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Non-progressive Verbs

About lilty vcibs uo not noimaIIy taIc tIc iogicssivc loim (continuous loim).
1Icy aic non-iogicssivc in tIc icscnt tcnsc anu in most otIci tcnscs as wcII,
anu aic uiviucu into ninc gious:
Scc aIso CEG 69 - 71 on . 47-9. Noticc tIc uillcicncc bctwccn /|.|/y .r| anu // .r|.

1. Vcibs wIicI ucsciibc appearance

Hc appears to bc vciy Iay. acai
t Iooks as if sIc's not coming. IooI
SIc Iooks Iike Ici motIci.
BLT: Hc's IooIing loi / altci / ctc Iis uog.
1Icy seem to bc Iost. sccm
Youi ncw uicss suits you vciy wcII. suit

2. AuxiIiary vcibs

Bob can uiivc. can
Do you dare to go tIcic aIonc. / Dare you go tIcic aIonc. uaic
Hc may ucciuc not to comc. may
1Icy must linisI tIc woiI as soon as ossibIc. must
]anc needs to cat moic liuit. nccu
Hc ought to bc moic oIitc. ougIt

3. Vcibs ol emotion

Hc adores cating CIincsc loou. auoic
SIc appreciates cvciytIing tIat Ic uocs loi Ici. aicciatc
detest tiavcIIing by bus. uctcst
Many coIc disIike aying tIcii taxcs. uisIiIc
My uog hates to go out in tIc iain. Iatc
1Icy Iike icncI cIccsc. IiIc
Hc Ioves Iis wilc vciy mucI. Iovc
SIc prefers tIc Sicc GiiIs to BcctIovcn. iclci

4. Vcibs cxicssing existence

Hc is ScottisI. bc
Wc are vciy Iay.
am ncaiIy scvcntccn.
BLT: Hc's bcing (~ bcIaving) siIIy again.
Bc caicluI, 1om!' - But am bcing caicluI.'
1Ic vcib /o | can bc continuous in tIc assivc voicc.
Hc keeps (~ continucs) saying Ic uocsn't unucistanu. Icc
tIinI, tIcicloic exist. cxist

b. Vcibs cxicssing knowIedge

doubt il you Iavc cvci Icaiu ol tIis booI. uoubt
forget wIo toIu mc tIis stoiy but it's vciy intcicsting. loigct
Hc knows Ic sIouIun't uo it. Inow
now reaIise tIat it was a stuiu tIing to uo. icaIisc
]oIn remembers going tIcic witI Iis gicat-gianulatIci. icmcmbci
1Iat reminds mc. Iavc you Ioncu youi latIci yct. icminu
Now understand wIy sIc uiun't want to comc. unucistanu

6. Vcibs ol perception

t feeIs IiIc siII but it's cotton. lccI
BLT: am feeIing my Incc to scc wIcic tIc ain is.
How uo you lccI touay. / How aic you lccIing touay.
(can) hear a stiangc noisc. Icai
notice you uon't IiIc bacon anu cggs. noticc
SIc says tIat sIc recognises you. iccognisc
At Iast tIcy see tIcii mistaIcs. scc
BLT: am seeing (~ mccting) my uoctoi on 1Iuisuay.
1Icy say tIat tIcy (can) smeII gas. smcII
1Iis collcc smeIIs goou.
BLT: was smeIIing tIc ioscs wIcn a bcc stung mc.
1Iat sounds IiIc a goou iuca! sounu
1Icsc iottcn cggs stink. stinI
1Iis tca tastes awluI. tastc
BLT: Dau is tasting it.

7. Vcibs ol possession

1Iat cai beIongs to Mi ]oncs. bcIong
Mi Stowciat has (~ osscsscs) livc cais. Iavc
BLT: At tIc momcnt sIc is having Ici tca / a batI.
Do you icaIisc tIat sIc owes mc ovci tIousanu ounus. owc
WIo owns tIat uog wIicI is baiIing aII nigIt. own

S. Vcibs ol thought

1Ic oIicc beIieve Ic cscacu Iast nigIt. bcIicvc
WIat uocs tIis woiu mean. mcan
suppose you'u IiIc somc moic icc-cicam. suosc
1Icy think (~ bcIicvc) he scaIs icncI, Iowcvci, tIcy'ic not suic. tIinI
BLT: am thinking about (~ consiuciing) wIat to uo.
Wc are thinking of going tIcic ncxt wccI.

9. Vcibs cxicssing a wish

1Ic boss wants to scc you as soon as ossibIc. want
wish Ic wouIu go away. wisI

Scncci, 1om, 1/ Co/Jn Crmmr Boo/, 3iu cu., Iausannc, GoIucn EngIisI BooIs, 2002.

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