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Lose Weight the Most Effective

and Healthy Way

© All rights reserved –

Published by: Helene Malmsio
Table of Contents

I. Introduction ....................................................................................................................2
II. Getting Started..............................................................................................................3
How to Structure Your Weight Loss Program..................................................................3
Trimming Your Waist Line ..............................................................................................5
Handle Fast Weight Loss with Care .................................................................................6
III. Weight Loss Diet..........................................................................................................8
The Benefits of Eating Organic Foods..............................................................................8
The Benefits of Eating Raw Food (not meat) .................................................................10
The Importance of Water ................................................................................................11
Why Herbal Teas are good for you.................................................................................12
The Dangers of Fast Food...............................................................................................14
IV. Exercise.......................................................................................................................16
Strength Training for a Healthy Body ............................................................................16
Cross-training for optimum weight loss .........................................................................17
V. Quick Weight Loss Tips .............................................................................................18
VI. Others Alternatives When Everything Failed ........................................................20
Weight Loss Diet Pill......................................................................................................20
What Can a Weight Loss Diet Pill Do For You?............................................................21
Weight Loss Hypnosis ....................................................................................................22
Weight Loss Surgery.......................................................................................................23
Annex 1: What are the Most Popular Celebrity Diet Choices? ......................................24

I. Introduction

Overweight and obesity has been the problem of plenty people all over the world and
especially in the United States. These people have a critical risk for developing serious
chronic diseases which includes heart disease, coronary artery disease, diabetes, cancers
(prostate, gallbladder, colorectal, breast, endometrial and kidney) high blood pressure,
high cholesterol, heartburn, migraines, sleep apnea, arthritis, joint pains, and many other
related deceases. Aside from developing these serious diseases they are also facing early
disability and even death as a result of being overweight.

Aside from the physical ailments overweight affects the persons psychologically. A
person who is over weight will experience psychological problems which include
lowered self-esteem and anxiety, depression and eating disorders such as binge eating,
bulimia and anorexia. Being slim and sexy is much appreciated that is why overweight
person have lower self-esteem. They will experience depression which is caused by low
self esteem and health related problems. Overweight individual tends to have less energy
that compared to normal weight individuals. With this they are less active and they tend
to be sedentary which may cause further weight gain.

There are several factors that determine the weight of the person. First is the genetic
background. Genes put basic characteristic on the body's metabolic efficiency. Genes
governing metabolism run in families. If one of your parents is overweight you are more
likely to be overweight that other whose parents are normal weight. If both of your
parents are overweight then there’s a high risk that you will be overweight. Second is the
metabolic rate. People's metabolic rates are largely determined by how active they are.
Muscle tissue more active than fat and if you will be in active your muscle will density
will decrease and your fat will increase. Third factor is the eating pattern. Eating food
which have high fat and high calorie will much likely to increase weight. Eating a large
amount of food would also increase the risk of gaining weight. Last factor is exercise.
Exercise is the essential component of weight program. People who have less or no
exercise at all will decrease their muscle tissue and fat tissue thus they gain weight

It is important to have a healthy body to enjoy the pleasure of life. Stop the pains and
shame of being overweight. Start losing weight now and be admired of lots of people.
There are actually many good ways to do this, but how you begin this process is just as
important as the diet you choose to use. To start with make a realistic goal on how much
weight you want to lose. If you are looking at dropping a few pounds because that is all
you need to lose then set your goal at five or ten pounds. Make it a weight that is a
healthy one. Do not decide to lose twenty pounds so you will look like your neighbor or
the fashion model your boyfriend admires. It must be a healthy weight for you.

II. Getting Started
How to Structure Your Weight Loss Program

If you are serious about getting into shape, then you will need to develop and follow a
well-balanced weight loss program. Here are some tips on how to come up with a
program that will work well with your current state of health, and help you to
incrementally work toward your goals.

Perhaps the best place to start is with your family physician. Before you begin any type
of diet or exercise regimen, it is a good idea to have an accurate understanding of where
your body happens to be right now. Your doctor can provide you with a thorough
checkup, which will help you understand what types of exercises you should include in
your program. You will also find valuable information on the state of your blood
pressure, cholesterol levels, and other factors that will be very important in planning out
the types of foods you should eat as part of your program.

In fact, you may find that your doctor already has a program that will be just right for
your fitness level. It is not unusual for a doctor to have several plans handy that will
incorporate lifestyle changes, diet plans, and a list of suggested exercise options that are
in the best interests of his or her patient. Doctor approved plans have the advantage of
giving you someone to be accountable to as well. You will no doubt need to let the
doctor know how well you are doing with the plan, and also need to go back and be
checked every so often as part of the weight loss program criteria.

If you prefer to go out on your own, you will find quite a few recommendations for diet
plans on the market. You may choose one of those, but make it a point to look for one
that recommends some balance in the way you eat, rather than some quick fix diet that
promises that, if you stay on it, you will lose twenty pounds in one week. Quick weight
loss is not good for your body, especially your heart. Look for a diet plan that
incorporates the basics of good nutrition and does not indicate you can expect more than
three or four pounds of weight loss in a week. Slow and easy is a much better weight loss
program, which will include reasonable consumption of food and a moderate and
workable exercise schedule.

When it comes to the exercise portion, you may want to begin slowly if you are out of the
habit of regular exercise. Try starting out with a thirty-minute walk daily. In time you can
pick up the pace and work in some free weights and perhaps some stretching exercises.
As you begin to look forward to the types of exercise you are dealing with, then broaden
to include more aggressive modes of exercise. As time goes on, you will find that not
only are you losing weight as part of your weight loss program, but your mental state is
progressively more positive as well.

There is really no need for anyone to enrol in to any weight loss program or even
consider a special diet plan. The keys to losing weight fast are discipline and the will to
achieve the desired body weight. This involves no unnatural way of losing weight and
in fact, very natural. It will not require you to do very heavy work out and you would not
have to starve yourself.

Many would resort to skipping meals and let themselves starve. This is a very wrong way
of doing it. Starving yourself will only cause your metabolism to work slower. When you
starve yourself, you will lose muscle mass. So your body will start storing up fat, in stead.
Remember that muscle tissue is more metabolically active than fat tissue. So don’t ever
starve yourself because it will just slow your metabolic rate.

The food you eat greatly influences your program. If you want to know how to lose
weight eating right there are many diets to choose from. You are wiser to eat smaller
meals several times a day instead of three large ones daily. This burns off more calories.
It also controls your food intake better as you do not feel the need to overfill so you do
not get hungry before your next meal. Stay away from vending machines. They tend to
serve higher calorie junk foods. Though there are now some that are aimed specifically at
healthy meals and even dispense salads. Meals that are high in fiber and low in fat are
especially good for dieters; eat lots of salads.

Include lots of fibers in your diet. Both soluble and insoluble fibers help control blood
sugar level, lower blood lipids and manage weight. Make sure that you get more fiber in
your diet. The suggested average fiber intake is 25 to 35 grams a day. Some of the
healthy fibers you should include in your diet are broccoli, potatoes (include the skin),
apples, beans, brown rice and strawberries.

Protein should also be a part of your diet as this helps to keep you full for a longer span
of time. It also prevents sugar cravings and it maintains muscle mass, which is a very
vital part in burning fat.

In take of carbohydrate should be carefully moderated, as well. Keep in mind that

consuming too much carbohydrate causes weight gain. Regulate calorie, fat and protein
in take too if you intend to maintain weight loss. But, there is no need to completely
eliminate them from your diet. Just eat them in moderation.

Lastly, make sure to drink plenty of water. Water suppresses appetite. Drinking one or
two glasses of water before each meal prevents you from eating more than you should.
The recommended water intake per day is 8 to 12 glasses. However, depends on your
weight and daily activities, you might need more than the said amount.

If you do not like water so much, there are other alternatives such as green tea. You can
add green tea in your diet. According to a study, drinking 5 cups of green tea a day helps
in burning 80 calories per day.

Exercise is an essential part of any weight lose program. Put together a good exercise
program that will firm those muscles. You need not make it too long, but make sure it is a
workout and not so brief you do not even break a sweat. On top of that add in a few
extras during your day. Park at the back of the parking lot when going shopping, the extra
walking is good for you. The same goes for stairs. If you can choose between the elevator
and stairs, choose stairs. A couple of flights up or down will not hurt. As well, walk up or
down the escalator. Every extra bit of exercise you can do will help you reach your goal.

