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Command -/suicide: Go back to town by killing oneself, but with a loss of exp.

-@whisper[character name] [content]: Sending a whisper to another character -/trade [character name]: Requesting a trade to another character. This could be supported by the action/moving icon -/coordinates: Identifying a current player s coordinate -/party [character name]: Requesting a party to another character. This could be supported by the action/moving icon - /refusetrade: Automatically reject all the trade requests. No message of trade permission will be shown - /allowtrade: Cancel the refusal status for trade/Cancel all the trade rejectio n state - /refuseparty: Automatically reject all the party requests. No message of party permission will be shown - /allowparty: Cancel the refusal status for party/Cancel all the party rejectio n state -/duel [character name]: Requesting a duel (PvP) to another character

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