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Software Design For

Studies and Evaluation on Meta Search Engines

Prepared by M. GOUTHAM M Tech (CSE) - Roll No: 10D96D5807

Table of Contents
Table of Contents........................................................................................................................... 2

1. Architecture................................................................................................................................3

2. UML Diagrams..........................................................................................................................4

3. Flow Chart.4

4. Use Case Diagram.6

5. Class Diagram.......................................................................................................................... 7

6. Sequence Diagram.................................................................................................................... 8

7. Collaboration Diagram.............................................................................................................9

8. Component diagram............................................................................................................... 10

9. Package Diagram................................................................................................................... 10

10. Activity Diagram....................................................................................................................11

11. State Chart Diagram..............................................................................................................12

12. Deployment Diagram.............................................................................................................14

Architecture of Studies and Evaluation on Meta Search Engines


UML Diagrams:

UML includes the following nine diagrams and the details are described in the following chapters. 1. Class diagram 2. Object diagram 3. Use case diagram 4. Sequence diagram 5. Collaboration diagram 6. Activity diagram 7. Statechart diagram 8. Deployment diagram 9. Component diagram

Flow Chart:
A diagram of the sequence of movements or actions of people or things involved in a complex system or activity.

Flow Chart:

It displays the flow of the system. Here user can be entering query to search engine .after the search engine to search the keywords. The user can be getting the exacted result. .

Use case Diagram: A Use case represents the functionality of the system. Here 1 actor like user. This actor can interact with use cases. Actor user can maintain all the usecases of actors. User can search data by using search engine.

Use Case Diagram:



user specifiedlink

exact result

Class Diagram:
There are 2 classes in this project. The search class can interact with result class and access the user methods and attributes. Search class is the child class of search super class and file details class is the sub class of result. The search class aggregation will display the relationship with result class attributes and methods.

Class Diagram:
search query1 query2 search() result result1 result2 totalresult()

Sequence Diagram
It displays the time sequence of the objects participating in the interaction. User objects interact with search engine. The user enters in to query. The user search to search engine to the specified links. The search engine getting the exact result to user.









Collaboration Diagram: It displays the organization of the objects in each class. Here the user objects can organize the search with search engine and the search engine class objects can organize to the user.


Collaboration Diagram:

1 : q u e ry 2 : s e a rc h 3 : s p e c i fi e d l i n k u :u s e r 4 : E x a c tre s u lt s :s e a rc h e n g in e

Component diagram:
This diagram can view the main components of the project for deploying. Here search engine is major component this component can contain all the files related to user. These all details can maintain the search engine component.

Component diagram:



search engine

search key words or links

Activity Diagram: It displays the flow of the system. Here user can be entering the keywords after the search to search engine. The search engine can be search to specified links for user. The finally user can get the exacted result.

Activity Diagram:


State chart diagram:

It will display the objects state in each class here the user class can contain the keywords. Enter query class can displays the exacted result.

State chart diagram:


Enter query


specified link

Exact result

Deployment Diagram

It displays the deployment components in the project. Here the main soft ware components are for storing the user data permanently in backend. And one more software is for user interaction for application that is front end.

Deployment diagram:


search keyword s

search engine

E-R Diagrams:


User Account details

Uploaded file information details


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