Another dieter’s trick is to diet with someone. This does not mean that you should put
your partner or kids on a diet just because you are. What it does mean is if your partner,
friend or co-worker has been talking about losing weight see if they seriously want to. If
so, you can eat meals together, exercise together, and jointly attend classes on weight loss
and working out. You can even join a gym together. Sometimes having someone else
doing it makes it easier. This also gives you someone to exchange ideas with on how to
lose weight.

Trimming Your Waist Line

A study showed the relevance of waist size to a person's health. It has been reported that
a waist measurement of more than 35 inches for women and a waist above 40 inches for
men may indicate a higher risk for heart related diseases. For this reason, many people
are becoming more conscious of their waist size. Plus the fact that they are conscious
about the way they look, they find ways to shed off fats around the waist area.

You certainly can lose some pounds around your waist. This does not automatically
translate to depriving yourself of food or doing strenuous workout. Just eating the right
food and taking them in right amount plus a bit of exercise will help trim waist.

One can start shedding off fats around the waist just by choosing natural food in stead of
processed ones. This is because foods that have been processed have ingredients that the
body cannot use and are just stored in certain areas of the body, which cause cellulite and
excess fat. For example, sodium. Recent study revealed that a person only needs about
1500 milligrams of sodium per day. However, eating in fast foods or resorting to ready-
to-eat foods give a person more than the needed amount. This adds to weight gain.

Choosing and taking in natural food will gradually help in reducing the size of your
waist. How? Because natural food help in maintaining muscle mass in stead of fats to be
used by the body as energy. So, to trim waist, one must learn to balance his or her diet. A
combination of just enough amount of protein, greens and carbohydrates will help in
losing weight around the abdominal area. However, your diet should include more
vegetables if you are serious about trimming your waistline.

As much as possible, eat greens that are not cooked or processed. It is much better to eat
them as is. Make sure that they are properly washed, though. Add some spices but be

careful not to take in more than you should. Include more fresh fruits, vegetables and
unrefined grains like oats. Tofu is a very good source of protein.

From long years of research, soy bean or tofu helps lower down cholesterol level by 30
percent when included in regular diet. It is also a good source of iron, which is very
essential to the production of energy. And just like fish, tofu also provides the body with
14.4 percent of omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial to the prevention of clogging of
cholesterol in the arteries.

Drinking skimmed milk can also help in trimming waistline. There has also been a study
that emphasized the benefits of drinking at least 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day
from dairy products such as skimmed milk. It particularly helps to increase fat
metabolism, especially around the waist.

Handle Fast Weight Loss with Care

What happens if you have an occasion coming up and need a fast weight loss program to
enable you to drop just a few pounds, so you can fit into that favorite dress or suit? The
first thing to do is look around and see what kinds of programs offer you the ability to
drop the pounds quickly. The second thing to do is make sure that you do not risk your
health to drop a few pounds. Most of the diets designed for losing weight quickly are not
for long term use.

One example of this is the cabbage soup diet. This diet, with its thirty year history, is
great for those who want that quick pound drop. This diet consists of eating cabbage soup
all day, every day. You can eat as much of it as you want as often as you want. The
reason is that cabbage, like the other things put into it, are referred to as negative calorie
foods because they have almost no calories while being high in fiber. You can also cut
into this soup some celery, mushrooms, peppers and onions with the cabbage. Spices can
be added as preferred. Each day you get to add something little you can eat that day. It
might be fruit or vegetables and by the end of the seven days you get to add a little beef.
You drink a lot of water daily. The diet recommends a minimum of ten glasses. At the
end of a week you should have lost the extra weight you needed gone. Do not continue
this diet after seven days as it is not healthy to do so.

Sometimes people take drastic measures when they are desperately looking for a fast
weight loss solution. These diets are not necessarily that healthiest method to drop the
pounds and anyone trying them should make sure they have no health issues that might
be stressed by this action. One diet, the master cleanse, is a drastic diet choice that lasts
for only ten days. The dieter lives on lemon juice, fresh squeezed only, maple syrup,
cayenne pepper and water. Those are the only things they are allowed to consume. Some
people use it longer though that should only be with caution. This diet has been used by
celebrities with great success. Surprisingly it is not the common fad diet that is around for

a few years and then forgotten. This diet has its origins in the 1940s where it was
invented by a nutritionist.

The most important thing to remember when you try any diet, whether you are looking
for a limited fast loss or want to take off a lot of weight knowing it will take more time, is
that your health must come first. So, be careful when you try a fast weight loss program
that you make sure there are not health risks.

III. Weight Loss Diet

Since you were in grade school, the same things were drilled in to your head about the
proper weight loss diet. You need to eat the proper amounts of fruits and vegetables in
relation to the rest of the food you eat, and you need to get plenty of exercise each and
every day for at least ten or twenty minutes. Unfortunately for most people, something
about that seemingly simple message was lost in the years after you graduated from grade
school. Maybe you ate too many sweets, maybe you found yourself in a job that did not
give you enough time to make it to the gym, or maybe you just got lazy with your health.
Whatever the reason – now is as good of a time as any to pick yourself back up and lose
some weight through diet and exercise.

Remember that food pyramid that you had to learn about when you were younger? You
don’t? Well then, it’s time for a bit of a refresher course because you will need to know
what it recommends if you want to diet properly. What’s that? You want to try out one of
those fad diets that “everyone” is doing? Be my guest. But when you are really serious
about losing weight about dieting, be sure that you come back here to learn the proper
way to get fit and healthy.

So where were we? Ah yes, the food pyramid. While you do not have to follow it exactly,
you should keep in mind what it has to say. Basically, if you want to stay healthy and diet
properly, you need to cut down on the fatty, high calorie foods that you have been
consuming and switch to healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. Being able to eat the
proper foods is the first step to engaging in a proper weight loss diet.

Now, at some point or another, you may have been inclined to try one of those gimmicky
diet plans. Whether it was pills, a liquid diet or something else that was advertised by a
low paid “celebrity”, you may have found that each and every one of these diets simply
did not work as advertised. Sure, they may have taken the weight off for awhile – but
what happened after that? The weight just came right back.

But why did the weight come back so quickly once you were done with your previous
diet? Because that diet never actually taught you how to eat properly – and when you
were at your desired weight, you simply cut out the diet and went back to your old
lifestyle. Therefore, if you ever want to successfully cut the weight off of you for good
with any weight loss diet, you need to be sure that you learn how to properly portion your
meals and say no to foods that are high in fat, sugars and carbohydrates.

The Benefits of Eating Organic Foods

Life is short; we need to make a move to further prolong our lives. Eating the right food
will surely enhance our health and extend our existence. Humans must discover the great
benefits of being organic by eating and drinking properly produced foods according to

the standards of organic food harvesting and making, once a product is labelled organic,
it is certainly a genuine food. Organic foods wouldn’t instantly make you healthier, hence
it will greatly help attain a more salubrious you.

Organic foods are not treated with any chemicals like pesticides, which are widely used
to other foods to defeat weeds and pests. Those that are not marked organic roughly bears
25% of chemical residue. Without all those, it makes the food more flavorful and richer
in taste. When buying organic foods choose those that are organically labelled, pick only
the freshest. These types of good foods are oft in season. Well organic vegetables and
fruits are rightly picked often veggie-crisps and juicy. Cheese and milk seems to be fuller
in taste and savory. There is no trouble in eating non-organic, but would you like eating
those that are treated and not well dealt?

Genetically Modified foods are not accepted in organic foods. There is still known effect
in the long run. Better yet avoid them. Organic foods are rich in vitamins and minerals,
which makes it more nutrition. The purest food are labeled organic, it is good for your
babies and for the sick. For these types of persons, they need the most virgin type of
foods for proper growth and fast development. No worries when it comes to artificial
flavorings, artificial colorings, preservatives, sweeteners and hydrogenated fats. The
safest and most natural foods are those organic.

Feel better, feel light, feel guiltless and feel environmental friendly. Yes, besides the fact
of giving your self and your loved ones a good splurge in eating, you are also giving the
earth the best turn in choosing them. Organic farming promotes hedgerow planting,
prevents soil erosion and preserves wildlife.

