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An Exercise in Aggressive, Non-Partisan Political Activism April 02, 2013 Volume 3, Number 16

WARDEN TO EDITOR OF THE ARIZONA DAILY INDEPENDENT Re: Yesterdays story on Steve Kozachik urinating in public: Dear Sir: Yesterday I filed the following story on the internet and sent it to all 1,500 of my readers, including every local media outlet, selected TPD officers, county and city officials, over 1,000 members of the local bar, political activists, etc: Warden to Kozachik: Resign Now, Or I Will Take Legal Action and Make You! This morning I contacted the Tucson Police Department to see if Mr. Kozachik had been arrested; I was referred to Michelle Bailey, Badge #33119. The intake officer took my information, including your articles internet address, and said Ms. Bailey would contact me later in the day. Around 4:00 pm Ms Bailey contacted me. I was astonished to learn TPD had done nothing! We spoke further. Ms. Bailey said, in sum and substance: Without an official report from one of the witnesses of the event, we cannot begin an investigation. More conversation, back and forth. Finally I told her: Read the article again. Contact the newspaper, The witnesses say they are afraid Mr. Kozachik will retaliate against them in some way. The reporter said there is a double standard here in Tucson, to the effect that Tucson Officials hold themselves above the law they are sworn to protect.

Ms. Bailey was undeterred. Eventually she informed me that the decision not to act was a matter of City Policy. Moreover; she said the decision came directly from the Office of the Chief of Police. So I said: It seems the reporter is right. When it comes to enforcing the law, there is a double standard here in Tucson. By refusing to act and by turning a blind eye, TPD, in effect, is protecting Councilman Steve Kozachik! Mr. Editor: This kind of conduct is intolerable in a free society and it shall not stand. I can and I will take legal steps to compel the Tucson Police Department to act. But it will take time. So first; would you please do a follow up story? Maybe re-contact the witnesses, ask them to come forward? This kind of double standard, public officials vs the public, is no less than tyranny. Our paid employees, Public Officials, do not govern: they rule by fear and intimidation. They have no respect whatsoever for public sensibilities and the Rule of Law they have sworn to uphold. I am again reminded of the following: The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is When Good Men Do Nothing! Please, take action! Yours truly, Roy Warden Email the Editor: Tell Him: We want a Follow-Up Story. NOW!

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