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Arabic is language in which the spelling of words on paper corresponds almost exactly the way in which they are pronounced in ordinary speech , , ., Arabic letters, there for ,closely represent the sounds of the language. Unfortunately in English this is not the case; in English theres a poor correspondence between written letters and spoken sound, so, the way a word is spelt , may tell us very little about the way it is propound. For example take the words city busy women pretty village. Each contains two examples of the same vowel sound \1\,but in spelling, this one sound is represented by the letters: i , y, u, o , e and a so, in English, one sound may be spelt in several different ways. The opposite is also true: one letter or group of letters can have several different sounds. For example, the letter a in the following words: father fall fat many care states are pronounced differently in each word. The group op letter _ought is even worse. They represent different sound in each of the following word; Through _ plough _ thorough _ enough _ cough _ Doug _thought You can also get words which are spelt differently but sound the same. All the following words have identical pronunciations: Reign _ rain _ rein Some words have the same spelling but different pronunciation; lead _ lead , read _ read

There are a lot of words with letters that are not pronounced; night _ wrong _ wrestling _ Psychology _ lamb _ etc. In some words the same sound is pronounced without any letter to represent it in the word. Take this word : pizza/pIta / . The sound / t / is not represented by the letter [t].

Chapter one

The significance of the study

The significance of the study The study uses an experimental approach to examine segmental intelligibility problems in English sound. one benefit of this approach is that it enables the researcher obtain an understand of the learners abilities and weakness in English perception and production .such in sight is more different to develop in the context of an interview, or from written text neither of which allow information that treats the issue in depth .for example data on pronunciation problems collected by the use of question naira _ it gives real insight into such a subject. The objective of the study The study aims to greater care to speech /sound /pronunciation spelling problems that are experienced by learners of English. In terms of method this study uses database abstained by means of questionnaires which give descriptions and impressions about research problems, rather than results extracted from experiments in general, this research attempts farther investigation on the impediments of speech /sound/ pronunciation interlay stability among learner. The study will act as a pioneer project in the sense that it avails it self of experimental evidence for the issue under concern in order to server as audience for future attempts aiming to solve such types of problems.

Thus the research specified to two goals: (i)To identify the linguistic causes of sound / pronunciation / spelling manifests among learners. (ii)Test the intelligibility of vowels, single sounds and cluster consonants of English perceived and pronounced by l1 and l2 and their affects on spelling and waxing. What is a research proposal? A document with two major objectives:To analyze and synthesize the existing research a bout particular topic. Describe The researchers idea a new study. Why I need research Proposal:_ It is prerequisite for degree. Need approval from the committee to start the work. It impresses the senior as a potential researcher. It serves as a contract between the researcher and finder. Personal interest. Steps for proposal writing: First step: formulation of the research question: Subject? Topic?

What I want to observe? How will do this? Access to information Access to resources Tikal background Value of research is question is big /small External requirements Overalls probity of successful completion. Personal interest Reflects the proposal in one sentence Second Step: _ Battening the in formation literature review and reading Third step: Methodology:Sampling Inclusion and exclusion criteria Measurement instrument Data collection procedures Data analysis Do contact statistician: What does the methodology section?

Shows the reader how it is being for looking answers to research question. It reflects the capability of research working to complete the research work. The proposed methods must be a prorate to the type of research work. Fourth step: Time line:Important planning tools Helps to establish the competency Be realists: compare with the existing work load; duties Fifth step: _ Writing the proposal: Collecting the bits and pieces The references: use an an acceptable format. Steps to: _ Generate a research Hypothesis: _ After choosing a research question, the next step is to formulate a research hypothesis (plural: hypothesis) . A research hypothesis is a tentative answer to the research question .That is , after reading previous research studies researchers predict in advance what they thank the outcome of research study will be . This may seem silly at first _ why try to answer the question beforehand?

