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RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN (RPP) Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Kelas/ Semester Alokasi Waktu Topik Pembelajaran Skill

: SMA Negeri 1 Ciawi : Bahasa Inggris : X/2 : 2 x 45 Menit : Descriptive Text : Reading

A. Standar Kompetensi Membaca 11 Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana berbentuk narrative, descriptive dan news item dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan. B. Kompetisi Dasar Membaca 11.2 Merespon makna dan langkah-langkah retorika dalam esei sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk descriptive C. Indikator 1. mengidentifikasi teks deskriptive. (bertanggung jawab, percaya diri) 2. menjawab pertanyaan seputar teks descriptive (teliti) 3. menemukan antonim dari kata-kata sifat yang diberikan. (teliti) 4. menemukan action verbs yang ada dalam teks dan menulis kalimat simple present tense dari action verbs yang ditemukan. (teliti) D. Tujuan Pembelajaran Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat: 1. mengidentifikasi teks deskriptive. (bertanggung jawab, percaya diri) 2. menjawab pertanyaan seputar teks descriptive (teliti) 3. menemukan antonim dari kata-kata sifat yang diberikan. (teliti) 4. menemukan action verbs yang ada dalam teks dan menulis kalimat simple present tense dari action verbs yang ditemukan. (teliti) E. Materi Descriptive text Descriptive text is a text which describes the characteristics of a particular person or thing. Communicative Purpose: to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing. The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text: Identification: identifying the phenomenon to be described. (the identity of particular person, place, or thing) Description: describing the phenomenon in parts, qualities, or/and characteristics. people Physical Character Habit hobby animal Physical Character Habit habitat place Physical Quality Material Distance

The differences between descriptive text and report text: Descriptive text Report text 1. Describe the thing in particular and more 1. Report the thing that will be discussed in specific. E.g: pet general. E.g: my pet 2. Generic structure: identification and 2. Generic structure: general classification description in parts or characteristic and description part per part Example: Identification of Descriptive text My bird

General classification of Report text Bird Birds are interesting flying animals. They are I have a pet, i named it Yoki, vertebrates and warm blooded animals. They belong to Yoki is a female old cuckoo. aves class and can be found all over the world.

Some words that can be used to describe someone: Complexion: fair, dark, white, brown, black Height : short, tall, average-height Age : old, young, middle-aged Build: small, big, skinny, slim, plump, fat Looks: attractive, beautiful, charming, cute, ugly, pretty Hair: straight, wavy, curly, kinky, long, short, blonde, red Eyes: round, big, small, slanted, almond-shaped Nose: pointed, flat Face: round, oval, long, square LANGUAGE FEATURES Adjective An adjective is a world which describes a noun or pronoun. Example : Dian Sastro is a beautiful actress The concert is boring. The group of descriptive adjective: 1. Adjectives describing appearance Example:

2. Adjectives describing colour Example:

3. Adjectives describing personality Example:

4. Adjectives describing feelings Example:

5. Adjectives describing shape Example:

6. Adjectives describing size Example:

7. Adjectives describing time Example:

8. Adjective describing quantity Example:

9. Adjectives describing sound Example:

10. Adjectives describing taste Example:

11. Adjectives describing touch Example:

Action Verb An action verb is a word that shows what someone or something is doing. Example : She acts in several movies. He rides a bicycle. Kata-kata kerja yang tergolong action verb antara lain yang menyatakan activity (aktivitas), process (proses), dan momentary action (aksi berdurasi pendek). Action verb tentunya memiliki bentuk progressive ataucontinuous. Beberapa contoh action verb adalah sebagai berikut. Tipe dan Contoh Action Verb: Tipe Action Verb Contoh Contoh Action Verb dalam Kalimat


eat, listen, play, walk, work

He plays badminton every thursday night.

Process Momentary actions

change, grow, melt, shorten, widen hit, jump, knock

Sunflowers grow fast. The athlete jumps when his coach blow the whistle.

Simple present tense Form: S + Example : I have a favorite actress. Jody has a pointed nose.