Ditch those processed foods and say hello with organic foods. After learning all the
benefits of good and pure foods, we must start buying organic products. It doesn’t
necessarily mean you should buy all organic food at once, try exchanging few of those
foods in your kitchen one by one. Slowly it will show its difference. Start by those foods
regularly taken like milk, veggies and fruits. Every food that you can think always has its
organic counter part, like pizza, pasta and chicken. Just don’t for get to look for the
“Organic” label. Your super market will surely have lots of stocks. These healthy foods
may cost a little bit pricier than your usual brand. Hence, the benefit is well worth its
price. With its many benefits, organic foods definitely prolongs life.

Vegetables are foods that not everyone enjoys eating. Many people do not know the
benefits of these greens or tend to neglect the healthful gains vegetables can give them.
This is especially true with children. Since, they are still not conscious of their healths,
their parents or guardians should be able to take the move and introduce veggie diet in to
their meals at a very early age.

Why vegetables? Basically, vegetables contain the vitamins and minerals our body needs
to help prevent and combat sickness and also, to help lose excess weight. They are low in
calories, fat and sodium but are rich in fiber, which is known to help control weight,
prevent diseases and relieve constipation. They also contain phytochemicals, which are

said to provide protection against chronic diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases
and they are believed to deter premature aging.

Most antioxidants are found in vegetables. Broccoli, celery, cucumber, peas, beans,
cabbage, cauliflower and asparagus are just a few vegetables that provide antioxidants.
Researches show that a diet rich in antioxidants reduce the risk of developing cataracts,
bronchitis and diabetes among many other chronic diseases. Increasing vegetable
consumption gives the body more than enough antioxidant to make our body strong and
builds our resistance against common illnesses. The risk for heart attack is reduced by 30
percent with an increased vegetable intake.

Vegetables which are high in fiber help manage weight. These vegetables keep the
stomach feel full, thus, limiting our food consumption. This is a very good way to avoid
eating more than we need in a day. Some of the greens that are high in fiber include
lettuce, spinach, kale leaves, Broccoli and zucchini. In stead of junk foods, it is best
recommended to take a bite of fresh Broccoli and other greens to keep you full for longer

Vitamins and minerals in certain vegetables also supply our body with the necessary
nutrients that help boost the production of energy in our muscle cells, which also helps us
to burn energy on a daily basis.

Because vegetables have low sodium content, they aid in reducing water gain, as well.
Not many are aware that sodium causes water to be stored in the body's intestinal parts.
An average person is believed to be holding about 5 pounds of water due to a lavish
intake of sodium. People get excessive sodium intake by eating fast food products. On the
other hand, if one reduce sodium consumption per day, there will be a significant
reduction in water within the abdominal area, which will then result to weight loss.
Consuming large amount of vegetables will provide the body just enough amount of
sodium it requires.

One should not worry no matter how much vegetables he or she eats. Vegetables are low
in both calories and fats. So, there is no limit as to how many of these foods you consume
in a day. These are the kind of food that you need not restrict in your diet.

The Benefits of Eating Raw Food (not meat)

With the discovery of fire, men have learned that cooking meat, chicken, fish, fruits and
vegetables tastes so much better than to eating these raw. As years pass by, though,
people have become more health-conscious and they have come to realize that eating
cooked food is not healthy at all.

When one speaks of raw food, this refers to food that is uncooked or untouched by flame
or fire. Raw food refers to food in its organic state, straight from nature and not combined

or mixed with any additives or preservatives. The big difference in eating cooked food
versus raw food lies in its overall health benefits to the body. When fire or flame is
applied to food, the enzymes as well as the nutrients present in it are destroyed especially
when the temperature reaches above 108 degrees Fahrenheit. Cooking likewise destroys
essential vitamins and minerals originally present in the food, which the body needs for it
to function properly. Given this low quality of food intake, some people develop the
tendency to overeat in order to compensate for the lack of proper nutrients. Keeping a
diet consisting of cooked food and more adversely processed food, gives rise to a number
of diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heartburn, migraines,
arthritis, joint pains and serious allergies, among others.

There are a number of benefits of eating raw food especially fresh fruits and vegetables
that are ripened by nature and organic in its source. By sticking to a diet that consists
mainly of vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds will be enough to keep the different systems
present in our body working smoothly. Compare an individual that observes a raw food
diet than one who is not, and it is more likely than the former is healthier than the latter.
This is due to the fact that eating raw food provides you with more energy and vitality
than what cooked or processed foods can offer. Furthermore, the body takes much more
time to digesting non-raw food given the lower enzyme-content hence, people on a raw
food diet is certainly more active and spirited than those who are not.

Whatever the season may be, there are bound to be present certain fruits or vegetables in
the market that will meet your body’s nutritional requirements. During the summer
season, you can indulge to eating watermelons, pomelos, cucumber, mint, grapes and
soursops, to name a few, that will give your body a refreshing and cooling feeling.
During the rainy or winter season, dates, bananas, apples, and other dry fruits should
provide your body with the warmth required by it. Keep your body fit by drinking pure
fruit juices and snacking on carrots.

The Importance of Water

Water is one of the single easiest and fastest diet tricks. If you drink at least two glasses
of water before a meal your appetite will be much less. Water is filler. Do this before
each meal and you will see the weight drop. If you feel like snacking have a glass of
water instead. Water is also good because it helps to flush the kidneys. This can help
because it also makes the body’s ability to metabolize the fat greatly diminished. It is
even better if you can drink the water very cold. It burns off more calories that way. You
can look at burning around sixty calories a day extra if you follow this diet tip.

Next to oxygen, water is by far the next most important necessity for the continuous life
of mankind. It’s the best thing Mother Nature can offer to us. Without it our body will
start to bog down like a beaten engine of a car. It fuels our body by interacting with other
body parts like the kidneys in cleansing our body system. Water also plays a large role in
our digestive system by helping us absorb food better and faster. Water nourishes our

entire body by replacing excess water with fresh ones that provides new life and help our
blood flow smoothly along our veins. Suffice to say Water injects life to everybody.

On average the adult human body is composed of about 50% - more than 70% of H2O,
the molecular formula name for water. Two thirds of our body weight is water. Studies
have shown that a baby who just gotten out of a mother’s womb is about 75% water.
Each day our body needs to replenish at least 2.3 liters of water.

If a person consumes less than the ideal amount of water each day, chances are that
person will become prone to illnesses and will start feeling weak. As water provides the
body with energy, therefore our body should be looked upon closely in order to avoid

Dehydration is a medical term that describes a serious condition wherein a body is

lacking the necessary amount of water needed for proper functioning.

Human beings loses an amount of water for every activity and actions that it performs,
for our body to regain strength and runs on properly like a well oiled machine, we need to
replace the water that our body loses by absorbing a new set of fluids. That may come in
the form or water, beverages or soups. But among the sources of fluids, water is the
healthiest and filled with nutrients therefore it is the most important kind of fluid that we
should take.

Water serves as the number one factor that quenches thirst. Lacking water consumption
daily by just about 7% will generate a decrease of about 35% in our energy. Drinking the
right or ideal amount of water daily is very important to our body. And according to
nutrients experts, a human being needs to consume at least 8 to 12 cups of water each

Water also plays a major role in trying to lose excess weight. Because water doesn’t have
any traces of calories, it is considered as the best source of nutrients for our body. It
doesn’t store fats and cholesterol to our body therefore it is the most important aspect in
reducing weight.

Water is universally important, both to human beings and the environment as well. For
our body to remain strong and performs its daily routines with precision and strength it’s
a must to bear in our mind the importance of water to our body.

Why Herbal Teas are good for you

If you don’t want water, then herbal tea is for you. Herbal Teas has been here for so many
years. With its popularity, Herbal Teas are now known to be the 2nd most favorite drink.
Herbal Tea is known to be part of China and India's food culture and now pass on to

different culture and nations. Herbal Teas are known for many health benefits such as
stress buster; prevents cancer and stomach disorders, cure heart ailments and stroke.

With the different variety of herbal teas nowadays there had been numerous scientific
studies regarding herbal teas. Herbal teas are less in caffeine; with this benefit lots of
herbal tea drinkers prefer drinking teas than sodas and coffee. Considering taking a cup
of tea in your daily diet can contribute a lot of difference with your health.

