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SAMBAHSA GRAMMATIC (ex id Sambahsa Eucbuk ) Id Sambahsa Phonetic Transcription.

. Tod systeme buit invent kay transcribe phonetic-ye ed facil-ye Sambahsa. Ja albatt exist id International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA); lakin id mathmount buksteivs qua ne wehse ep vasya claviatures, ed ob to id khact ses nudt ep Internet fora, ed remant impractic ad ses oiscript informatic-ye, hatta med id Word software. Eti, bi-sabab ids international buhsa, id pronunciation os Sambahsa maghsiet gnohe lytil continental variations, menxu id IPA transcription est baygh strict ed ne permitt un talg tolerance. SPT a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Approximative IPA correspondence a

b d

f h

k l m n

p x s t
u y

v w j z

ng, nk

, k

Id dwinukta : deict od un voyel est long. Accentuet voyels sont auter scriben in piwer au in MAJUSCULES. Swons qua poitte ses ne-pronuncen sont scriben in cursives. Kay enderkwites id ud id normal sambahsa orthograph, id SPT est general-ye diken inter anglekawsa [ ] . _ inter dwo werds deict od ghehdent ses pronuncet kamsei esient tik oin. Sambahsas pronunciation Sambahsa neudt ia 26 buksteivs ios Roman Alphabet ed folossiet combinations ex ta buksteivs kay cree nov swons.
Wahid buksteiv Dwo buksteiven combination Tri buksteiven combination Pronunciation (in SPT)

a ae ai au bh ck d e ch dh

b c

eau ee eu g gh gn h i

[a] [ay] [] [ao] [b] [k], bet [ts] pre e, i au y. Semper [k]. Contet ka double consonn k + k [tc], bet [k] pre un consonn (ex: Christ) [d] - Kam [e] sub id accentuation, au ka prest buksteiv uns werd, au sohkwt ab un double consonn. - Als ka [], ed hatta non-pronuncet ka senst buksteiv uns werd (ex: rose) - Un non-accentuen e sohkwt ab s au t ye id end uns werd est nonpronuncet, nib id daught ka enderkwites tod s ud t ud id consonn pre se (ex. roses). Lakin, non-accentuen eest semper pronuncet in ques & quet [o:] [e] [] [g], bet [dj] pre e, i & y. [g] [ny] - [h] pre un voyel. - Pos un voyel, id est non-pronuncet, bet longeiht tod voyel. [i]

ie j kh oe ou ph qu rh, rr s sc sch sh th u ue ui uy x y

- [i:] ye id end uns werd. Sohkwn ab un consonn, id biht [ye] [j] [q] [oy] [u :] [f] [k] e,i & y; bet [kw] pre a, o & u [rr], wa kam id IPA swon [r] [s] bet [z] inter dwo voyels (ex: rose) [sk] bet [s] pre e, i au y. Ex: science [c] [x] [] bet [t] nieb [s], [z], [c] au [j] [u] bet [] sei oiter iom dwo sehkwnd buksteivs est e. [:] [wi] [uy] [ks] au [gz] sekwent id phonetic ambient - Pre au pos un voyel = [y] - Inter dwo consonns, []. Lakin, y & ys ye id end uns werd sont pronuncet nisbatan [i] & [is] [dz] -

Id alphabet in SPT :
-Voyels: a, e [e], i, o, u [u], y [] -Consonns: b, c [tse], d, f, g [dje], h [hatc], j [jye], k [ka], l, m, n, p, q [ku], r, s, t, v, w [we], x, z [dzed].

Sambahsas accentuation Kay trehve qualg voyel est accentuet, yu dehlcte starte ud id sensto syllab ed determine kweter est accentuable sekwent ta reuls : sont semper accentuet : un voyel sohkwn ab un double consonn, -el sei oiter iom dwo buksteivs pre id est o (ex : hotel = [hotel]), -ey & in . sont naiw accentuet : -ule , -ing , -(i)um , ia prefixes, w , [w] ni [y]. Un isolen voyel ka senst buksteiv uns werd est naiw accentuet, ed id accentuation fallt ep id niebst voyel pre id.

Dwo voyelen combinations (vidte id liste heruper) ed long voyels (yani voyel + h ) sont semper accentuet. a , o , u sohkwt ab oin consonn (ploisko s ) sont accentuet. Un ghi final s ne influet accentuation. Composit werds sehkwnt ia sam reuls, ploisko od poittent ses accentueto tik un syllab quod eet accentuet in id separet werd. Ia suffixes -ment & went content kamsei esient separet werds.

