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Reete culinare pentru copii Ciorbi de pui cu orez Ingrediente: piept de pui tiat cubulee i fr piele, 2 morcovi, o rdcin

n ptrunjel, o ceap mic, 100 g smntn sau lapte, 1 ou, o legtur ptrunjel, o cni de orez Deroni, sare dup gust. Mod de preparare: Se taie ceapa fin i se pune la clit mpreun cu carnea de pui. Se adaug apoi morcovii i ptrunjelul, tiai cubulee, se clesc puin, dup care se adaug cca. 2 l de ap. Cnd legumele i carnea sunt aproape fierte se adaug i cnia de orez bine splat. Cnd s-a fiert orezul, nainte de a stinge focul, amestecai oul cu smntn sau lapte, dup care, bgai-l n ciorbi. Lsai s mai dea un clocot, oprii focul i adugai ptrunjelul verde tiat mrunt i sarea, dup gust, dar puin, avnd n vedere c reeta este pentru copii mici. Recipes for kids Chicken soup with rice. Ingredients: diced chicken breast without skin, 2 carrots, parsley root, a small onion, 100 g sourcream or milk, 1 egg, parsley, a cup of Deroni rice, salt as you like . Preparation: Chop the onion finely and put in hardened with chicken. Add the carrots and parsley, chopped, to toughen slightly, then add approx. 2 liters of water. When meat and vegetables are almost cooked , add the cup of well washed rice. When rice is boiled , before fire turns off, mix egg with sourcream or milk, after which put it in the soup. Let more to a boil, turn off heat and add chopped parsley and not to much salt because the recipe is for small children. Orez cu lapte i scorioar Timp preparare: 30 minute. Ingrediente: o can de orez Deroni, o lingur de zahr, praf de scorioar, lapte. Mod de preparare: Se spal orezul. Se fierbe n ap. Dup ce a fiert se scurge bine de ap i se amestec cu lapte. Se adaug un praf de scorioara i zahrul. Se mixeaz totul i se las s se rceasc. Rice milk and cinnamon Preparation time: 30 minutes. Ingredients: one cup of rice Deroni, one tablespoon sugar, cinnamon powder, milk. Method: Wash the rice. Boil in water. Once cooked drain the water and mix well with milk. Add a pinch of cinnamon and sugar. It mixes everything and leave to cool. Reet de lapte cu orez Timp de preparare: 30 minute. Ingrediente pentru 2 porii: 150 g de orez Deroni, litru de lapte, 2 pliculee de zahr vanilat, o lingur de zahr.

Mod de preparare: Se pun la fiert: laptele, zahrul i orezul splat. Se amestec des i se fierbe acoperit, la foc mic, ca s nu se lipeasc. Dup ce a fiert orezul, este gata. Este una din reetele preferate ale copiilor de orice vrst i se poate servi la micul dejun sau la gustarea de dup-amiaz. i putei aduga un vrf de linguri de scorioar sau puin dulcea, n funcie de preferinele micuilor. Rice milk recipe Preparation time: 30 minutes. Ingredients for 2 portions: 150 g Deroni rice, liter milk, 2 sachets of vanilla sugar, a tablespoon of sugar. Preparation: Boil milk, sugar and washing rice. Stir often and cook covered over low heat, as it does not stick. After boiling rice , the food is ready. It is one of the favorite recipes of children of any age and can be served for breakfast or afternoon snack. You can add a teaspoon of cinnamon or some jam depending on the preferences of babies. Sup de morcovi cu orez Ingrediente: 100 g de morcovi; 1 cel de usturoi; 20 g orez Deroni; 250 ml ap; un praf de sare. Mod de preparare: Morcovii trebuie splai, curai i rai pe rztoare. Dac punei i usturoi, tot acum e momentul s l tocai i pe acesta. Apoi, ntr-o crati punei la foc i nbuii. Adugai apa i lsai s dea n clocot, apoi dai focul la mic i adugai orezul i puin sare, dac dorii. Acoperii i lsai la foc mic timp de 40 minute pn se fierbe orezul. Carrot soup with rice Ingredients: 100 grams of carrots, 1 clove of garlic, 20 g Deroni rice, 250 ml water, a pinch of salt. Method: Carrots should be washed, peeled and grated on grater. If you put garlic, it's time to chop this one ,also. Then put in a saucepan and suppress fire. Add water and let it boil, then turn the heat to low and add rice and a little salt, if you like. . Cover and allow on low heat for 40 minutes until rice is boiled Budinc de orez cu lapte Ingrediente pentru 4 porii: 50 g orez Deroni, 500 ml lapte, 30 g zahr, 10 g unt, 2 ou, vanilie, coaj de lmie. Mod de preparare: Se fierbe orezul n laptele care clocotete, la foc mic, amestecnd mereu. Zahrul se freac cu untul, adugnd treptat glbenuurile, coaja ras de lmie i la urm albuul btut spum. Dup ce orezul s-a rcit, se amestec cu aceast compoziie i se toarn ntr-o form tapetat cu pesmet. Se pune n cuptor la foc iute, pentru a se rumeni. Aceast budinc se poate servi pudrat cu zahr sau cu sirop de viine. La fel se prepar i budinca de gri, de tiei i alte finoase.

Rice pudding with milk Ingredients for 4 portions: 50 g rice Deroni, 500 ml milk, 30 g sugar, 10 g butter, 2 eggs, vanilla, lemon peel. Preparation: Boil the rice in the milk boils at low heat, stirring constantly. Sugar rub with butter, gradually adding egg yolks, lemon grated peel and eventually beaten egg white foam. Once the rice has cooled, mix and put this composition in a form lined with breadcrumbs. Place in the oven at high heat to crisp. This pudding can be served with powdered sugar or syrup of cherries. Same can be prepared pudding meal of noodles or other kinds of pasta. Budinc de orez Ingrediente: can de orez Deroni, 2 cni de ap, can de mere rase, can de stafide (opional), 1/8 can de zahr (opional), 2 lingurie de scorioar. Mod de preparare: Amestec toate ingredientele de mai sus ntr-un vas. Pune-l la foc mic timp de 30 de minute sau pn ce orezul se fierbe. Adaug 1/8 can de lapte i mai ine compoziia pe foc 10 minute, pn cnd compoziia devine pstoas. Daca e nevoie, mai adaug lapte. Rice pudding Ingredients: cup Deroni rice, 2 cups of water, cup grated apple, cup raisins (optional) 1/8 cup sugar (optional), 2 teaspoons of cinnamon. Method: Mix all the above ingredients in a bowl. Put it on low heat for 30 minutes or until rice is boiled. Add 1/8 cup of milk and keep contained on the fire 10 minutes, until the mixture becomes pasty. If necessary, adds milk. Pui cu orez i morcovi (dup 8 luni) Ingrediente: 40 g de carne de pui (a se evita grsimea), 30 g de orez Deroni; 1 morcov mare ras; 250 ml de ap, o bucic de unt; 2 linguri suc de portocale. Mod de preparare: Se rumenete puiul tiat n bucele. Se adaug orezul, morcovul ras i ap. Se d n clocot, apoi se las s fiarb la foc mic 20 de minute. Se scurg toate, se pun pe o farfurie adnc i se amestec cu untul i cu sucul de portocale. Chicken with rice and carrots (after 8 months) Ingredients: 40 g chicken (avoid fat), 30 g of Deroni rice , 1 large carrot, 250 ml of water, a piece of butter, 2 tablespoons of orange juice. Preparation: cut the chicken browned bits. Add rice, grated carrot and water. It boils, then allow to simmer for 20 minutes. Drain all, put on a deep bowl and mix with butter and orange juice. Curcan cu orez i legume (dup 7 luni) Ingrediente: 1 escalop mic de curc; 1 pumn de mazre verde; 1 morcov tiat n bucele mici; ceap tiat mrunt; o tomat curat de pieli, 1 pumn cu orez Deroni (de preferat, orezul cu bobul rotund); o frunz de dafin; 2 fire de ptrunjel; unt ct o nuc sau ulei.

Mod de preparare: Se prjete uor n puin ulei un escalop de curcan tiat n bucele i ceap tiat mrunt. Se adaug puin ap i toate legumele, plus dafinul i ptrunjelul. Dup ce legumele i carnea au fiert, se ncorporeaz orezul i se las s fiarb pn se absoarbe tot sosul. Turkey with rice and vegetables (after 7 months) Ingredients: 1 small turkey escalope, 1 handful of green peas, 1 carrot cutted into small pieces, chopped onion, a tomato skin cleansed, 1 handful of Deroni rice (preferably , round grain rice), a bay leaf, 2 sprigs of parsley, small piece of butter or oil. Preparation: Fry gently in little oil a turkey escalope cut into pieces and chopped onion. Add a little water and all vegetables, add bay leaf and parsley. Once the vegetables and meat are cooked, it incorporates rice and allow to boil until all the sauce is absorbed. Pui cu orez i curry (dup 10 luni) Ingrediente: 40 g de escalop de pui (sau piept de pui); 1 mr dulce; 30 g de orez Deroni, puin praf de curry dulce pentru bebelui; o lingur cu lapte de cocos; 250 ml de lapte semismntnit (pasteurizat); o lingur cu suc de lmie; unt ct o alun. Mod de preparare: Se cur mrul, i se scot smburii, se taie n bucele i se stropete cu sucul de lmie (ca s nu se nnegreasc). Se taie escalopul de pui n bucele. Se pun bucelele de pui i cele de mr ntr-o crati cu lapte. Se adaug praful de curry dulce i se las s fiarb la foc mic cca. 20 de minute. Apoi, se pun laptele de cocos i untul i se las s fiarb nc 10 minute. ntre timp, se spal orezul, se pune ntr-o crati cu apa srat care clocotete i se las s fiarb 20 de minute. Se aaz orezul pe o farfurie, iar sosul cu pui i curry, alturi. Chicken with rice and curry (after 10 months) Ingredients: 40 g escalope of chicken (or chicken), 1 sweet apple, 30 g of Deroni rice, little sweet curry powder for babies, a tablespoon of coconut milk, 250 ml fat milk (pasteurized), a tablespoon of lemon juice, small piece of butter. Preparation: Peel the apples and remove seeds, cut into pieces and sprinkle with lemon juice (to avoid becoming black). Cut the chicken into pieces. Place pieces of chicken and apple in a saucepan with the milk. Add sweet curry powder and let it to boil about. 20 minutes. Then, add the coconut milk and butter and allow to boil for another 10 minutes. Meanwhile, wash the rice, place in a saucepan with salted boiled water and allow to boil for 20 minutes. Place the rice on a plate and sauce with chicken and curry together. Sup de roii cu orez (de la 9 luni) Ingrediente: 400 ml sup de zarzavat strecurat, 150 g roii, 30 g orez Deroni, 10 ml ulei, sare, verdea. Mod de preparare: Se prepar o sup de zarzavat care se strecoar n alt vas, se fierb roiile i apoi se trec prin sit. n supa de zarzavat se fierbe bine orezul