With the use of herbs for conventional component to treat diseases is now widely known.
One of it is by drinking herbal teas. Although it did take a while before many of us
accepted that by drinking tea can actually help prevent and cure numerous diseases.

Smokers are prone to lung cancer. Japanese who often drink teas are less prone to lung
cancer by half the rate with those people who are less tea drinkers.

Teas somehow prevent tooth decays and loss of teeth. Teas contain certain amount of
fluoride and some certain antibiotic that prevent gum diseases and formation of plaque.

Herbal teas help relieve pressures from our body. Taking herbal teas at least 30 minutes
before you sleep would help relax your mind and internal organs and gives you a good
night sleep. Probably it’s because teas are rich in antioxidant.

Teas somehow help to lose weight and improve cardiovascular system, blood circulation
and lower the cholesterol level by increasing body metabolism. Studies show that after
eating, drink a cup of tea and it can help digest food easily and reduce acids that cause
stomach disorder.

Immune system should be strong and healthy in order to regenerate cell that helps repair
damage cells. Herbal teas help to strengthen body cells that somehow can prevent you
from flu or any lung illnesses.

Although most people generally choose to drink green tea since that it has more
medicinal benefits than other teas. Herbal Teas are now widely available to consumers in
different flavor that suits their tastes. With its availability, more people are now into
healthy living.

Drink at least five cups of green tea daily. In green tea there is something called
antioxidant catechins and studies have shown that they help to burn fat. This simple step
will burn off an extra eight calories daily. If you skip one soda pop at one meal each day
you will save yourself just over eight calories daily. This may not seem like much but
over a period of a year its three thousand calories you will into consume. If you really
need to snack then eat a pickle, these have only one calorie each and so are a great low
cal snack. Although this will sound awful you should not eat with fat friends. Yes, it’s
difficult to refuse to go out for a meal with someone you like to hang around with simply
because they are a heavy person. But the truth is they eat a lot and you know you will eat
more than you should every time you have a meal with them.

Herbal Tea is a great gift to us. With its numerous healing wonders we should take
advantage of this. In this time of life, most people are trying to find ways to look for
something that can help people heal from diseases in natural ways without hurting
financial budget. In fact teas can prolong life with its wondrous power. Herbal teas can
have different effects to people but with this discovery we have nothing to lose and it’s
worth a try.

The Dangers of Fast Food

Health experts are continuously exposing the dangers of fast food. These are not just
merely statements made presumptuously rather it's the product of various studies made
on the subject matter.

Studies have shown that meals being served in the fast food industry contain additives
that make people develop obesity which in turns leads to a case of diabetes.

Other factors are involved as well. Health wise, a person is risking his own when he/she
eats in a fast food establishment like Burger King, McDonald's, Carls Jr and many others.

Food meals such as McDonald's Big Mac contains high amount of fats and calories that is
almost equivalent to the recommended daily allowance.

More often the fast food industry has also diminished people's patience when it comes to
preparing foods. Slowly people are getting used to the idea of fast paced food
preparations. We tend to expect to get our food in 3 to 5 minutes. Therefore a lot of times
the various sets of meals that these fast food outlets produced gets too hasty and therefore
violates some safety and health provisions.

Kitchen workers in fast food stores are often hurrying with their jobs as they have a time
table to follow, in return the nature and actions they perform around their working
environment gets sloppy. Cooking oils used in cooking fried chicken gets used too long
when in fact it should be changed regularly.

Most of the time fast food outlets give you the impression of a clean place to eat but walk
into their kitchen and you'll see otherwise. Boxes stacked here and there, burger patties
displayed freely in room temperature rather than in a refrigerated container. Although fast
food outlets have safety guidelines there are times that this can be violated and
overlooked by the fast food crews.

And all nutritionists agree that searching for a healthy meal at fast food outlets is much
harder than one might initially think.

Even salads being served aren't healthy too. Vegetables and un-fried chicken, even

though these are healthy foods but what happens when salad dressings comes into the

It is proven that salad dressings produces large amount of fat, mixed with a healthy
looking vegetable salad the whole thing eventually becomes unhealthy.

Eating in fast food establishments has become a part of life not only of Americans but
almost everybody in the world where McDonald's and KFC outlets exists. It is only now
that the eating public, doctors and other health experts are closely studying its probable ill
effects on the health of the fast food eating public.

The information drive about the real state of fast food consumption are even made more
popular by the commercial success of "Super Size Me", a film documentary by
filmmaker Morgan Spurlock that deals with American obsession with fast foods.

With all the bad news about the health risk of what fast food may bring to us, good news
is; people are starting to talk and discuss it freely with more information available than
ever before.

IV. Exercise

Strength Training for a Healthy Body

Given the stressful lifestyles most people lead, nowadays, it is no wonder that many
individuals want to have a healthy body that can withstand all the pressures and tensions
that come their way. This is the reason why memberships in gyms or fitness centers
remain on the rise and the demand for exercise videos continue to grow. Although
following a healthy diet is commendable, this is not enough. Your diet must be combined
with the appropriate exercise routines in order to have your desired optimum body.

Strength training is very important in order to achieve a healthy body. In addition, this
type of training can also boost your self-confidence. Knowing that you have a strong
body is bound to make you feel good about yourself. This feeling is likely to be reflected
in the aura you exude, which will be noticed by the people around you. Aside from
developing stronger bones and enhancing your stamina, proper strength training will also
ensure that you will get a good night’s sleep every night. It likewise minimizes the
possibility of you getting injured or hurt since your body becomes flexible.

Most people follow aerobic together with flexibility exercises. Combine this with
strength training and you have a balanced exercise program. In observing strength
training for a healthy body, this necessarily means that you need to lift weights and
develop some muscles in certain parts of your body. Before going through with certain
strength training program, seek a clearance from your doctor or a health professional.
This is to make sure that your body can handle it. If you are ready to proceed with it, you
have a choice between enrolling in a gym or fitness centers where they have various
machines and weights for strength training or by making your own homemade weights
and exercising within the comforts of your home.

There are various resistance methods like weight machines, free weights and resistance
bands, which you can perform so that you can enhance your strength and form muscles.
On one hand, if you want to concentrate to develop a specific muscle, then you should go
with the weight machines. On the other hand, if you prefer to use a method that works on
your muscles that are grouped together, then do the free weights. Free weights include the
use of hand weights, dumb bells and barbells. Resistance bands refer to those elastic
bands or cords that offer some resistance whenever pulled by your hands.

Aside from the mentioned resistance methods, you can also rely on your body’s weight
for strength training. Push-ups, leg squats, abdominal crunches and pull-ups are just some
of the exercises you can do to develop muscles in your body.

Cross-training for optimum weight loss

Numerous numbers of weight loss programs and diets are out to speed up weight loss.
But nothing could be perfect with out the thorough help of exercise. And exercising is not
only limited to one exercise which could plainly be stretching, running or walking. Cross
training is a fitness routine that can effectively reduce weight. This kind of training is not
only limited to athletes and anyone can definitely benefit from this.

Cross training pertains to the different ways of training method in which it carries the
advantages of the particular training, combining all training activities into one steady
workout routine and brings diversity to it. It controls the shortcomings of a specific
training, thus attaining its benefits and diminishes the probability of burnout.

Mixing training provides an additional means of burning fat. Weight loss is best paired
with cross training. It can preclude injuries by varying different range of activities and
giving your body a distributed exercise that would not cause harm to a particular area,
plus yielding the body enough time to recover from a certain exercise. Like in running,
the lower body of the runner is exhausted. In cross training, it allows the runner to swim
in between his run, giving his legs proper rest while exercising his shoulders through
swimming. They may also try varying running and swimming with weight lifting to focus
on the other muscles that are not activated by the former two actions.

Total body fitness is addressed by cross training, not only limiting your exercise into just
one workout, making your weight loss faster. A good workout routine must include a
cardiovascular exercise, malleability and muscles strength. Cross training prompts the
exercising person to continue exercising and not bore with a single form of workout. This
motivates the person to enjoy exercising and continue his weight loss. There are a wide
variety of sports and workouts, which you can choose as an assortment for your workout
routine, granting the person the option to choose the exercise that fits the season, the
weather and even your mood. From running yesterday, you may opt to swim today and
yoga tomorrow. Cross training will improve skill, legerity and balance. Causing your
whole body to coordinate and function well. Plus making you socialize with others and
acquire more motivational experiences from them.

