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Reach for a Million.. A Personal Gold Making Guide Copyright © 2010, Reach for a Million. The APPROACH: Unlike many other gold making guides out there, this guide focuses on approaching the gold making aspect of the game through methods that make “gold over time.” What does that mean exactly? For example.. farming eternal fires is NOT a gold over time method (because you are instantly farming something which can/almost be instantly sold.) Many other gold making guides out there have the same knowledge that you can easily obtain on the internet just by browsing fora few seconds. It doesn’t take an Einstein to figure out that farming something that is a want will rake in gold. However if you're like myself, you don’t want to spend your precious time on tedious ways to make money. My guide focuses on “gold over time” methods. | can assure you that if you follow my advice and don’t give up, you will rake in loads of gold. “Reach for a Million.. A Personal Gold Making Guide focuses on gold making methods that save your TIME while making you crazy amounts of GOLD. Although you will see tips in here that involve “playing the auction house,” rest assured that this is not by any means a guide that focuses on the auction house strictly; this guide will tell you how to analyze your server's economy to make money with many of my gold making methods. If | can casually make my way to the gold cap in less than a year, than so can YOU! About ME: | played World of Warcraft for almost four years before | took a break from the game. Although | mostly raided and pvped, | enjoyed making money. | had over 25,000g before the Wrath of the Lich King (WOTLK) expansion came out just from doing tedious tasks like farming primals and selling them on the auction house, or by doing daily quest after daily quest. A few months after the WOTLK expansion arrived | came across my first method of making a lot of gold, which got me from 25,000g to the gold cap in less than a year. This method didn’t consist of sitting at the computer all day and doing tedious tasks like farming for eternals and doing daily quests. | achieved the gold cap on October 12", 2009. Since then, at my point of taking a break from the game, | racked up an astonishing NET value of 500,000g. | made another gold capped character in almost half a year.. my wealth skyrocketed exponentially! ™ a oS aeageleE Note: This is a picture of me achieving the gold cap for my very first time. This stands as the ONLY gold capped character on my server for both factions that isn’t associated with gold selling.

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