ales i splat. Apoi se adaug roiile, uleiul i sarea i se mai d un clocot. Se servete cu verdea tocat mrunt. n timp ce fierbe, se mai poate aduga o linguri de zahr. Tomato soup with rice (from 9 months) Ingredients: 400 ml filtered vegetable broth, 150 g tomatoes, 30 g rice Deroni, 10 ml oil, salt, herbs. Preparation: Prepare a vegetable broth that slips into another pot, boil the tomatoes and then passes through this sieve. In vegetable soup boil well chosen and washed rice. Then add tomatoes, oil and salt and still gives a boil. Serve with chopped greens. While boiling, it can add a teaspoon of sugar. Ciorb din carne de vit cu perioare (de la 8 luni) Ingrediente: 500 ml ap, 200 g carne fr os, 2 cepe mici, 1 morcov, o rdcin ptrunjel, 150-200 g os de vac, 2 lingurie orez, ptrunjel verde, sare. Mod de preparare: Se pune la fiert osul n ap cu sare. Se fierbe pn scade apa la jumtate, apoi se completeaz cantitatea de ap evaporat pn la 500 ml. Cnd d n clocot se adaug zarzavatul, splat, curat i tiat mrunt n ordinea urmtoare: ceap, morcov, ptrunjel. Separat se toac mrunt carnea, se adaug puin miez de pine alb, un praf de sare. Se fac perioare care se pun n sup. Se adaug orezul splat i se las s fiarb. Se acrete cu zeam de lmie sau bor. Se bate cu ou i smntn. Beef soup with meatballs (8 months) Ingredients: 500 ml water 200 g boneless meat, 2 small onions, 1 carrot, parsley root, 150-200 g cow bone, 2 teaspoons rice, parsley salt. Method of Preparation: Boil the bone in salted water. Boil until reduced by half water, then fill the amount of water evaporated to 500 ml. When boils add the vegetables, washed, cleaned and chopped in the following order: onion, carrot, parsley. Separately, finely chop the meat, add a little white crumb, a pinch of salt. Make from it balls and put in the soup. Add washed rice and allow to boil. The sour with lemon juice or bors. Beat an egg and sour cream. Piure de orez cu mere coapte (peste 6 luni) Ingrediente: 3 linguri de orez Deroni, 2 mere mari, o linguri de zahr, ap. Mod de preparare: Se pune apa la fiert ntr-un vas (cca. 500 ml), mpreun cu o linguri de zahr. Cnd fierbe se adaug orezul. Se las la fiert pn cnd orezul fierbe foarte bine. n timp ce fierbe orezul, se spal merele i se pun la copt n tava de cuptor. Dup ce s-au copt, se taie n jumti i se scot seminele, apoi se paseaz i se amestec cu orezul fiert. Mashed rice with baked apples (over 6 months) Ingredients: 3 tablespoons Deroni rice, 2 large apples, a teaspoon of sugar and water. Preparation: Bring the water to boil in a pot (about 500 ml) with a teaspoon of sugar. When boiling add rice. Allow to boil until the rice cook very well. While

boiling rice, wash the apples and place in baking oven tray. Once you have cooked, cut in half and remove seeds, then pass and mix with cooked rice. Piure de orez i cod (7 luni) Ingrediente: 50 g orez Deroni; 100 ml ap (sau lapte daca dorii s fie puin mai gras); 100 g cod file, dezosat i fr piele; cteva fire de ptrunjel. Unii medici pediatri recomand ca, atunci cnd se diversific alimenia bebeluului, carnea de pete s fie primul tip de carne introdus. Putei mri treptat poria servit de copil, dac observai c aceast reet se afl printre preferatele sale. Mod de preparare: Punei orezul cu ap ntr-o oal i fierbei timp de 10 minute. Amestecai din cnd n cnd. Adugai codul i lsai-l pe foc timp de zece minute. Amestecai pn obinei consistena dorit. Adugai ap fiart dac e nevoie. La final, adugai ptrunjelul i mai lsai pe foc timp de 2 minute. Amestecai din nou i adugai ap fiart dac este nevoie. Este de preferat s se consume proaspt, dar se poate conserva la frigider timp de 24 ore. Mashed rice and code (7 months) Ingredients: 50 g rice Deroni, 100 ml of water (or milk if you want a little more fat), 100 g cod fillet, boneless and skinless, few parsley wires. Some pediatricians recommend that your baby when diversifying food, meat fish must be introduced as first type of meat. You can gradually increase the portion served by the child, if you find that this recipe is among his favorites. Preparation: Put the rice in a pot with water and boil for 10 minutes. Stir from time to time. Add the code and leave it on the fire for ten minutes. Mix until you get the desired consistency. Add boiling water if necessary. Finally, add the parsley and cook for 2 minutes. Stir again and add boiling water if needed. It is preferable to eat fresh, but can be stored in a refrigerator for 24 hours. Orez cu legume i carne (de la 6 luni) Ingrediente: orez Deroni, morcov, ardei rou, ceap, roii, carne, ulei de msline. Mod de preparare: Se fierbe separat orezul. Carnea (piept de pui sau muchi de vit), ardeiul, morcovul, ceapa i roiile se fierb n ap, adugndu-se o linguri de ulei de msline. La final se scurge apa de la orezul fiert i mpreun cu legumele i carnea se mixeaz la blender (iese ca un piure mai subire) i se servete cald. Rice with vegetables and meat (from 6 months) Ingredients: Deroni rice, carrots, red peppers, onions, tomatoes, meat, olive oil. Preparation: Boil the rice separately. Meat (chicken or beef), peppers, carrots, onions and tomatoes are cooked in water, adding a teaspoon of olive oil. Finally, drain water from cooked rice and with vegetables and meat is mixed in blender (comes as a puree thinner) and serve hot.

Orez cu spanac Timp preparare: 30 minute. Ingrediente: 1 pumn de orez Deroni (150 g), cteva frunze de spanac, cteva picturi ulei de msline. Mod de preparare: Se alege orezul, se spal bine i se pune la fiert. Cnd este aproape gata se adaug spanacul splat bine n prealabil i se mai fierbe 5 minute. Se strecoar totul prin sit i se paseaz bine. La sfrit se adaug uleiul de msline. Este foarte simplu i foarte sntos pentru bebelui! Se servete cald. Rice with spinach Preparation time: 30 minutes. Ingredients: 1 handful of rice Deroni (150 g), some spinach leaves, a few drops of olive oil. Preparation: Choose rice, wash well and boil. When almost done add spinach well washed in advance and simmer 5 minutes. Strain it through a sieve and pass well. Finally add olive oil. It is very simple and very healthy baby! Serve warm. Spanac cu orez (dup 10 luni) Ingrediente: 300 g spanac; orez Deroni, o roie, 1 morcov mic, de ceap coapt. Mod de preparare: Se spal i se fierbe spanacul, iar ntr-o oal separat se fierbe pe jumtate morcovul cu roia i ceapa coapt. Se zdrobesc ingredientele i se amestec cu orez fiert i sup n care a fiert morcovul, apoi se dau la cuptor 10 minute. Pentru bebelui de peste 10 luni. Spinach with Rice (after 10 months) Ingredients: 300 g spinach Deroni rice, a tomato, 1 small carrot, baked onion. Preparation: Wash and boil spinach and in a separate pot half boil the carrots with tomato and baked onion. Ingredients are crushed and mixed with boiled rice and some soup from boiled carrots and bake for 10 minutes. For babies over 10 months. Orez cu fructe (de la 6 luni) Ingrediente: 100 g orez Deroni; 1 mr; o par; suc stors de la o portocal. Mod de preparare: Se alege orezul, se spal, se pune la fiert i se amestec continuu, ca s nu se lipeasc. ntre timp se cur mrul i para i se taie cubulee, se stoarce i portocala. Cnd orezul este aproape fiert se adaug fructele cu sucul de portocal, se acoper cu un capac i se mai las la foc mic cca. 10 minute. Dup ce a fiert se bag la blender i se servete cldu. Rice with fruits (from 6 months) Ingredients: 100 g Deroni rice, 1 apple, a pear, juice squeezed from an orange. Preparation: Choose rice, wash, boil and stir continuously, keep avoiding stick.

Meanwhile clean and chop the apple and pear cubes, squeeze the orange. When the rice is almost cooked add the fruits orange juice, cover with a lid and simmer leaves at approx. 10 minutes. After boiling , put into the blender and after that ,serve it warm. Pui cu orez i morcovi (de la 8 luni) Ingrediente: 40 g de carne de pui (a se evita grsimea), 30 g de orez Deroni, 1 morcov mare ras, 250 ml de ap, o bucic de unt, 2 linguri suc de portocale. Mod de preparare: Se rumenete puiul tiat n bucele. Se adaug orezul, morcovul ras i apa. Se d n clocot, apoi se las s fiarb la foc mic 20 de minute. Se scurg toate, se pun pe o farfurie adnc i se amestec cu untul i cu sucul de portocale. Chicken with rice and carrots (8 months) Ingredients: 40 g chicken (avoid fat), 30 g of Deroni rice, 1 large carrot, 250 ml of water, a piece of butter, 2 tablespoons juice orange. Preparation: cut the browned chicken in small pieces. Add rice, grated carrot and water. It is boils, then allow to simmer for 20 minutes. Drain all, put on a deep bowl and mix with butter and orange juice. Orez cu brnz de vaci (de la 6 luni) Ingrediente: orez Deroni; brnz de vaci Mod de preparare: Orezul se fierbe i se mixeaz mpreun cu brnza de vaci. n acest amestec, n funcie de tolerana i vrsta copilului se pot aduga: piure de cartofi, glbenu de ou, cacao (peste 1 an), zahr vanilinat sau coaj de lmie ras, morcov crud ras, portocale, unt, stafide (peste 1 an). Rice with cheese (from 6 months) Ingredients: Deroni Rice, cow cheese Preparation: Boil rice and mix with cheese. In this mixture, depending on the child's age and tolerance , you can add: mashed potatoes, egg yolk, cocoa (over 1 year), sugar vanilla or grated lemon rind, grated raw carrot, orange, butter, raisins (over 1 year). Budinc de orez cu viine Ingrediente: 2 cni de viine fr smburi, o can orez Deroni, o can stafide, o linguri coaj ras de lmie. Mod de preparare: Orezul se fierbe conform instruciunilor de pe ambalaj. Dup ce orezul s-a rcit se amestec cu restul ingredientelor, iar compoziia rezultat se pune ntr-o tav de Jena care se d la cuptor la foc potrivit, aproximativ 20 minute. Rice pudding with cherries Ingredients: 2 cups pitted cherries, Deroni rice cup, one raisins cup, a teaspoon of lemon zest.

Method: Boil rice as instructed on the package. Once the rice has cooled mix with remaining ingredients, and resulted composition is placed in a Jena tray and baked at medium heat, about 20 minutes. Orez cu crem de fructe Ingrediente: 1 pahar orez Deroni, o can de fructe Mod de preparare: Orezul se alege, se spal i se fierbe 35-45 de minute n ap de 6 ori ct volumul su. Se scurge zeama i se pune n farfuriile n care va fi servit n strat subire de aproximativ 2 cm. Cnd orezul este aproape rcit, se pune deasupra crema de fructe (banane, pepene galben, cpune, viine, caise, corcodue, afine, coacze negre, dude, mere, ananas etc.) i se servete. Creamy rice with fruits Ingredients: 1 cup Deroni rice , a fruit cup Preparation: Rice is chosen, wash and boiled for 35-45 minutes in water 6 times as its volume. Drain the fruit juice and put in the dishes that will be served in a thin layer about 2 cm. When the rice is almost cooled, place cream over fruit (banana, melon, strawberry, cherry, apricot, plum, blueberry, blackcurrant, mulberries, apples, pineapple, etc..) and serve it. HYPERLINK Pilaf de orez cu carne de pui Ingrediente: 2 ceti de orez Deroni, 100 g piept de pui, ceap mic, 2 linguri de ulei, 1 morcov mic, frunze de ptrunjel. Mod de preparare: Punei ntr-o oal uleiul i lsai s se ncing puin, adugai ceapa, morcovul i carnea tocat mrunt, prjii-le bine, apoi adugai orezul i 2-3 cni de ap. Lsai s fiarb bine ca totul s se frme, i amestecai continuu pentru a nu se lipi de oal. Cnd e aproape gata punei ptrunjelul pentru gust. Atenie: nu adugati sare sau condimente care nu sunt descrise aici. Daca vrei s schimbai gustul, putei aduga o linguri de past de roii sau o roie coapt bine fr pieli. Rice with chicken Ingredients: 2 cups of Deroni rice 100 g chicken breast, small onion, 2 tablespoons oil, 1 small carrot, parsley leaves. Method: Put oil in a pot and let it heat up a little, add the onion, carrot and minced finely, fry them well, then add rice and 2-3 cups of water. Let it boil well as everything to shreds, and stir continuously to not be stick to the pot. When it's almost done put parsley to taste. Caution: Do not add salt or spices that are not described here. If you want to change the taste, add a teaspoon of tomato paste or tomato peeled well baked. HYPERLINK Sup de vit cu orez Ingrediente: 150 g carne de vit; 1 morcov; elin; o ceap mic; 2 linguri