As much as weight loss is concerned, we still need to give our body a time-out from our
workout routine. We ought to give our body a time to recover and rest. It is not bad to
relax your body and prepare it for the following workout days. This will also give you
sometime to relax, enjoy and spare sometime with everyday dwellings.

V. Quick Weight Loss Tips

A simple foundation that can be relied upon is to ingest fewer foods that have a high
calorie count such as foods that contain processed flour and sugar. You then replace the
high calorie foods with foods that have fewer calories. This can be accomplished by
eating healthy sources of protein, whole grains and of course fresh vegetables and fruits

There are many tips that are available to those looking for some quick weight loss tricks.
Fad diets are out there and can be used as can diet pills. But they each have their potential
dangers. Diet pills are highly addictive and not the healthiest thing to put into your body.
Fad diets are all too often the medical miracle of the moment. These moments can turn
out to be things that cause poor health.

1. Eat four to five times a day. You accomplish two things by eating this often. As you
digest your food your metabolism rate will be increased by the activity, thus burning
more calories. In addition to that you will find that you won't be as hungry each time that
you eat.

2. Reduce the size of the portions. By measuring your healthy portions of proteins,
vegetables and fruits you will reduce the carbohydrates and maintain the proper level of
calories needed daily.

3. Prepare the menu for the week ahead. This enables you to do your shopping for the
healthiest foods without being rushed.

4. Broil and grill your meats when possible. Prior to broiling or grilling the meat, make
certain to trim off excess fat and remove the skin where possible. Enhance the flavor of
meats using your favorite natural spices.

5. Enhance your diet plan by eating organic foods when possible. Foods such as raw
honey, wild smoked salmon, tomatoes, rye bread and there are even organic red meats,
pork and chicken.

6. Drink bottled water or filtered water. This will keep your body hydrated and cleansed.
For the best effect with the diet it is suggested drinking 64 oz. per day.

7. The Dreaded Tip: Exercise. A mild exercise such as walking at least 30 minutes a day
will increase the metabolic rate of your body.

8. Avoid eating after six o'clock p.m. If you must eat or snack after 6 p.m. do so with
low-carb foods, such as yogurt, organic fruits and veggies.

9. Eat foods with high unsaturated fats, such as olive oil, nuts and fish. These foods are a
natural barrier to diseases that can attack your body.

10. Positive attitude. This tip perhaps may be the most important tip of all. Believe in
your ability to follow a plan and to lose weight.

By implementing these tips you will have more success with your long term weight loss
when using your low-carb diet plan. There are no magic answers to slimming down.
Common sense, eating carefully and getting regular exercise are the real keys to keeping
fit. But if you want to develop your own quick weight loss program the above tips will be
a good start.

VI. Others Alternatives When Everything Failed

Weight Loss Diet Pill

Shed the Pounds Almost Instantly with a Rapid Weight Loss Diet

If you are one of the millions of people who are sick and tired of waiting around for their
latest diet to take effect, then perhaps it is time for you to try something a bit more drastic
– something like a rapid weight loss diet. All of your family members and friends will be
amazed by how quickly you dropped the pounds. In just a few days you can look like an
entirely different person thanks to the amazing power of quick weight loss dieting.

For the most part, all of the common diets usually end up taking several weeks to feel as
if you actually losing weight. We are no longer living in a world where we like to wait
around and actually do work in order to lose weight. From instant coffee to medicine that
works in a matter of minutes to drive through fast food joints, just look at all of the
products that are designed for instant gratification. Let’s face it – the Average Joe has
grown tired of doing all of the work and exercise required to lose weight the normal way.

Because there is such a desire for everything to be quick, fast, and easy, many diet
business have begun to capitalize on rapid weight loss dieting solutions that are
seemingly miraculous. You have seen the commercials before. Products promising you
the ability to lose at least ten pounds in less than a week – and keep the weight coming
off after that. Usually you will see them being advertised by some really buff guy (who
obviously was doing some exercise in his spare time) or by a B level celebrity who is
promising you some incredible results.

But with all of the different kinds of extremely fast weight loss diets on the market, how
do you choose the one that is right for you? Start with the most common type – a
metabolism boosting pill.

There are two general types of high speed weight loss pills. The first is known as a
diuretic. These pills technically do not make you burn fat more rapidly, they help you
drop the pounds by making you lose any stored up water. On the other hand, there are
actually weight loss pills that will increase the speed of your metabolism and help you
lose weight at a much higher rate.

If strange pills are not for you, but you still want to lose weight quickly, you should give
a liquid diet a try. Although liquid diets have declined in popularity over the past few
years, they will still promise much the same results as you would get from a rapid weight
loss diet pill – mainly quick weight loss for a short period of time.

What Can a Weight Loss Diet Pill Do For You?

No doubt you have seen at least one ad for a weight loss pill today. They come in all
forms and make all sorts of promises. But is there really any point in taking a pill to help
you with weight loss? Are there really any advantages to getting on a program with these
types of pills?

When it comes to any type of oral support for weight loss, one of the main components is
invariably caffeine. Part of the reason is to give you an extra boost of energy so you will
be able to replace the quick energy you usually get from snacking on sweets and other
items that may now be forbidden on your diet. While this may work fine for some people,
the extra caffeine only serves to invoke an outbreak of nerves. All of a sudden every little
sound irritates you. That may be fine if you can lock yourself in your home all alone, but
most of us are not able to achieve that level of withdrawal when embarking on a diet. If
you have sensitivity to any type of pill that contains a good jolt of caffeine, then you
should pass on oral supplements for weight loss.

Another aspect to consider is the weight suppression properties of most of the oral
supplements on the market today. While they may use various combinations to achieve
this curtailed desire for something to eat, many of them do have some minor side effects.
You may experience cramping, nausea, or a headache as a result of taking a weight loss
diet pill. Should you try one of these pills and find that your side effects are more severe
than a minor and temporary condition, you will need to stop using the pills and think
about some other support mechanism for controlling your appetite.

Of course, the smartest thing to do before you begin to take any type of supplement for
helping with your diet is to consult your physician. No one understands the state of your
health like your doctor. From that perspective, you can get professional advice about
what over the counter weight loss products would be less likely to create any type of
discomfort or problems for you. Your doctor can also give you advice as to whether or
not you need to be using any of these products in the first place. When it comes to the
state of your health, and especially with something like weight loss, the input of your
primary care physician is absolutely invaluable.

There is something to be said for the use of oral weight loss products. They can help
some people curb their desire for food, as well as provide you with some energy as your
body adjusts to the change in caloric intake. Just make sure the weight loss diet pill you
choose has the blessing of your physician and creates only minor side effects, and you
will be fine.

Weight Loss Hypnosis

Does Weight Loss Hypnosis Really Work?

We hear a lot about the effectiveness of weight loss hypnosis. There are claims made that
it instantly changes the way you think about food and exercise, so you automatically
begin to make changes in the way you live that lead to taking off the unwanted pounds.
But is there anything to those claims? Here are some scenarios in which you may find
this type of treatment to be helpful in your quest for a smaller waistline and a healthier

Hypnosis has been used to help quite a number of people with a wide range of habits. No
doubt you have heard of hypnotic trances and suggestions being used to help people get
away from nervous habits like chewing their fingernails. Persons who deal with social
anxiety disorder are reputed to be helped by the planting of a hypnotic suggestion that
there is nothing to fear by being in a group of people. Smokers have also found some
help in kicking their nicotine habits with the aid of a hypnotist. There are even people
who have lost weight after seeing a hypnotist. Finding cases where people were helped
with each of these situations is easy to find. So, the short answer is yes, people who
undergo weight loss hypnosis can and do experience successful weight loss.

There is one common thread that runs through all cases of help through hypnosis,
regardless of what type of habit the individual was trying to break. All the patients had a
strong motivation to make a change in their lives. The act of hypnosis served as one more
tool to help them make that change by using hypnotic suggestions that would prompt the
person away from the habit.