Id plural in Sambahsa Id simple forme est id singular numer. Id plural numer endt med s. Sei tod est phonetic-ye incompatible con id preceddent consonn (ex: s, ch, j), tun i (pro animen sesens) au a sessient nudt. Sei ta formes khake wehrge con ia accentuation reuls, nia endens sessient nudt. Ia inaccentuet endens os ed es bihnt si au sa.-(i)um pro inanimeits poitte bihe (i)a. Sekwent un optional reul, nomens om grupps em animen sesens qua endent med un buksteiv phonetic-ye incompatible con un final s (ex : s, ch, j) poitte antbehre enden pro id plural numer. Exempels : Div > divs Urx > urx(i) Territorium > territoria ( territoriums remant possible) Daumos > daumsa Deutsch > deutsch(i) Prince > prince(s) Sambahsa pronomens Sambahsa hat quar grammatical gensa, qua corresponde id druv stand ios nomen (neutral pro jects au plantes, indeterminat quan id genos est negnohn we pro grupps ex different gensa) ed quar declinational falls quom neud correspondt iro druv bungos. Sambahsa neudt id sam werdo pro id definiht article ed pro id trit person zamihr (1). Lakin, idso genitive gehldt tik pro id definiht article, chunke zamihrs neude possessive pronomens instet. Sam-ye, Sambahsa neudt similar werds pro ia relative

ed interrogative pronomens (4). (2) est id negative adjective/pronomen, ed (3) id demonstrative adjective/pronomen.

Nominative Accusative Dative Genitive is (ies) iom (iens) ei (ibs) ios (iom) Neis (noy) niom (niens) nei (neibs) nios (niom) so (toy) tom (tens) tei (tibs) tos (tom) qui, quis* quom quos (4) quei (quibs) (quoy) (quens) (quom) * qui = relative pronomen, quis = interrogative pronomen

Masculin Singular (Plural) (1) (2) (3)

Feminin Singular (Plural) (1) (2) (3) (4)

Nominative ia (ias) nia (nias) sa (tas) qua (quas)

Accusative Dative Genitive iam (ians) ay (iabs) ias (iam) niam (nians) niay (niabs) nias (niam) tam (tans) tay (tabs) tas (tam) quam quay quas (quans) (quabs) (quam)

Indeterminat Singular (Plural) (1) (2) (3) (4)

Nominative el (i) nel (nei) tel (ti) quel (qui)

Accusative el (i) nel (nei) tel (ti) quel (qui)



al (im) al (im) nal (nim) nal (nim) tal (tim) tal (tim) qual (quim) qual (quim)

Neutral Singular (Plural) (1) (2) (3) (4) Alter zamihrs sont : Fall Nominative

Nominative id (ia) neid (nia) tod (ta) quod (qua)

Dative Genitive ei (ibs) ios (iom) nei (neibs) nios (niom) tei (tibs) tos (tom) quos quod (qua) quei (quibs) (quom)

Accusative id (ia) neid (nia) tod (ta)

1st singular 2nd singular Ego (io exter Tu accentuation)

1st plural wey

2nd plural yu

Accusative Dative

me mi

te tib

nos nos

vos vos

Ia possessive pronomens sont : Person/Numer 1st 2nd 3t masculin 3t feminin 3t neutral 3t indeterminat singular mien tien eys ays ids els plural Nies (noster) Vies (voster) ir ir ir ir

Id reflexive pronomen est se (accusative) ed sib (dative). Id correspondend possessive pronomen est sien . Id indefiniht article est un . Id bayghen preposition os emt id numer ed id genos al possessor : Numer/Genos singular plural masculin os om feminin as am neutral os om indeterminat es em

Id vocalic euphonisation Tod est un hol optionalen endens qua poitte ses nuden con substantives ed adjectives, tik sei ir accentuation permitt to. In fact, est tik nuden in id scriben bahsa, ploisko dayir ia werds alyo ed vasyo.
Fall/Genos Masculin Neutral Indeterminat nominative -o(s) -o/-um -is* accusative -o/-um -o/-um -em* dative -i -i -i genitive -(io)s -(io)s -(e)s * : tik pro animen sesens ! Id vocative masculin (quando semquis est kalen) poitt behre id enden -e. Plural feminin -as -ens -ims -(e)n Singular Feminin -a -u -i -(ia)s

Fall/genos nominative accusative dative genitive

masculin -i -ens -ims -(e)n

neutral -a -a -ims -(e)n

Id indeterminat plural est kam id masculin plural quan id concernt animen sesens.

