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In southern Punjab, there was once a village of illiterate people.

The people were incredibly stubborn, and were living an extremely difficult life, full of ancient customs. Child marriage was common, female education was discouraged and there were few schools. They refused to accept the modern changes and shunned the modern way of life. Due to this, they were frequently wronged by other villages which had accepted the modern advances and were enjoying a comparatively easier life. In this village, there lived a bright young boy. He observed closely the state of his people and the harassment they had to face at the hands of the other villages. He longed to save his people from the prison they had built for themselves. Being a bright boy, he excelled in his academics and completed his basic education from a village school. According to the custom, after the completion of his schooling, he had to get married. The young boy was worried that he may not get to complete his education and so he went to his father. The father, seeing the determination of his son, agreed to send him to the city to study. He went to the city and studied hard. He worked tirelessly day and night and excelled in everything he did. He became famous in his college for his intelligence and his philosophy. His papers were distributed around and he soon became recognized by many people for his works. He got funded by different organizations and he wrote many more books. Back in the village, his people got to know of his success. They were proud of this boy. To think, Saleems son is so famous in the big city. I hope he would come back soon and share with us his learning so that we may better ourselves. the village elders used to say. Back In the city, the boy hadnt forgotten about his people. He used to think about ways to help them day and night, but due to other obligations, he wasnt able to go home. Then one day, he got an idea. He decided to compile his work and put together a book that he would send to his people. A book that would contain guidance and that would help his village come out of the dark that they had been living in. And so, he began his work. He worked very hard and put together the book that was the solution to all the problems of his village. It highlighted the wrongs that were being done. It explained the ideology that needed to be changed and it showed how the people should change themselves. He sent this book to his parents and gave them instructions to read, understand and implement what it taught them, as it would lead them to a better future. After a long year, the man finally got a chance to go home. He travelled back, and reached the place he had left so long ago. Not believing his eyes, the man stared at his village. Nothing had changed. There were no new schools, the houses were the same as before, and the people seemed just as illiterate as before. The village was still commanded by the panchayat who did what they pleased and ancient customs were still followed.

The only difference in the familiar landscape was the addition of a new building. The man was shocked. He went to the hut, where he lived and found his parents. He demanded an explanation as to why everything was just the same. Did I not send you what I had learned all these years? Did I not explain in detail what needed to be done? Why then is everything still the same? Why have you not learned from what was available to you? The father and mother could not understand what he meant. We did what you said. We read your book every day. Every house in the village has that book. We respect it and honor it, for it contains knowledge. Did you not see the shrine we built in honor of the knowledge you sent us? They took the man to the new building that he had seen. There, in the middle of the shrine, on a high pillar, wrapped in cloth, sat the book that he had sent to his people more than a year ago.

usman shahid.

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