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Kezia Dugdale MSP Lothians Region Scottish Parliament Edinburgh EH991SP March 4th 2013


Dear Kez, Fund Scotland's Future

Following the announcements

in the Stage 3 Budget debate, I just wanted to write to thank you for all of your

support for NUS Scotland's Fund Scotland's Future campaign. While it is welcome that over the next two years we -will see some improvements in college funding over what was originally planned, including the protection of student

support, it was ultimately cuts in full.

very disappointing

for all of us who called on the Scottish Government

to reverse college

We know that the support and commitment played a key role in securing the additional

of MSPs across the chamber throughout

the passage of the budget

investments we did see, and students across Scotland will be hugely

grateful for your work on their behalf and the impact it has had during the process.

We know that you will have received a high volume of correspondence

from the thousands of students involved in

our campaign, and we recognise how busy you and your office will already be, so we also wanted to say thank you to you and to all your staff for all of the additional work in responding to and meeting with our members.

We look forward to continuing

to work with you throughout

this Parliament, and in particular how we can continue

making a positive case, together, for improved college funding in future years. Please do not hesitate to contact NUS Scotland if we can be of assistance to you or your office in any of your work.

Thank you again and best wishes,

~ President, NUS Scotland ~



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national union of students scotland

29 forth street, edinburgh eh1 31e t: 0131 556 6598 f: 0131 557 5679 e: mail@nus-scotland, w:,uk


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