Adjectives in Sambahsa Sambahsa adjectives ne sont ijbaric-ye declinet, sont deht pre id substantive ka attributive, bet pos sei introducent un preposition. Ex : Uno sneigvcovohrn calive, bet un calive covohrno med un tenu sneigvlyegher. Id comparative est dact suffixend-ye er ei adjective (-ter sei id endt med un voyel swon) sei to est compatible con id accentuation. Sonst, meis dehlct ses nudt. Ex : Age est meis difficil quem kwehre neid. Dreu est legver quem stal. Egalitat est diken med tem... quem. Ex : Maria est tem bell quem tu. Inferioritat est expressen med min(s) au minter. Ex : Id weter hoyd est minter srigo quem ghes. Id superlative neudt, sekwent ia possibilitats, -st au meist. Ex : Tod rock est id meist dreupic bayna quanta habmos endersoken. Som yunst in mien swoin. Tik lytil ed megil sont irregular. Ir final il biht suppresst kay forme adverbs ( lyt / meg) tem quem comparatives (lyter / meger) ed superlatives (lytst / megst). Adverbs in Sambahsa Id particule ye (semper samt id defis !) daught ka forme adverbs, med adjectives tem quem med substantives. Sei id maynen est evident, adjectives poitte ses nudt mon. Ex: deub in id forest. Alya adverbs ne naudhent tod particule : tik, ops, just, it(han), bfuyi... Certain adverbs ghehde ses dact prefixend-ye a- ad subtantives. Ex: apart, atop(p)... Quantitatsadverbs (kam baygh au pior) tehrbe ses nudt kam adjectives quando dependent un substantive (it, poittent behre ia declination endens), bet kam druv adverbs (samt ye) sei dependent un attributive adjective. Id adverb yaschi ghehdt se reduce do schi quod dehlct tun ses suffixet ei pronomen au particule pre id, sei to est compatible con id accentuation. Sambahsa Syntaxe

Id Sambahsa syntaxe sehkwt tod aurdhen : Subject Verb Object, ploisko sei ia declinations ed conjugations permitte alyo. In composits, id qualificant preceddt id qualificat. Ex : weirnav = nav os weir Pro quantitats, id miden ject poitt ses dehn pos id meiden unitat. Ex : dwo botels vin = dwo botels os vin = dwo vinbotels Od ed id accusative relative pronomen poitte ses omitten sei id maynen remant pretable. Sei id relative proposition expremt un vansch, ke(m) ghehdt taye od. In retranscriben logsa, tids dehlgent ses accordet. Ex : Ia hat saygen : Som sieug = Ia hat saygen (od) ia eet sieug. Ia dugter (quam) ays mater lieubht sessiet un gohd mater. Pleista Sambahsa prepositions poitte ses nudt ka conjunctions. Eemos noroct pre is gwohm = Eemos noroct pre eys gumt. In Sambahsa, id difficultat est mae myehrse od id sam werdo daught ka definiht article ed ka 3 person zamihr. Itak, un talg zamihr ne poitt ses dehn just pre un adjective au substantive It, poitt ses oiscript : Io iens iey prients im animals au Io iey prients im animals iens. Infinitives sont nudt in jumlas kam substantives, bet aun articles ni optional declination.

Conjugation ios presentios tid Sambahsa verbs folossient conjugational endens ; ta ghehde provoque orthographic modifications : -b + s/t = -ps/-pt -g au k + s/t = -cs/-ct Sei id accentuet voyel ios verb est eh , ei au eu , tun v + s/t = -fs/-ft. Lakin, un final -gv naiwo changet. Semper mehmte od ta endens ne poittent change id accentuation ios verb. Person 1st singular Endens -m sei id verb endt med un accentuen voyel swon, -o sei tod ne modifiet id accentuation ; sonst neid enden. -s -t -m(o)s

2t singular 3t singular 1st plural

2t plural 3t plural

-t(e) -e(nt). Sei id verb endt med un accentuen voyel swon, au sei e modificiet id accentuation, tun -nt dehlct ses nuden.

Ia verbs ses ed habe hant irregular conjugations. Ses = som, es, est, smos, ste, sont Habe = ho, has, hat, hams/habmos, habte, hant/habent. Id Infinitive in Sambahsa Nekam alya bahsas, Sambahsa neudt id verbal raudh in kamus kay dikes un verb, ne ids infinitive. In jumlas, infinitives suloukent kam normal nomens except od neter folossient articles (id, ios, etc), ni poitte behre declinational endens. Id infinitive enden (au absence os enden) dependt id forme ios verbal raudh. Sei id infinitive endt ja med un inaccentuet e , tun neid changet : Spassere > spassere Sonst, sei id accentuet voyel ios verb est ei au eu , bo bihnt nisbatan i ed u , ed biht addihn id enden -es . Deum > dumes [dms] Prileips > prilipses Tod systeme naiwo poitt change accentuation. Sei necessar, id senst inaccentuet e biht suppressen : Kleuster > klustres Ceter verbs addeihnt e sei tod est compatible con ir accentuation, sonst neid. Gwah > gwahe Safer > safer Sont tri irregular verbs in Sambahsa : ses, habe & woide.

Id prokwem future Tod tid daught ka describe un action quod sollt wakye mox. Se formet med id auxiliar vah- + infinitive ios verb.