orez Deroni; o legtur ptrunjel verde. Mod de preparare: Carnea se taie cubulee i se fierbe, mpreun cu legumele i orezul (mai nti se fierbe bine carnea). Se toac mrunt ptrunjelul i se pune n sup. Se paseaz, zeama se bea separat. Beef soup with rice Ingredients: 150 grams beef, 1 carrot, celery, a small onion, 2 tablespoons Deroni rice, parsley leaf. Preparation: Cut the meat in small cubes and cook with vegetables and rice (boil well meat first). Finely chop the parsley and place in soup. It passes, drink juice separately. HYPERLINK Morcovi cu orez Ingrediente: 2 morcovi tiai bucti; 10 g orez Deroni, 75 ml lapte Mod de preparare: Se fierb morcovii i orezul, se paseaz i se amestec cu laptele. Carrots with rice Ingredients: 2 chopped carrots, 10 g Deroni rice, 75 ml milk Method: Boil the carrots and rice pass and mix it with milk. c) Reete cu puine calorii c) Low-calorie recipes Salat de orez Timp de preparare: 30 minute. Ingrediente: orez Deroni, telemea, usturoi, iaurt dietetic, brnz de vaci, mrar, sare, piper, legume dup preferin (castravei, roii, ardei gras). Cantitile se stabilesc n funcie de gusturi. Mod de preparare: Se pune orezul la foc pn se fierbe. Timpul de fierbere difer n functie de orez, deci trebuie gustat. Cnd s-a fiert se strecoar i se cltete cu ap rece. Legumele i telemeaua se taie n cubulee i se amestec. Separat se prepar o past din iaurt, brnz de vaci i usturoi pisat, n care se adaug mrar, sare i condimente dup gust. La final se poate amesteca pasta obinut cu legumele tocate i cu orezul, sau se pot amesteca doar orezul i legumele, pasta fiind servit separat. Rice Salad Preparation time: 30 minutes. Ingredients: Deroni rice, cheese, garlic, diet yogurt, cottage cheese, dill, salt and pepper, vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers) as desired. Quantities will t according to taste. Preparation: Put the rice to boil. Cooking time depending on the rice, so we have to taste . When boiled is over, strain and rinse with cold water. Vegetables and feta cheese cut into cubes and mix. Separately prepare a paste of yogurt,

cottage cheese and garlic, add the dill, salt and spices to taste. Finally, the pasta mixed with chopped vegetables and rice, or you just can mix rice and vegetables, pasta is served separately. Salat de orez cu brnz i iaurt Timp de preparare: 30 minute Ingrediente (pentru 4 porii): 250 g orez Deroni (cu bobul lung), 2 ardei grai (pentru culoare, alegei unul rou i unul galben sau verde), 250 g telemea, 4-5 cei de usturoi, 300 g iaurt, 250 g brnz dulce de vac, o legtur de mrar, sare, piper, 1 fir de ceap verde. Mod de preparare: Punei orezul la fiert, acoperit i amestecai des, timp de 1015 minute sau pn cnd orezul este fiert (n funcie de tipul de orez, timpul de fierbere este diferit). Dup aceea, punei-l ntr-o strecurtoare i cltii cu ap rece. Tiai ardeii i telemeaua cubulee mici i amestecai. ntr-un castron separat, amestecai usturoiul pisat cu iaurtul i cu brnza de vaci frmiat bine cu furculia, iar peste acestea adugai mrarul tocat i piperul i potrivii de sare. Rice salad with cheese and yogurt Preparation time: 30 minutes Ingredients (for 4 servings): 250 g Deroni rice (long grain), 2 sweet peppers (for color, choose one red and one yellow or green), 250 g cheese , 4-5 cloves of garlic, 300 g yogurt ,250 g pot cheese, a dill, salt, pepper, 1 green onion. Preparation: Put the rice to a boil, cover and stir frequently for 10-15 minutes or until rice is cooked (depending on the type of rice, cooking time is different). After that, place it in a colander and rinse with cold water. Cut peppers and feta into small cubes and mix. In a separate bowl, mix garlic with yogurt and cottage cheese crumbled with a fork and add the chopped dill over it and matching salt and pepper. Reet special pentru sarmale Timp de preparare: 40 minute. Ingrediente: carne ct mai slab de vit sau pui, orez Deroni, ciuperci, mirodenii, 1 ou, 1 morcov, 1 ardei, piper boabe, foi de dafin, varz murat desrat sau frunze de tevie. Mod de preparare: Pentru savoare i frgezime se adaug n carnea tocat pentru sarmale: o lingur smntn dietetic, 1 ou, 1 morcov ras , 1 ardei tiat mrunt, cteva ciuperci tiate mrunt, 3 linguri orez, cimbru, busuioc, piper. Se presar printre sarmale, cimbru, foi de dafin, boabe de piper, boia dulce, o lingur ulei. Cnd sarmalele sunt aproape fierte se adaug un pahrel de vin i puin suc de roii. Primvara sunt de preferat sarmalele n frunze de tevie oprite n prealabil cu bor. Special recipe for cabbage rolls Preparation time: 40 minutes. Ingredients: low fat meat as beef or chicken, rice Deroni, mushrooms, spices, 1 egg, 1 carrot, 1 green pepper, peppercorns, bay leaves, cabbage leaves

unsalted or stevia leaves. Method: For added flavor and tenderness in minced meat: 1 spoon of dietetic cream, 1 egg, 1 carrot, 1 chopped pepper, some chopped mushrooms 3 tablespoons rice, thyme, basil and pepper. Sprinkle including cabbage, thyme, bay leaf, peppercorns, paprika, one tablespoon oil. When stuffed cabbage is almost cooked add a glass of wine and a little tomato juice. Spring are preferably cabbage rolls ofstevie leaves blanched with borsch in advance. Prjitur dietetic cu gru i orez Timp de preparare: 45 minute. Ingrediente: - Pentru blatul 1: o can gru, 10 linguri pesmet, 6 linguri miere, o can miez de nuc mcinat, un vrf de cuit sare; - Pentru blatul 2: o can orez, 200 g nuc cocos, 3 linguri miere, 2 pliculee zahr vanilinat; - Fructe: mere, banane i alte fructe la alegere. Mod de preparare: Grul se pune la fiert pn se nmoaie. Separat se pune i orezul, la fiert. - Pentru blatul 1: grul fiert se amestec cu mierea, pesmetul i nuca. Se aaz ntr-o tav, se uniformizeaz pe toat suprafaa. - Pentru blatul 2: orezul fiert se amestec cu nuca de cocos, mierea, zahrul vanilinat. Compoziia rezultat se ntinde peste primul strat. - Se orneaz cu fructe. Se d la rece. Se taie apoi cu diferite forme sau pahar i se aeaz pe platou. Se mai poate presra fistic mrunit. Dietetic cake with wheat and rice Preparation time: 45 minutes. Ingredients: - For countertop 1: a cup wheat, 10 tablespoons bread crumbs, 6 tablespoons honey, one cup crushed nuts, a pinch of salt - For countertop 2: a cup of rice, 200 g walnuts coconut, 3 tablespoons of honey , sachets vanilla sugar .Fruits: apples, bananas and other fruits of your choice. Preparation: Wheat boil until soft. Separately put rice to a boil. - For countertop 1: boiled wheat mixed with honey, breadcrumbs and nuts. Place in a pan, it evens out over the entire surface. - For countertop 2: boiled rice mixed with coconut, honey, vanilla sugar. The resulting composition is spread over first layer. Garnish with fruits. Make it cool. Then cut with different shapes or glass and place on platter. It can also sprinkle chopped pistachios. Salat egean Timp de preparare: 30 minute. Ingrediente: 150 g de orez Deroni (cu bobul lung), 100 g ceap roie, 1 castravete mediu, 100 g telemea de vac, puin srat, 1 cel mare de usturoi, 2 linguri de ulei de msline, 3 linguri zeam de lmie, 2 linguri de mrar verde tocat, sare, piper. Mod de preparare: Se spal orezul, se fierbe n ap mult i se scurge dup 25 de minute. Ceapa se cur, se spal i se taie mrunt. Castravetele se spal i

se taie felii subiri (dac nu suportai coaja, o curai). Telemeaua se taie cubulee i se amestec ntr-un castron toate ingredientele de mai sus cu mrarul i piperul. Celul de usturoi se cur, se preseaz cu o furculi i se freac cu ulei, sare, apoi se adaug zeama de lmie. Se toarn peste amestecul din castron i se amestec cu o lingur. Se servete dup 20-30 de minute. Aegean salad Preparation time: 30 minutes. Ingredients: 150 g Deroni rice (long grain), 100 g red onion, 1 medium cucumber, 100 g cow cheese, a little salt, 1 large clove of garlic, 2 tablespoons olive oil 3 tablespoons lemon juice, 2 tablespoons chopped fresh dill, salt and pepper. Method: Wash the rice, boil in plenty of water and drain after 25 minutes. Clean onions, wash and chop finely. Wash and cut cucumber into thin slices (if not supported shell, peel it). Cut the feta in cubes and mix all ingredients in a bowl above with dill and pepper. Clean clove, press with a fork and rub with oil and salt, then add lemon juice. Pour over mixture in bowl and mix with a spoon. Served after 20-30 minutes. Orez cu pui Ingrediente: pui, orez Deroni, legume, 2 linguri ulei de msline. Mod de preparare: Se fierbe orezul simplu, se spal n strecurtoare cu ap rece. Se fierb legumele separat, se spal n ap rece. Se amestec orezul i legumele fierte ntr-o crati cu 2 linguri ulei de msline, dup care se condimenteaz i se clete foarte puin. Se amestec cu pui cubulee sau ca garnitur la pui fiert. Rice with chicken Ingredients: chicken, Deroni rice, vegetables, 2 tablespoons olive oil. Method: Boil rice simply rinse in colander with cold water. Boil the vegetables separately, rinse in cold water. Stir rice and cooked vegetables in a saucepan with 2 spoons of olive oil, then season and cook a little. It serves mixed with chicken cubes or as an side dish to boiled chicken. d) Reete speciale pentru diete d) Special Diet Recipes Orez cu mere Timp de preparare: 30 minute. Ingrediente (pentru 2 portii): 250 g mere curate de coaj, 30 g orez Deroni, 30 g zahr, 1 praf mic de scorioar. Mod de preparare: Se cur merele, iar cojile se fierb n ap, astfel nct s se obin un pahar de zeam, n care se fierbe orezul. Cnd acesta este fiert pe jumtate, se adaug zahrul i merele tiate n felii i scorioara i se las n cuptor pn scade ca o budinc. Hepaticilor cronici li se poate servi cu puin

fric btut. Frica nu se recomand ns convalescenilor recent dup hepatita epidemic. Se poate servi i n nefrit i convalescenilor dup boli diareice, colit, hepatit. La fel se poate prepara i orezul cu prune. Rice with apples Preparation time: 30 minutes. Ingredients (for 2 servings): 250 g apples peeled Deroni rice 30 g, 30 g sugar, 1 small cinnamon powder. Preparation: Peel apples and boil the peels the water in order to get a glass of juice from them and boil rice with it. When it is half cooked, add sugar , sliced apples and cinnamon and leave in the oven until thickens as a pudding. Patients with chronic hepatitis may serve with a little whipped cream. Cream is not recommended for persons recently recovering after hepatitis epidemic. You can serve in case of nephritis and recovering from diarrheal disease, colitis, hepatitis. The same can cook rice with plums. Orez cu mere Timp de preparare: 30 minute. Ingrediente (pentru 2 porii): 2 linguri orez Deroni, 2 linguri lapte, 2 pahare de ap, 2 linguri de zahr, 2-3 mere, coaj de lmie. Mod de preparare: Se pune orezul la fiert, n ap amestecat cu lapte. Cnd orezul ncepe s fiarb, se adaug merele tiate n felii, zahrul i puin coaj de lmie. Se pune la cuptor, pn cnd orezul este bine fiert, apoi se aeaz ntr-o ceac cltit cu ap rece, pentru a lua o form. Se rcete i se rstoarn pe o farfurie. n loc de mere se pot folosi caise, stafide, smochine sau fructe din compot. Se indic bolnavilor de hepatit, nefrit, n boli infecioase, pentru varietatea regimului lor. Sup de roii cu orez Ingrediente (pentru 2 porii): 500 ml sup de zarzavat, 50 g zeam de roii proaspete sau bulion de roii dietetic diluat, 20 g orez Deroni, 20 ml lapte, o linguri de ulei crud, linguri de zahr, verdea. Mod de preparare: Se fierbe bine orezul n supa de zarzavat strecurat. Se adaug zeama de roii i ulei i se mai clocotete de 2-3 ori. Cnd se ia de pe foc se adaug laptele, zahrul i verdeaa. Se recomand n convalescena dup hepatit i nefrit. Perioare dietetice Ingrediente (pentru 2 porii): 200 g carne, 1 lingur de orez Deroni, albu de ou, sare. Mod de preparare: Carnea, tocat prin main, se freac cu o lingur de ap cald. Se adaug orezul splat, sarea i albuul de ou, btut spum. Se amestec totul foarte bine i se fac perioare. Acestea se fierb la aburi 30-40 de minute sau direct n ap clocotit. Aceste perioare se servesc cu diferite salate dietetice sau cu sos alb. Perioarele sunt recomandate n regimul convalescenilor dup hepatit n anemii, copiilor distrofici dup vrsta de 1 an.

