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4 23 JUDE 25

Is 57:20
13 ar e twice dead; -Iike wild sea waves capped with shame as if with foa m; or like
14 shooting sta rs" bound for an eternity of black da rk ness. -It was with them in
mind th at Enoch, the seventh patr iarch from Adam, made his prophecy when he
said, 'I tell you, the Lord will co me with his saints in their tens of thousands, Rv 5:11
15 to pronounce jud gement on all ma nki nd and to sentence the wicked for all the
wicked things they have done, an d for all the defiant things said against him by
112P 2:18
irreligious sinners' .> -T hey are mischief-makers, grumblers governed only by
their own desires, q with mouths f ull of boastful talk, ready with flattery for other
people when they see some advantage in it.
Dn 7:8.20
Lv 19:15

A warning
But remember, my dear friends, what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ 112 P 3:2-3

18 told you to expect. • At the end of time,' they told you 'there are going to be ITm4:1+

Address peo ple who sneer at religion and follow nothing but their own desires for
19 wickedness.' -T hese unspiritual and selfish people are nothing but mischief- 1 Co 15:44-+
Ac 12:17+ From Jud e, servant of Jes us Christ and brot her of Ja mes; to those who are I
ca lled, to those who are dear to" Go d the Father an d kep t safe for Jes us Chr ist,
2 P 1:2 wishing you all mercy and peace and love. The duties of love
I Co 3:9·17
The reason for this letter 20 But you, my dear friends, mu st use your most holy faith as your foundation Ep 2:2<l-22
21 and build on th at, prayin g in the Holy Spirit; -keep yourselves within the love
My dear friends, at a time when I was eagerly loo king for ward to writing to of God and wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to give you eternal life.
Ac 9:13 +
you about the salvation that we all share, b I have been forced' to write to you
now and a ppea l to you to fight hard for the faith which has been on ce and for all
n When there are some who have doubts, reassure them; -when there are some
112 P 2:1
to be saved fro m the fire, pull them out;but there are others' to whom you must
entrusted to the sai nts. ·Certa in peopl e hav e infiltrated amo ng you, and they 4
be kind with great caution, keepin g your distance even from outside clothing
are th e ones you had a warni ng a bout , in writing, long ago, when they were which is contaminated by vice.
Ga 5: 13
I P 2: 16 co nde mned- for denying all religion, turn ing the grace of our God into immorality,
I J n 4:1
2 i n 10 and reject ing our o nly Master a nd Lord, Jesus Christ.' Doxology
112 P 3:14
The false teachers: the certainty of their punishment 24 G lory be to him who can keep you from falling and bring you safe to his
I Co 6: 3
25 glorious presen ce, innocent and happy.' -To G od , the only God, who saves us
112 P 1:12 I sho uld like to rem ind you - tho ugh yo u ha ve al ready learnt it once and for through Jesus Christ our Lord, be the glory , majesty, authority and power, which R m 16:25-
Nh 14:26-35 27+
I Co 10:5 allf-how the Lord" rescued the natio n fro m Egypt, but afterwards he still he had before time began, now and for ever. Amen. Rv 5:13
112P2:4 destroyed the men who did not trust him. •Nex t let me remind you of the angels
Gn6: 1-2 who had supreme a ut hority but did not keep it and left their appointed sph ere ;«
he has kept them down in the da rk, in spiritual chains, to be judged on the great
G o 19
2 P 2: 6-9 day . -T he fornicat ion of Sodo m and G omorrah and th e other nea rby to wns was 7
Mt 1O:1 5p
equ ally unnatu ral, ' and it is a warn ing to us that they are paying for their crim es
in eternal fire.
a. 'To tho se who ar e' , va r. ' to t he nations who a rc', I . Almost ce rtainly a re feren ce to th e apoc ryp hal
