olumein caredescoperirile se intr-unritm ame_ $tiinlific succed naliuni,ce i-ar litor gi provinde la numeroase putea indrept5lisd se considere sEse declare gi cei mai cei mai, primii in toate decit o stare de spirit protocronicd prin mentalitate grandomand, un fel de Franla iiber alles in planul spiirualitdli. E trist sd consralici Franla,alt6dat5atir de deschisigi Fair play,Fran[a revolulionardqi generoasia ajunsla o inchistare vecini cu paralizia,in $tiinF, de neinteles pentrucei careau iubito, Ei ar mai iubi-o,dezinteresat, daci nu s-ar ardta atit de egoiste, nerezonabili, de de nerecunoscut. Sd rnai inserdmaici o ,,minun trancezi e,, PetitLarousse illustrd.1965. gdsimscris:

sonaritali" ca cunume Minceur, Minciuneur, :l:,[Tiff "!.:iiillfi 9#JJ#ir:ii::1i? r?"Jff Sixsotinetc. " Lieriy,Sixsotin

Hongrcr v. t. Chftrer un cheval = A castra un cal = gelding a horse (Ce procd6 est d'inventlon hongroise = Acest proced:euesle Invenlie ungureasci = This method is a I{ungarian invenlion).



Cltre cltitor - To the n

assertion,tbat can be found in The abcnrc Aftrma[ia, care figureazS9i in alte diclio too, is a sheerAB' othdr I:rousse dictionaries, nare Larousse, este o ABSURDITATE' because: SURDITY, Pentruc5: 1) Hungarianswere first mentioned in Eu1) Ungurii sint menfiona[iin Europa peniar calul a fost rope by the end of the 9th century while horses tru prima finele sec.lX, de domesticit, ln spa[iul romAnesc astizi, incd hadbeentamedevenfrom Neolitbictimes(refer din Neolitic (v. The Cambidge history of India, to The Cambidge History of India, Cambridge' vol. 1922, I, At Cambridge, the UniversityPress, vol. 192.2" II, p' 67) andput Press, p. 67) gi folosit la diversemunci, deci evident The University I to differenttaboursthus oFiously gelded' castrat. The ascertaining made by outstanding de Stabilirea citre somititi aleUniversitSlii gtiintifice,pd domes- scholarsunrking for the CambridgeUniversity, de Cambridge,pe criterii on scientific criteria, that horsswere tamed in ticirea calului s-a fticut ln SpagiulCarpaticcu the Carpatbian area thousandsof years ago is milenii ln urm5, se mnjugi cu elementelede perfectly in keeping with ttle elements of ajgnsela noi etnograflepopulardromineascS, us tbat Romanianpopularethnography reached oralein lungul qir transmisiei prin continuitatea in by the continuityof oral transmission the long din de generaliicare s-ausuccedat Neolitic pi that have follor*ed each seriesof Senerations n6-n prezent. other ftom Neolithic up to presenttimes. in Este,credem,singurulcazcunoscut care when This,we tbink, is the ontyknovn case oral5, pe un mare interval o linie de transmisie line an oral transmission orer a long period of de timp, este conftrmata,cu elementedeterdetermiriedon is confirmedwith elements exterioaretransmi- time minate pe criterii qtiingifice transcriteriaexteriorto ethnographic scientific de sieietnogratice, citre unadin celemai celebre by missiori, one of the most famousknorm culcuinstitulii culturale,Etiin[ificc de invdgdmint Ai institutions' and educational tural, scientific noscute. Among other things,(refer to lon Ghinoiq (v. Ion Ghinoiu, CdhtSul, Printre altele a very complexreport to the GETICA la doct6,prezentatd, 19iunie 1993, Cdh4ul, comunicare, sessienon the 19th June 1993) Cdlta1ulb a tn la S.C.S.GETICA), C dlt4ul reprezintd ritual prehisnric iual aaestedin the south of onr pivind vtnd- counry concemingthe lwn of the wM horse,a peisnrb, atestat in sudul {dii, tosea cahtlai sdlbatic,unprocesmultimiknar de multi-millenial Trocessof idolaty of a ppular deiry:the horse adorarea unei zeitdli poptlare.' calul. qistd cevaasemiindtorIa altepoparc. No otherpople has arrysimilar minifesta' Nu qistd zeci ion in panteonul poptlar romdnesc TheRomanianpoprto pnneon comprises . ca mai de zeitdlipapularecu elemente interesante thu have cenain ekments' tensof popdar deities celedin paueonul grecEi latin of fo greaterinterestthnn tlnse belongingto the de Greekand tlrc Latin traditiotts. inne elzmentete zeitdli fitomarfe gi zoo Among the elementsof phytomorphic and htryhti, calul, ca divinitate,tn uc ep1ia morfe,cu znmorp|tic deiies, ucep for tlw wolf, the hone ' calendarulpptlar, aparecel mai frecvent. is tle most freEtently met os a dcityin he ppulo in mttie incepesdpdmdna,,caii lui Sin calendar.In Marcll wehavetlw beginningof the Toadet''. ,,SL Toaderrs hotses" week. Cdlugul comes, neoliticd Dochia, h echi' Aliui de zeitatea along with the Neolithic deity Dochia, on the vernal equinox nocliul de primdvarS aparc Cilugul. When christiandomrebaptizedsome sounelesdrbia C6ndcre4tinismul rebotezat 'initiated others, called heathen holidaysand tori aga-zis $gAne gia inaugurataltele,cu scopul meaning to make.people brget pre+hristian inlituririi din minlile oamenilora sirbitorilor celebrations, interesting mixtures appeared mortilor, pagtele bere:The Eastcr ofthe Dead,The Easterofthe au precre$tine, a$rut: pagtele Gentle.and the Eastcr of the Horses' blqiinilor gipagtelecailor.

