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Kindergarten 2013

Spring Break Activities

Below are a list of ideas of things to do with your child over the

break if you so choose! Not required! Any extra practice students

receive is always great! Have a WONDERFUL and relaxing break!

Time: we will begin learning to tell time to the hour and half hour Money: practice identifying coins (values and names) Writing letters and numbers: work on any letters or numbers that tend to be backwards Journal Writing: Have your child write and illustrate about his or her spring break activities! Spelling: Quiz your child on spelling the sight words (written and out loud). Addition: Make this fun! Use anything you like as manipulatives to aid in adding or try some mental math. If your child seems to master addition, try subtraction! Write a Book!: Encourage your child to be an author/illustrator and write his or her own book. Reading!: work on your march book club sheet and practice reading independent-level books Sight words (goal is to know all 52 by the end of kindergarten!

Kindergarten 2013

Great Websites:
Go to the just for kids section of our classroom blog or (use your childs login and e mail me if its been lost) Includes kid-friendly games and activities that you can custom create and print! *check out the money activities and worksheets!* the kids are very familiar with this literacy website. Kindergarten science experiments An interactive Dr. Seuss website Free 15 day trial (not a totally free site unfortunately)
Pre-K-Kindergarten Math: ames.html g 1st and 2nd grade math: (there are some games the kids can definitely do: ames.html g Math by topic:

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