Their violent language 'd ear to'; var. ' ma de holy by ' . Assu m ption of M oses .
112 P 2:10-1 2 b . ' th e sa lva tio n that we a ll sha re"; VUIK. 'Your m. Their lac k of know ledge res ults fro m the fact
Ne vertheless, these peopl e/ are doing th e same: in their delus ion s they no t 8 sa lva tio n' , that th ey do no t possess th e Sp irit, they k now nothin g
onl y defile their bodi es an d disregar d a uthority," but a buse the glorious angels c. By the d ang er the se heretics re present. except what they have learnt through the ir un aid ed
DI 34:6 1- d . Lit . 'Fo r cer tai n men crep t in who lon g ago natural po wer s.
D n 10:13 I- as well.• Not even the arc ha ngel Micha el, when he was engaged in a rgu ment 9 have been wr i tten bef orehand fo r thi s j udgement'; n. Lit . 'They are reefs to yo ur agapCs' (cf. 1 Co 11:
with the devil abo ut the corpse of Moses, ' dared to denou nce him in the la nguage var . ' fo r thi s sin ' , 20 +). "reefs' : var . (V ulg,) ' blo ts' . 'ag apes': var . "de-
zc 3:2 +· e. Va T. 're jecting God. the o nly Mas ter a nd our ceit s' , cf. 2 P 2: 13. T hese heretic s were st ill taki ng pa rt
of a buse; all he said was, 'Let the Lord correct you' . - But these peo ple abuse 10 Lor d Jesu s Chr ist'. in th e life of th e Church; all that ha d ha ppe ned to
anything they do no t understand; and the on ly things they do understan d- j ust f . Th e fa ith ent rusted 'once an d fo r a ll', v. 3, to them so far was tha t they had bee n noticed.
the sa ints m ust never be cha nged.
by nat ure > like unreasoni ng animals- will turn out to be fatal to th em. K. G od the Fat her. cf 2 P 2:4 . Var. ( VUIR.) 'Jesus ' ,
i.e. a refer ence to Ch rist in his divi ne pre-ex istence, o. In Jew ish apocrypha, e.a. t he Book of Enoch.
Their vicious behaviour c r. I Co 10:4 . 'sta rs ' of ten sta nd for "a ngels' .
h. T hey let the mselves be seduced by the ' daughters n. Enoch J :9 , pro bab ly qu ot ed fro m me mo ry.
G n 4:H
112P 2: 15 May they get what they deserve, beca use they have followed Cain; they have II of me n'. G n 6:1-2 ; the subjec t is elabora ted in the c. S uggested by Enoch 5:5.
I in 3:12 Book of Enoc h. r . Li t. 'T here ar e th e ones who ma ke d ivisions
N h22:2 + rus hed to make the same mistake as Bala am and for the same reward; they have 1. Lit. 'Like Sod o m . . . in the sa me way forni cating (Vu IR. 'who separate th em selves'. i.e. fro m the Church),
R\l2: 14
Nb / 6 re belled j ust as Ko rah did-and share the sam e fate. -T hey are a dangerous 12 and go ing after a lien flesh '. Th ey lusted no t after psvchtko t no t hav ing the Spirit'. The heretics are like
Pr 25:/4 h uman beings , but after the stra ngers who were angels, 'a nima ls' because they ac t irrational1y o r o n impulse,
112P 2:13. o bstacle " to yo ur com munity meals, co ming for the food and qu ite sham elessly G n 19:1-1 1. T he apocryphal Tes ta ment of the Twelv e v, 10; th e central human Quality they lac k is o pe nness
17- 18 on ly loo king after them selves. They are like clo uds blown abo ut by the winds and Patriarchs, like Ju de 6-7. als o compar es the sin of the to the Sp ir it, cr. Rm 1:9 +. ..,::>
a nge ls with the sin of the Sodomites . s, ' Wh en there are so me wh o ha ve do ubts. be
bringing no rain, or like bar ren trees whic h are then uprooted in the winter and so I. T he heretics livin g at the sa me t ime as J ude . kind to th em. sa ve them , pull th em o ut of th e fire;
Om. (Yulg. ) 'in their de lusions'. but there are o thers •
k . 'd isregard authority' . lit. 'd espi se so vere ign ty': t , Yulg. adds 'at th e com in g of o ur Lor d Jesus
ver, "sovereignties ', r.e. the angels. cf. Ep 1:21 ; Col 1:16. C hrist' .
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