The uses of the simple present tense: 1. Refer to something that is true at the present time. Example : John likes Jane We are happy 2. Represent an action or a state that is true all the time (general truth) Example : Water boils at Metals expand when it is heated 3. Refer to a habitual action Example : She gets up at 5 a.m. They go to school by bus. 4. Refer to the instantaneous present (eg during a demonstration or sport commentary) Example : Ali gets the ball. . . He kicks, and there it goes straight into the goal. As you can see, this is a slab of bean curd, I cut into cubes in this way. 5. Refer to specific future actions which have been fixed and are certain to happen. Example : We leave Kuala Lumpur at 6 p.m. tomorrow. The new school tem begins next week. 6. Refer to future actions that are referred to in subordinate clauses. Example : Will you be kind to the poor, when you grow up and earn a lot of money? If you go to Jakarta, let me know. 7. Refer to talk about what happens plays, or films Example : The hero dies at the end of the film. In this book, an army invades Britain. 8. Refer to some special verbs which we don't use in continuous tenses (stative verbs). Example : This soup tastes great. You look fabulous. Text 1 Her full name is Aluna Sagita Gutawa. You can call her Gita Gutawa. She was born in Jakarta on August 11th, 1993. She is a singer with sopran voice. Gita Gutawa is a cute girl. She has everage body. She is not really tall but looks ideal. She has black hair, brown skin, and black eyes. Her face is oval and good looking. Gita is a famous musician's daughter, Erwin Gutawa. She has learnt music since she was an elementary school student in grade 2. Gita has a powerful and unique voice. She sings beautifully with high pitch. She has many famous songs such as Doo Be Doo, Kembang Perawan, and Bukan Permainan. F. Metode /teknik pembelajaran: Teknik : three phase technique G. Strategi Pembelajaran Tatap Muka Terstruktur Siswa diajak untuk berdiskusi tentang Siswa berlatih definisi, tujuan, dan ciri ciri dari teks menemukan descriptive. tujuan, dan ciri ciri Siswa dituntun untuk bisa menjawab dari teks pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan salah satu descriptive. teks descriptive yang diberikan oleh guru

Mandiri Siswa mengerjakan soal yang diberikan oleh guru.

H. Langkah-langkah pembelajaran a. KegiatanPendahuluan (10 menit) Guru menyapa dan mengecek kehadiran siswa. (ramah, disiplin) Siswa diberikan motivasi belajar (peduli) Siswa menonton video tentang perbedaan nasib orang. (peduli) Siswa diberikan instruksi yang akan berkaitan dengan materi yang akan diberikan. (perhatian) Look at your friend, and tell me her/his charateristic! Guru menyampaikan SKKD dan indikator. (bertanggung jawab) b. Kegiatan Inti (75 menit) Eksplorasi (5 menit) : Siswa ditunjukkan gambar dan diberi pertanyaan tentang gambar tersebut. (rasa ingin tahu) Is she beautiful? Is she tall? What does she usually do? Siswa ditanya What are we going to learn today Elaborasi (65): Siswa dijelaskan tentang definisi, tujuan, generic structure, dan ciri-ciri teks descriptive. (rasa ingin tahu) Siswa diberikan contoh kata-kata yang bisa digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan orang. (teliti) Example : Complexion: fair, dark, white, brown, black Height : short, tall, average-height etc Siswa diminta untuk membuat kalimat menggunakan kata-kata tersebut secara lisan. (tanggung jawab) ( brown, tall, young, skinny, cute, curly, big, flat, oval ) Example : 1. Complexion: She has brown skin. 2. Height : He is a tall man. 1. Age : He is still young. 2. Build : Dania is a skinny girl. 3. Look : They are cute children. 4. Hair : His hair is curly. 5. Eyes : She has big eyes. 6. Nose : Jonni has a flat nose. 7. Face : Her face is oval. Siswa dijelaskan tentang language features teks descriptive. (rasa ingin tahu) Siswa dijelaskan tentang adjective dan diberikan contohnya. (rasa ingin tahu) Example : She is beautiful. They are so kind. Siswa dijelaskan tentang action verb dan diberikan contohnya. (rasa ingin tahu) Example : She acts in several movies. Jenni reads science books. Siswa ditunjukkan contoh teks descriptive dan berlatih untuk menemukan generic structure. (teliti, percaya diri) Siswa diminta untuk menemukan language features yang ada pada teks. (percaya diri) Siswa menjawab pertanyaan yang berkaitan teks. ((tanggung jawab) What is the topic of the text? Where was she born?

What is the color of her hair? What is she? Mention three of her songs! Siswa dijelaskan perbedaan teks report dan teks descriptive. Siswa dijelaskan tentang simple present tense dan diberikan contohnya. (rasa ingin tahu) Example : He writes a letter. I write a letter. Siswa diberi teks descriptive dan mengerjakan soal yang diberikan oleh guru. (tanggung jawab, mandiri, teliti) Siswa mengumpulkan hasil pekerjaannya. (tanggung jawab)

Konfirmasi (10): Siswa dan guru membahas jawaban secara bersama-sama (jujur) Guru memberikan feedback kepada siswa. (tanggung jawab) c. Kegiatan Akhir (5 menit) Siswa merangkum materi yang sudah dipelajari hari itu. (tanggung jawab) Melakukan refleksi terhadap jalannya proses pembelajaran pada hari itu. (tanggung jawab) I. Sumber/bahan/alat Aik, Kam Chuan and Hui, Kam Kai.1992. Longman Dictionary of Grammar and Usage. Singapore: PT Prenhallindo. Astuti, Eka Mulya. 2010. English Zone for Senior High School Students Year X. Jakarta: Erlangga. Laptop Infokus Penilaian A. Pedoman Penilaian: Indikator 1. Mengidentifikasi generic structure 2. menjawab pertanyaan seputar text


1. 2.