2) Cum si.fie castra guri,c8ndestomentionatit Ammianus Marcellinus (I teaXVII, cap.12,$2) caop zisesarmatice,din Panonia Existau unguri in Par toria nu i-a descoperit lnc6 f de acord cu Hssdeu ce prezenta ungurilortn Pano ticdgifilalagia, 1988, II vol. cd hongre figureazi numa aparetarziu,dupd sec.XV turi cu atestarea,de citre raliei de castrarea cailor 1 prezen[ei hongreln fran lui cea datii de Littr. I-a ven nonia operalia de castrar sub numelede wallach. I-a finele sec,XV gi ir nonia fticea partp din Unl carefranceziii-au importat ln Franga, hong"., dupi nu fost importaEi. ungureg ln existii. Sub diversenume, dir tat ln PanoniaVslahi, cu pictatd de Ia Wna gi in i gure$ti (v. GETICd nr. 1. toatii politica durd de ma ,,7787,dupl Z,oltanDavid maghiarS,existau in Un romdni (P" Chaunu, Cr secolulhtminilar, 1986,vol w . l - 2 1 1 9 2 , p . 8 5 ) .D i n r tualul teritoriual Ungarie 1787,87?rt92 romAni. 3) in r.oate limbilezis de casttarea cailnr se nu mAn.Terrnenulestevech nu numarln germana, gl cl suedezi(vallackv. Encic& kolnn, 1977; ilt lucrarea ( Cuvintecu istorie,a lui G. I Stockolrn, 1978, adaug se astfel de cdl din Valahia; r mana vechede sus), litui

2) How could,gelding havebeen,invented by Hungarians, when we can find it mentioned in the fourth cnturybyAmmianusMarcellinus (Roman l{istory, Book XVII, czip.lZ, g2) as a practic of the so-ealledSarmatianpoputitions in Pannonia? in pannoniaby - __ W9r! !*re anyHungarians 318A q.? History hasnot discweredthem yei. This is wlry we cannot,agreewith Hasdeu that the French bongre would attest the presenceof Hungariaris in Pannonia (Satdicsof LiTrguistirs and Philolog,l988, vol. II, p. 4594)iGcause bongrecan be found only in French,'andquite late,after the l5th century, and it basno connec_ tion whatsoeverwith the getding of horses in Pannoniathat A. Marcellinus mentions.The explanationas to why hongre is present in Frenclr cannotbe other than the one given by Littr6. On the Hungarians'arrival pannonia, in gelding wasalreadyknswn in pannoniaunder the nameofwallach. to the end of rhe l5th century and during the 16h century,when Pannoniawas part of Hungary,the geldedhorses that the Frenchimported ftom herewerecalledhongrein France, by the name of the countrythey had been im_ ported from. There is no suchword - bongr:e - in Hungary. From ancienttimes \vallschians lived in Pannonbunderdifferenttrames, suchaswe can see fror4 the Painted Chronble in l4enns and otherHungarian documents (referto GEnCA no. LA99?" p. 8043). In spiteof the rnerciless policy of forced magarization, there were still 1550m0 Romanians l7B7 as Zoltan David W - i.e.Magrar statistics asserted Chaunu, (p. Enrop an Civilization During theEnlightenment, 1986,r'ol. I. p.167 and GETICA no. I-2/1992, p.85).812692Romanians of theabove out wdre regutered in 1787 on the present territory of Hungary. 3) kr all the so-called Germaniclanguages tbe gelding of horses is called wallach = Romanian. The,term is ancientbecause is it found not onty in German.but alsoin Danish (valfak), in Swedish (vallac\ refer to Bonnier Encyclopedia, Stockholm,1977; hiswork &d in med Historin-Words a,History,Ed. prisrna, with Stockho;rfl 1978, c. .Bergman ddds; gelded hone, tiat is such a hone cotning ftom Wallachia; the word ftom Okl Upper German),

Cdtre cititor - To the rcader

2) Cum sE. castrareainventati de unfie guri,cndestementionatilnsecolut de citre IV, Ammianus Marcellinus (Isaria Romanil, Car teaXW[, cap.12,g2) cao practici a populaliilor zisesarmatice, Panonia? din Existau unguri in Panoniala 358 e.n.?Is. toria nu i-a descoperit incd"De accea putem nu $ de acord cu Hasdeu cd ft. hongre ar atesta prezen[aungurilor fn Panonia(Studii de lingyisticdgifilalogie, 198{t, II, p.4594,60),penrru vol. . cd hongre figureazSnumai ln franeezA, care in aparetllrziu, dupa sec" XV, neavand o leginici turd cu atestarea, cdtreA. Marcellin, a opede raliei de castrarea cailor ln Panonia. Explicalia prezengei hongre ln francezl nu poate fi decit lui ceadatii de Uttr{. I: venireaungurilor in panonia operatia de castrareera deja cunoscutd subnumelede wallach. I: finele sec,XV gi in sec.XVI, c0ndpanonia fiicea partp din Ungaria, caii castragi pe carefrancezii i-auimportatde aiciau fmt numili, ln Franga, hongrg dupSnumelegdriidin fost irnportali.ln unguregte cuvintulhongrenu cxistd. Sub diversenume,din antichitate, exis. au tat ln PanoniaValahi, cum gisim ln Cronica prctatq de la Wna 9i in alte docurnente ungure$ti(v.GETIC,\ nr.t-?ltg\p.80$3). Cu toati politica duri de maghiarizare forfati, la ,,1787, du$ Zoltan David, d-ci cluS staristica maghiarS,existau in Ungaria inci 1550000 rom8ni (P. Chaunu, Civilizalia htropei tn secolalhtrninilor,1986, I, p. 167qiGETICA vol. N. l-U1992,p. 85). Din acegtia, numai pe actualul teritoriu al Ungarieiau fost recenza(i; ta 1787,87?f92 romini. 3) in toate limbilezisegermanice, operalia de casttarea cailor se nume$tewallach = romAn.Termenui estevechi deoarece gisegte se nu numii in germani, ci giin danezi q""ffaf;, in suedezd(vallack v. En ciclopdia Bannier, Stoc,_ kolrn, 197; fn lucrarea Ord med historis Cuvintecu istorie,a lui G. Bergman, prisma, Ed. Stockolm,1978, adaugd: castrat, se cal adicdun astfel de cal din Valahia; cuvinnl vine din germana vechede sus),lituaniani (votolos), in

poloneze (walach), ln Boemia (valach). Ultimele trei atesteridin Carl Ilarling Buck, z4 in Dictionary of selcctedsynonym.s thegincipal Indo-Europen Languages,The University of ChicagoPress,1949.Wallach, cu sensulde cal de povar6,de arm6sarscopit,apareEiin Walde, Lateinische etymologisches Wdnerbuch, art. caballus. limbile termenuluicu acestsensin - Prezenga atestliince germanice, $iin unelelimbi slave, dar o daE prezen(arom6nilor iri Panonia,ln ewl se mediu,ci acegtia ocupau,printre altele,$i cu cailor,o operafie(nu invenlie!)stravescopirea zon5. chein acaste modul de a gAndial domEste consternat nilor de la I:rousse. Cum si fie inventie (?) in ungureascio operalie atestatd scriscu peste ungurilorln Europa, 5fi) ani lnaintede prezenla chiarcu mult inaintede invaziahunilor? a O personalitate politicii qi culturii franceze, Michel Poniatowski, in voluminoasasa ' carteL'avenir n'estdcit rutllepart, Paris,1978, p.88, scrie:

