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Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Satuan Pendidikan Mata Pelajaran Kelas / Program Pokok Bahasan Sub Pokok Bahasan Waktu

Tahun Pelajaran Standart Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar Indikator : SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan : Bahasa Inggris : XI / Umum : Writing : - Mengetahui macam macam text. - Menjelaskan pengertian dan komponen narrative text. : 2 x 45 menit : 2010 2011 : Mengungkapkan pikiran, perasaa, informasi dan pengalaman secara tertulis dalam bentuk karangan berupa narrative text. : Menulis karangan berupa narrative text sesuai dengan generic structure dan language features dalam narrative text. :Mampu menulis karangan berupa narrative text dengan benar. Mampu mengarang narrative text sesuai dengan susunan paragrafnya (generic structure). Mampu mengolah bahasa yang digunakan dalam narrative text. I. Tujuan Pembelajaran Siswa dapat membuat karangan berupa narrative text berdasarkan language features dan generic structure dalam narrative text, serta dapat membedakan tehnik penulisan narrative text dengan jenis text lain. II. Materi Pembelajaran Karangan: THE SIGN OF THE FOUR III. Kegiatan Pembelajaran a. Pre-activity 1 2 3 4 5 6 Guru masuk kelas dan member salam kepada siswa. Siswa menjawab salam dari guru. Guru mengapsen kehadiran siswa. Guru member tahu tujuan pembelajaran atau materi yang akan diajarkan. Siswa dan guru melakukan Tanya jawab tentang paragraph atau cerita narrative text. Siswa membuka kembali catatan tentang jenis jenis text lain.

b. Whilst Activity Siswa : 1. Siswa mencermati penulisan karangan narrative text. 2. Siswa memperhatikan penjelasan guru tentang cara menulis narrative text. 3. Siswa membenahi susunan paragraph dalam narrative text. 4. Siswa memperhatikan gaya bahasa yang digunakan dalam penulisan narrative text. 5. Siswa dapat membuat karangan berupa narrative text dengan benar. Guru: 1 2 3 4 Memberikan karangan berupa narrative text. Menyuruh siswa untuk membenahi text tersebut. Menanyakan pada siswa pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan narrative text. Menyuruh siswa mengerjakan latihan latihan yang berkaitan dengan narrative text untuk menambah pengetahuan. c. Post Activity 1. Siswa menerima saran dan koreksi dari guru. 2. Siswa menerima tugas rumah untuk berlatih menulis narrative text dengan sempurna. IV. Metode Pembelajaran a. Diskusi b. Penugasan. V. Sumber / Bahan Belajar a. Buku Look Ahead an English course 2 for Senior High School students 2 year XI, Sudarwati M.Th.,dkk.,2008, hal 35 72. b. Kamus VI. Penilaian a. Tehnik ; assessment process b. Bentuk : Ulangan harian. c. Instrumen: 1. Bacalah cerita berjudul why do Hawks Hunt chicks? a. Tulislah tema cerita yang kamu baca tadi! b. Jenis text apakah yang cerita yang kamu baca tadi? c. Tulislah generic structure dari cerita yang kamu baca!

2. Buatlah karangan berupa narrative text sesuai dengan pengalamanmu berdasarkan generic structure dan language feature dalam narrative text! Catatan:

Mengetahui / menyetujui, Dosen pembimbing

Pamekasan, 27 September 2010 Mahasiswi





Sherlock Holmes was a famous private detective who lived in London with his best friend, Dr. Watson, a retired British army doctor. Together they helped each other to solve the mysterious cases. Both live at 221 Baker Street in London. One day, a beautiful lady, named Miss Mortan, came to the house for some help. Dr. Watson fell in love for the very first time with her. Miss. Mortan told Holmes, my father, captain mortan had been lost since his returning to England from India in 1878. Since then, I always receive a beautiful pearl every year on the date when my father got lost. This morning, she continued, I got a letter asking me to come to Lyceum Theater at 7 p.m. tonight. So, please accompany me to go there. At Lyceum Theater, a man named Theodore Sholto greeted there of them. Miss Morstan, my name is Theodore Sholto. Nice to meet you, he said. Do you want to know your fathers death? Let me tell you. My father and yours were friends during their service in India. One day, they found the treasure of Agra and they promised to share when they had returned to England. But your father broke the promise and they had a severe quarrel and your father got a heart attack and soon he died. A few years later my father was seriously ill and he told me and my brother the truth and asked us to divide the treasure fairly. He told us to send you a pearl each year. Before he could tell the place of the treasure, an ugly face appeared on the window and killed my father and the murderer ran in the dark of the night. Finally we found that the treasure was kept in Pondicherry Lodge, an old house of my father and now we would like to divide the treasure. Theodore ended the story. Holmes, Dr. Watson, Miss Morstan and Theodore went to Pondicherry Lodge. When they arrived there, they found that Theodores brother had died. He was killed with poisoned thorn and the treasure had gone. Holmes and Dr. Watson investigated the case. They found that there were two murderers in this case. One was one-ledged man and the other one was a pigmy man. The police chased these men on the river. The Pigmy man was shot to dead and the oneledged man was caught. Unfortunately, the treasure was thrown into the river. The treasure belonged to us, the sign of the four me, the Pigmy man and my two Indian friends. Your father had stolen it from us n India. Said one-ledged man. Miss Morstan could not become a rich lady but this was a good thing for Dr. Watson for he could marry Miss Morstan. Answer the Question 1 2 3 4 5 What is the story about? What is the purpose of the story? Who was Sherlock Holmes and who was Dr. Watson? What case did they solve one day? What did Miss Morstan receive every year on the date his father was lost?

6 7 8 9

Where did Miss Morstan and Theodore arrange to meet? Where did Mr. Morstan get the treasure from? Why did Miss Morstan come to Holmes home? What was Captain Sholtos last will?

10 Where was the treasure kept? 11 Who killed Captain Sholto? 12 Did they get the treasure at the end? Why? 13 Do you think the story end happily or saidly? 14 What do you call this kind of text? 15 What is social purpose of the text? 16 The organization of narrative text is:___________, ___________, and _________ 17 The orientation contains 18 The temporal sequences used in the text are:____________, finally____________ 19 The story in the text mostly used 20 Mention the action verb in the text

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