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Written by Christian Tizya

Over black we hear a voice. TWITCH Who loves you? INT. TWITCHS APARTMENT - BEDROOM. NIGHT


LILLY, EARLY 30S, bathed in the glow of a red light straddles LEONARD SIMPSON, aka TWITCH, 30s, on the bed. Both are still wearing their day clothes. She is stunning, but a scar down the left side of her face shows a history impossible to hide. You do. LILLY

He strokes the side of her face. INT. HOLDING ROOM. DAY Twitch has Tourette's Syndrome. He doesn't blurt out obscenities, but has moments where he blinks repeatedly and cranks his neck for a spell. When someone is addressing him he mouths words to himself in silence. Twitch is in a prisoners jumpsuit sitting with his head down when a loud SLAP on the table in front of him jars him out of his daydream. He never looks up, only the offscreen voice of a DETECTIVE, MALE, addressing him can be heard. DETECTIVE Hey goof, stay with me. Twitch sits up, gives him a dirty look. DETECTIVE (CONTD) Oh you didnt like goof did you? Only criminals take offense to that word. The Detective sits down as Twitch shakes his head. DETECTIVE (CONTD) So tell me then, what is a private investigator like you doing with unlicensed guns? Got something going on the side? Twitch stays silent.

2. DETECTIVE (CONTD) Where were you earlier today? TWITCH I dont know. DETECTIVE I dont know? How strung out are you? TWITCH I dont do drugs. I was born this way. DETECTIVE How were you able to shoot straight with your...condition? TWITCH Why dont you ask your wife. DETECTIVE Enough tough guy. Just tell me what did you do with the girl and why you have a dead body in your midst. TWITCH Enough of this shit. I wanna call somebody. Theres a pause. DETECTIVE I suppose. Right this way. Twitch gets an idea, he looks up and nods then points to the camera. TWITCH Turn that off first. TITLE CARD OVER BLACK: A Few Weeks Earlier EXT. STREET. DAY Twitch rides along in his motorcycle, a crotch rocket style bike weaving in and out of traffic at times running yellow to red lights. The city is large and a perfect place to be anonymous.

3. INT. LOUNGE. DAY The lounge is slightly downtrodden and dark with dated decor from previous decades. Twitch walks in wearing jeans and leather bike jacket. Its got red stripes down the arms, and his hair is messy from the helmet. His "tics" get a few stares, but he pays no mind. He looks around, and hears a voice from his right. CHRISTINE WYLIE, LATE 40S, BLONDE, SUNGLASSES, HAT calls him. CHRISTINE Mr. Simpson. She waves him over. INT. LOUNGE - BACK CORNER. DAY Twitch and Christine are sitting across from each other in lounge style chairs by a fireplace. Christine has her hat and sunglasses off, revealing a woman of prestige who holds her head up high, but is shamed by lifes current events. She notices Twitch's tics but doesn't address them. CHRISTINE Well Mr. Simpson... TWITCH Call me Leo, please. CHRISTINE I suppose youre wondering why I contacted you? TWITCH I think I have an idea. Just not sure how you knew about me? CHRISTINE A friend of mine referred you to me...Denise Watson? TWITCH Yes, I remember. Now, I can take a wild guess why you asked to meet. Unless its something else... CHRISTINE I have reason to believe that my husband is having an affair. Judging by your track record I would very much like to hire you for your services.

4. TWITCH Thats great, but I have to tell you something. I havent worked in a while and I am probably not the best guy right now to take this on. I can refer you toCHRISTINE You're telling me youre almost out of business? A fully, licensed PI who also has a certificate for polygraph? TWITCH Things have been rough. Personally. Twitch takes a sip of his coffee. He cranks his neck a bit, and blinks rapidly causing Christine to take pause. CHRISTINE I apologize. Can I ask you something? TWITCH I have Tourrettes. I'm not a drug addict or anything, Im not mentally ill. I can do anything normally. CHRISTINE I'm sorry. I am a little stressed, I didn't mean to come off like that. TWITCH It's understood. Im used to it. CHRISTINE How much do you need to get started? And how much do you charge? TWITCH I need 2000 to start and I charge 300 an hour after that. Christine pauses as Twitch clears his throat repeatedly. CHRISTINE Well Leo, I am going away on a book tour for a while. How does an advance of $5000 sound?

5. TWITCH That, would be great. CHRISTINE Is this a deal? TWITCH Its a deal. They shake hands then she pulls an envelope out of her purse and hands it to him. TWITCH (CONTD) So a book tour..what kind of books do you write? CHRISTINE You haven't heard of me? I thought you would have done your research on me before walking in here. TWITCH I'm a private investigator, not a stalker. CHRISTINE I didn't think there was a difference. TWITCH One gets paid. The other doesn't. CHRISTINE I write books about Self esteem in business. I'll bring you back a copy. He goes to open the envelope but she stops put her hand on his. CHRISTINE (CONTD) Please, just be mindful who sees this. Of course. TWITCH

She puts on her glasses and hat, and stands up. CHRISTINE I wish I could say pleasure doing business but, I can't. No offense.

6. TWITCH No worries, Im used to it. She's about to leave but turns to him. CHRISTINE Just out of curiosity, are you single? TWITCH Sort of. Seperated. CHRISTINE Was cheating involved? Twitch is not sure how to answer. CHRISTINE (CONTD) Don't answer that. We'll be in touch. As she walks away, Twitch looks around to see if anyone is close by. It's clear so he carefully opens the envelope. He pulls out a photo, but is horrified to see who its revealed to be. TWITCH (to himself) Oh...shit...

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