Vah- se conjuget it in id presento tid : vahm, vahs, vaht, vahm(o)s, yu vahte, vahnt. Ex: vaht gwehme mox gwehmt Vah- poitt ses yaschi in id prev tid samt normal conjugations (To sessiet studyet serter). Id future Tod tid ghehdt ses obtent suffixend-ye ie- + ia endens ios presentios tid ei dwot person singular uns verb in id presento tid. Ex : ghehd > ghehds > ghehdsieIds conjugation est : ghehdsiem, ghehdsies, ghehdsiet, ghehdsiem(o)s, yu ghehdsiete, ghehdsient. Sonst, sie- poitt ses nudt kam un auxiliar verb con un infinitive. Ids conjugation est id sam kam heruper : Siem, sies, siet, siem(o)s, siete, sient. Bad, exist uno negative future , quod folossiet id auxiliar nie-, quod est conjuget kam sie-. Ithan : ne gwehmsiet = ne siet gwehme = niet gwehme. Sont tri irregular future formes in Sambahsa : Ses > sessieHabe > habsieWoide > woidsieId prev (passive) Participe : Tod Sambahsa participe neudt ia endens t au (e)n. - Sei id verbal raudh endt med innacentuet e, est neid modification. Accentue > accentuet/accentuen Sonst, sei id accentuet voyel est eu, ei au eh(C) ( C = consonn), tod wehrt nisbatan do u, i, & oh(C) Tehrb > tohrpt/tohrben (mae myehrste od b + t = pt) deum > dumt/dumen [dmn] prileips > prilipst/prilipsen Tod modification voyelen est kalt Ablaut .

Alya verbs, pro id prev participe in -t, ghehde subihes final modifications. Ta modifications sont kalt Von Wahl reuls, yeji id nam ios inventor ios planbahsa Occidental-Interlingue.
Final consonns ios verbal raudh -d -dd/-tt -rt/-rr/-rg -lg -ct +t= -s -ss -rs -ls -x

Exempel : vid + t = vis. (cf. 13t lection, jumla 1). Sam-ye, id prev participe in -t om verbs aun ablaut bet qua endent med -v sehkwt ta reuls : -v pos a au un consonn biht w . Exempels : lav > lawt ; solv > solwt Pro alter verbs, id v dispareiht : mov > mot Id prev participe os habe est : habt/haben Id Sambahsa prev participe est nuden kay forme id Passive . Sei leit de un wakya quod est jinkdound, id verbo bih ghehdt ses nuden : Ex : El mus biht praess ab el cat. Sonst, id verb ses est opsst-ye nuden. Ex : Id fenster est brohct. Med id verb habe, id prev participe est nuden kay forme id composit prev, un tid quod descript un wakya quod jinkdousit in id prev, esdi tod ghehdt habe consequences in id present. Ex: Ho myohrst mien cleicha. Id present active participe Ids formation est simple; est nuden id enden : -(e)nd.

Id ghehdt daughe ka describe un jinkdound action. Id imperative Pro id 2t person : - singular : neid au e - plural : -t(e) e est tik nuden sei est compatible con id accentuation. Pro id 3t person, tik sei to est compatible con id accentuation : - singular : -tu - plural : -ntu Pro id 1st person plural, est nuden smad + infinitive. Exempel os behr = (neid), behr(e), behrtu, smad behre, behrte, behrntu Id Conditional in Sambahsa Ids formation est simple : verbal raudh + ie + endens ios presentios tid. Verbs qua endent med un non-accentuet e leusent tod. Verbs qua endent med -ie taynt id med ic-. Conditional ios verbios publie : publiciem, publicies, publiciet, publiciem(o)s, yu publiciete, publicient. Id conditional poitt daughe ka future ios prev. Exempels : - Is hat sayct : Gwehmsiem = Is hat sayct is gwehmiet. Id conditional (ne id prev) dehlct ses nudt con sei kay expremes un vansch au un supposition : Sei esiem riche, kaupiem quodlibt. Id nasal infixe Est un n au m pre au pos id non-accentuen e quod est id senst voyel uns verbal raudh. In id presento tid, tod non-accentuet e dispareiht querkwe possible. Sei s au ss wehse tun pre id infixe, iaschi dispareihnt. Exempels : Linekw = linkwo, linkws, linkwt, linkwm(o)s, yu linkwte, linkwnt Tuned = tundo, tunds, tundt, tundmos, yu tundte, tunde(nt) Expressem = expremo, exprems, expremt, expremmos, yu expremte, expreme(nt) Pro id prev participe, bo tod non-accentuen e ed id nasal infixe dispareihnt. Sei possible, iaschi Von Wahl reuls ghehldent.