Dietetic meatballs Ingredients (for 2 servings): 200 g meat, 1 tablespoons Deroni rice, egg white, salt. Preparation: Meat, minced by machine, it is rubbed with a tablespoon of warm water. Add washed rice, salt and egg white foam. Mix everything well and make balls. Cook 30-40 minutes or steam directly into boiling water. These meatballs are served with various dietetic salads or white sauce. Meatballs are recommended in recovering from hepatitis regime ,in anemia, for dystrophic children after the age of 1 year. Mncare de ardei i roii cu orez Ingrediente pentru 2 porii: o ceap, 7-8 ardei grai, 4 roii mari, 2 linguri de ulei, 3 linguri de orez Deroni, 2 linguri de smntn. Mod de preparare: Se nbu ceapa tocat mrunt cu ulei i puin ap. Se adaug ardeii curai de semine i tiai n felii rotunde, subiri, precum i roiile tiate n sferturi. Cnd acestea sunt moi, se adaug orezul fiert separat, ptrunjelul tocat, sare i smntn. Se amestec totul. Se d la cuptor 10-15 minute. Se poate servi cald sau rece. Aceast mncare este indicat convalescenilor dup hepatit, n nefrit. Green peppers and tomatoes dish with rice Ingredients for 2 servings: an onion, 7-8 green bell peppers, 4 large tomatoes, 2 tablespoons oil, 3 tablespoons Deroni rice, 2 tablespoons of sourcream. Method : Chopped onion it is stifled with oil and a little water. Add peppers deseeded and sliced round, thin and cut tomatoes into quarters. When they are soft, add cooked rice separately, chopped parsley, salt and cream. Mix everything. Bake for 10-15 minutes. It can be served hot or cold. This dish is shown is indicated recovering from hepatitis, nephritis. Dulciuri din orez Sweets Rice Glute de orez prjite Timp de preparare: 60 minute. Ingrediente: 50 g stafide, 2 linguri vin dulce, 750 ml lapte, linguri sare, 250 g orez Deroni (cu bobul rotund), o portocal, 2 ou, 2 linguri unt, o lmie, 70 g zahr, 50 g migdale zdrobite, o lingur fin, unt pentru prjit, zahr farin pentru pudrat. Mod de preparare: Se nmoaie stafidele n vin i se las s stea aa toat noaptea. Se pune pe foc laptele cu sarea i cnd d n clocot, se toarn orezul (puin cte puin). Se las s se umfle la foc mic, amestecnd ntruna, dup care se pune deoparte s se rceasc. Se rade coaja de portocal i de lmie i se ncorporeaz n orez. Apoi se adaug glbenuurile, untul, 50 g zahr, migdalele zdrobite i stafidele cu vin cu tot i se amestec bine. Se bat albuurile spum,

se adaug 20 g de zahr i fin i se ncorporeaz n orez. Se ncinge bine uleiul sau untul (la 170), se ia cte-o lingur de orez (ct o gluc), se mpinge cu o alt lingur n grsimea ncins i se prjete pn ce se rumenete frumos. Glutele rumenite se scurg pe hrtie absorbant, se aaz pe un platou i se pudreaz cu zahr. Fried rice dumplings Preparation time: 60 minutes. Ingredients: 50 g raisins ,2 tablespoons sweet wine, 750 ml milk, teaspoon salt, 250 g Deroni rice (round grain), an orange, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons butter, a lemon, 70 g sugar, 50 g crushed almonds , one tablespoon flour, butter for frying, sugar powder farin. Method: Soak the raisins in the wine and let it sit all night. Put on fire milk with salt and when boils, pour the rice (little by little). Allow to swell at low heat, stirring assembly, then set aside to cool. Grate orange and lemon peel and incorporated into the rice. Then add egg yolks, butter, 50 g sugar, crushed almonds and raisins in wine with everything and mix well. Beat egg whites, add 20 g of sugar and flour and incorporated into rice. Heat the oil or butter well (to 170 ), it takes about a tablespoon of rice (worth a dumpling), push with another spoon into hot fat and fry until it browns nicely. Browned dumplings drain on absorbent paper, place on a platter and powdered with sugar. Orez cu lapte i ou Timp de preparare: 15 minute. Ingrediente: 125 g orez Deroni, 100 g zahr, l lapte, 20 g unt, 3 glbenuuri ou, scorioar, coaja de la o portocal. Mod de preparare: Se fierbe orezul timp de 3 minute n ap i apoi se spal cu ap rece. Se pune la fiert laptele cu scorioara i pielea de portocal. Dup 5 minute se adaug orezul, iar dup ce au trecut 10 minute se pune zahrul i se las s fiarb pn ce orezul este moale i cremos. Se bat uor glbenuurile i se adaug cnd s-a luat orezul de pe foc. La fel i untul. Se amestec bine i se mparte n farfurii. Rice milk and egg Preparation time: 15 minutes. Ingredients: 125 g rice Deroni, 100 g sugar, l milk, 20 g butter, 3 egg yolks, cinnamon, zest from one orange. Method: Boil rice in water for 3 minutes and then rinse with cold water. Boil milk with cinnamon and orange skin. After 5 minutes, add the rice, and after 10 minutes have elapsed put sugar and allow to boil until the rice is soft and creamy. Beat the yolks slightly and add to the rice when is taken from the heat. As well as butter. Mix well and divide into plates. Gutuie coapt cu orez Timp de preparare: 50 minute. Ingrediente: 3 gutui, 3 linguri orez Deroni, 1-2 linguri zahr, pahar stafide, 3

linguri unt topit, pahar de nuc. Mod de preparare: Gutuile se spal i se nltur mijlocul de semine. Orezul se fierbe 15 minute. Stafidele se acoper cu ap fierbinte i se in 30 minute, apoi se trec prin strecurtoare. Miezul de nuci se piseaz. Se amestec orezul, nucile, stafidele i zahrul. Cu acest amestec se umplu gutuile. Se pun ntr-o tav uns cu unt i se coc n cuptor la foc potrivit pn se rumenesc. Se servesc cu dulcea de viine sau coarne. Baked quince with rice Preparation time: 50 minutes. Ingredients: 3 quinces, 3 tablespoons rice Deroni, 1-2 tablespoons sugar, cup raisins 3 tablespoons melted butter, cup coconut. Preparation: Wash quinces and remove from the middle seeds. Boil the rice 15 minutes. Cover raisins with boiling water and take 30 minutes, then pass through a sieve. Crush core nuts. Mix rice, nuts, raisins and sugar. With this mixture fill quinces. Place in a greased baking tin and bake in the oven at medium heat until browned. Serve with sour cherry jam or horns. Orez cu lapte Timp de preparare: 60 minute. Ingrediente: orez Deroni, lapte, zahr. Mod de preparare: Se fierbe laptele, orezul se spal i se pune n lapte. Se fierbe la foc mic i se amestec n el s nu se lipeasc. Se fierbe pn se nmoaie orezul i pn se obine un amestec ceva mai tare dect smntna. Dup fierbere se pune n farfurii i se servete rece. Rice with milk Preparation time: 60 minutes. Ingredients: Deroni rice, milk, sugar. Method: Boil the milk, wash rice, and put in milk. Boil over low heat and stir in it not to stick. Boil until rice becomes soft and mix to obtain a little thicker than sour cream. After boiling put on plates and serve cold. Orez cu fructe Timp de preparare: 15 minute. Ingrediente: 100 g orez Deroni, 1 mr, o par, suc stors de la o portocal. Mod de preparare: Se alege orezul, se spal, se pune la fiert i se amestec continuu, ca s nu se lipeasc. ntre timp se cur mrul i para i se taie cubulee. Se stoarce i portocala. Cnd orezul este aproape fiert se adaug fructele cu sucul de portocal, se acoper cu un capac i se las la foc mic aproximativ 10 minute. Dup ce a fiert, se bag la blender i se servete cldu. Rice with fruits Preparation time: 15 minutes. Ingredients: 100 g rice Deroni, 1 apple, a pear, juice squeezed from an orange.

Preparation: Choose rice, wash, boil and stir continuously, not to stick. Meanwhile peel and chop the apple and pear in cubes. Squeeze an orange. When the rice is almost cooked add orange juice, cover with a lid and leave to simmer about 10 minutes. After boiling, put them in the blender and serve warm. Budinc de orez cu mere Timp de preparare: 30-40 minute. Ingrediente: 1 can orez Deroni, 3 cni lapte sau ap, 3-4 linguri zahr, scorioar, 1 kg mere, unt, esen de rom. Mod de preparare: Se pune orezul la nmuiat n puin ap fierbinte. Se cur merele de coaj, se taie i se scot smburii. ntr-un vas termoizolant uns cu unt se pune orezul scurs de ap, amestecat cu zahr i esen de rom. Prin orez se pun cubulee de unt. Se toarn laptele (apa). Deasupra se pun feliile de mr i se presar scorioar. Se pune la cuptor i se las pn ce orezul s-a fiert i s-a nchegat, iar merele au prins o crust aurie. Se poate servi cald sau rece. Rice pudding with apples Preparation time: 30-40 minutes. Ingredients: 1 cup rice Deroni, 3 cups milk or water, 3-4 tablespoons sugar, cinnamon, 1 kg apples, butter, rum essence. Preparation: Put rice to soak in a little hot water. Peel apples, cut and remove seeds. In a insulated bowl greased with butter put water drained rice mixed with sugar and rum essence. Put in the rice cubes of butter. Pour milk (water). Place apple slices on top and sprinkle with cinnamon. Put in the oven and leave until the rice has been boiled and curdled, and apples have caught a golden crust. It can be served hot or cold. Budinc de orez Timp de preparare: 90 minute Ingrediente: 200 g orez Deroni, 4 ou, 150 g zahr, l lapte, coaj ras de lmie Mod de preparare: Se spal i se pune la fiert orezul cu laptele, iar oule se bat ca pentu blat. Se caramelizeaz zahrul ntr-un vas (100 g), se adaug orezul rcit i amestecat cu oule, coaja de lmie. Se d la cuptor 40 minute. Rice pudding Preparation time: 90 minutes Ingredients: 200 g rice Deroni, 4 eggs, 150 g sugar, l milk, lemon zest Preparation: Wash and boil rice with milk and eggs well mixed. Sugar is roasted in a pot (100 g), add rice cooled and mixed with eggs, lemon peel. Bake for 40 minutes. Orez fiert cu gem i nuc la microunde Timp de preparare: 30 de minute. Ingrediente: Orez Deroni fiert, gem, nuc pisat, zahr tos i scorioar pudr. Mod de preparare: Jumtate din cantitatea de orez, fiert n prealabil cu puin