3. menemukan antonym dari kata- 3. kata yang diberikan 4. menemukan action verbs yang ada 4. dalam teks dan menulis kalimat simple present tense dari action verbs yang ditemukan.

Pedoman penilaian Jika menjawab dengan benar maka mendapatkan skor 10 masing-masing soal jika di jawab benar mendapat skor 2, dan skor maksimal 10 Jika menjawab dengan benar, masingmasing mendapatkan skor 1, dan skor maksimal 10. Jika menjawab dengan benar, masingmasing mendapatkan skor 1, dan menuliskan kalimat dengan benar mendapatkan skor 3 sehingga skor maksimal yang diperoleh adalah 5+15=20

Perhitungan nilai akhir: Skor Perolehan Nilai Akhir: --------------------- X 100 Skor maksimal B. Instrument: Mos people assume that sisters and brothers have many things in common. This is not always true. Both my brothers, Indra and Andri, have the same parents and the same background, but they differ a great deal in appearance and lifestyle. Indra, the younger one, has long curly hair and a beard. He is quite thin and tall. He usually dresses casually in blue jeans and a T-shirt. Sometimes he looks untidy. He is a university students. Since the university is near our home, he rides his bicycle to school. In his free time, Indra goes to the movies and plays soccer. My brother Andi, on the other hand, looks more conservative than Indra. He has shorter, straight hair. He has a moustache but not beard. He is well-built, but slightly shorter than Indra. His clothes are also more conservatives than Indras. As he works in a bank, he wears a suit and tie to work. He drives a car to his downtown office. In his spare time, he goes bowling and plays chess. My friends cannot believe that Indra and Andri are twin brothers because they seem different. C. Rancangan Penilaian Indikator Mengidentifikasi generic structure menjawab pertanyaan seputar text menemukan antonym dari katakata yang diberikan menemukan action verbs yang ada dalam teks dan menulis kalimat simple present tense dari action verbs yang ditemukan

1. 2. 3. 4.

Bentuk esai

1. 2. 3.

uraian esai 4.

contoh Write the generic structures of the text! When was she born? Find the antonym of the words below! Example: short X tall Find 5 action verbs, and make sentences from the words! Example: has He has a beard.

skor 10 20 10


Guru Pamong

Bogor, 8 Maret 2013 Praktikan

Wiwik Sutiani, S.Pd NIP 198307262010012009

Fajar Tri Utami NPM. 031109208

Lampiran: Materi Descriptive text Descriptive text is a text which describes the characteristics of a particular person or thing. Communicative Purpose: to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing. The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text: Identification: identifying the phenomenon to be described. (the identity of particular person, place, or thing) Description: describing the phenomenon in parts, qualities, or/and characteristics. people animal place Physical Physical Physical Character Character Quality Habit Habit Material hobby habitat Distance The differences between descriptive text and report text: Descriptive text Report text 3. Describe the thing in particular and more 5. Report the thing that will be discussed in specific. E.g: pet general. E.g: my pet 4. Generic structure: identification and 6. Generic structure: general classification description in parts or characteristic and description part per part Example: Identification of Descriptive text My bird

General classification of Report text Bird Birds are interesting flying animals. They are I have a pet, i named it Yoki, vertebrates and warm blooded animals. They belong to Yoki is a female old cuckoo. aves class and can be found all over the world.

Some words that can be used to describe someone: Complexion: fair, dark, white, brown, black Height : short, tall, average-height Age : old, young, middle-aged Build: small, big, skinny, slim, plump, fat Looks: attractive, beautiful, charming, cute, ugly, pretty Hair: straight, wavy, curly, kinky, long, short, blonde, red Eyes: round, big, small, slanted, almond-shaped Nose: pointed, flat Face: round, oval, long, square LANGUAGE FEATURES Adjective An adjective is a world which describes a noun or pronoun. Example : Dian Sastro is a beautiful actress The concert is boring.

