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Honors Research Project English 9H: Sobotka Fifth Six Weeks Introduction Thus far this school year,

you have engaged in several steps on the research process: reading/ explication informational texts, goal setting for writing, maintain a work-in-progress schedule, MLA practices, and the writing process; however, the purpose of the research project this six weeks is to combine all of those elements into a cohesive, relevant research project (product and 5x5 essay). Do not worry, my young friends; you already have all the tools needed to successfully complete this task. I will be provided some additional tools to assist with this project and process: Due dates for each phase of the research process Useful informational text resources as well as places to ascertain more sources Templates for constructing MLA citations, drafting paragraph guides, online reference blog, etc. Workshop/ conference time Library and computer lab access Task As I am sure you have heard in the news or from your parents, peers, and teachers, the hot topic in Cabell County is the proposed Balanced Calendar. Let our research from earlier this week be a starting point for your project. Your task is to develop a researched essay and product that exhibits your stance on the issue from a stakeholders position. You will need to decide a few things before you start the actual research process: Stakeholder position from which you will be conducting your research Your stance on the issue Rationale for your stance (Note: No stakeholder or stance is incorrect with sufficient, reliable information to support the claim.) Intended audience (Who, besides me, do you want to read and be influenced by your work?) Required Portions of this Project Proposal Page (to be completed and turned in prior to research) Progress Posts to Sobotkas Research Blog Outline 5x5 Argumentative essay MLA page (three sources; one of which needs to be a print source) Product (must be approved, must enhance the research and essay, and cannot be a poster)

Product and Essay Due Date: March 29, 2013

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