Lithuanian (volokas), Polish (walach),Bohe. from mian (valach).The last three attestations Darling Buc\ ,4 Dictionary of Selected Carl in Synonyms tlu hincipl Indo-Europan Langnges, The Universityof ChicagoPress,1949. of Wallach, in the sense load - carryinghorses, gelded stallioncanalsobefoundin Walde,Lafeigis nis enTnalo ches Wdrterbuch art. caballus. che of The presence the term with this meaning but languages alsoifi someSlavonic in Germanic languagesonce more asserts the presenceof duringthe Middle Ages Romanians Pannonia in and that the latter dealt, among other things, an with the geldingof horses, ancientoperation (not invention!)in the area. The way the people working for the l-arousse dictionarythink is simply stunning: be how possibly couldthispractice calleda Hungarianinventionwhen this operationis attested in writing long before-more than 500 years in before - the Hungarians'presence Europe, of evenmuch prior to the invasion the Huns? Michel Poniatowski, a personality of Frenchcultureand politics,makesthe following (L'avenir n'est icit nullc part, Pans, assertion: p.88). 1978,

Cdtre cititor - To the rr

Preabine,stimali lingv cum.doud sute,de-acum o c6nd,neglijAnd limbavalah

9i...v-a[i irosit viala.Etiing privat de gansa a obgine de

tivitatea$tiilificSpe carea[i i cu trud6 gi inteligenlS,dar bazi.Se ne mai mirim cd de bijbiieln lingvistica europea loc? Acest protocronism

manifest constant Eurol gi in

multe personalteti ale cultr La prychologiedu peuplefta

chiargidin Fran[a (citarele C

a. I-copardi, tress ce

sanscit,dont ta nanscriptionmodzme es pule aw Indes,par prls'de 300milions d.'honvnes

b. Globertl, les Fran appelentleur rvo Italie,d'uner6put d6pourvud'harm Aprofit lespens6e frivolit (p. 232).

p. Raportul guvernuluiindian(1956), 14, gdsegte numai lmO vorbitori ai limbii sanscrite.Cum se poate ajungede la 1000la este un scretal autorului ftancez 300000000 o Mai trebuie si spunem & nu se vorbeSte motanscricre, ci Hindi nu este o transcriere dernl a sanscritei,agacum ftanoezanu este o modern5a latinei? transcriere autorul dupi unii ,,specialigti", Pe p.87-88, indo-euroinSirdlimbite prwenite din aqa-zisa pean5, dintre care lipeEte (se putea altfel?) Romina, liiri de carenu sepoatedezlega afla Ei NIMTC in lingvisticaeuropeani. I-a fel procedeazfLittr{ in celebrul siu Dictiornabe de ln Langue Frangaise, 1873, ln care(vol. I), p. XLVI scrie:

Repon (1956), The Indiangovemment's p. 14,isnot ableto find morethan1000speakens of Sanskrit How one can get ftom 100 to 30000Om0is a secretthat the French author keeps for himself. Need we also add that a is transcription not spokenby pople,that Hindi suchas of is not a moderntranscription Sanskrit, of Frenchis not a moderntranscription I-atin? On page 87-88, using some ,Specialists"' that the opinions, author thenli$ts languages the Indo-European, havederivedfrom the so-calied leavingout Romanian,of coutse,the only language that is the keyto everythingin European language. Littr6 did the samein his famousDicrionnaire de ln LangueFfancaise,1873,where he writesthe followingon p. XLVI ftf vol. I:

c. Josephde Malslrc id6es, son d6faut particuliCres... c Ils bur des appergus v erpressionssi comr en grand. Cc carac se sont accoutume ans dans sa tete h montrerajamaisel

d. Napoleon Bonapa peut4tre l'6galir(

e. Frcderlc II. On re qui ne soientpasfo incons6quente; elle parait danstoute S Nos prtres allem Frangais, c'estle fa f. C J. Weber, Impat

lesderu extrmes (1 toul cc qul cst 6lre

. l-es langues romanes occidentalc- "ont au nombre de quatre. en laissant de cote la langue romane orientale, levataque, qui, s'elant form dans de tout autres conditions, peut elre ici ndglig.

Wagner, C'estl'lgf frangal* De ll, dar

C[tre cititor - To the reader

de-a. Preabine,stimali lingvigtioccidentali cum doud sute, de-acumo sute de ani, de ori9i...v-a1iirosit via1a. $tiintifrce,pentru cE v-ali privat de gansa a obtine cevadefinitiv in acde

But in ignoringWallachian, highlyesthe teemedscholars two hundred yearsago, of of

cand, rimba v-a inspirasia negrijand varahd, ripsit :,il":::ttr*ffi:";:ij[:Iffff',::ffiil

inspirationand havewastedtheir scientificlife depriving themselves the opportuniry to .of achiwe somethingconclusive their scientific in carriedouJ laboriouslyand intelligently lctivi.V in firsthand basic information. lltt lckine

tivitatea$tii$ncepe careali desf?i$urat-o, poate, cu trude gi inteligenl5,dar ftiri informalia de bazd.sdnemaimirimcrdedouisutedeanise loc?

bijbiieinringvisricaeuropean.sisebatepasurpe |,lTl;::TTiH:rH:H:t:,]i
Acest protocronism francaz, singurul


manifest constant Europaa fostobservat in de 9i multe personalit5liale culturii din diversegari, chiargi din Fran[a(citateledupr Alfred Fouill6, Lapsychologie dupeuplcfranqarr, 1898):

madeno stepforwardfor thepasttwo centuries? ThisFrenchprolochronism,theonlyconsistent and manifest the kind existent Europe, of in has becomeobviousfor many personalities in the culture of several countries, wen of France (quotarions made after Alfred Fouill6, La prychologie dupeupleFranqars, rggg):

a.kopardi, cetrssuperficiel trEs et charlatan deFrance pays (p.232)