It is important to note that hypnosis itself will not bring about some magic cure. We have
seen hypnosis portrayed in movies and other types of media as being some sort of force
that will easily over-ride the strongest will. That is simply not the case. Hypnosis has the
ability to help strengthen a resolve that is already present in the psyche, but it cannot
create a situation where you automatically turn away from your habit. As an example,
hypnosis will not cause you to become physically ill when confronted with a food that
you are not supposed to eat. Rather, when tempted by such food, the hypnotic suggestion
will give you an extra push to not go after the food. The temptation is still there, but you
will find the desire for the wrong foods is considerably lessened. A similar suggestion
might also be implanted to prompt you toward foods you do need to include in your diet.

In the end, you are still in control of your destiny. Will power, common sense, and a
sound diet plan will work hand in hand with weight loss hypnosis, but it will never
replace all of the tools you need to be successful in your desire to lose weight.

Weight Loss Surgery

Are You a Candidate for Weight Loss Surgery?

Weight loss surgery procedures have been around for thirty years and it continues to
improved as time goes by. As weight surgery becomes more popular, people all over the
world welcome this procedure as the world become heavier than ever and obesity grows
bigger and bigger. This procedure gives hope to this people. But still there are risks that
are involved in taking these procedures. So if you are planning to take this procedure you
should start asking these questions.

What is your overall physical condition? If you still manage to move around then most of
the surgeons will advise you to take a program on diet and exercise. Insidious surgery of
this method is only good for patients whose condition entreats their lives where diet and
exercise is not possible.

Second, do you perceive that the surgical procedure will make your life happier and more
wonderful? Be reminded that taking this procedure will not change your lifestyle and
eating habit. If you done this procedure you will commit to change everything that affects
your weight. Weight loss surgery will help you lose the excess pounds, but it will not
give you a new attitude, nor will it mean you never have to exercise again or eat
responsibly. Unless you are really committed to take these serious in your mind, then go
ahead with this surgical procedure.

Next, you should ask your self if you have consulted a physician regarding this
procedure. There might be conflicts and heavy risks that could harm you with the
surgery. Think of all possible problems that could harm you before you pursue with this
surgical treatment.

The success of the surgical procedure will all depend to your overall health condition and
the attitude that you have. How motivated you is a significant thing and your ability to
commit with changes you have to deal inorder to maintain the condition after your
surgery will be factors inorder to have a successful procedure. You should motivate and
commit yourself for a healthy lifestyle inorder for you to enjoy life.

Annex 1: What are the Most Popular Celebrity Diet Choices?

The celebrity diet is the hot new craze amongst dieters because it can have you looking
good in no time at all. Have you ever wanted to have the toned, fit body of a celebrity,
but you just had no idea what to do in order to get there? Do you watch the Academy
Awards and the Emmy’s with a wishful gleam in your eye that one day you could look as
beautiful and fit as the celebrities who are gracing the red carpet with their appearance?
Well, it is time for you to stop dreaming about being thinner and go out there and do it. It
is not hard, and in a few short weeks you can be well on your way to having a killer body
like Angelina Jolie or Brad Pitt.

Many people believe that celebrities are just naturally fit and thin and that they really do
not have to do any work to keep up their appearances. If you listen to the people who say
things like that – stop now. Those people are just plain wrong. To have a fit and trim
body like a celebrity, you have to work at it like a celebrity. That means going to the gym
whenever you can, eating all of the proper foods and making sure that you stay away
from all kinds of fats, sugars and carbohydrates. If you can keep those two simple rules in
mind, you are already well on your way to looking amazing.

However, it is one thing to know the rules of participating in a celebrity diet, and it is an
entirely different thing to actually practice what you preach. Sure, you can say that you
will eat healthy all you want – but until you actually do it, you will never actually start
losing weight. Therefore, it is important for you to pick one of the most popular diets that
celebrities are currently using and stick with it.

Celebrities are usually into all kinds of different fads, and when it comes to dieting, they
are no different. Therefore, one of the most popular celebrity style diets out there right
now is the raw foods diet. This involves you eating foods that have not been cooked, like
salads and sushi. Now, this is an expensive diet to keep up because all of the foods that
are safe to eat raw cost much more at your grocery store – but in the end it will be totally
worth it. You will not only look great, but you will feel great too.

Despite the fact that many celebrities are into fad style diets, there are quite a few who
simply stick with the tried and true method of eating healthy and exercising regularly. If
you are the type of person who feels that they can keep up with the celebrity diet of
cutting out fatty foods and sticking with food that is high in protein, and vegetables that
are high in nutrients (and exercise at least four or five times a week), then you will see
positive changes in no time flat.

BONUS CHAPTER: Why are so very many people
having trouble controlling their weight?
There are lots of factors. We will take a little time and look
at them here because it is only when you understand the
pressures you are currently facing that you can
understand why your weight, or your children’s weight, is
higher than it should be and why everything you try seems
to fail or, very often, things just get worse.

Can you turn the problem of weight loss around and gain
control of it in a way that is sensible and still allows you to
still live a normal life and eat the foods you love? Yes you

Before we talk about the answers though let’s have a

serious look at the problems that have lead to the current

1/ Depleted nutritional value of our food.

Firstly the old adage of eating 3 square meals of health food a day is just not
working. Of course that is partly because of the fast food revolution but it goes much
deeper than that.

There is a famous report from the US Senate (US senate document No. 264) from
1938 that us scathing in it’s criticism of modern farming practices and quotes
dramatic decrease in the goodness in the soils and a resulting huge drop of
nutritional value in foods grown in these soils.

It says:

This senate report is important in itself but the study that surrounds it gives us a
benchmark to see how things have changed since the times of the Second World

The 1992 Earth Summit report documents declining minerals values in the farm and
range soils. (Over past 100 years) North America 85%, South America 76%, Africa
74%, Europe 72%, Asia 76%, Australia 55%

The CSIRO in Australia did a study showing that between 1948 and 1991 may basic
food stuffs like potatoes and broccoli had a dramatic decrease in their nutritional

An article in the Independent Newspaper in London said;

In the last 50 years, there has been a huge drop in the mineral levels of foods that
has serious implications for our health. Research shows that the iron in spinach has

dropped by 60 per cent. Broccoli has lost 75 per cent of its calcium. Carrots have lost
75 per cent of their magnesium and watercress has lost 93 per cent of its copper.

Altogether, 27 varieties of vegetables assayed have

lost 16 per cent of potassium, 24 per cent of
magnesium, 27 per cent of iron, 46 per cent of
calcium, 49 per cent of sodium and 76 per cent of
copper. Seventeen varieties of fruit have lost 16 per
cent of magnesium and calcium, 19 per cent of
potassium, 20 per cent of copper, 24 per cent of iron
and 29 per cent of sodium. This might not seem too
frightening but minerals are essential constituents of
bones, teeth, muscle, soft tissue, blood and nerve cells. Most vitamins cannot be
assimilated without the aid of minerals. And minerals are involved in almost all of the
body's metabolic processes.

There are now over 18,000 clinical papers showing that shortages of the recognised
vitamins, minerals and fatty acids are linked to disorders and diseases as diverse as
bipolar manic depression and Alzheimer's Disease, to heart disease and cancers. The
vital role that these nutrients play in human health has only become clear in the last
75 years, and they are probably the tip of an iceberg yet to be discovered.

End of Article.

This problem with our food is dramatically compounded by

modern shipping processes of picking food before it is fully
ripened and in many cases stored for extraordinary lengths
of time before it gets to market.

When we go beyond this and look at nutritional value of fast

foods then there is an exceptional drop off in the food value
of our food. We could almost refer to much fast food as an
entrainment package!

A number of years ago I sat with the gentleman who, working for the Australian
Government Health Department, had headed up the inspections and accreditation of
a major hamburger chain when they first established in Australia.

Rumors had abounded that the chain used substandard meat but their processing
added enough flavourings to the meat to hide the fact.

The food scientist was very clear that the hamburger chain was only purchasing the
very best Australian beef. He could not help adding that the processing they did to
get it to the order window left the finished product with the nutritional value of
cardboard but the product they started with was good.

The point of all of this is that our body needs a broad range of nutrition every day to
function properly and it is just not getting that nutrition out of the food available for
us, be it prepared food we purchase or the raw ingredients we cook ourselves.

2/ Inability to absorb the nutrition from the food we eat and get it to our
bodies at a cellular level.

