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What is a truism?

A truism is an obvious truth, one that is almost too obvious to be stated. Truisms are also known as sayings, platitudes, clichs, mottos, proverbs, aphorisms, words of wisdom

Sometimes they are notable quotes: Truism Quotes Wise Old Quotes

In the next few slides

Try to develop a picture in your mind that looks like it would go with the truism that is stated. Who might make this statement?

No Pain, No Gain!
What picture could go with this?

All people have a moment of doubt.

Is this what you imagined?

We leave marks on the things we cherish.

What would this picture look like?

We leave marks on the things we cherish.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

What picture comes to mind?

What picture came to your mind?

There is nothing to fear but fear itself. -Roosevelt

In the next slides

Write a truism for each photograph.

Give me a truism to go with this picture.

Can you come up with a truism for this one?

What about this one?

And this one?

One more?

Now you will create a truism based on a picture of the person you are researching.
1. Using the resources you have identified, find a picture of 2.

3. 4. 5.

the person you are researching. Find or create a truism that goes along with something he or she believes. Make sure your truism is something that you know (through your research) your person of interest really believes/believed something that reflects his or her belief system, platform, lifes work Remember what a truism is: something that is true about the world/something that is true about people. Find a picture that illustrates that truism. Put the two pictures and the truisms on ONE document. You will use this truism to begin your Thinglink.

Sample Truism for MGP Thinglink

A womans work is never done.

Sample #2- isms.htm Failure is no crime, too low an aim is.

And one more

They are the men who would build Rome in a day and character in an hour. They are discouraged at failures and attempt nothing.

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