b' Gtobertl, les Frangais,les premiersmenteursdu globe, 6talent une ridicule forfanterie: ils appelentleur rdvolutionslesrdvolutionsdtmondz... la France jouit en Europe,et surtout en llalie, d'unerdputationmensonglre, en partiei ia langue due franEaise, ldlome pauvrc,ch6tif, d6pourvud'harmonle etdc relicf en partiei I'habiletaveclaquelielesFrangaiisurentmettre i profit lespensdes d6couvertes et d'autrui en lesmarquantdu sceau leur lgdret6 de leur de bt frivolitd (p. 232). c. Josephde Malstrc, si la qualitd dominantedu caractlre frangaisest le prbs6lytisme pour les iddes, son dfaut capital est I'impatiencequi I'emsche dL s'appesintir sur les pens6es particuliCres... commencent ehblir ce qu' ils appellenrdes vritsgn6rales, lls par iondees sur des.appergus vagues... ils en tirent ensuite.des et conclusions pertJde we. De li ces i orpressions communes si dansleur langue:grandepense, grandeid6-e, en grand,pinser voir en caractirc desFrenceis les porte toqfous i commencerpar les,r6sulta-ts.,; ils se sont accoutums regarderce d6faut commeune marquede gnie... I Newton roula vingt ans dans sa tete la gravitationuniverselle. plrdnomdni de paiienceet de sagesse se Ce ne montrerajamaisen France(p.232-?33) d. Napolcon Bonaparle,/ous, Frangais, vous ne savezrien vouloir sErieusement,.si n'est ce peut-trel'6galit6(p. H). e. Frcdcrlc II, On regarde.en Allema_gn_e comrneun ph6nom0ne rare de voir desFrangais trls qui ne soientpasfousd lier...(pag.237)Votre nation est,de toutescellesde l,Europe,la flus inconsquente: a beaucoup elle d'esprit, maispointde suitedanslesid6es. Voila commeelle parait danstoute son hisroire(p. Z0). Ns prtres allemands,catholiqueset huguenots,ne connaissent que l'intr6t; chez les Franqais, c'estle fanatigme lesdomine(p. Z{0). qui f. c. J. wcbcr,Impatients, inmnstants,n'ayantpasle sensde la justice,oscillanrtoujoursentre les leur lndlff6ience pour leu egem? @.U1\ Risibleest leur lgnorancede la g6ographic, lout cequl cst 6t'o3cr, leur esprit de fanfaronade de vantardise et nationale(p. 2+s). g. wagner, c'est l'lgnorencc dc l'dlranger et lc m6prls qui cn r6sulte pour toul ce qul n'esr pas frangois.De Il, dansla nation,une vanitet une arrogance... 2501. (p.

Iatd gi pdrerea unui romlln de geniu, GeorgeCilinescu: Massis e sigurcd Papa de[inecheiamor[ii gi a viegii, precumoriqe francdze incrcdtntat ci nu mai e nimic in afari de Franfo. Raiul e p. francez (scrisoi Ei docurnente, 289). ' Este treaba lor daci igonord sau le este tot indife'rent c se petrecedincolode granilele (Wagner, Weber),dacA ignoratotal lor na[ionale geografia, atuncin-au autoritateagi dreptul dar sd spund ceva despre ce se petrece dincolo de grani[ele lor, nici sd declareo descoperirefrancezi decft cea mai mare, cea mai veche din Franla. Totugi, prin abuz, f6rd sE le compare, pentru cAn-auin cunogtinfele cu ce,declard lor uneledin descoperirile celcrnai vechidin lume lor sut mdcat din Europ. Numai cd aiesteanu se pot prirni.lntre timp, servitudinii practicate o de protipendadAincultE, care $tia 7{00 cuvinte franwze de buc6tirie, cu care lgi impresiona servitorii,i-a luat locul spiritul'criticcarenu mai acceptiiorice afirmalie ca adevdrsau valabili doar pentru ci e francez5. Poli minli pe toat5lumeao dati, poli min[i pe cinevade mai multe ori, dar nu poli mingipe toatd lumea totdeauna, spune .un prorerb englez, daci nu ne ingelim. Citatelede mai sus ilustreaze felul in care estereceptatde unii strdinicelebri, gide unii dar comportamentul francezi rezonabili, neobi$nuit, inexplicabil, unora din manifestdrile al spriritului francez. propriilenoastre acoperE In parte,acestea obervalii f?icute urma lecturiia sute de c54i in de autori francezi. referim la dispretul prinNe cipial francez pentru tot ce est strdin, /a i6. naran{a aproapetotakl a dontilar Si cnceiilar spiiwale alc altor etnii ' ln aceste mndi{ii, nu trebuiesd mire ci un savaotfrancezdeclardo bdruiald personalacea mai vecfu utmd a prezenleiomului in Europa, care nu poate fi susginut6 decit la declaragie modul de inlelegeresrqis, ci se atestS,cu voioEiegi entuziasm.colonizarei udei enorme \:a:tn.:,:: : ','.i1calate gheald. de invenlalorii (???) scopiii cailor erc. erc.

Here b the opinionof a Romaniangenius, GeorgeCilinescu: Massis is certain that the Pope holds the key of death and life, suchas any Frenchman ic convincedthere is nothingplse outside France. Heaven is Frcnch. (Leturs and documents,

Cdtre citltor - To the n

It is their orn problem if they igtore or neglect werything that bappens beyond their nationalboundaries, they do not care abut if geography(Wagner,Weber) but then they have no authority or right to sayanythingabout the things happeningbeyond,neither to declarea French discoveryFs the greatestand the oldest elsewhere than in Frdnce. Nevertheless, not of beingableto find amongtheir pieces information anyelementof Comparison, mereabuse, { they still declare some of their finds to be tlu oWest theworld or at leastin Eurory. But cucrl in thingscannotbe accepted.In meantime,the the upper serfdomcharacteristic an uneducated to mainclass thatcouldspeak 7{00 Frenchwords, ty from the French cuisine,used primarily to impresstheir servants, been replacedby a has criticalspirit that is no more readyto acceptany of assertion the truth on thesolebasis its bing as French. Onecanlie to tbewholeworldonce,several as timesto a person notalwa)6toeverybody, but the Englishproverbgoes, The abovequotationsillustratethe way in which some famous.foreignersbut also some unreasonable Frenchmen regardthe unusual, explainable behaviour someof the manifestaof tionsof Frenchspirit. The abwe partly coversour own observaof tionson readinghundreds Frenchbooks.We refer mainlytotbe principial Frenchdisdainfor everythingthat is foreign, to the abnosttotal of ignoration of tfte spirinnl Stftsand conquests oth* poples. we Under such circumstances should not a be surprisedthat a French scholardeclares. penonal grcssds the oldesttraceof thepresence of man in Europe, an assertion that cannot be way supportedotherwisethan in an ostrich-like of understanding, quiteenthusiastically attesting the colanizatian of so,nehuge ice cap, that the werethe inventors (???)ofhorses' Hungarians gewing,etc., etc.

