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1 - Download the Modified Serial Proxy ARduino -

2 - Load Serial Proxy Arduino

Notice the new serial proxy button

3 - Download the as3glue library -

4 - Extract the As3Glue Library to Desktop or Documents

5 - Add This Location to Flash CS3 Preferences

Add the directory

containing the AS3Glue
Library by selecting it
using this dialog
Click the Actionscript 3.0 settings

6 - Edit the security settings in Flash to allow the Movie to

access the network, edit the file `TrustExampleMac.cfg' from
the `' file and change the directory to your
directory path as shown -

Change to the path you have placed the Flash_Arduino files

7 - Copy this file to /library/Application Support/Macromedia/

FlashPlayer/Trust as shown, if the Directory does not exist,
create it.

8 - In the Arduino Ensure the Board and Serial Connection as

before and ensure the proxy serial settings are as follows

9 - Change the rate to 115200 baud and then Verify / Compile

the program as normal and note the output in the debug /
log area at the bottom of the program

Change the rate to

115200 baud

10 - In Flash CS3, open FLASH_Arduino.fla and run it

(Control -> Test Movie) -

CS4062 - Eoin Brazil - Semester 2 - 2009

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