Why not simply conduct the study to learn the answer to research question? Researcher for hypotheses tentative answer for research question because the Hypothesis will influence how the research study is conducted .As you will see in later sections there are many methods researchers use to answer research questions which methods a researcher chooses will also depend on the hypothesis ,I. e the answer researcher aim to find. Saintliest use theories as they develop their research hypotheses. There fore, in this section, we first address theories, and then focus on how to develop a hypothesis. What are theories? Explanation for why people students /teacher be have the way they do, coherent and logical from works that quite research . The process of developing and testing theories follows. These step 8: _ Theories develop their ideas 8 by reviewing all the research evidence for a particular phenomenon. They attempt to organize this evidence in to coherent and logical framework that explains the phenomenon.

Using this theory, new ideas and hypotheses are developed to quite the next research projects in an area. These new research studies help to refine the theory. The end of result 3 a greater understanding of human behavior and mental processes What is a research hypothesis? Simpler more tentative explanation that can be tested. A research hypothesis is simpler and more tentative than a theory. That is any particular hypothesis may represent only a small part of theory. How can I come up with research hypothesis? Read research studies, consider personal experiences, think of exceptions and insistencies There are many ways to generate a research question. After reading research studies related to your research experiences match what is described by the theory and past may also brainstorm to think of exceptions to the rule. That is a theory or past research may describe in which the theory may not apply. As you continue to read research articles, you will find inconsistencies or disagreements among researchers.

In all of these situations, you may think of explanation for the discrepancies among previous research articles, and own experience these explanations become fretful research hypotheses. What hypothesis would you develop? A first step developing hypothesis is to see how ideas match your experience Ask yourself these question: Do you often use net work contacts to get done? What can you ask from different people in your net work ? on what does it depend what you can ask for wither they will provide it willingly? An important step in developing hypotheses is to know the finding from previous research Step 3:_ Generate Research Hypnoses: _ A central component of phenomena process is the hypothesis Ask yourself these when you read or hear research to evaluate the researchers hypothesis. Does the researcher present a theory about the phenomena that are investigated? Does the theory define and describe events predict when specific phenomena or events should occur, and explain the causes of event described in theory?

Is research hypotheses presented? Is the hypothesis to a table? That is, are the concepts clearly defined and measurable; does the hypothesis avoid circularity refer to concept that are scientific and logic? Is the hypothesis very general or very specific?, specific hypotheses provide better tests of theories. A research limitation As our article, highlighted, the limitations and future a research section of journal article are arguably the quickest and easiest way to find. A possible dissertation topic at the undergrounduate and masters level. After all in this section of academic journals, researchers explain to limitations of their own research, as well as potential new lines of in guiro that other researchers could explore How ever, the trick is to know how to take the research limitations and or future research suggestions in these journal article and turn them into a potential topic idea for your dissertation. In this article, we explain how to a chive this. Research limitation steps: _ Identify the types of research limitation discussed by the authors. Authors of good journal articles will highlight a number of limitations in their work. These include. An inability to answer their research questions. Theoretical and conceptual problems

Limitations of their research strategy. Problems of research quality. Understand the potential relationship between these research limitations and what makes a dissertations topic significant. As the article, why is your research significant? Shows whilst dissertations are rarely ground _breaking at the undergraduate or masters level (and are not expected to be), they should still be significant in some way. When coming up with dissertation topic idea, you need to be able to explain how your idea is significant. Your research may be significant in one or number of ways. It may: Since t his section of the article deals with using research limitations as basis for coming up with a dissertation topic idea just two of these perspectives on research significance are relevant: 1-The ability to address a flaw in a previous study; and2- The desire to reflect a break from the past. Lets take each in turn: 3-Choose a research limitation tat interests you and is significant Enough to justify carrying out a dissertation. More often than not, you will need to focus on single research, which is not only significant in terms of addressing a flaw in previous study or reflecting a break from the past , but is significant enough to justify carrying out apiece