sare se pune ntr-un strat pe o farfurie. Deasupra se ntinde un strat generos de gem de caise sau prune i apoi se presar nuc pisat. Se aeaz a doua jumtate de strat de orez fiert peste care se presar zahr tos i apoi scorioara pudr dup gust. Se pune la microunde timp de 5-7 minute la intensitate maxim. Tips: Se poate pune o linguri de unt n orezul fiert, nc puin cald. Rice cooked with coconut and jam on microwave Preparation time: 30 minutes. Ingredients: Deroni rice, jam, crushed walnuts, granulated sugar and cinnamon powder. Preparation: Half of the amount of rice cooked in advance with salt is placed in a layer on a plate. Above lies a generous layer of apricot or plum jam and then sprinkle crushed walnuts. Place the second half of the layer of cooked rice over the granulated sugar and then sprinkle cinnamon powder to taste. Put in oven for 5-7 minutes at maximum intensity. Tip: You can put a teaspoon of butter on boiled rice, little warmed. Gogoele din orez Ingrediente: 500 g orez Deroni, 150 g fin, 2 ou, 5 linguri de lapte, o linguri de drojdie uscat, o lingur de zahr, 100 g de zahr pudr, sare dup gust. Mod de preparare: Se fierbe orezul. Drojdia se nmoaie n lapte cldu cu lingura de zahr. Maiaua se amestec cu orezul i se las timp de 2-3 ore. Se adaug fina, oule i sarea. Se frmnt. Uleiul se toarn n tigaie ca s cuprind gogoelele pn la jumtate. Uleiul se nfierbnt bine. Cu o lingur se ia din compoziie i se d forma unor gogoele. Dup ce se pun gogoaele, focul se reduce ca s nu se ard. Se ntorc atent pe alt parte i se acoper cu un capac. Se rumenesc bine, dup care se scot pe hrtie absorbant. Dup ce se rcesc, se pudreaz cu zahr. Rice balls Ingredients: 500 g Deroni rice, 150 g flour, 2 eggs, 5 tablespoons of milk, a teaspoon of dry yeast, a tablespoon of sugar, 100 g of powdered sugar, salt to taste. Method: Boil rice. Soften yeast in warm milk with a spoon of sugar. The result is mixed with rice and leave for 2-3 hours. Add the flour, eggs and salt. Knead. Pour oil in pan to cover half the rice balls. Heat the oil well. With a spoon take the composition and gives the form of rice balls. Once you put the rice balls, fire is reduced as not to burn. Carefully turn the other side and cover with a lid. Well browned, then put it on tissue paper. Once cooled, powdered with sugar. Prjitur dietetic cu gru i orez Timp de preparare: 45 minute. Ingrediente: - Pentru blatul 1: o can gru, 10 linguri pesmet, 6 linguri miere, o can miez de nuc mcinat, un vrf de cuit sare;

- Pentru blatul 2: o can orez Deroni, 200 g nuc cocos, 3 linguri miere, 2 pliculee zahr vanilat; - Fructe: mere, banane i alte fructe la alegere; Mod de preparare: Grul se pune la fiert pn se nmoaie. Separat se pune i orezul, la fiert. - Pentru blatul 1: grul fiert se amestec cu mierea, pesmetul i nuca. Se aaz ntr-o tav, se uniformizeaz pe toata suprafaa. - Pentru blatul 2: orezul fiert se amestec cu nuca de cocos, mierea, zahrul vanilat. Compoziia rezultat se ntinde peste primul strat. - Se orneaz cu fructe. Se d la rece. Se taie apoi cu diferite forme sau cu un pahar i se aeaz pe platou. Se mai poate presra fistic mrunit. Wheat and rice dietetic cake Preparation time: 45 minutes. Ingredients: - For countertop 1: a cup wheat, 10 tablespoons of bread crumbs, 6 tablespoons of honey, a cup of crushed nuts, a pinch of salt - For countertop 2: an cup of Deroni rice, 200 g coconut, 3 tablespoons honey, 2 sachets vanilla sugar - fruits: apples, bananas and other fruits of your choice; Preparation: Boil wheat until soft. Separately put rice and boil also. - For countertop 1: boiled wheat mixed with honey, breadcrumbs and nuts. Place in a pan, it evens out over the surface. - For countertop 2: boiled rice mixed with coconut, honey, vanilla sugar. The resulting composition is spread over first layer. - Garnish with fruit. Let it cold. Then cut with different shapes or glass and place on platter. It can also sprinkle chopped pistachios. Orez cu mere Timp de preparare: 30 minute. Ingrediente pentru 2 porii: 250 g mere curate de coaj, 30 g orez Deroni, 30 g zahr, 1 praf mic de scorioar Mod de preparare: Se cur merele, iar cojile se fierb n ap, astfel nct s se obin un pahar de zeam, n care se fierbe orezul. Cnd acesta este fiert pe jumtate, se adaug zahrul i merele tiate n felii i scorioar i se las n cuptor pn scade ca o budinc. Se poate servi cu puin fric btut. La fel se poate prepara i orezul cu prune. Rice with apples Preparation time: 30 minutes. Ingredients for 2 servings: 250 g apples ,Deroni rice 30 g, 30 g sugar, 1 small cinnamon powder Preparation: Peel apples and boil peels in water in order to get a glass of juice, which is boiled rice. When it is half cooked, add sugar and sliced apples and cinnamon and leave in the oven until decreasdes as a pudding. You can serve with a little whipped cream. The same you can cook rice with plums. Orez cu mere Timp de preparare: 30 minute.

Ingrediente pentru 2 porii: 2 linguri orez Deroni, 2 linguri lapte, 2 pahare de ap, 2 linguri de zahr, 2-3 mere, coaj de lmie Mod de preparare: Se pune orezul la fiert, n ap amestecat cu lapte. Cnd orezul ncepe s fiarb, se adaug merele tiate n felii, zahrul i puin coaj de lmie. Se pune la cuptor, pn cnd orezul este bine fiert, apoi se aeaz ntr-o ceac cltit cu ap rece, pentru a lua o form. Se rcete i se rstoarn pe o farfurie. n loc de mere se pot folosi caise, stafide, smochine sau fructe din compot. Rice with apples Preparation time: 30 minutes. Ingredients 2 servings: 2 tablespoons Deroni rice, 2 tablespoons milk, 2 cups of water, 2 tablespoons sugar, 2-3 apples, lemon peel .Preparation: Put the cooked rice in water mixed with milk. When rice begins to boil, add sliced apples, sugar and a little lemon zest. Bake until rice is well cooked, then place in a cup rinsed with cold water to take shape. Cool and put it on a plate. Instead of apple can be used apricots, raisins, figs or fruits from a compote . Retete orez pe ingrediente Pui Vit Porc Pete Legume Salate Dulciuri Rice recipes on ingredients Chicken Beef Pork Fish Vegetables Salads Sweets 2. Reete cu fasole rice 2. Recipes with Beans Tradiionale Traditional

Italia Italy Crostini cu fasole boabe i ton Timp de preparare: 15 minute Ingrediente (pentru 4 porii): 100 g fasole Deroni fiart, 4 cei de usturoi, 2 crengue cimbru, 2 linguri ulei, sare, piper, o lingur zeam de lmie, o conserv ton (natural), o tulpin elin, o ceap roie, 8 felii pine alb, 1 cel de usturoi, 3-4 linguri ulei de msline. Mod de preparare: Se clesc fasolea fiart i scurs, usturoiul tocat mrunt i cimbrul n uleiul ncins, se condimenteaz i se stropesc cu zeam de lmie. Tonul scurs se rupe bucele, se amestec cu fasolea i tulpina de elin dat pe rztoare i se gust de sare i piper. Feliile de pine se rumenesc, stropite cu ulei i frecate cu usturoi. Se acoper feliile cu un strat de fasole, peste care se presar rondele fine de ceap roie. Crostini with beans and tuna Preparation time: 15 minutes Ingredients (for 4 servings): 100 g Deroni boiled beans, 4 cloves of garlic, 2 sprigs thyme, 2 tablespoons oil, salt, pepper, a tablespoon of lemon juice, a can of tuna (naturally), a celery stalk, a red onion , 8 slices white bread , 1 clove of garlic, 3-4 tablespoons olive oil. Method of Preparation: Hardened beans boiled and drained, chopped garlic and thyme in hot oil, season and sprinkle with lemon juice. Break drained tuna in pieces, mix with beans and grated stalk of celery and put salt and pepper to taste. Brown the sliced bread, sprinkled with oil and rubbed with garlic. Cover the slices with a layer of beans, sprinkle over the fine sliced red onion. Spaghete cu fasole alb Timp de preparare: 30 minute. Ingrediente: 150 g bacon, o ceap, 1 cel de usturoi, 1 ardei iute rou, 2 crengue salvie, o crengu rozmarin, o legtur ptrunjel, 3 linguri ulei de msline, 250 g fasole Deroni, 500 g spaghete, 30 g parmezan (cacaval). Mod de preparare: Se taie bacon-ul cubulee, se toac ceapa i se zdrobete usturoiul. Ardeiul iute se cur de semine i nervuri. Se spal verdeaa, se scutur bine de ap i se taie mrunt. Se ncinge o lingur de ulei i se las slninua s se rumeneasc la foc potrivit. Se adaug mai nti ceapa, usturoiul i ardeiul iute, se clesc puin i apoi se adaug verdeaa, fasolea scurs i 300 ml ap. Se dau toate ntr-un clocot, se sreaz uor i se las s fiarb ncet, la foc mic, cca. 10 minute. ntre timp se fierb macaroanele n ap cu sare, se scurg, se dau puin prin uleiul rmas i se amestec cu sosul de fasole. Se servesc cu parmezan sau cacaval ras. Spaghetti with white beans

Preparation time: 30 minutes. Ingredients: 150 g bacon, an onion, 1 clove of garlic, 1 red pepper, 2 sage sprigs, a rosemary sprig, parsley bundle, 3 tablespoons olive oil, Deroni beans 250 g, 500 g spaghetti, 30 g parmesan (cheese). Preparation: Cut the bacon in cubes, chop the onion and crush the garlic. Clean chilli from seeds and ribs. Wash the greens, shake well from water and cut finely. Heat a tablespoon of oil and allow to brown the bacon on medium heat. First add the onion, garlic and chilli, cook a litle and then add herbs, drained beans and 300 ml water. Give it all to a boil, salt lightly and allow to cook slowly over low heat approx. 10 minutes. Meanwhile, cook pasta in salted water, drain, cook a little in the remaining oil and mix with bean sauce. Serve with parmesan or grated cheese. Spania Spain Paella cu fasole i melci Timp de preparare: 40 minute. Ingrediente: 500 g carne de pui, 500 g carne de iepure, 480 g orez Deroni, 350 g fasole Deroni i opional ardei iute rou i verde, 24 de melci (opional), 120 g roii, 1 l ap, ulei de msline, sare, paprika, ofran i rozmarin. Mod de preparare: Carnea de pui i de iepure se cur, se spal i se taie n buci mici. ntr-o tigaie special de paella se ncinge uleiul de msline i se prjesc bucile de carne. Cnd acestea s-au rumenit, se adaug roiile decojite i tiate cubulee i apoi fasolea. Se amestec bine i cnd fasolea se nmoaie se adaug puin paprika. Dup cteva minute se toarn n tigaie apa fiart i apoi se presar ofran i sare. Melcii se spal i se adaug i ei, lsnd compoziia s fiarb. Dup aproximativ 10 minute se adaug orezul i se amestec. Se mai poate completa cu ap fiart, dac este cazul. Tigaia se las la nceput pe un foc potrivit, urmnd ca spre sfrit s i se reduc puterea. Cnd orezul este aproape uscat, se ia tigaia de pe foc, se pun cteva rmurele de rozmarin peste orez i se las aa pn cnd apa este absorbit. Tigaia se acoper cu un prosop, timp de 10 minute. Paella se servete dup ce s-a mai rcit puin. Paella with beans and snails Preparation time: 40 minutes. Ingredients: 500 g chicken 500 g rabbit meat, 480 g Deroni rice, 350 g Deroni beans and optional red pepper and green pepper, 24 snails (optional) 120 g tomatoes, 1 l water, olive oil, salt, paprika, saffron and rosemary. Preparation: Chicken and rabbit are cleaned, washed and cut into small pieces. In a special paella pan hot olive oil and fry the pieces of meat. When they have browned, add tomatoes peeled and diced, then beans. Mix well and soak the beans , add a little paprika. After a few minutes pour boiling water into the pan and then sprinkle saffron and salt. Wash snails and add them, leaving the