Menliunile de mai su ilustreri ale unor genuri d, culalie h paginile tipdrite ln Daci spiritul ctitic ar tribuit la toti oamenii, cur desprebunul simt erorile s1 aproape cd n-ar trebui sI picate, astfel de erori gi $netmre spiritualitE$i franc de citre uniispecialigtiromt ln Franla gitranslateln spati fost blagoslovili cu multe p profi$[d gi de susfinereaar ignd tacit,decdtredictatun ln urmd, de citre ,,ci tre g0ndirea lingvistici romAn donat-o unor savanli occid cezi; total ignoran[i in ce spaliuluiCarpatic.

,' Este durerospentru $ ln ultimele scolea dat ton europene,nu a ajuns, da

manifestat fafi de tot ce nl si gtie cfte cevaclt de cft ad .ei veche,despreoriginile I

lungultimpuluipe teritoriu

real5a produselorspiritulu

toria modernd. in afaraexemplelor dir din leximgrafie qi scrieri g un exemplu din etnograf poveste genPungtta cu dc (coco6ul asociazicuvulF se incomparabil inferioari c Creang6,carea devenitun dard ln romAn6. Cu toate acstea,cu ( t ru atno ag erii giEp ei spirin s

'Commc on I'a 6crlt populaircs en Frcnce et l 6parecs i l'6trangcr (?), r L:orlglnallt6 dc nolrc vcn physhuc du hcmc.. (103.


Citre cititor - To the reader

Menliunile de mai sus trebuie lnteleseca ilustrlri ale unpr genuri de erori puse ln circulalie in paginile tiparite ln Franfa. Dacd spiritul critic ar fi h mod egal dis tribuit la tofi oamenii, cum afinna Descortes desprebunul sim! erorilespiritualititii ftanceze aproape ci n-ar trebui sd ni intereseze.Din pdcate, astfel de erori gi necunoagteri,aparau franceze, footpreluate linitoare'spiritualitSlii rom0nitn timprrlstudiilor de citre unii specialigti Aga ln Franla gitranslateln spaliul romdnesc. am pove$tiftancazecare" fost blagoslodii cu multe profitand $i de suslinereaaoestoraclnd pe fagS' cu candtacit,de cdtredictaturainstauratd rE ani ln urmd, de citre ,,cei trei mari", au amorlit glndirea lingvistici romineasci 9i au subormai alesfrandonato unor savanlioccidentali, cezi; total ignorangiin ce privegte realita[ile spaliuluiCarPatic. Este durerospentru gtiinlScd Franta,care fn ultimele secolea dat tonul gAndiriigtiin[ifice europene,nu a ajuns, datoriti dezinteresului manifestatfa!5 de tot ce nu e spusde ftancezi, si gtie cite cevaclt de cft adevlrat despreistoria ei veche,despreoriginile limbilor vorbite de-a lungul timpului pe teritoriul ei, desprevaloarea real6a produselorspiritului care-ijaloneazi is-

Tbe abovementionsshould be understood asillustrationsofcertain kinds of errors initiated in W bookspublished France. If everybody had an equal share of tbe wholeamountof criticalspiritgivento theworld' much in ttre wayllescartes reffered to gommon sense,tlre enors of Frencb spirituality would almost be of no interest to us. Unfortunately, sucl errors and gapcin knorledge so frequently met in French spirituality have been taken wer during their stu' ry someRomanianspecialists dies in France and then brought over to the Romanianarea.This is thewaywe havebeoome in steeped so manyFrenchtalesthat, alsotaking Uenefit ftom the sorietimes open and other times subduedsupport of the dictatorshipin48 augurated yearsago by,,the three big ones", Romanianlinguisticthinkhaveso ennervated it ing and havesubordinated to the outlook of mostlyFrench,thatwere soholars, somewestern to totally unacquainted the realitiesof the C-arpathianarea. who has that It is painfulfor science France, given the paceof Europeanscientificthinking owing to its lack of for the past few centuries, interest for everythingthat is not said by the French,has not come to know anythingreally true about their ancient history, about the were spokenon its originsof the languagesthat the territory aklngthe ages,'bbout true valueof modern the productionsof that spirit nnarking

history. Besides the examplestaken ftom history toria modemS. and socio: from lexicography din in afaraexemplelor istoriegiarheologie, and archaeology, chosen politicalwritingsherecomesan example iati qi din lexicografie scrieripolitico-sociale, gi This refers to a two pages from ethnography. un exemplu din etnografie.Este vorba de o Pursesort, comlong sory of the The Tuppence poveste genhngula cu doi bani, neveroaimilS pletly unlikely (the cock joins the fox) incomcu se (cocogul asociaz5 vulpea!),de doui pagini, parabty inferior to the one selectedby Ion incomparabil inferioari celei culese de lon Creangdwhich has becomea kind of standard stan- variant in Rornanian. carea devenitun fel de variantS Creangd, that In spiteof all that, with the assurance dard ln romAnS. ' is characteristicto .ignoranqp and lack of cu Cu toate acestea, certitudineaspecificd riticism, we canfurther readthat: tucunoasterii giilpseispiiulai criric, se scrie:
.comrre on ta &rl! avec ln polh,le co{, nous somnrcs en prdsence d'un rdcs c6nles les plus hengais. on ntcn lrouve quc que\ues vcrsions populaircs cn Frrnce et le plus "othutrtlqu"-ent I l'6trrngcr (?), elors qu'cn Francc on.n trouvc partouls (F, Ilctarue)' $i se mai adaugi: :dr"." descriptlon L'originallt6 dc notrc vcrslon r{sl& dans lc trdt 5llologtque (??, N. ns.) qut marque le physiquc du h6ms.. (103.2, P. 230)