of dissertation research . When you consider wither the research limitation you are interested in is significant enough, you should ask your self the following question:Can I justify the suggestion that the research limitation undermined the ability of the authors to (a) answer their research questions and /or hypotheses and /or )be) defend their findings ? If the answer to either part of this question is yes, there is a strong case to suggest that the research limitation is significant enough to justify your proposed dissertation. 4-Turn your dissertation topic idea in to a purpose statement:Establishing a dissertation topic idea from a research limitation is an important first step. However, if your dissertation topic idea is going to be accepted by your supervisor, you will need to communicate it effectively. To achieve this, you need a purpose statement. The purpose statement is the culmination of (a) the motivation driving your dissertation. (b) The significant of the research you plan to carry out; and (c) the research questions you are going to address. In this respect, the purpose statements establish the intent of the whole dissertation. The purpose of the discussion: Is to your interpretations and opinions, explain the implications of your finding, and make suggestion for future research. Its main function is to answer the questions posed in the introduction, explain how the results support the answers and .how the answer fit in the existing

knowledge on the topic. The discussion is considered the heart of the paper and usually requires several writing attempts. The organization of the discussion is important. Before beginning you should try to develop and out line to organize your thoughts in a logical form. You can use a cluster map, an issue tree numbering, or some other organizational structure. The steps listed below are intended to help you organize your thoughts. To make your message clear, the discussion should be kept as short as possible while clearly and fully stating, supporting, explaining, and defending your answers and discussing other important and directly. Relevant issues. Cares must be taken to provide a commentary and not reiteration of the results. Side issue should not be included, as these tend to obscure the message. No paper is perfect the key is to help the reader determine what can be positively learned and what is more speculative. 1-Organize the discussion from the specific to the general: your findings to the literature, the theory, to practice. 2- Use the same key terms, the same verb tense (presented tense), and the same point of view that you used when posing the questions in the introduction. 3-Begin by re-stating the hypothesis you were testing and answering the questions posed in the introduction.

4-Support the answers with the result s. Explain how your results expectations and to the literature, clearly stating why thy are acceptable and how they are consistent or fit with previously published knowledge on the topic. 5- Address all the result relating to the question regardless of whether or not the finding were statistically significant 6Describe the Patterns, Pencils and relationship shown by each major finding result and put them in> Perspective. The sequencing of providing this information is important; first state the answer, then the relevant results, then cite the work of other if necessary. 7- Describe the Patterns, principles, relationship shown by each major finding / result and put them in Perspective _ the sequencing of providing this information is important. First state the answer; then the relevant results then cite the work of other if necessary. 8 Defend your answer, if necessary, by explaining both why answer is satisfactory and why others are not. Only by giving both sides to the argument can cow make explanation convincing. 9 Discuss and evaluate conflicting explanations of the results. This is sign begin of a good discussion.

10 Discuss any unexpected finding. When discussion an unexpected the Paragraph with the finding and then describe it. 11 Identify Potential limitations and weaknesses and comment on the relative importance of the results and how they may affect the validity of the findings. When identifying limitations and weaknesses, avoid using an a pologetone 12 Summarize concisely implications of the findings, statistical significance. the principal regardless of

13 Provide recommendations (no more than two) for fur then research. Do not after suggestions which could have been easily addressed with in the study, as this shows there has been inadequate examination and interpretation of the data 14 Explain how the results and conclusion of this study are important and how they fluencies our knowledge or understanding of the problem being examined. 15 _ In your writing of the Discussion discuss every thing, but be concise, brief, and specific.