When you eat food you cut it up, chew it up, swallow it an send it to your stomach.
From there your stomach acids and enzymes break the food down in to a soul like
consistency and it passes to your small intestine.

The majority of nutrition is absorbed into your blood stream through the walls of
your small intestine.

The way this is done is through the villi and micro-villi.

The nutrition passed through your villi and into your blood stream. From there it is
delivered to your cells.

If the villi is damaged and broken to be little stumps then it is referred to as being
“energetically impaired” This means the nutrition from the food you are is just not
getting into your body.

If you then go and eat some high fat foods to coat your intestine with fat then you
further decrease your bodies capacity to ingest the food.

If you limit the nutrition that is getting to your cells then your body is threatened
and to protect you it will decrease your metabolic rate (the rate at which your body
burns calories to produce the energy it needs to function).

If your metabolism is slow then you will be wearier, have less motivation, more
limited concentration, less resistance to stress and to environmental factors that
affect your health. It is just not good to be run down and tired all the time.

I will look again at the villi and how to repair them at the end of this article and we
have a number of free e-books with and accompanying series of e-reports that go
into these issues in more depth so you can understand them and understand how to
deal with them.

3/ Metabolic Rate.

The metabolic rate is, as we said above, the rate at which your body processes
calories to produce the energy it needs to function. If you are jogging then there
needs to be a lot more energy processed than if you are sitting at your computer.

If you eat food then you need energy to break down and process that food.

Just keeping your heart beating and pumping blood through your body takes energy.

To be able to measure our metabolic rate we take a measure of the energy required
by the body when it is at rest.

In a fairly obvious step that rate has been called the “Resting Metabolic Rate” or

There is a formula to measure the RMR that is based on the height, weight and age
of a person.

The formula is just an approximation as it makes no allowance for someone 6 feet

tall and a body builder with lots of muscles and another person, weighing the same
amount, who is 6 feet tall with very low muscle tone and a very big beer stomach.

It is only a guide but it is useful to give a guide of how many calories. (In the e-
reports that accompany our free e-book on Metabolism this is reviewed in depth. The
medical methods of testing that give an accurate assessment, rather than an
approximation, of RMR are also explained).

The Energy Equation – Calories consumed less calories eaten.

The RMR equation gives an indication of how many calories you use every day. If you
add to this an approximation of the calories you burn with your daily activity.

This gives the “calories burnt” part of your daily weight equation.

Next you need to look at the calories you eat.

That leaves an equation like this’

Calories Burnt in the day less Calories Eaten = Positive or negative energy total for
the day.

If you eat less calories than you burn then it is logical that the difference is a
shortfall of energy and most people assume that the body makes up this shortfall by
burning calories. Logically that burning of calories is shown as weight loss.

One pound of fat is generally accepted to represent about 3,500 calories. One Kilo of
fat is then around 7,500/8,000 calories.

If you can burn 500 calories from stored fat then in about a week you should lose
about one pound or half a kilo.

People assume that if you have an energy shortfall of 1,000 calories a day then you
will “burn off” 2 pounds (approx 1 kilo) of fat a week.

Here is where we strike the problem.

The body is very complex. If you have an energy deficiency of 1,000 calories of more
then your body will protect you from what is sees as a very dangerous situation. It
will slow your metabolism to match the calories that it is receiving each day.

Your body will slow down to match what you are eating and weight loss will slow and
then stop.

If fact it gets worse. When the metabolism is slow like this your body is searching for
fat to store to get you through the trouble it believes you are having.

If you break diet with a binge, which is a normal thing, then your body will convert
any spare energy it can get hold of straight into body fat.

How do we reduce calories without slowing our metabolic rate?

The only way to reduce calories significantly, while still keeping metabolism high, is
to give the body everything it needs to feed it properly.

That means all the protein, the carbohydrates, the vitamins, the minerals, the
essential oils, the botanical factors and the water.

If your body is getting all these things in a form that it can absorb and use at a
cellular level then it will build new cells that are strong and health and you will stay

In that case your metabolism will stay high and your overall health will stay high or,
if you had been a bit run down then you will often see an improvement in personal
energy and general wellness as your body builds up healthier cells and your
metabolism becomes more efficient.

The only way I know how to do this is with a balanced nutrition program.

Using a nutrition supplementation program.

As I am a Herbalife distributor I will talk about the weight loss programs that I know
which are the current Herbalife Shapeworks Programs.

In 1980, when Herbalife began business their founder, Mark Hughes, had seen his
mother use every sort of fad diet to try and lose weight. Eventually she turned to
medically prescribed diet pills. She became addicted to the products and began
abusing them but taking prescriptions from a number of doctors at the same time.
Eventually she ran down her health and then overdosed on the tablets and died.

Mark was deeply affected by this and looked for a way for people to control their
health and control their weight without using drugs or medication.

He looked around America at what was available in the way of vitamin and mineral
supplements and felt that there should be more to it.

In the late 70’s the Chinese government had sponsored a traveling show on
traditional Chinese medicine. Mark saw that and wondered what would happen if the
traditional healing from the East was married with the modern vitamin and mineral
technology of the West.

The result was the original Herbalife weight loss program.

It was so effective with the results that everyone talked about it and 5 years after
beginning Herbalife was the fastest growing privately held company in the history of
American business.

That was not due to the market plans but due the fact that they had a product that
over performed on it’s promises for people to control their weight and their health by
using the highest quality nutrition products that it was possible to supply.

This is the basis of the Herbalife weight control programs.

The key to these programs is that they have the herbs, the botanical factors, to
clean and rebuild the villi.

For a normal healthy person they will feel the effect of their villi working properly
with a noticeable increase in energy with 3 days of starting on the program.

Having clean and healthy villi means the body can take the nutrition from the food
you eat and from the nutrition of the Herbalife program and get them straight to the
cells, nutrition at a cellular level.

The first thing the body will do with this flow of pure nutrition is to “clean house”. It
will detoxify the poisons and pollution that has built up in your system.

This is why it is very important that you drink the recommended 8 large glasses of
water each day (2 litres/2 Quarts). Your body will be cleaning out the poisons and it
needs the water to flush them out of your system.

Give a clean base to work with and full nutrition then you body will always replace
damaged cells with health cells. This process means that over a matter of weeks
your overall health will improve and a lot of little health challenges are likely to

One of the main advantages of this process is that your body is getting full nutrition.
This means you can cut calories and still keep your metabolism high. This means you
program of weight loss is not seen by your body as a drought or other disaster that it
need to protect you from.

How does a Herbalife weight loss program work?

Herbalife weight loss programs are based around an amino-protein powder (Formula
#1) that is generally made into a tasty “shake” with fruit juice or soy milk or other
health alternative.

This can constitute a Meal Replacement for weight


Along with the Formula #1 are a range of vitamin and

mineral supplements.

If absolutely everything you need for your body

every day was put into a shake the shake would not
taste nice. By separating some of the key
components into tablet form it means that the
whole process will taste great and the quantities of
each component can be delivered to you in a
balance that gives maximum effectiveness.

The Herbalife weight loss program is based around using 2 meal replacement
“shakes” to replace two meals. The third meal can be anything you like, just be
sensible with the meal sizes.

If you have pizza on a Friday night then on the Herbalife weight management
program you still have pizza, just maybe cut back a little on the number of pieces
you have. You can still be ”normal” and still eat the foods you love.

Food is a social thing. If your workmates or friends are getting together for lunch to
celebrate a birthday then you can go and join them. Make that your main meal and
have a shake and tabs (tablets) for your evening meal, maybe with a light salad or
some fruit.

If the whole family is getting together for a big Sunday lunch you can join them.
When they say you cannot have the food they are eating because you are on a
weight loss diet you can say that you are on Herbalife and because of that you are
able to join them with no problem.

Any diet form that prevents you from living a normal live and mixing with people in a
social way is doomed to failure.

This process answers those questions and answers the nutrition problems around
your metabolic rate.

For more details about Herbalife Nutrition programs go to;

Shapeworks Advanced Program And Shapeworks Quickstart Program .

You will be learning so much more about dealing with your
health concerns as soon as you start receiving your 7 part
email e-course!

Warren Tattersall has been a nutritional consultant since

the early 1990’s and has had had experience with nearly
any and all health issues you could think of.