The group of descriptive adjective: 1. Adjectives describing appearance Example:

2. Adjectives describing colour Example:

3. Adjectives describing personality Example:

4. Adjectives describing feelings Example:

5. Adjectives describing shape Example:

6. Adjectives describing size Example:

7. Adjectives describing time Example:

8. Adjective describing quantity Example:

9. Adjectives describing sound Example:

10. Adjectives describing taste Example:

11. Adjectives describing touch Example:

Action Verb An action verb is a word that shows what someone or something is doing. Example : She acts in several movies. He rides a bicycle. Kata-kata kerja yang tergolong action verb antara lain yang menyatakan activity (aktivitas), process (proses), dan momentary action (aksi berdurasi pendek). Action verb tentunya memiliki bentuk progressive ataucontinuous. Beberapa contoh action verb adalah sebagai berikut.

Tipe dan Contoh Action Verb: Tipe Action Verb Contoh Contoh Action Verb dalam Kalimat


eat, listen, play, walk, work

He plays badminton every thursday night.

Process Momentary actions

change, grow, melt, shorten, widen hit, jump, knock

Sunflowers grow fast. The athlete jumps when his coach blow the whistle.

Simple present tense Form: S + Example : I have a favorite actress. Jody has a pointed nose. The uses of the simple present tense: 1. Refer to something that is true at the present time. Example : John likes Jane We are happy 2. Represent an action or a state that is true all the time (general truth) Example : Water boils at Metals expand when it is heated 3. Refer to a habitual action Example : She gets up at 5 a.m. They go to school by bus. 4. Refer to the instantaneous present (eg during a demonstration or sport commentary) Example : Ali gets the ball. . . He kicks, and there it goes straight into the goal. As you can see, this is a slab of bean curd, I cut into cubes in this way. 5. Refer to specific future actions which have been fixed and are certain to happen. Example : We leave Kuala Lumpur at 6 p.m. tomorrow. The new school tem begins next week. 6. Refer to future actions that are referred to in subordinate clauses. Example : Will you be kind to the poor, when you grow up and earn a lot of money? If you go to Jakarta, let me know. 7. Refer to talk about what happens plays, or films Example : The hero dies at the end of the film. In this book, an army invades Britain. 8. Refer to some special verbs which we don't use in continuous tenses (stative verbs). Example : This soup tastes great. You look fabulous.

Text 1 Her full name is Aluna Sagita Gutawa. You can call her Gita Gutawa. She was born in Jakarta on August 11th, 1993. She is a singer with sopran voice. Gita Gutawa is a cute girl. She has everage body. She is not really tall but looks ideal. She has black hair, brown skin, and black eyes. Her face is oval and good looking. Gita is a famous musician's daughter, Erwin Gutawa. She has learnt music since she was an elementary school student in grade 2. Gita has a powerful and unique voice. She sings beautifully with high pitch. She has many famous songs such as Doo Be Doo, Kembang Perawan, and Bukan Permainan. Pertanyaan 1. What is the topic of the text? 2. Where was she born? 3. What is the color of her hair? 4. What is she? 5. Mention three of her songs!

Evaluasi Text 2 Mos people assume that sisters and brothers have many things in common. This is not always true. Both my brothers, Indra and Andri, have the same parents and the same background, but they differ a great deal in appearance and lifestyle. Indra, the younger one, has long curly hair and a beard. He is quite thin and tall. He usually dresses casually in blue jeans and a T-shirt. Sometimes he looks untidy. He is a university students. Since the university is near our home, he rides his bicycle to school. In his free time, Indra goes to the movies and plays soccer. My brother Andi, on the other hand, looks more conservative than Indra. He has shorter, straight hair. He has a moustache but not beard. He is well-built, but slightly shorter than Indra. His clothes are also more conservatives than Indras. As he works in a bank, he wears a suit and tie to work. He drives a car to his downtown office. In his spare time, he goes bowling and plays chess. My friends cannot believe that Indra and Andri are twin brothers because they seem different.

I. Analyze the text above! generic structure identification description paragraph

II. Answer the questions based on the text above! 1. What is the topic of the text? 2. Who has a beard? 3. What does Andri usually do in his spare time ? 4. How does Indra go to school? 5. Where does Andri word III. Find the antonym of the words below! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. IV. True Same Younger Long Curly Skinny Tidy Near Careful Beautiful . . . . . . . . . .

Find 5 action verbs ftrom the text 2, and make simple present tense sentences

Kunci jawaban Text 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The description of Gita Gutawa Jakarta Black A singer Doo Be Doo, Kembang Perawan, and Bukan Permainan.

Text 2 I. Identification : paragraph ke-1 Description : paragraph ke-2-3

II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The description of Indra and Andri Indra Bowling and playing chess By bicycle A bank

III. 1. False 2. Different 3. Elder 4. Short 5. Straight 6. Fat 7. Untidy 8. Far 9. Careless 10. Ugly

IV. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

assume differ Wear Look Believe Etc.

: They assume that Anny comes from Yogyakarta. : They differ in writing style. : He wears a hat everyday. : You look different today. : I believe that you are a diligent student.

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