Ne pare riu, ii vom dezamdgipe autorii francezi.Daci ar h citit povestearomdneasc5 Punpla cu doi bani, autorii s-arfi jenat s5scrie cele de mai sus,poate chiar,ar Frrenunlat la o publicarea variantei,,ftanctze", compuhere lipsit6de orice originalitate,$rzie (in stingace, cel mai bun caz din errulmediu, oricum postedin rioari varianteiromAneqti, careprobabilderivd). Poatecdndvavom faceo analiz5comparativ5 a celor doui pove$tipentru lemurirea dar ai autorilorfrancezi volumului, Eia.cititorului rom6n. Oricum, textelefrancezene-aummpletat cunostinlelede zoologie;vulpea este prietena chiar din cocoEului, acesta urmi propunindu-i s-o care in spinarepe cumdtravulpe;vulpea omoarii caprele,iar in variantele B Ei C vulpea ce omoardoi, iar lupul doartine tira, ceea ne-a invSlatci vulpile din Franta nu seamdniicu se cu vulpi depecontinentcare hrdnesc cefelaite ctt pdsdi de cur7e, miere,cu Eoareci, ottii de cu pdsdri etc. Vulpile francezesint mai grozavei vineazi oi gi capre (??). Cine nu crede si CocoSul, plus authentiquele citeascipovestea convinge. va ment frangais din Un domn de la Institutulde Lingvistici prin ci Bucuregti ne-areprogat, intcrmediar, am careau Fcut sdtiuieunele spus citeva adevdruri GEcale, urcchi.I-amoferit,pe aceeagi paginile impotriva adevdrurilor 1'ICII casaargumenteze publicc GETICA. Aqteptdm. in f6cute $tiinlanu estegribit6. ai ai Unii angajagi unor institute, ciror saprin au devenit specialigti faptulangajdrii lariali duc la institutelerespective, dorpl vremurilor lor apusenu de mult c6ndcunoqtintele de spenumaidatoriti interzicerii cialitate erauvalabile mntrariu,realitatea lor oricirui punctdevedere a ,,$tiinlifici"fiind dati de forla administiativd Statului.Nici o criticd,nici o impotriviregtiinla cit ,,$tiintei" 1ificiideaticS, de modesta, adresa predicate ollcialde uneleinstitute acest I nu de fe era primit5de nicio revistisaugazere. Principiulera: prin deciziade numire in academicieni), profesori... (! posturi directori, de romane$ti deveneau automat stareliilingvisticii pc ai ,,savan!i" dclmeniilor care le conduceau, yiinla find rumai un apendicelegal al fiucliei adminisnativesau didactice detintue.Aceasld

We are sorry to do so but we are going to disappointthe French authors.Had they read Pu.rse, the Romanianstory of the The Tuppence to they would have felt embarassed write the aboveand maybe theywouldhaveevengivenup verthe tbe ideaentirelyof publishing ,,French" sion, an awkward composition,devoid of any to originaltrait, quite late in time (belonging the Middle Ages,at best, anywayposterior to the , We derives). variantwhence maybe it Romanian studyof the shall perhapsmake a comparative both the French hilo storiesonedayto enlighten authorsand our reader. Any*ay, the Frenchtextshavecontributed to our knowledgeof zoolog: the cock is the fox's friendothe former evenoffering to csrry the latter on his back;the fox kills the goatsand while in the B and C variantsthe fox kills sheep the wolf is merelyon the watch,a fact that has taught us that French foxes are not like the others foxes on the continent that feed on poultla, honey,imice,birdst eggs,etc. Frcnch foxesare morewonderful:they hunt sheepand goats(??).If you don't believe just readthe it, story The Cocko le plus authentiquement frangaisand you will soonbe convinced. working for the Institute for A gentleman Linguistics Bucharesthas reproachedus, by in an intermediary,we had voicedtruths that had made some ears tinglo. By the same intermediary,we offered him the GETICA itself to against useasmaterial support anyargument for had the truthsour magazine madepublic.We arestillwaiting. Science knowsno haste. Certain employeesof different institutes whmeworkershavetumedinto Wcialists tbe by display obvious an mere fad of their employment in longingfor bygone timeswhen knowledge the drmain washeldtrue solety owingto thecommon pactioe of forbiddingany other contraryvlewpoint, their ,,scientifiC' realitybeingadrievedby No the administrative forceof the State. criticism, no scientific no matter how modest- conthat tradictitn of ideas agairstthe .scierrce" was officialtypreached sane such instituteswas by rcceped by anymagazine journal. or The principlewas: by the official decision heads one departain that thcyshouldbecome (!), mentor another, academicians professors..., automatthe superiors Romanian of linguistics they . the ical$alsobecame ,,scholarsl'in domains were the headsof, science beingjwt a legalap

Citre cititor - To the r

modalitate investire de cu,,S pcntru persotme care niu I penmt Stiinla datd ca supli privegtelingvistica, poa se de-a gregi,era vorba de o ceputo iotd din fundame mdne. Ascultdndcum ne ce vind angajatal Institutu Bucuregti, deci,dupd leg venit in minte replica unu gAndire,imortalizat de gl binesd moi dupiipnncryt te vindeci gi sd tdieyi in verbig nai bine sii nu gti stinmlui de lingvisticii dec afara lor. Ne parerdu, nu-i pu sintemgatas5-ipublicdm ilor gi descoperirilor publ care sintemlncredinlagi ci insu$i. Spredeosebire re de lingvistic{ toate tnchise,d trecut ca ti azi, de o cennn principiale,GETICA este cirui punctde vedere arg primat in termenicivilizag i intr-o revistl inutild ma", scoasi de dl. PleEu na[ional,un critic-rerna gulescu, semneazd, regre latd ,,tloi, tracii" - din S mai 193) demnS ginut de triviti pentru autorul ei. I cearcS, dupl normativul,,1 si ironizeze, l6rd s5-l fi ci realitate ignoratd in vechi mAnofoni, argumentat du lucratcu mat'erialul clientu franceze secolele din IX-) ci nu ne a$teptam dorn la se pronun[easupraunor cunoa$re.