Chapter Tow

Reason of the variations in English spelling

Reason for those variations in English spelling A historical back ground: _ When England began to re_ establish its, own identity around 1350 , after many wars with France a succession of deadly plagues, English writing had to be improved too. Early modern writers, like Geoffrey chancre and William Tyndale, who translated the bible in to modern English in 1525 tried to give English a consistent spelling. System, but their efforts were undermined. Educated people had only written French or Latino before. They continued to use many of the French spellings they had became to use. Some of their mistakes later become the norms and remain so to this day, e.g. double couple- route-sure- centre table just adding the final (e).anther reason of the in consistency of the spelling is that when books began to be printed in England in1476, the valley in rented spelling system was severally tempered with because nearly all the early London printers were foreign an inevitably committed many spelling errors. They were also usually paid by line and often inserted additional letters in to words to earn more money. They regularly added extra letters to the last word of alien to makes the whole text look neater. _had. For

example, they sometimes spelt it as (hade) and other as (hade ) money of their spelling errors eventually became English spellings. In 1525 William Tindals English new testament was condemned as sacrilegious by the pop of Rome and the bishops of England. This also affected English spelling because he had fled to the Netherlands and his bible continued to be printed abroad for many years their after, by people who early spoke English even Tindals spelling were changed too. The people who bought these bibles began to use them for teaching children to read and write. Because different additions of Tindals bibles began had different spellings the English spelling system became more and more chaotic. It still carries many of the damages inflicted on it during that time. Another main reason is that during the 16 th and 17th centuries, when Latino and break words were imported in to English, things got worse. The new imported of that time early always allowed to keep their original spellings. Because the Latino and Greek imports were largely exempted, for example, from the English rule for doubling a consonant after a short vowels. As in better, bitter, the inner, rabbit, silly, pallet muddy pepper. This led to writing words like lily, habit, palace and leper. Latinate words which had come in to English were spelt with (y) instead of (I) symbol system. Silent letters proliferated too= pneumonia rheumatic, psychology. During the time to use of (ea)as an alterative spelling for both (ee)and (e)sound also because firmly established =speech, speak, bed

bread. This appears to have been done for no obvious reason. By 1700 all different influences had Trans formed English spelling in to the phonically in coherent jumble which we still use today. Samuel Johnsons dictionary of 1755 fixed the system like allow. English have been spelt mainly by dictionary, rather then by phonic rules or common sense, ever since. Things were made slightly worse still around 1870 when the upper classes decided to pronounce the latter (a) in some words(ask, bath, pass ). With a longer. Vowel as in cart. During the 16th century there were particularly numerous a systematic changes to spelling of both long and short (oo) sound as and also to (oa)and (ou)sound leaving all their spelling highly unpredictable ever since = (Cole ) changed to (cool) then (coat) (abroad ) to (abrode) (roose) to (rose ) and (a tote) to (stood ). (Dore) to (doore) then (door), (toun), (doun) and (croun) to (town) (down) and (crown). (Over) changed to (our) and back again. (Should) and (wolde) to (should) and (would). Some Differences and Similarities in British English and American English Spelling:Today British English spellings follow for the most part, those of swale Jonsons (A dictionary of English language ), 1755.were as many American English spellings follow ,Noah Websters (an American dictionary of the English language 1828 .

1-The spellings of (re) in words like= center use in English and the common wealth countries. The (er) spelling are recognized as miner variants in American. 2-Ce, Se For advice /advices, device/ devise American and British English both keep the noun /verb distinction (where the pronunciation is /s/ for the noun and /z/for the verb. For license / license or practice / practices, British English also keep the noun /verb distinction (but the two words in each pair are homophones with /s/ pronunciation. On the other hand, American English uses license and practice with /s/ sound for both noun and verb. 3- ise-ize American spelling connation is now rare in every day British usage, its use is lessening as knowledge of Latino lessens, and its not use at All in America= the more common (connection). Has become the standard worldwide complexion. (Which come from complex?)Is standard worldwide too. 4- The final consonant of an English word is sometimes doubled in both American and British spelling when adding a suffix beginning with vowel letter, For example strip /stripped and shows the difference in pronunciation. In British a final/l/ is often doubled for all inflections= (ed-