Exempels : Linekw > likwt / likwn Tuned > tus / tuden Expressem > expresst / expressen Pro id infinitive, id non-accentuen e dispareiht, ed id suffixe es biht nuden. Exempels : Linekw > linkwes Tuned > tundes Expressem > expremes [eksprems] Id prev tid (wa preterit) in Sambahsa In id prev tid, certain Sambahsa verbs dehlgent subihes uno modification. Tod processo jinkdout kam sehkwt : 1) Nasal infixe verbs leuse ir m au n ed ir non-accentuen e , ed ia Von Wahl reuls (vide 4 ender) ghehldent. 2) Sei id verbal raudh endt med un non-accentuet -e , neid changet. Ia prev tid endens dehlgent ses nuden, ed tod final e biht suppressto sei necessar. Sei id enden est ie, id ghehdt se transforme do ic- pre ia prev tid endens. 3) Sonst, sei id verbal raudh hat certain voyels ka central buksteivs, ta subeihnt uno modification kalen ablaut. Central buksteivs ios verbal raudh eh + consonn(s) eu ei(h) a + consonn(s) ploisko h ay au Ia ablauts om a, au ed ay ne sont wajib. 4) Alya verbs (tem quem nasal infixe verbs) dehlgent subihes ia Von Wahl reuls sei endent med certain consonns :
Verbal raudh end consonns -d -dd/-tt -rt/-rr/-rg -lg End consonants pos modification -s -ss -rs -ls

Ablaut modification ohu i(h) ie iey ieu



5) Ceter verbs dehlgent nudes ia prev tid endens. Sei dwo voyel swons collide, un -s (kalt sigmatic aoriste) est inseren inter ia verbal raudh ed id prev tid enden. Id sigmatic aoriste est yando addiht ad sem verbal raudhs quaschi ende med un consonn. En ia prev tid endens ; smad mehmihes od id neud est facultative sei id verbal raudh hat subihn un transformation pro id prev tid. Aun conjugational endens, id person tehrpt ses dict med zamihrs. Person/Tid 1st singular 2nd singular 3t singular 1st plural 2nd plural 3t plural Prev tid -im -(i)st(a) -it -am -at -eer. Sei id verb endt med un accentuet voyel swon, -r est kafi.

Id verb habe biht hieb pro id prev tid. Con ia prev tid endens, se conjuget kam sehkwt : hiebim, hiebst(a), hiebit, hiebam, hiebat, hiebeer. Id verb woid (savoir in franceois, wissen in deutsch) est special. Ids present se conjuget kam un prev tid verb, con au aun conjugational endens. Ids prev tid ( wois) est normal. Oik exempels om verbal endens samt ira prev tid ed prev participe formes. Verbal raudh ay aur convert credeih curr dak entre ghehd gwah leit linekw interrumep 3t sing. present ayt aurt (is/ia/id/el) convert credeiht currt dact entret ghehdt gwaht leit linkwt interrumpt 3t sing. prev iey(it) ieur(it) convers(it) credih(sit) curs(it) diek(it) entrit ghohd(it) gwahsit lit(it) likw(it) interrup(it) Prev participe in t ayt aurt convers crediht curs dact entret ghohdt gwaht lit likwt interrupt

mov permitt pleuk posen pressem salg salv scrie sedd stuned vid volg

movt permitt pleuct pont premt salct salvt scriet seddt stundt vidt volct

movit permiss(it) pluk(it) pos(it) press(it) sielg(it) sielv(it) scricit sess(it) stus(it) vis(it) vols(it)

mot permiss pluct post presst sals salwt scriet sess stus vis vols

Sambahsa folossiet ia sam formes pro id prev active infinitive ed participe. Tod enden est us au vs sekwent ia phonetic ed accentuational possibilitats. En ia conjugations iom tri Sambahsa irregular verbs, ses, habe & woide. Dayir ia prev tids os ses, id imperfect concernt un long au repetiht wakya, menxu id simple prev se refert uni punctual situation.
ses 1st person present imperfect simple prev future subjunctive conditional (baygh rare) imperative som eem buim sessiem esiem io sia singular 2nd person es ees buist(a) sessies esies sias sdi present active participe esend habe 1 person present prev (hieb) future subjunctive imperative ho hiebim habsiem habiem

plural 3t person est eet buit sessiet esiet is/ia/id/el sia estu 1st person smos eem(o)s buam sessiem(o)s esiem(o)s siam(o)s smad ses 2nd person ste yu eete buat yu sessiete yu esiete siate ste 3t person sont eent buir sessient esient siant sontu

prev active participe esus

passive participe est/esen plural

singular 2 person has hiebst(a) habsies habies hab(e) present active participe habend

3 person hat hiebit habsiet habiet

1 person habmos/hams hiebam habsiem(o)s habiem(o)s smad habe


2 person yu habte hiebat yu habsiete yu habiete habte


3t person habent/hant hiebeer habsient habient

past active participe habus

passive participe habt/haben plural



1st person Present (woid) Prev (wois) future subjunctive imperative woidim woisim woidsiem woidiem

2nd person woidst(a) woisist woidsies woidies woid(e)

