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1) B) sum absente to nr1 ?

absente:, nr1 2) B) delete elevi for absente=0 3) List for nume=Butnaru Dan sau locate nume=.. Acceptdati nume to vnume Accept dati clase to vclasa Append blank Replace nume with vnume Replace clasa with vclasa 4) A) list for varsta>=18 b) Sort to scoala1 on varsta/d 5) a) calculate(media>=5) to vnr List for media=vnr Sort examene on media/a 6) a) list for nota1<5 List for nota>5 (nush dak mere)

7. a) delete for produs=0 all b) replace pret with pret +10/100*pret 8) a) accept Dati Nume: to vabonat Input dati nr telefon: to vnr Append blank Replace nume with vabonat Replace tel with vnr b)sort to telefon on abonat/a list 9) a) delete for nume=Popescu

b) sum impuls to vimp 10) a) list for nume=ce nume vrei b) list for impuls>(cel mai mare nr de impulsuri pe care il are un abonat) 11------12) a) list tip=m b) list for tip 13) a) locate for titlu=xxxx sau list for titlu=xxxxx list for editura=all 14) a) list for autor=M Sad b) sort to bibliote on an/a list 15) a) list for varste>=18 b) sort to elevii on varsta/d 18) a) list for denumire=xxxxx b) list for pret>(cel mai mare pret) 19) a) delete for produse=0 b) replace prt with prt+19/100*prt 20) a) locate for elev=popescu List apoi nush????

22) a) list for titlu=xxxxx b) sort to cartile on autor/a 24) b) list for nr_pat>(dai cel mai mare nr de paturi)

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