He has a website that is a wonderful resource for understanding

health issues and more specifically how nutritional support can
have a positive impact on wellness issues. It is worth checking it
out at

We asked Warren what light he can shed on how

incorporating natural herbal based nutrition products into
your self care strategy may help this health concern:

“Nutrition support CAN make a big difference to you

Fitness levels, general Health and overall Wellness.”

In the time that I have been working with nutrition

supplementation I have found and interesting phenomena.
If your general wellness is high then your immune system
is able to better protect you.

A lot of people with health concerns find that the

symptoms diminish and even disappear when the sufferer
uses a strong and well balanced nutrition program.

The same thing happens in many cases for people with more
specific health problems. I am not taking about treating
symptoms, I’m talking about increasing your core wellness and
about the problem diminishing or even disappearing from your

The following is my summary of how nutrition affects the quality

of your health overall. After seeing very many people, with a
diverse range of diet related health problems, improve their
health dramatically it has become clear to me that if you put
pure herbal based health foods into your body, that are capable

of being absorbed on a cellular level, you WILL experience
relevant improvements in your health.

Nutrition and General Health Indicators

Do You Have Any Indicators Of Health Problems?

A lot of people look at the information about nutrition and how

the body breaks food down and absorbs it through the villi,
putting it into the blood stream to deliver it to their cells and say,
“That just makes sense”.

There is a big step though from knowing how the body does this
to understanding that each of us need to be taking some
personal action to give our bodies what they need for optimum

Our body is like a very high performance car. Given proper fuel
and servicing it will perform well. Given lower standard fuel than
it is designed to run on then it will still work, it will still get you
from point A to point B on your journey through life, but it will be
a little sluggish, lacking acceleration, stutter and hesitate when it
should be performing at it’s best.

This sounds a little simplistic but it's not. Our body is a very
powerful and very sensitive machine, the most complicated
organism on the planet. As it grows it adjusts to your needs. If
you exercise it, it will give hard muscles and increased strength.
If you stretch it then it will become flexible. If you cut it then it
will heal. If you damage it from bad living, maybe liver damage
from too much alcohol, and then you stop dinking and give good
cleansing food and supplements the body will attempt to repair
your liver. Often it will do this job so well the liver recovers to a
point where it functions normally!! Our body is a quite incredible

Like a high performance car though, if you use it and don't look
after it then there will be some problems. If you use poor fuel in
a car and you don't service it then you'll clog up the fuel lines
and lower the performance. If you eat high fat foods an don't do
anything to keep your blood clean then you are likely to build

layers of fat on the inside of your arteries. This makes it more
difficult for your heart to pump blood through them and so
increases blood pressure.

If your car gauges show that temperature is increasing then

you'd better check out what the problem is. If you find your
blood pressure is increasing then you'd better check that out as

If you ignore increased blood pressure then you may find that
the stress on the engine causes it to seize up and fail. In your
body this is called a heart attack and it will damage you and you
may well die.

There are herbal and nutrition supplements that deal directly

with the build up of fats in your arteries. Others work with the
digestive system and help to heal everything from irritable bowel
syndrome to duodenal ulcers. Hormonal issues like PMT/PMS for
ladies and change of live symptoms can be greatly supported and
often cleared up with correct supplementation (here I am talking
about traditional Chinese herbs that have been used for many
thousands of years).

What I am saying is that keeping our body health can be

compared to keeping a high quality car running properly. To get
optimum performance you need to pay a little attention to it and
not ignore warning signs that are telling you that something
needs attention.

From here you can link to our A to Z list of health problems to

check up in what is troubling you and see what suggestions are
there about nutrition support that may assist you. “Your Health

Wellness and Sickness

Like the high performance car we were talking about your body
can perform better it everything is in order.

If the tyres of the car are worn and do not have proper grip on
the road surface they'll still work fine when you are traveling
down a straight road.

When it comes to turning a corner at speed it is a different

If the tires are in great condition and you drive hard around a
corner fast then the car will do its job.

If the tires are in bad condition and you drive the same way then
the car will slip, slide and you may well come completely off the
road and end up crashing and burning!

It is the same with your body.

I do not fully understand asthma. I know that for a lot of people,

especially children, it comes and goes, there are good days and
bad days. Normally there is something that triggers the
condition, pollen in the air, dust, dust mites, stress, any number
of things.

I've seen many, many people with this problem who get onto a
range of nutrition supplements and improve their overall wellness
and their asthma goes away.

This is not a cure for the asthma but, like good tires on the car,
when the body is well then it can handle conditions better and it
seems that the body can handle the trigger factors that set of the
asthma better. When you have seen 50 people with asthma who
get onto supplements to improve their overall health you have to
pay attention. When nearly all of them finding that they need to
use their puffers less often, and most find they no longer need to
use their puffers at all then it is clear there is something here
that we need to pay attention to. Given an option most people do
not want to fill their bodies with chemicals to treat their asthma.
Asthma is just one example. The same thing applies to simple
things. If you are fit and well and working in an office in the
winter with people who have colds then quite often you either do
not catch a cold or, if you do, it clears up quickly. If you are run
down and your overall wellness is low then when someone on the
other side of the room sneezes you catch a cold and when you do
catch it then it tends to hang around for ages.

How does your body react when you put it under stress?
How well can it stand outside pressures, and all the damaging
things modern society throws at us every day, is directly related
to our level of wellness. If we have dynamic health, if we have a
reserve of energy and strength and our body is not working flat
out just to keep us functioning then we can withstand problems
and health challenges much better

Giving the body the tools it needs to keep your level of wellness
as high as possible just makes sense. You service your car, you
need to service your body also.

If You Are Not Sick, Does That Mean You Are Well?
What is the difference between health and wellness?
What is the difference between wellness and dynamic

Getting out of bed every day and doing what you need to do so
that you can make it home go to bed at night is survival, not

Having enough energy to be able to get up and do your daily

tasks and do them easily it a much better way to live. Life is
more interesting and you have the capacity to go beyond your
normal routine, to meet a friend for a drink or to get to the
library for a book or to just get that extra job done around the
house. Life is much more pleasant when you have enough energy
to do normal things without having to push yourself.

Dynamic energy is bouncing out of bed ready to face the day.

Having the energy to stride up the steps, rather then taking the
lifts, and not be panting and puffing at the top. Energy to just
live well.

This comes from a combination of nutrition and exercise.

Exercise comes from activity, you cannot buy a supplement to
give you that but, when you are tired, most people don't get
around to doing the exercise.

I suggest you look at getting your body systems in order through
the use of proper nutrition and supplementation and then build
on the extra energy to put in place a sensible exercise routine to
take yourself to the next level.

This is not something for fit young people alone. Medical

authorities tell us that there is no reason why someone 75 years
old who breaks a bone should take any longer to heal than
someone who is 30 years old! If you are 70 then you would be
more than a little silly to be doing 100 meter sprints but if you
set up a sensible exercise routine to get your fitness levels above
the level you need for your daily living then you have spare
energy and life is a much more pleasant experience.

One of the key factors in having good health is to have your

overall level of wellness high. If we are able to get your general
wellness high then working with your body to repair everything
else is much easier.

Once you have looked through this information on herbal support

for your health problems go and have a closer look on our pages
on nutritional support for your body. It give a key to getting your
whole system working well and assists the best healing of all,
helping your body heal itself.

And now YOU can also learn more about our “Herbalife Health
Nutrition Supplements” A to Z directory of Herbalife retail
products for Self Care Strategies using natural herbal based
remedies. Health articles about your health online including
nutrition and food health issues and home remedies for lifetime
health & fitness.

While I would never advocate making any change to medication

without consulting your doctor, it is worth reviewing what
nutritional support to build your overall wellness and support
your immune system can do to help your body to help itself.

If there is a natural way to deal with your health problems in the

longer term then it stands to reason that dealing with the
problem with supplementation rather than medication must be
better for you in the longer term

In the short term you must control your problem. If you are sick
you go to your doctor and the medication that you are given can
control the problem, improve your condition, even save your life.
It is a very good thing.

In the longer term your overall health both now and in your old
age may be better supported by finding a more natural way to
deal with your problems.

I hope this mail has given you something to think about and that
everything works out well in your path of dealing with your

Best wishes

Warren Tattersall

Are you ready to make a difference in your life?

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This site and all the information here are provided to you for
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You should always consult with a medical health professional
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