Cdtre cititor - To the reader
modalitatede investirecu,,{tiinld,, s-afiicut chiar pentnt persoanecare nu aveau nici o vocatrie penmt Stiinladatii ca suplimentla finc1ie.7n-ce privegtelingvistica, poate spune fEr6 teama se de-a gregi,era vorba de oamenicare n-au priceput o iot6 din fundamentele divinei limbi ro_ mAne. Ascultand cum ne certadomnulajunsfar6 vini angajat al Insritutului de lingvistici din Bucuregti, deci,dupd legitimalie; lingvist, ne-a venit in minte replica unui antecesor sau in al g0ndire,imortalizat de gloriosul Moli&re: nai bine sii Jnori dupdprincipiile Facultdlii, decit sd te vindeci Si sd trdieSti in afara /br. Fxpressis verbig mai bine sd nu Sii dupd canoanele Insfitutttlui de kngvisticridecit sti incerci sd Stiiin afara lor. Ne pare rdu, nu-i putem urma sfatul,degi sintemgatas5-ipublicim criticile adresa la ideilor gi descoperirilor publicatein GETICA! de caresintemincredingali reprezintiadevdrul ci insugi. Spredeosebire revistele de Insirunilui de lingvisticd, toate inchise, dogTnatice, binruite, in trecut ca {i azi, de o cenanrdsnpide a neEtiinlei pincipiale, GETICA esteo revistddeschisd oric5ruipunctde vedere argumentat, coerent, ex_ primat in termenicivilizagi. * intr-o revistl inutild, deplorabild, ,,Dilema", scoas6 dl. Plegu,in contul bugetului de national,un critic rernarcabil, Mircea lordl. gulescu, semneazd, regretabil, pagindintitu_ o latd ,,lrloi,tacii" - din Senegal (nr. 1g, 14-20 mai 1993) demnd 1inuta,,Dilemei,,, ne.po_ de dar triviti pentru autorul ei. in aceasta autorulincearc6, dupEnormativul la ,,Dilemei,,, comandd, si ironizeze, lErd sd-lfi citit, articolulnostruO realitateignorata in t'echime, Franla a fost rom0nofon6, argumentat dupdtoateregulile artei, lucratcumaterialulclientului, surse texte dupi gi franceze secolele din IX-XV. Regretdmnumai cd nu ne a$teptam domnulM. loryutescu ta sI se pronunteasupraunor lucriri pe carenu le cunoa$te.


pend.ixof the adminktrative or didactical finction they held This way of" investtant' veith .,science"was usedevenfor peoplc who had no talent all for the scienceihai wasgivin as a -at complement thefunction. As far aslinguistics n is.implied,one may saywith no fear of being mistaken that therewerepeoplemncernedthai had neverundentood one bit ofthe fundamen_ talspertaining the dMne Romanianlanguage. to Listeningto the abovegentlemanscolOing us and thinkingthat, in fact, he wasn'tguilty t6 have. beeneniployed the Institutefor Linguis_ by tics in Bucharest,and thus, judging froli nis permit, of havingbecomea linguist,we remem_ bereda replybelonging oneofhis antecessors' to in thinking,that gloriousMoliire hadgiveneternallife to: betterto die observing pinciplcs o.f the theAcademythan recoverand live owsini thei Expressis verbis,better to know observingthe not standardsof the lrctirute for Linguistics,thin to try to know outside them We are sorry to be unable to take this person's advicebut we shallalways readyto be publishhiscriticismto the ideasand discoveries publishedin the GETICA, which we are con_ vinced theyrepresent truth. the pertainrngto . _As opposedto the magazines the Insilnt.e for Linguistics,which are ail qlite closedand dogmatic and alwryshauntedby the silly censonhip of unpincipled non-science, GETICA is a magazine rhaf takespride in iri openness any argumented, to consistent view_ point that shouldbe expressed civitised in terms. In the ,,Dilemma..,pitifullyuseless a magazinepublished Mr. pleEu, expenses for by all paid by the national budge[, ramarkable a crit]c, Mir_ cea lorgulescrr,regrettablysigneda page en_ titled ..We, Thracians,, of Senegal the (no. 1g, 14th-20rh May, 1993) of rharis quitein keeping \urh thegeneral status the ,,Dilemma.' in of but total contradiction that of its author.Follow_ to ing the standard the ,,Dilemma,,. comof on mand,theauthoris tryingto mockat our article An lgnoredReality- in Ancient Times,France Was Rumanophong, without having read it, although wasthoroughly this argumented, with prooftakenfrom Frenchtextsandsources the in IX-XV centuries. The only regrettablething is that it is completety surprising from a critic as Mircealorgulescuto pa$s judgementon an iterir he hasn'tin fact read.




Citre cititor n To the n

' '

memoryabut the We haveaverypleasant Ne aducem cu Pl5cereaminte c5, ln ,,RG all de joi 9 octombrie19$6' reviewMr. Iorgulescuachieved, of his free minia literarS"ng.41, pe p. 10,domnul Mircea lorgulescua_receYa:, will,: on Rwnanian Proverbs a,nd got e binproprie iniliativa,carteanoastrahoverbele hoverbs of theRomanc llorldwbich he had romfuegti Si poverbele lwnii romanice, pe care all by himselffrom a bookshop.On page 109f no. 41 of the Un Si-aprocuiat-o singur din libririi, aslfel:. eve' the ;Romania literarE"magazine, -ninstt trebuic considerwd de bu,rd 9th of October 1985,he wrote; This book shauld culntal certainly be coruidered a cultural outstanding rcan| apadlia lrcestei hrcrdt'i, ce conline un practic o teorie noui, ' event,since it comprisesan atnple inffoductory anfu sntdiuintrod'ttctiv; indriizneapi gioriginali in nulte privinte' asa- sudy,.in fact a new, in many ways daring and original theoryon paremicryessio4 a collBc-. pa ryintuii poverbialc,o cokclie dc 360Q6a) rontdnegticomryate cu coresponfun' tion of 3fr QOa)funanian poverbs compared rovirbe a in to thcir conespondents Romancehnguages, telc tor h linbill romanice, o bibliografc ana' co' highly uselul anotytical bibliogmphy and inde mare utilitate Si iltdicL--Impot'tan1a liticd gi The dices... importanceof theruitilingual collec,' tcqiei ptu,ritingve a studiulai cornprutiv-find cu-toul eviderttdseremarcii totodatil canchtziile tion and of ttie comparctive studybeing entirely one obviotts, may alsonoticethc conclasiorc the I la carc e aiunsantontJ k kgdturd cu cele mai controver' ale domeniuhti:oiginea d author hasreache regailing tltc rrTost eontuversfie probleme gi citculaliaproverbelor,conlinwul gi apanenen' sialproblemsk the'domain: tlu oigin and cir' sur culation of poverbs, their contents and afiEa'crea,lii ia acestor4 in ce md.stttdstnt tmywntqi independenn.Rd al unei munci inde' tioq towhai uentthey areloarc orindependent lungate gi tenace,sustinute de pasiuner dero' creatiow.The result of a long and persevercnt devotionto sgreat by tament in sluiba unei mari idei' 9i eruditig effor! supported passiont lucrarca aceasta, sortiti, credem, unei stri' and exteniiverca$ing this worlg that is we idea lucite csriere qtiin$ifrcc, vine sd tuapk w gol think fatedto a glamorousscientificcaree4lras ageztttdpoverbelc rominegti inlr-un cont& ce cometo fill a gapby placingRomaian poverbs their wealthud value. . ti pune ma; Uinetn lunind bogdliagi valoarea in a conia that enligfitens Slntem convinEic5 dacd domnul Mirces We are certain that, if Mr. Iorgulescu' a ar well-meaningman, took the time to read the credem, Iorguleccu,un om de buni credin$tr' parcurge GETICAsaUnumaiarticolul'Franlas GETICA or at least tbe article France was f-ost romdnofonE, un adevdr care nu poate fi a iumanophone,whichstated realitytbat canby decft de reprodus no means denied, hewouldhaveto do were contestatnicicum, nu ar arJa all be concluziile de mai sus. Lucrarea care l-a en- to write tbe aboveconclusions again.Tbe work ani, pe tuziasmat, carea elogiato acumEapte nu and which he that had arousedhis enthusiasm este cu nimic superioard celor pe care le pupraised svenyears ago is by no means above blicim ln GETICA $i una $ celelaltese ilus- thmewe publishin the GETICA Both of them treazi prin idei noi, studiate indelung qi ar' are illustrative of new ideas that have been .gumentaie tlird putinli de replicii, in limitele studied for a long time and have been given gtiinfei. irrefutable proof within the,limits of scienct" if Mr. Ior' Binevoiascildl. Mirces Iorgulescu sii ne . Tlruswe shouldbe very pleased addressfor us to send sa,gi-ivomtrimite, fbri obligo' gulescu let us know his adresa comunic a ftee mpy of the GETICA which will cernu ne indoim, il va entuziasma him GETICA care, oncemore.It isonty his tainlyarouse enthusiasm atunci,du$ lecturS, lncd o datd.Vom aqtepta, after he hasread it that we shallbe waiting for opiniiledsale,cares5-lreprezinte. opinions. hisrepresentative ci Pind atunci,fl putem asigura noi, rom6' that time, all we can do is to assure Until nii, nu sintem traci, ci in GETICA nu frgureazi . him thatwe,RumaniangarcnoThraciang that astfelci nu este the GETICAdoesnttalludeto this legendat all legend6, nici o aluziela aceastii referit dl. M. Ior' what ThrdciansMr. u$or'de gbicit la ce traci s-a so it is quite easyto guess gulescu. Iorgulescuhad in mind.