ing-er-est). And for the noun suffixes (err- or). So /l/ is doubled in cancelled, canceller /cruelest, lapelled, traveled etc American do not doubled the/l/ in these words. The above mentioned similarities and differences are quarreling just examples, but there are to others in British and American English which night makes a book. The influence of English Spelling on English children and Foreign Learners:Due to English spelling, reading and writing English is such more difficult than reading and other phonemic languages such as (Arabic, furnish and Spanish). English spelling, as we have seen, is divorced from its pronunciation and forms hardly many guide as to how words should be pronounced so, English children, as well as foreign learners, can not easily drive general principles of reading and writing, by just learning to read or write a few words, as in the case with regularly spelt languages. Al most all the words in Arabic languages for example /are spelt phonetically; its no wonder that Arabic learners learn to read and writ with relative ease and speed. Thus, children whose languages is written in every consistent alphabetic system, need spend only a few months learning to read and write the language they speak. So it takes over twice the time and effort for Arabic learners, for example, to read and write in English. Learning period of two to three years is needed to match the competence which is achieved in less than one year in Arabic. How to Solve Learners problem?

Clearly, in English we can not look at the spelling of words of find out how they are pronounced. But there is no need to give up in despair. Created phonetic simples to help us. The propose of phonetic script is to provide us with an exact and unambiguous system of identify the correct pronunciation of words. In phonetic script each different, sound is represented by different Symbol and only one symbol. This means that theres exact correspondence between the spoken sound and the phonetically written for. In this way there can be no doubt about the correct pronunciation of a word, so the learner of English need to be distracted by the ordinary spelling with its irregular and ambiguous patterns. A/ Phonetic Symbols: Pure vowels: : as in : as in : as in : as in see, tea hit, sit fan, hat pot, hot

: as in head, said a: as in far, hard J : as in tall , ball : as in look, put

: as in spoon, pure : as in cut, hut :as in bire, Thiard : as in along, above Diphthongs :

: as in know , go

as in day , plate

a : as in high , hide a : as in now , round

:as in day ,plat : as in : as in hair , bear : as in sure, pure Symbols for the consonant sound with have no letter to represent them: : : As in chair, chine d :as in jam, judge : as in thin, think : as in that , there : as in pleasure, vision .

Chapter Three

Data analysis

Data analysis

In this chapter the applied the descriptive analytic approach, she also used questionnaire for student. She disrupted the questionnaires to ten students in ALIMAM ALHADI COLLEGE. She collected the questionnaire from the selected students after two days. Then she analyzed the result of the questionnaires and writes the results. The questionnaires:Spelling skills assessment: The questions? 1-what do you do when you are writing and come to a word that you dont know how to spell it? Please tick here (you can tick more than one box). Stretch out the word and write the letter combination for the Sounds Think of a word that sounds the same? Uses have a-go sheet or write out the word a few times and pick out one that looks right? Ask some one? Look for the correct spelling? e.g. use room print, personate Dictionary spellchecker. Think of anther word to use. Write it according to how it sounds.

2-Name some one who is a good speller .why do you think this? 3-How do you learn to spell anew word? Please tick here (you can tick more than one). Use look, write, cover, check? Think of other word that looks the same? E.g. right, light. Think of the way of remembering the tricky part? E.g. ice of pie makes up a ditty (mnemonic) think of rule? Write the word many times? Spell the word aloud to some one? Use know word parts, e.g. prefixes, suffixes, compound words and the about adding them? Think about where the word might come from, (Greek meaning sound. Telephone). How do you check the spelling when you go about proofreading your own writing? Please tick here (you can tick more than one box) Read for meaning? ASK does it make sense? Track with appointer following each word as it is read?

Re-read for words miss spelt? Underline reads foe checking? Ask goes it look right? Check the letters for all the sounds | syllables that can be heard? Consider if a word might belong to a word family? Check for the correct spelling? Words listed according to the sound a-makes in each word Ear Dear Clear Fear Ocean Occasion Scream Screen Great Break Idea Leak Read Breakfast Head Bead Sea Read Cream Learn

gLook, say, cover; write, check, strategy to support visual knowledge. ESTWOOD (1994) describes two variation of the look, say, cover, write, and check method. Variation 1:Look: at the word. Say: make sure you know how to pronounce the word. Write: the word without coping.