3t person woidit woisit woidsiet woidiet

1st person woidam woisam woidsiem(o)s woidiem(o)s smad woide

2nd person woidat woisat yu woidsiete yu woidiete woidte

3t person woideer woiseer woidsient woidient

present active participe woidend

prev active participe woidus

passive participe wois/woiden

Verbal affixes in Sambahsa Ta affixes ghehde ses nudt med scripta defis, besonters ob id pronunciation. Bi- = inkap + verb. Ex : L45, 6 : Just kun i bidieum = Just kun i inkiep daume. Na- = continue + verb. Ex : L43, 4 : Nadanko baygh mien Div = Io continue danke mien Div Re- = iter, tsay + verb Vi- = bad, fin-ye + verb. Ex: L47, 1 : Dehlgmos nos haste ad linkwes, visieygit Gandalf. = Dehlgmos nos haste ad linkwes, sieyg(it) bad Gandalf. Za- = stop + verb Ee- : tod particule est kalt augment ed daught ka expremes un adic action in id prev. Est nudto daydey pre id verbal raudh, bet naiwo pre id verb ses (ob hat un imperfecto tid). -skw = eiskw + verb (tik sei id accentuation permitt tod suffixation). Exempels ios 48im lection : 12 : tolcskwit = iskwit tolke 13 : lusskwim = iskwim luses -eih est un factitive suffixe pro verbs ed adjectives. Ex : kaupeihm iom tod wogh = Kwehro iom kaupe tod wogh. Notet od factitive verbs dreibhe un double accusative . Verbs endend in ie change id do iceih Sont ja verbs endend in eih qua ne sont factitive. Verbs samt ei ka accentuen syllab change id do i. Ex : reid > rideih Con adjectives : rudheih = kwehr- rudh -tum est un archayic infinitive forme, tik nudt sei id accentuation permitt id. Id expremt un accusative idee os destination.

Ex : L47, 16 : Tehrbiemos gwahe swehptum = Tehrbiemos gwahe swehpe -tu correspondt ad ses + passive participe sua- = gohd-ye + verb. Ex : L43, 1 : sualiubht = gohd-ye liubht Ids contrar est dusClitics in Sambahsa Ta particules hant neid wi accentuation. Proclitics ghi skeipe un accentuational unitat con id sehkwnd werd. Articles ed id negation ne, quan id ne est accentuen, sont procltics. Ex : L44, 2 : Sei ia ne habiet abgwahn tetro = [sey_ia n haby et abgwa:n tetro] Enclitics skeipe un accentuational unitat con id werd pre se. Ex : Ghi : (L47, 19) Smad ghi swehpe ! = [smad gi swe:p !] Ge : (L48, 10) Bet is ge me hat stopen = [is_dj m hat stopn] Clitics kam ia zamihrs, quando ne sont accentuen, ghehde skipes un accentuational unitat con id werdo pre au pos se (daydey un verb). Exempels heruper : ia, me. Dwo clitics (we un proclitic ed un enclitic) ghehde se yunges ad mutu ed skipes un nov accentuational unitat. Oik special prepositions in Sambahsa Ep poitt bihe ef pre h. Lika, ab poitt bihe af. Ex: L44, 12 : Sei id britisch gouvernement ne hieb muken ieftin fabricmakht wares ef Hind... Kye se fundt con iom, iam, id, etc. Sei necessar, id i tos pronomen dispareiht. Ex : L48, 4 : hat ghangen kyid mur; kyid = kye + id L48, 12 : ho gwaht perodh kyom; kyom = kye + iom Bi ghehdt se fundes con id sam pronomen, bet neudt yando id dative forme. Sont ghi obtent ia sehkwnd formes : Numer / Genos Singular Plural Masculin bei biens Feminin bay bians Localisation in Sambahsa : Neutral bei bia Indeterminat bil bim