composition to boil. After about 10 minutes, add rice and stir. It can fill with boiling water, if necessary. Leave pan on a medium heat first, followed finally to reduce power. When the rice is almost dry, remove the pan from the heat, put a few twigs of rosemary over rice and leave it until the water is absorbed. Pan, cover with a towel for 10 minutes. Paella is served after a little cooler. SUA USA Fondante cu cacao i fasole Timp de preparare: 10 minute. Ingrediente: 200 g fasole Deroni, 200 g cacao, 600 g zahr tos, 1 plicule vanilie, 200 g unt, o can de miez de nuc. Mod de preparare: Fasolea se fierbe i se scurge. Se pun toate ingredientele n blender i se paseaz bine. Amestecul obinut se ntinde pe un platou sau o tav joas. Se taie cubulee. Se d la rece. Fondants with cocoa and beans Preparation time: 10 minutes. Ingredients: 200 g Deroni beans, cocoa 200 g, 600 g granulated sugar, 1 sachet of vanilla, 200 g butter, a cup of nuts. Method: Boil and drain beans. Place all ingredients in blender and pure well. The mixture obtained is spread on a tray or low tray. Cut cubes. Serve it cold. Grecia Greece Salat cu fasole alb, roii uscate i brnz de capr Timp de preparare: 60 minute Ingrediente: 500g fasole Deroni , 100 g brnz de capr, 80 g roii uscate, tiate cubulee, o ceap tiat cubulee, ptrunjel, ulei de msline, busuioc uscat, un phrel oet balsamic, sare i piper. Mod de preparare: Se las fasolea n ap cu o sear nainte pentru a o putea fierbe mai uor a doua zi. A doua zi se cltete bine cu ap i se pune ntr-o oal cu ap srat. Se fierbe pn se nmoaie i se las apoi s se rceasc uor. Se pune fasolea ntr-un bol mare i se adaug ceapa, roiile uscate, busuiocul, ptrunjelul, uleiul, oetul, sarea i piperul. Se amestec i se las s se ptrund pentru 2 ore. nainte de a servi se adaug nc puin ulei de msline i brnz de capr, tiat n buci subiri. Salad with white beans, dried tomatoes and goat cheese Preparation time: 60 minutes

Ingredients: 500g bean Deroni, 100 g goat cheese, 80 g dried tomatoes diced, a diced onion, parsley, olive oil, dried basil, a glass of balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper. Preparation: Put the beans in water the night before so you can easily cook the next day. The next day, rinse thoroughly with water and place in a pot with salted water. Boil until becomes soft and let it to cool slightly. Place beans in a large bowl and add onion, dried tomatoes, basil, parsley, oil, vinegar, salt and pepper. Stir and allow to cook for 2 hours. Before serving add a little olive oil and goat cheese, cut into thin pieces. Olanda Netherlands Sup cu carne afumat i fasole uscat Timp de preparare: 120 minute Ingrediente: 250 g carne de vac, 250 g carne afumat de porc, 200 g fasole Deroni, 400 g cartofi, elin (frunze), o varz, 2 l ap, sare, piper, 100 g smntn, o lingur fin. Mod de preparare: Se pune cu o sear nainte fasolea la nmuiat i dimineaa se scurge, apoi se pune la fiert mpreun cu carnea afumat i cea proaspt, tiat bucele. Dup cca. 1 or se pot aduga cartofii tiai n felii, elin i varza tiat n sferturi. Se pune sare, piper i se las la fiert. Cnd supa e gata, se amestec smntna cu fina, se adaug puin sup i se toarn totul n crati. Soup with smoked meat and dried beans Preparation time: 120 minutes Ingredients: 250 g beef, smoked pork meat 250 g, 200 g Deroni beans, 400 g potatoes, celery (leaves), a cabbage, 2 l water, salt, pepper, 100 g sour cream, one tablespoon of flour. Preparation: Put the beans to soak the night before and morning runs, then boil with smoked and fresh meat, cut pieces. After approx. 1 hours you can add sliced potatoes, celery and cabbage cut into quarters. Season with salt and pepper and allow to boil. When the soup is ready, mix sour cream with flour, add a little broth and pour it into the saucepan. Serbia Serbia HYPERLINK Pasulj (Ciorb de fasole srbeasc) Timp de preparare: 150 minute.

Ingrediente: 500 g fasole Deroni, 2 cepe medii tocate, 3 cei de usturoi tocai, 3 frunze de dafin, 2 linguri de ptrunjel tocat, 2 linguri past de roii, 1 morcov mare, feliat, 6 boabe de piper negru, 500 g crnai de porc afumai, feliai, lingur sare, 2 linguri ulei de msline, o linguri boia dulce, o linguri boia iute, 2 linguri fin. Mod de preparare: Se cur i se spal fasolea. Se las la nmuiat 30 de minute, se scurge i se cltete sub jet de ap rece. Se pune apoi ntr-o oal mare i se acoper cu ap (apa trebuie s depeasc stratul de fasole cu cca. 5 cm). Se d n clocot, se micoreaz flacra i se fierbe ncet, timp de 30 de minute. Se ia oala de pe foc i se toarn ap rece, ndeajuns de mult nct s acopere fasolea cu 7-8 cm. Fasolea va sta la fundul vasului. Se las s stea cteva minute, apoi se scurge apa i se nlocuiete cu apa proaspt. Se pune iar oala pe foc, se d n clocot, se micoreaz flacra i se las din nou s fiarb ncet. Se adaug ceapa, usturoiul, foile de dafin, ptrunjelul, pasta de roii, morcovii i boabele de piper. Se fierbe ncet, la foc foarte mic, timp de 90-120 de minute, pn ce fasolea este fraged. Dup 45 de minute de fiert, se adaug crnaii afumai. Cu 15 minute nainte de servit, se sreaz. Se ncinge ulei ntr-o tigaie, pn ce fumeg, se adaug repede boiaua dulce i cea iute, apoi fin. Se amestec bine pn se obine o past subire. Se adaug pasta n sup, se amestec bine, se mai fierbe 5 minute, pn ce sosul ajunge la consistena dorit. Se servete cu pine i vin rou. Pasulj (Serbian Bean Soup) Preparation time: 150 minutes. Ingredients: 500 g Deroni beans, 2 medium onions chopped, 3 garlic cloves, 3 bay leaves, 2 tablespoons chopped parsley 2 tablespoons tomato paste, 1 large carrot, sliced 6 black peppercorns 500 g sausage smoked pork, sliced, teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons olive oil teaspoon paprika, one teaspoon cayenne pepper, 2 tablespoons flour. Preparation: Clean and wash beans. Allow to soak for 30 minutes, drain and rinse under running cold water. Then put in a large pot and cover with water (layer of water exceed beans approx. 5 cm). It boils, reduce the heat and simmer for 30 minutes. Take off the stove and pour cold water enough to cover the beans by 7-8 cm. Bean is at the bottom of the pot. Let it to stand for a few minutes, then drain the water and replace with fresh water. Put the pot on the fire, boil, reduce the heat and let to boil slowly again. Add the onion, garlic, bay leaves, parsley, tomato paste, carrots and peppercorns. Boil slowly, very low heat for 90-120 minutes, until beans are tender. After 45 minutes of boiling, add smoked sausage. 15 minutes before serving, salt. Heat oil in a pan until smoking, add the paprika and chilli quickly, then flour. Mix well until a thick paste. Add pasta to soup, stir well, simmer 5 minutes, until sauce reaches desired consistency. Serve with bread and red wine. Romnia Romania

Ciorb de fasole Ingrediente: 200 g fasole Deroni, 100 g bacon, 100 g morcovi, 100 g elin, 50 g ceap, 50 g ardei rou, 100 g roii, 30 g bulion, 50 ml ulei, o crengu de cimbru, 20 g sare. Mod de preparare: Fasolea se spal n mai multe ape, se fierbe cca. 30 minute, apoi se arunc apa i se continu fierberea n alt ap. Baconul se feliaz, se pune la clit ntr-o tigaie cu ulei, se adaug legumele tiate cubulee, cu excepia roiilor, se nbu cu puin ap i se pune i cimbrul. Cnd legumele sunt aproape gata, se pun bulionul i roiile tiate cubulee, se adaug puin ap i se nbu cteva minute. Cnd fasolea este fiart, se pune compoziia din tigaie, se mai fierbe cca. 10 minute i se condimenteaz cu sare. Apoi se mai d ntr-un clocot i se ndeprteaz de pe flacr. Bean soup Ingredients: 200 g Deroni beans, 100 g bacon 100 g carrots 100 g celery, 50 g onion, 50 g red pepper, 100 g tomatoes, 30 g broth, 50 ml oil, a sprig of thyme, 20 g salt. Preparation: Wash beans few times in water, boil about 30 minutes, then discard the water and continue to boil in other water. Slice bacon, put for hardened in a pan with oil, add diced vegetables except tomatoes. It stewed with a little water and put the thyme. When vegetables are almost done, pour broth and diced tomatoes, add a little water and stiff few minutes. When beans are cooked, putthe composition of the pan, simmer approx. 10 minutes and season with salt. Then still give a boil and remove from the flame. Fasole btut Timp de preparare: 120 minute. Ingrediente: fasole Deroni, ceap, ptrunjel, sare, ulei. Mod de preparare: Fasolea se spal i se pune la fiert aproximativ 2 ore, pn se nmoaie bobul i coaja de pe bob. Se scurge apoi de ap, dup care se paseaz mrunt. Peste fasolea pasat se pune ceapa clit mpreun cu uleiul care a rmas de la clit (dac mai este nevoie de ulei, se mai adaug). Ceapa se taie mrunt i se clete cu puin ulei, ptrunjel, sare. Mashed bean Preparation time: 120 minutes. Ingredients: Deroni beans, onion, parsley, salt and oil. Preparation: Wash beans and boil in aprox. 2 hours, until beans soften and peel off the grain. Then drain the water, and mash itll. Over mashed bean put fried onions with remaining oil from hardened (if necessary oil is added). Cut the onion finely and cook with a little oil, parsley, salt. Ciorb de fasole boabe Timp de preparare: 50 minute Ingrediente: 150-200 g fasole Deroni, morcov, ptrunjel, o ceap medie, un

