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Rika Yuniarti

10. P = { 1, 2, 5, 6, 8,9.10}

1. Sets of prime number less than 15 are..... 2. If P = { 5, 7, 9, 11 ,13,15 } is expressed by set builder notation is .....

Q = { 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 } P Q = .... 11. U = { natural number less than 12} P = { prime number less than 12 } Q = { even number less than 12 } The venn diagram showing the situation is ....

3. If M = set of multiples of 2 between 3 and 20 Is expressed by listing their elements is .....

4. If E = {6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14,15 } is expressed by description is .......

5. A= { alphabets in the word TANJUNG PRIOK} Numbers of elements set A are......

12. U = { natural number less than 15} A = { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9,11,13 } B = { 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,11 } ( A B )c = ...

6. The posible sets universe from sets { x I 1 < x < 10, x is a prime number} is ....

13. A group consists of 60 people. 35 people like reading, and 38 people like writing. If 5 people do not like both, the total number of people that like both is....

7. The number of subsets from P= { k,e,c,o,a,g} has two elemens are ....

14. A class consists of 50 students. 30 students like mathematics, 25 students like science and 10 students like both. The total number of student who do not like both is . . . .

8. The number of subsets from {m,e,l,a,t,i}


9. A = { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 } B = { 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12} A U B = ..... A B = ..

15. In the group, there are 45 people subscribing to magazines, 40 people subscribing to newspapers, 10 people subscribing to both, and 15 people do not like both . The total number of people in this group is .....

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