Break: the word in to syllables. Check: what you have writing. Revise: what you have done. Variation 2: Select: the word you wish to spell. Pronounce: the clearly Say: each syllable of the word. Name: the letter in the word Write: the word naming each letter as you write.

Chapter Four

Methodology of research

Methodology of research
The result comes as follow:Question one:The responses were 0 students, their answers were think of the way of remembering the tricky part? E.Q piece of pie make up a ditty (mnemonic) think of rule? Tow students their responses were use know word parts, e.g. prefixes suffixes, compound words and the rule abut adding them.

Three students their answers were think abut where the word night come from, e.g. phone (Greek meaning sound. telephone). Ten students said that: think of other word that looks the same? E.g. right, light. Four students their responses were spell the aloud to some one. Question Two: Six students their answers were read for meaning? Ask does it make sense? Four students their answers were track with pointer following each word as it are read. Three students their responses were check the letters for all the sounds/syllables that can be heard, consider if award night belong to award family? And correct the spelling? Question three: Ten students said that the name is Aisha because the spelling and sound is clear Question Four: The responses were 7 student their answers some times speech a sound without a writing spelling Question Five: Some student said that makes sure you now how to pronounce the word. Variation 1:-

Break: the word in to syllables. Write: the word without coping Check: what you have writing. Revise: what you have done. Variation2:Must students said that: select the word you wish to spell . The pronounce the clearly: Say: each syllable of the word. Name the letter in the word. Write: the naming each letter as you write.

Chapter Five Abstract and conclusion

Abstract . . The aim of this study is to identify the researcher has adopted a descriptive analytic method and used the different data: question .The data collected from the student have been analyses.

:_ . ..

:At the end the researcher has made a number of commendations which are: The students listing to the pronunciation of the word clearly. Write the word correctly. Use the word in different sentence.

Conclusion:The rule of the teacher: It of great importance for the Sudanese English teacher to learn the symbols by heart so that he pronounces the words correctly and hence help learners to pronounce them correctly, too.

The rule the learner: The learner must listen early to the word pronounce by the teach, and practice saying it, and use it in different sentences.

References English Phonetics and Phonology Beter Roach Date of print : 2000 _1991_1983 Internet _www_wiki

Wwwspell net. cached

} {1 } {2 " " }}{4 } {3 }5

Dedication live For my father who helps me in any time in

For my mother: thank you for your existence with me

Acknowledgment Thank to the greatest creative the god of this universe Thank to my super

Table contents

Page v 1 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 8 9 9 14 15 15 17 18 18 18 20 21 21 22 23 23

name Quran Dedication Table contents Table content Table contents Introduction Chapter one : The significance of the study The significance of the study The objective of the study Thus the research specified to two goals: Steps for proposal writing First step: formulation of the research question Second steps: Battening the in formation literature review and reading Third step: Methodology:Fourth step: Time line:Important planning to Fifth step: Writing the proposal Generate a research Hypothesis Is research hypotheses presented A research limitation Research limitation steps Chapter two : Reason for those variations in English spelling Reason for those variations in English spelling A historical back ground: some differences and similarities in British English and American English spelling The influence of English Spelling on English children and Foreign Learner How to solve learner problem Phonetic Symbols Chapter Three: Data analysis The questionnaires:Spelling skills assessment Word listed according to the sound Variation 1Look at the word Variation 2 The word you wish spell

24 25 26 26 27 28 29 29

Chapter Four : Methodology of research The result comes as follow Variation1Break the word in syllables Variation 2word you wish spell Chapter Five : Abstract and conclusion Abstract Conclusion The role of the teacher References

ALIMAM ALHADI COLLEGE (Faculty of art)English Department


Lack of the correspondence between

English language_ English sounds


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