ardei gras, 2 roii, 150 g sfecl roie, bor, zeam de castravei, suc de roii sau oet, zeam sau sare de lmie, leutean, elin, sare. Mod de preparare: Fasolea nmuiat n ap rece, a doua zi se limpezete cu ap rece i se pune la fiert tot n ap rece. Zarzavatul i ceapa, date prin rztoarea cu guri mari, se clesc 2 minute n 50 ml ulei i se adaug n oala cu fasole. Cnd fasolea este fiart, se pun ardeiul tiat n felii subiri, roiile tiate n felii de 2 cm, sfecla dat prin rztoarea cu guri mari i se fierb nc 30 minute, potrivindu-se apoi gustul cu sare i completnd cu ap, dac ciorba este prea deas. Se acrete dup gust i se aromeaz cu frunze de leutean i elin tiate mrunt. Ciorba va avea culoarea roz. Se poate consuma i rece. Fasolea se poate fierbe n oal sub presiune, mpreun cu zarzavatul clit. Dup ce s-a pus n oal obinuit, cnd d n clocot, se adaug celelalte ingrediente. Bean soup Preparation time: 50 minutes Ingredients: 150-200 g Deroni beans, carrots, parsley, a medium onion, a green pepper, 2 tomatoes, 150 g beetroot, borsch, cucumber juice, tomato juice or vinegar, lemon juice or salt, lovage, celery ,salt. Method: soaked beans in water ,the next day rinse with cold water and boil everything in cold water. Vegetables and onions grated cooked 2 minutes in 50 ml oil and add in pot with beans. When beans are cooked, put thinly sliced peppers, sliced tomatoes, beets grated with large holes grater and cook another 30 minutes, salted by taste and adding water if soup is too thick. It sours by taste and flavours with lovage leaves and chopped celery. Soup will be pink. You can drink it cold also. Bean can be boiled in pressure cooker with dardened vegetables. Once put in regular pot, when boils, add the other ingredients. Ciorb de fasole cu costi Timp de preparare: 120 minute. Ingrediente: 250 g fasole Deroni, o ceap mare (150g), 1 morcov (100g), o elin mic (75g), 100 g costi, 40 ml ulei, legtur ptrunjel, sare. Mod de preparare: Fasolea se poate pune de seara n ap, la nmuiat. ntr-o oal de 3 l se fierbe fasolea. Dup ce a clocotit 10 minute se schimb apa. Aceast operaie se repet de 2-3 ori. ntre timp se cur i se taie cubulee ceapa, morcovul i elina. Costia tiat fii se rumenete puin n tigaia de teflon. Se d deoparte. Peste grsimea rmas se adaug uleiul i se pune ceapa la clit. Se pun la fiert peste fasole legumele i costia. Se fierbe la foc mic cca. 2 ore. Cnd este aproape gata se pune sare dup gust. Se spal i se toac mrunt ptrunjelul. Ciorba se poate servi cald sau rece, decorat cu ptrunjel. Bean soup with bacon Preparation time: 120 minutes. Ingredients: 250 g Deroni bean, a large onion (150g), 1 carrot (100g), a small celery (75g), 100 g bacon, 40 ml oil, parsley, salt. Method: Put beans evening in water to soak all night. Boil beans in a 3 liters pot. After 10 minutes boiling water change it. This operation is repeated 2-3 times.

Meanwhile clean and chop diced onion, carrot and celery. Cut bacon strips and brown in Teflon pan. Set aside. Add remaining oil over grease and put cook onion. Boil the vegetables and bacon over beans approx. 2 hours. When it is almost ready put salt to taste. Wash and finely chop the parsley. Soup can be served hot or cold, decorated with parsley. Ciorb de fasole cu ciolan - ca n Ardeal Timp de preparare: 90 minute Ingrediente: 600-700 g fasole Deroni, un ciolan afumat, o ceap, 4-5 morcovi, o elin, 1 pstrnac, 200 ml bulion, tarhon n oet, sare, piper, un phrel ulei, 3-4 linguri fin alb. Mod de preparare: Ciolanul se pune la fiert n 4-5 l de ap mpreun cu elina i pstrnacul. Fasolea se fierbe separat n 2-3 ape. Se clete ceapa tiat mrunt, apoi se adaug o linguri de boia dulce i morcovii tiai rondele i se clesc n continuare aproximativ 5 minute la foc potrivit, dup care se pun peste ciolan. Dup ce fasolea s-a fiert se amestec cu ciorba de la ciolan, se adaug bulionul i tarhonul tiat mrunt (eventual i puin oet de pe tarhon) i se mai fierb 10-15 minute. Separat se face un rnta din ulei i fin i se adaug la ciorb. Se las pe foc mic s dea n fiert. Bean soup with pork - as in Transylvania Preparation time: 90 minutes Ingredients: 600-700 g Deroni beans, a smoked ham, one onion, 4-5 carrots, a celery, 1 parsnip, 200 ml broth, tarragon in vinegar, salt, pepper, a glass oil, 3-4 tablespoons flour. Preparation: boil pork in 4-5 liters of water with celery and parsnips. Beans separately in boiling water 2-3 times. Fry chopped onion, then add a teaspoon of paprika and sliced carrots and toughen on heat for about 5 minutes, then put over pork. Once cooked beans , mix with the pork soup, add broth and chopped tarragon (and a little tarragon vinegar on) and cook 10-15 minutes. Separately make a mixture from oil and flour and add to the soup. Leave on low heat to boil. Mncare de fasole cu crnai afumai (sau cabanos) Ingrediente pentru 4 porii: 500 g fasole Deroni, o rmuric de rozmarin, sare, 500 g roii decojite (conserv), 3 cei de usturoi, 5 linguri de ulei, 4 fire de salvie uscat, piper negru, o bucat de crnat afumat sau cabanos tiat buci (se poate pune i salam de var, tiat n felii subiri). Mod de preparare: Se pune fasolea la nmuiat n ap rece, cu o sear nainte. A doua zi se schimb apa veche i se pune la fiert cu 1 l de ap curat, firul de rozmarin i lingur de sare. Se fierbe 1 or , la foc mic. Se strecoar fasolea. Dac roiile sunt proaspete, se opresc, se cur de pieli i se taie n sferturi mici; dac sunt roii ntregi, decojite, din conserv, se taie n funcie de mrimea lor. Se cur usturoiul i se taie felii. Se ncinge uleiul ntr-o crati mare. Se clesc n el usturoiul i frunzele mrunite de salvie. Se adaug roiile i se clesc scurt. Se adaug fasolea boabe scurs, se sreaz, se pipereaz, se amestec bine cu roiile. Se servete mpreun cu bucile de crnat, de

cabanos sau cu feliile de salam prjite scurt n foarte puin ulei. Cui i place, poate s adauge deasupra puin oet. Baked beans with smoked sausage (or sausages) Ingredients for 4 servings: 500 g Deroni bean, a sprig of rosemary, salt, 500 g peeled tomatoes (canned), 3 cloves of garlic, 5 tablespoons oil, 4 wire of dried sage, black pepper, a piece of smoked sausage or sausages cut pieces (you can put and summer salami, thinly sliced). Preparation: Put the beans to soak in cold water the night before. The next change old water ,boil with 1 liter of clean water and tablespoon of salt rosemary thread. Boil 1 hours on low heat. Strain the beans. If tomatoes are fresh, scald, peel off the skin and cut into small quarters, if tomatoes whole, peeled, canned, cut according to size. Peel garlic and slice. Heat oil in a large saucepanand put the garlic and chopped sage leaves. Add the tomatoes and hardened also . Add drained beans, salt, pepper, mix well with the tomatoes. Serve with pieces of meat, sausages or salami slices easy fried in little oil. Who likes can add a little vinegar on top. Ciorb de fasole acrit cu corcodue Timp de preparare: 40 minute. Ingrediente: 3 l ap, 300 g fasole Deroni, zarzavat de sup, 200 g roii, verdea, o ceac de corcodue verzi. Mod de preparare: Se pune fasolea la fiert. Dup ce a dat cteva clocote, se schimb apa, cu alt ap, tot fierbinte. Se adaug un morcov, un ardei gras i o ceap tiat mrunt. Cnd zarzavatul este aproape fiert, se pun sarea, roiile i verdeaa (mrar, ptrunjel, cozi de ceap, leutean). Se las s dea mpreun cteva clocote i se adaug corcoduele. Se mai las cteva minute, dar nu prea mult s nu se fiarb prea tare corcoduele i se d la o parte. Ciorba se poate servi rece sau fierbinte. Bean soup with sour cherries Preparation time: 40 minutes. Ingredients: 3 liters of water, 300 g Deroni beans, vegetables for soup, 200 g tomatoes, potherb, a cup of sour cherries. Preparation: Put the beans to boil. After giving some boilings change water with different water hot also. Add a carrot, a green pepper and chopped onion. When the vegetables are almost cooked, put salt, tomatoes and herbs (dill, parsley, onion stalks, lovage). Let it boiled together and add sour cherries. Let few minutes longer, but not too much, should not be too hard boiled sour cherries aside. Soup can be served cold or hot. Bor de fasole cu tevie Ingrediente: kg fasole Deroni, 3 legturi tevie, 2 cepe, 1 morcov, 2 cartofi, 1 ardei gras, bor, leutean, sare, piper Mod de preparare: Se fierbe fasolea, acoperit, dup ce a fost lsat la nmuiat de seara pn dimineaa. Separat, se clesc n ulei morcovul ras, ceapa i

ardeiul (tiate mrunt), cartofii tiai cubulee i tevia tiat fidelu. Se adaug o can zeam de fasole i se las s fiarb legumele. Cnd i fasolea i legumele sunt fierte, se amestec, se adaug borul (fier separat, cu o ceap). Se potrivete gustul de sare/piper. Se adaug leuteanul tocat fin. Se mai d un clocot i ciorba e gata! Bean soup with sorrel Ingredients: kg beans Deroni, 3 sorrel wisp, 2 onions, 1 carrot, 2 potatoes, 1 green pepper, soup, lovage, salt, pepper Preparation: Boil the beans, covered, after being left it to soak in the evening until morning. Separately, anneal in oil grated carrot, onion and green pepper (chopped), diced potatoes and chopped sorrel. Add a cup of bean soup and let vegetables to boil. When and beans and vegetables are cooked, stir, add borsch (boiled separately, with an onion). Put salt and pepper. Add finely chopped lovage. Give one more boil and sour soup is ready. Fasole cu afumturi Timp de preparare: 120 minute. Ingrediente: 1 kg fasole Deroni, 6 cepe mari, 1 l ulei, carne afumat, o lingur bulion, 1-2 foi de dafin, ptrunjel. Mod de preparare: Fasolea se fierbe n trei ape. Ceapa se toac mrunt i se adaug dup ce fasolea este aproape fiart, dar fr a pune mai mult de un pahar de ap. Se mai las cca. 15 minute, timp n care se adaug foile de dafin, bulionul i carnea afumat, tiat mrunt. Cnd apa a sczut, se pune uleiul i se pune la cuptor amestecndu-se din cnd n cnd. Beans with smoked meat Preparation time: 120 minutes. Ingredients: 1 kg Deroni beans, 6 large onions, 1 liter oil, smoked meat, broth spoon, 1-2 bay leaves, parsley. Preparation: Boil beans in three waters. Chop the onion finely and add after almost cooked beans, but without putting more than a glass of water. It leaves approx. 15 minutes long in addition bay leaves, broth and smoked meat, finely chopped. When the water has decreased, put oil and bake stirring from time to time. Salat de fasole uscat Timp de preparare: 100 minute. Ingrediente: fasole Deroni, maionez cu iaurt, mrar, piper Mod de preparare: Se fierbe fasolea, se scurge i se d la rece. Separat, se face o maionez normal, la care, la sfrit, se pune un borcan de iaurt. Se amestec fasolea cu maionez, se pun condimente. Se servete rece. Dry bean salad Preparation time: 100 minutes. Ingredients: Deroni beans, mayonnaise with yogurt, dill, pepper

