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Producer: Corey Mason-Seifert


Risk Assessment
Production Details: Haydon Media

Types of Risk: Personal Injury / Health & Safety / Damage to equipment / Halting Production
Risk Type Details of Risk Possibility of cameras, tripods breaking. Ways to minimise risk When recording camera safety straps should be fastened tight around wrist in case dropped so they do not hit the floor. Tripod legs should be secure and even when stood up before cameras are mounted on them. Ensure the distance between the chair and edge of the stage is big enough to ensure falling does not occur. Each memory card needs to cleared of any unneeded footage before filming and during to ensure all footage from recording set is actually recorded. Person(s) Responsible Corey Mason-Seifert

Damage to equipment

Health & Safety

Chance drummer falls of back of the stage area. Running out of recording space on memory cards of each individual one.

Corey Mason-Seifert Max Dowling Corey Mason-Seifert Aidan Mooney

Halting Production

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