Sperim ca din cele & lnleleagacfte capcane ,,gtii cercetAtor, chiar ln c54ile sacra$.Cft.ndreptate aveaI a podas in itme prioade nse Proverbulrom6nesc s muhe anevoiese ttrdste. Qr obligat sd fie: cercetitor g redactor gi corector, tehn difuzor, secretargi contabi nu poatelucracu spor.Este in loc fe dou5,trei, poatech an, nu putem scoate, grt cu declt un singurnumdr din ( Ne-ar trebuie mdcarr Dar cine s5-i pliteascS?O trdiascS. toatdlumeapoi Nu Primum vivere, deinde fiti trebuiesI trdiegti,apoi sd fi actMt6[i nelucrative... ). Vpm fr recunoscSto cititorilor interesali mnti de vor puteada sugestii, soluli putea asigurarevisteiGE I regplatd(Sublinielileaparg

ln cur6nd, R tn


cu un Cuvlnt lnai '

Lucrareaa Comenzil Blcuregti, tel. 611.25

I l

Cdtre cititor - To the render

Sper5mca din cele de mai,suscititorul s6 tnleleagecfte capcane,,gtiinlifioe,'fl ptndescpe cercetltor, chiar in carfile unor savairli consacra[i. C:ftedreptate aveaNietzsche: Intelcctul a Trodus tn imense pioade de timp rutmai eroi ProverbulroniAnesc spune: cine arecoafu muke anevoicse ttrdsre.Cindun singurinseste obligat si fie: cercet5torgi autor, dactilograt redactor 9i mrector; tehnoredactor,curier gi difuzor,secretar$i contabiletc. estelimpedecd nu poatelucracu spor.Estemotivul pentrucare in loc pe doud,trei, poatechiarpatru numerepe an, nu putem scoate, greu,cu mari intlrzieri, cu decftun singurnumErdin GETICA Ne-ar trebuie mdcardoi-trei mlaboratori. Dar cine sd-i pliteascS?Oamenii trebuie sd Ei trdiasi:d. toatelumeapoatelucradin pasiune. Nu himum vivere, deinde philosoplroi (Mai lntii trebuie se tr6ie$ti,apoi sI filosofezi,sI desf?igori activitdtinelucrative... ). Vpm fi recunoscitori, $i nu numai noi, cititorilor interesali conlinutulrevistei de carene vor puteada sugestii, solu[ii sausprijinpentru a putea asigurarevisteiGETICA o periodicitate **:tu (Sublinie'rile apa4in aurorutui).

, We stronglyhope the abovewill pro/e support enoughfor the readerto understandhow many,,scientilic" trapstherelie in thewayof the researcher, evenwith reno\ilnedscholars'books. How right Nietzschewds to assert:The intellect hasproducednothing but enon for ages. The Rumanian prwerb sap: lre who has many dutiesmovesslowly.When one singlepersonhasto bea reasercher an author,a typist, and an editor and technical-editor, mer.engeiund a a distributor,a secretary and an accountant, all at the sametim, he is clearlyunable to work efficiently.This the reasonwhy, insteadof the intendedtwo, three and wen four issues everv year,wearehardlyabletopublishjust oneyearly issueof the GETICA, and that with greateffort and delays. We should oT course need two or three collaborators, least. who istheretcipayfor at But theirwork?People mustalsolive.Not everybody is able to work out of passion, solely. (Primum vivere,deindephilosophari...). W, and not only we, shall therefore .be gratefulto all readerswho are interestedin the contentof our magazins who will be ableto and offer us suggestions, solutionsor any kind of support in order to secureGETICA a regular publication (Author'sunderlining) " Gabriel Gheorghe

In cur0nd, tr Editura ROMFEL, ra apSreavolumul:

Petrefufea, Intre dialog gi eseu (titrudatdeautor) .

cu un cuvint lnainte(lt4 p.) de Gabriel cttrg:he. ' Lucrareaare 512 p. gi esteintocmit5exemplar. C-omenzile pot adresala EdituraROMFEL,str.Lizeanu se 35y'-7nlt Bucuregti, 611.2555. tel.

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