Qu- est id base ios relative ed interrogative pronomen, h- ios stet quer wehsmos, tios stet quer alter est ed c(i)- uns dar dalger stet. -er deict stabilitat, -ois au (e)tos orgumt ed tro (bet, in id cadadien bahsa, -er tayt id ops). Bihnt daken : quer, her, ter, cer / quetos, hetos, tetos, cetos au quois, hois, tois, ciois / quetro, hetro, tetro, cetro. In id scriben bahsa, -tro ed tos poitte ses suffixet ad singular substantives ed ois ad plural substantives. Unte ghehdt bo mayne eni id rewos os ed eni id tempos os. Exist un residual locative suffixe in i pro oik substantives : domi, ghomi, ruri. Un directional adjective ghehdt ses daken suffixend-ye wort ed id correspondant adverb est worts. Ex : Vasya fluvs sreunt marworts. Id durative In id scriben bahsa, exist un optional durative suffixe neu pro verbs. Est opst-ye nuden con id preposition pon. Ex : Stahneum her pon trigim minutes. -neu hat neid ablaut, sontern folossiet id augment ee(-) ka prev tid. Ex: Eeghangneut apter iom pon Orlans. Numers in Sambahsa Ex 1 do 10 : oin, dwo, tri, quar, penk(we), six, sept(a), oct(o), nev, dec. Ex 11 do 19 est folossien id suffixe dem : oindem, dwodem, etc. Pro 20, 30, 40.... est folossien gim : dwogim, trigim, quargim... 100 = cent(om) ed 1000 = mil. Oin = 1, menxu un est id singular indefiniht article. Ordinal numers bihnt daken suffixend-ye t au im sei preter est incompatible. Ab id 3t : trit, quart, penkt, sixt, septim... 1ter ex 2 est preter ed diweidt alter wa dwoter. Sonst, 1st = prest ed 2nd = dwot wa second. In longa numers, tik id senst biht ordinal ; ex : id 518t = id penkcent octdemt Fractions neude id suffixe -del. Ex: 1/3 = tridel. Bet = dwidel. 1,5 = pwolter. Alya ,5 ghehde ses dact med pwol samt id ordinal ios sehkwndios numer. Ex : pwolpenkt = 4,5. Uno multiplicative adverb poitt ses oiskipen med id suffixe (en)s. Ex : oins, dwis (irregular), tris. Sonst, est nudt normal-ye id werd ker(s). Est un distributive adjective obtento med id suffixe (e)n. Irregular formes : 1 = ein, 2 = dwin/pair, 12 = douzen, 1000 = tusent). Numers samt dem au gim suffixent tia. Sei id est folossien kay expremes un grupp, tun id numern werd est in id genitive sei id prehpt pos id distributive. Ex : (oin) centen wolfen = takriban cent wolfs. In longa numers, tik id sensto member hat un distributive forme.

In alya falls, id numern werd sehkwt id normal declination (ex: distribution, substantives aun singular): Mi ho kaupen trin bruks = Mi ho kaupen tri pantalons. Ta buks costent trin euros = Ielg ex ta buks cost tri euros. Million (1 000 000) ed milliard (1 000 000 000) existent tik sub un distributive forme. Sambahsa prefixes : Daydey, pleist prepositions poitte ses nuden ka prefixes, and Sambahsa trendt sehkwe id usage in ia major Europay bahsas. Lakin, sont sem prefixes qua ne sont prepositions we quom maynen se enderkweit. Ab : pre un verb, maynt dalger, dalgtro, distance-ye ; ex : L57, 2, abgirihes = ab + geir + ihes (infinitive os eih ). Apo : deict id 4to generation. Be : transitiveiht verbs ; ex : L59, 2, begwahn = be + gwah + n = ep quod est gwahn . Bfu : negative prefixe pre werds os sinitic origin. En : maynt deh- in; ex: enquestion = deh- in question Ender : diminutive uns action ; ex : endervid = dyehrc oku ; enderghyan = lyt ghyan Eti : deict id penkto generation. For : maynt dalger, in id dalg , bet samt un pejorative nuance. Con un verb os mov, ed se, maynt se leus; ex: se forsnah = se leus snahnd-ye Ga : - pre un verbal raudh samt ablaut : deict id resultat uns action. - pre un verbal raudh aun ablaut : deict id object uns action. Samt id suffixe os , tod maynen est pejorative. - Pre un nomen, deict un summ, un hol. Ex : L59, 6 ; gabehrg = summ ghyoren [behrgen] Ken : maynt tuich Mu : prefixe os Arab origin; pre werds ios sam origin, ghehdt dikes quel kwehrt un action. Ex: L59, 3; mussafer = quel kwehrt un safer Muta : maynt meith; ex: L57, 4 : mutamaynih iom = iom mithih mayn Ni : maynt ghom(tro) bet daydey samt un non-material sense. Ex: L61, 4; nibrehct = ni + brehg + t (oi)s : tod prefixe est id contrar os en- Lakin, tod suffixe buit confuden in Sambahsa con un particularitat os Hindeuropay, id s mobile , quos exact maynen est dar nepact. Tod formation nagwivt in Sambahsa ; vidte ta verbal pairs : brehg / sprehng(int.)-spraneg(tra.), tanek / (oi)stanek, prehg / (oi)sprehg, daum / (oi)staun Pro : deict id trito generation. Pre un verb os mov, id maynt ant ed sleurt dative. Ex: is mi proghieng = is ghieng ant me Rhayr : negative prefixe pre adjectives os Arab origin. Ud : - pre un verb, maynt meis suakwehr quem; ex Ho udsnaht iom = Ho meis suasnaht quem is - samt id zamihr sib, deict id weidos kay obtene semject. Ex: Id mafia sib ubtehrct id silence schahiden = Id mafia obtent id silence schahiden med tehrgs