Preparation: Boil beans, drain and let it cool. Separately, prepare a normal mayonnaise, which, in the end, add a jar of yogurt. Mix beans with mayonnaise, put spices. Serve chilled. Ciorb de fasole cu ciolan afumat Timp de preparare: 150 minute Ingrediente: 1 kg fasole Deroni, 2 cepe, 2 morcovi, cpn elin, o rdcin ptrunjel, 1 ardei gras, 2 linguri past de tomate, o linguri cimbru pisat, 1 ciolan afumat cca. 1.5 kg, 5 l ap. Mod de preparare: Se pune fasolea n ap rece cu 10 ore nainte de a se gti, se oprete de 2-3 ori i se scurge apa, dup care se pune la fiert mpreun cu ciolanul afumat n ap rece. Se ia spuma de cte ori este nevoie. Se ncearc fasolea, iar dac se cojete, adugm zarzavaturile ntregi i lsm s fiarb pn cnd carnea se cur de pe ciolan, iar fasolea ncepe s se frme. Scoatem osul de la ciolanul afumat i zarzavaturile fierte. Adugm pasta de tomate i cimbrul i potrivim de sare. Se servete cu salat de ceap roie sau murturi. Bean soup with smoked ham Preparation time: 150 minutes Ingredients: 1 kg Deroni beans, 2 onions, 2 carrots, celery head, parsley root, 1 green pepper, 2 tablespoons of tomato paste, a teaspoon of crushed thyme, 1 smoked approx. 1.5 kg, 5 l water. . Preparation: Place beans in cold water 10 hours before cooking, scald it 2-3 times and drain the water, then boil with smoked ham in cold water. Take out foam as time is necessary. Attempts beans, and if peeling, add whole vegetables and let boil until the meat detach from the bone and beans begin to crumble. Remove bone from smoked and boiled vegetables. Add tomato paste and thyme and salt. Serve with red onion salad or pickles. Ungaria Hungary HYPERLINK Sup de fasole cu ciolan de porc afumat (Babgulyas) Timp de preparare: 3 h. Ingrediente: 500 g ciolan de porc afumat, 150 g fasole Deroni, 1 morcov feliat, o rdcin de ptrunjel feliat, o ceap mic, 4 cei de usturoi, o lingur untur, o lingur fin, 200 ml iaurt, o lingur boia dulce, sare, piper. Mod de preparare: Se nmoaie ciolanul de porc timp de 24 de ore, pentru a ndeprta o parte din sare. Se fierbe ciolanul n ap cu ceap i usturoi, timp de 90 de minute, pn ce pielea este fraged. Se scot ceapa i usturoiul i se potrivete de sare i piper. Dac este deja prea srat, se mai arunc din lichid

i se adaug ap proaspt. Se adaug n oal fasolea, morcovul i ptrunjelul i se fierbe la foc mic cca. 90 de minute. Dac supa este prea gras, se las s se rceasc i se culege grsimea de deasupra. Se prepar un rnta din untur i fin, se adaug boiaua, apoi iaurtul. Se toarn mixtura n sup i se d n clocot. Cnd se servete, se taie carnea buci, se pune cte o bucat ntr-o farfurie adnc i se toarn sup peste ea. Bean soup with smoked knuckle pork (Babgulyas) Preparation time: 3 h Ingredients: 500 g pork, smoked knuckle pork, 150 g Deroni beans, sliced 1 carrot, sliced parsley root, a small onion, 4 cloves of garlic, a tablespoon fat, one tablespoon flour, 200 ml yogurt, a tablespoon paprika, salt and pepper. Method: Soak pork knuckle for 24 hours to remove some of the salt. Boil Water knuckle with onion and garlic for 90 minutes until the skin is tender. Remove the onion and garlic and salt and pepper fits. If too salty, still throws the liquid and add fresh water. Add to pot beans, carrots and parsley and simmer for approx. 90 minutes. If soup is too fat, allow to cool and collect grease top. Prepare a mixture of lard and flour, add paprika, and yogurt. Pour mixture into soup and boils. When serving, cut meat in pieces, place a piece in a deep dish and pour the soup over it. Retete cu puine calorii Low-calorie recipes Salat dietetic de fasole Timp de preparare: 60 minute. Ingrediente: o can fasole Deroni, 16 msline, gogoar sau ardei, 1 morcov, ceap, sare, oet. Mod de preparare: Se fierbe fasolea i cnd este aproape gata, se adaug morcovul tiat rondele. Se las la fiert pn cnd morcovul este semifiert. Dup ce se rcete, se amestec cu restul ingredientelor. Toat salata are aproximativ 450 Kilocalorii i 10 g grsimi (4 msline - 25 kilocalorii i 2.5 g grsimi)

Dietetic bean salad Preparation time: 60 minutes. Ingredients: one cup beans Deroni, 16 olives, bell pepper or pepper, 1 carrot, onion, salt and vinegar. Preparation: Boil the beans and when it is almost done, add sliced carrots. Allow to boil until carrots are halfboiled. Once cooled, mix with remaining ingredients. All salad has around 450 calories and 10 g fat (4 olives - 25 calories and 2.5 g fat) HYPERLINK "

Bor de fasole uscat cu ciuperci Ingrediente: 250 g fasole Deroni, 200 g hribi, 3 cepe, 1 ardei gras, 1 morcov, 1 pstrnac, o legtur de ptrunjel, o legtur de leutean, sare, 1 l de bor. Mod de preparare: Fasolea se cur de impuriti i se pune la nmuiat cu o zi nainte. A doua zi, dup ce s-a limpezit n 2-3 ape reci, se pune la fiert. Cnd d n clocot se schimb apa cu alta nou. Cnd ncepe s fiarb din nou se adaug legumele tiate mrunt: ceap, morcov, pstrnac, ardei gras. Hribii se spal cu o zi nainte n ap rece i se pun la nmuiat pn a doua zi. Apoi se fierb i se adaug peste fasole. Borul se adaug numai dup ce fasolea a fiert pe deplin. La sfrit se presar ptrunjel i leutean. Dry bean soup with mushrooms Ingredients: 250 g Deroni beans, 200 g boletus, 3 onions, 1 green pepper, 1 carrot, 1 parsnip, parsley link, a wisp of lovage, salt, 1 liter of broth. Method: The beans are cleaned of impurities and put to soak the day before. Boil the next day, after rinsing 2-3 times in cold water. When water boils ,change a new one. When it begins to boil again add chopped vegetables: onion, carrot, parsnip, pepper.Mushrooms washed the day before and putted in cold water to soak until the next day. Then boil them and add over beans. Borsch is added only after beans.are fully boiled . Finally sprinkle parsley and lovage. HYPERLINK Ciorb de fasole uscat Ingrediente: 300 g fasole Deroni, 1 morcov, 1 pstrnac, 1 ardei gras, legtur de ptrunjel, cimbru, 2 cepe, 2 cartofi, sare, ptrunjel verde. Mod de preparare: Fasolea se cur de impuriti i se pune la nmuiat cu o zi nainte. A doua zi, dup ce s-a limpezit n 2-3 ape reci, se pune la fiert. Cnd d n clocot se schimb apa cu alta nou. Cnd ncepe s fiarb din nou se adaug legumele tiate mrunt: ceap, morcov, pstrnac, ardei gras. Atunci cnd se observ c ncepe s plesneasc pielia fasolei se adaug cartofii, mirodenii i sare dup gust. Dup ce au fiert i cartofii se oprete focul i se adaug ptrunjel. Dry bean soup Ingredients: 300 g Deroni beans, 1 carrot, 1 parsnip, 1 green pepper, parsley, thyme, 2 onions, 2 potatoes, salt and parsley. Method: The beans are cleaned of impurities and put to soak the day before. Boil the next day, after rinsing in 2-3 cold water . When water boils change, a new one. When it begins to boil again add chopped vegetables: onion, carrot, parsnip, green pepper. When it starts to bust beans peel add potatoes, spices and salt to taste. After potatoes are boiled , stop fire and add parsley. HYPERLINK

Salat de fasole cu sos picant Ingrediente: o can de fasole Deroni, sos picant Mod de preparare: Fasolea se cur de impuriti i se pune la nmuiat cu o zi nainte. A doua zi, dup ce s-a limpezit n 2-3 ape reci, se pune la fiert. Dup ce se fierbe, se scurge apa pn la nivelul boabelor de sus i se amestec cu sos picant. Se mai fierbe 5 minute. Bean salad with spicy sauce Ingredients: a cup of Deroni bean, spicy sauce Method: The beans are cleaned of impurities and put to soak the day before. Boil the next day, after rinsing in 2-3 cold water. After boiling, drain water to the beans up and mix with sauce. Boil another 5 minutes. HYPERLINK Salat de fasole Ingrediente: o can de fasole Deroni, cteva msline, 1 gogoar sau ardei, 2 morcovi medii, ceap, sare, o lmie, ptrunjel. Mod de preparare: Fasolea se cur de impuriti i se pune la nmuiat cu o zi nainte. A doua zi, dup ce s-a limpezit n 2-3 ape reci, se pune la fiert. Cnd este deja moale, se adaug morcovul tiat rondele i se las la fiert pn cnd sunt gata. Dup ce se rcesc se amestec i mslinele tiate rondele, gogoarul i ceapa tiate mrunt. Se stropesc cu zeama unei lmi. Se taie mrunt un mnunchi de ptrunjel i se amestec. Ptrunjelul are virtui nutritive extraordinare, are foarte mult vitamina C i d o arom deosebit salatei. Bean Salad Ingredients: a cup of Deroni beans, some olives, 1 pepper or pepper, 2 medium carrots, onion, salt, lemon, parsley. Method: The beans are cleaned of impurities and put to soak the day before. The next day, after rinsing in 2-3 cold water boil. When it is already soft, add sliced carrots and allow to cook until they are ready. Once cooled , mix with sliced olives, chopped peppers and onions. Sprinkle with juice of one lemon. Cut a bunch of parsley finely and mix. Parsley has extraordinary nutritional virtues, has a lot of vitamin C and gives a special flavor salad HYPERLINK Iahnie de fasole Ingrediente: 250 g fasole Deroni, 100 ml ulei de msline, o ceap , o foaie de dafin, 1 l suc de roii, 25 g fin, ptrunjel, mrar, tarhon, cimbru, piper, sare. Mod de preparare: Fasolea se cur de impuriti i se pune la nmuiat cu o zi nainte. A doua zi, dup ce s-a limpezit n 2-3 ape reci, se pune la fiert. Se fierbe acoperit, la foc mic, cca. o or i jumtate sau dou pn cnd se nmoaie bine bobul i coaja. Cnd este fiart fasolea se scade apa pn la nivelul boabelor.

Ceapa se taie mrunt, se clete ntr-o crati, la foc mic, n ulei de msline. (Not: n reetele de diet nu recomandm ceapa clit sau ingrediente prjite; n aceasta reet se respect un timp de clire foarte scurt i se folosete ulei de msline!). Se stinge repede cu sucul de roii i se pune peste fasolea fiart. Se adaug o foaie de dafin i o ramur de cimbru. Fina se freac cu 2 linguri de ap rece i se amestec cu fasolea, lsnd s fiarb cteva clocote ca s se lege sosul. Mncarea se sreaz dup gust, se adaug puin piper i se acrete cu zeam de lmie. Presrai frunze tiate mrunt de mrar, ptrunjel i tarhon. Haricot beans Ingredients: 250 g bean Deroni, 100 ml olive oil, an onion, a bay leaf, 1 l tomato juice, 25 g flour, parsley, dill, tarragon, thyme, pepper, salt. Method: The beans are cleaned of impurities and put to soak the day before. The next day, after rinsing in 2-3 cold water boil. Cook covered over low heat approx. half past one or two until bean and peel are well softened.Boiled beans tillthe lever of water decreases to then beans . Chopp the onionscook in a saucepan on low heat in olive oil. (Note: we do not recommend for diet recipes ingredients like roasted onion and other fried ingredients; in this recipe it is a short annealing time and is used olive oil!). Add quickly tomato juice over and put it on cooked beans. Add a bay leaf and a branch of thyme. Mix flour with 2 tablespoons of cold water and put it with beans, let them some boil to bind the sauce. Put some salt to taste, add a little pepper and sour with lemon juice. Sprinkle chopped dill leaves, parsley and tarragon. Dulciuri cu fasole Sweets with beans Fondante cu cacao i fasole Timp de preparare: 10 minute Ingrediente: 200 g fasole Deroni, 200 g cacao, 600 g zahr tos, 1 plicule vanilie, 200 g unt, o can de miez de nuc Mod de preparare: Fasolea se fierbe i se scurge. Se pun toate ingredientele n blender i se paseaz bine. Amestecul obinut se ntinde pe un platou sau o tav joas. Se taie cubulee. Se d la rece. Fondants with chocolate and beans Preparation time: 10 minutes Ingredients: 200 g Deroni beans, cocoa 200 g, 600 g granulated sugar, 1 sachet vanilla, 200 g butter, a cup of nuts Method: Boil and drain beans. Place all ingredients in blender and pure well. The mixture obtained is spread on a platter or low tray. Cut cubes. Let it cool.

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