Sambahsa suffixes : Dat Sambahsa est un mix ex tant surces, habe un alnos regular systeme est impossible. To est due id fact ob meist romanc werds hant conserven ir wi formation reuls. Lakin, sem basic prabhils ghehde hehlpe ad identifie id bungos ielgs deriven werd. Un important kweit iom romanc werds est od neudent id perfectic theme verben. Tod theme est daken it : - Verbs endend med un non-accentuen -e dehnt -at instet. Mathalan, ex forme, dakmos *format-, ed deriven werds kam formation, formator.... - Verbs endend med -ie neudent icat- instet. Mathalan, ex publie dakmos publication - Verbs endend med -ue neudent -ut instet. Sam-ye pro verbs quom prev participe in -t endt med -wt. Ex: solv > solwt > solution - Verbs endend med eih neudent -it instet. Ex: addeih > *addit > addition. - Id perfectic theme alyen verbs correspondt iro prev participe in t. Ex: scinesd > sciss > scission Ta prabhils ne sont absoluta dat Sambahsa trendt sehkwe ia formes ja trohven in existanta natural bahsas (besonters romanc bahsas ed Englisch). Id importantst exception est pro id verb posen , quos perfectic theme est *posit. Lakin, ta reuls remane util, ar permittent tarke id forme ios international scientific werdskaut in Sambahsa, esdi id werd ne est daftart in id dictionar. Commonsta derivation tyeicens : Kay expremes un stand, un qualitat : Sem simple adjectives suffixent e ed subeihnt ablaut. Ex : long > longe [londj] ; deub > dube [db] ; slab > sliebe. Bet tod systeme wehrct tik sei est un phonetic difference inter id adjective ed idso deriven forme. Alyo suffixe est -(e)t. Ex: mynder > myndert Alya frequent suffixes sont : -os, -ia ; ed or ed (i)tat pro romanc werds. Kay expremes un action : Sei id verbal raudh ne est kafi (ex: hehlp, bo nomen ed verb), -(e)n poitt ses addihto tei, autah sa pro verbs qua endent med un accentuet voyel swon. Ex : tyeic > tyeicen ; bah > bahsa. Romanc werds addeihnt ion ei perfectic theme. Kay dikes quel kwehrt un action : Id meist nuden suffixe est er ep id verbal raudh. Ids romanc equivalent est or suffixet ei perfectic theme. Un practic hol verbalen suffixen est ant pro quel parkwehrt un action, -eit kay dikes kye quel tod action est bestohmt, ed at kay dikes id object au resultat tos action. Mathalan : Un telephonat est quan un telephonantis tolct uni telephoneit. Alya suffixes : -ar : - deict un summ

- pro nams om professions, maynt quel makht... ; ex: Un stolar/stular makht stols/stuls -asc : Xasc- = bih- X -at : maynt yars veut. Xat = X yars veut -av : ep un verbal raudh ( eu ed ei bihnt nisbatan u ed i ), maynt quel trendt.... . Ex : leik > likav = quel kamt/trendt likes -ble : ep un perfectic theme aun t, maynt quel ghehdt ses .... . Id substantive neudt bilitat Alya verbs folossient et sei est neid confusion con alyo conjugen forme. Ex : dyehrc > dyehrcet. Sonstic verbs neude im. -eus : adjective os qualitat. Id correspondant substantive neudt ositat -en : adjective os substance. Ex : golden = ex gold -fred : maynt leur ud -ia : qualitat, science, land -ic : formet adjectives. Id correspondant substantive endt med ique -iko/-ika : maynt yun ner/ster . Ex: potnia > potnika -il : maynt quel ghehdiet/maghiet . Hat un active wirt quan est suffixen ei perfectic theme, ed un passive wirt quan est suffixen ei verbal raudh. -in : - feminin suffixe - maynt forest om -ion : maynt poti, chef os -(i)sk : origin adjective. Ex: coschmar > coschmarisk -isme : stand os un ject, theoria, ideologia. Id anghen nomen est in iste -ko/-ka : kwehrt diminutives (ner/ster) ep id accentuen syllab. Ex: Margarita > Ritka ; Iohannes > Hanko -mon : ep un verbal raudh, maynt quel ghehdt... -nic/nica : mulayim pejorative. Ex : L58, 5 ; feugnic = quel feuct (ob paur) -os : ep un verbal raudh, poitt mayne leik os... -smee : ep un (plural) zamihr, creet un opposition. Ex : Weysmee habmos naiwo likwno nies parents (bet yusmee habte likwn i). -ure : ep id perfectic theme, maynt resultat, qualitat -went : adjective quod maynt quel hat... Pro nov adjectives ex substantives, est possible nudes t ka enden. Ex : un woxto sukno = un sukno samt wox. Ne est suffixe sei plur werds bihnt nudt. Ex : un longbrakh gorilla = un gorilla samt long brakhs.

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